BUTLER CITIZEN j, MISCELLANEOT S. " The Liver Fluke. One of the most destructive, and therefore the most dreaded diseases of j -ebeep is the liver rot, produced, as is I thought, bv the inject known as the | liver fluke. In 1 -:-0 ! it is said, 2 000,- 000 sheep died in England witb tbe rot; and thousands die with it in our own countrv yearly; and in many in stances the shephtrd or the farmer has j no idea what ailed his sheep. One unfailing m mptom that accom panies tbe difecK is the change in the membrane which covers the eyeball in front and lines the eyelid. When tbe ebeep are well this is a brilliant red; but when attacked by the rot it be- j comes a pale yellowish color, as does : also the eyeball itself. If this change is noted, in connection with a general lassitude and ailing of the sheep, it j may be safely said to have the liver rot. Tlere are other symptoms, also;; but many of them are common to other diseases of sheep. The wool becomes dry and harsh and falls off, dropsy ap pears, and often a watery swelling ap pears below tbe lower jaw. The spine. j s arched, appetite is lost and thirst is much increased. In time the sheep be comes completely emaciated and dies a wretched death. If it be opened it will be found to be altogether rotten within; the liver wil be filled with ulcers and a yellowish fluid will foliow the knife everywhere. TIIE INSECT. The fluke belongs to the order (re molada or suctorial worms, and in habits the gall-bladder or ducts of the liver in sheep. The color is usually like that of tbe organ in which it lives. It is a very low form of insect existence, multiplies from eggs or spores, and is flat, oval-shaped when full grown. It passes through several stages of exist ence, and tbe spores or eggs need to be washed with stagnant water before they can fully develop. How it gets into the sheep's vitals is a question that there is difference of opinion upon; but it is generally thought by those who have made the insect a study that it attaches iistll .or penetrates some lower form of animal life, as snails or soft-bodied molluscs, which are swal lowed by the sheep when pasturing on lowlands, or when drinking from stag nant pools. Once introduced into tbe stomach the insect soon finds its way into the liver and disease begins in earnest. Often the insects collect to gether in large masses snd so obstruct the flow of the bile as to produce jaun dice. It is doubtless this that gives the membrane of the eye its yellowish appearance. Sheep olten put on flesh rapidly when first attacked by the rot; but the fat is highly colored and not the result of thrift and good feed. Various affections and diseases or derangements of the animal system follow in the train of this. When the liver can no longer perform its func tions, dropsy, diarrhea, fever, with coughing and general disorganization, results. TREATMENT. A s in the case of many other diseases of animals, prevention is the only cure. Sheep pastured on high lands are not often, if ever, affected with this disease; they have no opportunity to take in the young insect that produces the evil. Keep your sheep away from the stagnant pools and on dry pastures, and the difficulty will be avoided; the fluke cannot develope in these places. Hence, fence off or drain all lowland pastures, and do not feed lowland hay, as sometimes this may communicate tha cause of the disease. Salt should be given the sheep in good quantity, and the following mixture, recommend ed by Henry Stewart, Ihe well-known authority, should be given on the first appearance of the above named symp toms: saltpeter, H oz ; powdered gin ger" 1 oz.; carbonate of iron, oz ; salt. 1 lb ; boiling water, 3 qts. When mixed and cool add 9 ounces of spirits of terpentine, and bottle the mixture. Give in the morning a wine-glass full by means of a horn, and repeat the dose every forth day for two weeks. No food should be «iven the sheep the night previous, nor within three hours after the mixture is administered. It is a very hard matter to cure the disease when in full course; but the above will be as good medicine as can be given. But watch for the symp toms, note the preventatives, and there will be less danger from this pe culiar disease. —Jcsh Billings says: "Next to a clear consbiencc for solid comfort cums an old sbu." He probably never suf fered with a cough or cold, otherwise he would hive refered to Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup JIS being also a good thing to secure relief and comfort. —Too thin—Fall overcoats. —"2 am truly thankful that I ever used Dr. Benton's Celery and Cnam omil Fills, for they cured my prodicrl headache ." Mrs. J. 11. Paddison, Point Caswell, X. C. 50 cents at druggists. —A faux ptius—ller father. When you Puller from dyspepsia, heartburn, malaria affections, kidney disease, liver complaint and other wasting diseases. When you wish to enrich the blood and purify the system generally. When you wish to remove all feeling of weakness, weariness, lack of energy, try a bottle of Brown's Iron Bitters and tee how greatly it will benefit you. It surpasses all known remedies as an enrieher of the blood and a perfect regulator of the various bodily functions. Ask your druggist. Rheumatic Syrup Co.: BUTLER, N. Y., Sept. 1, I«S2. (jents—Feeling grateful for what your medicine has done for me, I de sire to make the following statement: For two years or more 1 have suffered from rheumatism. Much of the time I could not dress myself nor put food to my mouth, and suffered the most intense pain all the while.* Some live weeks since I was persuaded to try your Rheumatic Syrup Before I had used two bottles the pain had all left, so that I slept soundly nights; I can now dress myself and need no one to feed me, and, iu fact, feel as well as ever I did in my life, all from the use of the best medicine in the world Rheumatic Syrup. JOHN WICKS. "Good women should never make puns." —lt is certain that the longer a j speech, the weaker it is, hut uot to with a cold, the longer it run 3 the , worse it becomes. A cold, be it evtr so slight, is no tritle, it should 1 e checked in its early stages. Dr. Bull's Cough Svrup is the "Halm of Gilead" that millions say is divine in its origin. ; Pane killer--A snow ball. One Suffering Soul Happy. | "If I can send one suffering soul to you,'' writes James Corbin, of \\ ash burn, 111 ,"I will be happy. Samari tan Nervine cured me, and will cure all cases of fits." $1.50 Companions in arms—Twins, —Mr. Wm. M. Morrison, Wrifhts ville, Pa., says: "I found Brown's Iron Bitters to bc'a great appetizer and res, torative medicine." The woman's cause—Because. Dr. Benson's Shin Cure consists of internal and external treatment at same time,and it makes the skin white, soft and smooth. It contains no pois onous drugs. sl. at druggists. —Belles of the bawl—girl babies. Cash shear—the coupon scissors. Remarkably fine board—sawdust. Men of note are at a discount with the bankers. The wrong man in the write place —The inefficient clerk business man when he is overloaded. a cat's nose, but it's fur to the end of its tail. German women are accused by an English woman of wearing exploded bonnets and rough-hewn frocks. "More horrors," says an English critic, "has come out of French mouths than ever went in German mouths." According to an English statisti cal who has been at pains to collect . data on the subject, early risers live the | longest. Why not translate the unwieldly ! Greek combination of words into En glish and call the chrysanthemum the "gold flower." A little girl on Long Island offer ed a rather remarkable prayer a few nights ago when she said : ' I do thank Thee, Lord, for all my blessings, and I'll do as much for you some time." "Anna, what must you do, before everything else, to have your sins for given?" "Commit the sins." Subscribe for the CITIZEN. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed in his hands by an Last India mission ary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption. Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure lor Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested their wonderful curative pow ers in thousands of cases, has lelt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human sin tering. I will send free of charge, to all who de sire it, this recipe, 111 German, 1-rench or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. NOYES, 14!) Power's Block. Rochester, N. V. Septl2-83-Jy'eow NOTHING Can be lost by fending for free specimens of the great Farm and Garden Journal of America. IHIRIIRIL HEW-ffIRKES It costs more to publish than any other of its class. It presents over 500 original engravings annually of cattle, grain, fruits etc., etc. It has over t>oo contributors—among thein the beet writers in the world. It own experiment grounds of 82 teres worked in the interests of its subscribers. A NEW ERA in the agriculture and horticulture of America. A £4.00 Weekly for £2. a Year. It is original throughout. It is pure in tone and admits no ambiguous advertisements. It is a farm, garden, religious, news, home and literary paper rll in one. THE" KDEAL NEW-YORKEB is for the North, South, East and West. It has become tiie lead ing rural paper by real worth, persevcraiK-e and enterprise—by its devotion to tho true interests of :ill who till the land whether for pleasure or profit. It is printed upon fine tinted paper, 16 pages weekly, each page linches. It combines the best features of tile daily and weekly press with all that can instruct. elevaU and interest the rural home. Its Free Seed Distributions have introduced or disseminated many of the most valuable seeds and plants now known. Among them may be mentioned tho Beauty of Hebron, White Elephant and Butsh potatoes, the Cutlibert Raspberry, Clawson, Fultzo-Clao- SOD, Surprise, Black-bearded Centennial wheats, and a buudred others. Tho new varieties of seeds offered in tho Rural's Freo Seed Distribu tion are aiono worth more at retail prices than the yearly prica of the Journal. Specimen copies will fur nish all details with original engrav ings. WHY NOT send for free specimens and then judge fur yourself ? 34 PARK ROW, N. Y. jjjjj THE CULTIVATOR^ Country Gentlemen THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. Tho COUSTRV GKNTLEMES i« tho LEADING JOURNAL of American Agriculture, iu amount and practical va'ue of Conteuts, in extent ind ability of Correspondence, in quality of pa; er and style of publication, it occupies tho FIKsT RANK. It is bslievtd to have no superior in either of the three chief divisions of Farm Crops and Processes, Horticulture & Fruit-Growing, Live Stock and Dairying ; while it also includes all minor departments of rural interest, such as the Poultry Yard, Ento mology. Bee-Keeping, Greenhouse and Grapery, Veterinary lteplies, Farm Questions and Ans wers, Fireside ileading, Domestic Economy, and a summary of the News of tho Week. Its MARKET REPORTS are unusually complete, and much attention is paid to the Prospects of the Crops, as throwing light upon one of the most important of all questions.— WHEN TO BUY AND WHEN TO SELL. It is liberally Illustrated, and is intended to supply, in a continually increasing degree, and in the best sense of the term, a LIVE AGRICULTURAL NEWSPAPER Although tho COUNTRY GENTLEMEN has been GItEATEY ENLARGED by increasing ita sizo from B! to 20 pages weekly, the terms continue as heretofore, when paid strictly in advance : ONE COPT, one year, 42.50; FOUR COPIES, $lO, and an additional copy for the year free to the sender of the Club; i'ES COPIES, £2O. and an ad ditional copy for the year free to the sender of the Club. IgaJ" All NEW Subscribers for 1881, paying in advance now, WILL RECEIVE THE PAPER WEEK LY, fioni receipt of remittance to January Ist, 1884. WITHOUT CHARGE. "fcaTSpEciMEN COPIES FREE. Address LUTHER TUCKER &. SON. Publishers, ALBANY New York. oct3i-tf, Mg—mw—— j *m*TTinß'i*"'i ,^T»KTy=aai WANTED, SALESMEN. I To canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock. fnequaled I facilities. No expori» uce required. Salary aii'l «x- I penßes paid. 7«»»acr sof Fruit ami Ornamental Trees, I Shrubs, Hoses,etc. W. &T. SMITH. Geneva. N. Y. j Rheumatic SYRUP. The Greatest BSood Purifier Known! RHEUMATISM CUREDT SCROFULA CURED. NEURALGIA CURED. ROCHESTER. N. Y., Apr. Cth, *B3. TORT BYRON, K.Y., Feb. 20, 'B2. FAIRPORT. N. Y.. March 12, 83 a creat Mxumalifryrup Co.: Rheumatic Syrup Co.: sufferer from Rheumatism for six I had been doeiorintr f..rtlirce Oi s-rs-Pince November. 1882, years and hearingof the success or f-ur years, with diflerent phv- I have been e. constant sufferer of Rheumatic Svrup I concluded Fi.ians. for scrofula, as some c;al- fmm neura.gia and ha\ e not to eive it a trial" in my own cr.se, led it. but found no relief until I kn<.\rn what it was to be fret anl I cheerfully say that I have commenced taKing y. ur Syrup. trow pain until I commenced been ereatlv benefited bv its use. After taking it a short time t > the use of Rheumatic Syrup. I I can walk with entire freedom my surprise, it began to help me. lmvefclti no pain sin. e<; us n^thc from pain, and my gencralhealth Continuing *ts use a few wee ks. f >uith I t.nnk it the best is very much improved. It is a I found mys. If as well as ever, nmedy I l:n\?o\er heard of for splendid remedy for the blood As a blood purifier, I think.it has j.urifj ing a)ld neu . and debilitated svstcm. no equal. ( tire ot rniumaiism ana iieu E CHES lER I'AKK, M. P. MKS. WII.LI AM STRANG. ralu-ia U. b.IHA.-fc. Manufactured by RHEUhfATIc"sYRUP 1.P., I Plymouth A-.'v. Kochcstcr, N. Y For sale bv druggists. Price SI.OO per Bottle or 0 Bottles for $5.00. LEGAL AL> VEB TISEMENTB. Estate ol Jehu Cenn, l>ee"d. (LATIC OK WASHINGTON TWF ) Letters of adininisiration on the estate of John Conn, dee d, late of V> aslungton township, .tinier county, t'.i., having been granted to siirne'i. ;il! persons knowing tltemsehes imk hud to aa'd estate will please make immediate pay ment and all having claims against said estate wiil priseut tliein duly authenticated for settle ment S. C. 11l ICHISOX, Adm r. Noith Hope, P. 0., Butler Co., Pa. Nov. 10,1583. Executors' Sale, Tv virtue ol tLe provisions oi tbe will ot Wil lintn Thompson, dee'd, late ot Middlesex twp., Butler county, l'a., tbe undersigned, bw Execu tors, oflur for sale part of the farm ot .-aid W ll liam Thompson, located in Middlesex twp., Butler county, Fa , one mile west ol the Hut er and Pittsburgh Plank Road, and lour miles east ol the P,A W. Railroad, containing FIFIY NINE AND ONE-HALF ACHES, one half cleared and in good cultivation, the balance well limbered and all u der fence, is convenient to schools and churches, ;nd is well watered. For further Information itquire oi on tue laiin or address, W. S. THOMPSON I EiCCl}tor6 . W. K. Ihomkok, | Glade Mill P. 0., Butler, Co , Pa, nov!4-Bm. Estate oi Surah Miller. (LATE CF CUT TWt\, PLTI.ER CO , DKT'D ) Letters of administration ofi tiie abo\e named estate having been granted to tbe un dersigned, ail persons koowit-g theuisehes in debted to said estate will please inakc imme diate payment and any having p'.alms agjiust said estate will present them duiy authenticated for settlement. HENRY MILLER, Administrator, Coultertville P. 0,, Butler ' o , Pa. S. F. BOW.-EK, Ait y. Atluiulslrator's Xoliee. Whereas letters of atlminislratlon de bor.us non in the estate ol D. Moore, dee'd, have been issued to me by the Regisler oi the probate ol wills for Butler county. This is to give notice to alls arties indebted to sulci estate to call aud sctt'e, and all persons having claims against the same will present them duly probated lor pay ment 8. F. BOWSER. Ailm'r of 1) Moore, dee'J, Butler, Pa. Eslnleof Ebent'zer Clirinly, (LATE OF WASHINGTON TWP., BUTLER CO., PA.) Letters of administration having been grant ed to the undersigned on the estate of Ebenezcr Chriely, late of Washington twp.. Butler conn tv. I'a., notice if* hereby given to all parties knowing jjidefcted to said estate to make immediate payment aua anj" having claims against said estate will pietent tae;n duly authenticated for payment V ™ JANE CHRISTY. I ADM - RB . G. W. CHRISTY. J North Hope, Jijiiter county. Pa AOTICF. Notice is hereby given that .1. S. \\ ick. Assignee of .1.11. Wick, has liled his final account in the office or the I'rothonotary of the Court ot Common Pleas of Bui!er county, at M«. I>.. No. 19, Decem ber Term. :s7!i. and that the same will be present ed to said court for confirm uion and allowance on Wednesday, thesth day of Decembei. l- s-2, M. N. GHKKIt. I'rothonotary. Prothonotary's office, Nov. 5. 18£ U. Application For Charter. Jfotice is hereby given that application will hiT lus/Lu tQ Jhe Law presiding m the court of Comiiiuu ol HJlier county, on Monday, the 10th day ol December, ISC3, tor a charter*lor the Evans City Presbyterian Church. The object of said corporation beinir the sup port of public worship ot Aliuiirhty tied, in Evans City, Butler county, Pa., according to the laith, toveruinera and tlicipline of ihe Pres byterian Church iu the United gtites of Amer ica Jaincs Sutton,-Chairman. It. A. White. Tune. \V. B' irgs. Solomon Stajnin- B. F. White. James Bogijs. Dr. Frease's Water Cure Es tablishment. Aheilth Institution in its SCth year. For nearly* all kinds ol Chronic diseases, and es pecially the diseases of Women. Inval ds are invited to correspond with us. Circulars tree. Address, S. FREASE, M. I)., jylS.ly >cw Brighton, Beaver Co , Pa. BRICKS ! maCKS I The subscriber continues the making of bricks common, pavement, bay-window ami other qual ities at his kiln on the Fair Umuml road, half a mile west of Butier lie will Kei'P on hand a lot of brick- at all limes, lie \ri:! also make and burn brick m the country for anyone d<->lring to have them made 011 their own farm or premises. As he intends carrying 011 the brick making business, he invites the custom ol all. promising to give entire satisfaction to all who inaj patron ize him. All orders promptly filled at reasonable rates. Call 011 or address. J. OEOIitIESTAMJI, m:n2S-'s3 Butler Pa. Always the Best. Pure Cream Tartar Is an Add- Which is the product of the natural grape fruit. Science submits that fruit acid is conducive to health. It is therefore apparent to the intelli gent mini that a pure grape cream tartar bak ing powJiT is tho only kwj'.i that can be traiy coiifidered bdiltiiful. From its beginning, over seventeen years thu "JJASSKU" B iking Powder has had for its the highest uet 9!) per cent, pure grape cream tartar, and thousands of families who have used the * li.vNNr.a 11 brands all these years are to-dav more fully convinced of the fact that it is "Always the Best," be cause of its perfect purity a«id hea'thfuluess. CHAS. W. FUEM & C0.,-§ TSF ORCHESTRA ASD BAKD R 'M MUSIC, L A# BAND INSTRUMENTS J J \\l of every description. Send for // IB - i. catalogue, li «fc 8 sixth street, 13 PITTSBVKUH, PA. A^'SARTBERSEr 1 g I \ 198 LIBER IY ST. H pXTXSBUBGi*. fH, 'WJUNI TRY C-EE BV EX HO TH.S MAP THAT"THE By the central position of its line, connects the East and the West by the shortest route, and car rie-i passengers, without change of can, between Chicago and Xaa» i» City, (,'ouucil Bluffu, Leaven worth. Atchison, Minneapolis and Bt. Paul. It eonaecta in Union Depotß with all the principal lines of road between the Atlantic and the Paeiflo Oerans. Its equipment is unnvaied and magnifi cent, oeir.tf eJmi»ooett of SJost Comfortable find BeeutfToT Day Coaches. Hortoa B«- eiininc Chair Cars, y&lim -n'u .Pretties* Balac» Bieepintt Car*, and tire Best Lin* qf X>:ning Cars in tho World. Three Trains between Chicago and Missouri Iliver Foints. Two Trains between Chi i »nd I£ma;aoclis and St. Paul, vi.* the Famjoui "ALBERT LEA ROUTH." A New and Direct Line, via Seneca and Knnka keo, has recently bosn opened between Richmond, Norfolk, Newport News, Chattanooga. Atlanta, Au fust*. Nashville. Louisville, Lexington, Cincinnati, ndianapwliß and Lafayette, and Omah* Mianeap oll3 and St. Paul and intermediate pwinU. All Through Passengers Travel on i'aat Express Trains. _ Tickets for sale at »11 principal Ticket Offices in the United States and Canada. Baggage checked through and rates of fare al« Tv.iy? as low as competitors that oiler less advan cer detailed information, get the Maps aqd Fold ers of tho GREAT ROCIC ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Office, or address R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, >'ice pres. it Uoal M c'r. Gtp l Tku * -4*t. QHICACQ. it. How Watch Cases are Made. Most persons have an amliition to carrj a gold watch case, and yet few people knew how a watch case is made, or the vast dif tertwcK juihequalitypf them. InaSoLiD GOLD WATCH CASE, aside from the peeesr sarv thickness for engraving and polishing, a large proportion of the metal is needed only to stiilen and hold the engraved por tions in place, and 6upply strength. The surplus is not only needless, hut undesira ble, because gold i 3 a soft metal and cannot furnish the stillness, strength and elasticity necessary to make the case permanently 6trong nud close-fitting. The perfect watch case must combine gold with some metal that will supply that in which the gold is deficient. This has been accomplished by th e James Boss Gold Watch Case _ 3 . dE MARK which saves the WASTE of 7iccd- JT/A less gold, and INCREASES the SOLIDITY and STRENGTH of the case, and at the same time reduces the cost ONE HALF. Scn.l « hiiuufi to Kpjfttone Match Ci»* F*etorle*, Phlla d.-'phla, ra M r*jr l.aa«l«c<ne Illn*«rai r «J Pamphlet.bowing how Jui.'i ROM' and k«*j"»lono Watch Coaoa nt tfadc. (To be continued.) 1 The Boss watch cases with any kind of movement desired, can be had of IS. GRIE WATCHMAKER 1 JEWELER, lain «t., Itiiflor, Pa., Opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. jwu iJbW YORK, 1884. About tlxlj million copies of THE SI N have (Tone out of out est«blis':,!!iLiit during the past tw lvu monttiF. If you were to waste end to end all the columns of all TIM SUNS printed and sold last year you would iret a conlinuo-is strip ot inter estmir inf'orn.ation, common sense! wisdom, sound docl'lne, and s:tne wit long enough to reach from i'l inlinjt House square to the lop of Moin'.t Copi i tiicus in the moon, then back to Printing Hou-e square, and then three quarters of the way t acji to tiif inop;i ngafp. But THE M N is written for the inhabitant of the eartn; tbb same strip ot intelligence would girdle the globe twenty-seven or twenty-eight times. If every buyer of a copy of THE SUN during the past year has spent only one hour over it, and il his wife or his grandfather has spent another hour, this newspaper in ISSJ lias afford ed tl.e human rice thirteen thousand years of stead}' reading, nitiht and day. It i- only !>y little calculations lik« these that you can form at y idea < f the ciitul of the most popular of American newspapers, or of its influence on the opinions and actions ol Ameri can men and women. THE M N is,and will continue to be, A news paper which tells the truth without fe.irof con stquenees, which gets at the facts 110 matter how much the pricess costs, which presents the news of ail tlio world without t e waste of words *nd in the most readable shape, which l.s woi'Kinjr vijlh a 1 its h -art for the cause ol honest li'ov-Trirr.ent. and yliich the-elorc t>e lieves that the Kepubiican party inn), co, and must in this i oniiiur j't :.r ■ f our I.ord, ft you ki i.w Tim SUN, you like it already, and you wii ! read it with accustomed di igi-nc and profit during what is sire to l>o the most interesting year in its history. If jou do no 1 yrt know THE SUN, it i= higii time to get into the sunshine. Terms to }lail Subxeribers, Tlio several editions oi THE SUN are sent by mail, postpaid, a* follows: DAILY—CO ccats a month, •?(! a jear; with Sun day edition, $7. SUNDAY—Ei ;ht pages. This edition furnishes the curre. t news of the world, spcial articles of exception'!! merest to everybody. and liter arv reviews of lie A bgo'.is of the highest n er it. •■s' 1 a year, WEEKLY—iSt a year. Fight p'ges ot the best matter of he daily i sues; and Agricultural Departm I t of uu 'quailed value, special market te; orts, and literary, scientific, and dom ti ■ ntelligence make TIIE WE'.KI. V SCN the n< w-t aper for the farmer's I oils. hold. To club- of ien with 510, an extra topy free. Addres I, W. EN iLAND. Publisher, nov7-Ct THE SUS, N. Y. City. —"GREAT SACRIFICE SALE" — BOOTS AND SHOES FROM THIS DATE TO JANUARY 1, 1884, AT THE CHEAP BOOT and SHOE HOUSE ' My Fall trade has been one-half larger this year than ever before, and I hare had to duplicate all mj first ordera and my second Fall stock is arriving daily, and my store is filled with the best selection of ESOOTfe and WHO KM ever ehown in JButler county. The people wonder why it is that I can sell Boots and shoes HO VERY CHEAP. My jealous competitors put their heads together and say, "It is only a matter of time with him," but let them talk I am doing the BOOT & SllOl3 TRADE ofßUTff^R, and they know it; and the best evidence I have of this fact is that they are all friendly with each other and united against me but they can't keep the people away from my store. LOW PRICES ARE SURE TO TELL. And that is what is bringing the people to my store. Myself and clerks are too busy to be out on the street and hail you all but if you will press your way into my store I will show you that I am soiling Boots and Shoes ONE-THIRD CHEAPER Than any other house in the county; in addition to my large stock of goods I have jnst received THREE THOUSARS DOIURS WORTH OF SIMPLE BORIS IRD SHOES Which must be sold at once, I am selling these goods at HALF PRICE, so come at once and get your share in this GREAT SACRIFICE. My stock of RUBBER BOOTS AND StIOES is complete. lam agent for Boston, Hay ward, Wornsockt and Camden Rubber Co.s' good Prices very low. My Manufacturing Department is the largest in this part of the country. I make A P.AIR OF BOOTS OR SHOES ON 12 HOURS NOTICE. My shoemakers are now turn ing out. FORTY PAIR OF BOOTS A WEEK. Repairing of all kinds done on verv short notice. Don't forget the place; come «t once and secure some of the GREAT BARGAINS I am offering" JOHN BIGKEL, BUTLER, PA. HAPPY HOMES! HAPPY HOMES! THE NUMBER OF HOMES MADE HAPPY by the us& Of the celebrated Labor and Health-laving is beyond power of computation. Our facilities for the production of it are taxed to the utmost to supply tfce Orders thct pour in upon us from this great wide and progressive country. Right here in your section it is being used extensively and many can testify to its wonderful properties. DAYS RUBBINa / KrtATs nffniiißFD TIM Wrappers are Waved and can be used for smeelh. dng the surface of your bend-irons, giving them a pol ish and'smoothness that will greatly assist In giving your clothes a finished Cook. Remember this Soap Is cheeper then any other In the market, and yet does aN wa claim for it. « J Wash-day has no terrors for the household where DA/'S SOAP is used, no unpleasant and sickening odors to AH your houses, no laborious rubbing on the wash-board, while the washing can he done in one-haif the time necessary by following the old worn-out method. MADAM —for it is to the ladies we desire to speak more especially y OU are the interested person in this matter; you it is that suffers the ills arising from the wasn-tub and its heavy cares ; you it is to whom tl.e perplexities and responsibilities of the household rightfully belong, and you it is that shouid interest yourself in a trial of the qualities of this soap that has always proven itself to be a boon of salvation TO SUFFERING HUMANITY. We do not come to you with a plausible story calculated t<? h»v« you try it, simply for the amount of money such a sale would bring us; we do not come to you as irresponsible parties, who have no reputation to suffer calumny, but we do present to you this brand of soap upon an absolute guarantee anil recommendation of a well-known industrial establishment of Philadelphia, of sixteen years' existence. Do you sup pose for a moment it would compensate us to make false statements to you and ruin oup well-earned reputation? No, dear reader; what we say about DAY'S SOAP is the truth, and it is .sustained by the evidences of thousands of housewives from all over the country, besides which we stand ready to endorse it all with ready cash. DAY S SOAP is the ORIGINAL and only PATENTED jn, » jb*MSk Jk A aa nHBHBBBB The Miners' Skin and Clothes, DAY d allAr WiLL CLEAN llßn":rji".7s^l lß n":rji".7s^ 9 way injure the liutMi falulcs or the moat delicate tomylfiloni, No soda, no washing crystals, no lyes are to be used, but simply supply yourself for the next wash day with a bar of DAY d SOAP, then carefully read the directions and follow them to the ex-xct letter, and it you don t say pitch out that old wash-boiler, for 1 am a wiser wom'a.i, jyu \vill be the first person we have heard of that has been disappointed. j3£f»Now remember —If you don t intend to follow the directions do not try the soap at all, for unless you do this you will be disap pointed, and then you will scold us and yourself as well. The cost of one cake will convince you that it is the best and cheapest soap offered you, while the smiles that will encircle your brow will do justice to a golden sunset. y\.--k your grocer for it. and do not allow him to put you off with anything else for a substitute, for every dealer c*u obtairj it, and should he refuse you send direct to DAY «5c FRICK, Props, of the Philadelphia Steam Soap Works. 1754-SG-58-6G-62 Ho ward St., Phila. DEHSTTISTIR/ *. o|# VV \LDRON, Graduate of the Phi) Ea adelphia Dental College,is prepared • I* »to do anything in the line of hit profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block, up stairs, apll JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, my!il-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klintrler's Floor Store. EN. LEAKE, M. n., • Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Office in Union Block, and residence in Ferrero ho se, Butler, Pa. Oct. 25,188#. KING OF THE BINGERS ONLY TWENTY DOLLARS Si with all the latest improve •fjSj Omenta. Splendid cabinet work, large drawers, exten sive leal and gothic coyer. AA Sewing Machine ever mads. Sent for exami nation. We do not Want Your Money Unless the Machine Suits You. Write to us for particulars. WILLMARTH & CO., 1828 North 20th St., Philadelphia, Pa. oct."'.-6m, Most Extensive Pure-Bred Live Stock Establishment in the World I Clydesdale, Pereheron-Kormant Kni/lish Draft Horses, Troltinq-Brcd Roadsters, Shetland Ponies, Holstein and Devon Cattle. Our customers have the advantage of our many years experience in breeding and import ing large collections, opportunity of comparing different breeds, low prices, because of extent of business, and low rates of transportation. Catalogues free. Correspondence solicited. POWELL BROTHERS, Springboro, Crawford Co., Pa. Mention CITIZEN. jnly'2s-9m. A FIRST-CLASS FAMILY MAGAZINE. UPPIHCfIin SIMM. A Popular Monthly of General Literature. PROSPECTUS FOIIIBB4. Among the chief periodicals of the country, Li PI-I SCOTT'S MAOAZIXK lias acquired the dis tinctive reputation of being "eminently reada ble." Tlie special aim of its conductors is to secure such treatment Of the treat variety of tppies em braced within its scope usshali render it attractive to the general mass of intelligent readers, a favor ite in tTie family circle, and a means of culture as well a.s of entertainment. While fiction, in the form of serials and of short stories, holds a prominent place in its pages, it has Kainoii particular notice by Its sketches of travel and adventure, studies of life and character, and articles on natural history and similar topics, writ ten with the freshness that conies from personal observation and experience fn a lively style, and without abundantanecdotfcal illustration. The arrangement# for the coming year Include an unusual number of contributions devoted to out-door life, places and persons of jiyle, and ot her subjects of general Interest, by batti now and old contributors to the Magazine. Several short serials will form a feature of the Magazine during the year, Including a story of Artist I. ife in New York, by Lizzie W. Chapney, and a story ilepietim the experiences of an Amer ic:in family residing in England, by F. C. Itaylor. Further arrangements are now in progress, and will be hereafter announced. FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS, 25 cts- per copy. $3 00 per annum. nov2B-tf. HI -siwuanvp <■) rj'-s W iQ *po*J wf-w L "<*rujCfc Ktt Save your health, save your Timet save your Pallance by using this soap. No unpleasant odors. No sickness as the result of a hard day's wash. No hot water. No wash-boiler, but clothes •ice and while and fragnmt as new mown hay. TRY IT. TRY IT. (IIEEX VICTORIA. Conrt circles in England are anxious about th« queen's health. Her disease is thought to be of the kidneys. While this in difficult to reach by ordinary treatment, which accounts for he • lingering illness, there is a sure and certain remedy for it all and kindred affections, which she ought to know of and use. in DR. FENCER'S SIDNEY AND P.ACK-ACHE oURE. The fol lowing illustrates how readily it curts intiuitely worse cases than hers Fredonia. X. Y.. Mar. 8, ISB3. Dr. M. M. F«-nner—lV ar t»ir—For years I had been rufferitig from a combination of KIDNEY DISEASE. BEAUT DISEASE aild FEMALE WEAKNESS. I had a heavy aching pa : n over my kidneys with cramping of my limbs. I had BACKACHE and a SCANTY and TIRBID flow of urine; BLOATISG or LIMBS and a OENBRAL DROPSICAL CONDITION: also PAIS, PALFATATION and DBOPRT of the HEAKT. My condition was a distressing one, and all treatment and KIDNEY REMEDIES gave iitt'o or no relief. I have been taking your '"KIDNEY AND BACK ACHE CUBE" with the most hsppy result. It has relieved all the unpleasant symptoms that have followed me so persistently and so long. I never had a medicine help mo so quickly and cure so completely. lam doing mv own work. Yours truly. MRS. JAMES FULLER. DR. FENNER'S SOOTHING SYRUP—Pleas ant. safe, certain. Produces good rest, good temper, rosy cheeks, energy, freshness, health and vigor in the child. DR. FENNER'S CAPITOL BITTERS—Th purest and best stomach tonic known. Dr. FENNER'S SALT RHEUM OINTMENT — YRLLOW AND WHITE—A care for ALL SKI* DISEASES. See directions wrapped around package. DR. FENNER'S BLOOD AND LIVER PILLS —The best family physic known. For foil information get of your dealer a cir cular entitled DR. TIS.NEII'I PEOPLE'S REMEDIES. ABB TSED ALL OVEU THE WOULD. And are for ■ale by J, L. Waller and D. H. Wuller, But'er, Pa. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S. 6. Purvis & Co., M AWCFACTURBRB AND DEALERS ID Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH DOOLLS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near tier in mi Catholic Churoli ~ BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor, Main and Cunningham Sts. G. C. ROESSIJFG, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL, TREASURER 11. C. HEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, j E. A. Helmboldi, William Campbell, J. W. Buikhart, A. Troutman, j Jacob Schoene, G. O. Roessing, ! John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrviti, ! J. J.Croll. A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Heineman. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen, A«'FR BUTLER NEW DRUG STORE. J. B. Kohlmeyer & Co. Main Street, (Opposite Yogeley House; BUTLER, PENN'A. DEALERS IS PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS,' PATENT MEDICINES, LAMPS, TOILET ARTICLES, &0 Pare Liquors for medicinal purposes, U|!j and Paiutß. Ac. GaTDr. GL M. Zimmerman has his ofllca on the second tloor of same building. jnelo-tf Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting ard Weaving Varna, and I can recommend them as being vary dura ble, as they are of pure Butler oounty wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices, address, H. FULLERTON, i 1124. "78-1 y Butler. Pa BUST SMIL Leibold & Troutman Have opened a Livery stable ON Jettferson »t., first door below Bickel & Gallsghcr. Good rigs, first class teams always on hand. Horses fed on reasonable terms, also horsca bought and sold. oct3-3m. Butler's New Departure For Piano*, Organs, Violins and other cal Instruments, cuil at the NSW MUSIC STORE. OF Kleber Bros. & Stauflfer, Main £t~ect Rull-r, Pa. Sheet Music and Music Books ALWAYS ou hand, or furnished to order. Orders for Piano and Organ tuning and repairing promptly attended to by John B. Eyth of Pittsburgh, I'a. Nov. 14, 'B3. Sm. IIOISFWI) LOT FOR SALE. A VBRY COZY Two-Storied Frame House of six room?, cellar, out hpnscg QUI) JWJ) lots ol ground in Builor T» ill b sold U.T rcasout able terms. CVII ai office of F. M. EASTMAN Mar-14tf. Butler Pa. •Buckwheat 1 B ik-Kwlh'Ml I will pay the highest price for all Buckwheat delivered at mv mill, in PROSPECT. Butler Co., Pa. WILLIAM RALSTON. Oct iq, • I . . TTifllfP? WANTEDS 100,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers