JEFFERSONIAN REPUBLICAN r PEN N sgpJL V AW I A. -30,000 Families destitute of the Bible! Does this statement appear to be incredible? Consider -the following TACTS. Philadelphia city and county have Vbeen explored and 4,0001 Uniilies sup tplied witli the Bible. 'Lehigh, York and Alleghany comi ties report each about 1000 families destitute of the Bible. Lancaster and "Berks counties, ;by -an estimate based on facts so far as developed, show a destitution of 3,000 families in the two counties, or 15,00 an each. In these SIX counties, therefore, the destitution amounts to,TEN THOUS AND FAMILIES 1 Warren county has been explored and "-the destitution amounts to one family an every SIX. Potter and M'Kcan comities have 'been explored and the result is, on -an average, one destitute family in FIVE. Clearfield comity reports an aver age destitution of one family in eve ry FOUR. Other facts of -'a -similar character might be mentioned, but we add but one more explanatory of ihissad and surprising . destitution. It is this ; since 1840 the popala'ttc-n of Penn sylvania has changed 'to 'the amount of three, quarters of a million or sev enty thousand new families." MOXKOE COUNTY-. This County has not yet been ex plored. So far as enquiry has been made we are led to conclude that the destitution is great. Will, you, dear sir,, as a christian and citizen aid in accomplishing this work so rich in civil, social-, domes tic and religious blessings? In behalf of. the Managers of the Monroe county Bible Society. DANIEL STROUD, Pres. .( Wm. P. Vail, Cor. Sec. J. W. Burnett, Treas. We cordially approve of the above object and hope that it will meet with prompt and cheerful aid from our fel low citizens. Rev. J. B. HYNDSHAW. B.JOHNSON. t DAVID E. GARDINER, JOHN DECKER G. HEILIG, T. C.W.HOFFEDITZ. JURY MST. ' Persons drawn to serve-as Grand and Petit Jv' rors, for September Term, 1843.. CJram! Jurors. 1 Jacob Ilenry, 2 Thomas Stono, 3 Jonas llanna, 4 Jacob 'feel, Jr. 5 Henry Strunk, 0 John Shoemaker, 7 Joseph Fenner, 8 Leonard Andre, U George Neyhart, 10 John Do Long, 11 Henry Crutz, 12 Thomas Altemus, 13 Samuel Malvin, 14 John Fillman, 15 Ghailes Dunlap, 16 -George Michael, 17 "John Correll, Pocono, Stroud, Middle Smltlifield, Tdbyhanna, Smithfield, Middle Smithfield, Hamiltbn, Stroud. Do . ...... DO ' ,3W Ross, Do , Stroud, Hamilton, Do Middle Smithfield Ross, . Do 18 George Buskirk, 19 John Kunklc, Sen. Hamilton, 20 Joseph Altemus, Ross, 21 John Shiveley, Stroud, 22 Peter Altemus, Chestnut Hill, 23 John Pdssinger, Pocono, 24 Timollry Madden, Price. Petit Jurors. Ross, Price, Middle Smithfield, Do Ross, . , Smithfield, . Hamilton, Smithfield, Hamilton, Chestnut Hill, cc ti forgery by a Minister The Rochester Democrat of Saturday a week says: that the Rev. J. P. Backus, A Methodist preacher, belonging- to the Oneida Conferencej arrested on Friday in the town of Gates, on a charge of forging two notes to the amount of 1100, on one of the banks of Utica. The prison er, it appears, has been residing for two years past in the village of Sherburne, Chenango county, N. Y., where hp was engaged in the duties of his profession, About the first of June, he commit ted the forcery, and, fearing detection, he came some weeks after to the town of Gates, where officer Wilkinson, accompanied by C. Fielding, ap prehended him. About S9 in money was found on his person, and some unimportant papers. lie confessed that he committcdHhe forgery, he gave as his reason for doing so that he was deeply in volved in debt and wished to extricate himself. About S10C0 .of the money had been paid to his creditors, and the remaining $400 expended in lottery tickets, by means of which he hoped to obtain sufficient funds to cancel the notes when due. In his trunk were found some thiity or for ty pages, in manuscript, purporting to be an ac count of his life, which he intended to finish and surrender himself to justice. Horii Ail in Cattle. Mr. John Allen, of lkaintree, Mass., states that he has seen several cattle that were cured of the horn-ail by loosening the skin near the back bone. He says in such complaints the Uin adheres closely to The bone and the circu lation of the blood to the head is obstructed. The Senate Chamber at Harrisburg has been newly painted. There is a turtle in East Middleborough,' Con necticut, more than 100 years old. It was caught and marked in 1747, bv John Williams, and has been seen and marked at different times since Tin's year it was found by Jonathan Soule. .Governor Porter is not expected to return to the seat of Government, at Harrisburg, until the 1st ot September. A negro who was lying on the track of the Richmond and retcrsbUrg Riil Road, was killed on Sunday last, by the cars passing over his head. Thomas Ward, a Revolutionary soldier and pensioner, died recently in Union township, Schuylkill county, aged 100 years. A great many of the Norwegian emigrants have arrived at Buffalo, New York. Tie Legislature of Mississippi, has adjourned without districting the state. 1 David Batlip, 2 James Henry, 3 Timothy "Vanwy, 4 Peter J ay ne, 5 Thomas Frantz, C Joseph Brutzman, 7 Jacob Groner, 8 Amos Labar, 9 Jacob Bosscrt, 10 Thomas Bcrger, 11 Fred. Eylenbcrger, Middle SmithfielcH 12 Jacob Shoch,. ' Ross, 13 Stephen Hess, Do 4- 14 David Kemerei, Hamilton, ; 15 John White, Tobyhanna, 1G Charles J. Walton, Hamilton, 17 Samuel Shackelton, Price, 18 Edward Postens, blrOud, 19 John Ransberry, 20 Michael Super, 21 John Kunklc, 22 Peter Keyhart, 23 Anthony Sebring, 24 Jacob Buss, 25 Wra. Eylenberger, Smithfield, 26 Henry Meason, Ross, 27 John Price, Esq. Price', 28 Jacob Beeseiker, Price, 29 Peter Hufkmith, Chestnut Hih 30 Jonas Hanna. Jr. Middle Smithfield 31 John V. Coolbaugh, Do 32 David Heller, Price, 33 Samuel Rees, Esq. Hamilton, 34 John Marsh, Do 35 Abraham Sctger, Pocono, 36 William Staples, Stroud. PRICES CRURENT. Corrected every Wednesday morning. ARTICLES. Wheat Flour, per barrel Rye. do. do. do. Wheat, per bushel Rye, do. do. Sole Leather per pound Corn per btisftel , Whiskey per gallon Clover Seed per bushel Timothy Sced per bush. Barley 'do. Oats do. Flax Seed . do. Butter per pound Eggs, per dozen Plaster per ton Hickory wood, per cord Oak, do. do. Mackerel, No. 1 Do. do 2 'Potatoes, per bushel Strouds- Easton. Philatl. burg, 5 00 5 00 5 00 3 50 3 00 3 00 1 05 1 05 1 05 75 70 00 25 28 25 62 52 55 21 21 5 25 4 25 3 50 2 25 2 00 45 50 40 30 33 1 37 1 33 1 37 10 9 21 7 8 15 4 00 2 5G 250 4 50 5 00 2 00 3 75 3 50 15 00 12 50 9 50 12 00 10 00 10 50 40 30 30 READY PAY. 5a IT &GOD, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CROCKERY, BOOTS AND SHOES, BARfl -RfOTE IiISrJT. 'corrected weekly for tho Jeflcrsoniati Republican. .DU'ciss and Medicines, Iron, Nails, Glass, Boards, Shingles, Coifing H.atU "articles &c. CHEAP FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. tOSXTIVELY NO TRUST! Tho subscribers having adopted the above method of doing business, foel confident that it will be beneficial to the intcrests.of their cus tomers, as well as their own. They haVe just Stroud, t Hamilton, Chestnut Hill, Pocono, Do Middle Smithfield TKIAL LIT. Monroe County Courts. Sept. term, 1843. Robert Levers, et. al. vs. Mary Van Buskirk, et. al. 2 Henry Colt vs. John Bond and Ezra Hays. 3 Henrv Colt vs. Samuel Bond. 4 David Heflelfinger vs. Sarah Heflelfinger. 5 Abraham Tan Campen vs. George, George V., and Benjamin V. hush. G Ferdinand Dutot vs. William Wisner. 7 Adonijah Drake vs. Charles Miller. 8 Charles H. Ileaney vs. Charles Chnstman, John liaid, et. al. 9 Charles H. Ileaney vs. Charles Chnstman, John Hatd, et. al. 10 Jost Dreisbach vs. Peter Berger. 11 Solomon Westbiook vs. James Place, et. al. 12 Executors of John Coolbaugh, deceased, vs Place and Courtrieht. 13 Peter and George Merwine vs. Melchoir and Abraham Barry. 14 Peter Merwine, jr. vs. Melchoir Barry 15 Melchoir Barry vs. Peter Merwine, jr. 10 John Hare Powell vs. George Miller. 17 Do John Repsher. 18' Do Adam Anglemoyer. 19 Do Jacob Woodling. 20 Do Joseph Titus. 21 Do John Becker. 22 Do Abraham Smith. 23 Do John Miller. 21 Do Michael Meisner. 20 Do John Wolbert. 20 Do Paul Heller. 27 Do . Joseph Passingen 28 Do Samuel Heller. 29 Do Michael Heller 30 J)o George Hillyard; 31 Do Peter Singer. 32 Do JohnDailey. 33 Do Sebastian Brong: 34 Do Jacob Ruston. 35 Do Joseph Felker. iLOOK HERE! Dry Goods, Groceries, &c. &. CHEAP FOR CASH OR PRODUCE. POSITIVELY NO TRUST ! The subscriber having adopted the above method of doinsr business for the future, would respectfully invito all who liavo unsettled Book accounts with him, or with the lato fit in of J, H. & J WalEacc, lo call and settle the same without any further .! t. 1 -I ll nonce, as ne is ueiermineu io ciose up an uu settled accounts with as little delay as possi ble. J. II. WALLACE. Milford, July I, 1843. do do d Mechanics' Bank Comraercrel Bank Bank of Penn Township Manufacturers' fc Mcch'ns United Stales bank Girard do Pennsylvania bnok uanivoi uennaiiiown Bank of Montgomciy co. Bank of Delaware couniy Bank of Chester county Dov.'estown oank Farmers' bank of Bucks Eastou bank Fanners' bank of Reading Lcoanon bank Ha.Tisburgbuiik Mji'dlciown back Faraici-s'baok Lancaster Lancaster bank Lancaster county bank Norlbampton bank Columbia Bridsc Ca. lisle bank No'-Ummbcrland bank Miners bank of-Potl&viltc York bank Cbanibcrsbunr bank Gettysburg bunk Wyoming do iioucsuaic uo j Bank of Lcwisiovm , 2; Bank of Susnueliatma co 25 bank at Warren no fcale; West Branch bank Pittsburs' Wayncsburg Biowiiesviile Eric bank Berks county bunk Towanda do Relief Notes Mow York; The'notes of those banks on which quotations received in addition to their former stock, a me uimuuu auu u jsuDsiJiuicu, ate not Mare assortment ot Dry Uoous selected wr.n e. Also, Groceries, Hardware, &c. which T they will sell at prices to suit the limes. s 7 All nersons having unsettled accounts wun the subscribers, will confer a favor by settling and paying up at their earliest c'onveni'en'ce. Grateful for the liberal paironage nereioiore extended to us, wo respectfully solicit its con linuance, and pledge ourselves to use every exertion to merit the favors t)f iheir frfends and customers. C: V. DeWITT & BROTHER. Milfor'd, July 12, 1813. purchased by the brokers. Pennsylvania. I'JiuaUelplna bank, par Bank ot isorth America, uo Farmers' fc Mechanics' do Western bank do Southwarkbank do Kensington bank do Bank of Northern Libcrfic's do 2 0 70 S3 5 CITV BANKS America, bank of American Exchange Bank of Commerce Bank oflhe State of X Y par Butchers' and Drovers' City Commercial Clinton par Del. and Hudson canal co. do Urv Dock 1 I'ullon bank of New lork par pari uo do do do do do 1 3 4 4 1 1 6: 1 4 par do do do do do do 9 Greenwich do Lafayette do Leather Manufactuicrs' do Manhattcn company do Mechanics' Banking Aaso. do Merchants' bank t'o Merchant' do Mechanics & Traders' do Merchants' Exchange do National bank c'o New York, Bank of New-York Eaiikinc co 4 X. Y. St'c. St'k Security b. par 4 North River do 4Phomix do 'C,,..n!k Hfnwl .1.. NO HUMBUG Tenth Ward Tradesncii's , Union B. of N.Y. Washington 10 pov do DO NOTICE. Jacob Kimble, vs. Moses Kimble, Heman N Kim ble, James Kimble, Timothy M. Kimble, Harrison Kimble, Charles B. Seaman, and Rosy his wife, formerly Roxy Kimble, Milton Kimble, Olevi Kimble, George Kimble, Charles S. Kimble, Emely Philips-, formerly Eme- ly Kimble, Thomas J. Kidgway, and Lucy Ann his wife, formerly Lucy Ann Kimble, Edward 13. Fellons, and Henrietta his wife, brmerly Henrietta Brown, Giles Brown, Eleazer Brown, George Tribp, and Mary F. his wife, for merly Mary r. JJrown, Lieorge Brown, Sarah Ann Brown,-Henry Brown, Kenneth Brown, Helen Brown, Mary Aiin BrbvVn, Ganach Brown. You will take notico lhat an inquest win oe held at the house in the occupancy of Heman Tlie Bankrupt law is Xopealed, AND WE MUST SELL. If Property will not bring its full value it must sell for two thirds, according to Act of Assembly of Pennsylvania. PROCLAMATION. Whereas, the Hon. William Jes- sup, President Judge of the 11th Ju dicial district of Pennsylvania, com posed of the counties of Susquehanna, Wayne, Monroe and Pike, and Joseph Keller and John I. bell, JiiSqs. Asso ciate Judges of the Courts of Common Pleas of the county of Monroe, and by' virtue of their offices, Justices of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer arid General Jail Delivery, and Court of General Quarter Sessions in and for the said county of Monroe, hae is sued their precept to me, commanding that a Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, and General Jail De livery and Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, for the said county of Monroe, to he lrolden at Srroudsbnrgf, on Tuesday the twelvlli day oi Sep tember next, to continue one week. NOTICE Is therefore hereby given to the Coroner, the Justices of the Peace, and Constables of the said county of Monroe, that they be then and there with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and other remembran ces, to do those things which lo their offices are appertaining, and also that those who are bound bv reconizancp to prosecute and give evidence againsfc the prisoners that are or shall be in the Jail of the said county of Monroe, or against persons who stand charged with the commission oi onences, to be then and there to prosecute or testify OLIS 13. GORDON, Sheriff. (God save the Commomvealth.) Sheriffs Office, Strouds-) burg, August 17, 1843. j The subscribers have been for the last eigh teen months, buildinsr arid fitting up their estab Jishment, with machinery for the prosecuting of their business, which they have completed, and in full operation. They now have on hand and intend keeping a general assortment of PlongSis, lauiiifoer WagoiiSj Piea&re Carriages, &c. V t i fx not ud in the bfcst manner, wnicn tnev oner cheaper for ready )pnyt than can be purchased at any other establishment in this country. The following is aHst of prices, they offer Pike Co. to the public, for cash,VPProve(1 PaPef or m exchange for Farmers produce panicuiany straw at the highest casffJrices. iiignt ana lancy spring wa-3u gons, irom SO uu to ??i iu uu Two-horse Lumhet- warrnns. 30AQ0 to GO 00 d 1 Do do do with bodies, whinnle-trees. and neck-voko. from 60 00 tt 70 00 A first rale article of Ploughs, of all descriptions, iu use in In the Orphans' Court of this Country, from 4 50 to N. Kimble, in Palmyra lowhship, Pike county, Best side-hill Ploughs for bn Wednesday, tho thirtieth day of August Plough Shares 2s. 2s. (d. and 3s. next, at 12 o'clock of said drty, for the purpose snares ana snares wuti cutters lor ds. of making partition of the real estate of Jacob er plough Castings at the same" rate. 5K60 6 Side-hill 6d. Olh 3t. Kimble, dee'd, to and among his children, and legal representatives, if the same can be done wnhout prejudice to or spoiling lhe whole, oth erwise to value and appraise the same accor ding to law, at which time and place you can attend if you think proper. JAMES WATSON, Sheriff. Milford, Juno 7, 1S43. ALSO jmm h. iemck, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, STEOtfDSBUItG, PA. Informs the public genet- Milford April 12 1813 ally, that no sua continues the above business in all its various branches. He has on hand at all times an as bortmcntof Jewelry1 and Fancy' CI oods, which he is determined to sell at such prices as will suit the times. The-attention of tho public is particularly called to his assortment of SPECTACLES ANft GLASSES for nearsiirhted and old persons plain wurf e. GREEN AND BLUE GLASSES. Corii Cssltivaloi's, Plongia ClCVicca, Sleighs, Sleigh Shoes, Wagon Box es$ Chuvsiisig leadlines, Cast ings and Mill Irons of almost every description, both wrought and cast, on hand and made to order. All kinds or TURNING, of wood and iron, and repairing of wagons, Carriages, &c. &c. neatly execu ted at the shortest notice, at reduced prices. These are the times for bargains and those who doubt it, can satisfy themselves by calling on tho subscribers. ftOYS & HELLER. NOTICE. In tho Court of Common Pleas, Milford, Pike county. tt w ic ill Alias sub-pmna surli Hcnry Witidfie d, , , r v 1 V; 3 ! bel for a divorce, a Vin at Cr ir n fculo Matrimonial. No. Nancy W.ndfield.j 81MayTerm, l843. You are hereby required to appear before the Honorable tho Judges of tho Court of Common Pleas of tho said county of Pike, on the 19th day of September next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. BAR IRON. DOUBLE AND SINGLE REFINED, Bar Iron, Car, Coach &. Wagon Axle CROW B-AR,- SLEDGE AND PIOUGII MOULD'S, Axle :imt Gun Barrel Iron, And a general assortment of WAGonr arrneE & square mott, constantly on hand and wi41be sold on most reasonable terms, by MORRIS EVANS. Anatomink Iron Works, April G, 1842. BIANK MORTGAGES, x F.or 3alo at this pffice. I r nnournr llir nnmnlnint nf thn oni A V Otirv No charge will be w.lfi,, , ,..... :f nnv vnn hnv made for showing them, if ho cannot suit, no why ,he sa5d Henry Windfield, your husband, should not bo divorced Irom tho bonds of mat rimony, agreeable to the Act of Assembly in such case mado and provided. JAMES WATSON, Sheriff. ,To Nancy Windfield. Milford.July 20, 1843. 4t. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue Of a Writ of Venditioni Exponas issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, of Pike county, to me directed, there will be sold at public vendue or outcry, at the Court house in Milford-, on the 26lh day of August next, at 2 o'clock p. ai. the following property, to wit: All those three several tracts of Land, sur veyed on warrants from the Land office of Pennsylvania, One of them surveyed lo Jona than Hill, No. SO; one other to Daniel Clark, No. 79; one other to Jesse Greenfield, No. 78; respectively situate on both sides of the Bloom inggrove creek: at the junction of said Creek, with the Lackawaxen river. The improve ments are a SAW MILL, levelling Mouse, and BARN thereon erected, with the apperteuances thereunto appertaining. Seized and taken in execution as the proper ty of Peter Kelmj and will be sold by me for cash. JAMES WATSON, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Milford, July 29, 1843. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Pike ounty, to me directed, there will be exposed biic vendue or out cry, at the Court house Milford, on the 26th of August next, at 2 O'clOJCK. r. 31. uie iuuuwing prujieitv, iu A tr&ct of Land situate in Westfall township, Pike coolinty, surved in pursuance of a warrant granted toBonjamin Mason, numbered on tho Commissioners Books of Pike county, seventy two (No. 72)komaining 410 Acis and 50 Perches, with an allowancmpf six per cent for roads, &c. adjoining lands afcveyed to Andrew Epple, Henry Epple, Elizlfeeth Smith, and others. Seized and taken fjkexecution as the proper ty of Samuel Rich, deceased. JAMES XX A-ioun, oneriu. Sheriff's office, Milford, July 29, 1843 EAST' BOOK BINEfeERY. harm done. Crass eight day Clocks for Do thirty hour do Wood do do froffti 00 50 00 $14 9 $4 to G ,ALSO, an assortment of WATCHES, all Warranted good lime keepers or will be re paired gratis. flocks, Watches, and Jewelry repaired at the shortest notice. ALSO, an assortment of MAPS of tho Uni ted States and World, varying from $1 62 1-2 o 3 ftOlarge s'ze riq)in firings pf a egp-bcsl quality. Ul 3!d sep for ypursejvpq, Attorney at Iaw, Milford, Vilie county, Pa. (office nearly opposite the presdvteriXn CHURCH.) September 14, 1842. " BLANK DEEDS For sae at tlus QiiQ. The subscriber respectfully inforr He that he has removed his bindery Northampton street, a few doors below' mer stand, where he will do Ruling: and Binding in all its various branches at fair pt ruled and bound tP, ny pat'ern a tho uouco, also BOOKS AND PERIODIC rebound in the best manner. The fo! blank books always on hand, Bay Books, Journals, ILcdgfc voice and Receipt Books, Memorandums of every description, COPY AND CYPHERING- B All orders frprn tfiP Cpuntry will prompt attention. HENRY HAMM; Eaaton, April 19, 1843, the pub a No his f ices, Shottesi Ils ilowlRg. lu lls )KS. '.V Keel "
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers