A H«fitflre*l Fumily Kible. Tbe National Publishing Company ; of Philadelphia, Chicago, St. Louis I and Atlanta are doing a good work in ! this community by circulating among our people one of the most superb odi- j tions we have ever seen. The binding is elegant, tasteful and substantial, j The press work is done in the best style, and the paper is of the finest quality. Being determined that their Bibles shall not be surpassed by any other edition in print, the publishers have added to it an abridgement of Dr. il liam Smith's great Dictionary of the Bible. This is a complete book in itself, and would make an octavo volume of over six hundred pages. Its reputation as the best Bible Dic tionary world-wide, and each sub scriber to this Bible thus obtains it f ree • . TT- Another prominent feature is a His tory of All the Religious Denomina tions of the World. These accounts are clear and comprehensive, and are full of valuable information. The additional matter which ac companies the books of the Bible cov ers a wide range of subjects and is ex ceedingly valuable. An accurate and detailed description of the Holy Land is given, followed by an interesting description of Jerusalem and its sa cred places. The Life of the fcaviour and the Lives of the Apostles are also given at considerable length, and in such a manner as to be of great service to every reader of the The Wanderings of the Israelites in the Wilderness arc related, and the Taber nacle and Temple are described with great minuteness. Another feature to which we would call particular atten tion is a series of Scripture illustra tions, remarkable for its completeness. It embraces a series of comprehensive descriptions of the Manners and Cus toms of the Naiions of the Ancient World, of Biblical Antiquities, Scen ery, Natural History, etc., etc. Then follow a large number of chronological and other valuable tables designed to promote and facilitate the study of the Sacred Scriptures. These tables are so numerous that we have not space eiren to give their names. So full and complete is the additional matter of this magnificent edition of the Scrip tures, that the most careful student of God's word, the most exacting seeker after troth' will find all his wants sup plied in this single volume. The book is magnificently illus trated. It contains over 2,000 fine engravings, many of which are by the great artist, Gustave Dore. These engravings are genuine works of art, and were made at a cost of over 000. The great nnmber and high character of these engravings make this the most valuable art publication of the century. Between the Apocrypha and the New Testament is a beautifully litho graphed marriage certificate, which makes this Bible an especially appro priate wedding present. This is fol lowed by a habdsome Family Record, consisting of four quarto pages, finely lithographed. At tho end of the volume is a photograph album, with spaces for sixteen portraits. These magnificet Family Bibles are superior to all others that we have seen, in the following respects: They contain the largest and finest engravings. They have the richest and most durable bindings. They contain the finest paper and the best printing. They are the cheapest and most complete, and they sell faster than any other Family Bibles. The National Publishing Company's Bibles weigh from one to three pounds more than any other Family Bibles published in the United States. This is proof positive that they are more solid and substantial than any other Bibles. It proves that they are printed on heavier paper, and bound with heavier and more durable ma terial. They are published in German also. Wo cordially commend this Bible to our readers, and hope it may find a place in every family. It is one of tho best Family Bibles ever published, and no home should be without it. The spce is astonishingly low, and within the reach of all. It is sold by subscription only, and Mr. David Wil helm, of Jefferson township, who is the authorized agent for this section, is now canvassing for it. OruCa Tour Around (be World. Mr. Wilbelm is also agent for the National Publishing Co.'s edition of General Grant's Tour Around the World, written J>y the celebrated writer, James McCabe. The work con tains over 300 pages, is handsomely illustrated and is considered the best account of the journey that has been written. Mr. W. will call at your home or place of business. 6t Notice. Mr. 11. B. Wei6z, of Butler, hereby gives notice that he has been ap pointed by the National Publishing Co., to be their agent for their Bible, and edition of "Grant's Tour Around the World," for Butler, Penn, Conno quenessing, Lancaster, Muddycrcek, Franklin, Centre, Oakland, Clay, Brady afld Worth townships, and that no other agent can deliver these books in these townships. THE progress of Queen Victoria from Buckingham Palace to West minster, yesterday, was a pageant of great splendor. There were ladies in the richest attire, Bparkling_in dia monds and jewels, and lords resplen ent with all the paraphernalia of roy alty. There were other and quite dif ferent scenes witnessed at the same hour in her Majesty's dominions. Three hundred thousands of her sub jects in unhappy Ireland were suffer ing from hunger and cold, and many of them slowly dying from starvation. The cries for bread in Ireland were drowned amid the cheers which rent the air in London yesterday. The Queen, however, in her opening speech, did make a brief allusion to the distress, and intimated that if her ministers had already exceeded their powers in alleviating it they should be indemnified Pittsburgh Gazette, Feb ruary ($. ALMOST everybody accused Con gressman Bingham, of Philadelphia, having sawed Blaine's boat at Harris burg. And yet Congressman Bing ham assumed to be Blaine's particular friend and mouthpiece. A MAN can make more money at tending to bis own business for one day, thtn be can by attending to bis neighbor's business for a whore year. Receipts and Expenditures of Butler Co. for 1879. | Statement Showing A mount l&eteived and Balance Due from Collectors. | j-,. Elector*. ****** Bal - D '"' ' j 1*76 J. E. Rassell L Greece City .. * lf , * " Joe Mechling tSanbnry borough... , •' " John Anderson Allegheny township W ■»- 1877 James MoCafterty Buffalo township 1-; « " William McQuistion Brady township. * * " F. 8. Dambaoher Forward township ■> " Joseph I-a lie Oakland township 1-' " Frank Murrin Venango township. «" -i " J. I\ McQuistion 'Centreville borough - 1878 F. H. Davidson *<!»"«» township... -- " S. P. Enkiiis Allegheny township £ « p si a »k- Butler township " T. McCnrdy. Brady township " James Hunter Buffalo township . ls9 35 " S.C.Donaldson Concord township '-li ,i - 4 ; " R. MeCandless Hay township... •- " r. Johnson Clinton township " A J. Moore Centre township... -o " Walter I.ucas Clearfield township <l*' " Alex. Duncan C ranberry township 338 IX> 0O " W.P.Thomas Connoquenessing township -<JJ * tj « J. M. Conwav : Cherry township. /, °* " M. Gillespie." Donegal township L> »Oh " H. McLaughlin ta.rview township 2,391 0 .o3 " Joseph Moore Franklin township 398 14 " G. H. Hartzell Jackson township. 49141. •• pui Lancaster township -'J « j' Lefevre Jefferson township 3.' " W W. McClv'ui'oa'ds Muddycreek township W « W. Bucannon Mereer township £0 •>; " A. n. Gold Middlesex township : 92 " Joseph Adams Marion township. £ ; £ " D.O'Donnell Oakland township -W » "J. McMahan Parker township 150 00 h i 4 « W.Gibson Penn township. £ « " J. Mitchell Summit township.. 6 2 tn " J. Kiester Mipneryrook township 6,. 5* " T.J. Atwell Washington township /13 -i <<ra Kern \enango township 410 -> ' « f. RiveT.:::::::::::::::. w.nfieMtownship <v, % " \ -Pisot Worth township <>•'- •- OA " Charles Crouse...! Butler borough.... 1,/lj <>< 675 80 " E. A. McCov Centreville borough JO l- " W. M.Patton Fairview borough " " R. W. Jamison Greece Cilv borough 119 80 " W TJoth Harmony borough ' "C. M. Brown'.'.'.'..'.'." Harrisville borough lj»o 00 111 >3 " A. N. Hamor Kar'is » ity borough pM 49 " G. L. Henshew Millerstown borough 227 64 .0,1.? " John Grove borough ... ... " Gailv Glenn Portersville borough " J. A*. Lindsay Petroha borough. .4o 92 " C. Steuligen Saxonburg borough 124 Oo " Hugh Duffy Sunbary borough... 33 06 " J. Kauffma'n /.e leriople borough ' ' •« 187915. P. Eakins Allegheny township j-40 00 1,138 00 «J. A. McMarlin townsh.p 1,000 00 419 ... » P I Kptlr Buffalo township V , ', 7 «IT J Knßrady township. 59 41 ™ M « \Hain Sehenck Butler township 1 .HO 00 « Thomas Wood Clinton township l,m II W „ h Rpninw Centre township »»i !•> « W. s. Nw'rea'".'.'.*." Clearfield township 200 00 1,044 56 " jJ. B. Collins Cranberry township " !G. »~tehie cherry t<>w^h?p'£ $ S % " Robert Sankey Cnerrj townsnif « JohnVensel Donegal township 1,000 00 1,490 8. 8 >ji> '.f " •» »• s « « loa* linu-lc I airview borough « W H Campbell . Greece City borough 90 00 lou 11 .. u,,.h ; >«« II r U Rrown Hnrnsville borough 4.ii o.s ii IfVnrv Zphner "'. Jackson township 918 00 543 68 ii I C 'Reildick .... Jefferson township 1 93". 00 618 80 « A \ Karns City „ Fnhraim Krb Lancaster township 4,.2 00 SCO 4t> ii \V s Voore Muddy week township 1,367 12 « I'c 'Parker """"""i.. Mercer township F . 5.02 Of) 336 27 « John Parker Middlesex township 8«0 oo &U 06 «• Hugh Murrin Marion township.... u /j ihwelton Millerstown borough MX) 00 Vfarti'n Evth '. Oakland township 400 O.) 919 98 II R Turner ... Parker township. 1,770 00 671 15 « John Bulford township 1,367 46 I. 111 Shanor ...!!!!!!.....!.« Prospect borough 30« 30 90 07 « Wm Williams Portersville borough 124 50 !H) 1(. «. sp' Miles Petrolia borongh 518 42, 404 78 » l» McC'ilmont "" Sunbury borough 78 60 114 14 || Frank Riott Summit township 355 00 1,079 58 <• I) Wadsworth Slipperyrock township 995 00 560 09 " wKr saxoWur,? borough..... i.« m & 8 •• lames Hloan Venango township 490 00 *m9 I.\ II Si T Marshall Washington township 900 in 0.4 97 Llrr Cv Winfield township... 279 50 1,192 30 ;; ::::::::::::::: worth t o w^hi P 1 .-n 29 877 93 •• John Nicholas Zelienople borough Totals •' m ' 3 *> 59 '^' M3 02 Levy and Assessment for 1879, Allegheny township $ Mill 2? A dams township J -L'! Buffalo township L®-> 9<> Brady township ; f- Butlcr town-shii l.„»-i Butler b0r0ugh...... oi Centreville borough 4t« j Concord township 2.398 #4 Clay township ]>-l" n L'i Clinton township ].«'■' ti Centre township i ! Clearfield townsTiip 1,244 56 Cranberry township o : Connoquenessing township i Chern- township l ~ I Donegal township Vo'.,, c- Forward township Fairview township 4 . 44 u Franklin township M.,J ■* Fairview borough 3^ 1 Greece Citv lwrough [ ->f " Harmony borough < . Harrisville borough 4.11 ;>.« Jackson township Jefferson township. Karns City l»orongh «« Lancaster"township.. J 4t> Muddycreek township : L'*'' Mercer township -J Middlesex township Marion township *>-44 J»4 Millerstown borough J.•» Oakland township L'j'® •'? Parker township -.4«» Penn township 1 >7^ Prospect through 40- 4- Portersville borough 214 00 Petrolia borough 0,0". Sunbury borough . 2 ." '* Summit township }'7-t no f»lipi)eryrock township '■•'•'s y s ' Saxonburg borough 2«8 »8 Venango township -Z, «- Washington township I''?!, Winfield township J.4<~ Worth township 1 >4-2 2- Zelienople borough 4-.b -1 Total >62,099 Account of County Unseated Lands. District*. Ain't Rtc'd- Allegheny township $ 16 Winfield township... f ™ Washington township o. Venango township 4'J Marion township •' Creece City borough 2* Donegal township 48 00 Clearfield township 11 Butler borough - [ Parker township •» 40 Butler borough 5 60 <9 Dixmont Account with Townships and Bor cughs for 1879. District*. Ain't Rec'd. Ain't Due. Winfield $ 347 75 $ 339 40 Concord 139 15 Harmony 80 20 .. „ Summit 61 20 Lancaster LB9 . ) 51 50 Greece City . Clearfield 49< 0 Millerstown 10 00 I.JOo Karns City Forward , 4HB 04 Donegal 401 3.. Fairview bor (•' Petrolia „ 255 .(0 Robert Storey 163 83 Cherry } Parker V'enango 4 1 ' Totals ,$1,409 03 $2,735-75 Commissioners In Account with Butler Co. DR. To cash rec'd from various sources...s2o,ol2 41 " per Jas. Gribben...s7s3 25 11 11 same (bal.due) 19 25 - - 50 " " J. Maybury.... 754 06 " " same (bal. aue) 10 94 — 765 00 " " J. C. Donaldson 705 00 " "S. MeClymondß, Clerk... 782 <><J Total *23,097 41 CR. By Treasurer's receipts $20,012 41 " .las. Gribben. 309 days (a, $2.50... 772 50 "J. C. Donaldson, :m days @ 52.50 765 00 "J. Mavbnry, 306 days @ $2.50.... 765 00 "8. McClvmonds, 313 days (n» $2.50 782 50 . Total.-. .........423,P0T 41 Account with Townships and Boroughs of Road Tax. Districts. Am't Rec'd. Am't PiiiJ. Allegheny township... $ Winfield township 60 Donegal township 48 4 Butler township 3 50 Trttal* *4 58 *8 12 Butler Citiawu: Unit**, s*♦» JWtaewace t§, 188(1. Collectors' Percentage for 1879. Brady townshfp $ 20 Adams township 62 03 Allegheny township.../. 50 17 Butler township 64 20 Buffalo township • 65 92 Clinton township 63 03 i Ceutre township 53 76 i Clearfield township .' 48 88 Donegal township 99 39 Jackson township O-'i 01 Lancaster township 55 77 Jefferson township 00 01 Muddycreek township 0.0 10 j Mercer township 38 12 Middlesex township 63 si I Marion township 52 00 Oakland township -"'2 42 Summit township 59 02 Slipperyrock township 07 77 Washington township 60 98 Winfield township 60 14 Worth township 01 93 Greece Citv borough 7 30 Harmony borough 19 05 ' Karns City borough 33 28 Prospect borough 10 03 Portersville borough 9 34 Petrolia borough 41 10 Saxonburg borough 11 54 Buffalo township 40 00 Cranl>erry township 07 18 Muddycreek township 07 53 Penn township 60 45 Total $1,738 07 Amount of Warrants Redeemed. Paid Jurors $10,596 07 " Commonwealth 3,645 37 " Assessors 047 02 " Jury Commissioners 200 90 " County Auditors 300 00 " Court Auditor 75 On " Printing 1,207 41 " Fox scalps 1,134 35 " Court Crier 402 Oil " Tipstaves 1,112 (JO '* Stenographer 1,103 10 " Commissioners' Clerk 782 50 " Jail expenses..... 1,308 71 " County Commissioners 2,297 31 " Court House Janitor 315 00 " Coal expense 211 01 '' Court House expenses 459 93 " Bridge account 10,305 40 " Inquests 245 77 '* County Detective 500 00 " Refunded tax 07 33 " Sheriff's Account 3,889 71 " District Attorney 577 00 " Register & Recorder 18 25 " Clerk of Courts 823 25 " Stationery 838 75 " Livery hire 2xo 25 " Express account 19 On " Constables' returns 5(10 07 " Registration 152 80 " Elections 2,097 39 " Gas l!Hi 40 " Interest 519 03 " Borrowed money 5,955 39 " Vagrants 69 25 " Indexini; records 4.">0 twi " Rules of Court 271 73 " Road view 222 41 " Road damage 212 00 " Traveling expenses 20 43 " Dixmont account 3,113 02 " Reform School .">22 12 " West Penitentiary account 340 90 " Allegheny Co. Workhouse 757 72 " Exchange account .'i 25 " Insurance 2.">5 00 " Bridge views 101 30 " Prothonotarv's account 230 93 " Auditors' Counsel 5 00 " Water —County's account 300 "00 " Agricultural Society 100 <>o " Teachers' Institute 200 OO " Commissioners' Counsel 150 00 " Postage account 52 37 Total $00,775 49 A, L. Craig, Co. Treasurer, in Account with Butler County. Amounts Rec'd. T)R. From ex-Treasurer $ 1,180 28 " Collectors 50,340 59 " Commissioners ... . f 20,012 41 " Unseated land—County tnx . . 128 49 " " " School " . . 84 50 " " " Poor " . . 22 07 " " " Road " . . 4 58 " Districts on Dixmont account. 1,409 03 Total $79,248 55 CR. Bv warrants redeemed $00,775 49 •' Unseated lobd School tax 145 81 « " " Road Ux 8 12 " " " Poor tax 54 73 " State tax • -.■ - 2,847 03 " Percentage and exoneration •- • • 4,303 10 " Treasurer's percentage 2,289 76 " Balance in Treasury 8,824 45 Total $79.2411 56 Vouchers of Exonerations, including Un seated Lands. ' Due from 1978 Fairview boro'.igh ■? 12 24 j | « " '• Middlesex 801 j " " " Washington 14. 21 " " " Adams 14 In j ! " " " Al'.cghnv 63 10 " " " ClearlielJ 13>> 84 ; " " " Lancaster 12 32 " " " Prospect 28, " " " Portersville 281 " " " Oakland 42 98 " " " Jackson 706 , " " " Worth 14 01 j " " " Concord 2:W sii | " " " Winfield 62 69 " " " Clay 48 92 " " " Harmony _<_ 28 " " " Donegal 2i > 8-> " " " Franlilin 10 68 " " " Marion 24 1". " " 1879 Greece City 67 03 " " 1878 Petrolia 321 89 " " " Brady 13 91 " •' " Karns Citv 118 92 « " " Mercer..... 17 90 " " " Muddycreek 940 " " " Millerstown 95 64 " " " Saxonburg 5 -"8 " " " Summit 29 80 " " " Slipperyrock 483 " " " Butler borough 138 *;7 " " " Jeffersr.il 21 Of' " " " C entreville 390 " " " Centre 31 20 « II II Buffalo 28 09 •' " 1879 Buffalo 26 38 " " " Millerstown 184 00 " " " Penn 38 s<» " " " Butler 33 65 " " " Petrolia 118 42 " " " Clinton 29 80 " " " Cranberry 48 51 " " " Muddycreek 16 >4 " " " Prospect 11 36 $2 534 89 30 20 1 $2,565 09 Account with Townships and Boroughs of School Tax. P>,e n- .■ , Ain't Am't From. District*. /v f V. J'ujd. 1876-7 Cherry •> $ ■' 1877 C entre H• - 1876-7 Washington 91 82 " Butler borough 12 00 1877 Allegheny It 23 " Parker 9 45 1878 Winfield 160 ' " Washington 25 34 " Venango 19 80 ' " Centre 113 " Marion 5 18 1 " Greece City 30 ' " Clearfield 20 23 ' " Butler borough 350 "I Parker 742 > Totals SB4 50 $145 81 Account with Townships and Boroughs of Poar Tax. ■ Districts. Am't Rec'd. Am't Paid. AVnshintrtou $ 8 45 sl9 99 Clearfield 8 24 Butler borough 1 40 Porker 3 38 ' Donegal 6 16 Butler 10 81 1 Cherry ?4 > Penn 13 o3 ' Marion 3 30 1 Winfield 1 20 ; Total* $22 67 #B4 79 Itemized Statement of Bridge Account. ADAMS. S. 11. Critclilow, masonry Adams l>r.s 96 75 ; " " approaches " 8 25 i " " planking " 12 00 John Riplev. repairing Darting br. 20 89 Jno. M arry & Co., mas'ry Glenville br 67 00 i Morse Bridge Co., iron 1-.6 66 .1 .. « " 309 24 Peter Feil, repairs 2 00 : John Kelly, repairs 6 00 i Alex. Baxter, fixing irons - "0 ' BUTLER. Jas. Patterson, planking Kearns br. 42 62 A. MeCandless, masonry Ralston br. 170 00 " woodwork il 55 00 John Ralston, approaches " 15 00 W. Kinser, repairing Kinser br. 1 00 John Renfrew, removing drifts from Renfrew bridge 6 50 W. Kinser, bridge 1 00 M. Liebler, hauling plank Kearns br. 3 .:>0 John McDivitt, repairing Brady br. 1 00 BtTFFAI.O. John Wade, repairing Monroe and Sandy Lick bridges 60 00 CKSTKE. Peter Glenn, building Jack bridge 45 90 W. Blaine, repairs 6 50 CHF.r.RY. Thos. Heenan. tnas'ry MeCandless br. 22. 8.. A. K. MeCandless, appr's " -'0 ,M> Thos. Heenan, bridge expenses 8 00 Alex. Baxter, bridge rcpairs 5 49 CLEARFIELD. M. Fleming, repairing woodwork on McMillan bridge _ 71 00 Same, masonry same bridge Same, approaches same bridge 40 00 Same, repairing mas'ry Burgoiu br. 6 00 X. Mcßnde, repairing woodwork on Rough Run bridge 17 00 W. S. Fennel, bridges 34 50 CMNTON*. John Halstead, repairing Flick br. 10 50 CON N'OIIT'K. N I:ss I XU . John Ilenno,-repairing Hays bridge 40 75 Jas. Tracy, repairing MeCandless br. 20 05 C. A. McKinuey, repairing bridge 9 .50 DOSEOAI-. John Shannon, masonry Millerstown bridge No. 1 301 35 Shannon & Gilleland, appr'ssamehr. 20 00 Pittsburgh Iron Bridge Co., same br. 463 86 W.J. Gilleland, masonry Millerstown bridge No. 2 297 00 Same, approaches same bridge J. L. Fitnian, woodwork same bridge M 60 e". Kmingcr, rep'ng Sugar Creek br. 100 W H. McFadden, " " " " 20 00 E. S. f'rooker, Millerstown bridge 2 91 John Kopp, inspecting bridges 4 00 I>. Cupps, " 4 00 FAIRVIEW. Jerry Long, rep'ng Central Point br. 15 00 FORWAUn. F. c. Buhl, repairing Buhl bridge 0<) S. 11. Critchlow, repairing stonework on Hunter bridge B.> 50 Same, approaches same bridge 8 00 Same, masonry Brown bridge • 104 40 Same, approaches same bridge 25 00 FRANKLIN. Robert Allen, repairing Allen bridge 90 41 C. S. Stewart, Campbell bridge 2 00 JACKSON. F. R. Covert, repairing Swain bridge 6 00 JEFFERSON. Albert Atterhold, itppr's Davis Runbr. 70 00 Same, lowering for head block 4 00 W. E. & W. A. Munduy, mas'ry Jef ferson Centre bridge 271 12 Same, plank same bridge 70 00 Same, approaches same bridge 00 00 Pittsburgh Iron Bridge Co., same br. 337 ">0 LANCASTER. J. S. R.ice, repairing Rice bridge 29 00 E. B. Goshen, Bridge Inspector 10 70 D. Cupps, " " 4 00 John Kopp, " " 4 00 MARION. J.C.Vandike. woodwork ltay's bridge 60 25 Same, masonry same bridge 101 04 H. Farren, approaches same bridge 4"> 00 W. G. Smith, repairing Black bridge 3" 00 MIDDLESEX. John Riplev, repairing Hays bridge 17 50 Same, repairing Ripley bridge Same, repairing Thompson bridge 33 00 M. Stepp, woodwork Ogden bridge 43 11 MUDDYCP.F.EK. George Flinuer, rep'ng Flinner bridge 22 00 John Young, masonry same bridge 41 00 A. Pyle, approaches same bridge 10 00 OAKLAND. A. Martin, woodwork Robb bridge OS 00 G. Eyth, repairs 1 00 PARKER. Jesse Stoner, work on Adams bridge, due him from 1878 92 .>0 John Flovd, woodwork Dudley br. 90 (Hi John Kopp, mas'ry Martinsburg br. 205 50 Pittsburgh Bridge Co., iron " ."<37 .">0 J. W. Waters, approaches " 42 OO John Kelly, bridge and road 0 00 SI.irrERYRt ><K. J. Watson & Co., mas'ry Long Run br 128 80 Same, approaches same bridge It. Critchlow, woodwork same bridge 50 00 Ed. McKnight, rep'ng McKnight br. 53 08 ' SUMMIT. L. Keaskey, masonry Coal Run br. ">7 80 Same, approaches same bridge James Traev, woodwork same bridge 34 00 M. Smith, masonry Bonnie Brook br. 327 Oil Same, approaches same bridge _ 30 00 R. Gillelaud, woodwork same bridge 9o 34 James Tracy, repairing Coal Run br 3 00 Frank Bartley, removing Bon Br. br. 9 00 Alex. Baxter, same bridge 2 50 WORTU. J. K. Pringle. woodwork Book bridge 125 (X> Same, masonry same bridge -'ll 20 Thomas Book, approaches 9.) 00 Wormcastlc & Reed, repairing Arm strong bridge 34 64 BUTI.KK BOEon.H. j Jas. Patterson, planking Free port br. 50 32 I J. R. Pringle, masonry Springtlale br. 7"47 00 j j Same, approaches same bridge 407 02 j ; J. Wise, lumber same bridge 122 25 ; ' .1. A. Davis, freigiit Run bridge 1 00 . I J. W. Ziegler, painting br. 12 <"0 ; | John Vinroe, hauling iron 55 ; ! E. S. Crookt r 2 91 ; James Pringle, Spnngdale l.ri l ;e 25 i Dona?hy, Kittanuing bridge 55 j Wm. Bauer, rep'ng Freeport bridge 43 Ol ; J. <t. Munts, swearing Inspectors 75 . i Jos. Dougherty, painting bridge sign 7 00 j I Samuel .Miller, cleaning bridge 75 : Henry Pillow, surveying Spnngdale bridge fill 15 00 KARNS CITY. A. Martin, woodwork Karns City br. 47 09 j j P. Burke, approaches same bridge 2>i 00 ; j P. Rankin, masonry same bridge 231 00 j MILLERSTOWN. 11. W. Day, rep'ng Miilerstown bridge 4 40 J. Frost, " " " 5 50 M. Boyle, " •' " 27 84 C. S. Johnston, repairing Mill bridge 12 2~> P. M. Boyle, approaches 22 00 PETROLIA. Jos. White, masonry Petrolia bridge 412 52 Pittsburgh Iron Bridge to. for iron 441 41 Town Council, repairing bridge 1 (| o 00 MIS'CEI.LANFOCS. Wm. Bauer, bridge castings 202 10 J. C. Di naldson, traveling expenses <>o CO J. Maybury, " " 93 52 James Gribben, " " 138 11 i Total bridge account $10,305 40 Itemized Road Damages for 1879. Henrv Doneloff 25 001 Mrs. M. Kilev 05 00 William Slater 40 00 jMichael Flinner 75 00 I Walter Lucas 700 Total $212 00 We, tho Auditors of Butler county, have ex amined, settled anvi adjusted the account* of . the Treasurer, Commissioners, ifee., of said county for the year 1879, and do hereby certify that the foregoing accounts are true and cor rect, to the best of our ability and judgment. In testimony whereof we have hereunto set our hands and seals this 17th dav of Januarv, 1880. J. I). KAMERER, | B. L. HOCKENBERRY, SAud'rs. J. F. CASH DOLLAR, I We, the undersigned, Commissioners of But ler county, having examined the foregoing re i>ort of the Auditors of Butler county, and be lieving the same to be a correct statement of the. receipts and expenditures of said county for the year A. D. 1879, order the same o he published. Given under our hands and seals this 23rd dav of Januarv. 1880. J.'C. DONALDSON, ) JONATHAN MAYBURY, [Com'rs. feb4-4t J The Only Hemedy THAT ACTS AT THE SAWE TIME OX THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and the KIDHEYS. This comlnhe'l action girrs it vonderful ix,wer to cure all tf&.-a*'*. Why are we Sick ? Because iv oUmc thcie great organ* to be ' conns cloggc*. or torpid, andpoi*onc;:shv7i}ors J are therefore forced inio the Hood that aluncld i be expelled naturally. toxsiiPATias, i KIDXKT COMPLAINT'*, t'BCIABT DIS EASES, FE3IVIK WEAKNESSES, AM) XEP.VOI S DISORDERS, , by causing free action ef these orjans and i redwing their strength and power to t/iroic off disease. MB lVlif SaiTrr Billions pains and arhos? SBe l Why be UmectMl wit;: Plies arid C©ti*;i;..iH<>i: Sj Why ftrlgUtcaad over red I'Mi ;it | iVhy endare nervous liccCaclii * s::d fhtplcss! niffhis DS« KIDM;V-\VOI:T and TrjO'ce !.■ UtnliJi. I J It Ut a dry, r ystable corp.porn I ami One Lag:*-* Trffl uulc »1x qn .rt* of 6V it of your Drat Qi<l, he tril! oi ' / iffes you. WSIAS, SKOAI2SOIT & CO., Prjjai;!:::, SarUiglea, Vt. j FLANINiI MILL \NI)- Li!ii&l)( k r ¥ar<l ! J. L. PURVIS. L. O. PURVIS. S.G. Purvis & Co., IF 4NVFACTI F HR.KB AND DEAI.BUBIN Rough and Planed Lumber OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRAMES, MOULDINGS^ . SASH, DOORS, Patent Moulded Weatlierboarding. FLOORING, SIDING, BATTKVS. BRACKETS and S':roll Sawing of every deflcripticn Gauged Cornice Boards, Cornice Moulding PORCH POSTS, STAIR RAILS, Newell Posts and Balusters FENCE, PALINGS, Ac., &o. MICHIGAN SHINGLES, Barn Boards; Plastering Lath ; IIen» loc!; Bill Stuff, such as Joist Raf ters, Seantiiuc. »fec.. all sizes constantly on hand. ALSO, RIG STUFF AND TANK STUFF for oil wells. All of which we will pell on reasonable terms i'id guar antee satisfaction. PLANING MILL AND YARD \onr CJeriurtii rnlliolloCliiirpli •Inns.. 1H77. IV P O * .s I itl P T I « H can be eurod by th« continued UHG of OMSIUN S COD LIVKII Oil. AND LACTO PHOHPHATK OF J LIME, a cure for ConHiimi'tion, OIUKIIB. Colde. Anthdia. llroiu-bitin, and all Hero fa loan dia«aHeß. ! Ask yonr dniKKi"* for Os»iu> ti and taVe DO other. If he ban not *ot it. I will M-nd one b«>t ! 11 OH anywhere on receipt of #l. exgrew paid Send for Circular to CHAS. A. OBMT_N. I nov2tl-Gm 13 Seventh Ave., New Yo k. A 7a A WEEK. *l2 a day at hotne eai<ilvm»de. O' - Coetlv Outfit froo. Addrew TBCF. A Co., Maine. doo3-ly 1 . RYCKMAN, DAY & CO., [ UKi SHORE UMBOS, BROCTON, N. Y., MANCF\OTUKE«S OF Pare Xcifhe Wiaes.j Still and Sparkling Wi^e, AND Brandies from Dative Grapes Our wines arc put up in choice packages, and arc >:u (vaulted to be stfndard and nive satisfaction. U. KTZEL. Agent, »p3-1 y BUTLER, fV Sw Viht it will Jo Without Basting. It will sew oTcr uneven sunacea as well z» plate. . ... .• 11 will sew over mina in any garment, wu n .ul o:ahiis-!3DKorsh. rt stltchis, l>r(.-king of thread, oipucScetinH thalining of thegoodaat the fe.m, requiringno«sri«!anee from the operator, cxici t to run tl.e ui-'*-hlne ami to guldathe woik. \ poi :t which no other ina< liii e possesses. I tis the only prutical machine for hen'.ming hiaaalpacas, poplins. ard other similar p. «Uw thout 1 ::st;r g.and it iatheonly machine in the ivr il thnt t 1 turn a wide heiu across the end < f a sliee t without fulling the under or upper side of th* hem. It will tura a hem an,l sew in a fold at enc opcr "'uwfll do felling, 1 'as or straight, on any cotton I or woolen goods. ! It wlllfell across scams on nn y goods. , it w '1 bird if odswiih t lie *tme or other materini, cither scallops, points, squ-iret or straight. . , Ji.nd folds without pbowir.; the «titches, and ecw on et thesnroe t'me. . It will p it on dnss braid ard sew In facing' ?nd a h'-sf >ld i t ore operatVn. t itho':t drawing cither drc?<, ! r-'d or skirt, and without tbowing tlieMlt* h HI nirhtiude. rnlu 1 : aa trimaiiug and OTtni*. one opern .Mi':oriil!lners'folds with diferent colors and pieces i t cooiia £t oneoperatlou.-and sew on at the rav.ie t'tao. ' It v. ill i ~>T in a sleeve, covering cord and St.tching it i"t3 the seam at t'ue fame time. ft \T!; I g-: :u r without tewing o". It will gather aciis;w »,n : t tbcrsauje time. Itwill gather between two bands, showing tho ct:t! hes on tl-a right side, at oi.e operation. It w"l make r.nd SOT a ruffle on any of a sr>t fc!:irt, and se-von « Hai t"!d lor heading at ot.o ooeraiioo, showing tho st.tchpa on the right «:" " i t will gather and row on a bard with piping l<etwecn rnlße and band, at one operation. Uw.lt sew (» oandand ruCljoi. adri;a skirt, r!Hch : ng in piping r.t head of haul,at one, epcr- It will niaie plaited trimming either straight or scalloped. , '.:a!r<> rialted tr'min'ns either scalloped or '■nigiii and sow on a Land, and Mitch t'ue t,. id, at on» operation. It wiit. w't'i one operstii n for escn vsrirty, without hasting, p r acii''al varicti'-s » f rurtlln.'. l> ir.f t jrelve more t! an e»n bo produce I on any other tu hiacwith tliv Eatuc nuuu' , . , i of operation*. II n'>t change length of stitch on s. ro.. w' rlf. i t sows frotii 'ic» to leather without chan_ rg ~r tsnciou l »ery n.»ehire i< warranted for f.rn i 711 • i ke|it r>:na is free o[ exicnsd to tue pur IT. Grieb, IH TI.I lt, r.4. E. GKIEB, | DEALER IN FINE Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, 1 SILVER WARE, SPECTACLES, &C. ENGRAVING OF ALL KINDS A SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET, (North of Lowry House,) BUTLER, PA. WATCHES ANI) CLOCKS REPAIRED, AND WARRANTED.-** DR. R. A. WILSON S PILLS. (SUGAK-OOA rKD.) WPXIIHT I. •• I i-.iii i<> :;ur« HEADACHE In i'V-tj Inn ni.T, ;!!► .. Dyspc; >la. ile rniiir'':it<?nt ofKtoin .**li -uxl Hovvel.i.Ar. If f-lluiitij !n<!l"|"- - l "lit <in.-ort'vop!!,*nre tirrn <iirv to .ill »ril iil.n >u lijiiaodlnlo ro ll! 1 'it iii'vcr liillN on .? trie.l, you will nt'v.-r (In without tliiini. t'.iiiin stock 111 .i 4.. I'roji'*., ritUburull. ITyour driK'nint <l<n-« not U.-op tlirm. *va Will ■ •!..» one l>.)\ on l.!if :r ••■l|>t of '.Ticeilta, or Ilv<' I»ixes for <»i»o dollar. pontage p.tid. Lumber Yard and Planing Mill. H. BAUER & BROS., JEFFEKSOX ST.. - BUTLER, PA., MANUFACTUKERH OF Doors, Sash, Frames, Blinds, Molding of all descriptions, Brackets, Patent Molded Weatlierboarding, Mill Boards, Flooring, Palinp, Stair Railings, Balusters of every style, &c., &c. Circular Moldings Made to Order. lUO, DKALBKB 1M Lumbar, Plank, Shingles. Lath, ic, apia-Ly ' JANUARY 26 1880. • 33. & Bargains of More Than Ordinary Interest Oue case CHOICE PURE COLORKD 81' KS Ai r >oc t I we he ctiolee shades. DRESS GOODS EXTRA QDALnTHKIPED SILKS. At the moM price, to btnor, over At 50e, a '.art-aiD wo bought out ol season, and oflered s n" 81 »* Bold P rior to our 3uanal 1C " worth to rht» consumer 75c p*r ynrJ. count of slock. Sbon Lengths and Remnant* on each of our 2MNCH BL \lllC SI! KS vinous DreM Goods counters at positive saeri- At 11, ?1.12j-£, <1.35 and 11.40, value less than to clear tbeuj oat. the market. —— ... - LADIES, COMFI BLACK SILKS, ♦ 1.50 to SI, ol the I'.-st known makers, at low- LADIES' CLOAKS, DOLMANS, ENGLISH est pi ices ever sold. I WALKING JACKETS, CIRCULARS NOVKI.TY AND ULSTERS NEW 24-INCH COMBINATION STRIPED U SATIN _)N Almost at your own pri<-e, as we make it a pos- At lor tiimmlng. ; ru | e w c iog e out the entire stock in thU NEW BLACK SILK I'EKFN i department, no matter what the loes. At an extra quality. J Uarmeuts, $-.50 to $175. Colored Pekriis, *1 and ?1 25. Newest things iu FicLus and Lace Scarfs. BLACK VELVETS AND SATINS Ncw Polnl For Skirts and Trimmings. —~~ Extra tine Black Brocade Satin D'Lyon. ItAMRrrflS 1 Plain Black Satin D'Lyon at $1.75. 82 50 and HAMBURGB. HAMBURGB. ?:-? '-'5, 2c to 82 per yard. Three fcarpainf. worthy of attenliou. Our lines at 8, 10, 12Jj. 15, 20, 25 and up to 50c Large Line Choice Colored D.-ess Silks, 65c to comprise the uewest and most novel styles, and 8! 25. besi values ever showu. BOG-GS &c ZBTTH3L,, 118 k 120 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY N B.— Imnutisc >tock of Limn* and Housekeeping Goods, bought previous to the advance, * ill be sold at old priecs, but new goods to arrive, as is a well-known tart, must be materially higher. Consult your own profit and buy now. Never belore have we offered so large a line of Black and Colored Cashmeres, nor as good bargains. CARPETS! OIL CLOTHS! MATS! RUGS! STAIR HODS a NEW STOCK t NEW STOCK t > S | s HECK & PATTERSON S 1 I NEW CARPET ROOM f co 3STOW OPEN! X H r Qne Qoqp South of GljGtMag Hteuse, o Duttj's Block. septao-tf Batler, Pa, 3 — iSqOH HIYXS iSf)QH i&LVK >3lllOlO 710 iSiaJHVa J. & G. F KECK, MERCHANT TAILORS, At Aiw s'JTJU®cBT, -A- mrar*. mc •*„ /V» «| Have Just Received and Keep Constantly on Hand all the LATEST STYLES OF j | \tj Which they are making up to order in the latest styles and ' ,fcj \j3 ~est workmanlike manner, at the most reasonable prices. All 11A % work guaranteed to give satisfaction. *4 til j Remember the place. t j. AG. F. KECK. Main St., 1«ill lor. Pa. I.FIRE&BRO 100 & 102 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! Our entire very large stock of DRY GOODS to be closed out regardless of. cost. Notwithstanding the steady advance in goods of all descriptions in the Eastern market, we will sell everything in our line at former low prices. Dre«s floods in great vaiioty. 6Jf. 8, 10 and 12c I Toweling*, a great bargain...s, 6. I *'. 8, 10. V2}£e Dress Goods, colored and black. .15, 20 and 28c | Towels, with stripe* .<?•*'. 8, 10. 12}*. 100 Brocade Dress Goods, new styles..2o, 23 and 30c | Bed Quilts 60, 75c, sl, SI 25 Cashmeres, colored and black. 15 and 25c Blankets $1 25, 4*l 50. $2, $S Cashmeres, a great bargain 25, 30 and 35c ; Comforts $1 25, $1 50, *3 French Casbmerea. all-wool. ...40. 45 and 50c Tickings 10, 12%, 150 French Cashmeres 60. 75c, *1 j Ticking, extra heavy 20, 25e Silk W: rp Cash mores 11, *1.25. 91 50 Hamburg Edgings and Inserting* 2, 3, 4, 5c Satin, colored and black *l, #1 25 Hamburg*, good quality 8,10, 12. 15, 20c Silk Velvet 91 25, 91 50 I Ladies' Underwear, extra value .>oe Cloaks elosing out *2 60, f3 50. 95 , Gents' Underwear 25, 35, 50c. Shawls, in great variety 91, 91 60, *2 50 , Orey Flannel 10. 12'< J. 15. 200 Thibet Sqnare and Long Shawls 92. #3, #6 ; Plaid Flannel 12%, 12. 250 Broche Shawls #5. *lO. *2O i Heavy Country Flanuel 28, 350 Scarlet Flannel 25, 30c Our motto, "Small Profits and Quick Sales." will be strictly adhered to, and our friends and customers will find it to their interest to call with us before purchasing elsewhere. MRE&BRO 100 A lOti Federal Street. Allegheny. THE WHITE SEWING MACHINE THE BEST OF AIL. Unrivaled in Appearance, Unparalleled in Simplicity. Unsurpassed in Construction, Unprecedented in Popularity, Aid Undisputed in the Broad Claim or aitNd TH( VERY BEST OPFRATIMO QUICKEST SCI.UNG, BANBSOttEST, AMD Most Perfect Sewing Machine IW THK WORLD* The great popularity of the White Is the moot con vincing tribute to its excellence and superiority over other machines, and in submitting (I to the trade wa put It upon Its merits, ant In no instance has it ever yet failed to sattsfj any recommendation In Its law. The demand lor the While lias Increased to such an talent that we are now compelled to turn out JL Complete Sewlar "M"»rVi Irf evtiy t;lar«o nriln-atta ija. tM cio.3r to uxxvplyr tbe detaaall Every Machine Is warraaled lor 8 years, and •old tor c*sb at liberal dlsoowta,or upon easy payments, to salt the cnanoatoaas at customers. mrn-Aum wuna nt momm msnetr. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO.. * SM ladtd k*.. Claiilaad. OMa. VOX JOHANOX. Agent. Office ut Volley's Bakery, •oi>tß-6m SUILEK, PA. ALL PARTIES GOING WEBT TO lowa, Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado or California, SHOULD GO VIA THE Chicago, Burlington & Quincjf R. H. OTickota can be had at all offices where Western tickets are aold. apJ6-tf Manhood : How Lost, How Restored. Just published, a new edition of CULVERWKLL'S CELEBRA SKTKD ESSAY on the radical cure without medicine) o! SPKKMATOR KIKE A or Seminal Wenkn.es, Invol untary Seminal Losses, IMPOTENCY, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marriage, elc.; rlso, CONSUMPTION, EPII.EPST and FITS, Induced by self-Indulgence or sexual extmvn gance, Ac. • TUe celebrated author, in this admirable Es say, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years* succcsalal practice, that the alarming conse quences of self-abuse uiay be radically cured without tbe dangerous use of Internal medicine or the application of the kuife , pointing out a mode of cure at once simple, certain and effec tual, by means of which every sufferer, no mat ter what his condition ninv be, may cure him self Cheaply, privately, aod radically. igyrhis Lecture should be in the hands of every youth aud every man in the laud. Sent under seal, lu a plain envelope. 10 any ■ address, postpaid , on receipt of six ecu IS or two postage stall! I a. Address the Publishers, Tba Calrttwell Medical Co., I 41 ANN ST., NEW YORK, P. O. Box 4580. i aptf-lj Union Woolen IVlill* BUTLER, PA. H- FCLLEBTOiT, Prop'r. ! Manufacturer of BLAKXKTS, FtA>w»La, YAK*#, ;£ C Also custom work done to order, such no carding Rolls, making Blanket*, Flannels Kuit tlng and Weavlnjf Yarns, Ac., ut very low prlcae. Wool worked on Ibe stares. If de aired. tuyMy
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers