I.ate and Important from Havana. Movements of U. S. Vessels of War Five of the -Expeditionists Shot-One an American Boy. Charleston, June 6 P4 M. The Scfctf Mer chant, Capt. Lessier, arrived here this aftenioon with dates from Havana to the 30th ult. The U. S. steam frigate Saranac, arrived at Ha vana on the 26th ult., and carried despatches to the Captain General and General Campbell,- Con sul at Havana. It was stated in Havana, that the Saranac vas put under the orders of ihe Gorernor of Cuba, to assist in suppressing any armed expe dition from the United States. The U. S. ships Albany and Germantown, lying at Havana, received information that Spanish ves sels of war wore expected with part of the Cuba expedition -on board. The American vessels in tercepted these vessels a few hours from Moro Castle, and after demanding the release of the prisoners from the Spaniards, and they refusing, were enforcing their release when ile Saranac came up. After an interview between Lieut. Tat nail and Commander Randolph, the Spaniards were allowed to take their prisoners into Havana, and place them in confinement on board of a Spanish 74. Five persons, part of the force of Gen. Lopez, who were taken at Cardenas, were afterwards shot at.Matanzas. Four of them were Scotch and Irish and one an American a boy, who stated that he joined the expedition under the impression of go ing to California. He asked permission to write a letter to Gen. Lopez, giving information of his fate which was granted. After finishing the let ter, it was torn up by the soldiers. A spectator picked up the pieces and pasted them together, with the intention of forwarding them to the pa rents of the boy. The Merchant left at Havana, the Saranac, A1-. bany, and Germantown. r - i ., Ileitis from the Gold Mines. A letter from the Murderer's Bar, on the Middle Fork, says that Gold is more plentiful there than ever. "A man named Carrick dug some twenty pounds in two weeks, and his luck continued, $3 to $5 per pan-full o.f soil was the average. A lump of gold weighing 127 ounces was pro cured at the Auburn dry diggings by a Mr. Nick erson. At Sonora diggings many holes had yield ed upwards of 10 pounds, and from one hole 37 pounds were taken by one man in three days. A beautiful 8 ounce lump of pure gold not a particle of rock with it was laken from Mormon Gulch on the American Fork. Two men at the same digging, named Hyers and Brown, took 29 ounces, besides a 17 ounce -lump in one day. On Wea ver's Creek, an Indian1 picked out a two pound lump. A man from New Hampshire, at the same diggings, found a fiat oval 16 ounce lump, all pure. A Mr. Holland, at Deer Creek diggings, was av eraging 8 ounces a day at a lucky hole he found. At Mariposa diggings eight lumps, of.ono to 7 pounds, were found ; and from one hole, 8 by ltt leet square, over S10.000 was taken, 20,000 dol lars were taken from a similar hole at the Tre tnont digging on the Mariposa One gambling establishment in San Francisco cleared 150.000 in thirteen months. We glean all these California incidents from a file of late San Francisco papers. Novel aud Ingenious Clock. Mr. John Geldard, of Paw tucket, B. I. has in vented a piece of mechanism, capable of being at tached to any common clock", by which it is set in motion at any required time. The machinery is made to operate upon three automatic figures, rep resenting negroes, who perform their respective duties with a tact and promptness at once amus ing and interesting. As soon as the appointed time, as indicated by the clock, arrives, the first of three "gentlemen ob color" rings a bell with so much force and for so long a time, as to awaken the family from the soundest sleep indeed he who should sleep through the alarm thus made, would not be very likely to be aroused by a res pectable peal of thunder. Whilst datkie No. 1, (who is know by the soubriquet of Sambo,) tugs at the bell with a hearty will, Jumbo lights a lamp from a match, which he ignites by drawing across a piece of sand-paper. No sooner is the lamp lighted than Pete is at work. This gentleman most dexterously ignites a torch at the lamp, and communicates the flame thereof to the fuel pre pared over night, in the stove. So complete are all the varied arrangements, and so perfect is the mecfaamism of th wlrole; that no possible risk of fire is at any time present ; indeed, the tact dis played by the " little, darkies'" would do no dis credit to help possessed of human intelligence. It will hence be seen that whilst its inventor is dressing, his automatic aids light a lamp and kin ile a fire in his stove services of no small value on a cold winters morning. Nor Is this all ; Mr. G. and his family may leave home in the morn ing, and upon returning at night find his stove warm, his kettle boiling and a lamp lighted, and all these services parformed without interference or bickering on the part of those to whom they are entrusted, nor do they e,ver fail in their respective duties, for they are always found where human help is employed. Mr. Geldard is a self-inade mechanic, and gives evidence of a clear constructive brain. He is at present the Overseer ofihe Weaving Department in4'Walcott & .Co.?s Mill,-, Pawtucket, Mass , ' jh- Scientific American ;a. Kentucky Negro at San Francisco.--A shrewo mulatto man, named Bob, formerly a slave belonging" to Hon. James Harlan, but emancipated some time ago, went to California last fall, has recently written to his late mas ter's Jamily an account of . his successful-ad ven tures, from which it appears that Jie has accu jnullated a fortune ofibout ,$10,00Q, by keeping JTitavern and speculating in real estate. jw!V T '. Wages in Oregon. ,Hired girjs in Oregon city receive $7?2.per .annum,. and everything costs in proportion. -In March last, , pot k sold at $24 per cwt ;.beef $18 50 ; tallow candles $2,50 her pound ; oil JL2.per gallon ; flour $5Pjer .barel. ; sugar 25c per pound ; coarse shoes $5&f 6 pet pairj 3o.,bqots $15a$16,per pair ; diyjbpr f jneciianics' 9jzaio. Cftuon, jmu k " g"" The BirmihffhamJournahRivi ihat a tallrir I living in West -Bromwicti, in England, has completed a. pieca'of fancyx .need! work, con sisting of upward of 4,000 "pieces of cloth, sewed tqgethcrwiihiVrTerent colored sijk. There are 300 figures, formed by pfeces.of cloth, and amonghem are scenes illustrative of Para dise, the death of Abel, ihe crucifixion, &c. be side animals, flowers, ships, jbridgesj and for tresses. - . lo South Carolina, no man can hold a seat in the House of Representatives unless he holds a freehold estate of five hundred acres of land, and'ten negroes. AUDITOR'S NOTICE, The undersigned Auditor, sppoiuied by the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, to examine and restate, if necessary, and report a disiribu tion on the account of John Van Vleit, adminis trator of the estate of Joseph Van Vliet, dee'd, will attend to the duties of his appointment on Saturday, the 6th of July next, at 10 o'clock a. m. at ihe public house of Jacob Knecht, in ihe Borough of Siroudsburg. JOHN T. BELL, Auditor.' June 6, 1850. SHERIFF'S SALE. By vinue of a writ of venditioni exponas is sued put of the Court of Common Pleas of Mon roe county, Penu'a, to me directed, I. will ex pose to public sale at the public house of Jacob Knecht, in the Borough of Stroudbburg, on Saturday the 29th day of June, at 10 o'clock a.m. the following described pro perty, to wit. A Lot of land containing about OWE ACRE, more or less, situate in the Borough of -Siroudsburg, all cleared, adjoining lands of Thomas McElrath, Leonard Labar, George street, Su san street and the Presbyterian Church. 1 here are a number of Apple Trees on this lot. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Allen Ward, and io be sold by me. PETER KEMMERER, Sheriff's Office, Siroudsburg, ) Sheriff. June 6, 1850. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas is sued out of ihe Court of Common Pleas of Mon roe county, Penn'a, to me directed, I will ex pose to public sale at the public house of Jacob Knecht, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, on Saturday the 29th day of June, at 10 o'clock p. m., the following described prop erty, to wit: A Lot, situate in Stroud township, containing One Acre of Xand, more or less, all cleared. Improvement, a Frame House, two stories high, Frame STABLE, several Fruit Trees; adjoining lands of Henry Miller, Joseph Drake and others. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of George Keller, and io be sold by me. PETER KEMMERER, Sheriff's Office, Stroudsburg, Sheriff. June 6, 1850. $ SHERIFF'S SALE.: By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Mon roe county, Penn'a, to me directed, I will ex pose to public sale at the public house of Jacob Knechi, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, on Saturday the 29th day of June, at 10 o'clock a. m. the following described prop erly, to wit: A certain tract of Land situate in Middle Smithfield township, adjoining, lands of Israel Vanwhy, Adam Overfield arid M. W. Coolbaugh, containing Forty-Six Acres, more or less, about ten of which is cleared, on which there are no improvements. A stream of water passes through this tract. Seized and taken in. execution as the prop erty of John Mosier, and to be sold by me. PETER KEMMERER, Sheriff a Office, Stroudsburg, Sheriff. June 6, 1850, S SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a-Mrit of venditioni expoans is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Mon roe county, Penn'a, to me directed, 1 will ex pose to public sale at the public house of Chas. D. Brodhead, in Chesnuthill township, on Friday the 28th day of June, at 1 o'clock p.ar, the following described prop erly, to wit: A certain messuage, tract or piece of land situate in Polk township, adjoining lands of Jacob Doner, Henry Dotter and others containing 141 Acres of jLand, more or less,- all WOOD-LAND. A small stream of water runs through this tract. Seized and taken in execution as the. prop erty of Henry Doiter, and to be. sold by me, PETER KEMMERER, Sheriff's Office, Siroudsburg, ) Sheriff. June 6, 1850; J Si, m wm-sf pa T Attorney at Law, STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, PA. Office on ! Elizabeth -street, formerly occupied by William Davis, Esq. April 18 1850. A. OR; j:acksoi, . hi. i. Has, permanently located himself in the bor ough of Stroudsburg, and respectfully tenders his professional services to ihe inhabitants of the borough and surrounding country. Office at S. J. Hollinshead's hotel. Stroudsburg, Marph 8, 1850. ' ' NOTICE. : Notice is hereby given that an application was made to. the Court of Common Pleas at the last teroitf;byiahe?" Humane,- Kire Engine Cprnpany 'of Ihe Jorougli of $dsjwrg? for .a Shatter. f m iM ? I THE.-ASSAM J'36 Greenwich Street, New-Yorh T.he proprietors beg to call themt tention of connoisseurs in Tea, and the heads of families to the choice and rare selection of Teas imported by them, and hitherto unknown in this coumry, vhich, by their fragrance and delicacy, .com bined wiih virgin purity and strength, produce an infusion o'f surpassing rictiness and flavor. THE TEAS OFFERED, ARE THE EOtLOWINO: The Jeddo Bloom, a. Black Tea, at $1 00 per lb " . INiphon, do " Diari, ' .,. . do.' 0 75 0 50 1 00 0 75 0 60 It Osacta, a Green Tea, Too;tsiaa-, do . . Ticki-tsiaa, , do II ti II 41 " Ud-fi Mixture, a compound of the most rare & choice Teas grown on the fertile aud ge nial soil of Assam, 1 00 a Wiih a view to encourage the introduction of these matchless, Teas, it is the intention of the proprietors to distribute by lot, among the pur chasers, a quantity of Teas equal to The First Years' Profits ON THE SALES EFFECTED. Each purchaser will receive enclosed in the package, a numbered certificate, entitling him io One Chance in the' Distribution ! ! ! FOR EVERY FIFTY CENTS laid out, and on ihe receipts amonting to $ 20, 000, the undermentioned parcels of Tear to the valun of ten per cent, or TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS, Will be Given Away as Bonnses ! ! ! ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING SCALE: 5 Prizes of 50 lbs. of Tea each at SI 00 per - . . lb. 250lbs or $250. 20 50 100 250 ii 25 io: 1 500 500 500 250 500 500 500 250 it it ti it ii i 425 Prizes in all. 2,000lbs S2.000 Those persons who prefer lower priced Teas, can receive their prizes in proportion, or they will be re-purchased for cash, at a reduction of 1,0 per cent. Country Agents required. Applications to be addressed (post paid,) to the Company's De pot, as above. New York, June 6, 1850. Mercantile Appraisement. The following is a list of the venders of Mer chandize, Restaurants, &c. in the County of Monroe, classed in accordance with the sever-, al Acts of Assembly rejating io the same. Borough of Stroudsburg. Class. 14 14 14 . 14 .v..l4-- ' ..... Amount. S7 00 7 00 10 50 R. Boys, Bush & Siaples R. Huston 1 'z - Starbird & WallaceL John N. Siokw19 George H. IVlilIer George Makin -V"' ' Charles Boys - - Samuel Stokes &, Co.! John H. Melick ... ' -Jacob Goetz (Restauran) Joseph L. Keller do 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 5 5 5 5 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Samuel S. Abel -do 8' Henry D. Bush do ",v 8 Lewis "Vah'derb'eck" do :8 Strdud'Tdwnshv2 White & Brakeley " . 1.4 , 7 00 . SmithfwWl H - ' John Lander "' 7 00 Henry Peters jr.. & Co 14 J. Y. & R. D. Vyilson, . -14 10; 50 7 00 10 50 m 50 Joseph Zimmerman 'Daniel Zimmerman Bell & Brother " " Brodhead &, Brothers IK 14 14 J4 7 7. 00 00 00 00 00 00 Middle Smitfiield. Brown & Schoonover '14 Miller & Mackev ' '1'4' 7 7 . Paradise. Brown & Morgan H. & J. Kiniz " ' ' Hamilton ..'J4; , 14 7 7 J. H. Featherrhan George B.. Keller ' , do ,do Willfam'fl & Marsh Kemmerer &"Biisard . Featherrhan & 'Busard " ; . ;; -At, JxOSS.f Joseph Hawk John Harier c. t..;., 14 7 oo 10 "50 10. 50 '7 00 10 .50 I0l50 14 i'4 c WW r S :!'tf.r.tJ." . iU. . 10 10 50 50 John Merwine " ' 10 50 Kunkel & Dkvis 1 . f Jfr-10 50 : v Ohesnutlulll Lewis Sox ' ? - : 14- 10 50 C. JX Broadhead . . 4 10 50 .H. Dr& J. ft. Shafe'r.' -44 :. 10 50 R Daily & Co. , : u 4 ? . - 10 50 John Morwinc.r - L4v.,i 10 50 : Eoconot - Ohas-JesiBoyj, 4.7 ,10 10 00 50 50 Jacobtpufier. '1 A Henry Kinjz T; ; Jacltsm John Ousterhoudt , .14" 10 50 . ToTyyliajina.; : Samuel K6hn 14 . 10 50 Those marked thus sell-liquor. The'undersighedv hereby certifies that the above is a correct list of the Venders of Mer chandize, 'Restaurantst &c, in the' County of Monroe, io far 'is iTiey have come so bis knowl edge. 4 , -" ; Ah "appeal wiH rje' held on Saturday the 29ih June next, at the1 Commissioners 'office, 1 at Siroudsburg, where those not prbperly' assess ed can attend. - , P. DAILY, Mercantile Appraiser, J USTr RECEIVE D,.a general assprtment of of Dry GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Queenware, &c, &c, at the-'store of the sub scriber, which vhe offers for sale at the lowest prices. JOHN N. STOKES. Strondsburg, May 16 f850. A Fine selecjed stock of silks.bareges.lawn.s, ginghams, and prints, to which ihe inspec tion of the ladies of Stroudsburg and surronding country is -respecifully invited, has been re ceived and is for sale by JOHN N. STOKES. Siroudsburg. May 16, 1850. P ICKLED PORK & MACKEREL, a large quantity on hand and for sale cheap by JOHN N. STOKES. Stroudsburg. May 16, 1850. TJ A MS & SHOULDERS, of good quality, XX constantly on hand and for sale low by N. STOKES JOHN Stroudsburg, May 1 6, 1 850. OLASSES, SUGAR, and COFFEE. a large and well-selected assortment for bale cheap by JOHN N. STOKES. Stroudsburg May 16, 1850. SUMMER STUFFS of all kinds, for gentle men's wear, consisting of cloths, casaimeres, cashmereues, tweeds, and linens, &c, just re ceived and for sale low by JOHN N. STOKES. Stroudsburg, May 16, 1850. . BOOTH & FOSTER LATE J. . BOOTH & Co., FASHIONABLE CLOTHING EMPORIUM, Wholesale and Retail, 27 Courtlandt Street, New-Yorh. (a jew doors below the western hotel.) THIS HOUSE,"by reason of its Great Pop ularity and Extensive Reputation, boih for the Superior Qualities and Cheapness of its Goods, has recently been extending its business, until it now presents an assortment at once unrival led by any in the city. One of ihe Firm, being one of the Pioneers in the Clothing busi ness, devotes all his time to purchasing goods for the establishment, which, his long experi ence, acknowledged skill, and with the aid of abundant capital, he is enabled to do with the most predominent success. Another of the firm superintends, in person, their extensive siand picturing department ; and the stock thus produced, and with a view to neatness, ele gance and utility, and amounting to nearly $100,000 ia Val&c, comprises an .assortment now unequalled, and they defy all competition. They desire panic ularly to call the attention of Country Merchants to their stock, whom, by their extensive arrange ments, they are enabled to supply with an as sortment at once the best, the most varied, and the cheapest of any other on this Continent. Nor does life extent of their business prevent them irom supplying the individual wants. Gentlemen visiting this city will at all times find them in readiness to furnish from the Smallest Article to the Complete Outfit, of such as cannot fail to suit ihe most rofined tase, or meet the approbation of the most fas tidious. Their Manufactured Department Is replete with every description of DRESS and frock, business ana travelling, sack and albert coats. All the styles of Drap De Ee, Alpaca and Bro. Linen COATS. PANTALOONS of all the various styles and qualities. . VESTS of the latest and,richcst pattern. DRESSING GOWNS, &c. The Fancy Department embraces everv thing new and desirable in the line of SHIRTS, DRAWERS. BOSOMS, COLLARS, CRAVATS, STOCKS, Scarfs, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, HOSIE RY, SUSPENDERS, SHOULDER BRA CES, MONEY BELTS, &c. To verify the above statements, they ask gen tlemen, when visiiing the city, to call and ex amine for themselves, where they will receive the most polite attention, the proprietors rely ing on the excessive cheapness which their un rivalled facilities enable them to afford their Goods, to ensure a sale. Full suits furnished to order at the shortest notice, and sent to any pari of the United States. J.C. BOOTH. H. L. FOSTER. N. B. Open from 6 o'clock a. m. to 10 p. h April 25, 1850.-6m. Encourage Home Manufacture! CABINET-WARE Of every Variety and Style at E ASTON PRICES! W. W. COOLBAUGH respectfully invites the attention of the citizens of Monroe county to his large and finished stock of Cabinet ware at his wareroom in the main street, a short dis tance below Posten's hotel, in Siroudsburg, comprising every kind and quality of furniture. He is determined to be undersold by no one, and the young , and old housekeepers of the coun tv. in waift of furnitue, will save time and mon ey by giving him a" call. His stock embraces secretaries, desks, sideboards, wardrobes, bu reaus, sofas, centre tables, card tables, break fast tables, side tabjes, dinner tables, hat stands, wash stands, beadsteads, chests, corner and kitchen cupboards, cradles, beautiful mahogany workstands, dressing bureaus, towel racks, &c. ' CHAIRS of all varieties, rush-boiiomed, cane seats, splint seats, cottage chairs, and so fa chairs. Also, sofas and settees got up in the most beutiful style. JjAIl kind of.work made to order at the shortest notice. QT He has also on hand a well-finished hearse and is prepared to manufacture coffins and attend funerals at short notice. May 23, 1850. CAUTION. ----- 'm Sportsmen anpoiber.i ara hereby nouned if fwti ut hunt nr hsn on or auoui tnv proueriv. i; 'am.delermmeU to .resist all depredations of this kimfT ' ()ri:FUDEiunv Estate of Silas Flower, Late of Stroud township, Monroe county, deed. Notice-is hereby given, that letters of Admin istration upon said estste, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment, and all those having claims or demands against said estaie are requested to make known the same without delay, to JOHN L. CAFF RE Y, Administrator, Stroud township, May 1G, 1850. GEO. J. ROBAKER, F ASIIIOIWBI,E TAIL OK, Takes this method of informing the citizens of Siroudsburg and surrounding country, that he has commenced the Tailoring Business in all its various branches, in the Borough of siroudsburg, on Jbilizabeih Street, nearly op posite the Store of John N. SiokeB, and res pecifully solicits all who have work to do in his line to give him a call. The latest Reports of Fashions will be regularly received, and he guarantees that all work enstructed to him will be done in a satisfactory manner. He hopes by strict attention to business and a determination to please, to merit a share of puhltc patronage. N. B. Cuiing done at the shortest notice. Stroudsburg, May 2d, 1850. THADDEUS SCHOCH, Has removed his wholesale and retail Boot and Shoe Store io a large and convenient room, which he has fitted up in the best style, a few doors above his old stand, opposite Messrs. Edinger & Miller's Store, and nearly opposite T. & P Mixsell's store in Hamilton St. where he will continue to manufacture to order every description of Boots and Shoes for men aud boys : also the most fashionable Gaiters, Buskins, Half Gaiters, Slippers &c , for Ladies and Misses which will be warrant ed to fit, be made of the best ma terials, and sold at small profits for cash. Also on hand a large assort sortment of Boots and Shoes, which will be sold cheap, and can be recommen ded. The public, are" respectfully invited to call, leave their measures, or examine his ready mads stock, before purchasing elsewhere, as he is confident they will be suited with iho stylo, quality and price of his article. Call and try them. Also American and French Calf Skin Boots manufactured to order. Easton, April 18, 1850. MONROE COUNTY MiiSnal Fire Insurance Company. The rate of Insnrance is one dollar on the thousand dollars insured, after which payment no subsequent tax will be levied, except to cov er actual loss or damage by fire, that may fall upon members of the company. The nett profits arising from interest or oth erwise, will be ascertained yearly, for which each member in proportion lo bis, her, or their deposile, will have a credit in the company.- Each insurer in or with the said company will be a member thereof during the term of his or her policy. The principle of Mutual Insurance has been thoroughly tested has been tried by the unerring test of experience, and has proved successful and become very popular. Ii af fords the greatest security against loss or dam age by fire, on the most advantageous and reasonable terms. Applications for Insurance to be made in person, or by letters addressed to JAMES H. WALTON, Sec'y. MANAGERS. Jacob Goetz John Edinger James H. Walton Edward Posten Robert Boys Michael H Dreher Jacob Frederick George B. Keller Peter Shaw John Miller Richard S. Siaples Jacob Shoemaker Balsar Fetherman. JACOB GOETZ, President. JAMES H. Walton, Treasurer. ; Siroudsburg, January 31, 1850. The testimony in its favor is overwhelming. The' proprietors are daily in receipt of letters and certificates, going to prove its remarkable efficiency to all cases of worms, both in chil dren and adults. The relief given, and the immediate improvement of health which follows its use, has called the attention of physicians io this article, and they freely recommend and prescribe it in their practice. The retail price is 25 cents per vial, which brings it within the means of all' Brooklyn, L. I. January 16, 1847t I do certify that 1 gave one bottle of B. A. Fahnestock's Vermifuge to my child, and in seven hours it passed 23 large worms. Any person doubling this may apply for funhei in formation at my residence corner of Yorlr and Jackson streets. JAMES McCAFFREY. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. March 2, 1844. I certify, that 1 took two vials of B. A. Fahn estock's Vermifuge, which I found to be the greatest cure for worms I have ever used. 1 have been iroubled-wnh tape worms for a num ber of years, and I have never found so good & medicine as B. A.. Fahnestock's Vermifuge., I therefore recommend it. MARTHA CLIFT. The public is cautioned against counterfeits and spurious articles, and to put no confidence in statements that "KolmstockV and ,4S. Fahn- ostockV Vermifuge are the same or as good as the only genuine article, which is B. A. Fahnestock's vermifuge. For sale in Stroudsburg, by T. SCHOCH, Agent March 15. 184.9. eow;,y. BLANK MORTGAGES- Fer sale' at tliis Office;' - 9 If 1 I . March 28, t 4 nXL1KMMZ ' , i Eromonqtary. ' trial1 W gooas are an mg, .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers