Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, October 06, 1880, Image 3

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    MB. J. H. BATES. Newspaper Advertising
Agent. 41 Park Kow (.Time* Building), New
York, is authorized to contract for advertise
ments in the CITIZEN.
New Advertisements To-Day.
For Sale—Piano.
J H. Zeilin A Co.
Consumption cure.
Stray Cow —John Neftse.
Education —Duff's College.
Dry Goods —Beggs 4 Buhl.
Notice —Washington Campbell.
Hide Market—William Mardorf.
Local and General.
LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls
and upwards, at E. Grieb's.
A company has been organized to
build a railroad from Chicago to the I ity of
Mexico direct.
Sufferers from nervous debility,
will find a relief and cure in Days Kidney
Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hats and Cap} at low prices.
SPECIALTIES in woolens at William
Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not
to be had elsewhere in the county.
—The crop of apples is 30 large this
year that even Adam wauldn't take less than a
barrelful for a gift.
A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine
American Movement as low as $lO, at
—An Albany chicken went without
food or water for twenty-five days.— Ex. Is it
going to lecture ?
—Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J- F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Ilats and Caps at low pricee.
—The bodies of the twenty men who
perished in the Hudson River tunnel have at
List been recovered.
WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor,
ha* just opened the largest line of woolens for
ineii and boys wear ever offered in Butler.
—Oct. Tth. For superior facilities
and moderate expenses no school surpasses the
Normal School, Edinboro.
Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hats and Cap* at low prices.
—When a man frankly tells you that
he has made a fool of himself, do not agree with
him unless he is small.
—And now cometh that old joke
about a political procession taking six hours to
juss a given point—a saloon.
—l)r. Beaver's Lung Pad cures
Coughs, Colds anil all eflections of the Lungs.
Sold in Butler bv D. H. Wuller. [sep22-3m
—Garfield has won the contest. Gar
field is a pigeon, and the contest was a flight
from Indianopolis to New York.
—Election judges and clerks must
strictly obey the laws in regard to the count
and the care of the ballot-boxes.
—Look at those boss shirts in the
window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of
Hate and Caps at low price*. 4
—This is the era of brass bands and
drum corps. Another reason why the approach
of election day is hailed with pleasure.
—Call at
—The Burlington Hawkeye finds
that lady goats, which just now are feeding on
circus posters, are the great buttresses of the
—Mr Bergh recommends the hu
mane housekeeper to provide raw lemons for
the flies. Rheumatism is attacking their ten
der joints.
—Every time an organ grinder's
monkey sees a young mail wearing one of those
dish rag hats, he eyes him wistfully and longs
to call him brother.
—Ou the 11th of October Baltimore
will be 1/50 years old, and she proposes to cele
brate the event in a manner befitting her age,
wealth and dignity.
—Charles Francis Adams, Jr., is on
trip to the west, and to this fact the Inter-
Ort'tn attributes the prevent cool snap in that
section of the country.
—Now is the time to buy Carpets,
Oil Cloth, Mattings, Ac., at
Ayer's Ague cure is a purely a veg
etable bitter and a powerful tonic, free from
quinine or any mineral substance, and always
cures the severest cases.
Duff's College, Pittsburgh, Pa., is
the oldest Commercial Oil lege in the State.
Students can enter at any time. See advertise
ment iri another column.
—There will be another excursion
to the Exposition next Thursday, at the same
rate as heretofore—>l,22 for the round trip and
ticket into the Exposition.
—Foi the cure of Consumption,
Bronchitis, Catarrh and Asthma, 11*0 Dr. Hea
ver's Lung Pad, sold by D. 11. Wuller, Butler,
Pa. sep22-.'im
—lt would be queer if the upsetting
of an Italian Rear-Admiral from his Imat into
the water should prove to be the only naval
demonstration at Dulcigno.
—When you are troubled with lack
of ambition or general feeling of lassitude and
despondency—there is nothing like Gray's Spe
cific medicine to tone up your system. Hold by
J. C. Itedick.
—Dr. Beaver's Absorption Lung
Pad a |K.sitive and permanent cure for con
sumptionilronchites, Catarrh, Asthma and all
disease of the Lungs, Throat and Heard. Sold
by D. H. Wuller, agent for Butler county, Pa.
—There will bo a communion ser
vice held in the U. P. Church, Prospect, this
county, next Sabbath, in which Rev. J. C. Big
liain, of Plaingrove, Pa., will assist the pastor,
Itev. Jas. A. (-'lark.
—When you see a man—did you
ever see a man—or, jmhaw ! A man with his
fingers tied up and shedding an aroma of lini
ment may safely l»e set down as having had a
wrestle with the stove pipe.
Seven hundred and sixty-two ex
cursion ticket* were sold at the dejiots here and
along the branch road last Thursday. 170 for
the Market train ; 072 for the morning express,
and 20 for the afternoon express.
: —The A. S. T. Co.'s Black Tip for
children's shoes, advertised in another column,
will be found to wear as long as the metal, and
add to the beauty of the finest shoe. Parents
who have tried them will have no other.
—lf the party who found theyellow
backed memorandum book, containing some ac
counts and belonging to Robert Trimble, which
was lost last June, will leave the sam at this
office, he or she Will be suitably rewarded.
—Owing to some time being needed
to "eitle protests against some of the decisions
of the Judge* at our late county Fair, the list
of persons to whom premiums were granted will
not be ready for publication until next week.
HEE a woman in another column, near H|>eer'*
Vineyard* witli a bunch of gra|>e* from which
Hpeer'* I'ort <impe wine IN made, that in MO
highly esteemed by the medical profcMion for
the UHC of invalid*, wcnkly perron* and the
agtd. Kohl by all i>mggiftt*. Sftaply
—A hoiHtin# cable haw broken in a
Western pilver mine, dropping the cage, con
taining wiine men several hundred feet, mid
killing eight of them. Mining lawn evidently
need revlnion in other Htate* a.* well an in I'enn
nyl VII ni».
Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable
Compound ha* done ihoiiMimd* of women more
g<Mid than the medicine* of many doctor*. I tin
a positive rnre for All female complaint*. Send
to Mr*. Lydia K. I'inkliam, 233 Wen tern Ave.,
I.ynn, Mil**.
—We ngnin call the attention of
•chool leat her* throughout the county to the
importance of properly ventilating their school
room*. Children of'en come home from ncliool
*ick, hy rca»on of the foul and du*ty air of the
Kchool room.
lie hail not slept a wink for twen
ty-lour hour*, coughing nil the time. Hi* *i*-
ter bought 11 twenty-five cent bottle of l>r.
I'liii'* < < ugh Hj rtip nt the neare*t drug *tore,
javc iiiin a do*e, m.d the Cough wiu» broken at
once and he *lept quietly during the night.
—A farmer residing' near Waverly,
Bradford county, had one of his legs so badly
injured by a threshing machine on Monday, of
la.it week, that the limb had to be amputated
above the knee He died froai the effect of his
injuries the same evening.
sexes. Endowment half & million. Tuition free.
Course* of i-tudy. Classical. Scientific ai.d Agri
cultural A thorough Preparatory Department.
Expenses S3 to i 5 per week. For catalogue, ad
Ilaugl4w Pres. State College, Pa.
Flannel** and Blanket*.
The very best makes, at
—The booming of the first cannon
touched off at Dnlcigno will smite with an
otnin JUS and sinister sound upon the ear of i
Europe. It may be the signal for such a
devil's concert a« the world has not heard since
the days of Napoleon I.
Iluckw lieat! Buckulieal!
Sixty cents jier bushel, of fifty pounds, paid
in cash nt Klingler's Mills for No. 1 Buck
wheat. Price good for fifteen days from this
Cloak*, Dolinaim.
Capes, Fichus, everything new, at
—A Washington county wonjan,
who was acquitted of the murder of her hus
band. on account of insanity, and sent to the in
sane department of the Allegheny county |>oor
house, has been discharged from custody ou the
ground that she is entirely sane.
—A man was recently saying that
the time would come when education would be
the only qualification for a voter. 'Why, Bill.'
said a by-star.der,'can you write;' 'No,' said
he, 'but I can make rny mark, and I find that
that goes just as far as vrhen I sign a law pa-
WIICII Yon fVel Menu
take Kidney-Wort, advertised iu another col
umn. It ads energetically on the bowels and
Kidneys at (he same time, and so cures a h<>st
of diseases caused by th- - inaction of these or
gan". If you are out of fix. buy it at your drug
gists and save a doctor's bill.
91omi«> Cloth, Cretoncf*.
Chintzes, Roman Plaids, &e., at
—Coronor Campbell's jury, which
held an inquest on the body of Francis Coulter,
at St. Joe, this county, on the 27th of Septem
ber, alt., found "that the said Coulter came to
his death by a wound in his head, caused by a
pistol shot by his own hand, as we believe, and
not otherwise."
Ifappy .Kan at Lockport, \. v.
E. C. Williamson, of this place, is rejoicing
over the recovery of his wife, who has been an
invalid for the past four years. She has regain
ed her strength, her complexion is vastly im
proved, and she has walked more in the past
month and is stronger and better than she has
been in years. He attributes these happy re
sults entirely to Day's Kidney Pad.
—Messrs. Geo. Weber, of this place,
and Levi Heidrick, of Great Belt, intend open
ing a shoe store in the town of Du Bois, Clear
field county, this week. They have already
rented a room and bought their stock. The
town has a population about 2,500 and at pres
ent has no shoe store.
Waterproof, Beaver,Clilncbilly
And all the new thing# in Sacque
And Dolman goods, at
—Over 21,000 barrels of apples were
shipped from New York to Enropean ports last
week, and from all the ports or this country
outside of New York 20,000 barrels more were
sent. This week the shipments from New York
will amount to about 30,000 barrels, and the
other ports will also show inert-fixed shipments.
Xollce to Mock Holdera.
There will be a meeting of the stockholders
of the lintler Building and Loan Association
at the Opera House, on Saturday, October oth
at 7:30, as provided by article XI of the by
laws of said association, for the purpose of vot
ing on and changing the by-laws of said asso
ciation. By order of the president.
sep22-3t J. H. CA M PBELL, Hecy.
—We never believed that the In
dian could l>e civilized ; but the fact* are
againwt u*. Recently a I'te and Navajo fought
a duel near Santa Fe Roth wanted to marry
the same girl, and to settle it, they ground
their knives and went to work in a business
like way. The lite wa* Killed and the other
badly used up.
f'ra|>4' Bonnets,('rape llhlm.
Mourning .Shawls, Dress goods, Sic.,
—The fastest time over the Penn
sylvania Railroad from Pittsburgh to Altoona,
which has ever been recorded, was accomplish
ed lately by James Dougherty, of engine No.
373. He made the run of one hundred and
seventeen mile* in two hour* and forty-two
minute* with hi* engine attached to *econd
Mail Express.
Woelow and ChiircheM.
The doctors of New York city, hundred* of
whom have personally visited Speer's Vine
vard* during the wine making season, *ay hi*
I'ort Orape Wine ha* proved to be pure, una
dulterated, of a fine flavor and tonic properties,
and is unsurpassed for it's restorative powers ;
and prescribe it as a very superior wine.
The print ipal Churches in New York and
Brooklyn use it for Communion. For sale by
I). 11. Wullcr.
Von ciiii Nave 23 l'i r( eul.
By buying Dry Goods, Carpets,
Millinery and Trimmings, at
—Coincidences are always voted un
natural when found in literature, wherea* in
real life they have a faculty for appearing in u
manner that transcends the wiblest imagination.
Two couples of people, several hundred miles
apart, have just been suffocated by having
blown out the gas when retiring, instead of
turning it off.
Iloef III«I<-H!
Co to William Mnrdorf, West Cunningham
street, Butler, l'a., and get from H to 10 cents
per pound for your beef hides. [oc6-2t
—Perhaps the workingman who im
agines capital to be a great demoniac combina
tion organized for the express purpose of crush
ing labor will learn a thing or two from the
quarrel between the New Jersey Central Rail
way and the .Standard Oil Company that l>cgan
a few davs ago. There have been hundred* of
*imilar fights, any one of which was ju*t a* hit
ter a* any that have occurred between eapiUil
and labor.
—Rays a New York paper: If any
one doubts the present prosperity of business,
let him climb, atumble, dodge and squeeze along
through the iine* of dry good* boxes piled on
the sidewalk for block after block on Broadway,
l/et him repeat the unpleasant operation ut
night, and see the packing ami shipping still
going on by electric light, and we are confident
no further proof will be asked certainly no bet
need he given.
—I i a speech at the opening of the
International Sheep Show lately, Commissioner
!,*• Due called attention to the fact that 39.000,-
000 pounds of foreign wool were imjiorted dur
ing the year ending June 30, IHT.t, and 125,-
(Km,ooo pound* for the la*t fi*cal year. The
The point made by Mr. I<e Due wa* that this
wool supply to American manufacturers ought
to be furnished by American agriculturists.
There is no doubt that a large extension of
sheep husbandry in the l T niU<d Slate* is in the
highest degree iiesirable.
—SYMPTOMS. —SIight pain in the
side, the *kin anil eye* iisnume a thick yellow
coat, digestion i* impaired, an unpleasant strik
ing sensation in the pit of the stomach is expe
rienced, the bowels are irregular, the mind
fretful, the memory weakened, sometime* a
slight cough, coldness of the hands and feet,
sometimes loss of appetite and at other* unnat
ural craving for food, dizziness of the head, de
pressed spirits, feel of uncertainty, of having
left something undone, but can't teli what it is.
Take Simmons' Liver Regulator, it will remove
all unpleasant feeling* nnd make you well.
A Hnrtl to
Mother* should remember that a most import
ant duty at this Mason is to look after the
health of their families and cleanse the malaria
arid impurities from their systems. There in
nothing thnt will tone up the stomach and liver
regulate the bowels and purify' the blood so
perfectly as Parker's Ginger 'lonic, advertised
In our columns. The wonderful cure* of long
standing cases of rheumatism, neuralgia mid
malarial disorders is the reason why this pure
and excellent family medicine is so generally
esteemed.— J'out.
Hail *xCitlsen: UtttLexr, P*, t 6, tSSCL
Good Words for Farmers.
The Model New Process will go into opera
tion soon.
One Dollar Wheat already the Forerunner
of its usefulness.
j The Richmond City Mill Works inform tis
I that they will have all improvements in our
mill completed by October 20th, and that on
and after that date we can begin to manufac
ture new process flour, or in other words, such
flour that has never before been made in this
vicinitv, as our capacity has been highly in
creased, we will need a large amount of wheat,
and therefore from now till date mentioned,
propose paving above market price, namely
one dollar per bushel for No. one wheat. To
our trade and to all farmers who intend giving
the best and most extensive lot of mill ma
chinery ever bronght to this section a trial, we
would say that they can bring forward their
wheat now any time, and in case they are need
ing anv flonr. we will advance the amount re
quired until their wheat is ground. For furth
er information as to the success of our mill
with its new machinery—the immense yields
and excellent flour, such as has never belore
been attained here, see large advertisement
rfhich will appear indue time.
a ten-head drill from Mr. Win. Crookshanks,
the agent for this county for the "Farmer's Fa
vorite." Mv drill does the work well; pats
grain, timothv, clover and fertilizer on at the
same time; draft light: runs smooth and nice ;
gave satisfaction wherever used in my neigh
borhood this fall; would say to every person
wishing to purchase a "good drill to give the
"Farmer's Favorite" and examination and then
judge for themselves. Samuel Anderson, Butltr
—lf a half-dozen persons were asked
how large the moon appears, they would give as
many different replies : "The size of a cart
wheel "Twelve inches across;" "The size of
a dir.ing-plate;" "As big as a man's head," etc.
Rarelv would one mention a smaller measure,
vet a cherrv held at arm's length much more
than covers its disc ; a pea will quite cover it.
vet the gravity "pull" of this apparently small
body npon the earth is so great that 87.500 bars
of steel each a mile square would but barely
restrain it from flying off in a straight line from
its present path. The force exerted bv the sun
to keep the earth iu its orbit is equal to the
strength of 15,000,000 snch bars.
A Good Hoiwewife.
The good housewife, when she is giving her
house its spring renovating, should bear in
mind that the dear inmates of her house are
more precious than many houses, and that their
systems need cleansing by purifying the blood,
regulating the stomach and bowels to prevent
and cure the diseases arising from spring mala
ria and miasma, and she must know that there
is nothing that will do it so perfectly and sure
ly as Hop Hitters, the purest and best of medi
cines.—Concord, Jf. IT., Patriot.
—The State Supreme Court, sittinpr
in Pittsburgh last Monday, rendered a decision
in the Lancaster contempt case in favor of
Messrs. Steinman and Hensel, who were dis
barred by the Court of Quarter Sessions of Lan
caster countv because, as editors, they under
took to criticise the conduct of the presiding
judge in a case in which they were engaged as
connsel. The Court holds that the courts have
the right to strike from the roll of attorneys
any person guilty of official misconduct, either
in or out of court; but in the case of a crime,
such as libel, the courts cannot strike from the
roll except upon trial and conviction, or a plea
of guilty.
—Although the model citizen has but
little time to devote to any meetings that are
not political, while the country is indulging in
its usual quadriennial leaning over a frightful
abyss, the convention lately in session in Phil
adelphia merited considerable attention. The
The Presbyterians sent an unusually strong
body of representatives to the Couneif at Phil
adelphia, so that the papers and discussions re
ported from there may be considered as embody
ing the present thought of one of the rnmt
prominent and influential denominations. The
proceedings, discussions, etc., are to lie pub
lished in hook form and sold at one dollar |ier
copy, anil person* in this vicinity wishing a
copy can leave their order for the same with
Rev. Wiley, of this place.
—Apparently the shortest road to
wealth and fame in this country is to construct
a telegraph line. The profits of telegraphy are
enormous, and it is unlikelv that our Govern
ment will ever prove sufficiently paternal to
pay any attention to the exhorbitarit rates which
are charged. Theee facts were long ago mas
tered by Jay Gould. Whenever he had a mo
ment to spare from his railroads he applied
himself to building telegraphs, All his per
formance* thus far have been verv successful,
and the directors of the Western Union are now
appointed with a special view to amalgamation.
The present policy is still somewhat doubtful.
It depends mainly on the views of Mr. Vander
bilt. Whether an amalgamation will or will
not take place is a matter of liftle moment, for
ft will undoubtedly be brought about in the fu
ture, and then Jay Gould will build another
line of poles and wires.
—A York State paper estimates that
Orange county, that State, will this year make
over 75,000 gallon* of apple whisky, commonly
called "Apple Jack." Apple jack in made by
the distillation of cider, and it i* Maid to be a
liquor that miint be used moderately. A more
innocent looking beverage doe* not exi*t, and
it* name sometime* deceive* the ignorant into
thinking it only a mildly exhilarating fluid,
wherea*, in truth, the *tronge*t head cannot
long *tand out against it. A distinguished Eng
li*h ecclesiastic, when on a visit to the United
States, several year* ago, had a great curio*itv
to taste our famnu* apple jack. He was much
pleated wilh it, and praised it* crystal clearne**
and it* peculiar flavor a* he refilled hi* gla.**
several time* at a feast given in hi* honor ; bnt
before the evening wa* over, the faculty of ar
ticulate Kpeech had almost departed from him.
Such I* the effect of too much apple jack.
—The production of sufficient sugar
for the want* of the people of the United Htate*
if not for export, now *eem* to be a fact to be
a fact to be counted upon at nodistant day. One
of the greate*t drain* of wealth from thin coun
try for the pa*t half century ha* l>een to pur
chase *ugar, atone time a* much a* $100,000,-
000 going abroad annually for that purpose,
ami there wa* on our part at one time a *eriou*
consideration of purchasing Cuba to Have that
outgo. But in the Miigar cane, sorghum and
lieet root there are now probabilities that the
censu* will KIIOW a beginning which will war
rant the hope of the production of all our own
Niigar at no di*laut <lay. Besides, the patron
age of Cuban sugar growing i* one of the great
est aid* to keening slavery alive in that island,
and America ha« now grown po*t that relic of
harhariHiu, ami it is with great pleasure that
the efTort* to produce our own *ugar will be
the city *ide of the Main Kx|»o*ition building,
near the entrance i* the magnificent di*play of
stove* and range*, made by II Anshutz A Co.
They occupy a very large space and are HO ar
ranged a* to be euxily accessible to any one.
Thrifty house wive* cannot fail to be pleaded
with the Tremont stove and Tremont range
which ha* several point* of superiority over all
competitors. One I* in the fire back and end
line*,, which are made of fire*tone, which is
anti-clinker and will outwear three ease iron
hack*. Another is in the long centre piece
that cro**e* the top of the *tove. The top of
an ordinary Ntovc after a little use warps and
the cover* never fit elosely afterward. Thi*
i* obviated in the Tremont stove by HO con
structing the eentie piece by enclosing it with
a long strip of greystanc, which is warren ted to
prevent all warping. Visitors to the Exposi
tion will find a Tremont range in constant
operation at baking powder stand, close by
Anshutx & Co.'*.
—One cannot wonder that there WHH
extraordinary astonishment in the I'aHsaic Co.
(N. J.) Court, one morning last week, when a
prominent lawyer arose and asked forgi vene**
of the Bench and liar for certain alleged offen
ces, for it wa* the first case on record of a law
yer admitting himself to be in the wrong, lie
accused himself of not having at all times grace
fully and obediently accepted the ruling* of the
Court, wherea* every lawyer know* that when
the Court rule* JU'H :u-':t him it i* because the
Court i* an old idiot, who never learned the
fir*t principle* of |.iw. He also declared that
in past days ho had not been as courteous to
hi* brethren of the f!;ir as he might have been
ju*t a* if courtesy to one'* op|»oneiit wa* com
mon among lawyer*. .Strangest of all, however,
the remorseful member declared that he ha<|
made an exhorbitaut charge for drawing a will.
Thi* settled the (mention. All the rest might
be the result of man line** assorting it* suprem
acy over over quick t.-mper, for under *ueh cir
cumstauccs a noble nature might t rang res* the
custom of the Har by exceeding the extreme of
honor, but when it i ame to confessing exorbi
tant charging there was only one thought po*-
*ible—the man must be crazy. No lawyer in
full possession of hi* *en*o* w"i|ld ever ii|»ke
NIIOII a confession, even if broken oi| the wheel.
Under Ill<|e Murket.
Beef 11 i'lew from 8 to 10 cents per
pound. If you want to get the high
est cash price in the county for your
Beef Hides, take them to VVrn. Mar
dorf, Went Cunningham street, Butler,
Pa. ocC-Urn
! correspondent says: I have kept cider for two
years, so that when drawn at that time it was
bright, sparkling, sweet and delicious. The
j process is very simple. All the early fruit
1 should be made into vinegar. When the
weather is sufficently cool, say by the first or
middle of October, make the cider of soi-nd,
but mellow apples; put the cider in sweet
liquor barrels, with a three-quarter inch tap
[ hole in the head of the barrel, alniut an inch
and a half from the chime, and in a straight
line from the bunghole. Then place the cider
in a cool, dry cellar. After it is worked suffi
ciently, which will probably be in a week or
less, draw it off carefully, so its to not disturb
the sediment at the bottom, in perfectly clean
barrels, and place back upon the skides as be
fore. If the temperature of the cellar is suffi
ciently cool, it may not require drawing again
in a month, or longer. Then repeat the pro
cess, and after a few days bung up the barrels.
Then about the latter part of March draw again
when if properly managed before, there will be
but a very little sediment. Fill the barrels
full, bung up tight, and cider can be kept
sweet and good for two years if thus treated.
This I know to be the case, for I have kept it
in that condition for that length of time. As
fast as one barrel is drawn throw away the
sediment, rinse the barrel till thoroughly clean
place upon the skids, fill, and so keep on.
—Scrofulous swellings, carbuncles
boils, blotches, pimples and eruptions, enlarged
glands, internal soreness, torpid liver and gen
eral clogged condition of the system, all yield
in due time to nature's sovereign remedy—Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Sold
around the the world by druggists and chem
its. Foreign trade supplied from London
branch. World's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion, Proprietors, Buffalo, N. Y., Dr. R. V.
Pierce, M. D., President.
March Bth, 1879. )
Dr. R. V. Pierce :
DEAR Slß —Having suffered many weary
months from liver complaint without relief, I
was last Summer induced to try your Golden
Medical Discovery and Pellets. At the time I
was scarcely able to walk. Owing to their ef
fect I commenced to improve rapidly and ain
now as well and strong as ever. I thank vou
from the depth of my heart for the good tney
have done me and wish vou success.
Yours truly, l:S. S. STAGXER.
—Last evening's session of the
Sabbnth School Convention now being held in
the M. E. Church, of this place, was very in
Butler Market*.
BUTTER—Good 2 1 cents V tb.
BACOX- -Plain sugar cared hams 14 eta. V lb;
shoulders, 8 : aided, 14
bKAXs—White, tl<S)l-25 V b'ish,
CnicKKStj—2s to 30 cte. per pair.
CUEEHK—IS cts ¥ fb.
CORN MEAL —2 cts. FT tb.
CALF SKlNS —9oc<fesl V tb.
Eoos—ls cts? dozen.
FLOOR —Wheat, «G<S>B¥ Lbl, sack $1.25®*2 ;
buckwheat, t'2.50 V cwt.
CHAIN—Oats,.'JO cts t* bushel; corn 45 ; wheat
9.lC'h ; rye 80 cents ; buckwheat, 70.
HONEY —IS cts. T* tb.
LARD —I2c V tb. Tallow, 6@7.
MOLAHHKH—SOfa>7Oc V gallon. Syrup, 50<§>60c,
ONIONS—7S cts V bush.
POTATOES—3Oc. f bushel.
SCOAR— Yellow <s>9c.; white ®llc. V ib.
SALT —No. 1. 41.30 V barrel.
Pittsburgh Market.
Extra choice eating apples aohl in Pittsburgh
yesterday at $1.50 to $1.75 per barrel; com
mon to prime cooking $1 t051.25 ; choice dairy
butter, 20 to 25 cents ; chestnut*, $3. ft I to $4 |>er
bushel; strictly fresh eggs, 19 to 20 cents;
prime potatoes, 46 to 50 cents; onions, $3 to
$3.25 per barl; spring chickens, 35 to 45 per
CATTLE—James Hunter sold 17 head of
Butler county stock at 3 to 3 00; 16 of Green
county do, for Gordon Bros., at .'f j to 4c.
John Beeler reported 18 head of Hutler coun
ty stock; heifers and steers at
at 'iOu'li ; fresh cows, S3O fa, 40 "£> head.
SHEEP—The market was more active and
prices firmer, iillh >ngh not quotably higher.
Good lamb* sold readily at top prices, while the
lower grades went off rather slowly ; the high
est price reported was .51, which was obtained
for an extra lot, averaging over 70 pounds.
sold at $2 per head up to 51 cents as to
HOGS—Were in liberal supply and prices
were easy and a shade lower. Sales were made
in a retail way at 5j to 5} grogs, according to
quality. Several lots of "country" hogs were
wholesaled at 41 to 5 cents.
General MM Proclamation,
WHEREAS. In and by an Act of the General
assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsytvanie
entitled "An act relating to the elections of the
Commonwealth, passed the 2nd day of Jnlv, A.
D. 1839. it is made the duty of the Sheriff of
every comity within this Commonwealth to give
public notice of the General Election and in
such notice to enumerate :
1. The officers to be elected.
2. Designate the place where the election is
to be heM.
I, WM. H HOFFMAN. High Sheriff of the
county of Butler, do hereby make known and
give this public notice to the electors of the
comity of Butler, that on Tuesday next follow
ing the first Monday of November, being the
2nd <!:iy of November. IHBO,
a general Election wilt be held at tlio several
election districts established by law in said
county, at which time they will vote by ballot
for the several officers hereinafter named, viz:
Twenty-nine persons for Presidential doctors
of the State of Pennsylvania.
One person for the office of Supreme Judge of
the State of Pennsylvania.
One person for the office of Auditor Oeneral
OH the State of Pennsylvania.
One person to represent the 2Cth Congression
at district of Pennsylvania in the United States
House of Bepresentatives.
One person to represent the 41st Senatorial
district of Pennsylvania in the State Senate.
Two persons to represent the county of Butler
in the Pennsylvania House of Hepresciutafives.
One person for the office of District Attornoy
of Butler county.
Ono person for the office of Associate Judge
of Butler connty.
One person tor the office of County Surveyor
of Butler connty.
The said elections will be held throughout the
comity as follows:
The electors of Adams township at the house
of J. S. Donthett.
The electors of Allegheny township at the
house of John P. Crawford, Six Points
The olectors of Buffalo township at. the house
of Roliert Gregg, now George Truby, now Itob
ert Hartley.
The electors of Butler township at the Court
House in Butler.
The electors of Brady township at the School
house at. West Liberty.
The clef-tors of Clearfield township at the
house of John Green.
The electors of Clinton township at the house
of John O. Biddle, now John Anderson.
The electors of Concord township at the
School house No. 4. in Middletown.
The electors of Clay township at the Centre
School house in said township.
The electors of Centre township at the new
School House near Holyoke I'. O.
The electors of Cherry township at the house
of William Eindsey
The electors of Corinoqueiiessing township.
Northern precinct, at School house No. 7, In
Whitcntown ; Southern precinct at the house of
Peter Staff, in Petersville.
'Die electors of Cranberry township at the
house of Freederick Meeder.
The electors of Donegal township at the
house of Adain Sehreiher, in Mitlerstowir
The electors of Fairview township at the
house of J. Dickey in Fairview borough.
The electors of Forward township at tlio
house of Bobert H. Brown
The electors of Franklin towns! Ip at the
School house in the borough of Prospect.
The electors of Jackson towusliio, Western
precinct, at the liouso of Jacob llcil in Har
mony ; Eastern precinct at the house of John
P. Miller in Evansburg.
The electors of Jefferson township at the
house of Morris Beighter,
The electors of I.ancastcr township at the
Public School house No. 5.
The electors of Middlesex township at the
house of Oeorge Cooper.
The electors of Marion township at James
The electors of Muddvcreek township at ttie
Town Hull in portersville.
The eloctorsof Metoftr towni.hip In the School
house No. 4. in said township.
Tlio electors of Oakland township al the
house of William McChing.
The electors of Marker township at the house
of John Kelly in Martinshurg.
The electors of piiiin township at tlio house of
Bichard Fisher,
The electors of Summit township at the house
of Adam Frederick.
The electors of Slippcryrock township at the
School house, at the North end of tlio borough
of Centreville.
The electors of Venango township at the
house of James Murriti.
The 'electors of Winfield township at School
house No. 5, in said township.
The electors of Washington towushii at tlpi
Town Hall ill North Washington
The electors of Worth township in tlio Town
Hall in euhauir.Hliiirif in said township.
Tim oloiitors of the borough of Butler at the
Court House in said borough.
The electors of the borough of Osntrsville at
the School house in said borough.
The electors of the borough of Zelicnoplo at
the Council house In said borongh.
' The electors of the borough ot Prospect at
I the new School House in said borough.
IThe electois of the borongh of Sixonhurgh at
the School house in stud borough.
I The electors of the borough of West Sunbtuv
I at the Public School house in Sunhnry.
I The electors of the borough of Milferetown at
the house of Adam Schreiber in said borongli.
The electors of the l>orough of Tetroli* at the
Town Hall in ssid borough.
The electors of the lwjrotigh of Fairview at the
School house ill said borough.
The electors of the borough of Karns City at
the Town Hall in said borough.
And I. the said Sheriff do further give notice
to all election officers, citizens, and others, of
the following provisions of the constitution and
law» of this commonwealth, relating to elections
SECTION 1. Every male citizen twenty-one
years of age, possessing the following qualifica
tions, shall be entitled to vote at all elections:
First—lte shall have been a citizen of the
Cnited States at least one month.
Second —He shall have refilled 't: the State
one year (or if having previously been a quali
fied elector or native born citizen of the State
lie shall have removed there and returned, t! en
six months) immediately preceding the elec
Third —He Fhall have resided in the election
district where he shall offer his vote at least two
months immediatelv | receding the election.
Fourth—lf twenty two years or upwards, he
sha'l have paid within two years a State or coun
ty tax, which shall have been assessed at least
two months and paid at least one month before
the cleclion.
SECTION 5. Electors shall iu all cases except
treason, felony and breach or surety of ilie
pe.ice, be privileged from atresi dining their at
tendance on elections aud iu going to aud re
turning therefrom.
SECTION 6. Whenever any of the qualified
electors of this Commonwealth sha'l be in act
ual military service undi-r a requisition from the
President of the United States, or by the author
ity of this Commonwe illh, such electors may
exercise the right of suffrage in rll e'ectlons by
the citizens, urder such regulations as are or
shall be prescribed by law, as fully as if they
weie present at their usual places of election.
SECTION 7. All laws regulating t e holding
of the elections by the citizen* or for the regis
tration of elef tois shall be uniformed through
out t! e Slate, hut no elector shall be deprived
of the privilege by reason of f,is name uot bei' g
r< fcintered.
SECTION 13. For the pnrpe-e of voting, no
pcrsou shall be deemed to have gained a resi
dence by reason of his presence or lost It by
reason of his abt-encc. while' employed in the
service, either civil or military, of this Stste, or
ol the United States, nor while engaged in the
navigation of the waters of this State or of the
United States, or on the lrgh se.is, nor while a
student in any institute of learning, nor while
kept in any poor house or other asylum at pub
lic expense, uor while confined in a public pri
Eiectiou officers will take notice that the Act
entitled "A Further Supplement to the Election
Laws of the Commonwealth,' 1 disqualifying de
serters from the array of the United States from
voting has recently been declared unconstitu
tional by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania,
is now null and void, and that all persons for
merly disqualified thereunder are now lawful
voters, if otherwise qualified.
SBC. 14 District election boards shall consist
of a judge and two Inspectors, who shall be cho
sen annually by the ci izens. Each elector shall
have the right to vote for the judge and one In
spector, and each insj ector shall appoint one
clerk. Election officers shall be privileged from
arrest upon day? of election and while engaged
in making up and transmitting returns, except
upon warrant of a court of record or Judge
thereof, for an election fraud, for felony, or for
wanton breach of the peace.
No person shall be quaiiCea to serve .is an
election officer who shall hold, or rhall v/uuia
two months have held any office, appointment
or employment in or under the covernment of
the United States or of this State, or of any city
or county, or of any municipal board, commis
sion or tiust in any city, save only Justices of
thif peace, and alderman, notaries public and
persons in miliLia services of the States nor
shall any election officer be eligible to any civil
office to be tilled by an election at which he
shall serve, sive only to such subordinate mu
nicipal or local offiees as shall be designated by
general law.
ACT JANUARY 30, 1874.
SEC. 7. Whenever there shall be a vacancy in
an election, it shall he filled In conformity with
existing laws.
ACT JULY 2, 1839.
Sgc. 18. In case the person who shall have
received the second highest number of votes for
judge at the next preceding election shall act as
Inspector in his place. And In c:iso the petson
who shall have received the highest number ol
votes for inspector shall not attend, the person
elected judge shall appoint an Inspector in Ills
place; and in case the person elected judge
shall not attend, theu the inspector who receiv
ed the higest number of votes shall appoint u
judge in his place ; and if any vacancy shall con
tinue in the board for the space ol one hour af
ter the time fixed bv law lor the opening of the
election, the qualified voters of the township,
ward or district for such officer shall have been
elected, present at the place of election, shall
select oue of Ihelr number to fill such vacancy.
ACT JANUARY 30, 1874.
Ssc. W. 11l addition to the oath now prescrib
ed by law to be taken nnd suh-cribed by elec
tion officers, they shall be severally sworn or
afllrmed not to disclose how any elector shall
have voted unless required to do so as witness
es in a judicial proceeding. All Judges, Inspec
tors, clerks nnd overseers of nny election held
under this net. shall before entering up<»u their
duties, be duly sworn or afllrmed in the pres
ence ol encli other. The Judge shall be sworn
by the minority inspector, If there shall be such
miiioilty inspector, and iu case there be no mi
nority Inspector, then by a Justice of the peace
or alderman, and the Inspectors, overseers and
clerks sin* 11 be sworn by the judge, certificate or
such swearing or affirming shall be duly made
out mid signed by the officers so sworn, and at
tested by the officer who ndui i.istered the oath.
ACT. JANUAIt Y 30, 1M74
Bec. 8. At the opening of the polls at the
elections it shall be the duty of the Judges ol
election for their respective districts u> desig
nate one of the inspectors, whose duty it shall
be to have in custody the registry ol voters, and
to make the entries therein required by law ;
and It shall be the duty of the oilier of said In
spectors lo receive and number the ballots pre
sented at snid election.
ACT JANUARY 83, 1871,
Bbc. 5. All the elections hereafter held under
the laws of this Commonwealth, the polls shall
be opened at 7 o'clock, A. M., and c'osed at 7
o'clock, p. M.
HBO. 4. All elections by the citizens shall he
bv ballot. Every hdllot voted shall he number
cd In the order in which if wis received, and
the number recorded by the election officers oil
the list of voters, v>pp isito the name of ihe elec
tor who presents the ballot. Any elector may
write liis name upon his ticket, or e IUSC the
same to lie written tlicreo i and attested by a
cltlr.cn of the district.
ACT MARCH 30, 1883.
SEC. 1. He it enacted by the Senate and Holme
of Representatives of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania in Ueneral Assembly met, ami It
Is hereby enacted by the authority of the same,
That the qualified voters of the several counties
of'.his Commonwealth at all general, township,
borouuh and special elections and hereby here
after authorized and required to vole by tickets,
printed or written, or partly printed and partly
written, severally classified as follows ;
One ticket shall contain the u lines of all per
soi.s voted for the Klectois of President and
Vice President of the United States, and shell
lie lalxdlcd on the outside with the word "Elec
One lieket shall contain the names of all per
sons voted for lor Me i ber of Congress of the
UnlteJ States, all peisons voted lor foi Member
of tho State Senate of the Commonwc dtli ol
Pennsylvania, all person* voted for fin-Member
ol the House ol Representatives ol the Common
wealth ol Pennsylvania, and all persons Voted
for for county offices of said county of Mulder,
and to lie In Hulled on the outside wllh the word
One lieket shall contain the names ol all per
sons voted lor for Judge of any of the c.iurt» ol
s»ld county of tills Common wealth, and be In
belled on the outside wllh I lie word ,'Judlcl iry.'
Oil'' ticket shall contain the names ol all per
sons voted for lor officers ol the Commonwealth
of Pel usylvaula, other than Judges <>l tin Su
preme Court ol sii I Commonwcn'tli, and be la
belled on the outside with the word "State."
ACT JANUARY '10,1871.
Set'. 13. As soon as tho polls shall close, the
officers of the election shall proceed lo count all
the votes ca»l for each candidate voted lor, and
make a lull return of the same iu triplicate,
with n return sheet In addition, iu all of which
the votes received bv ''acli eandldate shall lie
given after Ids n ull' - , tlmi In words and ng.iln
111 llgiireo, mill shall be siglie.il !iy all the said of
fleers nnd by overseers, il any, or II lint so cer
tified, the ovcrsceis nnd nn\ officer feli|sl||g to
slk'U or certify, or either of I bum, shall write up
on eneb Of the returns Ills or their reason lor
not signing or certifying them. Ihe vote, as
soon as counted, siull also be publicly and ful
ly declared from ihe window to the oltlnen*
present, and a In let statement showing the votes
received by each candidate shall be made nnd
signed by the election officers as soon ns the
vo'es arc counted ; nnd the same shall lie immc
diitely pooled upon the door of the election
llotire for Information of the public. The tripli
cate returns shall be enclosed in envelopes
nn I be sealed in the uresi uce of the officers,
and one envelope, with the unsealed return
\ ,
\ /
\ i
| Go to CHARLES K. GltfEß'S for f
52 CHIEFS, »
o, I*
_ TiKS, -
P • ; pr jg
>: COLLARS, CUFFS, NECK WEAR, &0,& c., 5
— 1 »<
C 5
er, at a moderate price, we now offer a line t f FINE ENGLISH GUNS,
Oi-eatly 11 educed Prices:
12-bore. 10-bore. 1
No. 84"), C. (». HON EH ILL, Top lever, double bolt, bar rebounding locks, low set hammers, solid stri
kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, skeleton butt plate, line Damascus barrels, choke
bored, finely engraved and finish d $45 00 SSO 00
No. 850, do. do. With extension rib fastening . .... 50 00 55 00
No. 855, do. do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 fiO 00
All these guns have raised level rib>, and the 10 bores an- made extra heavy and wide at breeoh, ranging in weight from !> to 10 ms., nn»k
ing an admirable gun for duck and trap shooting where heavy charges are necessary. Any of these guns will be sent C. O. D., with privilege of
examination and trial on receipt ot a remittance sullicieut to cover express charges to your place and return. No deviation will be made from
these prices under any circumstances. [2saug7m] PALMER O'NEIL <Jt CO.
iVo. Term. IV. Fluintiff'* Attorney. | Plaintiff*. jjrfrniUtnt*. JJejendunt'* Attorney.
A.I). 115 June 1880 John M. Greer Jus. Newton and S. W. Bailey Henry Siiigeloh et ux. l.«ev. McQuistion
" 1 March " (i. W. Fleeger Win. McGarvey Samuel Parker et al. Greer
C. P. 1!'!» June 187!' W. D. Brandon J. 11. Jack Theodore Huselton \\ illiiims
E. I). 'i47 " 187S J. B. McJunkiu' William John Jones et al. Greer & Brandon
C. P. lt>B Jan'y 1875, Thompson & Scott •<'onimonwealth for use 11. I>. Thompson et al. Brandon
" «84 June i 1878 Brandon Henry J. Croup et al. Henry lliehl et al. T. it S.
" 57 Sept ; " Campbell A Bredin Alfreil Pearce, ex'r, for use Win- Kirker et al. McC., N. Black ami McQ.
" Dee'r " Mc< 'andless Ernestine Trumhle Herman Lcnsner et ux. McQuistiou
" 346 " Greer and Brandon J. Dambach and son Robert Ash T.AcS.
" 54 March 1879 A. G. Williams G. L. Heushew William Wilson _ T. JtS.
" ill) " " W. L. Graham Johnston & l'atton for use James McCullough, jr. I'randon
" ll<» " " Williams it Mitchell Hand & I'ntton J. N. Watson Mitchell
" 2!>B " " Newton Black Win. K esse! man Tbos. J. Burchfield Sullivan Bros.
" j,j;t " " McCandless Win. 8. Boyd Carl Linn Mitchell
<• " " Walker New Kra Organ Co. Frank I'. Murrin Mitcnell and Forquer
" r,H2 " " J N Purvianee&G A Black Herman J. Berg, assignee Karns City & Butler R. R. Co. T. «t S.
" i) " " Brandon A Kostinriu 11. I). Thompson Harmony Savings Bank McQuistion
" 11 " " T. AS. &J. N. Purviance I'atrick Kerr Win. Logue and M. Kerr Greer
" 155 " " Williams Gertrude G'-rlach Jacob Wise, committee Miller
" 282 " " McC. & McQ. I>. 11. McQuistion J. G. Munta et a). Mitchell
" 544 June " Bramloii J. H. Jack Theodore Huselton A. (i. Williams
" 552 " " K. Marshull Benton Feidler Frank Winter ,McQuistion
" too " " T. &. 8. Robert Campbell John Smith Walker
" "(J " " lk:kley it Marshall M. M. Goodwin 8. Short et al. M. B. Mcßride
" 7i<) " | " F. M. Eastman jKiskadden & Kocssing [John Smith |C. Walker
A. RUSSELL, Prothonotary.
sheet given to tlii: JiadK*-* which shall contain
one list of \oters, tally and oath of offi
cers, and another of said envelopes shall be :
given to the minority inspector, All judge* liv -
ing within twelve miles of the prothonotary's
omce, or within twenty-four miles, if tlioir resi
dence be in a town, city or village upon the lino
of a railroad leading to the county neat, (dull
before two o'clock past meridian of the day af
ter the e'ection, deliver said return, together
with return sliuet. to the protlionotary of the
court of common ploaH of tlio county, which said
return shall be filed, and the day and the hour .
of tiling marked thereon and shall be preserved '
by the protlionotary for public inspection. At
twclvo o'clock on the socond <Uv following any
election, the pr .tbouo.ary of the court of com
mon pleas shall prosent the sai't returns to the
s>i(l court. In counties whero there is no resi i
dent president judge, the associate judge shall |
perfonn the duties imposed upon the court of |
common pleas, which shall convene lor s lid pur- 1
pose; the return presented bv the prothoiiotary
shall be opened by said court and computed I v I
such of its officers and such sworn assistants as
the court shall appoint; in the presence of the ,
Judge or judges of said court, the lotums colli
ded and certificates of election issued under the |
seal of the court as is now required to be done ;
by return judges: and the vote as so computed
aiid certified shall be made a matter of record in
raid court. Tlio sessions of said court shall bo
opened to the public. And in case the returns
of an election district shall bo missing when tlio
returns are presented, or in any case of com
plaint of a qualified elector under oath, charging
palpable fraud or mistake, and particularly spec
ifying tho alleged fraud or mistake, or where
fraud or mistake is apparent on the return, the
court, shall examine the return and if. in the
Judgment of the court, it s'lall ho nor Msary to a
Just return, said court shall issue summary pro
cess against tlio election olfloers and overseen*,
in any of the election districts complained of. to
bring them forthwith into court, with all elec
tion papers in their possession; and if palpable
mistake or fraud shall be discovered, It shall,
upon such hearing as may be deemed necessary
to enlighten the court, be corre 'led bv tho court
and so certified ; but all allegations of palpable
fraud or mistake shall be decided by the said
court within three days aftor tho day tho re
turns are brought Into court for computation;
and tho said inquiry shall be directed only to
palpalde fraud or mistake, and shall not be
deemed a jti ll ial adjudication lo conclude any
contest now or hereafter to lie provided by law,
and the other of said triplicate returns shall lie
placed in a box nnd sealed up with the ballots
If any of the sail judges shall himself bo a can
didate for any office at any election, h< shall not
sit with the court, or act in counting the returns
of such election, and i.i such cases tho oilier
judges, if any, shall aid.
(liven under my hand at Hutler, this Ist day
of October. IHBO. and in the lO.lth year of the
Independence of the United States.
\VM. H. HOFFMAN, Sheriff.
Wit it iikas, my wile Rachel W. ''iitnpb 11, has
left my hod mid hoard without any Just cause,
and without my consent; this is, therefore, to
notify all persons not to credit or harbor heron
my account, as I will p v no debts of her con
tracting. WASHINGTON CAM I'll ELL,
tioet3t) Franklin township, Duller Co., Ha.
Kfruy Cow.
Caiiie to the farm ol the sub Yff.- rv » r -r-« k
! scrilier In Clinton township. Hut- i "/
lor coiiuty, I'a., on or about tlio
yKih day of August last, a wllll1■ - f ~s>
cow, with brindlc spots, w!lh^^" ,t ° t
crop out ill right, car and aimut tell vein- old. Is
I'liking. The owner Is requested to come for
ward, prove property, pay charge* and take her
aw iy, ollici wise she will lie disposed ol ace »i li
ing to law. JOHN NKAHK,
Culmcravltle, P. 0., Allegheny Co., I'a.
Spitting of Wood, llronoliitix, Asthnui, Coitglis,
mil I nil di souses of tlic'i'tilmointry Organs.
I'rlcc I) ' Cellls null «ll»r IJollnr
OUENTIIKH A CO., Proprietors,
ocd-iim | 39 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, I'll.
A«l in inlNt rii< or*.* ,\ ol !«•«'.
betters of administration having been granted
to the undersigned on the estate of /■<; haniah
Double, deceased, iale of Millerstnwu borough,
Htiller county, I'a . notice is hereby given to all
those knowing llieinselves ilidebled to said es
tate, that immediate payment is required, and
those haying claims against tin same to present
theiu duly authenticated for payment.
PHVSHKY IHitlliLE. Adm'r.
sept I 6-31 llarnharts Mills. Ilntler Co., I'a.
The oldest anil tin' V. ~i appoint''.! Institution
fur oli||ill;il,lt hostile** lalllenlinll.
r'nr eireuim* address,
I ocN-ltmj I'. I)UKK «t HONS, Pittsburgh, I'a.
141 Fine Merchant Tailoring 141
■ ■ ■Teilnvid f*«_. m * y C-« My m Vmm.-
A fine: selection of Fall anil Winter goods will lie made to order at reasonable prices, and
satisfaction guaranteed. ,
Overcoats a sjieciulty. A cordial invitation is extended to the people of the \ lcuuty, to
call and examine our stock, visitor* lis well u* Imvers will lie welcomo.
JOHN OMMERT, 141 Federal Street, Allegheny City. Pa
■epti;,.3m •-'n l DOOIt I'UOM SOUTH DIMONI) STKKET.
Fall Nfylom Halt*. mil rimmed.
Fall Slj I« m Trimmed llalM.
Fall SijICM I*l iime* siii<l Flower*.
Full Ntjln Itlhhoii* and Flower*.
11< 0-ClfcY" hikl (*L( )YEB.
G 10 NTS' 11 OS I Hll V, UN DKKWKAR.
New Stylo Klnrk ninl Colored FKI NO ICS.
Spanish, Guipure, nnd French LACKS.
Zeplivrs, S'axony Yarns, Shetland a id Ocriiinntown Wool, German and Cash
mere Knitting Yarns, Corsets, Skirts, Underwear, Scarfs, Laeef, Knit
Goods, Wholesale and Ketail, at lowest New York prices.
Nos, U4 anci 116; Market Street,
Corner of Liberty Street, PITIXBU OCJ-H,
1 ..LJ ■ -I
» r c<liiew(l«y, < C((li, IHBO.
Nnv Jackets, Siirloiils, IMnmiis, Clonks siiml Circulars ! !
NowoHt and Shapes. Extra Ltw Prlcas for Quality Gar
ment*, $3.00 to S2OO.
5 Caties Amercan Cashmeres, ! SILK DEPARTMENT
Wool flilinu. at l2Vie, all color*. [ \cry largely ami carefully n<»*,nrlcd.
Two c. a.* HI. I \ riniirc M-mlc* al lfle.nsm.li „V."r' T" '''■ Tl./'F-T. S '.' k * " l
■ Hold for 7Ac. ii'icl wolili In-pay.
' ... . Colore! Trliiiinlnu silk* :.v. l-'lie- Colored I »r<-**
( lic;i|» |IIC<K (.ootl* ill ii', Mini In Silki in, 7S. !«<• and «l. I«'<l on *ji|e.
• in.' nil < luck l 'inner* I lair Hullinu* :il New JI In. Ii sural, Stlk*. In ('antlnnl. 0!. l (Mil
l." c, worth jpic, ami l.lirlil llln", lor llullix* ninl trimming*, at
I i\e ca i < 11<'a■ ■ I new l>res I'lald* al '.'V to *|'celal low |ir|o.>».
«i. MI p<r yard ! Hi u > Siirnli I ire** silk i. new *li ulc*. al <!./*«.
I'll, i j cacfl new Mull. Ill' r I'lal.l ;. 7 M '"n |ii>" - e* IllaeU I »re* i S:lk*. ill *l. *l.J'i,
ami «l."<i, 1 si. MI. "I.T'I, anil .to wlneli we s|m|ilv wk
New I rem I, DP . I . i,| color.- ;«'■ '»«-|m " »I«m.. I lie uClle of each will *|,cak for
Cotditrcii..., "ii eli \ri"i,rc Mo, J ■ T.lm k Halln .1.. l.yon Kx. Imruanwnt «l to
, 1 1 — Black Suali Silks and S : cilientie.
\'l u»n»l ct «*il1* widlli ( n!i»ml f' i 4 *!!iiK'i at Sll|m II» antl »*xlr;i l>iru<' fiH««*rlin *nt Mafiu fftrnrr
•il' *'• Jl> •. 111 Mjirk .'lll'l cilon, Mll'l ill <*o|||l»|lu»riin»«.
nA DP ATMO r> \ iin A TnTn i . ~ ! h I <Sahim. ISIa-k IUhI <Nilor«nl
liAKuAltibi BARGAIN uia«k r»r«M<iiii' \civotH.
... , rolKil SIHII I»« I.ICIUMI I' in Milk Velvet*.
II II r dh llhieU < ~ .1n,,, n 5.;,. mini.- I ieiM'li All n:i<| >: in.-li 111 i k Velv«U. lo - *..>».
umi.i i.mihK ul r., '.o, ii"», ... .. .<i aii<l mi /-,. o ll( . ll|oJl M j a k S || < Wlwln at
vaiiD- • llim ar< a Ato I •<' per >.ml Im»|(« t tlian I»11\ niul £1..*»0. an i*\lra buiy iiii.
<tm (Dually liave tli« olasi!i< tn pr.NMir.*. N\ v i«-
«i ».*<*t full v eaii ulioii s i|i* i•11\ •• i . all. hi ion t«» f"Tnniflrv n.nd fi'ruif
ii" * iM-iuK u.iin.-1«» .. II tin • < iitiiiiM't. > l)inw noHiory anu UtC V3S,
for a men-.OIIMMIhnIOII Yon >\i:i nu.l Im»UI»i \a|u«. New fmlerwrar. low to ii.d-m «inal lv mufiir
than often h«»|l| In exclusively wli.»lr»a|e (IOII*I"«. inaile Scotch |(IHK|h,
118 rt.nd l k 2o Street, Allejyheny.
*• I "I'liik <ii>o«U. nunnclu »»l.inki |MBiiil Honie*tle l)«')i irliii 'iil* arc offerlnK *imclal m
lllir. "" Hi ~ NiiHi w,ll"l|.Mn|e_ail(| rnUll r. s Our very lame and clkMcc Hi ,; Uof I'icirnvf I ItiUloiM
I rtIiKCH. 1.1i»e.( and < olorH. li. aile.l I'lus.unenleric*, Itllihum, fte.. arc 111111,11 tilv ultra •live anit al nrU
ci*n to n»e«*| I to- \ li'ui «»r tlio ma*t«-s. 1