AT TUG TCEW AND CTIEAfP ' HAT A3TD CAP: S.xWai OP Francis-'8. Parii, . Jn Stroudsburg, at 'S. Freifs chljidjid; "Where will be found the largest 'pspontncntj. of ihe best anil cheapest HATS an J OAPS.rrver offered in tin's place, and which, ho will sell on. the most reasonable terms or Cash. The hl'ock is well selected, and the kind suited 10 ihe proem and appioac'.iing season. Tle Mipply "als 0,1 lland cn' "races ihe following: BEAVER, SILK, MOLESKIN, JHFUR, CASSIMERE. BRUSH;. Alo Men's ar.d Boys's wtii'e' nnd fdaek wool lls; jilaed and Montuiy Huts. Fn: ajiil wool sporTing and Ashland hats. A gen eral assortment of Caps, such sis. oner, fur seal, lntir el, "musk rat, &c. Glen's atmVBoys' fo t y a "J.lain velvet, red plush, and glaced Cap. subscriber hopes'by strict attention o business lo merit a liberal Mipport, and assures ( .hose in want of Hats and Caps, that -eory el fort will be made to please, keeping a supply of the best and' most fashionable articles on liatul. Persons in want of articles in his line, will find it to theiradvantage to call on him, as Jk- wi.I sell at the very lowest Easton prices. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere ; j :e will charge nothing for showing his goods, I Kcinember. Frey's old stand FRANCIS S. PAULI. N. B. Firj' the highest cash pri ces. Stroudsburg, IIarch 9, 18 J8. Om. REGISTER'S NOTICE. . Notice is hereby given to all legatees and r'hor persons interested in the estate of the re jipctive decedents and minor, that the admtn lM'ralion accounts of the following estates hae l.fcn filed in the office of the Register of Mon toe count)', and ill tc presetited for confirma tion and allowance to the Orphan's Court, to beheld at Siroudsburg, in and for the aforesaid rmitit)', on Monday the 10th day of April next, at 10 o'clock a. u. The final account of William Overfield, ad ministrator of the estate of Jacob Buss, lateof MidJle Smithfield township, deceased. The final account of Charles Christman, ad ministrator of the estate of John Christman, late of Ross township", deceased The first account of John Arnold, Jr. Conrad ' Arnold and Abraham Arnold, executor of the last will and testament of John Arnold, lato of Hamilton township, deceased. The account of Philip Mosteuor and Peter M s'eller, administrators of the estate of Wil- j 1 liam Mnipllpr lalfl nf Hamilton imvn.hin. d-. jj.Mu -1 - i i j i 1 1 I ccaseu. i The account of Darnel Transue and Jacob' Transne, administrators of the estate of David ' Smoke, late of Smithfield township, deceased. The account of John Elliot: and AbsoIom H. ?tll, administrators of the estate of George, iull, late of Tobyhanna township, deceased. The final account of Andrew Storm, admin-, istraior of the estate of John B. Fetherman, late of Hamilton tbxvnship, deceased. The final account of Felix Weiss, adminis tra'orof the estate of John Snyder, late of Jack- ( township, deceased. t j The final account 6 Abraham Pennell,ex-( ccutor of the last 'wiH and testament of Joseph , r it f c?...t.i.c'i.i ' j tuijtrii, itxiv ui .muutc ouiiniiiciu luwuauij, dtcpased. The first account of Ferdinand Kester, ad ministrator of the estate of Peter Kester, late of Hamilton township, deceased SAMUEL REES, Jr., Register. Regisfefs OfiSce Stroudsbuig, ) March 9, 1848. V Admialstrata'sx Sale of REAL ESTATE. By virtue of'an alias order of the Orphans' ' Court of the County of Pike, the subscriber, i Administratrix of the estate of Lewis Gornehus. deceased, will offer for sale at public vendue-,' t? the house of John Cornelius, in Milford, on Ei'uate in the towosliip of Dtngman, Ciuiutyof Pike, adjoining land of Samuel S. Thrall and William Brink, containing 117 Acres and' 4 Perch'cs, . with allowances; of which 80 acres are plough' Imd, 15 MEADOW, and the remainder On the said premises ate erected one Jksdjk SCI s c c wwo larpe BAlitNb. and other conven jient out buildings. O - F - Lnon the said farm are , five never fat itfff SPRINGS of WATER. Also a variety. oF I - .OJ- choice cultivated Fruit Trees Said farm is pleasantly. situated about a uar 'pr of a mile from the Delaware-River, nnd a m.le and a half Jram the village of-Milford. and boul eight miles Jfo'm the levv York and Erje oad. ' ... . '- ; 2Ji . Tcr.ras of sale presc-nbe'd by )? ..Sil'KN are, one nail cash and aiiceu AWjeojiai; annual payments wu.hinter.esi, secured by bond 'Administratrix,:,- Milford, March 2, 1848.-4 - Neatly 'execiutecf 'at ttiis1 (Dmco. his BfcA'N&mOETGAGES . TnnJmt ihp OMh. Am, nf Ma.rrli np-rJ. ' Philadelphia, can have Hits Uool; lorwarded to , r - , them ihrpugh the Post-ofhce, on the receipt of Jt2oclock in the afternoon, the. following - de-,epnl8 directed to Dr. Wm. Young, scribed properly, to wit: Ail' that certain farm epmipp. s.rppt Prn!dP.lhia. WHOLESALE .CLOTHING- WAREHOUSE; . No 1524 MARKET STREET, . (Between 4th and 5th,) ' ; . PHILADELPHIA. The 'subscriber respectfully solicits .the at tention of Country Merchants and Dealers gen erally ric i an examination of a . , . COMPLETE STOCk ' . . OF READY MADE CLOTHING, Which for extent, variety and workmanship he Hatters himself will give universal satisfaction, while his reduced scale of prices presents to pur chasers inducements which cannot be surpassed by any other establishment in the United States. JACOB REED. Philadelphia, March 2, 1848 3m. Look ill Hi is, no Humbug hut Reality. PIANO FORTES FOR SALE. A copy of the report of the Judges of Mu sical. Instruments 'at the lato exhibition of the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia: The Committee have awarded C. Mever with a premium for the best seven octave Piano. The ground of thi decision was the general excellence of the piano, and especially its pow er, bulliancv, and delicacy ol touch. The Judges did not give premiums for the best fin- iht?d instruments, conceiving the best palpable jests of a piano to bo its musical capabilities, and not its originality, its mechanical igentiity, or that elegance of finish, w hich effects' neither the action nor the tone, and is only designed to pleas-e the eye and not lo satisfy the ear. Another copy of the report of the judges of musical instruments at the last exhibition at Boston:--The committee have selected No. 591 a seven octave piano made by C. Meyer, wor thy of special commendatio'n. No. 591, is a very fine instrument, panicu. larly commendable for its elastic and ready touch, in repeated trials by dilferent hands The keys never failed of certain repetitions in the shake. The lone throughout was even of great beauty and power from the lowest note to highest, and the damping was perfect in all cases. The North American of Philadelphia, Janu- ary 4, 1848, contains the following notice: A Gomplimenl to a Philadelphia Piano Manu facturer. Our Boston neighbors know how as well as vve do to appreciate a good thing. The Massachusetts Charitable Mechanical Associa- al ,neir last Annual FaiT,--that of the au- tumn of 1847 w-arded to Conrad Mever, the celebrated Piano Manufacturer or this city, a diploma and siher medal, for the best seven o.ctave piano a compliment no other piano manufacturer of our city has received 'Pi... . . u ; i, , n l.,J - i nc auusiiiuct nccjis iiiwaya I'll iiuuu a ouji- . . T-X ... t tl ntv ol U. mever s Pianos, wnicn no win ois- jM)ae of, either for ctfah cr in exchange for sec-i ofi'd hand instrument?, at manufacturers prices.' A. ZQ1LCH, Agent for C. M. Ration. March 2. 1848. Gm For 25 Cessts. Bv means of the POCK ET'iESCULAPlUS, Or, Every Ose his own Phy sician ! Seventeenth Edi tion, with upwards of One Hundred Engravings, show ing private diseases in eve ry shape and form, and mal formations of the generative system, by Wm. YOUNG, M. D. ... The time has now arrived, that p'ersbns suf fering from secret disease, need no more be come the victims of Quackery, as by the pre scriptions contained in this book any one may cure himself, without hindrance to business, or the knowledge of the most. intimate fiiend, and icithone tenth the usual expense. In addition to the ueneial routine of private diseases, it fully explains the cause of Manhood's early decline, with observations on Marriage--besides many other derangemen's which it would not be pro per to enumerate in the public prints. . . - i - r Jjj Persons residing at any distance irom JanUary 27, 1S48 The subscriber wishes to engage in the sale of his Maji-5 a number of young and middle aged men of moraland business habits, as.trav elliug' agents. .Having completed new and greatly -improved editions of his Universal At fas, T3 Mapsj'large Map of the Vorld, Refer ence and Distance Map of Hie United States, National Map of the Untied States also, a va riety of other iWaps, Including several Maps of Mcxjupthe subscriber is prepared to lurnisli mM$: for cash at the lowest possiuie prices - - . . . , ... ' : V S. AUGUSTUS MITCHELL, Northeast coiner of Market and Sexenih Streets, Philadelphia. January 6, 1848. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby' given that letters testamen tary upon the estate of Margaret Westbrook, late of Delayare township, Pikp couiuy. Pa. have bCen granted to the,fin;derjgned by the Register. All persons indebted to the said es 8iaJe,ar.eJrequs'ed to make immediate pa ment.andihbse having claims against the same -will jjreent them duly auiheni)cated for settle rnetit ViWtie'iubjIribfir; t'r to E'B". Eldred, Esq. tnent aitorniiy-, atlilfprd, Po'. " . WlGL'ltfM DUSENBURY. i ; tVw j. lvvvu -- 1 -I ill if il ruilLaiv Wright's 'indi'air Vcgctable'PiTss In the City of Mexico ! Great success among the Volunteers! '"- ' Extract of a letter from the editor dftKe GfeVrU ville Mountaineer, S G . ,; - - 1 '' V Dr. V. Wright Dear Sir: ,A week or two ago I sent you a Srotintatneer, cbiitaining a letter from one of our Tolunteers irt ihe City of ilexicri, in which he pays Wrights Indian Vege table Pills, under all the circumstances, the high est meed of praise 1 have ever known a medicine to receive. The Volunteer. William W. Goodlett. Ksq., is a gentleman of fine standing an acco.m- plished and well educated man., and was recently,! KIGII SHERIFF Of this District. By one of your advertisements in a Charleston paper, 1 happened to nbti'ce the, location, of your office, and thoualu you miehu ex tract an article of some lvalue in reiiard to v"obr medicine, therefore. I sent the paper, -'-' ihe lollowing is an extract from the letter re ferred to above: .... t ' ; i ' My health is veryi fast improving. I nrocured. a few days ado, some of Dr. Wright's Indian Ves- elable Pills, and thqy haye acted on my system iiKE' Ma etc ! .f a Tlius it appears that the brave and patriotic Vol unteers who have oone to Mexico, to defend' the rights and hooor of their country, already begin to realize the extraordinary value of this, incompara ble medicine. Lomr life jo them ! , IIOlilUBLE SlISTAKESj ! Are sometimes made by confounding: one medi cine with another, and administering the wrong ar ticle. Equally horrible are those mistakes which are made in supposing that all Pills are alike, and that therefore, it is indifferent which are taken, and if one kind is bad all are bad together. This is a very great mistake. There is as much difference between Wrights Indian Veaetable Pills and. oth er articles, as between midnight, and noonday J We do not wish any to take Our word for this state ment. Let any one, having other medicines, try this. Nothing more will be necessary. Many persons have been led away by a coating of Sugar, as if they anticipated that it would re move the nausea of the medicine. But they are generally mistaken. Without the sugar those ar ticle have nothing to recommend them, and would hot be sold a- single day. But with the the sugar, and by giving the article a name similar to Wrights Indiaw Vegetable Pills, they gain a temporary no toriety. Wolves they are, in sheep's clothing, fo whom the public should steer sufficiently clear Let it be remembered that Wright's Indian Veg etable. Pills are prepaaed with special reference to the laws governing, the human body. Conse quents, they are .always goodj always useful, al- ways effective in rooting out disease iverv jam- :t.. i u i .i i i The following Agencies have been established for the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, in MONROE COUNTY. George II Miller, Stroudsburg - John Lander, Craig's Meadows, y'-v Bell & Brothers, Experiment Mills'? :-' Henry Kintz, Bartonsvjlle . -S ? A. o JiiUinger, l annersvme .y Jn.sRnh K filler Sj. Snn. Kellers ville'- Charles Saylpr, Saylorsburg -"-.f Jirodhead & mother. Uutotsburo" - - o ; Jacob Long, Snydersville . ' John Marsh, Fennersville, Daniel Brown, ChesnuthilL BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS AND MUTATIONS Remember, that the original" and only genuine. Indian Vegetable Pills have the written signature of WILLIAM WRIGHT on the top label of each box. -.-, Ofiices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wrights Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail, 100 Race street, Philadelphia ; 288 Greenwich street, New York; and 193 Tremont street, Boston. February 24, 1848. ly MONROE COUNTY, SS. 'J he Commonwealth of Pennsyl- ;)iS2 . i. cSi -rr r j o vania 10 mo oneriu oi siiiu vy.ouuiy,. Creeling uharles tJ.rtree and 90C? Harrie'. wifo. (Ia,e Harriet La firxxx Bar) make you secure of prosecuting their claim, then we command you that you sum mon by good and lawful sumnioners , Elizabeth La Bar, Samuel Rees- La Bar, Henry Barlow and Emeline his wife.late Emelino La Bar, Ed win La Bar, Horace La Bar, Gilbert M. La. Bar, Eugene La Bar, Hellcn T. La Bar, and Albiua. La Bar, so that they be and appear before our Judges at Stroudsburg" at our. Gouijty Court of Common Pleas, there to be held the tenth day of April next, to? show wherefore whereas, they the said Cliarles Bortree and Harriet his wife, late Harriet La Bar, .Elizabeth La Bar, Samuel Rees La Bar Henry Barlow and Eme!ine..his wife, late fimefine La Bar, Edwin La Bar, Hor ace La Bar, Gilbert M. La Bar, Eugene La Bar, HelienF. La Bar, and,Albina La Bar together and undivided, to hold a certain messuage and tract of land situate in trie township of Smith field, in the said County of Monroe, contain ing about. Oiise Hundred & Fif ly-two Acres with the appurtenances' the same. Elizabeth La Bar, Sam lief Rees La Bar, Henry Barlow and Emeline his wife, late Emelme La Bar,. Edwin La Bar. Horace La Bar. Gilbert M. La Bar, Eugene La Bar, Hellen T. La Bar, and Albina . f-v .'- . 1 e i . .1. ... i ' .a iar. naritiion nereu oeiween mem io ee made (accordingtd the laws and customs of this Commonwealth in such case made and provided) do gainsay, and the. same to lie done,, do not permit,. very unjustly and again! the same laws and customs (as 'tis said,) and have you then there the names of thtise summoners and' this writ. VVitness the Honorable Lutiietr Kidder, President of our said Court, a gu-tfiulsburg, this fifteenth day of January, ni1ae year of our. Lord one thousand eight hundred atuhforty-eight. J. M. STROUD, Proth'onotary. January 27, 1848. 6t "K & E. B. 'EIlI2.3EI),,f: Attorney 's and Counsellors at Lam, MILFORD, PIKE COUNTY, PA. Will attend-promptly to a 1 1 btisines eiifi-nste to theircare. .Ollice opposite' the Presbytcriau- Church, on Broad, street.- -.. February 10. 1818 - !v. ' ". - .' ' ... i i i IVc wHKo r l , & iE trie R ail-R oad a WINTER A A KG'ES'ESTS. ,.0N THURSDAY January Oih,.and umH fr ther. notice, the dlfl'esrmu iriiU ivdl rtiil ONCE BACH AVAY DAILY, (Sundays excepted) as follows. : ' ' For Psissesigers : Leave. NEW YORK, by Steamlwat fr'dri'foot Duane. Street at 7 1-2 o'clock a. ar. P.Ult l';JhiKVli5 at Q 1-2 o?olock a. m. a - ! ii r t it il M1DDLETOWN at 7 -2r GOSHEN at 7 3-4 " CHESTER at . 8 ":: ." sloping each way at' the several intermediate passenger stations. n , . - . JO3 Npr packages, Parcels, Trunks (or bag gage except personal, consisting of clothing, not exceeding 50 lbs.) will be taken by the Passen ger Boat .or Trams,, unless by . special agreement and payment made in advance, in which case the charges will he, at the discretion of the Agent,, not exceeding double the published Freight rates. . Applications in New York must be made lo Mr. J. F. CI.arkson Agent, at fhe office on the Pier fool of Duane Si.,, upon whose receipt" aijieles.will be received upon the Steam boat ah.d forwarded by the Passenger Train. TJe company will be responsible for no article whatever sent by the Passenger boat or Trains, unless it be receipted for by an Agent duly au thorized;, pxcnptt-personal baggage which is put in charge of the Baggage Masters. For ia'clg-Snt ; ;. .. Leave New York at 3 o'clock P. M., per Bar ges SAMUEL MARSH, HENRY SUYDAM. Jr. and DUNKIRK Leave Port Jervii at 7 o'clock A. M., Ottsulle at 8, Mtddletown . at 9 1-2, Goshen at 10 1-2, and Chester at 1 1 a m. Asa Accos:323iorfuiaon.I?liSk Train will run in connection with- the Steamhoat w hieh. tows the Freight Barges, New Yorli at 3 o'clock P. M. nnd ordinarily arriving at Piermrtnt in time for the train lo start from C to 7 o'clock for Port Jems and all the inter mediate stations. . Leave Port Jervis at 1 1-2 p. M. Otisville at 2, Middletbwn at 2 1-2, Go shen at 3, Chester at 3 1-4,. Turners 4, Monsey at 5 o'clock and arrive at Piermonl al G o'clock p. m. ; thence leaving for New' York by a "com fortable steamboat, as soon as the milk is put on board and the barge is in readiness. Good Berths V 1 1 1 be provided on board at 25 cents and MEALS at 37 1-2 cents each. Nv B. -Persons having articles lost, dam: aged of unnecessarily .delayed are. requested to communicate the fact in writing immediately, to S. S. POST, Superintendent of Transpbrta- tion, office at Piermont. For other information enquire of the several Depot Agents, the Supt. Transportation, or the undersigned. -. H. C. SEYMOUR, Sup't. January, 1, 1848. jan. 20 tf. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice' is hereby given, that SAMUEL B. KEIFER, of Chesnuthill township, Monroe county, has made an assignment of all his pro perty and effects, to the undersigned, for the benefit of his creditors. Therefore, all persons indebted to said Samuel B. Keifer are request ed to make immediate payment to the under signed, anil pi! persons haviijg claims or de mands against him to present the same, duly authenticated. CHARLES H. H-EANEY, -Assignee. Chesnuthill tsp., January 22, 1848. jan. 27 Thos, A. Boyd. Morris R. Stroud. . successors, to : ALEX. REAl), SsfispprteB's of & Dcaicr.q in Four doors belovv the Merchatits' Hotel, January 201848. 6n. ! 1 m m ... . Fastaioi.'aal$2e. IBqot and Shoe MANUFACTORY.' THADDEUS SCHOCH, at his old stand in Hamilton street, E.a.stpn, P,a., pppositeT.& P. Mix selj'n htor'o,t continues to manufac ture to oder, every description of iiools and Shoes, for men and boys ; also the most fashiqnabfe Qailcrs, Buskins, half Gaiters, Slippers, 6fc, for Ladies and Misses, which will be warranted to fit, be mada of the. best materials, and sold at small profits for cash. Also on hand a large assort .j. i C uieiu ui which" will be sold cheap, and can be recom mended. . .. Tho public are respectfully call, leave their measures, or examine bn ro'tdy made stock before purchasing elsewhere, a's he is confident they will He suiwnl with the style, quality and price of his articles. ALSO Just received a large supply of Gtm SB.GE . for Ladies and Misgp,s!'olvanow style, very 'su perior, logelher with' a stock of Men's- Gum 'tthoes.; also Children's Gum shoes. Call and try them. - Easton, Oct. 7, 1847. . GountrV Produce. . . Butter, Egs, &c. taken in exchange for any jjoddsjn my line of.bnsirtess. i ''-JOHN M.MZLIQK,:" S,uolH3bnrS,Febt;l2ri816f,frt',,' r PRICES CURRENTS Corrected every Wednesday morning. ARTICLES. Wheat iFlour, pjer.barr,el Kye. ' do. do. do. What, per bushel Rye J. do. do. , Sole Leather per pound Corn "per bushel Buckwheat, per -bushel .. Clo.Vier Seed per bushel . Timothy Seed per bush. Barley do. , Oats v,v do. Plaepd do. Butfer per pound Ej.rns,tper dozen Plaster per ton ; . - - ; Hicliory wood, per corcl' Qnki : .-; do. . do. Mackerel, No., 1 hi. do 2 ; Potatoes, per bushel iStrouds- r Easton rhilsid'n J 7 0Q 5 25 1;35 .S7 m - IO 4 00 ? 00 ' OQ J3;25 1 25 I ii . .4' 4 20 2 50 "40 . 42; I 12 1C 13 3 50 5 00 1 25 t!So 3 00 40 . 40 1 20 . IG . 12 5 00 2'50 ' 2-oa 14 2 12 ' (J 00 5 50 -LI 75 .7 75 ,5" 50 O JO ::i ao 12 00 10 CO 8 50' 50 50 OYSTJCKIS! X"S;i?SRS ! ! ! The undersigned opened-at his old . established -stand, in Franklin street, a lew. doors sourh of the Court House, a new .a-j-orK ment of iPystersoT the very linost- q'iMltly, Beof, Cl(der,. , . . -r . .. . r r, u, He. will also. furnish-a-saloon for the ladies, so that they, too,, can. partake of this luxurious edible, without annoyance. , .'. . . By strict attention-to business, icndtcj, the wants of his purchasers, the snbxeril.HT H.opes to obtain a liberal share of public p!.ir..n-i. " DAVID STARRER. January G, 1848. - - -.r-t&- s - .. .WATCHES, ' " A good assortment of .Watches, tor H reduced prices, by JOHN H v!EL:fc. Stroudsburg, Jar:. 1. IS tG. ... " Easfoai a-sid Miiovd .Mail .'iAm&i- v -' - VIA S TR O L 5? H ( : R G Passengers in this line will leav ibsspfl' Hagenbuch's Inn, sign of ihe " Blacklllorse,".. Easton, ever)' Monday, Wednesday and Friday, passing through the following places, viz:' Richmond, Centreville, ViIHzinsburg, DilU' Feiry, Delaware Water Gap, Dtiiotsbnrg,. Stroudsburg, Bushkill, and rDingrnati's Ferry, and arrive in Milford the sarho day: -Distance. 60 miles. Returning, leave Saninel Dimmick'sc Hotel, Milford, -every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and arrive in Easton the same day. Pare from Easton to Stroudsburg, SI 25 u )i " rk Milford, " 2 S7 N. B. All baggage at the risk of 'he owners. - 1 WILLIAM DEAN, Stroudsburg, June 3, 1847. . -Proprietor. V . MANSION, HOUSE.' .:' - - Mrs, Marsarel SiagScs Begs-leave-respectfully to inform her oid friends and the public generally that she has taken vibt? -.: above1 establishment,, which ha been.' aurr 3f now being, fitted up upon the mot approved plan, for the accommodation of strangers and travellers, The long experience which she his had in the business of keeping a hotel or public house, in connection with-the favorable location ' and commodiousness of the Mansion House, she; ho pes will lafFord a sufficient guarantee to se-, cure a liberal patronage. Person visiting town., on. bu'siness-or pleasure excursions, will find a comfortable, .convenient and quiet home Ju-. rors and others attending Court are invited m. call, and satfsfy themselves. Stran'er from the city, or elsewhere, who coulihpUii -p ingsomo: time in the beautiful und -t-timr lage.of Stroudsburg, will do w e 1 1 hj-tnn4i h,. abovo house their, home during their-stay nets in. short, all are fnvited to calf. " Transfent and steady boarders, by' Uieda" or week, accommodated upon, the most-reason-:, 'able terms. . . - --m , .BLANKS;- -' The subscriber has on hand and offers for sale, a superior assortment of blanks, viz: Deeds, Mortgag-es. ' Executions, Summonses,' Subpoenas, Bonds, c. L. F. BARNES. Milford, November, 4, 1847. ' docks. From $1 50 to $6 50, for sale by t. . JOHN H.MELICK. . Stroudsburg, Aug. 13, 1846. Good news for.tlie Aired. - Spectacle Glasses filled to all ages anusilu. '., in Gold, Silver, German Silver and Steely Frames, with cpnvex, concave, pcriscopie. blnff, '' grey and green Glasses, to winch, he would tTft- vite particular attention. No charge "or showing Jheru. For sale cheap, at the Variety Store fi . . JOHN. H. MELICK St ro.urUhurg, January 1, 1846. TOYS A great variety of Toys on hand,, for sale k cheap, at the Variety Store of : : JOHN H. MEL'ICK. Slroudshurg, panuary 1, 1846. i SOAPS. Fine scented JSoaps for washing, and sliav -r-also'lh'e , celebraled.having crearn for srU t cheapby " " JOHN Ih M EIbfe StrouubTiTg,ranuarv rI846; '9 For sale afTthis Ooelvffl February 10, l848-6tV
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers