it i" i.' . : I ANIMAL AND HUMAN MAGNETISM. Professor Rogers, whose unbounded suc cCsS in this wonderful science hai astonished n who have witjiosscd his experiments, will deliver one of his EXPERIMENTAL LEC TURES, at ihe Academy, in Stroud&btttg,- on Friday evening, September 3d. He will select his subjects from among the audience. Skeptics are especially united to a,u;iid and become convinced. Admission 25 cents Children half price---Tickets admitting a gentleman and two ladies 51) ccn's. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Protracted meeting. A pro'racted meeting of the 44 Colored Meth odist Society" will be held near Siromkburg, io con nwncc on Friday, September 10, and to c.iiiutnje over the following Sabbath. A num oi preavheri from a distance arc expected to be present. A general invitation is extended to ihe lowers of Christianity. DAVID JAMES, Presiding Elder, j September 2, 1817. j THE UNION MAGAZINE, OF LITATURE ANDLIiT. EDITED BY MRS. K1RKLAND, AUTHOR OF "ANEW IIOJIE," 4 FOREST LIFE," ETC. A" the .solicitation of numerous friends I,ha been induced To offer myself as a candidate, for the office of. CoKfiiiy Treasurer, at the ensuing fall election. Should 1 be elec ted, I will discharge tho duties of the office with fidelity and impartiality. ABRAHAM LEVERING. Hamilton lowns'hfp,' Aug. 24, 1847. i VEGETABLE UNIVERSAL PILLS. The only known medicine thai at the same lime pur ges, purifies, and strengthens the system. jOR. LE BOY'S Pilis are a new medicine j employ him. .1. V. M ATT1S0N rpVpectftilly announ ces lo the people ol bl'mmUlju'r" and vicln- fty, thai he has permanently 'located at Stnud.- burji, for tho purpose of practicing medicine,' , whore he hopes. by s.iriel attention and great I care to merit ihe na'ronaije'of those who may 2j APSES' iWSTITJ,TjE, E ASTON, Pa. 'f he Young Ladies' Institute, situated at the corner of Pomfret and Spring Garden streets, will commence its next session the first Mon day in September. Terms per Session of twenty -two weeks : Boatdiun including Fuel and Tuition I SG5 00 AND FILLED WITH Contributions from the most eminent Writers of the Country. It requires some experience in catering for the public taste, io enter upon me tonmiti ui a nun Magazine with sanguine hope of success iti Etiiilish per t-ession Waybill" per week, Music, (Piano,) Ue. of ibo Internment per session, Either of ihe ancient or modern Lan guages, Painting, Drawing, Em-broid.-ry or Wav-work, Enghh department for day scholars, An extra charge of twenty-five cents will be made for incidental expenses. All pupils charged from the time they enter until the end of ihe session, except in cases of protracted sickness. THOMAS M. CANN, A. M. Easton, July 29, 1847. 2m Principal 25 12 00 4 00 G 00 10 50 'AUTiqitES;: ' Wheat Flour, per barrel Rye. do. do. - do. Wheat, per bushel Rye, do. do. ! Solo Leather nur pound ui. ; i T luu.Hame,Piass- , lllCfi eases oflmtg ..and.t.g, that he has, for a lew ; om per uus.iet pills are composed of many ingredients, but the; ... f u ,. i .. ..-v i Buckwheat, per bushel two principal ones are Sarsaparilla and Wild Cher- par? de1VO,el1 ml,CB-,II5,C a?d aUe on. 0Rd ! Clover Seed per bushel pa'ronage ol those who may Dr. M. also takes this method tmutH-iEaatonhmiHtslV; Kin, 1 T 5.r,ri.-'lit) :i-o.U'H t i IV c Ui ifnormin" liion wr.o aro aillrcteti with d IS- ry, so united that they act together; the one, through has ,,!,(!. a"M,u TP''r'unt!y, such as only a hos its admixture with other substances, rnirifvin and P'lal nflonK of in vt-t iiraiing (hsea-es of a cluon- purging, while the othor is strengthening the svs tc character, ami. iie liaiters himself that those tern. 1 bus those pills are at the same time tonic 1 calling -uf)m him 'laboring under ibis class of and opening; a desideratum long and eagerly ; disease will meet wiih oromni and immediate .i:r l i. i - ir relief. ... lie wtll be found at his room ai the Mansion 1 o a more observer, the .field seems fully occupied very advantageous position secured, available force enlisted. It would appear, upon isual view, as if nothing could be added to the buttering host of many-coloured competitors for jiul.iic favor, which swarm just before the opening t l each calendar month. Spread their light wings of saffron or of blue, and fly to the utmost parts of the earth, delighting i'ic ladies of the torrid zone with our comfortable winter fashions, and enlightening the dandies of t. Petersburg with our opinions on politics. The American travelling in Sweden, or in Italy, is al ready sure of a monthly standard by which to reg i.late his notions of foreign countries ; the gentle men of the ward-room touching at Honolulu for .supplies in the course of a three years' cruise, i K'k for the New York and Philadelphia Maga zines as confidently as for the replenishment of i'ic water-butts. Why, then, attempt the establish ment of another? Because it is the veritable l.elief of the publisher of the Union Magazine i iat much may yet be done for the advancement .f this popular class of publications. Every day witnesses the progress of our country in every 1'iing connected with Literature and Art; and ev i ty day shows an increase in the number of those ulio take an interest in this progress; a taste for refined culture will always more than keep pace j v nh the eiTorts which may be made to meet its ; requirements ; and where there was one reader1 alle to judge correctly of our periodical literature iiventy years ago, an hundred may now be found, t;ni one of whom will be satisfied with a tame me (iiorrity, whether in literary matter or illustrations. Our plan for the Union Magazine embraces all that enterprise, industry, skill-and cost can accom plish for a publication of this description. We m v our plan, for we are shy of promising very great BEST OFFER YET MADE. A TLilc ;sc Portrait of Geu. Taylor, Twenty -eight inches icidc by thirty inches long, COLORED, will be given as a premium to and all i an' Person forwarding $3Jn advance for one upon a ' yo;ir's subscription to Godey's Lady Book i nr anv nnrnn in nrrp.nrQ mr nnp. nr mnrn vpjii-c 1 i ii J l ' ""i ... ui i iin .i-i. v j v-ru.kij by forwarding the money due, and one year in advance, will also be entitled to a copy. The only correct likeness of General Taylor ever given lo the American public. This Portrait is pronounced by tho press a work of art that has never been excelled, and for its faithfulness as a likeness the following testimony is offered : New Yoik, May, 1847. We, the undersigned, officers of the U. Slates Army, being personally acquainted with Gen. Taylor, consider the above Portrait to be a cor rect likeness. J.P. Morrison, Capt. 4th Reg't. Infantry. R. A. Luther, Capt. 2d Reg't. Artillery. F. Hamilton, Major 10th Infantry. J. M. Foils, Surgeon U. S. Navy-. W Sydney Smith, 1st Lt. 1st. Artillery. D. G. Rogers, 1st Lt. 2d Dragoons. A. Lowd, Capt. 2d Artillery. A. Myers, 2d Lieut, 5th Infantry. The above certificate is sent with every por trait. Address L. A. GODEY, Philadelphia. July 29, 1847. MATTHEW T. MIILlLESfc, SUCCESSOR TO ROBERT T. BICKNELL; EXCHANGE BROKER, No. 8 oulh Third street, Philadelphia. Bank Notes.. Notes oh all solvent banks in the 1'iiucs before hand. Our literary contributors will United States discounted at the lowest rates. I'.' nearly the same as those whose writings al- Drafts, Notes and Bills collected on the most rvidy give value to the other monthly magazines ; favorable terms. : ittioagh we hope to add to those well-known and J Exchange. Bills of exchange and Bank Checks i,is!iiy-csteemed names some which are destined i on most of the principal cities of the Union, bought i t trow upon public favor hereafter. But in the ' and sold at the best rates. tii uier of pictorial illustrations we have a little on re io sav. Our engravings are to be exclusively from orig- sought for by medicinal men, but never before dis covered, in other words they do the work of the ttVM mnltVinno i nrl An it mnfli hntlnn llmt. n n W'l V IIIUVIIVIIIUOI M1IU UU All tllWVtl UllHl UiUU till IT , -J m ' . . two we know of; for thev remove nothing from the' iIouso' ru,ul.v l" ccms"1' v',,h ,h.ose who ,naJ' system but the impurities; so that while they purge ; fuvur lilu w p- 111 hours when not ab they strengthen; and hence they cause no dobili-.sent on professional busin'es. tation, and are followed by no re-action. Dr. Lej June 21. 1817. if. Roy's Pills have a wonderful irfluence on the I r,, "777777,777, T.Ci"-, .,r.-rA. blood ; they not only purify without weakening it. HP, GRK AT PREVKNTIV K MEDICINE! but they remove all noxious particles from the' llwugh Wngnl's Indian cgclablc Pills have chvle before it is converted into fluid, and thus 1 achieved triumph upon triumph, in the cure of ob ma'kes impure blood an utter impossibility. As I stmate cases of disease, oven after they had been there is no debilitation, so there is no nausea , entirely given up, and alter all other remedies had or sickness attending the opperations of this most j f:lllncl vet lm:lr Powcr ol prevention may be justly nvnnllpnt nf inod'iiinos. vIi5p!i nnvnr strnins nr ! fiStCOmcd tllCIT . tortures the digestive functions, but causes them to work in a perfectly natural manner ; and hence persons taking them do not become pale and emaciated, but the contrary ; for while it is the property of the Sarsaparilla, united as it is with other ingredients, to remove all that is foreign and impure, it is equally the property oT the Wild Cher to retain'all that is natural and sound ; and hence a robost state of health is the certain result of their united operations. Agents in Stroudsburg, Dr. Samuel Stokes and T. Scioch. . MANSION HOUSE. ITlrs, tflas'&as'ct JEagScs Begs leave respectfully to inform her old friends and the public generally that she has taken the above establishment, which has been, and is now being, filled up upon tho most approved plan, for the accommodation of strangers and travellers. The long experience which she has had in the business of keeping a hotel or public house, in connection with the favorable location and commodiousness of the Mansion House, she hopes will afford a sufficient guarantee to se cure a liberal patronage. Persons visiting town on business or pleasure excursions, will find a comfortable, convenient and quiet home. Ju rors and others attending Court are invited to call, and satisfy themselves. Strangers from the citj', or elsewhere, who contemplate spend in" some lime in the beautiful and retired vil lage of Stroudsburg, will do well by making the above house their home during their stay here; in short, all arc invited to call. Transient and steady boarders, by the: day or week, accommodated upon the most reason able terms. CROWNING GLORY,! 'Storms,' it is said, 'purify the air,' but storms do mischief also, and are so far an evil. Were it within human power to maintain the '" " ' ELECTRICAL EQUILIBRIUM between the earth and air, there would be no' occa sion for storms, for the rfir would always be pure. So of the human body. If kept free from mor bid humors, the action is regular and healthy. I3ut if those humors are allowed to accumulate, a cri sis, or, in other words, a storm, will arise, which is always more or less dangerous: wrigiit's ixdian vegetable tills are equally well calculated to prevent tho storm, or to allay it when it comes. But PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE, besides being cheaper and less troublesome. The delay of a day in the commencement of sickness has often proved fatal, and always renders the ca'se more difficult to manage. Let the sickness be caused by Secd.pc Timothy Seed per bush. do. do. do. Uarley Oats Flax Seed Butter per pound Eggs, per dozen Plaster per ton Hickory wood, per cord Oak,. do. " do. Mackerel, No. 1 ' Do. do 2 Potatoes, per bushel 7 00 5 0(h 1 00 70 50 5J 4 at) 8 O0 "410 I 20 h Do si. oo oo u no no 25. 50 4, 50 so r 40, I $0 12 8 ?, 5 0 ' 50 l 75' U DO io oo: , : so: 4;W rl.00' 70 00 -5.0 vlpl- h,6o IS ARK MOTE EiIST. corrected weekly" for the JeiTersonian Rejuihlieiin. 1-- '-Si notes of those banks on whkn quotations' lilted and a dash( )substitutedVafc hot The are omitted purchased by the brokers. :ivS vrs 5;; . West IJrHiichbiittk Philadelphia ban, ( par Rati of North America, do Farmers' A: Mechanics' do Westerii n:i do South". in; ban do Kensington l)u h Uank oi'Noiihcrn Libeilies do Mcchanie. Hank C'oinmercn: IJanl: Hank of Penn Township Manufacturers Mech'n$ Moyamensing bank United Staler bank Girard do Pennsylvania bank Rank of Gcrmantown Hank of Montgomery eo. Hank of Delaware county Hank of Chester county Dfylcstown ban Farmers' bank ofltucks Easton bank Farmer.-' bank of Reading Lcliaium Hank IL-trrisbury hank Middlctown bank Farmers' bank Lancaster Lancaster bank Lancaster county bank Northampton bank do do do PittsbuiK ayneshurg ' . diownesvilfe ; Erie bniik B e rks e o u n ly i n n k l'owaiula " d Relief Notos Sew York. A, '2 5 par do do do do do do do 1 1 1 pai do do par l pu'r iOf o' iio do-1". par Miners bank df Pottsvilfc York bank Chambet sburg bank Gettysburg bank Wyoming do Honesdalc do Bank of Lewistown Seventh Ward Tenth Ward Trade-men's 7 iiiUnion H.'ofN .V CHANGES OF WEATHER, high living, want of exercise, close confinement, J olV-"lbi:,1 ""dgo funciional derangement, or anything else, the ef-1 Nortluinibcrland bank feet upon the body is much the -same is equally dangerous, and is removable by ihe same means. HAVE YOU A COLD 1 Let it not ripen into Consumption 1 Are you Dys peptic ! Beware of the hypochondria. Two Pills ml;r.n pvnrv nthp.r nirrht nn an nmntv stomar.b. for ! Rank of Susquehanna co rrtro l,rt timn in ni ho .nnVi nut nf ton nilto I Linn, nwik at Warren no salelWashingcon the Dyspepsia, and thereby drive away the legion of " devils blue." For Ileadach, no medicine is superior to Wright's Indian vegeatable pills. Costiveness, that prolific mother of disease, is caused by a torpid state of the liver,, which these Pills effectually cures. By striking at the root of disease, Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills prevent all and cure all. They can hardly ever be taken I amiss", if used with comrrron discretion ; and we CITV'ttANlCS (loiunerica, b,im ol, (Ir.jAinoricnn Exchange 22'llank of Commerce par'Bank ol the Suiaof N" Y ' par uuicners' and Drovers; r - Chemical City Crtmmercinl kJhnlou Del. and Hudson qanilcof d(" DrylJoek " 1. Fulton bank of New Yhrk par Gicenwieh ' - -siU) Lafavette dt Leather Manufacturers. Manhatten company iMechanics' Hanking Asso. Merchants' bank . Merchant' Mechanics fc Trailers' Merchants' Lxchause National bank 1 . pai New York, Bank of I N. Y. Sfe. Sl'k Security b4rNfc liNorlh River -..M 1 s'hu'nix do do tto . Jo "comthend them to the use of those who have not EasE2 asd 525Il"erd Mail lIsse, jyV," !!icn-' , , i 1 uu ioiiowioy jiguocies uuvu uoun ubiuunsiiuu for the sale of Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, in MONROE COUNTY. George II Miller, Stroudsburg John Lander, Craig's Meadows Bell & Brothers, Experiment Mills T,'J - Henry Kintz, Bartonsville , ' . . A S Edinger, Tannersville .,, Joseph Keller & Son, Kellersville Charles Saylor, Savloi'sburg Brodhead & Brother, Dutotsburg Jacob Long, Snydcrsville John Marsh, Fennersville, Daniel Brown, Chesnulhill. tVVj. VIA STROUDSBUR Passengers in this line will leave Joseph to Hagenbuch's Inn, sign of the " Black Horse," Eaitori, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, passing through the following places, viz: Richmond, Centreville, Williamsburg, Dills' Fciry, Delaware Water Gap, Stroudsburg, Bushkill, and Di 1 ul designs by T. II. Matteson, and of these we ! Prices Current, is issued from this office every v.ali uher in each number, one in mezzotint by i Tuesday. It is devoted chiefly to the condition 01 II. S. Sadd or T. Doney. and one line engraving the. currency, the Markets, Banking institutions, Exchange on England in large or small sums constantly for sale. Bickncll s Reporter, Counterfeit Detector and anf arrive in Milford the same G0mile3. Returning, leave Samuel Dimmick's l'v M. Oaborne or John C. Mcllrae; besides illus tratue wood-cuts by B. F. Childs and. P. Loumis, dibjiersed through the body of the work, and a coloured fashion plate,, engraved by W. S. Bar nard, which may be relied on as the true mode of the month. If there be any reality in the warm li'crcat lately expressed in the advance of Amer ican ait, this new feature of exclusively original P'r'urcs will afford opportunity for the expression 1 such interest; since those who know any thing of the subject will not need be reminded of the la bor and risk to be incurred in the course of such an undertaking, we are confident that the mere mention of the plan will secure attention. The names of a few of those from whom wc are encouraged to expect assistance will be found in the following list: Mrs L. Maria Child, " L. II. Sigourney, " Ann S. Stevens, " E. C. Embury, 44 F. S. Osgood, 44 Mary E. Hewitt, 44 E. F. Ellet. 44 C. II. Uutler, Miss C. M. Sedgw ick, 44 Hannah F. Gould, ' Eliza Leslie. 44 Augusta .Browne, Louisa Hunter, r " Annie Middlcton, 44 Grace Greenwood, 44 Martha Russel, "W. C. Bryant, JL W. Longfellow, Fitz Greene Ilalleck, C. F. Hoffman, T. S. Arthur, H. II. Weld, . John Neal, C. F. Briggs, II. W. llerbort i T. HeacUcy Park Benjamin, H.T. Tuckernian, II. P, Grattan Edward S. Gould George P. Morris, Francis C. Woodworlh. The first number of the Union Magazine will be published about the first of July, 1847, and after wards regularly on the first of each month. Dealers in Periodicals throughout the United States and the Canadas, who wish to become a ju'tiis for the Union Magizine, will please apply- to the publisher immediately. All Post Masters Joe desired to act as acents for it the usual dis ount will be made to them. When published, specimen numbers will be sent to any one wishing t ) see it, on application to the publisher, post-paid TEKMS OF THE UNION. MAGAZINE. One copy one year, in advance, 3,00 One copy two years, 44 5.Q0 Two copies one year ' " ' '5,00 ' Five copies one year 1 ' 10,00 ISRAEL POST, 140 Nassau street, 'New-York. GJ - - A small TEN-PLATE -STOVE, nearly-new Knquire at ihi Qdice. .iroudburg, September' 2,' W?s ' : Counterfeit Notes, &c. Terms, $3 per annum payable in advance. BicknelVs Counterfeit Detector and Bank Note List is nublished semi-monthly at $1 GO per an num, payable in advance. This work is printed in pamphlet form of 32 pages. ingle copies 12 1-2 cents. Office open from 8 a m to 0 p m Exchange hours from 9 a m to 3 p m. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers at private sale, his Dwelling House and Lot, situate on Susan si. in the Borough of Stroudsburg. The lot is 50 feet front and extends back about 170 feet to a pri vate alley, on which is erected a good frame stable, 16 by 18 feet. The dwelling is 2 stories high with an excellent kitchen attached there- to. 1 here is also on said lot a irame snop, and other out buildings, all composed of good ma terials handsomely situated, and well calcu lated for ihe mechanic, speculator, or man of leisure For terms, &c, apply lo S. N. Thompson, Siroudaburg, or of ihe subscriber, Wm A. LAMB, Easton, Pa. - . Country Produce. Butter, Eggs, &c. taken in exchange for any goods in mv line of business. JOHN II. ME LICK. Stroudsburg, Feb. 12, 1846. SOAPS. Fine scented Soaps for washing and shaving also ihe celebrated shaving cream, for sale cheap, by JOHN H. M'ELICK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1846. Violins and Flutes. At from $1,50 to 3,50, for sale by JOHN II. ME LICK. Slroudshurg, Jan. 1, 1846. Fine EyiirXCnives and Razors. A good'a'ssoninanj, for sale low, by . ' J.QMN H. M.E.UCK. Siro.udshurg, January 1, I84.- Hotel, Milford, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and arrive in Easton ihe same day. Fare from Easton to Stroudsburg, SI 25 Milford, 2 ST N. B. All baggage at the risk of ihe owners. WILLIAM DEAN, Stroud -.burg, June 3, 1817. Proprietor. The co-partnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers tinder the name and firm of DeWitl Brothers & Hagerty, for the purpose' of carrying on the Lumbering business, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the above firm are requested to call and settle, without delay, with C. W. DoWitt & Brother, who are duly authorized to receive the same; and all persons having demands against said firm will please present them for settlement. C. W. DeWITT, HENRY DeWITT, D. W. HAGERTY, Milford, March 27, 1847. The business will hereafter be carried on by the subscribers, and they intend to keep con stantly on hand at their mill at Lord's Valley. Boards, Lath, Pickets and Paling, for sale cheap for cash or produce. C. W. DeWitt & Brother. EoOS EIEStJE. Wo have just received for sale, at ihe JelTer sonian Office, a supply of " Fcnncr's Odorifer ous Compound for strengthening; softening and beautifying the Hair," also of 44 Femur's Den- Irificc for Preserving and Beautify trig the 1 ceth, preventing Tooth Ache, cj-c." and also "Fenncr's Pomade Divine," a preparation for curing chap ned hands, bruises. &c. The articles are all of the first quality, and the high reputation. which they have acquired in the ciiies, and wherever else ihey havo been used, cannot fail to recom mend them to ihe general notice and patronage of tho people of this place and vicinity. A number of our citizens have already tried them, and pronounce them excellent. We invite all, who are in uant of any such articles, to give us .call, and we are sure thpy will noi go away unsatisfied. JJuioisl'urg, Offices cjovoteu exclusively to the sale ol Wright s i splendid township Map . ts i r t rr a 1 1 ttit . i . i t A -:i ion; unmans rcrry, i Jnaian vcgciaoie rius, wnoiesaie ami reian,, ioy PJSjNjNS YL V 4N I A The day : Distance ige street, Philadelphia ; 28S Greenwich street, a . a, new j.uiiv, turn jyo l icmuiu aucui, uuaiuii. ! February Id, 1817. ly A FricsHl to nil Kntiosss, WAR OR 'NO WAR ! NEW LINE. The accommodation line of Stages between Stroudsburg and Easton, will leave the hoflse of J. J. Postcns, (Washington Hotel,) in Strouds burg, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of ev ery week, at 7 o'clock, a. m., and arrive at Eas ton at 2 o'clock, v. m , in time for dinner; re turning on tho following day, leaving D. Con nor's American Hotel, on lucsday, lhursday and Saturday at 7 o'clock, a. m , and arriving at Slroudshurg at 2 o chick, same day. The subscribers beg leave to inform the pub lic, that ihey havo united in carrying on ihe above line of stages and that they are no able io carry passengers in as cofnfortablo and con venient a style, as any other route in the coun ty. Fare through S I 25. KOBRRT C. SLEATH,' J. J. POST ENS. Slroudshurg, Man-It 25, 1847. LOOK HERE! Tooth-Ache ConaqsserecS. - . . The subscriber begs leave to inform ilu- pwl; lie, thai he has, after spending a great deIVju time and trouble, discovered a, compound Mlhieif will in'stantly Cure the Tootii-Aehe. by di-?lroying ihe nerve, and is guaranteed in v perfecijy innocuous in its efltrcts pp ihu ol Teeth. The afllicied cannot do hutier make use of these Dmps, by which ihey- will be rid uf their pain and k4,op iheir temh. ' t. W. J. BREUMER... . The genuine article can bi had at SfiWtth- Printing Office, Stroudsburg, wholesale td:raf tail, general Agent for the proprietor. jp v HO13 Price 25 cents per bottle. AGENT WANTED FOR TIHS COUSTI; The business will to be prOctire suh&urib'cr.? for, nnd sell, when published, a larye, mnv, of the STATE OF otialificalious- re- of$100 subrieti, irl legrity, industry, energy, and active business tal ents. Information of the terms of the aetf?y" (which are liberal) will be given on application; POSTAGE PAID, to ALEXANDER HARRISON, 7 Su perbilcndittgArL nt; S 1-2 South 7ih slreei, Philadelphia. September 17, 1846. - " , - . - 1 j . t I XJ lb. A great variety of Toys on hand,- for salo cheap, at the Variety Store of wr f "J' MELICX. Notice is hereby uiveu ibal tho undersigned, an Auditor appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Pike county, to distribute tho .money arising from the sale of real estate of David Van why, that he will attend to the duties of his appointment at his store in Milford, on Friday tho I0th day of September next, at 10 o'clock a. m. when and where all persons interested are requested to present their claims before said audiior or bo debared from coming in upon said fund. JOHN H. WALLACE, Auditor. AhriM 12, For sale at this Office.- JOHN II. Slroudshurg, January 1, 18'1G. . . , , - Now Publishing in the City of Philadelphia, SCOTT'S WJEEXifSf P'AZPBR, " A large size Family Newspaper, Neutral in Pol- . itics and Religion, and devoted to Literature, Trutli, News, the Arts, Sciences, Health, Temperance, Morality, Amusements, Mechanics, Education, the" Farmer, Markets, etc. Subscription price Only One JDoUav Y:tv, Single Copy, 75 ceuts in clubs of Eight, and less' over that number. Great inducements to subscribe lo " Scott's Wtefttijy Paper" In order to accommodate all who wish a rtiallry?T first rate weekly hews xnd miscellaneous raadtnj -i journal, the publisher of "Scott's Weekly fhperL?? 1 1- 1 .1 1 . -i- 111: v. ' r uus uxeo, as tne oasis ior eiuouiujj, etc. tor it 1 . future, the following unprecedented low ' TERMS PER YEAR. One copy, Si Thirty-four copies, $:if Ijhghl copies, So r orty-tvvo vof-ios, Fourteen copies, $10 Fifty copies, Twenty copies, $15 Seventy-Ih'fycuffcfoii, 40 Twenty seven copies 20 A hm.dted andf rilty -copies, $100. j . ; fcf The money, in overy instance, to accoma-', . ny tlie order. All letters must be addressed; ost" paid, (or the money forwarded through the.'Pbst: master) to A. SCOTT, PuWishor&&&t No. 115 Chesnut street, Phillffllfj WATCHES. A good assortment of Watches, for sale. aV reduced prices, by JOHN II. M'EL1VQK. Stroudsburg, Jan. 1, 1846. JOB WORK Neatly executed' at this Office 1 m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers