BUTLER CITIZEN^ MWCEI-I-AMCOVK. PUZZLED PHYSICIANS. Doctor's Disagree Over a Case that Perplexed the Whole Faculty—How a Wo * man's Lile was Sav ed —A Remark able Cure. A talented reporter of that sprightly jourua', the Pittsburgh Conimercial- Gazette, tells in the most highly inter esting manner, a terrible story of the Bufferings of a gentle little lady named Mrs. Milo Ingram, now 4:1 Fayette St., Allegheny City, Pa., the daughter of Captain Hugh McKelvey, of same place. It was told to the reporter by Mrs. In gram herself, aud the news gatherer says it would have been too much to believe ouly the evidence was close at hand to substantiate every word of what she said. "It was another instance," says the reporter, "of the culpable ignorance of a large class of practitioners of medi cine who, while they pretend to be per fectly familiar with the minutest details of the science, are often brought to bay by seme unusually difficult case, which they are ashamed to acknowledge they do not understand. The little lady gave the names of some of the most reputable physicians in the two cities, to whom she had paid large sums of money for treatment, and all they had succeeded in doing was making big fees, while she grew rapidly worse. Her troubles began about six years ago, when she experienced a fall while attempting to cross a sewer drain that had just been dug. A large swelling came on her right side, which rapidly spread, became very much discolored, and caused her most intolerable pain. She sent for the leading physicians of Allegheny, who summoned a consulta tion of prominent physicians aud sur geons, who united in pronouncing it a case of malignant cancer, and they told her it was incurable. She next con sulted a well-known cancer doctor of Kittanning under whose treatment she remained six months. Her case not manifesting the slightest improvement, she experienced the most excruciating torture all the time. Her relatives took her to Rome, New York, where she remained for two years under the care of I)r. Kiugsley. He pronounced it rose cancer, and although he failed to cure her, he very much relieved her sufferings. He also pronounced her ease itfeurable. The flesh of her breast was eaten away down to the ribs, the breast-bone was luid bare, and the disease made its way upward, causing the breast to be como detached from the wall of the chest, hanging loose from above. Af ter awhile this bcalad partially, and the disease made its appearance in the limbs, with»even ten-fold greater viru lence, not only eating away the flesh, but attacking the bones beneath. It affected both limbs, and. then broke out on her head and fa -e, affecting her eyes, making her almos' blind, and causing her face to swell out of all its former likeness. Her mind was affected, and at last her death became only a ques tion of time. A very reputable herb doctor pronounced her at death's door. At tbis juncture, her friends were told of the remarkable recoveries ofl'cct <:d by PERUNA, and without any real hope of benefiting her, they determin ed to are if the wonderful remedy would be of any avail in her case. Four months aft<-r commencing the use of PEBUNA she showed remarka ble signs of improvement, und to-day she is a perfectly healthy woman. All her sort's are healed. Some fearful scars remain behind to tell the terrible story. Iler siyht is completely restored, aud a more grate ful patient a doctor never had. She says she never grows tired sounding PEKUNA'S praises. Mrs. lugram says they had paid over one thousand dollars to her previous doctors, without any permanent good, and her father would gladly have paid as nuch for I'ERUNA had a cure been guaranteed, About one hundred bot tles of PERUNA, each containing half an ouuee of iodide of Potassium, was the whole cost of her enre. She took at first one tablespoouful four times daily, and gradually increased the dose, until she took four tablespoonfuls every two hours. Notwithstanding these large doses, her appetite at once improved, and continued good all the time until she was perfectly cured. She gained forty-five pounds while uuder treat ment. There are only two cases on record where it is known to have required half as many bottles to effect a cure. Generally speaking, ordinary chronic cases require only from six to thirty bottles, and thousands of cases of re cent date have recovered perfectly on a single bottle." —Every young man ought to take a vacation especially if he has a girl. It will enable her to retire at an early hour when ho i? away and thus get much needed rest —"Tnt happy tj say D. Benson's Sl 'ii Care has cured my Eczema of Ihe scalp of four years standing." J no. A. Andrews. Att'y at Law, Ash ton, 111 sl. at druggists. Endorsed by physicians. —China will give France "rats." A Lawyer's Testimony, During eight years my attacks of Dyspepsia were so terrible that I often had to stop business. Parker's Gin ger Tonic builf me up from almost a skeleton to the perfect hea'th I now enjoy. J. Jerolomon, Lawyer, N. Y. City. Adam's hen was the first lay fig ure. —A vigorous growth of hair is pro moted and the youthful color restored by applying Parker's ilair Balsam. —ln politics too many great guns go off at half cock. —Many persons who seemingly have consumption have perfectly sound lungs, and their distress originates al together from disordered kidnfcys and liver. Xow there are thousands of remedies that will relieve kidney and liver diseases, but there is only one thot can be depended upon for effect ing a permanent cure, and is Brown's Iron Bit'crs. Its ellkacy has been satisfactorily proven in thousands of instances afoar all other remedies fail ed. A Literary Man Went West. The lime-stone water of Ohio disor dered his bowels and laid him on a bed ofsiclAcßS with horrible cramps For three days and nights he was wretched. Then he said "why didn't 1 think of Perry Baviis's Pain Killer?" He sent for it and experienced such prompt and thorough relief that he was a fool for not getting it at first. Brother Jasper, of Richmond, doesn't dare to tell his people that the bad place is warm, because some of the rheumatics in his congregation would want to start down with the first frost Wilsonia will cure paralysis, ca tarrh, rheumatism, nervous debility, pain in the back, bronchitis, asthma, dyspepsia, and many other chronic di seases in which medicine has failed. Its record is marvelous. See advertise ment on another page. America is this year the parent of 200,000,000 pickles. The Conflict. Between disease and health, is often brief and. fatal. It is better to be pro vided with cheap and simple remedies for such common disorders as coughs, colds, &c., than to run the risk of con tracting a fatal disease through neglect. Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam is a sure and safe remedy for all diseases of the luugs and chest. If taken in season it is certain to cure, and may save you from that terrible disease, consump tion. It has been known aud used for many years in America and it is no exaggeration to say that it is the best remedy in the world for coughs, &«. Ask for Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs, and take no other. Sold by all druggists. Dr Green's Oxygenated Bitters. Though originally a New England medicine, has acquired an almost world-wide reputation, solely though its intrinsic merit as the best remedy for all disorders of the stomach, such as dyspepsia, indigestion, costiveness, &c. A preacher who purchases his sermons needs no vacation. Fits Cured Six Years Ago. "It has been 6 years since I was cured of fits," says Mr. W. Ford, of Wirt Jefferson Co., lud. "Samaritan Nervine did it." And it always will, reader. $1.50, at druggists. Dorsey may write a book. A Good Investment. My wife said I was a fool when I brought home a bottle of Parker's Gin ger Tonic. But when it broke up my cough and cured her neuralgia and baby's dysentery she thought it was a good investment.—N. Y. Tailor. —Scores of country fair committees are looking for that biggest pumpkin. —Miss Hannah E. Haupt, Sunbury, Pa., says: "I used Brown's Iron Bit ters to purify my blood and it did all I could desire." —The Printer's case and the repor ter's assignment are now the severest schools for mental improvement. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from practice, having had placed 111 Ins Hands by an iSast India mission ary till- formula of a simple vegetable remedy for tile speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Uroiicliuis, ( alarm, Asinma and all throat and Lung Ail ed ions, also a positive and rail leal cure for .Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested their wonderful curative pow ers in thousands of cases, lias lelt it his duly to make it known to his sintering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suf fering, I will send free of charge, to all who de sire it, this recipe, in German, trench or Knglisli, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. \V. A. NOVKS, 14:) Power's ldock. Koehester, N. Y. SeptlS!-!»-ly,eow —A recent day's business at the Dead Letter office included the opening of a box of live and lively bees. JAMES McKEE, JEWELER, AMERICAN WATCHES, Diamond Clocks, Jewelry, Silver and Table Ware, No. 13 FIFTH AVENUE, One door below Market St, PITTSBURGH, PA. LOWEST PRICES IN THE TWO CITIES, •opio ■pistliimn - oo JOI.MI y mnmfl>V«*Loi mffliv Wtoare.i™iHaau.-j<njJi|JM. raor.M* tr®<n p&ipiii) OU-1110-11111 I U »* O J 9U# l 'sniHMYsoadnoJanl 'smwmi SI J.SIB IHXM low in price; SCMIII£ fast. nr«-RFFD wl.rre; TERM* Brail Uj, (itrrrUui k ( ft6 N. Fourth St., FmladalphU, Pa* f Th" Out jei ■ iitX?you In MOIE MORET oK>"onik thM u»r- In "meria. (JorUlntv. BU«c oftpiteLM. Touaa479 Qrmwlob I&JC Y or* THAT Patterson, the One Price Clothier and Gents' Furnisher has a Fine Stock of new Winter Clothing for Mens', Boys' and Childrens' Wear at one extremely Low Price to all. PATTERSON'S, Dully lllork, Bufler, l*a, fr-feT* Advertise in the CITIZBV. ALWAYS AHEAD! JOHN BICKEL, T II E BOOT and SHOE MAN OF BUTLER Has been East, the only Shoe Merchant in Butler that went East this Fall. His goods are now arriving daily, and as usual, his Fall trade has opened with a RANI) RU$ H. The people of Butler county have been imposed on long enough with high prices, and with few exceptions they are going to the CHEAP BOOT and SHOE HOUSE to buy their Fall poods, but this is not enough 1 want them all to come, I have the goods and THEY MUST HE ©OLD- My goods were all bought direct from the manufacturer for cash by an experienced buyer and I intend to sell them at such I mi \m PRIM That will make my enstonurs all happy and my competitors go mad with rage. They want me to maintain high prices so we can all make BIG MONEY, But I tell them, NO, I can afford to sell goods on a VERY SMALL MAlflilX because I am selling more goods than any other Shoe House in Butler county. So lam going to CUT THE PRICES And favor the people and do the trade. My Stock of Boots, Shoes and Ruhbers is by far the largest that was ever brought to Butler in one season, and I want to impress on the minds of the people that I will not be xjkti>e:xs.soi.i> But to the contrary will guarantee to save them from 15 to 25 per cent, on their Boots arid Shoes and ff ive them goods that will prove just as recommended. All I ask is to give me a call and it will be no trouble for me to convince you that it is THE CHEAPEST PLACE IN BUTLER TO ItUl YOUR HOOTS AXD SHOES. 1 FOIL STOCK OF LEiIHER INDfINDINGS IMITS OK HIND IT BOTTOM PRICES Repairing done same day received. Rubber goods of all kinds repaired. Eight men employed in Store and Manu facturing Department. Call and examine goods before you buy. JOHN BIGKEL, BUTLER, PA. Happy Homes! Happy Homes!! Happy Homes!!! THE NUMBER OF HOMES MABS HAPPY \>j the BM of the Calibrated Laber uml Health-Saving Bav'sSoii SOAP Day's Soap wwwww HV Hi k beyond power of oomytatloj. Onr ftdVHti for the prod-action of It are taxed to the ntmoit to mpplr fheortel that pour la upon u* Croat this great wldoand progreeet-ra country. Itlffht here In your section It In/ being used extensively apd mamy can testify to Its wonderful properties _ Thewreppersarcl Isave vouf htaltt. waxed and can be RE * D THE EVIDENCE BELOW. j Save your ttme. • . * ... Messrs. PAY FRICK. I-HILADELPHIA, IA. L WTW F IISSu lor smoodl lia Ucniltnm:— Uavin* bcc n ma«lc acquainted with the ingredients of which .. Ai |p naflonro "B vmr -cU-brated DAY'S SOAP is composed, ami having fully tried the Soap, I take g4KIY6 jOUr Poll6nC6, tho •lipfara rtf tfntir I'l.wwur; in giving this HS my testimony: Ist. The Soap is perfectly liaimless, _ HIP SLrifltC Ul jUUf a ti I uiav ha used with impunity e\en in washing the most delicate infant, or AAy lirlnn tl||« SQ3O . . . / . the most fastidious beauty. 2d. It is purifving. refreshing, tfrtergent and disin- | „ I, g Id lianCHi'OnS. QtVinQ forting. 3d. No lady.no gentleman, no housekeeper, no hotel, no asylum, no ft Ma imnloacant ndftf 1 8 ■ w hospital fhould be without it. The above may seem strong language, hut I |lfO Ulipicaooni OOPi thorn'a nnllth and have only embodied my convictions after thorough experience ana trial. ] litem d puiisn «tnu Vc-rvtrulvvours. I Bin a* • MIFTNTH SLTF B. PRICE, M. D.,307 North Ninth Street. HU SH.KIIMB A» smooinness, mai Ms r n A prick Philadelphia, May sth. issi. gthe regu |t of a hard Mfill nrpnflvaxftkt in J Kir Sirs:— Your DAY'S SOAP has been used in my family. My wife has had ■ 1 win cnnj ClaMOl in some rxperienee for thirty-live years as a housekeeper. She pronounces it the t|ffow • WdSlI .« .l.iL— hest of all ever used in our family. Yours lespectfnlly, i uo < giving your CIOInCS W. L. GRAY, D. D., Pastor Central M. K. Church, FrnnkforJ. ~ " 9 finished Innlr ME»r«. DAY & FBICK. ELIZABETH, N. J. flflO BOt Water. Dear Sirs:— Having used your Soap, we can say it gives tat s fact ion, bcin ■ , , .. Remember this mu li superior toothers hulurto UM.II for Luu I W| ' Steward, Elizabeth Oen. Hospital and Dispensary. B (...* .UfL.. n U« 9n( l Soap il Cheaper Messrs. DAY a FBICK. B Bill CIOHICI IIICB aIW r r ■ Sirs:— lam using DAY'S SOAP, and colild not bo Induced to uso any other n/hlfq anil a* fn. fflin nnu n4hs> 1(1 for anv amount of money. I have l>een sufferine with suit rheum for a nun*. WilllC 9IIU Ol ITO* Ulall ally Ullicr 111 b L > r of years, and could use no.Se*i> until I met yours, and to mygreat surprise _ ... . . 11 healed my hands, and now I cau do a day's wash without any sutrerin;;. 11 HPS fit 9t IMW llflWl tile market, and vet not only cured me, but saves me many hours of hard wort. I therefore If . f I willingly recommend it to every woman us the best Soap made. Siais does all we claim MK3 - fff itr It I TBYIT - Wash-day has no terrors forthe household where DATS SOAP is used, no unpleasant and sickening odors to fill your houses, no*iaborioua rubbing on the wash-board, while the washing can be done in one-half the time necessary by following the old wora-out method. MADAM —for it is to the ladies w; desire t-o speak more especially—you are the interested per son in this matter; you it is that suffers the ills arising from the wash tub and its heavy cares ; you it is to whom the perplexities and responsibilities of the household rightfully belong, and you it is that should interest yourself in a trial of the qualities of this soap, that has always proven itself to be a boon of salvation TO SPFFEROTg mTMABTITY.— —— We do not come to you with a plausible story calculated to have you try it, simply for the amount of money such a sale would bring us; we do not come to you a.J irresponsible parties, who have no reputa tion to suffer calumny, but we do present to you this brand cf soap upon an absolute guarantee and recommendation of a well-known industrial establishment of Philadelphia, of sixteen years' existence. Do you suppose for a moment it would compensate U3 to make false statements to you and ruin our well-earned reputation ? No, dear reader; what wo say about DAY'S SOAP is the truth, and it is sus tained by the evidences of thousands of housewives from all over the country; besides which we stand ready to endorse it all with ready cash. US'DA I' 3 SOAP is the Original and Only Patented .nM MM MM JN f Will clcnn tile Plinrr*' Skin and Clothes* bJP aHU Jm ' J Will clean the Hlnokimltlu' Bklaand Cl»th«Si I 1 Yr 3*% B 1 Wllleleui (h« Nuvliliibti' Skin sad Clstlufc Em Jb **-■ m I Wllleleam KTerjbodr'i Skin and UMkM. la there not economr In thonso of Soap that will clean the ibln u well u the olotlxi T thla Day's Soap will lonly | do. It will In no wajr injure the finest fabrics or the moat delicate complexions. j Ko soda, no washing crystals, no lyes are to be used, but simply supply yourself for the next wash-day with a bar of DA.Y'S SOAP, then c.irofully read the directions and follow them to the exact letter, and if you don't say pitch cut that old wash-boiler, for I am a wiser woman, you will be the first person we have yet heard of that has been disappointed. remember —If you don't intend to follow the directions do not try the soap at all, for unless you do this you will be disappointed, an 1 then y->u will scold us an J yourself as well. The cost of one cake will convince you that it is th.* bjst and cheapest soap ever offered you, while the smiles tint will encircle your brow will do justice to a golden sunset. Have you confidence in this newspaper i If so, do you suppose the owner would allow us to swindle his readers by offering them tempting inducements? He uses it in his own home, and can certify to its merits. Now you get a cake from your grocer ia time for the next wash-day, and become acquainted with its intrinsic worth. Ask your grocer for it, and do not allow him to put you off with anything else for a substitute, for every dealer can obtain it, and should he refuse you, send direct to DAY & FRICK, Prop's, of the Philadelphia Steam Soap Worfcfc - 1754-56-58-60-62 Howard Street, Philadelphia. WANTED,- SALESMEN. Tocanvas* for the sale of Nursery Stock. I'nequaled facilities. N'» exin-rl-'nce required. Salary au<l «x --pensespald. 7V» acres of Krult and Ornanieutal Trcea, Sbrulm, Ko.es,etc. W. & T. SMlTH.(ianeva. N. IT. Subscribe lor the CITIZEN. Union Woolen TVlill, BUTLER, l'<j 11. F(7LLEiITO!V, Prop'r. Manufacturer ot BLANKETS. YAHNU, &c. A! -1 > eittM work di uc to older, siu-b as carding KolU, making Bias keU, Flannels, Kuit- auJ Weaving Vamp, Ac., at very low prkes. Wool worked 011 ike shares, it de ktred. my7-ly Jaaa^gnaaasEfli ' M tCRES WHF.RE All USE FAIIS. j Bo»t Counh SJyrup. Tiwtvs *ood. r UJ UKO in time. Hold bydruioclaia. Zm ms&ssißSJEs^sssns^ l-gTAdverbw- ia the Cu ÜBN EDUCA TIONAL. #B> a <rer College anil Musicnl Institute, lor young ladies, opeus September 11th, ISS3. Beautifully and Healthfully Located, extensive buildings, pleasant ground.", cheerful rooms, three Literary courses, superior advantages for music and Art. Extensive apparatus, twenty pianos and organs, including pip® organ. Thorough work, home-like care, inodert rates. Send for circular to KEV. It. T. TAYLOR, D. D., Heaver, Pa. TEACHERS OF BUTLER COUNIY. TRAINED TE ACIIEKS are in demand and this demand is increasing year by year. THE INDIANA NORMAL SCHOOL, a'ive to this fact, presents an unsurpassed opportunity lor those teachers who have determined to succeed. Our Academical Department is strong and so shaped as to have a direct bearing upon teaching How to Teach. In Our Professional Department the best modern methods of Teaching and School Management are Thoroughly developed. Theory tirst, then .he practical application of this tDeory, ui.der the watchful eye of the Crilic Our Graduates are Dueling with the most flit tering success. There is a constant demand for them in choice positions. Teachers, graduate it you can, but if you can not, it will repay you to come, if only lor a sin gle term. Fall term ol 188S will oj en on Sept. 10th. For further particulars address L 11. DURLING, Indiana, Pa. JEFFERSON ACADEMY, One of the best Schools. Thorough prepara tion for Co lege, good English education. Con nected with it JEFFERSOX HALL, Hoarding School for Hoys, CANONS BCJIIGII. L»A. Discipline strict but kindly. Boys kept under the eye of the principal, and thoroughly cared lor. Opens Sei'tembcr 15>th. Wm. EWING, Principal. Washington Female Seminary. The next session cpens September 12, 1833. For catalogues or information apply to MISS N. SHERRARD, Principal, Or Rev. JAS. I. BEOWNSON, D. D., Pres't Board of Trustees. Washington, Pa. jlyll,2m STEUBENVILLE, (0.), FEMALE SEMIN ARY. Beautifully located on ilie Ohio river with 53 years'successful experience. For full information, Address DRS A. M. REID & WIGHTMAN. julylS St. FOR SALE. 18 Acres of land, with Urge two story bricK houso and largo baru thereon erected. Good orchard; situated in Butler twp , Butler county, Pa., adj -iuing Butler borough on the south, will be sold cheap and on ea*y term-). For particu lars inquire of Ltv MiQuietion, Esq..Butler, Fa, Most Extensive Pure-Bred Live Stock Establishment in the World! _ a s SB f > y. . 2 ~ 2H5 2 o > Clydesdale, Ferchero ••Norman* Enjlish Draft Horses, Trotting-Bred Roadsters, Shetland Ponies, Hot ate in and Devon Cattle. Our customers have the advantage of our many years experience in breeding and import ing large collections, opportunity of comparing different breeds, low prices, because of extent of business, and low rates of transportation. Catalogues free. Correspondence solicited. POWELL BROTHERS, Springboro, Crawford Co.. Pa. Mention CITIZEN. july2s-9m. PENN'A. CONSTRUCTION CO. 132 First Ave., PITTSBURGH,PA. IRON Buildings, Bridges and Roofs, Jails and Lockups. Fronts, C olumns & Girders, Stairways and Beams. Fences and Cristings, Fire-Escapes. mar2B,i)m HOUSE AMD LOT FOR SALE. A VEKY COZY Two-Storied Frame House of six rooms, cellar, out houses and two lots ol ground in Butler will b Bold ou reason able terms. Cull at ollice of F. M. EASTMAN Mur-Utf. Butler Pa. "BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. VJ. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. WM. CAMPBELL. TREASUKKR. H. C. HEINEMAN, SECRETARY. DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, E. A. Uelniboldt, William Campbell, IJ. W. Buikhart, A. Troutman, I Jacob Schoeue, O. C. Roossing, ' John Caldwell, Dr. W. lrvin, j J- J. Croll, A. B. Rhodes, H. C. Heineman. JAS. T- M'JUNKIN, Gen. A*'t- BUTLER 2P.A— NEW DRUG STORE. J. B. Kohlmeyer & Co. Main Street, (Opposite Vogeley Houee) BUTLER, PENN'A. r>SALKBM IK PURE DRUGS, CHEMICALS, PATENT MEDICINES, LAMPS, TOILET ARTICLES, &C Pure Liquors for medicinal purposes, Oils and Paints. Ac. • ifc*-Dr. G. M. Zimmerman has liia o3ic« on the second floor of same building. jnelß-tf Dr. Frease's Water Ciire Es tablishment. Aheilth h.htitution in ils 30th year. For nearly all kinds ot Chronic diseases, and es pecially the diseases of Women. Invalids aie invited to cor.espond with us. Circulars free. Address, S. FRF.ABE, M. D., jy 18-ly New Brighton, Beaver Co., Pa. Ho I for Pittsburgh Exposition HOME HOTEL, Within sight of the Exposition Building, facing the Allegheny river. Duquesne Way between Eighth &. Ninth Sts. PITTSBURGH, PA. RATES, $1.50 PER DAY, Or 50 cents a day cheapor than any hotel in Pittsburgh. Only temperance hotel in Pitts burgh. augS,l2* t #1 198 LIBERTY ST. . « PITTSBURGH. QUEKX VICTORIA. Court circles in England are anxicuit *t< ut the queen's health. Her disease is thought to be of the kidneys. While this is difficult to reach < by ordinary treatment, which accounts for her j lingering illness, there is a sure and certain rexedv for it all ai d kindred affection*,which che ought to know of and .use. in lilt. FENNER'S, KIDNEY AND BACK ACHE CI'RE. The fol-, lowing illustrates how readily it cur<.s infinitely worse cases than hers: Fredonia. N. Y.. Mar. 8, 1883. Dr. M. M. Fenner—Dear Sir—For years I had been mtTering from a combination of KIDSKY DISEASE. HEART DISEASE and EEMAI.E WEAKNESS. I had a heavy aching pain over my kidneys with cramping of my limbs. I had BACKACHE and a SCANTY and TL'UBLD flow of llriue; lILtOATINO OF LI»HS ami a UENEHAL DKOI-HICAL CONIHIIOS: also PAIS. PALPATATIOS and DROVJY of the HEAUT. Mv condition was a distressing one. ami all treatment and KIDSEY BEMEDIES gave little or no relief. I have been taking your '"KIDSEY AND BACK ACHE CUBE" with the most happy result It has | relieved all the un|.leisant symptoms that have : followed me so persistently and so long. I ; never had a medicine help mo so quickly and cure so completely. lam doing my own work. Yours truly. MRS. JAMES FULLER. DR. FENNER'S SOOTHING SYRUP—l'ieas ai.\ safe, certain. Produces good rest, good temi>er, rosy cheeks, energy, freohuoss, health and vigor in the child. DR. FENNER'S CAPITOL BITTERS—The purest and best stomach tonic known. Dr. FENNER'S SA' T RHEUM OINTMENT — YELLOW AND WHITE— A euro for ALL SKIS DISF.SES. See directions wrapped around package. DR. FENNER'S BLOOD AND LIVER PILLS —The best family physic known. For full information get of your dealer a cir cular entitled DB. FEXSKit's I E IPIX'S REMEDIES. AKE CSED ALI. OVEH TUE WOULD. Anl are for sale by J, L. Wuller and I). H. Wnller, Butler, Pa. {Continued from Uut u«£.) How Watch Cases are Made. In 1875, thirteen men comprised th» entire working force used in the manu facture of the James BosJ Gold Watch Case. Now over fire hundred are employed, and the number is constantly increasing. The rea son of this increase is this: In the James Boss' Gold Watch Case all the metal in sight and subject to wear is solid gold, while the re mainder, which only lends strength to the case, is of stronger metal than gold, giving gold where gold is needed, and strong, elastic metal where strength and elasticity are needed, a combination pro ducing a watch case belter than solid gold and at ONE-HALF the cost. r Over 200,000 of these case# have been sold, and every jeweler in the country can testify to their quality and merit. I.UDISQTON, MICH., Dec. 5, 1882. E. W. Man>h. of the Democrat , bought a Jan. BOOB* Gold Watch case 18 years and carried it until a short time AGO, when I purchased it, and Bold it to a customer. The case showed no HIKHH of wear, except TFRI natural to any case, and I am satisfied can be safely pruaranteod for at leant ten years more. I have sold the James Boss' Gold Watch Case for many years, and the parties who BOUGHT the first ones are carry ing them to-day, as well satisfied aa AOUJRH they had bought a solid gold case COATING twice the money. I regard them aa the only cases or this kind a jeweler should sell who desires to give his customers the worth of their money or values his reputation. WM. J. CUBHWAY, Jeweler. toad tceatstaap to lijiUm WiUk CM« FieUrlw, Phila delphia, Pa., for haadioß* IllastraUd Paaphlel .howi.j how JaaiM B«m* aad leyiUii W»t«fc C»— a rt sad*, {To be Continued.) I The Boss watch cases with any kind of movement desired, can be had of E. GRIEB, WATCHMAKER 1 JEWELEB, jNain St., Butler, Pa., Opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. FARKEH'S HAIR BALSA3L Restores the Youthful Color to Crcy or Faded Hair Parker's Hair Balsam is finely perfumed and is warranted to prevent falling of the liair and to re move dandruff and iicliing. Jliscox &Co , N.Y. 50c. ai:«l §1 size*, at dealer* in drugs and medicines. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with Overwork, or a nio:licr run down L-y family or house hold duties try PA KKICK'S Ciixuiiu TONIC. If you are a lawyer, mini t r or business man ex hausted liy mcntal strain or an x iou<; cares, do not take intoxicating stimulants, but use Pai t «ingcr Tonic If vou have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Kheuma ism, Kidney Complaints, or any disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood or nerves. PA KKCR'S GINGER TONIC will cure you. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier And the Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you arc wasting away from nge, dissipation or any aiscase or weakness and require a stimulant take GIKGEK TONIC at once; it will invigorate and build you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate, it has saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours. CAUTION !— ltcfu*« all subilitutca. Parker'« Ginger Tonic U composed of the bc»t remedial agent» in theworld.and U entirely different FROM preparation* of gingrr alone. Send for circular to HUcox k Co., N. Y. iOc. it $1 tiui, at dealers la dru ;u GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE. . Its rich and lasung fragrance has made this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There is ROtliiut; like it. Insist upon having FLOR&S TON COLOGNE and look for signature of c?&c4<x&j S on erery bottle. Any drugght or dealer In perfumer/ can itipplv vou. S5 and "5 cent iize<. LARGS SAVING BUYING 75C. SI7.E. ONLY KNOW NCURE FOR RUPT U RE TIIK TRIUMPH TRUSS CO., No. 'J South Thirteenth atreer, Philadelphia, and 71 Third avenue New York, cures Rapture in 30 days, and will pay ■? 1,000 for a Rupture tliey cannot cure. ilr. Engleniaii, the GREAT HER NIA Surgeon, Medical ai d ISurgical Director. TERMS MODERATE. EXAMINATION FREE. Fiee trial of Trusses at Offices,which are open day and evening, at Room 45, Hamilton Holt/, '.'os Penn Are., Pittsburgh, Pa for a ehort time only, ('all or send 25 cents for bock on the euro of Kupturo. N. R.—Dr. E. treats successfully all Female Diseases, at Hamilton Hotel. jyll 3m Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, I'a.. where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barrod and Gray Flannels, Knitting ard Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend thorn as being very dura ble, as they are manufactured of pure Rutler county wool. Tlioy are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and wilt be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices. addresß, H. FJLLERTON, Jum.'7B-ly Butlor. Pa From the Districts of ASSAM, CHIT I'AOONG, CACIIAR, KANORA VALLEY, DAKJEKL -ING, DEIIRA DOON, aud other*. Absolutely Pure. Superior in Flavor. The Must Econom ical. Requiriw only half the u<u:il quantity, gold by all Grocers. JOHN C. I'IIIL.LIP.-' A CO., Agents of the Calcutta Ten Syndicate, 130 Water St., N. Y. NovS-ly. 1 P. AH . It. It, Tluic Table. Tbe mor nine train lor Allegheny leaves But j ler at S:OS, lJutleror 1 cal time and arrives , there at 11:45. | The altercoon train for Allegheny leaves But at f. M. and arrives there nt 4: lj r, m. I The evening train for Allegheny leaves at O.OS i'. m- and a rives there at K:OS I*, M, i The morning aud evening trains in iku elose connections at Callery Junction for all points ! west. Trains going ncrth leave Butler at 9:44 a M. and 2:45, and T:3J i\ m., local time. Trains leave Allegheny City lor Rutler at 7:00 and 11 ;20 A. M. and 3;15 r. M., local time. Sunday train going north leaves Butler nt 10:41 v. M., and south at O.C'JI 1". M. West Penii Time Taltle. Trains leave Rutler (Butler or Pittsburgh time.) Market at 4:41 A. w , goes tliroug.i to Allc gheuv, arriving at JI.-01 A. m. This traiu, wlieu on time, connects at Freeport Aceonunoda tiou, which arrives at Allegheny at 7:55, city time. Express nt 7:10 A. M., connecting at Butler J uuctiou, without change of cars, at 8.21 with j Express west, atriviug IU Allegheny at at 9:81 A. M.. and Express east arriving nt Blairsville : at A M., railroad time, where it makes close connection with Mail train cast. Mail at 2.41 I". M., connecting at Butler Junc tion without change ol cars, with Kxpress west, aniving in A.leghonv at 501 !■. M., and Express east arriving at Blairsviile Intersection at »i.is p. M., railroad time, which connects with Johnstown Accommodation aud Philadelphia Express east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. 11. at 94 A. M. t 440 and .5 21 l\ M., Butler time Time of Holding Court*. The several Courts of the county of Butler commence on the tiist Monday of March, June, September and December, and coutinuo two weeks, or so long as necessary to dispose of the business. No causes are put «?.owu for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the tiret week of the several terms. EN. LEAKE, M. D„ • Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office in Union Block, aud residence in Ferrero h m e, Butler, Pa. Oct. 25, ioS2. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, my2l-lv] BUTLER, l'A, Office on JefitTson street, opposite Klintjler's Flour Store. X~. " 0 1/ VVALDRON, Graduate ot the Phil- H adelphia Dental Collegers prejiaretf ■ ll ■to do anything in the line of hit, profession in a satisfactory manner. Oilice on Main street, Butler, Union Block, up stairs. apll How Lost, How Restored Just published, a now edition of Dlt. CUL VERWELLS CELEBRATED ESSAY on the RADICAL, CUKE of SPERMATOKIUBA or Seminal Weakness. Involuntary Seminal Losses. Ijtro- TF.NCY, Mental and Physical Incapacity. Impedi ments to Marriage, etc; also, CoNsriii'Tiojc. EriLErsv and FITS, induced by self-indulgetce, or sexual extravagance, Ac. The celebrated author, in this admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practice, that trie alaflning conse quences of self-abuse may bo radically cured; pointing out a mode of cure at onco simp'e, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radi cally. "* (fi)"Tliis Lecture bhould bo iu the hands of every youth and every man in the laud. Sent under seal in a plain envelope to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address, THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 ASK ST., NEW YOUK, N. Y. ; P. 0. Box, 450. octll-ly. foOYALGLUE \ Mend* Everything HO LID AH KOC'H !—Hard an Adamant!— Firm nHtirnnite:: Strongest. and Most Elastic Oluo HHHK' °n Earth! A KunFanian Oiant inStrenKlhaiuoniraUotherOliied ■§ and Cements! Absolutely l'n- Hfl Hi brenkable aud luseparalilut No Ilentin«!-NoPreparation m Alwaj-s Ready—AlwaysLiiiuid t Glues China. CJloss, Wood, I.eaflirr Belting:, Crockery, Bil fmOml Tips and Cloth. Marble, T1 ill ■■ <"> Metals, Patches on Leather and QmJ llubber HUots, Bric-a-braa, Book Backs, Wone, Furniture, Bicycla nHHI Rubber Tires, Ornaments of Every Will kind. Jewelry, Hmokers" Pipes anil 1111M'15 ClKar H< Ilders, Card Board in Scrap 1 looks, and Everything else with ■ Everlustinx Inseparable Tenacit>' I Sra IIS :>fanillnrturrr» of Otnnmed La ulll'D'" Fabrics, Fine M 1< l«S Pianos, Artificial Flowers, Imitation E| stained Glass and Straw Goods.Oabl ni t Makers, &c., supplied by Gallon JSjHcßßtwor Barrel. 20c. Bottle (Brush and Tin Cover); by mail i<wti>aid. 10 cts i-totkiitehciUt. extra. Mallsdonlyby inanufactursrs j.U.O'MEARA & CO.U^,^^. Liv« Ag«nuWaut«»l Everywhwe. Sold by Druk-trißts, lirouers, Sutiuutaa, Uordwars ftUdUennralbtureA FOR SALE AT REDICK'S DRUG STORE. i-rrrryT The richest, cream* trr^fSTMAER^CBEER ever quailed. iGRIM* JPQKS purifies the blood. laltAT RtSLnfei CURE! Dyspepsia. IKUWI B V Liver and Kidney dls -11 fi M r f rw rntr- Sent by Mail 1/ on receipt ol 25 cts, j n postage stamps. AddroSJ: BEAN & RARE, Wholesale Druggists, Nos. 47 & 49 N. 2d St., Philadelphia. 13^"" Advertise ia the CITIZEN. |D. L. CLmAND,! WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, South Main St., Butler, Pa, Keeps Constantly on Hand a Full Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, -BPECTxICLEH AND SILYERAVARE, At the Lowest Cash Prices. Fine Watch Repairing a Spec ialty. Planing Mill —AND— IT ai*<l. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.Gr. Purvis & Co., MANUFACTURERS ANP DEALERS IN Rough and Planed Lumbsr m OK EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, RATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD X«ar <4eriuaii Culltolle Clinrtll Colloelors Take Xolice. Yon are n»<|ueste.i to collort county taxes and nrtkc l>;i\ mi-tit to tin- County 1 roasuri-r ;vs s|>OIMII- Iv as po-isili:.', as tin' funds of the county are low ami iiiom y is needed f*>r eurrt'iit fX^wnst's. COITN R\ COM M HSIOXKIW. S4»pt. 3. 3t. Subscribe for tbe CITIZEN -
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