.. ii - li nsVk ' busi 'md upcfj had? live qW- : t.hQ- it - ' just and economical wants of Government, and that tho subject should be thoroughly investiga- Jjfid. not on V With re erence to thp. mnnunicliir- iig, dui uie uyuuuuiai anu commercial mier esLSTrtind that which the ayre?ate amount of A dutlesvtobe laid for revenue, yet when this amouni was wiw ascertained aiscnminauon miprlTbemade lnfaoj of all these interests. The people of this'cpuntry had looked for- JEFFERS ONI AN 'REPUBLICAN ward to this length andsear of the Com- .... pruini&u aci, 10 nave ine suojecFnnorougniy in- Stroudsburs, Jainiary 5, 142. vestigated, and themselves fairly and fully Tfrms. S2.00 in advance: $2.25, naif yearly paid befoie the end of the year, iiamtignggg -u.uw i l 1 . i . . t . i ti iiearu. ana i nai inrnnan a. nommitiiA5Mnvor!in n .n rn if I tl linajwuiiuM . . . , jr. " ,l ... opponents of Protection to precludesuch Another year has passed and gone and we hearing, an excitement would be cr'eatedffar greater man nau exisieu on ine suojeci oi, ine 21st rule. The Tariff question should be can didly considered and settled this Sessi6n. Both Houses, adjourned over to Monday. Deaths in Philadelphia last week, 88. "have just entered upon the threshold of the new. To all our readers may it prove a hap py one. During the year that is passed we laboured to gratify our patrons and indulge the hope that we have not laboured in vain. Wo do not wish at the commencement of the year to find fault, but this being the season for pres- Extensive, Circulation. A r.nrinns inst.nnr.fi nf t.lm nnvnlo. - . , I - - j. uuu rnts, we woum memy suggest our reauer. Qf & bank those we mean wno are m arrears, thai a pres is mentioned by the Houston Telegraph. A ofentle- man who was closing up some busi ness or a mercantile nrm in one of the western settlements of Texas, a few weeks since paid out a $100 note on one of the Louisianna banks, and in a few days afterwards received it again !hnrh nhlifffiH tn thmn vt wn would lie infill- ""ill a IJUiouil W11U WaS OWUlff tlim itelv moreso if thev would carry them into ef- On making inquiry he ascertained that feet, and give us solid reasons for believing that tnls Dlli ilad made the Complete tour nhev ont to us of the amount of their subscriptions to the " Jeffersonian," will be a most acceptable present and one which will go far to render the New Year a happy one to us. To those who have paid us, we tender our thanks, and to those who have not, we will say that although for their kind intentions towards us we are are sincere. of the settlement, "paying up old scores." and had actually nasserl thro' JTJ9 Several articles intended for this paper, the hands of twentv-four different were unavoidably crowded out. IQ We are thankful friends for their favors. to our advertising debtors and creditors, thus paying perns to tne amount of. $2,400 This incident will serve to show how small a sum of monev is rennisifp. tn simnlv Tr7 TVio irM r i.,v, n n.Ji r n .1 ' . I1 - 1 1 J U1 JWU w. auaCu u, ali tne necessaries of domestic circu- ine muruer ot Adams, 111 i'ew iork, has been Nation again postponed for three week A 2Vev itlcmber. Mr. Russcl, the Whig candidate, has been elected to Congress in Bedford county, by a majority of 77. . WASHINGTON NEWS Correspondence of the New-York Tribune. Thursday, Dec. 30, 1841. In the Sexate, the President presented a tebrhmunicaiion from the Secretary of Slate in answer to a Resolution of the 27 th instant, sta ting that no proposition has been made between the Governments of the United States and ,Great Britain, with, relation to their mutual 'Right of Search, since 4th of March, 1840. Mr. Allen pesented resolutions of the Legis lature of Ohio instructing their Senators andre questing their Represenatives to exert them selves for the immediate apportionmet of Rep resentatives according to the last census. On motion of Mr. Barrow a resolution was adopted instructing the Committee on Com merce to inquire into the necessity an appropri ation for the construction of a new Custom 'House at New Orleans. JURY JLIST. Persons deawn to serve as Grand Jurors for -n T m L'coruary Lerm, A. JU. J 842. 1 Jacob Henry, Pocono. 2 John Kelsey, Tobyhanna. 3 Oliver Smith, Coolbaugh. 4 Henry Smith, Smithfield. 5 Joseph Johnson, Ross. 6 George Buskirk, do. 7 John H. Meliick, Stroud. 8 William Overfield, M. Smithfield. 9 Charles Hilyard, Price. 10 Robert Brown, Stroud. 11 Conrad Dolterer, Tobyhanna. 12 Charles H. Haney, Chestnuthill. 10 r tx 11 -ti .J? iu veuigu iurnuiazerj jrrice. 14 Leonard Bartron, Smithfield 15 Henry Fenner, Hamilton;- 1 (? T L L . 1 - r -. iu jacou onoemaKen ivi. emttnue 17 Anthony Heller, Stroud. 18 David Gower, Ross. 19 Joseph Jones, Hamiltonr- 20 Peter Kester, do. 21 John Siglin. Cheshmhill. 22 Ferdinand Dutott, Smithfield. 23 Jacob Bulz, Pocono. 24 Felix Weiss, Chesnuthill. 1 Mtit iU. ,4T SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a Writ of venditioni exponas is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Mon roe county, to me directed, will be, exposed to public sale, at the house of Stroud J. Hol linshead, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, on Saturday the 29th day of January ins;., at 2 o'clock r m., the following described property, to wit: A" certain tract.of Land, situate on the State road leading from Stroudsburg to Easton, one mile from the former place, adjoining lands of Daniel Stroud, Wayne G. Drake and others, containing TTIiirty Acres of cleared ILand. The improvements are a two story frame a 'frame BARN and a COOPER SHOP. an APPLE ORCHARD, &c. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of JohnBoys, against Jacob Heller, and will be sold dy -SAMUEL GUNSAULES, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office Stroudslmrg, Jan. 5, 1842. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a Writ of Venditioni Exponas to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the public house of Jon.v Merwixe, in the township of (5hesnuthill, in Monroe county, on Monday the 31st of January inst., at one o'clock p. 31., the following described property, to wit: A certain messuage or tenement and tract of imiu, siiudiu 1 11 iiju unviisiiip 01 oiiesnimmi anu said county of Monroe, adjoining, lands of Jo seph S. Teel and lands of Hope and Company, containing I Acres, be thesame more or les's. The im provements are two log 19 ETrf BR " .J one storv high, one LOG BARN and a JiOG STABLE, and. an excellent SAW MILL in good running order with the appurtenances, &c. Seized and taken in execution as the property of John Shiiz, and to bo sold by SAMtfEL GUNSAULES, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office Stroudsburg, January 5, ,1S42. NOTICE. lHo ail wJioiai it may concern. Notice is hereby given that I intend to make application at the next Court of Quarter.Ses sions jbr the renewal of my License to keep a public house of entertainment in the Borough of Stroudsburg, where 1 now dwell, for the en suing year. S. J. HOLLINSHEAD. We the subscribers, citizens of and residing within the bounds of the Borough of Strouds burg,"do hereby certify that we know the house for which license is prayed, and from its neigh borhood and situation believe it to be necessa ry for the accommodation of the public and en tertainment of strangers and travellers-, that such house should be licensed; And we further cer tify that we are personally, and well acquainted with S. J: Hollixshead, the above petitioner, and that he is and we know him to be of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers. M. M. Dimmick, ll tut s a a 1 1! - . i- .. again lanen up, tne ion of Mr. Talljiadge Committee of nine. Mr. Maxguji spokeTrnorjltrian r-.. -w. ... i-u"iu vi ijAtucuucK' ims 1 Tf 7 . -n r . . .: u . "m srcTsons arawn 10 serve as rem Jurors: 4uu;uuu uBing-on me mo-is 1 Thomas Shivelv, Pocono. 2 James Bell, Smithfield. 3 Willam Newell, Tobyhanna, decided and entireonnosirmn TiKftfiR srhpmR which lie said WaSenf'flinlPfl nn all hamlc an unblushing push forbsolute power, such as liad never beenf known, in the history of the government, proposing la superadd to the al ready overgrown patrona?reiof the Government. the jnonpv nower of thelCoufilrv : it would 10 Peler S- Alteraose, Chesnuthill, breakdown the banks, already rotten, would 11 Henry Ariglemyer, Price, produce distress and misery, aiid overshadow- 12 George Walter, Smithfield. ing all, the country cojpd then lay down in that 13 Andrew Storm, Hamilton, tranquility and repoowhich the writer of the 14 R- T- Downing, Pocono. plan desired in the mean and mercenary des- 15 Isaac Gouldi Tobyhanna. puti'sm. He preferred the Sub-Treasury in 16 Samuel Gilbert, Chesnuthill. aay lortn to tnts monstrous system, which was 1 ' jaco rramz, iu$$. mdthi n gabutjthe iiFis cal Corporation" put out in 18 William Adams, Tobyl 4 Jacob Frederick, Hamilton. 5 Bamet Waller, M. Smithfield. 6 Emanuel Gunsaules, M. do. 7 Michael Smith, Chesnuthill. 8 George Kresge, do. 9 John Frankenfield, Stroud. 'hanna. 19 John Fellencer, Hamilton. 20 John Frutchey, M. Smithfield. 21 Bamet Simonson, Tobyhanna. 22 John Marsh, Sr. Hamilton. 23 William W. Coolbaugh, S:roud. 24 Michael Walter, Smithfield. 25 Elijah Quigley, M. do. ihoaufrunUjtposcd until struck down by the thunders of the Veto, it was now resuscitated, iandpiaced under ihe shed of the Treasury De- apartment. A plan so corrupting m Us tenden cy and so grasping at absolute power, so ultra! a measure, he had not expected from a Virgin ia-strict constructionist. 'Without taking the question, the Senate went 20 John Kresge, Chesnuthill. dnto; Executive Session. reier eynan, rocono. I&i the House, the Speaker presented a state- 28 Jacob Price PricL' ment that had been laid on his table, that 30,- 29 James Van buskirk, Stroud; tOOl) copies of the Conpendiurn of the Census, 30 Charles J. Walton, Hamilton, instead of 20,000 as ordered, and at a cost of 31 Mart,n Cottrtright, M. Smitnfield. j,SG0,000 above that anticipated, were now in 32 Jacob Frederick, Stroud. ' the uroirress of printing and would be comnle- 33 Peler Shupp, Chesnuihill. ' " . ! ' nJ f'.i n . n :i Jed unless stopped by the House. The state ment was referred to the Select Committee on the Census. The Tariff Question was again taken up, and -fir. Meriwether concluded his remarks in la vor of the unconstitutionality of protection, and m reply to Mr. Wellkr and other gentlemen, jepelliug the charges of increased expenditures made against the Whigs, and showing the items of a national debt of twenty-five millions dollars entailed on the present by Van Buren's iuuiiUHiration. Mr. Winthrop in hi6 usual talented manner, advocated the doctrino of protection, showing its intimate-connection with all the interests of the country. He contended that the Compro mise Act, which was soon to .expire, was de fective and impracticable in many particulars; ih'at it did not impose sufijeient duties for tho 34 Gideon Burret, Hamilton. 35 Daniel Courtright, Smithfield. 36 James Durling, Strond. Administrators' Notice. Notice is hereby gien to all those indebted ID the estate of GEORGE GETZ, late of Ross township, Monroe county, deceased, either by bondj note or book account, are requested to make payment, and all those having demands against said estate are requsted to present them dulv authenticated for settlement. The Ad- ministrators vill attend at the late residence of George Getz, dee'd, on Saturday the 22d day of January next, to settle the accounts of said estate. CONRAD GETZ, Sen. JACOB GRONER. Administrators. Ross tsjr., December ?,0t 1841. -6t. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a Writ of venditioni exponas is sued out oPthe Court of Common Pleas of Mon roe county, to me directed, will be exposed to public sale at the hoUse of Joseph TraCh, in Hamilton townshit). in said Countv. on Wed- nesdaythe 2d of February next, at one o'clock p. Mthe following described property, to wit: A certain tract or piece of Land, situate in Hamilton township, in said County, adjoining lands of Joseph frach, Rudolph 1 rach, Peter Kester and others, containing be the same more or less, all cleared and is an excellent piece of Meadow. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of John Gower, against Joseph Jones, and will be sold by SAMUEL GUNSAULES, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Stroudsburg, Jan. 5, 1842. SHERIFF'S SALE. Joseph Alt emus, vs. Charles Frantz and Mar garet his wife, Charles Altc mus, Thos. Altemus, Henry Altcmus, Jacob Brong guar- y dian of jStcholas Altemus and Isadorc Altemus, and George Flight guardian of Russia Altemus and Tcna Altemose. John Boys, William. RaffertVj Edward Scott, Simon Frey, John H. Melickj January 5, 1843. John D. Morris, Charles Boys, Mifflin Platinum, Morris D. Robeson, William Dean; John Shively. In the Court of Common -Pleas of Monroe county. Proceedings in Partition. NOTICE. To the Honorable ihe Judges of the Court oj Common Pleas oj Monroe county, now compos ing and holding the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for said county. The petition of John Merwine of the town hip of Chesnuthill, in the said county, respect fully shewcth; 1 hat he occupies a house 111 the said township, which has heretofore been used and occupied as a public house of entertain ment, and is desirous ol continuing to keep public Mouse tnerein : rie tneretore prays your honors to grant him a License to keep a public house at the place aforesaid, for the en suing year. And he will pray. JOHN MERWINE. The subscribers, citizens of and residing within the bounds of the township of Chesnut hill, in the County of Monroe, recommend the above Petitioner, and certify that the Inn or Tavern above mentioned, is necessary to ac commodate the public and entertain strangers or travellers, and that the Petitioner above named is of good repute for honesty and tem perance and is well provided with house room and conveniences, for the lodging and accom modation of strangers and travellers. NOTICE. To the Honorable ihe Judges of tlu Court of Common Please of Pike county j now composing and holding the Court of Qiiarter Sessions of the Peace in and for said County. , The Petition of Samuel Dimmick, of thtf township of Milford, 111 said County, respect fully sheweth: That he occupies a hone in the said township, which has heretofore ben used and occupied as a Public House of En tertainment, and is doMrous of continuing r keep a. public house therein. lie thorelure prays your Honors to grant htm a License to keep a Public House at the place aforesaid fur the ensuing year. And he will pray. SAMUEL DIMMICK. We, the subscribers, citizens of and residing within the bounds of the township of Milford, do hereby certify that we know the house lor which license is prayed, and from its neighbor hood and situatiun believe it to be necessary for the accommodation of the public and enter tainment of strangers and travellers, that such house should be licensed: And wu fuMhef certify, that we are personally and weil ac quainted with Samuel Dimmicic, the above pe titioner, and that ho is, and we know him to hn of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room :itid conven iences for the lodging and accommodation of strangers and travellers. C. H. Heaney, John Siglin, J. S. Teel, Peter S. Altemose, Peter Altemose, Dawald Fisher, Patrick Daily, January 5, 1842. George dewine. J.Edward Hoodmacher George Dorsheimer, Adam P. Kresge, Geo. Dorsheimer, Jr. John Siglin, Jr. Charles Kresge. Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe county, made- the 8th day of December A. D. ic4i, mere will be sold on tne premises 111 Hamilton township, in said County on the first day of February next, at 12 o'clock noon, the following described properly, viz: A certain tract of Land situate partly in the township of Hamilton and partly in the town ship of Pocono, in said County, about two and a half miles west of Snydersville. Beginning at a stone in a public road, thence by lands of Con rad Woodling, south 51 1-2, west 12 perches to a stone, sohih 4 1-2, east 82 perches to a stone thence by land of Joseph Rinker, south S2 l-2j west 101 perches to a stone, north 69, west 20 perches to a stone, thence by tho same and lands of Peter Woodling, tiorth 3S 1-2, 145 1-2 perches to a stone in the middle of a public road, thence along said road north 51 1-2, east 02, 2 perches north 88 perches, east 76 perches, south 52, 100 perches and thence south 85 1-2, east 12 perches to the place of beginning, containing 152 Acres and 43 Perches, lif iVm snmrt mnr nr Ifiss. 1 he improvements . . . t i I I are a coOd t rame Mouse, large nam nearly new, rnr,i Hog-house, Shop and other out-buildings, a j C0U(lty xoal 0f Monroe county. Pa., adioininn . . ...... . . ' . lands ol John Place, Peler Albert and others, NOTICE. To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas oj Pike county, now composing and holding the Court of Quarter Sessions of ihe Peace in and fur said county. The petition of William Place, of the town ship of Lehman, in the said county, respectful ly sheweth: That he occupies a house in the said township, which has heretofore been used and occupied as a public house of entertain ment, and is desirous of continuing to keep a public house therein. He therefore prays your honors to grant him a license to keep a public hnn?r. nt" thfi nlann nfnrp.snwl for tlm nnsnincr year. Anu ne will pray. . , . WILLIAM PLACE. Wd the subscribers, citizens of and residing within the bounds of the township of Lehman, do hereby certify that we know the house for which License is prayed, and from its neigh borhood and situation believe it to be necessa ry for the accommodation of the public and en tertainment of strangers and travellers, that such house should be licensed; And we further certify, that we are personally and well ac quainted with Wm. Place, the above petition er, and that he lis, and we know him to be of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and convenien ces for the accommodation of strangers and travellers. Jacob Walter, if. Charles Wagner; William Yanhortij John V. Custard; John Harman, Wiliam Custard. Sealy Sayre, Harvey Roys, Tiios. J. Newman'! D. R. PlN'N'EY, D. W. Hagerty, Horace L. West, M. A. Fles, December 29, 1841. John H. Brodheadj Daniel WkriLSj H. S. Mott, J. Rosecrancr, Jacob W. Dewitt, A. A. Li:Ves, C. W. DeWitt, NOTICE. To the Honorable the Judges oj the Court df Common Please of Pike county, nov) compo sing and holding the Court of Quarter Ses sions of the Peace in and for said County. The Petitition of Jonathan Rorsecrance, of tho township of Milford, in said County, re- spectfully sheweth: That he occupies a hoiise in the said township, which has heretofore been used and occupied as a Public House of Entertainment, and is desirous of continuing to keep a public house therein. He therefore prays your Honors to grant him a License to keep a Public House at the place aforesaid for the ensuing year. And he will pray. JONATHAN ROSECRANCE. We, the subscribers, citizens of and residing within the bounds of the township of Milford, do hereby certify that we know the house for which license is prayed, and from its neighbor hood and situation believe it to be necessary for the accommodation of the public arid enter tainment of strangers and travellers, that such house should be licensed; And we further certify, that we are personally and well ac quainted with Jonathan Rosecrnce, the above petitioner, and that he is, and we know him to be of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and con veniences for the lodging and accommodadation of strangers and ravellers. Samuel Dimmick, Harvey Roys; H. S. Mott, F. R. BrODIIEAD; John Kelly, John H. Brodhead, December 29, 1841. Jacob W. Dewitt, Sealy Sayre, Ira Coburn, C. W. DeWitt, Thos. J. Newman, E. H. Mott. Hertry Peters, Webb Wallace; Daniel Sniden H. M. Labar, Peter Schumiin, Herman Schuman, January 5, 1842. FARM fob. SALE. The following described property situate in Middle Smithfield township, Monroe county, on the great road leading from Easton to Mil- Lood nronoriion ol said property is well im proved land. It being the same properly which the late Nicholas Altemus, doc. and the above named Charles Franiz, lately held as tenants in common. The terms and conditions of sale will be made known at the lime and place of sale. SAML. GUNSAULES, Sheriff. Sheriff' Office", Slroudsburg, Jan. 5, 1842. X Ceroons Prime. Sp. Indigo, just received and O for salejjy J- DICKSON, Drugoist. Easton, March 31, l'8fL ' 7fOB' WORK V,,Nen4,iy executed at Oflic , containing about about 100 cleared, greater portion of which is meadow; woodland well timbered the whole well supplied with springs and streams of wa ter. Two Mouses and S Bams. Tho whole or part is offered for sale, to suit purchasers on reasonable terms. If not sold on or before the first of March next, it is thon offered for rent. Enquire of John Coolbaugh, Esq. near the premises or of the subscriber near Milford, Pike county, Pa. WILLIAM BHODHEAD. December 29,1 84 l,.3t. "Ills NOTICE. To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of Pike county, now composing and holding the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for said County. The Petition of Henry Peters, of the town ship of Lehman, in said County, respectfully sheweth: That he occupies a house in the said township, which has heretofore been used and occupied as a Public House of Entertainment, and is desirous of continuing to keep a public house therein. He, therefore prays your Hon ors to grant him a License to keep a Public House at the place aforesaid for the ensuing year. And he will pray. HENRY PETERS. We the subscribers, citizens of and residing within the bounds of the township of Lehman, do hereby certify that we know the house for which license is prayed, and from its neighbor hood and situation believe it to be necessary for the accommodation of the public and enter tainment of strangers and travellers, that such house should be licensed ; And we further certify, that we are personally and well ac quainted with Henry Peters, the above peti titioner, and that he is, and wo know him to be of good repute for honesty and temperance, and and is well provided with house room and con veniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellers. Peter Schumanr Charles "Wagner, Herman Schimran, Jacob Walter, Ji Jacob Arnst, Robert S. Howell. Charles Smith, John M. Smith, John Heller, Orron Sanford. John Brink, William Arnst, Lohman tsp., Dec. 30, 1841. Coaeh Body Varnish. 5 Barrels Coach Body Varnish, warranted not ta crack, just received and for sale by JUHN DICKSON. Drust. CJTk - fusion, marcn .11, BLANK DEEDS For sale at this office.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers