Beware Fraud BENSON'S - CAPCINE PLASTERS HAVE BEEN IMITATED, And their excellent reputation in jured by worthless imitatiors. The Public are cautioned against buy ing Plasters having similar sound ing names. See that the word . C-A-P-C-I-N-E is correctly spelled. Benson's Capcine Porous Plasters Are the only improvement ever made in Plasters. One is worth more than a dozen of any other kind. Will positively cure where other remedies will not even relieve. Price 25 cents. Beware of cheap Plasters made with lead poisons. SEABURY& JOHNSON, Manufacturing Chemist.*. NViv "l nrk. S'w&wZmMt*. OHBDOWNS' ELIXIRJBHg IN. H. DOWNS' I B Vegetable Balsamic ELIXIR WB This valuable medicine is purely vegetable: (jl the discovery of which was tho result n many years' close study, in order to discover 31 the cause, the symptoms, and tho cure—viz: Mm K Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Catarrh, H ■ Croup, Asthma, Pleurisy, Hoarseness, H ■ Influenza, Spitting Blood, Bronchitis, H Hi and e very speci os of oppression of the Chest H 25 and Lungs. In all cases where this Elixir has JJS been duly administered its efflcacy has been q invariably manifested, convincing the most in -3 credulous that % CONSUMPTION 5 • la not Incurable, if prppcrly attended to.— <a gQ Consumption, at Its commencement, is but • __ 3S slight irritation of the membrane whichcovers JJJ Lungs; then an inflamation, when the Un congh is more observable, but ratherdry; then X O becomes local fever and tho pulse moro fio-« Q nuent, the cheek* flushed and chillstnore com- s** This Elixir in curing' the above com-an m plaints, Olenites so as to remove all morbid ■■ H| Irritations and inflamation from tho ua lungs to the surface, and finally expel them HM m from tho (system. It facilitates expectoration. H I. It heals the ulcerated surfaces H ■9 and relieves tho cough and makes tho breath- Hi |Hing cosy. It supportstho strength and at tho IB same time reduces tho fever. It is free from Iflj ■Hstrdng opiate and astringent articles, which are HI of so drying a nature as to beingreatdangeroflH BS destroying the patient; whereas this medicine HP S3 never "dries or stops tho cougli, but, t y remov-|B ■Bin? the cacsf, generally destroys the hectical K before the cou-h is entirely gone. Conse-H quently, when the cough is cured the His well. Send address for pamphlet giving^H full directions for cure of pulmonary disease*. H Price 35 cts., SO and SI.OO per bottle. ■ Sj SOLD EVERYWHERE. ■ ■ HESBT, JOIISSOJ t LORD, Props., Barlingion.Tt. H Warn downs' elixir.bbb HKB. VAN BCKEN'B LADIES' TONIC. A Positive Cure tor all Femalo Complainta. lAdfcs* Tonic is prepared by the Women's Medical la staute i f Ujtf*lo, N. Y., and has been used successfully by ladies for years. It is a sure cure for all Female Complaints. Sick ana Nervous Headache. Dyspepsia, and all weaknesses caused by those irregularities **huh are so common to womankind. This is no Patent Aiedtciue, but is prepared, after years of expericn. e, and recom mended, knowing that it * illpive new life to any broken down, worn out or over-worked member of the sex. If YOU have tried other remedies wi»h< ut si:'cess, do not be discouraged, but give "LADIES* TUNIC" a 1 ingle trial. It never /ails to give quick and Ptrma tunt relief. If you are troubled with any weakness or complaint common to our sex, lay aside the doctor's prescription tor once, and try " Ladies' Tonic," winch we guarantee willi positively cure you. One Bottie is Sufficient. Women's Medical Institute is an Ast.ociaton of and Mothers of years' experience, who give advice and answer letters from ladies ,-free. will be g-ven for any case of Female Weakness or inability which " La-lies' Tonic " will not cure. This is a bona fide offer, made by res f>o»t r ible bv'ies who know from experience what " LADILS' TONIC" cau do. Scud stauip for circulars. Bold by Druggists. Price, SI.OO. e | For Neuralgia In the limbs, stomach, rn . back, breast, side, shoulder-blades, cj *-• £ anywhere else, take FEKCN A. "E9H & © "For Cramp of the Htomaeii, Colic, •3 nillousne«-s, I>iarrh<e;t. or Vomiting, take ® O PEUINA." YWNLJACARM* & P **F«»r Cough. AN11IIII;I, Night Swcats, o : Shortness of 14 real li. take pERfXA.** £ 44 For Chronic Nasal Catarrh, I'ron- 5* EJ chltls and Sore Throat take l*Eitr SA." „ ••PERI'NA Is T lie purest, most prompt, P ♦a and efficient medicine known toman. 11 • *2 11 i'ERL'N Als the best apitetlzer, jturest § g tonic, -. 2 •' 1 f you aBFtsBSE'fI'ymSSwSPS p worried incntaliy, take I'LKI NA." ■■■ n k ' But remember the most important ot W £ all Is that TERUN A will cure Chronic Na © sal i:'atarrh,^Hrlglit'ai c* p If your druggist 2 on the 4 *fllsof^ Life, ll or if you are labor- ~ lug under a disease not mentioned In It or oi 5? In these advertisements, address the pro* • prletors, S. Ih JI art man A < 0., < Hboru, O. •© For Constipation and Piles, take v .. WANTED, SALESMEN. I .To cau vans f<-r l> saVof N'nnmy Stock. I nci:nale<l r'icllltU'H. .» :l t:«- rcfjiilrt-1. Salary n:i I I> iiM-rtp.ii'l. 7i.uacr Fruit-aii'i Ornamental Trees, j bhrubs, ti. W. UT. SMXTttli'iJ ia. -N. Y. WKKK. -Jis a day at home easily ma-le •'""Hy Mil lit free. Adiilvss I'liii; iS: Co. ujc M Une. ni;ir2.) ly. FAaHM!<« D ill HUIICKV t;o^.4 EV2 AKE! MONTH Uurinj the I-all an 1 Winter. lor particulars, address, J-C. Mct'urdj A r «*., ! .illudi-lphlu, I'm. ARUHiTEGJ X m \ !98 LIBERTY ST. H PIT 2 SBUKGK. Advertise iu tiie CITIZEN BUTLIR CITIZEN MISCEI .LAXEOI'S. Mi»!) All lit»:»yV> Trunks. That is a characteristic if not a true story of Susan B. Anthony, who loft St. Louis, the other (lav, for Leaven worth, with two medium-sized trunks lor baggage. At tir-t the baggage-, derk oJijeeted to cheek them bjth on ft •i git; ticket, and demanded pay for ex tra weight. - Hut," said she, "they !0, r ether weigii les-s than an ordinary- 'Saratoga.' I distribute the weight in this way purposely to save j the man who does the lifting." Ihe clerk looked at her incredulously. "And jou tell me seriously that you do this simply out of consideration for the baggage-man?" "I do.' ''llow long have you done it ?" "All my life. I have" never purchased a large trunk, for fear I might add to the over burdened baggage-man's afflictions. The clerk walked oil' and conferred with the bead of the department. Then the two returned together. "Do 1 understand," said the chief, "that you, of all women, have been the first to show humanity toward railroad peo ple "That is a tenet of my creed." "Check thnt baggage!" said the chief, with emphasis; "and when you run for office, Miss Anthony, you shall have my vote." ".Mine, too!" echoed the clerk, banding her the checks, and the i trio parted, happy. The Old men's Home. One of the most beneficent charities in existence is that which provides a resting place for weary and worn out old men. They have many infirmities aud diseases, one of the most common of which is rheumatism. Just here comes in the advantage of Perry Davis's Pain Killer, which has reliev ed the sufferings of many an old man bv driving away the most severe rheumatic pains. The most remarkable of recent sales of land is the transfer of 60,000 acres in North Carolina to a colouy of Men nonitt s from Russia It is remarkable both b< caur-e i f its indication ot the increase of immigration in the South, and because of its exhibition of the in clination of the Mennonites to estab lish themselves in the United States. Although thei-r conscientious scruples against bearing arms have been respect ed to some extent by the Czar, they evidently regard the United States as the country w here war is least proba ble, and in coining here that they may live in peace, they also increase the'.r prospects of pecuniary prosperity. Tliey are among the most industrious and frugal immigrants, and North Carolina is fortunate in securing a large colouy of them. men say nothing in dan gerous times." Wise men use noth ing in dangersous diseases but the best and mest improved remedies Thus Kidney-Wort is employed uni versally in cases of diseased liver, kid ney and bowels. It will cost you but a trifle to try it, and the result will be most delightful. Butler, Armstrong and Canon coun ty speculators in crude oil, suffered badly-financially, by last week's aston ishing freaks of the market. From a gentleman who is well informed on the subject and knows whereof he speaks, we learn that Butler, Millers town, Petrolia, Kittanning aud Clarion people are losers in the aggregate of over two hundred thousand dollars And yet they don't seem to be satisfied. —Oil City Derrick:. H. C. Byers, Portstown. Pa., says: "Brown's Iron Bitters cured me of paiu in the chest and indigestion." It was at Copenhagen where a criminal was beheaded in public on Thursday, and the oxmen terrible bun gled the job. A shudder passes over the civilized world as its iminagina tion dwells upon the bloody scene, and the feeling of horror only gives way to indignation when it is remembered that this is the nineteenth century. Come to think of it, however, and it is no worse than half hanging a man, and when the rope breaks letting the tor tured wretch fall in a heap on the hard pavement hauling him up and hang ing him over again. There have been several such cases on this side of the Atlantic within thfe past few years. The proprietors of Elys' Cream Ba'm do not claim it to be a cure-all, but a sure remedy for Catarrh, Colds in the head and Hay Fever. Price 50 cents. CATARRH. For fifteen years I have been greatly annoyed with this dis gusting disease, which caused severe pain ia my head, continual dropping in my throat and unpleasant breath. My sense of smell was much impaired. By a tLrough use for six mouths of Elys' Cream Balm I have entirely overcome these trouble. J. B. CASE, St. Denis Hotel, Broadway and 11th Sr., N. Y. My son tried Elys' Cream Balm for cold in the head, after using it twice he felt no more distress or trouble in breathing. 1 recommend it above all other Catarrh remedies. C. C. HAG, Druggist, Maliany City, Pa. A Washington judge says an oyster is not a lisli. The dicuion was given in the trial of an oyster vender who sold bivalves on Sunday, who plead that the law allowing of fresh (ish and drugs exempted him from con viction. Tnis momentous question, will, however, bu presented to a high er court on an appeal The world will occupy the anxious seat meanwhile. Loss of hair and grayness, which often mar the prettiest face, are preven ted by Parker's Il&ir Balsam. Keep a cup of powdered borax on your wahhstand; it will do wonders in the way of softening the skin. If yoj* have been at work in the garden, or doing things about the bouse that have tended to make your hands rough, when you wash them (lip them in the borax and rub them well witli it. "A little nonsense now ami then (As runs the well-known ditty) Is relished by the wisest men Were't net, the more the pity ! The humdrum Jack who never plays Grows dull and melancholy ; • lie best apprtcfates Wisdom's ways Who now and then gets jolly. • We know that life upon this earth I i e irneit a:i I is real; But he who temper* work.with mirth II :vs gained the trite ideal; The grave may he our earthly goal , Yet we may halt —for rations Thut nuickens ItofU the llesh and soul— At many way side By contracting a severe Cough ti d Coiu, I was compelled to give up my daily work aud keep to the bouse. A j neighbor recommended me to try a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup; it was procured and used it; to my aston ishiueut relii-f was instantaneous. EDW. W. CLAZTON, Waverly, Md. A Firm Settlement. The following notice by a Virginia blacksmith indicates readjuster senti ment on the part of Mose's partner: "Notis: De copartnership heretofore resisting betwixt me and Mose Skin ner is hereby resolved. Dem what owe the firm will settle wid me, and dem what the firm owe will settle wid Moses." A Hotel MUII'M Luck. Mr. J. G. Tyler, chief clerk at the Union Depot Hotel, Ogden, had rheu matism in the chest and left shoulder. By applying the Great German Reme dy three days be realized complete restoration, and he is of the opinion that there is nothing eqnal to the St. Jacobs Oil for pain. The Great Ger man Remedy is also a specific for burns and sprains.— Sail Lake (Utah) Tri buue. Even so apparently harmless a thing as an autograph album may be put to criminal uses, as was shown by a case in a Canada Court the other day. I A young man was tried on indictment accusing him of writing over the name of J. Taylor on a leaf from his sister's album a promise to pay $2,000. He escaped punishment by a technicality, but he has furnished a warning to peo ple who are too ready to write their names on blank sheets of paper. A Miracle in Oil City. DOCTORS DUMBFOUNDED—DRUGGISTS AND THE PEOPLE WILD WITH EXCITEMENT. [From tne Oil City Derrick, Jnly 21st, 1881.] Miss Maggie Martin, of this city, has been ill and confined to her house for several years. Our best physicians ; failed to give her relief. She took Pe-; runa and, to the astonishment of all who knew her, she is now up and about again. Mr Simmons, the Drug gist, sold 184 bottles last week. He buys in gross lots. Mr. Cowell, too, sells it Ask your Druggist for Dr. Hartman's book—'Tils of Life" (grat is), or address Dr. 11, at Osborn, 0., for one. A society journal says it is only one young man in a dozen who can leave a bouse ift a graceful manner. This is doubtless owing to the reckless habit eleven out of a dozen fathers have of swinging their feet when the young men are leaving The society journal should endeavor to bring about a re form in this matter. Proof Everywhere. If any invalid or sick person has the least doubt of the power and efficacy of Hop Bitters to cure them, they can find cases exactly like their own, in their own neighborhood, with proof positive that they can be easily and permanently cered at a trifling cost— or ask your druggist or physician. GREENWICH, Feb 11, 1880 Hop Bitters Co.— SIRS— I was given up by the doctors to die of scrof ula consumption. Two bottles of your Bitters cured me. LEROY BREWER About two weeks since, C. A. Brad field ef Scio, N. Y., advertised bis wife Theresa as having left his bed and board. The week following the notice his wife published the following directly under the notice of her liega lord: No be<l or board as yet I've bad. Of Charlie B. or Charlie's dad ; But since the time we were wed, Have furnished him with hoard and bed ; And for just cause and provocation. Have sent him home to his relation. Mr 1 Patterson Meant W!i:tt lie Kit ill. Lyman Donnm, Huntingdon, Conn., Aug. 22, 1800, writes: I hereby certify that my boy, ten year* of age, was taken sick with typti >id fever, followed by congestion of th : lungs. Dr. Dyer, aa eminent physician of this place, stated thai he thought the boy would run down with Quick Consumption. A Mr. Patterson told me th it Coe's Cough Balsam was curing similar cases, and advised me to purchase it. When I carried it home my wife laugh ed at me; but I knew that Mr. Patter son mean just what he said, and I de termined to try it. Two bottles effect ually cured him, so that now he is as tough and healthy as anybody. I>r. (<rcpnV Oxygenated Hitters is the oldest and best remedy for Dys pepsia, Biliousness, Malaria, Indiges tion, all disorders'of the stomach, and all diseases indicating an impure con dition of the Blood, Kidneys and Liver. They have a very quiet and effec tive way of disposing of the temperance question in Maryland. There local op tion is the rule, and it does not enter politics, each township deciding for itself whether or not prohibition of the liquor traffic shall be the rule for the year or term to come. Catarrh of the llladder. Stinging, smarting, irritation of the urinary passages, diseased discharges, cured by Buchupaiba. sl. at drug gist. Prepaid by express, $1.22, 6 for $5. E. S. WELLS, Jersey City, N. J. There is more consolation than may at first appear in the philosophy of the maiden who remarked: "It is better to be laughed at because one is not married than ilot be able to laugh because one is.?? A Varied Performance. Many wonder how Parity's (jinfcer Tonic can perform. 1 such varied cures, thmJijpg it essence of ginger, when in fuct it .sis made from many valuable saedieitttts which act beneficially oa , •oV<ery. diseased organ. t 'The age of sheep up to four years i old is readily ascertained from the mouth. They put two large teet'h in the center of the lower jaw, casting two sucking teeth at about twelve mouths old. They put up two more large teeth each of the next three years, making at ioii'r years old a full mouth of eight large teeth. These soon be come gappy and worn, especially when sheep are fed on whole roots. A (MRU. To all those who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, early decay, loss of manhood, Ac., I will send a receipt that will cure you, FREE jGF, CHARGE. This great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in South America. Send a self-addressed envelope to the REV. JOSEPH T. INMAN, Station V, New York City. If- I Don't Die In (he House. Ask druggists for "Rougb on Rats." It clears out rat.s mice, bedbugg, 1 roaches, vermin, flies, ants, insects 15c. per box. One firm has bought up 150,000 pounds of wool in Washington county within thirtv days. "A lady had the flesh eaten off her arm by scrofula: Could see the sinews working. 'Lindsey's Blood Searcher' cured her." J. Ralston, Elderton, Pa. A factory for the manufacture of slate pencils has been put in operation at Walnutport, Lehigh county. "Ladles' Tonic." The GREAT FEMALE REMEDY is prepared by the WOMEN'S MEDICAL IXSTITCTE OK BUFFALO, N. Y., and is their favorite pre scription for ladies who are suffering from any weakness or complaints common to the sex. It is sold by druggists at $1 per bottle. Ladies can obtain advice FREE. Send stamp for names of those who been CURED. Ten car loads of tobacco were ship ped from Lancaster to San Francisc > j on Thursday. Its value was $35,000. Consumption Cured. An old physician, retired from pract'ce. hav ing had placed in his hands by an East India Missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure for Consumption, Bronchitis. Catarrh. Asthma and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and all Nervous Complaints, after having tested its wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering. I will send free of charge, to all who desire it, this re cipe, in German, French or English, with full directions f>r preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with stamp naming the paper, W. A. NOTES, 149 Power's Block, Koches ter, N. Y. octll,l3t,eow Sibley's Farmers' Almanac. There are almanacs and almanacs. One of the best we have seen ia before lis. It contains valuable essays, gving the results of the latest experience in the culture of special crops. "Po tato growing-," by A. W. Chever, editor New England Furu »>v, gives the history and habits of growth of this important plant, describes the best soi!s, preparation of the land, fertili zers, seeding, cultivation, and all about how to get big crops. Dr. Geo. 13. L >ring, 11. S. Commissioner of Agriculture, has an interest ing essay on "Root Crops." E. S. Carman, editor llural New Yorker, writes on "Oaion Culture;" the soil, preparation seed and seed ing; cultivation, etc. Prof. W. Beal, of the Michigan Agricultural College, has an inter esting article on "Grasses for Meadows, Pas tures and Lawns." This is, perhaps, the most practical pajier which has ever been writen nu this subject in this country, as it details th* actual experience of Prof. Beal, in careful trials of various new and old sorts of grasses. 0. B. Galusha, Secretary of he Illinois Agri cultural Society, tells all about "Cabbage Growing," in a compact and explicit paper <>n this important garden crop. A suc cessful pickle grower has an interesting e»say on "Cucumbers for profit," and shows how the successful ones make their big profits 011 this favorite esculent. Burr Oaks Farm, owned by Mr. Sibley, the great 40,000 acre farm in Illi nois, said to be the largest cultivated farm in the world, as Mr. Siblev is propabiy the largest farmer in theworld, owning altogether, some -100 farms, is described in an entertaining manner. There other articles on the culture of Aspara gus, Cauliflower, Celery, etc. About half tha Almanac is taken up by discriptions of desira ble varieties of vegetable and farm seeds. Such i< Sibley's Farmers' Almanac, a valuable lit le. cMI pendium of practical information; all for, 1. cents, published by Hiram Sibley & Co., Se :d.-men, Rochester, X. Y., and Chicago, 111. © jitun. _ _ NEW YORK, 1833. M >re peop'E have read THE SUN during tie year ju-t now passing thau tv ;r before since it was flr»t printed. No other newspaper pub lished on this side of tlie eaitli has been bought and read iu any year by so many men r.nd women. We arc credibly Informed that people buy, read, and like THE SITS lor tbe following reasons, among others: Because its news columns present in attrac tive torn and with (tie greatest possible ac curacy whatever lias interest for humankind ; the events, the deeds and misdeeds the wisdom, the philosophy, the notable lolly, the solid sense, tbe imploring nonsense-fall the new# ol ihe busiest woild at present ievolving in space. Because people have l amed'that in its re marks concerning persons and alUirs THE SUN inaki-s a practice of telling th-m tbe exact truth to the best ol its ability three hundred and sixty-live days in the year, before eleetiou as well as a'ler, about the « hales ai we.l as ab><ul the small li>li, in the face of dissent as plainly and fearlessly a» when supported by general ap; roval. THE SU.V has absolutely no purposes to serve, save the information of its re d rs and the furtherance or tbe common good. Because it is everybody's newspaper. No man is so buiuble THE SUN is indifferent to his welfare and his rights. No man is so rich that it can allow injustice to be done him. No man, no association of men, is powerful enough to be exempt trom the strict application of its principles of right and wrong. Because lu politics it has fought lor a dozm years, without intermission and sometime? almost alone among newspapers, the fight that has resulted in the recent overwhelming popu lar vei diet cgainst Kobesonisiu and lor honest government. No matter what, party is in power. THE SUN stands aud will continue to stand like a rock lor tbe interests ol tbe people agnin<t tbe ambition of bosses, the encroach ments cf monopolists, and tbe dishonest schemes of public robbers. All (bis is what we are told almost daily by our Iriends. One man holds that THE SUN is the best religious newspaper ever published, because its Christianity is undiluted with cant. Another Lolds that it is the best Republican newspaper printed, because it has already whipped hall the rascals out of that party, and is proceeding against tbe other half with undi minished vigor, A third believes it to be the best magazine ol geccral literature in existence, because its readers miss nothing worthy ol notice that is current in the world of thought. So every friend ol THE SUN discovers one of its many sides lb it appeals with particular force to his individual liking. It you alreadg know THE SUN, you will ob serve that in WB3 it is a little better than ever before. If you do not already know TUB SUN, you will find it to be a mirror ol all human activity, a storehouse ol tbe choicest products of common sense and imagination, a mainstay for the cause ol honest government, a sentinel lorgenuiue Jetfcrsouian Democracy, a scourage loi wickedness of every species, and au uncom monly good investment for tLe coming year. Terms to Mali (Subsci'lberM, The several editions of THB SUN are sent by mail, postpaid, as follows : DAILY—SS cents a month, $0.50 a jear; with Sunday edition, $7.70. SUNDAY—Eight pages, $1.20 a year. WEEKLY—SI a year. Eight pages ol the best matter ol the daily issues ; an Agricultural Department of unequalled merit, market reports, and literary, scientific, and domes tic intelligence make Tile W eekly Sun the newspaper lor tne farmer's household. To clubs oi ten wiih $lO, an extra copy free, Address _ 1. W. KNGLAND, Publisher, uo'v2o »!t. Tns Sun, N. Y. City Want Ml AGKXTS! AOEVrS! AOEW9 Thirty-Three Years Among OUR WILD INDIANS! A [rut record of the A othor'l Thirty Thrtr Vearr Prrtoruil Ex perience among our Jmiiatu. OyWith an obk Introduction By Gen. Sh This new work waa at onee subscribed for by President Art iius and entire Cabinet, and by Gen. Sherman, Gen. Grant, Gen. Sheridan* Gen. Hancock, and thousand* of Em inent Men. Ge*. Gkaxt says :-••/* is the best book on India* Life ever written." Bf.uiop WiLKT (Methodist,) says :—•*/* is a book of immense value. ' It is the only authentic account of our Indians ever published, fully revealing their "inner Hfe," secret doings, exploits, etc. It 1* replete with thrilling experiences of the Author, and of famous Scout*, Trappers, Miners. Border Ruffians, etc., vividly portraying Life in the Great West as it now in. 4ftd thousand in j>rem. With Bteel Engravings and Superb Chroroo-Lithograph Plates in 16 colors, from photographs made by the U. 8. Government erprt*.dy for this great work. AGENTS! This grand book is now out-sellln; all others 10 to 1. Ko competition. Agents average 10 to 80 orders a day. We want 1000 more agents at once. Exclusive Territory and Special Terms Qiren. Our large circulars with full putlculars tent free. A fiiit Specimen Plate sent in wld it i-m for a 3 cent stamp. Address the sole publishers, A. D. WORTIIUTOTON 4 CO.. Haiifoicd, CO**. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM « The best and most economical hair dres sing, and made from n aterials that are ben eficial to the hair and icalp, Parker's Hair Balsam is highly es teemed everywhere for its excellence and superior cleanliness. ft Ntver Fall* to Reitore tht YoutMul Color and lustre to gray or faded hair, is elegantly per fumed and is warranted to remove dandruff and Itching of the scalp, & prevent falling of the hair. 50c. sad $1 lizM, at dealer? hi dreg*. ' PARKER'S GINGER TONIC A Superlative Health and Strength Restorer. If you are a mechanic or farmer, worn out with 'overwork, or a mother run down by family or house hold duties try PARKER'S GINGER TONIC. If you are a lawyer, minister or business man ex hausted strain or anxious cares, do not take ■«tnviratmg stimulants.but use l'arker s tjinger 1 onic Ify-m have Consumption, Dyspepsia, Rheuma tism. Kidney or Urinary Complaints jr if you are troi." eJwit'i ary disorder of the hings stomach, bov. eh. Wood rr nerves yon can be cured by PAK:.- ER '_. Toxic, ltis the Greatest Blood Punher Aaci the Best and Surest Cough Cure Ever Used. If you ar? wasting away from age. dissipation or any xase or .veakness and rcrji nc a stimulant take GIV : < TMC at once; it will invigorate and but.d yo't 1 fro.i C-.~- first djsc but will never intoxicate. It has'save.! hundreds of lives; it may save yours. l: COX k CO., 183 WUli»m St., N".» York. 40c. ul CDC • .li-ir •:*«, it all dealm in medicioM. CUE AT SAVING BUYING DOLLAR SIZE. Its rich and lasting fragrance has made this delightful perfume exceedingly popular. There is nothing like it. Insist upon having FLOMV TON COLOGNE and look for signature of en every bottle. Any -iruggut or dealer in per fumery can supply you. 15 and 75c. sires. LARCH ! AVINfI BfYINB Tsc. SI7.E. AROMi NNA. "The Genuine Dyspepsia Cure and Liver and Kid ney Regulator." "Twenty-five years trial of an artic'a ii< . strong assurance of its efficiency. AK MA- A has been used with the most satisfactoiy r<-. alts for twenty odd years, and has gained a wonder ful reputation "for the rare Curative 1 owers .t possesses This Remedy is a purely Vegetable Corup-unf* and was yesrs ago prepared by Prot. P x Lao, of Geneva, Kwitzeilnud. and used b' nim and other prominent phv»ioiaua iu ' _. e ir private practice with ORE AT SUCCESS. Thousands have 1 ecu CO" d of Pyepepeia, Liver and Kidney Disease. Impoverished or l)i«eat-el lilood, ' of the 1 tack, and Heneral Debility of" tlu. Stomach .Prioe 80 and 75 cents per bottle. For sale by all Druggists. U. UOLD°,I'EIN, Prop., Woodbnry, N. J. WHOLESALE DEPOTSI BUTTCCK & CUBSSHAW, 528 Arch Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WOODWARD, F..XON. A Co., Kansas City, Missouri. A FEW HOME TESTIMONIALS OF MANY I RECEIVED. WOODBI'HV Dec. 6, 1831. DEAR SIR I have used your AROMANNA, and found it to be very beneficial. It is an excellent Tonic. WILLIAM MILLIOAN, Supt, of Public Instruction of GloucesterCo, N. J. PAULS BORO, N. J., July 10. lKBl_ DEAR SIR I have used your ABOUANMA my family for years with great success for debility of the Stomach, such as Biliousness, Costiveness. Sick Headache, etc., and found it an excellent remedy. JOHN DENSTEN, Farmer, Near Paulsboro, N. J. A REMARKABLE CURE IN A SHORT TIME. A TRUE CONFESSION. I suffered for years with Indigestion, and lately had a feeling as" of some bard substance In my stomach. I could not eat, sleep or worn. I was under the care of a regular physician for three months without relief. I then employed two physicians in Philadelphia. To the one I paid sls for advice and medicine ; to the other 1 paid at different times the amount of §B4 without any benefit whatever. Some friend recommended AROMANNA I tried it, and after taking two bottles, I was great ly relieved, the pain in my stomach ceased, my appetite and sleep came hack and I could work. This was a year ago last October. Since that time I am taking every week a tablespoonful of the AROMANNA. I am hardy and healthy and as Strong as ever. My wife and daughter, «ho were suffering witn Dyspepsia, used the same medicine, and were entirely cured. I have made this statement for the benefit of many sufferers. I am living on Mr. Wm. Knight's farm near Woodbury, where I can be found at any time. PETER C. WOOD. Woodbury, Dec. 1. 1881. JOHN RICHEY, No. 46 Anderson St., Allegheny City Stair Building in all its Branches Turning, Scroll Sawing Balusters, Newels, Stair Rail, *c. Hand Rails worked to order with ali joints cnt and r>olted ready to be put up. Orders from a distance will receive prompt ttention. fcTCORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED GUENTHER'S LttNG HEALEB, IMPROVE TUB BOCK. FOB THE CCTBX OF CON SUMPTION (Jn&iflL Spitting of Blood, B.on chit is, Couchs. Co Ms, Ca tarrh of Chest, Dyspepsia, iDd nil Diseases 01 the I'ui ll'ii"mo nary Organs. TRADE© r MARK. ? r i ce 25c . 500 * ,, dSI °°- Ask your Druggist lor it. CUEXTHER A CO . Pittsburgh. l»a. iA MAN WHO MUNACQu*>KTCO WITH TMI OCOORAPHV Of THIS COUft* CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'T l3y the central position of its line, connects tb » East and the West by the shortest route, aud cm: - Tien passengers, without change of car», bciw» a Chicago ana Kansas City. Council Bluffs, Lcaw a worth, Atchison, Minneapolis aud Bt. Paul. it eonncata in Union Depots with all the pr ur t p*l hues of road between the Atlantic and the P? .ciflc Oceans. Its equipment is unrivaled and mm ;uifl ccnt, being composed of Most ComfortatjJ j and Beautiful Day Coaches. Magnificent Hor'rf a Re clining Chair Cars, Pullman's Prettiest. Palacs Bleeping Cars, and the Best Line of D ai lg Cars In tha World. Three Trains between Crue igo and Missouri River Point*. Two Trains frjiw en Chi •ogo and Minneapolis and bt. Paal. via Uit Famous "ALBERT LEA ROUHE." A New and Direct Line, via Benr ; sjad Kanka kee, has recently been opened betv ©«ri .lichmond. Norfolk. Newport News. Chattanc j«a. A' (anta, Au fusta. Nashville. Louisville. Lexi jgton. rincinnati ndianapolis and Lafayette, and Jmaha. Minaeap-' oh- and St. Paul and intcrmed'.ate points. All Through Passengers Tra cl on Fast Eipreas Trains. Tickets for sale at Ml prinr pal Ticket Offices m the United States and Canada. Baggage checked through and rates of fsre ai. ways as low as competitora that offer less advan tages. For detailed information, got the Maps and Fold ers of the CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE, At your nearest Ticket Offlco, or ddress *. R. CABLE. E. SI. JOHN, Vict Pres. 4 (Jen'l li'i'r. ''•n'l Tku A Pui. AgW CHICAGO. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Cunningham St., East of Main, BUTLER, 1» .JAMES HEI-XjEHH, Prop'r HAVING removed my Livery Stock from pSil lerstown to Butler ami located iu the old KEtiLlf STAND, on Cunningham street. I solict a share of your patronage. Ihavej-ood reliable horsed and pood rigs, which I will In tat reasonable pricas. Give me a call. ma 31,8 ili Eg""Advertise in the CITIZIN J NEW STORE. NEWSTOCK I A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF " iiiubir hd iffiiiffi jnsi mrnejT 1 OAK AND HEMLOCK SO I.E. AM) DOMESTIC KIPAND CAI.F. COLLAR, WELT, SKIRTING Cri'Kß, BELTING, HARNESS AND LACE LEATHER ROA"N A IST ID PIKK IL,I2SriISr<3-Ss ET c. ALSO HASIFACTt'KKnOP ALL. KINDS OF Carriage, Buggy and Wapn Harness, Collars, Etc., tic. And carry a full Mock of Whips, Robes, Blankets. Brushes, and all other Goods belonging to the business. • All Kinds of Repairing will Receive Prompt Attention. ®aTPlea»e call and examine our Goods .tud get Prieeb before you purchase elsewhere. Plastering Hair Always cn Hand. CASH PAID FOR HIDES AND PELTS. C. ROESSING, Keiber's Block Jefferson Street, opposite Lowry House. Butler, Pa EAGLE PLANING MILLS, Cor. Robinson and Anderson St., - ALLEGHENY CITY. M. SIMOIV, Agent. PLAKIXG MILL, S.<SH, DOOR AXD SHUTTER FACTORY, Flooting Boards, Wear ei boarding Pinned Boar s, Sash, Mouldings, Shingles, Laili nnd all kii.ds of Building Lumber. Igr A liberal reduction lor i-a.-li orders. Send for price list. All work delivered to railroads, •teaiuboats, &c., tree of eh.irge. Conauiunii-tions solicited. Sma KEYSTONE BOILER WORKS. WM. MANCHESTER. 28TK AND RAILROAD S7 S., PITTSBURGH. PA. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOILERS HII Kinds of Boilers & Sheet lion Work Made to Order. Oil Stills, Tanks, ltolling Mill Btacke, etc. Repairing done promptly. Correspondence Solicited. CARPETS AND WALL PAPER. NEW STORE. NEW GOODS. Having removed to Stores formerly occupied by Boggs A Buhl Nos. 118 and 130 Federal street, Allegheny, we are prepared to oiler the largest and most varied lines iu the city, of Carpels, Oil-Cloths, Mattings, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Cornice ami l'olcs ; Also, Wall Paper in all Grades, from Cheapest to Best, D. & F\ ©. WELTY, NOS. 118 AND 120 FEDERAL ST.. ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. IRON CITY BOILER WORKS, MANUFACTU U:FTS OF ■ ■ trwm CC jy ■ m - h, 011 Tanks, Stills & All Kinds of Sheet Iron Work* Special attention paid to Blast Furnace, Mill work and Jobbing. JAMES LAPPAN & CO., Pike Street, from 19th to 20th. Office 20th St. PITTSBURGH ma3,'82.1y GRAND OPENING OF NE W FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS, Carpets, Notions, Trimmings, Millinery, Hoisery and Underwear AT THE JPISO PLES STOR E Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa Our Stock is New and Complete. We are now ready to supply the People with everything from a nice comfortable stocking to a Nobbv Fall Hat. Visitors to the cily will find it to their interest to call at the PEOPLE'S STORE before buying. Our Xew Dress Goods and Silks are elegant. Our New Suits-Dolmans,. Cloaks, aud Circulars are very stylish. The new design in Trimmings, Buttons and Ribbons are neat and pretty SPECIAL BAR GAINS IN SC vItLET UNDERWEAR, HOSE AND GLO\ ES, IM AMS WEAR, HAND KERCHIEFS, NECK WEAR, EMBROIDERIES, LACES, Ac. 4 . Special Bargains in Carpets, Lace Curtains, Rugs and Oil Cloths. An immense stock of Blankets, SI eetings, Linens, Cloths. Flaunels and Ticks. Oue Price, Square Dealing, Prompt Attention at the People's Store. CAMPBELL, WILLIAMSON & DICK, 83 85 and 89 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, !P a SPEER'S Port Grape Wine Uned in. the principal Churches Tor Communion % purposes. Excellent for Ladies and WesklY Persors and tho Aged gjffiiSS SPEER'S PORT GRAPEWIME! FOUR YEARS OLD. This celebrated Native Wine is made f:o:n tie juice of the Oporto Grape, raise lin this coun try. Its invaluable TONIC andSTRENGTHENING PROPERTIES are unsurpassed by any other Native Wine. Be ing the pore juicu of the grapn produced under Mr. Speer's own personal supervision, its purity and genuineness is guaranteed. Tho youngert children may partake of its generous qualities, and the weakest invilid tt*e it t > advantage. It is particularly beneficial to tlis aged aud debili tated. aud suited to the various ailments that effect the weaker sex. It is in every respect the a Wine to be relied on. SPEER'S P. J. SHERRY. The P. J- t-herry is a nine of fuperior Char" acter and partakes of the ri-h qualities of the grape from which it is msde. For Purity, I!.ch nessof Flavor and Medicinal Propeities,it will be found unexcelled. ' SPEER'S P. J. BRANDY, This Brandy stands unrivalled in this coun'iy being far superior for medicinal purposes. It is a pure distillation from the grape, ai.d contains valuable medicinal properties I has a delicate flavor, eimilar to that of the grapes, from which it is distilled, aud is in great favcr among first class families. See that 'he signature of ALFBFD PPEER, Passaic, N. J., is over the cork of each bottle. Sold by I>. H "Wnllei-, AND BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting ard Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble, an they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be Bold at very low prices. For sampled and prices, address, H. FOLLERTON, Jn134.'78-ly) Bntler, P» I I E ■ ■ 4 I, F . TKI, PVT. * guaranteed apeolflr for Hysteria. Dinlnfn, Convulsion®, Fit®. Herroua Neuralirtv Headache* Nervous Prostra tion caused br the u*e of aleohol or tobacco. Wakeful. Bea®. Mental "Depression. Softening of the Brain result ing In Insanity and lending to misery, decay and death. Premature Ola Aire, Barrenness, Loiut of Power in either •ex. Inroluntary Looses and caused by over-exertion or the brain, aelf abase or over-indulfrenoe. One box will cure recent case®. Each box contains <no month's treatment One dollar a box, or six boxes fI TO dollars; tent by mall prepaid on receipt of price. Weguar* tntee six boxes to euro anv case, with each order re ceived for six boxes, accompanied with five dollars, we will send the purchaser our written punranter to refund money if treatment does not effect a cure. Guarantees issued only by Joa. Fleming, Drujffist. 8% Market 8t«, Xittsburjh. Pa. Order* by mail at regular prices. ft7s¥S!l How lost, How Restored! Just published, a new edition of DR. CULVER WFLL'B CEI EBBATFD ECSAY on the radical cure of Speimatorrlura or Seminal Weakness, Involun taiy Sinimal Losses Imnotencv, Mental and Physical Incapacity. Imped intent B to Marriage. e:c. ; also, Consumption. Epilepsy and Kite, in duced by Bclf-iudulgenctvor aexuai extravagance. Ac. The celebrated author, in (hit) admirable Essay. clearly demons'iates, from a thirty years' tuctcstful practice tlint the alarming conse quences of self-abuse may be radically cured : pointing out a mode of cute at once simple, cer tain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radi calfy. C-l*'This Lecture should lie in the hand:! of every youth and every man in the land. Sent* under seal in a plain enveloj e to any ad dress, post paid, on receipt of six cents or two | ostage stamps. Addtess. IHE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO.. 41 ANN HT., NEW YOUK, N. Y. ; I' O. Box, <SO. cctlJ-ly. BEST IN THE WORLD!! I • I Take no other. d LBafl * rE 1 O J- C. Swiarincen. <n Mondiv*. IST Woo 1 Street, Pitt HI urgh, Pa IDET Advertise in the CITIZEN. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. ni'TLSR, EARNS CITT AND PARKIB RAILRCU> Train# leave Butler for St. Joe, MUleratowa Kama City, Petrol la, Parker, etc., at 7J27 a. m and 2.25 and 7.25 p. m. Trains arrive at Butler from the above named points at 7.17 a. m., ana 2.15, and 7.15 p. m The 2.15 train connects with traiu on the Well Penu road through to Pittsburgh. SIIESAKOO AMI AI.I.EOIIENT RAILROAD. Trains leave Milliard's Mill, Butler county, for H&rrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m. and 2.25 p. in. Trains arrive at Hilliard'a Mills at 1:45 A, K.-, and 5.55 P. m. Hacks to and from Petrolia, Martlnsburir, Fairview, Modocaud Trontman, connect at Hil liard with all trains on ine S A A road. pinnstlvania railroad. Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time. Market at 5.W a. m., goes through to Alio* gheny, arriving at 9.01 a. m. This train con nects at Freeport with Frecport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. m., railroad time. Exprett at 7.16 a. m., connecting at Bntler Junction, without change of ears, at 8.26 with Expiess west, arriving In Allegheny at 9.50 A. in., and Express east arriving at Blairsville At 1C.55 a. m. railroad time. Mail at 2.16 p. m., connecting at Butler Jnuc tionwitbout change ol cars, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 501 p. in., and Ex press east arriving at Blairsviile Intersection At 5.55 p. m. railroad time, whieh connects W'lh Philadelphia Kxpre»s east, when on lime. The 7.16 a.m. train connects at Blairsville At 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2.36 p. in. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex press east. TrainS arrive at Butler on West Penn R. R. at 9.51 a. m., 5.17 aud 6.51 p. m., Butler lime. The 9,51 aud 5.17 trains connect with trains on the Butler & Parker R. R. Main Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh tor the Eai* it 2.56 and 8.26 a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 and 8.06 p. in., arriving at Philadelphia at 8.40 and 7.20 p. m. and 3.00, 7.0' and 7.40 a. in.; at Baltimore About the same time, at New York three hours .ater, and at Washington about one and a half hours later. Time of Holding Courts. The several Courts of Ihe county of Butler commence on the fiist Monday of March, June, September and December, and continue two weeks, or BO long as necessary to dispose of the business. No causes are put down for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the first week of the several terms: ATTORNEYS AT LAW. GEORGE C PILLOW; Attorney at Law and BURVEYOR, Main street, Hullcr, Pa. Office with J. D. McJuukfn. J. M. GALBREATH, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main Street. South of Court in Gen. PurvianceV former office. Aug2 1y1882,. R. P. SCOTT, Attorney at I-aw, Butler. Pa. Office near Cour H oust*, two doors West of CITIZEN office. JOHN K. KELLY, Office with £. O. Miller, Esq., in Brady Law Building. aag!7'Bl A. M. CORNELIUS, Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, Butler, Pa. J. F. BRITTAIN, Office with L. Z. Mitchell, Diamond. A. M. CUNNINGHAM, Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. & H. PIERSOL. Office on N. E. corner Diamond, Kiddle build ng. noTia JOHN M. GREER. Office on N. E. corner Diamond. novl2 WLL. HTLUSK; Office with W. H. H. Kiddle,JEsq. NEWTON BLACK, Office on Diamond, near Court House, south side. , E. I. BRUGH, Office In Riddle's Law Building. S. F. BOWSEIt] ~ Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'76 j7 B. McJUNKIN. Bpecial attention given to collections Office opposite Willard House. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond. Butler Pa. H. H. GOUCHER, Office in Schneideman's building, np stairs. J, T. DONLY Office near Court House. " M W. D. BRANDON, ebl7-75 Office in Berg's building CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady building- mar! 7 FERD REIBER, Office in Reiber's building, Jeflerson St. ap9lj FTMTEASTMAN, Office in Brady building. LEV, McQUISTION, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court BOOM JOS. C. VANDERLIN, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court HOOM. Win A. FORQUER, Office on Main street opposite Vogeley House. GEO. R. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond J. D. McJUNKIN, Office in Schncideman's building, west side Main street, 2nd square from Court House. T. C. CAMPBELL, Office In Berg's new building, 2d floor, east side Main st., A few doors south of LOWTJ House. —tf. r, A. SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond. A. T. BLACK, Office on Main street, one door sooth oi Brady Block, Butler. Pa. (sep- 2, 1874. EUGENE G. MILLL, Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street. south of Court House. 260ct8l THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER. PA. JOHN II NEGLEY particular attention tc "ans action* ;n real estate throughout the couu.y. OrncEOW DIAMOND, HEAB HODS*, IX P.ITIZE.N BUILD! SO K. K. ECKLKT, KENNEDY MARSH A hi. (La it- ot Ohio.) ECKLIiY & MARSHALL. Office in Brady's Law Building. 8cpt.9,74 ~~ C. O. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully transacted. Collections made and promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly ittended to and answered. Office opposite Lowry Honse, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, nyai-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klintjlcr's Flour Store. JDEHSTTISTIR, * . 0 1# WALDKON, Grrduate ot tfce Phil ■ adclpl'ia Dental College, is prepared ■ 11 ■to do an} thing in the line of bis profession in a satisfuctory manner. Office ou Main street, Butler, Union Block, np stairs. apll EN. LEAKE, M. I)., • Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Office in Union Block, and residence ia. Ferrero house, Butler, Pa. Oct. 2.i, IMB2. tc i. com- rdav at home Sample* wsrCft 10 Address STINHON * Co., I'ortlaud, Maine.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers