Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 23, 1881, Image 3

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    M> J. H. BiTKS Nf «»t*ret Advert King
Agent. 41 Park Vow (Time* Building). New
York, in anthorizfd to coLtr*ct for •dvertiHe-
DMttf in the Crmc.
L«<>al and General.
This * inter is the coal man's idea
of heaven.
Mr. Smith has not yet been sug
gested for the Cabinet. This is • mistake.
A Solid Silver Case and • Genuine
American Movement u low as $lO, at
E. OaiKß'a.
Tbe body of Dr. Sutherland's son
WM found ia the mill dam at Martinsborg last
—Bargains in Spring Goods, at
Bitt«k A Ralstoh'b.
General Hancock has secured quar
ter* at Washington, and will attend the inang
uration. That's the right spirit.
Spkcialtiks in woolens at William
Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not
!• be had elsewhere in the county
Capt. Etds'a wonderful ship rail
way scheme now turns up iu the Senate, rails,
wheels, windlasses, millions and all.
William Aland. Merchant Tailor,
has ju«i opened the largest line of woolens for
men and DOT* wear ever offered in Butler.
By the burning of Pierce's Palace
Hotel, in Buffalo, which occurred last Thurs
day. one of the finest houses of entertainment :
in the United States is lost.
An Ohio paper thinks that it takes
more lime to make a Senator in Pennsylvania
than to make a physician of a cow-boy, or a
doctor of divinity of a bar-tender.
A bill to prevent tbe "preferred
creditor" operations, in which many insolvents
indulge, is before the Rhode Island legislature
from which it shoold be borrowed for use in
other States.
English Attempts to create feeling
against the Boers by accusing the Transvaal
Republic of maintaining slavery is in extraor
dinary illustration of the willingness of pots to
call kettles black.
the fragrant orange grove* of .Mississippi when
tbe thermometer is at xero on Sunday and by
the middle of the week there is three leet of wa
ter in your parlor.
—lt is stated that tbe nbiquitions
tramp is carrying the small-pox arouud, which
is a reminder of the fact that that class seldom
carry anything around which is worth taking
—not even the small-pox.
—Mr. Vennor has put his foot down.
Fte now declares that come what may he will
make no farther meteorological concessions.
If the weather goes back on his almanac so
much tbe wor»e for the weather.
Al 50 ( enu
And upward, White Qnilta, at
Hitter k Ralstom's.
—lf you were an edit< r and a poem
builder should tender you a production in
which the word "wafture" stood out in bold re
lief, would you waft vour ink-stand at his head?
Or would you die of lafture ?— A'orrigi*wn Her
—The meaning of the "ss" that oc
ean in nearly all legal documents and adver
tiaing ia not generally known. The symbol ii
derived from the Latin phrane aoao aclutanv—
i. e., greeting or addressing ita own, tboae with
in ita joriadiction.
BEE a woman in another column, near Ppeer**
Vineyard*, with a hunch of grape* from which
Hpeer** Port Grape wine i* made, that in no
highly catena.cd by the medical profession for
the naa of invalid*, weakly peraon* and the
aged.—Sold by all DragglaU. 33aply
A» 61-4 On la.
Heavy all Linen Crash, at
Rrrru k RALSTON'S.
—The re-inforcements going from
Great Britain and from India to South Africa
ahow how mnch money and Wood a great na
tion claiming to lore liberty can expend in
entailing the independence of a little far-off
community, seized and annexed *gain*t ita will.
—The jobbing River and Harbor bill
passed the House la*t Thursday bv a two-ti-one
Tote. Thia ia a fair measure o/ the political
hnneaty ofonr Representative* at Washington—
la assorting them two would go with the goat*
where one would go with the (heep.
—A drunken brute wa* in town la*t week
wanting to adverti*e hi* wife. At at least one of
fice in thi* town he refttaed to pay the uxtial
rate for such notice*. Miring that he wouldn't
give two dollar* tor the neat woman no earth.
Hi* wife, evidently, deaerve* the •ympathy of
the community.
—lt is announced that among the
rpring dreaa material* will be "a thin, aleacy
be nee, in ecru and niaatic shades." It i* a real
relief to the average man to know that *o senai
ble a change ia to be made. After the recent
extravagance In Matin*, percale*, velvet*, arid
ginghama, a "aleacy berge," especially in
"atactic shade*," will be very refreshing.
Another lf#»w I.«l of Hnm<
Id all widths and style*, at
—There will be a temperance meet
ing. under the *u*pice* of the Temperance As
sociation of Butler ennnty, in the Court llnuw,
on Monday evening, Feb. 2*tb. Rev. W. P.
Turner and other* will address the meeting.
Let all who are Interested in thi* good catme
tarn oat and let a* have a full house. The
meeting wilt commence ot 71 p. M. By order
of the committee.
—The mill dam, at the mill of
Meeera. Boo* A Walter. of thi• place, via par
tially taken away by the heavy '«* daring the
recent high water in (be ConnoquennMing.
With em&mendable enterprise they immediate
ly had bailt an ingenioo* temporary atruc
ture, that aarea then water rafficient to ran the
mill, and thna taring a large expen*e for fuel.
The mill ia in operation aa usual.
—Recently at Bridgeport, Conn., a
■witch locomotive having rnn off the track, ,
two of Barnum'* Urgent elephant* were :
brought oat and utade to push the locomotive
with their head*. They nucceeded in righting
the maching pfter one or two attempt*, but
their expoanre to the winter air gave the ani
mala lied oolda, and to cure them it waa nrcea
aary to girt them aeveral gallon* of whiaky.
At 35 On a Per Y«»rd.
Qood Black D<ioble Fold Carbmm, at
—Washington society, official ind
non-official, haa been thrown into oonaternatiou
by the intelligence that the. colored brother i«
baying tieketa for the Inauguration Ball br
the thouaand, that be mean* to demand all hfa
rirhta and privelcge* nnder the Cnril Right*
bill and espreaa hi* delight at the installation
of a Republican Preaident by tripping it on the
colored toe in nu-nher fourteen tramp* to the
faaeinating muaic of the MaHae Band.
—The Meadrille Democrat says the
Baltimore A Ohio Railroad ia anrreyinjr a line
»P the Allerheny rirer to connect with the
Bhenango A Allegheny Railroad at New Hope
or Hilliard. from Hew Hope there in almoat
an air line to Cleveland by the Rhenango A Al
legheny and Mahoning diviaion of the N Y.
P. *O. It i* expected that the Baltimore A Ohio
Railroad will build the branch in the apring,
thua making a new route from Pittaburirh to
Cleveland. 6
lfew Hod 7 Rrnanp|R
At less than cifv prioeu, at
Ritter A Ralpton's.
—Benator Plumb, of Kansas, in not
aatiafted with the prohibitory experiment in
hia own State. The wickea Kariaana go to
Missouri and fill themselves and their canfwna
with intoxicating fluid*. He proposea to pot
an end to tbia aort of inter-atate traffic by an
amendment to the Federal Constitution prohib
iting the manufacture, aale and importation of
all Intoxicating liquor* except for acientific,
medical and mechanical parponfd,
fi'H of Drlnklsc.
"A vounr friend of mine was cored of ao in
aatiable thlrat for liquor, which had no pros
trated him that h« waa unable to do any busi
ne*a. He waa entirely cured by the n»e of If op
Bitter*. It allayed all that burning thirst ;
took away the appetite for liquor; made hi*
nerre* steady, and he baa remained asobrrand
ateady man for more than two years, and haa no
desire to retarn to hia cupa ; I know of a num
ber of other* that have been of drink ins
» leading H. R. Official, Chicago,
—The township auditors-, under Act !
<f I>eiri-lstiire of June 4. I»7£>. shall in Ivsl,
»nd thereafter, meet nn thf- second Vonday of '
N arch in each year except to audi' the account*
o 1 the -ehool directors, which shall he the first
''onday in June and o.Vner if i eces«»ry. and
shall audit, eettle and adjust the acc-'iml" < f
supervisors and treasurer, and of such other •
township officers as shall, by law, be referred to
tbem. "
>('« I>HinH!*k.
Hall and Stair Carpet, at
—A glass manufactory is to be built ;
at Hite'* Station alon? the West Penn R. K. ,
this coming summer. There is a rof«i coal
mine there, xnd in the hill near Springdale t
station a seven foot vein of white quick and,
lvin* under seventy feet of solid r >ck, has been
discovered. The sand can be got out by drift- I
inz into the hill the same as for coal, and is
said to be superior for the nurj>ose to that made
by grinding the white sand rock.
—The highest hopes ahd interests
of the race rest on the purity health,
and strength of womanhood. We take
pleasure in referring our readers t<> the
remarkable efficacy of Lydia K- Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound in all that
class of disease from which woman
suffer so much.
The lonp price list of Dry Goods, Car
pets and Fancy Goods as published by
Ritter <t Ralston in this paper.
—There is much perplexity in the
thriving town of Jamestown, t liautanuua coun
ty, New York. The licenses of all the liquor
sellers in the place have expired, and the Board
of License elected for the next two years con
tain* a majority of prohibitionists. At least ."o
per cent, of the male population of Jamestown
consider a morning cocktail iiid's?>ensable.
tfanv of them have never seen the sun ri-»
without a contemporaneous nip. The situation
| is distressing.
ReeelTed! Received! Received!
For earlv sprintr trade. New liL'ht
Calicoes, New Dark Calicoes. New
Ginghams, White Goods, White
Quilts, Lace Curtains, Table Linen
Bleached, Table Linen Unbleached,
Table Linen Turkey, Red Muslins
Bleached and Unbleached, and
you will find our stock complete in
Dre?s Goods, Black Silks Cashmeres,
Alpacas, Trimmings and Notions, and
in fact (roods of nearly every variety
can be had all at tbe lowest, prices, at
A. Troutman'b.
—Plenty of liquor and anti-liquor
legislation is under way at Harrisburtf. Mr.
Flinn has a bill making a new scale of liccn.»e
charges. w r. Land is has one punishing drunk
enness by a fine of fifty dollars for the first of
fense ; an imprisonment of sixtv days for the
■erond; the third dronk to be feVny, punisha
ble by disfranehisment from periods running
from" two to six years. Another bill iVr
Port's) affixes a tax of one cent on every twr
ounce drink of spirits of any kind, and a half
cent on every half pint of malt liqnor sold at
retail —these taxes to he collected by some form
of bell-punch. Mr. Neall has a local option
bill applicable to everv ward and boronsrh in
the State ; and finally Mr. Alexander ha" one
to make the sale of adulterated liquors a
penal offense
How it nas Done.
■'How do yon manage," said a lady to her
friend, "«o appear so happy and (rood natured
all the time?" "I always have Parker's Gin
ger Tonic handy," was the reply, "and thus
easily keep myself and family in good health.
When I am well I always feel good natured."
Rerd about it in another column.
—At Smitbfield, Tennessee, five ne-
Koes were lynched last Fridav. L*«t S< ptern
r a party of negroes formed the i<|e« that a
farmer living a hermit life had hidden on his
grounds a large sum of money. They resolved
to rob and murder him, snd carr : ed out their
crime nnder circumstances of revolting brutal
ity. They were arrested, taken to Court, and
the trial went on to the point of the Judge
charging the jury. "After the conclusion of
the Judge's charge, the prisoners were about to
be removed from the Court room, when the
mob rnshed U|w«n the Sheriff, presenting pis
tol* and taking the men out of his possession.
They were t! en led to the second story of the
Court House, where noose-s were placed uhout
their necks, and they were ban (red. Ihe mob
guarded the b>>die« until they were dead, and
then at the command of their leader, dispersed
to their homes."
—Hflvinir given Ely's Cream Balm
a trial. I advise those Midi-ring fr< in ( ainrrli to
lay other remedies **tde. I believe it to lw» the
only remedy that will cure thi« terrible disease,
from which I have been n sufferer for 2<> yearn.
The Bnlm is doinp wonder* for me. I have
n»ed everything advertised, but have never
found its equal. Charles Garrabrxnt, Dealer
in Boots and Shoe*, BSij Broad St., Newark, N.
J.—See Adv't.
Best on Record. I believe Ely'* Cream
Balm the best preparation for Catarrh now on
record. My patron* all speak well of it I
have sold one hundred and forty-f"ur U.ttles in
lea* than five months. I ordered an other gross
a week ego, and have sold twenty-one Iw.ttle*
from the second gros*. It sells upon its merits.
John H. Phelps, Druggist, Scranton, I'a. Jan.
28, 1880. .
-A National Anti-monopolv League has lately
been organized in New York, and already its
member* number many hundreds. The League
wants for its fellowship every freeman who is
determined to put an end, hv that best iind sur
est of all revolutionary methods, the ballot, to
the monopolies that make the people poor, des
pite the bounteous (rifts of heaven on every side
and which swell the bursting coffers of a few
monopolists. It is proposed to make the Lea
gue strong everywhere throughout the land,
with influence to affect legislation everywhere
for the. good of the many as opposed to the few.
At the meeting of the League last. Wednesday
evening one of xneake.n referred to the fact
that a letter may be sent to Han Francisco for
three cent*, because the mails are under
the control of a Government of the people for
the people, hut a telegram to the said city costs
#2, because the telegraph i* monopolized by a
few over-rich men who insist upon a toll out of
the people'* pickets ntterly disproportioned to
the amount of their investment.
The lleat ilnreitti Vet, |
Fine all Wool Black Cashmere at 40
cents per yard, at
A #IO.OO fllhlicHl Prize.
We have received Rullrih/r't Mtinthh/ fur
March and find it an entertaining little Maga
zine. Its publisher* offer the following easy
wav for some one to make #lo :
To the person tell in/us ho* mnnv times
the word "Jerusalem" i* found in the New
Testament Scriptures, by March loth, 1881, we
will give ?lo in gold a* a prize. The money
will be forwarded to the winner March l. r >,
1881. Those who try for the prize must w-nd
to cent* with their answer, fur which they will
receive the April number of the Monthly, a
handsome Magazine of 3'i page*, in which will
be published the n*me and address of the win
ner of the prize, with the correct answer there
to. In writing to u* please say vou saw this
notice in the Bntler CtTIZKN. Address. Rtrr-
—An English contemporary avers
that all Austrian ladies are accomplished cooks.
Thi* probably explains why complaint* of
dy*pep«ia and *torie* of immorality *0 seldom
©ome from Austrian noiirces FIMKI properly
prepared never disarranges the human diges
tion or inflame* the blood, but »uch food can
not be had with certainty if the table depends
entirely upon the *kill and temper of a hired
cook. Ladies who manage their own kitchen*
or are competent to do *O, may be sure that
their familiea will have food that is properly
cooked and appropriate to the season. There
i* something iuexplicable about American ig
norance of the art of cooking. In Europe
even gentlemen take pride in tieingfltilc to pre
pare certain dishes, mid ladies are glad to he
Known as practical managers of their ri-s|M-c
--tive household*. Here, however, strong adult*
and feeble infant* are alike dependent upon
the ignoramus „f the kitchen. H ere some of
; the industry displayed bv American ladies in
copying foreign customs devoted to kitchen man
agement, on the Austrian plun, we would be a
happier and better nation.
OnlPiuiinl Premium Wlim*.
Physicians have used Speer's I'ort
Orape Wine' of New Jersey, and hav
ing applied to it the strictest test, pro
nounce it s pure wine' and recommend
it to the aged and infirm, and for gen
[ eral use where wine is desirable, as the
: most, reliable of wines to be had. It
I received the highest award i t ihCen-
| tennial Exhibition, i'ur t* eby L> II
sjpe Ustiwe Jtefctrwutrir %'■&, i bß i.
«- ■ «-«»!» lie «-«■ «a «•«-«■ -
12 1-2 Jb- £0 hI Brown Sugar Jl M
12 Ok choice Brown Sugar It®
; 11 1-2 E-s ligh! Brown Sujrar IK
I 10 1-2 ths \\ lute Coffee Sug-ir ... 1 00
I 10 Its Sparklir.i; "A" 1 W>
i 9 lbs Granulated Sugar.. 1 00
j 9 H>s Patent Loaf Sugar 1 to
I 7 lbs Prtne Roasted Coffee 1 00
! 6 lbs Choice Boasted Coffee 1 00
j 5 lbs Our Own Boasted Coffee l oo
4 lbs Choice Boasted Java Coffee s.. 1 00
' 6 lbs Ciioice (ireen Coffee 1 <X>
5 lbs Fancy Green Coffee 1 <M
OCR 50 CJt>'T I.IST.
! t poxes Concentrated Lye "*s cts. \
i # Halls Potash 50 cts. ,
12 lbs Oatmeal 50 cts. i
*> I'JS New Turkey Prunes 50 cts j
10 ll>s Cracked Wheat CO cts. j
6 lhs New Dry Currents 50 cts. !
5 lbs Choice Veleucia Baisius 50 ets. I
6 lbs Choice Dry Peaches SO cts.
1 Gallon Good Syrup 50 cts.
1 Pound Bright Navy Tobacco 50 cts.
7 Bars Supcnor AVax Soap 25 ets.
e Burs White Boss Soap 25 cts.
•; Bars Blue Boss Soap 25 cts.
5 liars Blue India Soup 20 cts.
4 Bars Babbitt's Be»t Soap 25 cts.
3 li s P(M Corn Starch 25 cts.
3 lbs licit Gloss Starch 25 cts.
3 lbs Carolina Kice. 35 tts"
3 Tumblers Jelly 25 cts.
6 Lamp Chimneys 25 cts.
Red Ball per sack $1 65
Riverside per sack 1 50
Empire Milis per sack 1 25
Florence per sack 1 00
W~ No. 1 Mackeral SI.OO per kit.
Extra No. 1 Salt, 31.20 per barrel.
Arbuckles Coffee 20c per pound.
pT" Western Timothy ana Clover Seed always
on hatid at Bottom Prices.
fSf Wholesale Agfnts for D. M. Ferry & Co.'g
Gar.ieu, Field & Flower Seeds.
Reepifed : Receirid ! Received
New Embroideries! New Embroi
deries ! One of the choicest lines ever
shown. Please call and examine, at
A. TBOl'tman.
—On Monday last, while the wagon
and team of Mr. J. W. Bortmess, of
this place, was passiDg along the west
side of the creek, by the out garden lot
of L. Z. Mitchell, Esq., both wagon and
horses slid over the bank into the
creek. The driver jumped off in time
to keep from goingalongintothecreek.
Although the bank was high and the
water some five feet deep, yet strange
to i-ay no serious damage was done to
horses or wagon. It was one of the
most singular escapes from injury or loss
we have heard of.
—The Germania Orchestra of this
place favored our citizens with another
of their fine concerts last Thursday
evening. The principal featuresof the
entertainment were the Clarinet and
Trombone solos, by Messrs. Lowman
and Croup, the medley on popular airs,
the fantasia on well known hymns, and
the Doctor's address on Church Music.
The Doctor's ideas of church music are
good. lie thinks the music and sing
ing should l»e true and harmonious,
something that will put the minds of
the congregation in a tit condition to
take in a good sermon, and not inter
fere but rather aid in it* proper di
gestion afterwaids. lie complimented
the music and singing of the choir of
the Presbyterian church of this town,
and intimated that, they well accorded
with Rev. Wylie's able sermons. That
music is Nature itself we all know ;
everything that has been created is
perfect and that is music.—
"Heaven opened wide
Her evcr-Uuring gates—harmonious sound—"
• «»»•»•
"Tlie fountain's gush.the long-responding *liore.
The zephyr's whisper, anil the tempest's roar.
Tile rustlfnjj leaf, in Autumn's fadiug woods.
The w iniry storm, the rush of venial floods,
All these are music to Religion's ear
Music, thy hand awakes, for man to hear."
Ri'iid and Take Advantagn of
I ho Folio n lug low prlocM.
>ow is flie Mint' (o liny.
Good dark dress goods
Best Standard prints.
.Soft finished bleached muslin.
Yard wide unbleached muslin.
Good wide crash.
Cheviot for shirts.
Fine dark grey suiting.
New furniture calico.
New fancy dress goods.
Fast colored plaids.
Genuine Bussia crash.
Good cotton flannels.
Dress ginghams.
Fine plaid cheviots.
Columbian cheviots.
Fancy dr"ess goods, new shades.
Good straw ticking.
C<>ttonade for boys.
White twilled flannel.
Best stair oil cloth.
Garners parcalt s.
Ladies' heavy dark hose.
Irish linen.
Victoria lawn.4.
White I'. K's.
Best heavy soft finished bleached
muhliu iu the market.
Double width alpacas.
Fine dark en-tones.
Fine striped mohairs.
Fine silk mix»-d dress goods.
Fine fancy plaids.
Fine damask for towels.
. AT 25 CENTS.
Damask table linen.
Colored damask.
Double with cashmeres.
Double fold brocades.
Yard wide flior oil cloth.
At .'{o CENTS.
Ingrain car|s;t.
Rag carpet.
Yard wide momie cloth.
All wool cashmere.
Heavy ingrain carpet.
Jamestown brocades.
Fancy dress silks.
Black dress silks.
We have a very large stock of dress
goods running from CJ cents up to $3
per yard. An immense stock of car
pets running from 18 cents per yard up.
We can show you a full line of dry
goods, carpets, millinery and fancy
goods at much lower prices than they
can tx' found elsewhere. Call and be
convinced, at
10 psg< * of good reading matter, (no advertise
| meiitn.j from all | »rtH of America for Soenta.
HICK 'l'll i; CI.DU HATKHi
1 copy 1 year, *loo ; 6in ntha, *1 00
5 copies 1 " 8 00; •• 4 so
i 0 " " jao'.'i •« 800
Clube n >t necessarily to one addreae.
Subscription* eitlier single or in club* will be
received at Cmze* oftice. «>r the CITIZKN wili,
•* <ViooU wjt.u ViicAtv WitnwM at *#.oo fot
bAb. fewa-at
For K ale! For Bale ! For Sale !
One thousand bushels of Corn in
; the ear at the 6tore of
Wnitl* <l.
All kinds of for which I will pay the
highest market price in cash at mv mill.
Nov. 3, ISSO. Butler, Pa.
Worlli Item ein tiering.
Now that good times are apain upon
us, before indulging in extravagant
show, it is worth remembering that no
one can enjoy the pleasantest surround
ings if in bad health. There are
hundreds of miserable people going
about to-dav with disordered stomachs,
liver or kidneys, or a dry, hacking
cough, and one foot in the grave, when
a 50 ct. bottle of Parker's Ginger Tonic
would do them more good than all the
expensive doctors and quack medicines
they have ever tried. It always makes
the blood pure and rich, and will build
you up and give \ou good health at
iittle cost. Read of it in another col
li mn.
HMLb Only 820
WfIWH "■'» "«j!s of PHII.ADFLPHM
MSGKR. Equal to any Singer ia the
|PHF /i|V* market. Ji*-r*u-tnbrr, ttr ttrnd
|bg\ JjAI if to b* rxnminrrl brfore you
VI YvMJ J m ?/ f ,rr This ia the Bamn
JAM9I atrle companies retail for SSO
MIX pjn| Ail Machine* warranted for thrr <*
i| A y*ars. Send for our I!luatr:.tt*d Cu
pyal ca!ar and Testimonial*. Addre-*
CllAßLt> A. WOOD A CO.,
17 1. tatk 3L,
Sherifl's Hales.
By virtue of enudry writs of Fieri Facia*.
Venditioni Exponae. Levari Faciaa. Ac., issued
out of the Court of Common l'leaw cf Butler
county and to me directed, there will be ex
posed to Public Sale at the Court House, it the
borongb of Bntler, on
Mondav, Jlareli 7tli. 4 D..
Ihßl, at one o'clock, P. M. the following de
srrined property to wit:
ED No 72, March Term, 1881. J. C. Tanderlin,
All the right, title, interest and claim of Pat
rick Carr of. in and to one hundred acres of land,
more or less. sitnaed in Yenai go township,
T'ntler county Pa-, bounded an follows, to wit:
On the north by Fzra Mci ulioagh, east by landn
formerly of Francis rair and Judge Mcjutikin
Month by Charles Duffy, et al and wi ct by
Chnrcb property, log house, low stable and
orchard thereon Seized and taken ill exfrcntion
as the property of Patrick Carr at the suit of
Oeorge Berringer.
ED No 31, March Te'ui. 1881. S F Bowser, at'y
At the fame time and place all the right, title,
interest and claim of Matthew Forquer of.iii ai.d
tli seventy (70) acres of land, more or less, sit
uated in Donegal township, Butler county. Pa.,
bounded as follows, to wit: <>n the north by
Brady and McChntock. east by Maloneys. south
by Double heirs and west by Owen Brady, two
story log house and log barn weather-boarded
and two orchards thereon, about 50 acre* cleared
Reized and taken in execution as the property
of Matthew Forquer at the suit of H. L. Taylor
A Company.
EDNo 9. March Term, 1881. T, Z Mitchell at'y
At the same time and p ace all the right title,
interest and claim of O H Nesbitt of. in and to
all the undivided three-eighths (%) of that cer
tain p : ece of land situate in Fairview township,
Butler county. Pa., hounded and described as
follows, begining at a white oak on the south
east corner and tunning thence south 87 degrees
wfst laO perches to a post, thence by part of
Mid trait belonging to or formerly of Win Mc-
Caffeity north 3 degrees west IC4 perches to a
post, thence by lands of ,!ohn Bianey north K7
degrees east 12h perches to a post, thence south
3 degrees east 1 *'4 perches to the place of begin
ing. containing 120 acres, more or less, about 7o
acres cleared, a two-story dwelling house, frnme
bank ba:n orchard, coal bank, 1 l<oard houses,
one 22.000 bariei iron tank. 10 producing otl
wells thereon, derricks, engine houses boiler
houses, boilers and engines, wooden tanks, cas
ing. tubing, rods and all machiuerv and fixtures
thereto belonging. Seized and tal en in execu
tion as the property of G H Nesbitt at the suit
of Kittanning Insurance Company for u*e.
E D No 9. March Term. 1881. 1. Z Mitchell, at'y
At the same time and place all the right, title,
interest and claim of O H Nesbitt of, tn :nd t<>
the undivided one-half of that certain place of
JanJ situate in Concord township. Butler county
Pa., bounded and described as follows, begin
ing at the Booth east corner of the farm of
Isaiah Brown at a white oak. thence by land of
Samuel McClelland due north 6* 6-10 perches to
a post, thence by land of Isaiah Brown due
west I If. 5-i0 perches to a po?t. t'.ence by land
of P Kemmerer due south 28 0-10 perches to a
post thence by land of Ir&iih Brown 40 rods to
a j* st. thence by same land due south 40 rods
t'i a post on south line of Isaiah Brown farm,
thence by land of Humbert Penderson Christie
70 .I-IO peaches fa the place of begining, con
taining 40 acres more or less, about 24 acres
cleared, board house, one producing oil well
thereon, derrick, engine house, engine and boil
er. tubii.g. casing, tanks, rods and all mechinejy
itnd fixtures thereto belonging. Seized and
taken in «xecntion «» the jropertv of (i II Nes
bitt at the suit of Kiti aiming Insurance Com
pany for nse,
E DNo 9 March Teim. 1881. L Z Mitchell, at'y
At the smie time and place all the right, title,
interest and clain of O II Neßbitt of, in and to
the nt divided onedialf of the oil right of about
flft- acres of land situate in Fairview township.
Bntler county. Pa bounded and described as
follow, (and known as Prunkard farm.l beein
ing at the north east corner of a lot conveyed to
John Mcl auirhUn on tjie west line of land of
Foringer and Kaler. thence along the said west
line north decrees west perches to the
south east corr er of a lot in possession of John
Vermel, thence alone the sonth side of said
Vensel'a land south 87 degrees west 117 perches
to the sonth west comer of said Vensel's land,
thence along the east line of land formerly of
Panl McPermott now or recent'v of Matthew
Banks sruth 14 depn es east perches to
the north line of said lot conveyed to John Mo-
I.aughlin. thence along said north line north 87
degrees east 117 perches t«i the placi of begin
ing. mostly cleared, S small dwelling houses,
two producing oil wells teereon. derricks, en
gine houses, engines and Ixiilers. tubing, casing
rod*, tanks and all machinery and fixtures
thereto belonging. Seized and taken in execu
tion as the protmrty of O H Nesbitt at the auit
of Kiltanning Insurance Companv for Mse
F. I) No 9, March Term, 1881 L Z Mitchell, att'y
At the rsmc time and place M II the right, title,
interent and claim of n II Nesbitt of. in and to
the following described 'eashold. situati on the
Thomas J niison farm. Fairview township, Sut
ler connty Pa., dcscrit>ed as follows begining
at the north east comer of the Thomas Jamison
farm thence ea»t along the line between said
faim and the McOa'vey farm to the Hradys
Bend roid. thence along said roail according to
the description of said road to the McKiniiev
line thence along said line to the sonth line of
the farm thence west along said line to the Mo
Dermott corner, thence along the lines between
said Thomas Jamison farm and the McDerm->tt
co-tier, thence along the line between said
Thomas Jamison farm arid the McDerraott farm
north to the place of beginning, containing
about 25 acres, moro or less, together with 5
P'oduci- g oil wells thereon, derrick, engine
houses, engines and boilers, tubing, casing, roils
tanks and nil machinery and fixtures thereto be
longing. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of O II Nesbitt at the suit of Kittan
ning Insurance Company, for use.
KI>No 9, March T. 1881 I. Z Mitchell, att'y
AI Hut *-«rae time nnit plnec nil tin* right, title,
IntcreM and c-lsiitrj ot <i II Ne*bltt nl, in and to
lli« - follow In d«ncrtbed 'i- m' twild xitimt)' on I lie
"Hio* Jamifcon ! in Fairvlew. Huth r Co, Pa,
bounded on the north by tin* McDermoll and
Mcflnrvcy farm*, on the ewt by 8 Wile*, onjhe
south hy the fUctv, Mi-Kin' ev and Riddle farm*
and on the we»t hy the Hank* and MeDermott
farm*, containing 3JO m ien, more or lexx, togcth
er wilii two piodttcing oil well* thereon, der
rick c, engine hon en, engine* nnd boilers, Inh
lug casing. lank*, rod* and all trai-hlnery and
fixture* thereto belonging Hcljied and takcu
In execution a* the property ol (4 II at
the fiiit of the Kltt'ililiiii'/ Insurance Co for u«c.
EI)No 9. M.ireh T, ISHJ I, / MlMiell. atl'y
At the name time nnd pl ee all tint right. Mile,
interest and eialin of O II Neabltt ot, in
the following dwllied lea«eho'd. situate on
the Thou Jamison farm. Falrvl. w township,
Puller Co., Ha., bounded on tlie norlli by tint
VcMarvey faiiu, south by barnyard and limit,
ca*t by the spring run and lane fence ai d went
hy the public road, containing 5 acre*, more or
leitH logettier with one producing oil well there
on, derrick, engine house. engine and boiler,
tubing, cueing, rod*, tank* and all machinery
and fixture* thereto belonging. Helaed and ta
ken in exerutton an the property of <i II Sen
bitt at the *ult of Klttaunlng Insurance Co. lor
K I) Nofl, March T, 1881. L 7. Mitchell, nlt'v.
At the name time and place nil tin- right, title
Intere-t and claim of () II Nimbi it of, in and to
üboul S!8 wren of land, Mituate in Kiirvlew town
ship, Kutler Co, I'a, being a portion of the Ja*
Bl"»ny firm adjoining Innd* • I <J W Graham. J.
II JamlMon, on the north nn /ft J«ml*on on
Hie east and part ol land of *aid .la* Hlany on
the south and we»t to he surveyed hy a line be.
ginning at the Black Jack corner and running
wast along O VV Graham line to the cro*< line
of ihraild Hlnny laud, thence south to south
•Ide of ravine, thence south a tafflrh-nl distance
io tuuke 3 • acre* par'ly now in the borough of
Petrolla, ttl dwelling house* and wooden build
ing* and one prod-elm.' oil well thereon, der
rick, on id ii - hou-e, engine nnd hoi tor, tubing
casing, tank*, ro Is and all otiier mucLlncrv and
fixture* th rcio ix-longim: thereon- Heltu d mid
taken In execution a* the property of (J H Ne»
t^iC * u ' t ionumce Co, tor
EIINo 9, March T, 1881 I. V. MiicliHl, alt'y
At the cam? time and pi ce ell the ti:.!it, title
int«-r«-st and claim ol G II NVeliitt of. In ai d t'»
j a leasehold, bcinir a portion of tbe -I B .I-rtiNf-n
j tarni Mluate in tbe the borouuh ot Pi-tro'ia. Hu'-
ler Co, Pa containing 4 acre . in on- or !••«>. and
deKcrit eo a- follows, ad'oinini; land" of .larncn
i Rlany or. the south a: d west and <» vv Gia'; :n
on tbe north, part of J B JawUnn land- on the
east, toeeti er wi:h a* murh of said J B .1 an Nun
' lande as lief west ol the public road dins;
! from Martinsliure to rs Smltl V, and adjoin
l ing" lands of .lis 111 any on the west, and on tie
south by W A Wil-on ai d s<id I B n
land on the east Also, so uun has li's -o>i h
i Bradv's Rend road adjoining- laid» ot Fly -te 1
as wIU m k<* 8 acres in all. 40 board dw. l irm
. houses and l-Hiidiuifs erected thereon S> lz< d
j Mid taken in e*e-ution is t!>e property < t G II
Nesbut at the eui ol KitiHiiniiig Insur.ince Co.
i for u«e
I F. DNo i». March T, 1881. L 7. Mitchell, att'y.
At the same time and place all the ri-ht, title
interest and claim ot G II Nesbitt of. in and to
a-lcasehold, beinir a portion of the Mcllc inoti
farm, situate in Faii view township, ButTe" Co,
Pa. bounde 1 on the north b< leases ot \!cK<*-
nwn and Morresy,Connelly, Leslie Hri)«, Reli f
Pipe Line, Backus A Sinitli, east by Thos Jam
ison. south by Matthew B ufra and wc*t by
Smith farm, contalnlm; "0 acre-., more or less,
with two prodncinL' oil wells thereon, derri -K-,
enirine houses, enirlncs and Iwllerw, ca-ii ir. tul>-
inL'. tanks, rods, buildings and all tin-chiiiery
and tixiuies ihereto belonpjig thereon. Si-izi d
nnn takrn in execution as the f roj ertv ot <• II
Nesbitt at the suit ol Kittanniog Insurance Ce,
lor nse.
E D Nos 19 and TO. March T, 1881. X Black
and J I) Mc.tunkin. aity'*.
At the same time and place all the rL'ht, title
intere-t and claim of Solomon Albert of, in and
to thirty (30) acres ot land more »r leas, situa
ted in Franklin townsh p Bntler Co, Pa. hound
ed as follows, to wil: on the north by John
thiamin,' e st by W 3 Thompson, sou'h by W
S Thompson and weat by John S.tatptn, a
story and a half Iran e or plank dwelling hou-c,
lot; barn and truit trees tbi recn, mostly cleared.
Seized and taki n in <'x<-cutioii as the proj'city
ol Solomon Alt>ert at tbe suit ol 1 .1 M'Candles*
and John Bert: & Co
E D No 18, March T 18*1. J D Mc-Junkin,
At the same lime and place, all the right, ti
tle, interest and claim < f Francis Conlcy of, in
and to one hundred and thirty-one (13i) m res
of land, more or less situated in Centre town
ship. Hnth-r county. Pa., houi ded as follow-. I
to wit: On the n rtb hy lands rf Robert Alii- !
son, east b- lands of John Pollock and Jacob |
Shanor, south by lands of Sarah Sb- nor and !
west by Peny Smith and Tie s Ho n; a two
story stone dwelllug house. Irauic ham. frame
stable and wagon sped and orchard thereon,
mostly cleared. Seized and taken in exiftiliin
nr the property of Fri.ncis Conlcy at the suit ot
Hoticrt Gcaley. Sr.
E I» tfo 30, March T, lsßl. Thoinpson & Scott,
At the sane time and place a'l the riaht. title,
interest and claim ot Wm M Ahrams ot, in and
to thirty acre- of land, n.ore or les*, situate and
lying iu the borough ot Pctrolia aud Fairview
township, Butler Co.. I'H-, and Isiunded and de
scribed as follows, beginning at a stone, thence
north, *5 degrees west, perches to a post
by lands ot Win (iibscm, thence sou: h. 9 degrees
west. VB peiches to a po-t by lan s formerly
owned by M B Oeorge,thence souih, 21 d"gri*e~
east, S2J.£ perches to a post, thence south, ti'!
dej<rees east, 50 perches to a post by lands ot .1
B Jamison's heirs, thence by lands ot the same,
89 degrees east, 11 8-10 perches to a p el,
thence north, 12 degrees ea-t, 74 perches to tin
place of be inning hv lands of He' ler, and be
ing the same piuce of laud which wns conveyed
to <Jas Campbell, church buildintr, school build
ing, machine shop, sixty wooden buildings,
more or less, erected tiler on and Used as dwel
ling houses and store houses, one producing oil
we 1 thereon, derrick, engine house, cngim- and
boiler, tnbintf, casing, rod', lank* and all ma
chinery aud tixturc- thereto belonging. Scl/.ed
and taken in execution ».-> the property of Win
M A brains nt the suit of J Craig Wallace for u-'*
of J H Haines now foruseot Jos M'Elroy, ass'e
of Citizens Savings Bank, of East Brady.
E D No 29, March T, 1881. M C Benedict att'y
At the same time ai d place all the right, title,
interest aud claim of 8 H Hamilton ot, in a».d
to one acre of land, more or less, situ ited in
Fairview town-ddp, Butler county, Pa,, bounded
as follows, lo wit: r .)n the north by O W Wilis,
east by fi W Wiles, south In public ro d and
west by Mortimer la- m, a one-story bo .id <1 wel
ling house and board stable thereon, eh aied and
fenced. Seized ai d taken in execution as the
property of S II llamilton at the suit of G W
W lies.
EI)No 4. March T 1881 W II I-u-k Att'y
Al the same time and place all the right, title
Interest and claim Of William Bell of in and to
thirty-two (32) acres ot land, more or less, siiu
ated in Washington township, Butler < o. Pa,
hounded as follows, to wit: on the north b\
Isaac Thompson's h' irs, east by Ah x Bell, south
by S A Campbell and west by I eon ird Stewart,
a one-story log and board house, Iraine Viable
and small orchard II ereon, all cleared feirrd,
and taki n in execuiioi, a- the property of Win
Bell at the suit of John F Cochran.
E D No 51, March T. 1881. Newton Black,
A ti 'y.
At the same time and place all the tight, title,
interest and claim of Robert Ai'en of, in and to
all that certain trait of parcel of land situate iu
Brady and Worih townships, Bu'ler county,
Pa , bounded and .Jewel II cd as follows begin
ning at a post, thence by lands of A and K
Glenn south,B!% deg <es west, 27 ' perches to
a post, thence hy lauds of Wm Curry and A
Glenn south, of a degree east, 207 and 410
pi relies to a post and stone pile, thence
to a post, thence north, % of a degice we-t, bv
lands id McClyinonds aud others 2 7 and 4-10
perches to the place of beginning, cotilainlni:
three bundled and Hit) acres, more or less (:!50)
log and fran.e house, log barn and oiilbuildiii'js
and orcbaid thereon, partly cleared and feu.
Seized aud taken iu exei uilon as the properiy
ol K ibert Allen at the suit ot Charles McCutcli
eon for use.
E I) No 51, March T. 1881. N Black, att'y
At the same time and place >ll tin rk'ht, title
interest and cl.lio of Roteit Allen, all that
piece or parcel of land situate in Brady towi ■
ship, Butler connty. Fa , bounded and described
as follows: beginning at a post at the north
west co' ner, thence by lands of II M>'l>ee|it et
al, uofih, 89}.£ degrees east, 2>>9 and 8 10 perch
es to a post, thence hy lunds ol James Cross
man south, 1 degree e st l:ttt and 0 10 perches
to a post, thence by land ot the lielrs ot Strain
south 89 degrees west, 28U and 3-10 perches to
a post, ihenet bv lands ot to the place
of tM-glniiing containing t wo liundicd and torti-
acres more or less, a one-story brick dwel
ling house, large frame barn and ouf-biiildiiit-s
and good orchard thereon, mostly cleared. Sctr.-
nnd taken in execution as the property of Bob
ert Allen at the suit of Charles Mct.utcheou for
K D No 51, March T, IBSI. N Black, all'y.
At the came time and place nil (lie riirht, title
inlcrcnl and cliilm t Kol ert Allen of, In and to
nil lhai tract or parcel ol l ind, niUJate ill Fr.mk
liti townnhip, Butli-r county. Pa , iioundi don
the north hy lam'* of Stephen Allen heir*, on
thecant hy tl.e Franklin road, on the nouth '»>
a |>tihlic road and oti the went by land* o| Oil
hiL'her and Hake, loni hundred acn n
more or ICHH, and known A» the Hiker tract,
BUhJeet to a reservation ol twenty in rcn In lie ne
lected liy a raihoad company for depola, Ac.,
when a Itai'road in huilt over naid land, a trood
frame dwelling houne and I'aine liarn and other
Oilt-hulldiliL'n and irood orchard thereot,, wontly
clened Seized and liken In execution an tin
property of Kohert Allen at I lie nuit ol ( har|en
McCulcheon for UMC.
E DNo 54. March T 1881. C MeCandlcna m'y
At the fame time and place all the riirht, >itl<-
Intercut and claim of Oeo G Conway, dee'd, of,
in and to 1115 acre* ol land, more or lew, nltua
t'-d In Ooncord t' wn-hlp, Butler ('«, I'a. hound
ed ad folh w», to wit: on tl e north hy K (lia
ham, R* v M an-hall and II Hoiiald-on, ant t■ v
Kir i AKK I 'niii | iadl, -oiil'i hy Mil 'alll-tcr and
II KIIIIII and went hy K II Gainphel', a fiaine
dwelling hoU"»e, lot' ba'n nprliig house ai d two
0 oliardh thereon, moi-ily cleared. Seized r.nd
taken In execution an the property ol fleo C
Conway, dec'.!, at the null ol Commonwealth ol
Pent)'a lor use. &e.
E 1» No 76, M ireh T. 188) II I'olheri, atl'y.
At the mine lime and place II the • itflit, title
Interest and claim of VV I' Hall ol In and to /
iMIxIWI feet of land, more or Minuted u
Sunhtiry horouirh, Huilcr »'«•, Ha, hounded an
follow*, to wit. on the north hy Jefleri-on Dun
lap, cant hy Main HI reel, *ouih hy an illcyr and
wci-l hy an alley, a Irame dwelling hon-e mid
frame alnhle Iheicon. Seized and taken in exe
cution an the proprrty ol VV I' Hall at the nuit
of .fame* and Hlmoii Hunt.
KI) No 74. Marcl! T. 1881 C Walker, Alt'*.
At the tannic time and place all the i li? t, title
intercut and claim ol John Lind'cy 01, in and
to thlrtv (IFO) Al'ieM of land, more or ICCH. nltua.
led ill Cheriy towunhip, Sutler counlv, I'M,
huunded an folloWH, to wl'; on the north hy
Joliy Nelron, cant hy Nt Ixon and Alwell, couth
l>y l> Alwell and Jon Hlllininly ilnd went In K
II and F Llndaey, lojf hou-c, loir ntahle and
noun- fruit tree* thereon. Seized and taken ill
execution an the property ol John Lludicy at
the nun ol VV I) Met'tine lor use.
K I) No 74. March T. 1881. C Walker. Ail'v.
At the name time and place all the riirht, title
intcrcnt and claim of John Llndaey ol in and to
1 a piece or paicei ol laud IM-IIIC pint of lot No
I In 2nd dh trict of donation laud in ( Iter v
towunhip, Sutler Go, I'a, hounded and de»crl'i
ed a* follow*: heirinnl' ir at a font, thence north
Blt deirreen eant, by lun.ln ol Johll Bllllnjj-lv 7
and M-10f* pi rchea to a poM, thence north, 1 de
cree eant, hy land* of F 1.1 d»ey Si! pcrcle-n to a
pout, thence non'h. MS* deirn e» i ant, In ! ni 'n of
name 7 and Sfl-100 perclien to a pont, tl eiice
nouth, 1 decree ea»t, I v land ol the ni|d John
I.in Vey ,%ff | die* lo a ponl, the place of lie.
trinnillL', eonlalnlnv "'J acre* ol land, an let
joufi-ojre, Jtttii the agtitjrHnuioif.. Ac, U»eir< n
ttcue'd juU takfi'u lu rxccuiluo •« the proper!r
of John l.itid-ci at th -.n of \V I> McCain-,
for n-e.
El> Ko m. KMhIM 'MI- W H l.n«k. rtfy
At HIT mtrt *i«ri inil pltm rfl Ik* rig4ri BUt,
interont Mul claim . I 15'j-ci. m- -re of, i.i
and to ail the {. d.-cr ! M* ->n •
UMM of land Hitu-iTe ; i Wtl flft] I fowl s' to. li-;r-
Icr oonnly. I'n.. UMII- l(«l * .1 - 'ii" •; f >i
low-: lot* of gr< MUM) nun I • rina fi m UID ineind
il x i iiO toti<d inclu ;nu hundred (-' ■)
lorn of cr"tiud in the t.>.vn of SixonC- v la: 1
out and mapped by 'he .'ar'-r .-i-> and !.> ai
romrni y of p;?:nl i a-" ai! t'.'.t other
lieeP of "land j ti.ui-y IOC f > •. >i ••f City, o.i
the cant by the «r' T .■ r.on th v ? t»w i
ehip load • i'.l on th- north by lat.J of
an per ma- .- and di-fn. containing four acrag
miirf or lenn. ex n, ting le iw.-vi r oiu of t ! <«
eight hniulied lot- of gr.mud litteen ( ! 5l in
■mbs mlwaiiliend m fuOo** (P tih ''.at.
j94 9 r >. 9Ti. 91. IM. 117. MR, Ml, MS. b44.
144 and 145, all .if ai ovo described ! n-1 and lots
of grcnml: con'*'! in* «>t o lmn I aor •> of land
morp or le#B. ab 'it ?•' actit clearsd. small or
. chard the?eon ai I takt;: in exernti >!i
nn tin- property of John illakeuiore at the Ult
ot William S Boyd-
Kr> Xo SI, Match Terr,:. ISSI. li I' Sc ! t f-it'y.
At the name limp ■ I.J | !a!l th r;..'.t Ptio
internet and claim of T . Gar>.> au : ' •-.
nia Garvcy of. in a id to one hunou-d and nixty
(ICO) acres of land, iron M: lew. niture . «'• n
i'<qneiie»ning town hi,'. Butler c.aintr. Pa. I
bounded as follows. to wi» : <in the nort'. Iv J
Shannon et al. enst by J -hn < train-in. n-a.it!. t.v 1
Graham T'nncan and vent by J li'i Shannon I'
al. a dwelling bonne, frame lam 'id oichari
thereon S<-:/ -<1 an 1 taien in i spciili in a- i! P '
propei ty of Thom.ii (1 itiv an 1 J-!i~. Ciirvey
at the-uit of .Ivihn M Thou |'ion, i ' : e
E U Koc4S »nil !>4. M vrcli 1" *i ■, 1 - Si. C M' - -
Candieff ud K O Miller, att'y*.
At the kkim tun an ! pi. • nil •ri
interest and d im of Joliu '! i .-tv.: <■ nof i
r.nd ti» hixtv cvei of land >'nrtte in *.i'.-n I
t .wiirhip. Huth r c.ir.iitv. P:i, »-ij . !ai> I- ;
John hear, Hon E Mc.Tiuil. i:t. O1) Ihomp-o.i !
f tid othern. dwi' 11! j; tiouae au.l 1 m tarn \
thereon, about Jo actm cleared. S.-i/.-d an I j
taken in execn'ion w t!i& pi .(.erty of John
I'hoibptHin at the Mlit of Cliailes MrC'niid PM? j
for u.-p. and John Kv p : ; r. for u-e of I) SB.
K1» Xo 48, Maich Term. 1881. M ,,r n dlecc. i
At the nnic time and piacp a!' the light, title
int<T M and claiu of Joliu >! 'l'lni! .o>o:i of i: 1
tinl to one hundred (IK r. nof i . 11. hi.t.
or li-hh situated in Slinjie vm -k !';>. H ier
Pa . bounded an foliown. to «ll: On tin- north
by Mr* r K rr. ( ■ : v 'l.-nry >Vo.fu J H >ut!i i >
Tin - M0C..11: u • N i übt :■« rca<i and v.v*t
by Pino t»i.iv:- r.; 1 C'fn r. viile road. .1 br -I;
dureKing I •: • and frame t> '• a.i-l !r:r:u >t i .
mid « • .rd thereon, »L>. .tt 75 ai-rtu cli-ar.sl
Kei:'.. d .uid li.keli in 1 \ c.lii "1 an 111 • ■ v V!y
of John M Tlionipn .1 at tliu nuit of Charles Mc
t andletm f .r use.
Vli No 87, March Term. 1 -d. AG WJliini".
At the nan.e fime and p u*e dl the right, titt •
intcrent an I claim if I'et r lintel - > of. in and
to all the undivided OM Mgbth ot all thai eer
taii. piece 01 land nitu-t«t in I'mk.-r Tp • ftufci
( r. I'a . bounded a« fobown. '■ >■ innio; ».t »•••
north pan* corner at a pont. there- n m n 67
degrei s west by l.'.i.dn o! T t '"t.n 1 . ell IS 'i-. r i !'
clien to a pout, th':ice H!) v. -t bv I i d
ol naid ampbell 70 perri i toaii mt. thence
HOllth 1 d-gvee went t«y !r,i< ln of nil (' mpheli
50 perchen to a p.>r>t, th-'iic.- nouth w 9
wei-t bv landn of naid Ci. ij bell 3. .1-1 pe» ■ ■- to
limestone bonne noiith 1 l-'i decree- t»y land of
J H (lilwn and E Keep!'.; ; peic •- to ji -nt
thence nontli 8s e. .-i by 1 mil • f .V Gi 1
him IH:» 2 :$ perebM to an nt. iMim we-t 1 4®-
ftree eatt by landn o J 11 lo'-m !' per.-hen,
thence noil :h x',' degree - went by n.i d G.b«>n
65 1-5 percliPH to a p int. tli-nc •1. irt . 1 de .ree
went by lands of J II 'iib.-on 100 I* r.'. en rot.•
place of beginning, containing 130 acr.-n. uiori
or lenn (two acren on the n iutli w. -t r- ne- In
ing re.carved and nc «' o!e 1- nnbj ct to a c.n'
leane) aljout 75 acren clean 1, orcU ir l. frunii
lnmne and fraTie iio ti :i> ' 4 pm ucmg oil well
there (in, di-iricki. engine hounen. eriginei-and
boihrn, tubing, ea.-in i' .!n. l ifik- -i. ;.1 1...;
clnnery ai il fixiim n tliet - . t»> loll'. i ,: *-i
an taken i'l execution 'ln- 1 ol f J e,
IlntchiH'ui at The nuit of Jacob H Waiter.
ED No 87 Marcli "t'eini SSI A G Wilhainn.
At the name time and pi i.-« allthn rigid, ti'
intiont a. I iv'iu of IV ter 111 zt. . 1 of. in 1
to the uailivi ieil n;\: li <-1 t.' iti.it i I iin 1 •
or parcel of land nitu. 'e tfi I* i l-.' i* In. li .• ! 1
Cr, I'a.. b nniied and dn bed an folloWrt. bt
giljing at a pont n.-ar a maple at the noith e i'l
• ornir. tlienn« by lan 11 fonnctiy of 0»v:
l lioilian now {Jro« moil 'in i oilier.-, liieiicesollt
; , devreen wi-t 4!) petchen to a |>ont. tin i.. e I >
mc line of the Morgan farm south degree
went 105 per lien to a pont. thence by . ni..» ol
Henry Gibmni noi I . . (ii'Lirees eant 50 i erc'.n-n
to a fjOHt. thence by landn ol P G llite et
north dfgreen eii-t. Ibl pe 'icn to the plai'e
of begimn •, containing .VI aornn, more or lenn
about 10 acrm cleared, eight old oil well- tin re
ou Seized and taken in execution an tlie prop
erty of i'ettr Uiucnißon a. nh« nuit of Jacob II
U alter.
E D No 87. March T. issi. A C AU'y.
At the same lime iind p!;w'e ;ifl llie rigin, iltle,
interest and cl iiin of l'i*o r lltiiebin-oii 01. in and
to Hie undivided one-elyblii nl all lli.it c i'l oil int
or pared of ground Mitiate in l .uaer township,
ltutl"r<'o, l'», botilided and deseribiid :i< lollo..s:
licgnuiing at a post :•! Ihenortli i ist eiiruerjlieiiee
by land of tlwen Thomas, now BIOWUMHI et al.
south, ?i <>f a degna* norlh. 11l l>(-relies to a post,
thence by lands sold lo Peter liul 'liison and .M
Hidings south. P< 1 degree west. !• . peic le.s to :■
post, tlieiice b\ land of Harvey < Jibsftu norili. 2
degrees iv.it, Hi perclle to il |)I• :. I!:eir.-e lij lands
-old to Isaac Ash ."•ni* (Jeoi;:;-V l orei'i: n nor h.
SS'i decrees e.isl, peieites to :i |los!. being I - •
outer pid-e ol" I lie W 111 Tliomp- on I;r> i. I'oii n
ing W acres more or ie.,s. abo'ii ten ; er> s elea-i I,
n old 111! wells tilereoll. Set/ell til l taken 111 e .<»-
cutloii a 'lie pm rtyof Peter llut hlson at tlie
null of Jacob II W lilcr.
K l» No ST. March T. Isxl. A <1 W.oiams, At.'y,
At tin sain lime and place all liie re.-lit, lit"
interest alld ei ilin of Petei lluleliin • 01, ,11 .ml
lo all Hie illlUividvil I-1 nil of a I lhal ceil ill
ti.u i or p irei I of I .ml situate in Alb gli< ay town
ship. ihitler Pa. bound-• t : < foiloa- m , linn •;
al a po-l, lhei.ee by lands of M ft lawloru norlh.
n-i detrn es e, -.1., '.aa peri It.* lo : po a in ihe run,
tlieiieedowntheruusoulll.fi degre -. ea-.t. eigitt
lierehes lo a po-t. tlience soui li. 11 degn-. .a
pen-lies to a post, tllcuce south, -*n «I - ■ *recs »-. -i. T
jierelies to a |m I, lln nee .nufll. . degrees en *.ll
perelies lo a post, llience soul II ai dl arees ue-i 4
pereiu-s to a post, thence soulh, ai lii-gtees west,
peri-he thclli-e soulfl, kith-green ea .1. 11)2 lutll
pel ell's. Ibence •outll, 2*i ea 1, It f-tll p *r
e'les, flience .outh. •" decrees east, 7 peicli s.
thence south ::•» degrees east, in; to perches.!hence
south, I ill go C \,es-,.t ||| 11-ai S, tli.'lici -m ill, at
degrees e si. ; 111 t he . flu-nee -laJl:. "V degl -
c-tsf. :>3 111 pel cite . tin-lie • south. It' deaie.-s est.
It 2-10 peri-lie .. thence -..-nil! .i'lil'-go s east2a- u
pei eh- ;. thence -oil! Il lid.' -n ■- i-.i -: 7 !u pen h
es. all In 1 ands ol Win i arner. thence b satm*
aid 1 ho. Mai-sli el nor li -a d.-ui east Til per
ehe, to a po.t, thence by laildn fortnerlj of .1 E
I trim n -outh 2* deutccs e • t. a . perehe. a p>. t.
thence by land of .1 S ( i>l;;in. Oiivi i !: oick and
• 'has < ooper -' o ' e. we-t, 17. -. tele -
lo a while oak. I .em- south I degree ea-r 4 A-loih
perches to it post. Ilienci si ulll d( .'tecs C ist,
till perelies lo a po-l, lln nee I" laud- ol ,lo I
linrtll 2 degrees ea I a peteuesloa fi-. .1, llietiee h>
lands of .1 • no-. Ivl dam north - a <|e«re •. i,
mi petclie .to a pp«t a ail I hem- b\ •a me nil -th I ■
degree* wi-t i'• p-n-lie lo a e|n--a u:f tin place i I
iiealimine, eonlaiulii'c 1i et ■ ml '• p n-lies, to
cellier «ii h llie litdit of w •. to I lie i Ivc: nvei the
hinds of .1 i : I'.ro-. n and o: her . h lion -, log lorn
alld small on-hard IIMUCOII. a -out -o a- r e!e ired.
Sei/ed and taken in execution as the protierty ot
Peter Iliilchlieoii at the -.nt ol Jaeoh ll Halter.
KI) No 7. Miaeli T. I I.
\t the same time and place all the right, title.
Interest and claim of I'etcr 11 tit eh I on of. in and lo
ail the rhdit. title. Inteied and claim of the de
fendant of. In mul to tin undivided '» of nil tn il
certain pleei or parcel ol I and situate In Pili l - rl
township. I till lei- < O. Pa, hecliuiing al a fan I all he
nortii-easl corner, thence li> laiei - -t .lauii-: Kcl-
Iv's heirs north S7'« degree wist fl2 I' d- lo it
(lurry tree, the] land- of lleii , Miiiben
speek'-outh 1 1 deerees west ;;n rials, tlleliee by
hind -of ■ -line south dl gree, ea -1 pen-he- lo a
stone thence !»-, lanils of .h.hll llaehi-u- peek, for
llierlv'rlio Kelij outh I". d'-aiees east L'S rods In
a black oik tree", thciiee b- land of -ame ll' de
grees east ;o' pn-cl'e* !ii:i |n I. theiiec hy ftndi
nf \irio- Voi itg north II ill - rei s i t-( t i. tods o
a Willie link I liellce north a ea I by land
of Irehtbnid Keli> 38 - perches n. the pl.-e-e of be
ginning. I oulaili'la' a. Tien tu-il I ei. lies, mote
or le -. about wi a,en i elei.n- I . Id loa hoi •• and
Rtnilll orcb«r»l Ihereen. Sel/ed Mill taken In e.e
eiiltou as tin pi" eit\ of I'eli r Hull-lit oil al tin*
suit of Jacob II Waller.
i; 1) No Ki and a. M - ' 1. Tt'( n,| I I
Att'y. ,
Al the same HUM- eti'l flic rlglil, I lb,
lllteresl anil ehlllil <a \V (. : ha ;hI on of, in and lo
one In.ndo d I li. . ..'-le- I f'al it. Inere Ol h . • dil
ated I'l Sllppi i- nekU wi dp. Illilb I colli.l \. I'a,
hounded a fo 1 o\, . lo v P : . ll the north hv h-inls
of I ieoige < ro ». ea-l In lamb ol .1 linaid, ROUth
bv lands of Put aid i rile' m\ el al. and we a hy
hinds of .Itdin Me I bao>, . log let- e. h ■■ sliil.le
orehard, mostly c!e;i:ed. Si / il and talo nm < 1-
eeiillon a-the 'properly of \\ (i Stout.liton al the
suit of II K Wil l;.
El> Nos Hi and sii Maieh T. 1 si. 1 <• Campbell,
At Ihe same time ami place all the lit. 111. Iltle,
inli re I and elatni of \\ «. s. :• 1 1•... 1 01. ; u alnt lo
om- bund red i in l -! a.ai* ol ail t. .on- or a- -, a e
aled In Slipper;, rock tov.|.-hlp. Puller loiilitv, I'a,
hounded as fol'lov s. to wll ; on tla- liorth b\ hi|nln
of I > M CMM and .101 l It Me Kill my. east In Mel)i n
ald farm, now owned hv Mcl'aialle s el al, south
|»v laiuls of Titos mil Min-el M !►.- iM ' le- * aid
west hv half of -alne tract,.sold I* > I M i andh--* el
al. io M l.aughllli. about • iicrcs clenied Kia/i-d
.ill I l iken in ' xeel t oil ' In- propell > of W(i
Slotighlon ill the i ll of II M \\ • ! .
I li No at. March T. PH .I ll Mi .luekin. Atl'v.
At till- -:ttii.- t li e d plaei ;:|| the tu hl I'l'e,
hileic I and claitn or I ■ - en- I 'teio of. fa and lo
lifty i .in aetes of 'and. more oi b .-iliialed ill
I'h'-ri- town-hip. Hut lei i o. I' - bo'itnled Hlid de
scribed as follows tov.lt : In etniifte.' al a white
oak brush thence south -'.l'egri -1 I \ lands
of Gt ei and VI .in 111 "i i■'ln■ m i • -rein ton
IMIHt, llleliee -ontll I'tde-lei. We I. 111. 7-tn peicli
es to a v bite o -It i«- land < ( Jno M Hll Inrd.
•liellce norlh -lb le. I le ' in' of !la''.ev
I'ltrlsl v nil taeoti iln- mail n a-m i <-r. It" lo a
walliut, llienci no.'lll l de i ■ i 'I hy land- •!
.las fillelii bl lid M Craie- i-l td I - i-tn • ei. In 1 o
the place if I i nil i h h a e ti- d I- f still 'e
Ihereon. | artlv i eared. S. i -eil an.l l:-lni lie e
entlou a- I In-tironert \ of la ; a lie I'Yrern al the
salt of Mrs < ;.l liitihie ti. ell.
E I> Xo M March T, 1 -1. J 1> Mc.iutikiu at'v.
Al the sßllle liniP lind phtee all tin- rit hi, ti
tle. interi-st and claim ol I'lpfem I em ro of, in
ami to all that ci ilatli piece Of parcel ol' land
situated in \\ a liin .-tou an I Chem li unships,
Utiller Co, Pa, hounded and ,1.-aih.-d as fi.|.
low-: be *iiii i n - at a p -I «o:i'li s ,-, -1 :;|
perches p. a |io-t l.v hoe 1 - I I'liilm II llntrd,
theye.. t" V.a ,1 J,i. 1)• rches to a |..i(, ijienee
; north 89 wi'st 3l parches lo a jfo'.f, tliVnoe
•I! i ' . *. 1" •: • : -h -t» a post, containing
-I' acr. - ■ >rc or l< partly cleared. Seized
r: . u. ex u": n the property of Ku
. . rero at tba KQ lot Mr- CllnMil Koch.
EO No >~B, MarchT, If !. 1". < i Miller, att'y.
At t!i.' v m • tiw aii<l |>!ncc all the ritcht, ti
t , intei.-, ..ad ciaita of i> Ktz -I of, in and to
«!1 : : i • • ii:j ple-v or lot ol gr- uuU situate ia
I i !> r..n_'ii (Sutler. i;.i:!er Co, l'a. bounded
I I scntx i u fotlovi. td>f part of lut No
-*» in the j Mnl pUs .»t Mid
ning at a point ou High or Main street IS feet
frmi the -• nith -west corner of lot Vo 26, thence
a: i un.le* t»sai ! High or \1 ..n street, hack
ia an ■ t-terlv <iir<-ctiou !•<•. feet to an alley,
thence hy said alley -..nth "Jt) feet, thence at
right i ; want toward Sfnii wwiat 155 ftH, i
tin .f rl it arm 1 - south t feet, thence at
ri.'iit :'..i - west seventy-five feet to high or
main itrt I .o. 1 tbeaet i>v line at mu4 inmn *t,
- t feet to the place ot beginning, on which is
erected a two story house, part brick and part
in.me, about .'-J feet front and about IKUeet deep
b • i:g opposite the Vosrelev House and bounded
north l»v lluyl.es proiierty and south by lvzei
store i>r >pei tj*. S - : i:;d ta.i?n in execution
as tli ■ property of G M'zd at the -uit of Build
ing and Loan As- eiatioii of Butler, Pa.
£1) Nos ; tad 1:, Mink T. ISSI. (' Met'an.l
less and G A & A T Hlaek, att'vs.
At the -am • tune an i place all the right, ti
tle, ititere.-t ae.d claim of \V I) MeCandlcss of,
in ami to i ne hundred 100 acres of land situ
ated in Centre township, Butler county, l'a . |
Itoun let' as follows, to wit: on the north hv l|
Ben r. r, east by B Herri tiger and Thoa Rich
r.r l-. - null by It Mliler and west by Saniu t
Irvin ft al, a story and half frame house, frame
barn, two-sl-.ry store liou.-e. small frame house,
franc blacksmith shop and orchard thereon.
■" it 7" acres cleared and fenced, underlaid ,
» o c-nl. Seiz i and taken in excniticu a
i' e property of W 1> Mc< 'and less at the suit of
C M i' in lit •>,. guardian, and Simon Young.
II i> N .i . I Ma- term, 1881. C Mc
• n'-ii - t S \ jc A T iliac*. .itl'ys.
At t lt >• u • t:n» • .u i pl.;v :.ll tic right
t tie, intel •• I el iiia of W 1> ,ie. i i.|l"'vj of.
ia and to all • -r-taiu 1..: eiVia.i.d Minn
in th • »;ir ugh of {.Sutler, Butler Co. P.i.
bound 1 ii >rtii by F.rst National Sank build
ititr. st by I ailie street, s.iiith l.y Butler Sav
l iik , I we tby narrow alley, a three
s'-i y brie'; build.n.' >i>ete.l there.in, together
wit i the ri-.'l.t of way to n; per stories of -aid
b ill.ling through stairway n:;d hail ia First
National Haul; ba.l.ling, a od bn.vne-s loca
t on. Seiz, .1 'i i T".ken in execution as the
property of \V I) Met'andl«»ss at the suit of \\
( Me( aii-lle.ss, (ji, : .n. a«id Simon Yonug.
K DNo ir, an I n», M t.- . T— i. t ( Me-
Can lless and 1.1 A A: V l' !SL;-k, att'vs.
At tlie same tim • a.i 1 place "li tne right,
title, iii erc ael la ill of W l> Met'andle-s ot
i■. and i . tli •un liv:d I of 110 acres of laud,
tu ire i r 1 -ss, situated in Slipperyrook Tp..
Cutler Co., l'a., Ixninrl -.1 as follows, to wit:
Ou the north by (ieorge Cross, east by .1 1>
Bovard's heirs, soatti by Thomas Critchlim
and west by N 1" e: \V i> MeCan-liess and John
Meiiliianey. log 11■ •u- ■, log stable and orchard
thereon, about ...» acres cleared. Scl/ 'd and
takea in .\ ull hi as tie- pr ip-rtc of W" 1) Mc
(' .miles- at the suit of W C .Mel audits-, Uuar
dian. and >imou Young.
I'. I> No S and -'.'2, March Term, 1 •'•!. C Mc-
Caudlc-s and (j A 4 A T ISlack, att'vs.
At the same time and place all tne
title, interest and claim of \\ 1) UflClllillm ot
in and to the one-halt of 7-L> of 10 ) acres o
land, more or less, situated in Slippery roc I.
I p., Butler Co , Pa., b >undcd as follows, to
wit : On the north by J Meillhauy, et al, east
by \V I) i N F McCandlessand Thoiua-Criteh
low, south bv Thomas and Daniel MeDevitts
lie-.r; and we t by McGlanghlen, coal bank
open and in working order, about >S aere
cieart 1, not fenced. Seized and taken in execu
t a a -the prop-: ly of\V I) MeCatid!e.-< ut th'
-nit of W (' McCaudless, Ouardian, and Simon
I 1> .No !).'S and 12. March Term, 1 -81. C Mc- |
Candless and ti A st V T Black, att'ys.
At I lie s;t me tinie and place nl! Hie right,
title, interest and claim of \V I' MeCnndless of.
I I and to tli umliv 'leil one-half of acres of
of land, more or k -. situated in Marion Tp..
I'atler Co , l'a . boitndi I as follows, to wit: Ou
the north by Alex MeMurry, east by \V Dou
gan and Creek, south by .i MeAnallen and
west by Win Cars.in.ctal, loir house thereon,
ail clear.d and fenced. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of VV 1» McCandlts
at the suit of \V (' .McCain.less, Guardian, and
Simon Young.
1". D No y,"i, March Term, 18S1. McJ and
Campbell, att'vs.
At the same time and place all the right,
title, interest and claim of Catharine Clark of,
in and to Bevcnly (7m acres of land, more or
lc-s, situated 111 Worth Tp., (Sutler Co., l'a.,
bounded as follows, to wit: On the north by
Joseph Pisor, et al, east by John Book and
llamp on Dean, south by George Brant and
west by Robert'shatler, a two-story frame house
frame barn and other outbuilditi ■- and orchaid
thereon, about >'J acres cleais'il. Seized and
i tken in execution as ttc property of Ctitbarine
< lark at the suit of Singer Manufacturing Com
K I) No 89, March Term, ImHI. K G Miller,
At the fame time and f.la e all the right.
I.tie, interest and claim of (lrabii-1 lltzel and
\nna lltzel of, in and to a )'ari of lot uiimhcred
l'o in the boruugh of I ntlcr. Butler Co., l'a.,
bavin - a .rout on lli-sh or Main street begin
ing at a point on street f' r'v two ' J-) It
Iroin tie south west corner of lot N i L'tl, thence
at right angles to Main sire t ba" < in an eas
terly it red ion "• let t, thence a right angle in
a northerly direeiion four I leet, thence at
rtglit angle in nn easterly direction one bun
drcil lif'tyfive lo.i I'ectJo an alley, thence 'J2
feet s.nitii bv an ally to an alley, thence west
along said alley one hundred and eighty I s o
feet to lli .ii on Maine street and thence l.s feet
to the pla bcifinning. upon wliieb is erected
a two-stoi v brick store and dwelling bouse.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
<f Gain el lit /el and Anna lltzel at the suit of
Leonard and I as-amer Wise l.ir's. Are., for use
II I) No W, March Term, ISM. fcl '■ Miller,
At. the same tim" an I place all the right,
tit! ', interest and els hi of ti M:ze| and Anna
lltzel of, in and t > all that certain piece, parcel
or tract of latid situate ill the borough ol Butler
Butler t 0., l'a., and loeatcil • n Main street op.
p -ite the V.iL'elcy House, bounded and de
scribed «S follows: Oil the west bv Main
strt'et, south by an alley, east aa alley and
north bv | art ol same lot, sold to and now oc
eutiied bv 1111g 11 e , belli;.* pal tol lot No CJo)
Iwetity-Uve a! , ut n rtv two le<-t front ami
«ilie buic'red nlld eighty feet deep 'lsOj tli
aboV ei inpi i ing t hat p >rl of said lot deeded
bv \\\ i to Mrs A l'ltzi'l on which i- grocery
store and residence in one brick biiihliin.'.
Al.SOilmt part of b t deeded hy John M
Miller to (1 lltzel on which Is a two-story brick
and frame dwelling house, excepting from -ale,
the'said la-' recited part of aliovd de-eribeii
premises deeded by Miller to lltzel, being the
northern part there, f, containing one two story
brick and frame dwelling house. t«euiu about
'.'( leel front and on Main street, the put to be
sold In ing the southern part of fir-t above de
serlbed premises and described as follow • : Be
ing a purtol lot No I.'") in llii- borough of Butler,
Butler Co., l'a., having a front on lliifli or
.l/a ill street begin ing at a point oil hi 'h street
lect from the south west corner of lot No 2d
theiic" at right unities to ,1/ain stri-<*t back hi
an e i-l rlv direction '"i feet, thence at right
angles in a northerly direction t feet, thence at
right ini 'le , in ail easterly direction 100 feel to
nil alley, thence 2'2 fi et until up an alley to an
alli'V, llici.ee we'd along ' aid alley lsOh et to
II i • i or '/tin street mill tenici) 1 s (eel to llie
place ol beginning, upon wh eh is creeled a
iwo-st4iry brick store and dwelling hon-e.
Seized and taken in execution is the property
of (1 Hiz.el and Anna lltzel at the suit of John
M i/ilb r, for use.
* Wli t.IAM lint I MAN, Sheriff.
8 Ik illl 's' Mliee, Butler, l'a., Feb. 14th, lssi #
It itrlh T!itf i?ti 1 I Irc fi
aiifi I *' 4on puny.
Rec Ipta i.nd 1> i enilituri H of Worth Uu'ual
Fire liiHiirance t'*: , Tor IsKtl ;
rieminm t? Wt
HwniMinnit 1.088 M
r.iil.uiee of lh7'J ltl) 10
*i,43l> H8
S»l iries. COllllllissioliels.. . H.'t !t. r »
I'ostigo, pi tilling, iutnrert.... 110 <•«>
l.osnses paid I 'Hit 50
f l I!»!» 11*
Dal. Jan. Ist, 1881 240 7ft
\V. K TAY i (<M, I
WJI M'COY. ) Auditors.
A tiit <• < 'tin ( \'ill lor hiin.ti
l»« I Wl i Ihlown, I'til rr, <!•»., I'« , ln»|l| * ten in
I'd \v ii« r |««»w tr ; ri*** ol I »utl, dw<*li
in*, oi 4* 11 r<l, i4i.il It itK, »V'<* , I- n iI«-»ImiI>I«' locu
tun :• lift lull; iloiuj/ • l|| ii»c*V. W 111 | u .
ol'i it iI in tin, Im in i In* |»ro|Hriv of Wn
Ail II It ih»i m»'il !» LOI A(• ril lh», wil-
I ill* 'II Ii |l« I'll \t i w||'» I 111 flllllUll
m t<»« -<* «• K • i nr»l' ti' ii, uihlii* i»
M H P.I AI.UkN, lowii, Pn,
t«?b"ls*s inl rnlor'x ol
Ksiatc of fundi June Mn'ian, I Mhlilie.
►rv T'»V\ • I|l, I'll' '* I futility. P.I T ! FL'ITS of
r(lnn< I 'II "II TFIE it• v• f I IFI* L A vlnir •NTH
1111 • « lO U C I'll (111 is 'Jii || ;| | |||*lHO||M klllM.
111 II ttf» | 1.. v« •-t u ill
INI* (I HUN .T!IT I E ILL <*l !«• WILL J FIMIU tin-ill
ihih unllM'tit' ' »»l ?•»» i* i\ • 11• •• ■ f
.'■ •ifN j'.. y ' UA% ,\ in'r,
fcir, ill MUN, P. O t | JtUtler crtinij, I'ii.
LImI of Applications for Ll*
ef 1 • <»w'it" applici'joishavel»e< n tiled In lUa
°ni eof lit < l«-ri ot Hit- Quarter Session*. whicl»
v.. in- .... .11. .: for action on Wednesday. u»e
y: day .Maroli,
Tavern—!}. W. Campbell. J. J. Feldler.H. Kiten
in !!» r, I. • n-tnl Nicholas, Alex Lo\vry,/I LUU lU)>'H>,
Pa iitk KeJly. ... „
Kc tntirani Hoonre J. Smith. .lonian Kvtn.
Merchant—<>. * J. K-iler. Oabriel Koliler.
Tavern—H Lock hart. .Johnston & CauipbeU'
Junes Coiiati, .'oil" Krohiner, Ltrroy Deieiualef
John (Slass. .
liosUiurant—T. A. AVin«er. Weo. A. Miller.
Tavern —Edward O'Donall, W. 11. Jfliii«oii,.laiuei
L.. . i.iv..... I.i t .iii <uy.
Slv'rchaut—Jamm .Morrison.
Taveni—John A. Richey. John MeGulre.
HARMOXV nonoctin.
Tavern—Jacob Hell.
Restaurant - Pel er Otto.
Merchant —.Jacob Shontz. *
T ivoni—Jam - Oesterllng. Jacob Schelley, Hea
ry stoker.
Mercnaut—George Stahl.
Tavern —W. C. Adams, JamesT. Wilson.
Tavern—K. F Mnder. Joseph Kolinfelder, Fran
cis Laube. Charles Phabe.
Tavern—William Duncan, Jacob Feidler.lr.
Taveni—J. N. Miller.
Tavcm—F. P. Mnrrin, Hutch Murrin.
Tavern—William Wanl.
Tavern -Lewis Weidham.
MI'M MIT tow XSHI p.
Tavern—Neal Blauey. Albert Smith.
Tavern—Michael Mcßride. *
Tavern—John A. Harding.
Merchant—William McTrea.
Tavern Micheal Shields.
sr. JOE.
Taver.i—Joseph Keith.
Tavern—Georse P. Tadder.
Tavern—C. M. P.urnet.
W. A. WRIGHT, Cork.
ExooulorV* !¥olfce.
I.clters testnnientai y bavl been granted to
tin-u d' on He rente ol Simon Smith,
■l' .ol \ le.'.-iy ' >wn»(iip, Butler county. Pa.,
ricec iseil. this in to give notic toall pcr-ona,
knowing themselves to be Indebted to said ea
tnie thai immediate pavtnent is required, and
those having e aims a.ain<t th" same to pros nt
themselves duly xuthiMitleaied for -ettlcment.
feblC SAMUEL SMITH, \ aunl
MooiiiiK <>f Stockholders.
The annual nie-linsr of the 'tockholders of
the building and Loan Association of Butler,
Pa.,j*ill meet at the Opera House on Saturday
evening, March sili, ISSI, ni 7 o'clock, forth*
purpose ot electing <>tll< ers lor the ensuing year
sn.ljittendp'g to siny other buriuese tbal.iuay
come before them.
lebl6-'it J. 8. CAMPBELL. Bee s y.
Notice is here' y given that an application for
t charter will lie made to lion. E. EcJunkln
President Judi;e ol the Cou'ts ot Butler couuty,
on the Uth day of March, ISBI, incorporating
tbe Cat bon Centre Uuited Presbyterian Chorch.
The chancer ol said proposed corporation la
religious and Ihe object thereof, the promotioa
of lellgion in the world. W. P. SHAW,
febl6-3t Committee.
Port Grape Wine
Used in the principal Churches for Communion
Esedlcut For Ladles and Wcftklf
I'ernoiiM ami the Aged.
This Celebrated Native Wine Is made Irora th»
juice of tne Oporto Grape.raised in tills country."
Its (valuable
Tor.lc and Strengthing Properties
tire unsurpassed bv auv other Native Wine. Being
tl p.ire juice ol the tirape, produced under Mr.
Speer'sown personal supervision, It.s purety and
genuineness are guaranteed. The youngest child
in . partake of it i generous <|iiallties. and the
Uc I,est Invalid lise it to advantage. It is particu
larly beiiellclul to lite aged and debilitated, and
suite I to ill" various ailments that affect the
u-e.er sex. It Is in every respect A WINK TO BK
itii.n.n os.
ni'M I:H'H
Tlie I'. .1. SllMti:\ is a wine of Superior Ohar
acter. and partakes ol Hie golden qualities of the
K'.ipe Irom w Inch il Is made. For purity. Richness.
Flavor aui> Mechanical Properties, ll will lieloUM
TP. J. B A. IST fO Y.
This BRANDY stands unrivaled in this Country,
being jar superior for niediclnlal piiriioscs.
IT is A PI'RE dlstllalion from the grape a'id
contains valuable mediiiulal proiierlies.
II h.i.s a delicate llnor. similar to that of the
grain s i>..in which ll Is distilled, and is In great
favor auioiii; tlrst-cl;is« families.
See Ihat the signalure of ALFRED SPKKR, I'M
sale. N. .1., Is over the cork of each bottle.
Noltl by IK 11. HIILLER.
Union Woolen Mills.
I would dcHire to call the attention of tb«
public to the Union Woolen Mill. IJntler, Pa.,
where I have new and improved machinery for
the manufacture of
Barrod and Gray Flannels,
Knitting and Woavlng Tarns,
and I can recommend them as being very dnra-
Me, they are manufactured of pure Butler
county wool. They are beautiful in color, su
perior in toxlurn. ami will be sold at very low
pricen. For Maniple* and price* address,
JIII<M."7«-1T) Butler. Pa
Notice Extraordinary.
Persons desiring to have their Old Fumitor*
repair d or New Work made to order, sneh aa
Music Stands. Hook Cases, Wardrobe*, OAc*
llesks, Office Tables, .Vc.. would do well to eall oa
Practical Cabinet Maker.
I hold that a pi< cc of furniture made by hand
worth two made by machinery, and will ooet
out lnt!.i more, if any. Then why not have hand
made? All work mude in tlie latest styles and
of tlie best material. I guarantee entire sat
isfaction in i-tvle, workmanship and price. Give
mo a call. Shop on Mifflin street four doom
we.t of Main street, a id opiioslte A. Trout man's
stoio, Butler, I'a. nepl7-ly
Mutual Fire Insurance Co.
Office Cor. Main and Cunningham Stl*
J L. Purvis, E. A. Helmboldt,
William i' nnjibell, J. W. Iluikhart,
A. Trivitiiiui, Jacob Schoene,
f! R<M's<lng, John Caldwell.
Dr. W lrvln, J.J Croll
J W.Ohrtaty H (Helueman.
JAS. T. M'JUJJKIH, Gen. Ae't*