M. J. H. BATH, New«pap*r Advertising Agent, 41 Park Row (Timea Building), New York, is authorised to contract for advertise menU in th 6 Cmzxv. THIS PAPER Local and OeneraL To clean carpets wash them with cold water in which has been infused oxgall. LADIES' Solid Gold Watches at sls and upwards, at E. Grieb's. Frank and .Elsie Anderson started for the west on a sight-seeing trip last Wednes day. THE Buckeye mower and reaper and Buckeye force feed grain drill, are sold by J. G. & W. CAMPBELL, Butler. Pa. BISHOP KKRFOOT, of Pittsburgh, and all his children are down with scarlet fever. EVERT rose will not be propagated by slips. The best season for taking slips is June. WILLIAM ALAND, Merchant Tailor, has just opened the largest line of woolens for men and boys wear ever offered in Butler. A MAN named Huselton, was put in iail last Monday, for stealing chickens from Krugh's slaughter house. NERVOUS debility in all it forms from what ever form contracted, is what Gray's Specific Medicine cures. Have you not more faith in a S reparation that only advertises what it cures lau in a cure all. Sold by J. C. REDICK. IT may be of interest to state that the scientific name of the coming American game bird, the crow, is corvus Americaniu. THE rapidly increasing popularity of DAYS KIDNEY PAD, is due solely to its in- : trinsic merit. THE Government is pretty ifill off for small change. It has on hand $64,000,000 in silver, all coined, in accordance with the Bland bill, in "bird-o'-freedum dollars. THE Comet Shirt, the best offered for the money, for sale only at CHABLBS R. GBIBB'B. A MAN has invented a chair that can be adjusted to 800 different positions. It is designed for a boy to sit in when his mother first takes him to church. "WORTH their weight in gold" is i what "Sellers' Liver Pills" are said to be. If you don't believe it, try them. IN consideration of the partial or total failue of the hay crop in many parts of the country, fodder plants should De largely ■own while there is still time. SPECIALTIES in woolens at William Aland's Merchant Tailoring establishment not to be had elsewhere in the county. Gents furnishing goods and silk 1 handkerchiefs, at J. F. T. Sthele's. THE Smiths are looking up an Eng- i lish estate which is expected to yield about ] four hundred million dollars—about a dollar to each member of the family. . J A SOLID Silver Case and a Genuine ( American Movement as low as $lO, at 1 E. GBIBB'S. < THE bolt 0/ the Grant men in the Louisiana Convention is not only a sign of < weakness, but it will introduce into the Chi- ( cago Convention a second fire-brand to that al- | ready presented by the disfranchised country districts of Illinois. IMPORTANT TO YOUNG MEN —If you want a Stylish Hat, send for Illustrated i Circular and Price List, free. J. G. , BENNETT'S HAT HOUSE, 119 Wood St., ] SJttsburgb, Pa„ ■ We direct attention to the card of j Bickel A Fry, in another place. They have ■ lately purchased some new rigs and horses and 1 their stable is now in better shape than it ever ' was before. When you want a good rig, give them a trial. SEE a woman in another column, near Speer's i Vineyards, with a bunch of grapes from which ] Speer's Port Grape wine is made, that is so , highly esteemed by the medical profession for the use of invalids, weakly persons and the : aged.—Sold by all Drnggists. 28aply i Go to J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigh- | mie patent shirt, best in the world, with a bosom that cannot break or wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and you will wear no other. THE commencement season is at hand, and the newly sheep-skinned young man must face the great problem of his future life work. It is understood that the popular taste this year will be divided between the pro fession of Mr. Hanlan and the trade of Pro fessor Proctor. VEGETABLE PLANTS. —Go to Wm. Mardorf, West Cunningham street, Butler, Pa., If you wish to buy the best and latest varieties of plants at the lowest market prices ; such as CaDbage, Tomatoes, Cauliflower, Kokl Rabi, Celery 4c., give him a call. myl9-3t. '• 'DB. LINDSEY'S BLOOD SEABCHBB' cured my son of erysipelas." Mrs. E. Smeltzer, Lari mer, Pa. AN old angler says a fish does not suffer much pain from being hooked. We have noticed this. Not long ago a man "hooked" a kit of mackerel in front of a gro cery, and the fish didn't seem to suffer a par ticle of pain ; but the man suffered six months imprisonment. THE Jl3 115 |l4 | Scarfs, at CHARLES R. GRIEB'S Go to J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigh mie patent shirt, best in the world, with a bosom that cannot break or wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and you will wear no other. PATENT medicine advertising is ac tive in Rochester, New York. One man, who has. in turn, operated a professional base ball club and given the purse for the famous Han lan-Courtnev boat race, now offers a priie of six hundrea dollars to the baby which shall earliest be taught to lisp the name of his infal liable remedy. Food greatly benefits when properly even at the right periods, but to overfeed the iby is to sicken it, and induce a degree of suf fering ; Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup is the best rem edy for the discomfort arising from overfeeding the baby. Price 26 cents. THE largest and best stock of Clothes Wringers in the county, can be found at J. G. A W. CAMPBELL, Butler, Pa. NEW Haven Register : In the stil ness of the night, when humanity reposes gently pouring forth its anthem in undulating snores, it is pleasant to be suddenly awakened by a thud that jars the honse to its cellar foun dation. All hands spring out of bed —except little Billy, who is already out, having dreamed that he was doing the flying trapeze in the top of a circus tent and missed nis hold. Go to J. F. T. Stehle for the Eigh mie patent shirt, best in the world, with a bosom that cannot break or wrinkle from wearing. Try it once and you will wear no other. BUT the Boom Hat, for sale at CHABLBS R. GRIEB'S MR. BAYNE, member of Congress from Allegheny has, in the course of a debate in the House, given his colleague, General White, to understand that they will "meet out ride." After the Goes-Ryan fiasco, and the disappointment of the House over the Hanlan- Courtney failure, it is sincerely to be hoped that a regard for their personal and official dignity will lead these gentlemen to be prompt and earnest in the matter. FOR Corn implements of every va riety, go to J. G. k W. CAMPBELL, Butler, Pa. How TO GET A HUSBAND.— Take of mod esty a large portion; unite it with urbanity ana good humor ; to which add good sense, and plenty of love, with a virtuous heart and a pretty face. Take Simmons' Liver Regulator regularly, that the blood and complexion be pure ana health good. "From actual experience in my practice, I am satisfied to prescribe it as a purgative medi cine. "T. W. MASON, M. D." LAST Friday Messrs. J. W. N orris and L. L. Murtgatroit, of Millerstown, drove over Levi Potts, of this place, knocking him down and seriously cutting his head. He was carried into a house near by where his wounds were dressed and he is doing well. Suit was entered before Esq. Keck; a hearing was had Monday, and the two gentlemen held in S2OO each for their appearanoe at Court. No WELL posted person now-a-davs think of taking medicines to curp kidney diseases. The French Kidney Pad, devised ten yeare ago by Prof. Guilmette, an eminent French physician, has been found to be the most effective remetly in all forms of thse diseases. It cures by ab sorption, the same principle on which physi cians get the effect of morphine instead of giv ing it through the stomach. Physicians are using this remedy verv extensively, discarding all the old ones which it has taken centuries to find out and are really almost worthless. All druggists sell the Guilmette Kidney Pad. BUY Charles R. Grieb's Summer Un derwear at remarkably low prices. IF you want to have good cabbage, frow the Silver Leaf Drum head cabbage, lants of this and other good varieties for sale by the thousand, at the garden of John W. Bortmas