THE YEAR 1881 Some person of a mathematical torn of mind, who has a penchant for the myaterious, ha 3 been giving the vear 1881 some attention, and this is w bat he says of it: "Tbe figures ISSI comprise a very peculiar number. The sum of its digits is 9x9. It is divisi ble by 9 without a remainder. It reads the same both ways. If the 18 be set under 81 and the two added, the sum is 99. If the 18 be reversed and than added to 81, the sum is 162, the snm of the digits of which is 9. The sum is also divisible by 9, giving a quotient of 18, which is aeain divisi ble by 9. If the 81 be reversed and added to the 18, the sum is 36, which is also divisible by 9, and the sum of its digits also 9. But what of it, asks an exchange. Add the following con siderations before you press an answer. Those who have cultivated the occult science have always held the number 9 to be possessed of great significance. Those who make a study of the nu merical symbolism of the Scriptures regard the number 9 a? equally signi ficant. It is 'a number of finality or judgment, of creaturely completeness,' says Dr. Mahan. And he add.-?: 'lt is a factory of all great dates of judg ment, viz: of the flood, the destruc tion of Sodom, the overthrow of Pbarob, the captivity and the final de struction of .Jerusalem.' As we have seen, it enters in a variety of ways into the number of 1880 What of it now? Has 1881 a judgment in store for the human race, and what is it ?" KEEP IRQ~CELEB Y. From time to time we have printed our modeß and the modes of others for keeping and blenching celery through the winter. We have covered it care fully in the rows in which it grew, and foaDd it to answer very well, when ap plied to that which is intended to lie first used. We have found it to ans wer better to take it up and set it in rows close together, leaning only space enough to prevent the plants from touching, and packing the earth firmly around tbem, leaving only an inch or two of the tops sticking out, than cov ering either with boards, placed so that the water cannot penetrate, or with cornstalks thickly bent over and fastened. Drains should be dug around the celery to carry off the water. We have kept it in this way until May and well-blanched. It is well known that stalks of celery stood in spring water under a shed, where it is not likely to be frozen, will become perfectly white and tender. But it is only a few persons who can bare the spring water at hand for this use. We have known celery to bo per fectly branched and preserved by pack; ing the roots in wet earth arid keeping them in the cellar, Large boxes were obtained and a few inches thick of earth placed on the bottom and made as wet as possible. The plant- were then packed upright, side by side as close as they could stand, until the boxes were full. The upper leaves ( were of course exposed, and attempt ing to grow a little by the encourage ment given to the roots by the wet earth, caused growth enough to blanch the whole. There in an advantage in this over keeping it in the cellar as many do, where it retains its greenness all winter, and is scarcely fit to eat. But we prefer the out-door plan, when it is well dene.— Qermantown Tele graph. TIME'S CHANGES. —As our first par ents were leaving the garden, Adam remarked, fumbling with the button* oa bi» fig leaf abstractedly, "I don't care about myself, darling; but when 1 think bow much you bare lost my heart fails me." And Eve, the unnel fisb creature, looked into bis eyes with loving gaze, saying carelessly, but sweetly, "Ob, I don't care, Adam." And this little speech of our common mother has lived through all the ages down to the present. When a man woald express most appropriately the supreme indifference that tranquilizer his bosom, be uses the self-same lar guage that the gentle Kve used so hap pily ; except that by one of the unac countable changes, that time is ever making in things sublunary, the accent of the last word has been transferred from the first to the last syllable. PITTSBURGH laow AND STEEL.— One-twelfth of all tbe pig-iron produc ed in the United States in wrested from tbe glistening ore by the furna ces of Pittsburgh and ber immediate vicinity. In the matter of blast-furna ces ber record dates back to 1702, when the primitive structure erected by George Anshutz sent its smoke into tbe clear sky, now darkened by tbe warm breath of fifteen huge furna ces, capable of producing half a million tons of pig-mc-tal every year from the ores that come from fur and near. And to further prepare this metal—the first result of fire upon ore—there are in Pittsburgh thirty-five rolling mills, wherein eight hundred boiling or pud dling furnaces are seething like minia ture volcanoes in constant eruption, and wbose product is here fashioned into one-quarter of all the rolled iron made in the- broad republic. Ascend ing into tbe realm of steel—that per fected, purified form reached through these crucial boilings and meltings and hammerings— Pittsburgh claims, with pardonable pride, sixteen enormous establishments devoted to muking nil manner of steel, including the finest grades of "tool" steel, until lately sup plied by tbe English manufacturers, in this Pittsburgh excels, and makes two-thirds all all the crucible steel pro duced in this country.— G. F. MULLKII, in llarpcr'a Magazine for December. The straightcr a man takes his whis ky tbe crookedcr it makes him. A hypocrite is a man who tries to lie pious and can't, with d preponder ance of cant. Ducks have a decided opinion of their own ; they do not hesitate to come out flat-footed. Why is a Zulu belle like a prophet of old ? Because she has not much on'er in her own country. An Illinois girl's toast; " The young men of America— their arms our sup porters, our arms their reward; fall in men, fall in." A Boston artist painted an orange peel on the sidewalk so naturally that six fat men slipped down on it. A pretty girl's house is a legal insti tution, for the simple reason that par ties go there to plead. Tbe Waterbury American says, "Wild geese are on the wing;" but we are of tho opinion that the wings ure op tbe geew?. MRS. LYOIA E. PiHKHAM. LYDIA E. PSNKHAM'S CO^!?OUTTD. The Po'itjvs Cera For all Female Complaints. I This n, «.» i*-i tvne COIL . -, of I Pro,.-, .iei ta-i v* L~rr: t Usite InrmVd. Upon or.e trial the i_crifcs of tL j Com j pound wiU be rf -let li lmir.cdjato ; sr t ! r hen It i xat t» eo=t:=a«). la nin- ty-alne easra ia a bun w:il tc» Ufy. Cm »xount of tts pnvo.-i merit ,ilLi tyro eommeeried and prwer:j Iby tic U.t p'-j in the coe::l:y. It *lll ear* er.'.lr-'T t" 1 v r J fra of falling of the nUrrus, Lcr.corrh' —, i." to u!-r or.d uJ Meniinuition,.inOT*rjLj:T: -ulilci, .a ar.d Ulccra.t:on, floodinK*.all klrplsotnar ..I® hxA the eou- t f.iirjil wntm-ss, a:.J 1.1 e:,**r'aHy Bj'.".'M to the Chang* of L.rc. It »:U ClswJve a.-a expel tuiaorJ from the liter in an early of ik rcloiment. Tic teadeacy to can-eruus humors there I; t Lucie J very speedily ly t!» nse. In fact It fc--j proved to be the prcat eat «TUI \jest rem:<l/ that has ever been discover ed. It permoatci every portion of the system, twelves new Ufeand stroys ail '-raving tor ctiTnnlints, an 1 relieves vealnc-ss ot the stomach It earos Eloatlng, Headaches. Scrvots rroMratloa, General DiihUtty. Ekej-lcsrcera, Dci-resiion ti.d IrXi gctUon. That fecllnjf of bccrins down, cacslcj pal-i, weightarjbeckscbe,laatoayeFtrctncnt:y ccrtdly lUQZ3. It will at all time-., andtrndcrrU c:m.rottan era, act In harmony with the law Cir-t corc-r=a the femelesyitem. for Kidney Complaints of either rex tlds compound Is nnacrpamd. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable CompounJ H y>rtpare<i at 233 an<l 2SJ Wcttcrn At'-aw, Ljnn, y.x Price Cl-00. filx battles for for» tt pilln, alco in tbe form of on roc :. t of jrloe, fLfflJ, per box, f»r either. Mm. IT.ZIZU..I fnx'y tniwen all nof inquiry, fxnd for pom p_; L Ailtlreai a.i®.Love t'ii*paper. Ko farrLllj rliouiJ be without LVDIA I- TI -ILUI' LTTmrrm. Tbey cure Conrt!pat!cn, and lorpklitj of tbo IJrer. 2Z< *utsix:r bot QrO. A. KELLY & CO. Genpial Agft"t&, Pa. Sold by I). 11. Wuller, - Butler Pa. jr art- a r.-nn Immm I f yon ar»* \ VffiKu ■F of b i t.wak-mm of it-t --•n«l by tlie »tra»r» of wE*j terwtcilintf overruiu ■ four dutiei *»-> id W n;«bl worlr. to re?-- II ■tizuulanUand u«« H 1 loi-: b%*un nr- veaau B Hop Bitters. M Hop B. K If you are f innif »n J H »iifferinic from anj in B 4i4frctioo or dirffripa H tion , 11 you an- mar ried or vimrl*. old or ■■ youn#, «n»f<*riiij; from poor health or on a bed of a*ck irely on Hopg Bitters. ton a re. T»iou«and« die an »b«ntv<r you Uel W \ pl.>nyJJo HI loii.e tbat ▼o•! r form of Kidney med»'leaniunif.ton- /r that iwyht Ing or ■aim.iU.tinir, HI ( hive ls-er pro*mti -l wllhootis/'irtcittsy, W S by a timely ux or take Hop *r*' ■■ Hopßltters Bitters. Hass tm rftrs pei-.'ti. ivi 'i' V '« •" shsolnte feSSiI'HOP iSSS liver or nerrts f B fiwe of opium; Too si II be m ; niTTrn/t ! 'tob«i-ro , or cuml If you use <9 11 I I I lli' ,nar.-otli s. Hop Bitters ,i K ffjA Ifyooarss-m. I! U " ' LIIU | H ply weak sat a siriirn fsrndfor ■ i, try 3 NEVEr. ..Wrcular. ■ feiFAIL ""'™ [ I saved liur.-ta n—Ke.vr, *. T. ■ d red a. - B MALARIAL POISON. The tinnftlfml i-ausi- of ri'-rirlv all sli-kiirss at tills tlini- of ttii! year lias its origin 111 a ili'.or en-d lavcr Wtuch. If not reipilateii In time, uri-al sufTi-rliiit. wr»*l"iiwlij'"w ami (truth will eiixiic. Aui iitlenian writ I nt; from Hon Hi Atm-rica says: "I have uacd your Hsiniiions' f-lvc-r lU'i?tilator with KIKHI cffw't, faith as a iirfvi-iition and ''iiri; for Malali;:! I't-vnr* on the Intimitis of Panama." TAKE Simmons' lim Regulator, A Purelv Vfgetabl« *lnd cino. AN EKT£(TI'AI, Mi'Kt'IFIC ro ft MALARKH'H I'EVKIW. RCIW'KL COMPI.AiNTS. JAI'NIIK'K, CO I.IC, IIKSTI.KHHNKHH, MENTAL DEPKKSHION. HICK IIKAI»A< HK. CI >NHTI I'ATfON, NAIXKA. lUM-WUHNKHH. IJYHPKPMIA, If von fwl drowsy, liflhllltati'd. have frr'inctit headaclx', tnonth tastm tHully, |mor aii|« tttf, anil IOIIKUI' 'ilat'-d, von are snfli rlnit from Tor|i|il I.lver or Hllllonsni'«s," anil nothing will cure you so s|M'.<-(llly ami permanently as to take SIMMONS' LIVER REGULATO \ It IsKlven with safety, and the hapim-st resuM» to the inont delicate Infant. It takes the place of ipiltiltie and hitter of every kind. It Is the cheap est. purest and best family medicine 111 the world. J. 11. ZF.IM*. A RO. I'LL I IN. Mold by all • roKklsls. apr2«-lyr THE GR"FIAT KIDNEY KEGULATOR AND DIURETIC. KIHNK'iKN ts highly ri-coiameiided and nn cnriia sed fur WKAKnr KOI I, KIONKYH. IIKOI*- HV, ItltlOllT'H I>IHK \HK, I.OHS o| I.NI.I!OV, NKHVOI H HI 1111 ITV, or anydllHTKl ( I lONH arlstiiK Irom <ilt A VKI, or I'I.AI'I'ICU IIIMKAHKH. Also l?.r VEI.UiW I I V I 11, lil.OOl>and KIliM V I'OIHOMNO, iii Infi'cied uialamil si-itlotis. J tin- distillation of a I'OHKHT M'.AKwlth .ICNIPKi: HEKItIrS and r.AItI.KV MAI/1' we have tllscoven-d KII'NKtiI.N, which acts speci fically on lie lOilinysiind I rtnary Or«aiis. r<— tiiovitiK dejKislts in the Itinddci ami any stiaiiiinic, siiiartlnir. lieal or Irritation In llie water palaces ItlvinK tIHMII slrciiitlh. vljtnr and liaiistli); a heajlliy color and easy flow of urine. It can In- taken at all times, in all climates, without Injury to the system i'lilike any other iireparatlon for Kidney ifimcullles it. him a very pleasant and aitrecahlc taste and llavor. It contains positive diuretic iiro pertles and will not nansitate. I Jul lis est>ecially will like it. and Oeiitlemen will flml KIDNKIiI.N the lie .i Kidney Tonic ever Used ! NOTICE Each hottle bfars the slunatnre of LAWKENCE H. MAKTIN, al-o a rtoprieii»ry Iloveniirielit Htatnp. which ih mills Kll>>'l'.OKX to he sold iwllhont lleen-c) liy driiKKlsls. (jroi-ers and other persons everywhere. I'nt nil In <;nart "l/e liottles for (letieral and Family Cue. LAWRENCE & MARTIN, Prop'rs Chicago II {♦/-Hold hv DriiKKlsts, firocers and liealers every where, and hy I.AWIIENt K ft M AltTI X, Xo. fi Harclay Ht„ Xew Vork. octl3-ly Thf olili'Mt and flic* Ih mI appoiulfMl (tintltutloti for ol»tultilllK ;• I'M I nrK«lu' ;»F lon. For rln*uhn«* ;ul«ln*HM. OWI-2IMI V. l>rFK & Hi) NH. rittHlairKh, \'n. Union Woolen Mills. I would desire to c*|| the attention of the public to the Union Woolen Mill, lint lor, where I have new and improved muibltifiy for the maiiufacttire ol Baricd and Gray Flannels, KnitMnn and Weaving Yarnß, and I can recommend them as being very dura hie, OH th«v are manufactured of pure lint lor county wool. Tlioy are lieanlifnl in color, su perior in texture, and will lie sold at very low prlceH. Hor samples and prices address. B. KULI.EItroN. Ju134.7H ly) Butler; Pa f&ipe Citismt: ikkntl*K, s*., 33*jcjetnb#ir 8, X&SO. Jury List lur I>«*«*ember Term. ISfcO. JTBOHS P-B WKEK © -vntF.scisa MOM DA T, DECEMBEV. 13 1380. AJame—T. M. Marshall. William MentZcr. i Jams* Puka i Allegheny—J L. liosenbnrr. Crawford Dou- I aldson Uutler borough—fhriat Stock. Casmer ft ise. G. W. Miller. H J. K'ingler, Jacob Geible. Buffalo—John Sarver. Brady-Henry Doable. William Moore Clay—James Fin Ley Coooord—John Cbappel - Couiioquemnem£—ihom&a EimuuddOD, Tho? Galloway. Centre—Aiex. Pollock. Donegal—Leroy Delemater. Fairvnw—R- M. Kepler. Philip Dsbennpeck. Daniel Evans. H. W Jamison Isaac Kavlor Harri.-iville—H. A. Aver*. Ah-c. Black. Joseph Pcsv. Jackson—Jam'-s Jones. Ezra f iken. James D Lvtle. William lloth. David B rjtiontz "Jefferson—Alfred Ma-irlioff. Benson Btirader. Lancaster —John ilytre Juecpi Powell. Muldvcr**eh -Wro. Dowler. Meics'r W A. R .berth, J J. McGaivey. Proepcc' John Hyle. Jr Parker— David J cl sou. D P. Kedy. Hiipperyri *ck Fr• deriek Gerwick. Wael ingtou—N* M. f*liira. W.nfli li— Frederck Welty, Art:lit- Keck. Worth Mathiits Bennett. Zclieno_ ie —E. V. Randal) h. I**l. HARPER'S IyiAGAZINi, m •«. •*" w& ■»- "fli! yln.' il <• nhjert ebj.-ctively aud from the cducaii'-n-t point view - -e -kinir to • ro vii-e tint wbic , C.ker. altogether will be of the I wrvics* t > the Ingest uiiuihei —I I- nir asjo concluded if I could ! ave Out one w..rk lor * pnMic tibrirv. I would selcit a compleli ►FT oi Harper's Monthly " —I HAKLP.~ FHANCII ADAM- ~IH it* content- an contiihutcd by the uioet em inent a Ulior- ;.:i 1 arti-te ol Eur.-pe -md Ameri ca, wbi.e the !• >n«c i-xp'-ri •of its pu' lislierr li: b tbi-iii ughly coiiver-ant with the de-ires ol ihe ; uldic. which they will sp ire no < Burt to gratify. HAR> ER'S PERIODICALS HARPEN'* MAGAZINE. One Year -I+oo IIAKPER'--> WErKi.V "11 Year - 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAM. <»■ e Year - 4 00 The'if" BEE above pcldicalions one vear 1" 00 Any TWO a'-ove n no< d. One Year - 7 00 HARPER'S Y'UN'G I'EOi'l E, One Y>ar 1 50 PosUuje free to oil subscribers in the United Stales or Canada. The vo on - ol Hp Majaznxe be in with the nninl>ei- l"i J'i' e a» 'I Herein' cr ol ticil lear, Win n no (in •• i*e| ei iflcd, i' will • <• mine-,mod th<- -üb-i-ri'nr » sins to be.'in with tie current nam (M-r A complete s> tot (IAICIEK'S M AOAZINE. pom prii-in- til volumea. In tn-at i loth liitidinir, will he M-irt l>y expre.t-. In b/lit at i-xpensc ol pur chaser. on receipt of ti.'ia per volume. Single volumes, bj mail .post-paid. IH). Cloth cab'-s, loi I indintr. 3- cents, b> mail, postpaid Rem il lances ahouid lie made In Po-t-Olßcc Monei Order or Drafi. to avoid chance ol IOH«. Xewsp'ipers ore iu>t o cop ft I'tis advertisement without the express orde. of Harper & Urothers. Addrt ss HARPER A BROTHER*, N. w York IHSI. HARPER'S WEEKLY. I I >• HriIATEO. This periodical, by Its able and scholarly di*- <-iis-|i»ijs of tin qm-dlioii* of the 'lav, a* wel! a by ile illii-tralioiis —which are prepared l>y tln- art xls —lias always exerted a ni"st power ful and l»;i:elicial intlii' iieu upon the public mind. The weight <»f its influi-n'e will always be louud 'in the »-ide ol morality, cnliabtenmenl, and it Hneuicnt. HARPER'S miIODIC LR. HAIiPKK'S \\ EKKI Y.One Vear - I 4 00 IIARI'EK'S M GAZIVE, One Yi .r i 'Mi HAR- ER'S BAZAR, One Year - - 4 00 Tbr THREE above puolliniions one year 10 0<) Am TWO above named, One Year - 700 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. One Year I SO I'oAtu'je free to all subscribers in the. United Slates or Cumi'la. The volumes ol the Weekly beyln with the llr-t number lor Jnnu ry ol euihjear. Winn no time i« lie utioned il wbl h< underalood thai Ihe sub-ici Hier wianen to commence with the number next alp r the ree< ipi ol order Tin- labt cli ven annual volumes ol IIAIII'KK'S WEPKI.V 111 neiil cloth )>indiii , will be sent l'\ mail, p.isipiiid, or liy exprens, Iree ol expen-e (piovided the Ireii'lit does not exceed one 'loilai pei volume), loi <7 00 each. I.'lotn Case- I r each volume, suitable lor biii'lini'. Will li«- SI-MI lij mall, | o*l]mld, on re cei; i| ol #1 00 each Ri'Dilttnnees shun d b m-de by t'ual-Olfl' c Money Or < r m Dr.ill, In avonl cbanee ol 10-s A'eir/piipers are not to copy I'iis advertisement ■without the express order nf U'triXT A Brothers. Addre« HARPERS Ac BROTHERS, New Yoik. IBHI. Harper's Bazar. m i, m'm- ■« ■»- This popular periodiial is pre raiiincntly a jonrnal lor the household. Every number Inuilslies the latest iiiformn- I ion in reenrrl lo Kn M hioiifi in itri-ss and orna iceiit, li e newest and moat approved patterns, wlin derciiptire articles derived fioiu antlientle aud (eii'inal si lines; while il* Stoiiea. Poctus, and E-says on Cocl il and Uomotic Topic*, ({lve Variety to its columns. HARt'ER'S PERIODICALS. HARPER' BAZAR,One Year - - F 4 00 HARPER'H MAGAZINE, One Y«-ar 4 (X) HARPER'S WEEKLY, One Year - 4 00 The TIIKEE abort l üblleatiolis one jear 10 00 Any TWO above mimed, one year - 700 HARl'EB's YOUNII PB< »PLE, o-ie year 1 -V) Postage free to all subscribers in the United Stoles or Canada. The Voir UI<M of the Hazar beirin with the flrvl number of .1 iniiaiy i I eueli year. When no time is mentioned, it will In- umler-tood that the suliserilier wi-hes to commeiKH with the r.nmber next after I lie recel|it ol order. The l»si eleven iiii'inal volumes ol HAHI'RK'S I'a/.mi, 111 neat chilli blndluir, wall In- sent by mall, postage paid, or by • Xpiess, Iree ol ex pense (provldi d the Ircluhl do s not exceed one dollar per voluun*), for 97 0 eueli Cloth Cases for c eh volume, suit iblc I'm bin lii|f. will be sent by mail, po-Opald, oil re ceipt ol *1 00 each Remittances should he made by l'o«i-Olt|e. Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance ol .ow. Mewspupers ure not In copy thin advertisement icilho'it the i rpress or<h r of Harper <fc /{rather s. Addie-s HARPER iV BRO'I HERS, New York. LAND FOR 8ALB» FOlf SA iii ;. A li .ndsoiiie ix-rooni fritme house, located on Hlnfl sireet, north western part of Butler. I.'ii .Vi« 170 All in cessaiy out •■tilldlnifs, 'I EKVIS-Oi e 'hlrd cnsli and balance in lour equal annual payments. Itnpilre at this olllcc. Jinl4tl "For Sale. The weil-improvwi farm of Rev. W. It. Hiiteh- tlie northeast corner of Middlesex town ship, Butler county. Pa . is now offered for sale, low. Impure of \V K KRISBEE, on the prem ium. apHltf I <>l{ HALK. $. r i .vlll buy a hall interest in a (food btis- Ine-i in PiltshurL'h. One who knows Houie thlfil/ ab' llt fanning prelerred. An honest man with the above amount will do well to addrcs« liV letter. SMITH JOHNH, care M M James, I Ibcrly sir' et, PHI hurirlt, I'a |au27-ly T R Y TUB HEW YORK OBSERVER THIS YEAH. The Largest anil Best Family Paper in the world. for NHIII|»I<* Copy-Fw NKW YO' K OIIHKKVKR, 87 I"»rfc Row, l*«*w York. Nov. !i4wt Port Grape Wine . I I'sM in the principal Cl whes (or Communion pnrpesca. ! £xcellrm For Ladles and Weakly I'tisGiis HIKI I lie ilgrd. CX \ \ t : oC . r■' . - '' v O A__ •' • v " > %• # ■* ' K -J I S EEirS TORT GR\PK WINE! FOUR YEARS OLI>. This rel<*brat»*'l Native V. i if* i ma le fro:n the juice of tne Ojsirloi.rape.r.ii-etl in tni.icountry. Its Ivaltialiie Tonic and Strergthing Properties are nusiirp :■» i-d hv auv other Xative Being the pure juice of the Crape, produced under Mr. Sjicer's ov. it |n r onal juiia-rviHiim, its purely and nemnneiK'-s ar-guarantee J. llie child mas partake of its geiKToiis' qualities, and the weakest invalid iw it to advantage. Illspartlcu lariiy lieneficial to the at; ,- il : nil liehilitated. and suited pi llie various ai'iiients that alfeet the weaker sex. Ii is in every respect A WINE TO BE RELIED ON. M " i-: i: i* • .•—« IP. J" SHSRRY, The I*. .1. HHKItRV is a wine ol Superior Char acter. and partake■ ot the golden qualities of tlie grape from win 11 it is made. For purity. Flavor anu Mechanical i*ro|M-rties. It will he tound unexcelled. >-» i» uz I;h'-I F J*. BRANDY- This BRANDY stands unrivaled in tills Country, being jar .-.niierior for medielnlal purposes. IT is A PrltK disti'.atioii from the grapa aud contains valuable iiK-dlcinial projierties. It has a delicate flavor, similar to that of the graiies from which it is distilled, and is in great favor among first-class families. See that tiie signature of AI.FKED SPEER. Pas sah-, N. ,f., i:; over tbe cork of each bottle. Molfl by l>. 91 IVIILM.K. apr2s-lyr TifTMßnr ' The foremost reliyioun newspaper of the wi led States" —lO-EPH i ooK. TUB INDBPF.NUBNT seeks the p.itronagc ol the public on thr •«: irr mida- tollown : Ist. Il is the lar-est newspaper pul)- Ililted in the world 2nd. It employs as contribrtors more aide u liters, at home and abroad, than any other weekly newspaper 3.1- Il uiveh lt« readers a wider ranire ol top ics aud more and fuller departments thsn they can lind elsew here in any jmi iial. The iNi.Ei rMiEVTC iusls'sol VJ pasres.neatlj eut and i.listed. It is printed Irom elear tvpe (we slercotvpe the pages weekly*, ntj/l, hence, every issue is really printed with new ivpe' and on gooJ paper, HIM inccli tnicallv il is ttuex eellcd. There is no qtie-lion of prominence in reii iriou. politics, science, education, flnanee, or any ol er department I human knowledge which Tiik INDI:i'EM»es<T does not discuss. Ii ha- regular depart no ut- devoted to.Bibtieiii Rc -carch. Ml—i ui- K« liL'ioiis Inii-;ligence, Book Item ws slid Llte aiy \i-a's. the Hundav scli-iol, Kdm- ti in. Science, Sanitary q tcslion-x Fine Arts, the moveiin-pt i ol uijni-n rs, |tersnn ilnles, news ol llie week, lliianelii "Ml commercial ma ters, iricladinir weekly prhvs current, mar ket reports, caille oi irkel, Dry Goods Quota tions llowers ami lariiiiug and insurance. In it- reli.ioii- IciiaTiicnl it giver new# and sit tisi ii-s ol II ' cuoii hat ion -ol Chi i-tla' s, ever « where. In ullne- , accuracy and comprehen siveness tlii i cpurlmciit is uneqiialcd. S verai pane* ol »tories and pocrus adapted to old aud young are given every Wick, with a column ol pu/nl s. Fi in time lo time seri-on- by eoilu.-nt min- Isters are published. Tae current 'o -ics ol tlin d«t are dl- II icil in our editoual coliiinns Ii e ly niid vi inoiisiy. We ure not mraid lo si ate our o| tnionr. Our New Terms for 1881. One snbscri linn m:e yea , In advance #:! D l Kor ix months #l/i0; tor D inontlis v'l !)ne sntiscilption two veils in adva iee 5 !>■ One -lib eripil ui wiih o e tie v 'u»i*.-rltter loth lo a ivaliee, in ini rcnilttHn e 5 (/• 'ri,ei.U' ript'in wliii i w-i new sub«i!-ibi-rs all llir- ein advance, i i one reini'lanc ■ 700 I subscription with three new siib-eritiers all loin lr. advaucu. in uae n-ujlilance SMI 1 rubii ription with four new subscrinnis lib live in adv itice, in one remittance 10 00 Any number over five, at llie same rate, Inva riably with one remittance. Thc-e reduced prices (♦■.' pi-r annum In c übs of five or morel ure very in uli lower than any ot the Mnndald religious weeklies, though llie paper Is much larger and better, iii comparison «ill show. tbibrcrlbe with yniii l>ieuds anil get the low rate. We offer no premiums, and reserve the rljjht to withdraw our liberal c'ub rales at any time alter six months. Mnmple <'o|il.M Irtr upon a ppl ir m I 1011, N|jllN« I*llUO .NOIV. Address Til KIND PENDKN I -251 llroadiray, Hew York City, !»• O. Itox *7*7. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE |«* For the North, South East and West. FARM Ells. FlfUi r-<D!oWEIt J STOCKMEN, (JARDK/tS, II Af MY MEN. FI.ORIS l' 6, VOIJ CANNO T A EFORII To DO WITHOUT IT. 500 BEAUTIFUL II.I.US'I'HA TIO.VS FHOM NAT! Ill: YEMILY. Thr Firnl American Rural Authority! I*# l'iij'9, \\'<rlh/ t Only -<2 'i Year, It hit* <1 i*« tit l>u f HKKK mnonic it A nalx«-riherii Miirie of in*- n»o«t v ihi th'c ol plit ii I M in • riltivruloti. BCIKI for Sp'teimen eopien which will In: Forwarded Free. Tl e present Flee See I and I'lant 111 trlbutlon Is wotth more Hum the yearly eorl ol subscrip tion. Ask Those Who Know. Your laiiiily w ill i ■ m-lt Mi d Willi the Rural Ni-w- Vin ki r. It is Pure in Tone. Sjpurklino, Cnnscli ntious, Oriflinal. The Best Writers in the World. JJIBT rr,\« of vm ITII or IT/i TICKHKNT MAN AOKMtCNT. SUBSCRIBE NOW. Kxi><*r)iiit<»l mou i'l- ol Hi nworked 111 1 the }iit< H'»la of fill|l»i*i m llm' v ll r 11 Nt*w- Vorki'i will /iid to ifi iKc a. dlo n iv«* nioiii y. Il • will t«'l you wliu' im w nefd-* und pl intA, farm illfip|f'iri<-iHrt, «•!«•, to piircli wltliotil lo ndv itlnliiif lnt*!i H|M"(') II iI• *|» hlm« ill* d"Voh'd lo Miirkoln, | N«'W> of tin \Vp»'k, fo VV» i»i» n, l>.» »i" li<- Kron ; Olliy, to HHtlfloil* V;itti-r-», K.I 111 HIM 'I iii twortliv ifiurkct irpori* froiu all ceil «r« ii n|M*r i.ilfy. Adiln-M, Rural New-Yorker, .'Il I'arli ICoiv, New York. JA.MKH .1 CAMIMtKLIi, j rn-mm mm mm m j»- « 'mmrn'mm mm «« »-_ OHicai In Fair view borough, lu Telegraph Office. JanlC] IIAI.DWIJ) I'. 0.. Duller Co., I'a !■" I'. l( It I M AllMOIt, .Justice of tlPeace, •Vl;iiii street, oppo-lte I'oaiolllcc, jjlylfl ZELIENOI'LK, FA. | $ 5,000,000. The Ar.. ! eriCai Slioo Tip Co. • T . .1: a rJ "■ « 1. . ' • 5r TLn? ; • ot.'.; s » *orr. ou BHO£a 7 - T.'LA? LO:«'G AS THS XTTAL V-": ti \p-.s i. i' ove ' bas bten saved to parents a - i. -il:;.. IBlach Tip ivill sate s:i.l titort-, .';S beside* liv-1 r.i worn on Ho coarser its l -s it is wm on Rnc and co-sly times w ure tho Mei.-il 'iip ou account of lis toots would not be used. ■ bey ail bare our Trade Mark A. ». T. Cm. cxs-. p»d on frunt ot Tip. J'art-.ita should t&K FOB SHOES with this BEAUTIFUL BLACK TIP on whenj;nr| children. 1 A NEW DEPAIU-tKE fl BOTTLE PATE T MEPICIMSB FOK-SSCBNTS! JAD WIN'S TONIC LAXATIVE ir AI'JK-1 iitii:u, f:il:il:il»Ie ;iiid Non-Alcoholic, ANO ALWAYS CUKES Ojspcjisi.i, -ick Headache l*on*fiputior, Wil iou-.iicss. Hour Huunaeli, Liver Coinj l ii-it, Wniii oi Appcti; . Indite-;ion, J iundic -, K' ' ncy Comp .im, Nei vousiu:s«, Dizzini-s?. Blecp les- cr- , Henrtburu, Culi- , lle.b-;ily, Foul Br. ni l, IVornie, Piles, K ier-, < o! 1-. <^r. 'liik lnsic I.A.WTIVK tic how.-l* aud string hen- llie ajsti-tu, uivci a clear hea l, pure b;..jd a*.J cia-lic -pirit>. Is purely *euc t.iti'c, «-i»! t iiii», no II ercurj nur aliKs. riit.-at all times. D.-asatil to the luslc, and a su'isii tule Ii r "ills, Castor Oil, iSc Hcst lamily nied icint known. Ad ip'.cd to utrom; t.ien. delicate Icn ies a d feeble in lan e. In liqui-l !or-»i Hold In drui'cistPrice onlv cents for a l.rL- hot le IIENKY B. J All WIN'. Apotbe caty a. d ' heini-t, I'ropiictor. Carbond ile, l* i D 11. VV UI.LKH, |)ru-i.-t, So'.e AL'cnt for Butler, Pa. . janiS-ly CIIUNTHY liK.N'l I,KM.V.N THE BEST OF THE AGRICULTURAL WEEKLIES. A Prcirium Annual to Every Reader. The Country Gentleman Is Unsurpassed, if not Unequalled, for thr amoant and variety of the practical infonuatiou tl coiiflnn.s. and for the :t»iil- Itv and extent of itsCorrfspondeiice-in tlireecliief directions of Kanu Crops and Processes, llorticullure anil Fruit-Orowinu. Live Stock and Dairying— while it also includes all minor departments ol ru ral interest, sucli a.s the Poultry Yard. Entomology Bee-Keeping. Greenhouse and Grapery, VclPi ill#' rv Hei.lii-s, Fann (jiiestinns ami Answers, Fireside Reading. lioinestic Economy, and a summary of the News of the Week. Its'.Market Ilep iris :ire uuusailv complete, and more Information can be gathered from its columns than from sny other sourci- with regard to the proi|iects of theories, as throwing licht IIIMIII one of tlie most important of nil questions—When to Buy and When to Sell. It is liiieral!y illustrated, and constitutes toa Kn .it er degree than any of lis conteniporaiios A LIVE AGRICULTURAL NEWSPAPER of never-failliiß Interest both to producers and consumers of every I-;:LSM. The Country Gentleman is published weekly on tin- following terms, when paid strictly in advani e : line copy, one vear. K.tMi ; Four copies. «HI, and an ad<liliouiti copy fi ( r (lie yuar free !« the sender nf Die c'.uli; Ten copies. and an addilloaal copy for the vear free In tbe sender of lllu eltlb. For the vear I»K1. Hi prlf'S include a cofiv of the A VN'C.M, ItEflfs I i.K iif licit \l. AlK.Mtl'.tO each siilHcrlber a Imols ol 111 panes and about 129 engraving*—a gift by llie I'ulilishers. SIT All New Subscriber! for isst, paying in ad vance now, will receive the papT weekly,from ri ceijit of remittance to January Ist, isst, without charge. ttr Sl'Kl'fMKS COI'IK«OKTlIK. PAPI'.K FItKK. Address LUTIIEII TUCKEIt & MllN. Publisher i, AI.BANY, N. Y. isflwri B iiißi* BY virtno of a writ of Fi. Fa. IHKUOII out of tiio CNuirt off'oimuon I'loiih of Butler county, ami to ine iii rooted, thorn will l>o e.\|Mi>-®(l to Public Salo, at tlio Court Mouse, in tho iKiroupjh of Ktit.ler, on I'rldHy llio lOth day ol' Ore., IMHO, Hi 1 o'clock, P. M., the followinK doacribed jiroperty, to wit: E. 11. Nos. 72 7! Dec. T,lß*>: M. A. K A. T. B1 tck ai d Sullivan liro's. Ait'ys. AI th 'l' bt. title, luteresi a'd cla'm ' f Ell 'du i of i*i and'o 4"xiio feet of land, more it l"S-, slmaie In Un Ic Isr oitgli. P.n'l' r county, i'a .boil ded a follows; iin the north b lo nf llr < owilen e»thv a lley inch I" li ti dd so and west h \lal ■ stie i; a t.vo-stnrj f.ame i|w»l Inu li use andoutbul l u Uiei etni ed and taken I xc iillon as the i-tonerfy of II oun at 'liesnii of I- lias Kirk fie use a d Sullivan Itro's et al- E. I*. Nos 72, 73, lice T. 1M0: <i. & A T. Hack •• (I Sullivan liro's, vtt'ys. All llie tight, ttlic. int est atnl cl ■ in of lli ''oun, of I and •' •<• xI • fe I of la d, IIIOH or |es situ i e |i| But ■ i boi' iiirh lilt b r county. milled a* fo low ; lin the ineth by Int firm riy own d l>y c and ess east y |,00:.. iii Avenue, s nth hy i.eo. ' lialln r a il west by UheiT. wai | IVMI-sI ry If tip lioi « ' aud fraini barn tli. reon. el* d and taken in •xe ut ion as he ■ ropfcrty ef 1.11 Conn M the su't of Ellas Kukfor use, aud Milllvan Bro's ei al. E. 11. Nos. 72 73. Hec. T. 1«X0; (J. A «i A. T. Black and Sullivan Bio's, Att'ys. All the right, title, hi.eres 1 and claim f Eli i!-mi of In and to l ioxisnfeet of land, tnnreor less, situate n Bu'ler boroufh. Butler county, I'a . bounded as'oil >ws: Ou the no th i-y sti alley e -st lo Urs (ii'.eb.soinh by V E ('hutch inopertv and w si In ocKean sireet; (known as the H rues hou e): a large two s ory frame house elected Iheri-on, used as hotel orb anl lii if house. Seized and taken In execution as tlie prop, riy oi ' II ''nnn nt the suit of Ellas K iik for use, and -ulllvan Bro's et ;}| li. H. Nos. 72,? a Hen. T isso, 0, A. * A. T. Black and Hulllvan H-o's, Att'ys. Al l the right, title, liife.o t a d c'aini of Ell Conn, of. In »nd to i nu hundred and six acres ol' bmd. more or less, situate In W siting'on town-hl|i. I lid lei COl|ntV, I a .bounded as fol ows; On the north bv iiuids of Kelly heirs, east by Kelly aud McNauHitnii south by Z. II Conn and w st b> Wadsworth; dout'le 'OK house, frame barn and wchard thereon ; mostly cli ar ed Hi; I/.id nd taki nln xecutlon as IbeEroti erty oi Kii''onn at the S'i't of Elias Kirk for use and • Bro's et al. E. I». Nos. Ti. 7.1. I lee r, ISB • O \. 4A T Biac|< and Hull|ya» lines, A t*y». All Ibu right tl'le. In tore t and claim of Ell Con,i of n and to t»cnt< four a ies of laipt. in re oi le*K, slluat l 'ln culler township, Butler couu'y. I'a.. bound d as 'oliows; "n ti'e imrth by Frank • 'ook, east by Bn wn south by Brown and Hnyilerand west bv I'tiibrand i'lusbuigh plank oadt together with tli coal ilglit lot llie one ti .If—lnterest II bala'o e of theM acres of which tlie .'I acres is a part, and being llie same p op "y c -iiveyed to Kll ' omi to I.lias Kirk and win-; og and frametiou-e, log harn aud or lilia d I hereon; mu II- clered. Hel/.-d and taken lu ■ xeeutlon as the prope ty of 1.1 l ' 01111 at the mil 1 111 Elias Krk for 111', and "u'llvan It O'h et al K.O Nos. 72 7!l. Dec. T, 1HWI; 11. A. .t A. T P.lact. and Hnlllvni' Bio'j, Alfyij. AH Hie tight l lie Inte e.i and cl Im of Eli 'oun, of 11 and to on- hundred aid eleven aores of land, morn or less, slluat' in But'cr townshlp. Biuler county, i'a . ' ouiule i a> fol lows: On 'lie north bv anils of Pea ce east by I II sof Breiiin' lielis YOII'Ii b lands "l Me Oalinout heirs 'lid w st li lands of M Calmonl licit s; belli same lan I conveyed to Ell < 01111 by llarlb y's heirs; og and fr me house, log bartl i and orchard ilimvnii; bnu l liny ac es cleai d, I velzed and taken In e>ee 1111 .s ile I of Ell I!■nu al h -nit of Ellas W Mi kforii 'c, aud hulllvan B o'sei al. W. 11. IIOFFM \N'. Slierlll'of IJutlor ('miiitv. Sheriff'- Office. Butler. I'a., Nov. Wh. Ism. IMPROV. T "JUT. 0- ■- Jpi- .r'- i' a x TRADE (I'J'MAHK. QUENTHEf.'o LJiiQ F. \ ,"R CURES coiTJUivir-*?-:*;. Bplttllie if r.l.vst, llr".-. bit s. A«'hm C. a 1 I n I illn.-. « s of Piroil . 4, y II'; . * l*r co .Tl » l ilts Iml Cla-« ( r I OUENTHER U I.« •. C ♦ ■■ 39 Fi'lh AvO'iue. PtTTSSkII VI.. 4sk 1 our l>rilKK<»t 'or il. N( > r l'l< ?EL ' Those of our readers desiring steady ami (iro lllllbte employment, or valuable reading matter cheap for IMKI- should send l"r cents lo the IT! A S K l,i;-l|,li; PUIiI.ISIII \G <ll., I'l fley I HI., New York, lor a complete set of their pub lications au l Illu*tratei| ( nlalugue, containing ] list of preuiiuins, 4e., or rI.VI for a coiniilet# | agent's outfit of 12 beautiful Ghrone.s anil our Premium Hook of Valuable Information, oou tn ill lug over TiiKl pages, with sample copies of I all our publications, Ac. Hee advertiseinenl In | another column. An active agent wanted In every town— I twenty to thirty dollars can be maile weekly. Their lllustralcil Publications with their new Premiums, lake at sight. Ho not delay if you with to secure your territory. Address Frank Leslie Publishing Co., l. r i 1 Ivy St., New York. 4%k %-M M\ g&ai WHD THE Ci .-i / i K \ 'v^ I "' ; J & i fj N! * s s ''i' -v- 4 cuiy '' y. ' ;( j» CHICAGO, ROGK ISLANDi PACIFIC R. R. IS THE GREAT CONNECTING LINK BETWEEN THE EAST & THE WEST f Its main line runs from Chlciwo to I ounell Bluffs, pawlnit throuali Joltet. Ottawa, l.a Sajle, Uenewo. Moliue. KIK'K tslunil. R>;iveni»l'l-t, \Vest Liberty. lowa Cltr.Marena.l, Bnsiklyn. Urlnnelt. D«i Moines I tlie capital of lowni. ftuart. ATL.;n- Uc. and Aroca; with branches from Bureau J unetloa to Peoria : Wilton Junction to Musca tine. Washington, Kalrflelct. KM- in. Uellciiiip. t'entrevllle, Princeton. Trenton, liaitntln Came ron. Leavenworth. Atchison, and kunsas City: Washmrrton to Sismirner, (lukaKrosn. ami Knox vtlle; ReokuK lo ramlnctoii. Bonnpurte, Ken tooaport, Indspendont. Kldon. Ottumwii, lOildy vtlle, Oaltaloosa. Pella, Monroe, and LH-S Moines; Newton to Monroe; De* Moines to Imttnnolaand W lat«rsat: Atlantic to Lswla and Audubon; and Avoem to Harlan. This LA positively the onlr Raliroad. which owns, and operates a through line from Chleaao Into the Slate of Kansas. Throu*S Kzpreaa raacenaer Trains, with Pull man Palace C«rs attacked, are run each way dally between CHICAGO and PBOHIA. KANSAS CITY. (Xicacit. BLurra, LA A VAN WORTH and ATCBI AOS. ThroaahcanarealaoninbetweenMllwau kee and Kansas City, via tbe "Milwaukee aud Bock Island Bkort Line. " Tbe "Great Rook Island" Is equipped. lu road perfect, and lu Vrftat wUI please you most will be the pleasure of eajoyinc your meals, while passing over the beautiful prairies of Illinois and lowa. In one of oar masnUtcent Dining Cars that accompany all Thro«an Express Trains You get an entire meal, as good as Is tarred In auy Orst-class hotel, for seventy-live cents. . Appreciating UI» (aot that a majority nf the peoble prefer separata apartments for different purposes (and ths Immense passenger liusiness Of this line warranting 111, we are pl«ase«l to an noonee that this Company runs Pull mm Palats Sl'epiug Cart for sleeping p.irposes. and Palace PULLMAN rALAI'I i:AK« an run through to PEORIA, DFS MOINKD, COl kIL BLUFFS, K/KSAN CITV, ATCHIfII.V, uml LEA VF\ WORTH, TlfkeU via tkU Line, known n« the "Orfiit KutL lalnml Itoutc," arc Hold by •II TltkH Agents In (he I'nlted Mlatea aid Canada. for Information not obtainable at jour home ofHee, address, JL. KIMRAIiIi, K. ST. JOHN. Gea'l Suoerintendeut. Gvo'l 'i'kt. und l'sm'tjr Ant., CblcaKU. 11l WHY DOES & \r*, f s hcr.lth often break down at an early a*:?? Tut a man at iho wish f:. Jt ? • ; » h<-.u«*d noiu \nC hot sud* until every pore is opened; then I't him Maud «• 'cr the I. i:; • ibAi fhxn scalding and boiling clothes. that are full > f sweat and exhalations i r • ;i«* ikin and Lu ?.?elih too would brtmk down before long; and yet thia.most terrible ortival *ua A WOMAN bus to go through with on wash-day; and. beaidt*. itli her clothing vet from r. Ih" li»t work, hhe Las to risk her lite by going °ul in the p to hang up the clothes. bwi those not at work arc in the unhealthy atmosnhere; its smell, fo apparent t» vis ton, .•!. v. lug that it finds it* way through iho house,—the family, h< vcver, oiicn becoming •- - us lutncd to the peculiar odor from its own wash as n< tto notice it. The>e ia rci • <ly ix pl«in why so many women nutter with colds, rheumatism. weak nerve s, or neui. ' a. ai.d LOOK OLD nhilo yet young In years, and physicians and boards ot health cannot «!ra\. tHentt< .1 ! • > ■ironi'ly to the injurious effects of tiie usual way of washing, with us r.t. - ; "y steam •cabling or toiling to get the clothes pure an 1 bwoct-smellh esp « : ,lly us it i* with; ut don t often Ihe direct of those dreadful dlvjasea, diphtheria, consumption, und typ u»id lever. Fortunately thia trouble c;ui bo avoided; teal dir.?, boiling, s;ram and nil «;>r. • 0 •mell from the v.a-h completely done away with; clothi < made swevt and < /lUtJmly wi. te; fi-M fic til' lug in fuel thr wash *U/ueut ISM COS i than even tehen tun* warte Mip m L ct, und \. y muta SOONER THAN by the old wnv, l.y u«!nsr FHANK SIUO.U4M BO A P.-a Son) ptii..vms mil .:.iuv : ] ihe .llrtlcst ci'Jhinjj mi hit m luliuwaiui wau-r Kith very l.iuo rubb, j;. '■ I ciothes tv-dding and utensil* u*ed by the si-k disinfected and clean-v I w thorn v. ~<-r w-nldini; it b,.-|iq*. white I lit* work i*«o llgl.tthat* njrl twelve t>r lliirttrii yinrv t,t n ; , lritfo t,k h wltli'iul U'lnx ti vl; uml yet HO milii und h' .illtiK i< lliti i-i'.-.p tliut l> r I It t mid •having it has no equal, and physicians advi eluu oin prefercm-c to imp»>rU<l t. aM..e . ip « a wound 4 and nores, and t<» tne youngest infants, as well its i«»r Now that there U a remedy for thin, to economical that thejnonrt can use it, there is not a w emnn or A MAN IN not dlrrftly INTCRMIFLXL In having I»'.MI in tlmlr home-. In siillf of prcjntlloo, Til \T Wi'NDBiUnJL WAY WAHHINO CLOTHES, wliirli tltK* uwuy wilh UID linr.t work, oflclwive i: ami fearful suam on waslnluys. makes Iho whlU) s whiter, ei.lured jilet r.t brlphler und flanuclK toller tlian lliey can bo made by WHsliing tlio ind way, leaves llie hantU .-mootli eiioiis'U tu ,'.O fin 3 M.'wlii({ Uild twery orticle as clean, as tweet uud us puro as if never worn. M ONIAiS'> From 11. E. IJowrjcs, If. I).. Itaiumouton. N. J., Kditor SuutU Jn ■ y lisjiuiilu-nn. fly at'entlon was calbsl to KIIANK I,LH B'IVP from un uilvcrUse;nni|t |U Uiy own paiier, ami it < ii lulu my |n'iis-i lof |i<-nrly a VIMP, acoCirdlng to "HI ill ruction*, lis, pruv.ll thai its |.ri)-,i.rlim liave not lrei-n over.Uitrst, For remov- Ins priutlug ln'< it is l.ivaluuble, while for toilet und ..havlntf it best«rap 1 havu ever seen. from Mrts. H. L KBNVUM, Northdclil, Vt. Ido my wash with Kit AN K II)I>A I.LS HOA Pln t ill the time ui.d wlili no e*penso for Ko.ip, '■il.'iei -.ii' ■/ In fu'l iivnr than ;m 'Jt/nr It. I have noste. ill r r i wit friiin the wmii, while tlio saviinc in t I'HHII, vlullu-s slid labor' HI hardly beestlmaled. I rani K W. STAXTOH, I3n» N. 31th «• , Pltlladn. We are conndent, tr cu .» lons eapi-rlennii In ustna sin| rev<wni|i"inliiu lIIANK si I»l).\ 1.1.H >«i\P, that one trial, accordin* to th» very cay orln eil rtlreitlons, Will ovi rciine itll ur-J'i hci-i It also rually uas wundet.ul morlt lor shaving, toilet, Tim following are th«- Direction* fur Ui.r. mi »lui|ilr> t!:ai i* i hlld ran umlorntanit lli'-m. 1 tont <l«> anything m ildieuloua na to buy the gonp UiilosH you Intend folloulni; tlicm. / J $ 100 pomi tier Iff forfvUfd If It Injur- * the clothe*, or will not <!•> <m-y thing chtltlrtf. Fimt, put the white clothe* In * tub of water, only made warm enough to be comfortable f.irthn hands. Then take one pieceont at a time ou t!>e w;ish-board, rtilt the Soap lightly over It, roll It up ami put it bark into the namw lu!>, ami *> mi with each piece until all hare the Soap rubbed on them. Thou away nnd let them »'uk at lenat twenty niir.uttv, without touching them, when the dirt will nil lie loiweued, a id a very little rtthhln:; on tho waah-board, out. of tint onu and*. will make them perfe ly el* an, beint; pariH iilnr t<» tarn eaoU pieov while waahlng »o a* to get at the scam*. Then w.<h 1< t'ltly on the v. a !i --tioard, throufh a lukewarm rlnic-waU*r (withont any Hoap,) *> to get tii dirty »u>: < out. Then )>ut through blue-water, and on the line, wi'tharf $■ .' -inn or boiiu ft m■>('■ '• Afterward put flannel * and colored piece* to w-uk, nr.d wnali Ihetn csueti th- " «'ny. It >• Important not to heat the waali-water in a tin, bra. copper k;-u!\ At ••.!!* will htat enough water for a large wacii with tlii* Sua;>. Just Think What You will Save by M* Easy Way °.f WrJi;! No Wash-boiler? No Steam! No Smell of Suds thrcitfn tl I! / It has the remarkable Property of kccpinj the Di h-Cloth. Wr /:-/ nj a\d always Sll'eet, an I of Washing frc• ■ 7 in Hard WaLr. -*~I SOIjZI E>"V i ♦- Got a Cake ani Try it for Yourself next Wash-flay. to Poln'a whom this Soap l.» not yo'„ Intro.'i -tl a Trial C nlr • will bo t.:--»»t by Mail, on w'lpt of Prtco, (IO Oeu ... Mo.ioy or Btarop:. TJ&V FRANK SI-3MS Z n J?, STOVES, RANGES, Orate Fronts, Fenders, Ace. CREA, GRAHAM & CO. MANU FACT I' UK US, 291 Liberty Street. Pittsburgh. Pa INSURANCE liM or|»oB'iil« <i I.HIO. >ETNA INSURANCE COMPANY OK IIAKTHOKI), CONNKCTICUI'. A».-t* #7.07H,!W4 4«.» I.onk'i p'lld In til yi-!ir«, 951,00* ,tHM>. .1. T. Med'lNK IN H')N, AirenU, Jan'iMly Jelleri«»n xlreet, Htitler, I'n. BUTLER COUNTY Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Office Cor. Main mil Cunningham S's. (1. C. IIOEHHIXO, rRKHIDKNT. (' A M I'HKI.I., I'KKA I'M Kit II C IIKINKM AN. SK. KKi Aitv DIUKtTOKS J. 1,. I'urvl* K. A. Ilelidl'olili. Willi 1111 CiUUpliell, •! VS. 11 111 1» I- ■ll A. Troutiiinn, Jm ol- Hrlioi'in 1 , O.t!. |{'M'*»lii(t, .liilm (!nldwi 11, Di W Irvln, W W I»..«l<l«, J. W.Ohrletv " " I'lm-inaii JAS. T, M'JUNKIN, (ion Ag'i BTTTLEK PA. <fc r t C'OII per day at liotno Hamplen worth 'P'l 10 fr«w«. Adilrrn* Himwin .V Co., POrHnnn. M"tnf. dno'l- 1 v gcsyArtverttw hi the Otttten r>iniiig r r- for eatlngpurposes only. Oneother trreat feature of our Palace Cars iaa SMOKING SALOON where you can enjoy your "Havana" at all hours of the <i«y. and Missouri livers at ull imlnis crossed bv this line. and transfers are avoided at Council Bluffs, K»n-il« i ity, Leavenworth, and Atchison, con nertioi * heinu made in Union Depot*. THK PRIM I PAL It It. CONNECTIONS OK THIS (iItEAT 111 Knit; II LINE AIIK A 8 ; FOLLOWS: At < HICAOO. witb all diverging lines for the I East un 1 South. At ENQLEWOOD, with the L 8. ft M. 8.. and P.. ! Ft. W. &C. U. Rds. At WASHINOTON IIEIOHTS. with P., C. ft St. L. K. It. At I.A SALLE, with 111. Cent. R. R. At PEORIA, with P. P. A J.; P. D. ft E.; I. B. ft W : 111 Mid.: and T. P- ft W. Rds. At ROCK ISLAND, with "Milwaukee ft Rock Island Shorl Line," and Rock lsl'd A P»o. Rds. At DAVENPORT, with the Davenport Division C. M. ft St. I\ R. K, AMYBJ.T Li KEItT Y. with the 8.. C. R. ft N. R. R. At GRIXNEI.L, with Central lowa K. R. At DKS MOINES, with D. M. A F. D. R. R. AtCorrsciL Bi.urrs with Union Pactftc R. R. At OMAHA, with B. A Mo. K. K. K. in Neh.l AtCOLrMlii-s JtTNCTION.wIth B .C. 11. ft N. R.R. At OrrmwA, with Central lowaß. H : W, St. L. ft Pac.. and c. I!, ftq. It. Rds. At Keokl'K, with Tol., Peo. A War.: Wab.. St. Louis ft fac,. and St. L . Keo. ft N.-W. R. Rds. At CAMKRON. with H. St. J It. U. At ATCHISON, with Atch.. Tapeka ft Santa Fe; Atch ft Neb. and Ceil. llr. I!. P. K. lids. At LEAVENWORTH. with Kan. Pac . and Kan. Cent R. Rds. J At KANSAS CrrY, with all lines for the West | and Southwest. nnfl all tioiui'tiuld uses, and as It heroine:-. mora g.-iiorttll) Known, uuisl iiuvu an liuni.-iisti*hitl»*. From M its. K. Hrrx'KWUM., ITanimonton, N. J. FIIANK KIIIDAU.H KOAI* bits bi.-n usi'd in mv hiiu»« for the ln.l iteveii months. utid t>y folio Ins the ( rlntiil itlrectlona, we tlnd It to do every tliinfc cu>lni.-<l on tin- wrapi>rrn. We Itnve not araUYcd or boiled n hliiklo urtleln, aii'l U" rl 'h't arr uhl'i r nruf sw rUr t/utn U'hm In f.'ta oi'l iivn/. ;M>- husliunri, wl.ii I- ii dealer bore, hint n iiteady lioiuuud for tUu bonp from i.ln cnstomiM. From MANM'fn f'y Di *tkh r,A!'S-pnv. sn smh Mint, turner l Islroet. N.W., M aKhlnftCu. I), t. ' No I mndry or Pmilly Con itfTord to be without KUAN K MUOAI.I.S HUAI-. We follow <l rr<> tloltM mid Ui' no ut In-r fctoap. mnl In vr u rr; ul tinn hieotld to III! laundry hi Wnsliliu;lon for nliltii c'.utlien; til" import i work W li.iVe Ii -.-it im il. .1 lo lorn mil I .iviiiK k.-nirwl if Hie trade of •' nir of tin- bi-it i;i mlomi'u'* furiilsblni; .Wrist In t.i • city. I). 11. LYON, ! SAI.E AND FEED STABLE. Altlin oil ulanl of I'nlii.k Kollpy, Km]., CO in i,if ('nniiliilmtii nil Mni'i.' ►lint, opo* John lloi'i:'h I'.i ill, «li«ro I will :ill"ud lo tlk I f« i ilitlK Ol I 'ul rVH hi 111 iAIt 1 '1 \(i IS V IMl; WKIIR I'll MONTH ', r the > >ni". tl'vo mo hi.<ll mnl I Mill tuakr i (lie clihiki"! mod <ral.o In mil ilio linn ii. I 'I In<m<' i.uiiu llorm il■ >1 .ill' .ir [> r inn want l in)' In I ny. it will he In II rir Hilvni.tß; < In call, Hlltt'^C-UIU J J t « i-.,r r, lit! .. 1 ' i I • M / . .r I U « J » " '*• ' j i ii » it I » .1 G id I jr» ,«r :-.J i r i b«) Jlu-t lli'iillii r. i i MreaiMfc i:«.l<»r«r l ur I [ So(»*tfer»li«t|t«< - It. | I 'fPvr • - ' ".1 K iOMC tiMl tlUlldi i 1 -t .111 •.»*«• ».J * .11 *»•] '.lt it ti«c<l. lf y -uhu I<J ■ I. Wc,' vMHeumMUrn. Nourilgi'. !• .vl, KMmv ti ( Liver ci if v •»» m '« •; ■ r»r appctixcr, » * I i j ' ' ,r « Uir > i, ii; HJ* I i,;l > 1 ■ .«}/ . lint ii- ver irttuxi .iiing. < It' |g ,«um»tion « r i.:iy • < 1 »' ' 'Couj'i "r f fcl'l Ccl !, I'/v .1 ( i ll ►will • > I 1 i, 11 iv i " • ■. l . i . »« • ' ui • f r (.hptun fin in 1 1 to' i In. j II llan Iftiwire--I* of l.lvrti It i S IT » I «»ii' ! » If vii n— f i ' V w .i'ii it. j ' , »! . I I ,I«l t Ii IT<*m I ' ' J t «u iii.ilt< r%v > till •or iii.») • »l. it v «il ci% '• !•» i i • * ' ► r Vl,| I' 1., t.lN'.r r 1 VI. f ; 1 1 i 'i «' "» I' ll iv L«. •! rtml l J urf I r»f « • ModiOt«iJ ever i" !«'•", * •nj"»iintf. ! I » i * »n«l entirely il»fi« "iit I -•»•» l it' | ;i• i i | • !.i • • 1 \ • • t « ii • y n « 4AOk*'i> t /.H "II 1 f •* 1 *ll* v.'A PARICCwf'S HA3 7 DALSAn Thn fti.-l llait r«* lliilr Orv* 'lii*T r*«'; Mutely pcil ii - tin 1 |*r( !' -I.i* n •! M ill / tnaj« I?* i'oro I rn j«r Fn lctl T Ir to !•* I in 11 yllm'|i f I. ' I - ( n vl iuvjirn' 111.1 ;i 111 l.'l'in IPilt «;n*wtH 411't I rev \ I ■■ 1. AI• w*. »! i-.ii • f th»* Hal wi" •oflm im« f, ! I-, »*II l* IT- *• I'l MM I « '<J It. '*;•> • . M -.1- uVirfin ')}<€. jPlaning Mill -ANI>- Yard. ! J. 1.. PURVIS. L. O. I'URVIS. S. C. Purvis & Co., »4<iCF»OTI RFBti AND DEALERS IB Bough and Planed Lumber OK F.VF.KY DESlrtl' 1 ION, FRANKS MOULDINGS, SASH DOORS. FLOORING -ODINN RATI ENS, Brackets, Gauged Cornice Boards, miicn I'osi ,s <TAII< HAILS NVwt'll PoMi- MM s l l e» I KM F I A 1 iJsi A. , ; Mil H:(iA,\ M j; (,!.*> H:irn i>o&r<ft>; I i:t>?cni( I .at I . lien '•<4 Bill Stul;. sue! ► J. jk« liat '•i>. Soaut.ii <£«. al! -i7»-c «'t!Ktai..h, «>• I si>(i. All oJ which wt will t-elj on reasonable tein> >.d guar antee satis!action. PLANING MILL AN I; YARD Wear (xcriuun < < liurrh j«i'?- k -0-l.y | E. GRIEH, DEAI.EH IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. E.iIIRAVING OF All. HI TDJ A SPECIALTY. {VIA.IN STiiElliT, l&orth ol Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. ; AND CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED ~m Mwney BE. PAD «>j iiiiiiui* of ilit • iiblit*, WAItAH. IS I IAN\ Tin I-. .rn I-.- .11 it v.oll. Have novoral old obronn- c»h«.e of Kulney tronlile ueiiiK tli. m. nnd ilifv mi intiruvrmeiit mnl think much of tbehi. A. 1.. lIOIIIMJCK A CO.. Druggiats. COURTNEY. TEXAS. Your I'm] hue ilone mo tin 10 thin any Balmily 1 tur iteed. J AH. 11. CAI.LAWAY. MT. CI I'MKNS, MICH. Y'oiir l'.nl hue out i d mo of I'ain in tha lUek mid Kidney Tioubl®. M> J. HOL'OH. AddriKH DAY KIDNEY PAD; CO.. HOJ.K I'ltOl lilKTOlfd, TOI KDO, - - - OHIO. .1, t Kb.I)ICK, Aifi-nt for fiutlvr Co. /H'SI 0 : i v > [<*J .J*- n-.i '' •"' 'irs%; CyVr.r " ■ jt ■ 7-'" v ♦ • ••• • T f. pars a]) a Ii It I O'iV '1 ' In. villln :;o. t. 1 'r II: • ... I<l • ... |'i. ■ 't . . , -I 'll ll!iimil-II i -,i ... ! I i in •—• •- tan 'I III' : 11 I I'. ill! I II). •' I'll •■ 11 . it< I' I ' ' II ■•' • 111« Ul.' V.. . . IV.I It': I. oil . Tltt' S- 1" ■if •I • ii. . • .inii i! i". '•. ' -f |itni!-i oil o tilfiiM • n it* 1 1 i'v, "i- '"i | oti ~< to <• ,i*l ill*. r sol I. n 1111. i: ■• • I It ill . S roflllr* mnl nil o! .'H i «'i. . 1 1. > .'I" : t. KM r, i r S: \! i . ' i<l11• >'i ■* a i i ; .ii ; i!.. i , » \>'i-:.« i i lot's, lUiiio'-s. . fltiinorw, Si.i I'' . rl, ■ i Ci- ■ 'torn:, I'irt i.'xi. es, IthftinuiiliiM. Mi-rciulnt Djsi'.i o, > I'.n iili'i i, i «'il!.» Hf is' . mil Ii: ion in.. , .''iiiin'ilri , AIV mil. ol »!.«• lit- . »*. ,|«'t»M-t % I.hp.i. im lon, it I. <* i- a) I.i.llily. 11l it*. i. I, • ■ nnil ' - .]ilaiit|i-p« it <Hit ii.-- i >'l cort vnHi I t'll llil .: • : ill' '■ I . • I .IS" «' •» itlKtf* lib n: .i.1.l i" ir It sliliin iti-s trul cinit Vllit the vitnl (ini tio s, <>;uinol..* WMT-tv nn-t htflictli, ri'Sloi-i'M mill prisei-ve* InnlTli. .itnl Inlits. s new iiii. ami vigoi Mm wlioU' system, No Kiilii'i-i i- Iron niiv iliv eii-iu wUiili uiih.'h fioui li'iinirily ol tfm lilooil need di'*|>nlr «Itn will Kl\o Al KU « HaX' \r \it I i.i. v a fall- It s fol!;, to i'.\pei inii'llt w I!I tlie tnnu-ir- Otls low-In i.-.'.l, 1.1 i'l|. ,l|i lllHt.rlMls, it 111 I uitlioit liii'di' viftlleH i»;T«'tvil lit 1111 mii 1 fl.llltli- s, wliile di«i a«< beriillie* mom lit ml V HIM It'll Wilt- > Ul-tl'\Hll.t. V IS n nieiii im l of sin Ii ion outi itetl rtimth n (mwi-r, that it is hy It. 11.■ • I -t. rl i'M|>es!, and must ri'lmliie iifiilir known. I'll\ .■ ins liiiou its inn. o>iii«<ii, in..; |'i ■- si ii In. It 11 his 'ii II v. till', t ill lor ioit v M'.ii -. Mini lias won lh.. in.i| 11.nil deiii t'o( millions wlioni it has Ih-iii'liloil. Prop.ircd by Dr. J. C Ayer £i Co., lihl iiiml AIIHIMIC.II i lifin ►!», Lowe.l, Mass. noi.h itv Ai s. i»itt?«i<iif i'.» i;vntv*vi;t:nt?. PPVuW i\'C I A i'i' ,v llt |f you I lii\ ' I''l * the I.S. « rvine. I.AW I \ I'l |{ES J I'I.Y lut, • i : \RKKAKM. I'l S • IQNB INCKEAB* I |l. Tlnnisuiids of I'l iisiont r« lire ruled too low. HOI'NTY AM> NEW dim IIAUfiKS I'KO -1' I I'ltEl'. InforinHlioii freely Kiven. St'Utl slump fur hlmiUn. Addres». BTOIHIAUT A (XX, li'mui i, Hf. < Umi'i ButWii% Waahiinjhm, D. («
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers