Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, June 02, 1880, Image 3

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    M. J. H. BATH, New«pap*r Advertising
Agent, 41 Park Row (Timea Building), New
York, is authorised to contract for advertise
menU in th 6 Cmzxv.
Local and OeneraL
To clean carpets wash them with
cold water in which has been infused oxgall.
LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls
and upwards, at E. Grieb's.
Frank and .Elsie Anderson started
for the west on a sight-seeing trip last Wednes
THE Buckeye mower and reaper and
Buckeye force feed grain drill, are sold by
J. G. & W. CAMPBELL, Butler. Pa.
BISHOP KKRFOOT, of Pittsburgh, and
all his children are down with scarlet fever.
EVERT rose will not be propagated
by slips. The best season for taking slips is
WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor,
has just opened the largest line of woolens for
men and boys wear ever offered in Butler.
A MAN named Huselton, was put in
iail last Monday, for stealing chickens from
Krugh's slaughter house.
NERVOUS debility in all it forms from what
ever form contracted, is what Gray's Specific
Medicine cures. Have you not more faith in a
S reparation that only advertises what it cures
lau in a cure all. Sold by J. C. REDICK.
IT may be of interest to state that
the scientific name of the coming American
game bird, the crow, is corvus Americaniu.
THE rapidly increasing popularity
of DAYS KIDNEY PAD, is due solely to its in- :
trinsic merit.
THE Government is pretty ifill off
for small change. It has on hand $64,000,000
in silver, all coined, in accordance with the
Bland bill, in "bird-o'-freedum dollars.
THE Comet Shirt, the best offered
for the money, for sale only at
A MAN has invented a chair that
can be adjusted to 800 different positions. It
is designed for a boy to sit in when his mother
first takes him to church.
"WORTH their weight in gold" is i
what "Sellers' Liver Pills" are said to be. If
you don't believe it, try them.
IN consideration of the partial or
total failue of the hay crop in many parts of
the country, fodder plants should De largely
■own while there is still time.
SPECIALTIES in woolens at William
Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not
to be had elsewhere in the county.
Gents furnishing goods and silk 1
handkerchiefs, at J. F. T. Sthele's.
THE Smiths are looking up an Eng- i
lish estate which is expected to yield about ]
four hundred million dollars—about a dollar to
each member of the family. . J
A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine (
American Movement as low as $lO, at 1
THE bolt 0/ the Grant men in the
Louisiana Convention is not only a sign of <
weakness, but it will introduce into the Chi- (
cago Convention a second fire-brand to that al- |
ready presented by the disfranchised country
districts of Illinois.
want a Stylish Hat, send for Illustrated i
Circular and Price List, free. J. G. ,
BENNETT'S HAT HOUSE, 119 Wood St., ]
SJttsburgb, Pa„ ■
We direct attention to the card of j
Bickel A Fry, in another place. They have ■
lately purchased some new rigs and horses and 1
their stable is now in better shape than it ever '
was before. When you want a good rig, give
them a trial.
SEE a woman in another column, near Speer's i
Vineyards, with a bunch of grapes from which ]
Speer's Port Grape wine is made, that is so ,
highly esteemed by the medical profession for
the use of invalids, weakly persons and the :
aged.—Sold by all Drnggists. 28aply i
Go to J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigh- |
mie patent shirt, best in the world,
with a bosom that cannot break or
wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and
you will wear no other.
THE commencement season is at
hand, and the newly sheep-skinned young
man must face the great problem of his future
life work. It is understood that the popular
taste this year will be divided between the pro
fession of Mr. Hanlan and the trade of Pro
fessor Proctor.
Mardorf, West Cunningham street, Butler, Pa.,
If you wish to buy the best and latest varieties
of plants at the lowest market prices ; such as
CaDbage, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Kokl Rabi,
Celery 4c., give him a call. myl9-3t.
my son of erysipelas." Mrs. E. Smeltzer, Lari
mer, Pa.
AN old angler says a fish does not
suffer much pain from being hooked. We
have noticed this. Not long ago a man
"hooked" a kit of mackerel in front of a gro
cery, and the fish didn't seem to suffer a par
ticle of pain ; but the man suffered six months
THE Jl3 115 |l4 | Scarfs, at
Go to J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigh
mie patent shirt, best in the world,
with a bosom that cannot break or
wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and
you will wear no other.
PATENT medicine advertising is ac
tive in Rochester, New York. One man, who
has. in turn, operated a professional base ball
club and given the purse for the famous Han
lan-Courtnev boat race, now offers a priie of
six hundrea dollars to the baby which shall
earliest be taught to lisp the name of his infal
liable remedy.
Food greatly benefits when properly
even at the right periods, but to overfeed the
iby is to sicken it, and induce a degree of suf
fering ; Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is the best rem
edy for the discomfort arising from overfeeding
the baby. Price 26 cents.
THE largest and best stock of Clothes
Wringers in the county, can be found at
J. G. A W. CAMPBELL, Butler, Pa.
NEW Haven Register : In the stil
ness of the night, when humanity reposes
gently pouring forth its anthem in undulating
snores, it is pleasant to be suddenly awakened
by a thud that jars the honse to its cellar foun
dation. All hands spring out of bed —except
little Billy, who is already out, having dreamed
that he was doing the flying trapeze in the top
of a circus tent and missed nis hold.
Go to J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigh
mie patent shirt, best in the world,
with a bosom that cannot break or
wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and
you will wear no other.
BUT the Boom Hat, for sale at
MR. BAYNE, member of Congress
from Allegheny has, in the course of a debate
in the House, given his colleague, General
White, to understand that they will "meet out
ride." After the Goes-Ryan fiasco, and the
disappointment of the House over the Hanlan-
Courtney failure, it is sincerely to be hoped
that a regard for their personal and official
dignity will lead these gentlemen to be prompt
and earnest in the matter.
FOR Corn implements of every va
riety, go to
J. G. k W. CAMPBELL, Butler, Pa.
How TO GET A HUSBAND.— Take of mod
esty a large portion; unite it with urbanity
ana good humor ; to which add good sense, and
plenty of love, with a virtuous heart and a
pretty face. Take Simmons' Liver Regulator
regularly, that the blood and complexion be
pure ana health good.
"From actual experience in my practice, I
am satisfied to prescribe it as a purgative medi
cine. "T. W. MASON, M. D."
LAST Friday Messrs. J. W. N orris
and L. L. Murtgatroit, of Millerstown, drove
over Levi Potts, of this place, knocking him
down and seriously cutting his head. He was
carried into a house near by where his wounds
were dressed and he is doing well. Suit was
entered before Esq. Keck; a hearing was had
Monday, and the two gentlemen held in S2OO
each for their appearanoe at Court.
No WELL posted person now-a-davs think of
taking medicines to curp kidney diseases. The
French Kidney Pad, devised ten yeare ago by
Prof. Guilmette, an eminent French physician,
has been found to be the most effective remetly
in all forms of thse diseases. It cures by ab
sorption, the same principle on which physi
cians get the effect of morphine instead of giv
ing it through the stomach. Physicians are
using this remedy verv extensively, discarding
all the old ones which it has taken centuries to
find out and are really almost worthless. All
druggists sell the Guilmette Kidney Pad.
BUY Charles R. Grieb's Summer Un
derwear at remarkably low prices.
IF you want to have good cabbage,
frow the Silver Leaf Drum head cabbage,
lants of this and other good varieties for sale
by the thousand, at the garden of John W.
Bortmas <fc Co., Butler, Pa.
40,000 Plants.
Late Cabbage, for sale at Bortmas & Co's
gardens, Butler, Pa., west side.
Wheal! Wheat!
The highest Pittsburgh market price
paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos'
Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos.
— ♦
THE Chinese Consul at San Fran
cisco, Colonel Bee, believes that Chinese immi
gration to this country has practically ceased.
The monthly arrivals have fallen off from
twelve hundred to four hundred, and the num
ber of Chinese who are returning to their na
tive land exceeds that of the new comers. He
says that the demand for Chinese labor in the
mines of the Pacific States, and on the Southern
Pacific railroad, does not stimulate emigration ;
and he adds, as a curious fact, that as a rule
the Celestials have no desire to leave China,
all who have come being from one province
not so large as New Hampshire.
SOUTHERN QUEEN sweet potato
plants for sale at the garden of John W. Bort
mas & Co., Butler, Pa.
lO Yards for £I.OO.
Good Bleached Muslin, at
Wheat! Wheat!
The highest Pittsburgh market price ,
paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos'
Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos.
THEBK is no use in drugging yourself to
death, and buying all the vile medicines for
internal use when you can be cured of fever
and ague, dumb ague, billious disorders, jaun- |
dice dyspepsia, as well as all disorders and ail
ments of the liver, blood and stomach, by 1
wearing one of Prof. Guilmette's French Liver
Pads, which is a sure cure every time. If ;
your druggist does not keep the pad, send $1.50
in a letter to French Pad Co., Toledo, 0., and
it will be sent you by mail. It is the only pad
that is guaranteed to cure. Beware of counter
Fine and common straw hats in
great variety, at J. F. T. Stehle'a.
A PARTY of over sixty foreign mil
lers and representatives of the milling interest,
coming from Great Britain. Germany, Austria ,
and Switzerland, arrived in New lork last
Tuesday on their way to the Miller's Interna
tional Convention, now being held at Cincin-
nati. The superiority of American flour has
attracted so much attention abroad that these
gentlemen have come over to examine our pro
cesses and learn how to imitate them. After
they haved looked into the matter closely they
will probably find that, with our abundant
water power and intelligent skilled labor, we
can grind our wheat and furnish them with
flour cheaper than they can make it of im
ported grain.
Somebody's Child.
Somebody's child is dying—dying with the
flush of hope on his young face and an inde
scribable yearning to live and take an honored
place in the world beside the companions of his
youth. And somebody's mother is thinking of
the time when that dear face will be hidden
where no ray of hope can brighten it—when
her heart and home will be left desolate —be-
cause there was no cure for consumption. Read
er, if the child-be your neighbor's, take this
comforting word to the mother's heart before it
is too late. Tell her that consumption it cura
ble, that men are living to-day, aged, rubust
men, whom the physicians pronounced incura
ble at the age of twenty-five, because one lung
had been a/inost destroyed by the disease. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a most ef
ficient alterative for separating the scrofulous
matter from the blood and lungs, and imparting
strength to the system. It has cured hundreds
of consumptives.
Colored Dress Silks,
at 50c., 65c., 75c., 85c., 90c., SI.OO,
$1 .25 and $1.50 per yard, at
Wheat! Wheat!
The highest Pittsburgh market price
paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos'
Mill, Butler, Pa. WALTER & Boos.
Prize Butter at the N. Y. Fair.
There was a very fine display of extra choice
butter at the great International Dairy Fair.
The packages that took the prizes were splendid
samples of what gilt-edge butter ought to be,
perfect in quility and color. Many of thein
were colored to a perfect June tint with Wells,
Richardson & Co's Perfected Butter Color, the
use of which was universally recommended
both by the makers and the butter buyers.
Two coal diggers are wanted. Suitable par
ties can have steady employment for one yesCr.
Inquire at this office.
IT seems to us that common sense
and experience should teach the majority of
our town council better than to do two things
that they have lately been doing. One is, to
throw the black eartn taken from the gutters,
upon the street, for the first heavy rains wash
it right back into the gutters, and in any event
it is not fit to be upon the street, and the other
is to break sandstone upon the street, for it is
soon pulverized into sand. We are informed
that there were several persons willing to cart
the black earth away for their own use, if it
had been piled up along the street, and that
there is a gravel bank over in Springdale
where gravel can be obtained at ten cento a
load, aud everybody that knows anything
about road making, knows that gravel packs
hard and firm, and makes a good road.
Wheat! Wheat!
The highest Pittsburgh market price
paid for Wheat, at Walter & Boos'
Mill, Butler Pa. WALTER & Boos.
Before you begin your heavy spring work
after a winter of relaxation, your system needs
cleansing and strengthening to prevent an at
tack of Ague, Bilious or Spring Fever, or some
other Spring sickness that will unfit you for a
season's work. You will save time, much
sickness and great expense if you will use one
bottle of Hop Bitters in your family this month.
Don't wait. — Burlington Hawkeye.
At 10 Cents Per Yard,
and up, Fancy Dress Goods in all the
new styles, at
town of Milton in our own State was recently
burned over by a fearful fire. In less than four
hours, fiive-sixths of the town was|destroyed.
All the churches of the place except one small
house of worship, was burned up. The stores,
banks, shops and dwelling houses were swept
by the flames. 600 houses were burned. Having
been for 10 years a citizen of that place, I take
the liberty of appealing in behalf of the suffer
ers for such aid as our citizens can give. Wal
ter L. Graham, Esq., Esquire Walker and
Alfred Wick have agreed to receive any-contri
butions which may be made for the people of
Milton, and I will see that they are forwarded as
donors may direct and properly acknowledged.
Let us act toward others in the hour of need as
we would have them act toward us, if we to
day were left without home or house of wor
ship. W. T. WYLIE.
Butler, May 26, 1880.
An Immense Bargain.
Four-quarter Chintzes, best quality,
; at 10c. per yard, at
! Plants! Plants!
> The following varieties of plants can be had
by calling at the garden of John W. Bortmas
A Co.: Cabbage early and late, Tomatoes,
Cauliflour, Egg plant. Sweet Potato and Celery
plants in their season. Do not fail to get a
few plants of the Atlee Burpel's sure head
I cabbage, the best in the world,
i Gardner j and plant growers, Butler, Pa.
! Black Dress Silks,
! at 65c., Tsc., SI.OO, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75,
~ $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 per yard, at
-?♦ I86^»
Aunual Heeling of Allegheny
The annual sessions of Allegheny Clnssis of
the Pittsburgh Syuod of the Reformed Church
in the United States, convened in the Reformed
Church. Butler, Pa., May 19th, and continued
the sessions until the Evening of Sunday, 23rd.
The opening sermon was preached by the re
tiring President, Rev. J. W. Alspach. After
the sermon the sessions were instituted by
prayer and the election of oifieer9 for the ensu
ing' year. Rev. W. Lichter was elected Presi- j
dent; Rev. J. W. Knappenberger, Stated Clerk; i
Rev. F. A. Edmonds, Cor. Secretary, and Elder j
T. J. Craig, Treasurer.
Divine services were held each evening dui- j
ing the sessions, and the Lord's Supper was ad
ministered on Sunday morning. By request of
the pastors, Rev. F. A. Edmonds preached in
the >l. E. Church, and Rev. J. W. Alspach in
the U. P. Church, on Sunday evening at 7:30
P. M.
A large amount of business was transacted
during the sessions. Rev. W. F. Lichter and
Rev. Jos. Hannabery, at their own request,
were dismissed : the former to Lancaster Classis
and the latter to the Philadelphia Classis, Syn
od of the United States. Licentiate J. H.
Prugh was received from the Miami Classis,
Syod of Ohio, and Revs. J. W. Alspach, T. F.
Stauffer and J. \V\ Knappenberger were ap
pointed a committee to ordain and install him
pastor of Grace Church, Pittsburgh, Pa. A new
congregation recently organized in New Castle,
Pa., was received and enrolled as Uie New Cas
tle charge. Rev. F. A. Edmonds,T. F. Stauf
fer and J. W. Knappenberger were appointed a
| committee to install Rev. J. M. Louder pastor
of this new charge. Rev. H. King was granted
permission to organize a new congregation in
Allegheny Citv, Pa. Revs. F. A. Edmonds, T.
F. Stauffer, Elders A. Moyer and M. Sitler were
elected delegates primarii to the General Synod
to convene in First Reformed C hurch, fiffin,
Ohio, May 18th, 1881.
The subject of Missions claimed more than
usual attention. After a full discussion of the
subject, the charges were divided into two Mis
sionary Districts. The first consisting of Ilen
shue, Butler, Millerstown, Sugar Creek and
Fairview charges. The second of Harmony.
New Castle, Allegheny City, Pittsburgh and
Wilkinsburg charges. Rev. T. F. Stauffer and
F. A. Edmonds were appointed to preside over
the respective districts, and to arrange for and
hold Missionary Conferences in the respective
congregations during the ensuing year.
Educational interests developed nothing new,
save the reception of one beneliciary student for
the gospel ministry.
Publication interests were fairly dealt with,
but developed nothing new.
Parochial reports were read by all the pas
tors, setting forth both the bright and dark sides
of pastoral labor. From these condensed re
ports the condition of the charges within the
bounds of this Classis show that much labor for
good has been done.
The business sessions were closed at a late
hour on Saturday evening with the members of
Classis joining in the Apostles' Creed, Lord's
Prayer, Doxology and Benediction. The di
vine services closed with the Sunday evening
Grenadines, Buntings, Lawns, P. K.'s
Grape Wlue lor Communion.
The superior quality and entire purity of
Speer's Port Grape ine, of New Jersey,
and the success that physicians have had by its
use, has induced them to write about it, ami
caused hundreds of others to prescribe it in their
practice as the best and most reliable wine to
be had. It is held in great favor for Commun
ion purposes, and said to be a cure for consump
tives. For sale by D. H. W uller.
Jamestown Alpacas.
The only place you can get the gen
uine artidte, is at
The Lightest Draft Machine Made.
At a trial of Mowers by the Queens County
Agricultural Society, Juue 20th, 1879, the fol
lowing report of the DRAFT of different mow
ers was made:
Warrior 1551bs 4ft. 3 in. cut
Buckeye 218 " 4"
Eureka 222 " 6 "
W. Anson Wood 197 " 4 " 3 in. cut.
Walter A. Wood 202 i" 4"
Champion rear cut 1724" 4 "
" front cut 182 i" 4" 3 in. cut.
By the above it will be seen that the War
rior" is the lightest draft machine. It is for sale
by J. Niggel & Bro., Jefferson street ( Butler,
Pa. jun2-3t
Carpets! Carpets!
Full line at less than they can be
bought in the city, at
Baby Prizes, SOOO.
An eminent banker's wife of N. Y.,
has induced the progrietors of that great medi
cine, Hop Bitters, to offer S6OO in prizes to the
youngest child that says Hop Bitters plainly,
in any language, between May 1, 1880, and Ju
ly 4, 1881. This is a liberal and interesting of
fer, and everybody and his wife should send
two cent stamp to the Hop Bitters Mfg. Co.,
Rochester, N. Y., U. S. A., for circular, giving
full particulars, and begin at once to teacn the
children to say Hop Bitters and secure the
prize. It
Decoration Day.
Red White and Blue Ribbons &c.,
BORLAND—BARTLEY—On the 27th. inst.,
by Rev. C. L. Streamer, Mr. 8. S. Borland, of
Unionville, to Miss Mary E. Bartlev, of Clay tp.
SCHNEIDER —In this boroug on the 27th
inst., Mrs. Schneider, widow of William
Schneider deceased—Water street.
BRITTAIN—May 25, 1880, in this place, of
typhoid fever, Mr. Charles T. Brittain, aged
near 20 years.
To record the death of the above excellent
young man is one of the saddest acts of our life.
Charles T. Brittain entered the QITIZKN office,
as an apprentice to learn the printing art, on
October 2, 1876, and for three years was most
faithful and constant in his work. After fil
ling out his time he was continued in the office
as a journeyman, until about the Ist of Febru
ary last. He then went to Pittsburgh and was
employed in his art there for about two
months. Returning home here, he was, on
April 19tli last, appointed the foreman of this
office, which position he filled just one week
before he was taken ill. We tnought his ill
ness would be but temporary, but the treacher
ous disease proved fatal. We deem it a duty
to say that we never knew of a more correct
young man. He had not a single vice. In all
his actions and principles he was upright, hon
orable and honest. His loss is regretted by all
connected with this office, and in fact by all
who knew him.
KELLEY —April 18, 1880, in Butler town
ship, on Sunday morning, Mrs. Kelley, wife of
Samuel Kelley, aged about 70 years.
ALSO —On April 29th, Mr. Samuel Kelley,
in the 79th year of his age. In death not long
E'er a fortnight has passed, again we have seen,
The messenger pale in our home;
We gave him no welcome —for to add to our
We know he for father has come.
We have given him up, with tears, yet in hope,
That departing for liim was best;
From the cares of this life forever more free,
To find in a better world rest.
We shall miss their fond greeting whenever we
To the home that their presence made glad ;
The trace of their hands wherever we turn,
Will make our hearts the more sad.
Wejtrust in the land where sorrow's unknown,
Where pain and disease are no more ;
To meet them again, with all of our band,
When our life's journey is o'er.
Side by side, we have laid them to rest in the
As they walked side by side in this life ;
United in sharing its joys and its tears.
And bearing its burden and strife.
The old home is lone where their voices were
They are missed from the walks by the door;
Our parents ! gone now, "the way of the earth
Their places shall know them no more."
I Livery, Sale &Feed
Cunningham street, near Post
office, Butler, Pa.
John McKLee.
—MR. JOHN MCKEE, of Pittsburgh,
poet, philosopher, and writer of great
! celebrity, is now on a visit to this j
| place, stopping at the Yogeley House. '
A communication from him of great in j
terest has been crowded out for want ,
of space this week. He says the town
appears to him to be turned right
; around since his last visit; the Court j
! House, etc., being on the wrong side of,
the street. The following only from
him can we insert at present:
P. S.- —Butler sits on a Hill,
With a creek running round the town.
May the Bugle aud Harp never sece.
To sound through the halls of Butler town.
May her sons be the pride of the Nation,
Her daughters the forest in the laud.
Dr. C. H. LEE,
Homoeopathic Physician.
Office and residence near the Wick House
North Mam street. Butler. Pa. jan7
Sheriff's Sales.
. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Facias.
Venditioni Exponas. Levari Facias. Ac., issued
out of the Conrt of Common Pleas cf Butler
conDtv and to me directed, tliere will be ex
posed'to Public Sale at the Court House, in the
borough of Butler, on
Mondar. June 7(!i. .4.. D.. 18SO,
at one o'clock. I'. M.. the following described
property, as follows:
Fi Fa. ED No 59, Juno term, 1880. W. D Bran
don. att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Thos
W Frazier and Thomas Frazier of in and to
forty acres of land, more or less, situated in Jef
ferson township, Butler county, Pa., bounded
as follows: on Ihe north by George Welch; on
the cast by Albert Addarhold; on the south by
George Welch, and on the west by George
Welch ; a frame water and eteain
grist or flour mill 40 by 50 feet, in good running
order and all machinery and fixtures thereto
belonging, two-story frame house and frame
stable, orchard Ao.,"thereon all cleared. Seized
and taken iu execution as the property ot Thos
W Frazier and Thomts Frazier at the suit of
Wm Kennedv A Samuol W Crawford.
Fi Fa, ED No 73, June term, 1830. W H Lusk,
All the right, title, interest and claim of Alfred
McDonald of, in and to fifty-one acres of land
more or less, situated in Clearfield township,
Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows : on the
north bv Stroder McDonald; on the east by B
Sheradan; on the south by George Dougherty's
beirs; log honse, log stable and two orchards
thereon, about all cleared, coal land. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of Alfred
McDonald at the suit of L M Crosby.
Fi Fa, E DNo 64. June term, 1880. Thomas
Robinson, att'y.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of Dan
iel Huffman of, in and to a lot of ground, situ
ate in the village of Anandale, Cherry township,
Butler county. Pa., bounded as follows : begin
ing at a post on the graded road, at the uorth
west corner; thence east by lot of H C McCoy
160 feet to a post; thence south by lands of
James Black 60 feet to a post; thence west by
lands of same, 160 feet to a post on the graded
road: thenco north along said road 60 feet to
the piaoe of beginuing. frame house and frame
wagon shop thereon erected. Seized and taken
in execution as the property of Daniel Huffman
at the suit of James Kerr
Al Fi Fa, E DNo 64, June term, 1880. GA &
A T Black. att'yß.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Thos
B. Hilliard of in and to sixty acres of land, more
or lehS, fcituated in Washington township. But
ler county. Ta., bounded as follows: on the
north by Eban Christy; on the east by William
Bumbaugh: on the south by George Arner, and
on the west by John M Hilliard; a story and
half frame dwelling house, frame barn, good
orchard thereon, about 55 acres cleared- Seized
and taken in execution aa the property of Thos
B Hilliard at the suit of Wm M Shira executor,
Ac.. David Stewart.
Fi Fa, ED No 78, Jnne term, 1830. W A For
quer. att'y.
All (ho right, title, interest and claim of M.
J Widcnliofer of, in and to fifty acres of land,
more or less, situated in Winfieid township, But
ler county, Pa., bounded as follows: on the
north by Mrs Voegley; on the east by Henry
Grimm and Christ Reonigh: on the south by
George Keck, and on the west by T Jackson;
log house, log barn and orchard thereon, about
45 acres cleared. Seized and taken in execution
as the property of M J Widenhofer at the suit
of Andrew Widenhofer.
Fi Fa, ED No 18, June T, 1880. K Marshall,
All the right, title, interoet and claim of Lewis
Reefer of. in and to two acres of land, more or
less, situated in Washington township. Butler
county. Pa., bounded as follows : on the north
by Atwell; on the east by Daubenspeck; on the
south by Maxwell, and on the west by public
road; a'two-story board or plank dwelling honse
and wood or coal house thereon. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of Lewis
Keefer at the suit of D F Campbell.
E D No 149, Juno term, 1880. Thompson &
Scott, att'vs.
All the right, title, interest and claim of John
S Mevere of, in and to eighty acres of laud,
more or less, situated in Muldycreek township,
Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows : on the
north by Peter Wallace; on the east by William
Garvey: on the south by Wm Garvey. and on
the west by Wm Meyers; about seventy acres
cleared, twenty of which are meadow, two-story
log house weather boarded, log ban and coal
bank, small orchard thereon. Seized and taken
in execution as the property of John S Meyers
at the suit of John Moon.
Fi Fa, ED No 129, June term, 1830. F M East
man, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Sarah
J Timblin of. in and to a certain lot, or parcel of
f ;ronnd, situated in the borough of Butler, But
er county, Pa., containing 50 by 180 feet, m 're
or les, bounded north by II P Scott; east by an
alley; south by Penn street, and west by Main
stree; a two story frame dwelling house and
outbuilding thereon. Seized and takeu in exe
cution as the property of Sarah J Timbliu at
the suit of Sarah Mac'kev.
Fi Fa, E D No 99, Juno time, 1880. Fred Bei
ber, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Phil
hp E Eib of, iu and to twenty-five acres of land,
more or less, situated in Lancaster township,
Butler couniy. Pa., bounded as follows : on the
north by Michel Flenner: on the east by Jacob
Koch; ou the south by George Reiber, and on
the west by Casper "Schell; log house, frame
barn and orchard thereon, about 23 acres cleared
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of Philip E Erb at the suit of Peter Stern.
Fi Fa, E D No 95 96, June term, 1880. E G
Miller, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of W T
Bamsey of. in and to six acres of land, more or
less, situated in Centreville borough. Butler
county, Pa., bounded as follows : on the north
west by John Bigham; south by Cooper Road,
and north-east by Kingsberry's heirs; orchard
thereon, all cleared. Seized and taken in exe
cution as the property of W T Ramsey at the
suit of George Hilger.
Fi Fa, ED No 95 96, Juno term, 1880. E G
Miiler, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of W T
Ramsey of, in and to a certain lot, or parcel of
land, sittato in the borough of Centreville, Rut
ler county, Pa., containing 65 by 175 feet, more
or less, bounded north by Thomas Patent;
south by public road, and west by Edward
Cliisrtley; a two-story frame dwelling house,
frame shop and frame stable thereon. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of W T
Ramsey at the suit of George Hileer.
Fi Fa, E DNo 95 96, June term, 1880. E G
Miller, att'y
All the right, title, interest and claim of W T
Ramsey of, in and to a certain lot. or parcel of
ground, situate in the borough of Centreville,
Butler county. Pa., containting 60 by 160 feet,
mere or less," bounded north by James Wilson;
east by public road; south by Francis Eyth, and
west by an alley; a three-storv frame dwelling
house and store room and frame barn thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of
W T Ramsey at the suit of George Hilger.
Fi Fa, ED No 11, Juue term, 1880 E G Mil
ler, atty. Fi Fa, E D No 74. June term, 1880.
T C Campbell atty. Fi Fa, E DNo 142,
June term, 1880. N. Black, atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of John
R Chambers of, in and to ninety (90) acres of
land, more or less, situated in Cherry township
Butler county, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit;
on the north by E Ferrero et al. ; east by War
ren Armstrong and Mary Ann Dobson; south
by Wm Kelly, and wet by Job Kelly et al.
Frame bouse, board stable and orchard thereon;
about 60 acres cleared. Seized and taken in ex
ecution as the properly ol John R Chambers al
suit of II E Wick lor use of Centreville Savings
Bank, Butler Savings Bauk aud Jas Wilson for
Fi Fa, E D No 141, Juue term, 1880. C Walker
All the right, title, interest and claim of Sam
uel Sutton of, in and to eighteen (18) acres of
land, more or less, situated iu Clay township,
Butler comity, Pa., bounded as follows, to wit:
ou the north by Christopher McM ichael; east by
Jopbia McMicbael; south by John Grossman,
and west by Christopher McMicbael; log bouse
and frame stable thereon—all cleared. Seized
and tiiken iu execution as the property of Sam
uel Sutton at the suit ot Butler Savings Bauk,
for use.
E D No 15. June term, 1880. John M Greer
aud W 11 Colbert, att'ys.
All the right, title, iuterest and claim of Auton
W Rlchter of, in and to one aud one-half
acres of land, more or less, situated in Jcflerson
township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as fol
lows, to wit; on the north by Hannahstown and
Glade Mills road; east by Alex Martin; south by
church lot, and west by Mary Welch. A two
story Irame house aud frame stable thereon.
Seized and takeu in execution as the property
ot Auton W Ricbter at the suit it of Jacob
AI Fi Fa, KD No SI, June term, 18SO. ITU.
| All the right, title, iutere t and claim ol Wui
I Gordan of, ia and to one-hilt ( : 3 ') acre of land,
, more or lens, situated in Karon City borough,
I Butler county. Pa, bounded as follows, to wit:
I on the north by Suiitii ; cast by Olive street;
; south by Church street, and west by vacant lot.
j Two-story frame dwelling house thereon ercct
i ed. Seized and taken in execution as the prop
-1 erty ot Wm Gor dan at the suit of P It burke.
E D Nos. SO A 101, June term, IBBd. K Mar
shall, atty. E 0 Nos 19S A: 202, March tern,
1880. TV L) Brandon, Wil Lusk, attys.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Geo
Hartzell of, iu and to one hundred and twenty
six acres (136) acres of latjd, more or less, situ
atc4 in Jackson township. Butler county. Pa.,
bounded as follows, to wit: on the north by
John Scibertand M Huflmau; oast by Thomas
Donaldson; south by C' Harper, ai.d west by
Widow Goehring and Henry Zeliner. Log anil i
frame house, iratne barn; wagon shed, out
kitchen and granery, orchard ol a'lottt 300 tn-es,
one hundred acres cleared. Seized and taken in
execution as the property of George Hartzel at
suit of Henry Rape, John Ripe, Jacob Miekley
and George Kuauf.
Fi Fa, ED No 115 June term, 1880. Williams
& Mitchell, att'ys.
All the right, title, interest and claim ol Jas
Truxall and Julia Truxall ot, iu and to a certain
lot ol ground, situate in the borough of Butler,
Butler county, I*B., containing 45 by 16C leet,
more or less, bounded north by E Kiddie; east
by Elm street; south by Jos Timmany, ajd west
by an alley; a two-story Iratne dwelling bouse
thereon erected. Seized and takeu in execution
fis the property of Jas Truxall and Julia Trux
all at suit ot Eli Conn.
Fi Fa, E D No 55, June T, 1880. II II Goueher,
All the right, title, interest and claim of E M
Addleraan of, in and to all that certain lot of
ground, situate iu the village of Farming ton,
Allegheny township, Butler county, P., bounded
and described as follows, to '.vit, beiug lots No
15 and 16 : on the north by Main street; on the
east by Spring street; ,011 the north by an alley,
and on the west 180 feet by Mcßride's lot, con
veyed by John Pollock ct nx. to Mrs E M Ad
dleuian,"by deed bearing date Sept 30,1878.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of E M Addleman at suit ot Joliu Pollock.
Fi Fa, E D No 117 June terra, ISBO, M B Mc-
Bride, atty
All the light, title, interest and claim of Tira
o*hy O'Cotner of, in and to all that certaiu lot
of ground, marked and known as No 39, situate
lyiug and being in Milicrstown, Donegal town
ship, Butler county, Pa., being 30 feet iu front
on Western street, and 180 feet in length or
or depth, by lots now or late of John Reiger,
Geo Reiber and B Frederick, being part of a
certoiu larger piece or tract ol land, granted by
the Commonwealth to Archibald McCall by pat
ent, dated the 20th day of Oct, A D, 1829, en
rolled in Patent book H, Vol 20, page 615; two
frame dwelling bouses and frame stable thereon
erected. Seized aud taken in exccullou as the
property of l'imolby O'Conner at the suit of M
J Howes.
Fi Fa, No 87, June term. Newton Black, atty.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of Wm
Logue of, in and to a lot or parcel ot ground,
situate in Cherry township, Butler county, Fa.,
bounded as follows: beginning at the north
east corner ol the aHotment ol Daniel Logue,
thence south, degrees east, 43 3-10 perches
to a post; thence bj' part of same tract south, 3
degrees west, 93 5 10 perches to a post on the
south line of the tract; thence by Sarah Jane
Armstrong north, 89 degrees west, 43 3-10 per
ches to a post ou the south-east corner of allot
ment of Daniel Logue; thence along said allot
ment north, 3 degrees east, 93 5-10 perches to
the place of beginnning, beiug the allotment of
the lands of Wm Logue, conveyed by him to
his children, who by partition deed divided said
lands among themselves, as per survey of B F
Milliard, made Aug 21 and 22, 1879, about two
third cleared. Seized aud taken in execution as
the property of Wm Logue at the suit of John
Hall & Son.
Fi Fa, ED No 17, June term, 1880. J D Mc-
Jnukin, atty.
Ali the right, title, interest and claim of Jas
Allen of, in and to seventy (70) acres ol land,
more or less, situated iu Clay township, Butler
county. Pa., bounded as follows, to wit : on the
north by public road and Jefferson and James
Allen; east by Samuel Black and Adam H Cro
thers; south by Adam II Crotliers and Andrew-
Walker, and west by John A McCandless; one
story frame dwelling house and Iramu stable and
good orchard thereou; about 50 acres cleared.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of James Allen at suit of P O Wolford, for use.
Fi Fa, ED No 17, Juno term, 1880. J D Mc-
Junkin, atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Jas
and Jefferson Allen of, in and to fifty (50) acres
ot land, more or less, situated in Clay township
Butler couuty, Fa., bounded as follows, to wit;
on the north by Samuel Bla"k, J Smith and J
Dobson; east by James Allen; south by public
road, and west by John A McCandless and J
Dobson; old log baru thereon; about 40 acres
cleared. Seized and taken iu execution as the
property of James Allen aud Jetlerson Allen at
suit of P O Wolford, for use.
Fi Fa, No 34, Jnue term, 1880. C Walker, atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Wil
liam Storey of, iu and to six (0) acres of land,
more or less, situated in Fairview township,
Butler county, Fa., bounded as follows, to wit;
on the north by W C Campbell's heirs; east by
Joseph Hawk; south by Johnston, and
wet by W C Campbell's heirs; all timber land.
Beized aud taken in execution as the property
of Wm Storey at the suit of Jas B Storey and F
M Eastman.
Vend Ex, E DNo 98, June term 1880. Fi Fa,
E 1J No 123, June term, 1880. Moses
Sullivan, atty.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of Johu
C McLafferty, adin'r of Jas McLatferty, dee'd,
Bridget McLafleity, Grace MiLafterty, Daniel
McLafferty and John C McLafferty, heirs and
terra tenants of Jas McLafferty dce'd, of, in and
to one hundred and twenty (130) acres of land
more or less, fituateJ in Winfleld township,
Butler Co., Pa., bounded as follows : on the
north by lands of Wm Stewart and Winfleld
Furnace property; east by lands of Wm Stew
art; south by lands of Wm Stewart, and west by
lauds of Edward Mc'.atlerty; a two-story frame
house, frame stable, log house and log barn
thereon erected—about 84 acres cleared. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of J C
McLafferty, adm'r of Jas McLafferty, deceased,
Bridget McLatlerty, Grace MeLaflerty, Daniel
McLaflerty and J C McLafferty, beirs and terra
tenants ol Jas McLaflerty. deceased, at fruit of
W L Spear, for use, and Hannah Dugau, adm'x
&c., for use, and J M Scott.
A 1 Vend, E D No 28, June term, 1880. J D Mc-
Junkin, atty.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of Allen
Wlison of. In and to a lot or parcel of ground,
situate in the borough of Butler, Butler county,
Pa., containing one acre, more or less, bounded
north by au alley; east by street; south by Jetler
son street, and west by Catholic cemetery; two
story lraiue dwelling and frame dwelling there
on erected. Seized aud takeu in execution as
the property of Allen Wilson at the suit ol J
Klee & Bro, for use of Parker Savings Bank.
A 1 Vend Ex, E D No 28, June term, 1880. J D
MeJonkin. att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Allen
Wilson of, in and to forty acres of land, more
or less, situated iu the borough of Butler. Butler
county, Pa., (and known as the Clrmer heirs
tract)* bounded as follows: 011 the north by
Millorstown roadj on the east by Bev White; on
the south by Geo Reiber, and on the west by H
J Berg and Catholic Cemetery; six dwolling
houses and Institute building erected thereon.
Seized and taken in execution as the property
of Allen Wilson at suit of J Klee & Bro. for use,
Parker Savings Bank.
Lev Fa, ED No 20, Juno T, 1880. L Z Mitchell,
All the right, title interest and claim of James
Gillespie of in and to all that certain piece, tract
or parcel of land, situated in Donegal township,
Butler county, Pa , containing eighty-one and
2-10 acres of laud, more or less, bounded and
described as follows : on the north by lands of
the heirs of Neal Oil'espie ; ou the ea«t by lauds
of II L Taylor and Co and James Gillespie ; on
the south by Francis Richard, and ou the west
by lands of Feter McGuire et al. Seized and
taken in execution as the property of James
Gillespie at the suit ot George W. Gillespie,
executor of Mannassus Gillespie, dee'd.
Lev Fa ED No 53. June term, 1880. George W
Fleeger, att'y.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Eugene Ferrero of, in and to a certain lot or
parcel of ground, situated in the borough of
Butler, Butler county. Fa., bounded as follows:
commencing 011 High or Main street, thence
west by an alley 183 feet to an alley ; thence
south, along same alloy 55feet to line of lot
No 1, in the plan of lots made by Andrew Carns
.and Samuel G Stewart, Feb 24 1847 ; thence
bast along said tot No 1, 183 feet to said High
or Main street, thence north along Main streot
feet to the place or beginning, with the
apjKirtenancee thereon. Seized and taken iu
execution as the property of Eugeuo Ferrero
at the suit of G F Fetzcr."
Vend Ex, E D Mo 99, June term. 1880. W A
Forrjuer, att'y.
All the right, title, mterost and claim of David
Mortimer of in and to fifty-five aeers of land,
more or less, situated in Parker township, But
ler county. Pa., bounded as follows : on the
north by lands of Samuel Mortimer ; on the
easit by George Kepler ; on the south by George
W Daubenspeck, and 011 the west by John John
ston ; log house and orchard thereon, mostly
cleared. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of David Mortimer at the suit of Robt.
Benninger, for use of Nancy Wadsworth.
Vend Ex, E D No 112. June tern?, 1880. Charles
McCandless, att'y.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of G C
Conway of, in and to one hundred aud sixty-five
acers of land, more or less, situated iu Coucord
township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as fol
lows : on the north by E Graham. Rev marsball
and H Donaldson ; on the east by Ezra A li II
1 Campbell ; ou the south by McCallister and H
Kulin, and on the west by R H Campbell; frame
1 have just received from the East a large stock of
I ofler to the public the COMET SFIIRT, the bost Unlaundriod White Shirt in the market for
#l. ONE DOLLAR. #l.
Also, a large stock of WHITE and COLORED SHIRTS, for Men and Hoys, always on hand.
Underwear, Half Hcse, Gloves, AV, . , : rijE iatk>i tvi,s ,N Hats, Caps and Neckwear,
Introduced as soon as they appear in the East, to be had at
C2£3L. CSrMT«
dwelling lionse. log barn, spring liou;--e and two 1
orchards thereon, mo-tly cleared. Seized and \
taken in execution as the property of G C Con- j
way at snit of Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, |
for use of Geo II Graham. Committe, Ac.
Al Vend Ex. E D No 130. Juno term. 1880. New
ton Black, att'y.
A.I! the right, title, interest "and elaim of Chris- '
tiau Leopold of, iu and to a lot of ground situ
ate in the borough of Mil'erstown, Cutler county !
Pa.. containing 220 by ISO feet more or less;
bounded north by J. D. Aldiug r : east by au
alley; sontli by Slipperyrock street, and west
by John Glass, with be veil board houses an 1 a
large two-story hotel building thereon erected.
Seized and taken in execution the property
of Christian Leopold at the suit of O Barnliart.
Vend Ex. E DNo 131. June term, 1830- L Z
Mitchell, att'y.
All the right, title. interest and claim of E A
Mortland of. iu and to two hruidr d acres of
land, more or less, situated in Marion town
ship, Butler county. Pa., bounted as follows : on
the north by Hugh Kellarntan, et al ; on the
east by Wm Maypole: soutii by John Murrin.
aud wt at by P Mcßrida, et al; two frame dwel
ling houses and frame bard and orchard thereon.
Seized and taken in exeemtion as the property
cf E A Mortland at the suit of Kittanuing In
surance Company.
Eand Ex, ED No 118. 119, Jnne T, 1880. Sul
livan Bros., att'ys.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of J J
Kelly of, in and to a lot or poical of ground sit
uate iu the borough of Centreviile, Butler
county. Pa., bounded north by an alley ; east by
an alloy : south by New Castle street, and west
by Wm Patton, containing 75 by 190 feet, more
or less; franio dwelling house 30 by 30 feet
tliereon erected. Seized and taken in execution
as the property of J J Kelly at the suit of A W
Allsback, J P Kern and J F Beam, partners as
Beam, Kern A Co.
Al Fi Fa, ED No 139, June term, 1880. F M
Eastman, atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Q C
Mc(}uistion of, in and to a lot of ground, situate
in the borough of Rutler, Butler county, Pa., ou
the corner of Washington and Cunningham ats..
bounded north by an alley; east by other lots of
Q C M'Quistion; south by Cunninglitm street,
and west by Washington street, containing 4."> by
180 feet, more or less. A brick dwelling house
two stories, with frame addition two stories,
frame dwelling house, two stories, and framo
stable thereon. Seized and taken in execution
as the property of Q C McQuistion at suit of Jno
Berg A Co.. for use.
Al Fi Fa, ED No 139, June term, 18S0. F M
Eastman, atty.
All the riglit, title, interest and claim of Q C
McQuistiou of, in and to a lot of ground situate
in the borough of Butler, Butler county. Pa.,
lying east of and adjoining above described lot,
bounded north by au alley; east by lot occupied
by Sloan and wife; south by Cunningham street,
and wist by other lot of Q now
occupied by Mrs McQuistion and Nancy Mc-
Quistion, containing >0 by 180 feet, more or
less. Seized and taken in execution as the
property of Q C McQuistion al suit of Johu
Berg A Co, tor use.
E D, No 134, June term, ISBO. Williams ifc
Mitchell, atty.'.
All the right, title, interest and c'aim ol Lew
is Hazlett ot, in and to ninety-live (95) acres ot
land, more or less, situated in Winfleld town
ship, Butler county, Pa , bounded as follows, to
wit : on the north by McCombs Painter and S
D Hazlett; east by II H Bicker; south by A Gib
son and Weigand, and west by Miller >fc Free
lin -. Frame house, frame stable and wagon
sbed, spring bouse and orchard thereon, about
75 acres cleared. Sized and taken i:i execution
as the property of Lewis Hazlett at the sui». of
A C Taggart, for use.
Fi Fa, E 1), Nos 147 & 14S, June tenu, ISSO
- Reiber, atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Geo
McCandless of, in and to all that certain piece
ol ground,situate in the bor. ol Butler Butler Co,
Pa., consisting of lots Nos 14, 15 and 10 in
Robert Graham's plan ot low iu said borough
and bounded on the n nth by Union street; cn
the east by an alley; o:. the south by au alley,
utid on the west by an alley, fronting ou said
Union street feet, and extending back
from said Union street 150 leet, having the con
erected a two-srory frame d welling house and
out-buildings. Seized and takeu in execution as
the property of George McCandless at the suit
of Harvey Colbert and M Reiber foil.
Fi Fa, E DNo 151, June term, 1880. Charles
McCandless, atty.
All the right, title, interest aud c'aim of Carl
Linn of, in aud to all those four certain lots of
ground, situate in vvinfleld township, Butler
county, Pa., bounded as follows : beginning at
a pin on Hazlett Avenue, thence along Linn
Aveuue 200 feet to Peach way; thence along
said wr-y 125 feet to 101-i way; thence along lola
way 200 feet to Hazlett Avenue, aud thence
along said avenue 125 feet to Lit: 11 Avenue, tlie
place of beginning, being lots Nos 1(58, 169, 170,
aud 171 in Wm S Boyd plan of lots. Seized and
taken iu execution as the property ol Carl Linn
at the suit of E A Hclinbold, surviving partner
of Helmbold & Stummel.
Fi Fa, ED No 151, June term, 1880. Charles
McCandless, atty.
All the right, title, interest aud claim of Carl
Linn of, in and to certain lots of ground situate
in Saxon City, Winfleld township, Butler coun
ty, Pa., bounded as follows : beginning at a pin
011 Hazlett and Helnibold Avenue, thence aloug
Helmbold Avenue 200 leet to Peach way; tnence
aloug Peach way 125 feet to lola way; thence
aloug said way 200 feet to 'lazlcet Avenue, and
thence along Hazlett Avenue 125 feet to Helm
bold Avenue, at the place of beginning, being
lots Nos 136, 137, 138 and 139 iu Wm S Boyd's
plan ot lots, a two-story trauie house, frame
stable and out-buildings thereon, all fenced.
Seized and takeu iu execution as the property
of Carl Linn at the snit of E A Helmbold, sur
viving partner of Helmbold it Stumiucl.
FI Fa, ED No 151, June term, 1880 Charles
McCandless, atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Carl
Llun of, in and to all that certain lot of ground,
situate iu Winfleld township, liutlcr couuty,
Pa., and bounded as follows: begiuuiug at a
piu 011 Helmbold Aveuue aud lot. owned by
Snyder, thence along Snyder lot 100 feet, more
or less, to within 30 feet of the centre ot the B.
B, Railroad: thence along the line of the Rail
road, 100 feet, more or less, to Peach way;
thence along said way 50 feet, more or less, to
Snyder's line, at the place ol beginning, being
lot "H" in Wm 3 Hovil plan of lots. Seized
and taken in execution as the property of Carl
Linn at suit cf E A Helmbold, surviving part,
ucr of Helmbold & Stummel.
Fi Fa, E D No ICS, June term, 1880. J B Mc-
Juukiu, atty.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Mi
chael Downey of, in and to forty-six (46) acres
of land, more or lees situated in Clearfield
township, Butler county, Pa., bounded as fol
lows : 011 the north by John Denny : 011 the
east by Thomas Morrow ; south by Widow
Downey, and west by Patrick Denney; log
house, log barn, coal bank and orceard thereon,
about 40 acres cleared. Seized and taken iu
cxecutiou as the property of Michal Downey .it
the suit of Joseph Brown <& Co.
Fi Fa, E D No 154, Juue term, ISSO. E G
Ebem:an, att'y.
All the right, title, iutereat and claim ol > \V
Barker of, in and to sixty-live acres of land,
more or ICES, situated in Parker t. wuship, But
ler county, l'a., bounded as follows . on the
north by lands of Levi Campbell, on the cast
by lands of Levi Campbell; 011 the south by
lands of Taber, and ou the west by lands
of Taber; mostly cleared. Seized and
taket 111 cxecutiou as the property of J. W.
Barker at suit of James Blakcly for use.
The following must be strictly compiled witb
when property is stricken uivn .-
1. Wheu tin; plaifltiff or other lien creditors
become the purchaser, the costs 011 the writ*
must be paid, aud a li>t of the liens, including
mortgage searches • n the propcity sol J, to
gether with such lien creditor's receipt* lor the
amount ol the proceeds of the sale of such
portion thereof as he tuay claim, must be fur
uished the Sheriff.
2. All bids must be paid in full.
3. All sales not settled immediately will be
continued until 1 o'clock, P. M., of next day,
at which time all property not settled for will
again be put up and sold at the expense and
risk of the persou to whom first sold.
•see Purdon's Digest. 9tti edition, page 446,
and Smith's Forms, page 384.
myl9-ot] blierifl of Butler County,
in 1836.
Hats, Caps & Straw Goods.
f/ vjr -
Gents' Piii'iiishing; Goods.
8 DOOFS PJopth of IS erg & Co«'s Buki
•it H lot ~f messooo,L, - ,U9t wesUUof-
• - , ... , . ifer everything at former low prices.
One ca«eof Danmsse, beautiful design, onlj 12 prints":>!id Muslins as low as ever.
One en 'O »1' Hi p«. all coi.jw and s.iades 18 &»> • , ( Klannel. 8. 10 ami 1254 c.
All entire new design of Dress t.oods, 15, 20 ami Ticking at 10.124 and 15c.
25c. | Tick inir. very heavy, 20 and 25c.
FriMwli Vnvo!ti#» >ll frri l ".! virii»tv "J> 40 and IOC I'lltviol Shirtlll|J, 8, 10 ftUtl 12'iC.
French XoveS.lVr? .iL^aWe!m and 73c." 'j. *<!<* l' f ls very rMK '
Cashmeres. i-» .. ir, ami t»'S "'H? 8 "n,i iSfr
C;v*hnirre. letter 25, 30 and 35c. !J O Al 2 C - . or . „ n j oy
All-woo! French Cashmeres. 4<>. r» and 50c. ! J° V >J - mirtii
Ali- \v ■ >ol F ren eh C ash meres very l: ne. < >J, 7"c & Sl. !««••>• KJH' Tjbleto '"!*■.«»• and *l.
Silk Warp Cashmeres, exceedingly fine. *1.15 to '
9 '■ i La.lies' ;ui(l Cents' Underwear, white and col-
We offer our Black anil Colored Silksat unheard Sore:!, very low.
of low prices. Our stuck is very complete, com • In Hosiery and Gloves we offer very decided
prising everv shade and color, as well as every ,j iw
conceivable quality, ranging from Goc to ■>!. , 'AT 10, l2'-4 and 15C, a very good article In Ladies'
tracUve*and ''"MVA, 15 and 25c, Ladies' Gloves in great va-
We received flflO pieces tlds week, which we oiler rietv.
at the low price of loe. We also have a very large ! P.faek Cashmere Shawls, $2.i50, 53, $5.
assortment of Lawns in fine grades, at 12' i :unl l r >o. j Rroche Shawls, 18, $lO, sls.
We would cull Spi'cinl Allcntiou to our very extensive stock
of 11.431 I(VR(> EDGING Asf 1> INBERIIXGS, wlilcli we are sel
ling at from 3c to 75c per yard, all of the newest design.
M. FIRE & Bro.
100 & 102 Inderal Slreet, Allfgheny.
To the Ladies & Gentlemen:
Prof. Gnilmette's
ÜBIKE, PAIN IN THE BACK. SIDE OK LOINS, NERVOUS WEAKNESS, and in fact all'disorders of the
Bladder and Urinary Organs, whetl er contracted by private diseases or otherwise. This great
remedy has been used with success for nearly ten years in France, with tho most wonderful cura
tive effects. It cures by alisorption, no nauseous internal medicines being required. We hava
hundreds of testimonials of euros by this Pad when ail e'.so had failed.
LADIES, if von are suffering from Foiunle Weakness, Leucorrhrea, or diseases peculiar to re
males. or in tact anv diseases of the Kidneys. Bladder or Urinary Organs, ask your druggist f<*
■42 and you will recoive the Pad bv return ma:!. Address U. S. Branch,
FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Prof. Guilmette's French Liver Pad
Will positively cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Billious Fever, Jaundice, Dyspep
sia, and all diseases of the Liver. Stomach and Blood. T.ia pad cures by absorption, and is per
manent. Ask vour dru ,: st fot this nad nnd no other. If he does not keen it send $1.50 to
the FRENCH PAD CO , (U- S. Branch) TOLEDO, OHIO, ajid recoive it by return mail,
mar.l-fim Wholesale Druggists, Pittsburgh, General Agenta.
Threshing Machinery and Portable
V ,g%!"* and Traction Engines.
■ fcra.. • tjutjjk THE STANDARD uf excellence throughout the Grain-
'M'.VTOI'IIESM for GralnSavlog, TLMESIRIM, Fcrtat
I\VoMl'Al:\l!l.K in of MatcrUl. Perfrction
A-*" j ' _.;y if \, ** or t' .r: Tkorou-jh H orkuimitship, Kltganl Mulsh, aud
y * I H i l * "»■ Onln.aDd vmuenal'f »no« u•> ihe . .Jjr .uoeeMful Thre«he»
- —' j ; i i : , v . Timothv. Clover. »u«l .11 other S.^-d*.
, LT( .V, LH ,V(:I f nl-R till I »"<1 ' '■l'lrrfHlt* «-"•!? 1 " ~,» Q occ hllf ,he u,u "' and
IWIKTVHIVTI: , (nil V an'l ST It AW. Ill" KM STKV M-KNtILSiES, with rjiecial f<»lure» or Power,
T>t;nii ilitv SaTiMv* K'on .mv. mi l B'antjr rntlrelr tinkno»n In other m«ke«. Str*ni-1 ower *od Sle*m-Power
SeLlr.w^'. Four .lie. of S. p".r.-from «to llhowpoww! J «tyle« linprored Moonted, Hor W Po.eriu
M Ve.r. of i'n-iKrot,. .md Conttama* B»ln<« «W» h ; « «. . Ithoul cl.»n,e ot u«De, locil«, or uxmf
JACKSON & MITCHELL, Agents, Butier, Pa.
Ar |.. in per dav at home Samples worth
10 o--" *0 free. Addroes Stiskox A Co..
Portland. Maine- dec3-1y
A Wi'.P.K. fl2 a day at home easily made.
i> Costly Outfit free. Addrees TRUE A Co.,
Augusta, Maine. decS-ly
To every workihc agent. male of fjunele.
Agent* are i-leailnij from as to sl6 a day on ou*
goods. in a»ldltlon to above premium. Send M
cents for sample or sl.no for full outfit and secm»
CO., I.ewismirx, Pa. • l.'myim