BUTLER CITIZEN J^I^CELLANEOIJS. A MALARIAL VICTIM. The Trying Experience of a Prominent Minister in the Tropics and at the North. To THE EDITOR : * The following circumstances, drawn from my personal experience, are sc important and really remarkable that 1 have felt called upon to make them public. Their truth can be amplj verified: In 1815 I moved from Canton, St. Lawrence county, N. Y., to Honda, which State i intended to make my future residence. I purchased a home on the banks of the Sta John's river and settled down, as I thought, for life. The summer following the first winter I was conscious of most peculiar sen sations which seemed to be the ac companiment of a change of climate. I felt a sinking at the pit of the stomach accompanied by occasional dizziness and nausea. My head ached. My limbs pained mc and I bad an oppres sive sense of weariness. I had a thirst for acids and my appetite was weak and uncertain. My digestion was im paired and my food did not assimilate. At first I imagined it was the effort of nature to become acclimated and so I thought little of it. But my troubles increased until I became restless and feverish and the physician informed me I was suffering from malarial fever. This continued in spite of all the best physicians could do and I kept growing steadily worse. In the year 1880 my physicians informed me a change of climate was absolutely necessary—that I could not survive another summer in "the south. I determined to return north, but not to the extreme portion, and so I took up my residence at Upper Sandusky in Central Ohio. The change did not work the desired cure and I again consulted physicians. I found they were unable to effect a permanent cure, and when the extreme warm weather of summer came on I grew so much worse that I gave up all hope. At that time I was suffering terribly. How badly, only those can appreciate who have contracted malarial disease in tropical regions. It seemed as if death would be a relief greater than any other blessing. But notwithstand ing all this, I am happy to state that I am to-day a perfectly well and healthy man. How I came to recover so re markably can be understood frem the following card voluntarily published by me in the Sandusky, 0. Republican, entitled: HONOR TO WHOM HONOR IS DUE. EDITORS REPUBLICAN: During my recent visit to Upper Sandusky, so many inquiries were made relative to what medicine, or course of treatment had brought soch a marked change in my system, I feel it to be dae to the proprietors and to the public to state that Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure accomplished for me what other medicines and physicians had failed to do. The malarial poison which had worked its way so thoroughly through my syetem during my five years resi dence' in Florida had brought me to the verge of the graye, and physicians had pronounced my case incurable; but that is not to be wondered at, as it was undoubtedly one of the worst on record. Hough Brothers, cf your city, called my attention to the medicine re ferred to, and induce me to try a few bottles. So marked was the change after four week's trial that I continued its use, and now, after three months, the cure is complete. This is not writ ten for the benefit of Warner & Co., but for the public, and especially for any person troubled with malarial or bilious attacks. 1 ' Such is the statement I made, with out solicitation, after my recovery, and such I stand by at the present moment. I am convinced that Warner's Safe Cure is all it is claimed to be, and as such deserves the great favor it has re ceived. A remedy which can cure the severest case of tropical malaria of five years' standing certainly cannot fail to cure those minor malarial troubles which are so prevalent and yet so serious. ALFRED DAY, Fastor Universalis! Church. Woodstock, 0., May 10, 1883. —There are some peoplo in this world who have never waked up to fact that there is any other personal pronoun except "I" in tho language. They are not conceited, only Belf-ap preciative. Baby Elephant. Barnum is overjoyed with his acqui sition—the baby elephant —and de clares $300,000 could not buy it. He. offers $52,000 for an insurance of the life of the infant for 52 weeks. Sure ly, if he knew the full value of .Peruna and Manalin, he would do no such foolish thing, as they are the most successful protective medicines that have ever been introduced to the hu man family. No one can take any disease while taking Peruna before each meal, and keeping the bowels reg ular with Manalin. Ask your drug gist for the book on the "Ills of Life. —To try to get money out of a mis er is likely to be as successful as to light a cigar at a pump. —Mr. B. S. Heindel, Helium, Pa., says: "I used brown's Iron Bitters for dyspepsia and was much pleased with the result." —lt does not always follow, though it sometimes seems to do so, when a person wears half mourning that her friends are half dead. %*"lt is easier to convince a man against his senses than against his will." When a sfck man has given Kidney-Wort a thorough trial, both will and senses join in unqualified ap proval of its curative qualities in all diseases of the liver, kidneys and bowels. —lt was, of course, an Irishman in his very best mood who said that the landlords are so grasping that thoy take a tenth of all the tenants have, and they would even take a twentieth if the law allowed them to. "When Ladies are Attractive. All ladies know their faces are most attractive when -free from piuip'es. Parker's Ginger Tonic is popular among them because it banishes im purities from blood and skin and makes the face glow with health. "An infant crying in the night, An infant crying for the light, - And with no language but a cry." The child was in pain, and knew no * better than to cry until morning, or until somebody brought him some thing to relieve his suffering. Every body who has the care of a small child should remember that the little fellow's pains and gripes are ever more severe to him than corresponding pains would be to a big man. Acting on this, it is wise always to hove l'erry Davis s Pain Killer on hand. 0 He is a model Christian who 1 does half the good he talks of. Good talkers generally leave the routine of 11 doing to other people. relief. Dr Benson's Skin Cure has driven axcay all eruptions and I m '• nearly well." Ida C. Young, Hamil p ton, 111., Druggists keep it, $1 per r package. !• Logic sometimes halts. It does r not always follow that the man who l " eats figs is therefore seedy, nor that the boy who eats dates will grow up I an almanac. 3 One voice all over the land goes j up from mothers, that says, "Mv ~ daughters are so feeble and sad, with t no strength, all out of breath and life i at the least exertion. What can we do for them?" The answer is simple and full of hope. One to four weeks' f use of Hop Bitters will make them [ healthy, rosy, sprightly, and cheerful. * —The boy who said he had seen a donkey in the theological garden was 3 not so very much out of the way ' after all. j . Canadian Bazaar. f Mr. John Osborne, Musical Bazaar, t Toronto, Canada, writes that his wife l was cured of rheumatism by the great i pain-banisher, St. Jacobs Oil; that he , has found it an invaluable remedy for r many ailments. [ —Two full blown roses are a freak j of nature on an apple tree at Saltsburg. —The most reliable, carefully prepared and 1 beat purgative of the present age is ! BRANDRETH'S PILLS. They are compounded of Hoots, Herbs and ' Gums of the most healing and beneficial kind. 5 As a Family Medicine they are unrivalled, f curing Headache, Constipation, Liver Com -1 plaint, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia—clearing the - blood of all impurities—acting on the Liver, t Kidneys and other important organs, removing r the waste tissue, and adding years to the lives of all who use them. , For fifty years they have] been used by the \ American public, and their constantly increas ing sales show how they are appreciated, A Perfect Remedy in 20 Diseases. ASBFTELO, MASS. ' lam verging on eighty years, and deem it my I duty to suffering humanity to say that my long , life is due to BKASDRBTH'S PILLS which have been my sole medicine for half a century. I | know the last forty-three years of my life is ( owing soleh to their use Your PELLS saved me many times after the beat medical skill in sever -1 al States had given me up as hopeless. I have had many converts to purgation with BHAND BETH'B PILLS, and have seen them berfonn al -1 most miracles of cure. For children, a few 1 doses have cured measles, scat let fever, and i whooping cough. In all female troubles and ' weakness I have never known them to fail. In adult males I have known them to cure the worst cases of dyspepsia, rheumatism, kidney ; diseases, dysentery and diarrhoea; even dropsy, paralysis, and apoplexy have yielded to a per sistent course of BRANDRETH'S PILLS. In fact I have found them the true Life Elixir. They act as continual preventives against the efiects of time, disease, and labor. JOHN H. MANN. —A man breathes about 18 times a micute and uses 3,000 cubic feet of | air per hour. How to Secure Health. It is strange any one will suffer from derangement brought on by im ' pure blood when Scovill's Sarsaparilla and Stillingia, or Blood and Liver Syrup will restore health to the phys -1 ical organization. It is a strengthen ing syrup, pleasant to take and the ' best blood purifier ever discovered, 1 curing scrofula, syphilitic disorders, weakness of the kidneys, erysipelas, 1 malaria, nervous dis orders, debility, 1 bilious complaints and diseasas of the 1 blood, liver, kidneys, stomach, skin, etc. Baker's Pain Panacea cures pain in i man or beast. For use externally and , internally. Dr. Rodger's Vegetable Worm , Syrup instantly destroys worms and removes the secretions which cause them. Townßley's Toothache Anodyne cures instantly. —A great many men who are anx ious to get a pile of shekels in a hur ry end their careers by getting the shackles instead —Why suffer longer from dyspepsia, indigestion, want of appetite, loss of strength, lack of energy, malaria, in termittent fevers, etc.? Brown's Iron Bitters never fail to cure these diseases. They act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symp toms, such as belching, heartburn, bil liousness, etc. Remember it is the only iron preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Ask your druggists concerning its merit. —A 70-year old hatchelor in Erie county married a maiden of 20, whip ped her the day after the wedding, and on the third day she applied for a di vorce. Better than $10,000! "I spent over SIO,OOO in 23 years," said Major H. W. Hinos, of Boston, Mass., "in being doctored for epilepsy. I employed the best physicians in New Orleans, St. Louis, N. York, Phila., Boston, London and Paris, but all to no purpose. Samaritan Nervine has cured me entirely." $1 50. —Wilsonia will cure paralysis, Ca tarrh, Rheumatism, Nervous Debility, pain iu the back, Bronchitis, Asthma, Dyspepsia, and many other chronic diseases in which medicine has failed. Its record is marvelous. See adver tisement on another page. KITS : All Fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's (ireat Nerve Restorer. No Fits after first day's use. M.irwlc>ii*feures. Treatise and 82.00 trial liottle free to Kit cases. Seud to Dr. Kinj;, ittl Areli St., i'lula , Pa. for the CITIZEN* mm c POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomencss. More cconomir eal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold in competition with the multitude of low tests, short weight, alum and phosphate powders. Soi.n ONLY IN CANS. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall Street, N. Y. THE NEW PATENT OUST-PROOF Stem Winding Open Face Case, JHANUFACTURKD BV THE AMERICAN WATCH CO., Waltliam, Mass, This case is formed in one 6olid piece with out joint or seam, opening in Front only , thus avoiding the U6ual cap , and securing greater strength and durability. These Watches are all open fact. The besel, into which an extra strong crystal is fitted with an especially prepared water-proof cement, is attached to the case by screwing K thereon, and thus forms an air-tight junction with the body of the case, which Is proof against dust and moisture. To railroad men, travelers, miners, lumber men and others who are almost constantly ex posed and who have to make frequent relerences to the watch, these qualities are of the utmost importance. The Following Letters Tell their own Story. "VALDOSTA, GEORGIA, July iiO, 1882. "I sold one of your Patent Dust Proof Cases about two months ago, and the other day it came back to me with th"£" request to make it wind eabier. On examination I lound that the stem was rusty, and I inquired into the cause of it. The gentleman stated to me that he was starling some saw-logs thut had lodged in the bend of the river, when his chain caught in a bush and threw his watch into about twelve leet ol water, and he was about two hours find ing it. When he got it out it was running and He thought all right. In about three monlhs he found that the stem was hard to turn and sent it to me. 1 can say that the watch is all that the com pany claims for it and recommend it to all rail road and mill men. B. W. BENTLY." "CLINTON, IOWA, April 29,1881. "I wish you would send me a spring for the Wm- Ellery Watch * » * By the way this El lery Is a watch I sold in your Screw Bezel Case to a farmer last rail* The first of January he lost the watch In the woods, and found it this week in about a foot of water. It had lain three months and over iu snow and water, with but slight injury to the watch—only a hair-spring. C. 8. RAYMOND." The above were very severe tests, and demon strate beyond a doubt, that far any reasonable length of time during which a watch might be under water it would receive no injury what ever. We make these cases In both gold and silver, and as a Perfectly Dual -proof Stem W lad ing Watch Case, Challenge the World to produce Its Equal, For Sale by all First-Class jewelers TUTT'S PILLS A BOTEffimNESAYsT DB. Terr:— Dear Siri For ten year* I have been a murtyr to Dyapepain, ConstipaUou and Pile*. Last apring your pills were recommended to me; I uaed them (but Trith little faith). lam now n well man, have good appetite, <1 i gait ion perfect, regular atoola, piW-s gone, and I hare gained forty pounds solid flesh. They are worth their weight in gold. .. _ BIT. B. L. SIMPSON, Louisville, Ky. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loa« of Appetite, Nausea. Bowels oostlTa, Vain in the Head, with a doll Mnntion Itithe back part, Fain under the Shoulder blade7?ullpeaa after e*ting,jwith_a dls? Inclination to abortion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low ipirita, Loa% faf memory, with a feeling ol having ner lected some duty, WearinessTXMagine—, Flattering of the heart, Dots before the ayes, Yellow Skin, FteaSache, Restless ness at night, highly colored Urine. _ such eases, one dose effects sucha change of feeling as to astonish the sufferer. Try tlus remedy fairly, and you will Kin a healthy Digestion. Vigorous >dy, Pure Blood, Btronir iteryes, and a Sound Liver. Price, an Cents* TUmiAli DYE. dray Hair and Whiilurl chanced to s Glossy Black toy a single application of this l»ye. It imparts a natural color, acts Instantaneously. Mold by D"«- gists, or sent by express on receipt of SI. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. t 1»M. TCTT'S MAW IT AL Of Valuable \ I Information and ITsefni lleeelpUwUl 1 \be filed FBEK on application. ■> > SAMARA)* Oplnm I!(t1nn, Rhcnmatlsin, Spermator rhiv, or Seminal Weakness, and nfty other rnmplalntsf" We claim it a tpeciflc, sim ply, Dccsnee the Tires of all diseases arises from the blood. Its Nervine, Reeblvent, Alterative and I.r.xativc propertiesmoel all the conditions herein Klttrcd to. It's known world widt as o®so It qniets and composes the patient—not by the introduction of opiatesand drastic cathartics, but by the restoration of activity to the stomach and nervous py.-tem, whereby the brain is relieved of morbid fancies, which ure created by the causes above referred to. To Clergymen, Lawyer", Literary men, Mer chants, Bankers, Ladies and all those whose sed entary employment causes nervous prostration, irregularities of the blood, stomach, bowels or kidneys or who require a nerve tonic, appetlr.eror Ftininlant. SAMARITAN NSRVIN* IS invaluable. Thousands prr*?|aim it the most wonderful invig orant that ever sustained the sinking system. 81.50. Sold by all Druggists. The l)lt. S. A. RICH MOND MED. CO., Proprietors. St. Joseph, Mo. ~ Chi:. V. Crlttrotoa, Agrat, HIT Vert City, (4) ( COMING SOON! THE GOLIAH OF ALL TENTED SHOWS. A Colo9aal Confederation for the Season of 1883. THE GREAT OMEN 6 SHOWS! HAXDEKBEROEK A CO.'S Royal Circus and the Great Astley's London Museum, Menagerie, Aquariuru, and the Great Electric Light Show will SPMiD 171,210 TthDS 0! GRIN Hi CMS COSTING SB,OOO AT BUTLER, Wednesday, June 20. Great Shows on earth could not detract one iota from this Supreme Monarch of the road, with its thousands of mighty features heretofore unknown to antedeluvian managers, using in its trains one of the finest railroad equip ages ever seen. This great show travels by rail only, in majestic magnificence. Most successful I Moet comprehensive! Every Nationality represented! French Yoltigeurs, PERSIAN ACROBATS, ENGLISH GYMNASTS, Roman Wrestlers, Australian Wizards, German Trapezeists, Brazilian Equil ibrists, Russian Athletes, Egyptain Jugglers, Arabian Contortionists, Indian Snake Charmers, Irish Clowns, South American Equestrians, Italian Balancers. THE CIRCUS ROYAL'S $15,000 FAMOUS BEAUTY AND MISS MOLLIE BROWN, A MODEL IN FORM, A DARING LITTLE LADY. America's Own Gifted Eques trienne. The $50,000 challenge Somersaulter upou the back of a stark-naked horse, and acknowledged Champion of all Champions in Backward Riding. $lO,- 000 challenge to any who can produce one-half her equal! To be seen with out any extra charge at each performance. The $30,000 British India "Empress." The only real Battle-scarred War Elephant ever exhibited in any show in the world. Her colossal proportions represent a living mountain of flesh, being over twelve feet high and weighing over 0 tons, besides a guaranteed age of 130 years. CHEAP EXCURSIONS, On all railroads to and from the Great Show. Don't fail to see the GRAND STREET PARADE, Worth going 100 miles to see, daily at 10 a. m. Admission to this Great Show only 50 cent?; Children under 10 years 25 cents Will exhibit at Kittanning, Thursday, June 21. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. This elegant dressing ky those whe have used it, to any l UI -' r 00 aC ~ only that are beneficial to scalp and hair and always Restores the Youthful Color to Grey or Faded Hair Parker's Hair BaUam is finek- perfumed and is warranted to prevent filling of the hair and to re move dandruff anditching. Hiscox &Co , N.Y. 50c. and $1 tint, at dc<n In Urjgt ind medicio#*. PARKER'S GINGERTONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with overwork, or a mother run down by family or house hold duties try PARKER'S CIKGER TONIC. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted by mental strain or anxious cares, do not take intoxicating stimulants,butuse Parker's Ginger Tonic If you have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Kheuma- Ism, Kidney Complaints, or any disorder of the lungs, stomach, bowels, blood or nerves. PARKER'S CINGRR TONIC will cure you. It is the Greatest Blood Purifier Aid the Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you are wasting away from age, dissipation or «ny disease or weakness and require a stimulant take CINGER TONIC at once: it will invigorate and build you up from the first dose but will never intoxicate. It has saved hundreds of lives; it may save yours. CAUTION !—Rrfu-e*ll mbftitatot. Parker'* Ginger Tonic U composed of the best remedial .agents in the world, and Is entirely different fioin preparations of ginger alone. Send for circular W iiucox & Co., N. Y. 50c. k $1 tizes, at dealers in drags. GREAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE. Its rich and lasting frngrance has made this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There is nothing like it. Insist upon having FLO RES TON COLOGNE and look for signature of on every bottle. Any druggiit or dealer In perfumery can supply yoa. 25 *nd 75 cent fires. LARGE SAVING BUYING lie. SIZE. Planing Mill —AND- Lumber Yard. J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS, S.G. Purvis & Co., lIANUFAC7UKEH6 AND DEALKKSIM Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH. DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, SHINGLES & LATH. PLANING MILL AND YARD Near German Catholic Cliurch HOW WATCHES ARE MADE. In a Sour. GOLD WATCH, aside from the necessary thickness for engraving and polishing, a largo proportion of metal is needed only to stiffen and hold tho engrav ed portions in place, and supply strength. The surplus gold is actually needless. In James Buss' Patent Gold Watch Case*i this WASTE is saved, and SOLIDITY and 1 STRENGTH increased by a simple process, at one-half the cost. A plate of SOLID GOLD is soldered on each side of a plate of hard nickel composition metal, and the three are then passed between polished steel rollers. From this the cases, backs, eeuiers, b&zels, etc., are cut and shaped by dies and formers. The gold is thick enough to admit of all kinds of chasing, engraving and engine turning. These cases have been worn perfectly smooth by use without removing the gold. This is the only case made under this process. Each case is accompanied with a valid guarantee tinned by the manufacturers warranting it to wear 20 years. 150,000 of these Cases now carried in the United States and Canada. Largest and Oldest Factory. Established 1554. Ask your Jeweler. The Boss «atch cases with any kind of iuovt me it e'eaired, can be had of 35. GRIEB, WATCHMAKER = JEWELER, JWain Nt., Butler, Pa., Opposite Troutman's Dry Goods Store. PENN'A. CONSTRUCTION CO. 132 First Ave.,PITTSBURGH,PA. IRON Buildings, Bridges and Roofs*, Jails and Lockups. Fronts, Columns & <Jirders, Stairways and Beams, .Fenees and ('rislings, Fire-Fseapes. mar2B,Gm JORDAN EYTH, Wholesale Liquor Dealer, South of Court House, MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. —(}) — All kinds of L'ure Wines and I.iqnors always on hands, also Beer in J3ottles. Tobacco AND CIAAI'W. apr4,3m Union 'Woolen Mill, BUTLER, PA. 11. FIJLLEBTOX. Prop'r. Manufacturer of BLANKETS, Flannei.B, YAHNS, Ac. Also custom work done to order, such ti6 cardiug Kolis, making Blankets, Flannels. Knit ting aud Weaving Yarns, Ac., at very low prices. Wool worked on the shares, il de sired. my7-ly SOLDIERS HO; LOOI# A " R ~* 7S= L\ Send for onr new circulars containing matter of utmost importance to all ex-soldier* or their heirs. Pen«loiu,Bountlea,Patenii,Laiid Claims. HoneC'latma, and all others against the Govern ment promptly and faithfully attended to. Address with stamp W »«. WILLS * COl, Lock Box V*H Washington. I>. C. %Mg m J Mechanics In shops, factor. Wlf Ck nTPII Il'S, foundries, mines, and WW CI I I IvU in all trades ; the Labor World tells where work can be had. prices paid, and all the news; shows how hanks and corporations rob the poor: bow Legislatures and politicians are con trolled by capitalists i how public lands are stolen by railrouds; it denounces child labor, prison con tract labor, and all forms of oppression; it contains reading tor old and young; established 4 years; # weeks free; send us Scents to pay for mailing, and we will send the Labor World oil trial S weeks t "xd£rm° t LAuitit WO&Ld, Fhlladelpbls. P*. BOOTS and SHOES SPRINQ STYLES NOW OPENING AT THE loof li at HOUSE OF B. t. HBSEtTOI Largest anil Finest Stjlew au«l Lowost Prices ever shown by any House in flutter. All Freak (Joods MADE TO MY SPECIAL ORDERS anil war ranted. Our motto is FAIR DEALING WITII BODY, goods just as wo rep resent them, same priee to all. Quick sales and small profits. I WANT THE! LADIES To look at my French Kid Tarn Button lioots (Cur Kid. Mat Top Cur. Kid Fox Boots.) Gondola, (St Goat, Pebble Goat.) Serge, (Goat Fox. Cloth top Boots.) Pebble Grain, OLD LADIES' WIDE SHOES AND SLIPPERS. Walking Shoes, Sandals, Opera Slippers, Ladies' Button Boots from SI.OO and upwards. Ladies can find in this Stock any style and priced shoe they want. I WANT THE GENTLEMEN To step in and look at my Calf Boots, Calf Bals, Button Shoes London toe and tip, Veal Calf Shoes cloth tops, Congress Gaiters, Base Ball Shoes, Oxford ties strap shoes, Plow Shoes, Brogans, Hob Nail Shoes for miners, all of these are desirable goods from the cheapest Brogan to the Finest Hand Sewed Boot and Shoe. I WANT THE BOTS AND GIRLS To see our School Shoes, Fine Button Boots and |Bals, Slippers, &c., all New and Nice Styles very cheap. Infanta' and childrens' Shoes in endless variety, from 25 cents upwards. The Largest Stock of Leather an«l Finding* of any House In Butler. Lowest Prices. New Goods Constantly Arriving. REPAIRING. All kinds done at Reasonable Rntcs. COME AND SEE THIS STOCK BEFORE YOU BUY. B. C. HUSELTOHf, Butter, Pa. NEW STORE. NEW STOCK A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF lIIMB MP FIHDIHES JIISI MCHMjf OAK AND HEMLOCK SOLE, FUENC.H AND DOMESTIC KIT AM) CALF, COLLAR. WELT. SKIRTING UPPER, HELPING, HARNESS AND LACE LEATHER ROA"N A IN"3D PINK XjJTSTIiTa-S, ETC- also makufactdrkuof ai.l. kinds of Carriage, Buggy and Wagon Harness, Collars, Etc., Etc. And carry * full stoek of Whips, I'.obes, Blanket*, Brushes, and all other Goods belonging to tlio Business. All Kinds of Repairing will Receive Prompt Attention. <3* Ploaao call and examine onr Goods and get Prices before you purchase elsowhere. Plastering Hair Always on Hand. CASH PAID FOR HIDES AND PELTS. C. ROESSINQ, - Beibers Block Jefferson Street, opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa To MercJiants%Mil Who contemplate purchasing Millinery, Straw Goods, RIBBONS, LACES, VELVETS, CORSETS, SILKS, PLUMES, BUSTLES, RUCH/NGS, FLOWERS, VEILINGS, NETS, HOOP SKIRTS, Etc. We pay particular attention to cus tomers just starting ; and, when they can not come and make their own selection, we guarantee to select stock for them that ivill give them satisfaction in the way of assortment and price. To assure their success will be our aim, thereby adding new customers and neiv business. I Porter & Don WHOLESALE ONLY, >jg|||| 260, 262 and 264 Liberty Pittsburgh, Pa. CAKPETS AND WALL PAPER! I). & F. S. WELTY having mude important changes in their business location, now occupying buildings FEDERAL STREET and «.» A' <»7 PARK WAY. Rooms Nos. 05 and 07 Park Way have been fitted to suit our bus.ness and are the >wt lighted rooms in the two cities. Our new stock now opened coin prises the M aud I J** selections of Carpets, Wall Paper, ete., ever brought to the c.t v. I- kU .-,< l pieces of TA PKSTRY BRUSSEIjS at .'.O cts IVAAV.-t™* «*^ VELVETS at $1.25. MfH^TETJESat, 1.-.-. \\ al 1 Pain'r from 5 cts. per roll upwards. Woods at Exceedingly Low Prices at & p g WELTY 120 Federal St., and 65 & 67 ParkWay, Allegheny, Pa, G. B. BARRETT &CO., WHOLESALE JEWELERS, PITTSBURGH, Have BT* Tfc to much larger and more commodious ilftVC * I^lJ rooms ia "AKBUCKLE BUILDING.» Nos 238 .t 240 Liberty St. (cor. Wood St.) A asssortnient <*nd a full line of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELItY, SILVER and PLATED WARE, LOOSE and MOUNTED DIAMONDS, Watch Material, &c., at lowest New York Jobbing Prices. Wholesale exclusively. T-ifßemember the change to 23s and -10 Liberty .St., (cor. Wood,) next door to Jos Ilorne & Co.' Wholesale Store. mar-I.<m. PARSISSHLIS Ind will eomrU 1.1. rh»-rr th. kln.il in the »nlir. JTjUln in three month.. An ' r lh",7l'lk'lVr Jmui M•" K veil Nil; ITT KKOM <>NK TO 1H KLVK « I.KKS, mi.k, rr.t,.red tx.ou:.,d I »M»1th ' •«*'»•»J"«'• Kor curing FemaleC.mplainU tli. *«• Pillf i»u*«inal. f '-Irunvt r*s Rnaton Mam. or atnt by mail for 24 ctats iu *tampa. E>eiid fur pamphlet. LB.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers