I JEFFERSONJAN dtE PUBLIC AN. .;,. r , , ; -yQf ; : - - ; EFFE liSONIAN IlEiUiJblUAiN Slrondsbnr?, G 1842. i-f- ' .v; -..... - paiu UClOiC IIIC CJ1U ui me year. ApposnSincsat fcy tha Sureyor Genera!. WILLIAM S. IlEES, Deputy Surveyor, for Uie ( ouhty ol Monroe, in piacc 01 j. 11. Stroud, rc- t'jined. legislative Madness. Pennsylvania is at present truly cursed with a i losi uesirucuve ana mi-uicicru egisiaiure. ine nt T in tnt-ito inn nrncnrtiv rt tun rtnn n verv thin? which would be in the least likelv to j - j vi i i pnminri iir rMiii in mir niiuuiniinnv i 1 Mnnn must damn them in the estimation of every true :imi iii ii ii. mi i. tii mil ii .in mm v ill i lit v ii r till Xla I 1 LiJVl l II1L A&vuava ihc proceeds of the public lands, " was improper, inexpedient and impolitic:' which is in effect a refusal to receive our share of thc"domain for which our forefathers fought and died. And to cap the climax, they also voted down the Resolutions of Mr. Lightncr, instructing our Senators and Rep resentatives in Congress, to vote for a Protective Tariff, and resolved that such a measure for the protection of our mechanics and manufacturers : i iiiiiii r mill. mitt, i.ijiidtiiiiiri J We regret that it is our duty to say, thai..our his constituents on these important questions, and inflicted a deep and lasting wound upon their in terests, ile dodged tne question on tne .uisinou tion Resolution, and voted against those for a Pro tective Tariff. One other Representative, acted no better. Mr. lleckman dodged the vote on both questions, not having nerve sufficient to meet them like a man. Mr. Packer voted against both, al though he comes from the iron and cwal region of Northampton, and his immediate constituents are as much, if not more, interested in measures than any other set of men in the country What will the people do with these three unfaith ful servants I ; TJae-ljesisIattU'e. V ' During the past week the Legislature has liter ally done nothing but mischief. They are fritter, ing their time away with small talk and no saluta ry action, and we very, much fear if any thing will bo done to sustain the honor and crcdH of the Stale. Pennsylvania is at this momonrput sadly lb her trumps, and unless the Legislature does something for her speedily, she will be disgraced in the eyes of the world. The first of August is almost here, when Sl.OCO.OOO of interest will be due, without one dollar in the Treasury to pay it. If our Repr rcsentatives would be as emulous to preserve the faith, honor, and credit of the Commonwealth, as' they dre to Legislate" for the interest and advance ment of their party, things would be very different, and our public affairs in a prosperous way. Car CeZckratioi:. The anniversary of the nations birth" day, on Monday, was celebrated in Slroudsburg, in a be coming and spirited mannef. The day was ushered in by the firing of cannon, and the proceedings were conducted throughout according to the pre viously published arrangements. The day was fa vorable, and many persons from the country were present and joined in the celebration. The pro cession was under the"command of M. IT. Dreher, Chief Marshal, and presented an imposing appear ance. After marching through the different streets it repaired to the Presbyterian Church, where ex cellent addresses we're delivered by the Rev. Messrs. Johnson and Gardner, a'nd several excel lent Odes were sung, the words of which we have transferred to our first jiagc. After the services in the Church, the company repaired to the Tem perance House, and partook of an excellent din ner provided by Mr. Ohailes Malven. Here eve ry thing was quiet and orderly, and presented a strange, but pleasing contrast to former fourth of July celebrations, where the intoxicating cup went round, and robbed men of their sense of decency and respect to themselves and others. The entire success of the friends of Tempciancc in this first effort to celebrate the da)' in strict accordance with-their principles, will no doubt stimulate them to similar exertions hereafter; and we hope, as often as the day comes round to see and hear of no other" celebrations than those which inculcate Temperance by precept and practice. Proceedings of She Temperance. Cel cbraiioEB at Slroudsburg, July 4," 142. At day-break the anniversary of our Indepen dence was ushered in by the firing of a nation-. at salute, and tne ringing ot Delis. ,A proces- tbe cause of Temperance will find good seniU nels, and in fact they are only equalled in good qualities by tho oppbsito sex. By J. W. Burnett. The cause of Temper ance, may it go ahead and prosper until those engaged in the murderous business ol selling sion was formed on Franklin square at 1-2 past! rum he obliged lo abandon the business for a 10, which marched ot the direction of M. H Dreher, Marshall of the day, under a Temper ance banner, to the Presbyterian church, attend ed by martial music; where the services were commenced with invocation uf the throne of grace by the Rev. Mr. Morgan. After which more honorable calling. By M. M. Burnett. Temperance, A cause worthy the ambition of every freeman, let eve ry friend of the cause buckle on his armour and come up to the battle. lsy Sfunuel S. Dreher. I emperance. May that the choir saiisr a temperance ode. when the; bright luminary in the moral heavens continue - ' I i r 1 .111 growing until its enuigence snau nave penetrated into every Country. By James II. Walton. Gen. George Wash-injttbrt.-'-'Vhb father of American Ihdepertdance, may his soul enjoy a" greater inheritance in Heaven, than he transmitted to poslerity by his patriotism. By a Guebt. The day we celebrate, may it be appropriately celebrated, by all future gene rations. By Joseph L. Keller. The surviving He roes 'of the Revolution, may their deeds of do ings in youth, cheer lheir weary souls in the i i I i lit of old age. Upon the whole, file day wa3 celebrated in an innocent and lively, yet rational manner; and doubtless will long be cherished in pleasant re collection by all who shared ill the festive oc casion. How widely different from the drunk en scenes of frantic revelry, which not many years ago used to pass for celebrations of Inde pendence! May Heaven grant that those days never never refiirn. But under the ge- srXxce may peace and plen- Declaration of Independence was read in a clear and correct manner, by Mr. Samuel S. Dreher. A national ode then was sung, after which, the Rev. Mr. Johnson made some stri king and impressive remarks; drawing a paral lel between' the history of our revolutionary struggle, and the history of our present struggle against the despotism of alcohol. The Rev. Mr. Gardener followed with some forcible and appropriate remarks on the poliiical aspect of the Temperance cause; shewing the folly of leaving an important moral reform to tcrke its chance with legislator, a set of men who are -generally so much engrossed with their own interests, and the interests of party in general, as to have r.o tinu-, or no inclination, to. attend to so small a matter as thai of Temperance. Tile principal fault in ihe addreabes of both these gentlemen, was, that they- were -by vmuch too short; a fault not common in speeches now-a-"days. The ode commencing Friends of free dom! swell ihe snug;--was then sanif with tol- erable elTect, after which, benediction was pro- m vcr--iieyer n.,.mr.,1 ,.,! ll... ,,n,,,;,.M ir r,..f. 1 1 ! SWy 1 KMI'ER marehed to the isibl,. of Mr. Charles hJu fi ' " rder and intelligence and Religion al- thc Temperance House, where an a.tack was ' ,P,ml ,,r comy ,J Tn " made, in good order ami with mmh spin., or, , "ftm.e, until time itself shall merge in the ocean an array of turkeys, pigs and poultry, &c. &c, ulfiriJiI) in ii av that war about right Bargain and Sale. There are rumours from Washington that a 1 bargain and sale" transaction has taken place, or is about to take place, between John Tyler and nicTinniiit nun v i ri niir'n .nii:i fir nv i 11. The Winnebago Chief Daniel M. Brodhead, Gov. Porter's absquatula ted Commissionerof Loans, and Indian Talk"' companion, is now in the State of New York, in order to avoid the clutches of the Sergeant-at-arms of the House, and the unpleasant questions of the Investigating Committee. According to tcstimo- ' . , I ny already elicited, he played a bold game of botii these !., ,. .. t . . -r ; uriucry during tne session pi tne legislature lor 1810, and many who heretofore stood high in the estimation of the public, and were considered de cent and respectable men, will have all their se cret foulness exposed, when the Committee Report. Encampment. The proposed Encampment at Easton. goes on t c cimninTfli ti.tt lit I i or 10 Tn nn 1 1 1 ( nnvr i .iirri . - rnn r itxiiT motnhftro nf Ino nrpcpnv f .nhmpt nnn ' 4 1 f"rini T)nliinrtrr i are making extensive arrangements to secure a large attendance of Volunteers, and to have the spirit". IT" JM.i r.. 7J. ,.5,1 oi.n I .(Tmr r.ooo if iT-ith cmnf If ia tr lp nallnfl victed of murder in the second degree. im. i;rw, rufrr,..-? -L.i i.! John Binl, who was tried in Pittsburg last bucke.fuls provided, .he inaxt table was formed ', "eek for the murder of his wife by tying her K.r r. w.r.c;..., U.-. U T.,;t UmeiAn..; 1 M hi il c mil aim seimia uiu tu uci, uas uuuii wir M. Dimtnick, Esq. Vico President, when the following regular and volunteer toasts, were,, drank. REGULAR TOASTS. 1., The day we celebrate. Long be it remem bered and the patriotism and moral courage which it commemorates. 2. The Old Thirteen. A constellation in the poliiical firmament. Time cannot dim its lustre. 3. The whole family of States. "Uniied we stand Divided we fall." 4. The Leaders in the Revolution. Great Southard among the great. Drank in silence. 5. Washington. "His greatest conquest was himself." Drank in silence. 6. Pennsylvania. Admirable for position rich in mineral wealth and possessing a good 3oiI, may she have wisdom to husband her vast resources and above all, let her stand by her public faith, lei come what may tme. 10 cheers. -7 The officers of. our General and State Gvv- From the English coal mine statistics, it ap pears that the average term of life of the miners, is fony years, and that existence is shortened by this method of life by thfrteeri years. A man named Cook, had both" of his arms blown off' above the wri&ts, at Jersey city, on Wednesday, while engaged in loading a can non, for the purpose of firing minute guns, as a Hail Columbia. ! token of respect to the memory of Senator crnmcnts. ilay Jlie.y be equal to i heir stations and act well their parts Tho Supreme Court of Pennsylvania has de cided in favor of John Shaver, who is, therefore, Sheriff of Huntingdon county. The Tariff memorial of Richmond, Va., had on ii, on Saturday last, nineteen hundred and seventy signatures. Rev ev of the Markets. Philadelphia, July 2, 1812. FLOUR AND MEAL. There has been a any iuiu uiai. ii i iu iuui au uiy3 um ui i-, Qur readers, by tne remarks we maae two wccks fice and reinstate the locos. These are the prin-1 agQj are jn a measure prepared for the melancholy ci rial stihu! alio ns in the treatv. and it will no doubt i ; ni . iv.,. ... ir,i i -4 , inieillSieilUc we um auuui iu l'mhui h iiit-in, - t - i w . w www. .. ...V i . tin tn rrt .i.ri mnr ill riircivK u nil r 1 1 1 1 1 r 11 1 1 11 1 ' n n.A'irnii iwitwi rii 1 1 1 1 rt ti ?i inntniiiirp :itiii rn an wwi -"""o- ui-ua. iu . 3orrow nci ferret trie announcement 01 tne ueatn common laun, lei iiiem noi iuii ouv ny wie. way, confirm Uie appointments. Jiut wr;at say tne non-, of Samuel L. Southard, Senator in Congress from ! lor they are brelheren. , 5 cheers, est men of the party, the. hard-working men of the ' jrew jcrsev He breathed his last, in the pros- 12. The cause of Universal Peace. May that nation, to this bartering away of their suffrages! ; cnre of aH t"he members Qf !lis family,-on Sunday ' Pcrio(I in ,htJ world's history, revealed rrrproph Are the ready to go into the measure and espouse vcek Jn FredricksBu fa,, aged about 55 ! ec-v V""' Y0 ",,a,! bcal ,hir the cause of the Traitor John Tyler, or have they vnarsr ,,mJI;ns WMmmu. VPITim,;f! to sw"Is m" Ploughshares, and their spears in- u nci nation snail not tut up 8. Universal Education. An essential ele-' fair demand for Flour during the week. and pri men t uf the true political prosperity, and moral , ces have not varieB since our last. Sales of greatness of any pe.oph;. May it visit all lands. full 3,500 bbls., for export, at $5,50 perbbl. on 9. The cause of Temperance. The pioneer I Broad street, and $5,62 on the Delaw are, in of domestic, social, c-r-il, and Religious "im- eluding some extra at $5,87. For city use, pri- provemeut. Success to it, all over the world. I ces range from $5,50 to $5,62 per bbl. for fair 10 cheers. Away the bowl, j tu good brands. Rye Flours-sales at' $3,37 10. Surviving Soldtcrs oj the Revolution. perbbl. Corn Mealsales in hlids. at $13,25, Relics of a noble band. When flesh and heart and in bbls. at $2,02, and some at S shade' less shall fail them, may they be enabled to enter fur Penria. Meal. Brandywijie is held $2,87. upon a better inheritance than thai which they j GRAIN. Wheat has rather improved in have aided in transmitting to posterity. j price, in consequence of the demand exceeding Drank in silence. the receipts. Sales of vaTinus parcels fair to 11. England. and America. K) common An- i prime Pennsylvania reds at $1,20 a $l,25, ancl white at $1,26 a $1,27 per bushel; 2,000" bu- independence enough tfo' choose for themselves without being dictated to by their servants at Washington 1 We shall sec. Auol&er Tcto ? John Tyler has again dared to interpose the Executive Veto, and arrcsl the action of the peo ples' Representatives. On Wednesday last he re turned to the llousa of Rcpicsentatives, with his objections, the Bill lo -emend the Revenue Laws for one month from the 30th of June to the 30th of July. The excitement in the principal cities, con sequent upon this third veto, is great, and the feel ing of indignation against the man who acts as President, deep and inviolent. According to the opinions of the best lawyers we have now no Rev enue la.i by which to collect duties, and that all goods from foreign countries must come iiito this free of duties. Oil the other hand, Mr. Tyler says': thvtX lie has the power to order the Custom House years.' His remains were immediately removed to Washington, ana ms lunerat obsequies penormen i , .u,.dhiyl .,,;,.., ,iej,hr shall thev learn in the Capitol, in the presence of the Members of; war .1UV tmta. silence standing, both Houses of Congress. He filled many highi -. The Fair Sex. We will surrender to no and important offices in New Jersey, and under ; arms but ihdrs the General Government, and has gone to the' grave, lamented by a grateful natron. Another liloshbtir o Cotag'rc'ss Dead. The Hon. William S. Hastings,' a. member of' Congress from Massachusetts, died last week at the Sulphor Springs in Virginia, whither he had cohe'for nis heafth. Mr. H. was an able excellent Representative, and will be mourned by a large " iih clni.-iinniiy and repubiicanUm ami lilio the cirtile of devoted friends. 10 cheers. Life let m cherish. 14. The reader of the Declaration of Inde pendence.. 10 cheers. 15. The orators of the day. 0 cheers 1G. The Marshall of ihe tlay. 6 cheers. 17. Our host and hostess. 10 cheers. VOL UNTE E R TQA STS. Ily L. V. Brodhead. May temperance unite combined influence of mighty waters rushing from an elevated declivity, dispose the strong ! The Buffalo, (iT. Y.) Commercial, states that l,a,f,l?i of infidelity, aided by the influence ofal for several davs oast the sheriff has been bmv ! C,ll"l lnr.fl in! Uv 'iilianl Kasiburn'. that vicinity o leave instant families arc now settled Upon th cmccrslo collect revenue not exceeding 20 per ervatioji, many oj wuom nae mm siais, anu j A-mj a glass. of cold water be ever our toast cert, feome valuation, on all imports. This cab are inanufactifrins large quantities ol lumber j Uv'MilHm llannum. Dqtartnl Heroes. never be, for if it vere the law, John Tyler would i from VUe a,,tJ o;ncr ,,mU(:r growing upon the ; The'nu'iiiury of ihoe who fell in -t'fitj struggles qsbs il aiso power for the exercise of which i .. for their ctamiry libefiy i ue suuueii ureuKiug up u'icm m, says.the Commercial, afle.ct the lumber trade to some considerable extent if fully darned out. Indian lands in j lW niiam Jvismurn. . r Some fifty HV tne otia Coltiuibia be found at their post, ' q t?. ' av "19 l"1"" of the land be ever our boast, le oenuca ites- T1 - Tcmperam.e caus0 lno cause we p,jzo most the English nation beheaded their king, Charles' the First; j jz; colleriing duties without the con sent of tle National Legislature. We are informed that during the thunder show er on Saturday last, the lightning struck one of ho hordes nitaclieJ to the Staire of Sanderson r a & 3ean"s line Jb.elv.-eeh Kaslon and New York, WIM19 Stnnmnir M - 1 - 1 1 nd killed him. The driver was so stunned by the shock that iie appeared lifeless for z while, but has siace perfectly recovered. The Oiio Legis-fejuje w)!l "ieet on thp 25th jttslatit. Oliver Robbins, a soldier tn tho last war, near .seventy years of age, living near Sauger iield Centre, Jefferson county, put an end to his life a few days since by ciHiinghis" throat wrlh a razor. ' - The law3'ers harp become so numerous iu New York lhat ntanffietn find it impossi ble to gel along, and;Hsv,c)me to the deter mination to emigrate to ihe west. There is rip living in those ?jysi a- the Yankee aays, "where it is do eat.-dog." L ltdy s'wetjtly sleep'who sink to rest, With all' their country's wishes blest. By William' Phillips. The day tec celebrate. May it live iu ihe memory of every son of freedom, long after (he petty strifes of aspiring Demagogues shall have been forgotten. By William Raeriy.'Vc Stroudshurg Temperance one.'Wfotindation of social improvement. May hTei.uf .its 'benefit to pos lerity in equal proportion to the gobii' whidh is everyijay becoming manifest from itsfirifluence, By a Guest. Our Reverend Clergy, with such pioneers in the cause of Temperance our course mti.it bo onward. By Silas J,. Drake. Tho young inori of our village, sober,- upright and industrious, in them shels Illinois at $1,20 a $1,22, part inferior, Rye Sales of Penna. 65 a 68c. which is a de cline. Corn demand limited; sales of round yellow at 58 a 5Qc. closing heavy at 5S; South ern flat yellow 55 a 56, and some fair wiiite at 52c. But little Southern Corn arriving. Oats Small sales" at 34'c, which is a decline PROVISIONS We quote Mess Pork at $7,25 a $7,50, and Prime at $5,50 a $5,75 per bbl. with limited sales: In Beef, no sales. Ba con Sales to some extent at a slighl advance on former prices, viz: Hams 4 to 5 cents; city smoked at 5 a 6 cents; Sides 3 a 3 1-2, and Shoulders at 2 1-2 a 2 3-4 cents. About 100 hhds. of assorted Bacon were falieii for ship ment South. Lard Moderate sales at 6 a 7 cents per lb. for No. 1 Western. Butter-"-We quote at 7 lo 8 cents, in kegs. CATTLE MARKET. Beeves 560 head were offered, and 500 sold, including 316 for New York,.at $5 a $7 per 100 lbs. as in quali ty. Cows atid "Calves 300 were at market, and sales were at $6 a $10 f& Iry Cows; $11 a $18 for Springers, and $22 a 32 each' for Milch Cows. Hogs A00 were brought in, and about, 260 sold at $3 a $4' per 100 lbs. Sheep and Lambs 1360 were brought to mar ket, and mostly sold at $1,50 a $3,5,0; for the former, ami $1 a $2 each for tho lattrt-Sat. Courier. BANK NOTE ilS.' Corrected weekly for the JefTersonian Republican. f : . a. t, '. ":'. In "Strolidsburg, on Sunday evening last, af ter a short illness," Rachel Post'exs, infant daughter of John H.- and R. Jane MelicK, aged 4 months and 13 days. Sweet child--noi many days hadst thou beheld This World, with toil and sin and suffering marred, Erb God in mercy summoned thee away. Resttheejn peace Thou wast too mild and gentle, Tliv spirit was too sweetly toned to bear The rough and chilling blasts of this rude world As dies'the ripple of a summer sea As a soft strain of music melts awaV So fled thy gentle spirit Fare thee .wcll.r- Iii Chesnuthilltsp. on Saturday last, Horace, infant son of Daniel and' Merciir Brown, 'aged about 0 months,' The notes of those banks on whfch quotation are omitted and a dasni jsuostiiuted, are noi purchased by the Philadelphia broTiers, with the exception of those which are marked with a tar() City Banks Name. BahR of Philadelphia Bank of North America Bank of Northern Liberties Bank of Pennsylvania . Bank of Penntownship Bank of United States Commercial bank of Penn. -Farmef3 and Mechanics Girard Kensington Kensington Saw, Ins. Merchants bank of Philada; Manufacturers and Mechanics Mechanics Moyamensiug -Philadelphia , - - Philadelphia Sav. Iris; Philadelphia Loan Co. Penntownship Sav. Ins. Southwark Savings bank Schuylkill Savings Ins Schuylkill bank Southwark bank Western bank Coxmlry SSaulce Agricultural bk, Great Bend Allegheny bk of Pa, Bedford Bk of Beaver, Beaver Bk of Swarta, Harrisburg Bk of Washington, Washington Bk of Chambersburg, Chambers. Bk of Gettysburg, Gettysburg Bk of Pittsburg, Pittsburg Bk of Susquehana co'. Montroso' Bk of chester co. Weschesief Bk of Delaware co. Chester Bk of Gefirraritown, Germantown1 Bk of Lewiaiown, Lewis town Bk of Middfetown, Middletown Bk of Montgomery co. Norristown5 Bk of Northumberl'd, Northumb. Berks co bank, Reading Centre bank, Bellefon'.e City bank, Pittsburg Columbia bk & bridgd co. CoIumbV ' Carlisle bank,' Carlisle Doylestown bank, Doylestown' Eas'loh bank, Easton Exchange bank, Pittsburg Certificates . , Do do branch Ilollfsdayburg- Certificates Erie bank, Erie . Farm. & Drov. bk, Waynesburg' Farm. & Mech's bk. Piltsburg Farm. & Mech's bk, Fayette co" Farm. & Mech's, Greencastte Franklin bk, Washington, , Farmers" Bk Bucks co, BVisloI Farmers bk Lancaster,"Lancaster Farmers bk Reading; Reading Harrisburg bank, Harrisburg Harmony Institute, Harmony Honesdale bank, Honesdale Hun'.mgdon bank. Huntmgton; Juniata bank, Lewistown Lancaster bank, Lancaster Lancaster coynty bk, Lancaster Leba'non bank, Lebanon' Lumbermen's bank, Warren Marietta & Susque. Trading co Merchants & Manuf. bk, Pitttsbureh' Mechanics bk Pittsburg, Pittsb g fraud Miners bk of Poitsville,' Pottsville 5 Monbngaheja bk.pf Brownsville, Browns 6 NWthern bk' of.Pa, Dundaff rio'sa Northampton bk', Allentown 16 New Hope DeL Bridge co GaS" Northumberland Union' Columbia bk, Milton no salo N W cst'ern bk of Pa, Meadville closed New Salem bank, Fayette co fraud Office Schuylkill bk, P. .Carbon failed Pa Agr,(5 Manuf bk CaTlisle fi1. Silver Lake bk, iiontrose closed Taylorsville Del Bridge co, '10 Towanda bk, Towanda failed Union bk of Pa, UniOntown failed Westmoreland bk, Grcensburg closed Wilkesbarro bridge co, Wilkes. no sale West Branch bk, Williarri'sport 4'5' Wyoming bk, Wilkesharre 7 York bk, York. 5" Youghahy bk, Perryopolis no sal6 Note. Ii may be proper lo remark, that the notes of nearly all the country banks are re deemed in specie on presentation at lheir coun ters; and that the cause df lheir depreciation in tho city, is owing to a resolution of the city banks to receive on deposit the- notes of' those banks only which have effected ah arrange ment with a city bank to redeem their notes' when presented. Those country banks there fore, which are quoted at par, haie an agency in tho city where their notes atb paid in specio on demand. , .... Dis. fraud par par 7 Iff 50a53 par par 4ff par firaucf li I ' 10 , par . faifed 'failed fraud failett paf . par par no salo closed closed failed Ii - 6 It ; 7 par par .15 o par 5 closed no'sale 5' 5 par par 2 . 2 71-2 10' J 15' failed failed failed 3 - paf 3 4 5a6 no sale no' sale 20 3 3 5 failed no' sil'e 2 DISSOLUTION,- 'jfhe Co-partnership heretofore, existing un der the name and firm of Dimmtek Comptun, is this day dissolved by; mutual' consent JOHN A DIM MICK, .EL1AST COMPTON. Bushkill, Jupe 1, 1842. N. B. The accounts of the aber named firm can bo seitled wirh the subscriber, if at tended to within one year, as he intends iririnj on the fulling and da'rding businesa at his oW sriirid. ' JOHN A. DIMM1CK, Ximc 8, 1842.3W BLANK DEEDS For sale at this, office
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers