A VOICE TItOM, KENTUCKY. T have been afflicted with dyspepsia in its most aggravated form for three years past, and found no relief until 1 used Dr. G. llenjamiti Smith's Improved Indian Vegetable Pills. A fter using six boxes of said valuable pills, 1 am entirely cured. They arc a general remedy. J. K. LEEMAN. Paducah, Ky., No". 19, 1813. We cortify to the above facta. Dr. Smith's Pills arc universally esteemed in this viciniiy. HODGE, GIVENS & Co., Merchants At the rcqnesi of Dr. G. llenj. Smith's agent we cheerfully stare that we visited the bfiioe ol Dr Smith in September last, while in New York, and found him to all appearance carrying" on a very extensive business with Ids Indian Yegeta blcPiHs. The extent of his establishment would astonish aay one not initiated in the mysteries of ihe pill trade. Louisville Journal. From Dr. Singleton:) Smith land. Ky., Feb. 2i: 18 10. Dr. G. Benj. Smith Dear Sir: Nblhinc ha ever been introduced that lias sold so well and given such general satisfaction ns your Improved j Indian Vegetable Pills. Very respectfully yours, j S. 1''. SINGLETON, j From Messrs. Dull $ Aldcir.) j Louisville, Ky., Feb. 13th, 1810- j Dr. G. sUttj. Smilh Dear Hr : You will please ' send ns ten sross of your valuable pills. From present indications we shall still a large amount of them. We find they go very quick, &c. ! Your friends, I BULL & ALDEN. ; Qj And sold throughout the United States and Canada. , Beware of all such frauds and examine the box ' Office 179 Greenwich St., (Large Hrick Block.) j ID Always ask for the Improved Indian ege table Pills. It? And see that G. Benj. Smith is written with TO ALL COUNTRY EIOSJSEREEP32RS. szzr&ra You mav be sure of obtaining, at lll all times, pure and highly flavored ISi TEAS, By the tingle pound or larger quantity, at the f.Vteiii Tea Company's Warehouse; No. 30 South Second Street, Between Market and Chesmit, PHILADELPHIA. Ilereioforc it has been very difficult, indeed, iliiiost impossible, always to obtain good Green and Black Teas. But now you have only to liait ill! Pektn Tea Company's Siore, to bb lam as delicious and fragrant Tea as you could it.h for. All tastes can here be suited, with she advantage of getting a pure article at a low price. G. B. ZIEBEU, Agent for the Pekiu Tea Company. Philadelphia, July 2, 1845. SHERMANS 106 , l.7' I J !W Al v 1 fl wjffiiu?VT KF a jen on me uouoin oi me oo. Agents in Monroe Co. Schoch it Spering, Stroudsburg. Brodhcad fc Brothers, Dutolsburg; Jno. Marsh, Fennersville. Daniel Brown, Chesnuthill. Mav 23, IS 10. SIX YEARS AGO ihe chi'dren began to cry for Sherman's Lozenges. The noise was not so loud at that time, but it has kept increasing ever since, and now has become so great that the mouths of the little ones can scarce be stopped. Dr. Shermaii sympathises with the little sufferers, and very much regrets that any of them should be disappointed. Know ing the vast benefit which has been conferred upon the community by the introduction of his infallible Worm Lozenges. lie has entered intb arrangements for enlarging his Manufactory, by mean's of which he thinks he will be able to supplv the demand. And the same ! pains and care will be taken, that these celebrated Lozenges be made as they have always been, in j order that those who depend upon them may not I be disappointed in their hopes. He knew when Great Carains, i:i ESats and at, At the old established 19G Market St.. "2d Jvor below Sixth, PHILADELPHIA. We extend a general invitation to the citizens I he commenced the manufacture of the Worm Lo ut .Monroe, and its vicinity, as well as to all (-"rges, that they would supercede the use of eve-oih-r.N to our Store. We have on hand a lare i r? olh" vermifuge, as the Lozenge is very p eas . . , . .fit i r r i 072 to the taste, speedy in its effects, as well as :.nd cmnpie'e assortment uf Hats and Caps oil j .i -i.tr. '. , . ... certain, and the quantity required to effect a pcr- rvt-ry style and variety, which we are selling j fcct CMrffj is yQTsmM, These properties in con lull one-fourih lower than tile usual prices, r,mj0n with the fact that they are sold for 25 cents niniely: ... j per Box, thus placing them in the reach of the Ls'.ra superior Beaver Hats, from $2,50 to $3,50 ! poorest man in the land, has not only caused them Brush " " 2,00 to 3,00 ! to take the place of every other vermifuge ever of- 1,25 tar 2,-00 ! lered, but also rendered tnem popular io me com- Siik Moleskin ' mumty. ;Br. Sherman's Cough Lozenges, k of Cans, cloth, fur trimmed. ,' continue to cure Coughs, Colds Consumption . , ' . r n , j Asthma, shortness and difficulty of Breathing, and i . velvet and lancy Uaps ; mher djseases of lhe LungSi wfth the same facility 2,50 only,' usual price Si. Good Hals as low as $1,25 arid upwards. AI a completes stocl glazed, silk oil cloth linn O'ler, Shetland For Seal, Musk Rat, Hairthey did on'their first introduction, and the people orai jp, cvc. e., hi ioer prices man mey i have now become persuaded by actual experience, t i possi!)ly be had, elsewhere. From our e'x-j that on the accession of a slight Cold, they have tiiv;j tales, vc can sell for a smaller p'rofit only to step to either the Dr's. office, or one of his '.an t.ihers can. Call and be satisfied, it is to ' Agents, and obtain a box of his Cough Lozenges, n:r interest. i w'htch are very convenient to carry in the pocket, ' Mr..i..,.,. ' Qt,..t . i j . V ,t, I and to lake a few through the day. Bv pursuing Merchants, Storekeeper Hatters and others, -this-course a cure 5s ofien effecd itf hourset m.io buy to sell again, M.pplied on reaMahle . , n.ipnt hll.inRSS. So rRa. ;s t-nus. Be sure and call at No. 19G Market lhe celebrity of the Lozenges, that thousands of S.reet, second door below Sixth Street. persons who have used them, and become acquaint- GARDEN & BROWN. 1 ed with their effects, will never be without them. Philadelphia, Aug. 27, 1816. j Shei'IUSHl's POOP Mail's Piaster rF preT rv -pwr .An ' A' ; 1 1 cured more cases of Riicumatism, Pain in the Oteaill itetineu feudal" LantlieS.' than any application that has evertbeen made. 12 1-2 Cents per pound, Wholesale J J. RICHARDSON, No. 42 Market street, As the celebrity of the Plaster has increased, hun dreds of unprincipled rascals have attempted to counterfeit it, and palm it off upon the community Philadelphia, takes pleasure in informing the a.s the genuine. ID3 Beware of Deception. public, that he atill uominues to sell his very ! Remember that the true and genuine Plaster is Superior SteaM" Rt.fi.ved' Cand' at the low j spread upon reddish paper made expressly for the j itce of $12.50 per 100 pounds, and the quali- .purpose, and in every case the signature of Dr. tv is oiihI to anv in the United States. i Sherman is printed upon the back of the Plaster, ti.. . i .. ..fr.T.,n r-;...f ..t i : . land the whole secured bv Copv Right. None , d , t- i , others are genuine. I iiereforc when you want a j-mt.y U..U. ...... wU..bai,w..u, ,u,v r-eainr00i Shermans 1'oor Man's Haster, call at rit,es', as quick sales anil small profits are the order of the dav. the office, 10G Nassau street and you will not be disappointed. Call or send your order, and you cannot fail j Remember the number, 106 Nassau St.. where tube satisfied. Don'i forget the number, 42 : a Sherman's Lozenges are sold. .MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA, "j AGENTS. J. J. RICrlARDSON. i Schoch & Spering, Stroudsburg, Monroe county. A'igiist 27, 1S4G. j John Lander', Ciaigs Meadows,' do. -pj-j-) ttt rTA 0 , j James S. Wallace, Milford, Pike county. l it 1 V A 1 ill b A.L Jb . W. F: Brodhcad t Brother, DingmanVFerry, do. The hubscriber ofl'erh at Pirvaie Sale his Peters & Labar, Bushksll, do. Dwellinsr House Jhnvk , .ifo lU l8i ana EIGHT ACRES of LAM).lll c 1 I " m "IJ ounty, on the public roa 1 leading from the Del- :uvare Water Gap to SiromUburg. one and a half miles from the laiter place Hitd two miles from the former. Two acres of the above are woodland, well timbered. An ORCHARD of grafted Apple Tree., young and thriving, on trio premise., and a iarie'V of mlier fruit trees. A never falling Spttr.L' of pood watei near the c o door. l lie property win t.e sold low. Anvt-persotif ivishing lurttr uilurmatioii may obtain it by addressing the sobcriber, at Snoudsbiig, Mon roe county, Pa., or by application im the prem ises. A clear and indisputable tule will be gi v m to the purcha-ser. GEORti'E STAPLES. August 20 181G -S. Fine PcM)-Itmves uivd linzorsf A good: assoriment,-'for s'nle low, by J-OH.IL MEUCK, Stroudsbarg, January li: Country Produce. Butter, Eggs, &c. taken in exchange for any goods' in my lino of busincs. JOHN 11. MELICK. Stroudsburg, Feb. 12, 181 G. The Library of Sacred Music. The .Board of Managers of the New York Sa cred Music Society, have examined, with much pleasure, the Library of Sacred Music, a monthly periodical, by B. Wyman aud G. P Newell The work is got up in a handsome style, and embraces a clioice selection of Sacred Music of a high or der, a;;d is well worthy of the support of all lov ers of good music. Messrs Wvmanand Newell are favorably known as Professors of Music; and the Library itself furnishes abundant proof of their capacity for the management of such a work. L B WYMAN, President. . Conhor Smith, Secy. New York. March, 1810. fi? Agents wanted in every city 'and' town in the' Onion, to whom the usual trade' discount will be mnde. Ft-II. VLQOX,.Gencrrf AfetU, Jiltif 13 Oj Fulton st.: New Ymk. notice; .. . The co-partnership heretofore existing be tween the subscribers, trading under the name of George H. Miller &, Co., was mutually dissolved on the 25lh day of April last. All persons indebted to said firm are requested to make payment without delay to John Boys, who is duly authorized to settle the accounts ol said firm. GEORGE II. MILLER, JOHN BOYS. Stroudsburg, August G, 1846. To the People of Monroe county. Fellow-Citizens : Encouraged by numer ous friends in various parts of the county, I of fer myself as a candidate for the office of oisity CoEHiEBaiysiojieirj at the approaching fall election, and therefore respecifully solicit your voles and support. Should I receive a majority of your suffrages, I pledge myself to discharge the duties of said office with fidelity and impartiality. Your fellow-citizen, HENRY WEISS. Chestnuthill tsp., July 23, 18 1G. The subscriber wishes to inform the citizens of Stroudsburg and the public generally, that he has removed his Flour and Feed. Store to the building formerly occupied by Win. Raf fertyopposite J. J. Postens' Hotel, where he will sell cheap for Cash. He has also an as sortment of refined 5AR IRON, consisting of square, scollop, and horse shoe bar; wagon.tyre of all sizes; saw slabs, crow bars; sledge and plough moulds, and a general assortment of round iron of different sizes, and American spring and cast steel, constantly on hand and will be sold cheap for cash or ap proved credit bv Wji. WALLACE. Grain and Pork taken in exchange for Iron. April 1G, 1S-1G. SOAPS. Fine scented Soaps for washing and shaving also the celebrated shaving cream, for sale cheap, by JOHN II. MELICK. Stroudsburg, January 1, 18-16. Violins and Flutes. At from $1,50 to $3,50, for sale bv . . JOHN H. MELICK. Stroudsburg, Jan. 1, 1846 HAVE YOU A COW? THREE COPIES FOE 81. A TREATISE ON MILCH COWS, Whereby the Quality and Quantity of Milk which any Cow will give may be accurately determined by observing Natural Marks or External Indica tions alone; the length of time she will continue to give Milk, &c. &c. BY M. FRANCIS GUENON, OF LIBOURNE, FRANCE. Translated for the Farmers'' Library, from the French, by N. P. Tiust, Esq. late U. S. Con sul al Havana. With Introductory Remarks and Observations ON THE COW AND THE DAIRY. BY JOHN S. SKIEWER, EDITOR OF THE FARMERS' LIBRARY. Illustrated with numerous Engravings. VlP Price for single copies, neatly done up in paper covers, 37 1-2 cents. Full bound in cloth and lettered, 62 1-2 cents. The usual discount to Booksellers, Agents, Country Merchants and Ped lars. Farmers throughout the United States may re ceive the work through the Mails. The postage on each copy will be about 7 cents. By remitting $2 free of postage we will send seven copies ot the work done ud in paper covers, or three copies for SI. Country Merchants visiting any of the Cities can procure the work from Booksellers for these who may wish to obtain it. Please send on your orders. Address, GREELY & McELRATH, Publishers, Tribune Buildings, New-York. April 23, 181G. 8t. THE TREASURY OF HISTORY. Comprising a general introductory outline of Uni versal History, ancient and modern, and a se ries of separate Histories of every principal na tion thatjexists, their rise, progress, present con dition, &c. By Samuel Maunder- The His tory of America, edited by John Inman. The above valuable work is just completed, forming two large octavo volumes, printed on fine paper, with clear type, illustrated with beautiful engraved vignette titles bound in a substantial and elegant binding, and will be furnished at only Four Dollars !! ! It forms of itself a complete Library of History of inestimable value to any one who wishes to inform himself at a trifling cost of the past history and present state ol every prin cipal nation that exiatsj as well as more particu larly of the very recent exciting events and present political relations of our own country. A splen did edition of the same work has also just been is sued in Nos. in paper covers, suitable for mailing, and will be sent to any part of the United States at the reduced rates of periodical postage. Price for the work in Nos. (complete) $3. Full bound, in two Vols., SI. Agents are wanted to obtain subscribers in ev ery town in the United States. Any person ob taining two or more subscriptions, may deduct one third of the same as his commission, and upon the receipt of the balance accompanying his o"rder,i the. work-will immediately be forwarded,- by' rriatl or otherwise, as he may direct. Address pokj paid, the publisher,- , ' .TJMMTOLADRE,- j 1-07 Fulton Street. N. 7, ! April 0, 18 16. Public notice is hereby giv:n, that Cyrili C. I). Pinchot,Exocuior of the lust Will and Testament of Richard Brodhcad, late of Mil ford, deceased, has filed his first account as such Executor ; that Gilbert 3 Steel, acting Executor of Gilbert Steel, late of Delaware; deceased, has filed his final Hceount as such Executor; and that Albert J. Holbert and Ben jamin II. Rose, Executors of Benjamin F. Hol bert, deceased, who was one of the Adminis trators of Half Haukins, deceased, have filed Iheir final account in the Register's Oflice, in and for the county of Pike, at Milford, and that the same will be presented to the Orphan-' Court for said county, for cotilirniatinu and al lowance, oti Muhday the fourteenth day of Sep tember next, of which all persons interested will take notice. J. C. WEST BROOK, Register. Register's Office, Milford, . August 10, 1816. 5 .a. LOOK HERE! The subscriber begs leave to inform the pub lic, that he has, after spending a great deal of time and trouble, discovered a compound which will instantly -Cure the Toolh-Achc, by destroying ihe nerve, and is guaranteed to be perfectly innocuous in its effects upon the other Teeth. The aillicted cannot do better than make use of these Drops, by which they will be rid of their pain and keep their teeth. W. J. BREIMER. The genuine article can be had at Schoclt's Printing Office, Stroudsburg, wholesale and re tail, Hfieral Agent for the proprietor. 'Wj Price 25 calls per bottle. Julv"2, 1S46. :'x PRICES CURRENT. - - - , T Corrected every Wednesday morning. ' ARTICLES. Wheat Flour, per barrel Rye. do. do. do. Wheat, per bushel Rye, do. do. Sole Leather per pound Corn per bushel . Buckwheat, per bushel Clover Seed per bushel Timothy Seed per bush'. Harley do Oats do. Flax Seed . ( do. Mutter per pound F'-'gs, per dozen Plaster per ton Hickory wood, per cord Oak, do. . do. Mackerel, No. ,1 Do. do 2 Potatoes, per bushel lllticTsi 5 01) 1 7o t -?.r '3 50 3 75 4 -25 35 f 1 10 , 0-3 00 87 25 a I IX 5f 5d . 00 41) 0 00 ij 00 . 5 01) 3 0(1 -2 f0 2 87 10 -10 5!) ; 33 33 -.) 1 ()ti I -0 I .17 id 1'2 12 , f h id fi fit) 1 25 3 00 2 sit) :i t$ t -l so :2 0O 3 lit) 12. :r(id io Oo u O'j 12 5D jlO DO b (): 15 I 3U 15 A IV K NOTE S 8 T . corrected weekly for the Jeil'ersoiiMii Ropublicnn.' The notes' of those banks on whit.) quotations are omitted and a d.ish( jsiibstnuted, ar8 hut purchased by the brokers. Wholesale and Retail PREMIUM HAT STORE; I5ERTRA1VJD ROSS, No. 120 Chesnut Street, south side, 4 doors below Fourth St., PHILADELPHIA, Respectfully informs the citizens of Monroe county, that he has refitted i and opened the above Establishment, j where he is prepared at all times, to; furnish Beaver, Nutria, and Jwleskin Hals, equal to any manufactured in this Country ; Also, a superior quality of Caps, for officers of the Ar my and Navy, together with Dross, Riding and Sporting Caps : a new and splendid style of Childrens' and Roys' Caps, with a great variety of Rich Fancy Furs for Ladies. Just received, per Steam Ship Great Wes tern, the approved style of LADIES' RIDING HATS; also, a beautiful assortment of Chil drens' French Caps. 1 am determined that my Hats, in point of beauty and quality, shall not be surpassed by those of any other Establishment in any City m the Union. Philadelphia, Dec. 18, 1S45. Cm. Sleeper & Feiaaacr, MANUFACTURERS OF Umbrellas, Parasols, & Sim Shades No. 12G Market street, south side, below Fourth, Philadelphia. Invite the attention of Merchants, Manufactu rers, &c. &c, to their very Extensive, Elegant, New Slock, prepared with great care, and offered At the Lowest possible Prices for Cash. The principle on which this concern is es tablished is to consult the mutual interest of their customers and themselves, by manufactu ring a good article, selling it at the Lowest Price for Cash, and realizing their own remu neration, in the amount of sales and quick re turns. Possessing inexhaustible facilities for manu facture, iliey are prepared to supply orders to any extent, and respectfully solicit the patron age of merchants, manufacturers and dealers. Phila., Dec. 11, 18-15. I y. A Friend to all Nations, WAR OR &T0 WAR! E'cHMsylvauia.' Plu'l:iilcli'lii:i b;m, ps'.i of North America, Uo Faiiiiei' fc .Mechanics' d South". irKtftiu do tvoiisii.siliui tori l" Hunk ofNoiUiorn I.ibctlitM- ! AUvhunu's' Hank ilo Coinuirrciu Hank do IJ.mk of I'eiui Tow nship do Manufacturei " Mueh'iis do Aloy;liuoiu"iiii3' imnk d I'mtod St.Uoi bitnk 2 Oir.ml do Pennsylvania bank Il;tu!c6r (loininntowii Hank of Montgomery eo.v IS-mk of lJciaw.no county Hank uf Uhesteroounty Doyiokuwu ban . : Farmer:-' hank of Bucks K.istnn 'o.mk Fanner:-' bank of Reading do; Lebanon bank Harrisbuo; bank Mid.tlelown bank , Farmers 1j:ink.l.unc:t.Mcr Lancaster bank Laneaster count v bank Northampton bank Columbia Bridge Carlisle bank Northumberland bank Miners b'ahk of l'ottsville York bank ('Iiainberfburg bank Cettystjury; ba'.Ui Wyoming do Hone.-dalc do Dank of Lewiitown Hank of Susquehanna co West Ilranch bank PltlsbiUK Waynesburij lliownesulii Krio bank. ... -, I'itKs count) bunk Tow audit do Relief Notes iev Vorli. cm HANKS... America, !.uk of American E.cltu5e ljank of t'ommeieor . Urtnkoi the Stale ol N V IStUehers'aud Uioveis' Chemical CUV 1 do 1 1 1 pai do do par 1 pai J 1 1 1 2 1 par (to do do do do do I- par. do I Fulton lank of New York run- par par par do do Commercial d (to Clinton .. Del. and. Hudson can'ilco do Ory Dork ('reenwich do Lafayette , do Leather Mauufur.turers' lo MunhatieneoinJiany . do Mechanics' fWnkm Asso. to Merchants' brink " 'o Merchant . do. Mechanics t Tnnler&' do Merchants KxchuiiRe do national imua id New York, Bank of 2. New-Yotk Itaukins en. , a N. Y. St'e. Sfk Security b. pan Noun Ktver Phreiiix Seventh Waid ninth Ward Tradesmen's 2lnion H.ofN Y Lum. oatik at Warren no" sate; Washington do do Jo Id par do Coxstcclionary, Fruit, and GROCERY STORE; WILLiAM IT. SCHLOUGIT, Respectfully informs the citizens of Stroudsburg, and the public generally, .that he has opened a NEW LINE. The accommodation line of Stages between Stroudsburg and Easton, will leave the house of Edward Postens, (Washington llotul,) in Stroudsburg, on Monday, Wednesday and Fri day of every week, at 7 o'clock, A. M., and ar rive in Easton at 2 o'clock, p. m , in time for dinner; returning on the following day, leaving D. Connor's American Hotel, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 o'clock, and arri ving at Stroudsburg at 2 o'clock, same day. The subscriber begs leave to inform the pub lic, thai he has purchased the above line of stages from Messrs. Connor, Postens 6c Co,, the former proprietors, and that he is now abio to carry passengers iii as comfortable and con venient a style, as any other route in tho coun ty. Pare through SI 25. , ROBERT C. SLEATH, , Sole Proprietor and Driver. Strondsjbiirg, Jan. 22, 181G. . BLANK DEEDS For sitly at this office, Confectionary and Grocery Siorc on Elizabeth street, in the room formerly occtK j.:;..i i... r i. r T.-..ti r ' i'" jiiuu uy jusupii jj. rvuiier, us a .Troccr , wnure lie is prepared to accom.modaie the public wirlr' all kinds of CANDIES of, the best .qualiiy.---Hc also keeps on hand FRUIT, embra(.in.;ill the delicacies of the season, and NUTS of all His slock consists in part, of Cream Nuis, Cd'c'na Nijts, Ground Nuts, kinds. Oranges, - Figs. Lemons, Almonds, Raisins, Prunes, and a variety of all kinds of Confectionary en erally kept in such an establishment,' all of which he will sell vcrv low for Cash. He has also added to the above stock, all lhe articles, connected with a CROC K E Y , Consisting in part of Sugars, Coffees; Teas, Cheese, Molasses, Crackers, Blacking, Cinnamon, Soap, Candles, Shot, Pepyer, Chocolate, Sa'lekatus, Nut Megs, Allspice,. Ginger. Herring, Mackerel, Closet Pns,' Inuico, Baskets-,' Dri ed Peaches' Diried Apples', together with a vafietv of Tubs, Howls, &c.' r 7 Tobacco, Snuff, j-uul Scgars, of the best and chenpes? qualities always' on hand, and will suit thofjc who may favor itim1- Porter, AIcT ITad aud iicinouri'cle constantly kept on. Land. For the libf ra', support already received from his friends nnd customers ho returns his sincejre thanks, ami w?l1 nmlnnrnr "m fniiim iii rtiprn n 7 - " 'VIII Ui III --- . continua nce of their favors, by sparing no ex--ertions to iiiako his establishment an dgreeabloi retreat. Stroudsburg, June 19, S4:. . From $1 50 to $6 50, for sale b,; JOHN HV ME LICIt.. Stroudsburg, Aug. 13, 1846. WATCHES.- , A good assortment of Watches, for sale; at reduced prices, by JOHN H. MELlCTll Stroudsburg, Jan. , 1846. ! TOYS. , r n . ftnnl irn vinlif - t I r I Ittm lit o I it u cheap,' at tho Variety Store of ,. Stroudsburg, Jariuary 1, 1816.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers