BUTLER CITI 'A KN ■ misceixaweou». ALL SAINTS. In a church that is furnished with mulliou and , gable, With alter an-l rercdo*, with gargoyle and groin, The penitents' dreaie* ari-aealskin and sable. The o<lor of sanctity's eau-de-cologne. But ouly could Lucifer dying front Hade* Gate down on this crowd with its paniere and paints, lte would say as he looked at the lords and the ladies, •'Oh, where is All dinner* it this is All Saint's?" Hash. On one of the northern trains recent ly was an old lady, who evidently had never before made a railway journey. After looking about her for some time in cariosity, her eyes alighted on the bell line, and she asked the water boy, who happened to be passing at that time, what it was for "That, marm," said the boy with a twinkle in his eyes, "is to ring the bell when you want anything to eat," and passed on. Shortly "after the old lady got down the familv umbrella and, reaching up to the bel'l line, gave a vigorous pull. Of course the breaks were applied, the windows were thrown up, questions asked, etc., the old lady sitting calmly through the confusion. Presently the conductor c»m« rushing into the ear, ■ exclaiming, "Who pulled that bell - ' "1 did," replied the old ladj meekly. "Well, what do you want?" snapped the official, impatiently. "Well,'"' said the old party, meditatively, "you can bring me some hash." "Fear brings disgrace, bravery brings honor, cowardice saves no man from his fate," says the Caliph Omar; but Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup has saved millions from an awful fate. There were nine men and six women in the car which was making so much noise as it rolled along that those talking had to shout to make themselves heard. Suddenly the car stopped, and a tall angular female was heard to exclaim, "Now I propose. ' Remembering it was leap year, the six unmarried men rushed for the door, while the three married ones simulta neously remarked, "It's useless to pro pose tons, madam; we're already mar ried." An old lady, 70 years of age, was rappidly declining from a continuous hacking cough. A bottle of Papillon Cough Cure relieved and cured her, and she ss now in perfect health, She rec ommends it very highly. For sale by J. L. Wuller and D. H. Wuller. El Mahdi has eighteen wives and he goes into war as a mere pastime. For fifteen years I was annoyed with a severe pain in my head and dis charges in my throat from Catarrh. My sence of smell was much impared, By the use of Ely,s Cream Balm I have overcome these troubles.—J. B. Case, St. Denis Hotel, New York. For several years I have been tronb led with Catarrh. Elys Cream Balm proves to be the article desired. I believe it is the only cure.—L. B. Co burn, Hardware Merchant, Towanda, Pa. —N. Y. Mail: The new hand paint ed bonnets go very well with the old hand-painted faces. As When She was Young. "I have used Parker's Hair Balsam and like it better than any similar preparation I know of," writes Mrs. Ellen Perry, wife of Rev. P. Perrv, of Coldbrook Springs, Mass. "My hair was almost entirely gray, but a dollar bottle of the Balsam has restored the softness, and the brown color it had when I was young—not a Bingle gray hair left. Since I began to appjy tho Balsam my hair has stopped falling out, and I find it is a pefectly harmless and agreeable dressing,' —We could get along without April showers this year, many of them at least. In aseing Papillon Skin Cure lor diseases of the skin and cutaneous sys tem, you do not require internal medi cines; the cure is made by exudation; that is, drawing the diseased matter from the body. For sale by J. L. Waller and I>. H. Wuller. —The fashionable amusement of the Washington ladies is to visit the Chinese baby. The old Chinese Min ister is very proud of his latest heir, although its young and pretty mother is his twentieth wife. An Avaricious Age. A great many people call the present age an avaricious one. The American, as a rule, thinks of the almighty dollar in all of his transactions, whether in the pursuit of wealth, helth or pleasure. The general tendency of our race is toward excess, and this shonld be care fully guarded against. The love of money is generally credited with being the root of all evil, but all people seem to be after plenty of the root. It cannot be told from the phraseology ofjtbe following whether the writer in tended a wholesale cure or whether he wished to go into a little speculation : JAMESTOWN, PA. DR. S. B. HARTMAN & Co.—At what price will you furnish Pe runa by the gallon? I am afflicted with neuralgia and catarrh. I have taken three bottles of Peruna and it is helping me. L. B. MOATS. —The law requiring patent medi cines to bear the proprietary stamp has been repealed, and the stamp-collectors have taken to gathering the stamps, to hold for higher prices in the future. Don't You Do It. Don't Suffer any longer with the pains and aches of Rheumatism, which make life a burden to you. Relief, speedy and permanent <-an be procured al the nearest drug store, in the for.u of Kidney-Wort. Elbridge Molcolm says: "I was completely prostrated with Rheumatism and Kidney troubles and was not expected to recover. The first dosi' of Kidney-wort helped me Six doses put me on my feet, it has entirely cured oo and [ have hail no trouble since." —lt may be good sense to differ from your friend, but it is bad manners to tell him so too sharply Mrs. T. M. Wheeler, of New York, received the SI,OOO offered prize for handsomest design in wall paper. It is known as the "bee patera," and represents golden-winged bees in a wreath of clover blossoms. The sec ond prize was won by Miss Clark. Her design is a gold fishing net on a light ground with a dado of seaweeds and a frieze of seashells. This is quite a triumph of the ladies, as quite i num ber of men artists were in competition. Ministers Sound its Praise. Rev, Mr. Greenfields, Knoxville, Tenn., writes as follows: "Samaritan Nervine permanently cured mv son of epileptic fits." Here's food for thought. Sold by druggists, $1.50. —Shoulder straps for women's dress is the latest. Why not? Women command Give them the straps. Why such a medicine as Papillon Cough cure has not been discovered before, is a mystery It is a delicious syrup, made "from simple herbs and pure sugar- It never fails to cure whooping cough. For sale by J. L. Wuller and D, H. Wuller. Director Sturtevaut, of New York Agricultural Experiment Station, thinks the most desirable uses for coal ashes is to place them around the stems of currant bushes, quince trees and the mountain ash, in order to cheeh the ravages of the borer. Cur rant bushes so treated have for many years proved extraordinarily thrifty, and have also been protected from the attack of the currant worm. Quince and mountain ash tree similarly treat ed have also been greatly benefited. The ashes for this purpose ere heaped up about the stem to a hight of per haps six or eight inches, and extend ing about two feet from the trunk. —A clergyman was devoutly read ing the Holy scriptures to his congre gation, when he came to certain words in the lower right hand corner, to which he desired to give great empha sis. So hp read, with a loud voice: "I am"—turned over two leaves and continued—"an ass, the foal of an ass, then, seeing his mistake, found the right placo and added—"that I am, ' which of course nobody would deny. Dr. McCosb, of Princton, in a re cent address to the students said: "Our College is not in a good state." This is precisely what the little M a ' ne girl thoaght, who thus finished her prayer one night: "And now, God, good-bye; for I'm going to New Jersy for two weeks." —A specimen of logic. What relation is a loaf of bread to a steam engine ? Bread is a necessity. A steam engine is an invention. Necessity is the mother of invention; therefore a loaf of bread is the mother of a steam engine. The curiosity of a child of five had been aroused by seeing a magnify ing glass. "How many tiiaes does it magnify?" asked a gentleman thinking to puzzle him. "As many times as you look through it" was the ready eply. A man very much intoxicated was taken to the station. "Why did you not bail him out?" inquired a by stander of a friend. "Bail him out.' exclaimed the other. "Why you couldn't pump him out?" The Sheriff of Walla Walla, Or., recently received at the same time two letters inquiring for two brothers. One had been hanged a week before, the other had been murdered. The West is brisk and bold. —Sydney Smith once commenced a charity sermon'by remarking: "Benev olence is a|sentiment|common to human j nature. A never sees B in distress without asking C to relieve him. —The highest postage rates .o for eign countries is to Patagonia aad the island of St. Helena—27 cents per half ounce. The next highest is to Mada gascar—23 cents. —Don't neglect pruning grape-vines until after the sap begins to flow, If not done in the fall, it should be done now, as quickly as possible. —How Noah would have enjoyed the present spring. It would have re minded him of old times. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired troni practice, having hud placed in his hands by an Kan India mission ary the formula of a simple \ egetahle remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh. Asthma and all throat and I.ung Affections, also a ixwltlve and railloal cure for Nervous Dehllit v and all Nervous Complaint after having tested their wonderful curative [tow er* iu thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to noike it known to ills sutiernig fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human -.uf ferlng, 1 will send free of charge, to all who de sire It, tins recipe, In (iemian, French or Kiifclish, with lull directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stautp, naming this paper, W. A. N'ovks, no Power's Block, Rochester, N Septl2-83-ly'eow Planing Mill —AND Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., MANUFACTURER? AND OEAI-KRB IN Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASII, DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near German Catholic Uliuroli Far CQLOR and SWEETNESS Us* BEAN' 3 CONCENTRATED ■MNmI Extract of Annatto. *wn Color. Brightest » a * Strung sat. «<•/ of your ihtsl, or had ii cl«. li, »(*iu |.i br * tuaplr, ..»lur tag Umj lb. U HEA V KABK A CO., No. H35 M»i krt St.. I'llll.XU \. WANTED, SALESMEN. Tocanvafei forth*a&lrof JftuwrySW* k. fu<^u.ilo.l facilities. No ejiporleuce required. Hilary ami *x peUAeiipald. iwacrvs vf Fruit &u 1 1 Qnuuut:ut»i lri- s. Strub»,Howe.etc W. & T. SMITH7O?utv», N, V, A Public Benefactor. Win. 11. Htelnor Meiul»**r ol tl»«* Editorial Slsill ol llie *e» York lleraNl: silso F.\- CoiiimiwKloiM'r ol Ev <•!««• Xew York til) I* Ann St., wijh: I)r M. M. Fennor. Fredouia, N i —Dour fir— Ihnvebeen a j;reat iferev from Nervous irrititiou uid Pysj-ep»:a fir year* My friend. Hon. H. C. Lake of the New \orK Curnnu Hoiue, induced me to try your li'.ood A Liver Hemedy and Nerve Tonic. By of two bottles I have realized a complete restora tion to health. I look upon ii as the greatest reruedv of the age. and upon you, a« the com pounder of the #ame. as a public benefactor. FHOM THE NEW YORK THIBCNF- New York Tribune. New York, Pi-. M. M. Fenner. Fredouia, N. \.—Dear Sir | Please send me two more bottles of your Blood and Liver Remedy and Nerve Tonic. My ife has been tal-iug ii audit has done her good Yours truly, 0. A. TR.YCY. Completely, and entirely cleanses the blood relieves Biliousness. Constipation and Headache: cleans out and heals the entire stomach and bowels. broaKs up and cures Agues aud form ing Fevers; cures Pimples. Skin Eruptions and Skin Diseases, removes Bai Breath, is an anti dote for the Blues; sooths, strengthens and heals Weak and Irritated Nt-rves, producing good rest at night; and completely renovate* and restores a disordered system—whether the disorder is slight or grave. PR. FENNER.S KIDNEY AND lUt K-A( he CI BE—For all diseases of the Kidneys, bladder, urinary passages, backache, dropsy, I'tualo weaknesses, nervous debility, Heart rheumatism' etc. The most successful romedv that ever been administered in the diseases naried. Get of voiu- dealer the memorand tm book entitled "Dr. Fenn-r's P. ..plt,'s Rcmndics are Used all Over the World." And aro for sa'e by J, L. Waller and D. li. Waller, But er, THE SURE CURE! KIDNEY DISEASES, \ LIVER COMPLAINTS, CONSTIPATION, PILES, AND BLOOD DISEASES. | PHYSICIANS ENDORSE IT HEARTILY, "Ki'Jney-V.'ort la the most successful remedy I ever used." Dr. P. C. Ballou, Mouktou. Vt. • Kidney-Wort is always reliable." Dr. Q. N. Clorlc, 80. Hero, Vt. "Kidney-Wort haa cured my w lie nfter two years suffering." Dr. C. M. Summerlm, Sail Hill, Q«. IN THOUSANDS OF CA6ES it cured \-hf.re all elae failed. 