TREASURER'S- SALE OF Unseated Lands in ITIoiaroe County. Notice is hereby given, that agreeably lo an act of General Assembly of the Common wealth f Pennsylvania, passed the 13th day of Match, 1S15 entitled an " Act to amend the act enti tled an act, dirocting the mode of selling un seated lands for taxes, and fnro'her purposes," and of an act passed' 'tjip 1 3th day 6F March;' iqit :i further stfnhlemeni to WiVct to jimp.nd i the act entitled an act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for ;axes and for oiher l.,mrtsos" bv the Act of General Asscmhlv fjl 1 passed the ninth day rtf our Lord 1847, entitled the sales of unseated lands in the several coun ties of this Commonwealth," the following tracts of land will be sold at public vendue, on the second Monday of June next, at the Court-house jn Strouds'jurg, In the county of Monrse, for arrearages of taxes due, and the coats accrued on each lot respectively. . Price Township. jVfl. Warrantees. -306 Abigail Michael 66 Biuinel Gashain 314 Brown Daniel 315 Brodhead Samuel 201 Barnet John 290 Brodhead Thomas lCti Barnet William . S7 Bollinger Frederic 108 Baker John H. 326 Burke Patrick 294 Brodhead Alexander 29 Bingham Joseph 325 Bingham Archibald. 193 Broiziuan John 335 Benslcy William 203 Conrad Mathew 310 Chambers Moses 303 Chapman Joseph 320 Cotiinger Garish 242 Casebeer Solomon 119 Chapman John 115 Depue Cornelius W3 Dills Isaac 92 Dills Abraham C91 Depuo Samuel 2S8 Dills David, Jr. 302 Depue Jane 213 Duncan David 204 Duncan John 137 Ford Standish 139 Grasbtirg Joseph 138 Glentworth James 36 Gibbons Isaac 305 Gorden Charles 243 Gorden Gilbert 104 Humphries Isaac 300 Hartison William 79 Huff Amos 334 Horion Tabitha 181 Harrison William 298 Haler Frederick 241 Huff Solomon 112 Hoglin John 322 Jones John 335 J ay no Amos 245 Lockhart John 86 Marian Samuel (pari 222 Murray Sarah 341 McLaughlin John 234 Murry Ann 235 Murry John 138 Morris Patrick 140 Mil r ray Francis 141 Murray George W 74 Nicholson William 76 Nicholson John 301 Nethermark Lucas 53 Palmer Thomas 67 Parker William 299 Parschall Thomas 80 Place Philip 332 Place James 113 Patterson John (part 180 Rustin Thomas 215 Roberts Isaac 217 Smith Rachel 329 Starr Joseph or John 314 Sandman Charles 134 Shanon Theophilus 205 Smith Jonathan 13 135 Shook John 246 Shannon Theopholis 102 5Ieshman Michael 9G Sleavena Joseph 155 Sidman Isaac "248 Schoonover 98 Welsh Roger 331 Wilson John 330 Winnings Jacob 303 Wesibrook John 307 Whitman Jacob 24 Wells William 312 Ut Jacob 328 Vanderlip Frederic 81 Yancamp Abraham Tobyh Alio way William Berry Jolin Bader Samuel (part Blakel'ey John Blakeicy David (patt Brodhead Luke "(part Bvh John Beahm & Schreiner 7. Frederick I3ecu . , Bulloch Jotiw M , Beahm Philip W Caldwell David ' - Cox Jacob (part Conrad Mary (part Cameron William (patt Colliday. Jacolj--. . -(pari. Cox Joseph is i Cox Jonathan Cox Marvv March, in the year of " An act in relation to Acres -JPer. Tax dne v 409 70 SI I 48 384 47 10 SI 398 80 11 18 360 .24 10 36 70 70 ' 1 95 art 327 . 9 19 '4Q0 150 10 50 427 11 02 300 10- 8 44 409 45 1 1 48 350 9 82 389 135 10 92 308 24 S 07 330 09 8 93 422 80 5 93 450 12 (53 402 11 1 1 30 100 2 81 438 12 31 417 112 11 51 150 4 20 , ,248 . ' 80 - 9 80 ; 400 120 11 25 162 62 4 55 405 40 1 1 37 415 19 8 44 .03 45 11 48 441 62 12 37 334 80 7 50 310 40 8 70 300 70 8 44 301 10 8 44 400 113 11 25 403 25 1 1 32 421 11 11 81 414 120 1 I 63 140 3 94 . 343 100 9 70 422 11 86 QUO 70 5 63 370 70 10 38 368 10 36 400 150 11 25 437 12 27 414 146 11 67 170 60 4 76 430 12 20 455 78 12 75 400 75 11 25 405 37 11 37 402 11 30 301 8 44 402 61 11 32 425 1 93 450 12 63 438 90 12 31 200 5 63 111 CO 3 00 434 88 12 31 430 80 12 00 409 II 48 390 150 10 94 390 7 13 100 350 2 81 140 3 94 37.4 30 10 50 463 13 01 403 25 11 42 art 397 11 14 347 24' 11 63 400 150 11 25 460 150 14 06 337 137 9 45 400 85 11 25 400 150 1 i 25 357 10 04 400 30 11 42 375 3 75 424 80 1 1 82 398 11 20 313 20 8 77 342 72 9 26 416 60- H 51 329 9 24 428 123 12 05 (part 327 part 397 hanna. 439 82 300 4'34 . 200 40p ' 4 i '6 307 429.. .,424 100 ,4.08, v 239 100 107 120 72 16 02 2 57 3 90 II 73 66 4 46 3 88 2 60 13 82 J6 68 34 2 20 41 9 45 65 4 51 2 71 3 84 14 63 1.2-6I 112 108 20" .40 1?7. ...203 4L7oSn80 438 - 60 439 100 "439 . ... Cox Sarah (part Conrad Deborah (pan Donaldson John Dyer Josiab Dyer Sarah (part Dills Jacob (Par- Durham Edward Eyerly Jacob (part Evans David- . (part EleniS' George Evans Charles Foulke Theopholis (part Foulke Benjamin (part Fih John Frcv Joseph (-Gentle James (part Gibbons Able Hartman Thomas Horsefield & McCariy Heckenwelder Christian Heckenwelder David Hosse Joseph (part Hartung John Daniel (part Harvey Samuel (part Houffer Henry Howell Samuel Hartman Thomas Hays Daniel Hartung John Daniel (part. Hartman Jacob Hartung Elizabeth Irwin Robert Ihrie Conrad, Jr Krider Michael (part Lane William Lane Mary Long Thomas Lyons Peter Logan Alexander Lockhart John Morgan Ablo MtCaity Benjamin McCariy Silas McShane John (part Nelson William Orier Joseph Paschall Thomas Powell Samuel Purdy William Poor John Paul William Rtggs Philip Reus Eran (part (pari (part Rees Hannah Rees Daniel Sheo John Steiner Henry Shaw Richard (part Stewart Jamea Sharpleas John Sharpless Jesse Sharpless Nathan Serman Jsaac Shaw George (part Saylor David (l,arl Sharpless Joseph Shocmakor Samuel (part Sidman Isaac Taylor Amos Thomas William Taylor Elizabeth (part Thomas Joseph Tyson Peter Wildman John Wallers Nathaniel Wright Enoch Wright Mary (part Werrick Charles CooTbaugh. 147 Able John 18S Arnst Jacob, Jr 189 Arnst John 237 Arnst Thomas 177 Bush John I8G Bell Joseph 187 Bell William 162 Brown Jonathan 171 Blanchard Jonathan 161 Brown Jacob 174 Baker Jacob 171) Bush James 216 Brown William 224 Burrows Henry 239 Burrows Stephen 214 Bell William 102 Bush Thomas 104 Brown Daniel 1 95 Brown John 198 Bills Henry 184 Cochrin John 216 Cameron William' 240 Cameron William 199 Depuy Aaron 200 Depuy Nicholas 202 Depuy Samuel 210 Depuy John 21'3 Depuy Daniel 218 Depuy Polly 149 Gibbs Elizabeth 175 Gibbs Elizabeth 205 Giiihner Francis 231 Guiltner Tobias 190 Hood Hannah 193 Hollinshead James 231 Horn Abraham 154 Hart Michael (part ICS Heister John 108 Hovvery Samuel 178 Hendrlck Isaac 150 Hendrick Jacob 191 Ilernbt Jacob 203 Humphries Isaac .230 Ilogle Peter 181 Koutz Daniel 100 Lock wood James 125 Lee John 124 Lee Joseph 229 Levering Nathan 178 Meredith Mary' ISO Meredith Mary 228 McClellan Susannah 204 Montongue EHsha 217 Moore Patrick 38 Meeker Samuel 213 McCullough John 226 McKee Thomas ; 16 Musehbach Frederick' 209 McKee Peter 193 Nungesser Peter 194 Pustcns Jacob , ' :339 439. 422 404 200' ' 349 . 400, ,,5(i 200 ,438 439 383 252 403 400 150 321 401 117 436 436 215 267 400 50 433 438 360 ;66. 395 439 423 377 236 438 439 305 424 421 408 316 351 103 400 439 401 482 306 -438 100 150 200 329 400 400 402 219 390 400 471 401 386 421 60 415 424 300 440 409 440 150 400 444 438 400 397. 225' 409 115 27 20 80 94 W 12 60 5 71 6 15 12 60 3 26 3 39 10 00 16 5,00 16 26 16 36 5 20 14 64 11 30 7 60 99 10 12 2 23 3 30 5 46 2 43 4 95 4 56 7 80 16 4S 21 13 135 113 150 91 28 80 04 04 156 100 59 10 9 62 7 53 5 67 2 56 12 45 24 120 40 70 129 91 81 80 152 130 80 130 32 80 152 70 15 56 10-58 11 8S 7 44 11 86 8 93 8 56 4 12 6 17 2 33 7 5 2 2 7 5 59 39 82 60 71 21 11 95 7 62 12 80 33 99 2 60 90 83 3 4 80 59 120 56 40 111 08 25 110 15 80 5 20 2 23 1 22 6 08 9 35 7 32 7. 11 8 59 5 72 16 4 62 6 49 5 85 13 86 12 88 13 SO 48 5 20 13 98 9 74 6 12 2 23 7 10 12 83 Icy " 54 70 31 34 4 400 8 30 408 97 8 40 408 97 8 46 220 120 4 57 400 52 8 30 405 53 8 38 400 8 30 204 65 9 13 204 65 4 23 406 136 8 44 206 153 4 26 308 17 827 408 8 46 403 8 34 400 66 8 30 417 . 8 61 399. 99 8 30 408 97 8 46 408 97 8 46 408 97 8 46 100 2 08 438 68 9 08 ' 404 35 8 38 408 97 8 46 408 97 8 46 408 97 8 46 lib 109 8 59 433 30 8 97 433 96 8 97 204! 120 4 23 206 40 4 27 . 415 10 8 59 412 72 8 50 403 61 8 30 436 78 9 05 .406 136 8 42 301 80 6.33 412 15 8 56 225 4 65 "406 47 8 42 401 123 8 30 408 97 8 46 . 408 97 8 46 408 ,97 8 46 401 125 8 30 f208 1 4 32 '401 14 8 30 401 14 8 30 426 104 ' 8 84 403 61 8 30 401 50 8 30 426 104 8 84 415 10 8 59 411 100 8 51 ' 213 33 4 40 411 3tJ 8 51 . 427 8 84 116 47 2 41 -415 ,109 8 57 430 8 92 ,395 103 8 17 190 Patterson Robert . 227 Pratt Henry 228 Polk Robert 107 Roup Williarfi, 192 Reeder Absolem'. 197 Riggs Philip i i, 221 Reese Jane Jtro 222 Reese Daniel ,fc,fl 1224 Reese 'Saiah 230 Sproutt William ' 153 Sidman Eliza - 156 Starbird John 173 Snyder John 176 Spencer Joseph 177 Smith Robert, 184 Shok John 186 Speiing Henry 201 Shoemaker Daniel 212 Smith Piatt 219 Swartwood MoseBi 232 Shaw Richard 146 Taylor John M 171 Taylor Maria 214 Taggart John 196 Vandermark Jacob' 161 Vanaukin James 236 Vanuxen James 185 Walker Emanuel 211 Wheeler David 220 Wheeler Daniel ' Middle Smithfield. - 57 Barclay James 4,30 80 5 90 56 Blackwell Robert 417 $ 17 60 Bunnel Caty 424 55 6 25 64 Bunnel Benjamin .439, 30 6 47 68 Barclay John . .400 fr90 46 Jacob Clement 438 146 G 47 35 Coolbaugh Susannah 408 4j0 6 02 45 Glentworih James 382 52 5 26( 65 Hartung Daniel . 402 70. 5 92 73 Hoops David 402 27 5 92 7 Jayne Daniel 155 100 2 29 33 Jayne Isaac 324 4 78 59 Jayne William . 400 155 5 90 63 Jayne Mary 399 86 5 90 48 Ki'rkendall Mary 400 , 5 90 '34 Learning Thomas .. 431' 96 6 35 43McQuire Mathew 267 80 3 93 69 McCall Archibold 407 80 6 01 75 Martin Joseph 170 2 51 40 Overstake Jacob . 409. 50 6 03 40 Place Philip 409 6 03 41 Russel Joseph 420 . 6 20 96 Sweesey Joseph 400 15 5 90 61 Saunders John 402. 120 5 93 9 Taggart John 156 30 2 30 39 Werner Andrew 409 50 6 03 50 Woodcock Robort 400 5 90 Chesnuthill Bower Deilman (part 236 65 5 74 Heller John 439 43 10 67 Hall lacob . 38" 1 84 Hockman Adam 434 48. 10 56 Lesley Peter (part 1 321 98 2 92 Morgan Sarah (part . - L75 . . 107 Pecho Peter (part 138 ,'L' .3 33 Prails ,George (part '3JP 9 5 Rees Joh (pan 272 t. .6 62 Rees John ; ; 439, 11 10 67 Rees Samuel ' . 439. 16 10 67 Rees Rachel 445 10 76 Rees Samuel 438 80 2 43 Shupp Catharine (part 289 7 23 Shupp Peter 340 4 13 Shupp Philip , 439 . 126 2 43 Pocono: Dills David, part 356 10 4 62 HafT John Part 100 . 2 30 Lee Ebenezcr" Ao 4 4 60 Morgan James ,,,..76. 10 2 85 Smiley David "402 18 4 60 Young John 50 1 16 Jackson. Cox John D. - 304 78 Coates Lindsav 427 DelongJohn " 406 . Davis Josiah 436 SO Gower George, pan 300 G winner Frederic 424 84 Herron John 100 132 Kroner Wm. 150 Lesher Francis part 201 Loan ikfary 402 19 Logan John 395h Ball Blackwell W 409q Ball Margaret 389 55 Sitgreaves Samuel 416 15 Stiner Henry 442 .140 Starbird John 439 114 Snyder Conrad 178 27 Thacher Joseph 304 78 Thacher Joseph 80 105 Tvson Joseph 438 108 Wood William , 436 120 Ross. . Bech John part Clewell Sidney Guire John Hattan John Hower John part Hartman George Levers Isaac part Sa under John Weaver .Michael Hamilton. Levers Elizabeth 4 1 5 Levers George 308 Mease John 432 Thomnson James 416 ABRAHAM LEVERING, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, ) Stroudsburg, March 16, 1846, $ Treasurer's Notice of Sale of Seatejl IvUEids for arrearages of Taxes. The following is a list of taxes on seated as sessments which remain unpaid, a's returned by the Collectors for 1844 and 1845. Notice is therefore hereby given, that ihe following lands will be sold at the Conn Hotie in he Borough of Stroudsburg, on the second Monday in June ncx', agreeably to the Act of ihe 29ih day of April, 18-44, which provides fpr te cpHec'icn of taxes, ' . i i97. .40 '"48 - s ':127 -07 8 47. .8 71 6 81 8 SO 8 43 '& 47 9 13 9 04 9 07 4 27 RO i v 118 156 64 17 18 120 07 30 140 97 21 120 97. 54 90 141 50 70 95 10 80 . , 66 04 30 i) 8 .408 421 "328' 400 407 408 410 438 439 20B 170 -430 tt-yjfxxmdOO 220 .. 204 406 4 57 4 23 8 43 8 61 8 47 8 96 6 44 8 47 8 30 5 48 8 30 8 30 3 74 9 OS 8 30 8-58 8 63 415 408 432 211 408 . u.400 ,264 399 401 179 438 ' 403 415 416 7 50 7 81 7 62 8 18 11 25 7 I 5 95 45 63 7 7 05 83 11 25 11 48 7 60 7 75 8 30 8 7 20 50 5 70 3 00 8 20 8 06 100 400 395 328 230 48 202 397 200 2 4 4 5 I 00 02 14 4! 91 41 95 981-2 2 55 1 4 10 02 118 1 01 96 72 106 122 3 2 3 12 30 24 11 3 : Borough of Anthonv Lon?. house jJuhn C, Halluek, houseand lot.-;. f .3 00 A BftAtfA MLEtB'RmG-' Treasurer. i Treasurer' Office, . r. Siroudfcburg. March 23,. iTtVQ JPassesaarer Traisss each way iaiSy. On Wednesday March 8, anil until further notice, ihe cars and boats will run as follows : . t For Passengers : Leavo NEW YORK, by Steamboat from fool . Duano Street ai 7 o'clock a. m. and 4 p. m. " PORT JERVIS, at 6 o'clock a. m. and 3 o'clock P. M. " bTIS VILLE, at,6 30 a. u and 3 35 p. m. " MIDDLETOWN at 7 " and 4 10 " " GOSHEN at 7 22 " and 4 35 . " CHESTER at 7 35, " and 4 52 " Except personal baggage, (not more than 50 lbs. per passenger, which must be put in charge of the baggage Master) no packages, parcels or trunks, will be taken on the passenger trains, unless by special agreement, and payment made in advance, when ihe rates will be at the dis cretion of ihe Agetuo, at not more than double iho published freight rates. The Company will not be responsible for any article put upon ihe Passenger train or boat, unless receipted for by a duly authorised Agent, or put into the hands of ihe baggage. Masters. For FreigM's Leave New York at 5 o'clock p. nr., per Bar ges Samuel Marsh, Henry Suydam, Jr. and Dunkirk ; Leave Port Jervis at 9 o'clock a. m., Oiisville at 10, Middletown at 11, Goshen at 12 M. and Chestor at 12 1-2 p. m. HIsk.-For a short time, and until due no tice is given, the Milk Trains will be discon tinued, and the milk will be laken by ihe Pas senger trains morning and evening. H. C. SEYMOUR; Sup't. March 16, l848.-tf. INVALUABjLB FAMILY COMPANION. Six Lectures on Causes, Prevention and Cure of Consumption, Asthma, Diseases of the Heart, and all Female Diseases, 234 pages, 28 engravings. Paper 50 cts. ; bound 75 cts. Mail to any part posiage 9 1-2 cis. Shoulder Braces and Chest Expanders, $2. Mail to any pari, 50 cts. postage. Inhaling Tubes, Silver, S3, by mail, letter postage. Abdominal Supporters, perfect, $8 to $10, for ail Ruptures, Falling of the Bowels and Womb, and Weak Back and Cheat- sent by Express everywhere. For Braces or Supporters, or Rupture Supporters, giro height from head to foot, and circumference of person next ihe sur face, just above the hip?. If Rupinro, mention which side. Agents wanted for ihe sale of the above goods. Address Dr. S. S. FITCH, 707 Broadway, New York, post paid. March 16, 184 8.-1 y. MASS MEETING AT THE NEW AND CHEAP HAT AND CAP STORE OF In Stroudsburg, at S. Prey's old stand, Where will be found the largest assortment of the besi and cheapest offered in thia-place, and which he will sell on the most reasonable lerms for Cash. . The sloek is well selected, and jusi the kind suited to ihe prefent and approaching season. The supply of Hats on hand embraces the following: BEAVER, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, Also Men's and Boys's wool Hals ; glazed and Moniery Hals. Fur and wool sporting and Ashland hats., A gen eral assortment of Caps, such as oner, fur seal, hair seal, muskrai, &c. Men's and Boys' fan cy and plain velvet, red plush, and glaced Caps. The subscriber hopes by strict attention to business to merit a liberal support, and assures those in want of Hats and Caps, thai every ef fort will be made to please, keeping a supply of the host and most fashionable articles on hand. Persons in want of articles in his line, will find it to heir advantage lo call on him, as ho will sell at the very lowest Easton prices. Call and sco before purchasing elsewhere ; he will charge noihing for showing his goods. Remember, Frey s old stand. . . FRANCIS S. PAULI. N. B. Furs bought at the highest cash pri ces. Stroudsburg. March 9, 1848. 6m. WIJOIiESAfljE. ' CEiOTHIIYCr WAREHOUSE, No 152i MARKET STREET, (Between 4th and 5th,) PHILADELPHIA. The subscriber respectfully solicits the at tcniion of Country Merchants and Dealers gen erally to an examination of a COMPLETE STOCK OP READY MADE CLOTHING, Which for extent, variety and workmanship, he flaiiers himself will give universal satisfaction, while his reduced scale of prices presents to pur chasers inducements which cannot be surpaMse,d by any other establishment in the United States. JACOB REED. Philadelphia, March 2, 184flT 3m. BLANK MORTGAGES J For sale at this-Office. Stroudsburg: TAX DUE. and lot ' S2 40 .1, 1848 a. HATS and CAPS, ever SILK, FUR, . BRUSH, white and black PRICES ' S Corrected .every VRTIClLES':. , : Wheat Flour, per barrel live. ;Ho. do.,' dp Vhcat, per bushel Rye, do. do. , Sole Leather per pound Corn per bushel Buckwheat, per bushel Clover Seed per bushel Timothy Seed per bush." Barley do. Oats J do. Flax Seed . , clo. Butter per pound Eggs, per dozen Plaster per. ton Hickory wood, per cord Oak, do. do. Mackerel, No,. ,1 Do. do 2 Potatoes, per bushel REGISTER'S NOTICE; , Notice is hereby given o all h-gaiues and other persons interested in the es'uie of ihe re spective decedents and minors, that the admin istration accounts of the following estates 1jmj been filed in the office of the Register of Mon roe county, and will be presented for confirma tion and allowance to the Orphan's Gown, io be held at Stroudsburg, in and for ihe aforesuid county, on Monday the lOih day of April next, at 10 o'clock a. M. . ' , The final account of William O.verfield,. ad-, minisirator of the estate of Jacob Busy, late of Middle Smithfield township, deceased. The final account of Charles Chriiiinan, ad ministrator of the estate of John Christmari, .u-. of Ross township, deceased. N . The first account of John Arnold, Jr. Conrad, Arnold and Abraham Arnold, executors of jh last will and testament of John Arnold, lulu of Hamilton township, deceased. , t ' The account of Philip Modeller and Peier "vlosteller, adminislrators of the estaie of Wil liam Mosteller, late of Hamilton township, de ceased. , . . - . The account of Daniel Trahsue and Jacob Transue, administrators of the eMate of David Smoke, late of Srsiiihlield township, deceased. The account of John Elliott and Abihfbm B. Siuli; administrators of ihe estate. of Geo': go Smll, late of Tobyhanna township, deceased. The final account of Andrew. Stnnn, admin istr&tor of the estate of John TEL. FeihermanJ laie of Hamilton lownship. deceased. The final account of Felix Weiss, adminis trator of the estate of John Snyder, late"of Jack' son township, deceased. v ( - . The final account. of Abraham Penne.ll, ex ecutor of the last will and testament of Joseph Peunell, late of Middle Smithfield township,' deceased. The first account of Ferdinand Kestcr, ad ministrator of the estate of Peier Kesier, late of Hamilton township, deceased. ,. . SAMUEL REES, Jr., Register! . . Register's Office Stroudsburg, ? March 9, 1848. K. & E. B. EliBREB, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, MltFORD, PIKE COUNTY, PA. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted io their care. Office pppoaite the Presbyterian, Church, onfcBroad street. February 10, 1848.-ly. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. '' Notice is hereby given that letter teswiienr lary upon ihe estate of Margaret Wev."brook', late of Delaware township, Pike comity, Pa. have been granted to the undersigned by the Register. AH persons indebted to the said es staie, are requested to make immediate pay ment and those having claims against ihe saii:o will present ihem duly authenticated for settle ment to the.subscriber, or to E. B. Eldred.Escj. lifs attorney, at Milford, Pa. WJ LLIAM DUSENBURY. February 10, 1848.-6t. BLANKS. The subscriber has on hand and offers fo'f sale, a superior assortment of blanks, viz: Deeds, Mortgages, Executions; Summonses, Subpoenas, Bond's, L. F. BARNES. Milford, November, 4, 1817. Good news for the Aged. Spectacle Glasses fitted to all ages audsighta in Gold, Silver, German Silver and Steel Frames, with convex, concave, periscopic, blue, grey and green Glasses, to which he would in vite particular attention. them. For sale cheap, at the Variety Store of JOHN PL MELICK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1846. SOAPS Fine scented Soaps for washing and shaving also i ho celebrated shaving cream, for salo cheap. by JOHN H. MELICK. : c Stroudsburg, January 1,1846. Country Produce. : Bulter, Eggs, &c, taken in exchange for any goods in my line of business. JOHN H. MEhlOm Sirnudsburg, Feb. 12, 1846. NOTICE. The accouni of Joseph J. Kemmerer, assi gnee of Conrad Kemmerer, is filed in ihe of fice of (he Proihonotary of Monroe county, and will be presented lo the Court for confir mation on the tenth day of April next; all pJerV sons interested will take notice. J. H.. STROUD, Prothonoiaryl Stroudsburg, March 9, 1848. .x V't CURRENT. : 1 . . i Wednesday morning strohrts- Eastern 8 (10 5,00; 22 50 50 4 00 3 00 40 . 40 1 20 16 10 5 00, 2 50' 2 00 J3 00 8 50 50 G 2C 1 25 .75 47 4 20 2 50" 4d 42 1 12 16 13 3 50 5 50 3 75 12 00 10 00 50 7 00 :5 2tf '1.35 ' ' 73 w 4 (j0 65 1 45- t 18 14 2. 12 6 00 $ 50 1 1 75 No charge for showing Cux Beoj imin j ' .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers