arts 31 1 t nni r i i ti; Col f liu3 I 'rosS ttnp ill f H 1 c sata CllU! 'J'T-S U.'V. THIS IS A GREAT COUNTRY. AWD MANY MYSTERIES IN ST ! Wiolcsale and Retail Boot and Shoe Store. r pill? Subscriber lakes this meibod to in- JL form the public that lie has just re- ceivcd at his Store, opposite Messrs. Miller & Hrother anil nenrlv nnnosite T. & P. Mi.v- l " sell's store, in Hamilton Street, a large as- srrwncni 01 BfSS Boots anb Sljocs, decidedly the largest, cheapest anil best, now in Easton, which he is splhnp for cash, and is de termined not to be undersold by any other establishment, acior dnq to the article: His assortment consists of CMinress Gaiters, Women's Gaiters, Half Gaiters, Jenny Linds Slippers. Buskins, and a large assortment uf children's gaiters. &c &c. AL.SO. Gentlemen's and youths' Roots xi A and Shoes of every variety, ail made of the (under his own superintendence.) Orders for work to be made by measure. to as heretoiore. A continuance oi tne la vors of a hlueal community respectfully so licited. THADDEUS SCHOCIL Easton. May 22. 1 THE GENUINE ARTICLE, Groatlv improved manufactured by Dr. G HILTON, the great Chemist. Dr.S. P. TomnsentTs Sarsaparilla, The most extraordinary Medicine in the world ! Ovfr two hundred and lifty thousand persons eur?d of various diseases, wiihin the Inst 2 years. Jt cures Scrof ula, stubborn Ulcers, Effects of Mer cury. Fever Sores, Erysipelas, -Rheumatism, Consump tion, General Debifi- -. ty. Dyspepsia, Costivcness, Skin Diseases. .Liver Complaint, Drop- rj it Gout, Kingwurms, Can rpis anil 'I'limiirs. Heart Disoases Tne reat beamv ol this medicine is. that i' never injures the constitution, and is al- ways bttneiieial even to the most delicate, &T1. il 'droi and is the only medicine eer discovered that r. ,1 f creates new, pure and nch blood, and that M readies tne none. i uousanas are reaov 10 testify to its many uriues. p1! Great Spring & Summer Medicine i Jivcrv person sliould taUe a bottle spring and Sail, to regulate the system and drive out all S TAkL CAttL. Vt UbiC U 11 IL.U tit L . One bottle of Dr. S. P. Townsnnd's Ex tract of sarsaparilla will cleanse the system of a child. READ THE EYIDESCE. Easton, Pa.. August 5, 1850. I w.t'i a swelled leg for twenty-five years, at tended v-hh scncral debitnv, and was restor- . 5 i l.i .j r i r ti or el to pencci neaun uy ine use or lr ., r. Twnsend,s Sarsaparilla. 1 can refer to 1 i:ht?rs in this place who have taken this val- n'ile medinnc. and who speak in terms of ihe highcsl -commendation of its healing vir tues. C JI7IECKMAN, Former Sheriff of Northampton county Easto.v, Pa., August 5, 1S50. About two years iince my little daughter raught the Measles, which left her with a fol? severe cough, which no doubt would have turned to consumption had noti3r s P Toirn send's sarsaparilla been given, and by which she was perfectly restored to health. JGsEPIl STABP. This is to certify, that my child was afflicted with a horrible disease in the face (which resisted the efforts of my family physician,) and was entirely cured by half a bottle of Dr. S. P. Townsend's Sarsaparilla. WILLIAM WOOD. Unionlown, Fayette co., Pa., Julv 2 1850 NOTICE. The public are notified that Dr. SP Towns end's Extract of tsarsaparilla, will in future be manfactured under the direction of .las. R fhiiton, Chemist, whose name in connection with that of Dr. 5 P Townsend, will be up on each bottle, to prevent fraud. Sold in Strotidsburg by THEODORE SCHOCH. Wholesale and Retail OFFICE TO PROCURE Soldiers' ILand Warraifits. By a recent Act of Congress it is enacted, That each of the surviving, or the widow or minor children of deceased commissioned and noncommissioned officers, musicians, or pri vates, whether of regulars, olunteers, rang ers or militia, who performed military ser vices in any regiment, company or detach ment in the service of the United Slates, in the war with Great Britian, declared by the United States on the eighteenth day of June, 1S12, or in any of the Indian wars since 17'JO, and each of the commissioned officers who was engaged in the military service of the United Stales in the Iale war with Mexico, and shall be entitled to lands as follows : Those who engaged to serve twelve months or during the war, and actnally served nine months, shall receive one hun dred and sixty aeics: and those who engaged to serve six months and actually seived lour months, shall receive eighty acres; and those who engaged to serve for any or an indefinite period, and actually served one month, shall receive forty acres. Prpvided, that wherever any officer or soldier was : honorably discharged in consequence of dis ability in the service, he shall receive the a mount to which he would have been entitled if he had served the full period for which he had engaged to serve. Under the above act, and the acts of Con gress generally, the subscriber offers his services as agent to procure Land Warrants for those entitled to teccire them, as above specified. He may be found al his office in Strouds burg. S. C. BURNETT. Ortoer 54, IS50. Attorney ;it La.w, STROUDSBURG, MONROE OOUNTY, PA. Office on JBlizabpth street, fornferly oc cupied by Yfin. Davis, Esq. . . May 8, 1851.. P.T AIMTf T) TiVlTi?; ' I LXjJm&,AJU-m i or sale' at t.s OniGe: i HARDWARE, E$ry Sos & Grocery &$fie. (at eurke's old stand,) j jn jorth Hamilton st., Boston nearly op jrri.;, rrn Twi, posite the White Horse .Tavern. rglHOMAS T. &DEPUE S. MILLER would respectfully announce to their old friends in Monroe county and the pub- lie generally, that they have taken the auove cstauiisnmcnt. anu oner ior s;uu larsje and ware, Dry Good iu the following- 22 AM 3D W.m.Wla 50 doz Eim Locks, with white, brown and brass Knobs. 2000 gi-oss Screws, assorted. 200 doz Butts, assorted. ho Pulleys, Blakes & Westville's manufacture. GO doz Till Locks. 500 planes assorted; the celebrated M. Copeland's make of Planes are amongst this assortment. 20 doz Saws, Spear & Jackson's, and also the celebrated London spring Saw, manufactured by II. Disston. Also, Dis ston's Mill Saws for sawing white pine: circular and cross-cut do.; Broadaxes, hand and cooper axes; hatchets; compas ses; Steel & trying squares; Stock Howls and cooper cross. Also, a lot of Macke rel fc Ilickardson's celebrated window fastenings ; Plush Bolts, shutter Bolts ; plastering and mason's trowels; hammer ed pans; brass and iron Kettles; shovels and forks, &c, with a great variety of hardware, too numerous to mention. The assortment will compare with with anr in this place in quantity, style and price. Cloths. French blue black, blue, brown, cadet style, mixed, Beaver, Tweed, Cro ton; Satinets; a full assortment of Cas simeres. A large assortment Ladies' Dress Goods; black silk, black silk warp lustre, bareges, delaine, lawns plain and fancy linen, gingham, calicoes, &c. Bed (ticking, bleached and brown muslin; lin j en plaid; coatings; checks; flannel; hoes ; I buttons: rJire.-irlnd silk. A full assnrt- j ment 0f nnnriDDTDc 10 hhds Molasses. 20 bbls O. and Trinidad Molasses. 0 hhds Sugar. 30 bbls do. white and brown. 15 " sperm, whale and lard Oil. 25 boxes soap. 20 do. caudles. 3000 lbs Bacon. 25 bbls mess pork. 25 do Flour. 10 chests Imperial and Young x.;" Hyson Teas. Bice, starch, chocolate, Indi-rJg go, Madder, allum, ore. Dried apples, peaches, white beans, kc. 1 00 sacks of Salt. 50 kegs white Lead; window glass and putty. 100 kegs nails. 100 bbls, and half and qr. bbls Mack erel. All persons visiting Easton, will find it greatly to their advantage to call and make their purchases of Miller & Broth- cc.u -i..ii. .1 . i , ' iiurKe's oia stanu, ny MILLEll & 33IOTHEIL I Easton, April 24, 1851. -j3 2Ha wassra A T T O R N E Y A T LA W . Has removed his office to his dwelling house, first door below the office of the "Monroe Democrat," and directty oppo site S. J. Hollinshead's hotel, Elizabeth street. Stroudsburg, Dec. 19, 1850. THE PEOPLE'S CM ri A fipiIE undersigned has taken the store JL house formerly occupied by Charles Boys, in Stroudsburg, with the intention of accommodating the public with a genera assortment ol DRY GOODS, at Easton Pnces, for Easton par, comprising all the latest styles and fashions. Also, anything in the HARDWARE line from a threepenny nail to a saw-mill saw. CROCKERY-WARE of all kinds, cheap, BOOTS & SHOES, CEDAR-WARE And the greatest stock of GROCERIES in totvn. Coffee, tea, sugars, mo lasses, mackerel, smoked and pick led meat, smoked salmon, shad codfish, herrins. dried oeaches. cherries, soap, rice. &c, &c, &c. All of which will be sold at very reduced prices. We feel satisfied that all who choose to favor us with their custom shall have their goods to suit them. If not, we will guaran tee to return their money We will have on hand at all limes a good assortment of grain, flour, wheat, rye, corn, feed and chop. Lumber of all kinds, butler, eggs, honey and bees-wax. rags, grain, calf-skins, hides. tallow, shingles, sheep or cattle, and cord wood, taken in exchange for goods It is out of our line of business to boast or brag; we let our, goods and prices recommend themselves, and our customers will spread the news. fX?3 Don't forget tho first right-hand store as you enter the western end of the town. Get yourselves in the line, and stop where you see the first crowd. Don't gel out of patience, our friends; you shall all be waited on when your turn conies. If you only want to see our stock to satis fy yourselves of our goods and prices, all right we charge nothing for showing. No danger of mpths, for we cannot keep our goods long enough on hand. JOHN PALMER, StroudbburiT, May 22, 1851. JLcacLasad Erosi Pine. A general supply of Lead and Iron Pipe of aH sizes, on hand at all time:, and for sale by DICKSON 4 SAMPLE. ' Enston, j,j1v it, issi. iy. well selected stock ol Hard- and, as iiTEiiEsr govhins, we (eel confident , , Tnfirmarv for the relief and benefit s and Groceries, compns- our Goods and Prices w.i. induce them to se- - children, or voune persons who FFtEEFwIA, LODGES Si CO., 53 LIBCUTV STItEET, BCTWEEM BROADWAY AND NASSAU-STRfinT, , NEAlt THE POST-OFflCE. NEW-YORK . . ... j 7"E are receiving by-daily arrivals from: , V V Europe, our Fall and ,:,t,r ass,rl- M ' a"c S,U aM j Ye respectfully invite al! Gash Porrh;.sors tention is devoted to Milliycry Goods, and many of the articles are ittunufartured ex pressly to our order, and cannot be surpassed in beauty, style and cheapness. Beautiful Paris Ribbons, for Hat, Cap, Xeclc and Belt. Satin and Taffeta Ribbons, of. all widths and colors Silks, Satins, Velvets, and uncut Velvets, for Hats Feathers, American and French Artificial Flowers Puffings and Cap Trimmings Dress Trimmings, large assortment Embroideries, Capes, Collars, Undersleeves and Cuffs Fine Embroidered Reverie and Hemstitch Cambric Handkerchiefs Crapes, Lisscs, Tarletons, Illusion and Cap Laces. rf. Valencienes, Brussels, Thread, silk, and Lisle Thread Laces. Kid, Silk, Sewing silk, Lisle Thread, Me rino Gloves arid Mitts. Figured and plain Swiss, Book, Bishop Lawn and Jaconet Muslins. English. French, American and Italian Straw Goods. August, 23, 1851. 2m. 125,000 BRICK Just burnt and for sale by the subscriber. These brick are of a large size and of a su-( perior quality, and will be sold as low and lower, according to quality, than any other brick in the County. A portion of them are pressed or front, and cornice Brick of differ ent kinds. Said Brick are composed of ma terial that will stand the fire with impunity, thus answering for the purpose of building bake-ovens, all of which will be sold on the mobt reasonable terms. N. B -All kinds or grain, at the highest ; aTd Calnot reused I WILLIAM S. YVINTEMUTE. Stroudsburg, July 21, 1851. TI. STROUD c U. ANDRE At liOy Prices. .STROUD & ANDRE having taken that lurgc and commodious Brick Store Howse, formerly occupied bv Dr. Stokes, call the attention of their friends and the public in j oAnrirnl li tlipir lnrnp Atnnlr nC (fey ii U & ell cii. h. i-J j CoiTee, tea. sugars, molasses, mackerel.! cmnbpl nn.1 ni.,b!p(! mMt. eonrse and fine salt, rice, etc. i CEDAR WARE Tubs, Churns, Pails, ' wooden Howls, half bushel measures, &c. j 53ARIWAI1S). Locks, screws, butt hinges, grain and grass scythes, .straw knives, door latches, bolts, knives and forks, hoes, rakes, forks, shovels, spades ,.Hne bits, cast steel saws unieib, rniu'iieis ; augers, isyi.iy uuu uuvei squares and coffee mills CROCKERY A splendid assortment of Teas, plates, &c. New stjle Jenny Lind, in sets of4fi pieces. FANCY ,1'tNiClI jII,fCA""Mar bl-Men'boots and an. Ladies silk lastinn ble, neatest and latest JJOOTSANJ) SHOE shoes, boys' do cheap caitrs.l;id s slippers, patent Jenny Linds, slip pers, misses slippers, and rhildrens' shoes. D R Y GOOD 8, of every style and col Dr. Black, blue and brown cloths. Vancy cassimeres; black doe skin do. Summer wear of all kinds. Fancy " llmriiiinh v In avninlil( nil r Si II f If a nil 1 I lrC-S. I'.i nniinvn I It i f51 1 1 r ri Tfl IllS 1 IP.n- . j - - - . i.ih; luuuu kvhw i - led from our establishment. j.iructJiar at- 1 .J twi prints, alpacas, linen, linen lustres, French gon boxes and hollow ware will always a couch, pain ih the side and all the u and domestic ginghams, barege, barege de- h1f rm hind 1 r... .7 J2 . c ' tt Ininfi. hlnrk and Lrr Lwnn Ur m.islin. I U hand-. . ... ! S Symptoms of Consumption. He 0111- laine, black and fancy lawns, paper muslin, common and Russia diaper, tweeds, new style of poplins for Ladies' dresses, silks, la- eu and unbleached muslins, and a lull assort ment of trimmings. Parasols and HJnjbri'ilas, Together with a complete assortment ol goods generally, all of which they offer at ve ry low rates. Grain, Lumber and all kinds of Country produce taken in exchange, and cash never refused. The late Law having made the ready pay system obligatory upon all, 've therefore have adopted it, and intend to sell for small profits and make quick returns; which will be a sav ing of 20 per ct. to the buyer. Call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. We know we can offer goods at such prices as will induce you to buy, lor Our Goods are cheaper and as good As any sold since Noah's flood, To buy of us it will be your gain, And we'll take our pay in Cash or Grain. Call and sec no charge for showing Goods. STROUD & ANDRE. -Stroudsburg, April 21, 1851. Sportsmen Sake Notice. John Itridca North-East corner Walnut P II I L A D E L h B AS on hand, msl received, a complete JO. assorlment of SHOT GUNS, PowdeT l lasks, Game Bags, and all other Sporting Apparatus of the best and most approved pat terns. He has constantly on hand SPORTING POWDER of all descriptions, Percussion Caps, Shot, Uullel Moulds Ball and Blank Cartridges, and a general assortment of ma terials for Gun Makers, &c. Also Percussion Caps of a superior quali ty, designed expressly for U S. Rifles. An assortment of lushing Jackie always on hand. All the abovo.and any other articles in his ine, the subscriber will sell as low as any other establishment in the United States. In testimony of his skill as a manufactur er, the Frankmn Institute, in the years 1810 and l842, awarded to him two certificates and in the years 1811, 1816, 1817, 1818 and 1850, fivk silver meoai.s, all of which may be seen al his pla e of business. JOHN KRIDER. Philadelphia, July i.7. 1851 3m. great variety of Toys on hand and for sale chea?) at the variety store JOHN If.-MfeLIOK. of Stroudsburg, gj May 1 . i Br. V. M. Swayze, SURCEON A Graduate (if the Baltimore College of Denial Surgery, Wp ESPECTFULLY informs his friends in Slroitdsburg and the public gen erally, that he has permanently located in Easton, where he will be happy to see all who may wish his professional servi ces The attention of physicians, as well as rations. For :ill such he will willingly per- j LVaware Water Gap,Dutotsburg,Strouds- er ns ,0 securc the approbation of his custo r,'., nv i,f.edfnl operation unon their . burg, Bush&i, and .Diugman's Ferry, and mers. iftirn n n 7in:iii?s til Wiiv ni" iui uiitui v teeth- or treat all diseases of the gums or mouth in the most careful and effectual niues. iveturning, feave bamuc Dim manner gratuitously. ' mice's Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday, From the pains he has taken to quaii-! Thursday and Saturday, and arrive in fy himself by study, ana trom tne skui acquired from a practice of seven years, he hopes to merit tne connuence oi an and receive a share of public patronage. jsgfGrratuitous operations for the poor, from 7 to 9 A . M., and from 4 to 6 o'clock, P. M. Office in Northampton street, second door above Peter Pomp's New Drug Store. N. 33. His professional engagements will not possibly admit of his- -visiting Stroudsburg this Summer. Easton, April 24, 1851. Ivan aisl Biss Foissidrv. ZThe subscribers take this method to n .1 I 1' 11 l 'll I public They will manufacture cast and Tr scnptions, m- """"o iniormuie puuiic generally, anu miners e rate of Insurancc is one doHar on and farmers especially that they liave, JL tho thonsand doa7r3 inaurcd aftcr taken the above establishment, in the;which nfc no subsequent tax witf rearof StarrdtUAallaces storc, intheibc to CQver nctuaoss or borough of Stroudsburg, and having in- dam b fir that faupon mcm. creased the machinery of the cstab ish-, berg f the compan ment, they arc prepared to execute al or- j Thfl tfc from int(?rest dcrs in their line of business, in the best! or otherwise, wi be ascertained yeary, manner and with despatch and therefore ( for wh5ch ea'ch membcr in propoliioll & respectfully solicit the patronage of the . nv t tirnn9:t v; iinv n Ha n poicy. The principc of Mutua Insur- foT flour and other nulls mill sjrrewa, anceJias bce1n tlwrougWy tested-has bark and corn mills, together with cast-: bcen tricd b the unerring test of csperi mgs of every description turned and fit-; and haJ cd rocccssfW andx be. ted up in the best possible manner. As eom(! It affords the rcat. particular cjiro will he taken to employ , est sccur 1 inst o3S or damQ b none hut the best workmen, and no pains firc on thcJ m?st advantageous and rea wili be spared, they feel confident ol be- . 'r,;n tnrme . mg able to give general satisfaction. Al- , so made t0 order. 73 to oto CTTMP c? UKAbll OAfeiliNUb such as spindle steps, shaft and gudgeon! 33oses, &e., will be made to order. Old j copper and 35rass taken m exchange at. !the highest price. Fattcrns made to or- ' der. ! Threshing machines and Horse Foicers J of the most approved construction, will furnishcd to order afc the shortest no. tiee. of all kinds, for coal or wood, cook stoves! i&c - ' 011 hand or made t0 order, for sale wholeaale 1' 'ff- xv n A 3j KJ a. or the most approved plan will-be kept on , JJroncnus, and all diseases 01 the hand, and every variety of plow castings throat, lungs and liver cured by Shcr oh hand and for sale. " ' man's All-licaling Balsam. XlT Wrought iron mill work will be RAISING RLOOD & CONSUMPTION done on the most reasonable terms. The I Mr. Mine. Buider. in BrooA7vn. was 'best kind of sled shoes and polished wa- CHAS. S. PALMER Slroudshurg, November 28, 1850. -A fftEA 4 The testimony in its favor is over whe'ming. The proprietors are dai y in receipt of letters and certifiicates, going She is now fast recovering, and has re to prove its remarkab'e efficiency to ail j sumed her laborious occupation as a teach cases of worms, both in children and a- er. du ts. There ief given, and the immcdi- j 14 years Mr. John O'Neil, 10th ave ate improvement of health which follows nue and 21st street, suffered with a cou-h its use, lias ca'ied the attention of physi- raising of phlegm, and pain in his side! d- Second Sis ' To aitluu) s"m w,y ti-eeiy re- no coum get no relief til he tried the piii 1 I co nmeiia prescribe it 111 their practice. 1 All-Healing Balsam, which drove the pain V. 1 A- jl he retail nncc is 25 cents vser vinl n-hirh. fx-n, 0,m i n. 1 r , I J " I ,.. . . i t. jiwin Alio 5 1 1 i IT - ill 1,1 VIMI 1 I I I I -fill IT II Mllfl brings U within the means of all. Brooldyn, L.I. January 1G, 1847. ; do certify that I gave one bottle of, J- Uo certily that 1 gave one bottle of, T k 1 , 1 , IT' n .... I T 1 s. .uannestocKs virnniuge lomy child, and in seAen iAen hours it passed 2J3 large! Mrs. Baggas, a lady apwards of 70 re Any person doubting this may sidinir 88 Sheriff street, lm fr vn,.eiLn worms. apply for further information at my rcsi-! dence corner of York and Jackson st's. ! AMES MCCAFFREY. roug dtcepsic N . Y. March 2 1 844. ; I certify, that I took two via s of B. A. ; Fahnestock's Virnnfuge, which I found ; i uc uic gieacesc cure tor worms 1 have ever used. I have been troubled with ! tape worms lor a number ot years, and I have never found so good a medicine as B. A. Fanestock's Virmifnrr T fl.n. fore recommend it. "r" v 11 v j 1 1 . MARTHA CLIFT. The public is cautioned against coun terfeits and spurious articles, and to put no confidence in statements that Kolm stock's,' and S. Fahnestock's, Virmifu"e are the same or as good as the only cen uine article, which is 23- A. FahncstoA Vermifuge, Jt.. Easton & ill iJfortl IFIail &me, IA STROimSBIlRG. Passengers in this line will leave Jo- seph Hagenbuch's Inn, sign of the I ' he yards and stabling are extensive, and " Black Horse," Easton, everv Monday, every thing in the very best order for the ac Wednesday and Friday, passing through romodation oi travellers and others. the fotfowing paccs, viz:-lfichmond, ! , . 1 ,h fT h?? l, haV n x ? tt-;- i t-7 -n his table, rh.irnbers. bar. and every dopart- Centrevio. Wiamsburg, Dis' 1-crry, ,, ,,f )(1I1SH PftfIfi11.,Pl. ;n 'h , arrive in Miford, the same day: Distance " j Fare from Easton to Stroudsb jurcr. SI 25 2 87 N. 33. All baggage at. the risk of the owners. "WILLIAM DEAN. Stroudsburg, May 8 1851. MONROE COUNTY i?Zs3!mil Fire Isisurasicc Comp's' ; lifc j ' t, r Eaeh insurcr in j QT th(J gaid be a mem. S ber thereof during the term of his or her A nn:nt:nils fnr rnsnr!l tn ht mnAn ww V- w -.-.v in person, or hy letters addressed to JVJlJliD JUL. VJjXLJi. oeC'V. MANAGERS. Jacob Goetz Michael H. Dreher T 4 T Til M I T TIT t T fnAT Ct John Edinirer James H. Walton Edward Po-ton Hobert IJov? Jacob Frederic' George 33. Keller Peter Shaw John Miller llichard S. Staples Jacob Shoemaker. Balsar Fetherman. JACOB GOETZ, President. JAMES H. WALTON, Treasurer. Stroudsburg, Janury 31, 1S50. lIgE22- Blood 7 Consnmpliov , pain in the side and nigtdnccetis. Asthma, Whooping Cough, iiaipitationnj the heart, Liver compl-aint, attac.-ed Avith raisins bood. fonverl bv j poyed two of the best physicians; the uiu mm no good, anu torn mm lie couol not live. j Heaving of the wonderful cures pcr j formed by Sherman's J3alsam, lie sent at j 10 o'clock at night to Mrs. Hayes, 136 j Fulton street, and got a bottle; it operated like a charm, stopped the bleeding and J cough ! 3efore he had taken one bottle 1 he was able to be about his work. It had saved his life. His daughter, residing at 127 jMyrtlc Avenue, can attest it. Miss Ann Maston, of Williamsburg, living in Tenth, near South Fourth St., says That she had been troubled with a hacking cough, and pain in the chest, for a long time, which at last become so bad that she was obliged to give up her school for more than a year. She then com menced tadng the All-Healing Balsam which soon alleviated her svmntoms. brought the disease upon the surface; and before h6 had tarcn three bottles was entirely cured. ' entirely ii.klkisv axd coxsumptiox. subject to attacks of Pleurisy Raisin of Blood, severe CouMi, Shortness of Breath, Iain in her Head aTvaTiotts parts' of her body. Her friends believed past recovery. The All-Healing Balsam relieved ler at once of all her Slarmine symptoms, and now she is able to attend to her work ASTHMA AND W HOOPING COUGH Mrs. Lucretia Wells, 95 Christie st.; L. S. Beals, 19 Delancy street ; W. II. Youngs, 75 Walnut St.; know the value of this great remedy. Ask for Sherman's All-Healing Bal- W&k an sco tua u's written signature is on each bottle. Price 25 cents, and 1 nor bottle. Dr. Sherman's Worm and (Jpttgh Lozon- ges lor sale at tliiByhce. May 8, 1651, .! 1 Elizabeth st, Stroudsbcho, Pa. The undersigned respectfully in. forms ids friends and the public gpner ally, that he has taken the above Hotel. ki.oumo ihe travelling community as 'Shtve lys Old Stand," and recently kept by Geo. Swartwood. The house is large, with ever convenience t for travellers and boarders ; . The Stage office for the Mauch Chunk, Wilfces-IJarre. White Haven and Providence stages will hereafter be at the above Hotel. Persons wishiri" to go or send with the a hove stages, will please leave their orders at the Indian Queen Hotel. These lines leave this Hotel every Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday morning at 7 o'clock. JOSEPH J. POSTENS. Proprietor. April 91, 1S51. TO INKEEPERS, And ton 8 1 whom it may Concent: Tip HE Undersigned embraces ihU melhntl JL to inform his friends and customers in particular and the public in general, that he has added to his former stock of Groceries aud Varieties, a generl assortmen of Consisting of the best refined Rye Whiskev; pale Urandy ; Holland and common Gin; N. O. Rum ; Lisbon and port Wine, of the pur est and best qualities, and offers such for sale by the barrel, keg. gallon or half gallon, al the lowest cash prices ; and wishes tlio Tavernkeeper in the country to give him .1 ! call before pnrchusing elsewhere, as he is de termined tti give satisfaction, both 111 quality andpricc. lie also keeps constantly on hand, for In keepers, Wise Bitters, PEPPERMrNT and Wjjjtkrgkken, also Lemon Syrup. ETProduce of all kinds taken inexebange, SAMUEL 3. ABEL. ?trotidsborg. June 5, 1851. 'i 1 ' ' " " -m Pcial:4di.!p?iJii Type Foundry, No. 8, Pear street, Near the Exchange, PHILADELPHIA. THE Subscriber having made great im provements in his method of casting type and mixing of metals, and had a thorough revision of his matrices, the faces of which are not ex-' relied, in beauty and regularly of cut, by anv in the country; Hatters himself that by a strict personal attention to businesH, and employing mine but 1 lie most skilful workmen, he is en- I aHttd to offer A Superior Article, at greatly reduced Prices. Jle is constantly adding to his stock ail that is new from the best workmen of this and oth er countries, and haung lately procured from Europe, a great variety of NEW FACES and ORNAMENTS, solicits the attention of Printers thereto. Sperimens will be sent to those wishing to order. Pi esses, Chases, Cases. Ink, Stands, Gal leys, Brass Rule, and every other article nee ded to furnish a complete Printing Office, supplied at the shortest notice. GERMAN BOOK AND JOB TVFE, Of the newest style and of all sizes, carefully put up in fonts o' correct proportion. ALEXANDER IIOBB. January 30, 1851. ly. ttclor ?tfmsclf for Cis I By means of the Pocket jEsculapius, or Evn.rv one his own I hysician! Ihuiieth edition, with .''1 -v ..r-i ii.V. r 1 11 " Y4j"fnvarusni a nunurtacn- j5j $&f laj'R'incs showing pn- 0, l&j shape and form and rnal- ' .- r tgs' lormauons 01 tne gener- !5ai' .: BV W3I VOUXG, M. D The time has now ar rived, that persons suffering from eecret die eases, need no more become the victim of quackery, as by the precsripliuns contained in this hoot;, any one may curcjiimslf, without hinderanre to business, or the knowledge of the most intimate friends, and with one tenth the usual expenses. In addition to the gen eral routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early decline, with observations on marriage-hesides many o!h er derangements which it would not be pro per to enumerate in the public prints. IEPAny person sending TWENTY-FIVE cents enclosed in in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by ma:l, or five cop ies will hp sent for one dollar. Address, DR. VM. YOUNG. No. 152 SPRUCE Street. PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. TT DR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the diseasesdescribed in his dif ferent publications, at his Office, I5tf SPRUCE Street, every day between U and 3 o'clock, Sundays excepted. January 30, 1S51. ly. ro5.5nbJirs and itfaiicli Chunk Mair:Line of Stages. This line leaves J. J. Postens' Hotel. (In dian Queen.) in Stroudsburg, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o'clock a. m. via Feniu isvillc, Shafers P. O. Kresgevtlle, Weissport, and Lehighton to Mauch Chunk, wheie it arrives at 4 o'clock p. nr., ar.d con nects with lines from Pottsville, Berwick and other places. Returning, leave C. Cor.not's hotel, in Mauch Chunk, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 a. m. and ar rive in Stroudsburg at 1 p. m. This line connects with the Wilkesbarro and Wlme Iliven slices at Shafers P. O. Mt-nroe county, and with the New York. Easton, Milford and Honesdale stages at Stroudsburg. FA HE From 'Stroudsburg jo Mauch Chunk S3 00' " W'hite Haven C 00 Wilkesbarre 2 50 J. STOUFFER & Co.. February 13, 1851. Proprietors. Country Produce. Butter, eggs, &c. taken in exchange for any goods in my line of business. JOHN il. Jilt, LIU filil. ' -iaStroudsbnrg, February 1, 1851.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers