BUTLER CITIZEN. New Advertisements. New Livery Stable. Stave Bolts wmuted. LOCAL AND GENERAL. - The piers for the new railroad bridge over the Connoquenesaing at this point are completed. Ladies' Gossamer Gum Coats, cheapest in Butler, at Heck & Patter son's. —Preaching in the Baptist church on Sunday morning and evening by the Pastor. Sunday school at 3 o'clock —All the new styles in Buttons. Ribbons and Trimmings of all kinds, at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Our friend C. E. Hcrr, of the Petrolia Record, was married last Thursday. He will permit us to con gratulate bim. Fine Accordians at J. F. T Steble's. —Mr. Theodore Stokey, son of Mr. Stokey the hotel keeper of Zelienople, was drowned in the creek Satui day evening. He was subject to epilepsy. • J G. &■ W. Campbell have filled the large frame building at the depot, built by Andrews & Co. some years ago for a machine shop, with oil well supplies and agricultural implements. —We are obliged to omit several matters this week, among them the proceedings of the Teachers' Associa tion held last week and of Decoration Day on yesterday. —Go to J. F. T. Stehle's and see Ole Bull Patent Violin. Two former citizens of Hickory township, Mercer county, James Har dy and David Archibald, were killed in the late terrible cyclone in the In dian Territory. Buy the Eighmic patent shirt at J. F. T. Stehle's—best iu town—fit guaranteed. S. G. Purvis & Co. have leased | the fieid between the depot and the creek and are useing it as a lumber yard. They have a lot of lumber on band now and have several large lum ber rafts in the river at Freeport. Gents' Furnishing Goods, full stock and low prices, at Heck & Pat terson's. Mr. Adam Troutman has com menced work on his new house at the corner of Mifflin and Washington St?. Judging from the plan, it will, when completed, be one of the handsomest honses in Butler. Wall paper and window shades at J. F. T. Stehle's. There will be a horse race at the Fair ground track to-morrow afternoon between horses owned by Charley Johnston of Millerstown and Mr. Hop kins of Botler. The race will com mence at 2 o'clock. —See the splendid assortment of Ladies', Misses', and Childrens', Hosiery, Gloves, Ac., at * L. STEIN A SON'S —We have nothing new to report jfc|m the Bald Ridge oil territory. TIJP new wells started there will be cr ming in dnring the month of July fAd some big ones are expected. We pope there will be some that will eclipse the Warren Co. gusher. —Parasols and Sun Umbrellas from 25 cents up, at L. STEIN & SON'S. —Judge Elwell of Bradford County has decided that the "two months'' residence in a district required by the constitution as a voting qualification means "from a given day in one month to a day with a corresponding number in the ensuing month. A lot of second-handed Watches cheap for cash at E. Grieb's We direct the attention of our farmers to the article entitled "The art of raising melons". Most of the mel ons consumed in this town during the summer months are brought from a distance, but if they can be produced at home they should be. At least, the writers plan is worth a trial. —Carpets, a fine stock, at low prices, at Heck & Paterson's. —A hearing in the case of the rail road hands charged with assaulting and robbing the two Jews at Nixon's hotel on Monday of last week, was had be fore Esq. Walker last Friday. Robert Brice and Archie Stewart were dis charged, and Thomas Kelley, John Rafferty, Jas. Finnan and Wm. Swen ney held for Court. —Men's, Boys' and Childrens' over coats, at less than cost, at Heck & Patterson's. —There is said to be some thirty million barrels of oil above ground at present, twenty millions of which is represented in the marketby certificates. The day after the announcement of the great Warren County strike, over ten million barrels changed hands at the different oil exchanges, and the sales since are said to amount to several times the whole stock on hands, rep resented in certificates. —Largest and Cheapest Stock of Laces, Embroidery and Edgings of all kinds, at L. STKIN & SON'S One of the attorneys of this town had one piece of property" advertised and sold at Sheriff's sale at the May term of the Forest county Court. The description of the property was about the usual length of those advertised in this county and jet the printer's bill for two papers was sl6 30, and the Sheriff's costs $23.95. The Forest county Sheriff gives as a reason for these outrageous fees, that they have a special law for Forest county. Fine neck wear, large stock and low prices, at Heck & Patterson's. —The surveys for the extension ol the ghenango and Allegheny road have been completed, the estimates have made and the contracts will be let in a few days- The route > g°' n g nortb from Butler, is up the Connoquenessina to McGraths run, up McGraths run tc Sara Miller's, thence by Maple. I)rafl run to the Muddycreek, crps*ing &t Beigbley's, thence up Big run, crossing Summit at Thcs. McCall's, thence down Stony run to the Slipperyrock thence up the Slipperyrocjj to Mheuao< go Road, connecting west of New Hopp The above information was given us by Col. Thompson, who thinks the rood will be built this summer. It is to connect with the West Penn, and when built there will likely be through trains for passengers between Green ville and either Blairsville or Pittsburg although the coal business is the main object of the road. Rev Gilleland will preach in the Presbyterian church of this town next Sunday. Mr. D. L. Clcland has lately made handsome additions to his stocks of watches, iewelry and silverware. —Morning services iu the Knglish Lutheran Church, of this place, will commence at 10:30 o'clock during the Bummer months —Send or leave your order for a Sewing Machine, of any make, at Grieb's Jewelry store. mav3l-tf Sewing Machine attachments and repairs of all kinds, at Grief's Jewelry store. may3l-tf. —Prof. Von Myerhoff will give a farewell musical recital, iu the near future, to which he will bring some of the best musical talent of Pittsburgh. —Just received our second stock of White Dress Goods—the finest ever shown ia Butler, at L. STEIN & SON'S. The Pittsburgh iron mill proprie tors have refused to accede to the de mand of the Amalgamated Association of iron workers for au advance in wages, and it is expected that all the mills in the city will shut down to-morrow. If this happens about 40,000 men will be out of employment —Hats, Caps and Gents' furnishing goods, cheap, at J. F. T. Stehle's. Three General Assemblies of the Presbyterian church of this couutry, are now in session, the Northern at Springfield, 111., the Southern at Atlan ta, Ga., and the Cumberland at Hunts ville, Ala. The Donaldson dancing case has been referred to the Judicial Committee of the Northern Assembly, | but the Committee has as yet made no report upon it. —The Woman's Christian Temper ance UniDn ofthis place is now open and in successful operation. A visit to their fine and well furnished rooms will afford a pleasure to any one. The free reading room will be supplied with choice Christian literature. Lunch, cheap and nice, with a cup of good cof fee, if desired, will be furnished to strangers when in town and all visitors, on very reasonable terms. Iu this con nection we would correct a statement in one of our county papers, that the lunch would also be free, that could hardly be expected of any society how ever benevolent. The reading room is free, and the lunch is furnished on very cheap terms. We have just received another lot of Towels and Crashes, Table Linens and Napkins at our usual low price?, L. STEIN & SON. The Grand Jury for March Term presented that Geo. W. Campbell aud J. J. Feidter, hotel keepers, and Geo. and Jacob Reiber wholesale liquor merchants, of this town, had been guil ty of selling liquor to Wm. Schmerker, a man of alleged intemperate habits, and the Court in granting license to these parties directed that information to that effect should be made agaiust them, their license to revoked upon conviction. A hearing in these cases was had before Esq. Walker last Thursday, and as nobody could b"! found who would swear that William is a man of intemperate habits, the ac cused were discharged. William ac knowledged that he had gotten beer from the Reibers, but said it was for medical purposes, as Dr. Shaw of Pittsburgh bad told him to drink all the beer he could get hold of. Heck & Patterson are closing overcoats out, at lesa than cost to manufacture. .—The oil market has been interest ing of late, even to persona not en gaged in the business. The great strike in Warren county, sent the price of crude down about ten cents on the barrel. This well opens up new territory and when its owners found that they had a big well on their hands, they shut it down, fenced it in, swore their hands to secrecy, aud then with their friends went into the mar ket and sold "short" or in other words, sold oil to bo delivered at a future time. They then opened their well, the big strike was aunounoed, the market went down and they could buy and deliver oil at several cents on the barrel less than they sold it for. The crowd are said to have made many thousands of dollars by the oper* ation. Oil last week was selling at about sixty-five cents a barrel. It cannot be produced at that price, ex cepting by the large wells, and many of the small wells have been abandon ed. The production at present is about 80,000 barrels per day, and there are about 19,000 pumping wells. —Gents' fine white and colored shirts, low prices, at Heck & Patter son's. the depot, in this piace, commenced running on Monday of last week and has since been turning out slaves, in the rough, at the rate of about 5,000 per day. These are piled up on the lot, in the open air, to be seasoned and are then shipped to the barrel manu factories, at the oil refineries. Most of the staves made in this county are sent to the barrel factories connected with the refineries at Titusville, Pa., and Olean, N. Y. The mill consists of a boiler, engine and saw, enclosed in a frame building. The saw is the principal object of interest. It is a hollow cylinder of steel, about 5 feet long and two feet in diameter ; on the edge of one end is the saw and the other end i<? firmly bolted to a metal wheel, which is connected with the engine by a smaller wheel and a large strap. The cylinder saw lies hori. zontally and when in use revolves 1,170 times per minute. The stave bolts are placed in a slide at one side of the saw, and this slide is worked back and forth by hand. An average of half a dozen staves is secured from each bolt and from twelve to fifteen pords of wood are used daily. This j mill is owned by Mr. D. Q. Courtney, of Wolf Creek, Mercer county, who has several mill? in operation in this county and also in Mercer and Venango counties. Thp tjtayes are fut three fourths of an inch thick and are uspd entirely for oil I arrels. Mr. Beck with has charge of the mill here and this wee)» adyeftises for more wood. Eye Extirpated. ---Pr. Seio, oculist and aurist, 266 Penn avenue, removed thp left eye of Patrick Mullharren, 14 Ross Street, ' this city, yesterday. The sight was 1 restored by a piece of glass penetrating j the eye ball.— Pittsburgh Dispatch, re ' cent date. %ntli»e Cilisen: title*, Pa., m*vat, 1882. —The Centennial of the massacre of the Delaware-Moravian Indians at their settlement of Gnadenhutten on the Tuscarawas river iu South-eastern Ohio, on the 10th of May 1782, was com memorated last Wednesday the 24th inst, at the present town of Gnaden hutten, O. Fully 12,000 persons were present. Gov. Foster presided at the meeting and Senator Hollingsworth of Ohio was the orator of the day. On the 9th of May, 1782, ninety-six In dians, men, women and children were surprised in their corn-fields by a band of white settlers frum Western Penn sylvania, led by a man named William son whose home is said to have been in Washington County. They were penned up in two of their huts over night and next morning were slaugh tered like so many cattle, then scalped and their bodies burned with the build ings. These Indians had, under the teaching of Leisberger, the greatj.Mor avian missionary, embraced the Chris tian religion. They had during the Revolutionary War maintained a neu tral position, and they are said to have been peaceful nud harmless, but they seem to have been the object of suspi jion and jealousy of both the English »ud the Colonists, and also of the wild Indian tribes surrounding them. Court House News. TRIAL LIST FOR LAST WEEK. Dodds Mill Oil Co. vs. Gabriel Baruhart, replevin, May 23, 1882, Jury sworn, after Jury sworn, by con seut of counsel it is agreed that if the lury find for the defendant, they shall issesa his damages, May 24, Verdict n favor of the plaintiff for sl. Dr. S. liredin vs. Kerr Mcßrideetal. ijectment, May 24, case continued as jer paper filed. COURT NOTES. The petition of Abner Wimer was granted and James Humphrey Esq. tppointed commissioner to hold in juest. Marven G. Christie has brought mit vs. Robert S. Hiudman, amount claimed, SSOO. Sintciil.tr Snieide. An old man named Gottlieb Michel, iving near Great Belt, JefFer.son twp. .his coututy, committed suicide on Wednesday last, 24th inst. He was found in bis barn on that day suspend id from a joist and dead. From what we have learned it would seem he was aboring under some mental derange ment. Previous to committing the ict he had made a violent attack upon bis old wife, striking her with a hatch ?t, and otherwise severely injuring ber. It is supposed he thought he bad killed ber, and then through fear took his own life. The case is re markable as he was eighty years of ige and his wife about the same. They were German people. Coroner William Kennedy held an inquest up on the body which found about the ib ove facts. The woman, although wounded badly, it is said will recover. Good House and Lot lor Hale. Auy person wanting to buy a first class bouse of seven rooms, well fin ished, good cellar, excellent well of water, with pump, splendid stable, large grapery, brick walks, all necessa ry outbuildings, etc., located in Butler, can hear of same by inquiring at this office. mar22,3m What Khali We do Willi Oar Boys and Girls. Eveidently the first step in family education is to make the boys and girls fit to do some thing, the next to find them something to do. Sound mind, sound morals, sound are not accidents, nbr are they entirely providen tial gifts definitely bestowed at the beginning of a career—they are the products of training. A work that practically meets the great questions uppermost in every family, has just been issued from the press of J. McC'ur dv & Co., (Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis,) entitled "Practical Life." Self-training, home-training and the steps of this training are laid open clearly in this valu able book. The various avenues to success in life, the multiplied ways of reaching honast compe tence are delightfully portrayed. The book abounds in hints how to make money, and how to keep money—hints that are revelations. Ii may be confidently said that this volume in a family would be a nucleus about which would crystalize usefulness, thrift, economy, money getting, unfil, in every instance, it would have assured a hundred times it worth. If this book were studied and lived up to, the next generation would not possess a pauper or ai} idler. The publishers want canvassers everywhere to introduce this valuable work, to whom they offer good pay. Catarrh Cured by a. Sew Pro cess. —Miss Emma Yob of Shoemaker, ville, Pa, among many others, was completely cured of Catarrh, of seven years duration, by Dr. Seip, Oculist and Aurist, 26G Penn avenue, Pitts burgh, Pa. The Doctor treats Catarrh by a new process of his own, and with remarkable success. Farmers Look Here, The undersigned Is now taking or ders for fruit trees for fall planting He represents one of the most reliable nurseries in Rochester, N. Y. Please send your orders in immediately. nl6tf JOUN BIEPEBMAN. Insurance. Geo. W. Shaffer, Agent office with K. Marshall Esq., Brady Block, Butler Pa. mayl7-tf —Ladies' and Gents' Gossamer Gum Coats, cheap, at Heck & Patterson's. —See prices on carpets at Heck & Patterson's before buyioc —Largest stock of Dress Goods of all kinds at lowest prices, at L. STEIN & SON'S. You can always see the latest novelties in Ladies' and Misses' Neck wear, at L. STETN <S SON'S. —Drums, fifes, mouth organs and jews harps, at J. F. T. Stehle's. e wjll send samples and prices of any goods in stock. L. STEIN & SON. —We keep constantly on hand a fqll supply of Corsets, Hoops, Bustles, <fcc. L. STEIN & SON'S. Bargains in Cottonades and Ken tucky .leans from JG cents a yard UR, at L- STEIN & SON'S." —FOR SALE.—Frame house, four rooms. on Pearl street, E. J. Jfft, Butiec. —Clothing for Men's, Boys' and pbildrens' wear, cheap, at fleck & Patterson's. • I —The Pearl shirt, the finest dress j shirt in the market, only sl, at Heck I & Patterson's. SHERIFF'S SALES. BY virtue of tundry write of Sal. Fa., Fi. Fa. Al. Fi. Fa., Al. Lev. t'a., J.eviri F»< its and Veil ditioui Ex{>onaß. i?«ued out of the Court of Com mon Pleaa of Butler county, anil to me directed, ' there will be oxposed to public eale. at the Court House, in the borough of Bufler, ou Monday, the sth day of June, A. D.. ISB2. at one o'clock, p. m., the following described property, to-wic: • ED No 82, 8-5 June term, ISS2, Williams J Mitchell, att'ys. All the right, tittie, interest and claim of W" R. Conn of, in and to all that certain lot o; ground, situate in the borough of Butler, But ler county, Pa., containing 4.3 by ISO feet, mort or less, bounded north by an alley, east by Mil ler heirs, south by Penn street and west by J H Spang; at two-story frame house, frame stable and out-building thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of W ft Conn, at the suit of Eli Conn, et al. E D Xo 81, June term. 1882. C Walker, att'y. All the right tittle, interest and claim of G Hoch, dec'd., of, in and to twenty 120) acres ol land, more or less, situated in Donegal twp., Butler county, Pa., bounds.l as follows, to-wit: On the north" by lands of Fetzer 4 Mvers, east by lai.ds of Jones heirs, south by lands of B J Forquer, west by lands of Fetzer <k Myers; frame house, board stable and coal bank there on, all cleared and fenced. Seized and taken in execution as the property of G Hoch, dec'd., at the suit of Joseph Graham. E D Xo 81, June term, 1882. C. Walker, att'y- All the right, tittle, interest and claim of G Iloch, dec'd., of, in and to, ail that certain lot or parcel of ground, situate in the borough of Milleratown, Butler county, P., bounded on the north by lands ot' Martin Iloch, east by lands of M Deeter, south by Main street, and west by lands of Frank Boyle, containing one-half acre more or less, a two-story frame dwelling house, frame stable, out-buildings and fruit trees thereon. Seized and taksn in execution as the pro]>erty of G Hoch, dec'd., at the suit of Joseph Graham. ED Xo !►, August term, 1882. H W Palmer, attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Butler Gas Company of, in and to, all that cer tain piece or parcel of land, situate in the bor ough of Butler, Butler county, Pa., bounded on the north by the West Penn Kailroad, east by lands of Charles Dully, south by Connoque nessing creek, and west by lands of Charles Duffy, containing one acre, more or less, hav ing thereon erected a brick gas house, coal house, gas tank, together with all the mains, pipes, retorts, gas meters, rights of way and franchises, rights and priviledges belonging to said Gns Company. Seized and taken in exe cution as the property of Butler Gas Company, at the suit of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania. ED No 61, June term, 1882. J B McJunkin, attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of John II Slay tor of, in and to forty-six (4G) acres ol hind, more or less, situated in Clearfield twp., Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of Ilenry Reiger, east by lands of Charles O'Donnell, south lands ol James Martin, west by lands of Marcus Renscn, etal; log house, barn and orchard thereon, about 25 acres el eared. Seized and taken in execution as the propertv of John II Slaytor, at the suit of E McJunkin. ED No 61, Jane term, 1882. J B McJunkin, attorney. All the right, title, interest aud claim ol John H Slaytor of, in and to one(l) acre o( land, more or les3, situated in Oakland twp., Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit On the north by lands of Wiiow Ilerdman, east by lands of Widow Herduian. south by Isaa< Ilepler, west Millerstown aud But ler road; log stable, board shanty aud orchard thereon all cleared and fenced. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John II Slaytor at the suit of E. McJunkin. ED No 87, June term, 1882. T C Campbell attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of L J McQuistion, owner or reputed owner and con tractor, of, in and to all that certain lot ol ground located in Coalville, Cherry twp., But ler county, Pa., bounded and describad as fol lows: On the north and east by landsof Union Coal and Coke Co., and on the south and wesi by lands of Henry Bolinger, being 40 feet fronl and 160 feet back, on which is erected a frame dwelling house 16x32 feet two-stor:es high, to gether with the heriditaments aud appurten auccs thereto belonging. Seized aud taken in execution as the property of L J McQuistion, at ths suit of H E Wick. E D No 88, June term, 1882. W H Lusk attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim ol Leonard McQuistion of, in and to all that cer tain lot or parcel of land, situate in the village of Coalville, Cherry twp., Butler county, Pa,, bounded and described as follows: On the north by lauds of John Kcister, south by Main street, east by lot of Geo. McQuistion and on the west by lot of Mrs. John Keiater, said lot being 60 by 160 feet, ou which there is erected a dwelling" house and store of two-stories, with one-storv addition on the east side thereof; the main building has a front of 16 feet and a depth of 30 feet and the addition or wing has a front of 12 feet with a depth of 26 feet, together with the heriditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Leonard McQuistion, at the suit of J H Walker. ED No 77, June term, 1882. J N Purvlance, attorney. All the right, title, interest an 1 claim of II J Clark of, in and to fifty-seven (.57) acres of land, more or less, situated in Concord twp., Butler county, Pa., bouuded as fofcws, to-wit: On the north by lands of W II Campbell and A D Kuhn, east by other lands of 11. J Clark and lleury Blair, south by lands of Samuel Sutton, west by lands of Joseph (jold; (being part of same tract bought by party of the first part from S G Meals); mostly cleared. Seized and takcii iu execution as the property of II J Clark, at the suit of W J Kiskadden, for use. ED Xo 77, June term, 1882. J X Purviance, attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of H J Clark of, iu aud to all that certain traot or parcel of land situate in Concord uvp„ Butler county, Pa., containing forty Ave acres, more or less; bounded and described as follows: Begin ning at the north-west corner; thence east to the north east corner 78 perches; theace south: 107 9-10 perches; thence north s!> 110 7-10 perches; thence north 17 degree, 56 4-10 perches to the place of beginning; bounded on the north by John Kamerer aud A D Kuhn, east by John and Peter Kamerer sOuth by Coulter" Robh and Henry Blair, and west by other lands of II J Clark; frame house, log barn, grainery and orchard thereon. Seiz ed and taken in execution as the property of H J Clark, at the suit of W J Kiskidden, for use. ED No 26, June term, 1882. R P Scott, att'y. ED No 55, June term, 1882. ED No 56, June term, 1882. J D McJunkin, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of P F Porterfield of, in and to ninety (00) aores of land, more or less, situate in Allegheny twp., Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to-wit Beginning at a post at the north-west corner; thence by lands of Sloan, et al., north 89 deg.; east 159" perches to a white-oak; thence by lands of Dr A W Crawford, south 1 degree; east 73 perches to a stone; thence 334 degrees east, 18 perches to a post: thence by l-\n4s of Elia-s Osiuan, part of same tract of land; south 88i degrees west 169 4-10 perches to a post; thence by lands of Dr A W Crawford, north 1 degree; west 90 8-10 perches to a post, the place of beginning. About 45 acres cleared, a two-story frame house, frame barn aud orchard tbereop* Seized aud |akerj jn execution as thfc property of P F Porterfield, at the suit of P F Porterfield, for use, Potertield & MeCorabs, et al. ED, No 27, June term, 1882. F M Eastman, atl'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas. L Conn and Juhanna Coun, of, in and lo eigh ty-eight (88) acres Q! land, ipqre or less, situated [u Fairview township, ft at ler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wil : On t'nc north by Koliert Banks, et al, east by Win Ellenberger, south by Samuel Jenkins, et al, west by Eliz. B Brown; about 00 acres cleared, a two story frame house, log house shauty, log baru, coal bank and orchard ihcreou. Selz d and taken in execution as the property of Jas L Conn :\nd joi+auna Conn, at 'U e B *4U of L. M. Coiihrau. ED, No 59, June term, 1863. Newton Black, atl'y. All tho light, lilic, interest, and claim of T M Perry, of, in and to twelve (12) acres of land, more or less, situ ited in Allegheny township, Butler couniy, Pa, bouuded as follows, to wit : On the north by Leslie Sloan, east by J M Black, south by P F Porterfield, v»est fc,y Hannah Sloau ; all eieuieq, log house and some fiuit trees thereon. Seized and taken In execu tion as the property of T M Perry, at the suit of Lamber'.on Savings Bank for use. E I>, No 59, June term, 18:2. Newton Black, att'y. Ail the rjg|4, Hv' c . i'nefest :,ud ylaira of T M Perry, of, in and to thirteen (IS) acres ot land, more or less, situated iu Allegheny township, Butler county, Pa, bounded as follows, to wit } Qu tho north by Jag Anderson's he'(iQ. fcr,st by I Pr A W Crawfurd, south by Samuel McClin t >ek, west by Uanicl McCliutook. C D Gates ! aDd J U Harris , mostly timber land, no im pt-oveuieuis inereon. Seized and taken In exe cution as the property ol T M Perry, at the suit I ot Savings Pank 10. use. ED, No 0"., Juue terui, 1832. C Walker, all'y All tbc right title, interest aud claim o Thomas fluuion, of, in ami to the undivided one half ol forty-two (42) acres of land, mor< or less, situated hi Donegal township. Hntlei county. Ha, bounded as follows, to wit : On the north by lands of Thos Rodgers, east bj C'tias DutTy, south by Chis Dully, west by Hil derbrnnd, et al ; log house, log stable, coai bank and or hard thereon, mostly cleared, Seizt-d :ird ll.cu in exeeuiion as the property of Thos lloutcn, at ihe suit of Daniel Doyle. ED, No 78. June term, 1882. Mutjuistion aud Vnnderiin, att'ys. All the title, iuteresl aud claim of Henr |Be!tz, of, in and to all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, shunted iu Lancaster township, Hutier county, Pa, bounded as fol lows : Beginning at a stoue. thence north degrees west Ml 2-10 perdu s by lauds of Henry Manlier to a stoue, thence south 88 decrees west 4 perches to a while oak sapling, thence rorth degrees west 26 perches by lamis of Gotiiet. Hurry to a post, theuce north 13i degrees west 40 perches by lands of Got lieb lJurry to a post, then.-e north 88>£ decrees east 139 1-10 perches by lands of Henry Eich nour to a post, theuce south 2C>% decrees west 128i$ perches by lands of E Weiss to a stoue; the place of beginning; containing 61 acres and 62 perches, more or less, about 50 acres cleared, small house and orchard thereon. Seized and takt n in execution as the property of Henry Heltz, at the suit of R P Scott tor use. E D, No 86, June term, 18S3. Geo W Fleecer, all'y. Ail the light, title, interest and claim of Samuel Smith, of, in and to forty (40) acres of land, more or less, situated in Washington township, Butler county, Pa, bounded as fol lows, to wit : On the north by Alex Clark, wist by Win Varnuui aud U P graveyard, south b, Hugh Young, west by Jas A Mahood ; mostly cleared and fenced, small board bouse thereon. Seized aud takeu in exeeutiou as the property of Samuel Siuilh, at the tuit of bell M Hutchison, et al. ED, No 80, June term, 18S2. Geo W Fleegcr, atl'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Samuel Smith, of. in and to sixty-seven (67) lcres of land, more or less, situated in Wash ington township, Builcr county. Pa, bounded is follows, to wit: On the north by James A M ahood, east by Hugh and James Young, south by R A Mifflin, west by R O Shira ; a two story lrame dwelling house, fn me barn, wash liouse, wagon shed, coal shed, coal bank. Fair Bank scaies aud two orchards thercou, mot-tly Jleared. Seized and lakcu in execution as the property of Samuel Smith, al the suit of Bell M Hutchison, et al. ED, No 113, March term, 1882. W D Bnndon, atl'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Q, A Redick, of, in and to one and a half (1%) acres if laud, more or less, situate iu Washington township, Hutier county. Pa, bounded as fol lows, u> wit: On the north by lauds of T J Atwell, east by the Butler and Emlenlou road, south by lands of James Grant, west by James Liraut ; cleared and fenced, a story and hall frame house and rbout 50 lruit trees thereon. Seized and taken lu execution as the property of Q A Redick, at the suit of W J Adams, Monroe Donaldson, Ever &c. ED, No 74, June term, 1883. A T Black, atl'y. All the right, title, interest ,iud claim of W B ■te'lw ick, of, iu and to all the undivided one half in the lollowicg described 3 pieces of land, Mtuate in Allegheny and Venango townships, Builer county. Pa, bounded as follows . Begin ning at a stone, thencesouth 4 degrees west'E pen-lies to a stoue pile by lands of M Ander son's heirs, thence north 57% degrees east Si pereias to a stone by part of same land, thence not ill degrees east 33>£ perches to a posl Uyjthe same, thence uorlh 69 degrees west 84 perches to the place of beginuing, containing ;4 acres aud 80 perches. Seized and taken iu execution as the property of W B Sedwlck, at Ihe suit of John C Dufly lor use. K|D, No 74, June lei in, 188 V. A T Black, att'y ALSO —All the title, interest and claim t)f W BSedwiek, of, iu and to the following de scribed piece or parcelof laud,situate in Alleghe ny aud Venango towushfps, Butler Co, Pa, and kuowu as llie Mill pond, bounded as follows; Beginning at the south end of said piece of land at a post, theuce north 43 degrees east 66 perches to a crab trcc,theace east 15 1-10 perche-j to a cherry, theuce south 43 degrees, west 86perches to an alder, then ;e 10 degrees, west 12 perches to a post, theuce south 40 degrees east 40 perches to the place of begiu ing, contaiuing 0 acres aud 154 perches, more or less thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of W B Scdwick, at the suit ol Johu C Dutly for use. E D, No 74, June term, 1882- A T Black, atl'y, ALSO—AII the right, tiilc, Interest anJ claim of W B Sedwick, of, in and to all the following described piece or parcel or land, same county, townships atid Slate, bounded as follows : Al the south west corner oi said piece ol land at a post, theuce west degrees east 8 perches to a eLcrry, thence DOrth % degrees wei-t 10 s-10 perches to a slump, theuce uorlh 73% degrees west 6 perches to a post, thence south % degrees east 17-19 perches to the place of beginning, containing 85 perches ; the aforesaid piece containing iu all 31 acres and 159 perehes, more or le*s ; a frame Grist and Flouriug mill, with all macninery and fixtures thereto belong ing, 3 frame dwelling bouses and out buildlugs thereon. Seized and takctl in execution as (lie property ol W B Scdwick, at the suit of John C Duffy for^use. ED, No 89, June term, 1882. C A Sullivan, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of Dr. Samuel Graham aud Eleanor Graham, his wife, of, in and to eighty-five (85) acres of land, more or less, situate in Butler township, Hutier county, Pa, bounded as follows, to wit; On the north by lauds of McConnell, east by heirs of Wm Boreland and Eli Cratty, south by Silas Pieree, west by landsof Viuroe ; being the same tract of land which Dr Samuel Graham purchased by article of agreement from Thompson McKinney; mostly cleared, log bouse, log barn,frame barn and orchard there on. Seized and taken in execution as the proper* ty of Dr Samuel Graham and Eleanor Graham, at the suit of E R Stayton for use, now for use of Geo S Bryon. ED, No 18, June term, 1882. W A Forquer, att'y. All the right, title, interest and claim of J. F Taylor, of, in aud to one hundred aud thirty (130) acres of land, more or less, situate in Slippcryrock township, Butler county, Pa, bounded as follows, to wit : Oil the north by lands of Henry Wolf'ord, «ast by lauds of W D Renoegh, south by lands of J II Christley. west by lands of W J Miller ; about 90 acres clear ed, one aud a half story frame house, log barn, weatherboarded, good spriug house, wagon and carriage house and orchard thereon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of J F Taylor, at the suit of Wiu Humphrey, in trust for Portersville Savings Hank, et al. ED, No 112, March term, 1882. W D Brandon, att'y All the right, title, interest and claim of W II Martin, of, in and to twenty-eight (28) acres of land, more or less, situate in Butler town ship, Butler county, Pa, bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by Robert McKee, east by Wra Miller, south by Whitestown and Butler road, west by O A Eberhart; mostly cleared, two story frame house, log stable, 4 acres of vineyard and 500 bearing fruit trees thereon, Seized and taken in execution as the property of W II Martin, at the suit of Reymer Bros. TERMS OF SALE.—The following must be strictly complied with when property is stricken down: 1. When the plaintiff or other lien creditors be come the purchaser, the costs on the writs must be paid, and a list of the liens, including mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the pro ceeds of the sale of such portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid In full. 3. All sales not settled immediately will be con tinued until t o'clock, r. M. of next day, at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of the person to whom first sold. *See |*iir4cin's IVigvst, Otti Edition, page 4-lfl, and smith's Forms, page H()MAS I>ONA(;HY , Sheriff of Butler County. Sheriff's office, Butler, l'a.. May 15th, 1882. Teacher.*' Examinations. Sunbury •••»•• mtw*dune 20 Book S'lL, CJierry twp.. *' 21 Harr'isviile. ... " 22 Ccntreville (i 23 Prospect 27 Portersville <( 28 Harmony ' 29 Evansburg 30 Butler * Millerstown.," li CoylesvUla }2 Saxonburg 14 Glade Mills <( 14 Karns City 18 Martinsburg ' 19 Six Points ' 20 Pisgah Venango twp 21 North Washington '' *2 Graham S. 11. Connoouer,Ps3»»«i» »*P " 25 HoJlftkS. CWIAS twp ... •' 26 Midalet>wn " 27 Witherspoon Institute " 29 Teachers will please come prepared for writ ten examination, with legal cap and an address-, ed envelope. to Superin *er,daat uirui&h evidence of good charac ter. Examinations will begin at 9 o'clock. A. M. Teachers who expect to enter the class should be present before that time, directors are respectfully requested to Vie present aud to see that the houses are opened in time on day of examination. Special examinations at But. ler the last Saturday of each month, after the i regular e*auunaiion», 11 JAS. 11. MURTLAND, May 31, 1882. County Supt. |jgP"Advertise in the GLUIX ??, yy,. &,. ?■&,, 7 ? ifrsSfr j&g If IMMENS Hi DISPLAY $ i °f fe I STRAW GOODS, HATS, CAPS I $ 8 M A^D ij Gents' Furnishing Goods || f AT BARGAIN PRICES. t I SUMMER. UNDERWEAR. I § Tn this Department I offer :• Xe.v Sto k. at IMMENSE BARGAINS. PLEASE EX- AMINE them and you will save money. |j CHARLES H. GRIEB, | S MAIN STREET, BUTLKR, PA. I? III I ?l Note What an old and Reliable House can do Regarding Prices. Round Nickel Clocks at $lOO A Good Striking Clock, walnut "." . " A..GOOJ Striking Clock "0 \V«ihe» at sl2 75 All kinds of Sewing Machine Needles at 35 cents per dozen, and No. 1 Sponn Cil at 10 cents per^ 1847 T B p r. KSSeJ 1847 —llo o ere bros.—A 1. no g mounted in the most elegant and substantial manner, and am of- Eye (.lasacs and Spectacles, suite . - Repairing of Watches and blocks receives our very strict at fering very superior goods at the most reasonable rate.. 1 S GRIEB, Main Street, Butler, Pa. tention, and is done promptly and warranted. _ TKI . L TiliT for SFIX IIL COlltT, COMMKXCIxq I9ln JIJSB. TKIAL IJefrndantg. Defendant'* Attorney. No.\Tcrm. Yr. PiaintitTs Attorne*. _ ______ Q v » ileeger " AD. 43 Dec. 1881 M B Mcßride, D A krotaer . C B Wiser Mitchell CP, 137 " 1878 Campbell. las T'oir Mlit Hutchinson |A T Black AD, 30Sept 1880 L Z Mitchell i l lM'lunin Jacob Kellerwan „ McQu'tn, Vand'ln, Forq'r 3?,l>ec. " Bredin and Thompson Augi-.t MeUwain p& W Railroad Co. -cott " If, Marchlßßl Mct>uistion i° J ti , Ln int™t Richard Hamilton McCandl's, Eastm'n, Reed 28 " " Thomps'n, M.teh'l, .n trust P Crawford jCampbell '• 29 " " Mitchell and Greer ? .V S Campbell, et al Scott " 33 " " LZ Mitchell L A M°re h . ead P& K C Railroad Co Thompson & Scott « 4<j " " Campl>e!l & McJunkin At Hawkins, et a! Wilhelmina Miller, exr'x Williams & Mitchell 10 June " L Z Mitchell Adam Mil.er Wm G Smith A. T Black " 13 " " McCandless IhoslVnnelly Geo Louf Greer " 20 " " Thompson A Scott. las] Dungan, < sti« Iliram Grubbs, et al Bowser 37 " "X. Black. \Vn, S et .t ! Jno Pollock, et el Gouchcr & McQuistion •' 4 V " " Mitche'l Wm b «ac~, et nl Harvev Greer & Bowser " 44 " " Brandon. l lauuah Harvev Eckart Kalb Bredia & Thompson 12 Sept. " Campbell soloioan Borough of Butler Walker & Eastman 23 •' " Brandon & McCandless Butler Water Co., for use Weisman 3««tt " 38 1 '• " Williams & Mitchell U m Huaelton, et al "Black A T Black & McCandless " 42 1 " " Christie A Fleeger Marvin G Christy W M Di"ht Mitchell 4<», «' « D J Kyle •''><> Snyder lame same " 50 " " saiuc Vr : Vj" °. x , F N Hare et al Walkef 51 » " LZ Mitchell M Flinner, et al Braudon 61 " " Greer Uauel.a . wan Martha Mathers fame 0-' i " " Mine n.inffiiii P *'r Wm G Smith ■ ,AT. Black. it ,■ n„„ <• v liiq.-k J ;ls I'ungan, ex r i_ 0 1 ec " M. X. GREER, Prothonotary. Prothonotary's Office, May, 22 1882. .———— —— WIDOWS' APPRAISEMENT. The following Widows' Appraisements have been filed in the office ot the Clerk of Orphans Court, of Butler county, in accordance with ail . act of Assembly, of ihe 14th of April, A. D., A BS !/Bard *OO 00 Jauies Touhill 300 J* James B. Matthews 2o i Wra. S. Shorts -5b oO Wm. Flemmmg 300 0 | John K. Hays. N?8 00 : Andrew J. kestler 80 | Lewis R. Anderson 300 Jacob Shearer Con r. id Miller 40 IW | All persons interested in the nbove appraise ments will take, notice that they will be pre sented to the Orphans' Court, at Butler, on Wednesday, the 7th day of June, 1882, and no exceptions being filed they will be confirmed absolutely. BY TUE COURT W. B. DOPPS, Clerk O. C. FOR SALK. The following described valuable pieces of property situated in the borough of Butler are offered for bale by the German National Bank < f Millerutown, Pa., to-wit: One lot of ground on Fulton street, between properties of Mrs. Louisa MoCloro and H. TT. Gouclier, Esq., ocutaiulr.g one aero, more or leus, being one of the beet building sites in the town. ALSO.—One lot of ground na:r the Wither spoou Institute, and formerly owned by L O. Linn, Esq , containing one acre, more or less, on which there is a good two-story frame houso and stable. This propeltv is pleasantly located near the depot and coiamauds a magnificent view. ALSO.—Lot on McKean street, formerly own ed by H. J. Mitchell, £«q., on which there is a good two-story frame house and stable. Possession given in 30 days after purchase. For further particulars enquire of CLARENCE WALKER. Swedish Insect Powder Kills POTATO BUG'S And all Troublesome Vermin. It will thoroughly exterminate Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Lice, Tohaeoo and cot ton Worms, Moth, etc. It is safe, sure, cleanly and cheap. It will not poison animals or fowls. Sample package by mail 30 cents, post paid. Stamps taken. Circulars five. Agents wanted. Address J AS. I{. JOHNSTON, 169 Smithfield St., Pittsburgh, Pa. ma24,2m. The Key to Fortune in iUI Avenues of Ufa. JULIA t/;cNA!R WRIGHT'S I x™B~>k "PRACTICAL LIFE." ■ J A handsome volume, over QUO pp., discussing Individual Culture. Etiquette, Business, Love AND -Mai«aae. 'Me-v. I'heo. L Cuyler. l>. I)., says, "I am quite delighted with itsadmtraM" views and wholesome suggestions. It ought to he in everv house." The Central Baptist, St. Louis, M<V, says j "It is a thoroughly good and beautiful hook " The luterior, (. hicaao, >ays ; "it strikes us as th --olidest Iront her pen."' TUu buLshurgh Christian Advocate says : "Its IIVSJ»OOS' need to he taught and enf<irotnl "in every household." Clear type, artistic Wilding, magnificent full page colored plains. l»noes low. Terms literal. FI'PTD. AOKNTH WANTED EVEUYWHKKK. Send fsr particulars to C. M»clixnv 4C0., Philadelphia. I'a. Cincinnati, 0., Chicago, 111., or St. Louis. Mo. tftay.it "i!in. FnitHl« AHMOII, Justice of the Peace Maiu street, opposite Postftfliee, ZEMKNOPI.E .HA. Subscribe for the CITIZEN. SPECIAL NEWS! received, without any delay or Great Ac \ ST" " The Manufactories. Tnis h tock is the Largest and Best that can bo found in Butler county and everybody is bound to acknowledge the fact, and eyen thojgh he were Struck by Lightning! He would have to smile a smile at such a display. I cannot be beat .in Assortment an 1 grades, and my ttock is largo enough to supply a regiment of Over 3,500 People. I call your attention to this fact, and also inform you that there is a great deal of money LOST by poople that doVt take the trouble to call on mo before purchasing. My prices are found a . all tiinoH the very lowest, which statement is fully endorsed by over 300 ]VIE INT Who have bonght of mo during the last few days. Everybody should wear WJII flHin,' boOs and and shoos and mine cannot bo beat for Style, Quality, looks and pnets. Peoole kiv* been KILLED )„r tr-.*rinir lealtv and ill tittia' boots and shoes, and what is the use of doin : S3 when yon can &the water and wear well, just as cheap. I invite every one to com. and convince himielf. Teamsters, Mechamcs, Laborers, as well as Our Prominent Men and Capitalists are invied. lam at all times prepared to suit you. Shoti'd you happen to be Jlmong the Unfortunate who get into the wrong place, nobody but yourself will bo to blame. So be pwjicular to c ill at my store and inspect ray goods, no matter whether yon aro prepared to buy or not. It is no trouble for mo to show gooo-ls. Respectfully, JOHN BICKEL. Repairing tlone to order at Reasonable Rates.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers