1 1 1 ; . WaVrantcd?rtdera?PeiiaUSof a THOUSAND DOLLARS. Freefrom Mercury and all Mineral substances H M a M d Ccire for Fcvci and Ague. 4 Russleville, Putnam Co., Ind., July 17 '17. Dr. Wright-Sometime since vour agent left me a Supply of your Indian Veg'e Pills. I have found 'safti Pills lo be in great demand lately for the cure of Fever and AgueT Sir. Jas. "Boyd has a son who has ieen laid up with various other remedies, all of which proved of no avail. He determined to trv your Indian Vegetable Pill, and by using one box lie. is now sound and' well. Mr. T. Spenster had -a daughter, Mr. Hugh "Groves a son, and Mr. Charlss Nichols and three of his family were down at "the same time with fever and ague, and had al so tried the various other remedies without enect. Your Indian Vegetable soon restored them all to perfect health. I can assure you from what I have seen, your Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied on for a permanent cure of fever and ague Yours respectfully, Jacob Durham, M. P. Also, an Acting Justice of the Peace. " This is to certify that I was entirely cured of the Chills and Fever, of several months' standing, by 'the use of four closes of four pills each, of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, after taking med icine from a regular physician for soine lime, and have had no symptoms "of it since, which has been about one year ago. J. W. Spescerj ''Texas, Champaign Co., Ohio. . This is to certify, that I was cured of the Chills a"ridFever, by the use of Wright's Indian Vegeta ble Piiis, after having had three attacks of it. David Bury. tSugar Grove Fairfield Co., Ohio, Nov. 19, '4'6. Let it be remembered that Wright's Indian Veg etable Pills are prepared with special reference to the laws governing the human body. Consequent ly they are always good, always useful, always effective in rooting out disease. Every family should keep them at hand. MONROE COUNTY. Georse H Miller, Stroudsbum t. John Lander, Craig's Meadows . Hell & Brothers, Experiment Mills , . k" Henry Ivintz, Bartonsville 'AS Edinger, Tanners ville George Keller, Kellersville . Charles Baylor, Saylorsbufg -Brodhead & Brother, Dutotsburg Jacob Long, Snydersville John Marsh & Brother, Fennersville, Lewis Sox, Chesnuthill BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND IMITATIONS. Remember, that the Original and only genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of WM. WRIGHT on the top label of each box. Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail, 169 Race street, Philadelphia ; 288 Greenwich street, New York; and 198 Tremont street, Boston. June 8, l84S.---feb24, ly K. & E. IS. EliBJREB, . - Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, MILFORtf, PIKE COUNTY, PA. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted lo their care. Office opposite the Presbyterian Church, on Broad street. .r '-' February 10, 1848.--ly. CHILD-BIRTH: A valuable Scientific Work, upon the subject of Gestation and Child BirtJi, by It. G. Geiss ser, M. D. late of Paris, just published in New York by the Author. Price Ttvenly-five Cents. THI WORK contains recently discovered in formation upon a subject of the highest impor tance to Married Persons, or those contemplating Marriage. It will be found of special value to those whose means, health or other circumstances, Uo not permit them to increase the number of -their family, without great inconvenience, suf fering, or perhaps risk of life. A method of avoiding these troubles and dangers, at will, (xecently discovered by a celebrated French Physician,) is fully communicated in this work, to that any person may avail himself of it at once, without cost. The means of prevention here set fonh are therefore within iho reach of ail. the process is new, safe, infaliiable, cou venient, simple, and cannot injure tho health of the most delicate. CAUTION. - Some speculator has clandestinely (under another name) published an imitation, (bearing the same title,) which, besides' omitting the most important portions" of iVdtipes the cred ulousout of One Dollar When the price is . Twenty-five C6nfs For tbe genuine, full, and complete Work. Copies of this work will be sent in a close 'envelope, single letter postage to any part of rhe United Slates, for twenty five cenis sent, .poet-paid, to Dr. R. G:. Geissner. Bos 24b6j office 127 1-2 Liberty Street, ftew York. N. B. No Bookseller allowed to selllhis work. .tfTovinber 10, 1848.-5m. .-ti AGENTS WANTED To canvass for some new and popular works, nf'every county throughout the United Slates. To Agents, the mgst liberal encourgement is offered with a small capital of $25 o $100. A'.'chance is offered, whereby an agent can inake from $10 to $25 per week.. For further particulars, address, (post paid!) WM; A. LEAHY. Ko: 158" North SecbfttPStrcet, Phlldeipfiia September I4yj84&; 6nr I m9lmom 3 wMTegetable -'3- Hjj M PILLS' Doctor Ybwrself! For ,25, Cents ! By means of the POCK ETESGULAPlUS,orEVE RY ONE rfiS OWN-PHYSICIAN twentieth edition, "with up wards of a hundred engra Vingf, showing private dis eases in- every shape and L '. , form, and malformations ol ilio generative system by VV. YOUNG", M. D. 'Hie lime has now arrived, that person suf fering from secret disea.se, need no more be comethe victIji of qua.ckerv7 as by the pre scriptions contained in this book any one may cure himself, without hindrance to biiisiness, of the knowledge of the most intimate friend, and with one tenth the usual expense. In ad dition to' the general routine of private disease, it fully explains the cause or manhood's early decline, with observations on marriage-besides many other derangements which it would not be proper i&: enumerate in tho public prints. JJjPAny person sending twenty-five cents enclosed in a lettert will receive'one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address'; 'Dr. -VY. YOUNG, No. 152 Spruce street, Philadelphia," Post paid. fly WANTED Proprietors of Drug or Book Siores, and Pedler, in every town in the United States, toactasagents forthe above work. September 7, jG48.--6m. CLOTHING EMPOEIUM AND GENTLEMEN'S Outfitting Establishment. No. 27 Cortland Street, NEW-YORK. Strangers and citizens desirofngto replenish their wardrobes, may be immediately accom modated in the very best style, and at the low est Cash prices. . With a choice, selection of Fall and Winter Garnieuls Of the newest patterns, of superior make and finish, and of the best materials ; equal in eve ry respect to ihe best custom work. Having adopted the cash principle, upon which certain calculations may be made, he has pursued suc cessfully for upwards of ten years, in direct op position to the ruinous system of creit, which imposes the necessity of exacting unnecessari ly high prices from paying customers ; he con tinues to provide, and has now on hand one of THE LARGEST, MOST FASHIONABLE, AND CHOICE ASSORTMENTS OF Ready Made CloUiinff iu America. From which gentlemen may depend upon suiting themselves satisfactory, as regards qual iiy, style, and price Flia large stock embra ces Overcoats and Cloaks of the most, approved styles, Dress, Frock, and other Coats. Pan taloons of every desirable pattern, and the rich est assortment of black Satin, Cassimer, and other styles of Winter Vests. The Fancy Department Embraces all the new and elegant patterns, and latest and most desirable styles of Fancy, Silk, and Satin Cravats, Suspenders, Gloves and Hosiery, Shirts. Bosoms and T AAnr r-. t Vw. ntinva Il-iriolW of T? f!lfW collars, uarnec naps, ore, eye , ill rlUUIllUM III lilt; auuiK 'uiii-'J vr j.vwvwy Made Articles, he has for sale by the piece or UACLUC7 llllUinS) U l Ita IWfr J J- yard, at as low prices as can be found in either of the Atlantic cities, a beautiful assortment of . 1 1 1 : . tut) u t:;i ijuaiiiy JJj Gentlemen can have their orders filled at a few hours notice, and sent to any part of the United Slates and bv sending their meas ures, can obtain clothing on as good, terms as though they were present to select for them selves. Address J. C.'BOOTII, No. 27 Cortland street, New York. October 5, 1848. a Cm. JTpFor tho liberal' share of patronage which has been extended to him for so many years, he returns unfeigned acknowledgements, and ho promises that no efforts shall be spared on his part in future to continue to serve his cus tomers on as favorable terms as any other house in the trade. It is cunfidentlv believed that no combination of medicine has ever beeji formed that eave so universal satisfaction, that operated so thorough ly and yet rhildly, and in such perfect accord ance with the Laws of Life as the above Pills. Kecommenuati&ns are daily being received ; aridJ orders are bein sent from the western, Southern and eastern States. These Pills contain no mineral, narcotic, poisonous or' irritating substance, whatever ; but are prepared of-the most: harmless, mild, balsamic, and rdaiorative Vegetable Extracts that can be produced from the foiir, quarter of globe ; carefully selected and compounded by the proprietor himself, with htrict reference o vegetable chemistry and the immutable laws of health. , " v : For particulars see tho circulars that accom pany each box. For sale" wholesale and retail at the office" of the proprietor, Elmira, N. Y. General agency for-the south atuf'ea&t 108 Juhn street, N.' Y. ' -V ' . Agents for Monroe Cotintyf7 Theod(y& Scjioch, Stroudsrjurgr f A. S. Edinger, Tannersville & J. ft, HovvcMI, Pocono Tatmkrp ' Olivef 1 Smiih, Coolbaugh township, Simon Gruber, Najfesvill February 15, 1849.-ly. J Tfs Wffrks WaisS lt.- Burns, aids,"md MikndJf TSfiXSl'$j jurva. , : Tousey's Universal Ointment, is the'rhostcorm plete Burn Antidote ever know, lt.instantly (and as if by Magic) stops pains of the most .desperate Burns and Scalds. For old Sor.es, Bruises, Cuts, Sprains, &c. on man or beast, it the best applica tin., di,t Mn' ho mnde. Thousands have tried, and thousands praise it. It is the most perfect ro;.-. ;CfnvprP(1. All who use. recom- --7 be Dr(Jvided with it. None can tell how soon some family will need it. mi - . Observe each box ot the genuine uinimeni uas the name oj S Tousey written on the outside la bel. To imitate this is forgery. - Boatmen, Livery Men, Farmers, 'and all who use Horses, will find this Ointment the very best thing they can use for Collar Galls, Scratches, Kicks, &c. &c, on their animals. Surely, every merciful man would keep his animals as free from pain as possible. Tousey's Universal Ointment is all that is required. Try it. . . Biles of Insects. For the sting or bite of poi sonous Insects, Tousey's Ointment is Unrivalled. Hundreds have tried it and found it good. Piles Carred I For the Piles, Tousey's Uni versal Ointment is one of the best Remedies that can be applied. All who have tried it forthe Piles reccommend it. Old Sores Cnred. For old, obstinate Sores, there is nothing equal to Tousey's Ointment. A person in Manlius had, for a number of yeors, a sore leg that buffled the skill of the doctors. Tou sey's Ointment was recommended by one of the visiting physicians, (who knew its great virtues,) and two boxes produced more benefit than the par tient had received from any and all previous rein dies. Let all try it. Burns and Scalds Cured. Thousands of cases of Burns and Scalds, in all parts of the country, have been cured by Tousey's Universal Ointment. Certificates enough can be had. to fill the whole of tills sll6Ct sj Violent Bruises Cured. Testimonials on testi monials, in favor of Tousey's Ointment for curing Bruises, have been offered the proprietors. Hun dreds in Syracuse will certify to its 'great merits in relieving the pain of the most severe Bruise. All persons should try it. Scald Head Cured. Scores of cases of Scald Head have been cured by Tousey's Ointment. Try it it seldom fails. Salt Rheum Cured. Of all the remedies ever discoered for this most disagreeable complaint, Tousey's Univercal Ointment is the most complete. It was never known to fail. Chapped Hands Can be Cured. Tousey's Uni versal Ointment will always cure the worst cases of Chapped Hands. Scores of persons will state this. Sore Lips Curtd. For the cure of Sore lips, there was never any thing made equal to Tousey's Ointment. It is sure to cure thern. Try it. It is a scientific compound, warranted not to contain any preparation of Mercury. Price 25 cents per box. For further particulors concerning this really valuable Ointment, the public are ref fered to Pamphlets, to be had gratis, of respecta ble Druggists and Merchants throughout the Uni ted States. Prepared by S. Tousey, Druggist, 106 Nassau st. N Y. For sale in Slroudsburg, by June 29, 1848,-ly. T. SCHOCH, Agent. Raising Blood And Consumption, pain in the side and night sweats, Asthma, Whooping Cough, palpita tion of the heart, Liver complaint, Bronchitis, And all diseases of the throat, lungs and liver, cured by Sherman's All-Healing Balsam. RAISING BLOOD AND CONSUMPTION. Milne, Builder, in Brookfyn, was at I . !. .l ...T.l, rnicinn klnort friltnltmrl hv 'A fniioll iir liltUCU WllLl ICMOIIIg uiwuu, lutiu 11 -. v 0 j pajn n the side, and all the usual symptoms of JtXlH 111 L II Is 01Ub U1IU Ull iIV u..wm. - J consumption. He employed two of physicians ; they did, him no good, 1 t. 7. j 1;.. l 1 1 Is V W w v and told him he could not live Hearing of the wonderful cures performed by Sherman's Balsam, he sent at 10 o'clock at n,ul l0 Mrs Hayes, 136 Fulton street, and gOl a UOIIIC , II UJiCJillUU line a tuaiiu, oiwjfju the bleedine and cough ! Before he had taken one bottle he was able to be about his work. It had saved his life. His daughter, residing at 127 Myrtle Avenue, can attest it. Miss Ann Maston, of Williamsburg, living in Tenth, near South Fourth-street, says That she had been troubled with a hacking cough, and pain in the chest, for a long time, which at last become so bad that she was obliged to give up her school for more than a year. She then commenced taking the All-Healing Bal sam which soon alleviated her symptoms. She is now fast recovering, and has resumed her laborious occupation as a teacher, 14 years Mr. John O'Neil, 10th avenue and 2 1st street, suffered with a cough, raising of phlegm, and pain in his side. Ho could get no relief 'till ho tried the All-Healing Bulam, which drove the pain from his side, allayed the cough, and brought tho disease upon the surface; and before he had taken three bottles, was entirely cured. PLEURISY AND CONSUMPTION. Mrs. Baggas, a lady upwards of 70, residing 88 Sheriff, has for.years been subject to attacks of Pleurby, Raising of Blood,, severe Cough, Shortness of Breath, Pain in, her Head and various parts of her body. Her friends believed her jiast recovery. The All-Healing Baham releived her at once of all her alarming symp ions, and now she is able to atteud to her work. ASTHMA AND WHOOPING COUdli. Mrs. Lucretia Wells, 95 Christie-st.; L. S. Beals,19 Delanceysi.; W. H. Youngs, 75 Wal nutst., know the value of this great remedy. Ahk for Sherman.s All-Healing Balsam, and see that his written signature is on each botile. Price 25 cents and $1 per boftler Dr. Shermans' Worm and' Couh Lozenges lolil as above. Principal Office 106 Nassu-street, N: Y'. Agents for Monroe county..---Theo. Schoch, Strniidsburp: C. Savior. Savlorsburp: G B Kel- . n , j , j a, - lerj Cherryvalley; H. Peters & Co. Marshall's crV,ek;"H. Kiniz, Banohsville; J. bttiuller? 1 an 'mTrsvilie.- ' ' ' Pihe county Peters jkliabaF, Bushkill; W ;F.T RfodhHad. DiUL'm'an'.i FerrvrU". S. Wallace liMilfiird; W. Shouse, WiUnjivjile. ' ' Totishu's Ointment un(i''CVtcAr'FP7Z.Hl.n iwr sate ()) me auote ageiua. ' iiiiHimilMiMHiimii Docfc.'r Townsend's Sarsaparilla. Wonder and Blessing of the Age. The most Extraordinary Medicine in the World. ThisExtractis put up in Quart -Bottles :, it is six timos clicaper, nleasanter, aim warranieu suiit-Tinr 10 .my cum. 11. cures without vomitniK.purgiii?, sickening or debilitaliiiff the Patient. Thn areat beautv and superiority of this Sarsa parilla over all' other medicines is, that while it eradicates, it invigorates the body. It is one ol the very best - SPRING AND SUMMER MEDICINES "Ever known : it not only purifies the. whole sys tm nnd strenpthens the person, but it creates new, pure and rich blood : a power possessed by no other medicine. Ana in uus iies mu s"ll,u cret of its wonderful success. It has performed within the last five years, more than 100,000 cures nffivfire cases of disease: at least 15,000 were mnPidered incurable. It has saved the lives of more than 5,000 children during the two past sea rn I0t000 cases oj General Debility and want of Nervous hntrgy. Dr Townsend's Sarsaparilla invigorates the whole svstem permanently To those who have lost their muscular energy by th e effects of medi cine or indiscretion commuted in youth, or the ex cessive indulgence of the passions, and brought on a general physical prostration of the nervous sys- tern, lassitude, want ot amouion, iaiiuin sensu tion. premature decay and decline, hastening to wards mat latai aisease, oonsumuon, wu ub en tirely restored by this pleasant remedy. This Sarsaparilla is far superior to any Invigorating Cordial, As it renews and invigoiates the system, gives activity to the limbs, and strength to the muscular system, in a most extraordinary degree. Consumption Cured. Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can be cured. Bron chitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds, Catarrh, Coughs, Asthma, Spitting of blood Soreness in the Chest, Hecfic Plush, Nfght Sweats, Difficult or Profuse Expecto ration, Pain in the Side, tc, have been and can be cured. Spitting Blood. New York, April 28, 1847. Dr Townsend I verily believe that your Sar saparilla has been the means, through Providence, of saving my life. I have for several years had a bad Cough. It became worse and worse. At last I raised large u uantites of blood, had night Sweats, and was greatly debiliated and reduced, and did not expect to live. I have only used your Sarsaparilla a short time, and there has a wonder ful change been wrought in me. I am now able to walk all over the city. I raise no blood, and my cough has left me. You can well imagine that I am thankful for these results. Your obedient sevant, WM RUSSELL, 65 Catherine-st Rheumatism. This is only one of more than four thousand cases of Rheumatism that Dr. Townsen's Sarsa parilla has cured. The most severe and chronic cases are weekly eradicated by its extraordinary virtues James Cummings, Esq ,one of the assistant in . ...if- t .? 1. ,.. the Lunatic Asylum, Blackwell's Island, is the gentlemen spoken of in the following letter : Jataclcwell s Island, oept. 14, 1047 Dr. Townsend Dear Sir : I have suffered terri bly for nine years with the Rheumatism : consid erable of the time 1 could not eat, sleep or walk. I had the utmost distressinp; pains, and my limbs were terribly swollen. I have used four bottles of vour Sarsaparilla, and they have done me more than one thousand dollars worth of good. I am so much better indeed, I am entirely relieved. You are at liberty to use this for the benefit of the afflicted. Yours respy, Jas. Cummings Fits ! Fits ! Fits ! Dr. Townsend, not having tested his Sarsapa rilla in cases of Fits, of course never recommend ed it, and was surprised to receive the following from an intelligent and respectable .banner in Westchester County : Fordham, August 13, 1847 Dr. Townsend Dear Sir : 1 have a little girl seven years of age, who has been several years afflicted with Fits ; we tried almost everything for her, but without success ; at last, although we could find no xecommendations in our circulars for cases like hers, we thought, as she was in very delicate haalth, we would give her some of your Sarsaparilla, and are very glad we did, for it not only restored her strength, but she has had no re turn of the Fits, to our great pleasure and surprise She is fast becoming rugged and hearty, for which wc feel srateful. Yours, respectfully, JOHN BUTLER Jr. Female Medicine Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla is a sovereign and speedy. cure for Incipient Consumption, Barren ness, Prolapsus Uteri, or railing of the Womb, Costiveness, Piles, Leuoorrhcea, or Whites, ob stnicted or difficult Menstruation. Incontinuence of Urine, or involuntary discharge thereof, and for the general prostration of the system no matter whether the result ot inherent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or accident. Nothing can be more surprising than its invigora ting effects on the human frame. Persons all weakness and lassitude, from taking its at once be come robust' and full of energy under its influence It immediately counteracts the nervelessness of the female frame, which is the great cause of Barrenness. It will not be expected of us, in ca ses of so delicate a nature, to exhibit certificates of cures performed but we can assure the afflicted, that hundreds of cases have been reported to us Thousands of cases where families have been with out childron, after using a fow bottles of this in valuable medicine, have beenjblessed with fine healthy offspring;. To Mothers and Married Ladies. This Extract of Sarsaparilla has been express ly prepared in re erence to emale comolaints. ?CTx Cr r 1 mU A K . . ... ' 1 " ipmuiu vyuu uus t:ubuu io suppose sne is ap proaching that critical period, " The turn of life," snouid neglect to take it, as it is a certain preven tive for any of the numerous and horrible diseases to which females are subject at thiVtime of life. '1 his period may-be delayed for Several years by us ing this medicine. Nor is it less valuable for those who are approaching womanhood, as it is calcula ted to assist fiature, by quickening. the;blpod.and invigorating tho system. Indeed, this medicinfe ia invaluable for all the delicate diseases to which Sii women are subject. It braces the whole systen, renews permanently the natural energies, by Te' moving, the impurities of the body, not so far 5,1,' ulating as to produce subsequent relaxation, whidj is the case of most medicines taken for rernae weakness and disease. By using a few boue80 this medicine, many severe and painful stuglcaj operations may be prevented. Great Blessing to Mothers and Children. JtI$ the safest and most effectual medicine for purir? ing the system, and relieveing the sufferings atte'nl dant upon child-birth ever discovered. It strength ens both the mother and child, prevents pain ani disease, increases and enriches the food, those who have used it think it is indispensible. It is highly uselul both before and after confinement, as itpre; vents diseases attendant upon childbirth in C0j. ttveness, Piles, Cramps, Swelling of the Feet, Despondency, Heartburn, Vomfting, Pain in uj Back and Loins, False Pains; Hemorrhage, and Tegulating the secretions and equalizing the clrco. lation it has no equal. The great beauty of tin, 1 medicine is, itis always safe, and the most tlelfca use it. most successfully, very few cases requlr. any other medicine, in some a little Caster ()n)lt Magnesia, is useful. Exercise in the opened and ngnt 100a wnu una uicuiwiii-i ..in uimujaeQ, sure a safe and easy confinement. Beauty and Health. Cosmetics, Chalk, and t variety of prparations generally in use, whenap. plied to the face, very soon spoil it of its beaut, They close the pores of the skin, and check circulation, which, when nature is not thwarted by disease or powder, or the skin inflame byia5 alkalies used in soaps, beautifies its ow n prodjc tion in the ''human face Divine," as well as "mtU garden of rich and delicately tinted and variegate flowers. A free, active and healthy circulaiiuncf the fluids or the coursing of the pure, rich Uowl, the extremities, is that which paints the f ount?, nance in the most exquisite beautyIi is tha whir imparts the indescribable shades and flashes m loveliness that all admire, but none can describe, This beauty is the offspring of nature not (if p. der or soap. If there is not a free and hea!ti.f r.irnulation. there is no beauty. If the lady lsfa-f as driven snow, if she paint, and use cosmetic, and the blood is thick, cold and impure, sl.e w 1. . beautiful. If she be blown or yellow, and ther is nure and active blood, it gives a n h bloom the cheeks and a brilliancy to the eyes ihata asctnatinrr. This is why the southern, and esp. eiallv the Spanish ladies, are so much admired. Ladies in the north who take but little exercise are confined in close rooms, or have spoiled thai complexion by the application of deleterious m:. tures, if they wish to regain elasticity of stpr, U..r...nnt onlrito c-nt. r n Irl i rfrr PVPS and I'Pai ?. UUUJflXllb Opinio, Of"! "J, J complexions, they should use Dr. Townsenoj Sarsaparilla. Thousands who have tried it ai more than satisfied, are delighted. Ladies of even station, crowd our office daily. Notice to the Ladies. lhose that imitate IK Townsend's Sarsaparilla, have invariavly ca.eij their stuff a great Remedy for Females, &c.,,, and have copied our bills and circulars which re lates to the complaints of women, word for won!-' other men who put up medicine, nave, sincere great success of Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla m comolaints incident to females, recommended theirs, although nriviously they did not. A nun-, ber of these Mixtures, fills, sic, are injurious:. " n. . m - t 1 females, as they aggravate diseases, and uriuc: mine the constitution. Scrofula Cured. This certificate conclusive; proves that this Sarsaparilla has perfect coutr.' over the most obstinate diseases of the BIcc: Three persons cured in one house is unpreceiiew-J Three Children. Dr. lownsend Dear Mr. 1 have the pleasure to inform you that three ofes children have been cured of the Scrofula bv'J use of your excellent medicine. They were ac ted verv severely with bad Sores ; have taken r-ji ly four bottles ; it took them away, for which Up myself under great obligation. Youis, resaeciL lv, ISAAC W. CRA1N, 10G Wooster-st. upimons oj fnysicians. ur. xuwusenu in most daily receiving orders from Phyiscians: different paits of the Union. This is to cer . . -rtj ' . T 1 - ' that we, the undersigned, Physicians of the tv of Albany, have in numerous cases prescribed Lh Townsend's Sarspanlla, and believe it to Leo: of the most valuable preparetions in the mirket. II T) TITTT TVr? T Tt 11. 1.1 UU111U, is. J.WILSON, M. D. R. B. DRIGGS, M. D. Albany, Apnl 1, 1847. P. E. ELMENDORF, M.C Caution. Owing to the great success anuir- mense sale of Dr. Towsend's Rarsaparilla, a no: ber of men "who were formerly our Agents, har commenced making Sarsaparilla Extracts, Liiis Bitters, Extracts of Yellow Dock, &c. They gc erally put it up in the same shaped bottles, t. some of them have stole and copied our adverti ments, they are only worthless imitations, v should be avoided Principal Office, 126 Fulton Street, Sn Building, N, Y. ; Redding & Co., 8 State sues; Boston : Dyott & Sons, 132 Norih Second- Philadelphia ; S. S. Hance, Druggist, 13a!" more ; P. M. Cohen, Charleston ; Wright Co., 151 Chartres-si., N. O. ; 105 Somh PJ st., Albany ; and by all the principal Drossy and Merchants generally throughout the U.i West Indies and the Canadas. This medecine is also constantly kep' onltfj and for Bale by FRANCIS S. PAULI, H Slroudsburg, Pa. Aug. 3,'48-M PAPER HANGER, and House and Sigh Painter. Monroe uirect, near me aieinoaisi Stroudsburp. Pa. JiT 0 1 . . . . ni.. Respectfully informs the citizens of Stri burg and Vicinity, that he has removed wc house formerly occupied by Abner Gortlen, Monroe street, near the Methodist Churt where he will be in readiness to fulfil sucb ders in his line of business, as he may be I" ored with. Being thoroughly ai-quauneil his business, and having had considera1 1" perience, he is prepared lo warrant all uone oy mm. iviarcn du, jch- STOVES! STOVES! For sale by STOGDELL STOKE Stroudsburg, November 10, 1848. , Country Produce. Butter. "Rows. Ar.v. taken in BYnhanee fof,'l goods in my line of business. jdHN H. MELlCl Sotrudsburg.Feb. 12, 1846, JOB WORE Neatly executed at this 0&ce v ait, W' "f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers