13 Copies to Clubs for 20. THE COLUMBIAN MAGAZINE, Foil 1S45. EDITED BY JOHN INMAX AND ROBERT A. WEST. Prospectus for the Second Year. At the close of his second volume, the magazine -living been commenced on the first of January, 1841, the publisher finds himself irresistably call ed on to express the satisfaction and gratitude with which he has been filled by the brilliant and unexampled success that has attended his endea vors to win the public favor. Notwithstanding the difficulties, disappointments and vexations that almost invariably follow the establishment of a new periodical, in the production of which there must be the harmonious co-operation of many heads and many hands notwithstanding occasion al short-comings, especially in tire pictorial de partment, which no care or diligence could avert ancTno expenditure prevent, the Columbian Mag azine has gone on steadily increasing in support and popularity fiom the opening number, and if the unbought unsolicited testimony of the press may be received as unswayed by partiality and unbiassed by friendship, the efforts of contributors and editors have been au$fielory to the public and accepted as fulfilling the promises made foi them at the commencement of the enterprise. The publisher undertook the work with a firm conviction that the great city of New York was the best and the true home for a magazine of gen eral literature ; that notwithstanding the failure of many previous attempts to establish such a work, there could be no impossibility of success with sufficient capital, perseverance and the right sys tem of management both by publisher and editor; stimulated by this conviction he embarked in the enterprize and the result of the first year has proved that his judgment was correct. It has long ceased to be necessary, or reasona ble, that we should speak of the Columbian as an experiment. At all events, it is now an experi ment substantially tried. We feel ourseH-es upon as firm a basis as any similar journal in the world. Our principal cares now regard not so much the securing what ground we have gained (for we con sider this sufficiently secure) as the extension of our sphere of action and utility not so much, even, the mere enlargement of our subscription-list, as the most suitable modes of catering for the amuse ment (and shall we say occasionally for the prof it 1) of our subscribers in the present and in the future the many whom we have, and the many more we shall undoubtedly have as time rolls on. We have made arrangements which will enable us to present our friends with embellishments of. very superior taste, style and finish. In this re spect it is our firm purpose, if possible, to outvie all competition. Our music and engravings, we confidently believe, will not be equalled very cer tainly they shall not be surpassed in real merit, by those of any other magazine. We propose to give, each month, two or more superb engravings, independently of two pages of music by the most eminent composers, and plate of authentic fashions. Regarding the literary and editorial conduct of the Columbian, the publisher does not feel called upon to say more than a very few words. The general management of this department is confided to the gentleman who has hitherto given abundant evidence, not only of the highest ability to put forth a meritorious magazine and one exactly adapted to the tastes of all readers, with whom is associated another gentleman of ability and expe rience. The publisher, therefore, has every con fidence that what has already heen done for the literary value of this journal, will be done again. We are perfectly willing that our future in this re spect .should be estimated by our past. The sub joined list of those who have furnished articles for the Columbian during the by gone year, will sat isfy, we feel assured, the most fastidious, that we aie resolute to spare, in no particular, either ex ertion or experise. Mrs LydiaH Sigourney. J IC Paulding Mrs Ann S Stephens W C Bryant Mrs Francis S Osgood Fitz Greene Halleck Mrs E O Smith Henry W Herbert H Hasting Weld Park Benjamin George W Kendall T S Arthur H P Grattan H. T Tuckerman Seba Smith C Fenno noffman Theodore S Fay Wm II Willis Mrs E F Ellet Mrs M St Leon Loud Mrs Emma C Embury Mrs Kirkland, Mrs A C Mowatt Mrs James G. Brooks Mrs E R Steele Miss Mary L Xawson Miss Colrnan. -do Isabel Jocelvn uo Martha Russell John Neal Martha Russell E E Chubbuck do EE Chubbuck Edward J Porter do Louise M Brauner Joseph Boughton do Fanny Forester Henry B Hirst do M G Quincy James F Otis, &c. &c. With the aid of these contributors (of whom it is needless to say one word in the way of commen dation) and of numerous others, perhaps equally meritorious if less celebrated, who have promised us their support, we flatter ourselves that, as a lit erary work, the Columbian need be under no ap prehension of heing excelled. But what xve , have done is 'already before the public, who will pot fail to judge of us with im partiality ; and in respect to what we intend to do, it will be both wiser and more becoming (although less fashionable not to boast.) We may be per mitted to assure our friends in brief, however, that we have matured numerous plans ("for the Third Volume) with which we feel confident they will be pleased. It is our purpose to put forth every energy, and it will be no fault of our own if the Columbian shall not be founds least equal to any magazine, of any class or price, in America. Dealers in periodicals throughout the United Slates and the Canadas, who, wish to become agents for the Columbian Magazine, will please apply to the publisher immediately. The usual discount will be made to them. (L7,Editors avJio will insert this Prospectus en tire and send a copy marked and addressed to the Columbian Magazine, shall have a copyjsent to hem for one "year. TERMS. One copy one year in advance, One copy two years " Two copies one year,, " Five copies one year, ' " Eight do do " Twelve do do " $3 00 5 00 5 00 JO 00 15 00 20 00 ID3 The Columbian and Graham's Magazines will be furnished one year on receipt of 85, or the Columbian and Godey's Lady's Book, $5; or the three Magazines one vear for $7. Any f ostmaster wishing a specimen number of BLANK DEEDS For sale at this office. i ne A.oiumoian Magazine can have it on applica tion to the Publisher. Address, post paid. . .ISRAEL POST, 3 Astor House, N. Y. WHO DOUBTS Let them call autl satisfy themselves That ihey can get higher prices for all kjnds of produce, and buy Lumber cheaper, at Mil ford than in any other market in ibis section of country. The subscribers have on hand and for sale at their yard in Milford 50,000 feet White Pine Boards,$9 to $11 00 50,000 " Hemlock " 6 50 to 7 00 40,000 " Pine Siding, 6 00 to 12 50 20,000 " Sap Yellow Pine " 8 00 . lo 9:0.0 20,000 " Heart " "11 00 to 12 00 3,000 " Panel boards, 20,000 Ceiling Lath, 120,000 " Pine Shingles, 4 50 to ! 8 00 ALSO About 110,000 feet White and Yellow Pine- Boards . at Shoholy Fall's Mills, for sale at prices to suit the limes. Call and satisfy yourselves. C. W. DbWITT & BROTHER. Milford, Dec. 14, 1843. BRICK 250,000 Brick, just burnt, are offered for sale by the subscriber, among which may be found say "160,000 Hard Brick. 75,000 Soft and Salmon do. 10,000 Jam do. 5,000 Square Hearth do: All kinds of produce (cash not refused) la-. ken in exchange. C. W. DeWITT. Milford, Nov. 21, 18-T4. NEW TAlLOKIiVG- ESTABLISHMENT. The subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Stroudsburg, and the public general ly, that he has commenced the Tailoring Business at his residence in Jacksonville, one door above Robert Boys' store, where he is fully prepared and determined to execute all articles in his line of business, with neatness and despatch. The public may rest assured of being as well suited as to prices and good fits, as they can be in any other establishment in Stroudsburg, or in any City, as he has done business in the first shops in New York and a number of other Ci ties, and has a thorough knowledge of all the various styles and changes of fashion. EMANUEL PECK. N. B. Cutting done at the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms, and warrant ed to fit if made up properly. He will also give directions for making up if required. He therefore flatters himself that by strict attention to his business he will receive a share of pub lic patronage October 17. 1844. NOTICE, - Estate of XXargarei Thomas, Dcc'd. Letters of Administration on the estate of Margaret Thomas, late of Smiihfield township, Monroe county, having been granted to the sub scribers, they request all persons having claims or demands against said estate to present the same without delay, and all persons indebted are requested lo make immediate payment. JOHN T. BELL, ) . . .. , . JAMES BELL, Jr. mimstrators Experiment Mills, Sept. 5, 1S44. 6t. LOOK AT THIS ! The undersigned, not being prepared to car ry Wool from the houses of his friends, takes this method of informing ihe public generally, hat he will CARD all Wool brought to his machines, for TWO cents per pound and ii will be done with neatness and despatch. N. B. Woo'l and Cloih will be taken in at U. S. Staples & Co.'s store, Stroudsburg, and re turned to the same place. JOHN P. QUICK, At Kellefsville. Hamilton tsp., July 2, 1844. INDIAN QUEEN HOTEL, Stroudsfmrgh, f?a. Has fitted Up a commodious and elegant Ho tel on Elizabeth street, nearly opposite the store of G. H. Miller & Co., and directly op posite the residence of Daniel Stroud, Esq. He has every convenience for entertaining strangers and travellers. Persons from the ci ties, and others who wish to take a pleasant jaunt in the country will be accommodated in the most satisfactory manner at Ins house. THE TABLE will be supplied with the best productions af forded by the market. - HIS ROOMS AftD BEDS are such, as will, he hopes prove satisfactory to all reasonable customers. - THE BAR is, and will continue to be, furnished, with 2 choice assortment of Liquors. ' ' THE STABLING is new and extensive and surpassed by none. in the county for comfort and convenience. With these advantages, backed by some exr, perience ,in the dustiness and a determination to keep a good pubhc;house, he confidently ex? peels .a fair poriipnfpf. public patronage. . , XI3 Pern,aJ,,e.utboarders wjll, fiod(!a quiet home and be satisfactorily accommodated,, at moderate prices. ; m , Stroudsburg, Sept. 28, J 613. 'Time! Time ! ! Time'! ! ! Clock and Watch Maker, . STROUDSBURG, PA. Has just returned from the city with a new assortment of Goods hi his line, and of fers them a little lower than can be had elsewhere, for cash. Having adopted the cash system, and by turn ing goods and work into cash, he can put them very low. Particular attention paid to repairing clocks, watches, music boxes, jewelry, &c. CLOCKS. Brass eight day Clocks for $10 00 Do ono ' do " $0 to 7 00 Wood do. do 3,50 to 4 00 Warranted good time keepers, for 1 year, if they should not perform well no charge will he made for repairing them. WATCHES. Patent Lever, Lepine, English and French Watches, for sale very low according to quality. SPECTACLES. A good assortment always on hand to suit any'age. Silver, Steel, and common Specks, and Goggles for weak eyes. Violins from SI 50 to S3 50 Fluies from 1 00 to 2 &0 Accordions, Violin and Violincello strings, best quality. Fine pen knives, razors, scissors, razor strops, shaving brushes, soaps, thimbles, ever-point pencils, hair and tooth brushes, hair oil, smel ling bottles, pocket books, pearl buitons, spec tacle cases, fine gold finger rings and breast pins, common do., toilet boxes, and toys. To gether with a good assortment of notions, all for cash no credit given. Old gold and silver taken in exchange for any of the above articles. August 22, 1844. READY PAY. DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, 11 Drugs and Medicines, Iron, Nails, Glass, Boards, Shingles, Ceiling Lath articles &c. CHEAP FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. POSITIVELY NO TBUsT! The subscribers having adopted the' above method of doing business, feel confident that it will be beneficial to the interests of their cus tomers, as well as their own. They have just received in audition to their lormer stocK, a large assortment of Dry Goods selected with care. Also, Groceries, Hardware, &c. which they will sell at prices to suit the times. All persons having unsettled accounts with the subscribers, will confer a favor by settling and paying up at their earliest convenience Grateful, for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to us, we respectfully solicit its con tinuance, and pledge ourselves to use every exertion to merit the favors of their friends and customers. C. V. DkWITT & BROTHER. Milford, July 12, 1813. 1844. 1VOOL. CARDING AGAIN. I31DD1S & DEPUE Will have their Carding Machines in dperation the coming season, under ihe superintendence of Mr. Daniel Buckley, an old and experienced workman. , They solicit a share of the patron age of the public. All work warranted to bo" done in a workmanlike tnanue?, or no charge for the same. Wool will be weighed on the receipt of the same, and the rolls guaranteed to hold their weight, natural loss for carding ex ceptcd. I31DDIS & DEPUE. Bi Jills' -Mills. Milford, May 9, 1844. r " - 1 i -i Stoves! C . DcWitt & Brother, have just received a large assortment of Stoves, Con sisting of Franklin Furnace 3 and 4 boiler Cooking stoves. , do do 9 plate stoves, do do Parlour do. do do Box do. Orange County 4 boiler Cooking do. () . Many' it Albany 3 do , 'MnM Dcgrojf 6c ears Albany 3 do dp.. poors1 Patent Coitl 'stoves. ' " " And a large lot of'Stove-'pipe,, all'bf which they will sell cheap for cash Or produce. Milford, Nov. 10, .1842. docks. Brass 30 hour Clocks, - . Wood" 30 dl;. do jlt For sale cheap, by ,;.,,iJlUll ,r i C. De,W1TT, Milford, Dec. 8, 1842 CABINET ilAKINCr. The subscriber hereby; informs the puolic that he still continues the Cabinet 3Ia!ving Business at his old stand in Elizabeth st.btroudsburgti Pa. where he will be happy to furnish any per son with Cabinet-Ware, at low prices. Ho in tends to keep on hand, and make to- order, all kinds of wares in his line of business. Side-Boards,, Bureaus, Centre, Break fast, Dining and End Tables, Wash Stands, Bedsteads, Wardrobes, Booh Cases, Secretaries, cj-c. ALSO COFFINS made to order at the shortest notice. CHARLES MUSCH. Siroudsbtirgh, April 4;, 1 844 'VVSl V U-ti V 'S-mu.spno.ug HOSfllV S3rmVH0 " paustsjapun aqi At poApooj .A,njjjuBm q i.w swp-U.,,! iJuiyui mq st "Aiiri in rcoj5 si; qiu pojridtWKr'o.uf-j oqi jo isoo oqj. di priojig 4lfl&OH0 A3HQMV M 3T0.LS SVIVOH I. bj 4Sjuqspnoiis,'sAOaNHOf osn ur aou uiaqi a.sq oqA 'paiiStsjapun aqi jo jptjita uo Sujipia A"q sja;jj aqi jo AMiiti aqi jo paysiics aq ued suosjaj pajajajd si jo.o qoiqA 'iou jo 'Xauoq sujdjns ajeui ot j'joa oi ida oq una Aaqi jo 'sa.viq Acjis, jo xoq iiduimoa aqi ui op Aqi sb 'saAij-i asaqt ui auiEs aqi ujjcavs j;a saay oqj, jfc, ."sn ui oiojoiajoq uooq seq inqi puij aqi jo ifuiqi auu oi joijadns jej pus 'uiojj inajajjip .jajnu.a ad;auud e uo poianjisuoa st OAir-j aq -uon -uoaui aqi oi oqqnd aqi jo uojiuouB aqt e.i oi 3aeo sSoq 'A'tunoo oojuojaj joj u'a.i Sui -103Ojd-fpg .naWjj paaoudiuj ejjojj jo iqu luajEd aqi pasBqojnd Suiaeij Jaquosqns aqj. OMrxoaxoHcr-aias saaa anoA says . CARD. CITIZENS' LINE. The Proprietors of this Line having made such(arrangements that they will be able to car ry merchandize from Philadelphia to Easton" via the Delaware Division of the Pennsylvania Canal, cheaper, and with as much despatch as any other Line, respectfully solicit country merchants to give them a call before shipping elsewhere. Persons shipping by this Line will please send their goods to Heilman & Barnet, Willow street Wharf, Philada. All goods shipped by this Line to be stored at Eas lon, will be stored free of charge. There will be one Boat leaving every. day. . BARNET, HELLER & Co, Proprietors. Agents. Heilman & Barnet, Philadelphia.' - , Barnet & Heller, Easton. Philadelphia, Feb. 15, 1844. Worms Kill Thousands. CHILDREN are most subject to them, but per sons of all ages are liable to be afflicted with them. Bad breath, paleness about the lips, flush ed cheeks, picking at the nose, wasting away leanness, pain in the bowels, joints or limbs, dis turbed sleep, frightful dreams, moaning and some times a voiacious appetite, aie among the symp toms of worms. Many are doctored for months for some other imaginary disease, when ono box ot bhermari s Worm Lozenges wbuld effect a cute Dr: Ryan, corrier of Prince street and the Bowery, cured a man ol worms tnat was reduced to a skel eton, and by only one box'of Sherman's Lozenges: he is now as iat.as an alderman. The Hon B. B. Beardsley has saved the life of one of his chil dren by them. The sale of over 2,000,000 of boxes has fully tested them. Ihey are the only infalli ble worm destroying medicine known. What family will be without thorn Consumption, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Coughs, Asthma, and all affections of the lungs, will find a healing value in Sherman's Cough Lozenges. 1 hey saved the Kcv. Kichard Uo Forrest, the I Rev. Mr. Streeter, Jonathan llowarth, Esq., and ' that worthy old hero, Leonard Rogers, from the consumptive s grave. 'I hey cured In one day; tho Kev. Mr. Dunbar, the Rev. Mr. llandcock, Win II. Attree, Esq., of distressing coughs. They are ttie pieasantest cough medicine and cure the soon est of any known remedy. Headache, Sea-sickness and Palpitation, re lieved in, from five lo ten minutes' ,bv Sherman'! Camphor Lozenges. Persons attending crowded rooms or travelling will find them to impart buoy ancy of spiiits and renew their energies- Those suffering from too free living Will find a few of the lozenges to dispel the horrors and lowness of spirits. Mr. Krauth, of the Sunday Mercury, has repeatedly cored himself of severe headache by them. Captain Chadwick, of the oacket shiD Wellington, has witnessed their efficacy in a great many cases of sea-sickness. They operato'like a charm upon the agitated or shattered nerves, as Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster does uriorr fheu- I 1 l r . . 1 . uiiuism, uinioago, pain or weaKness in the side back, breast, or any part 'of the? body. Mr. II. G. uenence ful effects of theao Plasters. Price only 12 1.2 cents; Caution is necessary to see that you get the genuine. Sherrnqn's Lozenges and Plasters, as there are many worthless articles attempted to be palmed off in place of therti, by those Who would t rifle .wiih your life for a shilling. A suPIb' of these valuable medicines just receivedand lor sale at the Republican office,,. December 19, 18.14. NOTIGE. Sherman's Cough Lozenges, a Cliclcener's Pills ; ,V nd For sale at this office, Luggers, JO Ann street, Henry It. Goulding, 354 Chatham street, Moso's J, llentiques, Esq., and a multitude of others liavo experienced the wonder .WOOJL, CARDING, Weaving Spinning, Pulling Dressing: of " and .... CLOTH. The Subscriber, thankful for past favors, re spectfully informs his friends and the public generally that he still continues at the former stand of Mr. John Keller, near Kelle.isvilie, ancj that he has now commenced arid is ready () carry on the above business in all lis various branches. As he has new Fulling Stocks Shearing Machines and additional Cards, and by doing good work and strict aiieutmn to bUs. ine'ss, he hopes to merit a continuance of the public patronage. Manufacturing, &c. Spinning will be done from 10 to 15 cenN per Miuml. No wool will be spun utiles i:;utletl by ilie subscriber, which mui be made known before carding. Carding will be dime ;il lit qv price of cents per pound. W. t) w;!i be received in the fleece and manufactured m to Glolh, Satinet, &c. at the following prices, viz-: Cloth at 62 1-2 cents per yard, Satinets from 40 to 45 41 " Women wear from 45 to 50 " Blanketing at 37 1-2 Linsey in proportion. Wool will be picked and greased at 1 1-2 cents per pound, it required. Wool and Cloth will ne receiveu amne esiaunsnmeni, and will be taken in and returned at the following pla- ces, viz: mcnaru o. oiapies o oj. store Siroudsbtirgh. JOHN P. QUICK. Hamilton. Monroe co., April 29, 18-11. IHssoIution ol Partsicrshij). The parinership heretofore existing beiweeii ihe subscribers, as publishers of tins paper. was on the l?th ol August; last, disponed In- mutual consent. All persons having demand againsl ihe said firm, will present them in Theodore Schoch for settlement, and all hi are indebted thereto, are, requested to make im mediate payment to Finn; he being authorized lo receive the same. - r THODORE SCHOCH, THOMAS Li KOLLOCK. P. S. The Jeffersoniari Republican will con inue to be published by Theodore Schoch and F. E. Spering, who respectfully solicit a con tinuance of public patronage.. THEODORE SCHOCH, F. E. SPERING. Stroudsburgh, Sept. 28, 1843, Attorney at law, milford, Pike county, Pa. (office nearly opposite the presbyterias CHURCH.) September 14, 1842. Spitting of Blood, Night sweats and pain in tiie Side, Jonathan Haworih, Esq. the well known Tem perance Lecturer, was attacked with a cold from sleeping in damp sheets, in the winter of 1841. H? neglected it at first, but soon found u assuming i somewhat alarming aspect, and then resorted ta the various remedies usually recommended for lure complaints. When one thing failed he tried an other, until he had exhausted his patience and t.ie whole catalogue of remedies. His cough was al most incessant, so that he could get little or r sleep attended with pain in his side, spitting f blood, night sweats, and all the usual symptoms c. Consumption. While at Home, (IM 1 ) he feit u: his end was nigh that in that place he must so." end his journey of life. Providentially, a la who visited him advised a trial of Dr Sherraa? Cough Lozenges. He accordingly sent and p ' box, and tho first dose gave him more relief tL all the other medicines he used before. Uv t:? time he had taken one small box, he was ab.e o start for the city of New York, and in three weei time he was perfectly restored to his usual hea i He often announces the fact to his hearers, vsti lecturing on Temperance, and says he owes U life to Dr Sherman's Lozenges From the Cincinnati Daily Timei, of Jan.tth Ult Coughs Tho variableness of the weather t winter has caused an unusual number of per to be afflicted by colds and coughs scatce... family has escaped; and with many, careless..e'J in attending to a cough, has laid the faundatior U consumption. Our family has not escaped & general affliction, but owing to a remedy, used for. the .first time, they wero speedily cured. bLe: man's Cough Lozenges, which we were imL to try, proved vhet they are represented to be.aa aflected a cure fn. a felv day of a troubles cough, which appeared 'so deeply seated u seemed doubtful if it could be removed atalL We have not written therabovc as a puff, but facts which the community should know. G t Thomas, No 117 Main stroot, is the sole ageau this city wpmrst cause death Thousandsupou thousands have gone down graves from 'Matasmus, pr a wasting away of th body, Epilepsy, Fits, St Vitus' Dance, Locke Jaw, Apoplexy, Mania, Dropsy in the Head," sy, Consumption, Pleurisv, ..Dysentery, onTUl sions, and many other supposed apparent diseases a"hd many have suffered for years and years. havobeen doctored for some imaginary comply without tbo least relief; and others are still silk ing, whan all the trouble arisea. from wi-rms.3 woruis alone, wnich are onUrely ovrrhi m'J. when tlie proper treatment would have saved i---lives, ana restored them in hfiahh. Every obf yant mother cannot but see 'and admit the lt0j' but sUlPmany physicians' shut their eyes ta all-impoitant cause of disease. , f Persons of all; ages and sexes, from the ten infant at the breast to old age; are all liable tote f afllicfed with worms. Manva parson hassuflerw hiSiW.ha-lifaifrora thorn,. and never suspected j .Different kituj? of worms inhabit different pai the body ; but a long dissertation on their pa'c lar lopality, origin.&c-is superfluous and unneces sary, sb long as a propef.'safe and certain rem is at hand. That is all 'tHe public wants or car for. The sale of overtwo millions of boxes Sherman's Worm Lozenges, in less than fiveyea places their reputation Tar above all other wcr medicines.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers