A RAXTLDTO FACT. It Is not commonly known that a large proportion of the rheumatism and neu ralgia extant is traceable directly to the diseased condition or imperfect action of the kidneys and liTer, therefore a remedy which cures the resulting disease most have found and smitten the first cause. Many persons using Athlonjioroe for rh caznatism and neuralgia have been surprise! to find thaWltfonic disorders of the liver and kidneys have also been greatly relieved aifll'they have written for an explanation. The fact is, that the remedy acts directly on these organs, cleansing them from All irritating sub stances and regulating their action. Taken 1 in connection with Athlophoros Pills this is, without exception, the most valuable kidney and liver remedy in the world, and will cure a large proportion of those who have these diseases. C'ipakc Iron Works, Copake, X. Y. For the last five years I have been sub ject to severe attacks of rheumatism which would cause me the moet excruciating pain in my chest; was obliged to put myself under the doctor's care for two or three months at a time, and even then it was almoet impossible to get any relief. The Lufct time I was taken my son was at home, and I requested him to call the doctor, but he said he had heard of a new remedy for rheumatism called Athlophoros and advised m« to try it. I did and von can imagine ray surprise, was relieved of all pain after taking one bottle and have not been troubled since. It saved me quite a sum of money, and what is better, I was not obliged to* endure weeks of suffering; would not be without it in the house. Have recommended it to others and it never tails to give relief. L. H. Patteeso*. Every druggist should keep Athlophoros and Athlophoros Pills, but where they can not be bought of the druTgifet the Athlo phoros Co., 112 Wall St., New York, will send either (carriage paid; on receipt of regular price, which is SI.OO per bottle for Athlophoros and 50c. for Pills. For Hver and kidney diwase*. dyepeptia, Ir»- digeition, weaknew. nervoua debility, due£jea or women, constipation, headache, impure Mood, Ac., Athlophoro* Fills are onequaled. • Lm^Sey 5 J mj exact lmlx is om f f £ K K EACH CMMMSY AS \ \ g i | •HOW* IN PICTURt | 3 { I USSIAN^ IHEUH ATlSll^k. ■ C URE «On*t em tnjtMa* bat ■betunislmn. bet it ew« tb*t every tlma. It cared lOV Bern. Lucaater, Pa. Ma Haanfan. Ha., Btooambars. Pa. Mas. Bar. B. B. Bonrnoa. nuaotrm. V*. Mm. Vk Mnuia. i<n W/tU St., PhilwMpbU. J. V. KiwtoM, Camden. K J. KM MAST Canay, Mnorwtnwn, If. J. t*A»z Maau Macro Chavk. Pa. |— ——jKVERY BOX I «niUBSIAN«*| liSMni MXzfeJ I JTBADE HtMsTOLgy PBtfF ' Tor cordis Information. P—crtythWSim pla let, with IMtimontal*. free. ' • Foraalo by nil drMMfiata. If crno or Um other la ■st In portion to f orniah it to yoa. do not I* per. to taka aaythtn* elae. bat »h>l y direct to tha Bff Tfinr-. •ri mEI./,l!lt BU(H. A l». ■Sis 4k 821 Market Mtreet, PkliaitlpWa. -t~\ DOCTORS LAKE fcfftl PRIVATE DISPENSARY offickm, m vkss avk. - PITTSBURGH, PA VEVKfljjy All form* of Delicate aml Cam- V(rV pllcau-d Lrtarnaea requiring Co*- rn>i.vi ialbiwl HclEXTiric iledl < cation are treated at this tHapenaary with a auo teas rarely attained. I Jr. M. K. I-'ike la a m<-mlx-r of the Koyal College of Phyrietan* and htirgiowi, and la theokleat and mo»tcx|>erlcnccd Mt'fccUl' IST In the rtty. H|>«r<-Lal attention given to Nerv ous I)elilllty from evc«»*tvc mental exertion, ln tHaemilonM of youth, Ac., canning phy »lc«l and mental decay, lack ofewrgy, dunpowlency, etc..; alao ( 'oncer*, Old hon-a, I Ita, I'lle*, Jtlieumatlam and nil dl*e*'< * uf the hkln, lliood, I/ting*, Urin ary Orjpina. tie. Conciliation free and atrletly eonfl>b-nUal. OfleS hour* W lot and 7to S i».m.; BundayaStot |t.m. only, tall at oflice or wlireaa •.K.LAKB,M.D., M.aC.P.H. or E J.LAKB.It.». Imported Percheron Horse MONTAGUE Win staml the miuv,a of isaT. commencing April Bth and ending Jm.v ■ «tli. a* follow*: Monday* of each week at flko ntoMe of .I nine. FleCKer. at I hloiivllle; Tnesrtays and WiuUu-k --daya at 11M; Ijarn of Aionzo MoCandlewt; Thura daya at Mt, tnieatnur.; Krlilaya and Saturday* at the llvfny stable of ). B. Hays. Butler. Description and Pedigree: Montague I* a dark Iron gray, a rears old. and welijlm lcoo ltm.: In lojtf biiiida hlf(h, on Mhort lefpt. wltli.larK'' lione, (freattblgtiaanil forearms, deep m iflrtli. with remarkable tfood feet, and action, and In every way ai» n<u:l lior'.e of re- Britrkahle Myminet.ry und ixtaiii.y, He tv.«a im ported froui Frame by J. It. Becket. of «"blcatfo. In Hepternli«-r. IHW, and la recorded In Percheron Nonnan i una; also in Pw hwon Mt.ud hook of Amen< a ;il v,. lie was b>»i"d in I>j». and bred by C. Cofot, of Almonrtla. Prortnec of Her: he. France, sirs. I leader owftmi by the arvernment. and winner of two if old meilala and 1.000 franen at two ah«ma In France, bentdea numeroua other prUex. Dam, Ijinreiia; vr.ui darn. (harlotta. a mare td-cl In the l erctieron family for forty years, as iituUliled to by C. Oogoc. TEJIR^MIS. Bir. dollar* payable when mare la known to la? WIUi hail. The colt will la: held lor liiaimtnce UOtll imld for. Persona parti n/ with "runre to leave the nelffblairluaal before Uuum n to la: wlr h foal, lorfelta the insurance. Mares must l>e re/. k nlarlv returned on trial days aa directed. Mares kept, on reasonable terms. All poralhle care taken Ui prevent accldentH. but will be r<- 'lioiiml- I Me for now. "Montague" )ios proved bltiwif E to be a fine brec<ler. FARMERS TAKE NOTICE. To the pun* <lyde*da!e Stallion, GLEN ATHOL., whti will stand for mar** diirlns the sesioti of ISV7. t>etftntllli|f Apnl IA, and eridliiK AiitfU-d is, at tne atable of I'eter J, llach In Hiiinmn town - ship. liuller'couiity.about three mllea eaal of Hot ter. near Ikwnyhrook. (lien Athole la No. 'MBB, reffUtered In Hcoltlah (Hydeadale stud book. vol. #, patfe IM, aired lour year*, and weluhed when :i yeanold \VU U.S. Full pcdlxree found at bam In stud book* of Great Britain, and warranted to he hi' good as tbat of any other horse In the united Ht«t«fi. T'3RMS« Insurance tm, payable when mare Is known to be Willi foal. Irregular utteudauce or part ing with a mare before known to be with foal forfeit* the Insurance. When reasonable care to given a mam I will Insure a walking colt or Bo p*.v. fare will be takeu, but no accounta- E> tellly for accident*. P.J. BAt'lf, <m liutler, I'a. THE CITIZEN". MISCELLANEOUS A Hindoo Marriage. A case that has attracted do little i attention in England as well as India, and will strike American rea j ders as involving a enrioa? marriage i custom, has just been tried in the lligh Court of Bombay. It appears that Rukmibhai, a na tive girl, was, according to Hindoo i usage, married when only eleven years of age to a youth of nineteen The two immediately parted, the girl remaining at the home of her parents. By thejn she was carefully educated and "grew up into a refined and cul tivated lady." Recently the husband came to claim ber as bis wife, but she declined to live with him and her family refused to recognize his elaim. He is described as being little better thaD a coolie—illiterate, coarse, too poor to support a wife, and, more over, consumptive. A suit was thereupon brought to enforce the marriage agreement. The Judge rewarked that their involun tary union would be annatural and barbarous and held that the man's claim could not be maintained under Hindoo law. From this de cision an appeal was taken to a higher court, which, while expressing sympathy with the young woman, decided that she was the lawful wife of the man and bound to live with him. Ad order was accordingly is sued requiring ber to join him within a month or submit to six months' imprisonment for disobedience. Aside from its hardship and ab surdity the case presents two curious legal aspects. The first is that it was a suit for the restitution of conjugal rights, apd the decision of the High Court upholding it was based on English precedents. Now, this remedy to compel a wife to live with her husband has been abolished in EDglaod. Second, the wife may es cape the obligatioo of the marriage by six months' imprisonment. After that she is not bound to recognize the man as ber huaband, though she ia not free to marry another. Fatal Pneumonia. Tutt's Expectorant is peculiarly Baited to this daogeraus disease, and if takeu in the outset has a most hap py efiect. It permeates the substance of the lungs and throws off the poi sonous matter. —The following trom a Western lacd-broker'* advertisement is pretty good: 'Tis a land where plenty dwelleth. Where the mighty big corn groweth, Where the cabbage heads are mighty, Where the beets heat all creation, Where sweet pannipi vie with turnips Seeing which ihall grow the bi(?geH. We may be bappy yet. —Lost—"l don't know where, I can't tell when, I don't see how— something of great value to mo, and for the return of which I shall be tru ly thankful, viz: a good appetite." Found—"Health and Htrength,pure blood, an appetite like that of a wolf, regular digestion, all by takitg that popular and peculiar medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla." It is sold by all drug gists. One hundred doaes one dol lar. —Bars and saloons in this State must be closed hereafter on Decora tion Day, by recent act of the State Legislature. Drunkenes or Liqour Habit, can be Cured by administering Dr. Haines 1 Golden Speifiic. It can be given in a cup of coflee or tea without the knowledge of tho person taking it, ef fecting a speedy and permanent cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made temperate men who have taken the Qolden Specific in their coffee with out their knowledge, und to-day be lieve they quit drinking of their own free-will. No harmful results from its administration. Send for circular and full particular*. Address iu confi dence (JoLOEf Specific Co., lbo Race St., Cincinnati, Ohio. —Again has the blessed season of rest arrived for the man who ban no other occupation thau that of shovel ing enow. For Scrofula, Impoverished Dlood and General DobUl ty- -BcotC» EmuUion of pure Cod Liner O'l, with llypopho*]>liUen, has no equal in the whole realm of medi cine. Read the following: "i gave one bottle of Scott's Emulsion to my own child for scrofula, and the effect wa* marvelous."—O. F. Uray, M. I) , White Hall, Ind. jj I —The Irish question Is becoming more complicated. Swinburne baa written a poem about it. —What is more nasty thau rnu ning sores, ulcers, pimples, boils, scrufula, erytipelan, etc.? Now, "Dr, Lindsey's Blood Searcher" cures them all. —There is uotbing no flightless as tbe oDicinl eyo of a p >liceman tlfftt ha* been closed by u drink, Enjoy Life. What a truly beautiful world we live ir»! Natures gives us grandeur of mountains, glens and oceans, and thousands of enjoyment. We can desire no better when in perfect health; but bow often do the majority of people feel like giving up dinbeart ened, discouraged and worn out with disease, when tbrre is no occasion for this feeling, as every sufferer eau easily obtain satisfactory proof that Oreen 1 n Awjuml Flower will rnuko them frco from disease, ns when born. Dyspcpuiaaud liver complaint are the direct causes of seventy dvu per cent, of such maladies as bilious ness, Indigestion, sick beadacbo, cos tivcncHH, nervous prostration, dizzi ness of the head, palpitation of the heart aud other distressing symp toms. Tbreo doses of /Jt/yust Flower will prove its wondetful ef fect, Sample bottles 10 cents Try it. A California woman, in trying to make a cradle for her baby, hit on an idea nnd invented an orange box. Sbo now owns and runs the factory which makes nine-tenths of tho or ange boxes for the Pacific coast. A Lady's Perfect Companion. I'mui.i:** Ciili.niilKTii. a new lio-ik by Or John Oye, one of .New York's mtstt iklllrnl pliy sic tana, show* timr pnin in not iii-cem-mry In Childbirth but result* from causes caally un derstood und overcome. It c| ■:>rly prove i that, any woman may become a mother tv it boo' Kuf fcrlinf any pain whatever. IT ulno tell* how to overcome ■. ud privent morning alcknewt, Nweli cl limbs, and nil other evih attendliii; pre- Kitancy. It Is reliable and highly undoised by physician* everywhere aa the wife'-t true prf vale cotu|*ulon, Cut this out! It will save you great pain, and poatdhly your life. Send two cent stamp for deacrlMtvn clrculars.teiiilmiv nlals and coulldeiittal letter eent. In Denied en velop. Addresn KHA.NK THOMAS At Co., l'ubllih ers, Baltimore, Maryland, KASKINE (THE SKH <|IISIXE) ! i rnMiJ *° BAD EF>En 11 s0 " f AI>A( I,K --f SO >"AI SEA. | J No Kilttrin-- Kin .; • ctuEsqrickLi . I I ran 1 I A POWERFUL TONIC. • I that the most delicate stoma"h w Is-ar. 1 A SPECIFIC FOR MALAKIA, ,! RHEUMATISM, ! NERVOUS PROSTRATION, I and all Germ Diseases. ! FOB COLL>S KASKINE HAS BEEN FOOT , !TO BE ALMOST A SPECIFIC. Superior to qui nine. Bellevue Hospital. N. Y.,"Cnlversally successful' l ■•Every patient treat- St. Francis Hospital.N.T. :>-d with Kttsklne has I (been dLsch'r'd cured." Rev. Jas. L. Hall Chaplain Albany Penltenti • ary,.writes that Kasklne has cared his wife, at ter twenty years suffering from uialarln and nervous dyspepsia. W;lte him for particulars. • St. Joseph's Hospital, N. Y.: - Its ii.-e Is consid ered indispensable. It acts perfectly." Prof. \V K. llolcombe. M. It.. >4 E.ist 2"th St., . y„ )late Prof. In N. Y. Med. Collesre) writes: ■ "Kasklne Ls superior to quinine In lt.s speclfle I power, and never produces the slightest Injury , ! to the hearing or constitution. Thousands upon thousands write that Kas- I | klne h.i--i cur'-d them a:ter all other medicine had railed. Write for of testimonials. Kaskih" can be taken without anv special medical advice, t'.fiu f>er bottle. Sold by J. C. ! REDICK. Butler, or sent by mall on receipt of ' price. I KASKINE CO., .74 Warren St.. New York. Wants a Pension. Astonished Father-in-law—Want a pension! Wbat in thunder do you I mean? | Son-in-law—Why, ain't I depend ent on you for support? Well, I want to be independent—that's al<! In the Aips. Guide—lf the ladies will only stop talking your honor iniy bear the roaring of the waterfall across the valley. —When Schoeebeleß is released,he will be available as a dime i. useum attraction. —A Western lecturer has selected for his subject "A Bad Egg." This subject ofteD strikes a lecturer unfa vorably. —lt was Desdemona who looked . into Othello's face and repeated the immortal words: "Let nie kiss him for bis smother." —The introduction of natural gas is responsible for the revival of jet as a feminine ornament. There must be some market for the coal. —Klla Wheeler Wilcox Bays"some of the Havana ladies are as beautiful as a dream." Others, vve presume, are no prettier than a nigut-mare. —The editor of a pnjter published in Munich prints iu 10 copies of each issue an order for a cisk of Bavarian beer. And yet Anarchists persist in coming to this couutr\! —A local item in a Michigan pa per says: "The Tittabaw:issce Boom Company will comicnci operations about May first." Several Presiden tial booms will now have an oppor tunity to be repaired with now ones, —lt is said that kissing was intro duced into England by Ilowena, the daughter of Ilengist the Saxon, about one thousand years ago It is one of those popular customs which many people, somehow or other, will never allow to die out. RAILROAD TIME TAbLL. WKHT PKR.f K. R. On and after Monday, Dec. 13, 188(1, trains will leave liutler an follows: MAI'.Ki.T at 0:16 a. to., arriving atAlli-ghe ny at 'J: 00 a. rn ; connect* eaxt. KxPRKkh at h:.'i() a. in , arriving at Alleghe ny at 10:30 a. m ; doc* not connect lor the tw-t. Mam. at 2:3/5 p. rn , and goe« tlirough to Allegheny, arriving there at 1:1.0 p. ni.; con nects east. Accommodation ;.t -i:", p, m., and con• nrctii at tie Junction with Fr««p<<rt Accom modation, arriviiig at Alhghfcny at 7:30 in., and conneeU ca.t ai far a« Apollo. Train*connecting for JJutler leave Alleghe ny at 7:ZO a.m., 2:.'10 i». m. and o.'M) p. m. 'i'raiot arnv: at liutler at 1 u-:>., a. rn. arid 4:5(5 and 7:35 p. iii. s fi A. it. it. Correrrted to fait time, 1 hour I'adcr than Mihedule time. Train;, leave liutler t..r di • mviile from the Piltiburgh anil Western (Jepot at 8:10 a. m. and 1.':30 and ''. "it [>. in. Trail:; leaving the I'. A. W. <lep.;t in Allegheny city 10:20 a. m. and 1:1 » p. m. la*t time connect at iSutlcr with train* on the H. & A. Train* arrive at Butter from (Jrecnville, font time, 10:J5 a. in. and ii:3s and (1:10 p. m., and connect with trKlu* on the I'. & W. arriving at Allegheny at 12:20 a. rn. and 5:00 and S:2o p. rn., taM time. Train* leave lliHiard* at fl-50, and ! 1:''0 :i. m., klow lime, and arrive til , a. m. and 7:20 i>. rn. tralni connect at lJrauchton for liutler and Orireuviile. »'. <t W. it It. Corrected t-> fait time, om hour faster thnn nch'idule !im«. Train* k-ave Mutlcr for Al!e<ti« iy (hty at 0:15, 8:1-", arid 10:'Jl a. in. and 2:"> J au l li:2< a. m. A train c»nnrctiiig for Nevv Custle and the Wei.t leaven li'itler |;|) m. and arrives at Chicago at a. in. next morning. Tram* arrive from Allegheny at !t:lo and 10:18 a. in. and 1 J:24, i'i, li.' tanlß »p. ui. Train* leave liutler for Fuxburg and the Koitb at 1:j:20 a. in. and .'J:3s and p. m. Train* arrive at liutler for the north u 1 8.18 and |0:18 a. in. Mod <J:<KI p. in. On H'ltid.iy trail.. I' >v>; li:iller for Alie. ghuoy :it -:ll a. in. and 0,2.5 p. m , »ild fur the U'< I, ill. 1:10 p. in., and ariive Irnlli Allegheny at 10; M and a,id h ..n th>: '•Vest at 7 •'<•!. A train arrive i from ll>e ."■•"rth at h: l.i.i m. and depart* at 7:s'#. p.m '1 ruin* leave Allegheny for liutler at T:IIO, 8:2') and I(':'.'o a. m. wtid 1:1), 1:15 and ti:.'i i p. rn. t ln>t tiiii'j, 'I raiili leavin-; Hitler at. )-::j ; it. in. and 1:1' lp. 11l make cpue cmueeil mt at (Jallery lor liie We*t ( and the L':'»') train < nmi<<.t* hut not clo*e!y. o jbj jsr r l STB x . fl k WAI.UItOV. CriMluale oI the I'lilla ' ' delpliln l»<iital < >llege, l< |ir< |itrei| to do aiyrthjng hi tho line of hi* proiennnu in a salUl.tno ry in inner. <lllii:e Oil Al.iln street, Itull<r. t llion Clock tl|> ulaiit. Dr. S. A. JOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA. All work |H>rlalnl iyr lo the profenilon e«.ecnt ; cd in the ne.iti'At manlier. Si laities: 'iol l I ilMug'i, arid ralnle** i;* tdu tloil of 'leelh. Vil Air Itdinltil*te(ird. tinier oil IrfTi-ihon Strcrl, nue ilooi- K*«l of ijftifry ll•>iihi*. r |i Ntalm. oniee open dally, except Wedii" 'lav i and Thursday* ' oliimiililcittloni l.v mad receive promni Mttriitlou, N. 11. 'lhe only iC-nIM In liutler lining Hie best, multe* of I ee| h. DR. R. C. McCURDY, I'lijHtrlan inn] Oflllff! riti Main St., oyer . Htor<* Hutler, ■ - I 'enn'a. JOHN E. HVERS, E'LIYSKJIAN V •" SLIKGKON Ofßce No asß<>utli Main .Street, IJUTI.EU, - |»A. SAMUEL M. BIPPU3, Physician and Surgeon. f()ffic« , near Poelofllce) BUTLiUIi, X 32£?J N T2sr , A NEW AND ATTRACTIVE SP'ING STA LES CONTINUE TO POUR IN AT B. C. HUSELTON'S. 'I . „ . Every day adds new and beauiilul Styles to our immense stock; our large and increasing trade demanded, this Spring, an 1 immense stock and attractive Styles. You have had our best »• j efforts, together with our long experience in the market with v the best Manufacturers, with the most gratifying results in bringing together such a wonderful stock of such handsome styles and such low prices, nowhere can you find its equal out . side of any city—as at Huselton's, the acknowledged leader in Boots and Shoes all over Butler count}-. Square dealing, good, honest goods at low prices did it, and we intend we shall still . i hold our trade, and better still, go 011 increasing it. We see new faces in our store every day buying liberally, going away \[ pleased, and saying they will come again and tell their neigh . bors, these are the best advertisements any house can have. We are showing Ladies' Fine Shoes and slippers, by far 1- the greatest variety of any house in the county in the finest f Kid, Pebble, Goat, Dongola. bright and dull finish. St. ' Goat in McKay Goodyear Iland Welt and Hand Turns in all the widths Irom AA to FF in low instep, high instep, J j full toes, lo.v heels and opera toe and heel. These hand e turns are growing more popular in our trade on account of ,1 the neat glove-fitting and soft to the foot. Then our flexi ,f ble and globe insoles are very nice and soft and are taking _ I wonderfully fast. You can see the finest Button Boots you ever saw at Huselton's at SI.OO, $1.25, SI,OO, $1.05, $1 75 t and $2.00, trade so large have had to duplicate our orders 1 in some of these already this spring. Mens', li'ojs' and Youths' fine shoes are beyond any I doubt the choicest line. Best styles ever offered to the ! j trade in Congress, Bals and Button seamless. See cur Kan garoo shoes in hand and machine sewed, they arc beauties. In mens' we show the best 3011 ever saw at $1 00, 81 25. ' $1.50, §1 G5, $1.75 and s'-'.OO, and we will warrant every } ; pair of them, the styles of these cannot be excelled. Wal i kenphaust shoes. Oil Mens' square box toe in Bals and , j Button; big trade in this line; can't get them as fast as we 1 j sell them is what troubles us now. Our Mens' and Boys' Brogans and Plow Shoes have a j wide reputation all over Butler county as the best goods for • the money ever sold. No auction trash sold in any of our ! lines. ! Misses' an 1 Children*' Spring Heel Shoes a specialty in ' the different widths, These goods are very nica for children | and we are using them in Ladies' goods. , Old Ladies' wide heel shoes and slippers a specialty, in Kid Grain, Glove Grain, Bals and Button very cheap from SI.OO and upwards. Serge Congress polish and sjrge j slippers cheap. Leitherand findings, best selection. Repairing done neatly at reasonable prices. Wont made to ineasnre. We will save you 2o per cent. 011 your goods by giving you honest values, correct styles and at bottom prices. Come and see us. B. C- HUSELTON. 1 A. Troutman & Son. 1111111111 1111111111 We invite special attention to our unrivaled St :c!< of Dry H Goods, Notions. Trimmings, Carpets, Rugs, Mattings. Oil „ Cloths, Lace Curtains, Curtain Poles, Window Shades and Fixtures. SILKS and DRESS GOODS. - We have a large assortme.it of Co'ored Dress Good* in all the New Shades. Black and Colored Silks at Special low prices r> Table Linens, Table Napkins, I 1 <Qnilts, Muslin Underwear for ladies and Mimes, New Kid Gloves, New Lisle and Silk Gloves, New Velvels, " New Braid Trimmings. '»I 0 Carpets, Carpets, ! ,• We have just received a very large stock of New Spring Car it pets in new Colorings and Designs and at lower prices, i New Smyrna Rugs, Door Mats. Oil Cloihs, &<•„ <oc. j Lace Curtains, Madres Curtain by the yard, Curtain Poles, Curtain Chains, Window Shades, Fixtures, &<;. Spring Jackets and Wraps for ladies and Misses. r j LARGEST STOCK. BKST ASMHITMENT ■ I at A. TROUTMAN & SON'S, Bugler,, Pa I ; jr. m. I Max rctnovcfl from llirmoiiy Ut Jtui.l'T ;Ul<l luin 1 W i.nt •«• ,-it Sn. 9, Multi St., Ilirco (loom Ix'low t/,wiy lloufus. upr-80-lf. r fOK MU,K I'urmn, Mill*,(Dal f.itnik, Kir., in tVinlim I'i nn nymnlk, lijr W. J. K IHIi AIM'OV, Prn piirt. I'o. Km I) "loiKluy in I'ri'i-fMirt Tm-nlny , hi I'ltl'.biirKli. Iza Filth \\u , floor Huml | lur p Intel way W.HI.I y. FARM FOR SALE j A uvi! '.i.ipr .vi .I farm of If:I ;VI» h i;n;it»-<l In Hurl li tj»,M« .c« r fount v. J'a Will I<• s«»|«t at }ai> ir Ifi. Afiv out* ilcslrniu ;v fivrui <*l*•• ►p j wiil find wlisit tlify \v.u»f. In I litn oti<*. ! or further iiitorin;:U»n mldr** < Ia J, KiMMKf,, Ufi.ilcr.'iH, 2 25 It Mr rr.i i Co.. I\i. ■ . ■ » . i wirr*. A» K«\V.iofj<r Il<» i <•. Insulin/. PH., '/i| of <*a« u in until. Hcwl for rircularn. Artvlcfi ft of, AFFLICTED UNFORTUNATE Aft»r oil xtliwru foil cr.riMtilt Dr. L.OBB r 'AIM N. 15th St., below Callowhill, Phila, Pa. 20 y**»r* experience In ull MI*F.4'I AI. dlnr,vp» |Vr . | manrnlly mt»rc» tbofte weakened by *-arly Jwll-.rr-- [ ! tiom.Ke, ( all or write. Advlrr fr##- and Mrictly mil fidenti*!. Hour* : 11 a, m till », and 7to 10 evening*. J. 11. DOUGLASS, DKAI.KIt IN STATIONERY OF ALL KINDS, Booka and Periodicals, CHEAP TABLETS, —AND— Wall Paper, Eagle Building, Main St., iBUTLEU, - - J z-4-HT-iy J. •«. MILLKIt'S OIL J:KF!NiN<; WOItKS, jAUj mj 1 ~.Hm en »■. rw c'■ u' , Olilcu .'!V:h I.llmtlv HI , I'lllihiuir l"n A. I>. lit I, I, Kit A. so>, M.inur.'.ciun-ri of 11 lull 'I i*si tiilH, for export I'.nrl j tioiui! coiir.i'inplion. Wniil'l cult public i!11-111io 11 lo ii'ir lintHl \V Mr! K OLEINE T 'ft r W.irrantnl Notir I'.cttcr, 1.. , I l.!i«iil!||i. for lltlivifl 1111(1 j(US m.Vhlllll. 71. Hit. HI MX, .-'rill 'Hi tfcivltli- l.uliric.'itiiiK OIIH, I »t/~Hi;ivi*'i :vii*i lii iKiltii: waiiti it. 11 ly] IITEIHSLUII HOTEL. [ No. H8 and 90, S. Main SI., mJTJVEU, - - JPA. N' wr ..< \v <llo'i. v «* fomn rly J>onnl<hon | iiou'jr goof) Ju'comnn/'hitloni for travelers. I (i»u<| HtuhllfiK rofiin rh il *0 ly J 11. i:riKMAH;M 4 KK. ITop'r, NixoN'sHoM E, No. 35 McKean Slreel, T3TJ TL B I.' Fi N JN '.A. ;if. nil lion 0/M"» 110 Nr.lH. UrnnUfiti ir'mi i* joe, buj»j /,<•, 'V .■ ,r- I' ' 1 * m l Sivfrir. '•i.'ns. froj/r. e AI.KiS M KjVT i,\ WANTED V ranVii'tM lot UMI n.ihr oi .JL ■ Stock ! Hfcsulv rniploytn'Mif ml. Snlnrv mill KX I'KNHKH 1*.% 11#. A |#pl vat nin r. • t at IliJC Chaso Brothers, 1 k ' mjl v.L ! rt.h',' V ' WlliTfn AGENTS ,rr s II nil ILU 1'11.1.1 IH M. I >|S( I' HSII iS'H, i>iri.o,\iA'i if itiiii roi'i I.AI:." I in lint in;; nil Apiily ;ii onctt l'ir tcrui'i mid ti-rrtt'Tv. i'. ,i i i.i Misf; ,v co, 4-IV H 4, till AVI!.. riUHburu. fVdJMTFD—LADY A, *uv« »>ki tnt<iiiißmt. u •* ■ rv(irt'WHt In Im i OWII lot ullly vnoUl llrm. for nntiir-nt tHmliloa Uml K*ud .aim jr. OA IT A Itß' m ,in l)ar< Uji ilk. N. X. j BUSINESS IS BUSINESS! AND IF YOU Wf.NT TO SEE BUSINESS VISIT JOHN lIl'S Grand Spring' Opening : OF BOOTS, SHOES & SLIPPERS At the pr!ofv. I am marking ray jroods this spring 1 ferl perfectly Justified in caving you wll] ; secth«» Largest Room In tUe shoe business that yon 1 have ever wlines-st'd In this place. ear after year my btu-lness Las Im< n lucreaMng c.r.l to-day I >-tan<l at the head with »ut a suivesssful competitor and, why? simply because I dou't want the world. I am s itLstl -d with a . mall protlt, trying always to give the trade good Boots and Shoes at very low prices. I Expected a Boom this Spring And bought accordingly and I didn't miss It either for already 1 Call see of my expect ed Room. The news Is spreading like wild-flre and it go -s from township to township, nom farmer Ki farmer, from cfci-Tiibor to neighbor. In f.tct the whole country has heard It. Bickel's Spring Goods Have' Come, And lie has marked them cheaper than ever; "ts It true, can M l>e possible." yoa say. come and soe and U for one little moment vou even doubt*! that nickel's was the best and cheapest shoe House In Butler county, your doubts will all vanish and you will leave mv store and take up the cry with hundreds of others: For Good Goods and Low Prices Bickel Leads, It Is most surely so. can't be otherwise. Come to nickel's at any ttiao and if t!i<>r.' is any business doing any place, you will tlnd mv store thronged wit h eager buyers. They come to me because they know my (foods ar>- of the tie-t, and prices the luv, .-st. aa lif you are iniiecd otanvt hlug in the shoe Ua>.' visit ray store this spring and you will never regret it. I have everything you could ex;wct to tlnd in a llrst-class Shoe Store. Ladies' Fine Shoes and Slippers. This line of goods are perfectly grand this jear. and I have a hundred different stylos to show you, made of French Kid, Am. Kid. Mat. Kid, Bright and dull Dongolas. Kangaroo, St. t;oat. Bird's Kje, I'ebLle t.oat. clove Kid. etc.. made on all the different style lasts, from Ato b'V. I can tit any fixit In Butler county. I hove ladles' tine shoes made on all the different style lasts from very narrow to extremely wldt and large sizes. Some of my goods running to No. 9. Men and Boys Fine Shoes An Inspection of this line of goods will prove to you that they are without doubt the b st line of goods evf r offered to the trade for perfect Hitting and correct styles. They have no superiors and need only to lie seen to be appreciated. And my lne of medium and low priced goods was selected with ihe same care. No worthless shoddy goods can be found In 11.is slock, and to show my entire contld -nee In these goods, I will give a guaran tee with every pair I sell and cheerfuly refuud the money in case any should prove I»be not as represented. Mens' Plo 1 Shoes and Brogans, l'or this line of goods 1 can only say that they are the products of the best, manufacturers in the East. Anticipating an unusually large troue this spring my order for these goods was fully double to that of any previous year and I have marked them to suit the times. Bargains In Kip. t'alf and a Calf one and two Hack!" Flow shoe. .Miner:,' shoes of every description. Don't lull to see this line of goods. Boys' I'low Shoes In great variety. I will offer also VKHV I'll EA I*, a lovely line of ladles' and Misses' Fine Ktd Slippers In all styles. W i pairs of mens' shoes, shop made, af $2.50. This Is a decided bargain and »rc moving very fast at the above prices; I. ell •,' ■an I Koxc 1 g>> Is In every style. Just the kind of a light every day shoe for summer It is" II ill f>rla "i and boys. Th»se shoes have 1 eeome very popular and make a very good light working shoe. BOOTS AND SHOES MADE TO ORDER, 1 have a full line of my own work of Boots and Shoes constantly on hand, and In ease you can't wait to have a pair made, I can tit you out of mv stock HKHAIItINJ! done with nearness and dispatch. Untiter and Findings, or all kinds, at less than city prices. When In Butler give me a cull and examine ~'ooiis and price i. „ A bot tie of Fine French shoe I'olish presented to every lady purchasing u pair of shoes. Yours &c., JOI-TINT BICKEL, 22 SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER. PA. 1850 IHM , ' VJ " ,K * KSTABIaISHKD ,wo ,v " 18 SO S BXEB, j m mm . No 19 NOHTII MAIN STREET, GRIND GPENIHC OF SPDlffi GOODS. Diamonds, Ludiea' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches. f* I Paper Weight, jGilt with Glass Shade, Plush Lock, Plaque with Floral Oruament lArSwl LLUUftS, l ' oa > MARBLE, Enameled Iron; in short, a complete line of Clocks Q Qfl £iO"l Q H"T7 fa.il to seo this lino of Good*, as it i.-< the largest Oil VOl W (XI Ud) \jy • ulid most complete stock eyer shown in Butler. 1\ I ) I/' IXT f 'C2 SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES, in Gold, Silver and Steel frame?, 1J § 1 IV I 1 l V I O wcieniiflcullj adjußted undir Dr. King'H System. we Marrnni nil <;u«kln .in Si epr< sotile<l. i-i-r e ngravlng frte of charge. Place of hnsinesa opposite Ttoutiuan's l>ry Goods Store. SIGN OF WIRE SIGrN. TSTo- 19. North Main Htroefc, - - - BUTLER, PA, VOUK ATTENTION SlsCallcd to iny Stoclc of Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, 'silverware, SPKCTACI.ES, iSC., All ol' which have been selected with care for OUR TRADE. A complete line of ROGER BROS' Celebrated FORKS, SPOONS, &C., &C„ f~¥T All good* Engraved FREE of charge. If you wish to buy from a well I i) nivmTvei union rlock, J. 11. (jlllhl)b, ;iS lnB.re.t. 8 .re.t. UUIiLI WATCH CAiLJ stQN 01 '' ELECTRIC bell. AGENTS WANTED ron THC AUTHORIZED [JKiLIFE OF LOGAN with Introduction by Thli h«n rnorf limn two yr>r< In prep aration f'rn. i.'igmn Inintrlf furntnhrd lt»r IIMIW T«» IT»" autlior, €!#•• Vrmnrlm DMWMK, »»U Inilnmtr friend ami BktiM i»«l«* ; untl ttfili'tr tiin lir «mf! all nul tn* rhiipltn "f tlit* work, inw! r.ive it hli »in«inalifir«l Mr*, |.<i£Mri «tatrn tni* in I he intr<»du« t>4»n. A minion ndralrrr* •>( ihr ilrail Cliirftain WRll till* Ihrllllßf mimry of hli ur+mt career In 8011.0 und WJI. SplrmJully illu%lratr(T with portrait* anrl b." lir «' rum. Srnd <|uick $i for outfit and net choice oi territory. A<ldrr«a HILL & HARVEY, PUBLISHER*, 111 H. Cluulw Btrwt, Koi 1 111 Ijl.'m If- i; i VrlMO or ! # lv«?r IHv t «• . Nfi voii-.m-■-.»*. Ac. t «i(luur ttnlnt i 1 ' i II Irish m .•••' I iini nlnlphlit. si. fwr hot 11«*. ft for f*». At IV,v it.. #F?catly Mixed. w, i/i. in i.iio pi r (fnl. ISKHT I.INSKI.UOII, t'AINT.i HlilpiiiiiVtvlHT"'. nil «lniil«"4. I'lnpi'l'L> nun FIRN oi IIIT ILLRI'I I A IHO NII'L I pl.\ KELT, ItifilliiK WLILI LI" .1 I n IL IIIK IIML < vini'lll AITCNLH vviinli'il. Color R ll'l prli >• IT I MI-. A RL.AM I'AINT r. o i:ox .•«w,;pitt .imi>:, i - u. Fai rns, Houses and Lots for S;i!o. Information can l>u givttu ut the CLTL/KN oO'ii'i) ol Hnvc.ral good fiiruiH in tlii« comity that uro for Kale. A IHO of a lot of about cloven acroH on which iw u new houi'c, good water, etc., and aliout live miles Irom Hut ler. AlHoanoflice, tworooinn, in Butler, Hl] (table for an Attorney'« or oilier ollico. ' A IHO Heveral lota witbiu the bor ough of Hutlcr. Knqulro at CITI/.KN ollico. | CHEAP! CHEAP! . LARGE VARIETY OF NEW GOODS AT A. L. Robison's Bargain Store SPECIAL BARGAINS IN TIN-WARE Glass-Wars, Queens—Ware, and Jewelry Count aud examine goodn and prices before |>urchi»Hing elrtewhere. Centre room of George lleiber I'uildiog. COB. MAIN AND IEFFERSON STS„ BUTLER, PA. J. KLEE & CO 811 LIBERTY STREET, 628 & 630 BROADWAY, PITTSBURG. I NEW YOUK. MAWUI'ACTURES OF CI.OTXIIIU^ IN ALL GRADES AND SIZES Our Spring »nd Sunimer Stock most Complete and Unsurpassed. EXCXiUSIVELY^^r Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. A HANDSOME WFOOINO, BIRTHDAY C(t HOLIDAY PRESENT. 'UI m§ LUBURG CHAIR 3 I 1L CONT'LULIIK n Pnrlor, L,liimry, Kmnkliif, Rrcllnins or lilTnlld . <IIAIII. MIIWIK, lll'.lJ. or COt L 11. 0 *lt'y illk n"'t «!• ""''ii't itiunp I «#-*IIIPPKD to all J B»£JW!KK!\ 111 FT *P 4 I»/T/ lur < nliiliigM. | uorta of LH« WNILD I i CHILDREN'S CARRIAGES J -A 11 f>.ra|i.ln*«l with thu Aulnniatle Cuorli (Irak#, an<l Ilr|Allr<l • I'rliei. Hf*n<lntAtii[i fbr('RUlt)inM and isfDlloii ctuTli^i'i THE LUBURC WIANF'C CO.. 140 N. 6th 8t. f Phllade.. P«. THE CIUFM S RQCERY STORE ID Butler, doors west of West Pfcijn Depot. Having opened a lirjth > tock of GROCERIES cons sting of Coffee, Tea*-. Bncar. Syrup. Spices. Canoed Goods of ait kinds. Hams, llacon, Lard. &c., &c„ Tol>acco aiul Cigars, KIX)UK of l>est brands .: d low prices ; also, a 'ill! line of 's : i>lar brauds of family ti «nr constantly on harx! . H VY. OATS, CORN and t-'EF.D of all kinds at lowest figures. Xo 1. Knit, l ow r any oilier lioiiHe 11* Huller. Country Produce war.'' '>r ifrliich the holiest price will be p.tld. C-ill • t.d examine our stock and price*. Ucocis delivered free to «'l parts of town. J. J. KEARNS &CO., 7*> East Jtflerson Si , - - Bntle Pa. gIX VKtlt O'.U Guckenheimer Pure Rye Whisky! Grateful to the palate . « new milk, with all the valuable properties •' Pure Whiskey, mel lowed by tlni". tills u l i t: recommends Itself at onco to tUe physician t in- family and the con noisseur. TliH wUlhkey :s nom the world-re nowned di.si<iiery or i.'ackenlieliner Uros.. Freepoit. Pa. Alter rm alalng in bond for three years. It was Imported to Hamburg-, Germany, where it v.a. stored for two years, luidwasihou brought . -k to this country, it Is now six years old. . have a larpe (inantity of li. and riu scUlus 1> : i lull quart bottles at si.no A mnii.Koit « IOTTLES KOKS.>.OO. It Is warranted a s::i : pure Whiskey, and for a beverage or medical -ilmulant Is unexcel led. Besides tills whis' r . | have a luipr" stock ct California Wines, col s - tJujf of Port, Slierry. lusntrl, Ancrllri. Hi.' .nd Tnkuy. They are of the pure juice of tin pe, and are of the ircnie <ie l.i rruue ol ( -olce I'nndulternted wines. They have been rightfully called the ••Wout rn nectar of the sruis." They are put up In full quart bottles nt . certs per bottle or six bottles for $?.30. Or<lt is by mall or other wise will receive prompt attention. JOS. FLEMING. DRUGGIST, 84 MA X6T ST , Pittsburg, • • Pa S. B. SHAPLESOH & GO'S (Boston, Mass.) STERLING JA¥A STERLING PURITY, STERLING QUALITY, ALWAYS UNIFORM. Give thl« ColT«c n trial and you will use no other. J'oc sale by THE II,MM TEA CO, DEALERS IN PURE T| | EIIAIIS AND COfFSS. CHOICE CONFECTIONASY, Tobacco and Cigars. (MDIAMQIID AND mi ST, BUTLER, jPENN'A. m ' ivr:^ " •Vrr-J i i.' M ? ' n a bticlia ..VfS W>' J '■***• /t iJtr: j nip rh« i*- BRigl-i t* sJ. r 1 *t h vi , ll WWffi.y I*>i >». . . »r.l 1 ivuiedy IWMKm".; S"v,l In ia.-«:der, I 2?S TT Esllg* 6"4 1 11 Ot Uio k : '• „ i' . a and t/i-luary JAMBB K. mo j£i: ty, K«>lc Airent,, tut* CHAMUIiKS ur.w voim. J. c. REDICK, Sole Agent, Batler. - - - - P?* BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor, Main & Cunningham Sts. ,3. C. ROESSING, Phkkidint. WM. CAMPBELI , Tkkabukkr. 11. 0. MEI NEMAN, Skckktaky. DIRECTORS: .1 l. Purvis, |S ,muel Anderson, William Campbell '.I. W. P.nrkhart. A. Ttoultnati. Henderson Oliver, (l.t:. ItiM-Hslix, .1 iincH Stephenson, Dr. W. frvln. ,N. Welt/el, ■1 !■' Taylor. !f. Ilelnanian, LOYAL M'JUNKIW", Geu. A«'t JBT'/TXjKil^., PA. FURNITUHt ! FURNITUR E Bed Room Suits, Dining *?oom Suits, LOOKING GLAbSiIS, PICTURE FRAMES, CAP.PET-SEAT ROCKERS, Fine Line of o»rpet-So»t Rockors, at No. 40, NORTH MAIN ST., Tin; Cheapest Furniture Store IN BUTLER W. F.MILLER. Homoa For Everybody. The People*' nulldlnc ain) I.oan Asj'oela* lion ol Hlltler. fur viihtr <'f each share fiOO Till* Awoclntloil pnyi thu borrowij" SIOO per hlmre, with a w, : >*ly e*pen*o to him ol only I'J of, In addition to „hU rejrnlar due*. For lurtlier litlorio ,lion e II on or id lirnrn U W MILL -K. C M LIKINEMAN, Hoc'v, Pre* Duller, Pa PERMANENT STAMPING For Kensington, Arrasene AND . OUTLINJii ."WORK DONE, Also Iciwou* In Biimo K' Vl " ''y ANNIE M LOWMAN, North atrcot, Butler, Pa. Jou9o-ly IDUCDTICEfiQ tonamlna Nil VCn I lOkllV this WI»'.M obUm Mtlmalw on adv*,tU(n( »p»c« wh« In Chic C l , will find it an f,<• at lord & THOIUS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers