In the matter of the Estate ofErancis Al. Smith, late of Milford township, Pike county, dec d. NOTICE is hereby given, thai letters testa mentary upon the aboro mentioned Esiato, have been granted to the undersigned. All person mlebted to tho said Eilate are requested to make immediate payment, and those Iwvmg demands to present them, duly ar.the.Mica.ed, to John 13. LaFurge, at his office in Mlloidl,Fike count). HANNAH g WELLS, Executrix. J. 13. LaFORGE, Executor. , Januarj J 8, 1 817. VALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE. ITIOftltOE COEJNTY, S. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, . f r "M I m m To Hannah La Barf Charles &, Bortreo and Harriet his -wife, in right I? of said Harriet; Elizabeth La Bui Lit" - T . 1 TT ' - ac nio ,a nar: l-ienrv Har- nstt low and Emeline his wife, lit right of said Emeline,' Edwin La Bar; Horace La Bar; Gilbert M. La Bar; Eugene La Barj.Hel len T. La Bar, and Albina La Bar, heirs and leoal representatives of Daniel E. La Bar, late nfihe town of Delavan, in the county of Wal worth in Wisconsin Territory, deceased, Gree; ting : r 'Whereas, by an inquest, for that purpose du ly awarded lv the Orphan's Court of t-ho coun- The subscriber oners al private sale, nia r n ... , V)wr in" House and Loi. situate on dumu the Borough of S'roudsburg. The Im U 59 feet front and extends back about 170 feel to a pri vate allev, on which is rR'ded a good iramu table, 10 by 18 feet. The dwelling is 2 Tories hih whh an excellent kitchen aiiacneo uiere- rhere is also on .said l"i a frame simp, and other out buildings, all composed of good ma ...rinlsbanflsomelv Mtuated, and wellcalcu lated for the mechanic; speculator, or man of. leisure. for the sum of Twenty-six Hundred and Fifty eight Dollar.: And whereas, none of the heirs of the said deceased appeared in Court on the return of the said inquisition, to take the prem ies therein mentioned al ihe appraisement, -you and every of you are therefore hereby ci ted to be and appear at the next general Orphans-Court, to be held at Stroudsburgh, for the County of. Monroe, on the twenty-second day of February next, to accept or refuse to take the said appraised r,- i N - Tkirtupsnv IShtu nrrmiM! aiiirctatu, at ui: I" Or ICMUri, ii i iy hi u. t "-"'li , , , 111 be sold Witness the Honorable Luther Kidder, Inquire, President of said Court, at Strouds- burgh, the 25th day of December, Anno D6mi ! 1 1 i one thousand eiht hundred and forty-six. J. II. STROUD, Clerk. Siroudsburg, or of the subscriber, Wm. A. LAMB, Easton, Pa. January 7, 1847. SHERIFFS SAT.K. Hv rinue of a writ of Pluries Venditioni Ex ponas issued oul of the Court of Common Pleas ..f Piko count v. io me directed, wrtl be sold at Januttarv 7, 1847 public vendue, or outcry, on Monday the 15th day of February, 1847, ORPgaAS' COUSST 8AJLE. ly irtue oF an alias order of the Oiphans' on 1 o'clock, P. sr., at the Courlhouse in Milford, Court of the County of Monroe, the following in said county, all ihose iwo certain tracts of pReal Estate, formerly of John George Zim lattd, situate in the townships of LackawHxen ; jiekmax, late of Smit'hfield township, in said and Palmyra, in ihe county of Pike and State county, deceased, will be sold at public vendue, of Pennsylvania, one of them surveyed on a I on the promise wurtant granted to Jonas fceely, containing jSighl Hundred Acres, more or less ; aboul forty acres of which is im proved land, with a Frame House. siiid FRAME BARN thereon erect ed; being the premises upon which Stiiomou (ol(t .dUl about three miles from Stroudsburg, Westbrook now resides. The other, a tract ! coniainiiM' atxuit 130 ACRES, ' Thursday the 2S(h day of January next, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, a certain Mes suage or Tenement and. Tract or Piece.of Land, situate in Sirtiihfield township in the County of Monroe, adjoining land of F. J. Erwine, Geo. V. Bttshraud others, and the River Delaware, on ihv public road leadtng from Laston lo Mil surveyed on a warrant granted to Robert Shis Hooper, containing 402 Acvcs astd 53 Perches, with the usual allowance for roads, bounded on the north-east by land surveyedgjto William White, Elizabeth Chapman, Thomas Bullman and others, with about two acres of improved laud, and a small Frame House and Barn, and a Saicmill thereon erected. The above tracts taken in ex about 50 acres of which are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, and the residue is well linibered. The improvements are a good two slory Frame Hoaase, 2S by 18 feet, with a good cellar un ' house. .i.. FRAME BARN, uiciiiii ciuitu. i iiu auu'C nubia mnoii in , o r o' r . ' . r c- i w .t i 2o by 30 feet: a Spring of water near tne ic.uuon as the property of Solomon Westbrook.! , r , I J . 1 1 Apple and otiier fruit trees. AZiOU : j The terms and conditions will bemade known A mcssuaoe or tract of land situate in the : al the time and place of sale, by LATEST FASHIONS;, Would respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, that he still- continues ihe Tailoring business at his old stand, nearly opposite Stogdell Stokes' Si,ore. He has just received the latest Philadelphia Fash ions, and is prepared to execute all orders in his lino with neatness and despatch, and in the la test style. Clothins for old men made to suit their age and convenience. All of which ho will furnish as cheap as can be had elsewhere. Produce taken in exchange for work, at the cash price. jN. B. Cutting done at the shortest notice, and warranted to fit if properly made up. Stroudsburg, Oct. 23, 1845. LOOK HERE! Tootfi-AcSsc Cosaqisered. . The ubscriber begs leave to inform ihe pub lic, that he has, after spending a great deal of time and trouble, discovered a compound which will instantly Cure the Tooth-Achd, by .destroying the nervej and is guaranteed to be perfectly innocuous in its effects upon the other Teeth. The alHicted cannot do better than make use of these Drops, by which they will be rid of llveir pain and keep their teeth. W. J. BREIMER. The genuine article' can be had at Schochs Printing Office, Stroudsburg, wholesale and 're tail, general Agent for the proprietor. jjff Pnce 25 cents per bottle. ' Country Produced Butter, Eggs, &c. taken in exchange for any goods in my line of business. JOHN 77. ME LI Civ. Stroudsbur", Feb. 12, 184G. Notice is. hereby given, -that 4h,e partnership heretofore exiiim" between Stephen P hares-and George IV. Staples, known as live firm of Pha kes',&;Stapxes, was on ihe 30h day of No vember last, (lhsohed by mutual consent.' All persons indebted to aid firm are requested t" make immediate payment to Theodore Schoch, who is duly authorized lo settle the said ac counts; and all persons having demands against said firm will present them to the same, duly authenticated for settlement. STEPHEN PHARES, GEORGE W. STAPLES. Stroudsburg, December 15, 184G. The undersigned still continues the business of SHOE MA KING, in ail its branches, and upon the most reasonable terms. Thank ful for past favors, he hopes by dealing justly to mrfrit a continuance of public patronage. Look out for the old stand in Elizabeth street. Country pioditeo taken in exchange for work. STEPHEN PHARES. Stroudsburg, Dec. 17, 184G. MONEY WANTED.' POSIMVFrli"Sr IiAST NOTICE. All persons indebted to the late firm of Geo. II. Miller & Co., either by note or book ac count, will please call on the undersigned and make payment on or before the first day of Jan uary, 1817, or their accounts will be placed' in other hands Jbr collection,, without respect to persons. GEO. II. MILLER. Stroudsburg, December 3, 181G. St a si ' 'roYS A great variety of Toys on hand, for sale cheap, at the Variety Store of JOHN II. ME LICK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 1846 The subscriber wishes to inform the citizens of Stroudsburg and the public generally, that lie lias removed his j?ioiir and Feed Store to the building formerly occupied by Wm. Raf ferty, opposite J. J. Posiens' Hotel, where he will sell cheap for Cash, lie his also an as nortment of refined BAR IRON, consisting of square, scollop, and, horse shoe bar?; wagon tyre of all sizes saw slabs, crow bars,' sledge and plough mouldsLand a general assortment of round iron of different sizes, and American spring and cast steel, constantly on hand and will be sold cheap for cash or ap proved credit by Wm. WALLACE. Grain and Pork taken in exchange for Iron. April 16, 184(5. " -PKIXTBS-CURRENT.": Corrected every Wednesday jnorning. ARTICLES. , Wheat Flour; per, barrel Rye. do. do. do. Wheat, per bushel Rye, do. do. Sole Leather per pound Corn per bushel Buckwheat, per bushel v Clover Seed per bushel Timothy Seed'pcr bush. Barley do. Oats do. - Flax Seed do. Butter per potnd . . . Eggs,- per dozen Plaster per ton. Hickory wood, per cord Oak, do. ' do. Mackerel, No.- 1 Do. do 2 Potatoes, per bushel . StroiuU-.Eastoa. Pliilud'a burg. , 5 2 S 25 5 25 3 50 75 4 25. 1 00 U0 1 10 0'2 00 87 .25. 2,1 18 50 . 5Q 00 50V - 5 0V 0 00 5 00 'J 75- 2-50 2 H7 40 40' '-50 30 30 4-2 1 "0 1 20 1 47 . U 10 .12 ' 14 'iT'io 5 00 4 00 3 00 2 50 -I 00 4''50 ' 2 00 3 00 425" 15 00 12 00 I0 ,0p4 12 50 10 00 8.(H1 v 40 30 eorrecled weekly for tlio J'ell'etsotiiau Kcpnbltcuri. i The notes of those banks on whica quolatim are: omitted and- a dash( )substitutU, are uot purchased by the brokers. . . B5MaaSVl Vrill s:i. fWcst Branch b:ink mwnship of Delaware, in the County and State aforesaid, bounded and described as follows tot wit: Beginning at a large oak tree standing on 1 the bank of the River Delaware, marked, on JOHN ZIMMERMAN, Administrator. By the Court. J. II. SffiROUD, Clerk. three sides, being the original corner of Wil-j December 24, 1846. ham Allen s survey, and alo a corner of land j N. B. The above properly is not encum- P now or late of Daniel W. Dingman, north ftirty- bered by any Dowerv. . . t. . -t . ?r... i . . . . ; ..-m. uegrees w m-y-MX percues to a Sloue llarrisS,rff ail V IsaleSSiCliCer. iictijj iui d uuiiiui, liiciiuc iiiiiMi inn ij-ac i en ue rees east sixty-two perches to a black oak tree, also a corner of Nathan Emory's laud, thence along the same north 47 degrees west one hun dred and sixty-eight perches to a stone on the hue of land taken up in the name of William McPherson, thence along the same, south thirty-seven degrees west one hundred and fifty--ight perches to a stone on the line of laud now or late of Garret Brodhead, thence along the aid road south ihtrty-seven degrees wet thir tv-six perches to a stone, thence along the line of Soferine Wetthroik' (now Margaret West brook'o) land south forty-Jive degrees east one hundred and twenty-four to the afore said River, thence up ihe same the .several cour ses thereof lo the place of beginning, containing On the commencement of the ensuing session of the Legislature, the Pennsylvania Intelligencer will be published Daily during the session, and Weekly the remainder of the year on the ioliow- ing -terms: For the session Daily, $2 00 For the vear Daily and Weekly, 3 00 IT? Payments in all cases to be made in advance. The Daily will be published on a medium sheet, the size of the dailies heretofore issued at the seal ,.r .. i j ,. r- same souih forty-six and a half degrees east , . . r . . j - a , , , , 6 . , j the employment of competent and experienced re- m.e hundred perches to or near the main road, j porlerSf and win ive iullj uccurate and impartial wience aiong or ueany so; me courses ot me reports of the proceedings of the Legislature- Ample sketches of the doings of Uongress, ac counts of the progress of the war, the news of the day, and a general variety of political, and miscel laneous matter, will also be given. We will so arrange as to issue every evening, a few hours after the adjournment, so that the pro ceedings of each day will be contained in the pa per of the same evening, and will be delivered through the first mails that leave after the adjourn ment. The Weekly will retain its present size and form, and will contain as great an'amount and va riety of reading matter as any other paper publish ed at Harrisburg. Apart from tile consideration of any political measures that may be brought before the' Legisla ture the ensuing session, the fact that there is a Whig majority in both branches, comprising some of the ablest men of the parly, will tend to render the session one of peculiar public interest, not on- : ly to Whigs, but to men of all parties who have the good of the btate at heart. An early, lull and faithful report of the proceedings, cannot fail there foije, to be desirable lo the mass ;of readers. The proceedings of Congress will also be of absorbing interest during the present session, of which we will give a daily report, as full as our limits will possibly permit. Of the political course of our paper we deem it unnecessary to speak. ' We refer to our past ca reer as a pledge of our fidelity to the Whig cause, which we shall continue to advocate with our best ability. Prominent amongst the great principles LINE OF COACHES, Via Delaware Water Gap, Columbia, Blatrstown, JoilNSONSnURGH, - - Staxhope & Morristowx THROUGH IN TWELVE HOURS. Fare from Siroudsburg to New York S3' 50 Philadelphia ban, par Ban of Ndr th America, do Farmers Mechanics' d Westerii baa do South". trie ban do Kensiimton ban do Uank ol Northern Liberties do Mechanics' Hank do Commercii! Bank do Bank of Penn Township do Manufacturers Mech'ns do Mov.uiieii.sini; bank , do United States bank 2.' GirurU do par Pennsylvania bank par Bank ot uermaiitovvn par Bank ot Montijoincrv co. do Uantc ot Delaware county Bank of Chester county Doylcstoun ban Farmers' bank of Bucks Easton bank Farmers' bank of Reading do Lebanon bank ' Ilarriishunr bank Middlelrtwn bank Farmers' bank Lancaster Lancaster bank Lancaster countv bunk Northampton bank do d, do do in uri . t. ' Waynesburg J Biownesville' iit 4 r Erie bank , v IJerkcountjbank' " umunda uo it . Relief Notes New Yo vK. CITY" BANKS America, b mk of American Exchange Bank of Cotnmeice Bank of the State of N Y Butchers' and Droveis Chemical City . - do Commercial 4 ' ''V b- par .!. do Coiuinbia Hnue Carlisle bank , Northumberland bank Miner. bank of rottsville York brfhk Chambersburg bank fJettysburg bank Wyoming do Ilonesdale do Bank of Lcwistown Bank .of Susquehanna co 212 ACRES bpjng the same tract of land which Solomon Westbrook, the elder, conveyed lo John West brook in fee by deed dated the-17ihday of April 1819, excepting and reserving out of the same eiht acres on the nonh corner sold to Nathan 'JEmory, and ihree acres on the east side being woodland sold to the heirs of Soferine West brook, deceased, upon which js about' riao Acres of Improved Ijaiid, with a two story Two Barns aud a Wagon House thereon -erected. . Taken in .execution as the properiy-oj" John Westbrook. The above described properly will be nold to the highest and best bidder for cash only. ' LEWIS ROCKWELL, Sheriff. Shc-rifJ's office. Milford. Dec. 19. 1846 No. 2 Mackerel, Coffee, Tea, Loaf Suqar, Dairy Sab, Spices of all kinds, Smoking and Chewing 1 obacco, Clothes Pins; Pipes, Mouse Traps, Matches, Pepper, Mustard. , CONFECTION A R Susar Sand, Liquorice, &c. FRUIT Foreign and Domestic, ALSO Nuis of various kinds, all of which will be sold low for ready pay. L. VAN l)ER BECK, for Cf. M. Wilson. TKii U i T.r .t. O t. c. m ill V 1 r r r 1 ml mi f l c ui "IB oil' pan v , is me euurisiieu reiuisyivan a , . r , , TMvrinDiirfM.- A,;nr r.r.'. a. iu.J ...i.:i.i herelofore, by L. AN DLRDECIv. UUI.UIII6 ui Jiuiuuiiwii iw vuiui iuaii lauui, vmu.ii shall ever find in the Intelligencer, so long as we resettle and make distribution , in the jmniier al therefore "0-1 'lie account of Jonas -Hauna. Ailonnistiator oi' wu;!"CajM' . -hr-apP.ea. L'l . iaii . iw rr un'- Hiiii i it ii irif' i in i ii 111 nun -tcr n extended to us, we shall be able to publish such a 1 he subscriber has just published an edition 'paper as will be of service to the cause, and will? of a new book calculated for the juvenile read er, hearing the above Mile. Ii is intended for m Siroudburg, at 4 o'clock a. m., every Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday, by four-horse coaches io Morrisiown, thence by rail-road to Neu,-Yosk, arriving in New-iork 20 mmules: before five o'clock p. M. the same afternoon. Returning will leave New-York every Tues day, Thursday, and Saturday ai 9 o'clock a.m. bv rail-road to MorrLiownj thence by stage. to Siroudaburg, arriving in Siroudsburg the same evening between 8 and 9 o'clock p. m. Persons in New-York can receive any infor mation desired by applying to the subscriber, or his agent, at 73 Counlaud-sireei. Merchants wishing to send orders to New-York for small bills of good. , can do so, by enclosing the or ders directed io the agent of the line, and giv ing it to the driver, and have it bv reiurn of stage. A share of public patronage is respect fully solicited. . " JOHN L. WARD, Proprietor. November 19, 184G. CALL AND SEE. "GEORGE B. MILLER; , Has just received at his Store, in the Cor otigh of Stroudsburg, opposite the-public housoij of Jacob Knecht, a general assortment ot S?aII and Winter -wood3 Consisting in part of Black, Blue Black, and Blue Cloths; Plain and Fancy Cassimeres; Sat inett!. Cashmeres, Mouseline do Laine Robes, and Piece Good; Merinos, Alpaccas, Paralal ia cloths 'Shawls and Handkerchiefs of vari ous kinds, together with a great variety of CALICOES, Luni. ornk at Warren no sale, Washington Clinton ' V-' Del. and Hudson can-tl co. di Urv Dock - I Fuitoii bank of New York Jy r. . r. " i,ir . Lafayette Leather Manufacturers' Manhatten company- v Meehanics' lliuikii'ig Asso. Merchants' bank .rorehant' . Mcclianic5 t Traders' piir Merchants' exchange -. l .NaltonulDanK. pat New York, Hank of UNe A'-York Ilankinunof I N. Y. Sfe. St'k Security b. pr- i North Kiver llPlnPiiix 2'.Sevcnth Ward ijTenth Ward SiTradesmen'! 2;UnionB. ofN Y it- -. i'.i .t.- i:. Hi . l If i. -i' On and after Monday, November 2d 1 810, there will a Stage leave the principal holels, am all kinds of ariicles generally kept in a Grocery j.Con&fcctioanafl'y and The subscriber ofiers for sale a fresh lot of Groceries at ihe old stand, first door east of Simon Frey's Hal shop, such as new Pails and Brooms, Writing Paper, Steam Soap; Castile- O'ancy " . New Orleans Molasses, Pepper Sauce; Saleratus,' Ginger Cheese, Percussion Caps, Chocolate .ES, such as Candies, AUDITOR'S NOTICJG. The urrdeneigtjcd auditor appointed by the Orphan's Court of Monroe county-, to examine, IflllV. tn V nurc nr TovirTinnn tr ifrl no wi fii4 ,.ne e.die oi iauem aj ictiaeiate oi ivjiouie , enterprize, confident that if a "enerous support is! oujnnnoju inwusiiip, tvjonroe county, deceased, Siroudsburg, Oct. 8, 1846. English and German attend jo tjie duties of his appointment on -Uomlay I lie Sih day oi r ebrua.ry .nxt,;b&t ween lie iiours of 10 a. M. anil 7 p.,Si: of aid day, at 1i !H Ti e ifj ih ep h" J. rPoTl m?-,n IrpBoro u g h -f Sroirdsbilfgi wifenaii'utCv1he!reaIl persons in-t-tesfed riiay aitenH. "r SA MUEL'S. D RE HER, A utlitor. Uuuziy 7, 1847. -' , ' give universal satisfau-tion. CT"Z i lllCe C.(P'RS' I)aily. for 5 9 ; sevon . families and Sabbaih Schooh. For sale at ihe do: di). 10 00. Any person obtaining four sub scribors will be entitled to a fifth copy gratis. No papers will be sent without the cash accompany ing the order. "Monies mav be remitfed by v mail Address, Ct-MCURD. Ilarriaburg, Dec. 12, 1846. ollice of the Republican, and by the . publisher at Bethlehem. Price-per dozen S 1 ,25 single copy 12 1-2 cents- . ";': ' JULIUS W- HELD, October 30, LB15; . t-3- - -3 - ''- ; Country store. ALSO-a firsi rate slock o! Groceries Hardware Crockery ware, c. . Igootp, Slaoes, ami Caps, &c. &c. all of which will be sold cheap for Cash or Country Produce. September 10, 1846. Great Bargains, in Slats and Cups, At the old established No. 196 Market St., 2d door below Sixth, PHILADELPHIA. We extend a general invitation to the citizen of Monroe, aud its vicinity, as well as tojalt others, io our Store. We have on-hand a Iarg and complete assortment of Hats and Caps of every stylo aud variety, which we are stdlini; full one-fourth lower than the usual price',, namely: . . 4 Extra superior Beaver Hats, from $2,50. lo $3.5'; JJrusii " , S.Dli to 3-.t)tf Silk .' " " 1,25 io 2,0v Moleskin- 2,50 onlv, . . . usual pi ice $1. Good Hals as low an $1,25 and upwards. Al so, a complete stock of Caps, cloth, fur titmmed. glazed, silk oil cloih, velviit and famy C;ip ; fine Oiler, Shetland Fur Seal, Musk "Rai, Hir Seal .Caps, &c. &c, at lower trices' than they can possibly be had elsewhere. From our ex tensive sales, wo can sell for a smaller profit than others can. Cull and be satisfied, it is u your iuieresf. : a Merchants, Storekeepers, Hatters and others. who buy lo sell again, supplied on reasonable Be sure and call nt No. 196 .Maiket .it li li ii JUAVB YOU A COW? T252S.EE COPIES .FOR .81. A TREATISE ON ' MILCH COWS, Whereby the Quality and Quantity of Milk which ; lerms any ;uw will give may be accurnie.y uetermineu Slrc sec()nd d(j()r heow Sjxth grff by observing Natural Marks or Lxternal indica- rAr?ni?T cr nuniVM t;nen1nno- the lonfrtd nf limn qHp will rnntinnn to OAltUHiiN O- l)LJ IN . nivc Milk. &c. &c. Philadelphia. Aug. 27, 1846. BY M. FRANCIS GUENON, .OF LIBOURN'U, FRANCE. Translated for the Farmers'1 from the French, by N. P. Trist, Esq. late U S. Con-, sul al Havana. With Introductory Remarks and Observations Oi THE COW AND THE DAIRY. BY SOllN S. SKlNiVISR, EDITOR OF THE. FARMERS' LIBRARY. Illustrated with numerous Engravings. ID3 Price for single copies, neatly done up in paper covers, 37 1-2 cents. Full bound in cloth aritrieitered, (12 1-2 cents. The usual discount to Booksellers, Agents, Country Merchants and Ped lars. Farmers throughout the United States may re ceive the work through the Mails. The postage on each copy will be about 7 cents. By remitting $ free of postage we will send seven copies of the work done ud in paper covers, or three copies for SI. Country Merchants visiting any of the Cities ran procure the work from Booksellers for those who may wish to obtain it. Please send on your orders. Address, GREELY & McELRATII, Publishers, Tribune Buildings, New-York. April 23, 184fi. 8t. "CAUTION. Vhereas, my wife RACHEL, has left my bed and board, I hereby forbid all persons trust ing her on my account, as I am determined to pay no-debts of her contracting after this dale. JOHN II. GROOT. September 19. 1946 , Yiolins and Flutes. . At from $1,50- to $3,50,, for safe by - JOHN H. MELICK..V Siroudaburg, Jan. T,;1'846. BLANK DEEDS r For sale , at , this Oflic, AGENT WANTED , F.O-TniS COUNTY. The. business will to bo procure subscribers for, und sell, when published, a large, new. splendid township Map of the STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. The qualifications re quired are a small capital of $100, sobriety, in tegrity, industry, energy, and active business tal ents. Information of the tonus of the agency (which are liberal) will be given on application-, POSTAGE PAID, to ALEXANDER HARVllSON. Superintending Agent, S 1-2 South 7th s'.roet, Philadelphia September 17, 1846. . . CHEAPEST JXi THE WORLD! Steam Refined Sugar Candies, 12 1-2 Cents per pound, Wholcsalt. J. J. RICHARDSON, No. 43 Market street; Philadelphia, lakes pleasure in informing th public, that he still continues io sell hi- y,ery. Superior Steam Refined Candy ai ihe low (pricQ of $-12,50 per 100 pounds, aud the qpali ! ly is equal to any in ihe United States. . j He also offers all kinds of good in the Qon fectionary aud Fruit line at eorrespmtdino low- price, as quick sales and small prohts Hrctlm order of ihe day. Call or send your orders, and you cannoi fail to bo satisfied. Ddii't forget the number, 42 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. , . J, J. RICH ARDSON, August 27. 1846. SOAPS. JTino scented Soaps for washing and shaving also (ho celebrated shaving cream, for alo qheap, by " JOfN H.tMUK. Stroudsburgt January 1, 1846. . k --BLANK MORTGAGES, ' TJ'. 1 4-1, -fC HvV-.rt W tula umuvni f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers