pt, .nuadron is ill at .ivxawwi , biit if - t ,he treaty be confirmed, we shall look for the nt,; hero in a few days, the Congress and Crane will go home, and .the Independence, nrobably, to China. The people of -Lower California will never consent to go back per nenllV' to Mexico. They may submit to the rrarisement for a time, but hey will before . .in im the stars and stripes, i hat sec- ions "r i i ' lion of the country, is rich in minerals, .particu larly i suVer' ani wou a valuable acqui sition. England has her eye on it, and will probably bid high ; but the people don't like the La of being the colony of a crown. We want, in California, some good school books a few good teachers, and a few off-hand Jeachers. All these would find persons to read and to listen. We are gathering the ele ments of a great and influential community if we are net ruined by this gold excitement. There nerer was yet a people strong in wealth and sound in morals, in the midst of gold and silver mines. You talk of farmers ! Why, saw , a farrrier here brand, last week, a thousand calves, all of line year's growth, and be is considered here raiher a small farmer. You reckon by acres, and we bere by miles andleagues. Your sheep produce one lamb a year ours always two, and ofien four. Your streams have a few min nows in them, and ours are paved with gold ! fjotr are my Philadelphia friends ? I expect to leave this El Dorado in a few months, and De among them. Very truly yours. W. C. Great Fire in Potts vi lie, Pa. At ten o'clock on Sunday, the 10th inst., a fire broke out in a depository of hay and straw; on the Norwegian railroad, at the corner of an alley, opposite the large boiler shop of Haywood & Snyder. By Midnight, excepting three frame hou ses, the whole block was consumed, extending from Foster & Daley's store, opposite Market street, to the next alley north; and sweeping through to the Norwegian railroad. By the well directed exertions of the fire companies, aided by a large number of citizens, and favored by a. still atmos phere, the fire was confined to this limit, which is about 230 feet square- The buildings were nearly all frame, and of very slight construction : but they were mostly .stores, on both fronts, with stables well stuffed in the alley between. The loss of real estate is supposed to be well covered by insurance, and the goods, doubtless also. Loss estimated at $100,000. Curious Case. A man residing in our borough, says the Potts town Ledger, a few days ago cast from his stom ach two good sized leeches. For the past sum mer he had been unwell and had taken medicine which operated emelically, when these indigesti ble customers were emitted. They were, dead ; but are supposed to have been taken into the stom ach, when quite small, while drinking from springs, which he frequently did while engaged at labor a long the Reading Railroad, yhen distant from pla ces where water could not be otherwise obtained, (tIt is staled by a correspondent of the Free man's Journal, that the, population of Galveston,' Texas, has decreased during the last two years. irora uuu xo yuuu. ixearty -auu nouses xnere are untenanted. A few miles below Cincinnati is a field of corn, six tbousond acres in extent. CJCROFULA. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills VJ will be found a radical cure for every kind of Scrofula, becausethey cleanse and purify the body of all bad humors and everything that is opposed to health, and impart such an energy to the circu lation, that health and v'ior are given to the whole frame. From two to four of said Indian Vegeta ble Pills, taken on going to hed, will soon make a perfect cure of Scrofula ; at the same lime the rpri btiiution will undergo sucha radical chance that Scrofula, as well as every olher complaint, will 'be 'UlllOUCVI iJUlll WC VUUJ) liJU IJCVY X11C U11U VlgUi will be given to the whole jrame. Beware of Sugar Coated Counterfeits. Re member, that the original and only genuine Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of Wil liam Wright on the top label of each box. For sale by George H. Miller, who is the only' aumonzed agent for otroudsburg ; see advertise merit for other agencies in another column.. Office and general depot, 1G9 Race st. Phil'a. We cut the following from an exchange paper) Monmocth CouKxr, N. J. July 18th, 4. Gentlemen, I think it highly proper that I should make known to the world my gratitude for the ben efits I have experienced from the use of Clicken er,s Sugar Coated PUrgatives Pills and endeavor to he utmost in my power, to extend a knowledge of l . 1 1 TV . "ieir many virtues and wondenui emcacy in re movinjr diseases. After a long and painful confinement, during which I was attended bv three Phvsiclans of emi- nent standing, I was so much reduced and enfee bled as to cause my friends to despair for my life, in fact I was lefun a state of weakness and suf fering, and concluded all had been done which was possible for my recovery. I was about yield ing in despair when a relative of my husband ad vised rae to try some of your pills stating at the same lime she knew of their haying effected most miraculous cures, and they might prove efficacious to me I purchased a. box and took them according to directions. In five u" from the rinse I com menced Uieir use 1 feh Me a differ501 Person' a11 pains were removed, my appetite for sol' : ftww " uoiure my sifKness, anu , gradually regained strength. m now ft a fair way for recovery, thanks to CUckener's PjlJs. I send 'this communication, truajing yeu will give it an insertion in the edjtorialcolumnB of your paper, m order that the a&iVled wl foltbw my er ample, and, as thev value' .health, .make of lickencr's Sugar Coated Vegetable Pills, Believe me to be yours sincerely. , ir V .SUSAtf WRIGHT. , For sale at ihe Republican Qffice, ?y T. rSchpch, the only authorized agenf for Sxfwd&jy,'' ' Ah r isMic Sale r Xet EsUte. Will be oia at V!ic sale) n1Ttsday, ibe 31st day of October next, dtftnjs premiips, two vaiuauie larms: anu mill property, suns m Hamilton township,. JVfonro county, Pa. about four miles west of Stroidsburgy belonjia j to the estate of.John Kurikle, deceased.. ; ) No. 1 coutaihinjr ir ACRES . ' or thereabouts, adjoiriingilandsVofpideQn 'Bur rut, Adam. Shafer, John Huston and others, a bout 1 10 acres of which are cleared, and in a high state of cultivation, the remainder being well timbered with oak, hickory and other tim ber. On this farm there is a good lop house, a large frame Barn, with atone stablings, wagon C7 CS " house and other outbildings. There is also a sufficiency of apple and other fruit trees on the farm. McMichael's creek pasaea through the farm. No. 2 contains 56 ACRES or thereabouts, adjoining the above-mentioned property, and lands of Michael Shoemaker Esq., Simon Meyers, and others, about 36 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of culti vation. - There are two bearing orchards and other fruit trees on the premises. The buil dings consits of a and FRAME BARN, and other farm buildincs : also, a large STONE GRIST MILL, sawmill and blacksmith shop, all in good order. The mills are driven by McMichael's creek, a never-failing stream. The road leading from Srroudsburg to the Wind Gap passes through both of the above farms. The terms and conditions will be made known at the time and place of sale by JOHN H.KUNKLE PETER KUNKLE, Agents for the heirs. Hamilton, September 21, 1848. Good News ! Not- Jrom, Ireland, but from the HAT AND OAP STOR'E OF Francis S. Pauli. The public are respectfully informed that the subscriber has iust received, and offers for. sale, a splendid assortment of 'Hals and Caps, which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for cash. The supply of Kfats on hand' embraces the following? BEAVER; . MOEESK1N; CASSIMERE; SILK, FUR, . , BRUSH; Also Men's and white and black' wool Hats i elaz'ed and Monterv Hats. Fur and wool sporimg and Ashland hats. & gen eral assortment of Caps, such as otter, fur seal,' hair se.a.1, muskrat, &c Men's and. Boys' ,fan- sy anu jjiaiu veivci, ieu piusu, auu giaueu vaps. J iJr.. i . .jj' .1 i' - naunp naa constaeraoie experience in ine ousiness enaoies .me to assure you inai i can and will furnish Hats & Caps of the beat ma terials and workmanship, and of the most de- - siraniR xiyies. iau ana see oeiore purcnastn? . , elsewhere ; I charge nothing for showing my good. Thankful for past favors, I will endeavor to merit a continuance o! them.. . FRA'NCIS S. PAULI. P. S-'-Ilirs bought, at the highest casV PrIces- - - vi i A Stroudsburg, September 21, 1848. 3m Look at this Wo lifimoug but Reality. YiAWOf FOTES FOR SALE. A copy of the report of the Judges of Musi- cai instruments at tne late exninition oi tne Franklin Institute, Philadelphia : , The Committee have awarded C. Meyer power, brilliancy, and delicacy of touch. Tjie juuohs am not give premiums lor toe best tin ished instruments, conceiving the bestpalpa hie tests of a piano to be its musical capabili ties, and not its originality its; mechanical in genuity, or that elegance of finish,' which effects neither the action not the tone, and is only de- signeu 10 piease me eye ana not iu satisiy me ear- . -Vv The North Americaa of PJiiladelphia.'Janu- ary 4, 1848, contains the following notice : , A Compliment to a Philadelphia Piano Man ufacturer.' Our Boston neighbors know as well as we do how to appreciate a good thing The Massachusetts Charitable Mechanical Asso ciaiiohi at their, last Annual Fair,---that of the autumn of 1847-award'ed toCoNRARD yERj the celebrated Piano Manufacturer of this city, a diploma and silver medal, for tne best seven octaye piano a compliment no other piano manufacture, of our city has received. JJp The subscriber keps always rn hand a supply of C, Meyer's Piano's, w'hich he w jlf dispose of either for cash or in exchange for second hand instruments, at manufacturers pri ces. A. ZULLCH, Agent for M. C. Easton, Sept. 21, 1848.3m. To the LoTtls of Good Fruits The subscriber offers for sale the fol lowing very choice Trees and Plants: 3,000, Peach Trees embracing 15 dif- lerent Kinds oi iruii; Apple trees oi 2 kinds; Cberry Tees, 1(6 kinds; Pears, 15 kinds; a yariety of Apricot and Nectarine trees. Av. so--5,OOo .Strawberry plants, of 5 different a fjeijes, and Asparagus roots and Dpwniig's Colbsiai Jlhubarbor Pie plant. The shore .articles sre all of the first kinds in a heahliy, ibriTtv condition,, and will be sold in Ure of small lots, very low for cash. Apolv to the subscriber at Lafayette CoJIege.' f 5 7 - Hi W. CROSBY. . TiaiiiV a B'ovs's with a premium for the best seven octave Pi ana. J he ground of this decision was the gen .1 n :' p . . ' vi '. .. . eral excellence oi tne piano, ana especially .Us NEW VOLTJME ;.OB THE I The Publishers of the Scientific American re spectfully give notibe that the j., , e v FOURTH YEARIit VOLUME,, of their Journal will be commenced on Saturday, September 22d. T(hij puhlisatiaB differs ejrit,iraT ly from the many magazines. ,ancl (pers -ijvhjch flood the country., .it is aWeekly Journal of Art, Science and Mechanics, having. (or its, object, the advancement of the, Interests, of Mechanics, Man ufacturers. &nA. Inventors. Each, number is illus trated with fibm.,fiye to ten, original lngravingr oi new mecnanicai Tjuenrtonneanyau.ojine oesi inventions wnici ae patemea. at, vvasntngton pe ing illustrated in the jScientific , American. Jt al so contains Weekiyliist 'of American Patent; notices of the progress "pr.Sill Mechanical anjLSci entific Improvements: .practical directions, on. the construct jjpn'y management and use of ajl kinds of machinery x oo,,&c ; Essays upjonJVJechanics, Chemistry and Architecture : accounts of Forejgn Inventions ; advice .to Inventors ; Railroad, Intelli gence, together with a vast amount ,of interesting, valuable and useful Jnforraation iThe Scientific American is the ;most popular journal .ot-the kind ever published, and of more importance, to the in terest of Mechanics jind Inventors than , any thing tney couia possiqiy ootain' it is pnntea wn clear type on oeauuiui paper, ana oeing..aoapa to binding, llie subscriber is possessed,. at the end. of the yetirj of S large, volume of Vt FOUR HUNDRED ANp SIXTEEN PAGES, Illustrated ,with upwards of t . , Five Hundred BhgfraYinfs, And an Index. ( r TERMS ; Two dollars ajear, in advance or if desired, one dollar in advance, the remainder in six months. To Cnuss : Five copies, $8 ; ten copies, $15. Those wno wisn to. suoscnoe nave only to enclose the amount in -abetter, directed to MUNN & CO. Publishers of the Scientific American, New York. All Letters must be post-paid. . r Volume Third bound, S2 75, or in sheets $2, are for sale. They may be sent safely to any pant of the country. Patents secured and Mechanical Drawings executed at the cheapest rates, at the of fice of the Scientific American. August 22. i 4w. AGENTS WANTED To canvass for some new and popular works, in every county throughout the United States. To Agents, the must liberal encourgement is offered with a small capital of $25 to $100. A chance is offered, whereby an agent can make from $10 to $25 per week. For further particulars, address (post paid.) WM. A. LEARY. No. 158 North Second Street, Phildelphia. September 14, 1848. 6m ADJOURNED ... ... . ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Cqur , of the county of iiQnroe, the following, Real Estate.-formerly ot Valentin.0 VVerkiser, late, o Hamilton township, in said county, deceased, will be sold at pulic vendue, on , . Satutddy ilie, 232 day of, Seplefiibef, at one o'clock in the afternoon, two iracts.or pi ces of Land, situate in Hamtltpn Jownsjjip, in said county, about one mile frpm-Fennersville. Lot No. 1, ontiiniiig 118 Acres, 140 Perches,' adjoining lands ot Conrad Arnold, Thomas MtJ- Ier, James Miller and John VVerkiser. about 75 acres which are cleared and the remainder covered with umber of an excellent quality Ihe improvement 7are a i 2 stories high, a LOG BARN ; a good - Apple Orchard, and, other fruit trees. A neter failing' stream, of water runs through the. whole .tract, and & good spring of water near the, house. Lot No'. 2r, . -Containing 6 Acres, 30 Percher ; adjoining lands of John Williams, Peter and Abraham 8uus(and said L6t.Np -I i fbout 3p acres of w hich ar cleared anfl .he residue is. w.ell timbered. A small stream of water passes through the same., . . , a 'fE Conditions of S"ALE.--Oni third Of tfie purchase money to' be paid at the cohfjrma tion of the sale onp third part jpnhe fits of April nejct,,aud the other on' the first day of Afiri 118501 . , ; tt., HfiNRY WER'KlSElt; Adm'or $y the j Court. f , : ' t . . t n J. H. Stroud, Clerk. September 7, 1848. eyes Rionrr r ,Why is it h'at a,lljey'es are cast toward the ,BricJi yard occupied by Stone .& Wolf ? Because thev have 90,000 of the Largest nnt best Brick just burnt and for sale, that can be had ip ,this couniy; or in asion. . rA; portion p saia oncK are composed of materiftl that wjU stand fire, and warranted good' for building bake ovens ana oiner nre places, ynrae ana examine lor yourselves,' thef' brick will sneak louder than' 4 w'drdf,' s , . ' , , i heso brick are considerably larger than any others made in this county. , . . . N. B. AH kinds of country prodnce taken irt exchange except cabbage, aud cash.not. tefused. m M . T STONE fc WOLF.. Strotidsbtirg Monroe county, July 27r'l 848. ? BLANKS The subscriber has on hand and offers for sale, a superior assortment nublanks, viz: Deeds, Mortgages, Executions, Summonses, ' Subpoenas, Bonds, c. t.r. BARNES. BLANK BEEDS A i For!2U at tbisOffice.W f4 at to Uieinteft(M&fKliii. Fellow. Citizens: Mbr having JtieeiitencUur ajed byany ofiny friendaf Ioflernyielf a a candidate Jor the office of , i K . . :;atthei'.eVi8Uingt. ejection; Of -ffty, owri;. freewill ana acdorvw The principal; inducement, for so doing is the fer thefe. ,will,,.candidates enough in the: fiel'd lor-ihje dear people laclioose from: yet I will not havejhd least ohjeciion lo being elected.t flSould'thai. be, the case, 1. will. pieuge myseii jo periorin trie uuties oi tne ot rice in. the following manner, vizi First -If ;any process comes into my hands, .against any one 1 will eaten him if 1 can, and, keep bimu 1 can until h,e is legally diachargeJd,!by. due course of law.,, 2nd ; Be . cautious how you getn,to debt, forif ai execution comes intoixny haads against any one in he County, and lie has. not the casji l,;wiH levy.on hjs .property f I -can find any, aiid sell it fo .he best biddervand af ter taking good care.qf my owri fees I will pay over the balance where it honestly belongs. 3rd and lasl:, If any one should be convicted of a feapiiai.tqrime .(.Winch God forbid) and a death warrant unforiunaiely come into ray hands 1 will hjin up,j;by jthe necuntil.he be dead, dead, dead, and, may the Lord, have mer cy on !hi3.,soul..i i ' M : , . "... ,,, As trijpnliiics, I am a full .blooded Rough and Ready ..Whig... ; v. i ' Very respectfully, yqur, bumble servant...,. ? , PHILIP ABBOTT, Pobyhanha towns.hip, Augj 17, 1848. T To the People of Monroe ouhtj. Felloip-.Qitizens i- Encouraged by numerous friends 1 offer myself as a candidate for the of- r' p . nee oi ,v , , r ' J . : County Commissioner at the approaching General elecietion.! , .Should, so foftunate. as to receive a ma jority of your suffrages,,! plerlge myself to dis charge .the duties bfisaid office wah :fideliiy, impartiality, and totJtheribest of my ability. Respectfully ,.ybur IrJend an.d.Tellnw'-citien, ... . AB.fiAHAMiFEJMER. Smithfield tnwnship.August 17.' 1848. To the "Voters of 31onroe county. Fellow Ciiizensr-vEncouraged by nlimerons friends I offer myself as a candidate for the of fice of . .xs" . County .Commissioned, at the apprpachirig .General'.election. . - . Should, fortunate as to receive a ma jority of your,su!fijrages, Lple.p)ge myself,;to dis... charge, the duties, of. aid office . wjth fidelity, impartially,, to th.e.besi of myiability... Respec tfully, your friend and fejlow-citjzen, t 'fK.. . . PHILIP FISHER, Stroud township, August 3, 1848. Tci- the Yoters pf Monroe cplinty. Fellowj.Citizens, : offer, myself as a cahdi date foyhevoffice of i, o Pro'tHofwiqry q0,(DkfJi bfyM toUris , f ,of Monroe county ? - . at the ensuing General Election,. and .respect fully solicit .your suffrages... Jf elected,;l will endeavor fa.iihftilly,.per.siQhaJLy, and impartially to discharge thp duties of said, office. Respectfully your friend, and Fellow Citizen;;" i ' J'. H.'BljLi&NBERGlilR. Middle Smithfield, Aug. 10,' 188. To the Voters of monrqja county. At the; .urgent solicitation ,,off rriany persons, frpm.dfrferent riarts.of the connty, I have con sented to be a candidate for the office. of , 4 county aoiniiiissioner, tt i r at the approaching' October Election and rer spectfully sojjeit your votes,. , Should you.thtnk pr.operto elevate rre to office, 1, will dis charg'e its duties,, to, jfi'c; bes,t of ,my abilfties. fiespectfdlly, yopr oqedient servant,; ; .i MELCHOIRJPREHEPv. Stroud township, August 3 1"848. T- lo( Mie pterg oi monr.oe county. Fellow-Citizens :-RpLT encouraged by many friends, in djfferentparts of the Couniy, 1 offer myself as a candidate for the office of . . HIGH" SHftftTFF at tnerer(suing General election. Should be sp. fortunate as to he elected,. I pledge myself to discharge the nf iff nffl ity, personally , impartially, and 1,6 the. best of my aoimy. Refpeclfully, your frtemi,- ; petXr remmerrerT. Hamilton, july 13, 1848.- ' To the Yot&ys'oMonrbe-oumv i,cow-L.atfn5.Jiincoui;aged by many friends it um umereim pa,ris me oqunty, i oner my self as a' candijdateior,, the officeof , at thj? ensuing, General .eleciion , Should.! he ao( fortunate elected, I jj.ledge.myjsej' to .discharge the duties .9f.aid,phicp w.Uhjfiije il)f, ptefrsopally,' impartially, and to the beg of my abjlity. p , 'S.WSlfuHjJ, ynur.ttend, , QRARjLES SHOEMAKER. Middje Smithfield, July H, 1848,-te1. To.tlie Voters 6iMj0nroe county r Fellow Citizens ;-,-Ei)COtiraerl by jiumejpus. friends I offer myself as a catidfdale for the oV-1 fice of. m y t , t u Register and'JRieorddVi jt a j, - , . at the approachingeher'a eectinn1and res pectfully solicit yourivotes land support; Should J foriunate asit to; receive a majority of your sunrages l pledge myeil to. aiacnirge in a duties of said office wih fidflity,' impartially, and to ihe best of my-.abiltiy.i ' . , v ' f BTER NEYHART. To- tfe- VdtcBfc'hPae; c8ii h ty. ' Tebwr;GiVtsgh:-rEiiboufnue(:i5 by humerou-i friends I -offer myself as V-cVftdi'dail ftif the office pA ? i . - HlGH'SHE'RIr7E OF.THIS COUNTY -at jiho;apflroachtiig Qeneral, elBCUony , .. i- 3 iShould.J be,iso fortunate. asJoetCejve a rria- jority of.your suffrages, ,1 pledge. my.slf,io di.-it. phargetth,e. duties, iff said , office! wiih .ridKluyjA personally, impartially, and to the besi iif..iiiy. ability. RetipecfuHy.your, huuibltilflrviant. - J JAMES DARLING. tJitroudsburg,- July 6, lS43.r I'd tile Independent,. jEIector ot' ? tJj u Moitroe CountJ, . "lll . FellovCitizensj EncO.uf aged ,many; of my friends, from different parts of t ho Couu- ty,.l am.again induced fo ofler myself aVac an didate for the office of . K "5 . .... HIGH SHEIRIFFs- ... : attheiensueing General Election. '.lioulditr ) sq Xoriunatq as,to receivel qv majorily ofiyour voles 1 shall endeavor to discharger the -dtiife.T of saidrofllce with fidelity, and to, the bet 0f myability.y With sentrmenis of respnet, 1 remain yours truly, PETER LANDERV Smithfield '.township', Jtine 29, 1848: iq cue vocera.or iionroe court t-vi : Fellou) Citizens Encouraged by num'HrouV friends, I offer myself as a candidate for the of-' fice of , ... ' ' , , - ' . !. Protliqnolary and Clerk of ife' sever at At ' t V " ' . -' ' ' f . ... - .at the approaching general election. j Should 1" be so foriupate as to receive a rna-i jonty oi your suffrages, 1. 'pledge myself .dis charge the duties of .said offices with fidehtv personally, impartially, and to the bet of my ' L'l:il T ' 'P it i J - aoimy. itespecuuilj', your'humh'ie jfrv?mi P J 1 M. H. DREHER. Siron.sbjurg, June 22, 1848:. , .,- . - , To the Free and Independent EUctars OF MONR&fi , COUNTY. FELLov-CiTizENs:-Almost three year TrWa' now expired since you did me the honor to. elect me to the office; of Regtatenaud Recorder of this, County, Having, to the beyi of kmwj edge, faithfully and impartially performed. my official duties; and as I have received many en couragements from mynunerona friends in dif fexent. .parts of jhe County, 1 therefore take thei iibeVty of again offering myself as a can didate, for .the, samej .office s ai the ensiling general'electionl ' Should I he so fortunate as la be p-electedrI will perform ihe duties in cumbent, (,to The best of my ability) personally, .faithfully, and if possible, to your entire satisfaqtian. With sentiments of respect, , L remain your public servant. N.r.,.i i, ; SAKCOEL REES, Jr. Stroudsburg, June 1848 -te. r. 2R'S NOTICE:'1 joice.ia. hereby given, to Ml legatees ahd Qlher,.personsimeresied in ihe estate of the. and minors, that the admin-' isiratifn accounts of the following estate? have been filed iii ihe office o,the Register of Mon roe .county, and wTll be presented for confirma-, tipn and, allowance to4the Orphan's .Court, to be held at StrpudsbuFg, in, and for the aforesaid county, m Monday ihe,25th day of September next, at 1Q o'clock a. m, ' The .first account pf-James H. Stroud.. Atf- ministato'r of,f.the estate of Charles G. NeVeV late of Bbcon,tpwnship, deceesed. u U.u . .'SAMUEL RE'ES, Jr. Registers Register! tyRce, S.troudsburg, , ; Augus t 24, 1.848. ( doctor YowrleiiT! For 25 Cents ! By means of the POCK ET ESCULAPIUS.orEVE- RT ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN? twentieth edition, wiibup-; wa.fjds of a hundred engra vings, showing private dis eases in, every shape and, formand malformations of the generative system by W. YOUNG, M. D. - The time has now arrived, that person suf fering from secret disease, tieed nti more' be- come the victim' of quackery, as by the pre scriptions contained in this book any one may cure himself, without hindrance to bufsiness, or the knowledge, of the most intimate friend, and with one .tenth the usual expense. In ad dition, to the general routine of private disease, itjjully explains the causd pf manhood's early ' deqlipe, wjth observations on marriage-besides rjiany other derangements which it would not be' proper to enumerafe irt the" public prints. JjAny PersP,n 8ehding TWENTf-JiVE cents enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy, of this book, by.mai. or five copiesvill be sent ror oneplfar. Address, 'Dr. W. v0UNG, No 152 Sprncd street, Philadelphia," Post paid. Mliir WANTED Proprietors of Drug or . Book Stores, and Pedlers, in every town in the4 United States, toac(as agents forthe above'worb September 7, 1648;-6m.fc YOIrVCr IMIlES' IiVSTIXU.'X-Si , , j. . Ekstoh, Pouu'ai " ; 'The Y.bung IadjesMns,iiiuiet situated at. the corner of JPomfre and Spring Garden jstreets will commence its sixtK session, on the first Monday,: the 4M day of "September ,next. "For pri jfiulars pply o . , THOS..M. CANN, Principal Reference mav be.made to ihe .following sea- tiemenf wno are patrons oi tne institute : PBTER S, MiOHLER, ' JACofe: WaQENER, Uohn Davis, . . John J. Burse, Ghas.' Inn'ki j D .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers