ifi% twef sure Cure fori erdero4 ItvtTMHgHHKHL vr sto m a«.f\ ? indiaest/on r^^Ej/BKSt&S pepsia f consTi orgener al debility, hondat/ri lassitude,diseases of Women, ifc. tfeatl/ butuja 100forSO£.i ft* bedWfol«kortd#fctur»,*»»«, fq*ta*Gmk./ilbkpliomCaii2 Will St-NXi SCOTT'S EMULSION OF FUSE COD LITER OIL JU R|popbiK{ihltes of L'me & Soda Almost at Palatable as Milk. The eely rrn —**"" of COD UTEB OIL tint eeafcatakan raadiljr and talacaUd for a laagtiaM 'ii"i"ik»n>T fob COKBCVPTIOV. ■aifiißiii lmm&kL m. —ll. MMIJW- MBfitiTAVh ¥hnMf iff. ICTMI -4 111 WIHIW HMMMIdnW GMLbULN it it ■wuTfUo— (■ iu imiu. rmcifted and endorsed by Um best Physician* IS tfca oonntzUa of the world. VwMa kj «n THE ALLEN PATENT WASHER Why it is Superior to. ail Others. |_4 ]TB being enclosed It retains the high 181. temperature so necessaiy in removing the dirt from the goods, A al | THERE being no Friction on the Alllia clothing to wear it. q-j THE peculiar action of the water In the OrU. Machine (which cannot be understood unless one sees It) forcing a strong current of water through the clothing at every vlrbratlon of the Agitator, (which Is caused by the peculiar construction of the top of the Machine. yiiL AND best of all Is that a child ol four years ■frill, can do the work It being so light that the operator sirs down while doing It. Machines an l County and Township nights throughout tfce State of Pennsylvania. Sold by SHIRA.S & HAYS, Butler, Pa 119-iy HUMPHREYS' m.* XAI DR. suxrams' 8001 doth & Gold Binding ■ 144 wiU Steal Kajrwlafi I IAILIB rill. Upi U—m. P.ftM WO, * T. „ Jlst AsrSSS. Sesx£ no* ouua. riuiK. I llEf*** IrfMMUtiom.. .25 I » Hwai, TaaFmr. Worm ( 01i0... .23 I :|| I ■ rKif|'| l ? l^£r' Ptn f' y 'roitTni 01 *"''' "If J *|| B^opathic 59&4 0 I FIC 8 . jgJsaaßS-aaats.B&aag;.' HUMPHREYS' EMOOPATHIO VXTEEINASY SPECIFICS /T3\ For HorMt, Cattle, Sheep, Doft. H °C*< Poultry. NHKV 1900 PAGE BOOK ee Treat. Ml Meet ef Ablmbls aad Chert 8«il »r«. Me*. Ce.« 10» rullon »t„ H. Y. THIS is the top of the gen uine "Pearl Top" Lamp Chimney, all others similar are imitations. . , I his is the exact label on each one of the HH Chimeys. may say and think he has as good, but he has not Insist upon the exact label b i and top. GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. Pittsburgh, Pa. DOCTORS LAKE ■ffcfl PRIVATE DISPENSARY I'KXN^AVE. All forma of Delicate and Com plicated IMW'IIM'H requiringCos noKxriALaiKl SaexTinv Hedl cation are treated at tills DUpemary with a ee. it rarely attained. l>r. S. K. Lako 1» a memlier ofDie UoyalCollegeof Phytlrtau* ami Surgeon*, and In (Jiooklietand most experienced set<i\ i.- Ink'lutlierl'.y. Special attention given to Kerv «itin DeMllty from e\ce«»lve mental exertion. In discretion* of youth, Ac., causingphysicalami mental deeay, lack of enersry, despondency, etc.; Korea, 1 Its, Piles, KheumattKi* awl «lldi»itiii-"*ot the Skin, Blood, Lungs, l.'rlu tl-y Organs, *c. Consultation free and strictly confidential. Ottlce hour* 9U> 4 awl 7to 8 li.m.; humUi) *'t to * p.m. only. Call at ofllce or ud<lre»a I«.K.Lakk, M. or K.J.IiVKK, M,l>. Planing Mill —AND— Jjiimber Yard J. L. FURVItt. L. O. PORVIP, S.6.Purvis&Co. MAKDJ-MCTI'BHKS AND DKALKUH IN Bough and Planed Lumber or SV * KT DEUCHimON, KRAAiKS, t MOULDINGS, SASH, ' • DOOKB, . Yh -UuiNQ, SIDING. BATTENS, Brackets,&uaged Cornice Boards. ; SHINGLES & LATH PLANING MILL AND YARD iMTttomaa CailiollcClanrcb Xtfferiise fa (Ee ibmieN. THE CITIZEN. MISCELLANEOUS He had a Bug Paralyzer. Mrs, Dollinger moved the other day. While waiting for the dray the fomitare was scattered abont the yard. Bhe was looking critically at some spots in the varnish on a bed stead which was leaning on against the house and wondering what would remove them, when a young man came along on the sidewalk, stopped and began fumbling in a small hand satchel, as he said in a loud, clear voice. "Ah, madam, I arrived at just the right moment—l was never more op portune! I am selling a preparation here at 50 cents a bottle which will knock 'em every time." • Sir!" exclaimed M/s. Do'linger, "what do you mean?" "No offense, madam; no offense, I assure. You needn't be afraid ol it, because you see it is warrauted to do it—they can not live when it is around!" "You are insulting, sir!" returned Mrs. Dollinger with warmth, as she noticed some of the neighboring wo men putting their heads out the win dows cautiously. "If you don't go I shall call a policeman." "No occasion for it, madam, no oc casion whatever! You see we're all liable to have 'em—they will get in, madam—probably they were in the house before you moved in—you're not to blame. But there is nothing permanent about 'em, madam, when you have my—" "Sir, if you don't go on I shall scream!" "Don't do it, madam; don't do it! As I waß saying, you need some of my Astonisher and Paralyzer, or Houßekeeping-Made-Easy, and it will fetch 'em at one application! Take the bottle thus, madam, and apply with a feather—guaranteed not to injure the most highly polished surface. No necessity of resorting to kerosene,cor rosive sublimate or jabbing 'em with a sharp stick. I notice some spovn on your bedstead, madam—evidently been trying to drown 'em out with hot water. The plan is crude, mad am, remarkably crude. One bottle of my Astonishur and Paralyzer, of which 1 have the boner of being the inventor, patentee and manufacturer, applied with a common hen's feather, will do more towards ridding the premises of 'em than a whole Niaga ra of hot water, it I may be allowed the expression! Don't depend longer on trying to harpoon 'em with a fork, I beg of you, but invest the small sum of—ah, going, are yon?" he con tinued as Mrs. Dollinger flopped into the house with her face very red— "well, good day. then! If you're bound to live 'em I can't help it, but I think the other ladies on thin block look at it quite differently?" Then he went on and sold twelve bottles before be got out of the neigh borhood. New Marriage Formula. "Mr. Smith, is it your firm pur pose to make this pleasant lady your wife—until you meet one more pleae ant?" "It is." "Miss .Jones, have you made up your mind to be the wife of Mr. Smith until you lose your temper and tire of him?" "Yes." "Then I pronounce you man and wife—until some Court feball part you."—Minneapolis Journal. Robbie's Suggestion. Robbie—Mamma, doefin't it make your hands warm to spank me? Mamma—Why, yes, R,obbie, it does. Robbie—Wouldn't it do ju.st as well, then, mamma, for you to go and bold 'em over tli-a register? Strange Freak of Nature. There was born of colored parents in a settlement at Barney Hill, near Chattahoochee, Florida, la«t week, a healthy, well-developed male child, divided in two parts, as it were, each representing the Caucasian and African race. One side frorni the cen ter of its forehead down is an black as coal, while the other is equally white and fair. The dark side has thick lips and flat nose, 'kinky hair aad black eyes—in fact, all the Afri can charatsteristics, while the white side has lair and good features, blue eyes and silky hair. It is in per fect bealtb, and grows fast. —lt is wrong to experiment with uncertain remedies. Dr. Bull's Babv Syrup at once cures tho troublesome colic or d iarrbura alllicting the baby. The w»>nderful sale and popularity | of Laxad or is not so surprising,when the very wide range of its adaption to diseaf e is considered. —Rolled steel car wheels will soon ' be mad') at Norristown. and a suort time,too, ast" when your ! rheumat'sm will yield to Hood's Kar sapttrilla. Try it. -Coal-lteds are being found in Me;rico 4000 feet above the *ca, --I suffered from a very severe cold in iny head for months and used ] everything recommended, but could geL no relief. Was advised, to use Ely's Cream Balm, it has worked life" magic in its cure. I am free from my cold after usiug the Balm one week, and I believe it is the best remedy known. Feeling grateful for wb-it it has done for me I send this Umimonia). Samuel J. Harris, Wholesale Grocer, 11!) Front St, N. [ Y. Ely's Cream Balm is worth its weight in gold as a cure for catarrh. One bottle cured me.—S. A. Loveli, Franklin, Pa. —Birmingham capitalists recently ordered twontv carloads of fire-brick from Bolivar, Pa. A Pocket Full Of Money amounts to littlo when health is gone To enjoy life, a good appetite, sound digestion and elastic limbs, take Tutt'H Pills. They dispel low spirits aud give buoyancy to mind and body. —Several towns in Ohio and Illi nois are sinking wells as.a means of tiding over the water famine. —ln Cambridge, Eng., butter is! sold by the yard, a pound of butter being rolled ont into a stick a yard ! long and sold in sections. Bridge-building is being pushed ahead. One at Kansas City will lie nearly ono mile and a half long, in cludiug approaches. —The wealthiest of the Judges of the United States Supreme Court is Justice Bradley, whose fortune ha* been estimated at $750,'000'. THE SAVAGE WAY. How the Indian Treats an In jury—Old Time Methods. The savage is emphatically tho child of nature. He lives close to nature, his only education is gained in nature's school. When the Indian receives on in . jury, he does not seek a cure in min eral poisons, but binds on the simple leaf, administers the herbal tea aud, with nature's aid, comes natural re covery. Our rugged ancestors, who pierced the wilderness, built their uncouth but comfortable log cabins and start ed the clearings in the woods, which in time became the broad, fertile fields of the modern farmer, found in roots and herbs that lay close at hand na i ture's potent remedies for all their . common ailments. It was only in j very serious cases they sent for old i "sadole-bags" with his physic, ; which quite as often killed as cur -1 ed. ! Latter day society has wandered j too far av/uv from nature, in every ! way, for its own good. Our graad ! fathers and grandmothers lived ! wholesomer, purer, better, healthier, ■ more natural lives than wc do. Their minds were not filled with noxious isms, nor their bodies saturated with poisonous drugs. Is it not time to make a change, to return to the simple vegetable pre parations of onr grandmothers,which contained the power and potency of nature as remedial agents and in all the ordinary ailments were efficacious at least harmless. The proprietors of Warner's Log Cabin Remedies have thought so.and have put on the market a number of these pure vegetable preparations, made from formulas secured after patient searching into the annals of the past, eo that those who want them need not be without them. Among these Log Cabin remedies wili be found "Log Cabin Sarsaparil la," for the blood; "Log Cabin Hops and Bucbu Remedy," a tonic and stomach remedy; 'Log Cabin Cough and Consumption Remedy; "Log Cabin Scalpine," for strengthening and renewing the bair; "Log Cabin Extract," for both external aud inter nal application; Log Cabin Liver Fills;' "Log Cabin Pose Cream,"an old but effective remedy for catarrh, aud "Log Cabin Plasters." All these remedies are carefully prepared from recJpes which were found, after long investi gation, to have been those most suc cessfully used by our grandmothers of "ye olden time " They aro the sim ple, vegetable, efficacious remedies of Log Cabin days. —The appointment of a receiver to take charge of the Mormon church property in of the sum allow ed by Congress to be held by religi ous corporations, will raise a bowl of indignation from the Latter Day Saints. Drunkenness or the Liqour Habit Positively Cured by ad ministering Dr. Ilaines' Golden Speciflic. It can bo given in a cup of coffee or tea without tbe knowledge of the person taking it; is absolutely harmless and will effect a ! permanent aud speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken tho Golden Specific in their coffee with out their knowledge, and to-day be lieve they quit drinking of their own free-will. IT NEVER FAILS Tbe system once impregnated with the Specific it becomes au utter impossi bility for the liquor appetite to exint For full particulars, address GOLD EM SPECIFIC Co., 185 Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. <* —Karl Gerhardt, the sculptor, re ceived $8,750 for his statute of Put man, recently unveiled at Brooklyn, Conn. Don't let that cold of yours run on. You I think it is a light thing. But it may | run into catarrh Or into pneumonia, j Or comaurnption. Catarrh is disgusting. Pneumon jia is dangerous. Consumption is | death itself. The breathing apparatus must be | kept healthy and clear of all obstruc tion ■ and oflVusivo matter. Other wise there is trouble ahead. All tho diseases of the parts, head, nose, throat, bronchial tubes and luugs, can be delightfully and entire ly cured by tbe uso of Boecbee'a Gor man Syrup. Ifyoudont know this already, thousands and thousands of people can tell you, They have cur ed by it, and "know how It is, them selves." Bottle only 75 cents. Ask any druggist. —Mrs. Grant has presented Gener al Grant's old war horse Claiborne to the Soldiers' Home at Leavenworth, K»m. Many People refuse to take Cod Liver Oil on account of i',B nnplearant taste. This difficulty has been ov.-r- j come in Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liv er Oil with llypophoriphites. It be-j ing as palatable as mi'k, and the most 1 valuable remedy known for the tre;it merit of Consumption, Rernful t and Bronchitis. Physicians report our little patients t ike it with pleasure. Try Scott's Emulsion aud bo convin ced. —John Beatty, of Easton, a loco motive engineer, recently tried to re pair the ash pan while the train was : making forty miles an hour, lie lost ; his balance and fell into a pool of wa- j ter, escaping with a broken leg, an ; injured spine and a cut face, —Tho New York Episcopalians have paid SBSO 000 for a site for the proposed great Protestant Episcopal Cathedral, which is to be built on J Tenth avenue and 110 th street. —An industrious Maine boy re cently sold over twenty pounds of loud to an Augusta junk dealer. It. was iu rifle halls, which he had dug! from the cnibankn.ent back of the ! State militia practice targets. Hotel Brady T. W. TAIT, Prop'r. | New Hotel and Itestaurant on the Diamond. Kutli-r. Pn. Mr. T. W. Tall lia* refitted and rurnlslied tli«• I Itr.'idy House, and Is now prepared to aeeoinitio | date tin. public, Ills Iti'sl mini lit. In connection wllli the hotel will oe open day and IIIKIII Tlie laiilr, will !«• fiiriilslii-d with everything the market aflonls, FRESH GAME AND OYSTERS j RECEIVED DAILY. Your pal rename respectfully solicited. MR R J. LAMB. Organist and Choir Master, St. Peter's Herman '.'hutch, Hutler. Ol«i\S. I'IANOI-OKTK. VmUN. SINOINO ANO 11 AIS MONY. pianofortes and Organs Tuned, and linguist - j ed. 'l'Trnstm' application. SO \Vcs| jlclTcrson street. BUTLER'S LEADING BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE. Is attracting great crowds of buyers of good solid Boots and Shoes from all parts of Butler county, from the ex treme North to South and from East to West they come B. C. Huselton's. The inducements we are offering to all is to the ad vantage of every one wanting good honest Boots and Siioes to visit our store before they buy a pair of shoes. The immense Stock we are showing has never had its equal in Butler. Bear in mind all our Stock is made to order, our stock was bought right and will be so d right, our house is crowded full of fresh new stock in Boots ard Shoes and if we can't lit or please you with tiny price Boot or Shoe you want no otlu-r house in Butler can. Do vou want a pair of good Kip Boots lor yourself or the boys to go a long road to school, warranted to re sist water and wear soft and pliable, all hand-made at all prices from 50 cents up to $3.75, in all widths, high leg, box toe, low iut-tep, (Train Boots, \Y 00l Boots, We have them and can do better for you than any other dealer in Butler, Men's Jtoots $1,40 and up, Bo_)s SI.OO and up, Youths 75 cents and up, Childrens 50 cents and up, I want to say to the parents who have boys and girls to go to school that there is no part of their clothing so important as their Boots and Shoes so that they are good solid Kip, as nothing short of that body of leather will re sist water, besides see where you buy them. A good boot or shoe often saves a doctor's bill. Children's feet, must be kept dry if you expect jour children to have good health and develop into sound men and women. We have these celebrated Kip Shoes for women, also Calf shoes in Button and Lace, prices from 65 cents and up, childrens high cut Button Shoes in Calf, Grain and Pebble Goat, heel and spring heel all these made to our special order. Some little dealers blow about selling for less than any other house can because they sell so much and buy from factories and all such when the truth is they buy two-thirds of their stock right out of jobbing houses and auction houses, from second hands, hence the pasteboard insoles, shoddy bottoms. Look well when you buy them, but the first time they get wet away they go. We have the goods that will stand the severest test at low preces, try them. OLD LADfES FLANNEL LINED WARM Shoes and Slippers with felt soles "* and leather soles. Wigwam Slippers, new and very *easy to the foot very durable. ONE OF THE IMPORTANT FEATURES in our trade is the immense Stock we carry in Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' fine Shoes, we oiler an unequal ed variety, every ease, and comfort, every grace and beauty and excellence ot finish that can be put into shoes, you can find in this stock and for money than same qualities can be purchased of any other dealer. We have them in Cur, Kid, Pebble and Straight Goat Gondola New York, Common Sense and Opera Inst, widths from AA to F\? in Hand welt and McKay sewed Ladies' and Childrens' Spring Ilecls, soft fine :;hoes for infants. See our Ladies Grain Button Shoes at SI.OO, Kid at SI.OO, $1.25 and &1.00, this $1.50 Shoe is the best bargain in the county and can't be duplicated for less than $2.00 by other dealers. A FEW WORDS ABOUT RUBBER GOODS, We carry the largest stock of these goods, Woonsoek ets, Candee, Boston and other ui kos. While some little dealers who cackle loud only carry one make. We will sell you Rubber Boots as low as $2.00 and will furnish you with any of the above makes as low as any of these small concerns may name. Recollect we sell to every body alike. No three or four prices on any of our goods. LEATHER AND FINDINGS, it?) aring of all kinds done at Reasonable rates. Will m/ j you money. Come and see us. B. C. HUSELTON. Notice in Partition. In He Partition ol the Heal Kntate of Sarah R. I''uv;zcr, dee'd. (). No. ill, March Term, 1837. Sept. :«>, lUS7, Inquisition tiled in the olliee of Clerk of Orphani Court un«l«r the i hand and heal of the ISherilTof i'utler county, I'eun'n. And now, towit: Hcpt. 2<<th, I.SH7, on xno- I tion of VVjlli«iiiM As Mitchell, attorneys for I hfcirn of Sarah 15. Powzur, dco'd, the Court in I rff|iie«U'<l to (frailt a rule oil the heirs of i S.irah IS. Kowzer to appear on the lirnt Moti | liuy of !>i:c. lKi7, in i Stiller, I'a., at an Or phaiix i '-itirt then and there to lie holden and accent or refuse the premisca at (lie valuation publiCHtioii of this rule to h.; made as to Hen rietta Kuw/. r. WILLIAMS & MfTCUKLL, Attorneys for lleirn. And now, Sept. 2ii, 1887, motion granted. BY TIIK Coukt. : THK CoMMOX'VKAt.TII or PKNN'A, I S J . I:uti.i;h < ottXTY, /' ' ' 'l'u I'itrr Kramer, Sherijfof Huthr I,'inuit;/, (Irrrtmg : We command you that y«»n male known to .lames I». Fowzer, the petitioner; Hubert 11. Fowzer, redding at Butler, IV; Charles B. Fowzer, residin/ at Bu'ler. I'.t ; Sadi - B. Knw/.er, iaternMirie I with Neivimi i.'nlhhert r■ illi:iat llhiirwi 11 *, P.i., and Henrietta Knwicir, 11 s'di-nec unl: ci«.wu, the enn|i*iils of the within order ol'l'otirt e.ud rui* them ami ' very of Ihem }•» he and up| mr hi-fnre the ■lilies of tl e < )r|'limih t ,'ourl ot Ilut'vr Co., I'a , 0:1 tl(»* iir-1 Monday of l). < • inher, I ■>i, lieiiiK ili<i tilth il.iy thereof, t.» accept the within premise* at the va'tiutioii or Minw ran"! wiiy ill" Kami; hhould no'. I.e sold, and make return liow you have nerved this writ. Wllncuß il l- honorable \aroil L. Jf:• "*li, Pi«;.iih'iil our 'id ('ourt at Butler this I'Jth day ol October, I*.s7. Itl'l i:i.\ Mi Ki.vain, Clo.rU. RECOGNIZED uh tho l(!aclitij,' Farm, Garden, Fruit, stock urid Family We; kl/ of Ameri ca, the Itur:il IVow-YorUer to say that it will mail (with out charge) to all who are intereated in rural affairs a copjr ol the lluitAi. ittogether with live copies of ita nerien of powerful Farm Cartoon#, printed ou line paper, and showing, um no other picutres have ever shown, the ri'/ht ttrnl wrong nidi) o! farm life, its pleasure*, it.s dangers, etc. The Klin ai. coetH more t puhlirdi than any any other farm journal in the country. It pr< cents 500 original il • hiHtralioriH every ytiar; tho value of the work of its Experiment Farm is widely kuowu and recognized. The befit farm writers In the world—*loo contributor?. Its Domestic Econo my, Home, News and Markets I>e-1 part merits are unequnled. The Ilu itAl. uddrefises itself to all good peo ple who cultivate land, whether it be a llower plot or a thousand acres. I'rico $2 a year, weekly, 1<» large piigi h, heavy tinted paper. Address the HUHAL NEW-YORKtH, Park How, New York. FOll NAI. J5 A larie Irainc lioarduiK house. jjuiml location lllid iloliiK iHlte business, Terms easy. I'oi further particulars Inquire of 1., S. 31i.1l NKIM, li K. r«<in M.. 'jo.lf " Butter. I'u. Register's Notice. Tin; l. I ''Ulster hereby (five notice thai the fol loivlny ar''ouiil.:s of rivciuora. Adnilnlsl r.rlors unit < .u.mllullH have 111 en It lei I 111 Ills oltlee lie eordlnt; to liiw. ah<l will lie j>n .enteil to court for eonlirinultou and allowanee on Weclnesilay, the .'lll day or lleei iiibei', A. !».. IKH7, at ;; o'lloek p.m. of said (lay. I. The dual account of S< lliitchlsou Ailm'r of Samuel Vouajf. late ol' W:e illusion twp, dee'd. •/, Filial account, or Silvery Iteli.'li, surviving executorot (lee'cl. Final ami iIIhIi'IIjuI loii account ot l.a wnuice Wilt, adiiiTor Chiistena Wilt, lat» of Oakland t(i, ileo'd. i. final account of tleorjfc ltay. .Ir. e\'r of (ieorifir Itay, sr. late or Marlon tp. dee'tl. I'lual aceoilltl. of Utehai'U Ale u and Klumil Hartley, ex'l's of llenry ISarkey. late of Kvana City dee'd. «. I'lna. account of Herman .1. Her«, ex'r of the liiM will unit festuuieiit of .lohn Duui-rheity, iate of Duller boro. 7. l ir.Hi and tlual account of Cyrus t'amphell, 1411 irdlan or (ieoiyeC I', .jd. a roruier lnlnor;now of aye. Anil nollee Is lierehy glveii Ihal the suld Cyrus Cainphcll will, ai said court, make Ills application io lie dl.tchai'Kcil as guardian or an Id i .yo (' Hoy (I. M. I'lrst and dual account or s A Kennedy, ex'r of Jane Park, late of Adams tp. dee'd. a. Flual account of 11. C. Mill'r and tieorxe II uley. ex'r or Anthony Haley, late of liutiei' Ip. dee'd. f In. Flnul and dlstl llnillon aeeouiit of WII ai'il .lacoh (ielliaeli, n lai il i f lilllp tlelhacli, IrlMj of I a : ' hor iol' KvaiialMi' •„ tied. 11. Klaal au I ills! ill.ill I'm aeeoUUI of John liool. i \'rol Thonia > AI ( uic laleol Worm tp, ' dee'd. li. I'lnal aeeouiit. of Jo'.lli Ileleird, e :'r or ICrt wnr I 11 v In. la !'• or Adams Ip. dee' ; I.'i. I 111 I lie. oUIlt ol tl.i.ihU' l Kilpp. Of It'lb.'l i. I leinlli r, lale of ( '.iuilil |ll('li :.. 1,-iy twp, de • .1, It. Fill >1 account of J W (.lit on ailmT (.f Jaiue . S I ll'ill:;. .1 11. 1.1. e 111 I 111 l,p, ller'd. in. Final acc.unl ol Chrtslluii Siiillh, ;,uar ill.in nt chiliilau Unl lorf, a minor child or Hll/.- .ti.i Hi li iidorr inii' ot Siiuimii tp. d"cd, l>; Final account ol llenry Fox, c\r or den II Uanftolil. lale of Wlulleid I|i. Dei .1. 11. Filial in cituufof F.ll/.iili 'III Welir. adm'rx of >.' l' hi.hu Welir. Into ot Muddycreck twp dee'd is. Final ,'ici'ouhtof.l J W iiifiier, ailm'r or Ihe (•.stale of l;.i i::nna Si r.iwhrl.iice, line or t.'rau l.eri'; t|i. dee'd. 11*. Filial aeeouiit of AW ami l.ou I'd lined "I a.tin iI or Ma rdah n i liiolilux'i C, la I hi J elter on tp dee dx *-'' i. Fir ' hi i lliuil aeeounl or JotriH s llarl /.i 11. ltd In . i.i J.ienij ll.nl/. I, tiite or I'i'tin (W|i, deed. .'I. Final aeco'ini of M II I'.yerly, ex'r of Jacob ISye. lv, lal.e ol lllllfalil l.p. dee'd. I 'hull ileeuunt of lvldle c Kelly, ndm'l'X of ADucr Kelly, inicol I'arki i fp, dcc'u. M. II in KI'.I.V It :<lsler, BUTLEIi COUMTV Mutual Fira iusurance Co. OiTice Gor. Main & Cunningham Bts. •J. 0. ROM SSI NO, I'ItKHIDENT. W M. CAMI'HKLL, TkkaBU.KKK li. C. HKINKMAN, Skuhktaitr DIRECTORS: J. I. I'nrvls, ;Saiuii('l Aiiders.ui, William ('aiuphell J. W. Hnrlthart, A. I'toutiiillil, lb ndei ion Oliver, C. C JaiucN Steplieiitnui, Dr. W. Irvlll. N. Welt/el, J. F. Taylor. 11. C. Ileluemau, LOYAL M'JUNKIN, Wen. Ae'N BTTTUWJEI, F-A.. RFFUCTED^UNFOftTUNaifc Alter oil othurn If til cii'iult Dr. LOHH SWO N. 15th Bt. t bolow Callov/hiil, Phila., Tu. JO y< ;u% r*|#rririnc iu :,il % I* «!i * j -.r■%. I' r D.iticnlly »••• torct fllo*.- wr.ikriirrt l»y r.oly inriitrr Call or wrilc. Acivh r frzv ami- tiiclly VJ r iiii«M. : II a. »*. till 7 ( aitd 7to 1 > cvcuingi. j — MnHlf Is*f IC COC or oth#r»,who wUh toovsmin* Rli »£."! S IdlvßiO p.por.or obtain on ftdvortifci: p? v/hAn in will find it on lilo at LORD &THOMIS. ASKS FOUR While other merchants are singing tbeir own pra'ses, we cau=e our customers to acknowledge that our method of dealing is the best, cur geeda second to none, in fact superior to many urually and sold as THE BEST. "Butler and pnrronnding country needed such us tin* tiiis<," is the general encouraging words our customers cive us, "and people will be fast fiodin iit out too." Wo keep good and well made goods only. Our cheapest garment is newed with first class thread, trimmed, lined and mado up in a substantial manner. Our medium nn-1 better grades take rank with any Custom-made iu tho way of fitting and make up. while our FIXE DRESS SUITS must he seen to lie appre ciated. OUR PRICES aro decidedly the lowest. In short we desire to sute that v.e keep a full liue of Mens', Youths', Boys' and Childrens' Clothing >. of all etyks and gr. des. Every garment sold under a positive guarantee that it must he as represented or money refunded. HATS, CAPS. UNDER WEAR., HOSIERY, etc., in f?reat variety. The latest styles of everything pertaining to a firut class clothing store always on hand. The true fitting white and fancy shirts always on band. We atk those who have not as yet patronized our store to give us a lair trial. Wo have no doubt of the ulti mate result We invite one and all to call on us before purchasing their Clothes, Underwear or Hats elsewhere. Remember, ?;o misrepresentation, ite he judge cr no judge of goods, at BAHNY'S ONE-PRICE CLOTHING STORE. Qsoaeis REiaisa blocs, JVEairi Street, Butler* l?a. 1860 •« ' • sb SSVABLISHSD ••• •' 1880 ft Q THE Ms, Ev II IHi H 9 JEWELER. No. 19 NORTH MAIN STREET. mi OPEBffIG OF SPRING GINS. Diamonds, Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches U h £* V PI J >a P er Weight, Gilt with Glass Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque'with Floral Oroament- I n liU I || vy? iij (I tion, MARBLE, Enameled Iron; iu short, a complete lino of Clocks SLlsTPfl'yYffTCS O O 1 T"t7 Don't fail to see this line of Goods, as it is the largest Kjli V W (hi UCb U|J CuJLOf Iby » and most complete stock ever shown in Butler. SPECTACLES and EYEGLASSES, in Gold, Silver and Steel frames, i_J 111 .jTv JLjJ l scientifically adjusted under Dr. King's System. Warrant ail 4aOocK as Sfeprfseiiled, Engraving free of charge. Place of business opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGN. TSTo- 19. North Main Htreet, - - - BUTLER, YOURATTEN TION Is Called to my of x <4 nD- ( Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, 3H S TTEBWKRE. SPECTACLES, Ae,, which have boon solected with great care for J#lifc, QUA TRADE. complete lino of ROGER BROS' Celebrated V &c., &c„ T T» tIP F. li 1 D'Q union "LOCK. ''' h ' ukLhJJk, No> Btrcet UUkD Watch srGN OI " electric BELL. TIIK CITIZKN, A weekly nowcpa)ier, pnhliidiort every Frl- I day nioi iiinc at llutlor, Pa., by JOI7N 11. .V W. C. NKuI.KY. Stihserlpilon Kate. Per year, in advance 1 50 Otherwirte §2 00 No HUliHcnption will be discontinued until *ll arrearagea are paid. All commnnieations intended for publication 111 thin paper mum bo accompanied l.y (he real name of the iviiter, not for publication but an a i;iiaraiiteo of good faith, Murr.njio and death noli cm mint be acconi pabicd by a reripoiimblo name. AdveWKinK Kales. Ono Hquaro, ono iimertion, 4;I ; each suliuo qilent iiiMijrtion, f»<) cunta. Yoarly advorliie meiilh exceeding one-fourth of a column, iO per inch, Figure work douhlo I he.se rat cm; additional cherj- os where weekly or monthly changeH an tuado. Local iilvertiHoments lii cent h per lino for iuaertiou and 5 eentu per lino for each additional iuriortiou. Mar riaio-H and deathH publiHued fieo ol charge. Obituary noticen charged an local ail vert ikr mentH and payable whin handed in. Anditorn' NotieeM. #1; JOxeeut.ir i, and Adniimatratorit' Noticed, f.'J each; Kstmy, Caution and J>in- Molulion Nottoen, not oxco' ding ten linna, t2. Addroae Tub Oit:/.icn, II itler, Pa. WON!) E RF UL SUCCESS. F.fONOtIV IS M i; \ 1/li lU. All fh« PATTKKNB y<»R wlmli to uho tho yrur for nothing (u raving of from to « ».<*») I»y for THE BUTLER CITIZEN —AND— k)emorest's | lluutrutcd 7Vlonthli/ 7Waga^ine With Twolvo Ordoru for Cut Papwr Pattern* of J your own aoloction and of any lize, BOTH PUBLICATIONS, ONE YEAR, —row - $3,00 (THREE DOLLARS). DEMORESTS M THE EES!- Ol* nil tlio MarxnzlnrH. <W)NTAfNINO POKMP, ANOOTIirit IiITKftAHV ATTIIACTIONH, f OMIIININO A HTlf'Tir, HriK.N- m TiriC.', ANII HoifHICIIOI.O MATTKKM. IlhiNtrnttd will* Orlfflmtl Stnl tCHffim** I'hatoff fit rii rrM t Oil i'lctii ri'N nvt*f /In*- If'oo ttrntM, tiKi/ci iif/ it thv Mmltl fit it y <t xlno of <4 mi ricn. Kuril coutnlriH n rotijioii onltr fiitMlivifr Iht* lioldi'r to tlx* M-U'cllon «.f nuv pattcrii in tins fashion <|('|»irtiiii'iit In thut iminher, mid In any of Urn hlzcm iiiaiiiifiit tiin-fl, making |ialtrriin < luring tlict jrt # fir of tin? value <>f over tlirm* ilollarn DICMOHKS'r'S MONTHLY |h JtiHly v.utHUd flio | World'M Mo<lrl The l.nrm-Ht in Koim.tlio in Circulation, and tin* hent TWO Hollar Family Ma /a /.inn Untied. IKSV will he the Twenty third year of Km puhlle.-itlon. It Ih continually Im proved find HO extensively fin to phlCe It at the head of Periodical*. It i ontulun pap n, laree ounrto, 8 Vxl Uf» liiclii n, ele; r 'iutly prluteii and fully tiJiiMtrAfed. PuljllmljcU by W. JeunliiKi Ilenioreft, New Vork, AND DY SPECIAL AGREEMENT COMBINED WITH IHC BUTLER CITIZEN at $3.00 Per Year. «•_ j i"i 'i"i" i' ■ "'« . •■'"i I i'-hi . llmrt. I rlnnry or I Iver lit eiu in, .Ni i vnii; in IH, Ac ('UI'O (iilnr- }i lin leed. ( nil '■ ;.] An 1. Kin et. I lill.nlcl|.|ilti. *1 ' |>.'r lintlle, C till' t."'. AI I>l lli;«lil (. I'»>' It. vJA L K S M !•; V ' \VvVIN r I l ICI> j\ sto cunvavi.H for t in* f of N'tn - 1 Kerv stuck ! St em! v employ tneut. vji iivmlen I. 1 KAI.AKV A.M» KXI-t:xsl:s l»AIII. A|i|>ly lit { once, Nlatlnif li«e. | IJeler to thlN Jliitier i } Chase Brothers Cc., l,on,^ v | >K I |J. IIDOUGLASS, —DEATiEU IN i STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Bcoks arid Periodicals, CHEAP TABLETS, —AND Wall Paper, Building, Main SU, BUTLEIi, - - 2-4-HMy I ■ T ''''' V"" h. - -r —mi i iMnißrir -rTr 1 - 'lii In I KKpni*« for <ln« Vieir, 5157.10. | TO'l'Al, I ni: TlIHil'I'.KM WKKKH, 'i'i. 70 < hi'ioheihiill I ni'iiulc i(iinilolph, . I.ocnlc' (»ii tho N. V, I'. & O. I*. It. IXaMlwlipd "< Venn. I A Keliool lor both m xi*h, well cnilovvi il'mill i'(|ii|.|ieil. I'ropcrlv /•IHO.iKMI.OO. Steam J hcut, K|>riti<r jtorfrct (Irninntf". Kluv lent. ii lier-i In ii.l iili.Ki t" r««uliir Aeiul < inic Uc|.!irtnii'itK.n ' 'oniuieteiiil Col- uin I MiiKifHl Institute. Winter term «'t CUM Per. I::. 110(1 el'iv . Mereh, *2O .S prill t» | Term openn March '.!O imil clo«c» .Inn.* 11, I 1 Kj'i.s. Ad'lreXH for cnialoKuc or inf'iriuution. j m: .1. T. KiiWAiiHH, Randolph, N V. SURVEY! MG '• LA N f>, COAL HANKS, 1 AND LEVELING. I'm tlculur nllmillon t<» tho Kctraelun ol old llui'x. Addrcsa, n. r. mnxi iicu. < <i. Snrvoj or North llopo I'. <)., Uutlcr Co., l*i». ; "!,.I,si.lv The Reason Win vim sin mid wnd \<>ur order lor any kind or H\e ~i I!.hirl mi W liiKkey. r.riuuly . tiln. Wliick. Ac . in .1. Sehuniiiclii'r, No. '.h i I.i erty St., I'lltv lilirn. I'll . IH lieciiu.c lie keeps the U'sl lind pur | est tsiinds In Unit line, and sells llietii lit lower I lit Ices lll,'ill liliv house 111 I *lll st ill IK ■ I llree enr i. lll Pill e l(ye •.' on pi r j>nllon. I .■ 11 r \e:irold I'i ire live, .-"j .10 per j live villi 1. 11 l I'nie live, <;I.U| per «nllon. I i .mi 11l s year old I'ure Itye M.'i wi Io *..<«! per , KUllull I lie purest lllll'iTleil Willi s, UrnndleH 't iiiuHilns prescribed liy physlelan* l"r iiieillcal | pillpimcH, I > ii. ills hlil|i|ied to nil pint". 11l the i k H'luintiy. Nnclmrijc Inr puckiiite. i nil ot write mil litre me n trlni null innil > ou will nfler tluit ileal xvllh no other house, feud money wltli ! "tiler, liy registered icttcriirl' o. otdei'. 1 Itcveiiue laws prohilut miod* <•. I). , trullv .I, icon ,H( hi MAi ni n, f .«i;l l.ihcrly St.. I'lttslnirtr. I'll. located two minutes walk from I'll lull 1)0 pill. f ; ! ! Ili'e Ku.irnnteeil i IHniSIQHiirSS: , N'o operation or hurfliierii delay. Ihoiisnnd* of I cures, At IveyNtoiw llinise, llmidlllK. I'll., 2nd I 'Saturday of each month. Send lor e|rcnlnn. 1 ,\il vice »rei'. UNPARALLELED OFFER. $4.00 FOR $1,751 THE ifAIiKTSHUKG WEEKLY TELEGRAPH IS Til K LARGEST AND BEST | Newspaper published lu tin* Capitol of Pennsyl vania. ICaeh number contains SIXTY- I'WKCOI.I'MNH tilled With THE LATEST NEWS. STOIUKS, ' MAIfKKT ItBPOKTS, ! MISCKLI.ANKOt's KEAIHNO I Will In' furnished to Subscribers for the ensuing year, together with » copy of •'•OIK FAMILY PHYSICIAN,'' (New Edition.) For ft payable In advance, ' The Price of this tlooh In nil llonkntores Is $3. The I'rlrc of thi< "Telo*riiiih" Is |i. Iff trlrt* both for 11.J.V •I HE BEST I'KKMICM OEEEItED Ity any l'aperiu the United States. This )toi»lc conttliw »so pages; Is elifht and one half Itt'tiies long.Htx Inches wide.mid two Indira thick II Is printed on extra heavy paper, and Is handsomely uftund, with embouHeU cover and Kilt lettflivd hack. _ It isditTivent all otffcr works of the kind UVK'i i"!!»MS||KI>. It leaci e.t those who have It how to tell what till' matter Is when a (lemon ifets Kick. Ml Mlmller bonks fell what to do If you know what. I 111' lit aw Is Tills IhioJs tells you how to ilel.eel Hie dlt.vses. and the proper remedl a ere iflvnn for Allopathic, llotnoopatlilO.Rclectio. M <<lro|inihlt-. and Herbal treatments. Don'! fail to i.vuii ymraell of this oiter, which holds t; »"l until January U.. ihks. When the book In sent by mall. W cents inuat accompany the order for postage. IfJXIABLE AGENTS WANTED In every School District In thin and adjoining counties. I Hull) Teb-ttr»|ill. S.'i per year. Ibiily Telegraph ami Our ruiHlty Physician, I 4(1 per >l.ll°. I'.istrtlfr OH Hook *0 rents rxtri j If sent It) innll. Unclose cash with all or-Jew, and ndiJrcsH M. W. M< ALA UN FY, Manaccr. llaiTlsburir. I'enii'a. Wanted j Wo want a few live men , to take orders for a full line 'of choice nursery stock. Our j stock is all selected and guar ian teed first class. We lur l nisli a handsome Outfit ' also fruit SAMPLES in SEASON. A WOKKER never fails with us. Don't delay but write at j once for terms, <f*c. to EDW. O. GKAIIAM, NURSERYMAN. lioehester, N. Y. ; Santa Claus Headquarters! —AT A. L. ItOIUN'SON'S liaiKuio Store, wbera you will liinl a larife varlelv of all kiuda ol guilds uiitable lor Cbrittiuu* prrtnut# to ie- Jfct I'rom. Everything New and Fresh, ut price* that will astoniab you. Sllk plunb albuuik and toilet ciues, wry cheap. Centre Room.Geo. Relberßlock, NO.3S. MAINST.BUTLER. KIRKS white bV=||l HIJSSIA" Tlic only brand of Laundry Soap awarded a first c'n.33 medal at the New Orleans Exposition. Guaran teed absolutely pure, and for general hwwlßM ynqpoces is the Ttjy best MILLINERY" In all the latest Nov. lties, French Felt Silk llais, Figured Glasse and Watered Piuhes, Velvets and Silks. FANCY PLUSHES, The New Wide Ribbon*, Corsets, Shoul der Braces, Patti Shiri Hands, Hosier? and Suspenders, Toilet Ponders, Washes, Rouge and Cosmetics, "Letia Peth" and "Sybel's Secret," DRESS TRIMMINGS, I)res3 Linings, Findings, Fur Trimmings, Newest Styles in Hants, Hair Uood3 uud Crimpers, Children's Kuit and Plush Caps and Hoods, Toboggans, Silk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers. MISS M, H. GILKEY, BUTLER, I:I PA |j|. Axoz-i-tiz (fcaova Cm v » !:#*r tukn ;i niinniau\ • apprc rJclc 1- kh;i.lieJ. Iffigse PRATT'S • teTi-.tio vhneva Gin fci jBKP"' J iBBfI h a J*- r ' '3ei>cva(Swl«ii)Gin, re- dlJtuii'J with Reloc l -• 'u Utifi)U 4SSa 'eiw f'C ; h Itallcaj .tJri-T bee- KJKfflfcp 3ng res. p»Mj«n iwt, Sc. It wi.l I EBF3 rrd cvrtr.luecrc fw Bright'a fOISIMt TTSK.V "IIIO:U;, Mono 111 lUhddcr, I llKtStyHßa ??4 f ll intticinrntl-m of tha K 1 rt r. oy B and Urinary JAMBS E> MOItJt Sole Airort,, 168 CUAJIHEE3 iiT., HEW YCOK. FOB SALT; BY J. C. REDICK, Druggist, BUTLER, PKNK'A. The iPeonle's Great EXPOSITION! 4, GREAISHOWSINONE. 4, We atmouuee to the people fur and wide that we will exhibit our coil ..-SMI HFK negation of startling wonders, to h«- uro wMcb ull parts of the earth—Europ?. Asia, r.ul portions <>: lie lj* 5. have "been ioarohetl, an t such xnarrvrotfitlon as has uevor been si-en s ■» the iHy Noah enter ed the Ark. The mighty L'.. ;»liant.fhe-it "iit nocoros. tlie Illppopouou.t ;.tliu Chihipauzlc.the Ou-rang-outaug or run-out. anil-stick -out -your tongue-out. the greatest living wonders of the age will excite no wond T waan compared with the multitude of monster attractions ou exhibi tion at our great moral Circus and Menagerie. The roars aud howls of tha would-be campetl tor who Apes the motho l.i. but cries tlowu the attractions of oar own and ouly Greatest Show on earth will be drownoJ In the Joyful acclam ations of a delighted pop-.dace. Remember this great show possesses no objectionable features and is the delight of the ruitarcd and rcQr.od. We show uuder one canopy four great shows, the Largest Slock—Greatest variety—Best. Hoods and stylos—Lowest Prices. Wo have se cured a magnificent Brass Band whit h will be a prominent feature of our great show. 3 rings with a sepeiate and continuous performance being enacted In each l ing. NEW AND NOVEL attractions. 3 Jolly clowns. The greatest, liv lug. walking, breathing, talking curiosities of the age. rhuimy The lows—sure to sell you and all the people laugh when they see the bar galus.tliey otter. Other and greater attractions greet the delighted eye on every side —the Pro prietor aud Managers sw.nglng lu the living trapeze attached to ilw highest plnacle of suc cess, give such exhibitions of nerve ami daring In sweeping redactions, gorgeous displays and wondtrful baigalns as to call forth the plaudits of the most prudent aim economical. The man - agement beg leave to announce that m thetr un tiring zeal lu the search lor the rare and curious, astonishing results have always followed and we open for your Inspection a collos sal collection of brttibt • and new Kail Styles lu Mens' Boy-.' aud Chtldrens' Clothing. Hats, Caps Underwear. Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, Hosiery, Handker chiefs. M tinier*. Uloves. Mittens, Umbrel las. Trunks, Valises, Satchels. Straps, Brushes, Combs. Jewelry, Corsets. Jer seys, Stockings with a full line of Notions, <tc, Big bargains all through the show, Song by the Clown : - Men and youth nud hoys and.all, Short and So'ld.leati cud tall, Wno need a suit of clothes this full. We do Invite you now to call For we are rolling on the ball, And you are sure to make a haul, Whatever you purchase, great or small. Song •»:-"What are the wild waves saying." Buy vonr Clothing and Furnishing goods of 1». A. HKCK. Song :i:—"Her bright sinilo haunts me still," The smile of satisfaction that beamed from the face of ilieladv who dressed her little boy lu one ot Heck's irreslstable suits. If you want to save money and Increase your pile <lro|>pln and C HKCK, and he'll make you all smile. He possesses the power to spread happiness around. And his store Is (lie place where bargains are found. Doors open at T A.M. dote at B'p. M. Ad mittance. IJcnts Free. Ladles and Children hall price. Itcnieniber lite pi.: e. D. A.. 11 IiOK'B, Xn. 11, North Mstn ts!., Puff)'* Block, BDTLKR, - PA. 11l MM 6 BUI STORE io Butler, three doora weet of Weat Ponu Depot. Having opened a fresh htock of OItOCERH'.H cous «tlng of ( offee,Teas,H,;uar,Byrttp,Splcc.s Canned Goods of all kinds, liauis, Bacon, Lard, >\:c.,&c„ Tobacco unci Ciga**B, KLOt'K of best brands and iow prices ; also, full line of Kltuglrr's popular brands of family Hour constantly ou hands. HAY. OATS, toKN and FEED of all kinds at lowest flgurcs, IVo. l.Nalt,Lower any other lloume lu lliitler, Countrv Produce wauted for which the highest l.rlcM w ill bo paid. Call and examine our stock and prices. Hoods delivered free to all parts of towu. J. J. K2ARNS & CO., 76 East Jefferson St, • • Uut.lcr Pa PERMANENT STAMPING For Kenslngt j», Arrasene AND OUTLINE WOBK DONE lleo lessons lu sum» fiven AJINIE M LOW MAN, North itrcet, Butler, Pa. neSD.'^x
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers