JOHN N.STOKES ! General Agent for Monroe Co. for the sale of Blake's Patent Fire-Proof Paint, or Artificial Slate, Which in the way of Paint is warranted to surpass in cheapness and durability any thin"- that has heretoiore been offered to the public. In no instance has it ever been known to crack, cleave off", or waste by time. He also has on hand a large and well selected stock of ?5SSfc ID K W 1PJ i 3 crv rr--. no 01 a a trrrv .ivl CJrocories, Hardware, tovcs, &c. which hae been purchased for cash and must j be sold. Stroudsburg, Jantiary 13, 1853. To the creditors and all others inter- ' cstcd in the cstato of Peter G. Kunkle, of Polk Township, Monroe County, a habit ual drunkard : ! Take notice that Joseph Kunkle, the Committee of the person and estate of said , Peter G. Kunkle, having filed his account , lias made application to the Court of Com- ' anon Pleas of said county to be discharg- ' cd from his trust. All persons objeting to his discharge are required to appear at the next term of said court and make known their objection. ! M. II. DREILER, Prothonotarj. January 13, 1853. LAHTZ, SUHCSOK DEW7SST. Has permanently loca'cd himself in irouciabor fur the purpose of practising dentistry in all its branches The citizens of the above named place and the public penerallyami respectfully invited to give him a call. No pains will be spared to render I erfect satisfaction. For the quality olliis work referenre iny be had to those who liave received bis professional ervjres. All jobs warranted. Roms ai MtdUk's LIo- Itsl . . JSi't'izv.T-vcotypo !.iiic Masses. takPti at .Mi'llick' Hotel in a superior manner, n.uds'iurg, December 23, l$5-2.--!t MONROE COL NT Y nlrsiiial Fire I:isnrancc Cuwy'v. The rate uf Insurance is one dollar on the thousand doar.s insured, after -which payment no subsequent tax wi le evied, except to cover actua oss or lamage by fire, thai may fa upon mem bers of the conipain'. The nett profits arising from interest or otherwise, wi be ascertained yeary, for -which each member in proportion to his, her, or their deposit, wi have a credit in the company. Each insurer in or with the said compairy wi be a mem ber thereof during the term of his or her poiey. The principe of Mutua Insur ance has been thoroughy tested has been tried by the unerring test of experi ence, and has proved successfu and be come very popuar. It affords the great est security against oss or damage by fire, on the most advantageous and rea sonable terms. Appications for Insurance to be made in person, or bv letters addressed to JAMES" 11. WALTON, Sce'y. MANAGERS. - John Ediuscr, John S. Heller, Andrew Storm, James 11. Walton, Silas L. Drake, M. II. Dreher, Geo. 33. Keller, Richard S. Staple?, Jjobert Boys, Joseph Trach, Jacob Stouffer, Charles D.Brodhead, Michael Shoemaker. B. S. STAPLES, President. J. H. Walton, Treasurer. Stroudsburg, Sept. 23, 1852. ELECTION RETUNRS. npBE Election returns being now all in, JL the people aie beginning to turn their attention to other matters, and to supply one of their most ImpoUant wants, we have just received and ,ffer for salt at our store in iStrouxtebiirp, a vcrv large assoitweni of KEADY-MADE In.luding Overcoats, common and fine at all prices, from $5 to $15: tine dress and rock coats, umnes coats. &V.; a large assortment of pantaloons. cloth 'cassimert?, sattineU, corduroy, and of all varieties; a good assort ment of vests, of a great variety of patterns; cotton shirts and woollen under-shirts and drawers, &c neckcloths, c. TAILORING A latge assortment of ex cellent -broad cloth and other stuffs, on hand, which will be made up accoiding to order, at short notice, and in the best style. DRY GOODS. Aiso an excellent assoit ment oPdry goods of various patterns, and domestic goods. Woolen Lawn Shawls, Cal icoes, Merinoes, &c. Stockings and stock ing yarn. Trunks, valises, carpet bags, &c. EZPAll kinds of produce and lumber taken in exchange lor goods, and goods or cash paid for all kinds of furs, sheep skins, and call skins. H1RSCHK1ND & ADL-ER. Stroudsburg, On. 23, 185 1 . accentor's SCoticc. Notice is hereby given that the subscribers have been appointed Executors of the last Will and Testament of William Fowler, laic of the Borough of Stroudsburg, Monroe coun ty, deceased, and that Letters testamentary have been granted them by the Register of Monrpe county. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate pay ment and those having- claims against it are requested to present the same duly attested without delay. ALEXANDER F.OWLER, WILLIAM, S. WINTEMUTE. Stroudsburg, Aug. 5, 1S52. Executors. BLANjf MORTGAGES f or sale at this Office. ijst of cttcr0 REMAINING in the POST OFFICE at STROUDSBURG, Pa., Dec. 31st, 1852. Brown John W Hummel Samuel Buskirlc Joan Kemmerer Henry Brewer Simon Kemmerer David Eylenberger Fred.W Lee Miriam 2 Evans William Mc Neal Edward 2 Eager J Foster Thomas L Felcncer Peter Hysson William or Samuel Drake Hames John Ilogland John IlelFert George Neigh Racheal Pcdrick Wm. F Ruth William Schoch Theodore Sebring John Staples John L Smulze Henry Van wye Sarah Woolf Peter llollct Joseph II Ilauser Daniel L N. B. Persons calling for any of the above letters will say advertised. GEO. H. MILLER, P. M. January G, 1853. "ijOOO" BO01L AGEKTS' WANTED, To sell Picloral and useful Works for the year 1853. Wanted, in every County in the United States, active arid enterprising men, to en gage in the sale of some of the best Books published in the country. To men of good address, posscsiing a small capital of from -2b to $100, Mich inducements will be of fered as to f-nable them to make from $3 to $'5 a day profit. ICPThe' Books published by us are all use ful in their character, extremely popti!nr,and command large sales wherever they are of fered. For further particulars, address, (postage paid,) ROBERT SEARS, Publisher. 1SI William Street, Now-York. January, G 1853. CHEAP FASHIONABLE mm k w? iff it On Elizabeth street, one door below Wm. Dean's residence, Stroudsburg, Pa. The subscriber having just com pleted a larno and splendid as- sortment ol the lastest r all and Winter fashions of Hats & Caps, invites the attention of his old patrons and the public tjcnerally to the largest stock even offered in Stroudsburg. consisting ol ilen s moleskin, fur, silk and Kossuth hats of eve ry price and quality. His stock of Caps consists of silk plush, cloth, oil silk, oiflin- nen, and elvet. Boys hats and caps of! every description. iL;t dies' PSsiSf-. A superior article on hand. Also, a large assortment of Boots and Shoes of the latest style and of a superior quality. Dressed and undressed Morocuo, Kid and French skins. Yellow, pink, blue and white linings, ami binding skins. Prunello and fionee; Boot and shoe trees; Lasts of every description, and a general assortment of findings, -llso Cotton & silk under-shiits. N. B Thankful for past favors and de sirous of a continuance of the same, he will sell at the frew- York and Easton prices. JOHN W. RUXTON. November II, 1S52. 0O TO 200 FJSIS iTSOISTK ! I THE ABOVE SUM CAS EASILY 1!E 3IADE Ey any industrious Man, of respectable address who possesses good buisiness qualities, and w ho can command u small capital (to begin v.ilh,) of From 25 (9 50 Dollars 3 lEJNo others need apDly.H 3Y ESGAGISG WITH THE SUBSCRIBERS IS THE iSC-OK AGENCY BUSINESS Whose Publications are very Saleable, AND -VniCII THE PEOPLE WILL BUY ! 0Funds can be forwarded at our risk, if mailed in presence of the Post Master and numbers and dates of the same retained. No books kept or sold by us of an immoral tondency. A Vfholesale Price List, with full direc tions, for operations, will be forwarded on ap plication, post paid, to GEO. II. DERBY & Co. Buffalo, N. Y. Book Publishers. McckanicSj Manufacturers and EiiYeniors The Eighth Volume of the Scientific Amer ican commences on the iSth of September. It is principally devoted to the diffusion of useful practical knowledge, and is eminent ly calculated to advance the great interests of industry Mechanical Manufacturing. and Agricultural tlie genius and master-spirit ol the nation. It is unrivaled as a Journal of lha Arts and Scienres, and maintains a high charac ter at home and abroad. The Publishers pledge themselves that the future Volumes shall at least equal, if not surpass their predecessors' Among the subjects chiefly brought forward and discuss ed in its columns, are Civil Engineering Archilcctute. Railroads, Bridges, Agricultu ral Implements, Manufacturing of Metals, Fibrous and Textile substances, Machinery for the purpose, Chemical Processes. Distil ling, Colioring, &c. Steam and Gas Engines, Boilers and Furnaces, Mathematical, Philo sophical and Optical Instruments, Cars, Car riages, Water-wheels. Wind and Grinding MiWij' Powers, Planing Machines, Tools foi Lumber, Brick Machines, Farming, Fire Arms, Electricity, Telegraphs, Surgical In struments, &c, besides Claims of al! the Pat ents, Review, Notices of new Inventions, American and Foieign. The work is in form h'uV.u$.condAns several hundred Engravings , over four hundred pages of printed matter, and a copio3s Index. Nearly all the valua ble Patents which issue weekly from the Patent Office are illustrated with Engravings in its columns, thus making the paper a per fect Mechanical Encyclopedia for future as well as present reference. TERMS: 1 Copy, one year, 2,00; 1 Copy, six months. $1.00, always in advance ; 5 Copies for 9ix months, 84,00; 10 Copies for twelve months, 815,00 ; 10 Copies for six months, 8,00; 15 Copies for twelve months, 22,00; 20 Copies for twelve moths, 28,00. Southern and Western Money and Post Office Stamps taken for subscriptions.' Let ters' should be post-paid. 3T0 WASTOSST, ATTORNEY AT L. A W . Has removed bis office to his dwelling house, first door below the office of the "Monroe Democrat," and directly oppo - site S. J. Hollinshead's hotel, Elizabeth street. Stroudsburg, Dec. 19, 1850. Valuable Real Estate at fit? if i The Heirs of the Estate of Abr'm. Kautz, deceased, offers at private sale, a FARM, situate in Smithfield township, Monroe coun ty, Pa. containing 75 of which is cleared land, in a high state of cultivation, the remainder WOODLAND. The above adjoins land of Henry Eilenberger, Benjamin Custerd and others. The improvements are a FRAME I3CUSE, House, 20 by 24, one and a half stories high; I a shop 14 by 16; a Bam and other necessary .... hm, ;r,,n nvnnllmu enrino- OUU UUlllilliyo. iuuo ..w..w.. wt 0 of water near the dwellings. A young and thriving Attn'e Orcaiarei, ot choice iruu, anu a numoer oi omui . r 1 I -r fruit trees, such as pears, peaches, cherries, &c. The above property is situated in a healthy neighborhood, convenient to schools, mills, and places of public worship. This property is worthy the attention of capitalists. An indisputable title will be given. For further particulars apply to JOHN KAUTZ, Stroudsburg, Pa. or to HENRY KAUTZ, Martin's Creek, P. O. Northampton Co. Pa. REMOVAL !! WHOLESALE Affl) RETAIL Soot on& SIjoc MANUFACTORY!! The subscriber respectfuly informs his customers and friends that he has removed his Boot and Shoe Manufac tory to the store room formerly occupied by Joseph Sigman. in Northampton street, one door above Hamilton street, and between Mrs. K. II. Harmony's Millinery and Peter Pomp's Drug Storev lie has just receiypd a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, among which are Calf Congress Boots, Enameled Congress Boots, Calf Napoleon Boots, Patent Morocco Na poleon Hoots, lkogans, &c. for Getlemen and Boys. Also on hand a large assortment of Shoes for Ladies and Misses Women a fashion- ble Gaiters of every variety, made to order nt short notice. A larae assortment ol'Chil- drens Shoes always on hand. GUM Shoes of all descriptions and kinds, which he is selling CHS&P FOR GASH, The goods are manufactured of the best materials and in the neatest and most fash ionable manner. He employs none but the best workmen about his establishment. Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore received, every effort will be made to merit a continuance of the samp. THADDEUS SCHOCH. Easton, September 16, lS:V2 PAPER HANGING. ESPECTFULLY announces to the cit- ens of Stroudsbuig and the surround ing country, that he still continues the above business, and may be found at his establish ment on Elizabeth street. All orders for Pa per Hanging will be punctually attended to, and executed in the best style, upon the most reasonable terms. N. B. WINDOW SASH, painted and glazed, of all sizes, constantly on hand and for sale at the above establishment. Stroudsburg, April 15, 1S52. ly SBook MagnzEEac Agency J.'W.GILLAM would respectfully inform the citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity, that he has opened a general Booh, Magazine, and Newspaper Agency, in Northampton St., Easton, Pa. Any of the following works will be sup plied by him, by the year or single number: Graham's Magazine, Sartain's Magazine, Godey's Lady's Book, Harper's Magazine, International Magazine, Ladies' Wreath, London Lancet, Blackwood's Magazine, all the Quarterly Reviews, and all others pub lished. Persons wishing books in any Department of reading, can have them promptly forwar ded without extra charge, by leaving their orders at theoffice ofthe "Monroe Democrat." Jan. 22, 1852- ' anir, 1 00 kegs 25 lbs. each, Wetherill's white lead, 50 do 50 do do do do 20 do 100 po do do do 100 boxes 8 by 10 Glass 75 do 10 by 12 do -superior quality. 50 do 10 by 11 do ) 10 bbls. of Alum 50 bbls. Copperas 10 bbls. Rosin 1000 lbs. Potash 1300 Gallons Linseed Oil 40 bbls. spirits Turpentine 2000 lbs. Potters Red Lead Dye Woods, Madder, Logwood, Fustic, Redwood, Cochineal and Indigo. ALSO superior Furniture, Coach, Black and Japan Varnishes, by the barrel or gallon for sale by DICKSON 4- SAMPLE. Easton, July 17, 1851. ly Valuable Property in StroMdsfessfg :il Ps-ix'ii&c Siv2. WENDELL J. BR EI. VI Eli hereby offers at private sale, a house 33 feet front AtL (adapted for two families) upon a lot japf 170 feet deep. It is on the corner of1- '" ' George and Sarah street, in Stroudsburg. Any person wishing to purchase the above pioperty, can do so by calling upon S. C. BURNETT. Stroudsburg, Jan. 8, 1852. -3nr LAW CIRCULAR. kWJ ORTIIINGTON Cr. SxETHEN, Wash- Sfts " iugton, D. C, continues to practice - ful in any work that will soil the hands, at law exclusively in the supreme court, and j le same time that they will cure the worst to attend to cases before Congress: to'llRheum r Ci,niipe.i Hands immediat e ly. prosecute claims and settle accounts a- B? m."fe a11 le"8ths ' I,n,lect ,he 1 . . Jt , , . , . 1 arms and wrists. gaxnsfc the departments, bureaus, and j For sale by Wileox. Billings & Co. No. 3 boards of commissioners; to procure pat- Church Alley, Phil'a Goodyeai's 03 Ches ents for invention, at home and abroad, nut street do. J. & H. Phillips, Pittsburgh, and to obtain tensions and bounty lands: to collect dehts, dividends, legacies, and in heritances in any part of the United states to make invest- j ments of funds in loans and stocks" and jon bond and mortgage, and to negotiate the purchase and sale of loans, lands and patent rights in any state of the Unign. December. 2 1852. TnE ONLY TRUE rORTHAlT OF WASHINGTON JUST PUBLISHED. T. 55. Welch's ftSasaaifsceni PORTRAIT Or WASZm'8TOS3, Engraved (by permission) frojn Stuart's on ly original portrait, in the Athenum, Bos ton. This siiperb picture. Engraved under the. superintendence of Thomas Stilly, I'sq.. the eminent snd highly gifted artist, is the only correct likeness of Washington ever publish ed. It has been characterised as the great est work of art everpioduced in this countiy. As to its fidelity, we refer to the letters of the adopted son of Washington, George )ashington Park Custis. wl !aItul representation of the . 'nril' and to chief Justice I : who savs, "it is a celebrated orig anev of the Su preme Court of the United Slate's, who. snvsl " As a work of art its excellence and beauty j must strike every one who sees it : and it is j no less happy in its likeness to the Father i of his country. It was my good fortune to have seen htm in the days of my boyhood, and his whole appearance is yet strongly im pressed on my memory. The portrait you have issued appears to me to be an exact tkeness, representing perfectly the expres sion as well as the form and features of the face.1' And says Senator Cass, it is a life like representation of the great original President Fillmore says, 'the work appears to me'to have been admirably executed and eminently worthy of the patronage of the pub lic." Says Marchant t lie eminent portrait painter, and the pubil of Stuart, "your print to my mind is more remarkable than any other I have seen, for presenting the tuhole, individuality of the original portrait, together with the noble and dignified repose of air and manner, which all who ever saw him considered a marked characteristic of the il lustrous man it c iminemoratcs." For the great merits of this picture we would refer every lover of Washington to the por trait itself, to be seen cl the office of this pa per and to the letters of the following Artists, Statesmen, Jurists and Scholars accompany ing it. Artists. Marchant and Elliot, of IS'ew York ; Neagle, Rothermel, and Lambdin; of Philadelphia ; Chest r Harding, ol Boston ; Charles Eraser, of Charleston, S. C; and to the adopted son of Washington, Hon. Geo. W. P. Custis, himself an artist. Statesmen. His Excellency Millard Fillmoro, Major Gen. Winfield Scott. Hon. George M. Dal las, Hon. William R. King, Hon. Daniel Webster, Hon- Lynn Boyd, Hon. Lewis Cass, Hon. Wm- A. Graham, Hon. John P. Kennedy, Hon. R. C. Winthrop, LL. D. Jurists. Hon: Roger 13. runey, Hon. Jonn Duer, Hon. John McLean, Hon. Rufus Choate Scholars. Charles Folsom, Esq , the well known Librarian of the Boston Anlheneum, who says, " 1 would rather own it than any painted copy I have ever &een;" E. P. Whip ple, Richard Hildreth, Hon. Edw. Everett. LL. D.; Jared Sparks, LL D., William H, Prescolt, LL. D., Washington Irving, Ralph W. Emerson, Esq , Prof. T. C. Upham, J. T. llearfley. Fitz Green Halleck, H. W. Longfellow, Wm. Gilmore Simms; and from Europe, Lord Talfourd, T. B. Macanley, Sir Aarchibold Alison, LorJ Mayor of London, &c. &c. &c. The Press, throughout the en tire Union, have with one voice proclaimed he merits of this superb engraving. To enable all to possess this valuable treas ure, it is sold at the low price o! 150 per copy. Published by GEORGE W. GUILDS. N. W. corner of Filth & Arch sts., PliiPa. D. D. BYERLY, Sole Agent for the States of Eastern Penn sylvania and Delaware This Portrait can only be obtained from Mr. Byerly, or from his duly authorized a gents. Arrangements have been made with the Post Office Department, by which copies of the Portrait can be sent to any point, per mail, in perfect order. ID3 Persons by remitting Five Dollars to D. D. Byerly. Philiadelphia, will have a copy ofthe Portrait sent to them free of Postage. VlP Magnificent Gilt Frames, got up ex pressly for these Portrai.s, furnished at the low price of S5.00 each JUST ISSNED. A MAGNIPICENT PORTRAIT OF GENERAL JACKSON, Engraved by T. B. WELCH, Rq.K after the original portrait painted by T SULLY, Esq. This Portrait will be a match for the Wash ington, artel is in every respect as well got up. Price S5 00 per copy. Address as above. October 11, 1852. 00,000 Bricl V Just burnt and for sale by the subscriber. These brick are of a large size and of a su perior quality, and will be sold as low and lower, according to quality, than any other brick in the County. A portion of them are pressed or front, and cornice Brick of differ ent kinds. Said Brick are composed of ma terial that will stand the fire with impunity, thus answering for the purpose of building bake-ovens, &., all of which xvill be retailed at the following rates: Pressed or front brick at $1 50 per hundred Best common hard hrick !)0 do do Best salmon do 75 do Best soft do 50 do Filling-in-brick 25 do N. B. All kinds of grain, athe do do do lighest market price, taken in exchange for, Brick, and Cash not refused. WILLIAM S. WINTEMUTE. Stroudsburg, September 30, 1852. India Rubber Gloves, MHiens, &e CSOUNTRY MERCHANTS, in making ' their purchases, should not neglect these desirable and saleable articles. Their manufacture has been much nipuned re cently and they are made very durable. Particular atteniion is requested to ihe Wool Lined Gloves and Nitidis. Thev are indisnensable in cold and wet weather. Ladies will find these Gloves use- IJa- ' i'alconer & Haskell, uaminore, mu. II. W. Shiffer, Charleston, S. C. Bart & Hickcox, Cincinnati, Ohio, and by all Rub ber Dealers in the Union; For sale at retail by Country Merchants generally. November 25, 1852 2m ' - - - , JOB WORK Neatly ''ex'ecutoil at this Office : OILS, TALLOW GREASE, AND . HJQ R3ENERA8L. PA8MT. 300 barrels Machinery Oil. Price 75 cts. per gallon. 2500 gallons do do in casks of various sizes. 200 barrels Boild Paint Oil. 5000 gallons do do do do 75 do do do 55 55 do do in casks of various sizes. 350 barrels Tanners' Oil. Various kinds &. qualities, from 35 to GO cts per gallon. 1500 gallons in casks of various sizes. Va rious kinds and qualities, from 35 to 50 cts. per gallon. .50 tons Tn How Grease, for heavy bearings, and u coarsenacninery, m barrels on ca oi any consistency requireu. Price G cents per pound 150 ions Ohio Mineral Paint, fn barrels, at the lowest market price. Machinery Oil, warranted not to chill in i the coldest weather, and considered by those! 1 using-11 equal to sperm 011. j j Boild Paint Oil, equal to linseed oil, other! ! tnan for white. I I am constantly receiving" large supplies of the above named articles, and my motto is, "Small profits and quick returns:" B. F. POND, 56 Water st (under the Pearl st. House,) New-York. Julyl , 1852.6m Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between the un dersigned iu the Mercantile business, has this day been dissolved by mutual con sent. All pessons indebted to said firm are requested to make immediate pay ment, and those having claims or demands will please presenf them to Jacob Stouf fer avIio is duly authorized to settle the same. All accounts remaining unpaid on the first of July next, will be placed in the hands of a Justice of the Peace for collection. JACOB STOUFFER, STEPHEN KISTLElt. Tannersville,May U, 1852. The subscriber , thankful for past favors, respectfully announces to the public that he will continue the business at the old stand, and respectfully solicits a continu- ' 1 . ance of the public patronage 50,000 SIIIXGLES and a lance slock of various kinds Lumber on hand and for sale low. JACOB S TO UPPER May 27, 1852.-6t. The subscriber hav ing ourchased the entire O stock of Clocks. Watch. cs. Jewel rv. d c. of John iP 11. iMeucii, intenns car- the Watch Ma JmSS kinr and Jewelry busi- Se?SK Mng ana ncss in all its various forms, and jn a man- j or the Author, 3S North Seventh Street Plai ner, he trusts, that will give the most entire i adelphia. satisfaction, not only to himself but to those ' trusting the above mentioned articles with ! TCIFTY DOLLARS Forfeit. Dr- Hun him to be repaired. He has renewed his ! tcr will forfeit $50 if falling to cure any stock by recent purchases in the city of New i rase of secret disease that may come under York, which, together with his former stock, ' his care, no matter how long standing or af makes his assortment at this time one of the . flicting. Either sex are invited to his Pri mosi solendid ever before offered in Strouds-! vate Rooms, 28 North Seventh Street Pilad'a. burg; among which may be found all the la- j without fear of interruption from other pa test fashions in the structure and embellish-1 tients. Strangers and others who have been ment of dress Jewelry, viz: Breast Pins, Ear ! unfortunate in the selection of a Physician Rings, Finger Rings! Cold Lockets, Snaps, ; are invited to call. Bracelets, Slides, Silver Spoons, Butter! IMPOTENCY--Through unrestrained Knives, and Brittaniii Ware, together with a indulgence of the passions, by excess or large assortment of Gold and Silver Watch- ; self-abuse, the evils are numerous. Prema cs. Clocks, Perfumery, t-c, together with ; ture impotency, involuntary seminal dischar all the articles that can be found in any es-! ges, wasting ofthe organs, loss of memory, tablishment of the kind. a distaste for female society, general debility, Watrfl SSepak'iaiff ?r c0"3,1;1'0! derangement, are sure to fol- , . , 'low. If necessary, consult the Doctor with Being an important as well as a skillful part 1 COnfieence ; he offers a perfect cure, of his business, he flatters himself he can , READ AND REFLECT. The afflicted give as general satisfaction to his customers ; woud do wejj t0 reflect before trustmo ther and the public as can be done by any one., ; health, happiness, and m many easel their as he intends to keep none but the best work- ijveS ,n the hands of Physicians ignorant of men in his employ ; and feeling confident thls ciass 0f maladies. It is certainly im thal all shall have entire satisfaction done possible for one man to understand all the them, he intends todevote his whole time and h, the human family are subject to attention to that important branch of his Every respectable physician has his peculiar business. ! branch, in which he is more successful than Anyi bing in his line that he may not have j hjs brother professors, and to that he devotes on hand, will be promptly procured from the j m0st"of his time and study city, hy calling on ine suoscrioer ai nis suop, on Elizabeth street, two doors west of J. II. Melick's old stand. SAMUEL MELICK Stroudsburg, May fi, 1852. ii .1 1 -1 1 - 1 1 Siroutisburg Female Seminary. ISS MAIIY HECHT, formerly of Easton, has taken charge of the above Institution, and having had several years experience in teaching in Easton 1 1 11 t, 1 i a mm .iiuntuwii, uupo-a yix to secure the natronasre ot tnosc wno wish their daughters to obtain a complete and finished education. Terms reasonable. Scholars from a distance can obtain boarding in private families. s references: Win. Davis, Esq., Robert Boys, and James II. Walton, Esq., Stroudsburg, Pa. Oliver St. John, Hon. Washtugthn Mc- Uartncy, .Easton, J a. October 21, 1852: STRGVDSBVR6 ACADEMY. The Winter session commences Monday, No vember 1st. Those wishing; to send girls or boys will- please apply soon, as the number will be very limited. All the branches of a thorough English and Classical education arel taught. Geography is taught on the outline, maps. Terms three dollars per quarter payable immediately at the end of each quar ter. LEWIS VAIL. September 1G, 1852. 500 AttJGKTS WAITED. $1000 A YEAR. WANTED in every County of the Uni ted States, active and enterprising men, to engage in the sale of some of the best Books published in the country. To men of good address, possessing a small capital of from 825 to $ 100, such inducements will be offered as to enable them to make from $f3 10 S 10 a day profit. ICPThe Books published by us are all useful in their character, extremely popular and command large sales where er they are offered. For further particulars, address, (postage hi) DANIELS & GETZ, paid) Successors to W. A. Leary & Co , .No 138, North, Second Street, Philadel phia. hep' 30, 195". SlroanNbiirs and Eatoa Port Jen-is, JMaucJt Clmnck and Scrtmtoii STAGE LINES. The Stroudsburg and Easton mail line of stages, consists of excellent four horse coaches, and leaves J. J. Postens' In dian Queen Hotel, Stroudsburg. Pa. every day (except Sundays) at 7 o'clock a. m. ar riving in Easton before the departure of th- r cars for New York, or stages to Bethlehem and Allcntown. Qjp The following lines leaves Postens Indian Queen Hotel, blroudsourg, fa. every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, returning on alternate davs: A line to Port Jervis. Jeavincr at 7 o'clock a. m. via Bushkill, Dingman's Choice and Milford. Returning, leaves Port Jervis immediately after the arrival of lbs morning train of cars to New York, at about 8 o'clock a. at. Aline to Mauch Chunk, leaving I at 7 o'clock a. M. via Brodheadsville, where i it connects with lines to Wilkes-Baie and Wheit Haven. A line to Scranton, leaving- afc 7 o'clock a. m. via Bartonsville, Tauners vllle, where it connects with a line to Ilones dale, and connecting at Scranton with the cars for the west. These lines hold out strong inducements to the traveling public passing through sec tions ol the country which are as magnifi cent and picturesque as any in tiie Union Having provided themselves with excel cellent coaches, good horses, and careful drivers, they feel confident that they will be enabled to give entire satisfaction to all who will patronize them. STOUFFER & OSTRANDER, August 19, 1852. Proprietors. Every Family should have a copy An invaluable booh, only 25 cts. per copy Man know thyself. ; IPR- HUNTER'S MANUAL &, HAND ! BOOK for the afflicted. Containing an oul!,nf "f l!ie r0riffin' Progress Treat- 1 m onf 1 n H I .tiro r f rr cyr itm lifnniw tllOIIV UHU 14 1 I. J I CiV 1UI til Ul UlOCllOt'l contracted by promiscuous Sexual Inter course, by Self abuse, or Sexual Excess, ofiw'lM advice for their prevention, written in a lamilliar style, avoiding all medical tech nicalities, and everything that would offend the ear of decency, from the result of some twenty years successful practice, exclusive ly devoted to the cure of diseases of a deli cate or private nature. To which is added, receipts for the above diseases, and a treatise on the causes, symp toms and cure ofthe Fever and Ague, for twenty-five cents a copy; six copies one dol lar; will be forwarded to any part ofthe U- nited btates, by mail, free of postage. Ad- dress, nostase paid. "Box. 196 Post OflicP. YEARS Ob PRACTICE, exclusively devoted to the study and treatment of diseas es of the sexual organs, together with ulcers upon the body, throat, nose, or legs, pains in head, or bones, mercurial rheumatism, stric tures, gravel, irregularities, disease arising from youthful excesses, or impurities of the ; blood, whereby the constitution has becomo j enfeebled, enables the Doctor to offer speedy 10 al1 wno may Place themselves under , n? a,r.e r , , t Medicines forwarded to any part ofthe Unjted states; Price five and ten dollars per package. TNov. IS, 185-2-ly. NEW FIRM the Easton Bank. ripHE subscribers having entered into a JL partnership for the purpose of continu ing thf Drim rinrl Paint llucinouc it - the old stand of the late Mr. John IJickson, would offer their stock of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Glass, &c. &c. to old customers of the stand and Physicians and dealers in general. Please call and try us. W.J "D1CKS0N A N. SAMPLE. x Trading under the firm of Dickson $ Sample. al Sole Agents for Wetherill's Pure Ground Y bite Lead. Easton, July 17, 1851. ly Slbministvator's Notice. Estate of David Steriuger, Late of Hamilton township, Monroe co. dee'd. Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the above estate have been granted to the ifndersigned by the Register of Monroe county, all persons indebted to the said deceased will make immediate payment to the undersigned, and those having" claims against the same, will present them duly au thenticated for settlement. JESSE VAN BUSKIRK, Hamilton, Sept. 9, 1852. Administrator. The subscriber ha.s opened his new Hotel and is ready .to accommodate all who may fa vor him with their custom. JOHN H. MELICK. Stroudsburg, May 27, 1852.-0m. Ntf. 71 Northampton Street, Ojrposite i Ik p.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers