Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, March 16, 1881, Image 3

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    MR. J. H. Biirs. Newspaper Adverti-mz
Agent. 41 Park ltow (Timet. BUII.IIUK). New
Vork, ie anthonzed to coL.tr*ct for advert i*c
uic:.tH in the CITIZEN.
\rw IdTrrttHcmrr IN.
Tlerhaline Syrup.
North Wachineton Academy.
Trial Lint for April Term of Court.
AN<L (ieneral.
Mr John North has been appoint
ed postmaster at Holyoke this county.
—The cultivation of white mulberry
trees is very extensive in Washington
A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuiue
American Movement as low as $lO, at
Tbirtv-five cases of smallpox with
seven deaths arc reported in Pittsburgh
to date.
SPECIALTIES in woolens at William
Aland's Merchant Tailorintc establishment not
to he had elsewhere in the county.
Now that Mr Hayes has left
Washington, Mr. Conkling can close
both eyes at night.
You will find everything as ad
vertised, at HITTER k RALSTON'S.
On the steamship Gcllert 044
emigrant? arrived at. Castle garden
from Bremen on Tuesday of last week.
WILLIAM ALAND. Merchant Tailor,
has just opened the largest line of woolens for
men and hov* "ear ever offered in Hutler.
The Great Northwest is again
snowbound. Old Boreas has defeated
the railroads in every contest this
Teachers should attend the Nor
mal School Opens March 20th. For
circulars address J. A. Cooper, Edin
boro, Pa.
Candidates for the office of County
Superintendent, which is to be filled bv
the school directors in May, are fast
looming up
The physicians of Freemont, N. Y.
think that the small-pox was carried
from one house to another in that town
by the cat*.
Two ex-Presidents are living at
one time. This is very common in
Mexico but dot's not often happen on
this side of the Rio Grande.
Mrs. Hayes has left her impress
upon the White House, and the memo
rial portrait of her will always be an ob
ject of interest to visitors.
At noon last "• hursday the Presi
dent had on file over fifteen thousand
applications for office, and the number
has been greatly enlarged since.
The Irish agitators are already be
ginning to differ as to the proper
course to pursue, and the movement is
considerably weakened in consequen -e.
—A little school girl in Franklin,
Ind., six years old, fell and a slate
pencil which she carried in her ha'nd,
penetrated her right eye and destroy
ed its sight.
SKE a woman in another column, near Speer'a
Vineyard*, with a hunch of ({rape* from which
Speer's Port f ira|»e wine in made, that i" HO
highly esteem.jd by the medical profession for
the u»'- of invalids, weakly person* and the
•jjtd.— Sold by all Druggists. 28apl
—The preposition to place district 1
attorneys on salaries instead of fees, |
continues to attract the attention of the I
press of the State, which, as a general
thing approve it.
—Hon. Abram S. Hewitt has sent
his check for SIOO to Marshall Jewell
as a contribution toward the fund to
"hunt the rascal down" who forged
the Morey letter.
—Many of the small towns and
boroughs in the Lebanon Valley are in
fested with burglars. It looks as if the
"professionals" of some of the cities
were doing the "jobs."
—Our State Supreme Cour defines
gambling to be "anything which indu
ces men to rUk money without any
hope of return ether than to get for
nothing money from others."
—Two allopathic physicians, one
homeopathic, and one eclectic, are serv
ing amidably together as a committee
appointed by the Connecticut Legisla
ture to draft a med-cal practice act.
—A boy aged fifteen years was ar
rested in York a few days ago on a
charge of sending obscene printing j
through the mails. Ho admitted his
guilt, but didn't seem to think he hail
committed a crime.
—The proposition to ennet a law to
pcrvent bribery and fraud at primary !
elections and nominating conventions
is wot thy the serious consideration of
our representatives at llarrisburg.—
Nov inlawn Herald.
—The Eastern Pennsylvania Ex
perimental Farm Ciub has arraigned
the State Agricultural College in Cen
ter County, for inefficiency, and asked
the Legislature to suspend the usual
annual appropriation.
—The firing session of the I'ine
Grove Normal Academy will begin
Tuesday, .March 29th, 1881. For
catalogues and journals, address the
principal, ISAAC C. KETTEB,
Wolf Creek, Pa.
—A drop in the railroad rates to San
Francisco can now be looked for,
Through trains ou?r the Atchison, To
peka and Santa Fe Railroad will com
mence running this week. The South- ]
west is likely to soon show itself.
—The beet-sugar factory at Frank,
lin, Mass. according to a late tel
egram. has failed to the financial loss
of many of the neighbor ng farmers to
whom the concern owwl $11,220 for
beets, out of a total inde tedness $25-
—Playing "pool for drinks" is ono of
the most devilish contrivances ever in
vented for the demoralization of youth,
and it is to be hoped that the bill before
the Legislature to break it up will be
promptly passed.— Srranlon Republi
—Lydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable
Compound will at all times, and under
all circumstances, act in harmony with
the laws that govern the female sys
tem. Address Mss Lydia E. Pinkham,
2.'lH Western Avenue' Lynn, Mass ,for
~Mr. dames A. Raney, nf Cross
Cut, Pa., has patented a sieve for
middlings purifiers, so constructed that
all parts of the sieve cloth will be
covered by the middlings, thus prevent
ing tho air blast from passing through
any uncovered portion of the sieve and
the consequent waste of line mid-
—Twenty-eight young lady num
bers of a city cookinrr club decided to
Lave a pot-luck banquet lately, each to
I secretly prepare and contribute a dish
on which she prided herself. The ban
i cjuet consisted of twenty-eight pans of
chocolate caramels.
—Eight thousand acres of land in
Lackawaxen township. Pike county,
this State, were sold bv the Sheriff a
few days since for sl3 000. When the
Erie Railway was in course of cons'rue
tion, the value of the same property
wase timated at S2OO 000.
—The Pennsylvania delegation in
Congress received a decided snub
They cannot complain, for they invited
rebuff in opposing the appointment of
MacVeaerh to the Attornev General
ship after the position had been ten
dered to bim and accepted by him.
—William and I' illmore Johnson
and Mat. llinchberger got live large
coons out of a large hollow oak tree on
the Bredin farm in Summit township
a few davs ; u;o. Tiiis beats "Devil"
.John Kennedy who sot three out of
a stump week b< fore last. Coon skins
are worth 50 cents apiece.
—At the late meeting of the stock- !
holders of the Building k Loan As
sociation of this p'acc. the old board of
dir< ctors were re-elected, with the ex- j
cep'ion of Frank Anderson, who is in
Colorado, and whose place was filled
by Joseph Kemper. The Associatijn
has over $3,000 in its treasury.
Bishop Simpson, of the M. E.
Church will be in Butler next Sunday
and preach in the morning in the M.
K. Church of this place. A special
train for the services will be run on
the narrow gauge road, and as the
church will likely be crowded persons
who wish scat should attend early
A clause in our State Constitu
tion prohibits discriminations by rail
road and other corporations with.n the
State, and we understand that our
State Legislature h.;s a bill bef re it
this winter, fixing proper penalties
for disregarding it. The penalties should
include imprisonment ns well as fines.
leadi g writers on the New York
Herald staff' who died the other day,
was formerly on the World staff, and
in the absence of Manton Marble wrote
the editorial, during the campaign of
1868, advising the withdrawcl of Gen
eral Blair from the Democratic ticket.
During the year HBO the Penn
sylvania 11. B. Co.'s receipts aggre
gated over seventy millions of dollars
or about $200,000 per day, on which
their profits amounted to over twenty
eight millions of dollajs. '1 he com
pany now controls about eight thou
sand miles of track, and employs about
fifty-thousand persons.
—A shipment of bulk grain was
made at St. Louis lately, consisting of
263,000 bushels of corn and 90,000
bushels of wheat, in barges, all towed
by one steamer. The grain is intended
for exportation, and will be reshipped
at New OrleanS". It in impossible for
the rail-oadsto compete with transpor
tation of this kind.
—The bill to divert one-half of the
revenue derived from the tax on the
capital stock of corporations from the
Sinking Fund to the General Fund
will greatly relieve the State Treasury.
If proper economy is observed in mak
ing appropriations it is possible that
no increase of taxation from other
sources will be necessary in order to
cart)' on the State Government.
—Another minister is in trouble about
the holy ki.-?H. Is it not about time for
reliirious people to see what the unre
generate long have seen, that saluta
tions with tho lip.-* are, to say the
least, disturbing to the reputation that
churches desire to maintain? If kis
sing is really a sanctimonious method
of greeting why do not the pastors
who practice it ever bestow their
labial attentions upon men ? - IC.r.
—The happiest perron in the coun
try on the 4th of March, |BBI, un
doubtedly was the ve icrable mother of
James A. Garfield ; and she had the
highest right to he. Left a widow
with her small children, who, with
herself, <vere quite dependent upon her
< wn exertions f>r support, she kept
her little ll'K'k together, and demon
strated, as have many other women
also, "what a woman can do."
—lsaac Wright, a prominent citizen
of Westminister, M<l., has received in
formation of the lynching of his son,
Frank J. Wright, about thirty years
of age, and of estimable character, in
Colorado, Some mules purchased by
young Wright had been stolen, a fact
of which he was unconscious, and a
vigilance committee, while in search of
the thief, overtook the posessor of the
property and banged him and his serv
Kverv member of the new Cabinet I
is married, Secretary Hunt, of the
Navy, having his fourth wife. Win
dom is the only Ohio man. Blaine,
dame* and Hunt were Whigs. Kirk
wood originally a Democrat, and Wi:i
dom and Lincoln consistent Republi
cans. Blaine is fifty-one years of age ;
Wind.an, fifty-four ; dames, fifty ; Mae-
Yeagh, forty-eight ; Kirk wood, s'xty
eight ; Lincoln thirty-seven ; Hunt,
—The principle of the bill favorably
reported lately in the Pennsylvania
Senate, allowing persons sustaining
damages on account of any mob or riot
to recover compensation from the coun
ty wherein such mob or riot occurred,
is clearly right, and the sooner it is put
Into the shape of the law the better,
livery county in the Commonwealth
should be made responsible f T the
preservation of the peace and the pro
tection of property within its borders.
Willi I 4 (I.
All kind.* <»f tfrain for wliii-h 1 will puy the
liiylicHl market price ili <u*li ni mv mill.
Kov. 8, 1 £BO, Hutli-r, I'H.
M K -nits. KI.V BROS Dm (JOISTS,
OWEOO, N. V—For the past time
winters 1 have been afflicted with Ca
tarrh and cold in the head. I applied
several remedies without good re.-ults.
, Last winter I used your Cream Balm,
and found it to accomplish all you rep
resented. T. F. MeCormiek" (Judge
Common Please). tilizuhcth N. J.
Aug. {3Bo—See Adv't.
Since the introduction of Fly's Cream
Balm my sales of it have daily in
i creased, and are unprecedented. 1
' confidently recommend it to a|l suffering
| from Catarrh or kindred diseases who
! call upon me, with that pleasure and
I confidence that u personal knowledge
of its curative powers afford G. H.
1 kirwau, Druggist, Wiilteelmrro, /'a.
ISutlejc Citi»jen : ©ukbe-K, P?s.,
—The unusu.il prevalence of small
pox the past Winter, has led to the es
tablishment in various localities of
vaccine farms where cows are kept for
the object of supplying physicians with
"points'' for vaccination purposes.
Very many people justly object to be
ing - vaccinated from virus of a fel
low mortal, as the mortal is most rare
—even if he exist ft all—who is en
tirely free from scrofulous taint in his
blood. Hut from the blood of a fine,
healthy J'cung cow one has little to
IM it Possihle.
that a remedy made of such common,
simple plants as Hops, Buchu' Man
drake, Dandelion, kc. : make so many
and such marvelous and wonderful
cuees as Hop Bitters do? It must be'
for when old and young, rich and i
poor; Pastor and Doctor, Lawy r and
Editor, all testify to having been cured
by thend we must believe and doubt
nh longer, See other column.— Pout. j
—Bovton, the paddler, in his ex- j
perieme as Peruvian torpedo man, al
leges that he had still more marvelous
adventures than those which Leset him
| when be used to encounter marine
| mons'ers in European rivers. At one
lime, hiding from the Chilians in a
: cave under a cliff, he found himself
among a throng of sea lions and seals,
and had to knock some of the latter
ovey the nose with his paddle. Get
ting out of that cave, he was "near be
ing shot full of holes," at Callao, by
the g< ard on the mole, but fortunately
was not hit at all.
~Wine i »r !ii vall K
The Port Grape Wine of New Jersey
is the best medicinal wine in the mar
ket, arid it is said that the vintage of
A. Sjieer far excellsanv other produced.
It is heavy in body, rich in flavor and
well adap'ed for sick persons and for
general family use. For sale by I>. 11.
—Governor Foster, of Ohio, Iris
just pardoned a ma:i named Ferdinand
Seitz. who was convicted of murder
twenty-five years ago and has been in
prison ever since. Seitz entered the
prison a uic:e stripling, but emerged
front it an old man He lias never seen
a railroad, and enters a different world
from the one he left to go to jail. He
has no relatives alive except his
mother, who is in Germany, ignorant
of her son's whereabouts or late.
Seitz has maintained his innocence of
the crime throuirh all these many years
The pardon was secured by one of the
jurors who convicted Seitz. This jury
man has agreed to give .him a home.
Without this promise, executive clem
ency would be of no Itenefit to the
How It n;is Done.
•'[low do you manatee," sai«l u lady to her
friend, "*o a|iji»nr «n happy Jin'! eoo l nature !
all the time?" ' J always have Parker'* tim
ber Tonic har.ily." ww the reply, "ami limn
easily keep myv !f ar.<t family in good health
When I B:II well I always fee! good Matured."
Her.} about it in another column.
SIA.—A dispatch from St. Petersburg
dated Marc!) 15, says: As the Empe.
ror was returning from a parade in !
Michel Manege, about two o'clock
Sunday afternoon, a bomb was thrown
tint and exploded under the Czar's car
riage, doing considerable damage to the
carriage. The Czar alighted unhurt,
but a second bomb exploded at his feet
shattering b »th legs bel w the knee
and inflicting other terrible injuries.
The Cz i* \v;:* immediately conveyed
in an uneir.se'ot!.'-' state to the Winter j
Palace, whtre I.e died at 4:HO this after-.
noon. 'I w i persons were concerned ;
in the crime, on:- of whom was seized
immediately. T!.c explosion also killed
an officer a: '1 two Cosseck*. Many po
licemen and other persons were in
I'rie. * i !i Qa ulx,
AT. Met*., go 'I white quilts,
at 25 cts. go-'-d taMe damask,
at ct- , good k dress silk,
at 50 els., '.rood ■■ adored silk-,
at 25 e'.s , ti> ;jl fold cashmere,
at 40 cts., all v. ol cashmere,
at 75 cts . n,<-'ii;:.'i: cashmero.
at 75 cts., brc< a 'e silks, at
—ln bidding good-bv to his lon'/ time
constituents in <i friend* at Warren,
Ohio, General '< 'I'VId said what ought
to bo read end heeded everywhere, ur;<!
we are glad to quote such words us
the.-e : 'I shall carry away from this
place one very h !inite picture in my
mind. It is of a group of men, and I
see some of theY fa -es in th's audience,
who, during my l ing term of public
service, hive n;»< r given a ?iign to me
that they had any personal wish to
gratify, except !•» see right principle*
prevail and go* d gi vernmeut mairitain
,.j] * * * Sow, if that company
of men whose I eadqnarters have l)een
in several pla • s of this district, but
notably in Wairen, could '«• reinforced
all over this country, that would be the
body of men o: y. hose shouhhrs and
in whose heart- I would find puch re.
liance and s:i confidence as would
make me fee! it possible to get
through tin! w : U assigned me.
Sol ion*.
At 5 cts., lad ' s hose,
at 5 cts., gents hose,
at 10 cts., I.ulcolored how.
New buttons, new cords, new tas
6pU, new laces, new collars, new lies,
new fringes, new ribbons, new gloves.
All the new things in early spring
goods, at
Rirrna It ALSTON'S.
(juite an (vi: n:ent was created in
town la-1 Kau-day bv the announce
ment that the; had struck oil at the
"Bald-ridge" .v< !l on the Smith
farm about five miles west of Butler.
The well wn.- e uumenced about three
tnont's :ig > ni. 1 its location was
termined by li; < s run from the Scrub
grass and old Greece City belts to a
point where l',.y crossed each other
which ha|iji(M il to be at or mar the
place mention* .i When they reached
the "third" *ai <! last Friday at a depth
of something <v< r 1,000 f< it, the v.< II
flowed soi* e oil at.d continues to flow
oil and saltwater whenever the tools
are drawn. Tlt y are still drilling and
intend going through the sand to see
how deep it is The deeper he sand
is the better the territory will be.
They are already in it ale ut twenty
fi <st. The sat 1 from this well is
rather fine, (w< fine to allow of it be
ing a good wt il, but i xperiet|(!c ha*
tiroyed thqt the lipid may l.u better
an;} poft|ver a icy feet away '| : hcre
i» no telling as yet whether or m»i this
wnl will be u rth pumping, but the
company seems to have faith in the
territory, as they have recorded all
their leases, and are tuking more.
—The of the commonwealth
verses William Gibson, and James
McClyinonds were tried yesterday.
Gibson was found guilty and recom
mended to the mercy of the Court, and
McClyinonds was acquitted, with pros
ecutor, A. 11. Smith, to pay costs.
f'arpeiM I »r Spring.
At 18 cts., best hemp carpet,
at 25 cts., good cottage carpet,
at o0 cts., good ingrain carpet,
at 35 cts., good rag carpet,
at 40 cts., fancy ingrain carpet.
! at 50 cts , extra heavy ingrain carpet,
at 00, 65. TO, 75, 80. 85, HO and SI.OO,
beautiful nasv styles in carpets,
at 25 cts., good floor oil cloth,
at 25 cts., good stair carpet.
Everything kept in a lirst-class car
pet house at less than city prices, at
—Now that costly stone lunatic
hospital at Danville has been partially
I destroyed by fire, and the question of
, rebuilding conies up for consideration,
! the time is ripe for a revisal of the j
I present policy ol the State. We have j
I enough hospitals already built for !
| restraining and confining incurable
I lunatics. We have no hospitals that
take on the air or have the quietude of
homes adapted to the cure of the in
sane. A proper expenditure of the
insurance money o:i the burned struc
ture would provide simpler and better
accommodations than those destroyed
for a larger number of unfortunates
afflicted with lunacy in its milder and
more harmless firms. It is a va.-t pity
that all our asylums should be made
prison houses because bolts and bars
are necessary in some cases.
Snnbnr.y i(adciiij.
The spring term will open Monday,
April 4th,":)t 2 P. M., and will con
tinue 13 weeks. Mrs 11. L. Dickson
has returned and taken charge Her
long experience, and thorough manner
of" teaching will be a consideration to
all thoughtful parents and patrons who
wish to secure the best instruction for
their children and wards. Boarding
or rooms can be secured at reasonable
rates. For further particulars address
Mrs H. L. Dickson, or (J. W. B. an,
Secretary of Board, Couhcrsville, Pa.
Same Spring IMlt'O*.
At 5 cents, good calicoes,
at 5 cents, bleached muslin,
at cents, best prints,
at (i| cts., soft finished bleached muslin
at cts., yard wide brown muslin,
at 6 j cts . all linen crash,
at c!s., heavy dark dress goods,
at S cts , dark grey suitings,
at 10 cts., new fancy dress goods,
at 15 cts.. double fold brocades,
at 1 "i cts., good jeans for prints,
at 15 cts., fine alpacas, at
—We are under oblig tions to Supt
McKee, fur a report of the State Su
perintendent of Public Instruction for
ISBO, and from it we learn tliat the
number of sellools in this county is
2(50; average number of month-*
taught, 5.77 ; tli- number of male
teachers in the county is 203; fcma'es,
171 ; average salary of m iles, $.50 78 ;
females, $25 12; number ol male schol
ars, ; female, #5.425; average
number of mills levied for school pur
pose, 587 ; total amount of tax for
school and building purposes, $63,0 58.
0'); state appropriation, $1(5,839 80;
total receipts, $-H,423.89 ; teachers
wages, $42,213 03; fuel, etc., s2'b
-143.31; total expenses. s7l,7jfifi.2!>;
districts. 49. Of the State appropria
tion Fairview township got the in ut,
$2,02-17 5, «n<l Franklin, (Inil.) the
least, $46." I.
The snow drifts ar • so heavy in
Cambria C"ijniy as to chjs • tit" roi'd-i
for miles In i \tc;if,
So fai' «» we have been able to learn
the !»< publicans of Krie county unani
in msly opprove the course of their
Representatives at llarrisburg in re
fusing to enter the regular can "|s ami
in manfully adhering to the policy of
resistance to the,mid. The Hopabllca n
of this county believed that tho situa
tion amply justified the action of the
independents, and that to compel a rec
ognition of the rights of all elements of
the party would, instead of causing a
permanent division, solidify the pirty
and make it str >ng< r and more inviitcl
bie th.iri ever. The K'publicans of
Krie county are satisfied with the out
come of the independent movements.—
Krie lUxj'Citi h.
Pcaeousfield's new novel Kndym
iori lias disappointed the ejftravag i:it
expectations of his publishers, wh ) find
themselves sls 000 out of pocket, al
though they hope to balance the account
by issuing a cheaper edition. If the
imaginative Pr< mii r hud dropped a few
Kastern serpents into his basket of
stale fish, his reappear me in the role
of romance-writer would have been
more remunerative fop the bookimikcrs.
A m'T'cans cannot fail lo MM Lie u note ot
the fact that I'Jngli-h readers have not
been allowed to si o a el,cap editien of
this work. If Kngli.-h pii'ilisher.s con
trolled the American trade under such
an International copyright law as they
j have been clamoring for these many
years, readers wh > could not afford to
buy rxp; n.-ive three-volume editions
would ha ve to \v:«it until public it;tci.
est in the \yor|; l.ipl liied out.
Wi I r s-. rsjn>e i: 1 astit ll I<>.
Thursday and Friday of last week,
were examination days in the Withcr
spoon In tilute. It was our privilege
to !:(' present a p.ij't of the time. Pro
fessor Bancroft and Tintsman, with
their students, seemed to be ready for
the work before them.
Kvery opportunity was given visi
tor- to test the knowledge of the stu
dents. pertaining to their particular
studies. Every test (pie tion was fairly
m< t and properly dispose I of in a man
ner <| uit«• gratifying to vivjqiv
Ht-*V till ii : putt d points by the ad
vanced ehl ii| and the < J i
iit Mnglia'.t Urammar, were submitted
to the Judgment of visitor.-. These
were disposed of, We believe to the sat
isfaeiioii of all." The study of (jerimin
bus become ijiiite a feature in the insti
tution. Two classes were examined
in (jlcnnan. The advanced eft ti ~,n-la
la ted parts of Schiller's Williclm Tell.
The translation- were characterized by
a correctit'e.-s and rapidity seldom met
with. The class of lieginners did ver\
well liotli cla--cs evinced 11{«-
that the -Ijjdv (,f (,c|!ii;,n
aj; ac^oni|i|::-hinent, i>:it <,t practical
to t item.
It is notour purjiose (u pwticuhtiiti
other Htudits in which the Students
were examined; suffice it to say, how
ever, that the examinations through'.n*.
so far as we nre able to judge from
what we heard, wore nil that the friends
and patrons if tlie school could reason
ably demand.
It shoul 1 IK- a matter of no small de
gree of pleasure to our citizens, that
there is an institution of so great effi
ciency in our midst. May we not fond
ly hope that old Withorspooii Institute
will regain for'r.er renown and take
rank anions the first institutions of ed
ucational facilities in the State. *
Graad Jury I'rowwiiiigs.
' T::*'K P. ILLS.— A. Marks ft al., conspiring to
I defraud ; also. fi-r assigning proj»erty. I!. I'ar-
I ker ct al., larceny. Wui. 11. Whit?, murder.
A. K. Stoughton, for larceny as c-l« rk and by
cniplevt •*. John A. 11:ir 1 in_r. selling liijaor, 2
; bilk. ' Mary MeOill, F. mad B. W. If. Lynch,
i selling iifl'iir, 'J bills. E. A. McCoy and Jolin
J Ram -;.*, larceny. I!. 11. Clark, F. and 15. 11.
Crawlerd, perjury. S. M. Thompson, larceny
by bailee and as dark, J bills. .lames M. I.y
iii >n !fake pretence Wm. Gibson, assault
with :nt.-nt to oni.-nit rape. Win Smith, iur-
J c ny. Gen. Young, seduction. Henry Beltz, j
assault with intent to kill. John FieJerick 1
and Clara Brink keeping bawdy honse. John I
River- t'.-r refusing a legal vote, -! Mils. I».
Denny, for .arae offence, 4 bills. John Minii.-
j L'er, larceny, bills. Tlios. Scclile. Jr., selling
j liquor to minors without license and keeping a
(lis >rder!y house, 3 biiis.
BILLS IUXORED. John an.! A ism Mininarer
for l.oeeny. J. <\ Brandon for adultery and
bistardv. 11. Wiehl for asault. Peter .Staff,
selling liquor en Sunday.
' ottrl \<IUH.
Peter Staff, for selling liquor and keeping a
gamoling hnise. plead nol. contendere and sen
tenced to pay a tine of .--200 and eo-t.j.
It. Purl er and C. Milliard for larceny, the
indictment was qnashe l.
Tlic rj-i- of W. 11. White, for murder, was on
in I'ion. continued. (T.as. Smith, of Donegal
township, claimed the reward for his arrest.
Miehacl For.j'i r for as.ault and battery on
Jas. Poughitly, a nol. pro-, was allowed.
John A. Harding, for selling liquor, a nol.
pros, was granted payment of costs.
A eomaii- ion< i was aj;punled to inquire in
to and repott on the lunacy of Cynthia Work
man ; also, of Caroline Hendricks »:i, of Mercer
Joseph Polish-riy vs Samuel Fry is an ap
p .1 fr mi E-.j. Walker, entered by the defend
•Joseph RoeVensiein was appointed guardian
of Dominie Boelieiistcin, Jr.
I,:ft'ciy.es (iii allied.
Butlerboreugh—Tavern : Henry Eiti nmiller,
A lex. I.rovry, (lias. Boyle J. J. Feidler, (j. W.
Campbell. Restaurant, (j. J. Smith Jordan
Evth •. Merchant, <ieo. it J. Reiber.
Sax I'i'jurg —Tavern, K. F. Mudcr, Jos. Ivol.n
fclder, Francis Lauhe.
Saxon Station—Tuvi ni: ("has. Phabe.
Petrol in • Tavern: lid. O'Donell, \\\ 11. Jel
lison, Jus. I. Clark, John Is.
chant, Jas. Morrison, " »
Kama t ty—Tavern, J. A. Richer, John Me
G u i re.
Fairview borough—Tavern, Ja-. A. Wilson,
\V. C. Adams.
Millerstown -Tavern, 11. Lockhart, Johnson
& < ainpbell.
Middle Lancaster—Tavern, Win. Wahl.
Z< ii«nop!c—Tavern. 11. Siokey, James Oes
teri ng, Jacob Shelly. Merchant, lion. Stahl.
Ham; ny —Tavern, Jau -b ICyle. Merchant,
I - aac Shonta.
Eva:c hnra —Tavern, Wm. Duncan.
Jackson t >wnshij»—Tavern; J. X. Miller, Ja
cob Feidler, Jr.
Great Belt—Tavern, M. Shields.
Delano Tavern, Lewis Weidhnns.
Carbon Centre -Tavern, N'eni Blimey.
( ovle-ville—Tavern, M. J. Mcßride.
St J'IC -Tavern, Joseph Reith.
Summit —Tavern, Albert Smith.
Clearfield township —M 'reliant. Win. M'Crca.
Oakland township—Tavern, Abram Flick.
Mn ri!!"'s Smiles.
The following pro;i 'r:ie") were sold by Sheriff
Hoffman last week ;
All the right, title and interest of Matthew j
Forqne • in 71• acres in Donegal to Owen Brady
for .S-'/iiKi,
Of G. 11. N'csbit in land in Fairvi w township
to Win. Pollock and Jas. Mo.-grova for *1,0.7.).
Of sii'iie in land in 'onc.rd township to same
for 210.
Ofs: !De in -4 piece, in Fairview I'.wmhip to
Mine for ■ 91.1, . ild.'i at d >9O.
< >1 same in 'Jo acres in Fairview tow nship to
R. 11. Green for f 1 ft and on.- well for 177.
Of same in land in Petr.iiia borough to R. S.
Green for -'Jo. 7-I.
' :: in le m-!I >i 1, j» i:-t if M -Djr.n >lt farm,
t > i' dloek i i I M ! lor Jt i (
Of SO'OIUOII \liiert in 'i t noiei in Franklin
tow to W. II- June* ti.r 51,2'»1.
Of i-'raneii ' onlry in 11!" aer j in Centre twp.
to 11 ihert (iailev lor St>
Of V," M. A bran:- in 'so nere in Petrolin and
Fairview I'«enhip to J .s. Meßlrov for .-•'! l C."i.i.
Of S. 11. Il.ini !to:i in i tic acre in Fairview
township to t«. W. Wiles for ..'o.
O; Rol ert Alien in ! .nil in Brady and Worth
to ("has. Met tlti heon .»0,0 'O.
Of , :.!(• in land in Bradv to >:.n:c for o,o'in
Of sanii- in land HI Fiani.lin !.*> »»nic fi.r •
Oft;. C Conway n land in < urc'-rd tot;. 11.
vir.iliant for S-'I.Wrl
<i. \V*. I". Itall In lot h. Sunbury to W. II
Colbert for r«.
(»i' John '.i:. 1:; v i:; hind in Cherry to Rus
sell for I'.
Of John I'lake nan in l.tn l in Wi :i -Id to W.
,S. Ifovd for .-I i.
Of Thos arid lerus'i i (}arycv in |(!0 fteros in
C*-111:i-'j«i:-■ j ■ ,i,*|o ttt J(. p. Hco/t for
.J'ilin M, T(...Hl:'s' 0 111 lend in .-uinniit to
C. Walker for -1 o.
Of Peter Ilntcliison in land in Parker town- j
shin to J. 11. Waßcr for si ".
O,'s.::ne in hand in I'-irUer t*j> to .-. une, 'it.
< if sun.* in l.: i I ia Parker t.v ] i to sioiie, •• i.
Of ;-anie in hei 1 in Allegheny IW|« to Kamu,
Of ~.-.no In In ill in Parlor t vj> In - MIII*.
()." Hi, Mat I* 1 •:■.*.»!•.» i-i "S i ij-.H i:i «>'i -rrjr ti
.1 I). Mt'.limUin • r .-* : (»n,
(>i ill Iniiif in WitsJiln -f«>n i,n<l <'ltc:iy
to./. .V. I'urvlHiice, ."Vi.
ill (i. \Az.-i in ?ii is <• aaJ I».l ia l!uilcr to !!.
A I/. A."iso'n, ■ oi.
Of W. I>. McCuml!. • • i:i 1 I acn -• in ''• 111r,
t > W. I>. Pi»rt<'r, • ?,(l '.
Of-anx- ei part •;!'N-iiion.il !>anU in
Hu'! -r t . f !)a!ly :.a«l ' \V !»-r for ?'. ).
<> fiai • .a l.ei t ti Mlijipiiryroak I" \V. I'.
P. rtcr, ■ ti'i.
Of •; [»<• In I.hi i !:i .lllpji rjn»uk to \V. !•
Poller, 4 J'i.l.
of minie in !uml in Marion to It. I\ Seott,
Siiitfi-r Slniiafai-fnring ('■ , f"r •J\
Of (iiiliri'-l nllll A-iiia l.izel in IK II C an I lot
in !'nl : cr to I'.utler Saving* for .. I
All otlinr ]>i"ce< vvcr. st.ivcl or returned,
—Tie: \Vc~t minuter Keview for .fan.
Har v, ii;|.i'intti i i.y ill-- i.t> oiar.t Huoit I'ubSi-ll
ia.f Co., i!ar.:lny St., N V., « iu|il.-t.M tliu |in -.
out <|H4riiir o' die lour H«vi««vi -o -
nm •! liy the aliove-Illcllt oueil Ii lis-. N''lw:tli
•t I a.' liu) i i in|M-i'tif aof humeri r. oilier |« •
ri 'lii-ulliotli foreign ami <lo:n *st:e, we have
ri-i-oi I i be!ie Vl* thuf t)ie»e nil.* Ilevii-w- -ti I
le>!il a |tr'iii' i-nt |> —• t• n HI ti.e wi.rlil of liter
ature, irom tli ir iatriiinic Worth, as well us
fr >?u tie low priee »f-iih.i-rijilion. Wecaunol
HU -1 a:iv lii-tti r nuth ir'.i) to which n-'uh-Hi
in ty turn for ar; •ord of l!;ti I- i-llier v-it n • "ii
all si<li'< of til., tail.. i,*.»i ■of «!. •■ 'lav. 'l ie-
Conji :,t si »I.M p.-.- IIUI.I.H'I", wllieli in mi un
it I i.lt\ 'oil one, Mil* an f. 110-.v- : "Tin; I'ro'.re*-
of Shi|i-htli! )i HI; 111 Kiu'!ii:EL"'l'lat > a- a fte
fumier;" The Kiirly Hi turv of f'liarh-v .laiil.h
l-'ox ?" 'Tin* IrNli 1.-i.-i I "Tin? Sel
ene- of ftihtorv"Af^li-eii- t in;" "Hinietit'li-in
an I thf I ■'inane—i of tteli-i;" (i t ear
I' ■! i-iinl lvn|.trc;" "< IOIH .. iry F .iteniture."
\\'is t -1»Iiv r •-. > ntueti'f a p.-ru ill of tin
fclalt irate 111 tie'.e oil t!iu "Seienee of History,"
»hieh, eikia ' for its t-xt |ira;ier'< lljstor) of
I I.- Intellectual I)evelo|H*l|!'-t;t «lf ian Ope. KI ek -
to jjlv.i ftn an >ei* I > the fj-u-ition : "IK !l:-tory
nn i x-iet Seienee ?"
The p.rri.i lieals r«e in'eil hy the Leou inl
Seott I'uMi.' in ; Co. (II Iturelav Street, V. \ )
»r -:u follow*: T><- I.nn>lut <> firt ;•/«/, Kt .i
--biirf't, ll' ..i •'. / ill llrt .'i Q nf'f •/// //- -
rir ri 11. I'.l'l /. r 1.1 I'r. }f uj : :ine. I'riee, I a
year lor aty ->n», or o i'y > for nil, ,i iij thu
[>> til.- - I- I t'Jiai I l y I'le P.i|»>!i:,t»e.r.«',
Tli:- I/lciMq it -t olitOoii,
(it vi;i t: ot 11 aI: '1 l.i-i vi rv n ••lmVuUfi)
« liter; i-eto in i ! .e ►iif-'l (it »« ie» to iui-.li
jt.4 frir!i-b at.'l linei-iint lis c-. n.e-H, lt> ;'f*:.!ly
I'ie.e i |.ro;e. tioiii have eomji-lleil l!.e re
in ival oi its hi iel | .a: t.-r-i from l!<e I rihtiae
B'.l.liliim to to- very liiige and tie iiitiful huild*
injr, No. 71 Br< adway, wtreh i- in the very
miit-l of the 1 I look ili-i.-ie.t" of New \ orl 1 i;_,
ttud, therefor-, of the pnM ' I-OJI i-jo-i-e of
the II itiiia. TLi- v-iil-t li/. though six ftories
'l'i te.-t Iront an I IMI feet dei [i, is
suflie eiit only lor tl.e t'o:i {lanv. The iti uiu
t.n tlir:n< is . arr i-d on in n*Vi nil buildings
loeatud in oilier pari i 'if fhe eity, thoinjli it is
contemplated (•nneeijt : tin.' them vioo | t(
inen --i-i fiietory to be <•",
Tl.eir !; v : reeenf aii'l « ! aily
pulili'-atiol.s i !'.* i-\lr 111 1} illterestltll{ to nil
v,i enjoy V. li.it is elioiee-.t in I'.li .ature. The
Library .Matri/,iti« i- un'ipie in both fori a «|itl
i-:.aiae|.*r ami f I' liii'ltf-.d i»< ib" lioh.
n ii of it - e-o!\tejj •. (if tli Imnkn iiiinoune d,
~ ... ii*4 .r 'if a irv ■ t'a • K l<ii ih Pus
p'e," r.-.laee I from ; l l I-• I ; < 'arlyle'* "Ui*-
t iry o!'the Freneh It-v..'at' i-i " r-1 ie- I f i I ■
eei:t-; t'nr'yle'- ' II"ro • mil Hero Wi:r liij.,"
. c.lil# liotl (be ' tr«• .*: i*.| 'J . I.lllll'lll,"
wh'.'i ' [ r011..-1 1 to la* t .iiiufiicture l with
rajiitlny hereto ore nulonid 01, will aitrnet
si>«'<*ittl uttuutfou. ft is worth wuifa for every
3Katxl? Ifjc, 1881.
l! £Go to CHARLES R. GRIEB'S for '? I
< s td 1 w
x HAND- 4 f
Jj £ __ ; CHIEFS, 5 g
5] I V rcs I ►
|j >- COLLARS,; CUFFS, j NECK WEAR, &c.,&c., § E
I' \ |
#1 v ' < - - i HiXrlfe
p 'jy-' & - - 'A A
THIAI- fciw Prttt tIPWIAL C H UT_2ii(l MO\!) iV OF 4PRIL. ll(li «layT
A"--, term. Yr. Ptaintift Attomrf. Ptamtifk. Dtftndaitit. ~ ~ Dffimdune* Attorney.
A. D. 20 June 1880 Thompson A Scott James McKlroy W C Aude.-wm et al. J I) MeJunkin.
1:1 ' ,w ' r Pnrviance. lalward Uarilner Allison Thompson et al. Campbell.
< . i*. 'ui;e .Su.liv ui 1 ros. I>avi<i Hunter James S W ilsou, adin'r Christie.
r e * >r , " I*rceport Plaining Mill Company John Johnston Williams.
;V, r> ' y V" 0- r f." tr ; 'V, Margaret F Patterson* " Jacob Emn.el Thompson & Scott.
( • }- i:mi:.H il James Kearns Butler Water Company Brandon.
,:sI ' Sullivan Bros. Graff, Hughes &Co W M Martin Brandon.
.I'l I Itcmpson <x >eott. Kerr, Geitl-r & Co T W Evans -Mitchell.
" 4 ; : i " *' 'i'l'''e:psnn & Scott. Sample Love ct ux. l'etcr Gallagher et nx. IJ. D. M'j. and Mitchell.
l 'f . (i it'-biiisou. Lowii an Shearer Win I!ry.son Pttrviance.
- o 1 w.r. James \ augim M K Paine Thompson & Scott.
;; ; 4 (( Snllivan Bros. A MJC. Tugh Collins I njted Pipe Line . Miller a«l Brandon.
1 huluxan Bros. &M C. Llizabcth (. olhns i nited I'ijie Line i Miller and Brandon,
ol March 1880 van Bros. il A Mardorf et ux. Patrick Kelly Miller,
"'j '' " AJJtc-hell. Henry Kncpp F A Kdmomis Mc<^uistion.
Marshall rnd Greer. Andrew Blakeley Robert McCandless et nx. Brandon.
' s !> ' ' MeC., Greer and MeQ. Kennedy Marshall, committee W A Lewis et al. Pnrvisnce
'V? , " " i',''*"." 1 „ James 1' Campbell A J Jack |J. D. MeJunkin.
.1 June 1 liompf-on John ( Anderson James Robinson Cunningham <fc Black Bros
Brandon. Mary M McCandlesa Isaac Blakeiev ct al. T. A S. and Marshall.
40 ritomp-en & ticott. \\ 111 Anderson, ex'r. Jarres Anderson. Marshall.
I'l " '' Thompson & t-cott. C Scott Hugh Collins I Sullivan Bros.
' S'T* Mitchc.l. Borough Millerstown S I McKee et nl. ' Mcßrideet al.
Mar. 11. IBSL \ lil>Si;i.|,, TlllhlfUlJ
il w!io has not already s-eu it; to send anJ
et the Illustrated pamphlet. "Book Making,
nd Type Setting by Stea o," which will be sent
ree nj»ou application. Address, the American
Book Exchange' 7'H Uroadway, New York.
> ; : ; T:I, 3b:".)
In IJlnck nnd Cnlorp.
Rcnmleta Kid Gloves.
Kid (Jlovos (if dillerent kinds.
Cashmere (Jloves, Lisle Thread
Gloves nnd IJerlin (Jloves.
You will litsd a large assortment to
select from
Kxtra value in lilaek and Colored
Black Silks and ull kinds of dress
Notion and Trim mint? stock ccni
Vou will find my sto<k large and
prices low.
Please call and examine.
Main Street. Butler, I'a ,
LEV TON. —.\ rraiigcim-ists have been
mudo to hold ii joint Teachers Con
vention at Kinlenton, I'M., April Ist
and 2ii<!, embracing V( nango, Hutler,
Clarion ami Armstrong e< unties. The
!<-:H:: edtteetors of the four counties
will be invited to be present, many of
whom have already •><■« n placed on
programme, which will bo published
next »vci k. Space will ii'it permit us
to menlion the names of many who
have consented to be present and take
part in the exercises. The subjects to
l>e disciic.-e 1 will lie practical and of
interest to every school teacher, direc
tor and parent, and all sire invited to
be present and participate in the dis
ci .-ions. On Friday evening two
lectures will be delivered. The first
by Supt. S. 11. I'rathcr, of Venango
county, and the second l>y Supt A S.
Davis, of Clirion county, Tlie sub
ject ul the tlrst is "Kdueation," of the
y> eoiid "ICducational Kxhibits at Agri
cultural Fairs." A pleasant ami pro
fitable meeting is expected, and all
friends of education are cordially in
vited to at tend
The Xt w Bethlehem (Clarion
county) I 'iinlirptor savs: "A short
time »lnce tome if tlx- miners in the
cial bjwki at ('olwell's Furnace were
frightened half to death bv hearing
strange sounds issuing from one of the
rooms, which they thought were made
by a wild cut, panther, or some other
dan .erous animal and when they espied
its glittering eyes approaching them a
genera! stampede ensued. The belief
that it was ie>mo dangerous an mal
ii re. vv jo l ong that not one them
would venture into the bank and in it
ters became s<j desperate that we
understands Mr Wilson, the maiiagcr
o? the furnace, oH'i red a reward of one
hundred dollars for the capture of the
i!!|i:tu<l. u hieh i Ifer stimulating them,
some of the more courageous set a trap
tor his catship, and on Monday night
their ell ;r's were crowned with suc
tion. The news spread like wild-lire,
and the men from far ami near, hurried
to the bunk to sec I lie captured animal
brought from the mines. The excite
ment ran high when half a d'»*cn m'it,
arm* d with pistol*, feu!yc*. etc., entered
the mint!, und imagine tlieir chagrin
and disappointment when they brought
forth the captured 'anlmile,' which
proved to be nothing more then a net
cut, thai had followed one of the mi
ners into the bank and ould not find
its wuy out."
\ ( aril.
T" '»• wli'i fire riiils • 11nir iroiii tin* error* und
h,itu cii iitiiiH ' J \«ti It, ni'ivt u» wmkiit M, enrly
ilimv, ot IN 11LI< «. <V«* I * ill HI-IKI U re
iij lllal wlii i ire \OU, HCI K OF (!ll.\Kl«)C
Tli'.- M u»< i'y <»* (U-coviTi *1 ' X •» lui*-
n Vilot »• l,t v. 4 ' • I'll lliltiilll, Station If,
w X IH I 1 lI.V.
Wlwrean lottor<*. ttw|4i»r»iil'»ry liav« boon
crated V' ihp «•<! <n (ho ctttln of
.J Mfiford, latn of AIJ«kIh ny township.
I'nt?< r count ?. I'n.. DTE'd nil |>«'|>OllH knowing
tlicniwlve ln'lfhlM'l to r-»ti I ♦•-t »to will pi -;umi
TTl like | LUMIJIT P«l\lU(iif ( /u.-l AII> H&VTFIK cluimM
the iHfic wnl i»re rut t» « wwne duly
authenticatei\ to the umil tMfctie I f-.r nettle mcnt.
J. I'. Mll.K 'IiL)
T. J. Mll •'(fill),
PnikcirN liinding I*oof. f l'*,
Subbcribe for the Ciiiajsa.
>L /V Ii CII Ist, 1881.
Special Bargain, One Lot, 10 Pieces
Fxha quality and delicate shades, clear and fresh, at the
Remarkable piice of 45 cts., worth 75c to $1 per yard.
C'liolee New I'laids.
Clioiee New Home SIM. 11 Checks,
rlioiee N'ew S.'oeuinettes.
All 42 to 4« inch goods at T."ie- to ?l per yaril.
One case l-Alr:i Value and Kxtra Wide, 46-incli
Special Bargains.
Colored l'rcueh t'asliineres,
37'/ic, Wc and 02' 5 c up.
<>n Sale To-;lay,
100 pieces Ii Inch Rlack Casiiniere, at CSV4c up
an I'nusuiU Hariraln.
4G-ineh Black Cashmeres, at flf>c and SI .on.
Quadrilles, f>nkka Crepes. Annan's, Jersey Cords,
Itroeadcd silk Cashmeres.
Choice Lines lies* Makes Mourning Goods.
Crepes and Crepe Veils. Shawls. &e.
One case Double I-'o.d American Black Kepps.at
15c, for School Suits, Wiapjiers, &e., a
great hantaln and real vidua 25c.
118 and I'2o Federal Street. .Alleelienv.
N. It. Special Him' prices at retail or liy the or package on Domestic and Housekeeping Dry
Go il«. IJneii ••., Towels and Napkins. Very s[ie-.-ial bargains in Quilts ami Blankets.
Jefferson St,, Butler, Pa.
All the Flour made by the New ProceßS n.ml sold as low as per
Hark, and up to frl 7«"» per sack. Also, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour, and
bolted ami unbolted Corn Meal.
All kinds of Feed—Chop, Bran, Corn, Oats and all kinds of Mill Feed.
All kinds oftfiain bought at Store or Mill, and Highest Cash Price Paid.
Custom Work done at Mill by the New Process Machinery and prists
warranted to be equal in quantity and quality to those groui'd anywhere else.
Greorge Keiber, Sr.
I). L, (Iceland,
CA~ Pino Watch and Clook repairing a speci
aliiy All work wanvntod.
Store between Waller's l)riiK store and Ilutler
Savin's Itiniii, M tin street, Butler. l'a.
rim Spring Tel m of the Select School at
White O'k Springs, Butler county, »'a., will be
gin Apnl 4. I KM., a"d oouti"Ue <2 weeks.
'I EII.MS t—' 'omuion branches « i>er t"rm ;
Advanced slu lien #i> an I tS p.?r term.
For p rlioulars address the Principal.
ft. O I>./I»DS, A. B„
Mt. Chettnut, Butler <"o. P.i.
A good four-room frame house, two town lots
M II connected, ritnate iu Petersvillc; Butler Oo ,
Pa ,i» for sale. Possesion ou tirat of April next
For terms address the undersigned at iinnio
i v, lintler < 0.. Pa,
' jun'. J: 'ttt ItUDOLF JSAKNIIABT.
Only S2O
,or «h" • «r rnu,Ai»iti.rni*
r--^—NIMIKH. t.'iua! iuan> t mill
l O'.iir!".*!. 7i» inruthiT, u*r *rlifi
fi. ,' t , IrJy il lo b-t-XHMitntl br/'orr t/oi
ktTlcAlVrcAiiipaniM retail f< r$C .
Ha viA > >« Ar». for our Illu«iiMt<4 (
f c» Inr amt «
sjX A tilAltl.t.H ,t. UMOtl it CO.,
17 «. Tealh St, H
lll.MtV ii. 114 1.11.
Filtvburgh, l'a,
Two lots Kxtra Choice Black Satin Damasses,
laijje elegant desl(tns. at 92 2A and T*i per yard,
that are fully tH) i ents per yard less than usual
market value.
Large line Satin Damasses, al SI.OO, $1.25 and
Blacks and Colors.
< oloreil Silk *. .iT'ic cents up.
Black Silks, of best known makes. Including the
celebrated Bonnet Goods.
I.arge lot Ladies' Muslin Underwear, of sujierior
st.v'e and finish, and at bargain prices.
Ladles" Cnlaundried Musliu Chemises, on coun
ter tit :io cents each.
Choice line Itrldal Sets, 81.00 to $20.00 each.
New Ilonllon or Irish Point Kmbrolderles.
New Veidenla (Lace Kilge> Kmliroideries.
New Haiiiburgs—treat bargains.
New Swiss mid Nainsook Kmbrolderles.
New White Goods and Figured Swisses.
For Sale or Exchange for a Farm.
Three acrm of laud, Urge house, store room
•ml hull above, and stable and out-buildings six
n ilea from Butler, on the Glade Mill and Han
nalist wn road at Jefferson Centre. Young or
chard of good fruit thereon. Any peruou want
ing to pnrcblM or exchange for a farm will in
quire at OiriZKN offlco, or address
Saxon burg, Butler county, Pa.
*5 will Imy a one-ball Interest In a (rood bus
iness in Pillahurirh. One who knows some
tlilng about farming preferred. An honest man
with the above amount will do well to addreaa
t»y letter. SMITH JOHNS, care 8. M. James,
let Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. |au27-ly
i:\(>ruior , N \otloe.
Letters tertamentary having been granted to
the undersigned on the estate of Martha E.
Boenl];h lam of Wintield t iwnijlup, Ilutler 00.,
Ph., deceased, all persons knowing themselves
Indebted to paid estate will pleaso make pay
ment and any having claims agtinst said ostst*
wiil pr. sent them duly authenticated for pay
ment. O. 0. BOENIGH. Ex'r.
Harver Station. Butler Oo . P».
l']X4H'llfor*K XofitU*.
Letters tcstimcnlury In the estate of John
Garrard, dee'd, la'e of Centre township, Butler
county, l*n , liavli g been granted to the under
sluned all person* knownlng themselves In
debted to said estate will please make itnmcdl
ate payment aud any havlnt; claims against
► lid estate will present thein duly autlientlcat
ed for payment. IIBNKT BKIOIIT, Ex'r.
Ml. Chestnut, Duller county, I*a.
I.fcr::c numVr ot Fai ms for sale or rxebango
at low pries and on ewy payments, several
small l.irma Irom 35 lo AO acres wamel. Also,
loans famished to tarmera liavln*; improved
farms on long tlnic ai d ><t low r .tes. Addreaa
\V. J. Kle'K ADDKN, IF fee port, Pa.,
Or cull pi Office d ij-a: Every Monday -it
Freepoit. Every Tuesday ut N:t. tK), Fourth
Avenue, Pittsburgh,
KxrcultirV Police.
tetters tea!linentsry with the win annexed
having been grunted to the undersigned on thn
estate ol Thomas E. V.iudlke. dee'd, late of
Marlon township. Hi.tier county, Pa , all per
sons knowing themselves Indebted lo aald es
tate will pleit*e make immediate payment and
any having claims aarilnM said estate will pre
sent ihciu duly suihenil' utcil lor payment.
Muirlusvlllc, Butler eoouiy, Ptu