Hercbints Read This. To those subject to ills incident to the vexations of business life, dyspep sia and ft feeling of debility and fret falness, we say, without equivocation, take Simmons" Liver Regulator. This remedy is unequalled m the cme of piles, COOBI ipatioo, bad breatn, sick headache and billious complaints. The regulator is free fro-a any ipju-ious mercui'al subbiance; net disagreeable ; can be taken at auy time without inter fering with business or pleasure. It is gentle, safe and a good digester. The Atneric i.i Duiryma.i s*ya that wild pepperj)iut, scattered a/oand in corn-cribfe, etc., will keep the rats away. For weakness of any kind take Pe runa. There are more than tweoty natural enemies of the potato beetle, which de stroy the mature msec*, the young grabs, or the eggs. At the fa'uiest pain Peruna should be thought of. It is aa'd taat aa't hay, when cut from marshes ibat have beea d'icbed, where ttoe grass is Jiick aod the yield large, is worth as much as the ave.age of upland hp.y. Sheep huslv.'dry is said to have been greatly sibaala-'ed in dur ing tho last iew years—cte of the chief causes of which, it is as«e'-*ed, is the smaller number of in the Stata. It ii? ti?'Hy pe- cent, more pro&lable, says iiie 1' ofei»%o« of Ag itul.. ,p e at the C i'el »n Model Fa- .1 P.ovince of 'aii» o, »o aiiti d of fa.te »" <z '''i® • >t - w0 7 e? " b inan to keep ujeui np to 11 ee ye.» -s. The B.*U1 ? ?»;J sl t-e.oe-it wa3 recent ly ma 'e at a of llie ( Lura'ieiu'e.'N ;iiat owing to the eno: no.'s g. owtn of ..ie lumber business in the cojd-.jr, io twenty years the pine fv»ests of vue Uiiited will 'je esn^osted. Sjieaking of fbe sieadv de mand for wool, Tl>e American Culti vator observer tuat the in>p oved de mand 'or >ne be,«er qoaluies of aUj classes of wooleps is the oect evidence that tue masses of ihe }>e pie are sLill in a Stale o» naexample 1 p.-ospeiity. Hard tiroes always developed a de mand for lower grades of wool. The differo.it varieties of basswood —European aad Amer'can—are as ▼alaable as wb'te clover to the bee keeper. The honef made from their flowers is said to be fully equal to that froiii clove *. The European basswoods come ioto bloom earlier and produce a greater abvcdauce of flowers than the Ame icao, aod are therefore regarded as superior for vbe purpose. [Yj»>Ua»rt (If en.) Coiuiueic'r.'.Tj Our re>)reseutAtife lately lcaroed the following fro. a Mr. Oa;*l Sie-jivund, Cor. Coug'-esb aod Wasliiugtou Sts.: My daosli.er feeTe.e*; f Gui Rjeuma tlsm to such au ex.eut that it crippled her, ien<ieri»g her u liable to walk at all. We i-.0-»Bulfed the many physi cians, bin in vain. At las* St. Jacobs Oil effected -be bap-)ies k results. It cured my c!* ngbtcr. Most of the ; (sects tbat attack the grapevine (says a correspondent of The Counry Gentlemen ) can be beet removed V haad-picLiog. If mildew comes, woich m?y be kaowa by its light patches on the under side of the leaves, it should be checked by dnstiog with flon? of solphor. This can be best doae wi-h a bellows, aad should be used on a still, dewy rooro* ig. The London Agricultural Qazet'.e of Jane 27ih says with regard to the grain c-opb of United Kiagdom that as to tiie wi eat crop opinions are very varioas, but the iaopressioa of the report 3 is, on the wbole, favorable, and there is a profoect of a fair yield. Btfley is general/ looking better than oats, wiich have suffered fiom the wire-worm, and are in many places patchy. August and November are tbe best months far belting out potted straw berry plants, as they will, if set in good soil p oper make several tanners, and give a huge yield of berries the following season. Tlie plants should be get oat witli the balls of as receired, fi.st dipping the baU into water ami slightly breaking it a,)avt to loosen the root* from the hard mass. A friend sends as tbe following re . cipe fo: "apple ice": Take one pint of Btewed ripe apples rubbed through a colander, one pint of water, one cap of powdered sugar, and the grated peal and jaice of one lemon When half frozen stir in the whites of four eggs well whipped, and fi lish freezing. This quantity is sufficient for six or eight pearsons. If any one ba9 swallowed poison any kind, an instantaneous remedy, useful in a large number of cases, is a heaping te»spoonful of common salt, and the same quantity of ground mus tard, stirred qu'ck : y in a teacup of wat er, warm or cold, and swallowed in stantly. It is scarcely down before it tagins to come up, bringing with it the remaining contents of the stomach. And lest any poison should remain, let the white of an egg or a teaspoonful of strong coffee be administered as soon as tbe stomach is quiet, as these arti cles neutralize a large number of rku lent poisons. A famous lawyer, having been so for tnore than a quarter of a century, was accosted by a man, who said : 'I have a boy whom I want you to take and make a lawyer of.' 'How old is be ?' said Mr. 'He's 18 years old, stout and rugged; he's got a pair of lungs like a bellows,' replied the father. 'Has he any other qualifications?' 'Yes, sir, he's got the one great qualification of all,' said the father; 'he's the confoundest liar in our town. I thought when I heard you in the court room just now that it wouldn't take very long for Sam to come pretty nigh up to you.' The editor of The Journal of Com merce says the following recipe for tomato catsup has been in use in his ikmily for fifty years. It is certainly old enough to be good: Take a bushel of tomatoes, cut them in small pieces, boil until soft, then rub them through a sieve, add two quarts of the best cider vinegar, one pint of salt, one-quarter pound of cloves, one-quarter pound of . allspice, one tablespoonful of black • pepper, one good-feized pod of red j>: pepper (whole), and heads of garlic. Mix together and boil until reduced to » r m&halt the quantity. When cold through a colander, and bottle, the crocks. It will keep two L/.ortfcree years as fresh as when first 'tnade. HOLIDAY PRESENTS ! I 6 RAMP DISPLAY THIS WEEK A.T Rosenbaum Co.'s, 112, 114, 116, Market Street, Cor. Libeiiy Street, PITTSBURGH, POR BXJY KID GLOVES. T>PTT'SIU , "V R RQ SILK UMBRELLAS, 1 LO, ALPACA UMBRELLAS, LEATHER SATCHELS, PORTMONNIES, GENT'S CARD CASES, 1 KLLIOLLIIMO. SILK MUFFLERS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, PRESENTS HEMSTITCHED HANDKERCHIEFS, X EMBROIDERED HANDKERCHIEFS, MOTTO HANDKERCHIEFS, R)P 17CT." 1 XTT*C JEWELRY BOXES, PKilriS fcJN 1 ©. BREAST PINS, CUFF BUTTONS, SCARF PINS, PRESENTS. UNDERWEAR, SILK SUSPENDERS, CARDIGAN JACKETS, PRESENTS. GEXTISCAK!*, SCISSORS, KNIVES, LADIES' FANCV SETS, PRESENTS. FUR SETS, FUR CAPS, TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS. rW And 1,000 other useful Presents at Immense LOW FEICES- A STRENGTHENED. A SU^^^ER. IRON BITTERS are highly recommended for all diseases re- certain and efficient tonic ; especially Indigestion, iJyspepna, JnUr viUterd Fevers, Want of Appetite, Loss of Strength, Lack of Lnergy, etc. Eiiriclies the blood, strengthens the muscles, and gives new life to the nerves. I hey act like a charm on the digestive organs, removing all dyspeptic symptoms, such as Tasting the Food, Belching, Heat in the Stomach, Heartburn, etc. TilO onl J Iron Preparation that will not blacken the teeth or give headache. Sold by all druggists. Write for the ABC Book, 32 pp. of useful and amusing reading— sent free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO., Baltimore, Md. EVERY MAN WOMAN AND CHILD ' SHOULD USE IT. Herbaline Syrup, THE GREAT MEXICAN' REMEDY. Tlie only Medicine 111 the World Compunded from the Natural Roots and Herbs of Mexico 8 Y R U P, (NO AIjCOHOUC DRINK.)" Tlic most valuable remedy ever discovered in the \ ege talile Kingdom tor ihe speedy and permanent cure of Dyspepsia. Habitual Costlveness, Liver and Kidney Complaints, Scrofula, Rheumatism, I'iles, Dropsy, Heart Disease, Ner vous Altcctiens and Clironic Diseases. HERBA-LINK SYE UP, (NO VINEGAR COMPOUND.) The purest and best Medicine in the world for delicate Females, whether young or old, married or single, at the dawn of womanhood or the turn of life, relieving and curing their complaints as if by Magic. For the aged and the feeble this Tonic Syrup has no equal. HEEBALtNE SYRU1 J , (NO MINERAL POISON.) A swift and sure relief in Mental and Physical Prostration caused by over-taxing the mind and body with business and professional cares. HE RBA.LINE SYRUP, (A VITALIZING TONIC.) Unequaled as a medicine for Children, being easy of admin istration, pleasant and refreshing to tak<\ prompt in its action ; certain in its results, and alwavs safe and reliable. No Vermifuge, Lozenges, or other medicines will free the sys tem from Wormslike this wonderful Wild Herb Tonic. HERBALINE SYRUP, (THE LIFE GIVING PRINCIPLE.) Skin diseases of whatever name or nature,such as ' Eruptions, Blotches, Pimples, Ringworms. Scrofula. Sc., are literally dug up and carried out of the system by this great Tonic and Alternative, while the complexion is rendered clear and beautiful. HERBA.LINE SYRUP, (PURELY HERBAL.) A genuine medicine warranted free from Calomel, Arsenic, Opium, Quinine, and Alcohol in all its forms. The valuable Family Medicine in the world. It K'W A H'U is iiilcwil fur » w of Clironie Disease that this great Tonic Syrup will fail to cure or greatly benefit, if the directions arc strictly TRY IT, PRICE SI.OO PER BOTTLE. PREPARED BY THE STMBARB MEDICINE COMPANY, PITTSBURGH, PA. fOR SftLl 8V ALt PRUGGIsts. j 31 AR C H Ist, 1881. Special Bargain, One Lot, 10 Pieces LIGHT BLUE SILKS, Extra quality and shades, clear and fresh, at the Bemarkable price 0f45 cts., worth 75c to $1 per yard. NEW FOREIGN SUITINGS. Choice New l'laids. Choice New Home Spun ('hecks. Choice New Stock iuettes. All 42 to 40 inch good* at 70c to $1 25 per yard. I One case Extra Value and Extra Wide, 4C-incli COLORED CASHMERES, at Hsc, Special Bargains. Colored French Cashmeres, 37'4c, 50c and i;2'4c up. On Sali' To-day, 100 pieces 48-inch Black Cashmere, at 62KC up an Unusual Bargain, 46-inch Black Cashmeres, at 95c and Si.oc. NEW FANCY BLACK GOODS. Quadrilles, Dakka Crepes, Annures, Jersey Cords, Brocaded silk Cashmeres. Choice Lines Best Makes Mourning Goods. Crepes and Crepe Veils, Shawls, &c. One case Double Fold American Black Repps, at 15c, for School Suits, Wrappers, &c., a great bargain and real value 26c. BOGGS & BUHL, 118 and Federal Street, .A-lleglienv. N. B.—Special close prices at retail or by the piece or package on Domestic :uid Housekeeping Dry Goods, 1 .inens. Towels and Napkins. Very special bargains hi Qmlts and Blankets. 1| Mast, Poos Co. HI Springfield, 0. |l NEW BUCKEYE Jf\SL\ FORCE II 'PUfWPIi^TJSif ■l9 «3 PT WIND J1 I ENGINES Is «Miir «ct. la the £ 5 \\ Si. ong & Durable. I I Cheapest A Best Force B CSJEB\ S We" W?Bpf*r Pomp ill the world for * ATTl.fc In the Wind Jlb Never freeicit In Win- """! j|^j| KS Mend for Ctrealsr and ¥)j£] f | mmn A ftREWMB 1 PILES ■ ■ ■■■■■ ■ ■Pn>tn«lin ß IbkU ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ HoiiK ih fail- to cure. It slliys the tubing, aloorta the ■ ■■ ■■ ■■ tumor-, *!»••« !««'«' relief. Prepared l>yJ. I'. Miller, MD., \ ■■■■■■■■ ■ ■ Phil*'l>'l|>hi», I'ft. t'A tTIO\. — .%'<«' grnuirv unUt, v.rap lUa ■ &■ prr «n botiU contain hi signature "nd a Pile of Stone*. All druggou and country stores have it or wiil get it for you. ®|yje Wntl»K Ci£ss*ts: Patter, P«.» 24, 1881. Two lots Extra Choice Biack Satin Damassey, large elegant designs, at $2 25 and $2 30 per yard, that are fully 50 cents per yard less than usual market value. Large line Satin Damasses, at SI.OO, $1.25 and SILKS AND SATINS, Blacks and Colore. Colored Silks, 37V4c cents up. Black Silfts, of best known makes, including the celebrated Bonnet Goods. Large lot Ladies' Muslin Underwear, of superior style and finish, and at bargain prices. Ladles' Unlaundried Muslin Chemises, on coun ter at :(o cents each. Choice line Bridal Sets, $4.00 to $20.00 each. New Hoii.ton or Irish Point Embroideries. New Veldenia (Lace Edge) Embroideries. New Hamburgs—great bargains. New Swiss and Nainsook Embroideries. New White Goods and Figured Swisses. )THE( Chicago & North-Western >«. ■ «. w A ir Is the OLDEST ! BEST CONSTRUCTED ! BEST EQUIPPED ! and hence the LEADING RAILWAY OF THE WEST AND NORTHWEST. It is the short and best route between Chicago and all points in Northern Illinois, lowa, Dakota. Wyoming, Ne braska. California, Oregon, Arizona. Utah, Colo rado. Idaho. Montana. Nevada, and lor COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA DENVER. LEADVILLE, SALT LAKE, SAN FRANCISCO DEADWOOD, SIODX CITY, Cedar Rapids, Des Moines. Columbus and all Points in the Territories, and the West. Also, for Milwaukee, Green Bay. Oshkosh. Sheboygan, Marquette, Fond da Watertown, Houghton, Neenali, Me nas ha, St. Paul, Minneapolis. Union. Volga. Fargo, I'.isman k, Winona, Uu'rosse, Owatonna, and all points 111 Minnesota, Dakota, Wisconsin and the Northwest. At Council Bluffs the Trains of the Chicago® North-Western and the I . P. K'ys deuart from, arrive at and use the same joint Union iicnot. \t Chicago, close connections are made with the l.ake Shore. Michigan C entral, Baltimore & Ohio, Ft. Warne and Pennsylvania, and Chicago & Grand Trunk K'ys, and the Kankakee and Pan Handle Routes. Close connections made at Junction Points. It is the ONLY LINE tunning Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BETWEEN Chicago and Council Bluffs. Pullman Sleepers on all Night Trains. Insist upon Ticket Agents selling you Tickets via this road. Examine your Tickets, and refuse to buy if they do not read over the Chicago A North- Western Railway. If you wish the Best Traveling Accommodations vou wtll buy vour Tickets bv this route, V I 1.1. TARE NONE (ITHER. All Ticket Agents sell Tickets by this Line. . MARVIN HUGH ITT, 2d \ . P. & Gen'l Maug'r Chicago. Host Fragrant & Refreshing of Perfumes Exceeding Delicate and lastiag. Price. 25 cts.; Largs Eottlea, 75 ct3- fW-J bv deader* In Drug* Jk Perfumery. Signature of Hi»- tcx A €♦.. N. y., 00 every bottle. PARKER'S GINGER TONIC t The Medicine for Every Family. C NEVER INTOXICATES. r Madcfrom Ginger, Buchu. Mandrake, Stilling!*, " £ and other of the best vegetable remedies known, . £ PARKER'S GINGER TONIC has remarkably vaned \ r curative powers, & isthe greatest Stomach CorTect- . ■ or, lUuod I'Un.'icranrf Liver KcguLuor ever made & ; : The jßest Medicine You eau Use; : for EestoriDg Health <fe Strength: ► It commences to act from the first dose, searches « 1 out the weak organs, and is warranted to cure or , ► help all diseases of the Bowels, Stomach, Bli»od, * 1 Kidneys, Liv er. Urinary Organs, all Complaints of J t W9M*t Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Klieuma- * 1 tism and flrunkeui)fM. 1 ► Try a bottle to-day; it may save yeKirlife, 50 ct - J and $1 sizesatalldruggists. Every genuine bottle ] t» has our signature on outside wrapper, Hiscox & - \ Ca, N. V. Large saving in buyrng $1 size. ) Just Wbat is Wanted. Everybody whose hajr Is gray or faded has felt the need of a Hair Restorer and dressing that is cleanly, agreeably perfumed and harmless, Par ker's Hair Balsam satisfies the most fastidious in ''less respects. Sold by at 50c. and sl. i Cil rst-lfiM-" fxcCß«ilo«r TtoiCKTs, front lB I 5 l hicvro and lopi' "olntn. to TITS'*- ItW J ftJU VFV, PPRTNOS, ar. • UFBLO, AND F BTUIN, b> Ri syg nl!jj low n te-». These ti.'V»»t* m\ !x i| Any-* from date o ale. tnd 'o retur 30 9! JJ J J untM Ocuiiier If CJ 5*3 couVci'iußT trrr's, Toni&Aan hW BLJj KANSAS CipT, f Tormina a I f -arbiM.* all thi ouzh trains, in wliii- I'° r rates, further inf. rmation. fiwC |r*S 'itiJ elegant Mui> oi uititfxi iP3 * l » l *s 'reo. address, 1H I '*2] J. a. A. BEAN. Gen'i Eastern A?*' L* J v I»H f ''l7 Broadway.New York,and Bin; fit.. Boston, Mi)M. fVnl IMPROV3 TME HOUR. GUENTHER'S LUNG HEALER CURES CONSUMPTION, Spitting of Blood, Bronchitis. Asthma, Coughs, and a'l disuses of tho Pulmonary Organs. 9 I'rlro 50 Ontn and Olio Dollar. GUENTHER & CO. Proprietors. 39 Fifth Avenuo. PITTSBURGH, PA. Ask your l>ruggiNt for If. "BUTLEU COUNTY" Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Sts. A. C. ROESSING, PRESIDENT. VVM. CAMPBELL, TREASURER H. C. IIEINEMAN, SECRETARY DIRECTORS: J. L. Purvis, | E. A. Helmboldt, William Campbell, J. W. Buikhart, A. Troutman, Jacob Schoene, G. C. Roessing, | .John Caldwell, Dr. VV. lrviti, i J. J. Croll. J.W.Christy I H. C. Heineman. JAS. T. M'JUNKIN, Gen, Ae't- BTJTLEE, PA. Jffmted AGENTS! AC-PATS! AGENTS! JOHN B. GOUGH'S Dran' new book, eniitlrH SUNLIGHTAND SHADOW is the best chance offered to you. Its Scenes are drawn from the bright and shady sides of lift, portrayed as only John B. Gough can portray them. This grand work— now for the first time published —is the " l>ooining 99 book for agents, and is outselling all others ten to one. The thirty-third thousand is now in press. Its immense sale has been made entirely by aotive canvassers. No other book com pares with it for quick and profitable returns. We are starting more agents now than ever before, and we be lieve the sale of this book will reach One Hundred Thousand Copies in the next few months. We want «000 more agents at once, to supply this grand Ixiok to the thousands who are waiting for it. Kemember the sale is only now commencing. The book is entirely new, and most of the territory is noiu clear. Agents, no7u is your time to make money, and at the Sonic time circulate a thoroughly first-class book. Ex- I elusive Territo-y and very Special Terms given. Send for ou* large circulars containing full particulars. Address A. L> WOBTHINGTON&CO., Publishers, Hartford. CX JAMES J. CAMPBELL, C«» *■ • y*~ •'«»■•«» ■■ «■ ■*. Office in Fairview borough, in Telegraph Office. anISJ Baldwin P, 0., Butler Co., fa. TAICE THE j 6 r-\ My fu. ••,77.-ng»?iagr< l TKE CREAT bvrltxgton HO I IE. fy Tll < thcr line runs Three Thr<iu>.'h ''ns flesiK' r Trains !Jr.ilv between Chiai(to, Lies Mi>in -i. Council IlhifTs, Omnhn. I.incolu, t>t. Tr.soph, Atchison, T >p< KN :ll.<l KM-SFIS City. )ire'-t iDnucctioiis fur a 1 twinir. in Kanstis. Vebrisk . Coloi-aJo, Wyninii'tr. M> ntaiif, Ne n.l: w Mexico, Arizona, lU;<ho,Oregon and ali' .ilia. The Shortest. Speeil'fst :>n>l Most Comf^r l !!- >lr H. nte v'ii HnimiHi.' to Fort Itenipon, > ii!as. Houston. Austin. Snn Antonio, Guivs uii an.i all points in Texas. Tho un"<iunlPd iii<ln"em , »!its offereil l> l this !.in<' to iYnvelers and T< «r|sts. nr • ii- fol'(.v.-s: Pn'' oole >!-nto-l Pullman (IVwlvel) l'i.l,'c< •ileepinir Curs nin onlv on this I ine, C.. 11. \ ). !' i!;;ec- Or. v ins-'.t >om Cnrs with ll -noii's {{('flininsr ('h. irs. N > ext»n chuw for S";:t~ •n H* clininir ' hair;. Tiie frtnions C. It. A Q. I*:»iaee l>ininii G,»rs. (iorire lis Sit!- W ; nir fVrs tltr.'rt with -ri'*(rnnl Hi h-B 1 feiHl Kattnn Ko votviinr < hairs for the exclusive u-e or tirtt eln-s p i -p.igi'v^. Track m il Snveriir l>,uipment, "oint-d with their Gn- t Thr iv'l' <Vr Arranjre nii'iit, makes it, is. nlxve ail other-, t!>e favorite Houte t<> the South, t-.iuth-Wc.st, mid the Kar West. Try it. and you will find traveling a luxury instead of a rtim-omfort. Through Tickets via this (»• brnted T.'itc for silo ;i i ull oltices la the United Stati s auJ Canada. Ail intorrnation n'>rnit Kates rif Fare, Slcrp inar Cur Aeco!Dino<!::ti >ns. lime Tables, &c will be cheerfully (riven, and will send l rr.- • any ::ddress an C'"«w'r Map -A I. uii Slates, in colors, by appl\ iim to J. Q. A. BEAN, Uci.'i l-.asterr. Afront. 3U6 Washieaton M . Uoston. Ma.-r aad 3i7 Broadway, New York T. J. POTTER. Gen Mantwer. ( hicua'K PERCEVAL LOWELL, General Passenger Aijent, Chicago. 3 HOUSEHOLD WORDS. 0 "For rick stomnch, bad taste, sinking Q spells, 0 "For want of appetite, dysnepsl*. Indlges -0 tlon, and liver complalut. taVe I'XRLXA; It 0 never fails." i«i "Those In literary, professional or com- n merclal pursuits ctnistaiitly need PEBPNA. Fof constipation, MAIULIS." ■■■■ 0 "For sic* b»nd*rhe, pMn In th* hn.-ui. C dizziness, and low spirits, takeFiKuXA." n Read and stndy our book on the Ills of life, Q follow Its teachings, and you will be happy, •■fiooo will be paid for any case I'EUUSA. 0 will not cure or greatly improve.'' QQ9BB 0 Ladles, If you wish strength, health and n beauty, sweet breath, cherry lips and rosy - cheeks, gmOBMBBBH "Go to your nearest drngglst for a bottle _ 0 of I'jißL'.s'A. Take it before each meal." U "For nervous debility, catarrh of the blad -3 der, or disease of the kidneys, tako J ana be cureq." PKKI.V A and M4XA LI 3T FOR SALE BY ZIMMEKMAX A WUURR BUTLER, PA. Shorthand! A Full Courbe 111 Fonojrrnfy is published eve ry year iu the new tnonlhly tuairasiue : THE AMERICAN SHORTHAND WRITER and the Exercises of all subscribers corrected through the mail FREE OF CHARGE. The oply periodical in the world from which shorthand IIIUV be learnt w|tb3t)t A tutor. The Plan of Instruction U original and the Lessons comprehensive. Those desiring to learn may begin at any time, back numbers to Lessou 1 being supplied new subscribers and exercises corrected when ever received. SUBSCRIPTION ; One year (Course of 12 Lessons )- - $1.50 Single cumber .... 15c. American Agency for Pitman's Shorthand Book* and Reporter s Supply Depot. Circulars sent free on application. ROWELL & niCKCOX, VLSELAND, N. J. <£T Pli ase mention this paper. |auglotf CHEAP TICKETS to any point west, Land Explorers, Round Trip, First, Second or Third Cla-«, Reliable 111 formallou regarding Homestead Pre-emption or Mining laws. Call on or address E. A. TAYLOR, Cashier Argyle Savings Bank, Mav 14:6 m fetrolia, Pa. lAlute of JaiueN Mciiewan I>ee'd. Letters of administration laving been grant ed to the undersigned ou the estate of James McGowan, dee'd, late of the borough of Prog, pcct, Butler ccunty, Pa. All persons knowing 11/tintelves indebted to said itdate will please make immediate payment, and any having claims agaiiibt said estate will present them du ly authenticated lor settlement. MRS. 8. A McQOWAN, Adiu'x. aug3-0t Prospect, Butler Co., l'a. Eatafe of June Kl'Candleiis, l>eeeawe<l. Letters testamentary with the will annexed having been granted to the undersigned on the estate ol Mrs. Jane McCaudless, dee'd, late of Franklin township, Butler Co., Pa., all persons knowing themselves indebted to *aid estate will make immediate payment and any having claims against said estate will present them du ly authenticated lor payment. DAVID MARSHALL, Executor. July 13, l«bl. Prospect, Butler no., Pa. NOTICE FOR CHARTER. Notice is hereby given that we, the under signed, with others, intend to apply to the Gov ernor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for a charter of incorporation under the name and style of Butler Glass Company, for the purpose of manufacturing glass. Capital stock to be £IO,OOO, With the privilege to increase to ♦20,000. APAM TROUTMAN, JAIX>B KKIB, J. E. Bvtßs.ajid others. Aug 10 3t. _____ A Great Cause of Human Misery On the Loss of A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Rad ical cure of Seminal Weakness, or Spermator rhoea induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Emis sions. Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Im pediments to Mai generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy and Fits ; Mental and Phvsical Inca pacity, Ac.—By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M. D*, author of the "Green Book " Ac The world-renowned author, in this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without dangerous sur gical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials : pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no matter wlia* his condition may be. may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. tirThis Lecture will prove a boon to thou sands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamiw We have also a sure cure for Tape Worm. Address THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL CO., 41 ANN ST., NKW YORK, N. Y.; feb9-ly Post Office Box, 4586 IIEXKY C«. HALE, rim isEßcmiT tiilor. COR, PENN AND SIXTH STREETS, Pitlxhurqh, Pa fjjgfAdvertise in the CITIZEN. ~ Jury I,l»t tor Kept. Term, IHHI. Grand Jurors drawn for the September Term of Court, commencing the first Monday, be ing the sth day A. D., 1841. Baldauf Joseph, Summit, farmer. Bellus, Isaiah, Lancaster, farmer. Borelaud Alex., Butler borough, shoemaker. Cookson Alfred, Cranberry, farmer. Croup Lyman, Prospect, farmer. Goehring Klias, Forward, farmer. Hesselgesser Robert, Wiufield, farmer. Harvey Jesse, Butler bor., shoemaker. King Simon, Concord, farmer. Kramer Peter, Middlesex, shoemaker. Keck Mathias, Summit, farmer. Lindsey Thomas, Jackson, farmer. Martin Thomas, Jefferson, farmer. Maurhoff E. E., Saxonburg, printer. McGucken Thomas, Clearfield, farmer. McCullough Matthew, Worth, farmer. Miller Chas., Fairview, farmer. Kowan Wm., Cranberry, farmer. Kohner John, Esq., Cranberry twp., farmer. Stewart John, Jackson, farmer. Succop Wm., Jefferson, farmer. Thomas W. A., Parker, farmer. Turner Jihn, Middlesex. Wick C. W., Sunbury bor., unknown. Traverse Jurors drawn for the September terra of Court, commencing the second Monday, being the 12th day, A. D., 1881. Allison Wm., Centre, farmer. Bestler Joseph, Centreville, farmer. Bovard W. H., Slipperyrock, farmer. Con very James T., Centre, farmer. Campbell Washington, Fairview, farmer. Cashdollar S. D., Adams, farmer. Crawford E. H., Allegheny, fanner. Campbell Matthew, Concord, farmer. Daubenspeck Albin, Parker, farmer. Durabach Nicholas, Butler bor., . Duffy H. H., Clearfield, farmer. Elliott Joseph, Jefferson, carpenter. Ellenberger Jacob, Fairyiew tp., farmer. Eicholotz Fred., Muddycreck, farmer. Enslen John, Jackson, farmer. Emery W. J., Concord, farmer. Frazier Jefferson, Muddycreek, farmer. Findley James, Franklin, farmer. Frazier Thomas, Jefferson, miller. Giltillan R. G., Fairview, pumper. Gillespie James, Sr., Donegal, farmer. Hughes S. G., Butler borough, printer. Hunter Alex., Forward, farmer. Hindman James, Concord, farmer. Fiedler Jonas, Jefferson, farmer. Kocher Jacob, Jackson, farmer. Kildoo James, Brady, farmer. Kepler George, Donegal, farmer. King Conrad, Zelienople, shoemaker. McKeever Timothy, Donegal, farmer. McGee James, Cherry, farmer. Meals J. N., Washington, farmer. Mcßride Patrick, Marion, merchant. Maslen James, Jr., Clinton, farmer. McMarlin J. A., Adams, farmer. McKissock J. W., Krariy, farmer. McKinuey Wm., Concord, farmer. McCall W. J., Brady, farmer. Pontious Henry, Donegal, farmer. Roberts Festes, Butler boro. Snyder Philip, Clinton, farmer. Smedley J. 11., Allegheny, farmer. Thompson John, Washington, farmer. Tehby William, Venango, farmer. Wilson James, Middlesex, farmer. Wick Andrew, Clay, farmer. Winner Edward, Oakland, farmer. Weiland Michael, Clearfield, farmer. Regisler'tt Notice. The Register hereby gives notice that the following accouuts of Executors Administra tors and Guardians have been filed in his office according to law and will be presented to Court Tor confirmation and allowance on Wednesday, the 7th day of September, A. D., 1881, at 2 o'- clock, P. M., of said day : 1. Final account of Christopher Uhl, admin istrator of Gotleib Bauder, late of Lancaster township, deceased. 2. Final account of Mrs. E. J. Stoops, admin istratrix of James Stoops, late of Cherry town ship, deceased. 3. Final account of Jacob Cooper and Nicho las Frishcorn, executors of Win. V. Lindsey, late of Jackson township, deceased. 4. First, partial and distribution account of Alexander Stewart, executor of the last will of John Cooper, late of Connoquenessing town ship, deceased. 5. Final account of Adam Pisor, Administra tor of George Vogan, late of Worth township, deceased. tj. The final account of George Beam, guar dian of the estate of B, F. Maine, a minor child of Anna Maine, late of Jackson township, dee'd. 7. Final acoouut of William Garvin, admin istrator of Nancy MoClain, late of Crauberry township, deceased. 8. Final account of S. D. Bell, administrator of O. D, Colby, late of Millerstowu borough, deceased. 9. First and partial accouut of William Dee and J. C. Sweeney, execut"rs of the last will of James Gallagher, late of Allegheny township, deceased. }Q. The final account of Josiah Covert, exeo utor of the last will of John Hall, late of Cran •berry township, deceased. 11. Final account of John S. Ilodil, guardian of Lena J. Morrison, a minor child of William A. Morrison, late of Harrisville borough, dee'd. 12 First, final and distribution accouut of J. R. Coulter and Franklin Jamison, executors of Eliza L. nowe, late of Venango township, deceased. 13. Partial account of E. H. Crawford, ad ministrator of Jane AUeu, late of Allegheny township, deceased. 14. Partial account of E. PI. Crawford, admin istrator of Mary Ann Allen, late of Allegheny township, deceased. 15. Final accjunt of James Barr and Jacob Hutchman, executors of Alexander Purvis, late of Adams township, deceased. 16. Final account of Thomas Badger, guar dian of R, D. Fleeger, 17. Partial account of Abuer J. Patton, exec utor of David Iliroh, late of Centre township, deceased. 18. Final account of J. Burkhart and F. Zehner, executors of Francis Burkhart, late of Zelienople borough, deceased. 19. Final account of Andrew J. Moore, exec utor of David Moore, late of Butler borough, deceased. 20. Final account of Robert Storey, guardian of S. V. Brown, iuin r sou of John C. Brown, late of Fairview township, deceased. 21. Final account of Margaret U'Donuell. ad ministratrix of Patrick L. O'Donnell, late of Venango township, deoeased. 22. final account of S. H. Moore, executor of William Johnson, late of Worth township, de ceased. 23. Separate and final account of David Dou thett, one of the executors of Nancy Tate, late of Middlesex township, deceased. 24. First and final accouut of Theodore Ker sting, administrator cum lestamcnto annexo of George Kohles, late of Jackson township, de ceased. 25. Partial account of Bridget J. Gatens and Charles Gatens, administrators of Michael Ga tens, late of Clearfield township, deceased. 26. Final and distribution account of H. P. Double, executor of Isaac Double, late of Worth township, deceased. 11. H. GALLAGHER, Register. Widows' Appralaenieufß, The following appraisements of personal property and real estate set apart for tne bene fit of decedents have been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Orphans' Court oT Butler coun ty as follows: Caroline Pillow, widow of 11, Pi|low, deceased S3OO 00 Dorothea Frishcorn, widow of Adam Anna Drebcrt, widow of Conrad Drebert 300 00 Frishcorn 185 00 Nannie D. Black, widow of Geo. A. Black 167 67 NOTE —Widow clainiß balance of S3OO exem tion to wit: $132.33 in cash from personal prop erty or from proceeds of real estate. Anna Margaret Pulford, widow of Sam uel Duttord ~,,,.,,,,..,.,,..,,,.,5269 28 Sarah Trimble, widow of Win. Trimble. 251 25 L. B. Howarth, widow of Johu How arth , 117 35 Mary Myers, widow of Samuel Myers... 300 00 Annie Drepert, widow of Conrad Dre pert 300 00 Mary A. Beaty, widow of Jonathan F. Beaty 62 45 The balance of the three hundred dollars is hereby claimed for Mary A. Beftty, widow, out of any funds in her hand, as Administratrix, after the payment of debts and before distribu tion in ease there is a sufficient amount, and if not, then the balance of the said three hundred dollars is claimed out of the real estate of her deceased husband, or proceeds of any sale or sales thereof. All persons interested in the above appraise ments will take notice that thev will be pre sented to the Orphan's Court at Butler on Wed nesday the 7th day of Sept. next, and no ex ceptions being filed, will be ooufirmed abso lutely. By the Court. W. A. WRIGHT, Clerk. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to call the attention of the public to the Union Wooden Mill. Butler, Pa., where I have new and improved machinery for the manufacture of Barred and Gray Flannels, Knitting and Weaving Yarns, and I can recommend them as being very dura ble, as they are manufactured of pure Butler county wool. They aro beautiful in color, su perior in texture, and will be sold at very low prices. For samples and prices, address. 11. KULLERTON, IriMTMy) Bnfler. Pa R ♦«* COfll ,rr ( ' a >' !lt n °nie. Samples worth I 90 l «l jree. Address Sxi>son & Co. i Portland, Maine. i A. Haffner, SUCCESSOR TO H. BAUERIBROS., KllTl.lvlt, FA., PLANING MILL AND Lumber Yard, MANUI ACTURKB AND DEALER IN Rough and Planed Lumber' OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, DOORS, SASH, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SIDING, FLOORING, BATTENS, Brackets, Gauged Gomice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, NEWELL POSTS & BALUSTERS, FENCE PALINGS, &c., Ac. MICHIGAN SHINGLES Bam Boards, Plasteriuff Lath, Hem lock Bill Stuff, of all kinds, constantly on hand, All of which I will sell on reasonable terms and guarantee satisfaction. Planing Mill and Lumber Yard on Jefferson street, Butler, Pa. IDECLY A. HAFFNER. New Grocery Store. MR. JACOB BOOS has opened a grocery stole in the well known etore building at the corner ol M;iin and Wayne streets, near the residence of Judi;e M 'Junkiu. All his Groceries ari- fTush, no old goods what ever. He also deals in FLOUR, FEED I OIL MEAL. Will pay ca-h for all I inds ol produce and er.iln, and will do u strictly cash business, lie t«a« lu stock tine Hue* or GLASSWARE, QUEENS WARE, LAMPS, BASKETS, CANJJIES, CANNED FKUIT, CAN DIRS, SPICES, etc. BEST CIGARS IN BUTLER. Planing Mill —AND— Lumber \ ard. J L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS S.G. Purvis & Co., M4NUVACTITRBKB AND DEALERS IN Rough and Planed Lumber- UK EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS, SASH, * DOORS, FLOORING, SIDING, BAT! ENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE PALINGS, Ac., Ac , MICHIGAN SHINGLES, Barn Boards; Plastering Lath ; Ilem lock Bill Stuff, such as J oinl Raf ters, Scantling, Ac., all si«es constantly on hand All of which we will cell ou reasonable terms md guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD .Vear German Catholic l burob janl-SO-ly JE. GRIEB, DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. WATCHES AND CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED -«« Lace Curtains, LAMBREQUINS, CORMCES, CORNICE POLES, ART DECORATIONS IN GENERAL AT H. Holtzman'sj Practical Upholsterer and manufacturer of Mattresses and Bedding. 74 WOOD STREET, myll:3m PITTSBURGH. PA. FKltltlH AHMOU, Justice of tlie t*eace Maiu street, opposite Postofllce, 61Jy ZKLIKNUPLE ,PA. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. UTLtR, Ki HNS CITT AND I'AKKER RAILROAD Train- leave Butler for St. Joe, Millerstown flams City, Petrolio, Parker, etc., at 7.27 a. m and 2.2S aud 7.2S j>. 111. Trains arrive at Butler from tlic above named points at 7..7 a. m., ana 2.15, and 7.15 p. m- The 2.15 train conuccts with train ou the West Penn road through to Pittsburgh. SUKNAKGO AND AUIOUIXT RAILROAD. Trains leave Hiiliard's Mill, butler county, ; lor Harrisville, Greenville, etc., at 7.50 a. m. and 2.35 p. rn. Tralus arrive at Hiiliard's Mills at 1:45 A. M., and 5:55 p. M. Hacks to and from Petrclia, Mr.rtinsbnrjr, Fairvtew, Modoc aud Ttoutiuau, ioni:t<i at Hil ! lard with ail trains on the s A A ro..u. PENNSYLVANIA KAILHOAIt. Trains leave Butler (Butler or Pittsburgh Time. Market at 5 Of. a. iu., goes through to Alle gheny, arriving at tf.ol a. m. This train con- Lccts at Frecport with Frccport ACCOll;nida tion, which arrives at Allegheny at 8.20 a. in., railroad time. Express at 7.21 a. m., connecting at Butler Junction, without cbausre of cars, at 8.26 with Exp.ess west, arriving In Allegheny at U. 56 a. in., and Express east arriviug at Blaii'sville at 10 55 a. m. rai!rond time. Mail at 2.26 p. m., connecting at Butler Junc tiou without chance ol care, with Express west, arriving in Allegheuy at 501 p. in., and Ex press east arriviug at Blairsviile Intersection at 5 55 p. m. railroad time, which connects w.Hh Philadelphia lixprv.s eai.t, when on time. The 7.21 a. in. train connects at Blairsviile at 11.05 a. m. with the Mail east, and the 2.36 p. m. train at 6.5U with the Philadelphia Ex press east. Trains arrive nt Butler on West Penn R. R. at H.s»' a. m , 4.58 and 7.01 p. in., Butler time. The y.56 aud 4.58 trains connect with trains ou the Butler & Parker R. R. Main Line. Through trains leave Pittsburgh lor the East it 2.56 and 8.26 a. m. and 12 51, 4.21 at d 8.06 p. iu., arriving at Philadelphia at 8.40 and 7.20 p. m. and 3.00, 7.0' and 7.40 a. ra.; at Baltimore about the same t : me, at New Yurk three hours later, aud at Washington about one and a hall hours later. Time ol Holding Courts. Tli© several Courtß of the county of Butler commence on tlie tlist Monday < f March, June, September and December, aud coutinne two weeks, or so long as n- cessary to dispose of the business. No causes are put i for trial or traverse jurors summoned lirat week of the several terms. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. BUTLER, pi: JOHN K. KELLY, Office with E. G. Miller, Et-q , iu Brady Law Buildiug. uugl7'Bl R. P. SCOTT, Attorney at Lnw. Office, Room No. 3, Rei ber Buiiding, Ji street, Butler, I'a jan'Bl A. M. CORNELIUS, Office with W. D. Brandon, Berg Buiiding, Main Street, Butler, I'a. J. F. BRITTAIN, Office with L Z- Mitchell, Diamond. A7M. CUNNINGHAM, • Office in Brady's Law Building. Butler, Pa. ~ S~ H. PIERSOL Office on N. E. corner Duuuond, Riddle build ing novlii JOHN M. GREER. Office on N. E. corner Diamond. novlS WML 11. LUSK, Office with W H. H. Riddle, Esq. .NEWTON BLACK7~ Office on Diamond, near Court House, south side. E. I BRUCiII, Office in Riddle's Law Buildiug. S. F. BOV\,<ER. - Office in Riddle's Law BuilJing. [marß'7s J. B. McJUNKIN. B[>ecial attention iriveu to collections Office opposite Willard House. JOSEPH B. BREDIN, Office north-east comer of Diamond. Butler Pa. H. 11. GOUCHER, Office in Schneideman's building, upstaiis. J, T. DONLY Office near Court House. r - 14 ~ W. DTBRAN DON, ebl7-75 Office in Berg's bnilding CLARENCITw ALKER, Office in Brady building- marl7—t ~ FERD REIBER, Office In Reibcr's building, Jellerson St. ap9ly F M. EASTMAN, Office in Brady building. LEV. MCQUISL ION, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court House JOS. 0. VANDELTLIN, Office Main street, 1 door south of Court House. " Win A. FORQUEK, •J" Office ou Main stroet, opposite Yogeiey House. GEO. R- WHITE, Office N. E. ccruer of Diamond. FRANCIS SPURVIANCE, Office with Oen. J N. Purviance, Main street, south of Court House. "J7 DT MCJUNKIN, Office in Schneideman's buildintr, west side ot Main street, 2nd square front Court House. XT G. WTLLIAMS, Office on Diamond, two doors west of CITIZXM office, ap26 T. C. CAMPBELL, Office in Berg's new building, 2d door, eait side Main st., a few doors south of Lowry House. mar3—tf. r, A. SULLIVAN, may 7 Oflßce S. W. cor. of Diamond. BLACK & BRO.^ Office on Main street, one door south o> Brcdy Block, Butler. Pa. (Sep. 2, 1874. JOHN M MILLER & 8110. Office in Brady's Law Building, Main street, south of Court House. Euosaz G. MILLER, Notary Public. Jun4 ij THOMAS ROBINSON, BUTLER, PA. JOHN H. NEGLEY, Gy Gives particular attention to transactions in real estate throughout the county. OrncKoa DUMOMD, MUI COURT HOUSE, IN CITIZEN HUILDTNO E. R. ECKLRT, KENNEDY .MARSHALL (Late of Ohio.) i ECKLEY & MARSHALL. Office iu Brady's Law Buildintr. Sept K,74 C. O. CHRISTIE^ Attorney at Law. Legal business careftilly transacted Collections made aud promptly remitted. Business correspondence promptly attended to and answered. Office opposite Lowry House, Butler, Pa. PHYSICIANS. ~~ JOHN E. BYERS, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, my'2l-ly] BUTLER, PA. Office on Jefferson street, opposite Klingler's Flour Store. DENTISTS. 0 1/ WALDRON. Grrdunte ot the Phil- B adelphia Dental Collejre.ls prepared a I» •to do anything in the line of hi* profession in a satisfactory manner. Office on Main street, Butler, Uniou Block, up stairs, apll |^F~ Advertise in the CITIZEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers