Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, July 18, 1883, Image 1

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    VOL. XX.
Biskel & Gallagher,
(Successors to a A Flick )
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
apr 4, 3m
Union Woolen Mills.
* Iwonld desire to call the attention of the
pnblic to the Union Woolen Mill, Cutler, Pa.,
where I have new and unproved machinery for
the manufacture of
Barred and Gray Flannels,
Knitting and Weaving Yarns,
Mid I can recommend them as being very dura
ble, aa they are manufactured of pure Butler
county wooL They are beautiful in color, su
perior 111 texture, arid will be sold at very low
prices. For samples and prices, address,
JolW.'7B-ly Butler. Pa
Farmers and Gardeners!
Look to yonr own interests and improve your
crojw. from 75 to 100 per cent, by u«ing the
Peruvian Sea Fowl Guano, or Bradley's Desolved
Bone. On hand at Wise's in Butler,
or Wm. Crook shank's at Harversville Station,
Butler Co ; Pa. *p!Btf
01# WALDRON, Graduate ol the Phil.
K adcl pbia Dental College, is prepared
• Is ■to do anything in the line of hl»
profession In a satisfactory manner.
Office on Main street, Butler, Union Block,
■p stairs, apll
Work mode to order, and repairing ot
kinda done at reasonable rate* and satiafaction
guaranteed. Particular attention given to re
pairing of farming implement*. Buck-boards
for sale cheaper than they can be purchased
elsewhere, and always on hand*. aprll,3m
|D. L. cleelandJ"
South Main St., Butler, Pa,
Keeps Constantly on Hand a Fall Stock of
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
At the Lowest Cash Prices.
Fine Wateli Repairing a Spec
nafl wSIEi
net Makera,*r., mpriUnd bydallon
ItamL tOe. Battle r Bnvdi and
Tin Covert; by nail poatiiaid. It eta
fion i Mtu. extra. MaUedonl/by nianuf srturera
trueim, UUUuiico. Hardware andOouor»lßturt»
Fob BAI.K at Rkdick'h Dttuo Stobe.
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts.
H. C. IIEINEMAN, Skcbbtakt.
J. L. PorvU, E. A. Helmboldt,
WUllam Campbell, J. W. Barkhart,
A. Trout man, Jacob Schocne,
0.0. Roeaalng, John Oaldwell,
Dr. W. lrrln, J. J. Croll.
A. B. Kbodea, H. C. Helnetnan.
JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen. Ac't
A VCKT oozr
Two-Storied Frame House
ol six rooms, cellar, out bouses and two
lots ol ground in Butler will b sold on reason
able terms. Call at office of
Mar-14 if. Butler Pa.
■ ■ A/arvcUut gMtrtu.
■ ■ Insane Person* Restored
■ ■ Nerve Restorer
" mU iBAm 4t Naava DiasAsaa. Ou/r turt
/" Ntrw At/nfn. I ttt, IHltfiy, tic,
tl.Mai.a it Utr.n a, Mivilmlt. S> l ilt a/nr
Jay! utt. TrckllM tit I %i trUI liMlle (ret to
*1 fenta. Ilwy ftymK cij/revi. hlrtf •> >m l"r> wlm-i,
*"l. «»'l f. 0. »nd titm-i» nl
lotto Arch
Toeanvaaafortbaaaleof Noraerr Stork. Iru-quslc'l
facilities. Sn tiprrtence muDlreri. Salary airl ax
i» n«ee paid. 7U> aero of Kraft arid Ornamental Trnea,
alimlia, Boaaa. etc. W. fc T. ■MITBCTTi-mti. M, 7.
tVCIood Halary and Expense* Paid.
OUTFIT FREE. Nouxierlence needed
mmkh K. WIIII .MC%,
Kuratrjinca, Koch aalcr, M. Y
J. B. Kohlmeyer & Co.
Main Htreet,
(Opposito Vogeley Houso;
Turn Liquor* for luodicln*! purpcm«H, OUm
Atul I'Aintx. hn.
(UTDr. H M. Zimtuermati linn his office on
the Moood fl'xir of Mamo l>uil<ling. JnclJt-tf
Wj K"«l< <««(> Tiwf.<*ui»Kl. g
Estate ol George S. Jamison.
Letters testamentary on the estate of George
S. Jamison, dee'd , late cl Venango twp., But
ler couDty, Pa , having been granted to the un
dersigned, all persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate will please make immedi
ate payment and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
June ltf, 'B3. Eau Claire P. 0,, Butler, Co., Pa.
F-Htutefof William Ramsey.
Letters testamentary on the estate ol William
Ramsey, dee'd, late of Butler township, Butler
county, Pa., having been granted to the under
signed, all persons knowing themselves in
debted to s<iid estate will please make immedi
ate payment and any having claims again't
said estate will present them duly authenticated
for settlement. •
Butler, Pa.
Estate ol James 11. Mechllng,
Whereas letters of administration have this
day been issued to me on the estate of James 11.
Mechling, late of Washington township, dee'd.
by the Register of said county of Butler, no
tice is hereby given to all persons owing said
estate to call and settle, and those having claims
against the same will please present them for
payment duly probated.
a. C. HI'TCHISON, Adm'r.
June o, 1883. North Hope, Butler Co., Pa.
Estate ol Ernest lVerner.
Letters of administration on the estate oi
Ernest Werner, dee'd, late ol Forward twp.,
Butler count} - , Pa., having been granted to the
undersigned, all persons knowing themselves
indebted to said estate will please make imme
diate payment and any having claims again.t
said estate will present them duly authenti
cated for settlement,
MARIA WERNER, Administratrix.
Evans City, Butler , k>., Fa.
W. H. LUSK, Attorney.
Estate of Edward Campbell.
Letters testamentary on the estate of Ed
ward Campbell, dee'd, late of Worth twp., But
ler countv, Pa., having been granted to the un
dersigned, all persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate will please make immedi
ate payment and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
Grant City, Lawrence Co., Pa.
Administrator's Notice.
Whereas letters of administration on the es
tate ot Andrew J. Moore, late of Centre twp.,
Bntlcr county, Pa., dee'd, have been duly is
sued by the Register of wills in and for the
county oi Butler, Pa., to me Nancy J. Moo.e,
widow of said decedeut. Notice is hereby given
to all persons knowing themselves indebted to
t?:e said estate to call and tetlle the same, and
nil persons having claims against the said estate
will please present the same duly orotiated lor
payment. NANCY J. MOORE,
Administratrix Of A. J. Moore, dee'd,
Butler, Pa,
Estate or Jacob llnnnel.
Letters of administration on the estate of
Jacob Iluunel, dee'd, late of Bultilo township,
butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the un
dersigned, all persons knowii.g themselves in
debted to said estate will please make imme
diate payment and any having claims agdlnst
said estate will present theui duly authenticated
for settlement.
G. C. ROENIGK, Administrator.
Carvers Station, Butler Co., Pa.
Estate of John WalterM,
Letter* of administration on the eitatc of
John Walters, dee'd, late of Jackson township,
Butler Co., Pa., having been granted to the un
dertigned, all persons knowing themselves in
debted to said estate will please make imme
diate payment and any having claims against
said estate will present them duly authenticated
for settlement.
JOHN A WALTERS, Administrator.
Evans C'iiy, Butler County, Pa.
Loolt !
To your and dont buy a grain
drill till you see the FARMER'S FAVORITE.
Double distribution and grain seed or. force feed
grass seeder, and double east-steel reversible
points. Steel axletroe*. Grass seeder either
behind or before. For sil« by Win. Crookehank,
Sarversville, Butler Co. I'a. aplStf
The undersigned has abont 25 tons of good
clear ice on hands, which he will sell in large or
sirall quantities on reasonable terms, and de
liver at the houses of his customers during the
cummer Orders can be left at Wick's meat
•bop. D..HOWE LION.
Estate ol James Sterling.
Letters of (vliuinistration on the estate of
James Sterling, dee'd., late of Cranberry town
ship, Butler county, Pa,, having been granted
to the administrator, and all persons knowing
themselves indebted to the said estate to call
and settle the same, and all persons having
claims against the said estate will please pre
sent the same duly pr< bated for payment.
NEWTON GARVIN, Administrator,
Ogle P. 0., Butler Co., Pa.
The Butler Camp Meeting Association will
hold their annual encampment on the grounds
of the association, three miles west of liutler.
on Thursday, August Kith and continuing until
Monday evening. August 27th. Opening
service at 2 o'clock p. M. on Thursday, August
10th. Hingle and family season tickets can be
had from the secretary or treasurer. Ample
arrangements are made for boarding on the
ground. Tent sites can l>e had ujkxi applica
tion to any member of the Board of Trustees.
JEFF BURTNER, Secretary,
The subscriber continues ill'! malting of bricks
com moil, pavement, bay window andotheripiul-
Ht lil.h kllii on tin- Kair I;round road, half a
uille west of Butler He will ki«p on ham) a lot
of bricks at all tlmeii. II'! will also make ami hum
brick m the «• oostrjr (or ujtom desiring to luvt
them made oil their own farm or praml-x'S.
An he luti-nds carrying on the brick making
business, lie Invites the custom of all, promWlng
to give entire satlkluctlon to all who may patron
ize him.
All orders promptly tilled at reasonable rates.
Call on or address,
uiaKH-liino Butler I'a.
132 First Ave.,PITTSBURGH,PA.
Bridget* and Koofw,
Jul IN mid I.ocliiipM.
NtalrwayM and VlcuniM,
A All# A|| filial will send us the
l| M V II|M is names and :#Mn i of hi
HI! I Ul« I'lelr friends, and en
close '/D cents (In stamps) to cover expense of
packing and ismtage. we will send them fur their
trouble any of the following wumhTful hunks :
"Heady-made Autograph Album verses," "Hall
Itoom liandng Without a master." "F'uluue
Telling made easy, "The mystery of love uniklng
solved," or' The American Business man." We
make (his liberal offer to k« t names to send our
n<-w maumoth, lllustrati-ilci page Catalogue HV
Hon t fall to tend for our catalogue, Addn it all
outers to
lliatlsoti >1 an ii fit <1 r I iik Co.
Astor I'lace & Broadway, New York,
ergetic Men. Hilary and Expenses paid.
Tbo Business easily learned.
tiie ('iiami; .M itsi;icn:s
Kioffcr J'ear. Champion Quince, Mansell Itas
l>erry, and all the moHt desirable fruits and orna
Only those need apply who can devote their
entire tioio and attention to the work.
Address, It. U. CIIAHE 4 CO., I'hUadelphia, I'a.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica,
Lumbago, Backache, Headache. Toothache.
Sore Throat, ttwellliifs, Nprmlnt, BrulMi,
Harm. Sr»l4s. Fro«C Bite*.
Sold b7 Drufftst* ku4 Dealers ererrvherc. Kiflj C*nu ft bottle.
Directions in 11 Lenguafee.
;r»niMir- u A. VOQCLBft A CO.) BaltUaera, M<L, U.S. A.
FEVERS, &c. f &c.
I Perry Davis's Pain Killer
Planing Mill
Lumber Yard.
S. G. Purvis & Co.,
Rough and Planed Lumber
Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards,
Near German Catholic Church
North Washington Academy,
OPENS JULY 24. 1883
liyron W. K'tig, (lurry Institute, Pitts
burgh, I'a., wl'l have charge of Elocution, Ac.
Hpecialtiea niaile of
Hend for circular to It. I). OBAWFOHIJ
North Hope, liuller County, l : a.
In Cli'iir Ncnlcn<'4'h mi Aiilliorl
ly H<l«iH lilh own lo I lie I*o|in
lur Jihlkiiiaiil.
I ill West Tenth Htreet, |
Nkw York, Aug. 11, IHKO. ]
I urn slow to pin my faith to any new cura
I'I.AHTKII has won my (food opinion. I find
il an exceptionally cleanly plaster to use and
T'ijii'l hi i!x action. Many tests of its <|ualities
in my own family, ami among tny patients,
have convinced me that there is no otner sin
gle article so valuable for popular u«e, none so
helpful in eases of lame back, local rbeiuna
tisin, neuralgia, congestion of the bronchial
tubes and lung* and lumbago.
You may feel free to use ruy name.
Very truly yours,
11. 11. KANE, M. f> ,
l'hyaician-iu-('hief of the lie (juiney Home.
I'riee of the OAPOINE 25 rents.
Heabury A Johnson, Chemists, New York.
Also lcrsoiift In tame given hy ANNIKM.
LOW MAN, North itrcet, Butler, i'a.
low 111 |»flir, <*vcf ywlfir, l.lbiml ''-nut
Mr Ml */, OirriU«a A 4 ».,<*> N. l-ouctl* b'., l»u, l'l>
Some Incidents of the Late Cam
paign Related by the Great
From New York Herald.]
There is a great difference between
fighting Indians and fighting white
men. The savages always get in a
position where they will be shielded
and only fight when they want to, and
our soldiers are forced to fight whether
they want to or not, and these scouts
know better how to surprise them than
our soldiers, for they are intelligent
warriors and take advantage of every
little circumstance. Every Indian is a
general and knows exactly what to do
under any circumstances. He knows
which is the best position for him and
how to take the enemy at o disadvant
age. He is always under all conditions
perfectly self-possessed, and there is an
individuality about him at all times.
The soldier "is mechanical and part of a
great machine and thereby loses his in
dividuality. If there is a weak spot in
our line and a lot of Indian boys in
front of us they will drop on that point
and make as much out of it as a Ca>3ar,
.Napoleon or Hannibal could do, for
they will do exactly right, and that is
all the best generals in the world could
The Apaches are the shrewest and
best fighters in the world. They will
strip themselves and ascend a precipice
like a cat, and they will do all this af
ter making a day's march. During this
expedition they danced through oDe
night—to the discomfort of the sol
diers who were trying to sleep—march
ed all next day and climbed places
where a coyote would have trouble in
getting. I Lave known them to run
suddenly on a quail and kill it with a
stone, and run down a wouuded ante
lope. They are just as much smarter
than other Indian as anybody could be.
They have wonderfully good eyesight,
being able to follow a trail on a star
light night as well as I could in day
light. Evidences of their prowess are
visible all through that country and
they and the Mexicans have been fight
ing for hundreds of years, and upon
every hand are to be seen the remains
of Pueblo settlements which have evi
dently been wiped out by these In
dians, and it is a tradition among the
people of that section that the Apache
is unconquerable. Yet they have wip
ed out every band of Pueblo Indians,
except the Moquis and Zunis, whom, I
am satisfied, ure the same class of peo
ple. I have seen these fellows ambus
cade in a place as level as a floor.
There was a wagon tain in 1871 go
ing out of Arizona into California, with
an escort in advance. The Indians
saw them coming and ambuscaded in
the road, which was perfectly level,
with here and there a clump of grass.
The Apaches lay upon their stomachs,
threw dust over themselves and tied
grass in their hair and were passed by
the escort unnoticed. After the escort
was some distance off the Indians jump
ed up and captured the wagons in the
rear and killed the teamsters. These
fellows take all the chances, whereas
other Indians seek a place where they
will be safe and shoot the enemy.
Peaches, our principal Apache guide,
knows that whole country and we left
everything to hiin. I was not afraid
to trust him and I believe I am the on
ly man who has used these Indians
against each other. I do not know
how to describe the way it is done, but
I have never met a case o# treachery.
I have these same Indians in a battle
who were in open arms against me and
have had them to turn arourwl immed
iately against their own people.
I never disarm Indians under the
present circumstances, because it has
been my experience that, in order to
govern the Indians, you must not al
low them to think you arc afraid of
them. To take their guns from them
while the whites about them are allow
ed to carry arms would have the effect
to impress tho Indian at once that you
were afraid of him. Another thing is
that when these Indians surrendered
they only brought in lances or indiffer
ent arms, expecting to give them up.
Where the Indians contemplate sur
render they always take the precaution
to hide their good weapons. Now, it
I had demanded these arms that they
brought with them they would have
credited me with fear, while would get
only those weapons which they did not
attach any value to. This is always
the case where the attempt is made to
disarm them. Since the Introduction
ol tho breech-loading gun tho Indian
problem has undergone a change. A
breech-loader in the hands of an Indian
makes him a very formidable enemy,
for every rock affords a fortification for
him, and he can keep us at bay while
he deals death and destruction to tho
pursuing party, without the latter gain
ing anything in return. They handle
the breech-loader with remarkable
quickness and are good marksmen.
Ari Invention for Hotel Clerks.
Edison, the Inventor, haw invented
an electric apparatuH for Btured electric
ity, which can bo carried in the pocket.
Just at the waistband of tiie hotel
clerk'H troiiHcrH will be a connection of
the circuit between the spark and the
battery. The clerk, when a guest en
ters, has only to glance at him, when
of course, the largo paste diamond
will not be noticed. The guest leans
over the counter to sign his name, and
an he lookH up at the clerk, which 095)
in 1,000 alwayn do, the clerk will
lean against the counter, clone the cir
cuit, the Hpark will illuminate the dia
mond and the gucHt will lie paralyzed
with the importance of said clerk, who
cau add any amount per week to his
bill in advance. The lines will bo on
the underground principle, that in,
under the clerks shirt front, with the
wires emanating from a button-hole.
—A Sabbath-day's Journey: "What
i« meant by a 'Sabbath-day 'H jour
ney?' " John—"The distance between
any place ami the nearest good fishing
A New York Firm Whose Busi
ness is to Supply Babies
When they are
Of all the thousand and one profes
sions on which the inhabitants of this
| city aie dependent for support, it is
probable that the pursuit of the baby
i broker has as yet attracted the least
i attention. Very few are aware of the
; extent and importance of the business.
The recent researches of a Journal re
porter revealed the fact that there are
at present something like forty or fifty
individuals and firms employed in this
industry. It has been generally held
that the "blessed baby" was not usually
regarded as a thing to be desirable in
American families, and that Matthusian
ideas were exceedingly popular; but the
volume of the transactions in infantile
humanity furnish a striking refutation
of this theory. "Of course I will tell
you something about it," said a prom
inent operator in infants to a Journal
reporter yesterday. "Come around to
the office with me, and I will give you
a few points. At present the crop is
coming forward but slowly, and as a
natural consequence my stock is rather
low; however, you shall see what I
have. There is a desirable youngster
about 10 days old, fair hair, blue eyes,
and a boy. He has, you observe, a
dimple on the left cheek, and that al
ways enhances the value of a child. I
am askiner SIOO for him. The girl
next to him, of about the same age,
will probable go for half that sum.
She would fetch more, but her hair has
every indication of developing into
what is euphemistically termed an au
burn shade—in other words, red.
However, boys always briDg more than
"How do you account for that ?"
"Well, I don't know; all I know is
that girls, with the exception of par
ticularly fine specimens, are at a dis
count. I prefer not to deal in them."
"What nationalities do you find
most in demand ?"
"It depends entirely on that of the
customer, and I endeavor to satisfy
them in that respect to the best of my
ability. Of course, one* in awhile a
mistake is made, and a child of Hiber
nian extraction is disposed of to Teu
tonic foster-parents, but as a general
thing I manage to avoid such errors.
No, we have no Chinese babies as
"Do you find it difficult to suit your
customers ?"
"Sometimes I do. Some women are
very particular. They have in their
mind's eye an ideal baby, and expect
me to be able to produce it. As a gen
eral thing I find that tho blond type is
most in demand, although many of my
clients ask for such a curious combina
tion as blue eyes and dark hair, or
dark eyes and fair hair. A lady who
came here this morning produced a lock
of hair of a rather unusual white, which
she expected mo to match, for all the
world as if she was buying a yard of
"Do you find tho business profit
"Well, generally the demand is rath
er in excess of tho supply, and hence
the chances of profit are fairly good,
but my expenses are large. My rent is
heavy, and doctors' fees make a large
hole in my profits. My competitors
are very numerous, and of course that
cuts down prices. Things are not what
they used to be. Now, if a customer is
not satisfied with my rates she goes
elsewhere, in fact, goes 'shopping.'
Tho establishment opposite has been
a great source of loss to me. Where I
used to get s'2oo a year ago, 1 must
now be satisfied with $75.
"Do you ever have applications for
colored ?"
"No. The extreme brunette type in
not popular anion# white people, and
the Aflcan population do not Heem to
Htand in need of my Hervice. A large
part of my trade is in what we term
futures. I have here," referring to a
ledger, "contraelH for July and August
delivery; BOIHC, indeed, as far ahead aH
September, those being the montliH in
which my rustic customers, among
whom most of the business is done,
visit the city."—iVcu> York Exchange.
He Waived Mis Private Heasons.
"I vould make me affirmations,"
smilingly remarked Mr. Waldinan, as
he rained his right hand in the witness
box, in front of Judge Peirco yesterday.
"What for?" roared the lawyer for
the defense.
"For I like mo to," replied the wit
ness, somewhat embarrassed.
"What for, 1 say?" shouted tho
lawyer, rising to his feet.
"Vat for I should tell you said the
astonished witness.
"Don't you know why you allirm ?"
roared tho counselor.
Mr. Waldman blushed until his
moustache got rod and replied: "I hat
got me some brivato beleafs pecause 1
should affirmation make."
"What ari! your beliefs ?" asked the
lawyer, iu caliope-like tones.
"Viirft vat I blease, but I vill swear
me some yunt to blease you," and he
kissed the book with such a clamorous
smack that the doz.cn criers awoke and
chorused "silence."
Farming a Safe Business.
It has been shown by statistics that
out of one thousand trades and men in
commercial pursuits only raven acquire
wealth. There were 1,112 persons
went into bankruptcy in Massachusetts,
and but fifteen of them were farmers.
Of the 2,fi00 bankrupts in New York,
but .forty-six were farmers. The per
cent, of bankrupt farmers in tho West
ern .States from 187'.) to IBHU, was Htill
less than in the Fast. These facts
show how safe a business is farming.
mitted to HOC his wile'H face before
marriage. In this country thlngH are
somewhat changed, a wile often hem#
unable to nee her husband'a face after
A Suit over a Piece of Human
BOSTON, July 6.—What may well
take rank as the most unique of law
suits has grown out of Governor But
ler's investigation of the Tewksbury
abuses. A reporter met a member of
the boot and shoe firm from whom
the Governor obtained the largest
specimen of tanned humau hide and
this conversation took place :
"Mr. Donalson, did you ever recover
the skin you loaned Governor But
ler ?"
"No, I have not; but I am going
"Was it of any value to you ?"
"I should say it was. I was mak
ing a pair of shoes from it for the mus
eum in Rome. I valued that skin at
about $1,500."
"How do you propose to get it
back again ? You have received word
from the Governor that he does not ac
knowledge ahy property in human
skins, and that he intends to bury it
when it has served his purpose as evi
dence in the investigation."
"I understand that, and have com
menced legal proceedings to secure it
"Do you anticipate success in your
suit ?"
"I certainly do, and because of the
publicity given the article in the re
cent affair I would not take less than
three thousand dollars for that skin."
Something for Boys to Read.
Here is a good story, and all the bet
ter because it is a true one. Two men
stood at the same table in a large
factory in Philadelphia, working at the
same trade. Having an hour for their
nooning every day, each undertook to
use it in accomplishing a definite pur
pose ; each persevered for about the
same number of mouths, and each won
success at last. One of these two me
chanics used his dailv leisure hour in
working out the invention of a machine
for sawiog a block of wood into almost
any desired shape. When his inven
tion was complete, he sold the patent
for a fortune, changed his workman's
apron for a broadcloth suit, and moved
out of a tenement-house into a brown
stone mansion. The other man—what
did he do ? Well, he spent an hour
each day during most of a year in the
very difficult undertaking of teaching a
little dog to stand on his hind feet and
dance a jig, while he played the tune !
At last accounts he was working ten
hours a day at the same trade and at
his old wages, and finding fault with
the fate that made his fellow workman
rich while leaving him poor. Leisure
minutes may bring golden grain to
mind as well as purse, if one harvests
wheat instead of chaff.— Wide Awake.
Lincoln and His Coon.
''Just after Jeff. Davis had been cap
tured," says a'gentlemau in the Huston
Traveller, "I called over to the white
house to see President Lincoln I was
ushered in, and asked him: 'Well, Mr.
President, what are you going to do
with Jeff. Davis?" Lincoln looked at
me a moment and then said in his
peculiarly humorous way: 'That re
minds mo of a story. A boy 'way out
west caught a coon and tamed it to a
considerable extent, but the animal
created such mischief about the house
that his mother ordered hitn to take it
away and not to come homo until he
could return without his pet. The boy
went down town with tho coon, secur
ed with a strong piece of twine, and in
about an hour ho was found sitting on
tho edge of the curbstone, holding tho
coon in one hand, and crying as though
his heart would break. A big-hearted
gcntlcmuu who was passing stopped
and kindly inquired: 'Say, little bov,
what is tho matter V Tho boy wiped
a tear from his eye with his sleeve, and,
in an injured tone, howled : 'Matter ?
Ask me what's tho matter ? You see
that coon there ? Well, I don't know
what to do with tho darn thing. I
can't sell it, I can't kill it, and ma
won't let me take it home."'
Fence Advertising.
The fences along the line of tho
streets and public roads are generally
garnished with advertisements. Tho
people who do this are probably not
aware that there is a law against it.
Tho act of 1881 says: "He it enacted,
etc. That if any persou or persons
shall, without the consent of tho owner
or owners thereof, willfully daub, paint
advertisements, or post placards upon
or deface walls of any building or
buildings, bouse or houses, or tho
fences around tho yard connected there
with, or any fences surrounding or en
closing any vacant lot or lots, or farm,
or shall, without tho consent of the
owner or owners thereof, daub, paint
advertisements or placards upon or
otherwise deface any tree or trees, or
uhall cause the same to be done by
others, such offender or offenders shall
be guiltv of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction be sentenced to pay a fine
not exceeding $2. r >, and undergo an im
prisonment not exceeding thirty days,
or both or either, at tho discretion of
tho Court.
Tho Dude.
Miss Kate Field draws this picture
of a dude: "Take a strip of Momothing
that for convenience we will call a man
—which, by the way, is a gross libel
on man. Arounil his neck place a tight
collar, enshrouded with a hideous scarf
and breast pin. I'ut upon it a silk hat
and a cutaway coat. C'lotho its lower
extremities with pants wherein calves
were never meant to grow. In it« hand
a cane, and on its feet boots that croak
at every step in limping measure.
I'lace a cigarette in it H mouth; teach it
a brief vocabulary of adverbs and ad
jectives commencing with 'immensely
clever,' ami finishing with 'see you later
you know,' and in my humble opinion
you obtain a fair conception of the brains
and capacity of an American dude.
Kut let IIH change the mihject, it 1H not
—"What you don't want other little
girls to do to you, don't you do to
them," was the way in which a fright
ened little girl at a Sunday school con
cert repeated the Golden Rule.
—Clarion county two cen
tenarians, John Magee, of Reedsburg,
who celebrated his 100 th birthday last
week, and Mr. Longwell, of Perry
township, whose age is given at 105
—The bane of our life is discontent
ment. We say we will work no long
er, and then we will enjoy ourselves.
But we find just as Thackery has ex
pressed it:—"When I was a boy," he
said, "I wanted some taffy. It was a
shilling. I hadn't one. When I was
a man I had a shilling, but I didn't
want any taffy."
—"Well, Tom," said a blacksmith to
his apprentice, "you have been with
me now three months and have seen
all the different points in our trade ; I
wish to give you your choice of work
for a while." "Thank'ee, sir." "Well,
uow, what part of the business do you
like best ?" "Shuttin' up shop and
goin' to dinner."
—A young merchant wants to know
how long a surety is good on a note.
Well, generally as long as the note or
the surety lasts. We don't kuow much
about the length, but we can teil you
about how often a surety is good on a
note. Once. Just once. Only
w-a-n-s-t You can't catch him the
second time, young man.
—The office safe in Waddington's
machine shop at New Castle was
blown open lately, but the burglars
only obtained a very small sum for
their trouble. They, however, went
to Greaser's brewery, near by, and
drilling open the safe there got over
$7,000 in cash. There is no doubt that
it was the work of professionals.
—"Charley," remarked Jones, "you
were born to be a writer." "Ah !" re
plied Charley, blushing slightly at the
compliment; "you have seen some of
the things I have turned off?" "No,"
said Jones; "I wasn't referring to
what you had written. I was simply
thinking what a splendid ear you had
for carrying a pen. Immense, Charley,
simply immense !"
—There is no authentic record of the
number of pieces of clothing that a
strong and skilled laundress, armed
with a flat-iron, can iron in an hour.
She may do wonderful work, but it
would be insignificant when compared
with the work of the ironiug machines
into which the flat-iron has evoluted.
Five thousand pieces an hour is the
speed claimed for one of the latest in
ventions. A steel cylinder, six feet
loug and two feet in diameter, is heat
ed by steam introduced inside. It is
revolved between two endless aprons
held firmly by two sets of rollers.
The clothes are fed to it as they come
dump from the wringing machine and
are dried, ironed and polished in less
than a minute. These machines are
used in hotels and largo institutions
In some the cylinder is heated by gas
instead of steam.
What He Meant.
In a suit before a Detroit justice, tho
other day, tho defendant desired to
prove that his financial standing was
solid, and when his witness had taken
the htand and testified that the defend
ant enjoyed the reputation of promptly
paying his debts, the opposing counsel
"Mr. Blank, you say you consider
Mr. White perfectly good ?"
•'Yes, sir."
"If he owed you SSO you'd expect to
receive it when duo?"
"Yes, sir."
"If ho should ask you for tho loan of
$25 dou'd hand it right out ?"
"Y-yes, sir."
"Very well—very well. Mr. White,
ask the witness for a loan of $25."
"Mr. Blank, lend rno the sum nam
ed," said the defendant as ho reached
out his hand.
Mr. Blank grow red aud pale by
turns, hitched around liko a boy on a
carpet tack, and finally replied :
"What I meant to say was that I'd
lend you $25 on a first mortgage on
about $2,000 worth of real estate I
Make out your papers!"— Detroit Frr.e
A Remarkable Sand Dune.
The Reno, Nev., Gazelle describes a
remarkable hill of moving sand in the
eastern part of Churchill county, Nev.,
about sixty miles from Land Springs
Station. It is about four miles long
and about a mile wide.
In tho whole dune, which is from 100
to 100 feet in height, and contains mil
lions of tons of saud, it is impossible to
find a particle larger than a pin head
It is so fine that if an ordinary barley
sack be filled and placed in a moving
wagon, the jolting of the vehicle would
empty the sack, and yet it has no form
of dust in it, and is as clean as any sea
beach sand. The mountain is so solid
as to give it a musical sound when
trod upon, and oftentimes a bird light
ing on it, or a large lizard running
across tho bottom, will start a large
quantity of the sand to sliding, which
makes a noise resembling the vibration
of telegraph wires with a hard wind
blowing, but so much louder that it is
often heard at a distance of six or seven
miles, and it is deafening to a person
standing within a short distance of the
sliding sand.
A peculiar feature of the dune is that
it is not stationnry, but rolls slowly
eustwurd, tfie wind gathering it up on
the west end and carrying it along the
ridge until it is agnin deposited at the
eastern end. Mr. Monroe, the well
known surveyor, haviug heard of the
rambling habits of this mummoth sand
heup, quite u number of years ugo took
u careful bearing of it while sectioning
Government lands in that vicinity.
Several years luter he visited the place,
und found thut the dune hud moved
something over u mile.
—Never clean your teeth with saud
piper, as the sand is apt to make the
gums sore.
—To keep flies off a bald head dur
ing a sermon the head should be well
saturated with kerosene before going
to church.
—lf you don't want evil things said
of you, don't do evil things. It ia
poor policy to grow feathers for your
enemy's arrows.
Reports come from Berks county,
that a green worm, which has not ap
peared before for twenty-five years, is
at work among the wheat fields, eat
ing off the heads.
—ln Graves county, Kentucky,
Thursday, a man and his son named
Tucker, (juarreled as to who should
ride the reaper. The father broke the
skull of his son with a club, and the
boy will die.
—We would like to see a greater
disposition displayed on the part of
our citizens to engage in manufactur
ing—for it is manufactories that causes
a town to grow and gives, it increased
commercial importance.
—A family of five, consisting of
father, mother and three children, were
drowned in the Ohio river, twenty
miles below Marion, Ind., on Thursday
evening. The waves of a passing
steamer upset their skiff.
—Reports from different parts of
Lancaster county show that the army
worm is busily at work in the wheat.
Leading farmers say that already ten
per cent of the crop has been destroy
ed in the lower end of the county,
where the worm made its appearance a
week ago.
—"I put a secret kiss under the
postage stamp for my darling," wrote
a certain young fellow to his girl.
She deftly removed the stamp by
steam, but found no kiss, only some
remnants of plug tobacco and a strong
odor of beer. They are not married
yet and not likely to be!
—An interesting feature of agricul
ture in California is olive growing. It
is thought that the State can easily
raise a crop as large as that of Italy,
which, it is said, sells yearly for $50,-
000,000. A rancho owner at Santa
Barbara has made $22,000 an acre
from the cultivation of this delectable
—While many people are injured
every Fourth of July through the care
lessness of others, some bavo only
their own stupidity to blame. Among
the striking instances of Bevere injuries
thus self-inflicted on Wednesday is
that of a young man who explodod a
big firecracker while holding one end
of it in bis mouth.
—Asiatic cholera is scourging tfco
region south of the Suez Canal in
NgyP l - At Damietta 113 deaths are
reported within twenty-four hours, and
the epidemic is spreading. Vessels
passing through the canal have been
prohibited from communication with
the stations through fear of spreading
the contagion.
—We are pained to learn from one
of our exchanges that during a game
of buso-ball one of the players "made
a terrible error." The young man bus
heretofore borne a good character, but
now, it is presumed, ho will be shuned
by all respectable persons and become
a social pariah, IJut he should be giv
eu opportunity to reform. The "terri
ble error,'' wo suspect, was in not
killiDg the umpire.
—The year 1883 seems destined by
its disasters from cyclones, floods, fires
and panics to pass into history as the
most calamitous ever recorded. There
seems to be some unseen fatality in
the universe, and destruction and
death from somo quarter comes as reg
ular as the day. The last on the list
of destructive forces is the appearance
of the dreaded scourge cbolora, dircct
in its old line of travel.
--For a home-inado disinfectant dis
solve a bushel of salt in a barrel of water,
and with the salt water slack a bar
rel oflime, which should be wet enough
to form a kind of pasto. For the pur
pone of a disinfectant this home-made
clorido of lime is nearly as good as that
purchased at the shops. Use it freely
about sinks, cellars, gutters and out
houses, and in this way save sickness,
suffering and expenses.
—A boy in Taterson, N. J., put a
lighted firecracker in the bung hold of
an empty whisky barrel that lay in
front of a saloon. Tho barrel had
been in tho sun all day and was full of
gas. The explosion of tho firecracker
set lire to the gas, and tho barrel ex
ploded with the noise of a cannon,
pieces of It were thrown 500 feet. A
piece of the head struck the boy in tho
face, injuring him so that there ia lit
tle hope of his recovory.
Twenty Years a Great SulTbrer.
from constipation. Had swallowed a
half-bushel of pills, und drank over a
lmrrcd of cathartic und laxative slops.
Hud tried every patent medicine re
commended in such cases, und had
been treated by ull the very best physi
cians in Philadelphia, and was finally
told by her consulting physicians that
she was now too weak for cathartic
medicine, or injections, und that sha
must die. She then took Mannlin und
was cured. See 31st pago of the "Ills
of Life." (let the book from your
druggist, or address I>r. Ilurtmau, Os
born, 0 , for one.
A Politician who can't name a tick
et that would "sweep tho country like
wild-lire" has no business to bo a poli
tician these days.
—Mr. Jos Krolder, 977 N. GtbSt,
Philadelphia, Pa., say?: "1 used
Itrown's Iron Hitters for indigestion
with gratifying results."
ISO. 34