JEF-FERSONI ANIEP UrBBTCAN. 'ft a if f. je;ffersonian republican Saratoga. This world-renowned watering place is now in the full tide of summer operations. During ilie past week nearly three thousand persons arrived there, 1038 by, rail road, 1110 by stages, and over 800 by private conveyances. The Saratoga Sen tinel says that the place never presented greater attractions than it doe3 at present. Whoever wants to take a fashionable tt jp, let them go there; but whoever wants to take a jaunt of real pleas ure let them come to Stroudsburgh, and they wil hfi trrntifipjl Terms, $2,00 in advance: $2.25, naif yeany: anu nui kofV... tlin on.l nf till' i fin i. 1 i . v.r - - j aiic jLcuvesui uic tvitu Kiicri'y tree nn nr first mrrfl will bo found the first of a sc- 11 ougni " 00 Mwwn ,nal ,c 'eares- oi uie ries of letters, which we shall take great pleasure " lia nerry, frunvs Virgimams) are poison in laying before our readers, as fast as they appeari "us to cattle. On Saturday evening tho 22d . -. .i?t .f -ti i i r . - c.. I i i: ..I i-. t p in tne Jiiaston Miig, in which mey win ue origi-iniM, iwo cuw? m oirouusuurg, uieu in ia Stroudsbur?, July 20, 1848. iwlly published. They are written by Henry U. Maxwell, Esq. of Easton, who is npw making the tour of Europe. The letter given to-day, is deeply interesting, and will be read with satisfac tion by every one. Not Honored. Shortly after Captain Tyler's political pilgrimage to the East, a lidiculous rumor was set afloat by the New York Sun, that Harvard University, the oldest seat of learning and science in the United States, had conferred the honorary degree of Doc tor of Laws, (L. L. D.) upon that individual. It was thought strange at the time that an old and re spected institution as Harvard, should hold their honors so cheap, and confer them upon men so un- UCMiWUU 12 J Willi X Id CUIU litliri uiu vnv i f . f . , , , . ... A mnn tirimtwl ohn Nornac fit ail in ivii? ble President of the University, in older to y fe Qn F f fa ff f , i i i; -J t. I ! J I ouse inc puiiiiciuiim upon iiiu auujei;i, uj muugui proper to contradict the absurd statement. Cap- minutes after eatinga few of the wilted leaves, which had been thrown inio a lane by the boys. They are supposed to owe their poisonous properly to a peculiar proximate element of some vegetables, known by the name of Prussic acid; which, when concentrated, is one of the most virulent poisons in existence. As catile are fond of ihe leaves of the Wild Cherry, and devour ihem with avidiiy when within their reach, farmers and others should take special care to keep them out of their way. Three hundred and fifty seren Norwegian emigrants, on their way lo west,' have arrived at Albany, N. Y. tain Tyler, therefore, is not an L. L. D. but a co temporary thinks every body should address him with an A. S. S. Thi Judc Rowan. 3 UIMliiuiaucu jiiui nuiiui. uic menu anu comjiatriot of General Harrison, died at his resi dence in Louisville, Kentucky, on the 14th ii'St. tice. A quack recommended cold baths to nun every night and morning. He died under the effects of the experiment. The Coroner's Ju ry rendered a veidict in accordance with these facts. By an Imperial ukase, publisned at St. Pe tersburg, all Jews residing within 50 wersts of the frontier lines of Prussia and Austria, are ordered to proceed more in the interior. Those after an illness of only a few days. Mr. R. held j who possess habitations and property within many important offices in his own state, and for j thal "a,'ge, are required to sell them within two uuny years represented it in the Senate of the U. i years- , ! 1 ! I I Ml 1 fc. lie was a sound lawyer, gooci juuge, ana non est man. Louisiana. An election for four members of Congress took place in this Stale, on Monday the 3rd inst. The turn out of voters was uncommonly small, and the question at issue was who should give the great est protection to sugar planters. The locos bid tile highest, and were elected. The counties of Nash and Edgecomb, in North Carolina, contain 5694 while persons, over 20 years of age, of whom, 2631 can neither read nor write. In 1839, when the act to establish common schools was passed, Edgecomb county rejected it by a vote of 1,075 to 165.' In ignorance there must be bliss, as they seem determined tiot to be wise. Great 2Ht!Cliis:r. A Gascom .preacher stopped short in his pulpit ;it was in vain that he scratched his head, nolhiiip would come out. " Mv friends." The friends of Henry Clay are making great j said hJf as he wajker tiujely down ,ue vupn preparations for a Mass Meeting in the city of j stairs, I pity yon, fur you have lost a fine dis Lancaster, on Saturday next. The call alone is i course" Mgned by 2000 voters. Judge Conrad, of Phila. J le!pma, and other distinguished gentlemen, will' be present and address the assembled multitude. An Acceptable Dinner. A wealthy gentleman, residing in Princeton, New Jersey, invited his four children, one son and Chenango county, N. Y , has sold about 400,000 pounds of wool this reason, at an average of-29 cents per pound, or 20 per cent. ! higher than last year. Net product, $1 1 6,000 United States Banic. Informa tion has bcerr received in this city, that the long- pending contest. be tween the Bank of the United States, her assignees, , : Messrs. James Dun das and others, and the late Judge Hitchcock, of Mobile, involving up wards of half a million of dollars, has been decided by the Chancellor of Alabama, in favor of the Bank and her Assignees. The claim of Judge Hitchcock a rose out of a loan made to him by the Bank of the United States, and fpr which he gave a mortgage on his ex tensive property in Mobile. He sub sequently set up the defence of usu ry to the suits instituted by the Bank. And he duriug his life and his repre sentatives since his death, have on that and other grounds, assumed by them, contested the cause with great pertinacity. The opinion of the Chan cellor in all the points is in favor of the plaintiffs. This decision is particularly inter esting to Philadelphians, as the assets, the title to which is thus established, were included in the assignment made for the benefit of the Banks of the city and county of Philadelphia-. U. S. Gazette. . By constant temperance, habitual moderate i fiVfiririsp. and JinafTeplHfl hntiHstv vnn ivil -i j i - .i j.i r t i i ' ;i j mrec oaugmers, u. a uinner on me in oi Juiy,avoid the fees of lhe lawver. and the sheriff' and deposited 8200,001), as a present, under thejaj a ,00d report, and probably add to your ilate of each one. The Tribune- gives the name ! present existence at least ten years of active '1 the gentleman, which is Air. John hotter, father- J life. M-law of Capt. Robert F. Stockton, of the U. S. . .Navy, whose wife was one of the guests on the j The Irish Repeal Society of Natchez, Miss. inriunate occasion. Notwithstanding these muni- , ',a3 uee" dissolved, in consequence of the an ncf nt gifts, lr. Potter has retained an ample for- ! "-slaveiy speech of O Connell luufi for himself. I A cartman, on U'edne&day, drew up opposite VlT " We received, just as our paper was going ' an hydrant in Cedar street, New York, and di to press, that notable sheet, the " Jcjfersonian Re- reeled- the siream of water with full force publican; all the way up from Stroudsburg, con-! against his horse, for the purpose of washing ..uuH.g a ioiig iisbUB oi unbrepresemauons oi our ; or refreshing him. Within three minutes from nrtic-e lrdei '?ou"8s8oaatwn-Pikclhe coinmece,nent of the operation, the horse Oountv Law." W e shall attend to these fellows , , , ,. , , , ' ' . ,,-,t-toL. i reeled and fell dead on the spot. ri , . ,. , . r . I Ninety-odd vessels arrived at BufTalo, N. Y. ' "T ' . 7 : J , , V ' lasl week from UP he Lake. Thev brough amo of john i. alien, who has puffed himself up J among ,her'ibings, 120,000 bushels 'of wheat u na me vain ioea mai ne win some aay or otner an(i 30,000 barrels of Hour. be a great man. As he is in the habit of often j spcalingof his cotemporaries in the same courte- , ' Ilble Ctare for Corps. ous manner, we dont know whether to take his re-; 'ake of l'cure of iodine four drachms, in- marks as a compliment or otherwise. We shall, durel of m,n 12 grains, chloride of antimony 4 therefore wait for the "attending m" whinh h : drachms , to be applied with a camel's hair u ' , i - . ... brush; after parni" the corn, the sufiernr wil .premises us "next week," after which we will i . i ' , . ',. . ' ... . . i rejoice to know thai three applications are gen determine whether he is worth " attending to," or ! . . ij.r bUfiiCiQU not. " ZZ I I j Willis in his last letter from New York to it e rrnucrs luck. the Nalionaj l,e,gencer says, I could wish Having nothing better to do, one night last the foreign travellers among us might take our week ve amused ourselves with putting out some I steamboat captains on the Hudson as specimens t,et-lmes in lirodhead's Ureek, and had the Lood ! OI olir naoiis ana manners, ana, lor tlie three lucktocitch two snapping turtles. They were a! w,u,ni 1 liiive lhe pleasure to know, (the cap- roval nnir..and oladdened our verv eves ns w'lalnsr ,h(? 1 loy Swallow and iinpire.) i am looked unort them, and thought of the cauital soon i sur.e ,hat nt gemlepian could desi re, for , ,. it ' r i , ' u,,e or daughter, more courteous and well bred r ; Jievil. J3ut how uncertain are all humati calcula tionsl Our cood fortune was nothing better than Printers luck, for when, next day, we went j.o de- care than they habitually bestow on the pas sengers who embark wnh them. As an in stance, (which I noticed and think worth re cording,) Capt. McLean chanced to discover, apitate our prisoners; lo, and behold, only one i at the moment a ladv was t;oin ashore with a oulo be found, the other either having been sto-1 child and nurse at nine o'clock at night, that Jen, -or having absquatulated during the day. If it j her destination was on the other side of the was siolen, the thief must have been an old ofTen-! river near a landing' where tho boats do not U-r. for any ooq new jn crime could not find it in : rH"u,ar,' ,0HC,K .As " ,ooked rain a"d ,t . i . r . . - . , i she was Jo cross in a row boat, he stunned her Ins heart to rob a poor printer of i s antic paled ' , ., i , , , 7' . lr. . ' , , 1 j baggage on tho plank, begoed her to be seated jepast. If it absquatu3ated, perhaps iohn i. alien, r,ir n row m;rm n,l r., t.-. Q...n. - iui i v ti win lufi .iv jmijv door, very should be may devotion very snappish himself, and therefore a fellow feel-' to women be, as it certainly is now, a national i . may have diawn it to him. and peculiar failure of Americaus ! ... me ayne Muity jieraid, can jnfqrru us acr0ds, landing almost at her own hetlier it has made iw appearance all ihc.way'vp ' much to her delight and relief. It mm stroudsburgh, at Honesdale. Mr. jphn is set doyn jii Jiis honor ; and long Loustana Election. Anelection for four members of Congress, took place in this state on the 2d inst., and has probably resulted in the cnoice of Loco Focos in all the Districts. It s stated that the vote was by rio means a full one. None of the Whig strongholds give any thing like a full vote. The Locofocos have won bv professing to be better Whigs than he Whigs themselves ! The great question on which the election ap pears to have turned, was the protec tion of the sugar interest and the mem- bers are pledged to do more for the. protection of that interest than .the Whigs could do ! Verily Locofoco ism is all things to alL men. The four probably successful candidates are Messrs. .Slid ell, Labranche, Dawson and Bossier. The New Orleans Bee of the Sth says : Fredonian. "We do not know certainly that the state hasgone against the Whigs; out arguing against the very worst aspect of the case, we see no cause for dismay at the result. But we do see abundant cause for a new and" thorough re-organization of our par ty. And it is necessary for us to goj to work at once to prepare for next July. A more important canvass is "before us than any that has taken place since the state was admitted into the Union. The election of members of the convention to re-model the Constitution will take place next July, and the first gun ifi the Presidential campaign, that is to de- cide the late or our principles will be fired in this city." All Sorts of a Toast. The fol lowing toast was given on the Fourth of July at Campbell Court House, Virginia, By R. Hughes Mr. Pres ident, I want you to let every one know that I am ior Henry Clay against the world. He and I were born close to the slashes of old Han over. He worked barefooted and so did I. He was a good boy to his marnmy, and so was I. I know him like a book, and Hove him like a broth- t r- l , n i. er. ir any man nas anyinmg w say against him, let him come to me. If j there is any better, braver, or smarter man than Henry Clay on this bod's globe; why I say he would be a sort of curiosity, and 1 would like to look at him. Go it Clay ! (333 cheers ) ' ;. ' .a.RElL'AN.-- Rcccption of O' Council at Enn w700,000 Persons Assembled Tremendous Excitement and Enthusiasm! Mr. O'Connell had a dem onstration at Ennis, for the county of Clare, on Thursday, the 15th nil., and the meeting is de scirbed as. more numerous than any that "prece ded it tho numbers are stated at 700,000! in cluding about 6,000 horsemen; the cavalcade of cars extended from EiHiis to Newmarket six miles. The preparations of his reception were most elaborate; at .the entrance of the town "whole trees were plajited," with tri umphal arches across the road, motios atid de vices. The description of one device is worth trans cribing. ' ' "The next was a chain extended across, the centre of which was joined by a cord, and' on a green banner over it was inscribed: ' ' K W if I 'The Liberator or Ireland , Will cut asunder i( : The chain of slavery ;' We labor under." Here a man had taken up his position with a sword, with which, as the Liberator approach ed, he cut the cord in the centre, and the chain was shivered on both tides, amid tho houts and acclamations of thousands, that rent the air for some-minutes." The meeting was held on :he race ground, and Mr. O'Connell ascended the platform, ac companied by Mr. Thus. Steele, Mr. Charles O'Connell, "Counsellor" O'Leary, and three French gentlemen. On the motion of Mr. H. Bridgman, M. P. and Justice of the Peace, the Chair was taken by Mr. Cornelius O'Urien, M. P; and Justice of the Peace. Mr. O'Connell said in hjs speech that the moment he had 3000,000 repealers he would begin another career. Thev would have a nar- isurrccica every vv eaiiesaay mnnun ARTICLES. . Wheat Flour, per barrel Rye. do. do. do; -Wheat, per bushel Rye, do. do. .. Sole Leather per pound Corn per bushel Whiske per gallon Clover Seed per btisllel s' Timothy Seed per biis'lu : Barley ' 1 do. Oats do. Flax Seed Uo; - Rutter per pound A ' Eggs, per dozen Plaster per ton . J , Hickory wood, per cord Oakf . do. do. .Mackerel, No. If- ' Do. d 2,v - " " Potatoes, per bushel Strouds- butg. ' 5 50 3 50 -1 05 -rr, h . .55 62 5 25 40 I 1 J'! 1 U( - 10 7 2 50 8:00 V Flo 00 0 0 40 I Eustoa, .i.l'fiiilw. TO .2Sj 1 25. - VK I 5 25 i it '.2.7 ''Mi l as'fq 37' lvOO , '24v, f 4 50 t 5 0f r375 1.3(50 Jf2i50 I U 5il Woo ho so I . . ; . . r.Wii mat co rrcc'ted weekly ft UoirainjtflVubUfin The notes of those banks on which quotaTiyiis are omitted and a d.1sh( Isubstiulted; a1mt purchased by the brokers. Pennsylvania, i west Branth bank 1 Philadelphia bank, pat Pittsburg Hank of North America, do'; ayncsofirg Farmers' .t Mcchwiics' . do w o wnbsvilie Western bank do J-ne bank Southwark b ink do Korks county bank Kensington bank ,a do i?Jv?"t,tt do , BankofNorthcni Liberties da."5"" 'Ntc Ireland should once more belong to e liauieni. Irishmen. At the dinner, he said the British ministry were divided on the Irish question they would not use coercive measures. He was certain of the fact. - A meeting at Athlone, on Sunday, was held from 50,000 to 400,000, many of them wo men; and one writer says that 100 priests were on the ground. The gathering look place at Summerhill. Before it, mass was said in open air, for ihose who had left their distant homes too soon to attend morning service. There were two platforms, one for men, another for women. Lord French presided. Mechanics' Bank iXb Commercial Bank l Bank of Penn Tow nshin do' Manufacturers' & Metslrtis Moyamensiug bank r ' United States bank Girard do Pcnnslvania bank Hunk of Germautown Bank of Montgomery co. B&nk of Lie'awarc county Bank of Chester county Doylestown bank Farmers' bank of Uucks Easton bank Farmers' banli of Reading Lebanon bank Harrisburg bank Middletowu bank Farmers' bank Lancaster. Lancaster bank Lancaster countv bank Northampton bank . Columbia Bridge 1 Carlisle bank 4 AorinumDcnanu Dame par Miners bank of Potts vilte aN ork bank 4 Cham'oersburgbank Gettysburg bank 4 Wyoming do Honesdale dp l Bank of Lewistown 2 Bank of Susquehunna co 251 ncw To'rlc ; hi it If dll CITV BANKS d;Arnerici, bank of - rufp rAinHnran Kif-TKiiidr. . A .1.. nnilltlf nrff.minu.. " - .1.. lajBank of ihe UtaJc of N V par Botchers' and DroVers' par oneinicai V Commercial " u Clinton . Jw pur Del. and Hudson canal co di IDryDock t Fulton bank of New ror,p)ir tirccnw icli f, .Sid" Lafayette , " (In Leather Manufacturersf'ltri'ttii Manhatten comnanv " .tU Mechanics' Banking Assort ttrt Merchants' bank . .dji, Merchant' . ; 1 "fflr S5jMechanics & Traden; vii Jlcrchants' ExchiUie , ilo iNunonai oani?. en New York, Bank of. . .i'Sj,.tj,jij Nc'.v-Tork Banking co. N. Y. St'e.St'k Secaritr bVpSi do do do do' do do 1 r 4 4 I 1 Lurn. bank at Warren no sale North. River Phamix i 7Seventh Ward iTenth Ward Tradesmen's Union B.ofN.Y Waslungton Fire at Siiag Sisjgr Prison, New "Fork. A fire was discovered, on "Wednesday morn ing, breaking out in thrse places, within the j walls oi the btate Prison at Sing Sing, New jYork, and before it was extinguished, destroy ed properly to the amount oi S 10,000. The buildings destroyed are the brass shop, in which are manufactured stirrups and other ar ticles used in the completion of harness, the plain makers shop, and the stoh'e cutters shop, which had been fired in three different places, by an incendiary. Fortunately the prisoners, to the number of 7G9 males, many of whom are men of desperate characters, were each confined in their separate cells atdinuerat the j time the lire was discovered, or the consequen ces might have been the breaking loose of so many desperadoes on the community in the confusion which the fire occasioned. There is something wrong in the management of this establishment ! CAMP MEETING. TFT Santa JFe Traders. A correspondent of the St. Louis Republi can, writing from Wesiport, under date of July I, says": 1 have just learnt that the Spanish company that left Independence this spring, has halted at Bent's Fort, waiting for the troops from Santa Fe to meet them ; and should they not come on, will return to this country,- ais the Texians are now hovering on the Santa Fe road, beyond the Arkansas river, and it is sta led by lhe gentleman that brings the intelli gence above, that the Mexican Governor and troops under his command, have returned in consequence of the Texian army being upon the route. By Divine permission, a Camp Meeiiif will be held in George Ransberry's wopdr.;,, about one mile and a half east from Strouds burg, to commence on Monday, August 2l,&f and lb close on lhe. Saturday morning fpIlovri ing. No cake stand, boarding lent, or Sutilertfj; will be permitted within the limits of the Law except such as are reaulated by the proper au--thorities of the Church. - v MA HLAN II. SI STY, , DAVID ..GARDINERs July 1,9, 1813. , , .. -''Vflih fc notice:-; In ;the? Court of Comn.ion Pleas, Mfiford, Pike county: V tt .... - nr i- it 1 Alias sub-nccna stir It-1" rienry vvinuneia, r ' . I bel for a divorce; u'vin- vs. nnir CARRIED, In Stroudsburg, on Thursday evening last, by tho Rev. Mr. D. E. Gardiner, Mr. George Stites and Miss Martha Ferrill, both of the for mer place. v m - culo Matritnonibe: Nj'J J 81 May Term, 1813?- You are hereby required to appear before tlm Honorable the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the said county of Pike, on the 10th day of September next, at JO o'clock, A. M. to answer the complaint of the said Henry 1 Windfield and shew cause if any you have, why the said Henry "Windfield, your husband,' should not be divorced from the bonds of mai-, rimony, agreeable to the Act of Assemb!y,iul,, such case made and provided. JAMES WATSON, Sheriffs To Nancy Windfield. - ' - Alilford, July 20, 1S43. 4t. ! rt-) rAxr nmj? ir ja .sr TTTan t r-rV'''' All persons indebted to the subsenberfor1" subscription, advertising, job work, or other wise, are hereby requested to make immedi8t ' ' payment, and save costs. Since his co-part- , nership wilh Mr. KoIIock, a set of new books, ' for the firm, have been opened, and it is there fore necessary that the old books should be set4 tied up. His pecuniary concerns also impen-' timely require him to call upon all who are4 iul arrears to make immediate settlement. T1 THEODORE SCHOCH..L.. Eggs as a remedy. The white of an eg is said to be a specific for fish-bones sticking in the throat. It is to be swallowed raw, and will car ry down a bone very easily and cer tainly. There" is another fact touch ing eggs which it will be very well to remember. When, as sometimes by iccident, corrosive sublimateJs swal- owed, tlie white 01 one or two eggs, aken immediately, will neutralize the poison, and change the effect into t)t I of a dose of calomel. In Stroudsburg, on the 19th inst., Simpson, youngest son of VVrlliam and Hannah Harlock, aged 2 months and 5 days. "The morning fiow'rs display their su'eels', And gay Hieir silken leaves unfold,' lr As careless of the noontide heats, , . As fearless of tho evening col J. , , r; 'il' Nipt by the wind's untimely blast, Parch d by the Sun s dtrdctef ray, The momentary glories waste, The short-liv'd beauties die away; So blooms the human face divine, When youth its path of beauty shovsr Fairer than Spring the the colors shinef? And sweeter than the virgin-rose; ? Or worn by slowly-rolling years, e Ur broke by sickness in a day, The fading glory disappears Dwindles, decays, and dies rfvvay. Yet these, new rising from tho tomb, With Itistre brighter far shall shine. I Revive with cver-during bloom Safe from diseases and decline. ''f Let sickness blast, let j0aih devour, y- it . If Heav'rr must fjcompeuse our pains: Perish the grass, and fado the flbw'r, ' ' If firm lhe wqid uf God remains." Communicated, LUMBER! LUMBER!!' Prices SScdoccd. 100000 feet White Pine, Boards c$lO 00"anda(I Sll 25 per thousand. ..f-r. 50,000 feet White Pine Siding c$10 000Ii 25 and $12 50 per thousand; . , 30,000 feetYellowPine Heart Boards $13 00 " 20,000, " Sap f cSa,qy per. thousand. . . r 5. 40,000 '.'eet Hemlock, Boards c$3 00 pur m., .-" 40.00Q pine Shingles from SQ 50 lu $10 00 per thousand. . - ' 4,000 feet Panel Boards 1-3 ich, 1 itich and- ' 1-2. All kinds of , f ' PRODUCE '"tfch will be taken in exchange for the above, atnlfiit highest market price, and good moneyHvould noi be refused. We respectfully solicit all'tveft'' sons in want of ft before purchasing elsowhere, lo call on : ' C. W. DbWUTT & BROTHER. Milford, March 2, 1843, LUMBER, I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers