'I, it ' 0 . r ml in? M II i J 51 , n r' t!3 vi '1 P r J ,1 i ft TANNERSVILLE $von mill Brass Foundry. The subscriber takes tliis mctliod of l&nforimnii the public generally,' and nril- Urs mid larmcra especially, mat navmg (purchased of Mr. .Samuel Uaydcn, late ? ..' .'i. 1 1 o, 1 -1; 1.' J... proprietor oi uic orrouusuurg .ruuiiuiy, all his Patterns and Fixtures, be has re- ! uiovcd the same to his Toundry in Tan- : . ii. i i ... i i v,, iii 'im nw en., in.. :i:m olivine in- jj, , .. , - - - ; 1 -o created the machinery of tlio r tablish- nient, -i; is prep r: i to execute all or- ,1 ...,-. 't,,o linn rf liiQ?nf!! !n flif host; manner and with despatch, and therefore 111 AAlJ v- IV Wl-i")-" . v.-- I respectfully solicit the patronage ot the 'public. He will manufacture cast and wrought iron work of all descriptions, in cluding Ej for flour and other mills, null screws, I bark and corn mills, together with cast ings of every description turned and ut tod uu in the best possible manner. As 1 particular care will be taken to employ none but the best workmen, ana no pams will be snared, he feels confident ot bc- in able to give general satisfaction. Al so made to order. BRASS CASTINGS sack as sniudle stops, shaft and gudgeon Bose, &eM will be made to order. Old copper and Brass taken in exchange at the highest price, rattorus made to or der. Thrcshmg' machines and Jlorsc Toiccrs of the most approved construction, will be furnished to order at the shortest no tice. 4 of all kinds for coal or wood, cookstdves &c, on hand or made to order, for sale wholesale or retail. 1J L O W S , of the most approved plan will be kept on hand, and every variety of plow castings on hand and for sle. Jf "Wrought iron mill work will be dona on the mpst reasonable terms. The best kind of sled shoes and polished wa gon boxes and hollow ware will always be kept on hand. JACOB STOUFFEK. January 1 1552.-1 y . THIS IS A GREAT COUNTRY. A&D fX&kY rYSTSKSES m IT I Wholesale and Retail Boot ami Shoe Store. T "MI K Sunsrriber lakes tin's method to in Ja. Iori th; public that he lias just, re ceived at his Siore. opposite Messrs. Miller & Brother and neaily opposite T. & P. Mix sell's store, in Hamilton street, a large as s itm" i of Boofs nub 0i)oc57 decidedly tho largest, cheapest and best, now in Easton, which he is selling for cash, and isde- termined not to be undersold by any other establishment, accor dii'g to the article: His assortment consists of seSr Congress Gaiters, Women s G liters Half Gaiters, Jenny Linds, Slippers, Buskins, and a large assortment of children's gaiters. &c &c. ALSO. Gentlemen's and youths' Boots, And Shoes of every variety, all made of the i est materials, and experienced workmen (under his own superintendence.) Ordeis for work to be made by measure, anj ifjauiiig of all kinds, promptly attended r n heretofore A npi'riuance of the fa v rs uf. hbreai community respectfully so- Jicitodl TIIADDEUS SCHOCII. Iviston, May 7, 1851. Cure of Consumption, l,iver Complaint. Colds, Coughs, Asthma-, BroncJiilis, and all Throat and Lung Com jilaints. 1 have published a brief work on Consum i.non, which contains an invaluable recipe lor the cure of these prevalent diseases, even in llieir worst stages, "when friends and phy--m rians have given up all hope. The Lung Jalsam prescribed in this work Cures without vie expensive aid of ph)7sicians or injurious oe of patent medicines. In adopting this Sys ttm of Cure the patient knows what he is us t ,,r knows that he is not shortening his -dava by .the ose of anodynes or mercurials, -which may seem to RSticve but never Cure. lie knows when using this Ltfe-saving Bal sam, that he is taking mild, pleasant, effica--ijus remedies, such as Nature escribes lot the ills her children suffer. The ingredi ents composing this Lung Balsam are obtain able (cheaply too,) wherevei consumption exists, proving .that Every ill has its antidote. Consumptive patients may Rely on tins receipt (all Lung Complaints are removed by its use) I would not attach my name to it, had 1 doubt of its efficacy. The directions for preparing and trying the Balsam are perfectly plain. 1 prefer selling the Recipe to making ihe Balsam, as it enables people to Afahc their own Medicine at a Lnjung Cost. I will impart the secret of making the Balsam, and the Family right to use it, for Si, but in no case will I sell it for speculating purposes. Proof of Its Goodness. Jackson, Mich. March 21, 1851. Do;l. S.TOUSEY Sir: 'You wished me to let you-know-what effect yfjur preparation of Medicinefot Consumption and. other dis eases had in my family. After the iirst ten Jays my wife gained in weight 3 lbs, relieved her cough, changed her countenance, and all appearances were better. My family would not be willing to do without it. It is a med icine much needed in Jackson there is many cases simular to my wife's. The Ilev Mr. Blanc-hard will write vou for a recipe. Res pectfully yours. " O. F. POOL. Address, post paid, (enclosing SI.) Ur. .S. T-GUSEY, 10G Nassau street, New York. j The work goes by .mail under seal. October 7, lS51-Cm OLD DR. JACOB TOWfKD'S SARSAPARILLA. A fresh supply of the above atricle, just received, and for sle at this Office, by THEODORE SCHOCH. BLANK DEEDS For sab al this Office: Nubian iiccn- ijjotcl; - Elizabeth st., Stroudsbukg, Pa. Tho undersigned respectiuuy hi !!! r...o i.:., (V,.,.,.! nnrl th mi blip, trener- 'ilLllv. ihnihehastaken llie above Hotel, knmvn to ihe travelling community as 'Shive- ly's 01dStand,".and recently kept by Geo. Swan wood. The house is large, with ever convenience for travellers and boarders. Tho yards and stabling are extensive, and oxrorv liiiim in the verv best order for the ac- con.odation of travellers and others. The proprietor will use every euori to nave iio ioi,to M'nmhprs. bar. and everv deuart- - . ----- ment 01 ins nouse conuuticu ui aui u man ner as to secure ihe approbation of his custo mers. The Stage oflire for the Easton, M. Chunk, Wilkes-Barre, White Haven and Providence stages wilfhereafter be at the above Hotel. Persons wishing to go or send with the a bove stages, will please leave their orders at the Indian Queen Hotel. . These lines leave this Hotel every Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday morning at 7 o'clock. JOSEPH J. POST ENS. Proprietor. April .1,85. x u in iv-Ljjlx jxvo, And Co sill wEicui it may Concern: rilHE Undersicned embraces this method JL loJnform his friends and customers in particular and the public in general, that he has added to his former stock of groceries and Varieties, a generl assortmen of Consisting of the best refined Kye Whiske pale Brandy; Holland and common Gin; N. O. Hum; Lisbon and port Wine, of the pui est and best qualities, and offers such for sale by the barrel, keg, gallon or half gallon; at the lowest cash prices ; and wishes the Tavernkeepers irr the country to-givs him, al call before purehusmg elsewhere, as ne isae termined to give satisfaction, both in quality and price. lie also keeps constantly on hand, for In keepers, Wine Bitters, Pkiu'ekmint find Wintergreen, also l.erhoii Syrup. ICTProduccofall kinds taken in exchange. - SAMUEL S. ABEL. Stroudsburg, June 5, 85. PhiindoInSsia Type Foundry No. 8, Pear street, ATear the Exchange, PHILADELPHIA. THE Subscriber having made great im provements in hfs method of casting type and mixing of metals, and had a thorough , revision of his matrices, the faces of which are not ex celled, in beauty and ieiularly of cut, by any in the country; flatters himself that by a strict personal attention to business, and employfng none but the most skilful workmen, he is cn 'abled to offer A Superior Article, a I grealhj reduced Prices He is constantly adding to his stock all th;u is new from the beat workmen of this and oth er countries, and hating lately procured from Europe, a great variety of NEW FACES and ORNAMENTS, solicits the attention of Printers, thereto. Specimens will be sent to those wishing to order. -Presses, Chases, Cases, Ink, Stands, ,Gal levs, Brass ltule, and everv other article nee- t ded to furnish a complete 'Printing Ornco. supplied al the shortest notice. GER3JAX BOOK AND JOB TVPE, Of the newest style and of all sizes, carefully j put up in fonls q correct proportion j ALEXANDER R ROJ3B. January 0, 85 IocSor ITourseir for Si5 CSs! Bv means of the Pocket foscukpius, or Every one his own Physician! (ij l nirtieirr coition, wun ittil iinivsrrfcnf a hiinilrfrl f n- jjgravings, snowing pn gjvate diseases in every 'M shape and form and mal- iUlUiUUUIJJ Wl lilti "LUCl- f?-A& alive svsterns . ifkM V WM. YOOXG, 31. D fiks The time has now ar rived, that persons suffering from secret dis eases, need no more become the victim of quackery, as by the precsriptions contained in this book, any -one may cure himslf, without hinderance to business, or the knowledge of the most intimate friends, and with one tenth the usual expenses. In addition to the gen eral routine oi" private disease.ltully explains the ''cause of manhood's early decline, with observations on marriagc-besides many oili er derangements which it would not be pro per to enumerate in the public prints. IHFAny person sending TWENTY-FIVE cents enclosed in in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or firo cop ies will be sent for one dollar. Address, "DR. WM. YOUNG. No. 152 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. IEP DR. YOUNG can be cot.slilted on any of the disoases described in his dif ferent' publications, at his Office, . 152 SPRUCE Street, every day beuveen 9 and 3 o'clock, Sundays excepted. January 30, 8 5. y. Mail Line ol" Stages. This line leaves J. J. Postens' Hotel? (In dian Queen,) in Stroudsburg, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o'clock a. m via Fennersville, Shafers P. O. Kresgeville, Weisspprt, and Lehighton to Mauch Chunk, where it arrives at 4 o'clock p. ai., and con nects with lines from Pottsville, Berwick and other places. Reiurning, leave C. Connoi's hotel, in Mauch Chunk, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 A. m. an'dar rive in Stroudsburg at 4 j. m. This line connects with the Wilkes barre and While Haven sUges at Shaers P. O. Monroe county, and ftilh the. New York, Easton, Milford and llonesdale stages at Stroudsburg. V A II E From Stroudsburg to Mauch Chunk $2 00 White Haven 2 00 Wilkesbarre - " 50 J. STOUFFER & Co., February 0, 85. Proprietors". vat 3sJf.n Country Produce. Butter, cggs&c. "taken in exchange for any goods in my line of business. For sale at this Office. Ami Consumption, pain m tltc side and mghtsweats, Asthma, IV hooping uougn, palpitation of the heart; Liver complaint, I 7 ... 7 J " .1 ..11 1 JirrtoerHI aF fill i liennnhiiin " on1 -ill fllSeaSOS Of tlie i throat, lungs and liver cured by Slier- JL -f-V-t 11 ., UI1U !.. A 1 man's 2ll-liealiug Daisam. RAISING UL03D & CONSUMPTION "Mr. Mine, Buider, in Broon, was attached with raising bo.od, foZowed by a cough, pain in the side, and all the u sunZ svmntoms of consumption. He eni- r 1 "I 1 povetl two of the best physicians; they did him no "ood, and tod him ha could not live. JiaiSLlSU vya.B!i. llcarinf of the wonderful cures per- Locks, screws, butt hinges, grain and grass formed by Sherman's Balsam, he Sent at 'scythes, straw knives, door latches, bolts i i TiT iTo, i Qfi knives and forks, hoes, rakes, forks, shovels, 10 o'clock at night to Mr. Hayes, 30, cast sleel Fulton street, and got a bottle; it operated , c;isejSj hatchets; augers, trying and beve, like a charm, stopped thejjleeding and SqUares and "coffee mills. coiifrh ! Before he had taken one bottle ' CROCKERY A splendid assortment of he was able to be about liis work. It had saved his life. His daughter, residing at 127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it. Miss -Ann Maston, of Williamsburg, living in Tenth, near South Fourth st., i i says mat snc nau neen trouoieu wini hacking cough, and pain in the chest, for , . , . j t becomo so Daa . , fti,i;,red to Hve vm her school for more than ii year. She then com menced ta.'iitg the All-Healing Balsam which soon alleviated her symptoms. She is now fast recovering, and has re sumed her laborious.occupationasa teach er.' 14 years Mr. John O'Neil, 1 Oth ave nue and 21st street, suffered with a cough, raising of phlegm, and paiu in his side, ne could get ho relief til he tried the All-Healing Balsam, which drove the pain from his side, nllnycd the cough, and brought the diseaso upon the surface; and before he had. taAen three bottles, was entirely cured. P L B 0 K I S Y A X D CO N S U J! PTiO X. Mrs. Baggas, a lady apwa'rds of 70, re siding 83 Sheriff street, has for years been subject to attacks of Pleurisy, Baising of Blood, severe Cough, Shortness of Breath, Bain in her Head and various parts of her bod-. Her friends believed past recovery. The All-IIcaling Balsam relieved her at once of all her alarming symptoms, and now she is able to attend to her work. ASTHMA AN O WHOOPING COUGK. Mrs. Lucretia Wells, 95 Christie st.; r-i- - - I- L. S. Beals, 10 Delancy street; W. It """'i J ..j,..uvuiv on eacn Dottle. Price 25 cenfs and 1 per bcttle. Dr. Sherni ah's "Worm and Gough Lozen ges for sale at this ollice. MayS', 1851. JSisstosa & MSifcrd Mail 'ILEEse, "VIA STROUDSBURG. Passengers in this Zine wi cave Jo - seph llaaenbueh's Inn, sign of the' Youngs, -75 Walnut St.; know the value of i - -y rccenl l ingress u is enacieu, this great remedy. I T!lal 0c.!of lH ?urvivin?' or lf?e .vvfdT . . f , - i n TT v t i minor cnuuren oi oeccuseu commissjoiicu anu " Lact Horse, ' Laston, every Monday, aerved nine rnons sj)all recdvu one hu. Wednesday and hnday, passing through ' dred ang sikty acres: and those who engaged the foZowing paccs, viz: Richmond, lo serve six months and actually served lour! CcntreuZe, AViZiainsburg, Dis' Ferry, months, shall receive eighty acres; and ' BeawareWaterGap,Dutotsburg,Strouds-; those who engaged to serve for any or an burg, Bush. i, and Bin?man'sl,erry, andiindefinite period, and actually served one arrive in Miford the same day: Distance ' month, shall receive forty acres Erovided, ' 0 mies. Beturnmg, cave Samuel Dim- lice's Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday, 111 Thursda3r and Saturday, and arrive in Easton the same day. Fare from Easton to Stroudsburg, $1 25 u u Anfnrrl o Rrr n. b. aii baffcajre at the risk of the """'"'") owners. , . . WILLIAM DEAN". Stroudsburg, May 8 1851. A Lilciary Paper for Use People. THE BOOK TRADE, A Monthly Record of Ncxo Publications and Literary Advertiser, At 25 Cents peii Annum in Aovanck. . WJLSON, Publisher, 49 Ann st., A'. Y. The Second Yolume of this Journal com-1 menccd in August, 1851. Back numbers t can be supplied to a limited extent, ( Each number consists of from twelve to sixteen large qo'trto pages, printed on new type and excellent paper; forming in a year a volume of from 150 to 200 pages. j lis contents are: A list of all works pub lished in the U. States in each month; Liter ary Intelligence ; Reviews of New Books, &.c &c, occupying about one half the sheet' from the best literature of the day, and to a! ie. testimony .in its favor is over very interesting miscellany. whe'ming. The proprietors arc dai'y in It is the object of the publisher to render receipt of letters and cartifiicates, goinS the 'Booic Tkaok' agreeable to the taste of, to prove its remarkable efficiency to all the general reader, while it conveys intelli-1 gence oi what is going forward in the world " mreraiurr; u hpecies oi iniormauon, wmcn it is nresumed. is worth more than the sufi. 5cription to every intelligent person. i - AIl communication lay mail, must pre-paid " A great variety of Toys on hand an -L-m- tor sale cheap at the variety store of SAMUEL MELIGK. Stroudsburg, G, May 1852. Jl5ESSOil3IiC2t. Notice is lfereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned lir 7rnU,Tr;ennnf 'am been ! dissolved by mutual consent. All persons. indebted to said firm are requested to make f immediate payment, and those having claims or demands will please present them to Chas. S. Palmer, who is duly authorized to settle the-same JOHN G. TOLMIE, CHAS.S. PALMER Stroudsburg, Decerriber 23, 1851, The subscriber, thankful for past favors, respectful!) announces to the public that he has been at considerable, expense in procuring- additional machinery, and is now pre pared to execute orders of all descriptions, and will continue the business at tlie old stand. The mechanical operations will re main under'the' soneriniendence of John G. Tolmie, who will be aided by experienced workmen. 'C. S. PALMER. Tanuaiy lvl(?5. . .T. II-STHOUD' C. R. ANDIiE. TTTiTfT" dffT ' i.x iiJJ y r... -J U JL At j W Prices. n.n-rTr-v i 1 TTnTI 1 1 ., aruuujJK AiNinri naving lanen mai larce and commodious Brick Store House, .. i i I C?.l. II formerly occupied by Dr. Stokes, call the attention of their friends and the public in oeneral to their large stock of Coffee, tea, sugars, molasses, mackerel, smoked and pickled meat, coarse and fine salt, rice, etc. CIS DA R WARE Tubs, Churns, Pails, ! wooden Bowls, half bushel measures, &c. Teas, plates, &c. New style Jenny Lind, m sets of 46 pieces. FANCY CHINA Mar ble, neatest and latest stylo extant. BOOTS AND SHOES. Mens' boots and shoes, boys' do cheap. Ladies' silk lasting gaitsrs,kid slippers, patent Jenny Linds.slip pers, misses' slippers, and childrens' shoes. DRY GOODS, 'of every style and color. Black, blue and brown cloths. Fancy cassimeres; black doe skin do. summer wear of all kinds. Fancy prints, alpacas, linen, linen lustres, French rid domestic ginghams, barege, barege de laine, black and fancy lawns, paper muslin, common and Russia diaper, tweeds. iiew style of poplins for Iadieo' dresses, silks, la cesribbons, sallin veslirigs, cambrics, bleach ed and unbleached muslins, ahdxa full assort ment of trimmings. Parasols asid Umbroiias, Together wilh a complete assortment of goods generally, all of which they offer, at ve ry low rates. Grain, Lumber and all kinds of Country produce taken m exchange, and cash never refused. The late Law having made theready pay system obligatory upon all, We therefore have adopted it, and intend to sell for small profits and make quick retirrnsfwhich will be a sav ing of 20 per ct. to the buyer. Call and ex amine, before purchasing elsewhere. We know we can offer goods at such prices as will induce you to buy, for Our Goods are cheaper and astgood As any sold since Noah's flood, - To buy of us il will be your gain, And we'll take our pay m Cash or Grain. Call and see no charge for showing. Goods. STROUD & ANDRE. OFFICE TO PROCURE Soldiers'. Jjan d Warrants. n r l n nfiiTifiiiwii ill iiiiiris. iiiumi.i.iiin. hi hi i. i , valeS) wnetner oi regulars, volunteers, rang- ' ers or militia, who performed milttary ser J vices in any regiment, company or detach ' ment in the service of the United Stales, in I ih wnr.wiih fJrpnl Rrilinn. linrlnrnii hv hfl tt ; i ci. ,:.u. ,.u a ..r r.: unilCQ oiaiea oil tu eiymcuutu ucij ui juiic, 1812, or inanyoftheliidianwarssir.ee 1790,t ,ml onrl, nf thn rominissionfifl ofTiCRfS who I i was uoLaied in the military service of the j United States in the late war with Mexico, ! d shal1 be entitled to lauds as folio w.s : r'lose ho engaged to serve twelve , hoIlorabjy discharged in consequenci t aDiiity jn the service, he shall receiv ' r- ence oi dis - e the a- ; mount to which'ha would have been entitled if he had served the full period for which he had engaged to serve. Under the above act, ind the acts of Con I n.. .i.x ....i :i cr u:.. 1 1 Is! r"::: .v V-ic': uiose eiiuiniu iu receive iiiuui, isi uuobsub- -j- -x-,;-.., i i . 7. , 1 , , i , c 1 ,r . c , ' . . H. AVttherby s extra new stle to throw cined. lie may be found at his office ncT . m, J , . -, , , i Stroudsburg. S. C BURNETT. October 27, 1850. ' !. 1 J 1 I : I I 1 caSes of worms, both in children a i uuu a- . ju The re icf given and the immcdi-1 . imnrnvMn(lnj. i1A ,ni, ArlVl, follows ate implement Ot iiealtll AVlllCll to lows - i i ii iii it i i ltp uye lxnsm cauca tllG attention oi pnysi- ' cians to tms artic e, anu tnoy ireciy re- i j e ;v - ?j. j.- - ; coiiiiiiuuu a, prescriue iu in men prauuee. d ; The retail price is 25 cents vcr vial which brings il within the means of all. Brooklyn, L. I. January 16, 1847. I do certify that I gave one bottle of , B. A.l' ahnestock's V lraufugc. tomy child, j.fiiirl In sotnn linuva if nndcinrl lnvcro worms. Any person doubting this may apply for further information at my resi- deuce corncH' of York and Jackson st's. i,MPC, AnonV n JAP ? jLuuguuLipbiv, n. x. xuarcn z, loi-i. T certify, that I took two vials of B. A. Fahnestock's Yirmifuge, which "1 found to bo the greatest cure for worms I have ever used. I have been troubled with ' tape worms for a number of years, and I haye never found so good a medicine as B, A. Eanestpck's Virmifuge. I there fore recommend it. MART MA CLIFT. The public is cautioned against coun terfeits and spurious articles, and to put j no confidence iu statements that Kolni stock's,' and 'S. Fahnestock's Virmifuge, are the same .qr as good as the only gen uine article, which is B- A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge, For sale ifi Stroudsburg, by T. Schodi, H A R I) W A R"E , Iry Ooo'ds & Grocery Store, (AT BURKE'S OLD STAND,) In North Hamilton St., Edston-nearhj op- .j 7Jr, 'rr01.c1 Vntwtt positc the White Ho? so Java n. fMlHOMAS T. & DEPUE S. MILLER JL would respectfully announce to tneir 1 . i il,! fi;,T,i,b- old friends in Monroe county and tlie pub lie generally, that they have taken the above establishment, and offer for sale a large and well selected stock- of Hard ware, Dry Goods and Groceries, compris ing the following 50 doz Bim Locks, with white, brown and brass Knobs. 2000 gross Screws, assorted. 200 doz Butts, assorted. 50 " Pulleys, Blakes & Wcstvillc's. manufacture. 60 doz Till Locks. 500 planes assorted; the celebrated M. Copeland's make of Planes are amongst this assortment. 20 doz Saws, Spear & Jackson's, and also Uncelebrated London spring Saw, manufactured by H. Disston. Also, Dis- ston's Mill Saws for sawing white pine; circular and cross-cut do.; Broadaxes, hand and cooper axes; hatchets; compas ses; Steel & trying squares; Stock Howls and cooper cross. Also, a lot ot MacKC rel & llickardson's celebrated window fastenings : Flush Bolts, shutter Bolts ; plastering and mason's trowels; hammer ed pans; brass and iron Kettles; shovels and forks, &c, with a great variety of hardware, too numerous to mention. The assortment will compare with with any in this place in quantity, style an1 price. Cloths. French blue black, .blue, brown, cadet style, mixed, Beaver, Tweed, Cro- tonj Satinets; a full, assortment of Cas- '3 1-1 1-1-1, .if -i-i i .,, xress uooas; utactsiiK, Diacic sine Avarp lustre, bareges, delaine, lawns plain and fancy linen, gingham, calicoes, &c. Bed ticking, bleached and brown muslin,; lin en plaid; coatinjfej checks; flannel; hoes ; buttons; thread and silk. A full assort ment of GROCERIES. 10 hhds Molasses. 20 bbls N. O. and Trinidad Molasses. 5 hhds Sugar. 30 bbls do. white and brown. 15 " sperm, whale and lard Oil. 25 boxes soap. ' 20 do. candles. 3000 lbs Bacon. 25 bbls mess pork. 25 do- Flour. 10 chests Imperial and Young tt c tn.. . 7 " , , , A T GQ, Starch. CJlOCOlatC, Lull Madder, allum, &c. jjneu apples, peacnes, white Deans, tvc. 100 sacks of Salt. , 50 kegs white Lead; window glass and puttj . f"" ; VSS naii . ,tl ,r , 100 and halt antl flr- bbls Mack- erel. All persons visiting Easton, will find it greatly to their advantage to call and make thcir purchases of Miller & Broh- fir's larire and well selected stock of . , , , f-"000-8' 001(1 wnoiesaie anu retail, at ; Burke's old stand, by MILLER & BKOTHEK. Easton, April 24, 1851. er" ' G d SETS chisels Butcher's, Beat rr!'J ty's and Allen's, with a lot of F. 1 TT Ttrit,nvVnr'a nvvo rn tit ct1o f n fVivrTf chips. The undersigned takes pleasure m callmsc the attention ot iuecnanics to these chisels, whrch save time and labor For sale by MILLEll & BROTHER. Easton, April 24, 1851. HORSES MADE SOUND BY THS. Horse Owner's Secret, Ueing a new and certain remedy for the speedy Care oi" llenvcs, By Sir James Lyndonton, Principal Farrier to his Royal Highness Prince Albert. THE great discovery contained in this lit tie work procured Sir James his Baron etcy. It is really worth Its weight in gold to all who own or use Horses. It precribes a Cer tain and positive cure fort he Heaves which any person can prepare. The remedy is better and cheaper than any advertised Heave Pow der, and isierfectly safe, as any one can know whofffes it. Horse owners know that manya valuable Horse loses half its price by ""8 prevalent disease. The remedy pre J ., . . t. ... iro . . n . scriDed in mis worK win cure njm ana in crease his market value, besides relieving the poor beast of a horrible complaint, simi lar to the Asthma in a man. The public can depend on this work; it is no catchpenny humbug. J he articles prescribed by Sir James are all cheap and can be-had at any store. To prevent imposition the work will be sent in sealed envelopes. English price four shillings and three pence sterling. American price, 1 per copy. Persons or dering Sir James' Work, are expected to con- fine his instructions to their own animals. It will be sent to none others. An American Horse Doctor approoves of tne above bysteml Head what he says: Appleton, Ohio, July 21, 851 Mr DuNiiiiUTON, I have tried yourSecret for the cure of Heaves, and approve oi. it very much. Yours, truly, Witness, G. Long. S. Lake, Horse Dr. To procure this valuable little work. Ad dress, post paid, JOHN DUNBERTON, English Horse Doctor, American Agent for James Lyndenton's Horse Owner's Secret, New York Post Office. The Secretjs scntb'y marlat letterpostage. October 23, 1851-6m 0 APS. fine scented Soaps for wash ihg and shaving "also the o'eebratbd shaving cream, for sa'e by .. SAMUEL MELICK. 200)00 BIRCK, Just burnt and for sale by the subscriber. 'These brick are of a large size and of a su- Pior quajity, and will be sold i as lo;v ' and i lower, according to.quality, than any other ,bnck jn ihe CouBnl 4 A pirtion of lhJem are pressed or front, and cornice Biick of differ- , - L "f"u U1 '!a- !tei,al lhat Wl11 stand the fire with impunity, thus answering tor the purpose of building bake-ovens, &c.,all of which will be retailed at tho following ratea: Pressed or front brick at SI 50 per hundred I Best common hard biick. 00 do do I Rtjol 'inlmnn tin "Tii r?n fir. Best soft do 50 do do Filling-in-brick 25 do do N. B. -All kinds of grain, at the highest market price, taken in exchange for Brick,, and Cash not refused. WILLIAM S. WINTEMUTE. Stroudsburg, November 30, 1852. ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Has removed his office to his dwelling house, first door below the office of the "Monroe Democrat," and directly oppo site. S. J. Hollinshead's hotel, Elizabeth street. Stroudsburg, Dec. 19, 1850. MONROE COUNTY iriiilnatFSre Insurance Comp'y. fThe rate of Insurance is one dollar on the thousand doarsf insured, after which navnient no subsequent tax yri j be Zevied, except to cover actuaZ Zoss or ' UUIllUJtU U V 111 lllU.li lIlilY uuuu 141W1U- O 1 bers of the company. The nctt protits arising from interest or otherwise, st'l be ascertained ycary, for which each member in proportion to his, her, or their deposit, wi have a credit in the company. Each insurer in or with the said company vnll be a mem ber thereof during the term of his or her poicy. The principc of Mutua Insur ance has been thoroughy tested has been tried by the unerring test of experi ence, and has proved successful and be come very popuar. It affords the great est security against oss or, damage by fire, on the most advantageous and rea sonabe terms. Appications for Insurance to-be made in person, or b'v letters addressed to JAMES H. WALTON, Scc'y. MANAGERS. Jacob Goetz Michael H. Dreher John Edinger James H. Walton Edward Poston Robert Boys Jacob Erederici George B. Keller Peter Shaw John Miller Richard S. Staples Jacob Shoemaker. Balsar Fethcrmau. JACOB GOETZ, President. JAMIJS H. WALTON, Treasurer. Stroudsburg, Janury 31, 1850. ELECTION EETUNRS rrMIE EleiAn returt.s Wng now all in. JL the people are beginning to lum their attention to other matters, and lo supply one of their most important wants, we have just rcceivad and offer for sale at our store in Stroudsburg, a verv large assortment u ivLAol'.MADB Including Overcoats, common and fine al ail prices, from 85 to S15; tine dress and Iroi iv coats, business coats, &c; a large assortmert of panlaporis, cloth, cassimerea, sattineii, corduroy, and of all varieties; a good assort ment of vests, of a great variety of patterns, cotton shirts and woollen under-shirts and drawers. &c, neckcloths, 4fc. TAILORINGA large assortment of ex cellent broad rlolh and other stuffs, on hand, which will be made up accoiding to order, a short notice, and in the best style. DRY GOODS. Also an excellent assort ment of dry goods of various patterns, and domestic goods. Woolen Lawn Shams. Calicoes, Merinoes, &c. Stockings ami stocking yarn. Trunks, valises, carpet bai,s. &c. 1EPA11 kinds of produce and lumber taken in exchange for goods, and goods or cask paid for all kinds of furs, sheep skins, and call skins. H1RSCHK1NU & ADLEK Stroudsburg, Oct. 23, 1S5L 3 a Mlimi! Attorney at Law, STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, VA. Office on Elizabeth strcot, formerly oc cupied by Win. Davis, Esq. MayS, 1851. Hover's Xuli iftanufactory, REMOYED TO No. 144 Race Sir eel, (Between Fourth and Fifth; oppQoite Crown St ' .Philadelphia. - T"7"HERE tne 1 ropnetur n enabled, by V increased. facilities, Io supply ihe iirowinw demana lornui xun. o iimv, whh. . r umrtnli.i t m t - ...i...h its wide spread repuiauon nas cieaieu. This Ink is now so well established in die good opinion anu conhdence ot ihe American Public, that it is scarcely necessary to sa anything in its favor, and the manufacturer takes this opportunity to, say that Ihe confi dence thus secured shall rut he abused. In addition to the various kinds of Writing Ink, he also manufactures Adamantine Ce ment for mending Glass and China, as we. as a superior Hair Dye; a trial only is neces sary to insure its future use, and a Sealu'S Vvaj?, well adapted for Druggists and Uouiers at a very low price, in larce or small quan" ties. Orders addressed to JOSEPH E. H0 Manufacturer, No. lURace Street- Between 4th & 3th, oDposite Crown ot. PHILADELPHIA. - JOB WORK Neatly executed at this 01fi.ee
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers