MR. J. H. Biirs. Newspaper Adverti-mz Agent. 41 Park ltow (Timet. BUII.IIUK). New Vork, ie anthonzed to*ct for advert i*c uic:.tH in the CITIZEN. THIS PAPEE SE&BTS' - • \rw IdTrrttHcmrr IN. Tlerhaline Syrup. North Wachineton Academy. Trial Lint for April Term of Court. ANr support, she kept her little ll'K'k together, and demon strated, as have many other women also, "what a woman can do." —lsaac Wright, a prominent citizen of Westminister, M. 11. Wuller. —Governor Foster, of Ohio, Iris just pardoned a ma:i named Ferdinand Seitz. who was convicted of murder twenty-five years ago and has been in prison ever since. Seitz entered the prison a uic:e stripling, but emerged front it an old man He lias never seen a railroad, and enters a different world from the one he left to go to jail. He has no relatives alive except his mother, who is in Germany, ignorant of her son's whereabouts or late. Seitz has maintained his innocence of the crime throuirh all these many years The pardon was secured by one of the jurors who convicted Seitz. This jury man has agreed to give .him a home. Without this promise, executive clem ency would be of no Itenefit to the man. How It n;is Done. •'[low do you manatee," sai«l u lady to her friend, "*o a|iji»nr «n happy Jin'! eoo l nature ! all the time?" ' J always have Parker'* tim ber Tonic har.ily." ww the reply, "ami limn easily keep myv !f ar. ;jl fold cashmere, at 40 cts., all v. ol cashmere, at 75 cts . n,<-'ii;:.'i: cashmero. at 75 cts., brc< a 'e silks, at KrrrEit A RAI.STOS'S. —ln bidding good-bv to his lon'/ time constituents in ni. 1 its location was termined by li; < s run from the Scrub grass and old Greece City belts to a point where l',.y crossed each other which ha|iji(M il to be at or mar the place mention* .i When they reached the "third" *ai ; districts. 49. Of the State appropria tion Fairview township got the in ut, $2,02-17 5, «nng< r and more inviitcl bie th.iri ever. The K'publicans of Krie county are satisfied with the out come of the independent movements.— Krie lUxj'Citi h. Pcaeousfield's new novel Kndym iori lias disappointed the ejftravag i:it expectations of his publishers, wh ) find themselves sls 000 out of pocket, al though they hope to balance the account by issuing a cheaper edition. If the imaginative Pr< mii r hud dropped a few Kastern serpents into his basket of stale fish, his reappear me in the role of romance-writer would have been more remunerative fop the bookimikcrs. A m'T'cans cannot fail lo MM Lie u note ot the fact that I'Jngli-h readers have not been allowed to si o a el,cap editien of this work. If Kngli.-h pii'ilisher.s con trolled the American trade under such an International copyright law as they j have been clamoring for these many years, readers wh > could not afford to buy rxp; n.-ive three-volume editions would ha ve to \v:«it until public it;tci. est in the \yor|; l.ipl liied out. Wi I r s-. rsjn>e i: 1 astit ll I<>. Thursday and Friday of last week, were examination days in the Withcr spoon In tilute. It was our privilege to !:(' present a p.ij't of the time. Pro fessor Bancroft and Tintsman, with their students, seemed to be ready for the work before them. Kvery opportunity was given visi tor- to test the knowledge of the stu dents. pertaining to their particular studies. Every test (pie tion was fairly m< t and properly dispose I of in a man ner <| uit«• gratifying to vivjqiv Ht-*V till ii : putt d points by the ad vanced ehl ii| and the < J i iit Mnglia'.t Urammar, were submitted to the Judgment of visitor.-. These were disposed of, We believe to the sat isfaeiioii of all." The study of (jerimin bus become ijiiite a feature in the insti tution. Two classes were examined in (jlcnnan. The advanced eft ti ~,n-la la ted parts of Schiller's Williclm Tell. The translation- were characterized by a correctit'e.-s and rapidity seldom met with. The class of lieginners did ver\ well liotli cla--cs evinced 11{«- that the -Ijjdv (,f (,c|!ii;,n aj; ac^oni|i|::-hinent, i>:it <,t practical to t item. It is notour purjiose (u pwticuhtiiti other Htudits in which the Students were examined; suffice it to say, how ever, that the examinations through'.n*. so far as we nre able to judge from what we heard, wore nil that the friends and patrons if tlie school could reason ably demand. It shoul 1 IK- a matter of no small de gree of pleasure to our citizens, that there is an institution of so great effi ciency in our midst. May we not fond ly hope that old Withorspooii Institute will regain for' renown and take rank anions the first institutions of ed ucational facilities in the State. * Graad Jury I'rowwiiiigs. ' T::*'K P. ILLS.— A. Marks ft al., conspiring to I defraud ; also. fi-r assigning proj»erty. I!. I'ar- I ker ct al., larceny. Wui. 11. Whit?, murder. A. K. Stoughton, for larceny as c-l« rk and by cniplevt •*. John A. 11:ir 1 in_r. selling liijaor, 2 ; bilk. ' Mary MeOill, F. mad B. W. If. Lynch, i selling iifl'iir, 'J bills. E. A. McCoy and Jolin J Ram -;.*, larceny. I!. 11. Clark, F. and 15. 11. Crawlerd, perjury. S. M. Thompson, larceny by bailee and as dark, J bills. .lames M. I.y iii >n !fake pretence Wm. Gibson, assault with :nt.-nt to oni.-nit rape. Win Smith, iur- J c ny. Gen. Young, seduction. Henry Beltz, j assault with intent to kill. John FieJerick 1 and Clara Brink keeping bawdy honse. John I River- t'.-r refusing a legal vote, -! Mils. I». Denny, for .arae offence, 4 bills. John Minii.- j L'er, larceny, bills. Tlios. Scclile. Jr., selling j liquor to minors without license and keeping a (lis >rder!y house, 3 biiis. BILLS IUXORED. John an.! A ism Mininarer for l.oeeny. J. <\ Brandon for adultery and bistardv. 11. Wiehl for asault. Peter .Staff, selling liquor en Sunday. ' ottrl \wnshij»—Tavern; J. X. Miller, Ja cob Feidler, Jr. Great Belt—Tavern, M. Shields. Delano Tavern, Lewis Weidhnns. Carbon Centre -Tavern, N'eni Blimey. ( ovle-ville—Tavern, M. J. Mcßride. St J'IC -Tavern, Joseph Reith. Summit —Tavern, Albert Smith. Clearfield township —M 'reliant. Win. M'Crca. Oakland township—Tavern, Abram Flick. Mn ri!!"'s Smiles. The following pro;i 'r:ie") were sold by Sheriff Hoffman last week ; All the right, title and interest of Matthew j Forqne • in 71• acres in Donegal to Owen Brady for .S-'/iiKi, Of G. 11. N'csbit in land in Fairvi w township to Win. Pollock and Jas. Mo.-grova for *1,0.7.). Of sii'iie in land in 'onc.rd township to same for 210. Ofs: !De in -4 piece, in Fairview I'.wmhip to Mine for ■ 91.1, . ild.'i at d >9O. < >1 same in 'Jo acres in Fairview tow nship to R. 11. Green for f 1 ft and on.- well for 177. Of same in land in Petr.iiia borough to R. S. Green for -'Jo. 7-I. ' :: in le m-!I >i 1, j» i:-t if M -Djr.n >lt farm, t > i' dloek i i I M ! lor Jt i ( Of SO'OIUOII \liiert in 'i t noiei in Franklin tow to W. II- June* ti.r 51,2'»1. Of i-'raneii ' onlry in 11!" aer j in Centre twp. to 11 ihert (iailev lor St> Of V," M. A bran:- in 'so nere in Petrolin and Fairview I'«enhip to J .s. Meßlrov for .-•'! l C."i.i. Of S. 11. Il.ini !to:i in i tic acre in Fairview township to t«. W. Wiles for ..'o. O; Rol ert Alien in ! .nil in Brady and Worth to ("has. Met tlti heon .»0,0 'O. Of , :.!(• in land in Bradv to >:.n:c for o,o'in Of sanii- in land HI Fiani.lin !.*> »»nic fi.r • Oft;. C Conway n land in < urc'-rd tot;. 11. vir.iliant for S-'I.Wrl to .-. une, 'it. < if sun.* in l.: i I ia Parker t.v ] i to sioiie, •• i. Of ;-anie in hei 1 in Allegheny IW|« to Kamu, sls. Of In In ill in Parlor t vj> In - MIII*. ()." Hi, Mat I* 1 •:■.*.»!•.» i-i "S i ij-.H i:i «>'i -rrjr ti .1 I). Mt'.limUin • r .-* : (»n, (>i ill Iniiif in WitsJiln -f«>n i,n. McCuml!. • • i:i 1 I acn -• in ''• 111r, t > W. I>. Pi»rt<'r, • ?,(l '. Of-anx- ei part •;!' !>anU in Hu'! -r t . f !)a!ly :.a«l ' \V !»-r for ?'. ). <> fiai • .a l.ei t ti Mlijipiiryroak I" \V. I'. P. rtcr, ■ ti'i. Of •; [»<• In I.hi i !:i .lllpji rjn»uk to \V. !• Poller, 4 J'i.l. of minie in !uml in Marion to It. I\ Seott, .•MNS. Of Siiitfi-r Slniiafai-fnring ('■ , f"r •J\ Of (iiiliri'-l nllll A-iiia l.izel in IK II C an I lot in !'nl : cr to I'.utler Saving* for .. I All otlinr ]>i"ce< vvcr. st.ivcl or returned, —Tie: \Vc~t minuter Keview for .fan. Har v, ii;|.i'intti i i.y ill-- i.t> oiar.t Huoit I'ubSi-ll ia.f Co., i!ar.:lny St., N V., « iu|il.-t.M tliu |in -. out <|H4riiir o' die lour H«vi««vi -o - nm •! liy the aliove-Illcllt oueil Ii lis-. N''lw:tli •t I a.' liu) i i in|M-i'tif aof humeri r. oilier |« • ri 'lii-ulliotli foreign ami !il a |tr'iii' i-nt |> —• t• n HI ti.e wi.rlil of liter ature, irom tli ir iatriiinic Worth, as well us fr >?u tie low priee »f-iih.i-rijilion. Wecaunol HU -1 a:iv lii-tti r nuth ir'.i) to which n-'uh-Hi in ty turn for ar; •ord of l!;ti I- i-llier v-it n • "ii all si a- a fte fumier;" The Kiirly Hi turv of f'liarh-v .laiil.h l-'ox ?" 'Tin* IrNli 1.-i.-i I "Tin? Sel ene- of ftihtorv"Af^li-eii- t in;" "Hinietit'li-in an I thf I ■'inane—i of tteli-i;" (i t ear I' ■! i-iinl lvn|.trc;" "< IOIH .. iry F .iteniture." \\'is t -1»Iiv r •-. > ntueti'f a p.-ru ill of tin fclalt irate 111 tie'.e oil t!iu "Seienee of History," »hieh, eikia ' for its t-xt |ira;ier'< lljstor) of I I.- Intellectual I)evelo|H*l|!'-t;t «lf ian Ope. KI ek - to jjlv.i ftn an >ei* I > the fj-u-ition : "IK !l:-tory nn i x-iet Seienee ?" The p.rri.i lieals r«e in'eil hy the Leou inl Seott I'uMi.' in ; Co. (II Iturelav Street, V. \ ) »r -:u follow*: T><- I.nn>lut <> firt ;•/«/, Kt .i --biirf't, ll' ..i •'. / ill llrt .'i Q nf'f •/// //- - rir ri 11. I'.l'l /. r 1.1 I'r. }f uj : :ine. I'riee, I a year lor aty ->n», or o i'y > for nil, ,i iij thu [>> til.- - I- I t'Jiai I l y I'le P.i|»>!i:,t»e.r.«', Tli:- I/lciMq it -t olitOoii, (it vi;i t: ot 11 aI: '1 l.i-i vi rv n ••lmVuUfi) « liter; i-eto in i ! .e ►iif-'l (it »« ie» to jt.4 frir!i-b at.'l linei-iint lis c-. n.e-H, lt> ;'f*:.!ly I'ie.e i |.ro;e. tioiii have eomji-lleil l!.e re in ival oi its hi iel | .a: t.-r-i from l!«'<*ittl uttuutfou. ft is worth wuifa for every 3Katxl? Ifjc, 1881. \ TIIK LARGEST STOCK OF HATS and CAPS IN BUTLER.I l! £Go to CHARLES R. GRIEB'S for '? I < s td 1 w x HAND- 4 f f r: HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, KEK- « % Jj £ __ ; CHIEFS, 5 g 5] I V rcs I ► J HALF HOSE, UNDER WEAR, ; SU |^ ND '| |j >- COLLARS,; CUFFS, j NECK WEAR, &c.,&c., § E y ~ MAIN STREET, BU'ILER, PA. \ I I' \ | #1 v ' < - - i HiXrlfe p 'jy-' & - - 'A A THIAI- fciw Prttt tIPWIAL C H UT_2ii(l MO\!) iV OF 4PRIL. ll(li «layT A"--, term. Yr. Ptaintift Attomrf. Ptamtifk. Dtftndaitit. ~ ~ Dffimdune* Attorney. A. D. 20 June 1880 Thompson A Scott James McKlroy W C Aude.-wm et al. J I) MeJunkin. 1:1 ' ,w ' r Pnrviance. lalward Uarilner Allison Thompson et al. Campbell. < . i*. 'ui;e .Su.liv ui 1 ros. I>avir , " I*rceport Plaining Mill Company John Johnston Williams. ;V, r> ' y V" 0- r f." tr ; 'V, Margaret F Patterson* " Jacob Emn.el Thompson & Scott. ( • }- i:mi:.H il James Kearns Butler Water Company Brandon. ,:sI ' Sullivan Bros. Graff, Hughes &Co W M Martin Brandon. .I'l I Itcmpson eott. Kerr, Geitl-r & Co T W Evans -Mitchell. " 4 ; : i " *' 'i'l'''e:psnn & Scott. Sample Love ct ux. l'etcr Gallagher et nx. IJ. D. M'j. and Mitchell. l 'f . (i it'-biiisou. Lowii an Shearer Win I!ry.son Pttrviance. - o 1 w.r. James \ augim M K Paine Thompson & Scott. ;; ; 4 (( Snllivan Bros. A MJC. Tugh Collins I njted Pipe Line . Miller a«l Brandon. 1 huluxan Bros. &M C. Llizabcth (. olhns i nited I'ijie Line i Miller and Brandon, ol March 1880 van Bros. il A Mardorf et ux. Patrick Kelly Miller, "'j '' " AJJtc-hell. Henry Kncpp F A Kdmomis Mc<^uistion. Marshall rnd Greer. Andrew Blakeley Robert McCandless et nx. Brandon. ' s !> ' ' MeC., Greer and MeQ. Kennedy Marshall, committee W A Lewis et al. Pnrvisnce 'V? , " " i',''*"." 1 „ James 1' Campbell A J Jack |J. D. MeJunkin. .1 June 1 liompf-on John ( Anderson James Robinson Cunningham Si;i.|,, TlllhlfUlJ il w!io has not already s-eu it; to send anJ et the Illustrated pamphlet. "Book Making, nd Type Setting by Stea o," which will be sent ree nj»ou application. Address, the American Book Exchange' 7'H Uroadway, New York. /», TROUTMAN. X > ; : ; T:I, 3b:".) In IJlnck nnd Cnlorp. Rcnmleta Kid Gloves. Kid (Jlovos (if dillerent kinds. Cashmere (Jloves, Lisle Thread Gloves nnd IJerlin (Jloves. CORSETS. You will litsd a large assortment to select from Kxtra value in lilaek and Colored Cashmeres. Black Silks and ull kinds of dress goods. Notion and Trim mint? stock ccni plete. Vou will find my sto<■« n placed on programme, which will bo published next »vci k. Space will ii'it permit us to menlion the names of many who have consented to be present and take part in the exercises. The subjects to l>e disciic.-e 1 will lie practical and of interest to every school teacher, direc tor and parent, and all sire invited to be present and participate in the dis ci .-ions. On Friday evening two lectures will be delivered. The first by Supt. S. 11. I'rathcr, of Venango county, and the second l>y Supt A S. Davis, of Clirion county, Tlie sub ject ul the tlrst is "Kdueation," of the y> eoiid "ICducational Kxhibits at Agri cultural Fairs." A pleasant ami pro fitable meeting is expected, and all friends of education are cordially in vited to at tend The Xt w Bethlehem (Clarion county) I 'iinlirptor savs: "A short time »lnce tome if tlx- miners in the cial bjwki at ('olwell's Furnace were frightened half to death bv hearing strange sounds issuing from one of the rooms, which they thought were made by a wild cut, panther, or some other dan .erous animal and when they espied its glittering eyes approaching them a genera! stampede ensued. The belief that it was ie>mo dangerous an mal ii re. vv jo l ong that not one them would venture into the bank and in it ters became s«'|>OllH knowing tlicniwlve ln'lfhlM'l to r-»ti I ♦•-t »to will pi -;umi TTl like | LUMIJIT P«l\lU(iif ( /u.-l AII> H&VTFIK cluimM the iHfic wnl i»re rut t» « wwne duly authenticatei\ to the umil tMfctie I f-.r nettle mcnt. J. I'. Mll.K 'IiL) T. J. Mll •'(fill), PnikcirN liinding I*oof. f l'*, Subbcribe for the Ciiiajsa. >L /V Ii CII Ist, 1881. Special Bargain, One Lot, 10 Pieces LIGHT BLUE SILKS, Fxha quality and delicate shades, clear and fresh, at the Remarkable piice of 45 cts., worth 75c to $1 per yard. NKW I'OItKK.N SITTIXCS. C'liolee New I'laids. Clioiee New Home SIM. 11 Checks, rlioiee N'ew S.'oeuinettes. All 42 to 4« inch goods at T."ie- to ?l per yaril. One case l-Alr:i Value and Kxtra Wide, 46-incli COLOKKI) ( ASHMEKKS, at SIV, Special Bargains. Colored l'rcueh t'asliineres, 37'/ic, Wc and 02' 5 c up. <>n Sale To-;lay, 100 pieces Ii Inch Rlack Casiiniere, at CSV4c up an I'nusuiU Hariraln. 4G-ineh Black Cashmeres, at flf>c and SI .on. NKW FANCY BLACK C;nkka Crepes. Annan's, Jersey Cords, Itroeadcd silk Cashmeres. Choice Lines lies* Makes Mourning Goods. Crepes and Crepe Veils. Shawls. &e. One case Double I-'o.d American Black 15c, for School Suits, Wiapjiers, &e., a great hantaln and real vidua 25c. BOOOS & BUHL, 118 and I'2o Federal Street. .Alleelienv. N. It. Special Him' prices at retail or liy the or package on Domestic and Housekeeping Dry Go il«. IJneii ••., Towels and Napkins. Very s[ie-.-ial bargains in Quilts ami Blankets. NEW FLOUR & FEED REIBER'S BLOCK, Jefferson St,, Butler, Pa. All the Flour made by the New ProceßS sold as low as per Hark, and up to frl 7«"» per sack. Also, Buckwheat Flour, Rye Flour, and bolted ami unbolted Corn Meal. All kinds of Feed—Chop, Bran, Corn, Oats and all kinds of Mill Feed. All kinds oftfiain bought at Store or Mill, and Highest Cash Price Paid. Custom Work done at Mill by the New Process Machinery and prists warranted to be equal in quantity and quality to those groui'd anywhere else. Greorge Keiber, Sr. I). L, (Iceland, (FOKMEULY OF lIAHBWVILLE) % DKAL.CB IN WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY HPFOTACLES er t"rm ; Advanced slu lien #i> an I tS p.?r term. For p rlioulars address the Principal. ft. O I>./I»DS, A. B„ Mt. Chettnut, Butler <"o. P.i. FOR SALE. A good four-room frame house, two town lots and IBSSERES OF CMMHD. M II connected, ritnate iu Petersvillc; Butler Oo , Pa ,i» for sale. Possesion ou tirat of April next For terms address the undersigned at iinnio i v, lintler < 0.. Pa, ' jun'. J: 'ttt ItUDOLF JSAKNIIABT. Only S2O ,or «h" • «r rnu,Ai»iti.rni* r--^—NIMIKH. t.'iua! iuan> t mill l O'.iir!".*!. 7i» inruthiT, u*r *rlifi fi. ,' t , IrJy il lo b-t-XHMitntl br/'orr t/oi ktTlcAlVrcAiiipaniM retail f< r$C . Ha viA > >« Ar». for our Illu«iiMt<4 ( f c» Inr amt « sjX A tilAltl.t.H ,t. UMOtl it CO., 17 «. Tealh St, H lll.MtV ii. 114 1.11. IIH! TiILOR, tfOK. I'ENN AND SIXTH HTRKHTH, Filtvburgh, l'a, Two lots Kxtra Choice Black Satin Damasses, laijje elegant desl(tns. at 92 2A and T*i per yard, that are fully tH) i ents per yard less than usual market value. Large line Satin Damasses, al SI.OO, $1.25 and SILKS AND SATINS, Blacks and Colors. < oloreil Silk *. .iT'ic cents up. Black Silks, of best known makes. Including the celebrated Bonnet Goods. I.arge lot Ladies' Muslin Underwear, of sujierior st.v'e and finish, and at bargain prices. Ladles" Cnlaundried Musliu Chemises, on coun ter tit :io cents each. Choice line Itrldal Sets, 81.00 to $20.00 each. New Ilonllon or Irish Point Kmbrolderles. New Veidenla (Lace Kilge> Kmliroideries. New Haiiiburgs—treat bargains. New Swiss mid Nainsook Kmbrolderles. New White Goods and Figured Swisses. For Sale or Exchange for a Farm. Three acrm of laud, Urge house, store room •ml hull above, and stable and out-buildings six n ilea from Butler, on the Glade Mill and Han nalist wn road at Jefferson Centre. Young or chard of good fruit thereon. Any peruou want ing to pnrcblM or exchange for a farm will in quire at OiriZKN offlco, or address SINS. KATE I NF.GT.EY, Saxon burg, Butler county, Pa. FOR SALE. *5 will Imy a one-ball Interest In a (rood bus iness in Pillahurirh. One who knows some tlilng about farming preferred. An honest man with the above amount will do well to addreaa t»y letter. SMITH JOHNS, care 8. M. James, let Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. |au27-ly i:\(>ruior , N \otloe. Letters tertamentary having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Martha E. Boenl];h lam of Wintield t iwnijlup, Ilutler 00., Ph., deceased, all persons knowing themselves Indebted to paid estate will pleaso make pay ment and any having claims agtinst said ostst* wiil pr. sent them duly authenticated for pay ment. O. 0. BOENIGH. Ex'r. Harver Station. Butler Oo . P». l']X4H'llfor*K XofitU*. Letters tcstimcnlury In the estate of John Garrard, dee'd, la'e of Centre township, Butler county, l*n , liavli g been granted to the under sluned all person* knownlng themselves In debted to said estate will please make itnmcdl ate payment aud any havlnt; claims against ► lid estate will present thein duly autlientlcat ed for payment. IIBNKT BKIOIIT, Ex'r. Ml. Chestnut, Duller county, I*a. NOTICE TO FARMERS. I.fcr::c numVr ot Fai ms for sale or rxebango at low pries and on ewy payments, several small l.irma Irom 35 lo AO acres wamel. Also, loans famished to tarmera liavln*; improved farms on long tlnic ai d >