ID3 Wc have received frotn Dewitt &. Da j venport, publishers, Tribunebuihltngs.New ' York, several' interesting- works. TVvc caiiv ' recommend them to tIie:pcnffirof a reading I t 1? T", - .1. J1-1 l-r.t-i tlf t . PUUHC. J' I rat OU..UIU IJt aiaimc . . - GHiKCie at'Eurwpe: i In a series of Letters from Great Britain, France, Italy, &c, by Horace Greeley: nil IT I 1 .. .I I.Ct,. Durrne CrtU I'll. cffcirsontim tlcmibluan. ciou., price si. - i - ... i This volume comprises uie oBscrvsmuua Thursday, January I, IS.). ma(iG(iuririff jrr. Giieeley's recent Europetinl - - - n f - " 0 Y tour, on Society, Manners adCiustoms?. Art, fc"7-The Teachers of the Common Schools , - - ,, vTTrrrTSn7T ik .V . rrM ,. , Literature Agriculture, roreign rontics, and and others. friendly to the cause of Education x.ueraiurc, .lyicuiiu . 0 , !n thiii Count v. are rcnucsted to meet at the a great variety of other attractive and ox- , 1 There was no pnper issued from t this Works of Art in the Great iMiropcan uipi- last week, in consequence of the'tndis- tals; and graphic Sketches of Public ana uo- olourseit and nana. c uupu una , mesne iuu in xiuuuuu, im, ''-i v, Fire in Hie National Capitol. A Heavy Hog. . r. I TT .1 I - J - - a o.iu n.n.nVinr inf fhp Dr. Watson otccomac,-, Ka. Kit ea a .Capitol'building aWtfcbington, was dis- hog ajfew days agdlw nch sighed 84, 4 covered'fa be ou fire. It commenced in lbs. J.ihee-lbt lnwarnrtin rthminind hV t ie extensive aiiaOS? --- auiium.wiwmj j of Congress. When first disoov- old Short Almanac for JL CD m One Washington Wilson of Amherstbure Canada, advertising hiswife for deserting hi3 Library ol f.ov would have Hipv ronld be i A Scul S'jenc in Oie Court of Sessions, ...r. i xi. . in a ;.. fl..,oo Tn . X Y. fiourt of Sessions a few days t inocuruu uiu unuiu nuuuy m n.m. r ,n , . i,;i t i, A , i . - . rn i I i.'VxT?rA-rilo.l rnlmnnrrr nnn,'thvi - it contained oi,uuu volumes aooui -suj-igo, ""'7: , :r 6 i w I 1 000, which were in an adjourning room, two Aldermen, nun iuuuj .u.u .... , January 5"-i er o 5 rr-4 'cts I' ,lThe cause, of her leaving rae was because is 1 1 broke a pipe of her cousin's, and because I objected to herrunTning;tp town two or three timno n nnAl- nml of -irn Trier. t ri' tmvn ftll nirrVtf j They have a bar-room in California js one hundred and fifty feet long, in which are empioyea iorty Dar-Keepers, eigntecn ' 1 -..1 X x . n t? ! illli-UJwtilux.tka Vitin-no .-r,imiJ.v. .1 cj - I The roof of the library !.nig. .streets, wercbrpught before f the. j,; written in the frank, straightforward, piquant otwln fi.i- Mr CI is wiflnlv celebrated. otj 1 -j iwi 11 mwtt v j x A inore authentic, instructive, and amusing autograph notes and marginal references, Book of Travels has probably never been is- together with Manuscripts, Public Docu- sued from 'the American press. The' vast ' ln01,ts iUaPs) portraits 01 jjisiinguumeu amount of information presented .: such I nor, mat the perusal of the volume becomes . r ,fc , , d t, x-. Ga -x.i ith t, 1 t.. : ... ?. ' o . . .. i - I at a& ,1UV'- iU "u " il "UJIi exception of the Jjibrar', been destroyed. wnicn snoulu oe in every mans library. ardson, Author of 'Ecarte,' llardscrable,' &c. &c. A .sequel to Wacousta ; or, The Prophecy." l'nce r ifty cents, SFcmalc Scminarv, in the borough -of Strouds- citing topics, burg, Saturday afternoon,-January 3d, 1852, ( Jt jlag copious notices of the Great "Exiii'oi: t o'clock, for the purpose of forming an : or Wor)(,. Jj0ndo-1 complclc' Educational Association. j . ' vi: i;.-.. - MAN Y TE -VCHERS.