Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, August 23, 1882, Image 3
BUTLER CITIZEN. Hew A*¥ertlae«seßU. Butler B. <k L. Association meeting. Martin'* Pump. J. Porter £ Bon's— Farniture. Curry Institute. Trial List for September Term. = LOCAL AND GENERAL A petrified bear has been unearth ed in Westmoreland county. Yennor predicted a snow storm for this month, bnt Veunor don't always hit it. At $1.50 home-made Bed Comforts AT L. STKIN k SON'S. Squirrel shooting will be in sea- Hon on an«l after September I. —Bargains in White Quilts at L. STEIN k SON'S. A Pittsburgh pie factory turns out over three thousand pie* every day. —The Perfection Bnstle can only be had at L- STKIN A SON'S. —Potter county is credited with having model schools and school teacher*. A lot of second-handed Watches cheap for cash at E. Grieb's —Squirrels and rabbits are reported as being plenty this season. —WariDg's Fertilisers and Peruvian Guano—for sale by J. NIGOLK k Bao —The little folks are beginning to count the days until school takes up. New Dark Prints, in choicest styles, at L. STKIN & Son's. The potatoes in some of the gar dens in M*n hare ouuiinenced to rot. jfew styles In CoHars, Ties and Fisbus, at I* STMN A SON'S. —The startling information is made public that saner kraut will be plenty next winter. Kalaomioers'. Muslin for lining houses, Tery cheap, at L. ST*IN k BON'S. Mr. Owen Bfady the owner of the Brfdy building la this town has it advertised for sale. —Send or leave your order for a Sewing Machine, of any make, at, Grieb's Jewelry store. may3J-tf —All the crops that bate been har vested in this county are reportedsoed, with the exception of oats, in some localities. WariDg's Fertilizers and Peruvian Gaano—for sale by J. NIGGLB k Bao —The 14th Pennsylvania Cavalry will bold their annual reunion at Kittanning on Tuesdny, the 10th of September next. —Bargains in Muslins, Sheeting, Ticking, Blankets, Flannels and Tarns, AT L. STKIN k SON'S. of the counties of this State have no Baptist churches. These are Snyder, Lebanon, Juniata, Perry, Cumberland. Adams, Franklin, Fulton, Bedford, Forest, Elk and Cameron. Sewing Machine attachments and repairs of all kinds, at Grieb's Jewelry store. mav3l4f. —According to tbe old saying that a heavy harvest is the harbinger of a severe winter, onr people may a* well make arrange ments for laying in a good supply of coal and wood now, while it is eheap. —A large stock of Hoop Skirts, Bustles, Ac., at very low prices, at L. STKIN k SON'S. —Our merchants are paying 20c a pound for buttter, 15c a dozen for egg*, 400 a bushel for potatoes, 75e a bushel for onions, 50c a buvhel forty mips, 5c a head for cabbage, 12c a dozen for corn, $1 per bushel for apples, 50c n hundred tor pickles and 6c a quart for black-berries. —At $5 Fine all wool Country Blankets at L. STKIN k SON'S. —Up in Michigan ther go in for tbe old flag and an appropriation. When Con- J;ressman R. O. Horr reached home on the ad oornment of Congress, half of East Saginaw pave him a reception in honor of his vote for tbe river and harbor bill. —A foil line of Ladies' Cloths and Sacking Flannels, in all tbe newest Bhades, at L STKIN k SON'S. Some of onr exchangee caution the public to look out for the fellow who is tramping over tbe oeuntry selling a powder, which he alleges was made by Edison for the purpose of increasing the illnminatinr power of coal oil to that of electric light He asks three dollars per box for it. It is a fraud of the first water. —A full stock of Canvas, Zephyrs, Macrame Cord and all materials for fancy work, at L. STKIN k SON'R —lf there are any soldiers in this section who have received circulars that for $lO public land to the amount of 100 acres can be procured without the formalities re quired by law just let them burn them. Tbe whole thing is a fraud, and the Land Com missioner at Washington has declared it to be only a scheme to cheat tbe veterans. —Extra values in Cashmeres and Dress Goods at L, STKIN k SON'S —The County Commissioners have all the tax books for 1882 in the hands of the collectors. They have sent out the registry lists and in about two weeks will have finished with the Assessors books, and all this without having paid out a cent or the county's money for transcribing. They are a very industrious board of Commissioners. —Heber Donaldson, of Oil City, has been cited to sppear before the session of the Presbyterian Church at Emlenton on the 28th Inst., to show why he should not be fired oat of tbe synagogue for dancing. The case somes back to the Emlenton judicatory from the General Assembly. Heber's case bids fair to become the most celebrated among xatanic sal tations recorded sinee Herod's step-daughter danced the bead off John tbe Baptist. But two refuges seem now to be left—an alibi, or sufcide.—Franklin (ra.,) Prtu. —Says the Freeport Journal of last wesk, "On last Baturdav evening as Floyd Pain ter was hauling a load of oats, near Leas a re ville, Butler oounty. he fell from tbe wagon, striking tba back of bis bead on the bab of tbe wagon and serverinf tbe occipital artery. Dr. Blaine, who lives three miles away, was has tily sent for and arrived in half an hoar after the departure of the m—ingsr but fortunately the friends had suoeeeded in stopping tbe flow of blood. The Doctor dressed tne wounds and at last accounts the patient was doing well. —An indication of the immensity ot the oil production and trade may be fonnd in tbe report of business which tbe different pipe companies are pqaired by law to make on or before the loth of each month. The last re ports show thow that during July a total of 3,217,K65;barre1s ware taken from the wells, a daily average of uearly 104,000 barrels. The lines during the Same time shipped away 2.403,3H3 barrels, a daily average of 79,403 barrels. This shows that during tbe month there was an aecnmulatlon of 817,482 barrels, or 26,370 barrels dailv, The stock now held in custodv of the pipe l(nes is 30,273,847, of which 22,037,273 is represented by outstanding cer tificates of tbe United Pipe line. —The track of the new railroad has been laid from tbe crossing of the West Peua to a point between Mr*. Muntn's place and Walter's mill. The work progresses very slowly on.account of the rails having to be carried across the West Penn road from the car* of tbe P. & W. R. K. to hand oar* on the new part of the road, on which they are car ried to tb« place they are needed. If the crowing was made so that the cars of the P. & W. could run over the new road, the work would progress much faster. The Penn'a., Co are still obstructing the laying of tbe crossing, The new oonslitutlon of this Btate provide* that any railroad can cross another on grade, but ws have beard it said that the Penn'a, R. R. On., have never accepted tbe new eon •titution. The glass works are rapidly ap proaching completion. There was a tremendous crowd at camp meeting last Sunday. -.Harry Donaghy is down with the typhoid fever. An illicit distillery located in the wild«t>f dreene county, this State, was captur ed a few days ago. Ex-Sheriff Thompson and the widov of George W. Kneiss Eij., are reported to be married. Four wells in the Bald Ridge oil field are down u> theeaud, bat are waiting for increased pipe lioe 4®aeilittes beiore tapping it —Mr. David Shirley is visiting his old friend* in Butler. He is now interested in a glass works on the South Side, Pittsburgh. One of our wicked exchanges re marks: "This in the K*son when the house fly passes himelf off for .-v hreklebcrry." A New Bedford, Lawrence county, farmer bander the strange hallucination that he is always surrounded by evil spirits. —Mr. Helwig GriDe, of Prospect hag a set of good oil well tools in his barn which he will sell cheap. For particulars inquire at this office. A Beaver conntv man claims to have seen a snake that was as thick as a saw log, and took two hours and fourteen minutes to pass a given point. —The strike of the Amalgamated Association of iron workers, is expected to come to an ewf shon. HSOir.e of the strikers are ■aid to be in a destitute condition. Politics were never so quiet as at this moment in our country, but it is the lull that precedes the storm. It seems to be a sort of fit* Cor wl. race tfcis year, befrthe fur will fly bftfoi* many toooas. —ffkirty-eifrhtyearfHs afcood oldage for ajfcythe to attain, yet a fanner in the east em jar* of this State ha* been using the eaiae one fin 6» 1844, and re].arts ft to U still as good as nwr "Wtm George Foster, aged 14 years, was on the ill-fated Beiota, hot saved himself by swimming to shore. Last week he was swimming in the river at Kast Liverpool and was accidentally drowned. Mr. William Limberg, son of Rev. C- A. Limberg, and Miss Tillie E. Thomas, of Cferion county, were married last Wednesday. Will is a fine yonng man and we wish him much happiness. Camp meeting is in progress. A special train in its interest was run on the P. 4 W. E. B. f last Sunday and another will be ran next Sunday. See notioes in another place. —Although there are three bakeries in this town, our grocers import immense quan tities of bread and cakes from Pittsburgh. The express brings more beer and bread to this town than any other two articles. By notice published in another pbee, it will be seen that our enterprising shoe merchant, Mr. B. C. Huselton has taken unto himself a wife. Ben. has the good wishes of his many friends here. A circular baa been prepared by the Bi-centennial Association, and will be for warded to the Governors of the different States inviting troops to visit Philadelphia and take part In the military display on October 27th the bi-centennial anniversary of the landing of William Penn. —The Uniontown Geniua says: '"hiat nearly all the wool grown this year in Fayette connty has been sold, and but little now remains in first hands. The price obtain* ed by moat of the farmers was thirty-five oeuts per pound, though some sold at lower figures." —The State fish farm at Corry is fulfilling its mission with great success, and with the neoe*ary appropriations for its main tenance there b a prospdfct that in a few years the brooks and rivers of the Commonwealth will be alive with game fish —Several men who couid not pay their fines and cost* have lately been commit ted to jail for 48 hours for being drunk and dis orderly. These men cost the county twe dol lars each for boarding and tnrnkey. and the borough two dolbn each for and con •tables' fees. —A swarm of bees entered Clerk Dedd's house the other evening and took pos session. They afterwards located themselves between the plastering and weather-boarding ol the kitchen. Dodds is hesitating as to whether he should get out a writ of ejectment or arouse men{. —lj. C. Covert,- formerly of this connty, bat now of BlQOinfield, lowa, is teach ing school atts36 per month and this summer raised twenty-eight acres of com, from Which he expects to realize $400" He is doing well. Ai a general thing however, the corn crop in the western States is expectel to be light this year. —The people of Greenvjlle, Mercer county, will witness a curious race to-day—one between a man an 1\ horse, the man will ride a bicycle and the horse, a well known pacer, will be driven in a common racing sulky. The race will begin at two o'clock this afternoon and the one—man or horse—who covers fifty miles first will win one thousand dollars. —The letting of the contract for building the connecting link between the West Penn and the Shenango and Allegheny rail roads had been prematurely announced so often that people will be loth to believe anything about It till work on the road is actually begun. The contract however, has been let to a Mr. Keed of Krie, who hai bills potted in thb town asking for bids from eab-oontractors. —John Weber of Penn township, is in luck. He lately leased forty acres of his farm in Forward township, to Andrew Hcheide mantle for one eighth royalty and s.'(oo bonus per acre. Forty acres at S3OO per acre amounts to $12,000, and this with $5,000 bonus that John had received for the balance of his farm makes $17,000 in cash that he lias received, and he has the farm yet and a one eiglitb royalty. —A Swede who has been working on the railroad here intended starting for some other point and came to town last Satur day evening with all his worldly possessions in a box. This he left at the door of a saloon while he went in to get a drap, but when he came back his box was gone. Three men had taken it and carried it to a field west of town were they broke it open, took what they wanted from it and then hid it in a hay stack, where it was found. One of the thieves was recognized and will be arrested as soou as found. —Mr. Frank Eyth, of Centreville, sent to this place last week the head of a large pike ilsh which he recently caught in the Slip peryrock. In sixe it is nearly that of the head of an ordinary calf, and has rows of sharp teeth, some ol them being more than half an inch in length. The manner of capturing the pike is said to require great skill and knowl edge of their habits. The bait ir<anothe*. fish, on the principle that "big fish eat little ones." This small fish is so put uimn the concealed book that the pike takes it liead foremost, and has hook and all away down before the mistake is discovered. The angler then has to give it nlay and worry it until he can gradually draw !t to the shore. To jerk it up, ax our boys can do with Connoquenessing Ash, would likely Kove to be the breaking of his line and the M <of the pike. The one here alluded to weighed nine pounds. We would rather Mr. Eytn had sent soine of the body of this fish to his friends here. Court Notes. The will of Sarah Hindman of Washington twp., wan probated last Thursday, W. P. Jamison, Kxecutor. Nicholas Sailer has biought suit vs. Isaac llepler and others for trespass. Mary A. and Jane Wilson have brought suit vs. Alfred Pearce and wife. A commission was appointed last week by the Court to inquire into the lunacy of Mary Luce of Karns City. I i Hemorrhoid!), FlMtHre, Ulcer 1 anil Fiolule Cured. | Dr. S. H. Matheson can accomplish i a cure of Piles l or yonr money will be 9 refunded. With his scientific remedies, j astonishing those who have been suf . fering for years He can give refer -1 enoM of males and females at Pontine, ; Michigan, and adjoining places. Fe s males wfco had been for years invalid? have been restored permanently tc I','.health and comfort. Willard House, | Butler, Pa. See circulars. 9ntl«(i 0Ui»»n: intlet, flu.. 23, 1882. Camp Meeting *t Butler. The Pittsburgh & Western Railroad will run a special train on Sunday, Aug. 27th. Leaving Parker at 8 o'elock a. m.; Martinsbnrg, 8:25 a. m.; Petrolia, 8:35 a. ra.; Karns City, 8:40 a. m. ; Millerstown, 9 a. m.; arriving at Butler 9:30 a. m. Returning, leaves Butler at 7p. m. Rate one way for ruund trip. Information Wanted. Eddie the 16 year old 9on of Samuel Seaburn, of this place, was enticed awav from home about nine weeks ago j by a one-armed tramp His parents are verv anxious about him, and any information concerning the boy's whereabouts will be thankfully receiv ed. Eddie is a boy 1<» years old, tall fur bis age; of slender frame; has dark hair, light grey eyes, his hair parted on the right sV'u, and may be readily identified by a scar on his forehead partly hidden by the manner in which he wears his hair. Exchanges please copy.— Sharon Herald. Base Rail. The Butler Base Ball Club went to Freeport last Thursday and played a game with the Freeport Club, with the follow ing result: ■■ FBEEroHff. OBq Mj BVTLKB. O R CjM J. McMhlmd. 4 • • W. Heineinan 2 o o T. Maley 4 0 0 0 E. Mackey— '.'2 10 A. M'Cleland 2 10 2G. Mechling. 40 2 o J. Gardner 222 ol* Grieb 2 13 0 \V. Loiik 2 10 0 P. Mitchell.... l 1 t 0 J. Miller. .. 2 100 H. Imsen :i o, 0 1 C. M eMail an 4 o o o I. Zimmerman 3 l i o A. Peter*.... 3 0 12 H. Helueman 3 0. 0 0 B. Hewitt* 4 00 O jT. Pap« 3 tti 1 0 Tiital 27 5 3 51 Ttotal 2-t . 9 1 UOn.Niia. 1234 i 6 i « » freei.ort o o 0 i o 3 0 l f—« Butler 2 1 i 1 0 0 0 1 ' The return game will be played here next Friday, 25th inst. Butler County Soldiers. All Butler couoty soldiers who have not already done so, should send at once to the compilers of our County History the facts concerning their military career. The statement may be briefly made—written upon a postal card. What is wanted in the full name, date of enlistment, and discharge, company and regiment. The friends and relatives of deceased soldiers or those who have removed from thecounty should seDd memoranda concerning them. Address, WATERMAN, W ATKINS <fc Co., Butler, Pa. School Laws and Examinations. Frequent inquiry is made, by direc tors and others, for copies of the school law. Twenty thousand copies are printed every third year and enough sent to each county Superintendent to supply each school board, with about four copies. The last publication was made in 1879 and the books have all been distributed. Only twenty-two copies were sent to me. These lasted but a short time. A card from the De partment, dated Aug. tth, says: "The State printer is at work now on the school laws. I doubt whether will re ceive in quantities to send out until January." Special public examinations will be held at Butler, the last Saturday of each month for four months. All who ex pect to teach and have not been ex amined will please attend one of these examinations. JAB. H. MI HTLAND. An Interesting Wedding. The Pittsburgh Ihxpatch of last Friday says: "A very pleasant little company of friends assembled yester day afternoon at the residence of Mr. George Shaw, on Main street near Penn avenue. The occasion which invoked their presence was of an hyme neal character and necessarily inter esting in a high degree. Miss Aggie, second daughter of the late James Shaw of McKeesport, and B. C. Huselton, a well known merchant of Butler, were the high contracting parties. At 5 o'clock when the little circle of some thirty relatives had gathered in the parlor, the bride and groom elect appeared, preceded by Mr. Duncan of Butler, and Miss Shaw, sister of the bride. Rev. Mr. Johns ton, of McKeesport, then performed the rite in the briefest possible form, after which the the usual order of con gratulations came in. Afterward there was a charming supper to dispose of, and shortly fol lowing that the happy couple departed by the Pennsylvania railroad for a tour of the Fast extending to the White mountains. Atan early hour the company dissolved, voting unanimous ly in favor of wedded bliss. The bride was the recipient of many handsome presents." Rapid Dcrllne of (he War ren Co., Oil Prouucllon. A dispatch from Warren Pa., dated the 18tb nay# : "The situation in the Cherry Grove district is slowly chang ing. The new wells do not start off so large nor hold up as steadily as did the wells a few weeks ago. The old ones are shot frequently, aud torpedoes are put in the new wells within a few dayß alter being completed. There is a steady decrease in the average of the wells, but the number completed each day is becoming greater, so that the aggregate of the production is increas ed. Among the towns thore is a great change. . The bustle and excitement • has vanished, and the streets are no * longer crowded as they were a few ' weeks ago. To-day four dry holes were reported—one on 683, owned by McGrew Brothers & Hunter; one on 660, and two on 610. These are all on the edge of ,the field. Seven new wells were completed—three on lot 657, one on lot 636, two on lot 619 and one on 646. These are all aver age producers for this field, ranging from one hundred to eight hundred barrels. The tubing has lieen pulled out of tbe Cloper tract well in Poreßt county, and It is evidently the inten tion of the owners to drill it deeper. A field man who visited it to-day says he thinks the owners are disap pointed at its showing. The Butler County Agricultural As aociation will hold their sth Annual I Fair on their grounds, at Butler, I*a., commencing Tuesday, September I'J and continuing until September 21. For Premium List with rules aud regu lations, address, W. P. ROEHSINU, Sec'y., Aug. 2, flt. Butler, Pa. Farmer** Look Here, The undersigned is now taking or der* for fruit trees for fall planting i He represents .one of the most reliable > nurseries in Rochester, N. Y. Please , send your orders in immediately, nlfttf JOHN BIKOKHMAN. Another Faith Cure. THE New York Tribune gives an ! account of a remarkable scene witness |ed at the Faith Cure Camp Meeting j at Old Orchard Beach, Maine, on j August 3. More than 600 invalids | presented themselves to be cured of j their diseases by prayer. One by one they were taken before Dr. Cbaples Cullis, the manager of the meeting. Dipping a finger of his right hand in oil, Dr. Cullis laid his hand upon the head of each, uttering a fervent prayer. Some departed from the meeting de claring themselves cured of their dis eases. From 2:30 till fi o'clock the procession filed along. All ages were represented, some tottering on crutches, some in invalid chairs, the dwarfed the crippled and the blind. Youthfnl l>epravlty. Some time since a United Presby terian preacher living in Ilurrisville, in Harrison county, Ohio, named Love, was robbed of $5,000. Being unable to find any clue to the perpetrators of the robbery he called in the aid of de tectives, who astonished the reverend gentleman by producing his two sons, aged respectfully 12 and 14 years, as the convicts. The youthful robbers, on being cornered, confessed their crime and said that they had gone to Bel laire and purchased a bottle of chloro form, which, on the night of the rob bery, they had scattered over the car pet in the old gentleman's sleeping room; that when this bad taken effect they quietly robbed him of the money intending to go West. The little ras cals had all the money when arrested and expressed no regret over anything except the failure of their plans. Oil. ITEMS. The pipe line connections from the Bald Ridge district are being rapidly completed. Every day on our streets may be seen teams taking lumber, engines, tools and every kind of oil machinery to the new field. Houses at Millerstown, Rams City and other fields, now out of use, are being torn down, or sawed into parts, and hauled through this place to Bald Ridge. In several cases we have noticed the roofa of such houses loaded upon wagons for that point. Several new wells are expected in this week, or soon, and if all are as good as ex pected the boom in business here will be greatly on the increase. Simcox & Myers have sold a half interest in their lease from the Bald Kidge Company to Richard Jennings & Co. for $75,000. This is only for the land upon which the Simcox & Myers well is located. The well being drilled by Phillips Bros., on the Judge McJuukin farm, a mile or so east of town, is now down about 500 feet. The negotiation for the sale of the oil property of the Bald Ridge Co., of this place, we understand has fallen through for the present. The company now rak a larger sum for their prop erty. Examination in the Public ficbool. An examination of candidates for the Ninth and Tenth Grades will be held by the Principal and assistant in the public school building, commencing Friday morning, September Ist and continuing, if necessary, during the next day. For the Ninth Grade the field will be as follows: Grammar—Simple analysis and par sing. Geography—North America, United States in detail, South America and Europe. History of United States—From 1492 to 1763. Arithmetic Greatest common di visor. fractions, denominate numbers, and applications. For tbe Tenth Grade, B class, as follows: Grammar Etymological and syn tactical parsing aud anulysis. Geography--Same as above with Asia, Africa, and Oceanica. History—United States from 1763 to 1882. Arithmetic Percentage, including profit and loss, discount, bonds, equa tion of payments, etc. Standing of pupils in some of the other branches will be determined from their papers, and remaining branches will not be considered. None of the examinations will lie oral, pupils will bring writing material with them. Those pupils who were in room No. 8 or 9 last term will be expected to at tend this examination as well as new comers who desire to enter either of the above grades. It is essential that all candidates should appear at this ex amination, otherwise much valuable time will be lost, and their individual entrance examinations much more diffi cult. "Bucliiipnibn." New, quick, complete cure 4 days, i urinary affections, smarting, frequent or difficult urination, kidney disease. j sl. at druggists Prepaid by express, $1.25, 6 for $5. E. S. Wells, Jersey City, N. J. Farmer* Look to Your IntercHt. By using Bradley's Sea Fowl Peru vian Guano and also Bradley's Alka line Dissolved Bone, you will increase your crops from 75 to 100 per cent. It can be had at all times at Sarver's Sta tion, and also at the Leonard Wise, in Butler. Send in your orders early. WM. CHOOK SIIANK, Agent for Butler Co. Sarver's Station, Butler Branch R. 11. juuo2l 2m. Camp MeelliiKMt llutlcr. The Pittsburgh A Western Railroad will run a special train on Sunday, Aug. 21th. Leaving Parker at 8 o'clock a. m.; Martinsburg, 8:25 a. m.; Petrolia, 8:35 a. m. ; Karns City, 8:10 a. m. ; Millerstown, 9 a. ni. ; arriving at Butler 9:30 a. rn. . Returning, leaves Butler at 7p. m. Rate one way for round trip. —Two young men, Jno : Henderson and Sam'l Jackson, were arrested at Kafct Brady, Armstrong Co., last Wed nesday, for uttering counterfeit coin, and were taken to Pittsburgh for a hearing before U. S. Commission er McCandless. Hall a do/en parties were victimized. One of the men, Jackson, is a resident of Brady's Bend, and brother of Win. Jackson, who was convicted as one of the Connor robbers. Lydia E. Pinkham'u Vegetable Com ■ pound has rapidly made its way to f favor among druggest, who have ob ; served its effects on the health of their 5 customers. Send to Mrs. Lydia E. Piukliam, 233 Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass., for pamphlets. ( Hiup Meeting at Ituder. The Pittsburgh & Weste-n Railroad will run a special train on Sunday, Aug. 27th. Leaving Parker at 8 | o'clock A. M. ; Martinsburg, 8:25 A. M.; Petrolia, 8:35 A. M. ; Karns City, 8:40 A. M ; M'llerstown, 9 A. M ; arriving at Butler 9:30 A. M. Returning leaves Butler at 7P. M. Rate one way for round trip. 18 AS URE CURE!! | for all diseases of the Kidneys and I LIVER It has specific action aa this most important I organ, en&bliuff it to throw off torpidity and \ ' inaction, stimulating the healthy secretion of _ | ' the Bil*, and by keeping the bowt.l* in freo ' ( condition, effecting its regular discharge. ' i If you are suffering from ! Iwl <ll Oil CI ■ malaria, have the chills, | are bilious, dyspeptic, or constipated. Kidney- . Wort will surely relieve and quickly cure. ' | in the Spring to cleanse the System, e very ' one should take a thorough course of it. u- SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. I EARS FOR THE MILLION ! Foo Ohoo's Balsam of Shark's Oil Positwely Restores the Iletiriiu/, and is the only Absolute Cure for Ueajness Knotrn. This Oil is abstracted from peculiar specif: of small WHITE SHIRK, cauirht in the Yellow sea, known as Carcharodon Koudeletb. Every Chi nese tishenuan knows it. Its virtues as a re storative of hearing were discovered by a Budd hist Priest about the year 1410. Its cures were so numerous and many so seemingly miracu lous, that the remedy was officially proclaimed over the entire Empire. Its use became so uni versal that for over 300 years uo deafness has exl<ed among the Chinese people. Sent, charges prepaid, to any address at SI.CO per bottle. Hear What The Deaf Say! It has performed a miracle in my case. 1 have no unearthly noises in my bead and hear much better. I have beeu greatly benefited. My deafness helped a great deal —think another bottle will crre me. "Its virtues are unquestionable and its cura tive charade r absolute, as the writer can per sonally testify, boib from exj>erlenee and obeer vation. Write at once to Haylock & Jenuey, 7 Dey Street, New York, enclosing SI.OO and you will receive by return a remedy that will enable yon to bear like anybody else, aud whose curative effects will be permanent. Yon will never regret doing go."— EDITOR or MERCAN TILE REVIEW. To avoid loss in the Malls, please send money by Kegistered letter. Only Imported by HAYLOCK & JENNEY, (Late HAYLOCK & Co.) SOLE AGENTS FOE AMERICA. 7 Dey St., N. Y. June7-ly. "SHERIFF'S "SALEST BY virtue of sundry wiits of Sci. Fa., Fi. Fa., Al. Fi. Fa., Al. Lev. Fa., Leviri Facias and Ven ditioni Exponas, issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Butler connty, and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale, at the Court House, in the borough of Butler, on Monday, the 4th day of September, A. D., 1882, at one o'clock, p, m., the following described property, to-wit: £D,No 19 and 46, Sept T, 1882. R P Bcott> A T Black, att'ys. AII the right, title, interest and claim of P. F. Porterfield of, in and to ninty acres of land, more or less, situate in Allegheny township, Butler county, Pa., follows, to-wit: Beginning at a post at the north-west corner, thence by lands of Sloan, et al, north 81* degrees, east 159 perches to a white oak ; thence by lands oi°i)r A W Crawford, south 1 degree east 75 perches to a stone, thence 33J degrees east 18 perches to a post; thence by lands of Elias Osman, part of same tract of laud, south 88J degrees west 169 4-10 perches to a i>ost; thence oy lauds of I)r A W Crawford, north 1 degree west 90 8-10 perches to a post, the place of beginning; about 45; acres cleared, a two story frame house, fi-ame barn and orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of P F Porterfield at the suit of Joseph Weller, et al, E I), No 69, Sept T, 1882. L / Mitchell, att'y All the right, title, interest and claim of Jane Bentel, owner or reputed owner aud contractor, of, in and to a certain piece or parcel of land containing one-quarter of an acre, more or less, situate in the borough of Zelienople, Butler county, Pa, bounded north by U Lewis' land, east by Main street, sruth by lands of K Ben tel's estate aud lands of K V Randolph, and on the west by other lands of Jane Bentel being lot No 217, together with a certain building being a one ana a one and a halt story brick dwclliug house thereon. Seized aud taken in execution as the property of Jane Bentel owner or reputed owner and contractor at the suit of B F Covert. E1) No 77, Sept T, ISB2. Wlf Lusk, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of /. T. Wise, of in, and to 30 by 180 feet of land, more or less, situutcd iu the village of Kvaus burg, Jackson twp. Hutler county, Pa., bouud ed as follows, to wit: On the north by Widow Cooper, east by an alley, south by Widow Gra ham, weal by Jefferson street; a two story frame dwelling- house, frame stable aud fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of 7.. T. Wise, at the suit of S. N. Mace. E D, No 68 and 74, Sept. T, 1882. .TIL Lyon W. A. Foiquer ally's. # All the light, title, interest and claim of Jamut Murrin, of, iu and to seventy acres of lnnd,moru or less, situate in Venango twp, Uuiler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit : on the north by Samuel and David Kelly's heirs, east by Samuel Stalker, sou.h by Julian Simpson, wi st by Joseph und John Murrin, about fifty acres cleared, underlaid with coal, a two stoi v Irame and log house, frame stable, coul bouse and orchard thereon. Seized and taken In cxccutlou as the property of James Mmrin, al the suit of Eli Vanderllu, lot use, et al. E I), No 8, Sept T, 1882. J C Vanderlin, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Abram Kolley of, in and to twelve acred of land, more , or less, situate in Brady iwp, Butler county. I'a. bounded as follows, to-wit; Oil the north by J. M Thompson, east by J Newton Thompson, south by J Newton Thompson, west by Butler and Morcer road; all cleared and fenced, a story and a half board or plank house, email stable, bprii g liouee and orchard thereon. Seized and taken iu execution an the property of Anrarn Kelly at the tiuit of T H Ljon, for use. E I>, No 78, Bept T, lbß2- K MarHliall, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Ange line Dobson and Boloman Dobson, her husband, of, in and to ten acre* of laud, more or lew* Hit - uate iu Adams twv., Butler county. Pa., bonnd ed an follow*, to-wit: Ou the uortli by H Bal tiurst. eaHt by Jaw Kincald, et al, south by TIIOH Dobson, went by Tnos Dobson; all cleared and fenced, log house, log Htable and orchard there ou. Seized and taken in execution an the pro|>- erty of Axigeline Dobson and Boloman Dobson at the suit of 8 J Marshall, Ex'r of Bam'l Mar shall, dec'd. E D No 43, Bept. T, I*B2 Lev McQulslon att'y. All the right, title, Interest and cliilm ol Nancy J McCauslin, of, In and to seventeen acres ot land, more or less, s iluute In Conno <iueue*rlng twp., butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by Findley Euklu and Mrs McOuincss, eust by Andrew Oyer, south by Andrew Oyer, west by Archie Btcwurt, atiout five acres cleared, u one story truuie house, log stable mid orchard thereon. Siczed and taken In execution as the property ot Nuncy J McCauslin, at the suit of O N Brysoti lor use. ED, No 79. Bept T, 1882. Newton Black, att'y All the right, little, interest and claim of Win Logue of, in and to 150 acre* of laud, more or less, situate in Cherry twp . Butler county, fa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by John Oallaway's heirs, et al, east by James Kenahan. ot al, south by Caleb Russell, 1J Hock enberry, ot al, west bv Richard Hamilton, form erly part of same tract mostly elearod;log house, log" barn, plank house anil orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Wui l.ogue at the suit of John Hall A Son. ED. No 45, Bept T, 1882. A T Black att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of J W Higgins of. in and to one-half acre of lauu more or less, situate in Washington twp., Butler Co., I'a., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by I' I' HiliUrd, east by railroad, south by pub lic toad, west by I' I' Billiard; it being a triangu lar piece of ground, a one-story frame or plank building thereon. Seized and taken iu execu tion as the property of J W Higgins at the suit of P 1' Hilliard. ED.No 81 Bept T, 1882. W H Lusk, att'y. All tho right, title, interest and claim of Wm Hell of, in and to thirty-two acres of land, more or less, situate in Washington twp., Builer Co.. Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On tho north by Isaac Thompson heirs, east by Al«*x Hell, south by B A Campbell, west by Leonard Htew art, all cleared, a one-story log and board house and frame stable and orpbar'l U\yrton. Seized and Wien In execution as the jnopeity of \Nm Bell at the suit of John T Cochran. IMMENSE DISPLAY $ OF S 1 STRAW GOODS, HATS, CAPS » I AND F |] Gents' Furnishing Goods f AT BAHRAIN I'RICKa. | SUMMER UNDER WEAK, t - Stock, at IMMENSE BARGAINS. PLEASE EX- AMINE them an<i you will save mono v. i CHARLES R. GRIEB, $ MAIN STKEKT. BUTLER, PA. fcf %<■ .<*- 's& i J**"** 4 "A 4£ "* JEWELRY, SC., I r,«Ta r > i MY FRIENDS: xi P I am a rambling wreck of nudity, B ■ Frogg, K«q. P »t your service, advertising ', ■ agent for the best Jewelry house in this] B-ection. I winh to inform the puMic « Stbat a full line of WATI'IIKS, CLOCKS, 1 t ■ JEWELRY, PLATED AND SILVER- ' I \VA RE,is now being offered at astonishing- . /'BrS Note What an old and Reliable House can do Regarding Prices. Round Nickel Clocks at $ 1 00 A Striking Clock, waluut caae. 3 »*> Niekel Watrh at !M " " " with alarms 1 50 " " " " " S day a «."> Nickel Watch, Staia W imUv 4 t» A.Good Striking Clock 2 00 2 Ox. Silver Caae, with Atner'o uiorrmriit 10 0«i " •» Ikakaak 430 Ladle* Gold Watches at #l2 75 fcgr~ All kinds of Sewing Machine Needles at 35 cent* per dozen, and No. 1 Spvnu I il at 10 crct* per botti* The only place in Butler where you can find a full and complete stock of KNIVES, FORKS, SPOONS, Ae 1847.—Rogers Bros.—A I.—none genuine unless stamped ("1847. — Rogers Bros.—A I. n ) I aluo'trry a full lioe of Eye Glasses and Spectacles, suitable for all eyes and mounted in the most elegant and substantial manner, and am o£ fering very superior goods at the most reasonable rates. Repairing of Watches and (Tlock* rvcmiwn our rtrj lUvt at tention, and is done promptly and warranted. E. (JRIKH, Main Street, Butlrr, Pa. TKIAJL LIST FOB SPECIAL (OIKT. ('OfIMEXfIXO HEPT. ISIh. I**2. JVo.l Term. Yr. ]'/<tintiji'» Attorney. Ptmimtif*. /-' ftmimmft An*rw*f. AD, 47 Marchlßßl McDonald A (ioucher Adam Metzer W C Mobley.et al K P Scott " 78 " " L Z Mitchell James DorMn AI. Sltrailer, F.x'r ('ai..i>hell A Hrvtxh>a FI D, 2 Sept 188 2J M Greer Susan Moore, hy her next friend Jamr* E Moure I. Z Mitchell CP, 199 June 1872 Black A Thompson MM Allen lloliert Allen Mitchell " 804 " 1876W L Graham .Theodore Thompson Pearl McCandlesa Ka-tiuau A Caa>pt«ll " Uti.'l Sept. 1879 Robinson 4 (loucher Jane Boreland, et al John Young, et al Mri iwilrw, r< aJ A I), 98 Dec. 1879 Picrsol A Kastmau W S Boyd, for use JII Miller lltiv, Sullivan Be®. " 126 Sept. 1880 M. Klack. Jonathan Snyder H L Barne* I. /Mitchell " 1(> Man hlBBl McQuistion Joseph F Lytle pjltahurgh A Western RR Co Sent! " 44 June " Hrandon. Hannah Harvey J«rar« Harvey Itowner A l.wr '• 17 Sept. " (ioucher A Ixiwry John It Holler H R«>«nigk Mitchell ami llnvwr " 25 " Brandon Butler Water Company, for UK Borough of Butler Kjuiinai i Walkrr " 38 " " Reed A Br-din ('has C Stewart Samuel C Thompnon Williams A Mitchell " :iK " " Williams A Goucher Wm Iluseltoo, et a! Henry Weinnan Hcoti " 2,'lJuuc 1882 Forquer Joseph llockenbeny J p Hockenherry Mr<Jui«ti<»u " 51 Sept. 18S1 L Z Mitchell E R Brown, et al K N Hare, et al Walker •' t; Dec. " Newton Black .lume* Dougan, Ex'r Wm O Smith AT. Black. " 15! •' " Thompson A Scott. II C Turk Jno lirosaman Vlitrbell " ID 1 " " Bramlou Grove A Bair Geo H Graham Mc-Candlena " 2u " " Campbell Bentel, et al Mellon, et al J M lireee " 53 " ■" L Z Mitchell John K Oilehixt Robert McDowell Kleeger A Hriftain " (>■> " " Jlt Bretlin A lex (iarroway Poor district, Winfield W D Bran-lon " 4<i March 1882 Fleeter K Christy, Adm'r John Smith Thompson A Soa A Re»«f " titi '* " L Z Mitchell inl Dougherty Kl ias Mori land Mcfjutatioa A Yaixlerlia " ;t June " Brandon NVA Pa Minim; Company H IHudinger Metjaiatfaa l'rollioiiotary's Oflice, August, 21 IHB2. M. N. tiRKKR, Pruthoootaiy. K I), No 9, Sept T, 1882. J G D Findley, att'y. All the light, title, interest ami claim of John and James Pratt of. in ami to all that certain niece of html, situate in Buffalo township, But ler county, l*a. bounded and described a-s fol lows : On the south by lands of Robert M Harbison, east by lands of Chan Ot-burn amlo-i the west and north, west by little I jffaiocreek. being of an irregular and rather triangular shape ; containing eighty acres, more or less, no improvements. Seized and taken in exe cution as the property Jonu and James Pratt at t he suit of John Johnston, for use. E I), No 10 Sept., T, 18K2. 8 F Bowser, att'y. A 1! the riitlit, title, interest anil claim ol Michael Downey, of. In and to fifty acres ol land, inoie or less, situate In Clearfield trp., Butler county l'a , bounded as lollowc, to wit: Ou the north by John Denny, east l>v Win Dauifliorty and T Morrow, South l>y Widow Downey, west by Patrick Denny, mostly cleared, lots bouse, log Imrn and some Iruit trees Ibcreou. Seized and taken into execu tion as tbe property ol Michael Downey, at the suit Daniel McMillan. ED, No 70, Sept. T. 18X2. W. A. For. t uer, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Wm Brandon, of, in and to fitly nrr«s of land, tnore. or less, situated in Venango twp. Butler county, l'a., and bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by Widow Fleming, east by John Kay, south by Michael Conway, west by Robert Van derlin; about 40 acres cleared, log house, log barn, orchard and ooel bank thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the projiertv of Wm. Brandon at the suit of Hoffman Jt Jackson. E D No <>«, Sept. T. 1882. E D, No 65, Sept. T. 1882. ED, No 59, Scut. T. 1882. Williams <Sc Mitchell, att'y. All the right, title, intercut ami claim of George M. Fulkman, of, in and'to six acres and 71 perches of land, more or lean, situated in Sliptieryrook twp., Hutler county, I'a., bounded an follows, to wit: beginlng at a |M*t at the coal bank thereon, running hy the lands of <i. W. Coulter's heirs and Joseph Hestler, west 20 C-10 perches to a post, thence hy lands of Mays' ami CoWen south 82 perches to a i>ost. thence hy lands of John Elder 33 2-10 perches to a post, thence hy same land north 27 perches to a post, thence west 50 pc ches to a post, thence north 8 perches to tl e place of liegin ing. All cleared and fenced,also llu-right of way to a certain road leading from the Hutler and Mercer turnpike road to eoal hank on said peice of land, said road to l»e kept open for public travel. Seized ami taken in execution as the property of George M. Fulkman. at the suit of R. 11. Gold, J. E. Christy and Ephram Gaston. E I) No Us, Sept., T, IK-SJ. Jos. Vanderlin att'y. All the riuht, title, Interest and clalin ol J W McCsndless, of, in and to one half acre ol land, more or lem, situate In Hie village of Karuiingtou Venango twp., Hutler eoutity, I'a., hounded as follows, to wit • On the north hy Ellas [Taylor, east by an alky, south hy public rood, west by Geo. Dlx son, a story an J half frame bouse, large frame tlacksiuith shop, outbuildings and fruit trews thereon. Seized and taken iu execution a* the property of J \V McCauJlue#, at the mil ol John Ulair. THItMH OK SAI.K. The following must tie strletly compiled with when property is strlckMi down : l. When the plaintiff or oilier lieu creditors be come I lie purchaser, the costs on the writs must tie paid, ami a list of tlie liens, liictiidini; morlstace searches on the propeity sojit, toKether with such lien -redltor's receipt* tor the amount of the pro ceeds of the sale of Mitch purl ion thereof us lie may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. ■l. All hills must lie puld 111 full. 3. All sales mil settled immediately will lie con tinued until I o'clock. I'. M oT next day, at which time nil pro|H-rl\ not settled for will attain lie put up and sold at the ex |M IISC and risk of the person to »liom (list sold. *Sc>' I'urdoli'n l>ltfcxt. 'itll Kditlon, pane IK., and Smith's Konns, page ;pq. THOM AS IH>\.\li||V, Sheriff of Ituller County. Sheriff's office. Hutler. I'a., May IMb, 1 KEYSTONE BOILER WORKS. WM. MANCHESTER. 28TH AND RAILROAD STS., PITTSBURGH. PA. NEW AND SECOND-HAND BOILERS All Kinds of Boilers & Sheet Iron Work Made to Order, Oil Sti'la, Tanks, lloP'ug Mill Stacks, etc Repairing ('one promptly. Ooirespondent* Solicited. J- PORTER & SO U»S '! I NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNITURE EMPORIUM,II ■ • No. 12 South Diamond, Allegheny City, Pa. We have ill kinds of Furniture, Carpets, Stoves, Store Fixtarea, Household Goods, Bar ber Chairs, 4.0. , for sale at low prices. We buy for each at low |niocs from the manufacture!*, and parties who are tearing the city therefore can sell at correspondingly low price*. Parties in need of goods in oar line will Had it to their intercut to call and see our etock and learn oar pr.oes eug. 39.5u. MARTIN'S RED JACKET fDCITRXIJC ACRIND KRUBT rnour KOKX rmr. Always ready and reliable in ewe of J fire, qui -k and easy to operate for i washing buggiea, Ac. It ia lUe only i double acting f.oal proof foroe punip | lhat can be icpiired without lemoving i mnip from platform. It ia cheap, durable, efficient and suitable for we H 1 of any depth. No faroier or house- | holder should be vlthont a puuip of > this kind. H. HOUSTON & CO., HOLJS 4UE3TH, 17 Seventh Avenue, Pittsburgh. Pa. »4~3eud for Catalogue and Price Lost. CURRY INSTITUTE AND UNION BUSINESS COLLEGE, Ptua Ave., and tlnh *t.. Pit »bar*k, Entrance U l , Sixth St., opposite Ht.Clair Hotel. FALL TERM DRAINS SEPTEMBER 5. 1 I rcparatory Depaitment. 3—Normal Department. B—BUHINEHB COLLEGE. 4- - Students can enter at any lime. I 5 The coureo of etudy is oomprehenaive and | thorough up to the latest atandaril of advanced education Pmor W. W. McOLF.M.AND. Penman. HARMON D. WILLI \MS, Nusiuess Manager. JAMES O. WI'.LIAMS, Principal. ang'23.lm. \LT I DOWN 1 A % IMF.N EXT. The following appraisements of permnal property set apart for the benefit ot' widow, of deceased* have heeu tiled in the office of the clerk of the Orphans' Court of Under t'o., via : \v:d >w of David Kelly, dee'd £2SM H5 " I'hilip Melon, dee'd I*l " Ailaui Alliert, dee'd 300 00 • " Lewis Anderson, dee'd 300 •*> " R. It. Alexander, dee'd 3i*l " VS'm. Cankdollir, «'ec'i .'**» i*» • •« John Itedic, dee'd ll'J S6 " Friend lluxton, dee'd 2ST> IK) The als>ve will l»' on Wednesday, Sept >'th, IW, lor eonltrm»li«Hi ami no excep ■ tinns l>ein;» died they will I* ii*lrnwl abso lutely l»v the Court. W. It. IMiDIMH, Clerk O. C. V WKICK, tl-' :» du) at home e;ihll) made 9/<C(',„||) lin 1111 free Address FHI> A t'o. Augusta. Maine. mar-aur I AT !. SHITS. | Webb's Eclectric Medicine. I* a positive and effectual remedy for ail Xer i von* Diwium in »»m *t.»ge of llf«? — yming or oM. I male or female. Such 1111 nipnteoc v. I'not rat lon, lons of Siremrth. loss of Vitality. IVfeetlve rj, Impaired Kraln Power, and <1 itaara from which an unnat'iral waste of life springs. all which ran not fiul to undermine the whole system. | Kvery organ is •rakrnnl, every power prminlrd, mill man* forms i>f disease are generated whx h. ! If not checked, pave the way to an --arlY death It reluvlnates Hge and relnvlgnratcs *<Hith. Karh package contains sufficient for two weeks treatment. Write for paniphlrt. which will bm sent free, with full particular*. Sold by itll Druggists at 36 cent* a package, or twelve packages for SA.INi Will he sent flee by mall on rc«-eipt of money, hv addressing WKKH'M WI.KiTRIf Mri'irit* CO.. A eun» gti'tran teed. Buffalo X. V. Sold bv l». H. Wuller. Bntler. Pa. JaoJ ygTAdverluie in the CITIUI i NEW LIVEBY STABLE. Coaninghaai St., East of Mai*. BUTLER. PA.. f JAMEfI HUL.L.EHM. Prop'r HAVING rmuf«l my Livery Stock from Mil lemtown to Butler and k**ated in the old [ K K.1.1.V STAND. »n (uniungham (MM. I . snlict a .hare of your patronage. I ban good reliable horses and good rut" which I will let at | re.xoii.Me prices. (live me a call ma3l.*Sly IVOTICK. i) Hie Semi Annual meeting of the St lckboldera —of the BUILDING AMD LOAM ASSOCIATION. will meet in I lie Opera Ho ise on Saturday Evening, Sept 2,1882. J * oAMPmctx. secy Advertise in tfce Cmiuf.