of Mirka "4/2,d FrOnklix., - streets . 1 1i 1 V l'i*6 %V 1.'4; ming "Valley, 10 , ?sattil . Bova!: B. Bilintan: - TIIIS large and commodious ',house (lately occupied by Capt. I. P. Dennis,) has . been thoroughly repaired and put in the best of order throughout, renderinc , it one of the most convenient public. douses in Northern Pennsylvan ia. There has also been _erected on the premises extensive new stables and sheds. The bd. is furnished with the most choice liquors, and the 'table with all the vari ties of the season. The proprietor hopes by furnishing his house with ev.‘rything , necessary to, promote ease and . .comfort, to render, the " Eagle" a home, for stran gers and, travellers And t : a receive a Lull share of their patrona , ge. Horses and carriages at `all times and low terms. lGtf TRUE ECONOMY To Bay ,toiere yort can get the Most Goods for the Least .Money. This can bd done at the People's Store. , 1 HP; Subscriber re,pecttully imrfbancel to the Public in ger.ernl mat he hay upend a new strive an Turfpike street. ti few doors below Bogart's • WM, m here he has lust received from Philadelphia, a full w..ll,eelenterl a.sormeni of Dry Goods,Groceries,l-lard toa Queen'4 Ware, Caps, Roots, Shoes, Li quors, Dye Stufs, , • e cc., ' will sell at very :GE which he ;. for ready pay. All Knots of Country Produce!tnd Lurn ber token in ex , hnotro for Goode. SARGENT KELLY,.2d. , Tunkhannock, Nov. 19, 1850. SARTAIN'S MAGAZINE OF LITER. , ITURE 4.ND agsß7? Great Inducements 20 SUBSCRIBE FHB THE COMING VOLUME, JANUARY, 1851 . T" publishers ot Saitain's Itianazint? .annmace that they have oomph- tett such arranaemen's . fur the fort:too:pin?, volume as shall make it decidt dry superio'r to all former issues 1 he £ Muria! Department will continue tinder the control if • .PROF. JOHN S. HART, of Phila., , - MRS. C; M. KIRKLAND, of N. Y., 'who. besides the constant er•iitributtor44 tram their awn pens, wi.; continue to cure for it that unrivalled array of witter which has given this Nlaogaine such sup+ tiortty over alt its competitors. The proprietors are now making an ar!- ranoement which.' whert completed, will secure for ihetr work- a series of aittcles ah sulimirs, and of a style and chord-ter en tirely different from the usual irear2lezine pr , ductions. They will recommend the 4-, selves to the reading puhAc for their bri;l lianey of Style. SS welt as for proptlety the subject chosen. But in no department of the Nlagazi4e will there be such marked improyerneirt 4 as in The Embellishments for 1851. '; In this respect the proptirtors possA.-,4 peculiar advantage. !ilr. John. &attain: Mezzotititn Engraver, heing one of the tiro pri.tor,, (lives the best Innis of his ;own skill every month to tut- l'tlagazine, tit - sides upantrenthng and directing the ' , II - imbellishMents. To carry into ettirei more fully their views on this point, the proprietors have during the last sea Son sent Mr. Samuel Sartain. son of the fir mer, and himself distinualisheti as an artist, on a special mission to Earope, to sechte. for-the 'Magazine some of the choicest ar tistipal tarot in London and on the en, tinent. I•}, e Pictorial Embellishments now Ore paring ferSart.tit.'s Ma-oaztne are of a cliant aeier at onee stril,ingly beautiful and nov• el. In addition to the rich and careliilly engraved Mezzottnto steel phtes of J o hd S at taiv, there will he an interesting series of subjects illustrating the Life of Man and of the Year, combined in the'same pictures. , The Mag azine will also be enriched by. a numbrt of Illustrated Priritoi which will add greatly to the splendor of the work. - In Line and Stipple engraving thebrg,,h— est talent has. hero secured. l'o assure the patrons of the Magazine of the perferr Lion that may be expected in this depart men , ove need only state that the celef.srari ted E ,graver, FINDF..N. has engacreo tit execute a number of-supurb engravingS expre-sly.for this work. to a style cif. unsurpassed be-uty. .N EIV FESTIII?E. Besides - the Inegoin,g splendid sr;,rie of illustrations. we have preidared . for ',th year 1850 a series of illustrated artielis he in the Lt ' fe_and Teachings Lioulr Saviour. These Engravings are not mere farteil pictures taken from any quarter and cyled sifter S••riptural name , , hut arts pripere A r with great historical fidelity from a caref I wty of the recent explanations of tire, as vt.ell as the more ancient fradolos in rpoard in the Holy Land. The ert:gra vings are to be . aecompaioed with apre priate explanations' and comments toli the Rev. John Todd. D. D., and original illm traitve Poems.by cler t ryirik and otheits bt different religious denominations. , TE RMS. Single subscriptions. $3 0 . :Two copies, • sqo I Five conies. 10 go; Teo copses. • 20,,Inthd Ito extra copy to the person getwipg the club of ter. Address, JOHN SARTAIN & (po Philadelphia CLOT .Glt, 1. Great viitiety of 'firstly Mattrefolting of all grialitiesi.for r afei as otiPqp as, ismbs . bougiat,at . any fostAblisho2ot i 0 .traticti.iy„ by ' • .1 4 ,- E}4;r, , 11.4 • ... , ERs', inum . - cIiRE, i ! • .l . • . - al posjirie it never-falling . Rtmedy foi , 1- , -. - i i . PliL 1 -' S 1 .li • .. ... 9 Whetl' Interna . l,Exterdal, Blind m Bleedin ; Scrofula, White Swellings, Ulcers and Ulcerated Sore Throat, Can ker Scite' Aloutli, Rheumatism, Cutane ous Diseases, , 1 4lfercuria?. affecttonq, - 45. c. %isn inoraiis, tinps. ciii•,spr..ii.s, brut n=, &.1 -ii % . e ti id j . .itified in rinelliinlill 11 0 f •et In , ihe w •itii di o cif a.l mi dn.'s. • •yer lir'ilirglit byline ih pi iiiii•, NI (IN I 'aye ever 'h. en innre benificial to ? Iliet, • naiii i !y Urdu - 4 Mjel'• I 11411 , d Cur.." A litl w that this is ',eying, a greet d.. , but 1 if, iti , e were ton r.ie voluines, we,coui , ors say lino much in praise of ILI , heaiit - restoring, liif-preseivieg lieuieilyi Hu - iredc, , l imy Ito•tisequip, hle , s the 11,,iii,- hour lien first they were in iee nip in - d wiftf its transeend.oit mile ; and nu , presepti perpo , e i• iii inform ether ihou .iand , Ih-xy and vi, here they 'nay ohne!' coat reio. which , hey perhaps awe lot.r 4 ,,seio .tor in vain I he iiip.rior excellence of 'his prep it: - .umi liver al!' roher med , cihrs for the sp. i - ly ane:perto-nent mire of i ILE', i- wet si.own iio :illl eh() have tested it It h,.. keen piped in thole.netts of topiances, ai.o hey Nl' Vl' It t'A'l Ft) in c re the :HOST OBSTINATE CASES, rd e c on fident .1. NI. VEIt V. ILI I: AI tt,etl a prni er len.Jth of time gto diteeli. ns A: a prim of NI envie confidence In its r ffieaet , we assut, ail j llasert.: that I', alter a proper ilia', it nrOxe inetiectual, the hioney,paid for wilt be returned,. 'I he " Liquid ViirP" i an effectual rem edy for Hingw..rm-., Ifeez, Pimples, 11,..“- Itch, Frnsit tl Chilnlain“, Nag Rheum. ICfurqulto Hart, N , inag [mit:Om:lllS &r. and for cutaneous tise4-es of svely.defwription. It is both Fi,to .n , t pßoe•n.l for 1 reduced iiricest RHEUMATISM, itutnedi tie and perrt:).nent relier. Vo_prf now betcee the puhlh an surpass toe exee.lenca,of the t Iquir Cure-tor baro!s, cuts, sprains, brut-- .F, oveltinp,lze": ' Ito eff-cis as a Real Pain _Killer are :tragical Every lainii) In •tne land shoo d provide he,iii.m , vt.s with' his 111ValtHirle vette rt - tion4 the chettitnt-eS of which places %TM the reach Id ull. Full directi-iti arterepany each bottle Pumphiesc, ron , ammu copies of cr•ufi cates trim Thu:e %fl, li.ve trsied 1,- (11116 ('UT.," may ue hMI " greti" authnriz d Aortas'. " . tNlyetb s ;Liwil.i Core." is prepared nnl by 01,1 F, & 21 Npruce-st. New Yor1;. 'For Sale at the 'Past Office in Tun I. nahhopk, by' Wit, general Aze..t tar Wynn.ll,cr MAMMOTH CLOTHING ESTABLISHMENT! Tunkbannoek) Wyoming Co., Pa. 8.031 TS Bt. .111 AYER, HAlElust roomed from the city with the M•oerzt 11 heel of CLOTHING ever hrouolst tom thts secttoo nt country all of whtelt will he sold .at the very low• est prices for cash or produce. Thetr articles gre well made and the work is war/dosed. A'l I,mcls of clothing made to order on short noriCe. The putiNt are invited to call and vqm . me their a'ss.wrnen . 1850- Great and Choice Bargains, IN Boots ang Shoes, of Alen's, Boys, Woman's, Children's and Babie's wear kinds and sli If.. • .ILSO, sp!Pnciiii int nr 111-t.oie rt iihbora are now tr, b.. 11.1,1 fur +to , - durability ;.1111 prire "ca!dt be beat." tall and examiii . i . at the : James , F itzgerald, rASVIONABLE TAILOR, rest door to Winchester's Law office, in Stark's brick block, up stairs, E .11 3 Et; lEULIA It t rats tit• wend.- ase the pubhe gym. rani , that be Is iiTt pared to do ta °tit et ill tier.. tipitoss in hi, tire tit 'he most apptoted and ta. 4 o ••I yte end 14t.h10./.... Alm wilt, t xpertetar lit the business is a st frt^ eta guava , tee to the pUbite that AIL W , RR done at lit ...hop wilt he dont in the best mom er. A I aartnitta cut and made by him are war.. 7 rat ted to hi, Unlike his coametitore, he only Masts st• hat ht. Fah do. and not what he cA la :Vol do. He asks In shan. of pair , naqe as must, tor hiroPelf and lentil) as for " the public. good. 3 i i •37" 0 der - 9 for 'work thankfully rent vi ed and romptly attended to. Cutting e0', 4 1 1 0 rder, STILL AIstOTELER LOT rt6i and elegdatas well as pairfand crAp F.;ILLAN'D IVIJV7'ER GOODS, of every iv.ariety and kind, are now being received let rho Teleg - Aph Store ! ! t mtirzeing as usuiat, a large stock of well selettedtood4 • • OF ALL KINDS, Contsisttna of .a lull ass. , rttneut of Ladies ores's" Gdade. fiepts wear in flit!. Lone nd , tro4re shawlll--Mufitt'an , l Vietorines• Calitorro• Hats, t . lttys and Met Caps: 41014f14, Hardware, Croekety, roots and hoes, td which I Would. invite ail . lover- 4 f gre4 lbergains ro earl and evamine. - LlOil N. 1401;41a. , To 4ounty Land Cldimants. i HE I undersigned, general agent for obtainin Botinty Lands, and tht ad ustmentl9l all dthef claims connected IvitLi Pensions, is t pre_pared with ,al l the. ecessafr forms and will give particular 1 ttention 1 to all cases that may be entrust d to t e lii; care, 4nd will, if necessary, nd th husinessl will pay the expense od trouble, go tO Washington and give is perioaal attention to the subject. 1 I I -S, IS. WINCHESTER Thiti bancoclr;Dec."9, 1.850. 1 NicALLISTER'S ALL-ITEALING OINTMENT; OR'THE WORLD'S SALE, Contains no . .Mercury or other Mineral Thvro tl3 !v.v. r., pa 0;01,-. iedii•j: bronoio betare .1 1 1 ;,.: in t•h.rt a lithf . Such a I,l).,,liglinn " MeAI , I.ISTEW • NI :-HENL; \f- N I /11LN 1 , OR V% OfiLifo k; ' • !)11,,Ql evi-ry ttro f:As r 1 1, );f . 0 • ek..1 ,, • - • ❑ .weed It‘ i! 1 , 1 ihr r, 0 -I p n ifiri, ;'another of the piles; a-thin' •1 n Itontileman, rin in !hp ctd. ; A ' o wl • of a 5w.11f..0 in (I' c!e. 11 ti doe !lot olve loimedi.le relief u. every an never do ,rjory crott..d cute tvaroly. As doodler evld.nre of the - i le; d i r,u power p,rsessed tly Om. ;AN , , we .s.hrin the folfowtoli eeroti,ar. r to a resveciAle citizen of Nlnidencreel , ovorier, Itt ItrtS C .uffiy. Ilaide.wreek. Iferks M arc h:. 0, U. hsr , Ritter & Co —1 desire to 1,,tt0,, 0 , 1 that 1 w: - ,s enotely cured 0' a sever, to the hack, by the use of licA•11 wh,cl, I pu;chas , , , 'Non you. 1 suffered v,i4h it ah, ut iweni) v sr., and at ni,,,ht uorttle to al, ep Durt , ,g that time I tiled Virus vchtch were rrescrihed to nue by ptly. , !- , •tans, anti other pertons, w ti boa any relict, and at last ;nada mat ht tho 'alve...Wliti a wont , i,vor.ble be% 0, ,, d ex ‘ectation. I an, Ivry eniitely the and enjoy at 111 , 2 ht, a SWeto art. peaceful &ker. I have air.° -nice, for other lib sitnila, happy result: , . ti out Jul N IiOLLENUACEI. La In I" I't• For Turn Ors. Ulcors, and all kinds of Sort- , , It has no equal. Is one of theitpst thi as jr. helvorld for liur is. (see directions flo i..) P 111•: —Thotisangis are cur• ,- 1; this ahtinetil. It NEVER fags in 'eller for the Fi Kr A round the has are dlrecti , h9 Co 0,r0n•.-nt Icr S e r,,i ti l Ensipelas. , Seahl H en , _ o.e i;:yef - , Sore brow, N , NOIIS Paws, E 1- wh., Boma. Corr.•, So 0 Lip., Pimple,. etc ; 0.r00f., Swelled or Broken h. , oue in the etc. If Mothers anti Nur-es knew its vain,, in eases n 'Swollen' or ti, , re tireast, Itie% would always apply it. In such treely us.-d.-and aneoteing to the dire'. ions arou..d each 'aux, it gives rel lei in a very few hours. - Th's (111 , 11npnt to v . ood for any Part ihe, body or Limb , : N hen littlaftwd. cluTioN.— Nu (lint men.' %% Ihp nem Ines- witu,e I.+rn.•s M. Alisler Wihtt n with a non nn .cvr% I tiel Price Tthenty.-five cents a Bor. For uty A /rill,. ut rili 11 . 1 ',rine - pal cuttes,aitti totNll.- JAMES riLISTER. rienprjotOr 4.i the ,ihAvo rsirJu•tr.r Pritwipal Cffi •P N. 28 N Orli. 3.l st. l'hti aJelphiA. •- kg-0914ft frtp r W!V 011111 t'n Dr. Bol! , s. Tim k Hammel( T. D. Spring, Laeevvilie, I) T. swriii,2. rhil2ville, '.V hi pple, ehoopeily Match 5 1-50. IA I:' IIG ! bite .4rrival of Spring and Summer Goods, zi,, -I,lr 1.1 I . ‘; k& I . IA her. t , ts; wilt hr R 1,4 T,. ,s th A , re ..%er knonrr o eltl rri pots bet , re. hat ihiA "I'r , oll ad r How, C — Ip cir•fwo BRICK EMPORIUM, Corner of Ilrid;e and Tiu;a ~ ; Irects, s .i.• 11. ••*1 11,•, In eu t:4111:. 0 the timSt lietter,ll,•;l,,rt; p 4. re, in this in Ilttot; nu t)i()Wr, ; E An.• Telegraph Store Fine Dress Gooch for the Ladits, Lav,l,-; 5 k .a. • tour. ty !ha , - trPethl , , , b Lr t It ',lid A •Itr r print., pr,..ttpit nit , CaSilittiretl, I Frinst-d h.het :tt 1ta1.% 15, rlovt-S, stair, stir. ttd worsted _ VEST! NGS, a grPat variety vi , Lt. I , II or, and Pa In I eaf - . for men and hoyr,.. 'tat rooto and !h• e , , !iinde of !lAr IVi at Iron and Q Ct.d 51l ?iv hi,eketei, hepoe• 10,000 n her arttelest imply 'on even-ire i.etnize, all of , 4‘ hi. I' V , 111 he sold forl..!asli rt exehatteed tot ;4 1,, Lind of rout try , nnninee at nokeitt•l So.dott't If , It' E urn store. •• 'H STARK & CO. June •22 1850. Tim su B6t; It I Bl It hereby nforms his 1, i , nds and the pub d•S•ki. 'lc generally. [Mit he has lake!, NI 11 . he stand, lairly kept by H. ; ere. and coin pleied lii, arialideine.o. in the accommodation Of customers, He fiat kits himself that all who favor him wi their pationage, will find his holise,a QUI LT tae where a welt furnished tal4e.eomi.4o. 'lions armaments and beds dim n, clean nd comfortable, will render their sojourn t•leasarit, and aitreeahle. His stables are in behest order, and supply o! has, oats, &to bloundant ••• A continuance of favors from old custom• rs, and a cat trom new ones, is respect oily solicited. GEOIMNI W. MERSEREAU. Tunkhaininck.Jan 22,1849. • N. Y: , & Paris Fashions TusT received by R. J. WELCH, who J is prepared to do work in the most fashionable style and workmanlike mari ner. He solicits a share of pubic pat ronage. Sept. '24, lisCt. From the .• eiid L ! al2l• .•ac.cit should hi. Applied ,01,„ ATTENTION TO THE aa. ®$;D ; ILOTIrO American Hotel wHEAT Rye, Corn, Buckwheat, Oats, Beans, Onions, putte4, Bees wax, Tallow, Rags,. Eggs, ; Flasi, Tow Cloth, Furs,. Beet-hides, Calf-sklns, ta ken-in exchange for Goods, 'at the-high est prices, at the North Branch. LUTHER R C TA 4):ii a .la, . man by roc or 12." Kt. t 'l. \Pr ha.' ti l t it Intln2 lion ul filo nom.. of 'S i 'nil it..., h. , •roue 1 , , fiat lilt s S.r•iiiirdriliio. Vitro iid; I.r Too slcoolitio • GEN I irte re, ri rind never Wit., hill diiVo ker (he lo w . o e ....ob.'' a Dr, lie g ,b3ing atria I.‘ no nod lie 15 al.h v mllr, etlll - Cdrilit !leaded, -• chit " to Whirl, lie 11111! Noll! then Itli t.mo r.r. $7 a Week. VC S. 5..1011 if Ile Ca ill privirire ant .1111gla. litoor flit , . This t• to attition the 111:4111: not to it. tiorr, anti tot n - h :moe hilt lit.. VSi , I ':IN 11 OW 1), J...c...t b -oat', r;ai.ai ~ (he I .1 d!•11,4. Ir. roll a trots. Heil in (o.otooLat. net./14 :hr Cool id TOII'NS:.N!). p r i nc ,,,,l 0 .5,, in."! ,tti" "art r. , 1", o• Ntl. OL3 Jacob /lie Original or• 111E1 TOWNSEND .SARSAPARILLA Old Dr. l'ltA 11,1111 is HOW, aliallt :II le - s of I+3 in! his, lohg.lreen•lo ~,,,••rt :•••••the Winl,/11 and D S AIVI;111 1.1 11 of the t• VINE t)11 Illtts: •Tull'N. "SEN II SA ItS %PAR 11.1. A " Being poor. he on , emu . peeled to limit ttr tift•itoracttire. ...4 It has been Kept tall of tit frket. and the 41:e• 1 Irvin. Wilbed hi thn.te only who 11:411 111,M alt Its worth, mpg known its value. It had re tentol the errs fit to tot nevertheless, as th••••e par-ins who h herd h• .114 of *ore 411%e ~•e.4. and saved from death, proclaimed its elcelleoce fool wood,rol .HE LING POWER. 'many yenex n a th •t he had by hi ,cletice and elnerienCe,.(evi,e.l all :Wide which nail.' be of inrat• iti ntivatttnee to tunokt4ll when the melte, isould fiirmslimi, to It oil I unit Crxal II olive, When it, ineslnitlllll. ,11111 a he known (11111 aplifel4ll,l. 'HIM time has come, the means ore -itighted, thi• t ant mt. gnniled i'reparvition Is manufactured on the la•gest srnle, and I 1 :riled for ttirmiehout the lerietli and iireafl:h of the I oil e • 114 It is found incet t iohle of degeneration to Jetertor•tion. Unlike ynm.e S P, Townsentl's. It improve; 1(141. ne . a nd ne se, vivinge.4. hilt for the letter. her:l4loe It is prepared no xr4ent.fir principle, by a cacao i fie roan The inch,' know ledge of I'lleinktrt awl the 1010,1 discoveries of the art; have ell been LW, requisition m the itionuficturn of the Old Snr anotrita. 'the Snr-liivirilin root. ta 11/11.11 I,IIOWII 1.: medic 'I iiies coma mos moony iiiioloonal pod - sone'. and some properties which are inert or LlSelelg 111111.411 , N. which if retained m I.ren.roal it l'or ferineat.t , on unfl acid. w lucti is Injlt,lti. I, the ayitem. S o to,: of the pro,erhes rt S.rs.tilartilit are so eutatal, Malt dud are loot in the preparation, if they are not preserved .y act parfir irrarp;,. katr‘vo ',owe experieneed Is 111.1011Caelare. Niorcoter. dlmese ra/s , oe pro, erp'es. pith fit nit an Vap,,r, oron eXts:il ninler -eat. are the very eesentlal medienl properaes of the out whreh live to it nll 1.4. Any person can !mil or stew the root till they 0 8 dare adored wioch 15 noire (min the colo roe nuttier in the root thrra from ant' tiling else; they con then strain tills insipid or vitpitt ligtittl, sweeten With stair molasses. non then call it S Alt l i SAP:MILL.% EXTRACT or SY Rot such is not the art•cle known as the GENUINE OLD. DR. JACOB TOWN .I7ND'S SARSARPARILLA.. This i, so prepare:. that all the Heel !;ropertles 01 the i iarss ; otrilla root ore first removed. every thing 'capable I,t fie,tottine neat. or feroomtalioll, Is 0% tricted and reieeted : then every varlele 4.1 1111,111 MA virtue 14 secured In a more .•imil cot I•norded and thus It Is rendered teritp .111 e el (0•1,11.: any of its V.l .lAale /WI! o ro n erimes. Plop ,reil I'' Ihls vr mi. tls 111:6.1e Lire 1110.1 I o•A acid rt.:eta Inc Cure or luau ble diseases. I the re r,all',l,llV we hear et nottend dents on ev• rt ,11 Ile 1.1v1,: W..11,en and I:11 hirer.. A v e fi n d II d,,i nc • t h e 1.111, off n.I • .SL'•II P TWA', 111"•PFPil i .•,•1 (%).111 . 1.41XT and in If Arfel•Fl'l, 4, PI et,Sl' F..111...5. nil I." T. !XL(' ('S L/1 L'P TIONS. I'(.IIPLES:BI.I)II...IIF.S.itiaI all i t ifeetions ntisumg 110111 EMPUETTY OF THE ninon. it ito,ev.en al 111 .IVelliall elfin 11( . y ill all tour plaints ariso m I I niber,tina. from .1r,,,1,tn of the S(untach„ f c•sculation. ilelerionoition of mood In the Ile•ILI valiat ill,ll 111 the 'twat. cold fart u mei 'nano, cold on ill. and hot 11, hes over the tardy. It lint not it.s equal in CI /LDS and I! , WWI'S: and prom-Iris easy expectoration and centie per•ptra Lion, porixine stile tto., of the Itros. toront. tool every other marl, But In ninth ~e is its excellence more nano featly seen sndairknowlein!ell than in .111031414.nd stages of FEMALE CONIPLA I NTS. It wi . ,151 44,..:141e , 4 ill VV.,. 1,l V VW"' A/7MS ar ill'ag Of Worith. SaprfrMiled or Painful .11en+(), Sr. reulartty ..r the ineincrii.4l pe find, and tile Mite ; :1,111 14 AS o,lTertarll In curing all the lorot• .if Iv,dnrrl Melert4ti. Ii) reel.% Inc •••••11114 tarns. and rezolatinc the erne rat system. it gi,.•4 '.nil .4,renglit t.l the whole hotly and thtut curl's all 61r1113 of erviras diseases and debility, Intl hell, I•reVeish -.r PII•C‘e• a rtral s •rti•l, aner ilea otitis. o• .iptitxt IrrAintion. Nen relihr•rt. X/ i'dva . B //once. Srcouuputr, Ep.irpiec lie. it r!esn,es the Latod, mattes the liver to healthy daemon. Moos the `ltalliaell• ond gives Pool relieves the oss eh of hirpor and constipation, a:- Isyi ton ontit •tarn. purifies the skin. equalises thef circulation •if toe blosoNl . pr• iloco , e gentle .ortuth e q ua.,:v iiVtE too nine •Irietlire• and ttehtness rein vas oil Di. \ the entire nereoas sin -Wirt. Is not this then the Medicine you are-erninenqv need 80, .•••y Of fueo• ...:d or !=. I'. Tow n sr• .1 . • mien", art•cle I ho, 111101L1 Is not bulls COI PA R.F.I) 1V ITH THE OLD DR'S, b., . 11 , 0 I ,f oa li AX; I that one is INCAPA OLE ot DETER o and NEVER SPOILS v.11.!o the other....r. • , .....,...,,,p.,itinitnt. tool blow lag Lne B..ttlre Cloil . tittose it 'WI. fr .g.oent... ; the soar, era! 1.04.1 olthdli..: ..nil .i on on, g other Court. , 1— tt ti-t !,..t thi . . (Ladd. C. 0100 , 1011 I , e 11..1%n5-US to the •ii .tens 1 — Mont ! pet and info el eyntere already die 'need itvh ne,L ' Wittlt c.ll-vs 1/1-lir.intia but acid 1 D I tt 0 0.. t till knot, thn.l WOl.ll,inatl soil!, in our ~toorirlye. wit •I itti , ctli..f .1 t0 . ..,1ttre. , r lie thence. he•,01,,n i,liot .i. on ..1 - the heart liver r iltint, it-Irr)tit.t..l‘ . ....titer. e •Itc. awl rortitption of nit Monte! IV 041 es SCP , rilla bat ,1 a acrd kronor in the b - elt 1 IN'lrtt pi,lther.t.tell the hut ~,,, s tslvrh hiring i , Kiln" - tiliori of the ?km. :coldllenit. "'sit itiemim Kry ~,,e1,•,..,7 5% - litre so ello,p, I , ..Ver Bosse. MIA all nlrer quilts internal anti external I It is nothing under lieaVeit. lint an ' , cid -Mkt:lnce, which sours. and Muspud, all the fin.i, .if the bdely, snore or less. W nano, It lieunktomi but a .olir • or nrid fiend wh ...Outlaw. tt,elf in-tweini the Johan and eke vi h e, irritating - mil int - lolling the delicate ti.iines nis i ii hitch it acts 7 c o ii Pr, (Sop .i itt.tease.s. of fill ptir, vof the 111...n1, of if...tw/int eirrulatiiiik. and near ii sit tun ailment, iymen iidlict Minxes nature. N ~, is it not liiiirihle to make and sell, and in: In-c/t/ wart, Is. W.. , this , SO 'I: I N(;. FERN] ENT! NG A CI I) N' "CO 1 . p)u No" OF S. P. TOlt' NS EN D, :ttiti yrt IW ti otllli 1 . ,11 ittVe it tintier.tooll that MI Pr. Jot ili Townsend': o,ourne, Original Sarsaparilla. is 12 1 I II IT hilt i.\ . f Ills Inter.; litepar:ition .. '. It•as co lentil that %ye tiltoold .1...1 itt All article which in nit it .t. , ts OW need distiint re•iviiiiminge to S P Tow ivienif , grftrir j and ti loch thoold brine diiii is upon the t ilil Dr. such a mountain held id tom. plat its :Ind criminstion• front Agent , •Sho'holro Vatl •t•ell pun tin-cis v..ho have used S. I'. 'i'OlteleaCtlll'u rill :11 e,NTI:vi i Ci INlll'i il 'NIX l 'e wt.!) ii oingerstiiiid, becalm! It is tile absolute troth. that S, P. T....A it-coil'. ialicle and I iia lir..h,vo roil nmend's SaMaivitillA me hearers wide apart and in quite!!! ilmesntior : Lutist they me unlike in every par ticuinr, loving nit one single thing in C 011111.19. .I; , ‘ S I'. 'Post-mo ad in on doctor. and never was, is nn cheiiiiii, nn pltartnaeCt:lfst —knows ho more iit eleedlrtne sr di,ete7,e than any ,oiler common. uipicien alit. nuprofessional 111 to, wont roarantee cnii the pull lie {rive that they ere receiving a genuine scent-tit medicine, containtne. till the virtues if the articles Used In pretririmt it, null whl:h ants 111011101 e 55 changes which ought render them the AGENTS el Dke - tse intend of health. . But what el.e shimlil he 'specter! fruit knows nothing compared deli of ntedicinel It requires wilt-Oleo of stione experience tr serve tip even a tointulm decent Melt'. mare important i.l it thAttlie persons who re medicine, designed for I Weak Stuiuuciss. and enfeel.o te 1p.., should know well the r.t-dienl turipertl4s or ' , hints, the in t manner of conemitratine and Itettring their 'heoliop tonnes. its-sr no riti.totire know edge of Shin visits .li.sett9es•Which ur cootie human system, mid how to tulips rettiedi 9 is. these tii•eitses ' It Is to arre s t ft., t o ill slits the untlirtitus haul in to IA minded llionimity. to kindle i &keeling Inenito, to seam.! Iter.llll 39.1 lA. ,gur tots, the crushed 'i nil broken, and to , tirmitV that 1 11.0 till, 1,.;:t.: , 1ts TiiiVy rh11,11;11T and k' .(:NI) the importunity rit. bring his - I.Ara rid. Universal Con s ' een • Ileinseity r : - ~ within the reach. liiiirto the - knowledgel et pit . For sale at the-Post () . hice in 'Funk hannock, by . C. E. LATHROP -1 General .9, Agent for. Wyoming county. , . . EAD CLEAR TEE WAY_ T . - • • - ittirl ' 6. - .t -------4‘u---;-::•:', .., ;4 T a) ~ ~ Peoply's old line of Steamers-ho-, tween his parr am" Corona), in Hun ry, are doing a tremi-nclous linsineo.-.- 1 . 1.e1e is nethinc, that e.n compel'. n`iti. ' • tn. Th , re is no shoals or rand bank ;.at cal* soil) them; and they Are.constiint i. s.iirtil% ing the C-libshribers ,w Jih a msg. Hi.' 1,1. Rr , ffil,rrit ,11 Cheap, heir, atd Sento:mall( CllGlfie Yiv vnrlply chat can be found in a cm, St r e : DaaTon TQ w 'a Cloths,Ca ssimers, Satinelts,B eeverteens, Kentucky Jeans,' Flannels, - kinds o aliens. Dou esrics. Frenc‘ NI pi !tint S. Dnnn dF. (:erniania, - Cloths o •II rol-rs. and 2al;t Piatd. Gimps and vel- , ets, Cape, Boots. Shoes, Iron, Nnlts iI e r(eF, Disco..;rer GLINCINI i s r fie( R. TPall. SiltrarP. moias.es., Dyr. \lCffc, (end Fish. 11nsk•ts, &c. all o' qhl, h ‘vlll he sr Id ;.,r very Iriw prices for Cash or any kind of Barter. THOS OSTERHOUT SCC.O. Oct. 30, lcz , 7.,r-iFiTttir:4l . ff E .,... :76‘155) VAITI A ‘ . 1 ,,....w..,,,, 1 '--, 1.,..---- 4 1, ..,-4.44;:- . al-,-.(,, , . ,, ,,-- , „- ____ k P MIA DELP Hl,l MEDICAL HOUSE ) Established' 50 Years ago, by At) . 13e: 8 A 9 . IL! X. TV. Corner of Third and Union , Sts., bet w en Spruce anal Pine streets, PHILADELPHIA. i l l IFT E . V. ui evensitte id .pierrup ed praettee spent in till iv tivt• r iinered Ur. the mo.t eSper nd ,uverbste pracittiumr tar and near, it. he" treatotebt ul all ill-eas•-s of a private ii are. l'ersomis—,filieted tyn b ulcers rq• he hotly. thro,t or legs, p uus in tie hears r hones, Illt'reltrYlll rhrun alkri , , S Inc ures. rzrav,l, diseese from 3 noti.- rxeessoi ~r ImpHrtlies of the 1,10 r, , ,, rehy the ,lonstiluitoo has become et— feeided, are Ali treated %sub succe,a. m•ho places himself under the eaie 01 [)r. F., .n..‘y rrhounsly cuulide in ltb Imnor as a v;entlentan. and c..nfidehtly upon skt;l -as a ()Fly...lrian!. Take Particular -Nottce. Young, wen hp have t, th 19, t)s , a e.-riain prart te. !IV2ro I tr,,m t' Con nt eti . etis of V 1 hit .re - telt. even when ataleery strol both natal ond hu , '; F hO l llll at id% nut etitA ely. ‘Vedliness and eonstfiu• irm.l ttehtliti los, of muse , lar enervy, al la , :wiide and general rrosirn. t tat. irrttithitil v . and all nervrms c ions, 1.411 ,. .0V1011. Sill22lSl.lleSS of the lotr, •ipc eter% tti,ense ur ..ily v. ay c ected 'he disorder of the pmetearive on e unit frill YOUTH MINDOOD. r vigorous Life, I • n A °`'- Premature Death. - i\ cn Selj I reseriutic,n • I'ld; bred: ;List pnb;l.-lir d 19 tidied Alit, n-4 1 .1 tetortna in, , nn tht- infirmities ot,o cr e nerai , ve orLoans It .4- , re,SPS in You , h, awl Old .-sor , and should he rt--,td by a 1. The vAluanie adv ee and unwept:iv.- •% arrir.g gtvovl will prevent . rears misery and rave annually thoks.nds of pa r ,.nts by reading it will learn' how; t, the - des , runtwn “ftheir Children.• A remnianr•e i,I 25 erut•,encloted 1 r .1 endres-wd to" [)r. link eltn, N. W. , •Rrnef of 1110 gird Union :street•pe , vipo 'rare' and line. Phi!ddplo,j , 22 .I , r , ti,f , gVelOpP, VCI rein; n of at a distance may address [Yr k. by leiter, (post be ruled at 11.111 e. l'aekages of leriteiries, Direetinn• , Pte., f,,rA arded by sendtrux a recuittne, , aid put up •-Pell!P from Dalllege BoOL.WilerS. News Agents. rdbva-ser•, and all oil). TS supplied wi•l the a'‘ove k at very Inv FAIPF. 44 1 WON DEII & BLESSING of the AGE THE Wyoming county 'Agency . for the sole or his yak.k.khke wk.; p•ikkkikkr dm - Ir. h spa-serf lit' the hands of Nlessr,.." & 5111‘l E hilt a supply of 350 BOTTLES ! . The veal ok.rit or, this well-knowl , •••••piu”..! at.d :•••mit er liern.dy is Sillett ES le . if iclieNltreStve Sale P. T 5 1 ,1,8 1116 iredii.V 10 Ll.e It :IS all iitieraliCe, will dk. wk-lk to e(.l n.tl re • .4113 and, 1171!1' until its k SC) in then paktietklar ez.Ses she! ;wt. - illy fel-red. cr .f4GVI'd her 5 [ter) says Mrs. Thetekts Osr. il i k t y, dilidde, v.ho.was sin hitig umter a gentinit deblirte• • Cured Sick Head-.fiche H and other a ise greatly a tkevidltd ditivress -kid sotrerkiktr. as certitiee in the case of Nils. Alfred lime. • Dispepsia • by relief brought to a case of water nrsvh ai a stomach dtseasitd, avid ktrrbtly debt) timed. The eubt•eroter can entity it this. Himself ;he sulteter for years—te greatly henetirted—bsalth re,,toted. He therefore of comusends, Ilh lull confidence the use of Oa. tst P. TO V 1 NNE. \ Compottod Syrup ot Sarsaparilla, as, t: pleasant and agrepattle beverage—iti n o Wife offensive to the taste and etom.tch, and possessing truly valuable medical properties. Haviste no longer any inter• eql in the. ,vales. he voluntarily mOrts thisstateruenr.ln itottiro to ins proprietors. and in friendship to Ow A. DURHAM. Tunkhannock, March 1850. • one who bar rook and ilot mut h innufacture cd Srs te to pour tope to the om. Hod vt honi-h In E.NI) ban :off weans to HERE A n.) ‘kiteChatlotic, her Y V left my bed and board without an) lust cause nr nroyoeatineithis is - therefole to notify all persona nut to ifUn her of my seem:int, as I will nay no debts of tie contractinr: . Forlistnn, 18, 1850 • trated (IRADLES, Rakes aadScythes for sale k..) cheap, - by IL STARR &CO.. ONLY In CENTS. aution. 511111 ititV.SADDLE:a_ tr - s - . MANUFACTORY, ' . . . • • . Tbri subscriber *wild . , . respectfully notify the I tadfi a - • that - ' - 0-,-..—• JAg, i public he has cam riq ' menced t, ,A' ,-,-..; -.4 The Saddle k Har ness ...-' , ..k,.4-4ih p. . ' l ii,., . bustliess. in the b o v um h 14..24.1_,-01,' . -of Tunkhannock. in H. I s. . , .N ark's Briek Block, bu t.. Bridge erreet,ttko doers above H. Stark & Co 'a - Store, where he 1 ir,tends to keep on' band and manufacture !,, nr,i. r, . . , . Saddles, Brldles,,Barnets, A radii!, Va. flees, Baleen, Carpet nage, - and every arti..le connected With the NW.. nese. By stricf ar , entinn to. business and [nom pi ness in fit/Milne all engager t ,, no, he hopes to meet with a liberal attire o puhliv own:lone. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for work—Cash not refused. 0 M. 1.. BEEBE. TunkbAnnno:, Oct. PO, 1849. Doctor Your; self for 25 Cents. By meAnsor the pock et ESOULAPKIN. or Kvety one his own Phy.ician I I'wet fourth e.uition. with unviarde of a hundred n2ravingr, showing. private dieases 4.f ery shape and fonn, and .maltormition. of thr generative sy sten., by Vt- sr. liotmo, ow arrived, Oral persons :ecret disease, sled t o more to become the victim of qualketv,as by the prescription contained in this bre k -op one may cure himeelf withorti htn drence to hu.iness. or the knowledge of 'he most iiiiimare friend, and with one , tenth the usual expense. In addition to he general routine of private diseaSes, it fulls explain. the cause of manhooo'.l ear ly decline, with observations gin matr:age es mar y other derangementn which it would not be proper to enumerate to the politic print.. Any person senr:ing Twenlr-Five cent. PnrlosPli in , a lets. r, receive one copy of ibis boot, by rn .11, or five cures v h- c. nr lnr fess UV. 4v. 001Nili.N r. 1.51 SPIt 110 E streei,Fl-11L : 411 L PIIIA Rod Dr. Young can be consulted on any of he diseases deverihed in hiv ditierc nip, ,- 'll-alions. at his ifve. 1.52 Sumo, sun' •, rilt dav between 9 and 3 o'cluck, el' • Xe 41 .1 '2 l 1-50. 1 The People's Friend. T.T. POND'Sor UTICA,NEW YCRK, P'pain Desfroyei and Healing Exlnct. —An extract from the shrub called Oct, H • z.. 1, a pap ly lion+ inn.. with I.P PXPII.tIOn of a little MaiokW to prt rt4 it. It will cute all li cal pain and inflamtha line, old soles, fresh wounds and brui-rs. Pi es, and all diseases of the bowels of. ; ehtnnic nature, tooth-ache. and ea,-ache; I. male complaints Are.. It is purely vi hat it prop h ses t o Pet.plt 's Friend !" Provi.i• nee has . rtes along ihe rouged pains of hie ri, s ,,y things that cenfrihnte greatly to the cm in' ler and happtn•sa of evert hotly tneit great y.lue,_ and well may the) be naffed mends or the people.' O ne word here to ,uaid against imprimel. 1101. A u.an by th.- name or Spencer tas inam ufactured and offered for sale a spoil uwarmicle called the • Con II E)traci h.mt would he extract of the hazel-nut : i‘o gPfel)llle is as white and pure as %a:off', ahi e article is enlored,wnhatt efibiales the public to dish:moult:h. • Not.. - genuine, hot those marked Pond's Pam Destrcier. For sate by G Mark, Cul.khannnek J S Garwood, Nicholson I ticsipll, it E It Grow sz. Bros.. Millardsvilie, J Gulick. R ansom Wis. Falls E SvietlanO, & Osiethont:LaGrange THE Wyoming co. Mutual Insurance Com., N. s Olt Ptiki Al Eli byAtt lel.';ir , approved April :6 1850., is now reedy to r rrive appiiretiom. 1,,r • urence. on the Wiwi priiicipli, nn loobi binds of property exposedindestrortion by fire. All who insure in this Company wilt share , in prof:tuition' to the snow t insure, in the profits and lossri.; and each will have a vote in the election of officerS end a voice in the direction of ire operaticns, he toll.rw log are the Oirectore zed or. ticers for the ewiring vr sr p DIRECTORS. John Bunnell, Bradley Wakeman, Ja bez Jenkins, Sherman D. Phelpg, _'Ste phen Capwell, A. K. Peckham, ‘ Henry Robers, Andrew Gordinier, Asa S. Da na, R. R.' Little, Thos. Osterhout, Al fred Hine, John Fassett. OVFICERS. S. D. Phelps, President. Milton Dana, Secretary. R. Little,Vice President. John Bunnll, Treasuter. S. H. Taylor, General Agent. Not molt, 52,000 takeh in'ortso risk, and nc Steal.' or ottter,extr•-h.taa , doos property inured. mouLt; 0 , , dance rt loom pia :on $l,OOO, on a five..‘ep-a ineotatict for wife, wilt o topey e t, ;100, —ltb• at ont -'otth the vrontmi cheril.t.t I.y Ovit'ennipaniet. Other property to pros portion to risk. Applications for insoranee Of for Agi.r• ctes to he Addressed to It. tt. Littl , , Ctian• matt Executive Committet , or to 1 0 -04 t, Sec. annork. ion. 4 1850 'Bedsteads ! Bedsteads'!! ALuige eui erl.l yti‘.l ,l l liellptoodo just . ,po r iteti ono for pale .t very low price., 4t 'he Telvraph ie. SOHN IP. I'OGAItT. I I ttsu►etl.,Jmy IG. If SO. BOON STORE. SCHOOL BOOKS, and a var'ety. of Books and :Stationery, embrace unsay of the valuable pobticatkos ot the day. Wit hatent qualm livid octavo Die 'hums, Ffeatile) l o V 1 cite, sad a variety too- great steal :School Hooks. rot Boos 'so to mention . Coalmen and Cleo kind INlvir- 0 , please call at th'e 'tte ot July 23, i $&$. A. iltigibl#o'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers