MB. J. H. BATES. Newspaper Advertising Agent. 41 Park Kow (.Time* Building), New York, is authorized to contract for advertise ments in the CITIZEN. THIS PAPER New Advertisements To-Day. For Sale—Piano. J H. Zeilin A Co. Consumption cure. Stray Cow —John Neftse. Education —Duff's College. Dry Goods —Beggs 4 Buhl. Notice —Washington Campbell. Hide Market—William Mardorf. Local and General. LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls and upwards, at E. Grieb's. A company has been organized to build a railroad from Chicago to the I ity of Mexico direct. Sufferers from nervous debility, will find a relief and cure in Days Kidney Pad. Look at those boss shirts in the window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of Hats and Cap} at low prices. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not to be had elsewhere in the county. —The crop of apples is 30 large this year that even Adam wauldn't take less than a barrelful for a gift. A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine American Movement as low as $lO, at E. GRIEB'S. —An Albany chicken went without food or water for twenty-five days.— Ex. Is it going to lecture ? —Look at those boss shirts in the window of J- F. T. Stehle. Latest style of Ilats and Caps at low pricee. —The bodies of the twenty men who perished in the Hudson River tunnel have at List been recovered. WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, ha* just opened the largest line of woolens for ineii and boys wear ever offered in Butler. —Oct. Tth. For superior facilities and moderate expenses no school surpasses the Normal School, Edinboro. Look at those boss shirts in the window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of Hats and Cap* at low prices. —When a man frankly tells you that he has made a fool of himself, do not agree with him unless he is small. —And now cometh that old joke about a political procession taking six hours to juss a given point—a saloon. —l)r. Beaver's Lung Pad cures Coughs, Colds anil all eflections of the Lungs. Sold in Butler bv D. H. Wuller. [sep22-3m —Garfield has won the contest. Gar field is a pigeon, and the contest was a flight from Indianopolis to New York. —Election judges and clerks must strictly obey the laws in regard to the count and the care of the ballot-boxes. —Look at those boss shirts in the window of J. F. T. Stehle. Latest style of Hate and Caps at low price*. 4 —This is the era of brass bands and drum corps. Another reason why the approach of election day is hailed with pleasure. —Call at RITTER l,22 for the round trip and ticket into the Exposition. —Foi the cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Catarrh and Asthma, 11*0 Dr. Hea ver's Lung Pad, sold by D. 11. Wuller, Butler, Pa. sep22-.'im —lt would be queer if the upsetting of an Italian Rear-Admiral from his Imat into the water should prove to be the only naval demonstration at Dulcigno. —When you are troubled with lack of ambition or general feeling of lassitude and despondency—there is nothing like Gray's Spe cific medicine to tone up your system. Hold by J. C. Itedick. —Dr. Beaver's Absorption Lung Pad a |K.sitive and permanent cure for con sumptionilronchites, Catarrh, Asthma and all disease of the Lungs, Throat and Heard. Sold by D. H. Wuller, agent for Butler county, Pa. sept22-3m —There will bo a communion ser vice held in the U. P. Church, Prospect, this county, next Sabbath, in which Rev. J. C. Big liain, of Plaingrove, Pa., will assist the pastor, Itev. Jas. A. (-'lark. —When you see a man—did you ever see a man—or, jmhaw ! A man with his fingers tied up and shedding an aroma of lini ment may safely l»e set down as having had a wrestle with the stove pipe. Seven hundred and sixty-two ex cursion ticket* were sold at the dejiots here and along the branch road last Thursday. 170 for the Market train ; 072 for the morning express, and 20 for the afternoon express. : —The A. S. T. Co.'s Black Tip for children's shoes, advertised in another column, will be found to wear as long as the metal, and add to the beauty of the finest shoe. Parents who have tried them will have no other. —lf the party who found theyellow backed memorandum book, containing some ac counts and belonging to Robert Trimble, which was lost last June, will leave the sam at this office, he or she Will be suitably rewarded. —Owing to some time being needed to "eitle protests against some of the decisions of the Judge* at our late county Fair, the list of persons to whom premiums were granted will not be ready for publication until next week. HEE a woman in another column, near H|>eer'* Vineyard* witli a bunch of gra|>e* from which Hpeer'* I'ort mggiftt*. Sftaply —A hoiHtin# cable haw broken in a Western pilver mine, dropping the cage, con taining wiine men several hundred feet, mid killing eight of them. Mining lawn evidently need revlnion in other Htate* a.* well an in I'enn nyl VII ni». Lydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound ha* done ihoiiMimd* of women more gr. I'liii'* < < ugh Hj rtip nt the neare*t drug *tore, javc iiiin a do*e, m.d the Cough wiu» broken at once and he *lept quietly during the night. —A farmer residing' near Waverly, Bradford county, had one of his legs so badly injured by a threshing machine on Monday, of la.it week, that the limb had to be amputated above the knee He died froai the effect of his injuries the same evening. —PENSSTLVANIA STATE COLLEGE admits both sexes. Endowment half & million. Tuition free. Course* of i-tudy. Classical. Scientific ai.d Agri cultural A thorough Preparatory Department. Expenses S3 to i 5 per week. For catalogue, ad dress JOSEPH SHOBTLIDOE, A. M.. Ilaugl4w Pres. State College, Pa. Flannel** and Blanket*. The very best makes, at RITTER I KALSTON'S. —The booming of the first cannon touched off at Dnlcigno will smite with an otnin JUS and sinister sound upon the ear of i Europe. It may be the signal for such a devil's concert a« the world has not heard since the days of Napoleon I. Iluckw lieat! Buckulieal! Sixty cents jier bushel, of fifty pounds, paid in cash nt Klingler's Mills for No. 1 Buck wheat. Price good for fifteen days from this date. Cloak*, Dolinaim. Capes, Fichus, everything new, at RITTER & RALSTON'S. —A Washington county wonjan, who was acquitted of the murder of her hus band. on account of insanity, and sent to the in sane department of the Allegheny county |>oor house, has been discharged from custody ou the ground that she is entirely sane. —A man was recently saying that the time would come when education would be the only qualification for a voter. 'Why, Bill.' said a by-star.der,'can you write;' 'No,' said he, 'but I can make rny mark, and I find that that goes just as far as vrhen I sign a law pa- P»r-' WIICII Yon fVel Menu take Kidney-Wort, advertised iu another col umn. It ads energetically on the bowels and Kidneys at (he same time, and so cures a h<>st of diseases caused by th- - inaction of these or gan". If you are out of fix. buy it at your drug gists and save a doctor's bill. 91omi«> Cloth, Cretoncf*. Chintzes, Roman Plaids, &e., at RITTER KALSTON'S. —Coronor Campbell's jury, which held an inquest on the body of Francis Coulter, at St. Joe, this county, on the 27th of Septem ber, alt., found "that the said Coulter came to his death by a wound in his head, caused by a pistol shot by his own hand, as we believe, and not otherwise." Ifappy .Kan at Lockport, \. v. E. C. Williamson, of this place, is rejoicing over the recovery of his wife, who has been an invalid for the past four years. She has regain ed her strength, her complexion is vastly im proved, and she has walked more in the past month and is stronger and better than she has been in years. He attributes these happy re sults entirely to Day's Kidney Pad. —Messrs. Geo. Weber, of this place, and Levi Heidrick, of Great Belt, intend open ing a shoe store in the town of Du Bois, Clear field county, this week. They have already rented a room and bought their stock. The town has a population about 2,500 and at pres ent has no shoe store. Waterproof, Beaver,Clilncbilly And all the new thing# in Sacque And Dolman goods, at RITTER e civilized ; but the fact* are againwt u*. Recently a I'te and Navajo fought a duel near Santa Fe Roth wanted to marry the same girl, and to settle it, they ground their knives and went to work in a business like way. The lite wa* Killed and the other badly used up. f'ra|>4' Bonnets,('rape llhlm. Mourning .Shawls, Dress goods, Sic., at HITTER cgan a few davs ago. There have been hundred* of *imilar fights, any one of which was ju*t a* hit ter a* any that have occurred between eapiUil and labor. —Rays a New York paper: If any one doubts the present prosperity of business, let him climb, atumble, dodge and squeeze along through the iine* of dry good* boxes piled on the sidewalk for block after block on Broadway, l/et him repeat the unpleasant operation ut night, and see the packing ami shipping still going on by electric light, and we are confident no further proof will be asked certainly no bet need he given. —I i a speech at the opening of the International Sheep Show lately, Commissioner !,*• Due called attention to the fact that 39.000,- 000 pounds of foreign wool were imjiorted dur ing the year ending June 30, IHT.t, and 125,- (Km,ooo pound* for the la*t fi*cal year. The The point made by Mr. Ieen to pur chase *ugar, atone time a* much a* $100,000,- 000 going abroad annually for that purpose, ami there wa* on our part at one time a *eriou* consideration of purchasing Cuba to Have that outgo. But in the Miigar cane, sorghum and lieet root there are now probabilities that the censu* will KIIOW a beginning which will war rant the hope of the production of all our own Niigar at no di*laut B¥ Lbl, sack $1.25®*2 ; buckwheat, t'2.50 V cwt. CHAIN—Oats,.'JO cts t* bushel; corn 45 ; wheat 9.lC'h ; rye 80 cents ; buckwheat, 70. HONEY —IS cts. T* tb. LARD —I2c V tb. Tallow, 6@7. MOLAHHKH—SOfa>7Oc V gallon. Syrup, 50<§>60c, ONIONS—7S cts V bush. POTATOES—3Oc. f bushel. SCOAR— Yellow 9c.; white ®llc. V ib. SALT —No. 1. 41.30 V barrel. Pittsburgh Market. Extra choice eating apples aohl in Pittsburgh yesterday at $1.50 to $1.75 per barrel; com mon to prime cooking $1 t051.25 ; choice dairy butter, 20 to 25 cents ; chestnut*, $3. ft I to $4 |>er bushel; strictly fresh eggs, 19 to 20 cents; prime potatoes, 46 to 50 cents; onions, $3 to $3.25 per barl; spring chickens, 35 to 45 per pair. CATTLE—James Hunter sold 17 head of Butler county stock at 3 to 3 00; 16 of Green county do, for Gordon Bros., at .'f j to 4c. John Beeler reported 18 head of Hutler coun ty stock; heifers and steers at at 'iOu'li ; fresh cows, S3O fa, 40 "£> head. SHEEP—The market was more active and prices firmer, iillh >ngh not quotably higher. Good lamb* sold readily at top prices, while the lower grades went off rather slowly ; the high est price reported was .51, which was obtained for an extra lot, averaging over 70 pounds. sold at $2 per head up to 51 cents as to quality. HOGS—Were in liberal supply and prices were easy and a shade lower. Sales were made in a retail way at 5j to 5} grogs, according to quality. Several lots of "country" hogs were wholesaled at 41 to 5 cents. General MM Proclamation, WHEREAS. In and by an Act of the General assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsytvanie entitled "An act relating to the elections of the Commonwealth, passed the 2nd day of Jnlv, A. D. 1839. it is made the duty of the Sheriff of every comity within this Commonwealth to give public notice of the General Election and in such notice to enumerate : 1. The officers to be elected. 2. Designate the place where the election is to be heM. I, WM. H HOFFMAN. High Sheriff of the county of Butler, do hereby make known and give this public notice to the electors of the comity of Butler, that on Tuesday next follow ing the first Monday of November, being the 2nd orough of Tetroli* at the Town Hall in ssid borough. The electors of the lwjrotigh of Fairview at the School house ill said borough. The electors of the borough of Karns City at the Town Hall in said borough. And I. the said Sheriff do further give notice to all election officers, citizens, and others, of the following provisions of the constitution and law» of this commonwealth, relating to elections —viz: OF THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS. CONSTITUTION OF PENNSYLVANIA —ART. VLF. SECTION 1. Every male citizen twenty-one years of age, possessing the following qualifica tions, shall be entitled to vote at all elections: First—lte shall have been a citizen of the Cnited States at least one month. Second —He shall have refilled 't: the State one year (or if having previously been a quali fied elector or native born citizen of the State lie shall have removed there and returned, t! en six months) immediately preceding the elec tion. Third —He Fhall have resided in the election district where he shall offer his vote at least two months immediatelv | receding the election. Fourth—lf twenty two years or upwards, he sha'l have paid within two years a State or coun ty tax, which shall have been assessed at least two months and paid at least one month before the cleclion. SECTION 5. Electors shall iu all cases except treason, felony and breach or surety of ilie pe.ice, be privileged from atresi dining their at tendance on elections aud iu going to aud re turning therefrom. SECTION 6. Whenever any of the qualified electors of this Commonwealth sha'l be in act ual military service undi-r a requisition from the President of the United States, or by the author ity of this Commonwe illh, such electors may exercise the right of suffrage in rll e'ectlons by the citizens, urder such regulations as are or shall be prescribed by law, as fully as if they weie present at their usual places of election. SECTION 7. All laws regulating t e holding of the elections by the citizen* or for the regis tration of elef tois shall be uniformed through out t! e Slate, hut no elector shall be deprived of the privilege by reason of f,is name uot bei' g r< fcintered. SECTION 13. For the pnrpe-e of voting, no pcrsou shall be deemed to have gained a resi dence by reason of his presence or lost It by reason of his abt-encc. while' employed in the service, either civil or military, of this Stste, or ol the United States, nor while engaged in the navigation of the waters of this State or of the United States, or on the lrgh se.is, nor while a student in any institute of learning, nor while kept in any poor house or other asylum at pub lic expense, uor while confined in a public pri son Eiectiou officers will take notice that the Act entitled "A Further Supplement to the Election Laws of the Commonwealth,' 1 disqualifying de serters from the array of the United States from voting has recently been declared unconstitu tional by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, is now null and void, and that all persons for merly disqualified thereunder are now lawful voters, if otherwise qualified. OF ELECyON OFFICERS. CONSTITUTION OF PENNSYLVANIA —ART. VII. SBC. 14 District election boards shall consist of a judge and two Inspectors, who shall be cho sen annually by the ci izens. Each elector shall have the right to vote for the judge and one In spector, and each insj ector shall appoint one clerk. Election officers shall be privileged from arrest upon day? of election and while engaged in making up and transmitting returns, except upon warrant of a court of record or Judge thereof, for an election fraud, for felony, or for wanton breach of the peace. No person shall be quaiiCea to serve .is an election officer who shall hold, or rhall v/uuia two months have held any office, appointment or employment in or under the covernment of the United States or of this State, or of any city or county, or of any municipal board, commis sion or tiust in any city, save only Justices of thif peace, and alderman, notaries public and persons in miliLia services of the States nor shall any election officer be eligible to any civil office to be tilled by an election at which he shall serve, sive only to such subordinate mu nicipal or local offiees as shall be designated by general law. ACT JANUARY 30, 1874. SEC. 7. Whenever there shall be a vacancy in an election, it shall he filled In conformity with existing laws. ACT JULY 2, 1839. Sgc. 18. In case the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes for judge at the next preceding election shall act as Inspector in his place. And In c:iso the petson who shall have received the highest number ol votes for inspector shall not attend, the person elected judge shall appoint an Inspector in Ills place; and in case the person elected judge shall not attend, theu the inspector who receiv ed the higest number of votes shall appoint u judge in his place ; and if any vacancy shall con tinue in the board for the space ol one hour af ter the time fixed bv law lor the opening of the election, the qualified voters of the township, ward or district for such officer shall have been elected, present at the place of election, shall select oue of Ihelr number to fill such vacancy. ACT JANUARY 30, 1874. Ssc. W. 11l addition to the oath now prescrib ed by law to be taken nnd suh-cribed by elec tion officers, they shall be severally sworn or afllrmed not to disclose how any elector shall have voted unless required to do so as witness es in a judicial proceeding. All Judges, Inspec tors, clerks nnd overseers of nny election held under this net. shall before entering up<»u their duties, be duly sworn or afllrmed in the pres ence ol encli other. The Judge shall be sworn by the minority inspector, If there shall be such miiioilty inspector, and iu case there be no mi nority Inspector, then by a Justice of the peace or alderman, and the Inspectors, overseers and clerks sin* 11 be sworn by the judge, certificate or such swearing or affirming shall be duly made out mid signed by the officers so sworn, and at tested by the officer who ndui i.istered the oath. ACT. JANUAIt Y 30, 1M74 Bec. 8. At the opening of the polls at the elections it shall be the duty of the Judges ol election for their respective districts u> desig nate one of the inspectors, whose duty it shall be to have in custody the registry ol voters, and to make the entries therein required by law ; and It shall be the duty of the oilier of said In spectors lo receive and number the ballots pre sented at snid election. MODE OF CONDUCTING ELECTIONS. ACT JANUARY 83, 1871, Bbc. 5. All the elections hereafter held under the laws of this Commonwealth, the polls shall be opened at 7 o'clock, A. M., and c'osed at 7 o'clock, p. M. CONSTITUTION Of PENNSYLVANIA -AllT. VII. HBO. 4. All elections by the citizens shall he bv ballot. Every hdllot voted shall he number cd In the order in which if wis received, and the number recorded by the election officers oil the list of voters, v>pp isito the name of ihe elec tor who presents the ballot. Any elector may write liis name upon his ticket, or e IUSC the same to lie written tlicreo i and attested by a cltlr.cn of the district. ACT MARCH 30, 1883. SEC. 1. He it enacted by the Senate and Holme of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Ueneral Assembly met, ami It Is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the qualified voters of the several counties of'.his Commonwealth at all general, township, borouuh and special elections and hereby here after authorized and required to vole by tickets, printed or written, or partly printed and partly written, severally classified as follows ; One ticket shall contain the u lines of all per soi.s voted for the Klectois of President and Vice President of the United States, and shell lie lalxdlcd on the outside with the word "Elec tors." One lieket shall contain the names of all per sons voted for lor Me i ber of Congress of the UnlteJ States, all peisons voted lor foi Member of tho State Senate of the Commonwc dtli ol Pennsylvania, all person* voted for fin-Member ol the House ol Representatives ol the Common wealth ol Pennsylvania, and all persons Voted for for county offices of said county of Mulder, and to lie In Hulled on the outside wllh the word "County." One lieket shall contain the names ol all per sons voted lor for Judge of any of the c.iurt» ol s»ld county of tills Common wealth, and be In belled on the outside wllh I lie word ,'Judlcl iry.' Oil'' ticket shall contain the names ol all per sons voted for lor officers ol the Commonwealth of Pel usylvaula, other than Judges <>l tin Su preme Court ol sii I Commonwcn'tli, and be la belled on the outside with the word "State." OF THE ELECTION RRTUKNB. ACT JANUARY '10,1871. Set'. 13. As soon as tho polls shall close, the officers of the election shall proceed lo count all the votes ca»l for each candidate voted lor, and make a lull return of the same iu triplicate, with n return sheet In addition, iu all of which the votes received bv ''acli eandldate shall lie given after Ids n ull' - , tlmi In words and ng.iln 111 llgiireo, mill shall be siglie.il !iy all the said of fleers nnd by overseers, il any, or II lint so cer tified, the ovcrsceis nnd nn\ officer feli|sl||g to slk'U or certify, or either of I bum, shall write up on eneb Of the returns Ills or their reason lor not signing or certifying them. Ihe vote, as soon as counted, siull also be publicly and ful ly declared from ihe window to the oltlnen* present, and a In let statement showing the votes received by each candidate shall be made nnd signed by the election officers as soon ns the vo'es arc counted ; nnd the same shall lie immc diitely pooled upon the door of the election llotire for Information of the public. The tripli cate returns shall be enclosed in envelopes nn I be sealed in the uresi uce of the officers, and one envelope, with the unsealed return \ , \ / \ i TIIE LARGEST STOCK OF IiATS and CAPS IN HITLER | Go to CHARLES K. GltfEß'S for f HAND- Z G- HATS, CAPS, GLOVES, SHIRTS, KEK- J 52 CHIEFS, » o, I* a HALF HOSE, UNDER WEAR, S - l 's£o ND _ TiKS, - E P • ; pr jg >: COLLARS, CUFFS, NECK WEAR, &0,& c., 5 — 1 »< C 5 MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA. \ I'ALMKH O'NEIL & CO. er, at a moderate price, we now offer a line t f FINE ENGLISH GUNS, Oi-eatly 11 educed Prices: 12-bore. 10-bore. 1 No. 84"), C. (». HON EH ILL, Top lever, double bolt, bar rebounding locks, low set hammers, solid stri kers, pistol grip stock, patent fore end, skeleton butt plate, line Damascus barrels, choke bored, finely engraved and finish d $45 00 SSO 00 No. 850, do. do. With extension rib fastening . .... 50 00 55 00 No. 855, do. do. Challenge brand with horn heel plate elaborately engraved 55 00 fiO 00 All these guns have raised level rib>, and the 10 bores an- made extra heavy and wide at breeoh, ranging in weight from !> to 10 ms., nn»k ing an admirable gun for duck and trap shooting where heavy charges are necessary. Any of these guns will be sent C. O. D., with privilege of examination and trial on receipt ot a remittance sullicieut to cover express charges to your place and return. No deviation will be made from these prices under any circumstances. [2saug7m] PALMER O'NEIL B Jan'y 1875, Thompson & Scott •<'onimonwealth for use 11. I>. Thompson et al. Brandon " «84 June i 1878 Brandon Henry J. Croup et al. Henry lliehl et al. T. it S. " 57 Sept ; " Campbell A Bredin Alfreil Pearce, ex'r, for use Win- Kirker et al. McC., N. Black ami McQ. " Dee'r " Mc< 'andless Ernestine Trumhle Herman Lcnsner et ux. McQuistiou " 346 " Greer and Brandon J. Dambach and son Robert Ash T.AcS. " 54 March 1879 A. G. Williams G. L. Heushew William Wilson _ T. JtS. " ill) " " W. L. Graham Johnston & l'atton for use James McCullough, jr. I'randon " ll<» " " Williams it Mitchell Hand & I'ntton J. N. Watson Mitchell " 2!>B " " Newton Black Win. K esse! man Tbos. J. Burchfield Sullivan Bros. " j,j;t " " McCandless Win. 8. Boyd Carl Linn Mitchell <• " " Walker New Kra Organ Co. Frank I'. Murrin Mitcnell and Forquer " r,H2 " " J N Purvianee&G A Black Herman J. Berg, assignee Karns City & Butler R. R. Co. T. «t S. " i) " " Brandon A Kostinriu 11. I). Thompson Harmony Savings Bank McQuistion " 11 " " T. AS. &J. N. Purviance I'atrick Kerr Win. Logue and M. Kerr Greer " 155 " " Williams Gertrude G'-rlach Jacob Wise, committee Miller " 282 " " McC. & McQ. I>. 11. McQuistion J. G. Munta et a). Mitchell " 544 June " Bramloii J. H. Jack Theodore Huselton A. (i. Williams " 552 " " K. Marshull Benton Feidler Frank Winter ,McQuistion " too " " T. &. 8. Robert Campbell John Smith Walker " "(J " " lk:kley it Marshall M. M. Goodwin 8. Short et al. M. B. Mcßride " 7i<) " | " F. M. Eastman jKiskadden & Kocssing [John Smith |C. Walker A. RUSSELL, Prothonotary. sheet given to tlii: JiadK*-* which shall contain one list of \oters, tally and oath of offi cers, and another of said envelopes shall be : given to the minority inspector, All judge* liv - ing within twelve miles of the prothonotary's omce, or within twenty-four miles, if tlioir resi dence be in a town, city or village upon the lino of a railroad leading to the county neat, (dull before two o'clock past meridian of the day af ter the e'ection, deliver said return, together with return sliuet. to the protlionotary of the court of common ploaH of tlio county, which said return shall be filed, and the day and the hour . of tiling marked thereon and shall be preserved ' by the protlionotary for public inspection. At twclvo o'clock on the socond i(l court. In counties whero there is no resi i dent president judge, the associate judge shall | perfonn the duties imposed upon the court of | common pleas, which shall convene lor s lid pur- 1 pose; the return presented bv the prothoiiotary shall be opened by said court and computed I v I such of its officers and such sworn assistants as the court shall appoint; in the presence of the , Judge or judges of said court, the lotums colli ded and certificates of election issued under the | seal of the court as is now required to be done ; by return judges: and the vote as so computed aiid certified shall be made a matter of record in raid court. Tlio sessions of said court shall bo opened to the public. And in case the returns of an election district shall bo missing when tlio returns are presented, or in any case of com plaint of a qualified elector under oath, charging palpable fraud or mistake, and particularly spec ifying tho alleged fraud or mistake, or where fraud or mistake is apparent on the return, the court, shall examine the return and if. in the Judgment of the court, it s'lall ho nor Msary to a Just return, said court shall issue summary pro cess against tlio election olfloers and overseen*, in any of the election districts complained of. to bring them forthwith into court, with all elec tion papers in their possession; and if palpable mistake or fraud shall be discovered, It shall, upon such hearing as may be deemed necessary to enlighten the court, be corre 'led bv tho court and so certified ; but all allegations of palpable fraud or mistake shall be decided by the said court within three days aftor tho day tho re turns are brought Into court for computation; and tho said inquiry shall be directed only to palpalde fraud or mistake, and shall not be deemed a jti ll ial adjudication lo conclude any contest now or hereafter to lie provided by law, and the other of said triplicate returns shall lie placed in a box nnd sealed up with the ballots If any of the sail judges shall himself bo a can didate for any office at any election, h< shall not sit with the court, or act in counting the returns of such election, and i.i such cases tho oilier judges, if any, shall aid. (liven under my hand at Hutler, this Ist day of October. IHBO. and in the lO.lth year of the Independence of the United States. \VM. H. HOFFMAN, Sheriff. Nollre. Wit it iikas, my wile Rachel W. ''iitnpb 11, has left my hod mid hoard without any Just cause, and without my consent; this is, therefore, to notify all persons not to credit or harbor heron my account, as I will p v no debts of her con tracting. WASHINGTON CAM I'll ELL, tioet3t) Franklin township, Duller Co., Ha. Kfruy Cow. Caiiie to the farm ol the sub Yff.- rv » r -r-« k ! scrilier In Clinton township. Hut- i "/ lor coiiuty, I'a., on or about tlio yKih day of August last, a wllll1■ - f ~s> cow, with brindlc spots, w!lh^^" ,t ° t crop out ill right, car and aimut tell vein- old. Is I'liking. The owner Is requested to come for ward, prove property, pay charge* and take her aw iy, ollici wise she will lie disposed ol ace »i li ing to law. JOHN NKAHK, Culmcravltle, P. 0., Allegheny Co., I'a. GUENTHF.R'S LUNG HEALTH ITIIIiS CONSIWTION, Spitting of Wood, llronoliitix, Asthnui, Coitglis, mil I nil di souses of tlic'i'tilmointry Organs. I'rlcc I) ' Cellls null «ll»r IJollnr OUENTIIKH A CO., Proprietors, ocd-iim | 39 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, I'll. A«l in inlNt rii< or*.* ,\ ol !«•«'. betters of administration having been granted to the undersigned on the estate of /■<; haniah Double, deceased, iale of Millerstnwu borough, Htiller county, I'a . notice is hereby given to all those knowing llieinselves ilidebled to said es tate, that immediate payment is required, and those haying claims against tin same to present theiu duly authenticated for payment. PHVSHKY IHitlliLE. Adm'r. sept I 6-31 llarnharts Mills. Ilntler Co., I'a. The oldest anil tin' V. ~i appoint''.! Institution fur oli||ill;il,lt hostile** lalllenlinll. r'nr eireuim* address, I ocN-ltmj I'. I)UKK «t HONS, Pittsburgh, I'a. 141 Fine Merchant Tailoring 141 JOIITV OMMKRT'S, ■ ■ ■Teilnvid f*«_. m * y C-« My m Vmm.- AI-SO A ( OMI'LKTK ASSOUTMKNT OF IVCEIST'B BOY'S -A.TSTTD 01-UXjIDR/FJN 7 S III:AKY MADK ( I.OTIIINa, AMI res I'lald* al '.'V to *|'celal low |ir|o.>». «i. MI p Siirnli I ire** silk i. new *li ulc*. al " - e* IllaeU I »re* i S:lk*. ill *l. *l.J'i, ami «l."iru<' fiH««*rlin *nt Mafiu fftrnrr •il' *'• Jl> •. 111 Mjirk .'lll'l cilon, Mll'l ill <*o|||l»|lu»riin»«. nA DP ATMO r> \ iin A TnTn i . ~ ! h I : in.-li 111 i k Velv«U. lo - *..>». umi.i i.mihK ul r., '.o, ii"», ... .. ..ml Im»|(« t tlian I»11\ niul £1..*»0. an i*\lra buiy iiii. l)inw noHiory anu UtC V3S, for a men-.OIIMMIhnIOII Yon >\i:i nu.l Im»UI»i \a|u«. New fmlerwrar. low to ii.d-m «inal lv mufiir than often h«»|l| In exclusively wli.»lr»a|e (IOII*I"«. inaile Scotch |(IHK|h, BOGGS cSc "BUHL, 118 rt.nd l k 2o Street, Allejyheny. *• I "I'liik o«U. nunnclu »»l.inki |MBiiil Honie*tle l)«')i irliii 'iil* arc offerlnK *imclal m lllir. "" Hi ~ NiiHi w,ll"l|.Mn|e_ail(| rnUll r. s Our very lame and clkMcc Hi ,; Uof I'icirnvf I ItiUloiM I rtIiKCH. 1.1i»e.( and < olorH. li. aile.l I'lus.unenleric*, Itllihum, fte.. arc 111111,11 tilv ultra •live anit al nrU ci*n to n»e«*| I to- \ li'ui «»r tlio ma*t«-s. 1