- ucscripuons 01 uiu uuiuvuiiou ui me o,uii m dificrcnt countries; brilliant criticisms of the 1 office iposition Irt'ill be received as a sufficient apology for the delinquency. Court E'roceedings. The December Term of Court for Monroe ounty, commenced on the 24lh ulL Hon. N. J. Eldrcd presiding, assisted by Abraham Levering and Andrew Storm, Esquires. On the opening of the Court the commis ions of the President and new Associate Judges were read, also those of the Prothon 3tary, Clerks, Register and Recorder, and Sheriff. Judge Eldred made an address ex- essm"' his warmest gratitude to the citizens af the County for the unanimity with which Lhey had supported him at the late election, iind said it should stimulate him to the impar- ial and energetic discharge of his duties. The Jurors were called and nearly all an wered to their names. Jacob Frantz, of loss, was appointed Foreman of the Grand ury. The Judge in the course of his re- naks to the Grand Jury, informed them that jhe District Attorney had not a single bill of indictment to lay before them, and likewise ook occasion io congratulate the people of he County for the elevated standard of mor 1s which this fact seemed to indicate. Tlic first case tried was John 3Ierwinc ; William Walp, Executors of Godfrey rreensweig vs. John Mcctes. This was n appeal from an award of arbitrators, n an action, for debt. The Jury, ren ered a verdict of 503. 17 for the plain- n In the matter of the real estate of Ilen- 3trunk, dee'd, some of the heirs came for rard and accepted the property at the val uation of the Inquest. Peter Struuk ac- epted part no. 3, and no. 4 ; George Strunk, 110. 1, Henry Srrunk, no; 2. The Administrators sales in the.' estate f Benjamin Price, and of Win. Bohser, ifiverc confirmed. A rule was granted to show cause why j he Sheriffs Inquisition ,.npon the prop rty of Timothy Yanwhy shall not be et aside. Hugh Williams, a .native of Wales ras naturalized and admitted to citizen hip. - The case of Owen Rice, attV for Heir: ' lilt f Joseph Horsefield vs. Abraham er be renlapcd. . is all burned, and the exterior of the JJcuch tor sputeiicp,.wiuen tne ixmrc ai-,. ,. 0'il.i0fi07 .iyo qn-qi l,imin?'on Viie wesE'is Tjlaekenecl. The tcr reprimanding them, fixed .their term ' ,v -u - ou Domr6' ft one time was in imminent dan- in the State' Prison at ten years and four : pcb. iWY A r.u 3. 4, 5 6 , a... . ' 1 .1. . , nil . 1.- 1 1 -..1 Ti r ger, but this and the two Chambers ot montns eacn. aiie naruunu.u uuipnts mi- , g g 1,0 11, 12 13 14 '(Jbngress- a'te'uniujUrSd. The flames were ding themselves' firmly in the grasp ot j Q 0 0 subdued by 12i 0 'x;l6ck, It has not vet lusti, and thinking their case could 'not j ' 1 1 lo"1'V'18 iaru -1 ov -i oxjiocK. it nas not v :becri ascertained whether the fire wasbe made any worse, made use ot very ot- paused.. by. the flues, or was the work of fonsiyc and impudent language to tlie ,au incendiar.; . , . Among the thousands of valuable works, destroyed, are .Jefiei'son's Library, many ' volumes rendered. more valuable by his lencan press The vist menis, i.iaps, x unruius ui xi&iuiuisiiuu ruumvi. " alien which it contaWw' Men, Marble Bustda cm . . , , i;der of Congress, &c , A'cl We doubt at the same a ivel, and off-hand -hvhethcr .th(f;lo33' not have been other dem5n The Historical Paintings of Trumbull, . t (including the original 6'igning of the ITSat.lcla IfSoatsomer.e; t hblaratipn,") filling the paiinoS of the ur, me I'ropiiecy i-uitiiied. liy Major Jvicii:-j-iioth d ......... t, (.entrai nome, aro , tbc recent conclusion of a treaty of much uninjured. Some of the more valuable , importance, by Colonel A. J. Rogers, U- Judges, and McCoy drew his fist and as- j sualted; tlie officer having him in charge. MiU'.ch The Court not having recorded the sen-' fences, immediately, in consequence of tle conduct of the prisoners, recalled them j to the Bar and fixed the term of impris onment in the State Prison for each fif teen years and four months telling them '' time, that if they made an- Snstration of the kind, their im prisonment would be for the term of their" natural lives. I 2 3 hurs out of twenty-four, in retailing li 6 7 8 9 10- luors' at twenty""v6 ccnt3 a glass, j 13 15 46 4-7r --A-young girl has been.arrcsted.atxSt. T M,ic frcrPt tvif.1l borse Ktpnlinrr. 18 l49.:2()-2 23 24; wwrv-?- . j .HARRIED, Y I Un rnursaay, uucumuei -cum ioaif oy uic IVU ill vjuini - wx, uuu 411100 Julia Ann T. Runnel, both of M. SmitKficld, Monroe Co., Pa. 1 Dec. 13th, by Rev. L Hugg, Mr. Calvin 26 27 2i8 Decker and Miss Roscanna Frutchey, both ; of M. Smithfield, Monroe co., Pa. On the 27th of December last, by the Rev. J. A. Watson, Mr. Sirnpsin Lee and Miss Mariett Snyder, both of Strpud:township. 22 '235 24 25 2.9..,,.. 7 14 1 8 15 2 9 16 3 10 4 1 1 17 :1S: 19 12 6 13 20 April 1 The Wild Indians of Mexico. Our readers are .already apprised .of I Paintings (portraits of the Presidents, .1,1 1 . t j- r '&c and the original draft of the Decla- Who that has read the great Indian ,Ro-1 ' ' . , ,. T , 0 , , , , . , ration' or Independence, were saved. ,nce-AcousTA,-and who is there h . Tlicre woreA gcTOrai otlcr libraries in ma mai nas noi,-oui ym imu wiui uengn.i me ,the Oapitol. The Law Library, the House Seql-el of that romantic and soul-stirring and Senate Libraries, containing large ry by the same author! All will recollect collections of Documents, and the coltec that in the former the main interest of" thes fltion in a separate room of the Library., story hinges on the, curse "the unfortunate Hall, consisting of Law and Ellen IIalloway invokes upon tlie famjiv'4(ooks, were preserved , from the general and descendants of De IIalii.iak, which. tlier.UI,, j.. terriLle Wacousta was the unpitving instru- ; , . . . - " 2:23pcriai2t frotn FrJiEJee. ment in carrying out ; . , . . r., i, f' n . ; . 1 ' irahce is again' the scene of bloodshed In the oequel tne same curse is contained . . , . , T, . . 7 , 1 . 1 . , , ' and strife. Louis iSapolean, President and accomplished, but by a widely different r . , ., . , . . 5 , , 1 ... ,. , , , ,f that nominal Republic, issued his proc personage: one, the tainst of earth s daugh- lamation ou the lst ult.., declaring the tera 111 form, butalasi m mind as cruel and .Assembly dissolved, and Paris to be-in a unrelenting as the fierce Warrior himself. . state of blockade. Two hundred of the It might be doubted whether, in woman's . members were arrested, and thrown into lovely breast, vegcance so dire could find a prison. He proposes the election of a place; but we all know how dreadful is her : President by the people and the Army, revenge when irreparably wronged. , to take P'ace during the present month, The other characters of the story are most ,tIie President to hold his office for ten admirably drawn, and the whole "plot sple,,-, years, and the execution power to remain , ,r, 1 , ,, . , m his hands during the pendency of the dully conceived. The Look is well printed , . TT ? . i - J - J , , . 1 election, lie proclaims in favor of uni on good paper, and contangos pages, octavo, yersal suffrage by which he expects to 03- You that love fun and believe in the I Carrv the masacs j'lth J1!"!' f 0 afc he atjao. - , grasp the power tor which lie thirsts, and . ,. , i placo. himseif upon the throme of France. iltSr!!5??' rrid th?.n His plans were sprung upon the As- Is relished by the best of men," '' 1 , r , r , , ' . . semblv, without even the shadow of a sus should hasten to purchase the Reveries of picion'that hc meditated any evil dessign an Old Maid" and "The Life ol Dan. Marble." Jgainst thoni Ifc was t,,e of If these do not make you laugh you are be- 0f the members to demand his arrest and yond power of medicine ; and though full of impeachment on the 2d, but his plans fun, there is nothing in either of the works to having been so secretly formed, and exc ofiend the most fastidious. The holidays are cuted so promptly,' they were taken by at hand, money is plenty, buy food for your '. surprise. mind. ' j Barricades were erected in various parts of Paris, but where demolished by the (gj- Joshua Dunsran, of Rucks'countv died ' troopsand martial law has been proclaim- leirs . on the 10th ult., in Warwick township, in cd against all who were concerned in Batzj that' County. He was 47 years of age. His eir erection ; and. against all who were IUU1IU 111 L11U1U. France was unfortunate in the choice Peter Me.ckes, and terre tenants was J disease was consumption. He was frenuent- hen taken up. This was an action to ly a candidate for public office once for the ' . ""r""":. , X ecover a balance of purchase money al- Legislature in 1845, and once for Canal ,vho Doss;ss'd tllc un:unbitions heart nf pged to be due for land bought from plff. Commissioner of the State in 1850, on the a Washington to guide her infant foot- y dft. The defence set up was that the , u niS cket. tie was one of the founders of steps into the path of greatness and glory, itle was imperfect, and that it had cost Ulc Bucks uunty Agricultural Society and but she selected one whose heart was drun- hore to perfect the title than the unpaid . hlghly esteemed by all who knew him. ' J m,f. 1,; anJa v 1. ' 1 urchase money amounted to.. erdict --.JT , : , Napoleon on her throne, and a second ....... 1 c sighs. to wield the sceptre which his valor pr defendant. Jacob Miller and gra JSlIwood vs. Josiah .Snow. This was an ejectment, Jtwasdcci ;d in fuvor of plaintiff by consent of'defend- nl, wtthout-the Jury leaving the box? GabriaJ Yettcr ve. Elijah Quiglcy, Charles ; Philadelphia North American says:. "The won. ; result of the recent e'ections "in the Uni-' ted States has caused no surprise anion"- i ay has resigned his seat in those leading politicians in England who the Sen4lt: 5 to takc effcc in September are known as free traders. Their con-' "ext 11 IS 110W fort3'-ve yeas since he runk, Adam Smith, and Frederick Smith, triuutcd liberally to bring about such a re- . mrVui; oenare, aim since tuac (h:8 was an action' of trespass for cutting tim- his is no secret. Large contribu- i -n i 3 I . ' . . Tift innnl nnnctn U ia li-nlnnllA . 11 tions were made in JUngland, for the sole 1 .,i,ui,uu. ,ua.-: m: m purpose of influencing our elections. The : ??, pass, from us' forever 1 ad " when result was predicted mouths ao. It was shali we. , ?k UP.0U hls like a8ain' 0ur foretold, here in London. A leadinirpro- i couutr3r s nistory is stamped witli the toot tectionist London iournal warned von to Y?nuts 01 ienr' ulaJ nited States Agent, with three Indian tribes b.ord'ering on the frontier ot the Republic of Mexico, viz: the Lipans, the Southern Camanches, and the Muscaloras. The National Inteliszoiccr learns from a correspondent of San Antonio, Texas? that amongst the interrcsting incidents connectod Avith the framing of the treaty, was the delivery to Colonel Rogers by the Indians of twenty-seven Mexican cap tives, who had been, held in savage serv itude for periods ranging from six weeks to ten year. These captives consist of two women, two girls, and twenty-three bo-s. The ages of the latter vary from nine 'ears up to seventeen, and they are spoken of as sprightly and intellectual set of little fellows. They are now inthe possession of Colonel Rogers ready to be transferred to the Mexican authorities, or restored to their anxious and afflicted parents. Verdict for the plaintiff, against ;r trees. tuigley. The Argument List was disposed of, and e Court-rose nt 11 o'cliirk Snltrrilnv ivp. nor Health of i?lr. Clay. The accounts from Washington all rep- VSJL X'Xl. UJUV III III (t Tu n l j i ?x.i.i. f.i- . f i xuy,XLUk,v tdbl, VI ax. en is mst enenrrmnssinnr rvir in. 1 o w ' -it -rv .i ... oraiiii? ijp:it,ii ranws nnnnn tnnrnfri tm s T.i n irii Tsnpn vieTiin ,nn i,-i ic inc. O - .vu . uvMV ivcu vu uis lair, auu ue nopeiessiy a ir.5! rue ihitf. rhinlt io tn fnvminiLt. 1. - - . v w &u X The most thrill look out for the influence of British "0ld PasaSes n that history, for the last The grand object, of course, was toprc- J01'6 yearf s illuminated by schitil vent the possibility of a hih protective utl0,ns from ,11S niIShfc' intellect. Amid At Cincinnati wood is selling at jn j - Eric Railroad Dividend. The Direc- rs of the Erie Railroad Company on i OtU i .1 : .. : j i r c at rest, ana tne problem whether this 1 Y ... in i.m vc. wilt t I'.rui iii im r n ji n t- o r n A wwww 2-" VMV"M'V the nrst six months after its- coniplc-, , --.I 4.U xxvutiiji: double track. JBSix hundred thousand 'i,nllnrs rtfc of P03tsre istamrjs have h.n -.i tariff in the United States, so that English manufacturers could send their goods to our markets under a, iow tariff, and con sequently enrich themselves at the expense oi American manutacturers Philip's Fire Annihilator, of which so much has been said of late, was lately frinr? In TSToxv Vnrlr Tj.Jfti on -.1,1 result. The committee appointed to wit ncss the experiment, report that the buil ding was constructed of green spruce tim bcr, and in such a manner that it would have been a difficult matter under ordi nary circumstances to have got it fairly on fire. The experimenter had every op portunity afforded him to fairly test the experiment, and everything was in his favor. A slight fire was kindled inside the building and the annihilator was al most instantly applied, before the fire got headway to any considerable extent, and it was partially extinguished. Another trial is to be had soon. A Free Soil Convention, it has been nrrananged by the Free Soil members of Congress, shall be held next spring at Pittsburg after the Whig and- Democrat ic National Conventions shall have taken place. Among those named as candidates 'or the Presidency the, most , prominent. are the Hon. John A. Dix.of New York-. Joshua R. Giddings, and" John P. Hale'. tne bowlings of the tempest, when th up-heaving of the billows threatened our distraction, he stood by our helm and gui ded us safely into port. The New lork Miror says : "The whole amount of contributions received by Kossuth during his stay in New York, is 81 1 ,523,92. In addition to this list, Governor Kossuth has received a present or live hundred acres of land from Mr. O'Reilly, a great number of books, maps, and other things from different persons, three gold rings, several beautifully wor ked, purses, a number of portraits, and a oeautuui casket, containing two bullets. 1 i.i i . . i . . ' one usca at tne Dattle ot Hunkers Hill and the other at the "battle of New Or leans, as well as a lock of hair of Wash ington and Jefferson. The above list does "not contain the one dollar which was presented in connection with the address from the Democratic Republican Gener al Cdmmittee. This would make the whole sum received by Kossuth and his Secretaries 811,524 92. Whatever has been paid over to the Executive Commit tee does not appear in the above list." A 13 a rd Case. The Lafayette Courier contains the fol lowing : A man of the name of Elisha Brazalle, a planter in Jefferson county, Mississippi, was attacked with a loathsome disease. During his illness, he was faithfully nurs ed by a mulatto slave, to whose assidu ous attentions he owed his life. He was duly impressed by her devotion, and soon after his recovery, took her to Ohio and had her educated. She was very intelli gent, and improved her advantages so rapidly that when he visited her again he determined to marry her. He executed a deed for her emancipation, and had it recorded both in the States of Ohio and Mississippi pursuant to the laws of Mis sissippi at that time and made her his wife. Mr. Brazelle returned with her to Mis sissippi, and in process of time had a son. After a few years he sickened and died, leaving a will, in which after reciting the deed of emancipation, he declared his in tention to ratify it, and devised all his property to his son, acknowledging him to be such. Some poor and distant relations in North Carolina, whom he did not know, and for whom he did not care, hearing' of his death, came on to Mississippi and claimed the property thus devised. They instituted a suit for its recovery, and the case (it is reported in Howard's Mississip pi Reports, 2d vol. p. 847) came before duttgebharkey. He decided it, and in that decision he declared the act of c mancipation an offence against morality, and pernicious and detestable as an ex ample; he set aside the will, gave the prop. O-ty of Brazelc to his dista?it relations, condemned Brazclle's son and wife, that son's mother, again, to bondage, and made them the slaves of these North Carolina, kinsmen, as part of the assets of the estate. 21 ,22, ArkMz 28.129 30 81 1 6 1 7. 8 9. 13 f4 15 1.6 20 21. 22 23 27 '28 29 30 26 '4 ,..A I ' : 18 '""25 o 19 26 07 3 10 17 24 1 . 2... 3. 4,5 : 9 11 10. til -i 2 16-17 18 -.! June, ID 20 21 !23; 24 23 26 27. 28 29 12 3 1 T': 8 9 ;10 11 15 .16. 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 6- IS: '14 20,21 28 DIED, In Stroudsburg, on the 13th of December last, Mrs. Musch, wifo of John Musch, Esrj., aged about 75 years. In Stroudsburg, on the 2Gth of December last, Mr. Hiram Wolfingcr, aged about 30 years. In Stroud township, on thc,2Gth of Decem ber last, Mrs. Recbecca-Gariner,uged 74 yea ro'. . In Stroud township, on the 23th of Decem ber last, Mr. Ernest Kern, aged about 90 yearn PUBLIC SALE. Will be soid al public sale onSat- 5Siirday,the 10th of January, 185-2, at 2 f 1 " . .t 1 1 ; 1. 1. t. t o clock l iW ai me punnc uousb hi Jusupu .1 Posteus, in tlie borough of Stroudsbur", (if not sold at private sale before that day.) ilm ; Dwelling House and J-ut belonging to Thomas J. Albright, siiuaie in said Borough, now i:i the ocrupancy or Da to id Ivellur. For terms' iiKiutfe of - W-.; nAVTQ 1 1 Hi. x ' X J XV J. : Agciil of Thus- Albright. January 1, Q5i. I 13 14 lo J 09 19 26 27 July 1 8 15 10 A 11 gust 4 5 6 7 11 12 13 14 18 19 20 21 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 Sep U in. 1 5 6 7 8 12 J3 14 15 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 October 3 4 5 6 10 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 2 9 16 23 30 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21 28 2 9 16 23 29 30 3 10 17 24 Valuable Farm fc Saw .Hill FOU SALE. The subscriber oilers for sale al! that Farm KJ - " " situate in the township of Siroud, in tlie coun ty of Monroe, and State ol lMinsylvania, containing 48 Acres of Laud, about eighty-five thereof cleared and in a high state of cultivation, twelve acres of which is good watered Meadow, and the re mainder plough land, and the bal ance of said farm Timber Land, which is well timbered with excel- ! lent while oak, chcsnut oak and hickory. j The Brodhead"." creek runs through tho pr'em 4. ises, upou which is a 11 18 25 24 25 26 27 31 .. . Nov. cm, 7 14 8 15 o 9 16 3; 10 17 Decern. 21 22 23 24 28 29 30 o 12 -19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 i 8 15 22 29 7 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 9 16 23 30 1 8 15 22 2 9 16 23 erected, which has a never failing supply of water. Tlie other buildings are a good story JfezrfL anualiail . FRAME HOUSE, i Frame Barn with stone stables un- ' neath ; trame Wagon Hoie. stone Sprinsj House over a never falling spring of water, and other out buildings in good order. This property is situated about six mile? fiom Stroudsburg, the county seat ol Motirne countv. and 7 miles from the Delaware Rir- 29 30 er. Brodhead's creek, which runs throngh ! the premises, is .a public navigable stream, J upon which stream the Lumber manuiac t'ured at the Mill' can be easily conveyed ri ; market. For particulars apply to ihe-subacr.iber en the premises, or to Hon.. Stogdel! Slokesor . James Ilv Stroud, Stroudsuurg. Pa. G: B. COTANT. January I, 1852. 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 07 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 J-Tcavy Damages. A case of much in terest to country merchants ha3 been tried in New-York the parties were Messrs. Beardslcy vs. Lewis Tappan. The Jury returned a verdict for the plaintiffs, as sessing the damages at 810,000. Mr, r 1 1 1 . ' xappan lias a mercantile agen Executors' Sale ol a VALUABLE TANNERY AND REAL ESTATE. Late the property of S. Meyer, dcc'd- WILL be sold at public sale at tho t-"I T . 1 T Tim r.M.rt r jf it uuuno uoiise 01 uacoo Xjong,, in 1 iie Courts of Monroe County commence on u mi i i- ti.a rn.,-i. it 1 r .1 . 1 " Bartonsville, Pocono township, Monroe the fourth Monday of he months .r February, C0linty ou Saturday, the 24th day of Jan M.y, September, and December. In 1852, Uary, 1852, at 10 o'clock, A. M., a vain a -they will commence on February 23, May 24, ble stone tannery and about 32 acres of September 27, and December 27. . land. The tannery is 75 feet by 5S feet, The following are the officers of this Counv: ' with an addition of 25 feet: three stories President Judge Hon. Nathaniel B. Eld red Associate JudgesAbraham Levering, An drew, Storm. .... District Attorney, Samuel S.,Drcher. Sheriff, James N. -Hurling. . Prothon.otary and Clerk of the Courts chael H. Dreher. Register &. Recorder, Samuel Recs, jr. County Treasurer, John Edineor; Deputy Surveyor, Robert W. Swink rater-pow- high, containing 48 vats; all as good as newj a bark shed, 1G by 90 feet. The j whole is well and substantially built, and contains all necessary tanning tools and apparatus, with one of the best w: ers 111 the country, On the same property is also a large frame dwelling house, well-finished, frame barn, store houe, and wagon house. The land is all improved, and in a high state Couir.y Commissioners, Joseph Frable, Mi- of cultivation, adjoining lands of John i chael Super, Mclchoir Drehnr.- Edinger and others, in Bartonsville. agency in New-1 t'0l'"ty Auditors, Charles Palmer, Henry D. The above property ha3 many advanta- York city where books are kept in which lifcr, .Chai les S. Dietrich uxu juuuiuuu tiatements oi tue pecuniary ' condition of merchants in different sec- j tions of the country. The plaintiffs in this suit were merchants in Ohio, and this ' suit was lor slander the defendant hav ing placed upon his books a statement that the plaintiffs were irresponsible. Coroner, John V. Ruxton. . Ri:rui.snNTATivE.s. Congressman, Hon. M. M. Dimmick.. Stole Senator, Don. E. W. Hamlin. Representative, Henry S. Mott, Efq.. lllk Seventeen hundred and fifty' widows and orphans of soldiers killed in the Mex ican war, or who died from disease con- In Peru, says a London paper, horses tracte.d in the service, aro now receiving 'and rats, are an nW.ifnl. L, vnc-c- r. tt .. : : o v".iy vv.v.erijiu.eni oi inc u- scarce,-tuat. a horse is often nilCQ OiatCS. C.hnnro for n nnf , ,tf An insane man named Currigan, livin" j seven miles from St. John, N. B., on Sun-1 wishes to lie a free and independent Republic j U16"u uit.,. muiuurcu xiis vviie, two children and aunt, and dangerously, and it is feared fatally, wounded four other persons. It appears that ho called his family to prayers, and then made the attack upou them killincr first his wifn. His youngest child he placed on a log, and severed its head from its body with a knife. He then escaped into the woods and was afterwards taken with his bodv very seriously frozen. given in ex- ges as a tannery ; it is situated on. the North and South turnpike, and in a neigh borhood whore oak and hemlock bark is plenty and casi'y to be had, and Will tan 0000 hides per year. No. 2, a'tract of woodland adjoining the first, containing ten acres, more cur less. It is handy to the tannery property as a wood lot, and also contains consider-, able bark. It is very seldom that a better oppor-. tunity is offered to a. man with moderate said, capital to .go into the tanning business. . is n conviction which I share in the very Everything about the works has beengot, 1 1 1 y irnri 011 hafonfin 1 lit 'I a ooAnAKiA JAS H. WALTOJf. " " JOHN EDINGER, January 1, 1852. (KTKossuili snidin his speech to the wor king men of London that "Hungary wills and like that of the United States. he, it 1 neart ol my heart." This don't sound much like an attachment to monarcliial forms of government. A'gontlemnn of Washington city.but a few years ago, married u pretty girl of 00 pounds, and now has a pretty extensivo wifo of more than 300. OCT? A preacher has undertaken to: provo that iuwas not a wlmle but'u -shark that swal lowed Jonah ! Me fays there are no whales pi the Mediterranean,, 2Umwistrator-0 Entire. The undersigned having been appointed administrator of the Estate of William Hea ter, late of L Smithfield township, Monroo county, dee'd, hereby notifies all those in debted to said Estate to make payment, and all those having demands will present them duly authenticated for settlement, to HENRY SMITJ& MAr November 20, 1 f5 1 . ?
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers