1 I I PUBLIC n,A subscriber will sell at public sale at his Sundry in the Borough of Stroudsburg; Mori fTcoLy. P.... on THURSDAY ami FRU ny the 23d and 24th days oi uecemocr next, ,,o following property, to wit: A fine LOT OF PATTERNS ol various Kiiius, Stoves, Sled shoes, Wagoli boxes, Plough learns, and Plouglis, i Turn ing Lathes, one Circular saw, and 1 up and down Saw; Line shaft ings and Pulleys, Leather straps for Lathes, one pair of blowing Cylinders, j one Fan Billows, Crane Rope and Pulleys; .1.... .t-nli manv cither aruVlo fsnnprilil L'lll ,(aMliri . ---- Foundry too tedious to enumerate. THEHEWWORtK EF, SERIES. ' Park Benjamin, tailor. TWO DOLLARS A YEAR IN ADNANtfE On Stturdav, the second of October, vas is sued, on a very large and elegant folio sheet, E ASTON, Pa. The Young Ladies' Institute, suua'ted at the corner of Puriifret and Spring Garden streets, will commence its next session the first Mon day in September. Terms per Session of twenty-two weeks?: : - and on tho plan of kl he New World formerly , m . . puonsneu in mis cny, a weexiy literary news- . j: " , ? . $65 00 paper, with ihe above title. tr u- 5 1 iuh. , It contains the new and nonular production. )Y as.hl,,8 Per week ' 25 of nil Iimi authors, home and fWian innl.,. Music, (Pia:iio.) , . 12 00 ,!in Hnlwpr Dickens. James. Lnioh Hnt lr- Use of ,,1e Instrument per session, 4 00 Jfiaston and Milford Pflail tine, fold, Thackeray, Herbert, Bryant, Longfellow, Irving, Prescoti, bue, George Sandj and hosts of other celebrated writers. 1 also presents weekly extracts from new hnnlo, magazines, and newspapers of all kinds, FJithef of the ancient or modern Lan guages, Painting, Drawing, Em broidery or Wax-work, English department for day scholars, 6 00 i'O 50 An extra charge, of twenty-five cents will be 10 a ALSO: A variety of of the most interesting and amusing description. made for incidental expenses. Tho old 'New World' was so well known. All pupils, charged from the .1 . . . . . . .1 .1 'C .1 ! . V- wiai 11 is noi requisite to enter upon any labored umM ,,,e enu OI ,ne session, except in cases 01 ime they enter description of the new New World; since the huter is exactly like the former, except so far 1 ! as it has been improved I It Will hi? pmhrllisllffl Willi plorinnl sh1 w 1 n..1 KIIpIiiiii PilPllifliro. . IIousu"" - 1 lv engravings. protracted sickness THOMAS M. CANN; A. M. Easton, July 29, 1 847. 2m Principal one YOUNG COW, fije. In consequence of the great economy which Conditions made known on the days of sale. has becn duced into the art of printing and 5 November 25, 1847. SAMUEL HA YD EN Dr. Le Roys VIA STROUDSBURG. Passengers in this line will leave Joseph Hagenbuch's Inp, sign of the " Black Horse," baston, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday passing through the following places, viz : Richmond, Centreville, Williamsburg, Dills' Feiry, Delaware Water. Qap, Dutotsbufg, oirouasourg, ousnKin, anu uingmarrs f erry, and arrive in Milford (h same day: Dfstance fiOmilnQ Rultiritiri.'f Ibnt-o 1 PilrJ?.',, ww ..... u . iv luiuiiiuu'i. uuiiiuci u i ill .ii iw iv a Hotel. Milford, evefy Tuesday, Thurs'day and oaiuroay,- anu arrive in iasion tne same (Jay. Fare from Easton lb Stroudsburg, $1 25 . . t , Milford, 2S7 N..B. All baggage at the risk of the owners WILUIAM DEAN, Stroiidsburg', June 3, 1847. Proprietor'. PRICESCURRENT. Corrected every Wednesday morning ty paper-making, ihe proprietors are enabled to vrrrtaim.i.1 iini vi?u jli pii i-.cj oiler the new paper at tho low price of two The only known medicine that at the same time Vur dollars a year. ges purifies, and strengthens the system. The proprietors are making extensive ar- TTU. LE ROY'S Pills are a new medicine rangements in advance, to make 'The New XJ which has just appeared, and is fast taking World the most unexceptionable anil agreea- the places of all others ol the same class. These They mean also ihai it shall be original as well as excellent; and they are accordingly pre pared to make, and will make liberal arrange ments with authors. As an earnest of this, they commenced wild the first number a new two principal ones are Sarsaparilla and Wild Cher ry, so united that they act together ; the one, through its admixture with other substances, purifying and purging, while the othor is strengthening the sys tern, lhus those pills are at the same time tonic ana opening; a desideratum long and eagerly ORPHANS' COURT SALE. Rv viriutj of an order of the Orphans' Court in and for the County of Monroe, the following J be fa5,ily newspaper published in the Union pills are composed of many ingredients, but the Ural hsiate, formerly oi jesse onaier, rate oi 'fnhvhaima iownship, in said County, deceased, jlf he sold at Public Vendue, at the public ))ouse of Samuel Milte.vdergeu, on Saturday ihe ISth of Decemher next, at JO o'clock in the forenoon, all that certain Mistiaye or Tenement and Tract of land, sit- IJSte Ml SliU tuwiiauij ui i uuuaiiiid, in oaiu county of Monroe, containing 139 ACRES, ni0rc or less, adjoining lands of Michael Krei er, Dedrich Rees, and vacant land: about thir ty acres cleared, and the remainder is covered with TIMBER of an excellent quality. 'J he improvements ihereon consist of one Frame House, one and a half siory high, and one Loo Barn. Terms of Sale : One half of the purchase money tn be paid at the confirmation of the .Sale, anl the other in one year thereafter, with ni'erest from the confirmation, to be secured by Judgment bonds upon the premises. GEORGE BUTTS, Adm'or. By the Court. J. H. STROUD, Clerk. November 25, 1S47. 1 1 1 1 Wg ORPHANS' COURT SALE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court if .lonroe county, the following Real Estate, formerly of Frederick Michiley, late of Piice MMvnship, in said count, deceased, will be sold at Mthhc venduce, at the public house of Stroud J. Holhnshead, in the Borough of Siroudaburg, romance, written expressly for the New World sought for by medicinal men, but never before dis hy Frank Forester, author of the 'Warwick covered. In other words they do the work of the Woodlands -My Shooting Box,'' &c,&c; They lwo meoicines, ana ao u mucn oeuer man any n;n ..i.n r tik . r otc wo we Know oi ; lor iney remove uuiiimg irom inu WJH also give a series oi original legends, K i 4 J .1 4 m 7 by Edmund Flagg, Esq. author of -Lucretia .LV atrenffthan s 'd hence thev cause no Hebili- Bor-gia.' 'Catherine Howard, 'Beatrice,' &C. tntfnn. anH :ire followerl hv tin re-antion.' Dr. TjR For the Purpose of facilitating the formation Roy's Pills have a wonderful irfluence on the of Clubs, vo offer the following, (for par mon- blood ; ihey not only purify without weakening it, ev nost-naid in advance.) hut 4hey remove all noxious particles from the I cny its uciurt: u is cuuvcnuu idiu iiuiu, uuu iuus makes irnpure blood art inter impossibility. As Three copies of the Now World one year, or there is no debilitation, so there is no nausea one copy for three years, $5 00 or sicttness auenuing uie opperauuns oi uus must even copies ol tneXvew Worldl year iu uu . . .u-.j-- ju-- r. w w- u .u - rrttirfi8 thp nicTpftfiffi fnnr.t nns. but rntiSRs them to work in a perfectly natural manner; and hence persons taking them do not become pale anc( emaciated, but the contrary : for while .st. is the Dronertv of the Sarsaparilla, united as it is with 105 Nassau street. New York, other ingredients, to remove all that is foreign an impure, it is equally the property ot the wild uner to retain all that is natural and sound ; and hence a robost state ofhealthisthe certain result of their united operations. , . , , ; s Agents in Straudsbufg, Dr. Samuet iSloceS and T. Schoch. July 29, 1847. Twelve Seventeen " Address, ROSS WILKINSON, Publisher, 15 00 20 00 Fashionable Boot and Shoe MANUFACTORY. THADDEUS SCHOCH, at ,his old stand in Hamilton street, Easton, Pa., opposite T.& P. xMix sell's store, continues to manufac ture to oder, every description of Bools and Shoes, MANSION HOUSE.- . , , Mrs; i Margaret JE&gles Begs leave respectfully to inform her old friends and the public generally that she has taken the above 'establishment, which has been, arid is now being, fined up upon tho most approved plan, or the accommodation or strd tigers and travellers. . . ... j The lo'ig experience which she-has had in the business of keeping a hotel or public house iii connection with ihe favorable location and cbmmodio.usness of the Mansion House, she hopes will afford a sufiiciont guarantee to se cured liberal pdirdiiage. Persons visiting town on business or pleasure excursions will find a comfortable, convenient and quiet home. Ju rors and others attending Court re iriviie.d to call, and satisfy themselves. Strangers fro'tn tlie city i or elsewhere! wHo contemplate spend ing some time in the beautiful and reu'red vil lage of Stroudsburg, will do well by making the above house trfeir home during their sta HefeJ in short, all are jnvjte.rj to r.alf. , , Transient and steady boarders, by the day or week, accommodated upon the most reason able terms! THE GREAT PREVENTIVE MEDICINE! , . Though Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills have achieved iriumph upon triumph, i$ the cure of ob stinate cases' of disease', even after they had been entirely given up, and alter all other remedies had 1 failed, yet their power of prevention may be justly " J esteemed their (. .,, . M , , . . CROWNING GLORY ! , Storms,1 it. is said, 'purify the air,' but 6toims do mjschief also, and are 5.0 far an evil. Wefe it within hurflarr pojvej (p. maintain the. ELECTRICAL EQUILIBRIUM. between the. earth and airj there would be no occa sion for storms, for ihe air would always be pure. ARTICLES. Wheat Flour, per barrel do. do. . do. Wheat, per bushel Rye, do. do.. l Sole Leather per pound mum per oushel , , Buckwheat, per hush'el Clover Se,d get busjiel Timothy Seed per bush: barley Oits ,Vj,t Flax Seed Butter per pound Eggs, per dqzeri Plaster per ton ,., t . . Hictdfy wood, per cord Oak, , ( do. dor. Macjcerel, No. 1 Do. do 2 t t Potatoes, per bushel do; dp; do. Stroudsj Easton biirg.' 8 00 0 50 5 00 3 25 1 30- 1 30 l?d; 95 25 52 60, , 60. " 5D 4 50 4 20 3 00 3 50 40 40 . 40 4-2 1 20 1 1J 16 14 . 14 8 6 00 3 50 2 50 4 50 2 00 3 75 i3 00 12 rjtj 9 50 10 00 fid 50 3 4 00 . 2 Oft :-,50 65 1 45 IV 14 2 I 'T 6 00 5 5P..V I 1 75'vt 7 NOT 15 LIST: Philad'H . i 7 00 5 25. 'lf3'5lM , .0 75 corrected weekly for tHS i6lirsdniiin itepublicuff: ' t '. ' ' - ,- to'f The notes of those banks on whicn quotations are omitted and a, dash( JbubstitUted, are rf&t purchased by thd brokers. . fciiitsvlvaiiiai Philadelphia ban, f. , p,ar Ban of North America Uo Farmers' t Iechanics . .do Western, an do SoyUi.wirK bani do Kensington ban : do Bank o Northern Liberties do Mechanics Bank. do ComrnerciB Banks'..-, do Bank of renri Tovmship. MannfiUUiirers' Mech'ns Moyainenwhg hank. United States banjc Girard . .db4 Pennsylvania bank ;i Ilankof Geririantown. Bank of Montgomery co... flank of Delaware county Hank of Chester county Dovlestown ban Farmers' bank of Bucks Easton bank, Farmers' bank of Reading do licoanon oanic . Harrisburg.ban.ii Middlejpwri.ba'rilc Farmers' bank Lancaster par Ho do do ,22 par par par do do do do do do "West Branch bank, , Pittsburg 5 a Wayncbburg " Uiowncsville 1 Erie bank y - Berks county bank rowanda do Relief Notes Hew Yorli::? CITY BANKS America, b.ink of P"" American ExcliiUifxe d Bank of Commerce do Bank ofthe Slate of aT di IJutchers'andDrbveiJ.' do- Chemical dt- City do Commercial l! Clinton . . par Del. and Hudson ca'halco. do' DrvDbck V The Baily National Whig"; Is published in the Ciiy of Washington, eve ry day at 3 o'clock P. m. Sundays .excepted for men and boj's ; also t-he most anfl served to subscribers in the City at the fashionablo Gaiters, Busktns, half Navy Yard, in Georgetown; in Alexandria and Gaiters, Slippers, &c, for Ladies in Baltimore the same evening, at 6 1-4 events and Misses, which will be warranted to fit, be a week payable to the solo Agcnl ol thWhig nil J Wednesday ihe loth day of DeCtmber , made of ihe best materials, and old at small Gr. ,. O.IIchrest,Ji1sq or his order ltisa.su ,0 , , , , . profits for cash. Also on hand a large assort- mailed to any part of the United States for $4 next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, a certain meJl of 0 per annum or $2 for six months, payable 111 ad- uaci or piece of land situate on the main road AW'fifl WW-V vance. Advertisements of ten lines or less m- I,nd.n. from Stroudsbure tu the German Set- k , 1 1 l , f tf hchm verted one time for 50 cents; two t.mes.for 75 .lements in Wayne and Pike cournies, in Price which will be sold cheap, and can be recom- . . . , t 3 - n -I 11 t HT 1 imiiNtiip aioresaiu, nounueu on me iorn oy limit of John M. Deibleri on the East, West, si'i.l South by lands of Samuel Griscomb, on tk South-West by Jacob Priced land, contain 1112 about 212 Acres and 60 Perches, more or less, about 35 of which are cleared, the lemauidVr i very heavily timbered with first iB'e Hemlock and Oak. The improvements are a small one anu a nan stories nign, anu a mall STABLE. There is a spring of excel lent wa'er near the door. The Goose Pond creek, and the main of easi branch of the Brodhead's creek runs through the premises; and there is s good mill seal on the name. Terms and conditions will be made known at the time and place of sale by PETER LANDER, Admor, November 25, 1847. Public Sale or Unseated Land. Will be exposed at public sale at the public house of Stroud J. Hol linshead, in Stroudsburg, Monroe county, Pa., on THURSDAY, De cember 16'h 1347, at 1 o'clock, p u. a part of a large TRACT OF LAND, marked on the Commissioners' books, John. Lee, No. 125, now known as ihe Dugway Tract, situated in Cool bangh township, Monroe county, Pa. on the Belmont and Easton Turnpike Road, near jts confluence with the- Philadelphia and Great Bend Turnpike, a few mtjes from Stroudsburg, the county town ; bounded hy lands, now or formerly of Henry Ransbury, John Starbird, Jesse Ford and Joseph Lfe, containing three hundred and six acres and twenty-seven perch et with the usual allowance for n"ads, &c. This tract of land has many inducements for those disposed to purchase, having: ihe .North ern Brach of Brodhead's Creek, .running diago nally through it, (crossing the turnpike,) o( &o- ficient power for mill or other purposes, There "re also several fine springs of water on this taci, near the turnpike, which would make it valuable for building purposes. The Jand gen erally is of a good qualiiy, wall timbered and could be easily improved. Condition! at sale. WILLIAM TRAINER. Norember 25, 1817. menucu. . . . . ..' , n . , , , - ..i.ii The public are recc.fully irivi.ed 18 6all. P"? -; - .. leave their measure., or examine hf feauy "f"" ' ' ' , made stock before purchasing elsewhereas he 'cfrfffih ' 1 : c.i u u tta s.,;,u ,r,o cia THE NA FIONAL WHIG is what us n is confident they will be suited with the style, I ame nualnv arid nriee of his articles. viLSD---Just received a large supply of GUM SBOES; for Ladies and Misses of a ncv style, very su- neridr to'seiher with a stock of Men's-Gum shoe: also Children's Gurrf shoes: Call dnd try them. Easton, Oct. 7, 1847. Stroudshiii'g: and IVeiy Xorfc LINE OF COACHES, Via Delaware Water Gap, Columbia', Blairstown, Johnsonsburgh, Stanhope &. Morristown THRQUGH IN TWELVE HOURS. pare from' Sltoudsburg to New York S3 50 and Foreign Literature will also he iven; in- On and after Monday, November 2d 1846, --iuding reviews, etc. a weeKiy usi oi ne indicates. It speaks ihe sentiments of the Whig party of the Unton on every Question of public policy. It advocates the election to the. Pres idency of Zachary Taylor subject to th!e de cision of the Whig National Convention. It mak'cs ?ar to the knife upon" all the mea'sures and actsof the Administration deemed to be adverse to the interests of the co'untfy, and ex poses without fear or favor the corruptions of he party in power. its columns are open to every man in the country for the discussion, of political of any rVthef questions; In addition to politics a large space in the National Whig will.be devoted to publications upon Agriculture, Mechanics and oilier useful arts, Science in general, Law,1 Medicine, Sta tistics, &c. Choice specimen's of American there will a Stage leave the principal hotels, in Siroudsbarg, at 4 o'clock a. m'., every Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday, by four-lrorse coaches to Morristown,- thence by rail-road to New-York, arriving irt ftew-York 20 minutes before five o'clock p. jr. the sa'rne afternoon. Returning will leave New-York every Tues day, ThuTirday, and Saturday at 9: o'clock a. m. by rail-road to Morriatown, thence by stage to1 Stroudsburg, arriving in Stroudsburg the same evening between 8 an-d 9' o'clock p. m. Persons In New-York can receive any infor mation desired by applying to' the 5tbser1ber,-or his agent, at 73 Courtland-streer. Merchants wishing ro serid orders to New-York for small bills of goods, can do so, by enclosing the? or ders directed to the agent of the line, and gfv ing it to rhe driver, and have it by return of stage. A sha-re of public patronage is respect fully solicited. JOHN L. WARD, Proprietor. November 19, 1846. SOAPS, Fine scented Soaps for washing and shaving also lite celebrated shaving cream, for sale cheap, hv J!OiIN II . MELICK. Strouniytrg, January 1', 184'6: TTblank deeds '. ' -Far sale at this Office. Patents issued by the Potent Office will like wise be gublisned the whole forming a' com plete family newspaper" The Weekly National Whiff. One of ihe largest newspapers in the United States is now made up from the columns of the Daily National Whig and is p'ublfslri'ed every Saturday for the low price of two dollars per annum payable in advance. A double sheet of eight pages will be given whenever the press of matter shall justify it. The Memories of General Taylor5 written expressly for the National Whig, are in course of publication. They commenced with the second number, a large number of copies of which Ifave been printed to supply Calls for back numbers. CHARLES W.FENTON, Proprietor of National Whig. Washington June 3, 1847. P. S. All daily, weekly and semf-w.eekly papers in the Unfted Stales are requested to insert this advertisement once a week for six months ; noting the price for publishing the same at the bottom of the advertisement, and send the paper containing it to the National Whig Office, and the amount will bo duly re mitted. Our Editorial Brethren are aUo re quested to notice ihe National Whig in their reading columns. September 16ih, 1347. 6m. .$10. . ' a . So of the human bodv. Jf kept free from trior bid humors, the acMoti is, regular and healthy. But if tho'se humors are allowed to accumulate, a cri sis, or, in other words, a storm, will arise, vhicH is always niore or less dangerous. t 4 VRIGHT's INDIAN. VEG!eTAD'LE PlLLS . are equally, well calculated, to prevent the storm, orjo allay it when it comes. Hut PREVENTION IS. BETTER THAN CURE, ,. bssides being cheaper and less troublesome. The delay of a day in the commencement .of sfcliness has often proved fatal, and always renders the case more difficult to manage; Let the sickness be caused by . . t . . , , . CHA'NdEs" OF WEATHER, high living, want of exercise, close confinement, functional derangement, or anything else, the ef fect upon the body is muclijhe same is equally dangerous, and is removable by ihe. same means. HAVE YOU A COLD 1 Let it not ripen into.' Consumption I Are you Dys peptic 1 t Beware of the hypochondria. Two Pills' taken every, other nig'ht on an eni'pt stomach, for for a sho'ri time, will in nine cases out often, cute th'e Dyspepsia', a'hd thereby drive away the legion of " devils blue," For Headach, no medicine is superior to . wright's indtan yeg'eatab'le pills. Costiveness, that prolific mother of disease, is' caused by a torpid sta'te of the liver, which ihe'se Pills effectually cures. Bv striking Hi the foot of dfsea'se," Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills prevent all and cure all. .They can hardly ever be taken amiss, if Used with common discretion; and we commend them to the use of those Who have not yet tried th'erri. . 'Fhe following Agsricics have been established fo"r the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetahle Pills, in ifrONROE COUNTY. George II Miller, Stroudsburg John Lander, Craig's Meadows Bell & Brothers, Experiment Mills ., Henry Ivintz, Bartonsville A S Ediriger, Tannersville Joseph Keller & Son, Kellersville Charles Saylor, Sa)lorsburg Brodhead & Brother, Dutotsbufg Jacob Long, Snydersville John Marsh', F'ennerSville,. Daniel Brown, Chesnuthill Offices devoted exclusively to the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, wholesale aind retail, 169 Race street,' Philadelphia ; 288 Greenwich street, New Yorkr and 198 Tremfont street, Boston. February 18, 1847.--- Iy ' VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SAIB. The subscriber offers ait private sale, hia Dwelling House and Lot, sifuafe on Susan st in the Borough of Stro'trdsburg'. The lot Is 50 feet front and extends back about 170 feet to a pri vate alley, on which' is erected a good frame stable, 16 by 18 feet. TWdwclling is 2' stories high with art excellent kitchen attached thero to. rf here is also on said lot a frame shop, and other out buildings, all composed of good ma terials handsomely situated, and well calcu lated for ihe mechanic, speculator, or mart of leisure - For terms, &c., apply to S. N. Thompson, Siroud.il'iirg, or of.iha subscriber, . . VVm A. LAMB, Easton, Pa. Lancaster bank Lancaster county bank Northampton bank Columbia Bridge Carlisle bank ,. Northumberland bank Miners Lank of Pottsville York bank , , ChamberSburg bank Gettysburg bank Wyoming do Honesdale lo ( . Bank of Lcwistown , -, BanK of .Susquehanna co do do par i p-ar 1 1 Fulton bank of New Ybrli. ivnf Grechwiph ' . . ,uu. I ..f,.'..ltn .1- ., kv Leather-Manufacturers - ManltaUen company ' Mechanics' Banking Asso; Merchants' bank Mercliant' Mcchaflifcf k Traders Merchants' Exchanges iNailOUUI UilllK r0 Netv York, Bank of New-York Banking co: 2 N. Y. St'e. St'k Secoeiiy b; p;ir- 5d dt9 d UNorth River 1 Phoenix 2 Serenth.Ward 1 Tenth Ward 2 Tradesmen's , 2,Union O. of N Y Lum. ohnk at Warren no sale;Washing'(on !( l.. do . I'V par- (llU LOOK HERE ! Tooila-Achc ojiqiicrc5. The subscriber begs leave lo infofm.ihe pnrW lic, that he has; after spending a great dual of time anil, trouble, discovered a cohipound which will instantly Cure tlie Too'tli-Achc, by destroying ihe nerve, and is guaranteed m-bV perfectly i.unbcuquis in its effects upon the fiiiW Teeth. The' afflicted cannot do bettor; iliau make use.ofihesb Drops, by which they wilt be rid of their pain and keep their teetk , , W. J. BREIM5&. The genuine article can be had a: Scknchs Printing Office, Stroudsburg, wholesale' and re--tail, -general A-gent for the proprietor. . JTT'Ppce 25 ceiils per bottle. Stroudsburg, April 1, 1847. . AGENT WANTED FOR THIS COliN'iL'X. The business will to be procure subscribers for, u.nd sell,- when published, a 'argv rrew, splendid township Map of the STATE?" OF PENNSYLVANIA. The qualificairons re quired are a smalj capita"! of $1003 s&5rie3g, in tegrity, industry, energy; and active business tal ents. Information of the terms of ihe agency (which are liberal) will be given on application,, POSTAGE PAID, to ALEXANDER HARBISON, Superintending Agent, 8 1-2 South 7th street Philadelphia'. SepenibeM7, 1846. TOYS. ' A great variety of Toys on hand, for; sale cheap, al the Variety Store of 1 JOHK H. MELICK, Stroudsburg, January I, 1846. A Friend to all Nations, WAR OH NO WAR ! NEW LINE. Th'e accommodation line of Stages bet'vrcen Stroudsburg and Easton,-will leave ihe house of J. J. Postens, (Washington Hotel,) m Strouds burg, on Mariddi, Wednesday and Friday of ev ery week, at 7 o'clock, a. m., and arrive at Ea tqn at 2 o'clock, p. m , in time fnr dinner ; re turning on the following day, leaving j). "Con nor's American Hotel, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 o'clock, A. m , and arriving. aw Stroudsburg at 2 o'clock, same day. . . j The subscribers beg leaye to inform the pub lic, that ihey have united in carrying on the? above line of stages and that they are now abler la" carry passengers in as comfortable and con; venieiu a style, as any other route in the couik ty. Fare through $ I 25-. ROBERTO. SLEATH, J. J. POSTENS. Stroudsburg, March 25, 1847. BLANK MORTGAGES a For sale at this Officeys hwfe V id.-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers