JEFFE R S 0 MAN R E P U DL I CAN Proved in more than 400,000 cases to be infal lible; the only certain worm-destroying medi cine ever discovered. Many diseases arise from worms and occasion Ions and intense suff ering and even death, without their ever being suspected; grown persons are very often afflict ed with them aud are doctored for various com plaints, without any benefit; when one dose of these Eozenges would speedily cure thorn. Mr. J. Murphy, 90 North st. Philadelphia, was applied to by a poor woman whose daugh ter, 7 years old, had been sick for nearly 3 years; hex stomach was as large as a grown person's, her arms and legs so swollen that she coufd not walk or help herself, although she could eat as much as two laboring men. Two celebrated doctors had exhausted their skill without any benefit; the father had spent all he voulfl raise and was discouraged, he abandon ed all idea of doing anything more for her, and looked to' death alone, to take her out of her Uiisery. Mr. Murphy believing it a case of worms, gave her a box of Sherman's Lozenges, and in two days she returned with joy beaming in her eves, and said the Lozenges had saved her child's life. The first dose brought away nearly a pint of worms in one living mass, she afterwards counted over 800 that were discharg ed, besides the mass which she could not fount. The child was. literally eaten up with ihem another living witness of the almost mir aculous efficacy of Sherman's Lozenges. Hj3 A fresh supply of the above valuable Lozenges, just received and for sale by T. SCHOCH, Republican Office, Stroudsburg, solo agent for Monroe county. Price.-25 cents per bo,. May 12, 1842, Weak Backs! Weak Backs!! 2,000,000 SOLD YEARLY. UJ3 Price only 12 cents a piece. Jf Sherman's Poor Man's Plaster. The best strengthening plaster in the world, and a sovereign remedy for pains, or weakness in the back, loins, sides, breast, neck, limbs, joints, ;hcnraatism, larobf, &c &c. -f. W. Hzh, $sv. who had been so afflicted with rheumatism, MUM unable to dress himself without assistance, wm ontbled qftcr wearing one, only one night, to gel up alone in the morning, put on his clothes, ami call at our office with eyes beaming with joy, and his tongue pouring forth the gladness of his heart, at the sudden and signal relief he had received from this best of all reme dies. Mr. David Williams, of Elizabethtown, N.J. an old Revolutionary Soldier, was so afflicted with Rheumatism", that he could scarcely help himself these Plasters entirely cured him. Thousands of ertificates might be given of their wonderful pro Arties, but the fact of the enormous quantity sold, must be the greatest evidence of their virtue. For sale at theJRepublican Office, by T. Schoch, sole agent for Monroe county. may 11. We have tried Doctor Jos. Prjesley Peters' Ve getable Pills, and have no hesitation in pronounc ing them the best Atilihous Medicine that we have ever used m our families. We are acquaint ed with several families in this city who give them Hie preference to all other kinds, on account of iheir mildness, and at the same time,- certainty of action. Tsew- xoru Examiner, More than ten millions of boxes of these truly valuable Antibilious Pills have been sold in the United States, Canadas, West Indies, Mexico, and Texas, since the first of January, eighteen hun dred and thirty-five. Hundreds and thousands bless the day they were induce'd by the persuasion of a friend, to try a Box $f Doctor Peters Pills. They are in -use as a Family Medicine, and all who have used them give them the preference to a"ll other kinds, on account of their being a, pleasant, and easy aperient being mild in their action at the same time; though, in their operation, producing neither sickness, griping, nor debility. Doct. Jos. Priestley Peters, Dear Sib: I have used your valuable Pills these last four years, in cases of Dyspepsia, Iiver Complaint, and Sick Head-ache, and have found,them, in a majority of cases, the most valu ablePills 1 have ever used. JOHN CASE, M. D. "For Sick or Nervous Head-ache, or Bilious Fe ver ,1' would recommend Peters Pills in preference tOall other kinds. R. II. ARMSTRONG, M. D. The following from the EMMINENT DOCTOR EMMERS ON, is considered sufficient. I have used in my practice, theso last five years, Doctor Jos. Priestley Peters' Vegetable Antibili ous Pills, and considered them the Best Family Medicine I have ever used. A fresh supply of these valuable Pills just re ceived and for sale at'the office of the Republican, Stroudsburg- May 11,1842. LOST, m, On. "Wednesday morning tho 13ih inst.r be tween jEasion and Centrevillo, from the Eas un,andJMilford line of Stages, a (belonging to James Miller) containing 2 pair of white and 2" pair of dark mixed -PANTALOONS3 Y.ests, 4 or 5 Shirts, Collars and 'Uosdihs, Ppair of new Shoes, and a variety of ,WAPS'HM AKERS' TOOLS. . - . AL S O- Lostrah)tuV 'the 1st of April", between Ea'ston and Ccnlreville, a colVo a 'reasona'fi Jo'r'oward.' AnypWpri who will, return .said Trunk .arid ;YaJi$e toiilVer the- undersigned, or left at t&VJJAMS, .Hotel; Ealsion, will re. W JM3AN, Stroudsburg.' , JtSvGSLAi5, C?rmeviile. April fawbti: - : JOB FBINTirTO. " Having a general assortment of large elegant plain and orna mental Type, ve ate prepared to execute every des cription of Cards, Circulars, Bill Meads, Notes, Blank Receipts, JUSTICES, LEGAL AND OTHER PAMPHLETS, &c. Printed with neatness and despatch, on reasonable terms AT THE OFFICE OF THE JTeffersoiiian Republican. GODEY'S LADY'S BOOK. EDITED BY Mrs. S. JT. Male, Mrs. I. II. Sigourncy, Morton M'Michacl & JL. A. Godey. Each number embellished with splendid steel and mezzotint engraviegs, Fashion Plates, Music, cfc. c. The July Number of this popular aud elegant periodical will commence a new volume, and the publisher takes this opportunity to assure the public, that he will remit no effort to keep it, where it is now acknowledged to be, at the very head of American periodicals. No ex pense has been spared, and none will be, to make its embellishments of the most splendid description, and in proof of what ho has ac complished in this respect, the publisher refers to the scries of brilliant engravings, both line and mezzotint, which he has recently given; while in regard to the future, he thinks it suffi cient to say, that he has now ready for publi cation numerous plates, even surpassing in beauty and interest those which he has already issued. 'These will be given in the course of the coming volume. As to the Literary Department of the publisher pledges himself, that it shall con tinue to merit the superiority which has been awarded to it already. Nearly every Ameri can writer of eminence contributes to its pages occasionally, and in c-aoh number, besides arti cles from the Editor, &r ae contributions from MISS SEDGWICK. Xt4 P WILLIS AND" T. S. ART, A combination of tdairt wfctoh cannot be found elsewhere. The LADY'S BOOK is published monthly at S3 per annum, payable in advance. Address, L. A. GODEY, , Publishers Hall, 101 Chesuut st. Philadelphia. CLUBBING. Two copies Lady's Book, one year So 00 Lady's Book & Young People's Book, 1 year 5 00 Do do People's Library, do 5 00 Do do Musical Library, do 5 00 WAYNE COUNTY MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY. ALL Persons insuring in this company are members equally interested in its welfare and in the election of its officers. In order to become a member of this company and thereby be insured, the applicant gives a pre mium note, the amount of which is in proportion I to the amount to be insured, and its degree ot hazard, thus: If $1000 is to be insured,. at 5 per cent., he gives his note for 50. . If at 10 per cent, he gives his note for $100, and in that proportion for a greater or less sum, according to the rate of hazard, on which note he advances u per cent, and an additional sum of $1 50 for survey and policy. He then becomes a member on the approval of his application and is insured for five years. I he aggregate of the premium notes constitutes the cash fund, chargable first, with the expenses, and second, with the losses of the Company; and should it prove insufficient to pay both losses and expenses the money to meet the losses, (should any occur) is borrowed agreeably to the act of in corporation, and paid. An assessment is then made to repay such loan upon the premium notes, in proportion to their respective amounts, and in no case to be made but once a year, notwithstanding several losses may happen. At the expiration of five years the note, if any assessments have been made and paid, is given up. and the insured may renew his application. Policies may at, any time be assigned or sur rendered and cancelled, and the premium notes given up, according to the by-laws of the Com pany. No more than three fourths of the cash value- of any property will be insured, and all great hazards: such as Cotton Factories, Powder Mills, Distilleries, Machine Shops, Manufactories forxPrinter's Ink, and all establishments of the same class of hazards, are not insured upon any conditions whatever, and that no one riskjs taken over $5000, it is considered much more safe and less expensive than in Stock companies, where they insure large amounts and hazardous proper ty. STOGDELL STOKES, Agent. Stroudsburg, Monroe co., Dec. 15, 1841. BOARDING. Pleasant rooms and good board may be had in a-privale family, on accommodating terms. Enquire of ' . MRS. SMITH. . Stroudsburg, May 4, 1842. Sherman's Poor Man's Plasters, Coiigh Lozenges. JVprm, andeters' Pilfe; ' Sherman's Cough iiosciages, Are the .safest, most sure and effectual remedy J for Coughs, Colds, Consumptions, YV hooping Lougn Asthma, Ttshtness ot the JLungs or Uhest, ore. arc, The proprietor has never known an instance where they did not give perlect satislaction. Over 3,000 persons have given their names with in the fast vear as a reference of the wonderfu -virtues of these Cough Lozenges. They cure al recent cases in a few hours, seldom requiring more than one day to entirely eradicate the most dis tressincr ones. Mr. G. T. Matthews, suffered a year with a-hard tight cough, pain in the side, spitting of blood, and all the usual symptoms of consumption. The Lo zp.nfres relieved him immediately, and in a few weeks restored him to perfect health., He says thev are the greatest coush medicine in the world. The Rev. Dr. Eastmond, gave a few to a lady, a friend of his, who had been given up by tier pny sician and friends as in the last stage of con?ump tion. The first Lozenee cave her considerable re lief, so that she was encouraged to persevere in their use; and through the blessing ot bod they re stored her to perfect health. Mr. James W. Hale, No. 5 Tontine Buildings Wall st., cave some to a friend who had not enjoy ed a night's sleep for several weeks, being every few minutes attacked with such a distressing couth, as almost to take away his life. The Lo zences made him raise easy, and enabled him to sleep well all night. He had tried every thing he heard ot, and nothing else attorned tnc least renei a nother instance of saving a fellow being from an untimely crave. The Rev. Darius Anthonu, of the Oneida Con ference, was given up as incurable, believed to be on the verge of the grave from consumption, wi.n out the hone of relief, till he tried these Lozenges Thev relieved him immediately, and in a few weeks restored him to health, so that he could re sume his duties as a minister of the gospel. He recommends them to all who are consumptive or have any derangement of their lungs, as the great est medicine in the known world. He has wit ! nessed their effects on several others, and always with the happiest results. He says so great a remedy through the blessing of Divine Providence should be the common property of all, and in,evc- ry family on the face of the earth. For sale at the Republican Office, by T. Schoch sole agent for Monroe county. BELVIDEEE FOUNDRY. The-subscriber would respectfully inform the public that he is now prepared to execute all or ders in his line ot business in the best manner and with despatch. He will manufacture for Flour and other Mills, together with Castings of every description turned and fitted up in the best possible manner. Possessing conveniences for making HEAVY CASTINGS with Lathes of different sizes, &c, he feels confi dent in his ability to excule all orders with which he may be entrusted in a workmanlike manner. - ALSO: Pratts Cast Ifobi Sum Mills, surpassed by none in use- Reference STOGDELL STOKES,.Stroudsburg Particular care will be taken to employ none but good workmen in the different departments of the establishment, and no pains will be spared by the proprietor to give general satisfaction to those who may favor him with orders for work. He has on hand a supply of PA TTERNS embracing the leading variety of Mill Gearing, such as Bevel, Spur and Mortice Wheels, &c. He is also making daily additions to them, and is at all times prepared to make such patterns as may be required without (m most instances) any additional charge ; in doing which great attention will be paid to combine the latest improvements with strength and lightness. BRASS CASTINGS of all kinds will be made to order. The highest price will be paid for old Copper or Brass. Tha'asliiiag Machines and Horse Powers of the most approved construe tion, ready made and for sale low. Wrought Iron 171111 Work will be done to order on the most reasonable terms DAYID P. KIN YON Belvidere. N. J. January 12, 1842. SCHOOL BOOKS. American Constitutions, Analytical Reader, Porter's Rhetorical Reader, English do. Hale's History United States, American Popular Lessons, Parker's Help to Composition, Comstoclc's Natural Philosophy Do Chemistry, CoTburn's First Lessons, Towils Analysis, Do Little Thinker, Andrew's Latin- Grammar, Do do Readers, -Smith's Arithmetic, Daholl's do Ch'eerileqps English Grammar, Smith's do do. - ; Brown's do do Olhey's Geography and Atlas. Mitchell's do do Mitchell's Primary Geography, Village School do Bottany for Beginners, 1 Elementary Spelling Boohs, " . Cobb's ' do 'do, Webster's Old do do American do: do Table Book, . .. :Bascom's Writing dooks, Blank Books,. Writing paperQyills, &c. for sale cheap-, by - '? 0. w, DbWLW & BROTHrrct?- Suited to our Constitutions, and competent to the riirt nf unern cnrnhlc. disease will be found in the INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS OF THE FiorSIi American College of Hcallla. THESE extraordinary Pills are composed ol plants which grow spontaneously on our own soil; and are therefore, better adapted to our consuiu tions, than medicine concocted hom foreign drugs, however well they may be compounded; and as THE INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS are found ed upon the principle that the human body is in SUBJECT TO BUT ONE DISEASE, viz: corrupt humors, and that said medicine cures this disease on . NATURAL PRINCIPLES by cleansing and purifying the body; it will be man ifest, that if the constitution be not entirely ex hausted a perseverance in their use, according to directions, is absolutely certain to drive disease of every name from the body. When we wish to restore a Swamp or Morass to fertility, we drain it of the superabundant wa ters: in like manner if we wish to restore the body to health, we must cleanse it of impurity. THE INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS Will be found one of the best, if not the very best medicine m the world for carrying out this GRAND PURIFYING PRINCIPLE, because they expel from the body all morbid and corrupt humors, the cause of disease in an easy and NATURAL MANNER; and while they every day GWTE EASE AND PLEASURE, disease of every name is rapidly driven from the body. The above named Indian Vegetable Pills, have been three years before the American public; and we can now say withont fear of contradiction, that of all the various medicines which have heretofore been popular, not one has given such universal satisfaction, or obtained such a permanent hold upon the affections of the people. Not only do all who use it invariably experience relief, and re commend it in the strongest terms: but it has ef fected some of the irfost astonishing cures ever performed by medicine. Hitherto, very few of the numerous testimonials which have been received in favor of this extraor dinary medicine have been published, as the med icine obtained its present great celebrity more by its own intrinsic goodness than from extensive ad vertising. It has been deemed proper however to offer the following opinions of the public press, together with a few extracts from letters of Agents, merely to show, that the fame of the Indian Vege table Pills, is not confined to any one section, but is rapidly extending itselfto every part ofthe Union. From the Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post. THE INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are attaining great celebrity in New England as well as other parts ofthe United States. The attempt of per sons to defraud the public by the sale of spurious articles, meets with general reprobation. Mr. Wright is an indefatigable business man, and shows an array of cures-by the medicine which warrant confidence in the virtues of his Indian Vegetable Pills. From the Philadelphia Spirit of the Times. THE INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. People are pretty well satisfied by this time, that Calomel, and the other thousand and one min eral preparations ofthe shops, arc better adapted, as a general rule, to kill rather than cure the pa tient; as a matter of course, vegetable medicines jt r . . rr- are inereiore in great request, mere are very many humbugs, however, among the latter, and we would advise all those who have the least re gard for their health, to try the INDIAN VEGE TABLE PILLS OF THE NORTH AMERICAN COLLEGE OF HEALTH, sold at 1G0 Race street, Phladelphia ; as they are the preparation of one intimately acquainted with the healing art, From the Boston Daily Times. INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS. Of all the public advertised medicines of the day, we know of none that we can more safely re- commend for the "ills that flesh is heir to" than the Pills that are sold at the depot of tho North American College of Health, No. 198 Tiemont street,' Boston. Several instances we know o where they are used in families with the highest satisfaction; and no longer ago than yesterday, we leard an eminent Physician ofthe city recommend them in high terms. There used to be in the community, a great repugnance to the use of QUACK medicines, as they are all indiscriminate- j termed, but it was mainly owing to the regular M. D. s constantly denouncing them. They are lowever, becoming more liberal in this respect, and the consequence is that good vegetable- medicines are now more extensively used than formerly. Lxtract of a letter from Peter Christ, Uniontown, Carrol County, Md., Nov. 17th, 1838. Dear Sir: About two months ago, I had busi nes's in Baltimore, and called at your office, and bought a few boxes of the Indian Vegetable Pills and upon trying them I found them to bo far suna- nor to ruts, or any other medicine I had ever used. I had been subject to a cough for live years past, and during tho time have taken a vari ety of medicines without any relief, until I got the ndian Vegetable Pills, and by taking four doses, he cough began to leave me; and I now enjoy bet- ter health than I have done for years past After found them to bo a valuable medicine-, I imme diately sent to Baltimore for a. large supply. I ave received so much benefit in using tho. JN- help but recommend them to every invalid . andthink so well ofthe medicine that 1 have s two-'-dozen boxes'to my invalid friends, i41 State df lndiana. Siened. , w PETER CHRIs i - From G. C. Black, New York. Mr. Wm. Wright Pear Sir you will rr.eiv. forward as soon as possible, some of yourHfo, Vegetable Pills: as we are almost out ofthe a cle, and they appear to be getting into genera'. .. here. We have a great call for the medium r present, and those that have used them, speak v, high of them. One gentleman attributes his bei cured of Dropsv to the use of them; and ano::. has been cubed of Dvspepsia, solely by the Uae your Indian Vegetable Pills, and is willing y should publish his case if you think proper. G. C. BLACK. No. 1 Chatham Square, New Yr t Extract of a letter from Mr. A. Larrimorc, Ind.. Doctor Wright Dear Sir Havingsome !;nc edge of your most excellent compound INDIA VEGETABLE PILLS, and not knowing how r. 1. -n-ny ctrkflr Vsninrr nonvlif nv! get a ircaii auiij j jr -jiuh. v..i ..unj uiny ed, and wishing to always have them in my faa: I take this method to open a correspondence v. you. The pills alluded to are well thought of br and very muclv wanted. I wish to make attain ments with you for a constant supply, as I th. a .very great quantity could be sold in this sect; ofthe country. Extract of a letter from Samuel Griffith, Stewa town, York County, Pa. Mr. W. Wright Dear Sir I am selling the I-. dian Vegetable Pills by the dollar's woith, and-: that rate the stock of Pills, left by your traveL-; agent, will soon be out. I am pleased to find they are such ready sa Those who have used them, speak in the highest terms of them. Many have already found grei: relief from their use, and when the cures arefir ly effected, I shall do you the justice to inform y . ofthe same. Extract of a letter from Washington City. Mr. Wm. Wright Dear Sir You will liaveLs kindness to forward me as soon as possible, too c: three gross oftfie Indian Vegetable Pills. Tit sales have, for the last two months, increased rap. idly; those who buy, generally remarking, "tiit they are the best pills they have ever used;" a;i my opinion is that they will in a short time super cede all others in this city. ROBERT FARNHAM. Washington City, D. C. Extract of a letter from Lycoming County, Pa. Mr. Wm Wright Dear Sir On being appoi:: ea Agents ior iiiB saie ui uie Atijian r ul. 1 . . r . 1 -1 . L I ,! I l I ,' 1 !". TABLE PILLS in this place, we only look oa cross on trial; but it would have been better hV had taken a half dozen cross; for on a fair Ufa. they have far exceeded our most sanguine expcc'J tions. In fact so much so that we have been oblig ed to send to Mr. Zimmerman, at Lancaster, more than a hundred miles from here, for ten dozen; br. these will last but a very short time, the way we are selling them since they have been fairly tested In the first place, I gave some to our Physicians, to make trial of since which they have purchase: a number of boxes, and highly approve of them. A few days ago, there was a lady sent 30 miles toge' a box ofthe Pills, she at the time was very low. and unable to turn herself in bed; but in two days, my informant says she was able to help herself. We could mention many other cases, but deei it unnecessary at this time; but would merely sv that as the season is fast approaching when there will be a great demand for the Indian Yegetabli Pills; and if we only could get a supply ofthe med- ininfi. wo rmilrl pstahlish other agents, which W0U.: 1 o .1 . . 1.. .1 -TnnTL" - a j AMERICAN COLLEGE OF HEALTH; but 4kn mihlin fronorollv Mmoco I at tie? LnrTV rAH' views on tne suDjeci, ana any airections reaa.c to the same, will be promptly attended to by Very respectfully, your friends, S. WINCHESTER 4- SOX Jersey Shore, Lycoming county, Pa. AGENTS for" the sale ofthe above named I.N DIAN VEGETABLE PILLS: Charles Boys, Stroudsburg, Monroe county. John Lander, Graigs Meadows, Monroe co. John Laforge, Milford, Pike county. Stoll & Dimmick, Dingman's Ferry, Pike co Peters & Labar, Bushkill, Pike county. Myers & Edinger, Tannersville, Monroe ca OFFICE AND'GENERAL DEPOT, FOR THE SALE OF THE INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 160 RACE STREET, Philadelphia. August 23, 1841. ly. BAR IRON. DOUBLE AND SINGLE REFINED, Bar Iron, Car, CoacJ& Wagon Axles CROW BAR, SLEDGE AND PLOUGH ilOl'LES, Axle and Gun Barrel Iron, Anda general assortment of WAGON TYJRE & SQUARE IKOX. constantly on hand and will be sold on the rno-'i 'reasonable terms, by MORRIS EVANb. Analomink Iron Works, April 6, J 842. JOB WORK Neattv executed at this Office HORSE, BILLS Neatly and expeditiously executed af thm'A i DUN VEGETABLE: PILLS (hat .jj- cannot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers