BUTLER CITIZEN. Hew A*¥ertlae«seßU. Butler B. f dreene county, this State, was captur ed a few days ago. Ex-Sheriff Thompson and the widov of George W. Kneiss Eij., are reported to be married. Four wells in the Bald Ridge oil field are down u> theeaud, bat are waiting for increased pipe lioe 4®aeilittes beiore tapping it —Mr. David Shirley is visiting his old friend* in Butler. He is now interested in a glass works on the South Side, Pittsburgh. One of our wicked exchanges re marks: "This in the K*son when the house fly passes himelf off for .-v hreklebcrry." A New Bedford, Lawrence county, farmer bander the strange hallucination that he is always surrounded by evil spirits. —Mr. Helwig GriDe, of Prospect hag a set of good oil well tools in his barn which he will sell cheap. For particulars inquire at this office. A Beaver conntv man claims to have seen a snake that was as thick as a saw log, and took two hours and fourteen minutes to pass a given point. —The strike of the Amalgamated Association of iron workers, is expected to come to an ewf shon. HSOir.e of the strikers are ■aid to be in a destitute condition. Politics were never so quiet as at this moment in our country, but it is the lull that precedes the storm. It seems to be a sort of fit* Cor wl. race tfcis year, befrthe fur will fly bftfoi* many toooas. —ffkirty-eifrhtyearfHs afcood oldage for ajfcythe to attain, yet a fanner in the east em jar* of this State ha* been using the eaiae one fin 6» 1844, and re].arts ft to U still as good as nwr "Wtm George Foster, aged 14 years, was on the ill-fated Beiota, hot saved himself by swimming to shore. Last week he was swimming in the river at Kast Liverpool and was accidentally drowned. Mr. William Limberg, son of Rev. C- A. Limberg, and Miss Tillie E. Thomas, of Cferion county, were married last Wednesday. Will is a fine yonng man and we wish him much happiness. Camp meeting is in progress. A special train in its interest was run on the P. 4 W. E. B. f last Sunday and another will be ran next Sunday. See notioes in another place. —Although there are three bakeries in this town, our grocers import immense quan tities of bread and cakes from Pittsburgh. The express brings more beer and bread to this town than any other two articles. By notice published in another pbee, it will be seen that our enterprising shoe merchant, Mr. B. C. Huselton has taken unto himself a wife. Ben. has the good wishes of his many friends here. A circular baa been prepared by the Bi-centennial Association, and will be for warded to the Governors of the different States inviting troops to visit Philadelphia and take part In the military display on October 27th the bi-centennial anniversary of the landing of William Penn. —The Uniontown Geniua says: '"hiat nearly all the wool grown this year in Fayette connty has been sold, and but little now remains in first hands. The price obtain* ed by moat of the farmers was thirty-five oeuts per pound, though some sold at lower figures." —The State fish farm at Corry is fulfilling its mission with great success, and with the neoe*ary appropriations for its main tenance there b a prospdfct that in a few years the brooks and rivers of the Commonwealth will be alive with game fish —Several men who couid not pay their fines and cost* have lately been commit ted to jail for 48 hours for being drunk and dis orderly. These men cost the county twe dol lars each for boarding and tnrnkey. and the borough two dolbn each for and con •tables' fees. —A swarm of bees entered Clerk Dedd's house the other evening and took pos session. They afterwards located themselves between the plastering and weather-boarding ol the kitchen. Dodds is hesitating as to whether he should get out a writ of ejectment or arouse men{. —lj. C. Covert,- formerly of this connty, bat now of BlQOinfield, lowa, is teach ing school atts36 per month and this summer raised twenty-eight acres of com, from Which he expects to realize $400" He is doing well. Ai a general thing however, the corn crop in the western States is expectel to be light this year. —The people of Greenvjlle, Mercer county, will witness a curious race to-day—one between a man an 1\ horse, the man will ride a bicycle and the horse, a well known pacer, will be driven in a common racing sulky. The race will begin at two o'clock this afternoon and the one—man or horse—who covers fifty miles first will win one thousand dollars. —The letting of the contract for building the connecting link between the West Penn and the Shenango and Allegheny rail roads had been prematurely announced so often that people will be loth to believe anything about It till work on the road is actually begun. The contract however, has been let to a Mr. Keed of Krie, who hai bills potted in thb town asking for bids from eab-oontractors. —John Weber of Penn township, is in luck. He lately leased forty acres of his farm in Forward township, to Andrew Hcheide mantle for one eighth royalty and s.'(oo bonus per acre. Forty acres at S3OO per acre amounts to $12,000, and this with $5,000 bonus that John had received for the balance of his farm makes $17,000 in cash that he lias received, and he has the farm yet and a one eiglitb royalty. —A Swede who has been working on the railroad here intended starting for some other point and came to town last Satur day evening with all his worldly possessions in a box. This he left at the door of a saloon while he went in to get a drap, but when he came back his box was gone. Three men had taken it and carried it to a field west of town were they broke it open, took what they wanted from it and then hid it in a hay stack, where it was found. One of the thieves was recognized and will be arrested as soou as found. —Mr. Frank Eyth, of Centreville, sent to this place last week the head of a large pike ilsh which he recently caught in the Slip peryrock. In sixe it is nearly that of the head of an ordinary calf, and has rows of sharp teeth, some ol them being more than half an inch in length. The manner of capturing the pike is said to require great skill and knowl edge of their habits. The bait ir