. _ ' r ). f',... '' •• 1 , 1 , liar ''• , , . , • . • , • ' c'• , ,t. - t -.., • . • ,- , • • , :E - .., ," • 1- ; • 4.) . •;: -, : 3 . V v i - ip -•-• ,1 . • . 1 , • i , . 1 . • 4 11 4''''; i:i'l: •• - •'x . ••• •.; 1 , '' ; r - ti , , . . 44 t• - , , ,-•' - -- 'l' 1 • • i'... --;, _ '•• • • •.• 1-, •- - ,•• t• - 44 , 4- •• ~ 41' - I ' - ~,,• 4 • , • tmosam) WEitLy, voi. L i; Everybody is familiar with .ibe fate of :t-L eftenant Carters's.only sop." It may not.he so generally, known. That the Leitenant.had "oply darter.l'. But. bellied—and . Spoons has takeri,,care beat her memory shall be preserved - Tr . Those who can appreciate the pathetic, will be moved by the sad narrative of Sally and her lovyer. _Machine path-11-Sap Carter. Near.Sprjegfieldmonntain there did, dwell A lovely dninsel, known full well, LeftenaniCarter's only gal, ' filer fatbees•jOy—and named Sall ,One daythi's : damsel Opt it quick litivca to' a stream to berries She.hadn't picked but twovr.threel When her enot slips, and in went she. And whin into the streamula fell tine utter-ed as awfulyell, And then stink down beneath the wave, Because no hand was near to save. Rer lover saw the horrid sight, Aid to her ran with all his plight •;' But when from out the stream he tooker, AU blios of life ha,d,qtthe foroolt her. ,? lie roll'd and roll'd 'her all about, ' And quietly brought the Water out; sa: when he found her soul Lad fled, lic hinng his hands and And then her lifeless form he bore bloto . her atisious mother's door, Saying, Mrs. Caner, here yea seek All vital ib left of year Sall-e . I ' The awful news shot through her Main, And down she fell, nor spoke again. The lover he some pizen took, nd upward pave an earnest look; And told his ghost to follow arter the own dear Sall and Mrs. Carter: Tho Heir of Liun. WILLIAZI I. SNELLING . There is a beautiful Scotch ballad this title that 1 never saw but once in my lda;. but it made a very strung impres sion on me. As theballad is not to be found, 1. will endetivo s r to tell the story in plain prose. The Laird,of Linn, in Galway, was one of the richest landed proprietors in Scotland. Besides his lands and dwell mgche had=Bocksand herds, and a good store of gold. Moreover, he was a Man of frugal and parsimonious disposit4n, 03 that the gentlemen of Galway avoid ed his company, and the whole 'campy side cried shime on him. Nevertheless bii riches grew and increased to a migh ty,sum, and there was no telling What Mips Of treasure he had'snugly Cenceil ed. ' The Laird Of Lion did not marry till latelti life, and his wife died %Obin a year after their marriage.. She left hith ode child.'4'sOn, who wai lho joy' and' Plague - or his' eiistvlca. - Though. oat= urally * dfla noble and generous' temper, he' w,asiAld; reckleis and, extravagant. —Seeini and hearing his father ridicu led every day for his miserly temper and habits, be resolved at ail ev6iatsnot to be : Ike him, and spent all he could lay. his liiiiirt'upon"among emir and dissolute' cam - pinions, drinking and riotous, living. f.Su true is. iL that. g one extreme often'produces nuother. that his father remonstrai 4e.only grew worse and grew alder. and , older. At Jaw. the Laird of Li death bed. He had oudiv „relationts,:and he . .134d co 11: -he was in a manner obljg his substanco tq < bis 5012, next to, hislol4 he loved heir. Previous to his dea the heir of Linn to his spake thui to him 'My son, When my lipst . e l cold ; in death:and my tongue 610 in gr4v'e I know how it will he wi'• yMit . 17 4 : 1 ' 13 will spend all the substanc. of yeut tut. =1 cestors,and all thegold I have got, o• gether, in dissipation and extravagance. Nevertheless,; do not wish Any on to live a beggar. • Therefore give beech° my only 'dying command S anti if you disregard , it, may-a father's curse cling to y ou. ' You know the upper chamber of my house in Kippletriitgar. , It is tio - tv locked up and, I have thrown the key in:o the sea. Whensou have lost ; both gold and land, when you have not a friend who will lend you a hawber, and when you are actually suffering 'fur a dins" appease your hunger, break the door open, and you will Gni a certain relief; but if you 'open the room before that time; I say again, nay a father's curse cling to your • With theSe 'words the old man fell back 'on his pillow and died. The heir of Linn did not.grieve long for his parent. He soon threw open hilz house to all comers. His forests fell beneath the axe„, his chimneys were al ways smoking, a hundred men sat daily at his board, and he bought him horses and hounds. and lent money without collating to his dissolute companions.— He ft-stetl and drank, and gamed; and if he 'Could not get rid of his substance fast enough in all these ways, he took no care of his,affairs,`but gave up the guithinca (althea' to a bailiff or steward named. John ante Scales, who was a knave and a notorious usurer. John cheated his master in various ways, and put more than half his rents and inonryi into his own pocket. 'At last, what the Heir of Lion's father had foreseen, came to pass. His Money was all gone, and he had no means of keeping up his excesses except by sel ling lands; but there was no one rich enough - if) buy th - ein - except John 011102 Scales, and every one knew how , he b'y his money, The young Lifid viii in desperate want of cash to pay his gaming debts. and was moreover heated with wine, when his uujnit stetva:d femd to buy his estate.' It Was a hard ease, but after much reluctance be a greed upon the bargain. 'Give ins your :told, good John of the Scales, and my lands shall be yours forever,' said the heir of Linn. Then John counted down the good yellow gold, and a hard -bargain his master had for it.' For every pound that John gave, the land was well worth three. The last money went like' the first, and' the heirs of Linn was a beggar. He first went to the house that had once been his own, but there ivas no :feasting,' going on in it The fire was out, the dinner, table was taken.away.?and all wasdesolate and dismal.' 'Here's curry cheer,' said the heir of Linn. -r. . John would not give him a penny, but told him to go to the friends he had' spent his money upon foolihly . . He did so, but it did,no good. Some ofthein, siretendcd not tp know him, .and not. one would lend him a farthing or even 41er him a dinner. So he wandered about forlorn and hungry fur two'days, for ,work he could not, and to beg he was ashatned. At laSt in extreme mis , ery, he bethought himself of his father's] dying.words. .l have not sold the old house in Kippletringar yet,' for no one will buy , it. i will go and break open the upper chlueber.— M y father told me I should : ficid reliCtihere, and per haps he meant treasure.--ti it should proVe.so fr . 1 will be a wier and better man than 1 was, and not waste it upon kcaves' , To, the ,house he went, then, and., broke', open ; the chamber door. 114 t found , relief irldeed. There wasoath ! , ing in the rooni'excepting a high stool and directly ov'er it n halter hanging from a hook •in'ithe ceilincr loOked up and read thes.e words: 'Alt 'Ali gracfilks wretch and wanton fool, you are rOimd foriA;er. This. is the ! only relief furl chose whh wa'bteiht , ir pa: trinionyas yorrihave dune. Behold 'hurl put the rope around ; your - .neck, jUrtifie I from the stool s and save youi the was in vain iv 44 ; Jain! : vorse, LS le n la r v,on his all his near ends, so that to leave 411 and besides, his 'prodigal 11, be called ed side, and ==l $1,50, per Year, it paid in Adterance.. TUNKHANNOCK,PA., APRIL 25, 1849. 'a' disgrace of ending a beggar' ' 'Very excellent counsel,' said the heir os I mint eitl4r hang or stiafi*?,l ( think till take my father's ad. vie& ttnA haw?. It is the shortest death 0 of the two' So he mounted, fastened the hailer round .his neck. and kicked the stool from under him. But the heir of Linn was not to die so. The board in which the hook was driven gave way with his Weight, and he fell to the floor wittra shower ofgold coin - about his ears. I will 'not say that he felt no pain in his neck the next day, btit at the moment he certainly felt none. Joy rushed to his heart like a torrent at =seeing himself rescued from death and beggary. The space between the ceil ing and roof contained an enormous treasure: On the upper side of the board from which he`had thought to hang himself,. Was fastened a letter ad. Tressed to him. He hastily tore IL open and read us follows: •Aly dear son---I know your charac ter, and that 110 expostulation or advice can warn yon from dhe desperate cour ses you are pursuing. Nothing but misery sharper than Meath can cure you. .-11, therefore, youir misfortuues and s , ufferings should Lai so grievous that you prefer death to enduring theta, I have some hopciliatlfou will not rashly encounter them again. You have made the trial—take my gad, redeem your land, become: a wiser .and better man.' The heir of .Linn did riot ,leave the &put without potting up a prayer th hea vrn for the soul of the parent whose ad wirableavisdons had discovered a means of raising him from beggary and des. pair to afflueneo, and of, weaning him Irom thefollies and vices which had dis- graced his character. To' evince his gratitude, he resolved to mend bis life Iran- ihitt - day forwutd; '-aell . becothe all a father's heart could wish. • But first he thought tie Would make one more trial of hii false friends on whom he had _wasted his thne,.his sub stance and his character. He therefore kept hi . s newly discovered health a se. cret till he heard that John of the Scales was going. to give a great entertainment and that all the lords and ladies in Gal way would be there. _ When the Heir of Linn: entered his father's lialli,itwas crowded with richly dressed gentietneni but IteAvas in beg gar's rags. _He-appealed to the charity of the company, saying that he was star. wing. To ;one he said—''You have lea.:ted at my board a.thousand times— will you now deny me thel crumbs that fall from your own ?' u not her --.1 gave you a fair steed and tiaPpings to the thjrd—,l lent you a thoiiiand pounds and never asked you to repay me ;' and so on to all the rest of the company.— But, insteadOf remembering his favors. they reviled him and called' him spend tbrift, beggar, and all manner of vile names. Some said it was a shame that such a Wretched object shohld be safer ed to conie.aniong them, and one, to whom More than all the rest, his purse had always been open, called on his ser vants to thrust bim out of doors. But one took his part? It was Alr., Richard Lackland, a poor younger son of 11 wealthy 'gentleman. He stood up and said, never ate at the' board of the Heir of Linn, 1 never rode his horses or shared his purse, or receiv'ed favors of him to ttte value of a farthing: But what then ? He wus . a avarthy gentle :4;m) when he had the ;neaps. 1 have twelve gold nables,and that is all 1 own in-the world, and - here arel eix of them . nt the service of the titan whaee hand was never shot to the poor, And us 1 &WV a ! gentleman, no one shall lay hands oo him-while 1 wear a sword.' A glad man was the Heir of Linn to find . one ,man worthy to be his friend. Ele_took the, six nobles; and advanced towards John.of the Scales, who was standing of the end of the hall, attired iin gorgeous apparel 'You, at said the Heir of Lion, 'ought to relieve my or:aside!, for goo are groiving rich on my ruinS, anclA gave you a good bargain of my Then John of the' Scales began to rEii vile him, and to declare that he had gi ven much more for the lan& than they yvorth,..for his extortion' before so . .much goodly company. ' , Nay,' nay said he to the Heir' of Linn, 'lf you Will but return to me the half of What I paid for your father's estates, you shall have it back again.' 'Perhaps I may filidifiehdiWhoivill lend me the sum,' said the heir or Linn. 'Therefore giie me a promise under yotir hand and seal, and 1 will see what can be dofte : ' John of the Scales knew that few peo. pie in the country had so much money, even if it were n common, thing tlend money to a -beggar, and he had just seen what reliance is to be placed on friends in such a case. He had not the least idea that the Heir of Linn would ever' possess a hundredth part of the sum. He therefore called for pen,' ink and pa per, and sat down before the company dnd wrote the promise, and right nor; tingly gave it to his former master. - Then the Heir of Linn strode to the window and opened it and took a bugle from under his tattered „gaberdine, and bloomed till the joists and rafters shook with the din. Presently a fatr troop of servants rode up well armed and mount ed leading a mule with theindaden with treasure. They dismounted and brought the gold in the hall. 'My father's land is my own again!, cried the Heir of Linn joyously, and before'the clam - pony had recovered from their astonishment, he counted out to John attic Scales the sum he had just agreed to take. Then turning,to his , servants,The Said, scourge the viper. out of the house of Linn with dog whips.' And it was done. The company 'then crowded around him, congratulating him on recovering his patrimony and excusing their own neglect and jngratitude. He-said to them. 'Caitiffs, Slaves, dogs, begone! ['Ade the Nor of my house no longer. If ye enter my 'groundstigainfl willtave the servants loose the hounds upon you!' To muster Lackland he said, 'Come to my arms—tome ito my heart my friend, my brother ! Live in. my house arid share with the heir-of Linn in all things.' And. the Heir of. Linn became an• other man, and was :an !ornament to his country, and tv blessing to his . ten nuts Very exuaordinary things are related of Zitto, a sorcerer the court of Wen ceslaus, King of Bohemia and after wards Emperor of OCrmany, in the lat ter part of the fourteenth century. This is, perhaps, all things considered, ; the most wonderful specimen of magical power any where to be found: It is gravely recorded by IYubravius; bishop of 016iutz, in his 'history of Bohemia. It was publicly exhibited on the occa sion of the marriage Of Wenceslaus with Sophia, daughter of the Elector Palatine of 'Bavaria, before a vast as sembled multitude. , , • The father-in-law of the Ling, well aware of the bridegroom's known pre dilection for theatrical exhibitions, and inagicalillusions,: brought with him to Prague, the capital of Wenceslaus,, a, whole wagon load Of morrice-dancers, and, jugglers, who made their appear. ance among. the, royal retinue. Mean-, while Zitto, the favorite magiCian,of the king`, took his place : cibscurely: among the ordinary spectators. He, 'however, arrested the attention of the strangers, being remarked for his ex trooiclina ry deformity,and a itiOuth.that stretChed com p lete &dui r • Zuto was for some time engaged in tint. etly observing 'the tricks- and : sleights. that wirevzhibited: At lengthi whit*: Zitto, the Etorcerer. :t the chief 'magician of the .Elector. Pala tine was still•busily employed in show ing softie of the Must 4dmiredspecimena of his art, theßohernian, indignant at , what appeared to,him the bungling ,ex , hibitions of his brother artist, came for ward and reproached him • with the in 'skilfulness of his ,performances.. The two professors presently fell ; into ; warm debate. Zino,••provoked: at the ipso; lence of his Oval, made no more ado, but swallowed him. Whole before the multitude, attired as he was, all . but his shoes, which he objected.to because they were dirty. He then retired-for a short time to a 9loset, and presently returned, leading the , Magician along,with him.. Having thus .disposed of his : Zitto proceeded to exhibit , the.FfPolderP of his art. He shoved himself ,first his proper shape, and then in the3,e l of different persons.successively, with coun tenances and a .stature totally,dissimilar to his own; at one time, splendidly, ut- : tired in robes of purple and silk, •and then,in the twinkling of an eye,in coarse linen, and a *clownish.coat of freize.— He would proceed-along the field. with a smooth and undulating motion;with 4 out changing the posture of a limb, fot all the world us if he were carried along in a ship. He would keep pace with the king's chariot, in a ,gar drawn by barn door fowls. He also amused the king's guests as they sat at table, by cau sing, when they stretched out their hands to the different, dishes, sometimes them hands to turn into the cloven feet,of an ox, and at other times, into the bpofs of a horse. He would clap oa them the antlers of a-deer, -so that when they .pat their heads out at the,; window tn;see some sight that was,going by, they c'd tyno means-tiraw-them back againi--, while he,.in the mean time, feasted on the savory cakes that: had been spread before them, at his leisure. At one time, he pretended to be in want of money,-and to ask his wits to devise the means to procure it. On such an occasion, he took up a handful of grains of corn, • and presently gave them the form and appearance of thirty' hogs, well, fatted for. the market. ; He drove these hogs to the residence of one Michael, a ,rich , dealer, but , who was remarkable for being penurious and I thrifty in his bargains. le offered them to Michael at ,whatever priCehe, should judge reasonable.„ The b,argain was presently struck, Zitto,.at the same tiMe warning the purchaser that he should on no account drive them to the river to ,driuk. Michael, however, paid no at tention to this , advice, and the hogs *tin sooner arrived :at the, river thanthey . turned into. grains of„dorn before,_ ; .The dealer, greatly enraged '4 thiS* trick, sought high lurid IoW - for ifie set ler, that he might , be revenged ori'hini. .Qt length, he found him in a vinter's shop, seemingly in a glooMY and absent state of mind, reposing himself, with his legs stretched etitte a form. The deal er .'called, out to,hirn. but he seemed tiot to hear. Finally, he Seiied - Zitto 'by one foot, pulling at it tvith all hisMight.* The foot came away wiih the leg and' thigh; and Zino screamed ' 'out, appar 1-1e Mi ently in great egorry., , se ized child by the nape . ,of ; die neck', atid dragged him before, a judge. Here the two eet up, their separate complaints, Mi chael and Zino, l'Or the itieOrrible in jury lae,buttl suffered in hieperson.— From this advent* ,caree the proverb, Ircquept,ly used in the days eefhe* ti -dun ! spPaking of a perso . who' find • . 41 mode an improvident, ,hargaM.,.—' He 405 made just ,such paichase as 4.- ctiael.clid with, thellogs.", Bess Preservation . ..L.= WheneVer a young" man ,has acquired ti • love. of reading, aa` Orcithise a healthfill relish for intelledthal Oetisures, he !Ms-been:no I possessed of ono of the beit • irei t ientivesd against "dissipaiiod: f; PZINCII3BY root or ABIC .C. E.HAATJEUROP:; „,' u:.17 molar of the Willteijhilit BOOM CfaintiP febylib beihito • 'dire brbiltickgat4 that eft , reply tti' thOolig dad: elaboirdertirfietti: 'opoitihe i ddlOinie ;related: yoOr' edifiiiial of last weekT:batif d& . ) sue to' brekk, if ther-gpalloi fascination so artfully cast around:l4*r readeit by your:gilled pen, lthdicP &find ourself from ttie , obloquy indldii s tracci with Which thi aftiele is : 60 3etuiticail calculated to blacken ;nub mune: • Noe do . We wish to be heard only in self fence, but alto in. bell:ill. 61khat'cayse; at which Yim evidently iiiiii'arttaideraus, .hough artfully concealed 1 1'he' fi;Si3ten; lvhtcii desef es Mien= Lion, and Which is kept verriirorinrieta a " throughout the 'that meat referre&M; wh.it iiiirpeorti to be, Nit: 'a 'iCiredia l r' tbis"Hatiliit qiluich" in'ttiiskeprciduttitift of the ,I)hoitioini . 47 `odd jaiiii," l Moreover that the anitpliseClitirCh4lll deeply r4ret the' indisdretioisi tihtch prompted it." . 1 1iitir' readers will' bo able to judge of ihe 0111:Ines§ and \truth fulness of these staternents' after they— shall -have been referred, ==not to the "fihanfom's'or our fancy," brifidlirOof, 'the validity of Which; will nOf be ills puted. The first sentence o f the Cireig la r, after the Object of the Conrtithaieit- Lion is announced; 'an extrait,slightiy faltered, though riot' the 'sense, froth a perdapririfi doittinat of the Church? '•§overafefforti ‘ietth blade' dt differ eat periods to eitablishlhe•Baptist cause in the!volley .of Wyoming, yetawithont success p l rtiOpally.l.c . l,oB op position b i t other sects,orta prejudice px tstitig against ' the liLptist`nitint, in . Con sequence of erroneous views - entertained by those calling theiriielves:Bnptistk— In August,lB42, Bro. Post, : of' Montrose. comiricacsd a series of meet ings in Whicesbarre, end his indefati gable and Selldedyini‘libors, vins'ealled to endure many trials' and ratiiiiiperse• cution- yet beams mercifully sustained tinder :hem alt, *a,.. • In the "Circtilar,",watit of co-opera tion' is substituted for 'erroneous views, as 'want of co•operation',,would-neceV sarily result Tram cerroneouliNiewer— Whild 'prejudice: against the Baptist name; and muchipersectition,l as Loma ted. The above - is taken. from,the his ' tory of this Church—a docUrneut which was prepared one of its ,ifiemberd 'soon tfter our neOetrient pith then 4 and adopted by the Church., without a ills. lienting voice; f And tul it waSi,tnattari in reference to which e knew. noatind I. at. the time :kart personal ; observation, we had 'nothing to sad; or,icc% Tea; :Pectitigita adoption, Ski out& yours:till 64 eiMitrilitieiby thd ardor of Yetii'roi4 ) io tlii4Baptiiteburch: . yourLw... __ q qe - shield it . trotti tittlit:plititiioWilf rec spitiibility iil'Aggiiiiizgthe - e4 attar," aliow till ' to ; initir r iti yati i , ihittl it '''ci . rai not `o'hlY . Prepire'd liY 114 etpicial dirtition of, - and. approved hitt he l'rusiedk, but that it'siashisn'adapielby a toleof the Church; -and' tfiat;:ion;"withaitt-the - first • , $, word being sa id' by the pastot,' or any 'Other on et,' ta 'in tiithrter tilt , voti. , And since:yotiareliatanfident that , the f‘Cir• 'ular" contains: . t4ntintettts - amtlitierent Irian'. the n_chitracidi did: feelings of iNosi tdelotrOli» the eltuetri tmour ihtrbdt;otiolifill‘ 'hf el v aro:prepared to itifciincyhn; 'that or only 'ail we found iif it*.:Ohitrtit 41tahiwaicamd,.(except those removed by 'death...dismission, &c. inct'tint3 Mtn ativafattends!our ;meetings for basinesh;)l voted! &vibe' adoption of 'the Citediteipbotiodormhotnlve nOt'fiod ibis) (Monk whefilwe tante. ' he B ptisi , Chu'reb; -therefore, - nod not the i'pheintbhavfotsilfivicy:! is,retpotr , Ale for , the "Cireuhii,q - yout,unguall. fied , 'otsettidh . wale iontriryilonwith , ' standing. 1: . ..;, faiths . ebritedteofillemCj9 itt , at ex= +.; . ultationeas if to citteklbtaronee, tridi or% V. , i31.i;i.:. I Y:1:1; , ',.4i; ?..i::;:k.;1'.; ';.;':. Ma== !t\ Itcgcr MEIN= , ~ '1! I') MI MI rii). 17: BM
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