Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 21, 1882, Image 1
BIJBiCBIPTIOff BATES: Per year, in idvanoe •! 80 Otherwise 2 00 No anbscription will be discontinued until all arrearage!! are paid. Poatmaatersjieglecting to notify us when subscribers do not take out tlieir papers will be Held liable for the subscription. Subscribers removing from one poatoffice to another should give us the name of the former as woll as the present office. All communications intended for publication n this paper must be accompanied by the real name of the writer, not for publication but as a guarantee of good faith. Marriage and death notices must be aocompa nied by a responsible name. Address THE BUTLER CITIZEN, BUTLER. PA. TBAVELEHS' GUIDE. BUTLBR, KARNS CITY AND PARKER RAILKC Al' Trains leave Butler for St. Joe, Millerstown Earns City, Petrolia, Paiker, etc., at 7.27 a. in and 2.5 ft and 7.25 p. in. Trains arrive at Butler from the above named points at 7.17 a. in., and 2.15, and 7.15 p. ur The 2.15 train connects with train on the West Penn road through to Pittsburgh. SHENANGO AND ALLEGHENY RAILROAD. Trains leave Hiiliard's Mill, llutler county, for Harrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m. and 2.25 p. m. Trains arrive at Hiiliard's Mills at 1:45 A, M., and 5:55 P. M. Hacks to aud from Petrolia, Martinsbuu, Fairview, Modoc and Trontnian, connect at Hii liard with al! trains on the 3 & A road. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time. Market at 5.06 a. m., goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at #.Ol a. m. This train con nects at Freeport with Frecport Accommoda tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. m., railroad time. Exprett at 7.16 a. m., connecting at Butler Junction, without change of cars, at 8.20 with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 9.50 a. in., and Express east arriving at Blairsvllle at 16.55 a. m. railroad time. Mail at 2.16 p. m., connecting at Butler Junc tionwithout change ol cars, with Express west, arriving in Allegheny at 5 01_ p. m., and Ex press east arriving at Blaireviile Intersection at 5.55 p. m. railroad time, which connects with Philadelphia Kxpress east, when on time. The 7.16 a.m. train connects at Blalrsville at 11.06 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2.36 p. in. train at 6.59 with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive at Butler on West Penn R. R. at 9.51 a. m., 5.17 and 6.51 p. m., Butler time. The 9,51 aud 5.17 trains connect with trains on the Butler & Parker R. R. Main Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh tor the Eas< at 2.56 and 8.26 a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 and 8.06 p. B>., arriving at Philadelphia at 3.40 and 7.20 p. m. and 3.00, 7.00 and 7.40 a. m.; at Baltimore abont the same time, at New York three hours later, aud at Washington abont one and a half hours later. Tine of Holding; Courts. The several Courts of the county of Butler commence on tlie first Monday of March, June, September and December, and continue two weeks, or BO loDg as necessary to dispose of the business. No causes are put down for trial or traverse jurors summoned for the first week of Che several terms. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. " R. P. SCOTT, Attorney at Law, Butler, Pa. Office in Ruff's building Main street. JOHN K. KELLY, Office with J£. G. Miller, Esq., In Brady Law Buildiug. augl?'6l A. M. CORNELIUS, Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Building, Main Street, Butler, Pa. J. F. BRITTAINT" Office with L, Z. Mitchell, Diamond. A. M. CUNNINGHAM, Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. ~~ S. H. PIERSOLT" Office on N. E. corner Diamond, Kiddle build lag. novlU JOHN MTGREEK Office on N. E. comer Diamond. novl2 ~ WM, H. LUSK, Office with W. H. H. Riddle, Esq. " NEWTON BLACK, Office on Diamond, near Court House, south aide. ETL BRUGH, Office in Riddle's Law Building. ' S. F. BO VP SER. Office in Riddle's Law Building. [marß'76 " J. B. McJUNKIN. Special attention given to collections Offio opposite Willard House. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office north-east corner of Diamond, Butlei Pa. H. H. GOUCHER, Office in Schneideman's building, np staiis. J, T. DONLY Office near Court House. J - 74 W. D. BRANDON, et>l7-76 Office in Berg's building/ CLARENCE WALKER, Office in Brady building- marl 7 FERD REIBER, Office in Reibcr's building, Jefferson St. apfllj F. M. EASTMAN, Office in Brady building. LEV. McQUISTION, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court House JOS. C. VANDERLIN, Ofile*Main street, 1 door south of Court House. FORQUER, O" Office on Main street opposite Vogeley House. GEO. R. WHITE, Office N. E. corner of Diamond- J. D. McJUNKIN, Office In Schneideman's bulldinp, west side Main street, 2nd square from Court House. " T. C. CAMPBELL, Office in Berg's new building, 2d floor, east aide Main at., a few doors south of Lown Houae. nuufl—tf C A. SULLIVAN, may 7 Office S. W. cor. of Diamond. A. T. BLACK, Office on Main street, one door south o Brady Block, BuUer. Pa. (scp. 2,1874. EUGENE G. MILLT^, Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street, » Month of Court House. 260ct81 THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER. PA. JOHNHTNEGLEY particular attention tc xansaction* in real eatate throughout the coui-.y. OHJCKOX DIAMOWI>, HEAB HOCSB, in OLTOB* WOTUTKO E. R. ECKLBT, KBHNKDT MARSHALL {Late of Ohio.) ECKLEY A MARSHALL. Office U' Brady's Law Building. Bept.9,7J C G. CHRISTIE, Attorney at Law. Legal business carefully transacted. Collections made and promptly remitted. Business corro«pondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowry Honse, Butler, Fa. PHYSICIANS. JOHN E. BYERS, TPHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, .my2l-ly>] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Xlinejler's Flour Store. DENTISTS. DENTISTR X. OIS WALDRON, Graduate ol the Phil M adel pbla Dental College,is prepare." • II ■to do anything in the line of hit profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on street, Butler, Union Block, op ateln, VOL. XIX. LEO A L AD VFR TJ SEMEN TS. > Estate of Was* C 3. Shorts. Letters of administration having been grouted to the undersigned on the estate ol WiilLun G Shorts, deceased, late ol Connoquer.cssing twp. 1 Hntler county, Pn , all persons knowiug them selves indebted to said estate will please makt 1 immediate payment, and any having claims against the same will present thc;;i duly authen timed for payment. T. I'. SHORTS, Es'r. 1 Conuotjueucssing P. 0., Butler' 0., Pa. lm Estate of ISai'riet Kays. (LATE OK COSSOQUENESSIXG twp., dee'd.) Letters testamentary on the estate of Harri et Havs, dee'd, late of Onnoquenessing twp., Butler County, Pa., having been granted to the undersigned, all persons knowing them selves indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for payment. ROBEKT S. HAYS, ) JAMES S. IIAVS,]" Whitestown P. 0., Butler Co. Pa. Estate of Adam Albert. Letters of administration having fcetn granted to ihc undersigned on tbo estate of Adam Al beit, deed., late of Frankliu twp., Butler Co., Pa., all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will please make payment and any having claims against, the same will present them duly authenticated for payment. H. H. GALLAGHER, Adm'r. Box 395, Butler. Pa, Notice to Teachers. The Board of School Directors of the borongh of Butier, will meet ou tbe first Monday in July next, for tbe purpose of selecting teachers for tbe present school year. All applications must be m writing accompanied by certificates and filed with tbe Secretary on or before the Ist day of July. BY OHDEK OF THE BOARD, FRANK M. EASTMAN. Secretary. June 13,1882. jiweH St. Auditors' Notice. Petition of James Morrison. Ex'r of Daniel Millison, for appointment of Auditor. 0. C., No. 80, March Term, 1882. And now to wit: May 17th, 1882, J, M. Gal breath is appointed an Auditor as prayed for. BY THE'COI RT. Butler County, SS: Certify from the record this 31st day of May 1882. W*. B. DODDS. Clerk O. C. Notice is hereby giyen, to all concerned, that the undersigned has been appointed Auditor, [ to make distribution in the matter of the estate of Daniel Millison, dee'd, and that he will at tend to the dutief of said appointment at my office in Butler, on Thursday, the 29th day of June, at the hour of 10 o'cloek, A. M. june7-3t. J. M. GALBKEATII. NOTICE INDIVORCE In the matter of the application of Mary R. Elliott for divorce a vinculo matiiironia from h«r husband, Ifarry A. Elliott. A. I)., No. 55, March Term, 1882. To Harry A. Elliott, respondent. Y.'hcroas a subpoena and an alias subpoena in the above bt&ted case liava been returned N. E. I. Now this is to require you to be and appear in your proper person before said Oourt, on the first Monday of September Term next, A. D., 1882, being the 4th day of said month, to answer to said complaint, and to show cause, if any you have, why the praver thereof should not be granted. THOS. DON'AGHY, Sheriff. And now, June Bth, 1882, having been appoint ed Commissioner by the Court to take testimony in above stated case and to report the same to Court, notice is hereby given that I v,ill attend to the duties of said appointment at my office, at Butler, on Friday, the 14th day of July, A. D. 1882, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of S»id day, at which time and place all peisons interested may at tend if they see proper. GEORGE C. PILLOW, Commissioner. junel4-6t. Petition of Johu Grossman. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS OF BTJTI.EB COCXIY, EQUITY NO. 1 SKIT. TEEM, 1882. In Be petition of John Groat-man to have perpetual testimony relative to a deed lrom Jacob Q. Grossman and wife to Jolui N. Hoon, which deed is now lost. And now, to wit: Dec- 3, 1881, petition pre sented and on due consideration thereof, subp<u na is awarded to John N. Hoon and Jacob G. Grossman, and to any and all persons who may be interested in tho said petition or bill to ap pear in the Court of Common Pleas of said county, on the 4th day of September, 1882, to make an oath or affirmation to Raid petition or bill, and in case no anbwer thereto is filed, and in case the said persons subpoenaed or any others do not attend oij or before said day, George C. Pillow is hereby appointed a commis sioner to proceed on said 4th day of September, 1882, at 2 o'clock, p. M., of said day at the office of the Prothonotary of said county to take the depositions of all witnesses who may be produc ed by said petitioners respecting the proof of the facts alleged in Baid bill or petition, and to ascertain and establish the same and to make return of said depositions unto said Court when such order and decree in the premises will be madp as to justice and equity appertain, and further it appearing from said petition that the residence of the said Jno. N. Hoon and Jacob G. Grossman is unknown and believed not to be within this commonwealth, it is ordered that notice of this subpoena and order of Court be given by publication theroof for three (3) suc cessive weeks in one of the woeklv newspapers, published in Butler prior to said 4th day of Sept. 1882. BY THE COUBT. Butler County 8. S : Certified from the re cord this 10th day of June, 1882 M. N. GIUiEB, Prothonotary. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, county of Butler: To John N. Hoon and Jacob G. Gross man, Greeting: We command you, that all business and excuses beicg laid aside, you be and appear in your proper persons bofore our Judges at Butler, at our County Court of Com mon Pleas, there to be held for ihe county aforesaid on Monday, the 4tn of Sept-, 1832, to show cause, if any you have, why tlie witnesses on behalf of John Grossman, on his petition to have perpetual testimony relative to a deed from Jacob G. Grossman and wife to John N. Hoon, (deed now lost) should not be examined and other testimony reduced to writing, and filed of record in our said Court in order to per petuate the same agreeably to the constitution of our Government and the act of Afsembly in such case made and provided, on the part of petitioners and herein fail not, under tho penal ty of one hundred pounds. Witness the Honorable E- McJunkin, Prosi eent of our said Court, at Butler, this 10th day of June, A. D., 1882. M. N. GBBEB, junel4-3t. Prothonotary. FOR SALE. The following described valuable pieces of property situated in the borough of Butler are offered for wale by the German National Bank of Millerstown, Pa., to-wit: One lot of ground on Fulton street, between properties of Mrs. Louisa McClnre and 11. H. Goucher, Esq., containing one acre, more or less, being one of the Lest building sites in the town. ALBo.—One lot of ground near the Witlier epoon Institute, and formerly owned by I*. G. Linn. Esq., containing one acre, more or less, on which there is a good two-story frame house and stable. This property is oleasantly located near the depot and commands a magnificent view. 1 ALSO.—Lot on MeKean street, formerly own ed by H. J. Mitchell, Esq., on wlifch there is a good two-story frame house and 6tablo. Possession given in 30 days after purchase. For further particulars enquire of CLAIiENCE WALKER. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, Butlor, Pa., where I have now and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as very dura ble, they are manufactured of pure Butler county wi>ol. They are beautiful in color, su perior in texture, awl will be sold at very low Dricos. For samples and prices, address, F %FCLLEBTON, JnH4.*7B-ly) Butler, Pa WANTED— -1 000 Cords of Bolts at tlie Butler Stjire Mill, Wood will be paid for each Saturday. ma3l,lm D- COURTNEY. MARYLAND FARMS.—Book and Map free By C. E r SJIANAHAN, Att'y, Eastcn, Md rf* t i A (Uiy iU iiiHiik'. tSuiu )les wort ll )0 lO }5 tree. Address STlNfiox &CO t Port laud, Maine. warjs.jy Chills and Fever, jija m■ t Simmons Liver Eegii I't'!"'soon breaks tin fever out of the system cures when all othei Sick Beadache. For the relief anil cu« llt irtllif:| tl] iff of this distressing af W' ™f" Tjf flicuon take Simmons ™* Liver Keg'.Uator. DYSPEPSIA. The Regulator will positively cure this terrible disease. We assert emphatically what we know to bt true. CONSTIPATION should not be regarded as as a trifling ailment, Nature demands the utmost regularity of the bowels. Therefore assist Nature by taking Sim mons Liver Regulator. It is harmless, mild and effectual. PILES. Kelief is at hand for those who suffer day aftei day with l'ilcs. It has cured hundreds, and will cure you. MALARIA. Persons jnay avoid all attacks by occasionally taking a dose "of .Simmons IJver Regulator to keep the Liver in healthy action. BAD BREATH generally arising from a disordered stomach, can be corrected by taking Simmons Liver Regulator. JAUNDICE. Simmons Liver Regulator soon eradicates this disease from the system, leaving the skiu clear and free from all impurities. COLIC. Children suffering with Colic soon experience relief when Simmons Liver Regulator is adminis tered. Adults also derive great benefit from this medicine. It not unpleasant, it is harmless and effective. Purely vegetable. CAUTION- Be careful that you get t:ie genuine Simmons Liver Regulator iu our engraved White Wrapper with red "Z" Trade-Mark, Stamp and Signature unbroken. PUEFAKF.D BY J. H. ZEILIN & CO., Sold by all Druggists. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Failing! That is what a great many people are doing. They don't know just what is the matter, but they have a combination of pains,and aches, and each month they grow worse. The only sure remedy . yet found is BROWN'S IRON BITTERS, and this by rapid and thorough assimilation with the blood purifies and enriches it, and rich, strong blood flowing to every part of the system repairs the wasted tissues, drives out disease and gives health and strength. This is why BROWN'S IRON BITTERS will cure kidney and liver diseases, consumption, rheumatism, neuralgia, dyspepsia, mala ria, intermittent fevers, &c. 303 S. Paca St., Baltimore. Nov. 28,1581. I was a gTcat sufferer from Dyspepsia, and for several weeks could eat nothing and was growing weaker every day. I tried Brown's Iron Bitters, and am happy to say I now have a good appetite, and am getting stronger. Jos. MCCAWLLY. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is not a drink and does not contain whiskey. It is the only preparation of Iron that causes no injurious ef fects. Get the genuine. Don't be imposed on with imitations. DON'T FORGET IT. THE NEW WARRIOR is warranted to be the Lightest Draft Machine made. POSITIVE PROOF. The only reliable test of the draft Mowers made in 1*7!), or since, was conducted under the auspices of the Queen's County, N. Y„ Agricultural Society, June 20, Baldwin's Dynamometer, that can not be made to lie, was used, with the following result : WAititiOß, 155 lbs. 4 ft. 3 in. cut; Buckeye, 218 lbs. 4 ft. cut ; Anson Wood, 197 lbs. t ft. 3 in. cut ; Walter A. Wood, 202 l 4 lbs. 4 ft. 3 in. cut: Eureka, 222 lbs. i> ft. «Mit ; Champion Haymaker. IX2'J lbs 4 ft. 3 in. cut; Champion, (rear cut) 172 V« lbs. 4 ft. eut. No. 1. at nine fairs in every ten where it was ex hibited and premiums were awarded. HO It SALK BY J. IUGGLE & 880. C ATARF? H Elys'Creamßalm Effectually cleanses the nasal passages of >1 okOn* Catarrhal virus, caus- Wtg.(?tAM nig healtlivsecretions. 8| rirjf HEAD I protects theniembrane I from additional colds, GhvlvticM completely heals the M sort's and restores the »>• .y ££ir sense of taste and 3EL /A r f aßsmell. Beneficial re nf / tH suits are realized by a WK / few applications. A thorough treatment _.r*., will cure Catarrh, Hay Fever, &c. Unequaleu | for colds in the head. I Agreeable to use. Ap u AV. rrupn ply by the little finger ™ ~IX into the nostrils. On receipt of soe. will mail a package. Sold bv Butler druggists. ELY'S CREAM BALM CO., Owego, N. V. Old Established Carriage Factory (ESTABLISHED 1839. J Spring Wagons and Buggies in stock and tnnde to order of ali styles and description. Ourwoikis of the beat and latest style, well made and finely finished. We give special at tention to repairing, painting and trimming. When iu want of anything in our line we ask you to call and examine our stock. LOUDEN & PAKK, I)uque6oe Way, between Sixth aud Seventh streets, above Suspension Bridge, Pittsburgh, Pa. aps,3m Union Woolen >lill, BUTLER, PA. If. FCLLEHTOX. Prop'r. Manufacturer of BI,ANKBTS, FLANNELS, YAKNS, <fcc. Also custom work done to order, such as carding Rolls, making Blankets, Flannels, Knit ting and Weaving Yarns, &c., at very low prices. Wool worked on the shares, il de sired. my7-ly JJMOR, Justice of tne t*eace' Main street, opposite rostomce, ZELIENOPLE .PA. u cioa WEEK. sl2 a day at home easily mad( ~ 9/lcoßtly Outfit free. Address TRUE & Co A»guat», mw2»,iy BUTLER, PA., WEDNESDAY, .JUNE 21. 1882 POETRY. ~TO A PICI IKK. r,Y K. M. M'LCUE. I would love thee far better, If thou were only real; Yet, 1 know thou art lovely, s Oh, my saintly ideal, There's a heaven of love 5 In the hire of tliiue eve*.; And the pout on the Up Brings'a pleasant surp-ise. Such a smile rarely greets me In palace or hall; Suc;i a form rarely .neets me At seance or bail; And I know thou art lovely, And pure, too, oT heart; Though encased in Jie trappings And tusel or art. A child, thou, of Nature, And a lover of flowe.-s : Thou art happy, yet lonely, In life's sunny hours; Then, sweet mniden. I take thee To my leart as a orient!; And forever wiil make thee, Mine own to life ; s end. But the years have flown onward : Tiius, 1 sang in the past; In the heyday of passion, Too sweet, long to last. I loved thy sweet image, Oh my saintly ideal! NOT, I elasp to my bosom, T'ie t.v.e and the real. SELECT. ICEBERGSAND FOGST NEW YORK, June 10.—Icebergs of enormous proportions continue to be met with by ocean steamers with amazing frequency even in very south erly latitudes. An illustration of this may be found in the statements of four ship captains who have just ar rived in this city. Captain Hansen, of the Hamburg steamer Frisia, said: 'We left Hamburg on May 28. We had light variable winds and moder ate weather. On June 5 we entered latitude 42.37, longitude 47.08. The temperature, both of the atmosphere and the water, then fell considerably, and I concluded that icebergs were not far off. I had already gone through the mill before, you know. Well, of course, I was not mistaken. When the first iceberg hove in sight—about 12 P. M. —we were running parallel with the Bremen steamer Main. The Mosel and an unknown English steam er were also near by. This iceberg was a big fellow and was being carried toward us with great rapidity by the Gulf Stream. Its height above water was fully 200 feet, and as that portion always represents but a seventh part of tLe entire mass, it must have been 1,400 feet high. It covered an area of probably 500 square feet. At 12:30 it arrived at an equal distance be tween the Main and my steamer, creating a number of small whirl pools around us. Indeed, both vessels heaved heavily from one side to another in conse quence of the commotion produced in the water. On the rear portion of the iceberg a number of Northern birds resembling eidt-r ducks were visible. A black object also appeared for a moment between the crevices of the ice, which one of the men who saw it through a telescope declared to be a sea-horse. We saw two more icebergs of an average height of one hundred feet before the day was over. This was latitude 42.06, longitude 49.04. The two knocked together shortly after passing us and a third iceberir, considerably smaller than the rest, was formed. The sight was magnificent, though enough to make any one dizzy. THE FRt'ITS OF A MILD WINTER. I account for the presence of icebergs so far South this year by the fact that we have had a very mild winter, which has severed the the bergs from the mainland. They have drifted southwestwards as far as Newfound land, which is in latitude 50, and not being able to gain a foothold on shore there, owing to their depth, have drifted eastward. They are to be found in many dfferent latitudes, but pretty near the same longitude, that is between 47 and 50. I do not think any of them are more to westward than that. Navigation is greatly impeded, and it is a wonder to me that no accidents have occurred so far. After meeting the three icebergs I spoke of just now, a heavy fog enveloped us, and I know I never slept a wink that night. Had an iceberg approached us there would have been no means of discovering the fact in time to steer out of its way. The only manner of ascertaining the presence of icebergs in Southern waters is by testing the temperature; but then, of course, this does not tell one how near the ice is. There is prac tically no way of eliminating this dan ger to ocefiu travel, unless a very southerly and consequently rounda bout course is taken by the steamers, that is what most of them are doing, by the way, and as to my self, I intend running two or three degrees further south on my return journey.' ICEBERGS AND FOGS. Captain liarre, of the Bremen steam er, Main, corroborated the above statement of his brother captain, and added: 'My experience with iceoergs on this trip was, perhaps, even move ex tensive than that of Captain Hansen. Late in the afternoon of June 5, we lost sight of the Frisia, and very near ly missed coming in collision with an iceberg as large as any I have yet seen. This was owning to the dense fog which came in the wake of the first three berirs. Indeed, strange to say, most of the large floating masses of ice I have mot have been followed by mists. Luckily the approach ot the monster was noticed in titue by the seething of the waters around it, and we escaped without a scratch, so to say. Judging by the extreme coldness of the water during the night, we must have passed several icebergs. That we escaped collision and instant death on this trip was nothing short of a miracle.' CAITAIN HILMERS' STATEMENT. Captain Ilillmers, of the German bark Amaranth, from Hamburg, had a still niore interesting story to tell. 'We left Hamburg In the middle of May,' he said. 'Winds were very variable, but mostly westerly. On s May 23, latitude 44, longitude 46.50, '■ we narrowly missed coming in collis- ion with three icebergs from foriy to fifty feet high. This was only a fore taste of what was to follow. When day dawned on the 24th we almost thought ourselves transplanted to the North Pole. With the exception of a few hundred feet around us the surface of water was covered with huge masses of ice, some of which rose in peaks to an unpreccdent height. In other words, we were completely hemmed in ; and as the icebergs continued to drift nearer around us, and the circle became smaller, almost all hope was finally abandoned. At this critical j moment a channel sufficiently large to j allow of our passing through it pre-1 sented itself to view, and without a j moment's delay we steered for it. Luck j and good seamanship combined proved our salvation, and we dodged our way to clear water. The icebergs with which we had coped were of an average height of 100 feet each, and occupied 400 to 500 square feet of the water's surface. Two white bears were seen on the plateau of one of them, and many gulls, ducks and other North ern birds were perched on the peaks. On May 24, latitude 42, longitude 51.20, three icebergs passed us being [ rapidly drifted along by the stream in a northeasterly direction.' Captain Young, of the American bark H. Routb, who left London, April 2G, with general merchandise, that from lat. 47.15, lon. 44.G0, to lat. 45.20, lon. 50, he sailed through a sea covered witn icebergs of various sizes He met the largest on May 24, lon. 54. It was almost split in two and covered a large area. The Country's Live-stoek. The Census Bulletins increase in interest as they give the completed work of the Bureau. Onejnstnowat hand contains the statistics of farm live stock in the States and Territories, and compares the present number of each class of animals with the number reported in the census oflS7o. The j totals are well worth looking at. It is a fact of decided significance that all classes of live-siock except work ing oxen show a rate of increase con siderably larger than that of popula tion. I'aim stock alone i 3 included ia the figures, no account being here taken of ranch or city and village stock. The following table of totals will explain itself at a glance: Rate of Classes of Animals. Total Number. Increase. Horses 10,"57,981 45 Mules ai>d Asses 1,812,932 Gt Working Oxen 993,970 —25 Milch Cows 12,4 13,593 39 Other Cattle; . 22,4S Q ,590 6G Sheep 35,191,056 24 Swine 47,683,951 90 The rate of increase in population was 30 per cent., it will be noted that all classes of animals excepting work ing o.ven show* a considerably larger increase than that, the exception in the case of sheep coming doubtless from the ii'fccurp.cy of the census of 1870. As for working oxen, there bas been in crease in but fiiieen Suites and Terri tories, while the loss iu some places was great, as in lowa 89 per cent., in Illi nois S3, in Missouri 86, ia Co'orada 63, iu Indiunna 72, in Nebraska 69 aud in Ohio 65. The largest gain was 437 per cent, in Dakota. The largest number in one Suite is Texas 90,603, the next Alabama's 75,534. Iu the stock of horses the leading States a e : Illinois, 1,023,032 , Texas 80-,099, lowa 792,322 ; Ohio 736,- 473; Ali-sou'i 667.776; New York 610.358; Indiana 051,444; Penn sylvania 533,087 ; Kansas 430,907 ; Michigan 378,738; Kentucky 372,648; and Wisconsin 452,425. The smallest number in a Stale is Rhode Island's 9,661. Of milch cows, New Yo>-k leads with 1,437,855 ; Illinois lias £65,913 ; lowa 854,187 and Pennsylvania 85i,J56; Ohio 767,043; Missouri 661/05; Texas 606,717: Indiana 494,944"; and Wisconsin 473,374. In oilier cattle the West and South lead, Texas having 3,287,967 ; lowa 1,755,- 313; Illinois 1,515,063; Missouri 1,410,507; Ohio 1,034,917 ; and Kan sas 1,015,935 while New \"ork has 862,233, and Pennsylvania 861,519. The chief sheep State, as well as Presidential, is Ohio, with ' 4 ,902 486. California comes close with 4,152,349. Texas has 2,411,837 ; Michigan 2,189,- 389; New Mexico 2,083,83'.; Pennsyl vania 1,776,598 ; New York 1,715,1 SO; Missouri 1,411,298; Wiscousiu 1,336,- 807, Indiana 1,! 00,511: Oregon 1,083,- 162; Illiuois 1,037,073; Kentucky 1,000,269. lowa stands first fur swine, w'th 6 034,3*6; Illinios is second, with 5,170,?66: Missouri has 4,553,1?3; Indiana 3,186,113; Ohio 3,141,33?: Kentucky 2,225,225; Tennessee 2,- 158,169; Texas 1,954,948; Kansas 1.787,969; Arkansas 1,565,098 ;Qeo'-- gia 1,47J .003 ; Alabama 1,252,462; Nebiaska 1,241,724; while Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Mississippi and North Carolinia have abovo a million each. New York Is hoggish enough with 751,907. .Looking at the rate of increase we find that it has been largest in the \Yest and Sduihwesl. For ius.ance, in horses, Ar'zona 1,929 per cent.; Dakota 1,550; Colorada, Montana and Nebraska over 500 per cent. each. And so it runs throughout the list. The country certainly has no reason to be dissatisfied with these figures of a ten years' growth. A Western wiiter suggests that the summer food of hogs should be more nitrogenous than corn, and recom mends green oats and peas. The pea is very rich in muscle and bone-build iug elements, aud oats are also superior to corn in this respect. The crop should be sown in the proportion of two bushels of peas one of oats per a:re, and well covered. The pigs should be turned in when the pea is just passing out of the milk. , At a sheep-shearing at Middlebury, Vt., iu April, fourteen rams, three years old or over, cut 277 pounds 12 ounces of wool or a small fraction less than 28 pounds each. A ewe three years old, with a lamb by her side, yielded 21 pounds nine ounces, the growth of 364 days. The carcass weighed 65 pounds, so that the weight of wool was nearly one third that of the carcass. 0 Justice Eat*t auil West. 'I hate to live in a new* country, r said Jones, 'where there is no law. t''Yer be yer,' chimed in Thompson. 1 | 'Daw is the only thing that keep., us 7 out of everlasting chaos.' 'Yes, indeed,' f said a legal gentleman present. 'lt is ? the bulkwark of the poor man's liberty, ) the shield which the strong arm of • ijustice throws over the weak, the [ ; solace of the balsam of the unfortunate > ; ana wronged, the— ■ | 'Oh, stop, 'er,' remarked a man with s one. 'I won't have it that way. Law 1 is a boss invention for rascals of all i grades. Give me a country where • j there is no law, and I can take care of , myself every time. Now, for instance, ; i when I lived in Ohio I got a dose of law that I will never forget. I was in partnership with a man named Butler, and one morning we found our cashier missing with §3,000. He had dragged the safe and put out. Well, I started after him and caught him in Chicago, where he was splurging around on the money. I got him arrested, and there was an examination. Well, all the facts were brought out and the defense moved that the case be dismissed, as the prosecution diu not make out a case in the name of the firm, and that if there was a firm the copartnership had not been shown by anv evidence before the court. To my the court said the plea was O. K. and dis missed the case. Before I could realize what was up the thief had walked off. Well, I followed him t > St. Louis and there I tackled'him again. I sent for my partner and we made a complete case, going for him in the name of the Commonwealth and Smith, Butler & Co Well, the lawyer for the defense claim ed that the money being taken from a private drawer in the safe was my money evclusivc-ly, and that my partner had nothiDg to do wiih it; that the case should be prosecuted by me in dividually, and by the tirru. The old 'bloke' who sat on the bench wiped his spectacles, grunted round a while and dismissed the case. Away goes the man again. Then I got another hitch ou him and tried to convict him of theft, but the court held that he should be charged with embezzlement Some years after I tackled him again and they let him go. Statutes of limi tation, you see. Well, I concluded to give it up, aud I did. 'But about four years afterward I was down in Colorado and a man pointed to another and said: 'That fellow has just made a hundred thous and in a mining swindle.' I looked, and it was my old cashier. I followed him to the hotel aud nailed him in his room with the money. Now, I says : 'Billy, do you recognize your old boss V and of course Le did. Says I: 'Bill, I want that thiee thousand you stole from me, with the interest, and all legal and traveling expenses.' 'Ah, you do V says he ; 'didn't the courts decide that—' 'Curse the courts,'says I, putting a six-shooter a foot long under his nose. 'This is the sort of legal document that I'm travelin' on now. This is the connlai<it, warrant, indictment, judge, jury, verdict and sentence all combined, and the firm of Colt & Co., New Haven, are my attorneys in this case. When they speak they talk straight to the poiut of your murg, you bloody larceny thief. This jury of six, of which I am foreman, is liable to bo discharged at any moment. No tech nicality or statuates of limitation here, and a stay of proceedings won't last over four seconds. I waut SIO,OOO to square my bill or I'll blow your blasted brains oui.' Well, he passed over the money right away, and said ho hoped there'd be no hard feelings. Now, there's some Colorado law for you, and it's the kind for me ! Eh, boys?' and the crowd, with one acc nd, concurred in the cheapness r.nd efficacy of the plan by which a man could carry bis court on his hip, instead of appealing to the blind goddess in Chicago and St. Louis.— Sail Lake Tribune. What lla|»?»ene<l to a Pltts * (HH'KII Man. .Newspapers are full of stories now a-days of the marvelous luck which has befallen people who did not look for anythingo r the kind to happen. Every now and then we hear of somebody having a large fortune left them by the death of a distant relative, a cousin in California, or something of that kind. Not long ago a young I'ittsburgher had a singular piece of luck happen to him. One day the young geutleman in ques tion was walking down Fifth avenue, when he saw an old and rather de crepit man slip ou a crossing and fall rather heavily. He aided him to re gain his footing, aud helped him into a neighboring drug store, where the old man had his leg mended with stacking plaster, having knocked some skin off. The old fellow seemed very grateful for the courtesy wi ich had been sho vn him, and alter asking the name of the young man who had been of service to him he wrote it down in a memoran dum book, and said, as he shook bauds : 'My name is : I am from Massa chusetts. Some day, perhaps, you may hear from me.' Time passed on, aud all recollection of the occurrence passed from the Pitts burgher's mind. He became embarras sed in business and reduced to extreme poverty. One day he felt extremely down-hearted, aud did not know which way to turn for a livelihood, when he chanced to pick up a Boston paper and to his astonishment he saw that the old man whom he had picked up on Fifth avenue was dead, and by his will, which was published in the paper, the I'ittsburgher saw that a fortune of over ibiee hundred thousand dollars had been left by the dead man to found a theological seminary. "Itougli on Hals." The thing desired found at last Ask Druggists for "Rough on Rats." It clears out rats, mice, roaches, flies, bedbugs. 15c. boxes. Yen nor is eorreot as usual. He sj»vs during June and July changes ol weather will occur on Saturdays and Suudays. He has told the truth, but not all the truth. He should have added the other five days of the week to those mentioned. Ri'iiiin licences of U'aNliiust )n 'Von Fay,' I remarked to the ol< negro who drove the hack, 'that yoi were General Washington's b .dv ser vent ?' "Dat'fi so. Dat's jes so, niassa. done waited 0:1 Washington sence h< was so high—llo higger'n a suial chile.' 'You know the story, then, aboui the cherry tree aud the hatchet?' 'Know it? Whj I was dar on thf spot. I seen Massa Qawge climb the tree after the cherries, and I seen him fiing the hatchet at the boys who was stonin' him. I done chase dem boy a off the place myself. Yes indeedV lie was a kinder short, chunky man ; sorter fat and hearty lookiu'. lie had ;hin whiskers and mustache and spec tacles. Mos' generally he wore a bat; but I seed him in a fur cap wid ?ar warmers.' ,You were with him, of course, when be crossed the Delaware—when he went across the Delaware river?' 'Wid him ? Yes, sir ; I was right dar T was not more'n two feet oiPn him ns l r uv across de bridge in his buggy. Dat's a fac'. I walked long 3ide of the )ff hin' wheel of dat buggy all de way.' 'You saw him when he fought the British at Trenton ?' 'Sho's yer boru I did. I held Massa Gawge's coat and hat while he ;ought the liritish at that very place. Massa Gawge clinched him and then they rasseled aud rasseled. and at irst he flung Massa Gawge, and den Massa Gawge flung him, and set on aim till he he cried 'null'. Massa liawge won dat fight. I seed him aid my own eyes. An' I come home kvid him in de kyars.' 'You wereu't with him, though, when he shot the apple off the boy' bead ? 'Who wa'nt with him? I wa'nt ? I was de only pussun dar 'cc-ptin' one white man. 1 loaded Massa Gawge's ■cvoiver an' handed it to him, and jicked up de apple an' et it as soon as tie kuocked it off. Xobodv can't tell lis yer old niggah nuffin 'bout dat :ircumstance.' 'You know the general's relations, too, I suppose ? Martin Luther and Peter the Hermit and the rest ?' 'Knowed 'email. Mauy and many's lie time 1 done waited on de table when Massa Gawge had 'em to dinuer. [ remember dem two gemmen jes as well as if I'd seen 'em yesterday. Yes, sah, an' I bruv 'em out of'eu.' 'l've frequently seen pictures of Washington in which be is represen ted as silting upon a white horse. Did he really ride a white horse, or Jon't you recall the color of his horse?' 'Why, bress your soul, 'call do color ob de hoss—'call de color ob it ? Do yoa see dis yer nigh hoss dat I'm drivia now? Massa Gawge used to ride it. He lef it to me iu his will. Just then we reaced the station and I dismounted and paid Washington's body servant for his services. No doubt a longer conversation with him would have revealed new and startling tacts relating to the Father of his Country. * Equal to the Emergency. A newly-arrived and singularly as sorted couple at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, consisting of a Londoner and an out-and-out American western man, stood watching the throDg oi people coming and going at the marble coun ter the other evening, and listened with surprise to the endless number of quick questions made to the hotel clerk about trains, rooms and indivi duals, and his instantaneous replies, when the Englishman broke out with: 'Most extraordinary man, seems to know everybody and everything—won der if there is any question about a railway train or any person that he eau't answer?" •I'll bet half a dozen champagne I'll put him a question about a train he can't answer,' said the westerner. 'Done. I'll stand six to see him sent to grass,' said Her Majesty's subject. 'Well, here goes, then,' and western stepped up to the marble counter. 'Say! You appear to know every thing and everybody; who is there that's going to h—, and when'll the train star L?' 'Charles J. Guiteau: starts June 30lh, sir,' replied the clerk, looking the querist right in the eye without mov ing a muscle. 'Well 1 reckon you are about right, but you can't tell me where I can go aud get a ticket, can you ?' •Go to the devil,' said the clerk, turning away. 'Mister,' said the western guest, looking over to Parker, the blonde book-keeper, after the laughter had subsided, 'you can charge six bottles of 'Fiz' in my bill for the use of them gentlemen, for I must weaken on this bet, it's agin me.' He withdrew, and the clerk kept answering questions about more familiar routes with per fect equanimity. A Check for £25,00© ou a Miingle. Joseph C. Palmer, a California pioneer and at one time a banker and politician, who died recently in Oak land, at the age of G3, was a member of the firm of Palmer, Cook & Co., a bank which did an immense business ! and whose influence was felt through : out the State. To show his readiness : 10 adopt original methods in an emer ' gency, it is related that once a deposi- S tor called to draw a large sum of money ($28,000) from the bank. Mr. Palmer's | consent was necessary, but he had j been called away to attend to some ' duty at a lumber yard a mile or more from the bank. Thither the de | positor hastened and made known his wants and the necessity of having them attended to at once. Mr. Palmer could find neither pen, pencil, ink nor paper. But without a moment's hesi tation be picked up a shingle, borrow j cd a piece of red chalk and with it wrote a check on the shingle in large | and distinct letters for $25,000. This was good when presented for all the money the depositor hand in the bank. I —San francixco Bulletin. Remarkable for overcoming dis -1 eases caused by impure water, decay- I itier vegetation, etc., is Brown's Iron I Bitters. ADVERTISING RATHE One squire, one insertion, II; each i.nbw quont insertion, 50 cents. Yearly advertiseir.ei ts exceeding one-fourth of a column, 95 per inch, I Figure work doab'.e these rates; additional charges where xvetkfr or monthly changes *r« made T.o al adveitiaen euts 10 "cents per line for f ret institii n, ti d 5 <•> nts per line for each j additional insert:.- n. znd deaths pab l Ih-hvil fioe < f cna-ge. Obituvy notices charged i a» advertisements. and payable when handed in. I Auditors' Notices. $4: JSxec'itcrs' aiici Adminis trator*' Notices." $3 each; Ketray, Caution and Dissolution Notices, not exceeding ten lines, , each. | From tho ff.ct tl: A.t the CITIZEN IG'he oldest ■ established and most extensively circulated Re- I publican newspaper in Butler county, (a Repub lican county.) it must be apparent to business men that it is the medium they should use ui i advertising their business. NO. 31 \ Historic Lore Affair. A valentine seen by a reporter of the Kaston (Mii.) Ledger, which was J to n girl in Easton by a youth in iin Washington, brings* to uund j the story of a name aud of a name of J note in American history. The name , of rhe sender of too missive is Keturn J. Meigs, and the same Christian name iias been iu ihe Meigs family for several generaiiouH. Many years ago, in ante-revolutionary days, Jonathan Meigs coui ied a young lady who re jected bis addresses. Meigs continued I to love the girl, and, (hough too proud and sensitive to try a second time to win her, he determined never to mar ry any one els* 1 , and to live and die a bachelor unless she, of her own violl tion, relented. After a few years the lady did re* [ lent, or perhaps got to know her own heart beuer. and sent a letter to her fo/mer suitor. Meigs got the letter and found iu it only the two words : 'Return, Jonathan.' It was enough Jonathan did return and made her his wife. Their first child was baptized: ■Return Jonathan.' to commemorate the brief letter that saved the Meigs family from extinction, and from that day to this there has been a Return J. Meigs in every generation. The send er of the valentioe referred to is the grandson of General M. 0. Meigs, late Quartermaster General, now retired. Safest Place ia a Railroad Train. It is very well known that the car nearest the engine is exposed to the least dust, and that the rear car of a train is generally safer than the front car. The safest, says the Railroad Journal, is probably the last car but one iu a traiu of more than two cars ; that is, there are fewer chances of ac cidents to this than any other. If it is a way train at moderate speed, or any train standing still, a collision if possi ble from another train in the rear, in which the last car receives the first shock. Again, the engine and front cars of a train will often run over a broken rail or a cow, or a stone, with out detriment, while the Inst car, hav ing nothing to draw it into the line of the traiu, is free to leave the t r ack. Next to the forward car, the rear car is probably the most unsafe in a train. The safest seat is probably near the centre of the last car but one. Speculation as to the Word '• Yankee." There is a familiar poem, reciting the tragic fate of a grasshopper attacked by a turkey, which runs thus : ■'A grasshopper sat on a sweei-potnto vine, Sweet-potato viae, sweet-potato vine, A w'iil turkey cuoie ruuniiiß up behind And yanked the poo. - giasdhoppcr Oil'the sweet-po.ato vine, sweet-potato vine. This little classic is quoted by Prof. Skeat ia his great Etymological Dic tionary to illustrate the derivation of the word "yankce." This he traces to the verb "to yank," i. e., to jerk, Yankee, therefore, meaning quick-mor ing, and hence spry, smart, active. The same verb in Dutch and German is "jagen."— Boston Journal. The power of pleasing 13 founded upon the wish to please. The strength of the the wish is the measure of the power. Men's lives should be like the days, more beautiful in the evening or like the spring, aglow with promise; and like the autumn, rich with golden sheaves, were good works and deeds are ripened on the field. Melons, in their season, suggests The New-England Farmer, ought to be plenty on every farmer's table. They require no cooking, make an ever welcome dessert, and are not only bet ter and cheaper, but more wholesome than much of the pastry which they would or might replace. A memorial window to the late President Garfield was placed in St. James' Episcopal Church at Long Branch recently. It contains a fine likeness of the dead President. It will be remembered that this is the Church where be attended divine wor ship for the last time on the Sunday preceeding his assassination. Senator Lapham's constitutional amendment for woman suffrage has got out of the Senate Committee with a favorable recommendation. The amend ment it is scarely possible can pass the Senate, but the women will look upon it as a great stride forward that a Sen ate Committee has been induced to recommend its passage. Gratitude is the dew that moistens and nourished all the plants in the garden of piety. The moment that the earth refuses to send forth the hidden moisture, which returns in dew and rain, that moment the trees and fruits begin to lose their stores of refreshment, and must soon wither. In like manner, ingratitude will make our very bless ings begin to parch and soon become dry and unfaithful. A pig recently born near Brown's Mills, N. J., without hind legs has become extraordinarily expert in the use of its fore legs When in no par ticular hurry it draws itself along on its hind quarters, but when it is a ques tion of getting to the trough at feeding time the singular beast balances itself upon its fore feet and trots along with the happiest combination of grace and efficiency. An exchange says: At this season, when rats leave their winter retreats, thev are more troublesome and de structive than at any other season. A person who has suffered much dam age from this detestible vermin, found that whitewash made yellow with copperas, covering stones and rafters with it and putting the crystals of the copperas in holes made by rats, not only completely routed them, but cockroaches and mice also. Every spring the dose should be repeated. About barns, kitchens *and cellars there is generally so mueh food obtain ed by rats and mice that it is not sur prising that they increase in the man ner they do, in the absence of gocd cats. for the CITIZEN.