Turnpike Election. The Stockholders of iho Belmoni and Eas ion Turnpike Road Company are notified ttiat the annual Election ol Umcers lor said comna ny, for A. D. 1851, will be held at the house of Philip W. Lerch, in bouih Canaan, Wayne county, on the 13h day of January, 1&51, (be ing the 2d. Monday,) ai 2 o'clock p. m. A. W. NORTON, Sec. Decembor 19, 1850. " We Study to Please." THE STROGDSBDRG THESPIAN SOCIETY announces that they will give a public perform ance at the Court House in this Borough, on Wednesday evening, January 1, 1851, to con sist of the following highly entertaining and popular plays. ROBERT JTJACAIRE. Dumont, A. G. Broadhead. Germeuil, F. Smith, Robert Macaire, G. B. P. Ringwalt. Jacques Strop, I. M. Ruckman. Charles, E. B. Dreher. Pierre, C. L Heller. Loupy, J Heckman. Mario, T. J. Pratt. Clementine, W. Hollinshead. To include with the laughable farce of BOX AND COX. John Box, G. B. P. Ringwalt. James Cox, Edward Dreher. Mrs. Bonnccr, A. G. Broadhead. Admittance, 12 1-2 rents. Doors open at 6 1-2. Performance to com mence ai 7 o'clock. Stage Manager, F Smith. Decomhei 19, 1850. ADJOURNED SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Mon roe county, Penn'a., to me directed, I will ex pose to public sale at the public house of Jacob Ktiecht, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, on Monday the 23d day of December , inst. at 10 o'clock A. m. the following described prop erty, to wit: A certain messuage or tenement and tract of land situate in the Township of Ross, in the County of Monroe, containing 240 ACRES OF L.AIVI, more or less, bounded by land of Daniel Heim bach, Henry Christman, and others, about one hundred acres of which land is cleared, three acres of the same ts good meadow, the remain der is good timber land. The improvements thereon are one Log Barn, one Wagon House attached thereto, or:e Stone House, two stories high; Spring House and Lime Kil.v, and a large Apple Orchard and other Fruit Tiees. A stream of water passes through the same, and an excel lent spring near the house. Seized and taken in execution as the proper ty of Joseph Chriitman, and to be sold by me. PETER KEMMERER, Sheriff' Office, S roudsburg, ) Sheriff. December 19, 1850. j ADJOURNED SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Mon roe county Penn'a., and to me directed, I will expose to public sale on Monday the 23d day ofDecemoer, intt. at 10 o'clock A M. at the public house of Jacob Knecht, in Stroudsburg the following described property, to wi: A certain tract of land situ ate in the Township of Polk in the County of Monroe, containing 350 Acres, more or less, about sixty acres of which is cleared land, three acres of the same are good meadow, the residue is well timbered:, adjoin ing land of Philip Kresge, Joel Berlin, Joseph Serfass, Jolm Serfass, and others. The im provements are a new two story Dwelling House, a large frame Barn, one Log House ami an Apple Orchard thereon. Two streams of water run through the same laud. Seized and taken in execution as the proper ty of Charles Hawk, and to be sold bv me. PETER KEMMERER, Sheriff's Office, Stiondbbure, ) Sheriff. December 19, 1850. NOTICE To the subscribers to the stock of "The Del aware and Colbs Gap Rail Roid Company," that an Election will be held on Thursday the 26th day of December, instant, at 2 o'clock p. m at the house of Stroud J. Holinshead, in Stroudsburg, Monroe coun ty, Pennsylvania, to elect a' President and Twelve Directors for said Company. J. H. STROUD, "I F. STARBID, 9 SAMUEL TAYLOR, JOHN PLACE. J S'roudsburgh, Dec. 12, 1850. A- JR. JACKSOIV, Jtt. D.. Has permanently located himself in the bor ough ol Stroudsburg, and respectfully tenders his professional services to the inhabitants of the borough and surrounding country. Office at S. J. Hollinshead's hotel. .Stroudsburg, March 28, 1850. Attorney , at Law, TllOUDSBURG, MONTtOE COUNTY, PA. Office on Elizabeth street, formerly occupied by v-' 'llm Davis, Esq. . yQftdfier 24 1850. .- - Neatly exeGUt.ethat tM$,$ifi6er " ; NOTICE The Commissioners of Monroe county will contract by public sale in the Commissioners Office, on Wednesday, 25th day of December, inst.,&t2 o'clock, for the building of a Bridge over the Pocono creek, near the house of Geo. Phillips. Plans of the building and. bills of.timber.-can be. seen at, the Commssioners Office on said day. ! . ... JOSEPH FRABLE, - u . M. SUPER, . rf.. ABRm'FENNER . Derember 5, 1850. Executor's Sale OF A VALUABLE TANNERY, AND REAL ESTATE, hate the properly of Samuel Meyer, dee'd. Will be sold at public sale at the public house of Jacob Long, in Barionsville, Pocono town ship, Monroe county, on Monday, the 13th day of January next, at 10 o'clock, a. m , that Valuable Stone Tannery and about 30 acres of land ; the tan- ! nery is 75 feet by 58 ftc, with an ad-Jei dition of 25 feel ; three stories high, containing 48 vats, all as good as new ; a bark shed, 16 by 90 feet. The whole is well and substan tia built, and contains all necessary tanning tools and aparatus, with one of the best water powers in the country. On the same property is also a large Frame Bwelliiag House well finished, frame barn, store house, and wagon-house. The land is all improved, and in a high stale of cultivation, adjoining lands of John Edinger and others, in Bartonsville. The a bove property has n:any advantages as a tanne ry ; it is situated on the north and South turn pike, and in a neighborhood where oak and hemlock bark is plenty, and easily to be had, and will tan 6000 hides per year. No 2, a tract of WOODLAND ad- joining the first, containing ten acres, more or less, h is handy to the tannery property as a wood lot, and aUo contains considerable bark. No. 3, a Tract of LAND situate in Jackson township, about three miles from Bar tonsville, adjoining lands of John Possinger and others. It contains 231 acres, 17 perches, heavily timbered with oak and other timber. No. 4, a Tract of LAND in Toby- hanna township, Monroe county, warranted lo Jesse Sharpless. It contains 401 acres, 86 perchers, all timber land, much of which would make good farm land. No. 5, a Tract of 300 Acres, 120 perches of land, in Tobyhanna township, war ranted to Samuel Bader, all timber land. No. 6, the right to cut, peel, and haul the bark off of 60 acres of land, adjoining lands of John Stocker, Jacob Warner, and oth ers, in Paradise township. No. 7, the right to cut, peel, and haul the bark off of 93 acres of land in Para dise township, adjoining lands of John Learn, David Bowman ami others. It is very seldom that a better opportunity is offered to a man with moderate capital to go into the tanning business. Everything about the works has been gol up very substantially. Terms reasonable. JAS. H. WALTON, JOHN EDINGER, Executor's oj S. Meyer, dee'd. December 5, 1850. STROUDSBURG IE ON & BRASS FOUNDRY. The subscribers take this method to inform the public generally, and millers and farmers especially, that they have taken the above es tablishment, in ihe rear of Starbid &; Wallace's store, in the borough of Stroudsburg, and having increased the machinery of the establishment, they are prepared to execute all orders in their line of business, in the best manner and with despatch, and therefore respectfully solicit the patronage of the public. They will manufac ture cast and wrought iron work of all descrip tions, including Ulill Geariiig, for flour and other mills, mill screws, bark and corn mills, together with castings of every de scription turned and fitted up in the best possi ble manner. As particular care will be taken to employ none but the best workmen, and no pains will be spared, they feel confident of be ing able to give general satisfaction. Also made to order. BRASR CASTINGS such as spindle step?, shaft and gudgeon Boxos-, &c , will be made to order. Old copper and Brass taken in exchange at the highest price. Patterns made to order. Threshing machines $ Horse Powers of the most approved construction, will be fur nished to order at the shortest notice. of all kinds, for coal or wood, cook stoves &c , on hand or made to order, for sale wholesale or retajl. PLOWS, of the most approved plan will be kept on hand, and every variety of plow castings on hand and fore sale. JJjWrought iron mill work wilj be done on the most rea.onable terms. The best kind of sled sooea and polished wagon boxes and holr low ware will always be kept on hand. JOHN G. TOLMIE, CHAS.S. PALMER Stroudsburg, November 28, 1850. Mackerel Skad, Codfish, Salmon, Herring, Pork, Hams and Sides Shoulders, Constantly ou hand for sale bv . 1 y J. PALMERS Co., Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia. JLard aisd Cheese, J September 19, 1850 3m. : 3LAJHK DEEDS '7 For s a le "-at 'this Qffic.e, ft troiicisfriirg Fema 1c Seminary. Miss Barton will give instruction to Younp ijautes attending ine stroudsburg remale Sem inary in the following branches. Spelling, Rea ding, Writing, Geography, Arithmetic, Gram mar, History Natural, Moral and Intellectual Philosophy, Physiology, Chemistry, Phonogra phy, Algebra, Geometry, Geology, Astronomy, Botany, French, Drawing and Pajnting. Terms per session of 11 weeks: English branches $2,00 Diawing and Painting . - 2,00 French 3,00 No deductions, made in case of absence, ex cepting illness. November 21, 1850. A Rare Ciiance for FARiTIERS and DAIRYMEN. The subscriber offers at private sale his FARM, situate in Pabaquarry township War ren county, N.J. lying on the Delaware River, and adjoining land of Samuel Shoemaker and others, containing 400 Acres, 140 of which is cleared, in a high state of cul tivation, the remainder is WOOD-LaND, well covered with Chesnut, Oak, &c. very thrifty, and now ready for use. The improvements consists of a two story : welling House, 50 by 22 ft., two convenient Barns, Blacksmith-shop, and other necessa ry out buildings, Apple orchards, with a varie ty of choice fruit, and a nerer failing spring and well of water near the dwelling, and every thing necessary to make it a desirable farm. There is any quantity of lime stone on this place, and a good lime kiln. To a person desirous of keeping a public house or engaging in the lumbering business, r both, this this opportunity is well worthy of consideration, as it is seldom such a property is offered in the market. This property is sit uate on the public road leading from the Dela ware Waier Gap to Port Jervis. Ii is thought unnecessary to particularize ev ery thing on and about this farm, as purchasers are invited to come and view for themselves, believing every thing said about this farm can be fully substantiated. MOSES SHOEMAKER. November 14, 1850. OFFICE TO PROCURE Soldiers' Land Warrants. By a recent Act oj Congress it is enacted: That each of the surviving, or the widow or minor children of deceased commissioned and noucommissiond officers, musicians, or privates, whether of regulars, volunteers, rangers or mi litia, who performed military services in any regiment, company or detachme.nt in the ser vice of the United States, in the war with Great Britain, declared by the United States on the eighteenth day of June, 1812, or in any of the Indian wars since 1790, and each of the com missioned officers who was engaged in the military service of the United Stales in the late war with Mexico, and shall be entitled to lands as follows : Those who engaged to serve twelve months or during the war, and actually served nine months, shall receive one hundred and sixty a, cres: and those who engaged to serve six months and actually served four months, shall receive eighty acres ; and those who engaged to serve for any or an indefinite period, and actualy served one month, shall receive forty acres.---Provided, that wherever any officer or sotlder was honorably discharged in consequence of disability in the service, he shall receive the amount to which he would have been entitled if he had served the full period for which he had engaged to serve. Under the above act, and the acts of Con gress generally, the subscriber offers his ser vices as agent to procure Land Warrants for those entitled to receive them, as above spe cified. He may be found at his office, in Strouds burg S. C. BURNET. Clear the Track lor the Vulcasi Airtight Cooking Stove! -Hcre comes Henry O. Neimcycr with another load, which .is warranted to bo su perior to any other STOVE for wood or coal in the World. The subscriber, respectfully informs the cit izens of Stroudsburg and vicinity that he baa the best selected assortment of Stoves that can be found in any other establishment from Maine to California ; and will say to any one, and every one who is desirous of studying his own interest, do not think of purchasing a Stove of any description until you ha"ve examined my stock, which will be offered at prices that can not beibeat. The different patterns, for cook ing and heating both for wood and coal are too numerous to mention ; but must be seen to be appreciated. A large assortment of STOVES AND Tiff H AKE AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Hj3 Country Merchants will find it to the-r advantage lo examine jny stock. Roofing, Lea. pers, Gutters, Siove-piper Zinc, Coal-bods, &,c Reme.mber NORTHAMPTON St., withiti a stone's throw of tho Delaware Bridoe, Eas ton, Pa.. r T. B CURTIS. Several of those Sioves are now in u.se in the Borough of Stroudsburg, and parsoiiv devi ous of examining them can-do, o by galling on John HT'Mtlick'nrUacob Kno'cht.' October-l'7vJ 850;i.5ii ; " Dl. O. Ay Jari'is tenders his thanks to ihe people of Monroe County for the liberal naugpsge he has received duting his previous visiTs. Elaving the fullest assurances, from the high est and proper sources, and from past experi ence and practice, that he possesses the abili ty to do justice to his patrons and honor to his profession ; and that his operations are as in fallible as the works of " fallible mortals" can be expected ; he would solicit a continuance of favor : and ri quest those who " know from trial," to send along their friends. Rooms at the Indian Queen Hotel, S rouds burg. He will not visit other parts of ihe coun ty professionally, except sent for. XpHe will remain long enough to " give all -a chance." HjPP ease call at the earliest convenience. November 21, 1850. REGISTER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given to all legatees and other persons interes-ed in the estate of the re spective descendants and minors, that the ad ministration accounts of the following estates have been filed in the office of the Register of Monroe county, and will be presented for con firmation and allowance to the Orphan's Court, to be held at Stroudsburg, in and for the afore said county, on Monday, the 23d of day De cember next, at 10 o'clock, a. m. The account of John Sober, administrator of the estate of Jacob Sober, late of Hamilton township, deceased. The final account af John V. Bush aud Geo. V. Bush, executors of the last will and. testa ment of George Bush, late of Smithfield town ship, deceased. The final account of Michael Shoemaker, ac ting Executor of the last will and testament of John Adam Oyer, late of Hamilton township. deceased. SAML., REES Jr. Register. Register's office, Stroudsburg, ) Nov., 21, 1850. S Washing Made Easy. Or Hoio to Wash Clothes icithout Machines, Wash boards, or Pounding Barrels, Rubbing Unne cessary. BV MADAME BEAVELT, PATENT FRENCH LAUNDRESS. Seventh Edition improred the most popular Work ever prin ter Si-uw) copies sold in six monins. This Work is really the most useful to House keepers of any ever issued. It gives plain insiruc tions about Laundry matters, that enables one per son to do a large family washing in a very short time, without using pounders, rubbers, machines, acids, turpentine, ammonia, camphene, or other of fensive articles. It banishes all Washing Bay Troubles, and makes the once dreaded day of suds and scolding as pleasant as any. It improves the appearance or the clothes, renders them as white as snow, tears off no buttons, no skinning of fin gers, requires no hard labor, and saves all wear and tear. The pamphlet also instructs persons how to Wash calicoes or cotton prints without fa ding. Also how to make starch, and Clear Starch Laces, Cambrics, tjc, and how to iron them in the French style: Also, how to renovate velvets, clean kid gloves, remove mildew from linen, grease spots, stains, &c. &c. These are the great est and most valuable chemical discoveries of the age. My method is adopted by all the large ho tels, laundry establishments, steamers, first fami lies, &c. &c. The instructions are so plain none can mistake them. The articles used are all safe, agreeable, cheap, and can be obtained anywhere for a few cents. My plan is the Cheapest and best in the World. The work is sent by mail in sealed envelopes at single letter postage. Priceonly $1 00 per copy. Read the annexed. Proof in the City of New-York. PUBLIC CERTIFICATE. 4 We have tried Madame BeavleCs System of Washing, and consider it the best in tho World, and Worth more than is asked for it, Mrs. Lippincott, 102 Barrow-streei; John Hoop er, 105 Fulton-street ; E. Lyon, 472 Grand-street; M. R Kluss, 302 Eighth Avenue; P. Cozzens, 104 Nassau-street; II. H. Johnson, book-keeper, 108 Nassau st. Proof from the Country. Extracts from letters received by Madame Bea velt Baldswinsville, N. Y. May 19. 1850 I have tried your way of washing, and think it is the easiest way that can be got up.' ELIJAH ARMSTRONG. Ladies Like It. East Wareham, Mass. May 23. 1850. I have tried your method of washing, and am very much pleased with it. It is better than I ex peeled. On account of ill health 1 had been una ble to do my family washing until I procured your circular. Now I do it with ease. 1 recommend your plan to all my neighbors. Mrs. RUFUS E. HOLMES. Somers Point, N. J. May 28, 1850. I have tried your system of Washing, and am perfectly satisfied that it will do all you say in your advertisement. Mrs. B. Orum. Clergymen Recommend It. Chili Center, N Y Aug 19, 1850. Madame Deavclt, 1 Some weeks since I roceived one of your pamphlets, and tried your plan to our satisfaction. I also gave one of our lady neighbors, who has a large wash, some of the prepartion, and she was perfectly delighted with it. Rev. Henry Bowen. Havanna. Mason Co. III. Auir. 23, 1850. Madame We have tried both your -System of a W t Easy Washing, and find it to do well, vve think all will like to adopt it. Rev. Samuel Smith. Rev Wm Ellsworth. Springfield, Ohio, Aug. 24, 1850. 'I have tried your System of Easy Washing, and find it to be all you recommend it.' ROBERT REED. Anniville, Penn. June 5, 1850. 4 We have tried your recipe for washing, and it has met' our most sanguine expectations. We must admit that it is a moBt valuable recipe, vv. l. asiimead. JOHN HEAN, Jr. Improvement in Housekeeping. Warrerton, Va. July 22, 1850. I am very much pleased with your plan of Washing, and should like to see it in general use as a great impiovement in Housekeeping. WMt HELEN Thousands have tried it and could be named, but 'space is too costly in this paper to add more. ' To avoid imitation and counterfeits, be sure of direct your letters to Madame Beavelt, Patent Laundress, 43 Ann street, New York. Postage paid, and the pamphlet will, be forwarded by the first mail. Thousands are sent by mail every month. No person can sell this work without writ ton authority from the Holder of the Copyright. Price $1 per copy. State what paper you read this advertisement in. Oct. 17. TANKERS WANTED. The subscriber, wants to hire G or 8 good aVid sober men, to work at the beam. JACOB SPNG'M ASTER. S'romOuVg jSnp; W 1850.": PROCLAMATION. Whereas the Hon. Nathaniel B. Eldpjed, President Judge of the 22d Judicial district of Pennsylvania, composed of the countieiiof Carbon, Monroe, Pike and Wayne, and-Moles W. Coolbaugh and Stogdell Stokes, Esq's , Associates Judges of the Court of Common Please of ihe county of Monroe, and by virtue of their offices, Justices of the Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail delivery, and Court of General Quarter Sessions in and'for the said county of Monroe, have issued their precept to me commanding that a Court of Quar ter Sessions of the Peace and Common Pleas, and General Jail Delirery and OrphanrCour, for the said County of Monroe, to bo holden at Stroudsburg, on Monday, the 23d of Decem ber next, to continue two weeks if necessary. NOTICE Is therefore, hereby given to the Coroner, the Justices of ihe Peace, and Constables of the said County of Monroe, that they be then and there ready with their rolls, records, inqui sitions, examinations and other remembrances to do those things which to their offices aro ap pertaining, and also that those who are bound by recognizances to prosecute and give evi dence against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jail of said County of Monroe, or a gainst the persons who stand charged with the commission of offences, to be then and there to prosecute or testify as shall be just. PETER KEMMERER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, November 21, 1850. (God save the Commonwealth.) MONROE COUNTY SS. v2&. The Commonwealth of Pennsyl- WtfSfe vania ,n Vernica Flyte, widow of mv "ran am riyte, dee'd, John Flyte, xntP Bernard F,y,e George Flyte, Abra ham Flyte, Peter Gctzand Maria his wife, late Maria Flyte, Adam Flyte, Henry Flyte, Araham Mangle, and Susan his wife, late Susan Flyte, Thomas Altemose and So phia his wife, late Sophia Flyte, Wtlhelmina Frantz, widow of Bernard Frantz, deceased, late Wilhelmina Flyto, and Philip Flyte, Heirs and legal representatives of Abraham Flyte, late of Ross township, Monroe county, yeoman, deceased, greeting: Whereas, By an Inquest, for that purpose duly awarded by the Orphans' Court of the County aforesaid, the Real Estate of the said Abraham Flyte, deceased, was appraised at and for ihe sum of as follows, to wit: No. 1, Containing Sixty-one acres and nineiy-eight perches, at and for the sum of Twenty Dollars and Fifty Cents, for each and every acre thereof. No. 2, Containing Fifty acres and one hundred and six perches, at and for the sum of Sixteen Dollars for each and every acre thereof. - No. 3, Containing Three acres and one hundred and fifty perches, at and for tho sum of Fifty Dollars for each and erery acre thereof. No. 4, ContainingEleven acres and forty-fie perches, at and Tor ihe sum of Five Dollars for each and every acre thereof, and whereas, none of ihe Heirs of the said deceased appeared in Court on the return of the said In quisition, to take the premises therein mention ed at the appraisement, you and every of you are therefore hereby cited to be and appear at the next General Orphans Court, to be held at Stroudsburg, in and for the County of Monroe, on the Twenty-third day of December next, to accept or refuse to take the said premises afore said, at the said appraised prices. Witness the Honorable Nathaniel B. El dred, Equire, President of our said Court at Stroudsburg, the twenty-eighth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty. M. H. DREHER, Clerk. STOVES. Just received and for sale at the cheap Store of G. Malven, in Stroudsburg, Monroo county, Pa., the largest, cheapest aud best assortment of STOVES in this County, which he will sell as low as can be bought this ide of New York. He has also connected with his Store, a and keeps constantly on hand a complete as sortment of Tin Ware. All kinds of tvork in that line dono at short notice and reasonable price. GEORGE MALVEN., September 12 1850.-3m. ( - Eucourasre Home Manufacture! CABINET-WARE Of every Taricty and Style at E ASTON PRICES! W. W. COOLBAUGH respectfully invites the attention of the citizens of Monroe county io his large and finished stock of Cabinet ware at his wareroom in the main street, a short dis tance below Posten'a hotel, in Stroudsburg, comprising every kind and quality of furniture. He is determined to be undersold by no one, and the young and old housekeepers ofthe coun ty, in want of furnitue, will save time and mon ey by giving him a call. Hts stock embraces secretaries, desks, sideboards, wardrobes, bu reaus, sofas, centre tables, card tables, break fast tables, side tables, dinner tables, hat stands, wash stands, beadsteads, chests, corner and kitchen cupboards, cradles, beautiful mahogany workstands, dressing- bureaus, towel racks, &c. CHAIRS of all varieties, rmh-bottomed, cane seats, splint seats, cottage chair?, and so fa "chairs. Also, sofas and settees gol up 'in the most boutiful style. jtjAll kind of work made to order alalia shortest notice. 03" He has also on hand a well-finished hearse' am) is prepared to mahufacutro-c&ppiXM and attend funerals ai abort nu'ice. -MayttHt 1850. ' ,vi j 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers