BUTLER CITIZEN MIBCELLANEOUH. j Killing Rats by Electricity. J From the West Chester Local. ° Ralph Corbit, an ingenious twelve- . year-old boy of Honey brook, Chester j. county, has devised a novel plan of getting rid of the rats which infest his . father's cellar He has constructed out of old fruit jars a battery of three Leyden jars, which he connects and places upon a large iron plate which touches the tinfoil on the outside. The bait is so arranged that wheu the rat c Steps upon the plate and seizes the bait t he at once makes the connection be- c tween the outside and inside of the jars, and they are discharged through his body, killing him literally as quick as lightning. He charges the jars by means of an electrical machine, also t constructed by himself. He ran a couple of wires through the floor to the j cellar from the roum above, and as soon a»»he would hear a rat squeak he would I immediately recharge the battery. Ihe first time he put the machine in opera tion he slaughtered twenty-five rats in » a space of three hours, and in t*o days j the cellar was entirely cleared of the j pests. t Doing a Great Deal of Good. t Mrs. J. Berry, of Portland, Me., j ■writes Your Henry's Carbolic Salve , Is doiog me a great deal of good. Some of my friends have been greatly t t>y its use. I think it is th 6 best j salve I have ever used. Beware of couneerfeita. t Bakar's Pain Pnnacea cures pain h ( man orbeast. For use externally and | internally. < i Dr. Roger's Vegetable Worm Syrup j instantly destroys Worms and removes the Secretions which cause them. Dr. DeWitt C. Kellinger's Liniment is an infallible cure for rheumatism, « sprains, lameness and disease of the 1 scalp, and for promoting the growth j of the hair. Denton's Balsam cures colds, coughs, rheumatism, kidney troubles, etc. ; Can be used externally as a plaster. Railway Disaster in California. Latest advices from Sao Francisco magnify rather than lessen the terrible story of wreck and tire ou tho South ern Pacific Railway. It was hoped that the list of victims had been over estimated in the terror and confusion im mediately after the disaster, and the story of the dead and wounded, told in later and calmer moments, wo aid be less painful in its details. But the sad tidings first brought from Teh icb api are fully confirmed as to the num ber of the injured and killed and the nature and extent of their terrible suf ferings. From the smouldering ruins of the train twenty-one bodies had been recovered, many of them eo burned and charred that they are be yond identification. The accident appears to be due solely to the culpable cariessness of those in charge of the train and fixes the re sponsibility with peculiar force upon the railway official No excuse can be offered such as is framed when a train leaps from the track in passing over a suddenly loosened rail or meets with an unexpected obstacle washed from the mountain Bide by the storms in the Sierras. The train was deliberately stopped on the steep accent near the Tehachapi junction, the air brakes were taken off, the engine was detach ed, while those who might have con trolled the cars by the band brakes were absent from their posts. "Dr. Benson's Skin Cure eradicat ed my pimples. They used to break oul continually." Steve. T. Harrison, Rochester, N. Y. —We cannot too strongly condemn the idea that harmony is a matter of bargain or arrangement among the leaders of factions. It is a question of the masses and not of the managers. It must be a natural and not a forced process. The simple specific is to put Republicanism at its best.— Press. Official returns still show that wolves exist in large numbers in France. Last year the number that were killed by persons who received the State awards amounted to 1,225. The amonnt annually voted for these awards and for other expenses attend ant on the State campaign against the beasts is 150,000 francs. —The California papers say that after the recent snowstorm in that State the unwonted luxury of snow balling was very generally indulged in. The windows of the street cars in Stockton were riddled with snowballs, and the cars had to be withdrawn. The managers blamed the police for not protecting their property "when they bad always been allowed to ride free," but one of them asked : "What could four policeman do to prevent 26,- 000 people from snowballing Y" —Tho doctrine of compensation sure in its working. Some time since Prohibitionists were horrified by the announcement that a French chemist bad discovered a method of solidifying brandy and wine in lumps like sugar or alum. The picture was at once pre sented of a community carrying about sticks of "old rye" and lozenges of Bourbon and surreptitiously imbibing alcoholic stimulants through an ap parently innocent medium. Hut anoth er difcovery has just been made which offsets this danger. It is stated that on partaking ol the Kala nut—what ever that may be—the most hardened toper is at ouce seized with a violent avertion for every form of alcohol. If this is confirmed, the Kala nut will un doubtedly be widely used. Would you be free from Catarrh Hty fever and Cold in the Head? Try Ely's Cream Balm. It is curing hun dreds of chronic cases. Price 50 cents. Apply into the nobtrils with little finger. I have been troubled with catarrh fo fifteen years. Ely's Cream Balm has opened my ncstrils and reduced the iufluiuatioii. My eyes are improv ing so that 1 can now stand strong light, which I have not been able to do lor years. N, TUANIEL FEOLEY, with E. F. Montz, Merchant, Wilkes borre, Pa. My daughter and myself, great suf ferers from Catarrh, have been cured by Ely's Cream Balm. My senses of smell restored and health greatly im proved. C. M. STANLEY, Dealer in Boots and Shoes, Ithsca, N. Y. "Served the Dentist Right." The boys said that it served old Doctor Toothsuffer right, when he had i the tooth-ache so badly that he couldn't ! sleep at night. He had inflicted so f much pain on other people, in pulling 1 and mending teeth, that they thought <. it would be good for him to suffer a f little himself. The leading dentist of i Portsmouth, N. H., knows what pain 1 is and has relieved himself from the ] twinges of neuralgia by the use of i Perry Davis's Pain Killer. He re- < gards it without a rival. We came across something the other day that had three feet, and yet i no one regarded it as a curiosity, be- I cause it was a simple yardstick. < A Voice from the Press. I take this opportanity to bear tes timony to the efficacy of your "Hop Bitters." Expecting to find them 1 hauseous and bitter and composed of bad whiskey, we were agreeably sur prised at their mild taste, just like a cup of tea. A Mrs. Cresswell and a Mrs. Connor, friends, have likewise tried, and yromounced them the best medicine they have ever taken for building op strength and toning up , the system. I was troubled with cos tlveness, headache and want of appe tite. My ailments are now all gone. I have a yearly contract with a doctor to look after the health of myself and amily, but I need him not now. S. GILLILAND. July 25, 1878. Peoples' Advocate, Pittsburgh, Pa. At Erie, while Henry Allen, a spirit medium, was calling the attention of an audience in a dark room to some beautiful music the spirits were pro ducing, a gentleman suddenly produced a light and exposed Allen manipulat ing a dulcimer. Superior Excellence. The reasons for Peruna's superior excellence in all diseases, and its modus operandi, are fully explained in LIT. Hartman's lecture reported iu hi.- book on the "Ills of Life, and How to Cure Them," from page 1 to page 10, though the whole book should be read and studied to get the fu'l value ol this par-excellent remedy. These books can bo had at all the drug store* gratis. Peruna is the best immediate Ex pectorant (Cough 'Medicine), that hap vet been compounded by physician or druggist. There is nothing iu medi cal print that can at all compare with it. And no less so is it the very best Tonic, Nervine, Diuretic, Alterative, Anti-Dyspeptic, Appetizer, Haematic, (Blood Medicine,) &c., &c , that eyer been compounded by doctor or layman. It should, therefore, always be kept on hand for immediate use. —The Scrantou Republican calls at tention to the inadequate means of egress from a church in Wilkes-Barre, and pronounces it a "fire trap." The members of that church should take prompt measures to remedy the evil complained of. Heartily Recommended. Don't condemn a good thing because you have been deceived by worthless nostrums. Parker's Ginger Tonic has cured many iu this sections of nervout disorders, and we recommended is heartily to such sufferers.— News The public will be glad to learn that the new crop of Cuban sugar has be gun to arrive. It makes a better mix ture with starch sugar than the Louisi ana product; and thus the universal cheat is rendered easier and more profitable as well. Consumption Cured. An o'.d physician, retired from practice, have, ing had placed in hiH hands by an East India Missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure lor Consumption, Bronchitis. Catarrh. Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, lias felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this re cipe, in German, French or English with full directions for preparing and using. Bent by mail by addressing with stamp namii.g the paper, W. A. NOVES, 149 Power's Block, Koc'.ioa ter, N. Y. octll.3t,eo\v Wrapped in the stars and stripes, and carrying a pitchfork in his hand, Joseph France, lunatic, walked from West Middleton to Washington, Pa. Society is divided as to whether he iotended to impersonate the Goddess of Liberty, or old Neptune, with his tri dent. Gray hairs often cause annoyance, which Parkers Hair Balsam prevents by restoring the youthful color. Nevada is spoken as a deserted min ing camp. Dr. C. W. Benson's Celery and Chamomile Pills are prepared ex pressly to cure and will cure Head ache of all kinds, Neuralgia, Nervous ness and Dyspepsia. Proved and en dorsed by physicians. Illinois dairymen propose to stow away butter next season and raise the prices. Burlington, Yt. Jan., 28, 1882. I subscribe to the efficiency of Downs' Elixer. It has been a standard reme dy for ccughs and colds iu my family for years. J. A. ARTHUR, Deputy Customs Collector. Burlington, Yt., Jan. 2fi, 1882 I have used Downs' Elixer for forty years, and consider it a safe and valua ble medicine in all cases of coughs, colds, and for any pulmonary trouble. I always fall back on this old reme dy when the symptoms are alarming, and it has never disappointed me. IltA SUATTUCK. Having been successful in a 400- mile talk, New York will this week undertake a telephonic conversation over 1,000 miles of wire. is better than pre cept." It is well known that dyspep sia, bilious attacks, headache and many ills can only becured by removing their cause. Kidney-Wort has been proved the most effectual remedy for these, and for habitual costiveness, which so afflicts millions of the * Amer ican people. Chicago receives twenty-four car loads of oysters a day, and sends half of them on to the westward unbroken. The Western demand constantly and rapidly increases. _ _ W. Z. Wilson, Wrightsville, Pa., says: "I obtained great relief from Brown's lion Bitters in nervousness. A Fireman's Fortune. The San Francisco (Cal.) Chronicle, in an article on the Fire Pepartment Sen Francisco, gives the following from Asst. Chief Engineer Matthew Brady: "I have been subject to an ag gravating pain in my chest for over , four years. I resorted to various modes of treatment to obtain relief. I have had my chest terribly blistered. No physician could tell what was the matter with me. Two weeks ago I commenced using St. Jacobs Oil. It has cured me." A guu-powder factory ia the town of Meriden, Holland, exploded recently, killing many persons, unroofing nearly j every house in the village, and breaking ; windows in the city of Amsterdam, ; nearly eigbt miles distant. "Ltdfcs' Tonic.'' The GI.KAT FEMALE REMEDY is prepared! by the \v> <MKN'S M KMC AI. INSTITUTE or BUFFALO, X. Y , and is (heir favorite pre- ; •a-ription lor hulies who are suffering from any i ikness <;r complaints common to the sex. [t issold by <lrugs»ists at £1 per bott.e. Ladies can obtain advi<-e FKEE. Pendstamp fornames of tliose who been CL'KED. Queer! The cashier who is short in his accounts is universally condemn ed; while a reporter on a newspaper who is short in his accouuts is almost •renerally admired. ELiXIRJSHg I N.H. DOWNS' I H Vegetable Balsamic fi ELIXIR This raluablo is purely vegetable: K the discovery of which was the result ofM» Ijl many years' close otu<]y, in crder to discover gj the caugtf, tho symptoms, &Dd the cure— v iz:f^S| Ej Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, §§ |a Croup, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, Eg M Influenza, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, m ■ and every species of oppre-?ion of the Chect gJSt ant! In all case 3 where this Elixir had fjj been duly administered its efficacy has been Q invariably manifested,couviucing theznoet in- —»■ credulous that «2i£ Ea CONSUMPTION g •» is cot incnrable, if properly attended to.— - J} C'onsuniF'lon, oi. its commencement, ia but a 3K slight irritaiioa of tho is mbraaa whichcovers Lu uga; then an inflamation, v. lie a the Ln co!1! -ii i, in'H'e but rather dry; Uicu ;»g C 3 becomes local fever and tl:0 pi'.l 9 more fit-55 CS quest, the cheek* Hushed an J |j| in .ii. This Eiiadr In curing the ah-vo cim-M operates BO as to r'uovo all morbid KJ m3a ■ rrlt-ut ions arid ltitiauia:loit from iisid finally e^r .l them Iga Egg from the system. ' t facilitates expectoration. RH i&! It heals the ulcerated surfaces Eg tffi and relieves the c.vigh and inalces the breath- Ka FSI jug easy, it si;; portsthcstreQgih and at theHß sßß»a!H9ti:no reduces the fever. It is free from opiate and astringent articles, which are Bslcfso <lr\ in£ i nature as to be iti great dancer of E| wjdestroying the patient; whereas this medicine Bl jfft never "dries or stops the cough, but, by rem • fcjd Epjing tho CACSE, FEDERALLY destroys tho hoctb- Ea BSUifore the JgSquenlly, when the cough Is cured tho 63 ia well. Send address for pamphlet giving WS BS full directions for euro of j-.ilTcoiiary discuses. Bj ffil Price 35 cts., 50 cts., ar. l 81.-0 per bottle. SB S3 SOLD EVERYWHEIiK Ba HESRY, JOHNSOS t LORD, Frops., Eorlinpicn.Vt. fflj DOWNS' EUK*R.^Ba PAYNE'S 10 Horse Spark-Arresting Portable Engine has cut 10 000 ft, of Michigan I'iu Hoard in 10 hours, burning Blabs from tho Out 10 Horse We Guarantee to furnish power to saw 8,000 feet of Hemlock boards in 10 honr*. Our 15 Hone will cut 10,000 feel in same time. KOhir Engines are GUARANTEED to furnish a horse-power on ?4 less fuel and water than any other Engine not fitted with an Automatic Cut-01 If yon want a Stationary or Tortable Engine, Boiler, Cir cular Saw Mill, Shafting or Pullies, either cast or Meddart's Patent Wrought Iron Pulley, send for our illustrated Cata logue, •' " for information and Prices. B. W. PAYNE k SON'S, Corning, N. Y.» "* WANTED, SALESMEN. To canvass for the sale of Nursery Stock. I'nequaled facilities. No experience required. Salary and ax rxnsespald. 7«)acr sof Krutt and Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Hones, etc. W. & X. SMITH. Ueneva. N. Y. ALMOST AS BAD. Wlialllic Pcrpl'excd Physicians do lu Case* of Emergency. "I'll te'l you the honest truth," answered the doctor. "Bright's Disease bothers the medical men almost as badly as cancer does. Having passed a certain both point straight to eternity. It may be unprofessional to let out the secret, but whenever a patient comes to me with Bright's Disease, or any kid nev trouble acting like it, 1 tell him to put on BENSON S CAPCINE POIIOIS PLASTER without delay." The doctor spoke by the card. The Capcine goes right to the spot. If you can be helped, the Capcine will do it. Look out for frauds. Is the word CAPCINE cut in the middle of the plaster? If so, you are all righ. Price 25 cents. Seabury & Johnson, Chemists, New York. Highest awards. 91KB. VAN BVREN'B LADIES' TONIC. A Positive Cure for all Female Complaints. I-adles* Tonic Is prepared by the Women's Medical In-_ s»»lutc i liuifalo, N. , and has been used su ccasfully* by ladies for years. It is a surt cure 1" r ail ! : cinalc oniplaints. Sickann Nervous Headache. I>yspepsia,an«l all weaWnessos caused by those irregularities wiuth arc so comm->n to womankind. This is no Patent Mtditine, but is prepared, alter years of experience, a:»d rr . ,m --mended, knowing that it willifive new lifeto any broken* down, worn out or »ivcr-workcd member of the 1 x. If you have tried other remedies v.-i-h'.ut c«.s. do not be discounged, but Eivc "LAf)IF-S # a tit?** trial. It tuver jails to give quick antl/<rma mtnt relief. If you are troubled with any weakness or complaint common to our tex. lay aside the doctor's prescription f r once, and try " Ladies' Toni< which wc guarant. c will positively cure you. Ono Bottle ia B'inici^nt. Wotaen's Medical Institute is an A-.sociation of //'n/f and Mother r of yeirs* experience, who give advice and answer letters from ladies, free. S3OO will le given for any case of Female Weakness or inability whit h " Ladies* Tonic " will n't cure. T his is a bona/ide oiler, ma le b y responsible ladies who know from experience what " LADILb' TONIC" can du. Send stamp for circulars. Sold by Druggist*. Pries, (1.00. I all bol I'llV Is a new remedy, originally compounded m . and Introduced to tlie medical |>roression, tj " and then to tlie i>ulill<; at large, byS. 11. g £ llartman, M. I>. He has prescribed It to ~ •2 over ■H.ii'i natlents with tlie most gratify- ® « lug results. ■ 9 r a Its effect upon the system ts entirely un- S 1 like that of any other remedy, and Is the I a only medicine needed In almost every dl>- ® S ease to which flesh is heir. [1 n Constlpa- w tlon. Diseases of tho Liver and Kidneys, u .M A N AI.I s should IK! given w illi It. ■■■■ " 0 , I'ERI n* Is coinpowd of purely vegetable o •a ingredients, each one, according to medl- -• ■f ciil authors, a great remedy in Itself. MHB CO ' £ ' r. llartman has succeeded In extract- r? Q liig and coinliluing the active principles nt thi su iiigmllenls Into one simple com W r 3 iiouuil, which is-rfectly coincides Willi tho a - S a Vis .MEDICATItIX N ATfiiA 111 every (lis -1 t t>s ease, aiul a cure necessarily follows. There a f.ja Is not an organ it wlil m l ri-arh in.r a ills » ■ ea.« It will not cure. ■■■■■l w i t-2 Ask your druggist for Dr. tlarluian's oi nainpliliH ou tho * 'lllsof l.lfc, ** IJT. H. It. j , llartman ft Co., Osborn, 0., proprietors, o V"or l'lles and l'tlvlc Diseases, take EHgffißE Benson's -AWARDED- Capcine 6 Porous -MEDALS Piaster, Tiie Best Known Remedy for BTCkacho or Lamo Eack. Rheumatism or Lamo Joints. Cramps or Sprains. Keuraleia or Kidney Diseases. Lu-ntaaeso, Severe Aches or Pains Female Weakness. Art- Superior to all other Piasters. Arc Superior Co Pudi. Are Superior to I.inimentß. Arc Superior to Ointments or Salves. Are superior to Electricity or jalvanUm They Act Immediately. They Strenstl-»n. They Soothe. They Relieve Pain at Once. They Positively Cure. Benion'sOnpfinePoronsPlas ■ All I (I |M ters have been imitated. Do liHU IIU is < not allow your dragpft to palm off Siime other pi-ster having a similar Bounding name. See that the word is spelled ; C-i l'-C-l-N B. Price 25 cts. SEASU3Y & JOHNSON, Maimf.n tu ring Chemists. New v<v It. > miug BEMKUV AT I.A.ST. Price sic. IIMEAD'S Medicated CORN and BUNION PLASIER. i '-L'H Hi Q-HnM U lITE Williams Sewing Machine: ABE ACKNOWLEDGED TO BE THE BEST IN THE WORLD' They have received highest Awards at the Centennial awl at all other leading Exhibitions held in Europe and America. EVE2T MACHINE YTABEAiTTSB B7 TEE MAZESS. Factories located at Montreal, Canada, and Plattsburg, New York. THE WILLIAMS MABUFACTURIHG CO., 347 Notre Dame Street Montreal ARQMANNA. The Only Sure ('lire lor I)j s pepsla. A.N'D ALL LIVER,KIDNEY, BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES. No other remedy has so many and strong Home testimonials as AROMA N N A. Call or St ud for Pamphlets. No other remedy so fully and fairly challenges public'trial and judgment as AIIO M A N N A. It is Warranted to Cure in Every Case. Price, 25 and 75 Cts. per Bottle- Sample Bottles only 10 Cents. PROF. IH LAC'S SWISS BALSAM, An Unequalled and Unfailing Remedy for all Diseases of the Throat and Lungs. A Sure and Speedy Cure for Asthma, Bronchitis, Cekts, Coughs and Crcup: also fur CONSUMPTION in its Early Stages. Price, 25 and 75 Cts. per BotMe. G. HOI.DSIEIN. Frop: ielor. Woodbury. N. J. fcj' So'd by Biv.ggists and Dealers. Wholesale Depots: Bullock .t Crenshaw, 528 Aich St.. Phila. Jonns'on. Holloway & Co., 602 Arch St., Phila (fiTAgeuts wanted. ■if IT - ■ -- . .4 IM liVIIHK III.E I'liNO SHMM wlht<- .a mrKol .ti u -i" 1 l'rices Hi.- 1...%■-! Mvle ll,( ' " ,r (MiClllui |WV 1 »<l I'll "l'\ - V.ll lit"T*' salesmen Wilsmi IVti'iii l'i:nio S:o. :< " No. IWalnut, Itfi J* l - 1 - s A. 11 i BwM world equal to It fnrth*^^^ Pljr ten, Appetite, Female Complaint*, and all Blood illn. It nrrrr falls. All drugglata 31)4 country store keeper# «1l It. K. F. Hrllert Jt To.'. I'rop'*, lMtiolmryh. on every hotthv acy al Tfl casts ftKfPS AIL USE tAILS, fnj fi r'sc'lu i'lnio* •ft'liii^reiK'ial^ I <tK *>, <r 1 Aper day at home Samples worth ; »pO 10 free. Address Stiuhox & Co., I Portland, Maine. mur.-J.ly' Union Woolen >lill, BUTLER, PA. H. FCLLERTO.V, Proi»>. Manufacturer of Blankets. Flannels, Yakns, Ac. Also custom work done to order, such as carding Rolls, making Blankets, Flannels, Knit ting and Weaving Yarns, i£c., at very low prices. Wool worked on the si.ares, if de sired m y7-l» From the of ASSAM, ( It I T t A <j' )NG, CACHAK KASGRA VALI.EY, D A U.J EEL -ING, DEIIIt \ DOON, ai.d ctlier?. Aiistdutely Pure. Supr-rior in Flavor. Tiie Mibt I.i-onotu -1<:.1. Requites only half tl.e u>ual quantity. So' i bv ml (i-oferc. J".IN C. <Ss ( u., Airenl.s i t Calcutta Tea Syndicate, ISO Water St , N Y. Novß-ly. OLD COUNTRY T E A II <> TJ « E ! ,m eii.KMH kd a PAT NO MOKE FREIGHT OS GHOCBIUES. : The Largest and Most Complete RETAIL GROCERY IN THE UNITED STATES FB.'.IGHT rKrPAtD WITHIN SO MILES OF OUK CITT Order ol ?- > a:i : upwards, freight pre|al i. Oiders ol >» and apw ids, freight prepaid. Oi if prelti iliit- a disconnt allowed oi 2% j pel cent. Orders ol •? OU .i:d upwards, freight prep lid, or .i discount ol 3 pi : .ei:l. : PARTIES LIVING OVBKSO MILES FP.OM I'ITT-BI'HG Ordi_r.- i>; f *»i u.-wauls, a discount ol 2 per j cent. Order- <>: s'..i u.d uj wards, a disco lut i per ecu'. ; Ordii-n! '■ ■< <sj>w • •■<!«, a dis-.ouul of 'i ; p< r ecu: ; fiugl- f iuil.i» u.-i wi !•'!:.• to buy f-> worth Jor 'iivr ell. i-iiiri I- r -v'- i .'Uii'-ii r 1.-uiiiy I v.li'.eh v.. i ; 1.. T.i : ■ u i:.e :i;iu |os it ion a i tar. er ' •'v r-. No char-re i i boxing. ■ i i«! I -r . nr Mi i.i;> Price List 1 (li.i i ;11 - tiuii i . a book ' i 24 paues, viv ing ail . *:i ;• i.n.d a ccnl»j-.iie inscription, : to priii.-- uideiii:g living i>ut ol tiie city on ; railroads. Wm. Hasiage & Son, 18 DIAMOND inalO,ly PITT^EUi*A. THE Clevsiand Week'y Hefaid FOR ISSo. ! ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. An honorable, Independent, j I*i i>Ki"4*s>ive «<is<l Itfltable i , Journal. All the news from All Parts cf the World. Tlie most haurfsontc :;r.si bt*t arranged newspaper in Hie Stale. Every department in the li iik!s ofa competent E«!ttor. SlaW at Wash* iiiKtitii and i • Inutbas. Kent! fur our e:-ta!«Rttc ol pre miums to elub agruiK, euibrac ing A JEWETT & GOODMAN ORGAN, A WHITE SEWING MACHINE, CASH PREMIUMS, BOOKS, ETC., ETC. EVERY ONE AN AGEJMT. A premium for two or any number ol subscribers* TERMS; $1,25 PER YEAR. Sample copies sent tree. Address, THE HERALD, CLEVELAND, O. BURGLARIES Are of Evory Day Occurrence. Not a SINGLE INSTANCE ON KKCORD in the past 35 years where one of Hall's' Celebrated STANDARD BURGLAR-PROOF SAFES lias been Itroken open by Bur glars and liobbed. Hall's Standard Patent Fire- Proof Safes Have NEVER PAILF.D to PRE- ! SERVE their CONTENTS AGAINST FIRE. It is a well known fact that there is NO SAFE made in the World THAT GIVES AS GREAT SECURITY AS Til E lIALL'Sj SAKE. They always protect their contents. Persons having Valuables »lioti£«i not be without a (Sail's .Safe. Ha'i'a Safe &Lock Co. J. L. Hall, Pres't. ' I CINCINN , NEW YORK, CHICAGO,, LOUISVILLE, SAN FBAHCIBC, ST. LOI'IS, CLEVELAND, _ I MEN WANTED! Q>"J SALABV- We vet ne> ii a few more reliable men to « n-Vn.-ciy >toc!s. Any man of pluck, energy | and pr:-eve ance cm succeed without previnim j t \\e . 111 f Situations pebmanrst. and pay a e Pa> i i-iilara free on application. Ad- , s pimi aoe, and enclosing stamp. It. G. CHASE it CO., | (li.e Ciiare Nurseries), • Gi:m.va. N. Y. j HEKBT ii. HAM;, mi mmm Tinoa, COB. PENN AND SIXTH STJtEETS, Pittxburqh, Pa ■Man. snCTS vs — ■ • '' i L ARTICLES^ ■ ■an as PTK -' A ' JT 1 Floral CHROMO Cards, ■ *HP H? ti B N|,e 4> * 3, and an Illustrated H Spy* SBH jfiticl lti.uk. !•* all who send two li K B ■H ■ "tain pa for poatase and JL -PL3BI Bpl 'J nin-Unir. Mention (hU paper. ® "'"■■BIE, a. RIDEOUT A CO.. NCWTOftK. *BH2L»^ te ±?».4B«K ! low ut j.'iir; sclliiu: last, nct'dccl vry »l-<t r; 1.1 In ral 'cm 4 Itradicy, (•urr.'-tNua A 11»., N. I > «th St.. I'ml.tili l| ln.i, li> ] WEKK. >'!' l:i day at liomo « asllv inndo Out lit fn f. Atltln'ss Tut r i Auifiista. Maine. niai23# ly. for the CITIZEN. NEW STORE. NEW STOCK A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF J liiiiTMTffliil:«■! I OAK AND lIEMUK'K S(»I.K. , t ,, !, FRENCH VND DOMI-.STir KIPAND Al l 1 eoi: VK.'AKI I •• ITTPER. ISEi 11 SO. l'.Vl : l-.ss VND LACE I. PATH KB , AND PINK LINJITG3. LTC- , s AI.SO HUM'FACTt'ItKB OF ALI. KIM'S OP 1 1 ! Carriage, flyggj and Wagon Harass Collar?, Etc,, EtCiJ; And carry a full btock of Whips, Eobee, Blaukets, B Uea, and *!• viler Goods longing to | the liufine-r • ' t All Kinds of Repairing will Receive Prompt Attention. ; fcfT]ea»e call and examine our Goods and get P: ceb before you puivhade e.aewhcre. Plastsring Hair Always en Hsr.i i Ic'ASIl IVVII> 11 >li HIDES ANI) PELTO. ' C. ROESSiNG, lleiber's Block Jefferson Sii .-t, 0..; Lonry House. Butivr. Pa | EAGLE PLANHaG MILLS, : Cor. Robiiioon and Anderson St., - ALLEGHENY CITY. 31- SIMOX, A. -rent. PLAXISG S.tSii. DOCli A «» sill t I F,li FK TORV, Flooring Boards, Wcwtla-i boardin.' I'.aned !- »r t-. S ?ii, Mouldings, Shingles, I.atli and :■ i!- ol Bui !i- ' ntntK<# A iilK-ral reduction lor cii.-h o,vn>. Sk-ml lor , :!i- I. All woik deliveied to railrua-lc, steauiooats, iVe., Iree ol charge. Com:: uiiiva-ii lis t-oi' iti-d. So:u | KEYSTONE BO ILL R WORKS. : w3ki. MANeiii.vn-.K. 28TH AND xiAILKOAD ri'l i DiiuaGH, ±»A. t NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOILEUS Ail Kinds of Boileis & Sheet \m ivoik luu lo Order : Oil Stills. Tanks, Boiling Mill Stacks, etc 'Upai g t\ m pHf.j y. Contbptndeuia So licit-id. IRON CITY BOILIR WORKS 7 MANUFACIU; >.US OF Oil Tanks, Stills&A s lKind«s ci Stcet irt n 1 oik. Special attention paid to Blatt Furncr ,Hi ■ woik a-. .. .!< ' g. JAMES LAPPAN CO, Hl-e Street, ficm 19th to 20'.h. Office 2i)sb Et. ITT SBCEGH !. . . .>2. IT j Port Grape Wine Used iu the principal <": l nveben Tor Cumtnnnion | purj-otfes. , Exc ller't tor Ladit-s a:*J VV«sklY| Persoi s A^cd H.J. > M&P w \,i •/• V > \ ... . . 4 ir, ; #y •' •• . J I# p- - -■ ; ; . it u*' ' ""! 'A V--", *) $ «•*' w-v* SPEER'S FORT GR r£ Wif E FOUR YEARS OLD. Thin ce'.ebra ed Native Wine is ma le f;om t tie juiee of the Oporto raited in tliis coun try. Its invaluable TONIC and STRENGTHENING PROPERTIES are unsurpassed by any ot'n r N >tivc Wine. l!e --ing the pure juicu of the gr»pc. produced under Mr. Hpeei's own personal suj)-. rvi-joii, its | uiity and genuineness is guaranteed. The yoir,fce<-t children may partake i f its generoi::; tju ilitics, and the weakest invalid use i' to advai.tajje.. It in particularly beneficial to tlis aivl clt-.mi tated, and s uted to th': various hi tl.at offset the weaker sex. It is in every respect the a Wine to be relied on. STEER'S P. J. SHERRY. The P. J. : berry i.. a vine of t r Cha - acter and part ik, s of i'.a rich qiriUi'<» of iLe grape from flinch it ia made. I : I'ni y. !!:■'i ness of Flavor and Medi< inal Pre i eitie-'.u will I > found unexcelled. STEER'S P. J. BRANDY. This brandy stands unrivalled ii: this • ountrv being far superior for medicinal purpose t. It is a pure distillation from the grape, and contains valuable medicinal properties. I has a delicstc flavor, tiuiili r t - > that of tlio grapes, froai whijh it is distilled, and i i in favcr among first-class families. See that 'lie signature of ALFfVED K! EER, Passaic, N. J , is over the cor;; of ea"t« i; /ttle. Sold Ly J>. IT Wuller, AND uv psuaesm btesiwheb*. DR K C. WE»T'« Nktivr AND PRATN TTPATJIFXT. a riarantcc<ißpe<iflofor Hystorltt. Pizzinos». C'onv'til. form, it j. Norvona Neuralfft'U H-jadaroe, Nervou Pro t lion can •■■! br the ti' O of Alcoliol or tohacco. Wol t l ness. Mental Depression. Boft^n : ni* of tltc Brain rerblt ln«r In In nnity nn l Jc.nllntr to <! cr v and d« *h, FremataroOla Afro, Barrcnnow, LohH of Power In eill.t r pf x. Involuntary Losses and .. " <"iti > l l-y over exertion of the brain, m 'f v. (»rte box will cure recent Krch box contain* « ua in tnth'fi tr a'rvent, One dc-llar n I • x. op fix bf I'va dollars ; Bent by mall prepaid on receipt of prlre. AN etrunr »nt< «• six Ih> :es to euro onvea-e. With each ©r»\ r re ceived f»»r r.lx boxea, wiih Ave dol'ars. - o will setid the purchaser our written guarantee fort I'ui 1 r> mev if treatment tlo<*M not effect a eure. Guarantees is tt -i only by Joa. Fleming, Di st. til Maricot & Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of tlit public to the Union Woolen Mill. I'.utler, Pa., wli.jfo I have now and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting ard Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura bio. as they are manufactured of pure jlutlet county wool. They lire beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will he sold r.t very lon prices. For samples and puces, address. H. IX T LLI'.'.;TON. J0124.'7f1-ty) Under. P» quiIIT:TIE?;3 LUN& HEALEU, lAimovA Ttic I:OUB. KOU XHK C uli t r ) CONSI 31T n ''X n.i 111 . f l i.dl, I:..>n. fci-jjsk ~ im - f-.- r- tan I, 'I <II t, I H' IA, I A' . .r ;3 :Ililt I* < '- • I li.. .VI- H ni" ;tt > ' ; i ikm-. TRADEMARK. '"I"' " JL 0 * Ask \« ur t lor it. tlLAlilLlt A iO , Pit sbur.ti, Pa, I ""'rARKBR'S I § HAIR BALSAM] T* THE BEST AND MOST 3 ■ \!>S\ ECONOMICALH IRDRES- G 5 SIN* ARD N.ULE FROM I SIF ■ •: TARE BEN-1 PE* • XGT'R TO THE HAIR AI:D I J ' ' ■ j |!I THVER IAIIS TO RCI'SRA L'IC YOUTHFUL CC!OR | I AND LUSTRE TO .;RAY R.R F.\ :..•! I-AIR. I -ELEGANTLY PER- 8 0 FUMOD AND IS V. .I.I.TED TO RCNIOVCDN'IJRUFLFAND ■ SITCHIASOF THE SCALP, NY OF THE HAIR. I A £V. AND $1 *■' : . AT •' KRS ! I DRAG.. FL PARKER'S GINGEIi TONIC! A SUPERLATIVE HEAIIII AND STRENGTH RESTORER. IF YOU ARE A MECHANIC OR FAR MER, WORN OUT WILL! OVERWORK, CR A MOTHER RVN DOWN BY FAMILY OR HOUSE HOLD DUTIES TRY L\VK\. < .ISGLU 'I V S:C. IF YOU RRE A LAWYER, MINISTER OR BUSINESS MAN EX HAUSTED L»Y MENTAL STRAIN OR ANXIOUS CARES, DO NOT TAKE INTOXICATING .>UMU!.UITS, BUT USE PARKER'S GINGER TONIC IF YOU HAVE CNISIMPTOI, DYSPEPSIA, RHEUMA TISM, KI I T Y OR URINARY COMPLAINTS, OR IF YOU ARE TROUBLED WITH ANY DISORDER CF THE LUNCS, STOMACH, BOWELS BLOOD ORR.ERVES. YOXX CAN BE CURED BY PARK ER'S GIKCBR TONIC. 11 IS THE GREATEST BLOOD PURILICR AND THE OEST AND SUREST COUGH CURE EVER USED. IF VOTT ARE WASTING AWAY FROM AGE, DISSIPATION OR ANY CISCN- E OR WEAKNESS AND REQUIRE A STIMULANT TAKE GINGER TONIC AT ONCE; IT WILL INVIGORATE AND BUILD YOU UP FROM THE FIRST DOSE BUT WILL NEVER INTOXICATE. IT HAS SAVED HUNDREDS OF LIVES; IT MAY SAVE YOURS. IITSCOX K CO., 168 WILLIAM £T., I.VW YORK. TOC. AN! ONE DOLLAR AT ALL DEALER* IN MEDICINE*. CHEAT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR GIZE. DELIGHTFUL PERFUME EXCEEDINGLY POPULAR. THERE ( S IA NOT KIUIC LIKE IT • INSIST UPON HAVING FLUKHS TOM COLOGNE AND LOOK FOR SIGNATURE OF ■ J&/C-scodC S^ICo: CN EVERY BOTTLE. ANY JRUGGIST OR DEALER IN F*.R FUMERY CAN SUPPLY YOU 25 AND 75C SI/ES, L.\RMS :*AV:\". IIT*V:\«YV. A Le:ture to Young Men ox 1 si r. J.CSS OF S ' ' 'P. -v A ! <; ITTRV < !• T!'E XNTURO. TREATIRENT AI:-L RADI CAL <I:-C «:F 51R...: A! \V< SKI.OR SPNMA TOIR'.. CI. U.DNCED TY FELT AT*I»E. TNV<IU..TARY FIQI-. • :IF-. LI:,R< LER. Y, NCIVONS DEBILITY, ANIL IIIIJ" IROF I.'-'TO M.'IRTIIGE GENERALLY; CUUMIMP- T IC.II ; VAN! 1'I! 4 MI II (II MIL I'LIVI-V .1 111- . i: ■ -I'V I.'OIIR.IIR J. CU VKLTWELL, M. ITMIL OR OF THE ■ GREW. BOOK." A THE WO:LD : : .MIICII AUTHOR, IN THI- ADMIRABLE LECTTRC, CICKIIY PIT \> - FIOM I TIE OWN EXPEI I-NEE TIN. THE AV. AL CN:>OQT, ; ,, LCL S C.F SELF-ABUSE MAY L>E 1 TTECTNALLY J. NEW A W ITLI«.F,T DANGEROUS MRGI CAL OPERATIONS 1 , 11 IVIES. IIINTRN TA<III'IT'HI4 R,R CORDIAL <; POINTING OUT A MODI* OF EURO H cv.ce SIMPLE, CER TAIN AND . !TF(LY T.EANS OF WHICH EVERY TSNIT<-IR. IIF UI -.TTER W:,IT ! I« COT.>TI<IIM MAY 80, MAY CUT II HIUWELF CHEAPLY, PRIVATIJY AND RADI CALLY. Tn" L T '// prur- 11 lloon to TltoiW-imU mill Hun's nuh. H. ~1 UNDER HT IL LIT A PLAIN ENVELOPE TO ANY AD DRC:'N. 0:1 RECC:S>' TF EIX CEUTU OR TWO | JK)HT::PE HTAMJ'FT. AILTLIEAP, THE TULVER'.VELL MEDICAL CO., 41 A SN ST,» SEW YUUK, IS. V. ; L'-.0. BOX, 450. CCI L L-LY. •fe E. W. CROUP, DENTIST, BUTL 111 R, A.. P I! I R TI C TL: TU OL DI K.FFKN'BACIIEK & . CK«;1 WI.L ''('..Tl; 'I ■ ILI.' HU ;III"W> AT TLIC «• IL . TIN: ON TH IS A FTI> <•. ML. LIIIILDINC, THREF J DOTM- KIT.-1 "I 1.0.V1V 1 111• I^O. AH WORK BOLICILFU BY THE LINN, WILL BO DONE NP TTY ME. SAI'.SL;I'. TION (IN RU.TCCD OR MONEY RELUNDTD. < 'LD FIL-I IN'TJS JIIMI L'HE?EKVI>O OT THE N:IMI :.I TT' .IH, A -J ICHILLY. /11. TI.'IUIUUNICATIOUS BY IU TIL WILL RECEIVE PR. .UPL UITCIILLOII. K. W.CLIOUF. • LOOM, 325 P- NN AVINUO, PITTSBURGH, FA. WIL ITER FOR A NLIORI TIME, TO REDUFF HT CK B«- FOIC \RTO 1 AN RMJUIEITE S?>OITIUCI;T OF | IMPOITCD PRCRSFS, MANTLES A::D HATS, ALL • .'V.I.IIR RFC.-IV. I FOR TLIE SUTRR. ER, AND OF TIN IK.MM TKCHICNABLO DESCNJ TION. r - ES ! Cicftl rout; ret. Saj'c anl cri-'a I:: | 1.-IT '. • '. ,C OR «T> jiain. TI. '.hu.it I <•1 ir JT'T. J'cxt c • r."c. A.i t,o{i fit Ifo , '. ito .is per frck. I>R I ch " and c'her i >I furi-i ■«;; I u; 1.11 I .IL. X.13.0JT, 82 - i 'rmch Street, Ert", i'<'- IU THE CIT.Z IM P. A IV. It. It. Time Table. The morning train for Allegheny leaven Butler at -.13. Brier or I'itU.burgh time, arriving there at 10: !>. city time. Tin* trsin connecU at Oailerv Joncti ni w:th the mail train of the Pitti*bni;:U <!i> -i n. t'oing wwt. which arrives at H*rn 'Uy at 9:4#. Zelienople at 'J 52 and New Ci»tle Junction at 11. K. It. timo. where nrcticn is made with <ra:n» oa the P. L. E. II 1! : r Now Ca.-tis, V' tingetown and other |M>.t.Ts noith li.l .vest The ruai. train for Allegheny. leave? Butler at 11 7. But.er time. anil connect i at Callery Junction at iu a with the Gallery acccmmoda tion. vrlu -h artives at Allegheny city at 1:46, P. M., city time. The "evening train from Bntler for Allegheny leave* at •> (•:!. Bull) i tin.e. ami rtinn through to Allegheny, anivn g there at 8:16. p. x. Through traiiip* from Allegheny to Butler ant] Foxbnrg, 1. ave Al!> kI ei.y at 7:4!, A. M. and 4:15. p. m.. arrivii g at Butler at 9.46, A. M. and 6.'zl. p. M . But.er time. The Gallery accommodation leave* Allegheny at 10 01, ci'y time. £i.d cmMc'» with tl.e uttt on the FoXl.urg division, wl ich anives at Butler at 12.56, local time. Trains leave TV.ttier f - Foxbnrg and interme diate poit at; v; AM. 1.43 and 6.21, p. a., arriving there ». II 5U A M 4CO and 8.25, p. M l! I! 'iiue, and connect with the trains on the i ittabuigh. Bradford a"J Buffalo R It. 'l ime o* Courts The several Ocurts of the county of Butler commence uu the li:tft Monday of March, June, September and December, and continue two wet I>h, or »o long as necessary to dit-j.ote of the business. No causes are | t.t --own for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the liret week of the several term! 1 . AT'l't >K\ EYS AT LAW. J. M. Til. MI EX. \V. C. THOMTHON THOMPSON & SON, At!' mey- I.av.. ' >!tiee on llie west ride of Mam sti ct.nv. do- > N»:ih of Troutr.uiti's dry goods joiis k i. i:i.i.y, " OR.-1 \ IT':' !' HE:! T. KM;.. I:I lieiber building. OhOiiuEC I'ILLOW, Att. .i.t y .t i.. . Sl KVKVOK, M.iin street, Bull' r, l .i. Oiilce -.v.ih .1. I>. McJunkin. J. M. UAL»REATH,~ ATTORMY AT ! iv.. v TTITV! « n Main Street, South of Couet llou-e, in tie:;, i'uiviance'o former office. Aug2 1y1882,. 11. I'. SCOTT, Attorney i:t 1 :iv., 1...t1er, I'u. Office near Cour 1., I. e. iv.o HI . is v»tsi <•! t i ;:zhx ottice. A. AI. COKXELIUST" Office with tt . L>. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, Butler, is. ~~~J.~S\ iiR ITT A IN, Office with L Z. Mitchell, Diamond. S. 11. FIERSOL. Office on N. E. comer Diamond, liiddle build ng novia JOHN M. GREEK: ' 5 on N. E. cornel ud. iiovlil \» W. ii. lA'^K, Office with W 11. 11. Kiddie, Esq. ' NEWTON BLACK, OfAce on L)ianioud, near Court House, soutb -lie. E. 1. BRUGH, Otllcc in KiJUic's Law Building. a PI BOWbkul Ofßco iu liid.ile's Law Buiidmg. [marS 7»i J. B. MoJUNKIN. Slt-cial attention glvt-n to collections Office ■ i)t{tosi;e lllard House. JOSEPIL K. BREDIN, Otlit.-c north-eu.-t corner of Diamond, Butler !*a. ii. IL GOUCIIER" ~ Office ia Schneideman'u building, up etaiie. J, T. DON LY Office near Court House. ■ 74 v,. J). BRANDON, cb!7-75 Office in Berg'u building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady buiiding- marl 7 FERD REIBER, Office iu Reiber's buildinfr, Jcflerson Bt. ap9l) "F. M. EASTMAN, Office in Br&Jy building. LEV, MCQUISTIONT" Office Main i-treet, I door boutli ot Court BOOM JOS. C. VANDERLIN, Office Main btr-jet, 1 door south cf Court House. Win. A. FORQUER, Office ou Main utreot opposite Vogeley Uoaso. GEO. R. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond J. I>. McJUNKIN, Office in Schneideinan'B buildintr, west side Main street, 2nd square from Court House. T C. CAMPBELL, (Office iu Berg's new building, 2d floor, east side "lam at., a few doors south of Lowrj House. mar3—tf. "C'A. SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond. A. T. BLACK, Office on Main street, one door south o> Brady Block, Butler. Pa. (Sep. 2, 1874. THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER. PA. JOHN 11. NEGLEY C3"Oives particular attention to lansaction* tu real estate throughout the couo.y. OFFICE ON I>IAMONU, Cot,BT Housx, IK OrmEM ncniJJiso K. J». ECKUET, KENNEDT MARSHALL (Laie of Ohio.) ECKLEY & MARSHALL. Office in Brady's Law Building. Sept.9,7'l " C G. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully transacted. Collections made and promptly remUted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. EN. LEAKE, M. I>., • Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office in Union Block, and residence ia Ferrero house, Butler, Pa. Oct. 2.\ 1-82. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, myai-lj] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jeißrson street, oppoaiU Klintfler's Floor Store. DENTISTR . na I# vVALUHON, (iroduate of the Phil jft adelpl.la Dental College, is prepared 4 il •to do anything in the line of hi* • rofeailou in a sntif factory manner. t)ihi» ou Main -ureet, Butler, Union Block, •ii *i.iir*. apll JOHN RICHEY, N'o. 40 A nilcrfion St., Allegheny City Stair Building in all its Branches Tlimine, Scroll Ualnatara, IVtwcH. Stair K.il, *e. Hand li»ils woikcd to order with all jointe cat nurt ijo'tt d ready to be put np. Ordeu from a tUstance wili receive prompt t ten: ion. WCOH RE3FOND F.NCE SOLICITED BEST IN THE WOILLDM |/ I \lt Take no other. nr.AI.ItKK SEE V'A r\JT\ y<jJ J. C. Swearingen. Jk/|y oil Mondnvi. IS7 Wrod btreet, I'ittfburgh, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers