Elopement of a White Woman with a Colored Max. The Norfolk papers mention ihe elopement of a young white woman, from ,he North, eighteen years of agu,;with a likely voung mulatto, from one of the hotels, and a ie of the proprietor. They registered them telves at the railway offices as man and wife, anil are believed to have lived in some such iharacter previous to their departure. gentleman in Lowell, Mas, is said to he o strongly attached to the ten'' hour system that ,r will not drink root beer, because it works more than ten hours, per day. : The Height of Indolence.-' ThWo in a man in S. Louis who does nothing all ihc ijin',.,' and piles it up the next day. He has a clerk 10 keep tally. ' ' ' ' . . ." The following rcije is .-.aid to be a sovereign dire for bed bugs : Take a quantity of whale oil, and nbotit'ihe t.anie quantity of lard or tallow, simmer them a few moments together; so a ihey will ihfx. Apply the mixture with a feather or fine brush, id the cmvices and joints of the bed steads, and these vermin will not only desert the bed but leave the room. Interest on the United States Loan, payable in Baltimore, due 1st of July, IS 15, was paid ai ihe Chesapeake Hank on lhat day. li,ii-i'ii'"11-j!!?lll'j;'J!E.?I'!l?J.'!" i CAMP MEETING. A Camp Meeting for Eatnn Station nnd Richmond Circuit, will be held in Mr. Emory's wooiK near Cenireville. Northampton county, Pa, to commence on Monday the 1 1 1 h day of August next. Our brethren in the Ministry and their Congregations in the adjoining Cir cuit and Stations are cordially muted to attend. JJj3 N- Ii. No traffic of any kind will he al lowed on the ground, or within the limits pre ' scribed by law. PENNELL COOMIiE, MAHLON H. SI STY. July in, 1S15. NOTICE. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of Hannah Starlird, late of Stroud unviiMlnp, Monroe county, deceased, are re quested 10 make known the same to the sub scriber without delay; and all persons indebted in ihe said estate are requested to make pay ment to F. STARBIRD, Executor. S roud tsp., July 3, 1S45. Gt. Coiifeclioiiarv, Frast, and GROCERY STORE. WILLIAM H. SCHLOUGH, 3gf2i Respectfully informs the citizen! of Stroudshurg, and the public generally, ' .that he has opened a j Confectionary and Grocery Store.; on E'izabeth street, in the room formerly occu pied by Joseph L.Keller, as a Grocery, where he is prepared to accommodate the public with all kinds of CANDIES of the best quality. He aUo keeps on hand FRUIT, embracing all the delicacies of the season, and NUTS of all kinds. His stock consists in part, of ESTABLISHMENT. The subscriber would respectfully inform ihe! i mens oi atrouiisburg, and the public gener ally, that he has opened a Tailoa-iiiff Shop, in Elizabeth street, one door east of George H TO COUNTRY MERCHANTS. The subscribers, Wholesale Merchants, Manu facturers and Dealers in Philadelphia, respectful ly invite tnose country Merchants who are about Miller & Co's. Store, where he is prepared to' Prfihasing their 6n- cj- Summer Supplies, lo do all kinds of uotk in his line in he N E V-' exam,"al,on of,tllB"- respective Stocks ot Goons. ppp P . 5,,mv ' ' mc m ,ue, lv u u We believe that our several assortments are as I . i a.,u ueai maunei, aim ai mou-; complete as have ever been offered in this city, and -.... i e suoscriner Having Datl a ! shall be pleased to have them give us a call. nuuiiier oi years experience in the city of Phil adelphia, he therefore confidently relies upon !!iii'g general satifaction to all who will fa vour him with their patronage. JOSEPH W. BURGESS. Siroud-bury. June 12, 1845. 3m. 4th IN" PRESS POPULAR LECTURES ON SCSEIVCE AND ART; DELIVERED IN THE Chief Cities and Towns ias the U. S. BY D10NYS1US LARDNER. Importers and DeaUrs in Silk and Fancy G oods. Caleb Cope it Co . 165 arlcet st. above W. & R. P. Hemington, 02 ' do Ashhurst & Remington, 80 do See, Brother & (Jo 70 do . " Yard & Gillmore, 109 do Domestic, and Foreign Dry goods Reynolds, McFnrlnnd & Co 105 Market.strcct. Morgan, Huclc & Co 57 do W B & G H Cooper, f,3 do ' Sair.uel Hood & Co., N. E. cornet of Market and Fifth streets King, Boyd & King, 20 North Second street, op posite the Maoison House iv;n:... ir r p. r yti. to .1 . . aiKlhnt)urR!i.MeiiibcrofUieUinveriiisfri:!inihriiit. , .'ulian, Mason & to. lofi Market street aim uuMiii. anil formerly PtTifrssor of Natural Phi losophy ami Astronomy in Hie University of London, Arc. te. Tlie publishers announce lhat Dr. Laidncr hav ing brought to a close his public Lectures in this country, they have availed themselves of the op. portunity thus presented to induce him to prepare lor publication a complete and authentic edition of these Discourses. The general interest which for the last four years they have excited in every part of this country is universally felt and acknowl edged. Probably no public lecturer ever contin ued for the same length of time to collect around him so numerous audiences. Nor has there been Eckel, Spangler & Raiguel, 1:28 North Third st. above Race" Smith, Howell & Barr. 33 North Second street. Barclay Lippenrott, 1(5(5 1-2 Market street, one door below Fifth, south side. Ludwig. Kneedler & Co. 113 N. Third, S. West corner of Race street Haas & Hollingsworth, 18 North Second st. and 2 Church Alley James J Boswell & Co. 50 Market street Frederick, Dewald & Co. 62 North Third street. Importers c$ Dealers in Hosiery, Gloves, Trim mings and Fancy Goods. E S Burnett, 3 S. Fourth street, east side, below Market J & J P Stoiner, 48 N Second street, 4 doors be low Arch street ' Cloths, Cassunercs, Vc.slings, Tailor? Trim mings, tyc. DeCoursev, Lafourcade cj- Co. 77 Market street William H Love 147 do J Codley Spry & Co 81 do Hard ware and Cutlery. Importers of all kinds of Shipping Furs. Wm Geisse & Sons, G0-S Front, below Chesnut Agricultural and Horticultural Imple ments.. Garden, Grass, and Flower Seeds. D. O. Prouty, 19 1 Market st, below Gth, s side Looking Glasses, Plated and Fancy Hardware, Combs, Brushes, &c. William & Walter Cresson, 14 north Fourth st D 'Importer &Dealer in Bolting Clqths. . , ........ . ........ v..w , Manufacturers and Dealers in Straw Goods, Hair Edgings, &c. Wm M. & Jas. E. Maull, 30 north Second st Manufacturers of Caps and Stocks, and Dealers in Boots, Shoes and Bonnets. James T. Leet & Co. 124 north Third street Manufacturer of Patent Leather, Glazed Muslin, Carriage. Oil Cloth and Caps. John T. Holloway, 9 north Fifth street Brass Eight Day, 30 Hour & General Clock Establishments. Tames S. Smith, 82 north Third st near Cherry James Barber, 238 Market st, so side, above 7th A. E Lovol, corner of Thiid and Wood sts, and corner of Fourth and Market streets Print Warehouse, Dealers -iii Prints, Morrell & Co. 201 Market st, 2d door above Fifth. Philadelphia, Feb. 20, 1815 8t any exception to this favorable impression. Visit after visit has been made to all the chief cities, and on eveiy succeeding occasion audiences a mounting to thousands have assembled to hear again and again these lessons of useful knowledge. The same simplicity of language, perspicuity of reasoning, and felicity of illustration, which ren dered the oral discourses so universally accepta ble will be. preserved in ihe published report, which will indeed be, as nearly as possible, identical with the Lectures as the' were delivered. The publishers feel that in the volume now pro posed they will present to the American public a Edward S Handy c$-Co !) Market st. above Third most nnreoaoie nnerinn. ana an inmresnnir am n liiiuw.uuncisivuu in uu uu useful miscellany of general information, which , John b J'ltchett cJ-Co will also afford that large class of persons who ! Allen R Reeves & Co have attended the Lectures, an agreeable means Howell & Co of reviving the impressions from which they have j Deacon Peterson already derived so much profit and pleasure. i Martin Buehler & Bro The subjects which wili be included will em-1 Michael V Bakei, brace a variety of topics in the Astronomical and 1 Maslin & Pepper, Phvslcal Sciences, and in Ihnir a nnlir.it inn m the Paust cV W ineorener , - 7 I I . arts of life. Among these the following may be mentioned : PRICES CURRENT.. Corrected every Wednesduy murmng. BANK NOTE JL-fiSTi corrected weekly for tab Jetfeis-oniau Kupublictiu. The notes of those banks on whu ,i quotations arc omitted and a oasni jsuostituteu, aitr noc urchased by the brokers. Pen usy 1 vast ia. l'hihidi'lphiii bun, par nan oi iorin America, tio Farmeis' (fc Mechanics' Western bank StMitliuark b.m Kensington ban Bank ofNorthcrn Liberties iTolUelicf Notes The Sun; The Moon The Plurality of Worlds The Planets; The lumination; Light; bound; Electricity The Bridge Water Lecture; Lunar Influences;! Weather Almanacs; Babbage's Calculating Ma- Planets; The Comets: The Solar System; ; " y , ncM Atmosphere; Popular Fallacies; Artificial II- Vl"" $ 1 fters nation; Light; Sound; Electricity; Galvanism;; m iord 47 do below Second 177 1-2 do 181 do 187 do 195 do below Fifth 215 do 1 IST Third street 70 do do Saddlery Hardware, and Carriage Trimmings- John M Ford, 32 North Third street H & G Fricke, I t do do on, 12 North Fourth street 7 do do Saddlery, Saddlery Hardware, Harness, Trunks, eye. km Cream Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, Ground Nuts, Oranges, Figs Lemons, Almonds, Raisins, Prunes, and a variety of all kinds of Confectionary cen trally kept in such an establishment, all of which he will sell very low for Cash. He has also added to the above stock, all the articles connected with a GROCERY, Consisting in part of Sugars, chinery; Electric and Magnetic Telegraphs; The , Edward P Moyer 38, also 252 Market street." Telescope and Microscope; Galileo; Copernicus; j pMishers, Booksellers, and Stationers. Lavoisier; Newton; Ihe .Stellar Universe: The , . a ,w. ' x, t, . Powerof Steam; Steam Navigation; Aurora Bore-j gr,Sff J -ourlli st. alis; Water Spouts; Thunder tnd Lightning; The- HoSan & 1 ""Mon, 30 do do ory of Dew; Heat; The Barometer; The Thermom- Huhs. .Oil and. Leather Dealers. eter; &c &c. j Willhm Musser & Co 203 Market, street The work will appear in numbers, or parts, will, H M Crawford 204 North Third street be well printed on j-ood type, and copiously illus- j Tnnf Ul.npc TJnnnH e Csins I Pf. trated with enjiravings on wood. It will be com-! "O0lsi l'lH 5s X'OnuciS, wpb. laLg- pleted in ten or twelve numbers, and the entire j llOI'Il Hlld I'fllm MutS, volume win ue puuusueu wiimu six monms. ine w E & r. G. Wbelan. 1S8 Market street. Levick, Jenkins & Co. J50 " " China, Earthenware and Glass. 205 Market street. 25'J do 20 North Third st ilOU M 111 UU J VjWtlka 1U1, &ULII 1IU11(JC:I. Any person wishing lo procure this valuable work may apply to our agents, or to any of the Booksellers or Country Metchants in any part of; Alexander Read.. the United States. Postmasters remitting one J Peler Wright & Sons dollar will be entitled to five numbers. Orders ' Wright & 'Wharton are respectfully solicited. G-REELY & McELRATIT, Tribune Buildings. Coffees, Teas, Cheese, Molasses, Crackers, Blacking, Cinnamon, Soap, Candles, Shot, Penner. ii Chocolate, Saleratds, .Nut Megs, Allspice, Ginger, Herring, Mackerel, Close Pins, Indigo, Baskets, Dried Peaches, Dried Apples, of Tubs, Bowls, &c. together with a variety Tobacco, Snuff, and Segars, of the hest and cheapest qualities always on hand, and will suit those who may favor him wuh a call. Porter, Ale, Mead and Lemonade constantly kept on hand. For the liberal support already received from "i friends and customers he returns his .sincere 'Hanks, and will endeavor in future to merit a continuance of their favors, by sparing no ex--'rtioiis to make his establishment an agreeable tetreal. Simiidshurg, June 19, 1845. ' A NEW BOOT & SHOE I ESTABLISHMENT. Respectfully informs the citizens of Strnud;buri and he has commenced ihe Koo & Shoe Pflaitissfj business at ihe shop formerly oc Benedict Dorse v & Son do Wm. P Hackei, 02 North Second st. above Arch Manufacturers and Dealers j;j Drugs, Medicines, Faints, Oils, ?fC. Thomas P James, 212 Market.street Thompson, Pancoasl & Co. '10 do below 2d Caleb Cresson, G north Third st. Manufacturers of Sieves, Riddles, Screens and I Vi rework in general. T . 1 1 XT 11 O f1 m AT ,1 viciuitv, lhat ; Josepn iv. iseeuies a l.o, oi ionn rront st. Combs, Brushes, Buttons, Spool Cotton, Trim mings, Fanry Goods, c$-c. eye. i Oliver Martin, 21 North Fourth s :s M Tin- in An i... W I IJ. o 'Pin " ' SL ,.Lr'l; wmII l.Lnv in' ufacturcrs and Importers of Militar,, Goods, STROUDSBURG IRON AND BRASS FOUNDRY. . The subscriber, having purchased the inter esl of Win. Schlaugb in the" above eslablish mem, takes this method to inform the public generally, and Milters and Farmers especial ly, that he has removed lo the large and con veuienl FosHiidry nnd i?lacliiiic Shop, in (he rear of John Boys' Store, and would be thankful for any patronage extended towards him, and respectfully announces lhat he is nrenared to execute all orders in his line of t i business in the best manner and with despatch He will manufacture MILL GEARING for Flour and other Mills, together with Cast ings of every description turned and fined up in the best passible manner. He feels conn dent iu his ability to execute all orders with which he may be entrusted in a workman-like manner. Particular care will bp taken to em plojf none but good workmen in the different departments of the establishment, and no pains will be spared by ihe proprietoi to give gen eral satisfaction to those who may favor him wnh orders for work. BRASS CASTINGS, such as Spindle Steps, Shaft and Gudgeon Boxes, &c. will be made lo order. Old Cop per and Brass taken in exchange at the highest price. Patterns made to order. TiircsSiisis I?f aclnncs & ISorse Powers of ihc most approved construction, will be fur mshed to order at the shortest nonce. Wrought Iron mill Work will be done on ihe must reasonable terms, and all kinds of smith work. The best kind of Sled Shoes and pnlishe Wagon Boxes will always be kept on hand. Ploughs of the most approved plan will he kept on hand, and an excellent assortment o .Plotmh Casfinss which he offers for sale to Plough makers. SAMUEL IIAYDEN Stroudshurg. March 13, 18-15. recene orders for all kinds of work in his line of business, and also intends keep ing on hand a stock of , READY MADE WORK: and will devote his best efforts to the accommo dation of those who will favor him nh their patronage. With an experience in the -business of no in considerable length a determination to adhere strictly to his promises and a resolution never to uvike unreasonable charges, he flitters him self that he will receive a fnir'proportion of the custom of the Borough and neighbiuhood. Country produce of all kind-, taken in pay ment for work, if brought in reasonable time. N. 13 Repairing done at ihe shortest notice. j April 3, 1845. Gm. Brass 30 hour Clocks, VVW..1 on j.. For sale cheap, by - . ,v c. w D,EWi;rr,7 Milford. Dec, 3, 1842 Fringes, Cords, Tassels, Carriage Laces, eye Wm. H Horstmann & Sons, 51 North Third st. Manufacturers oj Umbrellas, Parasols and Sun Shades. Sleeper, Brothers, 120 Market street Wrichl & Brothers, 125 do William A. 'Drown, -80 ,do Manufacturers of Hals, Caps, Wool Huts, eye. Henderson & Levick, M l Market street S..& 0. C. Nichols, 11-1 do Manufacturers of Patent Floor and Furniture Oil Cloths, and clastic Carriage curtains. Potter tj- Carmichael, 5(58 North Third st. Isaac Macaulcy, Jr. 0 N Fifth street Manufacturers of Ladies' and Gentlemen s Cheap Travelling Trunks. k T If l f- f M t. ij. iiicKov cm; uo. too iuesnui street George B. Bains, 8. and 25 north Fourth st Importers of Toys, Fancy and Staple Goods, Brushes and Perfumery A F Ott Monrosc, lfi S Fourth below Market ARTICLES. .Stroud. Carton. , NuIh burg. Wheat Flour, per barrel -l 75 .j 05 4 2r Rye. do. do. do. 3 50 3 25 3 Wheat, per bushel 00 85 , u I Rye, do. do. 00 05 ; Sole Leather per pound 25 21 25 Corn per bushel 40 12 43- Buckwheat, per bushel 40 Clover Seed per bushel 0 00 1 00 1 (K Timothy Seed per bush. 2 25 2 50 3 m Barley do. Jo -10 50 Oats do. 31 30 -J Flax Seed do. 1 25 1 30 1 f Butter per pound 12 11 12" E:gs, per dozen ,- 8- 55 lt Plaster per ton - -l 00 3 eft Hickory wood, per cord 2 SCO, 1 5i Oak, do. do. 2 00 I Oo 4 25- Mackerel, No. I l'.r 00 12 00 10 (lit- Do. do 2 1 12 51) Iff 00 S bV Potatoes, per bushel 1 10 1 30 . 5 West Br.nncli tiank 1'ittsburs ' Wayiitrsbuig do Uiownejiville ilulKne bank Uollicrks comity bank do Towinida do Mechanics' Hank Coimnerritil Hank IJ.uik of I'cnn Township Manufacturers Mech'ns Moyainensing bank United states bank Girard do Pennsylvania bank Rank of Ucrmantown Ilnnk of Montgomery co. Hank of ueraware county Hank of Chester county Doylcstou n bsink Farmers' bank ofUucks Eastou bank ariner;.' bank of Reading cbauon bank Harrisburg bank Middletown bank Farmers bank Lancaster Lancaster bank Lancaster county bank Northampton bank Columbia Bridge Carlisle bank Northumberland bank Miners bank of Pottsville York bank Chanibersburg bank Gettysburg bank Wyoming do Honesdale do Bank of Lcwiatown Hank of Susquelianna co par do do do (10 do do1 22 101 par Butchers' ami Uroveis' Hew York. cirv BANKS America, tunk of American Exchange Bank of Commerce Bank of the State of N Y Chemical City dolcommercial Clinton Del. and Hudson can ii co, Orv Dock Fulton bank of New York Luin. bank at Warren no sale Washington par" d- a-r d- ii tt r 1 Pr I j.-r tf'recnwich d Lafayette di Leather Manufacturers' do MauhatU-ii company titr iMedianlcs Bunking Asso. di Merchants biink Merchant' d Mechanics & Traders' do- Merchants Excliiui-'e d7 .National bank t'o parNew York, B.tnk of 4 2,Nc a-York Banking co. 2 1;N. Y. St'e. Sfk Security t. par iiioriii itiver u-j- do lly par do 00 do do do doj 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 LPhu-'nix 3iSeventh Ward 1 'Tenth Ward SlTradesinen's 3j Union B. of N Y N'iin i lirrhv n!vin i 1im t ;ill oersons III- 11 1 1 ..1 Xirmid Louis C. liiiuersaclis, 170 Market street debled 10 the. estate 01 Josrpli Lee, la'n ol oirouu , township, Monroe county, dee'd, are requested ' Manufacturer ' of Combs, BrUSllCS, , . . 1 1 to make immediate payment 10 the subscriber; --and all persons having demands against said estate, are requested lo present them, duly au thenticated for settlement, on or beloie ihe fiisl day of April ilex'. ... - JOHN LEE, Adminisirator: tStroud township, Feb. 20, 1845. fit. Soaps and Perfumery. Thnmas Uurch.'Jr. (late of Pittsburg)' 183 Mar ket street . Groceries. Wm.-V. Anderson & Co. 21 north Water street John 'Trucks," 17 N (Fifth st, cornerof (Commerce Waterman & Osbourn, N. W corner of Second and Arch streets ! R Paterson & Co. 182 Market street ArrrpTi"n 1 .Shfir-man's Couoli Lozenffos, awl .Dealer iu Candies, Oranges, Lemons,, Clickener's Pills For sale at this office. f i ' Raisins, &c. John J4 Richardson, , 43 Market st below-second We have just received for sale, at the Jefler sonian OfTice, a supply of " Fenner's Oderifer ous Compound for strengthening, softening and beautifying the Hair," also of " Fcnncr's Den trifice for Preserving and Beautifying the Teeth, preventing Tooth Ache, tj-c." and also "Fcnncr's Pomade Divine," a preparation for curing chap ped hands, bruises, &c. The articles are all of the first quality, and the high reputation which they have acquired in the cities, and wherever else ihey have been used, cannot fail lo recom mend them 10 ihe general notice and patronage of the people of (his place and vicinity. A number of our citizens have already tried them, and pronounce them excellent. VVe invite all, who are in want of any such articles, to give us a call, and we are sure they will not go away unsatisfied. December 19, 1844 BRICK. 250,000 Brick, just burnt, are offered for sale by the tsubscriber, among which may, be found say 100t000 Hard Brick. 75,000 Soft and Salmon do: : 10,000 Jam do. 5,000 Square Hearth do; All kinds of produce (cash not refused) ta ken in exchange. C. W. DeWITT. Milford; Nov. 21, 1814. BLANK, DEEDS .JFor-saJe.at, this office. ' IScsl FciiKcr & Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Umbrellas, Parasols, & Unn Shades,. No. 143 Market street, Philadelphia. Invite the attention of Merchants, Manufactu rers, ice. &c., to their very Extensive, Elegant, New Stock, prepared with great care, and offered At the Lowest possible Prices for Cash. The principle on which this concern is es tablished is to consult the mutual interest of llicir customers and themselves, by manufaciu ring a good article, selling it at the Lowest Price for Cash, and realizing their own remu neration, in the amount of sales and quick re turns. Possessing inexhaustible facilities for manu facture, they are prepared to supply orders tt any extent, and respectfully solicit the patron age of merchants, manufacturers nnd dealers. A Large assortment of the New Style Curtain. Parasols. Phila., Nov. 21, 1844. !y. WATCHES, SliiTEIt WARE & JfilVELBY, James Peters & Co. No. 105 N. 2d. st. corner of Elfrcllis Alky. PHILADELPHIA. J. P. & Co. continue to manufact ureal their old stand, Silver Spoons, Spectacles, Thimbles, &c, on as low terms as any manufactory in the city. They have on hand and keep constantly for sale, beside their own manufactures, WATCHES of all kinds and prices; SILVER WARE, JEWELRY and FANCY GOODS, in thcimarieiy, which, will be sold low. Spectacle Glasses fitted lo all ages and sights in Gold, Silver, German Silver and Sicel Frames, with convex, concave, periscop'Cj hlue, grey and green Glasses. JJj3 Watchmakers supplied T'ith i 11 neces sary articles in their line, sich as. Tools, Ma terials, Glasses, &c. Hj3 Watches repaired al short notice and warranted lo perform, well. Philadelphia, Doc. 12, 1844. 2m. "dissolution. 'i'hd parinership heretofore existing between the subscribers, trading under ihe hrm of I lav den & Schlaiigh, has this day been diolvi d by mutual consent. All persons having de mands against said firm, will ptesent ihein to Samuel Hayden, for settlement ; and all who are indebted thereto, are requested 10 make im mediate payment to him, he being authorized to receive the same. SAMUEL IIAYDEN. WILLIAM SCH LAUGH. Stroudshurg, March 6, 1845. 3i. N. B. The business will be continued by the subscriber, in the new building in the rear of John Boys' Store, who respectfully solicits a continuance of public patronage. SAMUEL HAYDEN Marcji 6, 1845,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers