7 '9 -A mConUmied ftofiseconipag - ' Athe-samelifiJe, llie: closest katte)itTon ' '4ir?r,efrrihgyou to the nccomphtiying' 'as been. paid to those matters wjm.hre--c.pbft'of (he Postmaster -General, "it af- late more immediately to' the great con.. rds mV continued cau?e of ratification earns of the country. Order and efheien to be able to advert to the fact that, thu cy in each branch of the public service, -taflair ol the Department, for the last nave prevanea; accompanied Dy a system Tfoti ir year?, have been so conducted a, of the most rigid responsibility, on the 'from its unaided resources, to meet its P l of the receving and disbursing agents. large expenditure?. On my coming into The fact, in illustration of the truth of this office a debt of nearly 3500.000. existed remark, deserves to be noticed, that the .;ag:ifnst the Department, which Congress revenues of the Government, amounting, charged by nn appropriation from the " 'he last lour years, to upwards of $120, " Irfeasury. The Department, on the 4th 000,000, have been collected and disburs ofuMarch tiext. will he found .under the ed, through the numerous goverrnenla! management.of its present efficient head agents, without the loss, by default, of 'iree oi dent or embarrassment, wnicn "y uiuuuiu wormy oi serious commenia could, only have been done by the obser- rj vance and practice of the greatest vigi- The appropriations made by Congress , 'lance and economy. The laws have-on- for the improvement of the rivers of the iemplated, throughout, that the Depart- West, and of the harbors on the lakes, are v iftenf fcliould be self-sustained; but it may in a course of judicious expenditure under ;t.,-l- . ' r.i. if. : . j ... i . - . ...... Pti-"ome iiecf.-?ary, mm me wiSCm regaru suitable agents; anil are destined, it is to to the public interests, to introduce a- be hoped, to realize all the benefits design 'wendments and alterations in the system. ed to be accomplished by Congress. 1 - There is,a strong deiire manifested in cannot, however, sufficiently impress up many quarters, so to alter the tarilF of let- on Congress, the great importance of with ter postage as to reduce the amount cf lax holding appropriations from improvements present imposea. which are not ascei tamed, by previous ex ...sistiould such admeasure be carried into animation and survey, to be necessary for If- . . .1 i- 11 . . 1 i. .1 . J . . 'euecr,Mo.ine iui! extent, desired, it cannot me shelter and protection of trade from , veiie? aouoiea dui mat, ior uie nrst (he dangers of storms and tempest -'jears ol its operation, a diminished reve- Without this precaution, the expenditures .nue would he collecied. the supply of are but too apt to ensure to the benefit of wmcii would tieiessaiuy constitute a individuals; without reference to the on- jfccharge upon the treasury. Whether such My consideration which can render them a resuU would be desirable, it will be for constitutional the public interests and Congress, tit its wisdom, to determine. It he "eneral "ood '. 'i .L..A j- i i a & n.i in uciiiriHi ue assei ten mat, radical wl- i , it . -,.:J3, : u...i; ,. cannot loo earnestly urge upon you i V I v i ! "luu,ulramer "e the interests of this district, over which, um-uuum.u.M.. , man oy suuuen bv lhc Conslilution,- Congress has exclu -j.6. -.. u...8U.uK ... pniuein P- Ujve jurisdiction. It would deeply be re J through by con .,y d, ,u u.ve prec.uueume aid from Congress, as its local legislature, recommendation of anv matronal rhanno I . . 3 . . ... . . - .ru , L' b Amongst me subjects which claim your - tiic wiim.iniiL'3 uuu.i una ueau. nave, i .i . r . j . "c""i V. c' attention, is the prompt organization of noVi rrr'o b an asylum for the insane, who may be is now left to the Governmen . r i r i- i . 1 . . , .. . found, from tune fo time, soiourning wilh- I cannot too strongly urge the policy of ,u i- i o u - i i .. - . l.-, h . r 1 " ' in the district. Such course is also de- Huiuuiiiiiii" ihb e?iao usnmeni 01 a line oi j . u -j i- i u 1 i n - 3 1.. 1 , manded bv considerations which apply to steamships regularly to nlv between this u i 'r ,l r n 7 ' j - , 1 a branches of the public rervice. For the coumry una lore gn pons, and upou our necessllfes in lhj's 5eha,f j invite3 our par spona.iono. uie ticu,ar attention to the reporl 0f tle Sec- mail IP PV9mn O nl ho Itrllich tZnmr.l - - ....... . re(a oj ernment 15 VP ivnr nv nf imi hi inn m Ihia ' J J resWflrh' 'Tlw hFU dmnal,- onfnrioln. 1 have gentlemen of the two Hou oil . lhai ihp Pmnlnmpnfe orlcfnl, from iho ses of Congress, presented you a true and trancDorlation'nf mI mnMprfn Cran faithful picture of the condition of public .rm...irf,.: mn..tA ? uv :1 a'flairs, both, foreign and domestic. The .t.,rmr,i f ra..rD;.i:..:..i wants of the public service are made undertake ihalranch of ihe task; and the .known 10 -'ou? flnd mat,ers of no ord,.nar.v remuneration of the covernment would " ai u.u upunyuui cuiibiuei- ... . ... , " PRINTED AND PUBLiSHED BY : SCHOCII & SPJERIW'G. TERMS. Two dollars net- annum' In nilp.inn Turn dollars and a quarter, half, yearly and if not paid before the end of1 ihb y ear, i ho uoiiars ana a nair. xnose wno receive meir papers oy a carrier or Stage drivers employed by the proprie tors, will be charccd 37 1-2 cts. ner vear. extra. No papers discontinued until all arrearages are paid, except at Ue option of the Editors. 1C? Advertisements not cxccedincr one souare rsixteen lines) will be insorted three weeks for one dollar : twenty-live cents iui cicu suuacijuciinuseriioa; larger ones.m proponion.- a liberal uiscount will.be made to 'yearly advertisers J?All letters addressed to the Editors must be post paid. JOB PRINTING. Having a general assortment of large elegant plain and oma- mencai iype, we arc prepared to execute every . description- of e . , Cards, Circulars, Bill Heads, IVoles, Blank Receipts, JUSTICES, LEGAL AND OTHER BLANKS, PAMPHLETS, &c. Printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms AT THE OFFICE OF THE JTcffersonian Republican. SHERMAN'S LOZENGES: . MORE. THAN SIX MILLION OF BOXES OF Dr. Sherman's Lozenges HAVE BEEN SOLD in the United States, Mexico, West Indies, Great Britain and throughout the WORLD, in the Yciar 1813. Hundreds and Thousands bless the day they were induced by the persuation of a friend, to try Sher man's Lozenges. CONFIRMED CONSUMPTION. Onondaga, May 18, 1813. Dr Sherman: Dear Sir As I most ardently de sire to benefit my fellow men, especially those who are the unhappy victims of that dreadful disease, i Consumption,! will ielate, for their consideration, the astonishing effect of your Cough Lozenges. On the night of July 5, 1810, 1 was attacked with a i violent cough, which threatened my speedy death. Under the advice of two very excellent physicians, Drs Parlces and Rose, I was so far relieved as to be able to ride out, and once I attempted to preach. I rode 20 miles, to Cazenovia, to attend the ses- sion of our Conference, which continued about ten days. I was able to attend the session every day for a lew hours by confining mvsell the rest or mv time to my bed. The Fathers in the Gospel told nie I ought to arrange my wordly affairs and pre pare lor a speedy death, and consequently put me on the superanuated list. Very fortunately, and I may say providently, I heard of your Lozenges, and was prevailed upon to try them, and to my ut THE COLUMBIAN Ladifs and Gentleman 's Magazine EDITED BY JOHN INMAN, And Jtlled with Contributions jrom the most em- ter astonishment, after taking three one day, they tnent and accomplished writers of the country, allayed the violent attacks of coughing, and ena- Th mtirpS whinh hnvfi lRr1 to the commence- Wed me to sleep for hours together, which I could ' - - ... w - - - i . j l. r . ... ; i i. I r 1 I ! 1 ' 1 1 1 C difAatloTm It lin T'trlni- 1 crn T? TP . 1 It is believed bv the nroorietor that there is in the use Jor several weeKs, wuen i considered myseii , "T'l irT0 ' . his body; gnawing sensation at the stomach, slight chills' and flashes of heat, drowsiness and dizzi ness, frightful dreams, and so miserable was he that he had rather die than live. Dr II. told hTm hat he had worms, and he could cure him. The man shook his head, and said it was impossib'e, but he would try; so the Dr gave him a box of Sherman's Worm Lozenges, and told him to take them according toihe printed directions accompa nying them. He returned in three days, and said he felt like a new being that the first dose bro': away a tapeworm 70 or 80 feet long, and the sec ond dose brought away 28 feet more. Thus two doses of Sherman's Worm Lozenges effected a cure; and although but a few months have elapsed, he is now as fat and hearty as he ever was in his life. After years of misery, swallowing enormous quantities of medicine, and spending hundreds of dollars, he was cured by only one 25 cent box of these celebrated Lozenges. Headache and Sickness. Palpitation of the heart, lo.wness of spirits, and despondency, are immediately relieved by Sher mans Camphor Lozenges. Persons travelling or attending crowded parties will find them to relieve all fatigue and give buoyancy to the spirits. Af ter a night's dissipation they dispel all those un pleasant sensations so usually following the too free liver. Temperance people will find them soothing to the disturbed nerves oftheir new con verts. The most distressing, lieadacho yields tu these lozenges in less than ten minutes. The over-fatigued mind or body cannot find so great relief from any other article. Capt Chadwick. of the Packet ship Wellington, J V Cochran, Esq. the inventor of the many-chambered cannon, hs . l l r r I. - ment of this undertaking may be briefly stated, not ao ueiore i continued to miproveun. er tne r I I II LUC I 1 1 . 1 - " I UilnrTi-Otct nnrl timfnrr1..- rf llitvwr. ' trUn U TTnJforl 5totoe in imn,in(. nrnvieinn nf litpnrv WeU an(I a0,e 10 resume my UUlieS as a minister uuim.cua .iuu luuusaiiua ui uuic.s, uu nave x- United States an immense prolSlon Of erary r niir s.arin Mr mo,r nfirier.ced relifif from thf.ni rnn hn roter, tn ,tl 1I (111. I Ul H1W V 1 WUl K'UHUUU " II IUUWJ II 111 , I . . v IU ennn Ptitflr thfi olnnmv Vnlfi nf dpnth. thnt miht ! theif ereat Value ; mat oesiaes tne , , , , , , , b ful writers, whose ?"B bre. a Wessinff to the world and a conifart to SJierman.g p0f). Miins Vhstvv. nthly, and annual- " eir menos, u ii ey cooiu ooiaui your meoicines: thprp irp vpt iiay xrroviuence iavor vour uuoris uiun every iarn- i hk uesi siifcriimiieiiHisj piasier in me worm. a i ,v pviaial rrrpltpH chnu .1 I orn ho of any t mp eparlrncnt might still susfain itself Z a i: r .f. -f the revenue which would accrue fa pnmm:in:' Ah0A ; 4he increase of letters. I he state and r the narental carfi of the stales of rhtion ol Uie public treasury has, here- v; a KininA i , . .... 1 ' t.mi" onu inai t idiiu, ulll uiiiv ca consist in ihe addition readily made to our.slearn navy in case of emergency by ihe ships so employed. Of it . t . onouia mis suggestion meet your ap- ation. ohall I not be permitted to con gratulate you on the happy auspices un der which you have assembled, and at the important change in the condition of things which has occurred in the last three greater numners constantly arriving ai matui.iy - ---- Tin i- of power, who have only to appear on the stage e w fh I consider the most valuable ever d,s r rki;o,;,.n i raa o hr.iint w-rl nf covered by the medical faculty. In conclusion, fi 1 i.i 1 l r fame; and that the powers of those whose names y OQ oie -V,u ! "u PB J' e ior use are already pronounced with respect by lips of fulness to suffering humanity. Accept my in ex wisest censure, are capable of more and still pressible gratitude, for to you and your medicine, higher exertion than has yet been called forth. It messing, i owe my uie is believed, too, that the demand for literary pro- lours &c BAW.S ANfllObY, duction in this country, especially in the periodi- minister oi tne uospei cal channel, exceeds the supply in a very large SDlttino" of llood. proporlion, and that new supplies have only to be at o. presented of the right quality, and in the right NlGIIT SWEATS AND PAIN IN THESlDE. way, to ensure a hearty welcome and profitable Jonathan Haworth, Esq. the well known Tem- reception. JNo doubt is entertained ot tne Amer- perance Lecturer, was attacked with a cold from ability, for which as yet there is no adequate en couragement, or held ot display numbers of clever and success productions are weekly, and mo l.r ronJ with eia inht I in thnncnnik I. 11.1111 II 1111 Ullll 11 JT ttl'L.t-l..l-1 .14VU 1 - 1 . .... . I i . . . i t in flip nivili7.erl world can nrocure vonr mprii- a sovereign rumndv .up !nns. or v:i!rn.-i m i n j - r - . back, loins, sides, breast, neck, limbs, joints, rht j matism. lumbngo, &c. &c, Jos. W. Iloxie, Esq., who had been s a Sliced with rheumatism, as to be unable ;o dress Unn.st.r without assistnice. was enabled after weari'.;rf:,t, only one night, to get upalone in the mornin,;, u on his clothes, and caliatouroffice with eyes Seam ing with joy, and his toiinge pouring forth the glad ness of his heart, at the sudden and signal rehef he had received from the best of all remedies. David Williams, of Elizabelhtown. N J. an oM Revolutionary Soldier, was so afflicted with Rheu matism, that he could scarcely himself one of these Plasters entirelv cured hiriu the managers of tlic Females in the citv dies find creat bene- i I c rt . . that amongthemillions of American readers there complaints. When one thing failed he tried an- I ,rofn l"ese lers; tney DeinS fry .itibie to pains can be, and is, a cordial welcome for all that othe until he had exhausted his patience and the j .r w;ea.knes5 111 the back, as well as other parts of jIr. Ceo. W. Spencer, Street Inspector, was cured of the Piles by wearing one of these piasters on the lower part of the spine. Ihe great reputation these Plasters mrin minrl'c? n m lit V tn cnclmn ltcplf PPrt?llmV fin I U...itn n. rl n m n,Ann .n U . ..T 4 rt T 1 O H T-Tn its own ground, if not abroad against all the neglected it at first, but soon found it assuming a'T a"- .eor0e iMxon, one ot mmnptittnn that thp intp.llpfit of other lands can enmonrhot olormtnn- oonot on,) ihon mo,t0,i , ; institution lor Aged inutgent K-;rr tlio an,nntor. nnrl full nciitr.nilfP i fplt .V, Al. .,..11. LJf...l i Ot lSeW 1 Ork", Sa'S the Old la UUllK , ...ii. .u. uuu.u..w . I .uc )U1 UU9 1CI1ICU1CS UUtlllV 1 CUUIlllIlCliUCU 1U1 1U1I American writers can produce oi excellent and whole catalogue of remedies. His couRh was al interesting. most incessant, so that he could get little or no From these premises it is undoubtingly inferred, sleeu attended with Dain in his side, soittincr 6f that there is abundant room for another Magazine, blood, night sweats, and all the usual symptoms of i a r i I notwithstanding the. merit and success ol those Consumption. While at Rome, (N Y) he felt that ( , , , ri 6- V nlrpndv in hfiintr that there can be no lack of hie or.,1 ,,-nc nirrh tt.it ir. ti.nt t, .r or.r.r. . nave attained, lias induced - - rt 7 - iiiu uiiu huo 1111:11 iiiai 111 iiiul ijiulu lie iiiul iiuh ability to fill its pages acceptably, within the reach enu his journey of life. Providentially, a ladv of capital and liberal enterprise; and that such a wh0 visited him advised a trial of Dr Sherman's periodical will not fail to be greeted as a welcome Cough Lozenges. He accordingly sent and got a visiter oy tnousanos upon xnousauus, wno as yei D0X and the first dose gave him more relief than pu;u.,.cp.opnyo, placing suci su.p years?- During that oeriod nuestions under the command of experienced cers of the nav with foreign powers, of vital importance lenavy will not escape your ob- (o lhe ce 'of lhe conn ,a've been .t I he application of steam o and adjJgcd A l1esoIllling and servation the purposes of naval warfare, cogently recommend. an extensive steam marine as important In establishing the defences nf the.country. Fortunalely, this may be nuamea Dy us to a greater extent wiinoui incurring any large amout of expenditure. 'iSteam vesselo be engaged in the trans portalou of the mails on our principal iva ter courses, lakes and parts of our coast, could also be so constructed as to be era cient as war vessels when needed; and would, of themselves, constitute a for mutable force in order to repel attacks Tromabroad. We cannot be blind to the fact; that other nations have already ad deli large numbers of steam ships to their -" - i . ...... 1 . navai armaments; and that this new and powerful agent is destined to revolutionise .the condition of the world. It becomes 'vasting war with savage tribes, has been brought to a close. The internal tran qnuiiy oi me country, threatened by agi tating questions, has been preserved. The credit of the government, which had ex perienced a temporary embarrassment, has been thoroughly restored. ItscofFers which, for a season, were empty, have been replenished. A currency, nearl uniform in its value, has taken the place of one depreciated and almost worthless. Commerce and manufactures, which had suffered in common with every other in terest, have once more revived; and the whole country exhibits an aspect of pros perity and happiness. Trade and barter, no longer governed by a wild and specu- lauve mania, rest upon a solid and sun- stantial footing: and the rapid growth of ibeir security, to apopt a similar policy, m . .J. rm . . -'e1oe t-.i 'i , !, i I ,i i.iwci cuvjiit-iy iiic iii -vi iiuiu i,iiv.iiiiirioiii.o and (he plan suggested vi I enable them . . b7 , , . , . 'j en t by which we are surrounded. Iviyliappi- io do so at a small comparative cost. ' ... ,. . , . . .i,,,; . in me iciii triiii'iii which niuui; n- I lake the greatest pleasure in bearing wai(s me :s the .,r(!pnf hon whici, j ex. feJW t0 ,he zeal and u-ntiring ind,,strJ' perience, that this state of prosperity is MfeRs characterised Ihe conduct of neither dpcnfiv nnr .liinlio hi- short ihemembergorihe Executive Cabinet. ved; ,and that measures which have not uarn, in nis appropnaieepnere, nas ren- yet received its eanclion, but which I can tiered me the most eHcieiit aid in: carry- 0t but regard as closely connected with ing on the Government; and it, wi) not, 1 (he honor, the glory and still more enlar truft;appear out of place, for me to bear ee(j nrosnetilv of Hip mnrifrv. nr dslin- this public testimony. The cardiual ob- ed, at an early day, to receive the appro jew Mipuui ever oe neia m view va of ioarp., nnipr ,hSP r renin by those entrusted with the administration ctances-anH .villi l!lAC lin,;,.:nai;nns. I -flublic;airairs, are rigidly, and without 5laj most eladlv leave, to others, more "V.r u h inierpreL -able Uian myself, l)ie noble and plqa.-ing Clonal wiU expressed m Ihe laws, as Chat mik of mstatninv ihn ,inhV,r ,.r,.ipniv I lyiisije : should be done to nonejustice shall carry wilh me into retirement Ihe ioall.his hasten ihe rule upon which gratifying reflection lh.it, a? mv sole nb they'hav.e acled; and thus, it Is believed ject throughout has bwh to advance the thai tew cases, u any, exist, wherein our public good, 1 mav not entirely bate fail frllow citizens who, from time, have .been e(j jn accomplishing if: and this gralilica- drawii lolhe seat ot-Upycrnrnentlor the ,ion h hnwhttmed i smll dPtM-ee bv Hettlemenl oftheir transactions with Die (he factat when, under a deep and ahi- tiv:iiirneni. uave Hone away, uisj-ajisueu. ir,,, erat.c Af .rl.,. I if.,-., rr..i,i mvir vuier- ine test imojiy. nas Deen, peneciea, ConstrihPd rnri ir ihfi rinalifind Vein. and . was esteemed satisfactory, lheirhf ha';T.r a.H,: i.vwi.nm-n. T t ' . .1 ii " "I'l""- many unprincipled per sons to get up worthless imitations. Ask JbrSher man's Poor Man's Plaster, and see that full direc tions for use, and a fac simile of his name, thus, ASHERMAN, M D have done little or nothing toward the support aii iie other medicines he used before. Bv the ! is.?.n.tne.bac.lc 0 eaca- -t rust none others, or you -i t . j: i I. . . . . ... . rtill .ho rloroirnd ana aeveiopmeni oi American periodica-, uieru- Ume he had taken one small boy, he was able to ture. start for the citv of JS"evv York, and in three weeks' Another and strong motive nas oeen tne ieenng time he was perfectly restored to his usual health. that JNew lork, the lust city ol the union, snouia He often announces the fact to his hearers. Avhen I be the home of a periodical owning no superior m lecturing on Temperance, and savs he owes his euner merit or success. h o to Ur Sherman's Lozenges The Columbian Magazine will be published on ., . . m. the first day of every month. Its mechanical ar- --- y i.meS,ox jan.n im.. ranfements will comprise the best of paper, type, Coughs 1 he variableness of the weather this and workmanship, that money can procure. - winter has caused aii unusual number of persons Its contributors will be sought for amongst the l" uuucieu oy uius ana cougns scarcely a will be deceived. A fresh supply of the above valuable medirinps just received, and for sale at the Republican Of fice, Stroudsburg, Monroe county, Pa. March 21, 1S41. Gm. We have tried Doctor Jos. Priesley Peters' Ye getable Pills, and have no hesitation in pronounc- ablest and most popular writers iu the country ; family has escaped; and with many, carelessness ; ing them the best Anlibilious Medicine that we and no enorts will be spared to secure the aid oi 111 """'"'"o lu a "yu. uit5 luuuuauuu iui ""- c "'"r"" the most distinouished, such as consumption. Our family has not escaped the ed with several families in this city who give them Tnhn T. StPnhonQ W C. Tlrvnnt J F Coon- general affliction, but owing to a remedy, used i the preference to all other kinds, on account nt .7 K VnnlHino-'P. ft UaWttrk T- V. Willis VV. for the first time, they were speedily cured. Sher- H Herbert Nathaniel Hawthorne II. T -Tucker- man's GouSh Lozenges, which we were induced man II. W Longfellow J R Chandler C F Hoff- t0 tr-v' Proved wl,at the' are represented to be. and man T C G rattan T S Arthur J C Meal II F Har- affected a cure in a few days of a troublesome rington V G Simms H II Weld Epes Sargent C0USh which appeared so deeply seated that John Neal Theodore S Fay Park Benjamin R W seemed doubtful if it could be removed at all. Griswo d 11 II Dana George P Morris Kulus ,c nave hwi nuBii me uoove as a pun, uui as Dawes Soba Smith R M Hirri Mrs Kmmi U Km. lls i onuiiiiy suoum Know, ur r bury Mrs Mary Clavers Mrs Ann S Stephens Mrs Francis S Osgood Mrs Seba Smith Mrs L F Ellet Mrs H E lieecher Stowe Mrs Yolney E Howard Mrs Lydia II Sigourney Mrs M S Leon Loud Miss Eliza Leslie Mrs A M F Annan Miss C M Sedgwick, Miss Hannah F Gould. Thomas, No 147 Main street, is the sole agent in this city WORMS CA USE BE A TE. Thousands upon thousands have cons down to graves from Marasmus, or a wasting away of the Doay, epilepsy, fits, bt Vitus1 Dance, Locked With manv of these, arrangements have alrea- t..: ' i....: Tr.- ., ,r i , , , ,, ., , juw, nuuum.y, xuania, uropsy in tne iieaa, rai dy been made, as well as with others whose rep- Consumption, Pleurisv dysentery, Convul Uiation IS sure, uiougu yet to oe eSlaunsiieu in me j d other siinnosfirf nnnnrent,liWP. . i , . j "i i r ' i i- 1 riii. - . puouc regard, uie proprietor entertains smi- anA manv h-mVara. M- , truine hopes ofaccomplishintr an object to which k a, 1 r : : r Y i i V i -.1 -i .i j i ttto uuoii untiuicu iui aiiiiiu iiiiul!1iiii v uoinuiaiiii hf, lnnks forward wit i oride the secured co-one- . -.i . .i i . i r, . J .... . r.. wiuiout tne least renei; ana others are still suiter- ration of regular and occasional contributors, ior- j when aU thc trQub'le arIseg frQm d mmrr o 1 1 o t iinonni I Idfi in thio nnnntrV I - ' "o - worms alone, wnich are entirely overlooked, and in eacn numoer mere win uc iwo or more iu- ..,uon ,u nrnnortr,Mmani ,.,.,i,i ,u:. rviTinrrc ottnv oiiflt fivttcto no I . honmin nrrhnm I . x . ... K'1"'" . wK...M ..b-m llveSi aild restored them to health. Every obser inann,uo c, engrave u ii, mzouiu, une, vaIlt mothei cannot but see and admit the truth; and stipple by II S. Sadd, W. L. Ormsby, &c, but sliU ma physicians shut their eyes t0 that besides a plate of Fashions colored, and occasion- an.importantJcauJe of disease. 3 ally other illustrations, sp that every subscriber Perons of a d s f fa d '1 "TJL. '" infant at the breast to old age, are all liable to be Me,HY-iuui amjHuuukuuwv. mU y.aM.no afflfcted wilh worms. Rlany an, .u wu. ... w..w i";ru,"r his whole Hie from them, and never suspected it three or four times the annual cost, of the whole mTi)tenl Wnda 0f worms inhabit different parts o iUagaziUB. . the bodv : but a lnni dissflrtntinn nn thpir nnrlipii. In each number there will also be two pages ol hri..,.Ht Jn j ..V. IVIticir. nnmna . 'nr iiiiliririiulu colof lori h rt nnm. I . J ' ' r. ..v. .....uuwo ' ' v j"" . '" sarv. so lontr as a nrnnftr.snrp nnH porhm rnmorlu petent professor of the art, Proper regarn will Jo t hnA ,r. n r ' be paid to the current issues from the book press; f -Pho onin :n; r . r k i ,... :. i lor- inB s.a e of over two millions of boxes of claims uave oeen jiroippiiy aaqiien; ano V8i on e'parl of Hie. peVj))e,iior weaken fhkin lhehfenceof.airfavori(.isfr)or par- efj jriatiy' decree I r ;Mtacimcn( lo ?hal I will v. The Government which is not grea COnservaliv fehlfilvf our 'Govern just lo us owi). people, can neilher claim ment. r JOHN TYLER. their iiUtction, nor (he respeel of the world. Washington, December 1844. not so much, however, with a view to notice all the volumes that may appear, as to the expression of matured opinions concerning those which shall bp deemed worthy pf the public attention and confidence. The aim of the Editor will he, rath er to furnish judicious criticisms, on which read ers and purchasers may-rely for guidance, than to present a mere laudatory chronicle ol new publi cations. TER'MS. . ; 7'he Columbian Magazine, one year in advance . S3 On t vr v - two $5 oo Trwoop'ies orie year, 5 00 Dealers in ;l;eribdi'cals Ibraughout the. United' States and the Qanadas yha .wish o became agents' for the Colifrnbi.aplagazine, will please apply tpylfe 'rjubllsjier ijmddiatalyi . Tjie us'uaF idiscountrwiHbe'm'ld'e e- jii auuufwu aiuur hiu ftjfcsijaiti'i, ofpfipf Sherman's Worm Lozenges, in less than fivo vears, places their reputation far above all other "worm medicines.. Evidence of the Wonderful Virtues of Sherman Dr Ryan, Drijfgist, corner Bowery and Prince st. was applied to for advice by ti man who looked like a livjng skeleton : he said1 that in, early life he had been remarkably hearty and robust, but for the last four years he had been gradually wasting ,away, till his cont would wrap twice around, him. lie had suffered all but death, and. had been under thd care of nine different physicians, and not one of.them had done him any good,Tieither could they tell what aikd him. Ho said that his appetite was so trood that lie could hardly eat enough: he "suffered from palriifa- adds, fprhebejiehtol ataV.ihewoikviU bo:tion of the hert, pain anditfccasiqhat uUrabfiesa of sustaineil by- sufficient capital. - W I his limbs, and always feiiujniad shooting pains Ad.lres, post paid, ISRAEL P0ST,Pu! liahep in and a constant desiro in nl snmnihintr from 3 AStOf ilOUSO. i.hlS bowels, and llartinar naini. in different TiaWsi nf their mildness, and at the same time, certainty ot action. New-x or: Examiner. More than ten millions of boxes of these trulv valuable Antibilious Pills have been sold in ti.e United States, Canadas, Westlndies, Mexico, and Texas; since the first of January, eighteen hun dred and thirty-five. Hundreds and thousands bless the day they were induced by the persuasion of a friend, to try a Box of Doctor Peters' Pills. They are in use as a iTamily Medicine, and all who have used them give them the preference to all other kinds, on account of thejr being a safe, pleasant, and easy aperient being mild in their action at tile same time; though, in'their operation, producing neither sickness, griping, nor debility. Doct. Jos. Priestley Peter's Dear Sir: I have used your valuable Pills these last four years, in cases "of Dyspepsia. Liver Complaint, and Sick Head-ache, and have found them, in a majority of cases, the most valu able Pills I have ever used- JOHN CASE, ilf. D. For Sick or Nervous Head-ache, or .Bilious Fe ver, 1 would recommend Peters' Pills in preference to all other kinds. R. H. ARMSTRONG, M. D. The following from the EMMINENT DOCTOR EMMERSON, is considered sufficient I have used In mypractice, these last'five years. Doctor Jos. Priestley Peters Vegetable Antibiii ous Pills, and considered them the 11 est Familv Medicine I have ever used. - , A fresh supply of these valuable Pills just re ceived and foraleatthe office qfthe Republican Stroudsburg. BAR RON. : DOUBLE AND SINGLE REfNED, Bar Iron, Car, Couch & Vagou A si i Sc&W SEA; CROW BAR, SLEDGE AND, PLOUGH MOULPS, Axle and Gun Barrel Iron, And a general assortment of WAGOx TTOE & SQUARE IROS. constantly on hand and vyill be-sold on the most reasonable terms, by , MORRIS EVANS. Analqmink Iron WqrlcaY April 6, 1S42. Attorney Jit Iihw, MUford, Pike cktPa. (OFFICE NEARLY OfPOSITR THE PRESHYTKRJA CHURCH-) September 141843.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers