lis STATEMENT. 1 -"T Edward Postens, Treasurer, in account with the County of Monroe from thefr'st day of January, A. D. 1847, to the third day of January, A. D. 1848, exclusive 'To Cash received of Joseph Kemmerer, Colector ofHamii ton township, in 1840, and not accounted for in former statements by the Treasurer- $1G0 00 ' ' To Cash received of Michael JCeiser, Collector of Hamilton .' township, in 1846, and not accounted for in former state ments by the Treasurer . 88 00 248: 00 To cash ree'd on account of taxes assessed for the y ear l8l3 257 91h To do " " 1S44 240 39h rpodo " . 18-15 1220 29 rp0,0 " 1810 1392 32 Tndo " " " 1847 12S9 Of 4399 99 To cash ree'd of Martin Spriglc on account of Judgment in favor of Monroe county To cash ree'd as redemption money on Unseated lands sold for taxes in June, lblu : Place James Hembt Jacob - . Biddle Owen , . Gibbons Able "Steiner Henry Price township Coolbaugh township Chesnuthill township Tobyhanna township do 51 971i 5-1 97li 11 35 12 70 11 60 18 08 6 83 GO' 62 To cash ree'd of Andrew Storm, security of Olis 13. Gordon, late Sheriff", as per Auditors' report Jan. 20, 1840 To cash ree'd of Melchoir Dreher, Commissioner, to wit : To casli ree'd on a Judgment in favor of the County of Mon roe vs. Abraham Setzer To cash ree'd for a stove sold to Michael II. Dreher 1"0 " " " " Charles Huntsman Totiash ree'dnf Andrew Storm, Sheriff, for lines and Jury funds for 1847 , 107 00 107100 10 00 9 00 8 00 27 00 45' 00 45 00 CE. J3v balance due Edward last settlement 36 Administration of Justice. Pay and mileage of Grand aniL-Petit Jurors, for the years 1844, 1845, 1S46 and 1847 S44 Deputy Attorney General, James II. Walton, Esq. 19 Clerk of Quarter Sessions, James H. Stroud, Esq. 42 Drawing and summoning Jurors. Paid Samuel Gunsaules, h Sheriff', for 1843 25 Costs ami witness fees in Commonwealth cases. Com. vs. Contryrcan, 1S45 ' 3 Commonwealth vs. Setzer, 1347 3 . 37 " " Henry & Deibler, " 31 " . " Samuel J. Price, " -3 Boarding Prisoners. Paul Charles Huntsman, 1847 17 " Wm. P. Hallock, " 7 Constables making returns and attending Coui 1 1346 & '47 137 Premiums Amount paid on orders for premiums on wolves, foxes and wild cats, for the years 1845, 184.6 and 1S47 124 Asscssments Amount paid to the Assessors of the different townships, for the years 184G and 1847 237 County Printing. Paid Samuel Seigfried, advertising for the year 1846 4 " Theodore Schoch " and 2 ys subscription for Jeff. Republican, 1846 and 1847 - 41 Paid Schoonover & Ringwalt, advertising for the year 1847 78 Commissioners Fees. John Smith 1343 Adam Overfield 1843 & 1845 11 Peter Neyhart 1345 2 John Kern 1847 122 Melchoir Dreher 1S46 & 1847 159 Henry Weiss 1847 89 Elections Expenses of General and Township elections, for the years 1S45, '46 and '47 m 274 Bridges Amount paid to sundry persons for labor and materials at Smithfield Bridge, for the years 1843 and 1840 2 Smith's Gap do do 1845 1 Stony Run do" do 1846 2 Kunkles do do do 1 Kerr's & Ransberry's do 18-17 9 Pocono & Brodhead's do 184G and 1317 44 Marshal's Creek do do 1847 14 Stokes' do do do 3 Fennersville do do 1S46 and 1847 14 Postens (Stroudsburg) do 1845 and 1847 82 E. Price's do do 1847 114 Kerr's do do do 60 Bell's do do do 230 Wire Creek do do do 2 Bell's & Smithfie Id do do 5 81912 58h 181- 376? 13 ' "I1 C - 12h a 50 ?.Ai 70 00 04 60 99 97h 82 77 . 72h-1171 24h 52 124 52 20 237 20 00 -00 50- 123 50 60 00 00 86 47 00 334 93 84h 274 84h 45". -4 . 45 . 50 00 95 49h 14 36 69h 39 00 64 74h 50 25 5R9 561i '. .1 : - - . ; Road.iDatnages.i r 'Paid D. S. Burson & Wm. Ilollinshead 1844 'jWW " Joseph Fenner 1847 , ' Susan Strnmi - "f uu : " Henry Fenner do " Stogdell Stokes dp ' , Road and Bridge Views. Cash paid oh orders for bridge and road views for tile years 1S46 and 1847 , . County Auditors: Amount paid P. M. Bush for auditing account of 1845 ' do do Jacob Franlz " " 1846 . do do John P. Dowling " " do do Abraham Edinger " " Court Crier Amount paid Benjamin Tbcli for the years 1846 and 1847 s WXitiko b.s Auditors and Return Judges' Paid Benjairiiri " t To'ckl846&'47 Cleaning" Court House and Jail, &c Amount paid to sun- . dry persons 1846 & '47 Stationary and Merchandise Amount paid to Wm. II; Schlough, 1847 Amount paid to Johri Malvin, 1847 " " Geo. Malvin, " Wood Amount paid for wood for Court House and Jail, and cutting, &c, 1847 Books Cash paid lor Assessment Books, &c, 1846 and '47 Commissioners Clerk- Paid John D. Morris, Esq., for the years 1846 and '47 Commissioners Counsel Paid John D; Morris, Esq., for the years 1S46 and '47 Redemptions Amount paid S. J. Ilollinshead on J. Hempt; CoolbauVdi tsp. " " James Rafferty " Joshua Rolstori, Price " . " " Silas L. Drake " Horseffeld & McCarty, To byhanna township, ., " " J.J. Moore " R. Blackwell, M.-Sinith- ' Held township ' '" " James Place " " Judgments Amount paid to persons holding Judgments against Monroe county as per Recp'ts: Daniel Zimmerman Interest 1346 and '47 do do Peter Zimmerman do James Bell, jr. principal Bell & Brothers do in full 'Money overpaid by collectors on their duplicates and sinrc Refunded : John P. Dowling collector of Coolbaugh tsp. for 1844 R. Gregory do Chesnuthill do 1S43 A. Singer do Jackson do 1914 ' J. M. Meyers do Coolbaugh do ' 1845 Money refunded on land erroneously sold Am't paid Syden ham Walton DivislioN of Ciiesnutiiild Tsp. Amount paid to sundry persons Division of Price Tsp. Aniount paid to sundry persons - Building County Offices,"' 1847. Materials Amount paid to sundry persons Masons and Bricklayers Paid Samuel Deal r . " Jeremiah Shifler " William Leslie! Carpenters1 Paid Daniel Huntsman ; " Joseph B. Miller " Alfred Drake Haulincr Amount paid to sundry persons Tending Masons and Bricklayers Paid John TJelbng , Charles Huntsman 10 00 , 52 50 ' 160 00 13 00 42 00 277 50 . 12 00, 15 00 12 00 13 50 13 50 27 00 5 00 12 O0L.f 54 00 27 00 ' 5 00 24 75- 24 75 . 1 25 . 22 44- 15 41- 39 10 20 50 20 50 22 00 22 00 110 37- 110 37 40 00-- 40 00 Of.- 12 70 19 371i 13 23 ' : 11 61 . . 7' 6 83 64 24h- 21 87 . 5 86h 35 i8 33 99 29 25 4 77 2' 30 1 01 1 49'- 12'Grl 5lf . f ;j 9 57, 9 4S 9 48 23 75 37 75 61 50 Si' James White"' Charles Keener John Keener Wm. Huntsman Wm. P. Hallock " Benjamin Turner . John Quokow Boarding hands Paid Jacob Knecht Miscellaneous work Amount paid to sundry persons' Painting Paid E. II. Walton Blacksmithing Cash paid Valentine Koutz " a William Clements . Repairing Court Hsus& Carpenters Cash paid Joseph B. Miller " " Daniel Huntsman Painting-Paid E. II. Walton Hauling Amount paid sundry person Materials Lewis Sox, boards' Miscellaneous work , ,. Miscellaneous. Paid Jno. Zimmerman, clerking at Smithfield bridge vendue ' S. J. Ilollinshead, seven bushels of lirne Silas L Drake, repairing lock to office and docket case ( David Edinger, advertising two Township elections 518 56Ii 179 31 5 50 17 25 28 75 9 00 30 00 34 4ti 20 50 75 1 2o 20 87h 30 72 15 50 7 62h ' . , 2 76h 29 94 12 62 -::tu 23 56h 3 00 106 31 . 117 711215 93h 23 52 5 00 9 S3 12 80 8 83 2 19 62 22 'fb. FWe0?IS!bbcMmithinsr 1 " ' . . 31 S 1 1 i '"Jacob-JieesfeckerjjilaHlror bridges, t; - Benjamin T'ock,- waiting on Auditors,a'ndjone: shovel i o 75T 3 $ V ' S J ilollinshead, stones for Court llouie and bridee ofarlk !f iTo i 2 9 87i 62i 2 00 idee ptank !f nT Abm. Barry, surveying and making rcportof-Bridgesite , - . , over McMichael's creek . r"- .l if- -' rtDHS Jasper Uotant, time and hauling siorie Riihu Rostenqj admiriisiering four oaths at drawing of jurors Jacob Geotz, binding check-book 1 - Wendel J Brenner, covering cupola and stoveVpipg, &c 28 48, Philip Kresge, nine ballot boxes for Polk township 1 75 - Theo. Brodhead, auditing the accbunts of the'several offi -istJfc. ' 00 50 "9 00-K r-1 '6 oo: , ces of the County Frederick Shupp, bridge blank . E II Walton, painting cupola, repairing pump, &c Charles Price, services bn state-road from New Foundland to E Price's mill ..... . . Leonard Labar, Jr.. hoe handle . r Charles Huntsman, work, at County offices and i barrel Philip Heller, stone coal for Court House' Simon Fry, wheel barrow , Elihu Postens, swearing Commissioners, &c. 5 election - officers Oct, 1847 . Tt:j 1 tj- T-v: i n'ri 1 ; " " xuiuiiuui.ia.. jLreuer, axeruuiuuu appraiser . . ;. , io Atti . Jacob Shoemaker, adv'g. unseated lands that were seated-12 30-S1I7 fi-lA Treasurers' commissions on receiving $1912 58t af 1 per cent 49 42 ' " 41 " paying Out 5201 77A at 1 per cent 52 04 -101- 4(5 ' '? "-S 2 75" l 25 15 37 The above amount of receipts brought down 5082 41 A . 4942 58; $739 83t Ualance dub Edward Postens. Treasurer1 ' - Examined and allowed this ist day of January; A. 1). 1848j t M ELCHQIR DREHER, ) gXcon Frantz, HENRy WISS, Corners. -Abm.. Edinger, 'Auditors. JOHN MILLER, ) Jas: S.-Bisbixo, Atiesi, John D. Morris, Clerk. s fit Statement of Balances .Due by Collectors from the year ,1838', with the payments made since January first 1817, as per statements of Auditors at last settlement. ' s is. is to 1S-12 13-13; ISM isir 1S46 1817 Am'nt Dal due Pay- Exon-j Com- Over- Bal-- Toiab COLLECTORS. Township, oftlupli at last ments. era- mis- pay- ance fortacli catbs. set. ent tions. sions. ments due. yur. , Samuel Bond Tobyhanna 203 00 107 80 . 107 0 107 to' John Dricsbach " 249 03 1 164 02 1154 02 C4i(hJ Aaron Diiesbaoh Penn Forest 154 4'J 10 43 10 43 Henry W,hitc5ell Tobvhnana 48 13 22 01 22 61 33 01 Aaron Croasdale Stroud 849 75 205 74 147 11 17 00 11 63 Jaqob Shafer . Hanyltdn 848 09 71 23i. 71 23h Daniel Callaghan Coolbaugh 32 06 2 5-1 .1 2 54 - Jacob Vanbuskirk Rofs 4S2 31 181 28 106 80i 2 07 72 40h , 'j '4 James Henry Price 132 04 40 31 4 00 3G 31h l2 40h Leonard Andree Stroud 1 ISO 37 221 60 145 OS 18 50 57 4Sh Michael Keiser llamtltnri 1190 35 207 32 127 87J 20 70 38 73 Joseph Zimmerman Smithfield 811 70 31 82 40 42 SCO ' t.udwig Smith M. Smithfield 729 08 70 20 33 24 1 22 36 20 ficorpe Bowman Price - 147 03 90 20 16 00 13 51" 60 69 6063 Joseph Kerr Stroud 951 48 479 37 400 73J 32 69h45 90 ' J neorce Kresge Chesntithill 486 92 262 78 126 73 136 15h William Bisbmg Poconb 269 30 84 C8 84 68 ' ' Jacob Enpler Ross 378 60 81 12 55 60 7 31 ,18 22 ,' ' Joseph Kemmerer Hamilton 1004 57 611 95i 538 25 17 76 55 94h Geroge Wcrkheiser Jackson 129 59 76 501-i 2 90 73 fOh John Caseb'eer Smithfield (51 1 IS 1U7 35 97 00 100 35 Jolui V. Coolbaugh M. Smithfield 525 83 333 34 91 1C 8 72 238 40 Joseph Stubbs , Tobyhanna 89 86 5 05 SO 4 15 ; John M. Meyers Coolbaugh 38 40 3 21 5 04 1 CO 1 49 . .. 7 Jacob Picc Price 96 26 84 14 r 70 02 1 65 12 47 701 CCh James Kresge Chesnuthill 500 28 413 36 123 50 - 289 86 Samuel Dietrich Smithfield 595 77 414 92i306 50J 1 76 106 60 David Keller Hamilton 993 62 631 49J218 27i 14 6-1. , .- 148 58 . William Warner Pocono 270 14 ISO 93 163 00 17 98 George Ransberry Stroud 911 97 915 97 1S6 20 729 77 John Bellas Jackson 127 69 110 32 45 00 51 04 81 . Tohn Van Buskirk Ross 358 29 158 95 135 40 4 8S 17 C7 Tohn Dietrich M. Smithfield 539 50 539 50 162 88 J76 63 lohn J. Price Price 103 15 103 li 20 00 1 85, : 81 30 William Roach Coolbaugh 37 20 37 20 30 50 1 81 4 8'J -2120 47 Michael Brown Stroud 8S5 27 252 54 13 74 618 29 losephTrach Hamilton 909 35 "491 71 417 64 Jacob Greenamoycr Chesnuthill 266 04 93 00 193 04 Jacob Frantz Ross 373 68 225 16 i 84 146 68 Jacob Bcesecker Price 10S 99 108 99 Peter Learn Pocono 219 OS 94 50 154 58 fames Turpenning Smithfield 474 34 77 50" ' " 396 84 lohn Kunkle Polk . 195 14 8 26 " 186 88 Simon Crubcr Coolbaugh 37 12 37 12 Peter Miller Jackson 10136 101 3G John Smith M. Smithfield 452 91 " 452 91 Abraham Butz Tobyhanna 110 24 4G 40 1 90 61 85 ix'.G SB $C217 0'J t Amount of checks outstanding and unpaid as near as could be ascertained up to January 3d. 18-18; exclusive, is three thousand sixty dollars and twenty-three cents, $30fi0 23 We the subscribers, auditors for the County of Monroe, having carefully ex amined the accounts of the County Treasurer, and all books, papers, vouchers, &.c. relating thereto, do certify that we find the above accounts correct. Wit ness our hands at Stroudsburg, this twentj-second day of January, one thous and eight hundred and lorty-eight MELCHOIR DREHER, ) . Abm. Edinger. HENRY WEISS, Confers. Jacob Frantz, Auditors JOHN MILLER, ) Jas.S.Bisbing, Atiest, John D; Morris, Clerk. MARRIED, At Stroudsburg, on he 3d insL, by the Rev. J. Scribner, Mr. Hiram Blowers, of Stoddarts villc, and Miss Mary Cramer, of the former place. IEI, In Siroudsburg, on Thursday last, Elba Ann. youngest daughter of Mark and Elizabeih Miller, aged 9 months and 2 days. 11. & E. B. EJLVDRED, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, MILFORDj PIKE COUNTY, PA. Will attend prompily to all business enmisod to their care. Office opposite the Presbyterian Church, on Broad street? February 10, 1848.--ly. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that letters tesiamen iary upon the estate of Margaret Westbrouk, 4ate of Delaware township, Pike county, Pa. have been granted to the undesigned by the tftegis'er. All persons indebted to the said es state, are requested 10 make immediate pay ment and those having claims against the san.e will present them duly authenticated for settle ment 10 the subscriber, or to E. B. Eldiied, Eq. his attorney, at. Milford, Pa. . WILLIAM DUSENBURY. February 10, 1848.-6t. Thos. A. Boyd. Mokris R. Stkood BOYD & S JTKOUB, SUCCESSORS TO ALEX: READ, Importer!! of & Dealers i" China. Glass & Qiiccnswarc, Four doors below the Merchants' llotel, PHILADELPHIA. January 1848.---.6ai, Great Inducements to Subscribers! Tlie Daily News. The unexampled success which has thus far at tended the News Establishment, encourages the proprietors to spare no exertions to make the Dai ly News a paper which shall be second to none of its contemporaries in Philadelphia. They will! make it their special aim to impart a dignified and high moral tone of the paper, and to exclude from its columns everything of aii indelicate or offensive nature. They have the most ample resources, in every respect, to enable them to give to its readers the latest and most accurate local, foreign, and domestic intelligence, and also full and reliable accounts of the Markets and Commercial News generally. j The Dailv News will continue to advocate Whig principles, as originally expounded by the Fathers of the Constitution, and adopted by the accredited organs and champions of the Whtg cause at the present day. It will urge the hold ing of a Whig National Convention, for the pur pose of nominating candidates for tse Presidency and Vice Presidency, and will battle, with all the ability, zeal and energy it can command, to se cure the triumphant election of the nominees ofj that Convention. Terms. To mailsubscribers single copies will be furnished at I? our Dollaks per annum. Twelve or more copies, ordered at the same lime, and addressed to the same Post-office, will be sent at tha rate of three dollars per copy. The Tri-Weekly News Will he issued from the same office, from and af ter the first of January, 18-18, on Tuesdays, Thurs day, and Saturdays of each week, and will contain the same matter as the Daily, including the news of the day on which it is issued. The regular subscription price will be three dom.aus for a single copy per annum. Four or more copies, ordered at the same time and addressed to the same Post-office, will be fur nished at the rate of two dollars and fifty cts. a. copy. The Dollar Weekly News, Published at the same office, on everv Saturday morifing, is a cherp Family Paper, devoted to Pol- iuus, rews, ijnuiuiuiu, uiu vris, aim ouicmca, the'fntorests of Trade and Business, and contains full and accurate accounts of the Markets. It wi'l be furnished to subscribers at the following low terms; One copy 81 Six copies . 5 Thirteen copies 10 I'wenty do 15 Twenty-seven copies 20 Thirty-four copies, $25 Forty-two do 30 Fifty do 35j Seventy-five do 50. One hundred & fifty 100. Die Wocheiitlicheu ffeiiiskeileu. A Weekly German Newspaper, devoted to the adto'ca'cy of sound Whig principles, and to the' dissemination of local, foreign, and domestic in telligence, will be published from and after the! first of March next. Ihe great necessity tor the publication of such a paper upon tlie Atlantic sea-i board, will at once be recognized, and the pub lishers have, therefore, determined upon establish ing a paper which 'will be worthy the confidence and support of their German fellow citizens. J he subscription price for a single copy will be One Dollar and Fifty Cents per annum. rour copies, ordered at the same lime and ad dressed to the same Post Office, will be furnished for Five Dollars per annum. j Ten copies and more, ordered at the same time and addressed to same Post Office, at the rate of One Dollar a copy per annum. In no case will the Daily, 1 n-Weekly, or Week MONROE COUNTY, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsyl ffFh&. vania to the Sheriff of said Countv. Harriet, his wife, (late Harriet La- w Bar) make vou secure of prosecuting their claim,- then we command vou that you sum mon by good and lawful summoners Elizabeth La Bar, Samuel Rees La Bar, Henry Barlow and Emeline his wife. laie Eineliric La Bar, Ed win La Bar, Horace La Bar, Gilbert M. La Bar, iEugeno La Bar, Hellen T.- La Bar, and Albina La Bar, so that they be and appear before our Judges at Stroudsburg at our County Court of Common Plea, there to bo held the tenth day of Aprtl next, to show wherefore whereas, they the said Charles Bortree and Harriet his wife, late Harriet La Bar,- Elizabeih La Bar, Samuel Rees La Bar. Henry Barlow and Emeline hi wife, late Emeline La Bar, Edwin La Bar, Hor ice La Bar, Gilbert M. La Bar, Eugene La Bar, Hellen T. La Bar, and Albina La Bar together ly News, or Die Wochentlichen Neuigkeiten, bclint mi(jvid(jd, to hold a certain messuage and forwarded, unless payment be made in advance ;!l , ()f si,ua,e jn ,he ,ownship of Smilh. and no paper will be sent after the expiration of. p.. ... , . , the time, unless the subscription is renewed. Money remitted through the mail, will be at the; (field, in ihe said County of Monroe, contain ing ahout risk of the publishers. Notes of all specie paying; Oe&C MHfi&dl'Cd & Fil'fy-tWO ACVCS Banks, in any part of the Union, will be received in pay. -PaXSOX, SAXDERSON & KlLLINGER. February 10, 1848. AGENT WANTED FOR THIS UOUNTIT' The business will to be procure subscriber.- for, und sell, when published, a largo, new, splendid township Map of the STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. The qualifications re- quired are a small capital of $100, sobriety, in tegrity, industry, energy, and active business tal ents. Information of the terms of the agency (which are liberal) will be given on application,! POSTAGE PAID, 10 ALEXANDER HARRISON, Superintending Agent, - ' 8 1-2 South 7ih street, Philadelphia September 17, 1810. ' with the appurtenances, the same Elizabeth La Bar, Samuel Rees La Bar, Henry Barlow and Emeline his wife, late Emeline La Bar, Edwin La Bar, Horace La Bar. Gilbert M. La Bar, Eugene La Bar, Hellen T. La Bar, and Albina La Bar, partition thereof between them to be made (according to the laws and customs of this Common wealth in such case madeand provided) do gainsay, and the same to be done, do not permit, very unjustly and against tho same laws ind customs (as 'tis said,) and have you then there the names of ihose summoners and this writ. . . .' Witness the Honorable Luther Kidder, President of our said Court at" Stroudsburg, ihi" 1 fifteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eiyht hundred and-foriy-eight. J. H. S l-RU U D, Frothonotary, , January 27, 1 S'lS.-'-Gu . Fashionable Boot and Shoe - MANUFACTORY. THADDEU.S SCHOCH, at his old stand in Hamilton .street, Easton, Pa., opposite T.& P. Mix sell's store, continues to manufac ture to oder, every description of Boots and Shoes, for men and boys ; also the most fashionable Gaiters, Buskins, half Gaiters, Slippers, 5fc, for Ladies and Misses, which will be warranted to fit, be made of the best materials, and sold at small profits for cash. Also on hand a large assort. Iment of ASM) SHMDlia which will be sold cheap, and can be recom- . mended. The public are respectfully invited to call, leave their measures, or examine his ready made stock bofore purchasing elsewhere, as he is confident they will be suited with the style, quality and price of his articles. ALSO Just received a large supply of GUM SHOES, for Ladies and Misses of a now stylo, very su-" penor, together with a stock of Men's .Gum ihoes; also. Children's Gum shoes. Cull .ami try them. Easton, Oct. 7, 1847. - t . V 1 The subscriber has on hand and offers -for, sale, a superior assortment qf:blanks, viz;. - "Wint a Executions, Subpoejnas, ; mortgages,-, ' SummoirseSj i. Bonds, ))C. "V:. L. F. BARNES,r3. JOB WORK" , T ... . j T vv7vr cirfc ' ' .1 A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers