1 s ORE THROAT, Coughs, Consumpiion, Pains i ? ..n-;mte i.nrtc rif lhf lirulv. nlld Other UTi- pleasant symptoms, arc the usual effects ot catcn- ,n?T:i!v t;o vnnt!liip Pills are a delisht- ful medicine for carrying off a cold, because they j mors in so easy and natural a manner, that the body is relieved of every kind of suffering as if by mocic. From three to six of said Indian Vcgeta ble Tills, taken every night on going to bed, will, in a short time, make a perfect cure of the most ob stinate cold at the same time the blood and oth er fluids will be thoroughly purified, and the consti tution so completely invigorated, that the body will be restored to even sounder health than before. Bcxcare of Counterfeits of all kind 1 Some :ire coated with sagar ; others are made to resemble in outward appearance the original medicine. The original genuine Tndian Vegetable Pills have the signature of William Wright written with a pen on the top label of each box. None other js cenuine, and to counterfeit this is forgery. For sale by George II. Miller, who is the only authorized agent for Stroudsburg ; sec advertise ment for other agencies in another column. Office and general depot, 1G9 Race st. Phil'a. PUBLIC NOTICE. Wo, the undersigned committee of the Man ners of the Susquehanna & Delaware Canal & Rail Company, will open books to receive subscription for the stock of said Company, on Thursday and Friday the 3d and 4th of Feb ruary next, between the hours of 2 & 6 o'clock, p jf at the house of John O. Hyer, in Stroud bur Pa. STOGDELL STOKES. MORRIS D. ROBESON, LUKE W. BRODHEAD. January 13, 1S4S. " ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that SAMUEL B. KEIFER, of Cliesnuthill township, Monroe county, has made an assignment of all his pro perty and effects, to the undersigned, for the benefit of his creditors. Therefore, all persons indebted to said Samuel B. Keifer are request ed to make immediate payment to the under signed, and all persons having claims or de mands against him to present ihe same, duly authenticated. CHARLES H. HEANEY, Assignee. Chesnuthtll tsp., January 22, 1S48. jan. 27 Thos. A. Boyd. Morris R. Stroud BOYD & STROUD, SUCCESSORS TO ALEX. READ, Importers of & Dealers in Chi si Glass & Queenswarc, Four doors below the Merchants' Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. January 20, 1848. 6m. MONROE COUNTY, SS. The Commonwealth of Pennsvl- vania to the Sheriff of said County, Greeting : If Charles Boriree and $ Harriet, his wife, (late Harriet La- Bar) make you secure of prosecuting their claim, then we command you that you sum mon by good and lawful summoners Elizabeth La Bar, Samuel Rees La Bar, Henry Barlow and Emeline his wifejlate Emetine La Bar, Ed win La Bar, Horace La Bar, Gilbert M. La Bar, Eugene La Bar, Hellen T. La Bar, and Albiua La Bar, so that they be and appear before our Judges at Stroudsburg at our County Court of Common Pleas,- there to be' held the tenth day of April next, to show wherefore whereas, ihey ihe said Charles Bortree and Harriet his wife, late Harriet La Bar, Elizabeth La Bar, Samuel Rees La Bar, Henry Barlow and Emeline his wife, late Emeline La Bar, Edwin La Bar, Hor ace La Bar, Gilbert M. La Bar, Eugene La Bar, Hellen T. La Bar, and AHrina La. Bar together and undivided, to hold a certain messuage and tract of land situate in the township of Smith field, in the said County of Monroe, contain ing about One Hundred & Fifty-two Acres with the appurtenances, the same Elizabeth La Bar, Samuel Rees La Bar, Henry Barlow and Emeline his wife, late Emeline La Bar, Edwin La Bar, Horace La Bar, Gilbert M. La Bar, Eugene La Bar, Hellen T. La Bar, and Albina La Bar, partition thereof between them to be made (according to the laws and customs of this Commonwealth in such case made and provided) do gainsay, and the same to be donef do not permit, very unjustly and against the same laws and customs (as 'tis said,) and have you then there the names of those summoners and this writ. Witness the Honorable Luther Kidder, President of our said Court at Stroudsburg, this j fifteenth day of January, in the year of our Lord i one thousand eight hundred and forty-eight. J. H. STROUD, Prothonotary. January 27, 1848. 6i. mm, Doctor Yourself! For 25 Cents. By means of the POCK ET ESCULAPIUS, Or, Every One his own Phy sician ! Seventeenth Edi lion, with upwards of One Hundred Engravings, show ing private diseases in eve ry shape and form, and mal formations of the generative system, by Wai. YOUNG, M. D. The time has now arrived, that persons suf fering from secret diseaso, need no more be come0 the victims of Quackery, as by the pre scriptions contained in this book any one may euro himself, without hindrance to business, or th knowledge of the most intimate friend, and ivithone tenth the usual expense. In addition to the general routine of private diseases, it fully explains the cause of Manhood's early decline, with observations on jlfarnao-e---besides many other derangements which it would not be pro per to enumerate in the public prints. JJj5 Persons residing at any distance from Philadelphia, can have this Book forwarded to them through the Post-office, on the receipt of twenty-five cents, directed to Dr. Wm. Young, 152 SPRUCE Street, Philadelphia. January 27, 1848 3m. ESTRAYS. Came to ihe premises of the subscriber, in Hamilton township, Monroe comity, Pa. about the 14th or 15th of November last, two Bours about 6 or 7 months old. The owner is re quested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, or they will be dis posed of according to law. SAMUEL MENGEL. Hamilton, December 15, 1847. BLANKS. The subscriber has on hand and offers for sale, a superior assortment of blanks, vtz: Deeds, Mortgages, Executions, Summonses, Subpoenas, Bonds, 6)C. L. F. BARNES. Milford, November,, 1847. New Yorlt & Eric Rail-Road EXTENDED TO WINTER ARRANGEMENTS. ON THURSDAY January Gth, and until fur ther notice, the different trains will run ONCE EACH WAY DAILY, (Sundays excepted) as follows : For Passengers : Leave NEW YORK, by Steamboat from foot Duane Street at 7 1-2 o'clock a. m. PORT JERVIS, at G 1-2 o'clock a. m. " OT1SVILLE, at 7 " M1DDLETOWN at 7 1-2 " GOSHEN at 7 3-4 " " CHESTER at 8 sloping each way at the several intermediate passenger stations. XJCF3 No Packages, Parcels, Trunks (or bag gage except personal, consisting of clothing, not exceeding 50 lbs.) will be taken by the Passen ger Boat or Trains, unless by special agreement and payment made in advance, in which case the charges will be at the discretion of the Ageni, not exceeding double the published Freight rales. Applications in New York must be made to Mr. J. F. Clarkson Ageni, at the office on the Pier foot of Duane St., upon whose receipt articles will be received upon the Steam boat and forwarded by the Passenger Train. The company will be responsible for no article whatever seni by the Passenger boat or Trains, unless it be receipted for by an Agent duly au thorized ; except personal baggage which is put in charge of the Baggage Masters. For Freight : Leave New York at 3 o'clock P. M., per Bar ges SAMUEL MARSH, HENRY" SUYDAM, Jr. and DUNKIRK; Leave Port Jervis at 7 o'clock A. M., Otisville at 8, Middletown at 9 1-2, Goshen al 10 1-2, and Chester at 11 a. m. Asi Accomsiiodittion Itfilk Train will run in connection with the Steamboat which tows the Freight Barges, leaving New York at 3 o'clock P. M. and ordinarily arriving at Piermont in time for the train to start from 6 to 7 o'clock for Pori Jervis and all the inter mediate stations. Leave Port Jervis at 1 1-2 p. m. Otisville at 2, Middletown at 2 1-2, Go shen at 3, Chester at 3 1-4, Turners 4, Monsey at 5 o'clock and arrive at Piermont al 6 o'clock p. m. ; thence leaving for New York by a com fortable steamboat, as soon as the milk is put on board and the barge is in readiness. Good Berths will be provided on board at 25 cents and MEALS at 37 1-2 cents each. N. B.-Persons having articles lost, dam aged or unnecessarily delayed are requested to communicate the fact in writing immediately, to S. S. POS'T, Superintendent of Transporta tion, office at Piermont. For other information enquire of the several De'pot Agents, the Supt. Transportation, or the undersigned. II. C. SEYMOUR, Sup't. January, 1, 1848. jan. 20 if. The subscriber wishes lo engage in the sale of his Maps a number of young and middle aged men of moral and business habits, as trav elling agents. Having completed new and greatly improved editions of his Universal At las, 73 Maps; large Map of the World, Refer ence and Distance Map of the United States, National Map of the United States also, a va riety of other .Maps, including several iliaps of Mexico, the subscriber is prepared to furnish agents, for cash, at the lowest possible prices. Address, S. AUGUSTUS MITCHELL, Northeast corner of Market and Sexenth Streets, Philadelphia. January 6, 1848. OYSTERS? OYSTERS ! ! I The undersigned has just opened at his old established stand, in Franklin street, a few donrs south of the Court House, a new assort ment of Oysters of the very finest quality, Beer, Cider, &c. He will also furnish a saloon for the ladies, so that theyr too, can partake of this luxurious edible, without annoyance. By strict attention to business, and to the wants of his purchasers, the subscriber hopes to obtain a liberal share of public patronage. DAVID STARNER. Januarv G, 1848. ' BLANK DEEDS For sale at this Office. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a wrii of venditioni exponas to me directed, will be exposed to sale at the Court House in Milford, on the, 7th day of February next, between the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock, p. m. the following described propert)', viz: The equal undivided one fourth part of all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situ ate, lying and being in the township of Lncka waxen, county of Pike, and State of Pennsyl vania, surveyed in pursuance of a warrant from ihe Land Office of Pennsylvania, patented to Elias Brown, containing in the whole 163 Acres ahci 17 Perclics, more or less. . AL&O': The equal undivided one twenty-fourth part of all thai certain tract situate in the township aforesaid, surveyed as aforesaid, to Isaac More, containing in the whole 402 Acres &iul 33 Perches, more or less. ALSO: The equal undivided one sixth pari of 229 Acres and 74 Perches of land, situate in the township aforesaid, be ing part of a larger tract of land surveyed in pur suance of a warrant from ihe Land Office afore-, said, granted to John Lardner, and numbered on the ihe Commissioners books of said coun ty of Pike, number 62. Seized and taken in execution as the proper ty of William R. Holbert, and to be sold by me JACOB KIMBLE, Sheriff. Per J. M. Williamson, Deputy. Sheriff's Office, Milford, ) January 1st 1848. $ Eastern and Milford Mail L,inc,' VIA STROUDSBURG. Passengers in this line will leave Joseph Hagend.uch's Inn, sign of the V Black Horse," Easton, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, passing through the following places viz : Richmond, Cehiroville, , Williamsburg,, frills' Feiry, Delaware Water Gap, JDutotsburg, Stroudsburg, Bushkill, and Dingman's Ferry, and arrive in Milford the same day: .Distance GO miles. Returning, leave Samuel Dimmick's Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and arrive in Easton the same day. Fare from Easton to Stroudsburg, $1 25 Milford, , 2S7 N. B. All baggage ai the. risk of the owners. WILLIAM DEAN, Stroudsburg, June 3, 1S47. Proprietor. A Friend to all Nations, WAR OR NO WAR! PRICES CURRENT. Corrected cuery Wednesday, mornin Ir'ticles. Wheat Flour, per barre) Rye. . (jo. . do. do. Wheat, per busjiel Rye, do. do. , Sole Leather per pound Corn ner bushel'. Buckvyheatper bushel Clover Seed per bushel Timothy Seed per bush. Barley do. Oats do. Flax Seed do. Butter per pound Eggs, per dozen Plaster per ton Hickory wood, per cord Oak, . do. j do. Mackerel, No..l Do. do 2 Potatoes, per bushel ir to iStroutls- EaJton. Vhilad I burg. i 00 G 50 7 00 5 00 3 25 5 20 ' 1 30 1 30 1 3f; 90 J5 67 25 , 60 GO , 75 50 4 50 4 20 4 00 3 00 2 50 y 'JO 40 40 50 40 42 05 1 20 1 12 1 45 18 11 18 10 8 11- G 00 3 50 2 12 2 50 A 50 6 00 2 00 3 75 5 50 13 00 12 00 II 'b 0 50 10 00 7 75 50 50 Dfi.LE R SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas to me directed, will be exposed to sale at the Court House in Milford, on the 7th day of February next, between the hours of 1 and 3 o'clock in the af ternoon, the following described property, viz: The equal undivided one fourth pari of all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land situ ate, lying and being in the township of Lack awaxen, county of Pike, and Slate of Pennsyl vania, surveyed in pursuance of a warrant from the Laud Office of Pennsylvania, patented to Elias Brown, containing in the whole 163 Acres and 7 Perches, more or less. ALSO: The equal undivided one twenty fourth part of all that certain tract situate in the township aforesaid, surveyed as aforeseid, 10 Isaac More, containing in ihe whole Acres and 32 Perclics, more or less. ALSO: The equal undivided one sixih part of 29 Acres and 74 Perches of land, situate in the township aforesaid, be ing pari of a larger tract of land surveyed in pursuance of a warrant from the Land Office aforesaid, granted to John Lardner, and num bered in ihe Commissioners books of said coun ty of Pike, number 62. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erly of Benjamin Holbert, Jr. and to be sold by me. JACOB KIMBLE, Sheriff. Per J. M. Williamson, Deputy. Sheriff's Office, Milford, ) January 1, 1S48. $ Fashionable JBoot and Shoe MANUFACTORY. THAUDEUS SCHOCH, at ,his old stand in Hamilton sireet, Easton, Pa., opposite T.& P. Mix- selrs store, continues 10 manufac lure to oder, every description of Soots and Shoes, for men and boys ; also the most fashionable Gaiters, Buskins, half Gaiters, Slippers, c., for Ladies and Misses, which will be warranted to fit, be made of ihe best materials,' and sold at small profits for cash. Also on hand a Targe assort ment of which will be sold cheap, and can be recom mended. The public are respectfully invited to call, leave their measures, or examine his ready made stock before purchasing elsewhere, as he is confident ihey will be suited with ihe style, quality and price of his articles. A LSO Just received a large supply of GUM SHOES, for Ladies and Misses of a new style, very su perior, together with a stock of Men's Gum shoes: also Children's Gum shoes. Call and try them. Easton, Oct. 7, 1817. AGENT WANTED FOR THIS OUMTY. The business will to be procure subscribers for, und sell, when published, a largo, new, splendid townshio Map of the STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. The qualifications re quired are a small capital of S"I00; sobriety, in tegrity, industry, energy, and active business tal ents. Information of ihe terms of the agency (which are liberal) will be given on application, POSTAGE PAID, to ALEXANDER HARRISON, Superintending Agent, 8 1-2 South 7th street, Philadelphia Septrmber 17. 1846. JOB WORK Neatly executed at this Office. NEW LINE. The accommodation line of Stages between Stroudsburg and Easton, will leave the house of J. J. Postens, (Washington Hotel,) in Strouds burg, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of ev ery week, at 7 o'clock, a. m., and arrive at Eas ton at 2 o'clock, V. m , in lime for dinner; re turning on the following, day, leaving, Q. Con nor's American Hotel, op Tuesday, Thursday 1 CIl:.-.7.. rv t. ' .'' 1 , aim ijuiiii u uy ai u uiuun, a. m., uuu diiivmg ai Stroudsburg al 2 o'clock, same day. The subscribers beg Icaye to inform the pub lic, that they have united in carrying on the above line of stages and that they ar.e now able to carry passengers in as comfortable and con venient a style, as any oiher route in the coun ty. Fare through $1 25. ROBERT C. SLEATH, J. J. POSTENS. Stroudsburg, March 25, 1847. THE GREAT PREVENTIVE MEDICINE! Though Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills have achieved triumph upon triumph, in thb cure of ob stinate cases of disease, even after they had been entirely given up, and after all other remedies had failed, yet their power of prevention may be justly esteemed their crowning glory ! 'Storms,' it is said, 'purify the air,' but storms do mischief also, and are so far an evil. Were it within human power to maintain the electrical equilibrium between the earth and air, there would be no occa sion for storms, for the air would always be pure. So of the human body. t If kept free from mor bid humors, the action is regular and healthy. But if those liumors are allowed to. accumulate, a cri sis, or, in other words, a storm, will arise, which is always more or less dangerous. Wright's Indian vegetable pills are equally well calculated to prevent the storm, or to allay it when it comes. But PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE, besides being cheaper and less troublesome, The delay of a day in the commencement of sickness has often proved fatal, and always renders the case more difficult to manage. Let the sickness be caused by CHANGES OF WEATHER, . high living, want of exercise, close confinement, functional derangement, or anything else, the ef fect upon the body is much .the same is equally dangerous, and is removable bv ihe same means. HAVE YOU A COLD ? Let it not ripen into Consumption 1 Are you Dys peptic ? Beware of the hypochondria. Two Pills taken every other night on an emptstomach, for a for a' short time, will in nine cases out often, cuie the Dyspepsia, and thereby drive away the legion of " devils blue," For Headach, no medicine is superior to Wright's Indian vegeatable picls. CostTveness, .that prolific mother of disease, is caused by a torpid state of the liver, which these Pills effectually cures. By striking at the root of disease, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills prevent all and cure all. They can hardly ever be taken amiss, if used with common discretion; and we commend them to the use of those who have not' yet tried them. The following Agencies have been established for the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetahle Pills, in MONROE COUNTY. George II Miller, Stroudsburg John Lander, Craig's Meadows Bell & Brothers, Experiment Mills Henry Kintz, Bartonsville A S Edinger, Tannersville J.oseph Keller & Son, Kellersville Charles Saylor, Saylorsburg Brodhead & Brother, Dutotsburg Jacob Long, Snydersville John Marsh, Fennersville, Daniel Brown, Cliesnuthill Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale and retail, 169 Race sireet, Philadelphia ; 288 Greenwich street, New York ; and 198 Tremont street, Boston. February 18, 1847. ly Country Produce. Butter, Eggs, &c. taken in exchange for arty goods in my line of business. JOHN H. MELlCKs Stroudsburg, Feb. 12, 1846. From $1 50 to $G 50, for sale by JOHN U. MELICK. VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL. PILLS. The only known medicine that at the same lime pur ges r purifies, and strengthens the system. DR. LE ROY'S Pills' are a.-.naw .medicine which has just appeared, and is fast taking the places, of all others of the same class. Thec pills are composed of many ingredients, but the two principal ones are Sarsaparilla and Wild Cher ry, so united that thej apt together; theone, through its admixture with other substances, purifying and purging, while the othpr. is. strengthening the sys tern. Thus .those piils.are at. the same lime tonic andppening; ., a desideratum 'tong and eagerly sought for by medicinal men, but never before dis covered. In other words they do the work of the two medicines, and do it much better than any two we know of; for they remove nothing from the system but the impurities; 3o that while they purge ihey strengthen ; and hence they cause no debili tation, and are followed by no re-action. Dr. Le Roy's Pills have a wonderful irfluence on the bood ; they not only purify without Weakening it. but they remove all noxious particles from tho chyle before it is converted into fluid, and thus makes impure blood an utter impossibility. As there is no debilitation, so there is no nausea or sickness attending the opperations of this most excellent of medicines, which never strains or tortures the digestive functions, but causes them to work in a perfectly natural manner ; and hence persons taking them do not become pale and emaciated, but the contrary ; for while h is the property of the Sarsaparilla, united. tis it is with other ingredients, to rqrnove all that Is foreign and impure, it is equally the property of the Wild Chcr to retain" all that is hSttlral and sound ; and hence a robost state of Ji'ealth. is the certain result of their united operations. Agents'in Stroudsburg, Dr. Samud Stokes and T. Schoch; July 29, 1847. .The Daily National Whi?, Is published in the City of Washington, eve ry day at 3 o'clock p. m. Sundays excepted and, served to subscribers in the City ; at thf Navy Yard, in Georgetown; in Alexandria and in Baltimore .the same cveiiirig, at 6 1-4 ceut a week payable to ihe solo Agent of the Whir G. L. Gillchrest, Esq., or his order. Ii is also mailed to any part of the United S'aie-; for $ Jt per annum or S2 for six months, payable in ad vance. Advertisements of ten lines or less in serted one lime for 50 cents; two tunes for 75 centB; three times SI; one week for $1 75; two weeks for $2 75 ; one month $4 ; two month $7;' tfiree months $10 ; six months $17 ; one year $30 payable always in advance. THE NATIONAL WlilG is what its name indicates,. It speaks the sentiments ol the Whig party, of ihe Union on every question of public policy. It advocates the election to the Pres idency of Zachary Taylor subject to die de cision of the Whig National Convention. Ii makes war to the knife upon all the measures and acts of the Administration deemed to bo adverse to the interests of the country, and ex poses without fear or favor the corruptions of the party in power. Its columns are open to every man in the country for the discussion of political or any other questions. In addition to politics a large space in the National Whig will be devoted to publications upon Agriculture, Mechanics and oiher useful arts, Science in general, Law, Medicine, Sta tistics, &c. Choice specimens of American and Foreign Literature will also be given; in cluding Reviews, &3. A weekly lisi of ihe Palenis issued uy ihe Potent Office will like wise ho gti'uiished the whole forming a com plete family newspaper. Tlie Weekly National WSiig. One of tho largest newspapers in ihe United States is now made up from the columns of iho Daily National Whig, and is published every Saturday for the low price of two dollars per annum payable in advance. A double sheet o eight pages will be given whenever ihe press of matter shall justify it. The Memories of General Taylor written expressly for ihe National Whig, are ii course of publication. They commeurred with the second number, a largo number of copies of which have been printed to supply calls for back numbers. CHA.riLES W. FENTON, Proprietor ol National. Whig. Washington Juno 3, 1847. All daily, weekly and Mmi-weekly P?pers in ihe United States are requested to insert mis aovertisemeni once a week tor six months ; noting the price for publishing tho same at the bouom of the adveittseirjent, and send the paper containing it to the National Whig Office, and the amount will bo duly re mitted. Our Editorial Brethren are alao re quested to notice the National Whig in -their reading columns. September ICth, 1847. Cm. SI0 Stroudsburgf Aug 13, 184G. BLANK MORTGAGES For sale at this Office. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers