KASKINE (THE SEW QMSISE) THE HOPES OF PEOPLE WHO r J IBM USE KASKINE (J ABE ALWAYS j KUUZSD A POWERFUL TONIC. ttk&t the most delicate stomach wUI bear. 1 A SPECIFIC FOR MALARIA, ' RHEUMATISM, • NERVOUS PROSTRATION, i THE MOST SCIENTIFIC AND SUCCESSFUL 1 BLOOD PUBIFIER, Superior to quinine. I Mr. Lode Hoornbeclc. of the U. S. Ship Sara to , ra now lying In Newport Harbor, writes that he meets with people almost dally who have , used or are using Kasklne, and who amrm . from experience that it is superior to quinine in tonic and curative properties, and produce no ; subsequent bad effects. Other letters of a similar character from prom inent Individuals, which staniD Kasklne as a ( remedy of undoubted merit, will be sent ou ap- Pl KaskSie can be taken without any special medical advice. 11.00 per bottle, or six bottles for IS. Sold by J. C. BEDICK, Butler, Pa. , or sent by mall on receipt of price. KASKINE CO., 64 Warren St.. New York. SCOTT'S EMULSION OF POKE COD LIVER OIL And R}piflios[ilutes of Lime & Soda; Almost as Palatable as Milk. ( Die only preparation of COD Lifts OIL that ma be taken readily and tolerated for a laagtfam FOB COSSBMPTUnr, JL.UiliU* AhkctlMs. i?/AE JIIA. OE.VI nil. bthllJ+V. cOt&iA lNft frHBOAt aF- KfTlflSfl. a»J all WiffflVfl DISORDERS OP CBILBBEI It fa MarTpltoos la lu rwulU. Prescribed and endorsed by the best Physician* lie countries of the world. HUMPHREYSf HUMPHREYS' EOO2 Cloth & Cold Binding IMhniU SU.I Bacmlict unnmi. In cm SO jMn.-Speeial Prescription, of an * Physician. Simple, lafe «Jd (sure, yog CUBES. PBICH. lß & n T^,c a :: :|| Dysentery. Griping. Biliooa Colic J® p^&^ o S. ,ng :-.:..:. :|| Keartlflt, Toothache, Faceacbe— .25 Hea4nct>es. bick Hemdache. Vertigo.. .25 SlwMfiMla ' fctomacb *Z«> §a»£s£i arJPalafal Periods M Breathin*.'... l|| OMEOPATHIC HH generalbebl|ttr. .4j j S iuuir. BaminM Weak- „ ■ Mst. or involanUry Disohsrgs«...l.oo H« ?rTnar»^>i^n»ie^W««i n « Be 4. . it f T 1 * '•■ nic,|oDß - S( > SPECIFICS. Sold by Dru crista, or sent; price. — H tIPUKYI'■ IPIC«ECQ.I<»FiHoaBt B.¥» HUMPHBEYB' HOMEOPATHIC VSTEBIK ABY SPECIFICS / > *7S\ For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, HL \ Dogs, Hogs. Poultry. WSa ] MO PAGE BOOK en Trent. HTS/ Kent ef Animals and Xif y Chart Sent Fres. Humphreys' Med. Co.. 10» ruUonjUjLJf. THIS is the top of the gen uine "Pearl Top" Lamp Chimney, all others similar are imitations. (he one of the think he has as good, but he has not. Insist upon the exact label and top. GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. « DOCTORS LAKE PRIVATE DISPENSARY OFFICES, 906 PEXN" AVE. PITTSBURGH, PA. All forme of Delicate and Com plicntctl Diseases requiring CON riDEyTiAi.ancl SCIENTIFIC Maid ' that although he was suffering from ' Brigbt's Disease, that was not the ! cause of death. lie was not frank enough to admit that the apoplexy which overtook him in his bed, was the fatal effect of the kidney poison in the blood, which had eaten away the substance of the arteries and braic; nor was Logau's physician honest enough to state that his fatal rheuma tism was cuueed by kidney acid >n the blood. "If the doctors would state in official reports the original cause of death, the people of this country would be alarmed, yea, nearly panic stricken, at the fearful mortality from kidney disorders " • Tbe writers of the above letter give these facts to the public simply lo justify the claims that they have made, that "it the kidneys and liver are kept in a healthy condition by the us;) of Warner's sale euro, wiiich hun dreds of thousands have proved to be a specific, when ail others failed, and that has received the endorsement of the highest medical taleat in Europe, Australia, and America, many a life would be prolonged atid tbe happiness of the people preserved. It is suc cestful with so many different cases because it, and it alone, can remove the uric acid from the blood through the kidneys."' Our readers are familiar with the preparation named. Commeudation thereof has often ap peared iu our columns. We believe it to be one of the best, if not the best ever macufacturtd. We know the proprietors are men of i character and influence, We are certain they have awakened a widespread interst in the public mind concerning the importance of the kidneys. We believe with them that they are the key to health, and that for their restoration from disease and maintenance in health, there is nothing equal to this great remedy. The proprietors say they 'do not glory in this universal prevalence of disease, but huviug .-tartud out with the purpose of spreading the merits of Warner' safe euro before tlie world, because it cared our xeuior proprin lor, who teas given up by dootors an iiictivable , we feel it our duty to state the facts and i**ave the public to its own inferences. We point to our claims, and to their public and uni rental verification with pride, and if the public does not believe what we say, we tell them to ask their friends aud neighbors what they think about our preparations." As stated above, we mo3t cordially commend the parusil of this corres pondence by our readers, believing that in so doing, wo are fulfilling a simple public obligation. —Some writers use pencils exclu sively, while others are inklined to Use pens. —Xow that quinine is getting cheap its name will probably be reduced to qui three or four. The Secret of Health is the power to eat, digest and assim ilate a proper quantity of food. Tnis can never be the case while impuri ties exist. Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills ex pel all impurities and yitalizes the system. —The Pennsylvania State Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry has no sympathy with President Cleveland's Free Trade doctrine as set forth in his message, and has passed resolu tions denunciatory thereof. —The estimated cost of the Terri torial Government of Dakota for the ensiing year is $77,800. If the Democrats in Congress want to do a little practical economizing, let them vote to admit Dakota into the Union, and thus put this expense upon her people, who are eutirely willing to bear it under such circumstances. Salt Rheum With its intense itching, dry, hot skin, often broken into painful cracks, and the little watery pimples, often causes indescribable Buffering. Hood's Sa>*sapnriila has wonderful power ovtr this disease. It purifies the blood and expels the humor, and the frkin heals without a scar. Send for book containing many statements of cures, to 0. I. IIUOD & Co., Apothe caries, Lowell, Mass. —The Rutland Herald tells of a brother iu prayer-meeting in a uoigb boriug towu. the other niyht, who prayed for those "who were prostrated on beds of eickutas and sofas of well ness." Romance of a Black Cat. Two or three years ago oue of the j protestors at Vale had a bluck cat, ■ upon which a white hair could J uot be found. Barnum advertised for such an animal and soon the pro-1 feasor's cat disappeared Two days after Barnum : s winter quarters burn-j ed out the black cat came back to ter j former master's house, and it is be livcd that she was stolen and sold to Barnum. The distance over the road on which puss traveled is about nine teen miles. —Most men, otherwise strong in body aud mind, will become unhappy aud break dowu when afflicted with rheumatism. If they would only try Salvation Oil they would fiud relief at once. Price 25 cents. Thousands of bottles of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup have been sold by W. H. Brown & Bro., Baltimore, Md. Fill, brief or long, my granted span Of life with love to Thee aud man; Strike when Thon wilt the hour of rest, Bui let my last days be my best.— Whittier For three weeks I was suffering from a severe cold in my head, ac companied by a pain in the temples. I tried some of the many catarrh rem edies without any relief. Ely's Cream Balm was recommended to me. Af ter only six applications of the Balm everv trace of my cold was removed —Henry C. Clark, Ist Division New Yurk Appraisers Office. I For several years I have been trou bled with catarrh. Ely's Cream Balm has proved to be the article de sired. I believe it the only cure —L B. Coburn, Merchant, Towanda, Pa T. W. Higginson compares a farm at night-fall with a village of living things.all sinking into slumber iu their own way. For Rickets, Marasmus, and all Wasting Disorders of Children. Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod Liv er Oil, with Hypophosphites, is un equalled. The rapidity with which children gaia fiesh and strength upon it is very wonderful. "I havo used Scott's Emulsion in cases of Rickets r»ud Marasmus of loug standing. In every case the improvement was marked."—J. M. Main, M D, New York. —"ls it a strong congregation?" asked a man, respecting a body of worshippers. '"Yes," was the reply. "How many members are there ?" '•Seventy-six." ' Seventy-six ! Are they so very wealthy ?" "No, they are poor." "How, then, do you say it. is a strong church ?" "Because," said the gentleman, "they are earnest devoted, at peace, loving each other, and striving together to do the Mas ter's work Snch a congregation is strong, whether composed of five or ' five hundred members." Drunkenness or the Liqour Habit. Positively Cured by ad ministering Dr. Haines' Golden Specifiic. It can be given in a cup of coffee or tea without the knowledge of the person taking it; is absolutely harmless and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate driuker or ail alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Golden Specific in their coffee with out their knowledge, and to-day be lieve they quit drinking of their own free-will IT NfcVER FAILS The system once impregnated with the Specific it becomes an utter impossi bility for the liquor appetite to exist For full particulars address GOLD EN SPECIFIC CO., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. —There are whole towns inGerma ny that do little ehethaa make dolls for American children. They are mostly simple country folks.England's children spend almost §1,000,000 for French and German dolls, and Amer ica's children almost double that. What Am I To Do? The symptoms of Biliousness are unhappily but too well known They differ in different individuals to 1 some extent A Bilious man is sel dom a breakfast eater. Too frequent ly, alas, he has an excellent appetite j for liquids but none for s-ollds of a i morning His tongue will hurdly i bear inspection at any time; if it is ' not white and furred, it is rough, at i all events. The digestive system is wholly i out of order aud Diarrhea or Consti- I pation may be a symptom or the tivo ! may alternate. There are often j Hem'rrhoids or even loss of blood | There may be giddiness and often j headache and acidity or fl.ituleene ' and tenderness in the pit of the stom- I ach. To correct all this if not effect | •!. cure try Green August Flower costs ; but a trifla and th lUi'in Js attest it 3 Kefli ciency. —Nothing more degridt's one's thought than habituil companionship with the coarse and ignorant. —The Springfield Republican says kind of education whicb does not develop manliness and womanliness and habits of self-help and helpfulness is a kind of education that does not educate. -r-llenry J. Raymond said: -'There are very few thing in ttiis world worth getting angry about, and tbev are precisely the things that auger does not help." —Latimer says: "As every lord giyeth a cert.aiu livery to his servants charity is the livery of Christ. Our Savior, who is the Lord above all lord.%would have Flis servants known by their badge, which is love." —More gentleness,more sympathy, i more consideration, more knowledge I of character, more renl respect for one \ another,are Deeded in all the relations very much pleased." "Yes," replied Cobby, "pa said that if I'd behave myself in Sunday-sohoal. I needn't go to church." Dissolution Notice. The liriii »; .1..!. Ki>aru3 & Co.Kroeers. comport ed or t!i mi Icr.-iljfufi'l. Ins tills clay been dlssol\ - eU by mn'ual consent. Walter Brims with draw la* from Uit! firm. ''lie business will hereafter lj--conducted bv J. J. Kearns alone ill the old si;iiHlon t -.Tori'ia si. ItuUer l\i. The.-aeeounts (lne tiie Una of .1. .1. Kearns \ Co., will tie col lected by J. .1. Kearns, W M.TkH EVANS, Dec. t5. iv.;. .1. .1. SEIKNS "WANTED ! < unvasscrs In every ward and township in i Western I'ennsvlvauia to sell "Corpora! .Si I K!e;.-gard. His I'ard." the best and fastest sell ing book out ; good p;iy from the siart; books ! teady. (.ill every Wednesday and Saturday fir>ni2toGp.iu. or address .limits S. Wilson, I t >Trt eu ty-lirst wt. l'lttsluuj;. I'a, PULLMAN BiJFFET SLEEPiNS CAtiS WiTHiiUT CHANGE, St. Louis to 1x.3 Aniens and 8&n Prancleso, P9MTS Leave St. Louis at 6:30 P. M., Daily. XHgj THAT JT r NO HIGH U TITtfDES. NO SNOW fft dOK A DBS THE CELEBRATED ALLEN WASHER. ——a in 11 ii ■hi —■a————■ Why it is Superior to All Others in tlie Market!! H -JHI. iHI' iHLI 1 II —WW work more rapidly than any other machine. of water ard inhaling of steam, no injurious 10 k eß ''k" 1 n d unavoidable in the use of all rsi'ds ot women are yer.rly broken down in \J~ I A health bv the lobrr«f the washboard and in -—|.tiling of the sickening fumes of the wa.«h uh) frr.ni clothes worn on the person or bed HImPSSW?# SSwHH ' 1 b<.'h sick and well. This is not the case ' 'ftW 5 '.'3 mti 1 'I • '*• 1 v. :be 1 tie »-r.ci.-§ed it f retaini« the high temperature so necessary in material point is that there is no friction 011 >1 it •/ tf i : iim-'i:e thou. Person < who have U ' ' en Ma \' u ' r sa y they believe that ' The peculiar action of the water in the jrjf ' . W n ; chine; which cannot be understood unless one sees it forcing n strong current of water thiongh the clothing at evcrv vibration of n tl e agitator, which i« caused by »he peculiar construction ot the top of the machine, in connection with the New Champion Wring er ' n>B - as ' ler 8 household MANUFACTURED AND FOB SALE BY— SHIRA, SHIRA & HAVS Fuller, PP. \ew Drug Store JUST OPENED, NEW GOODS, NEW PRICES, AT NO. SB, E. JEFHSSK ST., Where you will find a full line of Fine Drugs, Chemicals, Per fumes aud Toilet Articles. Agents for Mi Alma* Dealer, Keno, and Scissors Cigars. • Best 5 and 10 cent Cigars in town. Prescriptions carefully compounded by an expsrienced Pharmacist. iour patronage respectfully solicited. DR. D. E. WILES, Prop'r. A. T routman Son. Leading Dry Goods Bous?. BU" - F"E]JS3 23' A.- 1111111111 llllllllll A Tioutman & Son. The leading Dry Goods and Car pet. House, Butler, Pa. New Fall Dress Goods at prices which will make them move very fast. We have the largest stock ever ! shown in Butler couuty, comprising all the new goods in Cherk*, Stripes and Plain Weaves in Foreign and Domestic Black and Colored Silks, Special Values IN TRIMMINGS, wo have never h;id snch a nice as : sortment and so many of them. BARGAINS In Flannels, Bl:»nkfts, Tickings, Ginghams, White Quilts, Shawls Table Linens, Lace Curtains, in fact every thing which can be 1 found in a First-C!ass Dry Goods Store, 1 A. TR< SURVE Y ! NG LAND, CO A L BANKS, ANI> LEVELING ! Particular attention g;veu to the Retracing ol ; old lines. Address, IS. F. Hli LIARD. « «- Surveyor j North Hope P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. 8,5,84. ly THE ALLEN PATENT WASHER! Why it is Superior to ail Others. i_a its beinsr enclosed it rctnins the high | Is I. temperature so necessary in removing I the dirt from the goods, i OnH THERE being no Friction on the j £>lU. clothing to wear it. ! Q~H THE peculiar action of the water in the I "• Machine (which cannot be understood 1 unless one sees it) forcing a strong- curreDC of: I water through the cli<;hing at ever;, virbratlou . of the Agitator, (which is e:»tt:;<»d by tb«> peculiar I construction of the top of the Machine. Aau ANI) best of all Is that a child of four years 'fli!. can ilo the work It belnir so Hjflit that , the operator sits down while doing It. Machines and County and Township kliflits [ throughout the State of Pennsylvania. Sold by < SHIKA.S & HAYS, Buller, Pa j s-19-iy ATTORNEYS AT I.AV> J. F. BRITTAIN, Att'y at Law—Office at S. K. Cor. Main St, and : Diamond, Butler, Pa. NEWTON i.LACK Att'y at Law—Ofllec on South side of Diamond. ! Butler. Pa. IKA McJUNKIN, Attorney at Law. GDI 'e at No. IT, East Jeil'e r son St., Butler, Pa, ME. R J. LAMB- Organist and Choir Master, . St. Peter's German Cb'ircli. Butler. ORGAN. PIANOKOKIE, VIOLDJ, MIKPIKO AND HAR MONY. Pianofortes and Organs Tune ! and Kearuiat ed. Tinnson application. 50 West Jefferson street. i Cloaks and WraPs. for Children and Ladies. We carry the greatest variety of styles, our stock uever was as large, prices uever so low, goods never so | nice If you want to see the nice goods, i please call and examjne our stock. Ladies', Gents', and Children's Underwear, every grade, all sizes, j best goods. Gloves, Corsets, Hosiery, Velvets, Plushes, Yarns, etc. —OUR— .Carpets and Oil Cloths, never bad so many— never were car pets so cheap. Our stock is complete. Don't buy I a Carpet until you have seen oar | stock. Body Brussels, Velvets, Tap 1 ef-try, 3-Ply Extra Super, Hemp, Cot ton and Rag Rugs. Window Shades, largest assort ment, lowest prices. CURTAIN POLES I You will find on. examination our stock of goods to be the Lowest Priced in Butler county. OUTMAN & SON'S, Butler,. Fa- Planing Mill V ND— IT ./ajxarilber Yard J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIc 8,6. Purvis & Go. M ANrrACTI lIKKS AND DEALERS IX Rough and Planed Lumber t i KV*BY L'IfBCKIITJOSi, FKA-VRS MOULDINGS, BA*H, LUX) life KL < j.JNG, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets,Guaged Cornice Boards. SHINGLES & LATH PLANING MILL AND YAKD ScPTSJennan €»(linllc (Jhitreb Life Saved and Health Re »in. r,ii toy using Baker's Cod Liver Oil and olul t!U Malt. A Certain remedy for Con sumption. Bronchitis, Asthma, Scromla and all throat and lung diseases. Prepared so as to t>e quite palatable. Ask for Bakrr't Cod Liver Oil and Malt. 11 not s'jUi by Druggist,write to the Manufacturers JOBS C. BAKEit k CO., 816 Filbert St., Phila. PERMANENT STAMPING For Kensingt > ), Arrasene AND OUTLINE WOBK DONE Also lussous in sana i tivea by ANNIE M LOW MAN, North ftreet, Butler, Pa. ue2o',-lt Advertise in tbe Oitiz-en. TKHtI, 1,1 ST FOR MFRCIAI, ('{M KT COJI?IESS€I*O M').YDA¥, .14]%. 16. 1888. jVo7 ~ Term. ». PiainHjft' Attorney. !'■ Defendant*. D'ftntltiU't Jtlorn*'/. F. 1. I). 3 JIM, *B7 '.ireer i Rabtnt iteund N. Rank of Erie Fi*rt P James Rramion " .'t Oee. l>r>7 McCaihl 4 Thompson Wm Starr, mitn'r John Starr Fleiuer and Mitchell C. P. 394 Mar. 1 .->77 Cireer n loiin 1 Pertlne !3 J..Lu II Th-mt.-oti II»BV-jn t l - k 4 Cornelius & W'elsli Jaain Tebay J<< McKlroy Seott " 18 Sept l-.'i Mr(J Henr-Pr'abe C Tremble et al Forqaer " 3f> Sept lefin Mdi, (ireer A Kalston. 'W iu h'>r_;ie Clara M (ireenlee et al NfcCandle** " t'l S»pt ISA MeC, TlmuipMin <5: Son Wm >urr, adm'r John Stair Fleatfl?r ait'l Mitchell " i»i Sept l>Bo McQ, Uri't-r «Sc llalsion Win C!i»ra M Greenlee McCandiess " 28 June IXB6 Greer Jt K:i!st ~n I! I. floeke nl>. rry I U nimloian et ax McC, WA M •' MSept is>» Walker, A Forqoer The Bor ot Butler Henry Bickelet &1 Same " 15 Sept ISS6 " " Same Sa:ue Same " *66 Sept Greer A Ralston Nancy E Walters D.tvid Loc&n Mct^uistion " 32 Dec l(».>t> lira- don !!ru-1m.«>.l Developing C'> !!et:ry Fifher Same " RS Dec I**o Greer «fc Ralston} AM Met "au Wolford W A Green et al Thompson Jnhn D Hill Forquer «• 54 " Isn 1- MoT, McJ & Galbreath A W Bib >ll Peter Schmick Greer & R-»'*ton " Co 1887 Robinson .1 N Cul.-bison W J Vincent et al Mc r and N lack " 70 " 1 -8r McCsndlesa Geo Li Graham W C McCandiess et al Riddle and Itobiason " 78 " ISB7 Same Same Same Same " S5 " 1 8>-"> Eastman Benj Masseth Dcnnison «)t Ilort N Black " " 1887 Fleeger & Moore l-is L OhauiHers John Deveradm'r E McJ, .McJ Gal " 95 " 1887 McJ, Cornelius A Welsh Rachael E Duncan Win Humphrey adm'r Marshall, Grter & Ralston " 1 Sept 1887 Forquer .Geo Reilter D Campbell Scott " 12 " 1887 Mitchell 11. Ilanny .t Co Detuiore McKinney Mc || _|^J_l\| V.X scieuiifieallj adjusted under Dr. KiDg's Sjsittn. Agent for the Celebrated Eockford Quick Train Railroad Watches. £s§r~Engraving free of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. JSTo- 19. North. IVlain ASKS YOUK While other merchants are singing their own praise*, we cause our customers t.o scknowledo-e cur method of dealing is the best, our got.ds second to none, ia fact superior to marv tifually krpt ond sold as THE BEST '-Butler and turrounding country needed snch a store as this," is the general encouraging words our customers give us, "and peopU- will be fast findin fit out too." We kfep good and well made goods ouly. Our cheapest garment is sewed with first class thread trimmed, lined aud made up in a substantial manner. Otr milium and better grades take raok with any Custom-made iu the way of fitting and make up. while our FINE DRESS SUITS must be seen to be appre ciated. OUIt PRICES are decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to state that we. keep a full line of Mens', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Clothing of all stvle? and -cdes Every garment sold under a positive guarantee that it must be as represented or money refunded HATS CAPS UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, etc ,in great variety. The latest styles of everything pertainino-to a first-class clothing store always on hand. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on hand. We ask those who have not as yet patronized our store to give us a fair trial. We have no doubt of the ulti mate result We invite one and all to call OP us before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or Remember no misrepresentation, be he judge or no judge of goods, at BAHNY'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHINQ STORE GEORGE HEIBEE BtiOCE, Main Street, T3ntler» Pa. YOUBATTENTIO N Watches, Clocks, Jewslery, piKivaawAas, ns, Ao., & Ail of which have been selected with great care for OUR i TRADE.- v' - Uvou M i.oy from a welt mm ' Ho. Street OUy WATChTASLJ SIGW OF EL'x-rau saLL. FALL MILLINERY! Our lice of Ladies, Misses aod Children's ST» ? -A\\ and FELT HATS Rt)d BONNETS, in all the newest fal r,d winter shapes, in now complete at the Leading* 31illinery House. I). T. PAPE, | ISTo. IB Sontli jViniii St.* - I^utler, MF.&M, Marks; Invite your inspection ot their i stock of FALL and WINTER j Millinery Goods. Receiving goods every week their stock is always FRESH AND COMPLETE. CALIFORNIA Via. Missouri Pacific Ry., ant! Iron lomtalß Route. , ! All the chief coupon offices IntnpUuited States an'* C'aoada will have on mule excursion tickets at ly reduced rates to Los Angeles, San and San Francisco for excursions leaving St. Louis i day. Pec. 14,21 and 2s, via Jron Mountain Routj; and Kansas City, Thursday, Deo. 15, 27 and 29, via Missouri Pacific YOU CAN FIND PAPER | on Ale in PITTHBUR* h ;«t thu A i<-*e tmine i*uroaa of BROS. Who will Contract for fulvgrtUmg ut lowest utes. ! CHOICE FRUIT. j ' navlng taken tlie agency for the Choice Fruit ' I l'rces, ( i Beautiful Shrubbery, Orr.amen lal Tre^s, An« everything else in the Nursery line, of the .New ICugland Nurseries. Chase & Co., N. Y.. I v. ill call upon you til the near future and solicit your orders for spring delivery. A. H, FALLER, Agent, Butler - Pa. j I § H oja t£ Ss»l *N >v i>r. J. n. May- ; No operation or business (tela 1 '- lbms*»tids of ] cures. At Keystone House. Rem? ire. I "a., -nd i ! Suturdav of ea'cn month, tor circulars. I Advice free. i FORTsale | A large frame boarding house, good location j Hud dotnK large business. Terms easy, lor ! f urther particulars inquire of L. 8. *< Jl NKIX. I 7 K. Jenvrson St.. I V-'.H.tf Butler, Pa. THE CITIZEN", A weekly newspaper, published every Fri day morning at Butler, I n., by JOHN H. Jt W. O. NEGLFY. Subscription Hate. Per year, in advance 51 50 Gtlierwiae 00 No subscription will bo discontinued Until ail arrearages art" paid. AH communications intended for publication in this paper roust be accompanied by the real name of the wuter. not for publication but as a guarantee ef pood faith. Carriage anH death notices must be accom panied by a responsible ctu - . -. Advertising itiie?. One square, one insert.on'. *1; each subse* orient insertion, 50 ceni. j Yearly advertise ments' ext'ee'liny one-foart ■ of a column, #5 jvr inch. Figure work double these rates; additional charges where wkly or monthly cbai.geH an made. Loc:>! advertiseKien.s 10 cent* per lino for first intuition and 5 cents p;< ;.cin, 44;" Executors. . d Administrators' Notices, *:i each; Est i ay, waution aiid Dis soiutiou Notices, nr.t cxce« : :n(; ten linws, #2 Address The lh;?.en, Butler, Ta. * thorough I'uslneM or lH«ojur »d Erprt shorthand asd Type Writer, or rr. iaic to teach Spencerfan t» U tno Mp'-neertoß Btxluni Collece. CIeTtil»»««. O. Illustrated Catalogue free. The oldest and best Institution for obu'nlng a Business Education. We have successfully prepared thousands of youi ;.' men for the active « m y »jf»rjm£Wß(w