11 is mi Id, CEBTAA' Pf JT9 ACTION, but harmless in all cases. Cirlti-lenniw. the Blood and »lre»rllieiii»i4 give* New Life to all tlie important ore-ins of tlio bodj-. The natural action of t'ue Kidneys la restored. Tlie Li»cr is cleansed of all disease. Rid tho Euwela move freely and healthfully. In tliia Way tho worst, disease* are c-radioawd troin the system. 2 PbJtk, $I OU UoUD UU DUY, SOLD BY DUKWtfitS. '> Dr7 can be sent by mail. ■ \fkhiJti UICHf RDSOX .1 CO.Burllnrtcß Tt. I**-. ■<'. .« 1 Cleanses the ayrtein of all Its impurities, H tones the stomach, regulates the heart, ■ unlock* the secretions of the liver, pi ttrengthens the nerves and invigorates ■ the brain. 'm PERUNA—I 1 Catarrh, and ftII I>lwcaggs_of_ttiP I | arthmajjnilit Sweats, Short- H wal Pehllity. tahe g PERUNA—I We can produce cases cured with Pe-S mns, the like of which never before ■ had teen cured with any medicine or« bv any phvslcian. We allude to Mrs. H Eberilne, lira. Ingram, Mrs. Henry Ellis,* Mr. Carta, M r - Frampton, and others, ■ wboae cases are given in detail in our■ book entitled the "Ills o! Lite, which H •ou can get of your druggist, or S. ii Mj IIAHTMAN & Co., Columbus, Ohio. No. 3.|Kj ••Will 'ha eomiajf wwi smoke ?" was net tled by Proi. Fisk in his etarudDK t>BUl- I I'Ulet. He says, moreover, that the rational way to use tobacco is thromch the pii e. .111 agrt e that only the best tobacco should be used. Which Is the be-pt ? That to which Nature has contributed the niopt ex ' uuisite flavors, iilaekwell's Bull Durham Hmokini? Tobacco Jilts the bill completely. •Nearly two-tlurda of all the tobacco grown 00 the Golden Tobacco belt of North Caro lina foes Into the manufactory of Black well, at Dnrhtin. They buy the pick of I. tliu entiic lection. Hence ui 1 BlackweU's Bull Durham £|Lgj wV4 buiokiinf TOlnu ei. is the tust of that tobacco Don't WyMjW bo deceived when yon buy. Tho Durham Bull trade 'sjf mark is on IS® * I everj I I BlAckwell'a Genuine Bull Durham choitf Judfre r <•? —H — H— f \ Thin porous planter M I 1! famous for its quick IMB Mt ftUd Lt:Art^ Ol Jtk I 53" curing I.uru» IWk, ■ IflM V ■ M ■ 10. S- latica, Crick In the Iku k, Hldo or flip, NwuraUna, Stiff Joint# and Sore Chest. Kidney Trouble* uii.l all pai/ia or aches eltlifir lv>cal Araoep-fMMtfed. ItSuotbtM, Strength ♦-us and Stimulates the pai tn. Tlrtuoa of hops com blned with ifuiua —clean and ready to apply, hup. nor to liniment*, lotioiw and Price & eenU or 6 f >r SI.OO. Sold by druff-1 m OCA TP ifiatii and country: f\ \j| |\ En M 9 f-torts. Maded on re pri«'torfl. Bot*( on. Maaa. -~H— Q<i> e V The best funiily pill liver I'llia. 80c. ru*a»artt in a*'tii»nand ea ay to BLISS' 1845. Illustrated Eard-Bosi 1884. For the Farm and Garden. 150 pages. tIOO illustrations And a »»«•«uf 1 l\al Colored Plat# ol' Flowers, tells Whm, When and Hou to plant a.id i lull of information invaluable to ail interested in gardening. Mulled for tfo. ( to cover poatutfo, lllu«trate«l \ovelty Llit« «>i the ueweal vtrletUa I !u»er«, Vrrrlahlri, Cl* BtSBiSS rf«l», Frult.Plnßtiiie^ iS~ " Mailed Frefti lo^DC I And havo on hand bM | when yon want to iliint?^^^^^^^ A Sk rd'EN' *» $ .00. 20 packets choice Flower f ed>» (our setection), it eluding tt'll.ll <;wtlli:\ ' 'KPS (a mixture cf lUO varieties of Flower c o< si, for #I.OO. A VEGETABLE GAR! EN FOR SI.OO. 30 pkts. Choice Vcgeta le Seed-t (our selection), Includiiu: BlKi's American Homier IVh. for sl, B<>Til the above for $1.7. r «. Gardener's Hand i Book telling you how to grow them, scut Free with I orders. B. K. BLISS & SONS, c 34_ Barclay St., Mew-York. IUARILANDPARHK. 1 ook and Map IJee »l byf 1: MIAN AH \ N Attorn<>v, Ka9ton Ma "HEAD, COMPARE AND HER." Jo hn Bickel Opens the Season with some of thf most astonishing announcements ever made to the people of Butler county. Hav ing just returned from the Eastern market where T purchased FOR CASH one of the largest stocks of Ever brought Butler in one season ) Imve so many big bargains to offer that I can only name a few of them. A Gfood K:p Plow Shoe, Two Buckles, at Ninety-three Cents. I have one lot of 500 pair of them all sizes 6-12, which I will close at 93c Sold elsewhere for $1.75. Mfiitt* C'Hli Hoot*, Calf Racks, tt-Jl sS a pair 1 liave 10 cam's ol tliese boot* wliieli uiust go at 8S wold elsew here at 5*3.75 and SI. A GOOD SOLID MIXERS' SHOE, G-12 at 91 cents a pair. I have 10 sixty-pair cases of this shoe and lam sjoing to give them to my trade at 91 cents a pair. Sold elsewhere for $1.50. A Ladies' Button Shoe, Solid, 97 Cents. This ts a Fine Shoe worth iully twice the amount I at-k for it. My stock of Ladies', Misses' and Childrens' Shoes are all made to my own order and every pair warranted AGENTS FOB REYNOLDS BROS'. FINE SHOES. Mv stock ol Shoes for Men and Boys is complete as 1 control some ol the best lines of goods in the country BASE iiALL SHOES in both Mens' and Boys'. Prices very low. Space will not permit me to give you an idea of the amount of goods 1 have to show you, but give me a call and I will convice yon that I am selling Boots and Shoes O N E-T 31 SR n CHEAPER Than an v other house in Butler. {am determined to keep the lead in Boots and Shoes. So I will THLllj ai 'd d° 'h o tra^e - My profits will be small but my sales will be large and at the end of the vear I will b.' far ahead of my competitors who make big profits and small sales. I have in stock 3,000 PAIRS OF SAMPLE SHOES. which must go at once. I will sell these goods regardless of cost. Come and get them at any price. MV MANUFACTURING DEPARTMENT s the best in the county. None hut first-class workmen employed. All work warranted. Repairing done same day received. jiKATHDK ANI» FIXDIXCSS OF ALL KIXD§ French Kip, Domestic Kip, French Calf Domestic Calf, Toppings, Linings, Thread, Nails, <fcc., &c. JOHN BIGKEL, BUTLER, PA. TRIAL LIST FOR SPECIAL COURT, COJIMEffCIMO MOXDAY, APRIL 28, 1884. No.\Term. Yr. Plaintiff's Attorney. Plaintiff*. Defendant*. Defendant?* Attorney. FI I> 5 Slur 1884 ilcCandleas & N Blade Wm Maher trusts, Ac. S Percey HeCm, assignee JC I) Fiudlej-. AD 48 Sept 1883 MeCand less Matthew 3 Story et al MoKinney Bros, et al l'hompsou & Son. C I' 13 June 1577 Martin Bee<i an J Boweri Miohael Downey et al A T Black AD 129 Dec 1679 Same G Woodring Anthony Goldinger et al Benedict & Bowser " "y Sspt I*B} Purviance and Galhre&th Jesse Glenn B. 11. Montgomery Fleeter Ai Cunningham " 66 1882 Bredin & White B Frederick Boro. of Millerstown Bowser A Thompson " 75 Mar 1883 Brandon John E Bvers, M. D. Summit twp poor district Bowser « 92 •' " Mitchell and Brandon John Mitchell, Sh'ff for use F J O'Brien et al. K Marshall «• 97 " " Williams and Mitchell Lippincott Ogievee & Co. James A. Iluntcr, et al G&lbreath " 22 June " Brandon aud Lusk Philip Gelbach P. &Wls II Co. Scott « 40 " " Bowser C F Smith ct ux Bobert A Brown McQ & Brandon « •< " J D McJunkiu T D Cashdollar Geo Marberger et al Ei'r Same » 50 " " Cornelius & Brandon John A Campbell Lancaster township Peffer McQ & Marshall «« '< « Scott John P Johnson for use Butler County Robinson « g5 " " gamo Henry Johnson for use »ain?. 'Same <« gg " " Bredin It C Anderson Perry Gilmore ct ai JII Thompson & N Black « 9i " " McCandless John Little Pi VV KB. Co Scott. " 33 Sept " Mitchell James Kerr E H Adams Campbell « 39 •• " Lusk Sam'l Steen by nest friend Geo Brunermer Brandon «< 4i") " " Same Lewis W Douglass Same Same •< 52 " ,J K Marshall and Brandon. Owen Brady, guardian Geo W Gillespie et a 1 Mitchell t< 5g " " Same Same Same Same » 64 " " Martin, Eastman A Campbell Ziza Blakeley et al Andrew Blakeley Peffer & Scott « ioi " " Williams <fc Mitchell John B Boycr George Beam McQ & Lyon " 29 Dec " Campbell Patrick Dully Charles DuiTy Mitchell Prothonotary's Office, March 31, 1884. M. N. GBEEB, Prothonotary GRAND OPENING. NPItl.\(J SUNDER STOCK BOOTS ItSfflOES B. C. HUSELTOm Last F ebruary when in Massachusetts I finished up iny orders with Manufacturers for my Spring Stock, all my goods are made to my special order and made by the largest and best manufacturers. THIS STOCK IS NOW COM ING IN DAILY; never before have I shown such au immense variety of Styles to select from as this season, HAVING ADDED TO MY IMMENSE STOCK several new lines that for WEAK, FIT, STYLE and PRICE cannot be surpassed in Pennsylvania OUR TRADE IS INCREASING RAPIDLY. We have been compelled to enlarge and nniodel our entire room inside, which we have now just completed and you will find one of the finest BOOT AND SHOE HOUSES in Western l > enns3'lvania with a Stock of BOOTS and SHOES twice as large as any other house in Butler County, and filled with immense bargains from top to bottom. Can't give prices on this immense Stock; it would fill a whole newspaper, but will sny, will sell you a Good Two-Buckle Plow Shoe, sizes 6-12, 75 to S5 cents; a Good Calf Boot, sizes 6-11, at si.su. These arc regulur lines of goods made to my order; no old shoddy goods; no auction stock of sample lots that we want to push off our handa but l're:i) clean goods. I allies' Button Shoes, all solid, 2i-7, at 85 cents. This is an elegant shoe for the money, wiil surprise you to see it. OUR STOCK IN LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S, ARE JOST ELEGANT. and selling rapidly at prices we have marked them, recollect our goods are all marked in plain figures. We SELL THE CELEBRATED ENGLISH WALKENPH AST SHOES, best in the world, the shape of the natural foot; try them for solid comfort. Our l ine of Neils'. Hoys' and Youths' Shot's arc Beauties. Ask to'see our new line cf Mens' Hand Sewed Shoes, they are grand ; never had anything to equal them before. See our elegant line of tt'OMENS'. MISSES' AND ('HILDIiENS' SLIPPERS ANl> WALKING SHOES. We haye not forgotten the Old Ladies. We have wide shoes, low heels, all kinds and prices. MENS' and BO \S CA.W ASS SHOES for Base Ball and Mechanics; light and cool; very cheap. We will cut the prices to the very bottom, but wont cut prices to one man to cost to make a sale and stick his neighbor to make it up; one man's money is iust as good as another in this house , customers are told what goods are before they buy. Recollect no old auction or sample gocds in this 3tock. See our elegant hnc of Ladies' French and Cur. K'd Button B°°t s i ' Q Hand Turned Hand Sewed and Machiue. Our Dongolia, Glovekid and Simon Goat Button Boots yery handsome. CIIIL DKENS' SCHOOL SHOES, NEAT AND SERVICEABLE. Oar Stock of Mens' and Boys' Calf Boots is elegant: a specialty in Mens' LOW INSTEP BOOTS. J.arge Stock of Leather and Findings constantly on hands nt the very lowest figures. We don't mention manufacturers name 3of Goods we use, but control a dozen or more ol the finest and best in the country. Come and see us, wiil gave you big money in Hoot* and Shoes from any house ip Butler, and give you good honest, goods that speak fur thi mselves, that will bring you back, also your neighbor. We are keeping the lead in Boots and Shoes and increasing sales all the time. Repairing done neatly and at lowest prices. Step in and see us. B. C. HUSELTON. | BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. CJ. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASUKKR. ! H. C. IIEINEMAN, SECBKTAKV. DIRECTORS: J. L. Pnrvis, E. A. Helraboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Burkbart, A. Troutman, Henderson Oliver, G. O. Roessing, F. B. MeMillin, Dr. VV. lrvin, N. Weitzel, A. B. Rhodes, H- C. Ileineman. JAS. T, M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ag't BUTLER PA. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Fa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of I Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting ard Weaving Yarns, and 1 can them aa being very dura ble, A« they are manufactured of pure Butler oounty wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, aud will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices, address, H. FULLEBTON, Jn124,'78 LY Butler. Pa Watchmaker and Jeweler, Keeps constantly on hand a complete stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, GOLD, SILVER AND STEEL -BPECTACLEH- Of all kinds and prices. Jewelery and Silverplated Ware of the very best quality. Everything warrant ed just as represented and sold at the low est cash price. Fine Hatch Repairing a Spec ially. One square South of Diamoud, Main Street BUTLER, PA. CONTINENTAL NURSERIES Rochester, N. Y. GEORGE A. STONE NURSERY COMPANY. Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Shrubbery, Roses, Cieepers, etc. Moore's Raspberry, Pocklington and Em pire State Grape, and other choice varieties of all fruits. B- W. DOUTHETT, Brownsdale, Butler County, Pa ian>l ' 3M Most Extensive Pure-Bred Live Stock Establishment in the World! Clydesdale, Perch mm-Nor ma »* Emilhh Draft Horses, Trottitiq-Bred Roadsters, Shit/anil . Pan!>.«, Ho/stcin and Devon Cattle. Our customers have the advantage of our many years experience in breeding and import ing large collections, opportunity of comparing different breeds, low prices, because of extent of business, and low rates of transportation. Catalogues free. Correspondence solicited. POWELL BROTHERS, Spriugboro, Crawford Co., Pa. Mention CITIZEN. july2s-9m. PIMPLES. A receipt for making a valuable preparation, which will remove tan, freckles pimples and blotches, leaving the skiu clear and soft, and the compleetion beautiful; also. Instructions for producing a fine irrowth of brir on the head or face, will be mailed to any person sending 8 cts. iu stamps to Forbes & Co., No. F>6 Broadway, New York. Pure Bred Ilolstein Slock. The undersigned have purchased from the Powell Bros, a pnre bred Holstein bull, ono and a half veare old and weighs 1235 pounds, which can be seen at the farm of John Weber, in Penn townehip, at any time. Terms. $4 cash, or F5 charged. J. A. PAINTER, JOHN WEBF.B, NEW LIVERY STABLE, Henry lieibold, Continues the Livery Business on Jefferson St. first door below Bickel & Gallagher. Good rigs, first class teams always on hand* Ilorscs fed on reasonable terms, also horses bought an<? sold. oct3-ly. BRICKS! BRICKS! The sulisorlber continues tin- making of bricks common, pavement, bay window ami other qual ities at his kiln on the Fair Ground road, half a lulls? west of Butler He will keep on hand a lot JF bricks at all times. He will also make and buru brick M the country for anyone desiring to have them made on their own farm or premises. As he Intends carrying on the briek making business, he invites the custom of all, promising to give entire satisfaction to all who may patron ire him. All orders promptly filled at reasonable rates. Call on' or address, J. GEORGE STAMM, riiar2B-'s3 Butler PH. AUEIVT* WAXTED FOR PICTURESQUE WASHINGTON. PEN' AND PENCIL SKETCHES OF its Scenery, Historv, Traditions, Public and 1 Social Life, w ith graphic descriptions of tlie ('apt- 1 tol. Congress, tin- White House, and the Govern ment Departments, w ith views at Mount Vernon, a Map of Washington, and Diagrams of the Hall-, of Congress. By JOSKI'II WEST MOORE. To all classes ihis is a book of great interest. It is concise, graphic, thorough and interesting, il lustrated bv over 100 beautiful new engravings by leading American artists, aud elegantly bound, A OTIOK »'<>U \M- TIOJIKS. Sold only by Subscrip 808. Agents are meeting with grand success. Agents w anted, male or female, in every tow n ship in the I'nited States. Previous experience, while desirable, not absolutely required, as we give instructions necessary for success. If unem ployed write us. For terms to agents address the Publishers. .1. A. «. K. A. KEII>. 3dt2,6t Providence, R, I. The Stale Normal School, AT INDIANA, PA., Will open for the Spring and Summer Term on MONDAY, APUL 7th, Every indication points to a very large at tendance. Never before was there such a demand for trained teachers, and tins demand is rapidly and - constantly increasing. The world is not moving* backward but for ward. and great as is this demand to-day, it will be still greater in the future. Difficult a« it now is, for a poor teacher to obtain aud hold a poeition, it will be still more difficult next year mid thereafter. To the earnest teacher this is encouraging as it civert him assurance of employment, appre ciation and compensation. FOij \ THOROUGH Sl 1100 l , FOR 4 HOME WITH A LI- .MUDEKS CONVKN- , lEKCgS, FOR bI'RKOrXDIJiGW THAT Wil l. INSPIRE TO SUCCESS, FOR A GENUINE PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL, FOR ALL THESE COMBINED WITH GREAT 1 EI'ONOMY, GO IO INDIANA. L. U. DVRLING. Principal DEITTISTR * . 0 1# .W\LDRON, Graduate of the Phi! ■ adeipbia Ilrntul College,!* prepare* • lla to do anything in the line of hi* profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, up stairs. Dr. S. ATjOHNSTON, DENTIST, - - BUTLER, PA, All work petlaining to the profession excent ; ed in the neatest manner. Specialties :—Gold FilliDg, and Painless Ex traction of Teeth, Vitalized Air administered. Office Opposite.Lowry House, Main Street. Office open daily, except Wednesdays and Thursdays: Communications by mall receive prompt attention. j.inl6'S4-2y JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON myai-ly] HUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Flour Store. P N. LEAKE, M. D.,~ Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Office in I i:ion Block, and residence in Ferrero ho se, Butler, Pa. Oct. 25, 18S2. FOR SALE. 13 Acres of land, with large two-story brick house and large barn thereon erected. Good orchard; situated in Butler twp . Butler couutv. Pa., adjoining Butler borough on the south, will be sold cheap and oa easy terms. For particu lars inquire of Lev MtQuistiou, Esq., Butler, Pa. FARM FOR SALE: The undersigned desires to sell l is farm, locat ed iu the Bald Ridge oil district, Adams town ship, Butler county, I'a., containing ONE HUNDRED AID ONE ACRES of land, a'l cleared but about twenty-five acres which is in good young timber." There are tlitee never-tailiug springs of good water. Good Houses aud Barns wiib a splendid young orchard. Near to churches and schools, and within five minutes walk of Marshall Station on the P. «& W. railroad. For particulars in quire of the undersigned living on the premises, CUBIST. BALLHORBT, SR., fcb. 27-41 Mars I'. O. SURVEYING LAND, COAL BANKS, AND LEVELING. Particular attention given to the Retracing of old lines. Address, 11. F. 1111/LI4HD,(o. Surveyor North illopc P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. 3,5,84. ly John L. Jones, Auctioneer' BUTLER, PA. All orders will receive prompt attention. fti.Sm C) unty Auctioneer, JAMES H. MAMS, BUTLER, PEXSi'A. Is prepared to serve the public of this section at vendues, etc. Having had many years of experience he can guarantee perfect satisfaction at rates that will suit all. Leave word at this olHce. :5,5,54.1y G. D. HAHVEY, Bricklayer and Contractor. Estimates given on contract work. Resi dence, Washington street, north end, Butler, Pa. jan2.ly. PLASTERING- The undersigned intends to remove to Butler on the Ist of April next, and hereby informs all per sons. that he will be prompt iu executing any work that may be entrusted to his care. STUCCO AND MASTIC Work executed in tiie belt and most satisfactory manner, Give me a call, jan 30-41. JOSEPH B. PIZKK. J. 11. Harvey, Has opened a paint shop in REIBER'S BLOCK, on JetTerscn Street, Butler, Pa„ where he U prepared to do all kinds of HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING, Papering aud Calsominlng, hanging window blinds, etc. And, also keeps on hand. Wall Paper* and llorders. Paint* and ltru*lien, PuttieM. aud Window Glasa. [all sizes cut to order.) I respectfully solicit a share of the public pat ronage. J. H. HARVEY. 3,5,84.6 m 1884. WALL PAPER. 1884. New Designs in Wall and Ceiling Paper for dwell ings, offices, halls and churches. A large and well selected line oi DECORATIONS for ceilings aud «alLs. Brown back paper from 8 cts. up, white back paper from to cts. up. Gilts from 22f« cts. up, WINDOW SHADES And Decorations a Specialty at H. C. HEINEMAN'S, Butler. Pa. 2d^;.am Butler's New Departure For Pianos, Organs, Violins and other Musi cal Instruments, call at the NSW MUSIC STORK- OF 'Kleber Bros. & Stauffer, Main Street, Butler, Pa. Sheet Music and Music Books always on hand, or furnished to order. Orders for Piano and Organ tuuing and repairing promptly attended to by John B. Eyth of Pittsburgh, Pa. Nov. 14, 3m. Hard Wood Furniture lor sale at extremely low tlgures, A great variety of Beds, Tallies, Chairs, Childrens' Chairs, Ladies' Rockers, Extra Heavy Arm Rockers, Marble and Wood Top Parlor TaW.es Bureaus, Stands, Double and Single Lounges, Spring Mattresses, Ac., Ac., at WM. F. MILLER'S, North .Main Street, BUTLER. P A... FACTORY ON WASHINGTON STREET. dl2'*B-tf. PERMASfEXT STAMPING FOR KENSINGTON, ARRASENE AND OUTLINE WORK DONE, Also lessons iu same given by ANNIE M. LOWMAN, North street, Butler, Pa. jui-30-ly EXPOSITION Visitors should not fail to call and examine the largest aud finest stock of Imported and Domestic Liquors iu the St?te, at Max Klein, 82 Federal Street Allegheny City, Pa. Opposite Fort Wayne Passenger Depot. IW in the CITIZKN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers